vrroche · 18 days
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elavoria · 8 months
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Miscellaneous Hellknights, featuring Paralictor Renth in the sleek Gate armor I think he deserves, one Yaker, and spouse’s Aurora, a signifer of the Order of the Pyre.
More about Aurora under the cut for those interested~
She’s a LN angelkin aasimar atheist oracle purifier 20 / Hellknight signifer 10 / fighter 10, with Hellbound curse, beneficial Blackened curse, and flame mystery who went from demon path to legend path [succumbed to demon only because she couldn’t control the rage] and fights with a flaming rapier and sickle. Her wings are black erinyes wings due to the Hellbound curse, and she has bright coppery red hair, eyes, and lips as befits the fire theme. She is “a constellation of contradictions” tied together by her purpose as an atheist purifier of the Pyre: opposing the destructive extremes of religion particularly as found in cults, which is why she was operating in and around Kenabres in the first place.
She is very cool, very beautiful, and very powerful, and a non-mythic version of her will be making cameos in Isanna’s fic. :3c
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redsinistra · 1 month
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Kingmaker P2E - Character Sketches
We started a Kingmaker campaign in Pathfinder 2e this time and I was THRILLED to use my old character again! I missed her so much!😭 Maybe you remember Dharnam, my wizard-to-signifer from while back. Elven (Nephilim/Aasimar) lady with red metallic hair and silvery eyes. Armiguer still (Order of the Nail). She has burn scars on her hands: early life magic training was hard. Here are some "sketches" drawings with the party. It was a perfect excuse to practice hands.
Oh! More info about the companions:
Evzen Von Medric (half-orc), follower of Abadar, young noble whose house fell from grace. Wants to be the new king of the Stolen Lands and will carry his ambition to their final consequences. In the sketch he's helping the elf who got hit by an angry griffin that attacked the camp. He's not good at it, but he tried to help.
Santiago of Sveri: The other straping young lad. Great warfare strategist and future commander of the realm. Loyal to Evzen. The griffin the camp while he was taking a bath in the near river so.. yeah. The whole encounter was a mess.
Sonya and her wolf comanion Aleksey: follower of Sarenrae (moral compass of the group. One of the good ones. Former briggand, now reformed by the Sarenrae inquisition. Wants to help the people of the Stolen Lands.
Taklinn Loderr: War veteran, Andoran mercenary. Absolute unit of a tank with a GIANT shield. Dad of the group. Hero of the people and experienced soldier. Has seen many things and horror during various campaigns. Traveled to the Stolen Lands to make a difference and find a home for him an his siblings. But, yeah, someone touched his moustache and that left him a little bit unsettled.
Altho I'm uploading these after our last session which was a little bit hectic.. and one of our party members, Sonya, sadly perished because 3 critical failures on battle medicine.. It was a little bit messy altho she had a nice ceremony and burial. Her pets survived and Taklinn (dwarf) will adopt them and (with proper changes to his build), they will help him in combat. Which is awesome but I'M STILL SAD
I'm still recovering from it. *throws something* EMOTIONAL DAMAGE
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ernestdescalsartwok · 3 months
BATALLA-TEUTOBURGO-ARTE-PINTURA-GERMANIA-SIGNIFER-LEGIONARIO ROMANO-MUERTE-BOSQUE-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS por Ernest Descals Por Flickr: BATALLA-TEUTOBURGO-ARTE-PINTURA-GERMANIA-SIGNIFER-LEGIONARIO ROMANO-MUERTE-BOSQUE-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS- El LEGIONARIO ROMANO herido de muerte en las entrañas del Bosque de TEUTOBURGO en el interior de GERMANIA, el SIGNIFER con el Signum de su Legión Romana en la mano, símbolos del poder Imperial romano que caen al suelo boscoso junto a su portador, Rama ha sido derrotada de forma concluyente, las Tres Legiones Romanas de Varo desaparecen para siempre en territorios lejanos, todos sus hombres Legionarios perecen y sólo queda un amargo recuerdo que demandará su venganza, Arminio los ha vencido sin paliativos. Pintura del artista pintor Ernest Descals sobre papel de 50 x 70 centímetros, pintar sobre los hechos de la historia de Roma y del Imperio Romano a través de las expresiones y emociones de sus personajes.
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richo1915 · 1 year
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Seems life is good in the Legio for ol’poo bear….
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iuliana01 · 1 year
Immagina di incontrare qualcuno che vuole conoscere il tuo passato, non per criticarti o giudicarti, ma per capire come hai bisogno di essere amato
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my-liminalspace · 1 year
Altra parola Giapponese che trovo bellissima, rappresenta più che altro un concetto: vivere la vita senza rimpianti e rimorsi accettando tutto quello che non dipende da noi e che non possiamo controllare o evitare.
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thirdity · 10 months
To see human beings as signifying animals — even outside the practice of verbal language — and to see that their ability to produce and to interpret signs, as well as their ability to draw inferences, is rooted in the same cognitive structures, represent a way to give form to our experience.
Umberto Eco, Semiotics and the Philosophy of Language
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romyy999 · 4 months
Smettila di sentirti sbagliata, incapace, indietro rispetto agli altri,
smettila immediatamente perché non sei nulla di tutto ciò,
anzi sei tanto,
vali tanto,
devi solo avere la forza di riuscire a credere in te e vederlo.
- romyy999
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vrroche · 5 months
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Персонаж мастера, который ходит с нами по мировой язве в настолке. Любимый сигнифер Ориани! Хосподи, готова молиться на него, как же он хорош🙏💕
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priceofreedom · 10 months
honestly one of my wishes for Rebirth is that Barret's date is taken a bit more seriously
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like i know the scene in the OG is very funny and iconic with Cloud going "hoo boy" and all that but i wish they'd take this opportunity to open up to each other a little. i hope they have a more meaningful/mature conversation this time around even if they still add the comedy bit
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redsinistra · 1 year
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Second Part of Kingmaker is coming and I’m really excited to play her again! AAA <3. 
For more context, her name is Dharnam Argent, a soon-to-be hellknight signifer. An Aasimar with elven blood. I made a no-optimized build with magus + wizard + signifer, but so far, I’m having a lot of fun! Oh and yea, I repainted the first headshot I made of her. I missed her frowny face so much.
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ernestdescalsartwok · 3 months
PINTAR-LEGIONARIOS ROMANOS-PINTURA-ARTE-BATALLA-TEUTOBURGO-GERMANIA-SIGNIFER-PERSONAJES-HISTORIA-ROMA-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS por Ernest Descals Por Flickr: PINTAR-LEGIONARIOS ROMANOS-PINTURA-ARTE-BATALLA-TEUTOBURGO-GERMANIA-SIGNIFER-PERSONAJES-HISTORIA-ROMA-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS- Pintando los LEGIONARIOS ROMANOS en la Colección de Pintura sobre la Batalla de TEUTOBURGO en Germania, el SIGNIFER en su expresión de preocupación por las señales de peligro inminente al paso de las tres LEGIONES ROMANAS por el amenazante bosque en el que los germanos pueden atacar de un momento a otro. El hombre con su piel de lobo encima del casco representa la dignidad del Ejército Romano en tierras desconocidas. Fotos del artista pintor Ernest Descals en el Pintar al personaje y sus emociones, símbolos de Roma que sienten como los menjaes y señales del Destino va ser trágico.
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theartofmadrid · 3 months
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Nient’altro da aggiungere
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iuliana01 · 1 year
Una persona che non si fida di nessuno ora, un tempo si fidava troppo di persone sbagliate.
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