#Sigyn The Rose of Asgard
annachum · 2 days
Twilight of the Gods! Sigyn HCs
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In TOTG, Sigyn is the eldest daughter of Tiwaz and Gullveig, elder sister of Eostre, Hnoss and Gersemi and 2nd wife of Loki. At first Tiwaz wanted to set her up with any of Odin's sons or nephews as a way to try strengthen Aesir Vanir ties then. But Sigyn isn't drawn to any of the potential Aesir suitors at all and just happen to have sparks fly with Odin's new Jotunn blood brother Loki ( who was a widower then ). They began courting ( much to many' surprised cuz Sigyn was a seemingly sunshine person while Loki is all machivellanism and frost ) and eventually, they got married. She was also amongst her aunt Freya's handmaids and a member of the Aesir Volva Order before her marriage to Loki
Sigyn tries her damn best to beba diplomatic figure between Aesir and Vanir courts and even made powerful alliances with several of them. She was a doting mother to her sons and step children, and truly loves Loki and he adores her
Then Baldr died, and Sigyn was forced to watch Loki being cast down to a cave in Nornheim and her sons being murdered in front of her eyes
Gullveig passed down her Seidr skills to her daughters. And when Sigyn was introduced to the Aesir court at the cusp of adulthood, Eostre was in her teen years, and Hnoss and Gersemi were in their pre teens.
The daughters of Tiwaz and Gullveig are all flower/tree humanoid hybrids ( more flower humanoid ). All of them have black or brown hair, bronzed skin, and vines across their arms and legs, and main flowers around them.
Sigyn got pink roses around her, Eostre got sunflowers around her, Hnossa got lavenders around her, and Gersemi has bluebells around her
When she showed up to Asgard with an entourage in tow, she immediately caught the eye of Loki, who becomes a new blood brother of Odin, and she spoke with decorum and confidence in turn.
Sigyn is a loving wife to Loki and a doting mother to her sons and step children.
TOTG! Sigyn is kinda like Margaery Tyrell, Queen Aurora, Arwen and Queen Zelda in spades. And she often dresses kinda like Margaery Tyrell, Juliet Capulet and Queen Aurora in spades
Also TOTG Sigyn gives me Lana Del Rey vibes
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redrydersrequiem · 8 months
The Raven and the Vampire
Chapter 2
Previously the raven and the vampire, had to redone this story to fix it thank you to everyone who read te original and will read this one
This is a jasper Cullen x oc reader daughter of Loki
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Deep in the woods, the illuminating lights of the Bifrost open into a small clearing. Light rain is falling from the sky, but of course, to the humans, nothing is happening. It wouldn’t help to cause a scene now would it..Elara steps out her two trusted attendants/ guardians step out behind her
“So this is Midgard. How beautiful, just like the ancient Forests of Asgard”
“My lady, we need to find somewhere we can generate a homestead to mask our presence.” Mila speaks.
Mila was one of Sigyn's most loyal friends, She was a beautiful woman with long auburn hair and soft brown eyes. She held the same warmth about her that many of the healers of Asgard had but she was much more than that
Having been a maid to sigyn when she was young Mila quickly rose in the ranks and became not only an incredible healer but also a personal bodyguard and advisor to lady sigyn, practically an aunt to Elara and her two brothers.
“My lady, if you and Mila will follow me, I actually have already scouted the area. Up ahead is an area without so much foliage; it's secluded enough for us to not be detected easily, but not so far to draw suspicion. It will make a perfect homestead.”
“Perfect as always uncle lucas”
Lucas was Elaras second guardian for this adventure. Lucas wasn’t really your uncle, he was originally a warrior in asgards armies, having done everything to suppress his magic since he was young due to his family's belief in strength over magic. Until one day it finally exploded, my father found him and trained him, the two actually becoming friends. Lucas asked to be appointed as one of Loki's personal guards and Loki readily agreed, wanting a talented warrior and magician guarding his family when he could not be with them.
Elara and Mila follow Lucas up ahead, the clearing coming into view. It was a decent clearing perfect to set up a home without destroying any of the native foliage or wildlife.
“This is perfect with the little gizmo Mr. Lang gave to us, we should be able to make quite a decent home.”
Taking the small toy house from her pocket and to follow the directions Mr. Lang gave her.
“Ok, set the house where we want and then throw the small blue device at it. Let me make a shield just in case and then we can start moving in.”
Setting the model on the ground you throw the device and hurriedly step. Back as the house begins to grow and take form. Large bay windows make up the front while the slanted roofs will keep the rain from puddling anywhere, the house has a great porch overlooking the forest while all the wood is dark. It’s a beautiful modern home but was missing something
Using her magic, Elara softens the landscaping. Adding a front step, driveway and rocks to create a more lived in atmosphere
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“ There, we are home sweet home… away from home. Now all we have to do is get comfortable and come Monday, thanks to Auntie Natasha, I'll be able to start at the local highschool.”
”Are you sure you're ready, little raven?”
“yes aunty im sure. I can feel it. This is where I'm meant to be.”
Monday rolls around with the seemingly never ending cloudy sky, light rain hits Elara's cheeks as her favorite motorbike a gift from Stark propels her towards the local school. It felt just like riding her horse back home, the wind in her hair and views spreading by, it felt normal, to her at last for when she pulled into the school's parking lot reality came crashing back.
At least if the look on the kids' faces around her told her anything.
It didn't occur to Elara that most teenagers don't ride motorcycles in the rain, ice and snow. Elara didn't really feel cold due to her heritage and had faced much worse than a slick road, so she thought nothing of riding the bike.
Well crap, not standing out a lot is not going well, but Elara couldn’t help it. The bike spoke to her this morning, oh well she adjusts her outfit and keeps moving forward is all i can do at this point.
What she didn't take note of though is the confused looks of the seven people across the parking lot.
The Cullen pov
“Well they said we were gonna get a new girl and damn does she know how to make an entrance look at that bike”.
“Emmett I’m pretty sure judging by her face she didn’t mean to make a big entrance” Rue Cullen exclaims as she stands next to her cute little girlfriend Alice and the rest of their coven
“It’s odd though I couldn't hear any of her thoughts, not a single peep.”
“Do you think she could be a like Bella”
“No idea.”
“Either way we should probably be careful around her. Last time we met a new person Edward couldn’t read we ended up having to defend her from a pack of rouges.”
“Rosalie babe chill it will all be fine” Emmett throws his massive arm over his wife trying to bring her some comfort.
“What about you, Jasper, did you get any readings from her?” Silence echoes around them
“Jasper, hello earth to jasper” Alice says waving her hand in front of her best friend's face.
“What, what were we talking about?”
“The new girl cowboy, did you get anything off of her?”
“ No,nothing just like Edward”
“ Well I don’t know about the rest of you but I feel like something good is gonna come with this girl. And I'm sure Bella will be glad there is a new person to take more attention off of her.”
“Sure Alice whatever you say sweetie”
Jasper, still in a daze silently agrees with Alice and Rue there’s something about this girl, something almost pulling him towards her. The other Cullens share a look as they wait for Bella Swan to join them at their cars so they can start another tedious day of highschool.
Elaras Pov
The building itself is somewhat old but well maintained. Taking a deep breath and fling open the door heading to the front office she heads inside to retrieve her new school schedule. The front lobby was brightly lit, and slightly warm, the office small with a little waiting area, ugly padded folding chairs, orange-flecked commercial carpet, notices and awards cluttering the walls, and a big clock ticking loudly. The only saving grace for the poor space was the multitude of plants that grew everywhere in large plastic pots. The room was cut in half by a long counter, cluttered with wire baskets full of papers and brightly colored flyers taped to its front. Behind the counter was a large, red-haired woman wearing glasses.
“"Can I help you?"
"I'm Elara, Elara Lane ,"
Immediate awareness lights the women’s eyes. Thankfully I was expected, Mila had come earlier in the month to help set up everything for my human cover, cause although Uncle Thor, father and everyone where well known and respected I was not and wanted to keep it that way, at least for now.
"Of course," she said. She dug through a precariously stacked pile of documents on her desk till she found the ones she was looking for.
“You must be very smart to most of these classes are advanced”
“Yes ma’am school has always been important to me and my family” and the 750 plus years of experience I had on the oldest person here didn't hurt either.
“Well I have your schedule right here, and a map of the school."
She brought several sheets to the counter to show me what my classes were and where highlighting the best route to each on the map, and gave me a slip to have each teacher sign, which I was to bring back at the end of the day. She smiled at me and hoped that I would like it here in Forks. I smiled back as convincingly as I could, education not really being my priority. Before i walked away to start the day
Fishing out the map I go around the cafeteria, towards building three with ease. The classroom was small, people pushing past me to hang up their coats on a long row of hooks. I copied them,hanging up my black leather jacket. Taking in the room I notice how boring this world seemed compared to Asgard, it's almost colorless in comparison. I also notice I may need to rethink some of the things I'm wearing, seeing as everyone is bundled up to fight the chill in the air. Not really feeling the cold due to my heritage left me sitting in a simple shirt looking very much out of place, maybe i should put my jacket back.
Before I can move to grab the leather, a tall, curvy woman whose desk had a nameplate identifying her as Mrs Jones walks in. Already liking the aura around her, I introduce myself.
“Good morning I’m the new student Elara Lane”
“Oh hello dear, welcome to forks and Ap English, I’m Mrs jones well find an empty desk and we can all get started. We are currently on page 394 of the textbook.”
Taking an empty desk at the back I managed to make it harder for my new classmates to openly stare at me, keeping my eyes forward and a kind smile on my face. Once the lesson started and everyone’s attention was directed at the teacher I took the opportunity to reach out with my aseir, trying to see if I could feel my soulmate.
The auras fill the room but nothing speaks out to me. Well that’s a handful of people out of the running. I can’t really decide if that's comforting or boring, well it's only the first class we'll see what happens in the next one.
Jasper's pov
Sitting in my first period class as the teacher drones on and on, i feel a prickling on the back of my neck, like an invisible hand reaching out for me, even though i'm in the back corner of the room, Rue nudges my side and gives me a worrying look, a silent asking of my wellbeing. Nodding back I went back to looking at the window and thinking again of the girl this morning. Could she be this feeling, it would make sense she’s the only new variable. I’ll just have to make it til lunch and i can speak with Edward and Alice on what they think or if they felt what i did.
elara pov
When the bell rang, a nasal buzzing sound, a gangly boy with skin problems and hair black as an oil slick leaned across the aisle to talk to me.
"You're elaura lane, aren't you?" He looked like the overly helpful, chess club type.
"Elara its Nordic” I corrected. Everyone within a three-seat radius turned to look at me.
"Where's your next class?" he asked.
I had to check in my bag. "Hmm, Government, with a Mr. Jefferson, in building six."
"I'm headed toward building four, I could show you the way…" Definitely over-helpful.
" oh also I'm Eric," he added extending his hand for me to shake
I smiled tentatively returning the gesture .
Picking up our jackets and heading out into the rain. I could feel the several people behind us, who were trying to walk close enough to eavesdrop.
"So, this is a lot different than (insert random place) huh?" he asked.
“Very, it's a lot darker here than where I'm from.”
“Oh does it not rain a lot there,”
“No it does but I guess it just feels more blue here if that makes any sense”
“Oh no I get that.”
We walked back around the cafeteria, to the south buildings by the gym. Eric walked me right to the door, even though it was clearly marked and could have just as easily pointed me there.
"Well, good luck," he said as I touched the handle. Seeming a little deflated like he wanted to integrate me a little more
"Thank you and hey maybe we'll have some other classes together or something."He smiled hopefully as I continued inside.
The rest of the morning passed in about the same fashion. My Trigonometry teacher, Mr. Varner, who I hated instantly, his haughty personality already grating on my nerves,he actually made me stand in front of the class and introduce myself like i five. Reading him I could tell he hoped for the new student to be embarrassed so he could show some sort of authority. Typical bully behavior, unfortunately, for him, I was raised better fortunately for him I had a mission and would definitely have to watch my tongue while near him lest I get myself expelled.
After two classes, I started to recognize several of the faces in each class. There was always someone braver than the others who would introduce themselves and ask me questions about how I was liking Forks. I tried to be diplomatic, but mostly I just lied, a lot. At least I didn't need the map anymore. One girl that sat next to me in both Trig and Science, and escorted me to the cafeteria for lunch.
She was tiny, several inches shorter than me but her wildly curly dark hair made up a lot of the difference between our heights. I couldn't remember her name, so I smiled and nodded as she prattled on about teachers and classes. I didn't try to keep up, my thoughts occupied as I still hadn’t found my soulmate. She ended up sitting at the end of a full table with several of her friends, who she introduced to me. The boy from English, Eric, being one of them.
They all went around and introduced themselves. While they all seemed nice I could tell they were only interested in me cause I was something new to look at. I simply smiled and continued on with the small talk and questions people had been asking me all day when the doors in the back of the room flung open drawing my attention to the other side of the room. It was there, sitting in the lunchroom, trying to make conversation with curious strangers, that I first saw and felt them.
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They were sitting in the corner of the cafeteria, as far away from where I sat as possible in the long room. There were six of them. They weren't talking, and they weren't eating, though they each had a tray of untouched food in front of them. They weren't necessarily gawking at me, unlike most of the other students, just quick glances of curiosity that I returned. There were three girls and three boys all looking around the same age group.
The three girls were all beautiful in their own right. The tall one was statuesque with a beautiful figure, her hair was golden, gently waving to the middle of her back, she reminded me of the elves from Alfheim or could be an asgardian if not for her pale skin. The short girl was pixielike, thin in the extreme, with small features. Her hair was a deep black, cropped short and pointing in every direction. Next to her holding her hand was a beautiful full figured coco toned girl with the prettiest curly hair I had ever seen.
Just as I was about to move to the males another girl walked up to the table. She was actually a very normal pretty compared to the others, her very pale complexion with long, straight, dark brown hair, a widow's peak, unique chocolate brown eyes and a heart-shaped face. She sat down next to one of the three boys sitting at the table. He was kind of lanky like your father, less bulky with untidy, bronze-colored hair. He was more boyish than the others, especially when compared to the big muscled boy ,who kind of reminds me of my uncle, except with dark, curly hair.
The last boy however was the one that caught most of my attention. He was tall and lean, but I could tell he was still muscular, and had beautiful honey blond hair waving around his head. While the rest of them were all looking away and back again trying to have at least some decorum as they quietly conversed with one another he just stared. I could tell the rest of them were talking about me, but couldn't find it in me to care as I was transfixed by the beautiful honey blond male.
Our staring contest was broken when the small girl suddenly rose with her tray — and walked away with a frantic look on her face drawing concern from the others.
"Who are they?" I asked the girl from my Spanish class, whose name I'd forgotten.
“That's Edward Cullen and his girlfriend Bella swan, she was actually the new girl last year. Beside them is Emmett Cullen, his girlfriend Rosalie and her brother Jasper Hale. The one who left was Alice Cullen; and the one she was sitting next to is her girlfriend Rue Turner; they all live together with Dr. Cullen and his wife." She said,
“They all live together, as couples?”
“yeah its a complicated story.” jessica the girl that was sat at the table with us spoke up
“Emmetts family were in an accident before they all moved here, what I’ve heard is that because he was dating Rosalie at the time Dr. Cullen being the supper dad he is, he adopted Emmet for Rose since Emmet didn’t have any other family left. Same with alice and rue. Even though rue isn’t officially a Cullen she still lives with them. She came out to her parents and the cullens took her in when her parents kicked her out" Her voice held all the shock and condemnation of the small town.
“You seem to know a lot about them” I can’t help but feel like this girl knows an awful lot and is not shy about speaking of others' family matters. It made me feel bad for the group sitting at the table, my whole life being taught etiquette and what she was doing. Now was incredibly rude.
“Not really,oh things ive heard they all are in a few years ago and it was the biggest topic around here, I think that Mrs. Cullen can't have any kids, and that's why they’ve adopted so many," she added, as if that lessened their kindness. I got the impression that she didn't like the doctor and his wife for some reason even though she knew an awful lot about them. With the glances she was throwing at their adopted children and their partners, I could only presume the reason was jealousy.
Throughout all this conversation, my eyes flickered again and again to the table where the family sat. More towards the blonde than the others as they continued to look at eachother and back to me no doubt trying to ignore the people talking about them. The lunch period was ending soon. I had to know why I felt this connection to the honey blond. Inhaling slowly I let my aesir fill the room. Putting out feelers for anything out of the ordinary, and as soon as it hit the family's table all of them looked towards me. Keeping eye contact I genuinely smiled, my soulmate was there and evidently he and his family were not quite human.
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How interesting!.
Now the real question is what are they. Could they be enhanced like aunt Wanda or could they be a type of alien-like race here for sanctuary hmmm all the possibilities.
“So elara how are you liking forks?” Jessica asks from her side of the table, trying to bring the conversation and attention back to the group instead of on the cullens.
“Oh it's very interesting now. I'm liking it a lot more than I thought I would.
“ Why did you and your family move here if you don’t mind us asking?
“It’s fine Angela. I actually didn’t move with my immediate family, my parents are very busy people and I wanted to travel a little. My uncle Lucus got positioned here for his job and I decided to stay with them for a little bit. At least until my parents get done moving around.”
Not technically lying, I tell my story to the group, I mean my parents are busy, they are royalty,however I can’t really tell a group of midgardian teenagers. I'm 800 plus years old and I'm only in forks to look for my soulmate.
“I do miss them though and my baby brothers”
“You have siblings?”
“Yes they were just born so they still have to be with my mum, who goes with my father everywhere.”
“What are their names” I go to say Narfi and Vali but remember those aren't really midgardian names,
“Their names are um Vance and Nate, their twins”
“Aww that’s so cute babies are adorable” Jessica gushes
“Oh crap guys lunch is almost over, what class do you have next elara”
“ I have art, ap foreign language and then ap history.”
“ I have journalism next but art is right next to it. I'll walk with you.”
“Thanks Angela.”
The bell rings and I quickly turn back to the cullens table where they have all disappeared. Fast things aren’t they , just more clues to the puzzle. Ill have to ask Lucas later on if he has any ideas.
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november-rayne · 1 year
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Chapter One: Prologue
Young Prince Loki of Asgard is the God of Mischief and Chaos, the wild and unscrupulous little brother of Thor, and the son of the King of the Æsir.
Being second in the line of succession, Loki meticulously performs his palace duties by day, but by night he can be found living up to his reputation as a hard-core partying playboy.
Alas, a prince of Asgard cannot remain a fun-loving bachelor forever. Loki's world is turned upside down when duty calls for him to take a wife. His parents have betrothed him to the daughter of the most prominent Lord in the kingdom.
Loki would rather be dragged to Hel than to the altar, that is, until he finally lays eyes on his bride-to-be. Meeting Sigyn cracks the foundation on which he built his hedonistic reputation.
Can Loki give up his philandering lifestyle and become the husband Sigyn deserves? The Nornir have brought the two of them together; will outside forces tear them apart?
*This story is for mature audiences only.* 18+
*Minors DNI*
Warnings: Explicit descriptions of sexual acts, alcohol intoxication, and drug use. Specific trigger warnings will be attached before each chapter when applicable.
This story is NON-CANON. This is an MCU/Norse mythology hybrid AU: Thor and Loki are biological brothers, and Odin isn't the worst father. Comparably, in human years, Loki is in his mid-twenties, and Thor is late twenties. Set in Asgard, the realm is described as a large kingdom with territories and hierarchies among Odin's Lords and Ladies.
Genre: Fluff and Smut. An all-round feel-good fic.
Pairings: AU Loki x Sigyn
A/N: A short prologue to get a little taste of our prince. A little canape before the feast. There is plenty of plot in this story. I promise. With that said, the first few chapters are smut heavy, but it tapers off before picking back up toward the middle.
Word count: <700
Rating: Explicit for smut
Tags: Oral sex, Loki being a charming young man-slut
Chapter Index
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“That’s a good girl. Yes... just like that. Good, good girl.” Loki rubbed the back of the maid’s head with a tender touch. He was standing, legs splayed wide, leaning with his back against the door of the laundry hall, blocking entry to whoever may try to disturb them. The servant was kneeling on the stone floor between his feet in front of him. Bright sunshine streamed in through the high stone windows. Steam rose from the tubs of palace linens, the scent of fragrant citrus fruit and soap mingling in the air.
“Such a pretty little mouth. Ah… Look at your prince.” She raised her eyes to meet his, not slowing her pace; she switched hands at the base of his cock, pumping him while she sucked. He drew in a sharp breath. “Good girl,” he grunted.
His eyes fluttered closed as his head fell back. He could not suppress the sound that escaped his mouth as he emptied himself into her throat. The guttural groan echoed off the stone walls back to the young prince. He laughed to himself, a mischievous smirk tugged at his lips as he thought about the palace grounds just outside the windows and the possibility of people hearing his gratification as they went about their daily business.
Eyes still closed, he leaned more heavily into the door, letting the ripples of pleasure wane through his body while pulling his fingers gently through the maid’s short hair and catching his breath. “Good girl,” he cooed.
Giving her a final pet on the top of her head, he righted himself. He reached for a towel on a nearby laundry cart, drying himself off before handing it to the maid, still kneeling on the stones. She pressed the towel to her mouth as she stood up with a hand from the prince.
“You’ve honored me today, sweetling,” he said as he quickly fastened his trousers. “Your service will help your prince sleep soundly tonight; I have no doubt.” He flashed her his most devastating smile. “I will dream of those soft lips and wake up rejuvenated in the morning.” He took a silver coin from his pocket and placed it in her palm. Closing her fingers over the coin, he flipped her wrist over and kissed the back of her hand.
She curtsied shakily, her knees red and sore, her lips swollen. “Your Highness,” she managed to squeak out. And with that, Loki was out the door and headed down the hall. Already forgetting her name, he made a mental note to himself, ‘Laundry maid, pouty mouth, short brown hair: high marks for enthusiasm, but her technique needs practice.’
He took the stairs two at a time and paused before opening the door to the main palace hallway. He peeked out slowly, checking to be sure it was empty. He did not need another nosey sycophant running to his mother, telling her they saw him sneaking out of the servant’s entrance… again.
The library was expectedly quiet. The high windows were open, letting in the bright sunshine and fresh air as dust motes danced in the sunbeams. The air was warm and smelled of old books and mahogany. Soft brown leather sofas circled the fireplace in the sunken reading area. Rich, thick rugs covered the marble floor, and soft cushions were strewn about on the floor and chaises.
Loki picked out a thick tome and headed for the sofa. He was feeling particularly pleased with himself this afternoon. As he stretched out on the couch, he recalled how he had not planned to seek out lascivious company this day. Yet, somehow, he found himself receiving lusty kisses from the laundry maid as she pulled him through the halls by his tunic. ‘It is strange how the fates intervene.’ he thought. A smile broke across his face as he recalled the past hour spent trading oral pleasures with the cute brunette.
Next Chapter
Tag list: @acidcasualties @muddyorbsblr @smolvenger @gigglingtiggerv2 @chantsdemarins @superficialdomina @lokischambermaid @lokisgoodgirl
Let me know if you would like to be added or removed from the tag list. Thanks!
XOXO- Rayne 💚
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goddessoffidelityy · 2 years
closed starter || @prince-xf-darkness​
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Sigyn had been trying her best to stay calm as she stood tall in Vanaheim’s throne room. Today was the day tensions between her realm and Asgard would end, and it was also the day she would see her betrothed for the first time in years. Once upon a time, before tensions rose and minute battles started, she and the princes of Asgard had been playmates in their childhood due to their mothers friendship. However, she and Loki had always been much closer than she had been with Thor.
As a young goddess, she had even sent several letters to both Loki and Thor, but never heard anything back. However, she knew now it was highly likely that they’d had never even received them. Hell, Loki probably didn’t even remember her, especially since the last she heard he’d gone off and had children. She did however feel sorry for the mother, as this situation was likely breaking her heard if they were still together. Her lady’s in waiting never seemed to give her the same story twice, so she was unsure of the details. 
Her thoughts were shaken however as the guards announced the arrival of the Asgardian Family before opening the doors. The goddess curtsied politely and stood with a smile on her face, ready to play the role of the diplomat as her mother suggested. Yet, she was stunned as her eyes met green and the emotions of her girlhood crush came flooding back. This was going to be a difficult meeting indeed.  
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tcbefearless · 10 months
@thefrigga Sigyn & Frigga
Asgard celebrations always seemed to be monumentos, although Sigyn preferred to sit in the quiet away from the loudness of Thor and his warriors, or so she had learned over the past couple of weeks. She had become close to the heir's younger brother Loki, perhaps it was because they intrigued one another? Sigyn wasn't entirely sure what caused their particular connection but in the back of her mind, she was happy that it did.
Sigyn stood towards the roaring fire, keeping warm against the slight chill of the air. She held a goblet of wine in her grasp, warm brown eyes looking around the various scenes before her. She had caused a few mishaps already, like her shoe falling into Thor's cake from observing higher up on the staircase, which had caused Loki and herself to laugh.. accident of course but the Princess of Vanaheim's father hadn't been too impressed. She was a beautiful young woman, porcelain skin with a pink flush to her cheeks, lips as red as the rose and chocolate brown eyes.
Her head turned as she saw the Queen of Asgard, offering her a small yet kind smile. "Don't worry, there won't be any shoes falling into cakes today" Sigyn half joked, taking a sip of the wine. "Are you enjoying yourself?" It was a polite question, after all Sigyn figured she should try to get to know Loki's mother, she seemed much nicer than Odin, warmer perhaps.
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bubbleteycosplay · 1 year
What if Sigyn's stories
Part 24
So many different universes, so many different possibilities. And in some loves Sigyn and their different stories. Pictures and brief information have been written about some of these possibilities.But what is her full story, we don't know. But we can spin them further in our thoughts ^^
The whole project here serves to show the possibilities and potential that Sigyn would have had within the Marvel Universe. How she could have been reintroduced, her story made new and more exciting. #JusticeForSigyn stands for creating Sigyn content because Marvel doesn't give us any.
Inspired by @fauna-and-mythos @dailylogyn @dank-art @jonquilclegane @sigynthevictorious @thewitchysystem @shenanigans-and-imagines @sigynoffidelity @timeladyjamie @therese-lokidottir @puckwritesstuff @sigynappreciation @sigyn-obsessed @ellecaterina @roruna @sigyndottir @marvelentertainment @mistress-of-words
Queen of destiny
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After the blood magic has destroyed Sigyn's entire life, she too sits on the throne as Queen of Vanaheim while Jotunheim declares war on her. She is determined to save her people and stop Jotunheim from taking the cities of Atlantia and Solis. But the fight against Jotunheim is just the beginning: Ancient powers have awakened in the shadows, bringing with them the horrors of times long past. Now the hour has come when Sigyn must accept her destiny and fulfill the prophecy. And she has to use her blood magic, but with that her secret is no longer safe either.
The witch's curse story by @roruna
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Sigyn sat alone in her chambers. She hadn't left in days. At first, she was despondent, racking her brain for a way to get him back. But the sadness gradually reshaped itself into rage. Now she daydreamed of revenge, to get him back.
She arranged candles in a circle on her floor and sat down in the center of the circle. All the candles lit themselves at once by magic. Her heart was pounding hard and her whole body was shaking. Fresh tears grew in her eyes. She wiped them away with her index finger.
"Essence of fire, burn his skin and melt his form. Essence of air, spin him round so he loses his way, abandon him when he needs to breathe. Essence of earth, break his bones, bury him deep. Essence of water, become his tears," she said, writing the name on the floor with her wet finger.
It wasn't a proper curse. Freya, the Vanir goddess of magic and Sigyn's mother, had taught her dozens of spells and curses. This wasn't in any of the spell books she'd read. The candles were just ordinary wax things with essential oils added so they'd fill the room with a pleasant fragrance when they burned. The air smelled of roses, vanilla, lavender and honeysuckle.
She didn't draw any runes. She didn't use any of her reserves of magic energy. She didn't even use any seidr to make his name glow dramatically on the floor. But she was crying when she lit the candles. She was crying as she spoke the words. And she was crying as she wrote his name in the circle with her tears. Intent and focus are what's important when casting spells.
Her body felt drained when put the candles out and stepped out of the circle. She wiped her face and she dropped into a dreamless sleep when her head touched the pillow. Just outside her chambers, servants were bustling about preparing Asgard's palace for Thor's coronation.
The child of a thousand wonders
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Sigyn returns to Asgard from Nidavellir. She is to study and live in a school for magic until her mother returns from Feuerrisen Krigen and has clarified all matters there. Meanwhile, Sara's father dies under tragic circumstances.
He dies and leaves behind her, her sisters and mother. Sigyn only survives the difficult times because she has so much imagination and imagines what it will be like when her life is back on track. What she doesn't know is that she has an unknown friend who will help her and stand by her to make her happy again.
Sigyn goddess of forbidden love by @jonquilclegane
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Once upon a time in the realm of Asgard, Sigyn was not just an ordinary maiden, but a valiant Valkyrie. She possessed grace, strength, and a heart filled with compassion. Sigyn had dedicated her life to the honorable duty of guiding fallen warriors to their rightful place in Valhalla.
However, fate had a different plan for Sigyn. Unbeknownst to her fellow Valkyries, she had fallen deeply in love with Loki, the mischievous god of trickery. Their hearts intertwined in secrecy, for such love was forbidden, as Loki's actions had often caused chaos and strife among the realms.
Sigyn's love for Loki was a bittersweet torment, for she was torn between her devotion to her duty as a Valkyrie and the longing in her heart. She would watch him from a distance, her heart aching, as he played his tricks and schemes, always keeping her true feelings hidden away.
One day, as Sigyn ventured through the realms, she came across a group of fallen warriors who had perished in a battle. Her duty compelled her to gather them and lead them to Valhalla. As she approached the fallen, she noticed among them a wounded warrior, his armor tarnished and his spirit weakened. To her surprise, it was Loki himself, wounded and vulnerable.
The conflict within Sigyn reached its zenith. Her love for Loki and her duty as a Valkyrie clashed with equal force. Her fellow Valkyries watched as she stood there, torn between her heart's desire and her responsibility.
In that moment, Sigyn made a decision that would change her fate and the fate of Loki forever. She dropped her spear, a symbol of her duty, and knelt beside Loki. She cradled his battered form in her arms, ignoring the gasps of her fellow Valkyries. With each touch, her love for him grew stronger, and a wave of compassion washed over her.
Sigyn looked into Loki's weary eyes and spoke words that resonated with love and determination. "No longer will I deny my heart, Loki. I am ready to face the consequences of our forbidden love. For love knows no boundaries and can transform even the most mischievous soul."
As the Valkyries watched in astonishment, Sigyn, the Valkyrie who had forsaken her duty, rose with Loki in her arms and vanished into the unknown. The realm of Asgard fell into a state of bewilderment, for a Valkyrie had chosen love over her sacred oath.
In the realms beyond, Sigyn and Loki created a life of their own, where their love blossomed, unfettered by the laws of the gods. Their journey was not without challenges, but together they faced them with unwavering devotion.
Though Sigyn had forsaken her position as a Valkyrie, her heart remained filled with compassion. She used her newfound freedom to bring solace to those in need, offering aid and redemption to lost souls who had strayed from the path of righteousness.
The gods of Asgard, witnessing the purity and strength of Sigyn's love, reconsidered their judgments. Slowly, they began to understand that love could heal even the most broken of spirits. The forbidden love between Sigyn and Loki became a tale whispered among the gods, a reminder that the power of love could transcend all boundaries.
And so, Sigyn, once a Valkyrie bound by duty, became a symbol of love's triumph over adversity. Her story would echo through the ages, inspiring others to follow their hearts, even in the face of the greatest challenges.
Don't forget love
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Young Loki, an adopted son of Odin, of unknown origin and the highest magic in Asgard, receives a dangerous assignment: he and his brother Thor are to free prisoners of war from captivity on Midgard in Garda. While fleeing, he falls in love with the women of Sigyn the freed, but she is already married. Nevertheless, over the years he becomes the confidant of the young woman and wins victories over victories with Tho. And the blemish of his birth is finally revealed. Whereupon Loki leaves Asgard. But Sigyn has to realize with horror that her most dangerous enemy is far from defeated, and when she and her husband leave for Asgard for Thor's coronation, both are attacked and her husband is murdered, but that's not all, this fate will have fruitful consequences...
All good and bad things come in threes
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There are days that turn your entire life upside down. Do you know days like that? Even those days when you lose your job in the morning and own a magical bookshop in Ireland at night?
Well, I didn't know that either.
What I learned today:
1. I am not a human, I am a goddess and no one knows what else I am.
2.I have magic, but I have no idea how it works.
3.I'm in danger, have a husband I never knew about and only the bookshop in Ireland can protect me.
This is Rose's (Sigyn) new life and this Odinson who's supposed to be her husband doesn't make it any easier for her either.
TVA File 775
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The TVA is in a state of emergency and a group of Agents and Hunters are tasked with reopening an old case, TVA File 775 codenamed "Ferguson". You set to work with mixed feelings and even return to the scene of the action, the island whose rugged beauty still amazes you, but where Hunter S-16 spent a difficult childhood. Which she doesn't remember, she doesn't remember her life before the TVA at all. And the game begins and nobody's life is safe anymore!
The broken promise
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Loki: You give every one of your belongings to even the lowest scum or upstart
Sigyn: Everyone should be heard and understood
Loki: Understood, these are Sigyn low beings. They should not be understood but mastered
Sigyn: That's exactly why many fear you, because the way you think about them makes you unpredictable
Loki: You're talking about everyone should have a say
Sigyn: What's so bad about showing them is so bad about showing them respect for your opinions and ideas?
Loki: Enough of this discussion, you are my wife and you have to stand behind me in the first place behind all my decisions!
Sigyn: I stand behind you, but I'm not your puppet
The girl at the end of time by @jonquilclegane
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In the wake of Ragnarok, the cataclysmic event that brought an end to the known universe, Sigyn found herself standing alone amidst the vast emptiness of the void. As the girl at the end of time, she witnessed the devastation that had consumed everything she had ever known. Her heart was heavy with grief and the weight of her solitude.
Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and Sigyn wandered through the desolate remains, searching for signs of life. But the universe seemed devoid of hope, with no trace of any other survivors. She felt the weight of the loss, mourning the fallen gods and mortals who had once inhabited the vibrant realms.
As Sigyn reached the point of despair, contemplating her existence as the solitary being at the edge of nothingness, a glimmer of light caught her attention. In the darkest corner of the void, she discovered a group of individuals huddled together, clinging to the remnants of their shattered existence.
Hope ignited within Sigyn's heart as she approached the survivors. They were a diverse group, representing different species and civilizations from across the cosmos. Their eyes held a mix of relief, wonder, and exhaustion as they saw Sigyn, the girl who had emerged unscathed from the ruins of Ragnarok.
Among the survivors, Sigyn discovered a wise elder who held the knowledge of an ancient prophecy—one that spoke of a way to restart the universe, a chance to restore life and begin anew. Though the task seemed daunting, Sigyn knew that she had been chosen for a purpose beyond her comprehension.
Gathering the remaining survivors, Sigyn shared the prophecy with them, filling their hearts with renewed hope. Together, they embarked on a perilous journey, traversing the remnants of the shattered cosmos, seeking the pieces required to restart creation.
Through trials and tribulations, the group faced countless obstacles, but their determination was unwavering. Sigyn's love for the fallen gods and mortals fueled her resolve, and she became a guiding light for the survivors, encouraging them to press onward.
At the culmination of their quest, they assembled the shattered fragments, a mosaic of cosmic energy. Sigyn stepped forward, the catalyst of their endeavor, and with a single touch, she ignited the dormant energy, sending ripples of life through the void.
A burst of vibrant light enveloped the cosmos, spreading like a celestial wave, awakening the slumbering universe from its lifeless state. Stars ignited, galaxies spiraled into motion, and planets began to form. Life bloomed once more, breathing fresh energy into the tapestry of existence.
The survivors, awestruck and filled with gratitude, witnessed the rebirth of a universe they had believed lost forever. They celebrated their triumph, vowing to honor the fallen by cherishing the newfound life granted to them.
Sigyn, once the girl at the end of time, had become the harbinger of renewal. With her unwavering love and the strength of the survivors by her side, she had rewritten destiny, restoring hope and the promise of a brighter future.
Together, they set forth to build a universe where love, compassion, and harmony thrived. And as they shaped their new reality, the echoes of the fallen reverberated within their hearts, a reminder of the resilience of life and the enduring power of unity.
A relative conquest (AU)
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The free-spirited Sigyn is on fire. Finally women are admitted to the university, she could study! Her parents, on the other hand, want to marry her off to young Theoric. Theoric loves the world of fragrances. He experiments with flavors and scents. He dreams of making perfumes in his own factory. Sigyn is enthusiastic and supports him against all odds. Energetically and skilfully she drives the founding of the company forward. But what about their own goals? Are her feelings strong enough for marriage? Because there's Loki, Theoric's friend. He threatens to drive a wedge between the couple. And that too, because if there's one thing Loki doesn't need in his life at all, it's a second wife.
Part 25 is in progress ^^
Here you can find the last part
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thepaladincosplays · 5 months
Got anymore Magni and Modi interactions?
"Wake up."
Magni's eyes struggled to open, a yawn escaping his mouth. When he sat up in his bed he realized who commanded him. "Mother, I-"
"Stop. Stop right there." Sif's gaze turned to the sleeping figure next to him, stark naked next to her equally undressed son. "I know you have needs, Magni, but you know your grandfather's stance on bringing mortals to Asgard."
He smirked and placed a hand on the girl's back, earning a sleepy smile out of her. "I'll take her back to where I found her in Midgard, mother. I'll even play the gentleman and offer her company to take her directly home." Sif gave him a hard stare, and sighed. He always repeated the same tired offer of penance. She knew this wouldn't be the last large woman he brought home, nor would it be the last.
"We're not done talking about this, Magni. Do what you must and be discreet." Sif already knew how she would address the situation with her husband. Maybe his firm hand would put their son in his place and convince him to actually listen this time.
Modi must have run through this obstacle course at least a thousand times, practically swimming through it like routine. Tyr enjoyed putting him through the ringer, always making him practice, practice, practice. With one final charge through a training dummy, Modi cleared through the obstacle course like a rampaging beast. "Excellent as always, Modi. Your time's improved." Tyr's compliments were pitiful.
"With all due respect, Tyr, I-" Modi swallowed his words when he saw his father's hulking figure next to the far taller and leaner Tyr. Thor gave him a steely look, as if daring him to show anything less than gratitude. "I... believe I could do better."
"I agree. Your swings, while strong, are lacking in speed. Bring your hands closer together for this next exercise." Tyr smiled warmly, something that always irked Modi. The God of War was as smug as he was tall, and he towered over Thor.
Dinners among the Aesir were often great feasts and lasted all night, especially when the Vanir were also present. "I'm glad we could be together for this momentous occasion, All-Father," said Freyr, beaming brightly with a smile.
Grandfather and Freyr started discussing politics, which bored Magni to no end. If a situation couldn't be resolved with a fight, it wasn't worth his time or attention. Someone was, however, and he rose from his place at the long table and moved closer to her. "Mind if I sit here?" he asked, not hesitating to sit next to the fair Sigyn.
"To what do I owe the pleasure, Magni?" Sigyn smiled, her round face stretching a little as she did. Magni brushed the back of his hand against her cheek, smiling back.
"That soft smile of yours is all you'll ever owe me, dear Sigyn. Why don't you and I leave the feast early? I'd love to stargaze with you." A lie, but not to dear Sigyn. After Loki rejected her she was vulnerable, and she was always particularly soft on the eyes.
The trees rustled as their target ran farther and father away. "You're going to let him get away." Modi knocked an arrow and pulled tight. He kept his eyes trained on the runner. "He's almost reached the barrier."
"Oh, shut up." Modi released his arrow and watched it shoot off as quick as lightning. He tracked it even as it fell through the tree line and hit their target. The mortal thief thought they could sneak into Asgard and steal from their grandfather. "They're pinned to a tree root; the arrow's half buried in them."
"Good. I'll sniff them out; go get Grandfather and the others and bring them to us." Magni took a deep sniff of a scrap of cloth from the thief. "How'd they manage to escape your grasp?" he asked, the smell of the thief catching up to him now.
"I allowed it. Grandfather will want to make an example of them, and giving them a false sense of hope by allowing them to escape will help drive home the lesson he'll teach them." Modi smirked before walking away, his boots crushing the twigs beneath his feet.
Magni couldn't help but smile at his brother's cruelty. "Perhaps you're not as stupid as I thought, brother." He started walking down the path, following the scent of the thief.
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Find the Word
Thanks for the tag, @loopyhoopywrites! Going through Bride of Loki!
The moment she spoke, the young man jolted. He whirled around and blue eyes went wide as he grinned. “You’re awake!” Siv gave a stiff nod, not sure what else to say. “I hope you didn't hear me talk to myself for too long.” He held up a finger as he rose to his feet and started to walk. “Hang on. You must be thirsty.” He left the room.
Mabelle came to a stop and took a deep breath. Okay. She shouldn’t call for him. He never responded anyway. Instead, she stood and listened.
"A hostage from the war with the Vanir, back when Asgard was being built. The most moronic and pathetic god I've ever met. His sister Freya was the bright one." She took a sip of her drink, some of the honey liquid dripping off her chin and into the bath, adding the smell of burnt sugar to the s’mores scent. "Don't get me wrong, he's powerful. I just seriously doubt he'll be much help- he's a pushover. I wasn’t kidding when I said his sister was the bright one.” A hand with fingernails painted soft purple made a shooing motion. You should try to find Sigyn first, or Odin. Or maybe Thor if you have to. Just nobody like Freyr."
I'll tag, with no pressure, @radley-writes, @kittensartswriting, and @copper-dragon-in-disguise to find prison, risk, custody, religion, kindly.
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puckwritesstuff · 2 years
An Anniversary - One Shot
Thought I'd write a short little Logyn thing for today. Hope y'all like it! ^_^
When Sigyn woke up, before she even opened her eyes, she knew that she was not in her own bed. She was in a bed, however, and a wonderfully comfortable one, at that. When she moved her arm, she could feel a distinctly Loki-shaped impression in the mattress beside her, still as cool to the touch as he was, so he was not far from her. She finally opened her eyes and sat up.
She was in a pseudo-rustic room with knotted wood furniture and cream-colored walls. A fireplace on a wall shared with the next room roared, filling the room with heat. She could almost see through to the other side, but there was nothing really to see. Light streamed into the room from a sliding glass door, filtered by sheer curtains but incredibly bright. The blankets over the sheets were a dark green, thick, and soft. Sigyn leaned back into the mountain of pillows and breathed deeply.
The door opened and Loki stepped in. He placed a bouquet of roses dotted with edelweiss on the bedside table next to her. He leaned over and kissed her.
“Good morning, darling,” he said.
She smiled.
“What did you do?” she asked.
He shook his head.
“I can’t get anything past you, can I?” he asked.
He handed her a robe and lead her out to a sitting room. Breakfast was laid out on the table in front of a wall of window that looked out over a mountainous vista, covered in fir trees and snow. Sigyn gasped.
“Oh, Loki…”
“I know you’ve been a little upset at the lack of snow this year in New Asgard,” Loki said. “I had Sif clear your schedule for the day, your mother is watching Nari, I have all our favorite foods, and there is no one that will come and bother us.”
“Did I miss something?” Sigyn said. “Neither of our anniversaries are today, I don’t think…”
Loki shook his head.
“It’s not that anniversary,” he said.
He went over to the breakfast table and picked up a small tin.
“See, when I was very young, I didn’t feel like going with Thor to whatever it was he was planning on doing that day,” Loki said. “Instead, I went to a place I had found a few weeks earlier, an abandoned servant’s closet, where I’d hidden a few things, to make it sort of a secret lair.”
“Of course,” Sigyn said. “How could you not?”
“And about 14 hundred years ago, today, someone else found that closet,” Loki said.
He opened the tin, which was filled with butter biscuits. Sigyn smiled.
“And you met me,” she said.
“Our wedding anniversaries have baggage,” he said. “Not that I won’t do whatever it is you feel appropriate to celebrate, but I thought that this day, where the most important thing that happened was that two children hid themselves away and shared biscuits with each other—that might be something we have that’s worth celebrating.”
Sigyn could feel her eyes welling up. She took the tin and sit it aside, kissing her husband.
“I am so glad to have met you,” she said. “I can’t imagine what my life would have been without you. I can’t imagine who I would have become. And I am thankful every day that I get to wake up by your side, and in your arms. I would absolutely love to celebrate that with you.”
He took her hands in his.
“We should eat before the food gets cold,” he said. “But there are no obligations for the day.”
Sigyn smirked. “Then perhaps you can perform a few of your other queenly duties.”
Loki chuckled. “I think I can be amenable to that, my king.”
Sigyn inhaled sharply.
“I do like it when you call me ‘king’…”
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edelweissbarnes · 2 years
Hello everyone, I'm back!!
I'm sorry for the long hiatus, but I had a very difficult time...so I hope you enjoy this new chapter.
Tw: smut, angst, mention of a tentative of assault
Chapter 7 - is this Love?
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The sun is shining and its rays are warm on my skin while I'm sitting on a blanket spread on the grass in the queen's garden.
After the unexpected, and highly inappropriate, visit of Thor in Loki's chambers weeks ago, the subtle advice of the mischievous god was reported to Queen Frigg, who bestow on me a certain range of freedom to walk her garden as I please, "to appease your Vanir nature" she said.
The Queen herself, today, decides to join me with her other maidens in waiting: Hlín, Fulla, Gná and Nanna.
They're intent on embroidery while subtly gossiping about the mundane life within the walls of Asgard. Instead, I, as one unaccustomed to gossip, enjoy reading a book of poetry i found this morning, on his pillow, in my bed.
Caught up in my reading, I bring the tip of my index finger to my lips, grazing it with my tongue and barely moistening it to help me turn the page. Suddenly, with a green shimmering, a small pink camellia flower makes its appearance, hidden from the view of the others by my book.
Without thinking about it, I take it between my fingers bringing it to my nostrils to smell its intoxicating scent.
"Oh, what a pretty flower...who sent it to you?" Young Nanna asks, shy and curious.
"I don't know..." I lie as the image of the flaming-haired god presents itself in my head.
"Well well, it seems our Lady Sigyn has a secret admirer... " murmurs Queen Frigg calmly.
"I don't think so my queen...maybe someone wants to make me feel less homesick... this flower reminds me of my mother's garden..."I murmur in response, trying to disguise the blush on my cheeks with a shy smile.
"Queen Mother, look who I have brought you," thunders suddenly the mighty voice of Thor, who comes into our sight followed by a tall, blonde man, almost as mighty as him, good-looking, seeming to rival the splendor of the sun.
"Oh my sweet son!" Murmurs the queen, rising to welcome the shining god into her arms.
As the queen rose, all of us, her ladies-in-waiting, also rose.
"Mother...as I promised you, I have returned... "murmurs the shimmering god softly before turning to us, approaching and greeting all of us one at a time before coming before me looking at me questioningly, with interest in his gentle eyes.
"Baldr, allow me to introduce Lady Sigyn of Vanaheimr, she is the youngest daughter of Lady Freya, and she will be staying here with us as Vanir spokesperson. Lady Sigyn, this is my son Baldr, the bright one" the queen mother says in a gentle tone, addressing first her son and then me.
As soon as he hears his mother's introduction, the young god gently takes my hand, bringing the back of it to his lips.
"Lady Sigyn it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." He murmurs with a deep note in his voice that causes a shiver of discomfort down my spine.
"The pleasure is mine, my lord," I murmur before performing a perfect curtsy.
I sense his eyes observing me with indulgence and I don't like the sensation.
" My queen, I'd like to take back the book to the library if you don't mind." I ask turning my attention to Frigg, searching for an easy way out.
"Oh sure dear. As my son returned, tonight there will be a feast! I'll see you there." She answers me.
"My queen, my Lords" I say bowing gently before walking away fast enough so no-one will follow me.
As soon as I enter the maze of roses, i take a small shortcut to the wing of the castle where my rooms are located, I feel two hands assert my shoulders, yanking me toward an alcove hidden from prying eyes.
As an instinctive reaction I materialize in my right hand a dagger, which I bring to my assailant's jugular with a lightning gesture.
"You know, it turns me on when you get aggressive, kitten" murmurs the god of mischief before leaning down and taking my lips in a needy, hungry kiss.
With a golden glint I make the dagger disappear and respond with equal transport to his kiss.
"Did you receive my gift?" He whispers when we break away to catch our breath.
I nod, lowering my eyes embarrassedly as I blush. He knows his message has come through as the language of flowers is a Vanir legacy and the pink camellia blossom subtly screams 'I'm longing for you'.
"And what do you want to say about it?"he murmurs softly while his hands travel to my waist.
"I need you" I breathe shamelessly. At my reply a sly grin appears on his face while he hums in approval.
With a gesture of the hand I make the book of poetry and the flower disappear so I let both of my hand tug the laps of his shirt, yanking him closer before tearing them apart, revealing his chest.
"I need you.." I repeat looking at him hungrily, searching for his mouth. He obliges my silent kiss request and I I feel his hands roaming from my waist to my tights pickin me up, securing my legs against his waist.
"I can't have enough of you..." he murmurs softly between our kisses while I feel his straining bulge grinding against the soft spot between my legs.
"Prove it...show me that it's not just the words of a silvertongue..." I whisper tugging his hair.
"I thought you like my tongue..." he replies slyly, groaning softly while he tries to lean me against a wall, trapping me.
"Oh, I love it...even more when it plays its magic between my tights" I breathe, surprise from my own boldness.
I hear him chuckles darkly.
" now we don't have enough time for the long play, kærasti...but tonight...tonight you'll show me how much you love my tongue between your tights..." he whispers under his breathe before his long digits taste my heat.
I tilt my head against the wall, savoring his touch.
"Always ready for me..." he praises me and I clench against his curling fingers, hungry for more.
I whimper meekly as soon as he removes his digits, gasping while I feel his manhood entering me with a gentle swift.
A low moan vibrates in his chest.
"You're so tight...I adore it..." he whispers against my ear before he establishes a thunderous pace.
The way he holds me,one of his hand at the back of my head, grasping my hair, while the other squeezes my ass, makes me feel claimed, important, necessary.
"Aaah!" I moan loudly feeling his cock, inside, grazing the sweet spot that makes me shiver.
I want to scream as the pressure become unbearable but, as he's reading my thoughts, his hand suddenly is on my mouth.
"I know...I know..." he whispers " I'm gonna make you feel better...but you have to be quieter...i don't want them to interrupt us.."he concludes as I trace his chest with my nails.
I let my tongue slip out, licking subtly his fingers before he puts a couple of them in my mouth. I taste myself on his fingers and the look that he gave me let it clear that he knows.
"Make me proud..." he whispers slyly before removing his fingers from my mouth and directing them in the thin space between our bodies, on my sensitive nub, circling it while he pounds me merciless.
"Fuck..." I curse under my breath, hiding my face in the crook of his neck while grasping his hair.
"Come on...come on..." he incourages me softly.
I feel the wave of the orgasm washing over me as a strangle cry eruptes from my mouth, against his skin, leaving me a trembling mess.
"There you go....there you go..."he whispers, nibbling gently my ear. He continues to move at an erratic pace, prolonging my height and searching for his release as well.
"You're squeezing me so tight...I can't....I can't hold it anymore..." he whispers under his breath.
I intentionally squeeze harder my walls and i hear him coming with a low rumble in his chest.
His release makes me feral and I suck on his neck leaving a bright purple hickey. He moans roughly grabbing my hair and claiming my mouth.
"If I wasn't in love with you I'd think you were trying to kill me..." he hisses against my lips, his breath short.
My eyes widen, his words take me by surprise and I feel my heart explode in my chest.
"I..I..."I stutter speechless before forcing my own weight down, freeing my legs from his grasp. As soon as my feet are on the ground I elude him and I start running leaving him behind.
"Sigyn, wait!" I hear him calling my name but I run as fast as I can to reach my rooms.
"Damn it!" He hisses trying to recompose himself. He casts an illusion to restore his torn shirt and with a grim expression he leaves the maze.
"Oh Uncle, have you seen? Baldr is back..."the voice of Thor startles the god who replies with an annoyed sigh.
" tonight there will be a great feast...with lots of food, mead...and girls...I sense that you'll enjoy the distraction.."booms the mighty god patting his uncle's shoulders before bursting into a loud laugh.
"I'm not in the mood, Thor..." replies bitterly the sly one.
"Oh no, you must come! You see...my brother seems to have take an interest in the little Vanir lady in waiting...he just left me to go and ask her to be his guest tonight... I need a drinking companion" Thor murmurs loudly.
The god of lies grabs him by the lapel "he did what?" He asks algidly, a murderous look in his eyes. With an abrupt gesture, he releases his nephew before taking the path to young Vanir's chambers.
Once outside her chambers he notices the doors slightly open, so he could listen without been seen.
"Although very flattered, my lord, I must refuse your request. Your mother would prefer your presence this evening to shine... alone...without shadows of a lesser goddess." She says, the god of mischief hears her speech and slightly nods for the excuse, even if for him she's not a lesser goddess.
"I don't care about my annoying mother...I'd like to know you..." Baldr replies, a sudden feminine yelp before he continues "better..."
The sly one couldn't stand more and with a loud thud he opens the door and he clears his throat.
The scene before his eyes makes his blood boils: his nephew's filthy hands clutching the waist of little Vanir to get her closer to him, while she, with her small and deadly hands, tries to push his mouth away from her face.
"Nephew,the lady gave you her answer. behave or I'll make you" He says with an icy voice.
"Oh, uncle...just as usual you come to be a party pooper..." the bright one replies to his uncle, leaving Sigyn.
"If you don't want to entertain me, well, I'll find someone who wants...eagerly..and you'll regret that you miss your chance." he reply directly to the Vanir goddess.
"Hardly" replies the goddess, watching him leave the room with a disdainful step.
"Are you ok?" Murmurs softly the flaiming-hair god, moving one step closer to her but leaving the space to breathe.
She shakes her head before slumping down in a chair, her entire body trembling.
The sly one moves closer, sinking on his knees right in front of her, taking her between his arms.
"I'm the general of the Valkyries...I've been in war and I couldn't stop a single man..." she whispers shocked
"Sssh..he's gone...I will not let him touch you again..." he murmurs softly, caressing her hair.
His warmth surrounds her and the goddess grabs the back of his shirt, inhaling deeply of his intoxicating smell.
*is this love?* she thinks, feeling safe in his embrace *if it is, I don't want to leave him, ever again...*
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victoriousfidelity · 2 months
@wornkindness sent: 📂 📂 📂 📂 send "📂" for a random yet completely useless headcanon i have. | accepting.
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📂 sigyn smells of grapes, roses, bergamot, patchouli, and vetiver. in verses where she lives on midgard, that's achieved by wearing maison margiela's replica: on a date, while in all other verses it's the result of wearing a combination of perfumes which achieve the same result.
📂 there are a few colours which are associated with sigyn. the royal colours of vanaheim are blue and gold, and you'll often see her and her sisters in various shades of blue because of this. the healers of asgard wear a teal uniform, so once sigyn takes on that role you'll see her in that more often than not, and she starts incorporating green into her wardrobe once she and loki are together. but the colour most associated with sigyn is probably magenta, as that's the colour of her magic.
📂 it's rare to see her with her hair completely loose. if she's not wearing it up completely, it'll be half-up half-down, or at the very least pulled back from her face (some examples). she's also really good at doing other people's hair, largely as a result of how many younger siblings she has.
📂 she loves dancing. at any sort of ball or celebration, she will require approximately zero persuading in order to join in the dancing. she's entirely unselfconscious about it, and invariably has a beaming smile on her face for the duration.
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loveloki555 · 7 months
What would you say is Sigyn's style when she is on earth? What's her fashion choice?
Hmm..interesing question.
Sigyn is fashionist. She loves very different styles of clothes. In general, the patterns must have a certain style and elegance - no men's style clothes here. Generally, these will be dresses, hats, also trousers, but less often… all kinds of elegant or historical things, including complicated hairstyles, decorations, accessories - handbags, belts, jewelry, hair decorations.
Favorite color is pink - her color like red for Thor or green for Loki. But Sigyn also loves color combinations
pink plus gold - her color plus Asgard's gold green plus gold/black - representing Loki black plus gold - the colors of the beloved Hufflepuff white plus pink - delicacy and ethereal white plus gold - representing femininity in its luminous aspect black plus pink - seductiveness she also loves blue which shows her love for water/sapphires/blue sky
In her things there will be flower motifes, a snake, a wolf, a dragon, a tiger - animals that she associates with Loki, a fox and a butterfly motif - her animals, a badger - Hufflepuff, also the qualities of flying like birds, wings or feathers - related to writing - her father Bragi or flying, which she sees as a symbol of freedom.
Favourite stones - Pearls, Sapphires and Diamonds
She loves all the attributes of a lady - fans, handbags, gloves, umbrellas, hats.
Sigyn's favorite fashion examples are Frigga, and from fiction; Padme Amidala - Natalie Portman exists separately from Jane Foster, Mon Mothma, Leia Organa, Rose DeWitt Bukater.
Sigyn generally accepts from all over the world - she can wear Indian, Chinese, Japanese costumes…
Everything which beautiful and ladylike.
Here I give examples from Sigyn's closet.
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november-rayne · 1 year
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The Gift of Distraction - Part One
Summary: Threats of war have the Kingdom of Asgard on edge. The King and his counsel have been working nonstop to prepare the realm for the worst-case scenario. Newlyweds Loki and Sigyn steal moments together when they can.
Word Count: 2900
Rating: Explicit
*This story is for mature audiences only. * 18+
*Minors DNI*
Tags: Oral sex, rough sex, degradation,
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Sigyn woke with a start. She bolted upright in bed, looking around frantically to get her bearings.  She hadn’t remembered drifting off. The embers in the fireplace smoldered with an amber glow. It was the middle of the night and her husband’s side of the bed was cold. She was still wearing the same skimpy lingerie she had put on before bed hoping Loki would rid her of it when he finally retired. His side of the bed had not been disturbed and there was light spilling under the bed chamber door. 
She quickly donned a silken robe that matched her undergarments and slipped out of the bedroom quietly. Loki was not in the sitting room nor was he in the dining room. She padded across the marble floor in her bare feet to the glass-paned doors of his office, bright light spilled into the darkened chamber from inside. She peeked in tentatively to see Loki hunched over a thick ledger, scribbling franticly with his quill.
Anger immediately flooded her senses. How could he have forgotten that she was waiting for him? She watched him with a scowl, bitter about being left alone again. He had been working so many long hours recently. There were rumors of Dark Elf activity threatening to disrupt the peace. The King and his council were on high alert, sending out spies to gather intel, preparing contingency plans and evacuation strategies, and taking stock of supplies, weapons, and soldiers.
Her heart took pity on him, and she quickly softened. He had been working so hard to ensure their people would be safe if the worst-case scenario should occur. The hour was late, he needed to come to bed and sleep to keep his mind sharp. But she also knew he would have a difficult time falling asleep with his mind so preoccupied with the rumors of discord.
“Come to bed, lover.” Sigyn struck a sultry pose in the doorway. 
Without looking up, “You go on ahead, sweetling. Do not wait for me. I am nowhere near finished.”
“Loki Odinson!” That got his attention. He looked up and his jaw fell open. 
Sigyn was wearing a sheer black bra and panty set. Delicate gold metal detailing trimmed the straps of the bra and along the waistband of the barely-there panties. A gold charm in the shape of a snake dangled between the cross-section of fabric between her breasts. Her pert nipples and the neatly cropped curls covering her mound were on full display through the sheer fabric. 
“It is the middle of the night. I fell asleep waiting for you.”
Loki swallowed thickly, “Waiting for me?”
She rolled her eyes and made her way over to his desk, perching herself atop it, “What is so important to make you forget about me? Hmm?”
He dropped his quill and reached his hand out to squeeze a creamy thigh, smudging her pristine skin with black ink from his fingers. “Nothing, kitten.” His eyes rose to meet hers remorsefully, “Nothing is more important. I lost track of time. You were laying there waiting for me and I was in here doing something that could have waited for tomorrow.  I am so…” he ran his eyes over her body, “…so, so, sorry.”
She raised an eyebrow at him, “I might be persuaded to forgive you.” She stood and started walking toward the door, “Instead of burying your nose in that ledger, come bury it between my legs instead.” 
Loki nearly spilled his ink pot as he bolted up from his seat behind his desk. His work was all but forgotten as he trailed behind his wife's back to their bedroom. Eager anticipation filled him with an electric buzz of energy. 
Sigyn slipped out of her delicate robe and sat on the edge of the bed as Loki brought the fire back to life. He turned to join her on the bed.  
“Freeze! Don’t take another step.” 
He stopped in his tracks and gave her a curious look. 
“I want to watch you take your clothes off…slowly.” She gave him a sly smile. 
Loki’s lips curled into a devilish grin. “Whatever you say, Princess.”
He toed out of his boots and kicked them to the side. He slid out of his jacket and threw it over the back of the chair by the fireplace. Grabbing the hem of his shirt, he slowly started dragging it over his body.
“Slower,” Sigyn demanded. 
Loki grinned and slowed his movements even more. By the time he had pulled it over his head and let it drop to the floor, Sigyn had moved a hand between her legs, teasing herself while she watched him with hungry eyes.
His knees nearly buckled at the sight of her. His cock engorged so quickly it made him dizzy. A deep growl emanated from within him as he took another step closer to her.
“No, no, naughty boy.” She said breathily, “You do not get to come to me until I tell you to.” Her fingers danced around her clit as she put a foot up on the bed beside her, spreading herself wide for him. All he could do was stand there and watch as heat flooded his entire body.
“Trousers. Now. Slowly.”
With unsteady hands, he unfastened his trousers painfully slowly as he watched her pleasure herself. He slid his hands down his thighs. She was panting and shaking as he stepped out of the trousers and kicked them aside.
“I am… oh. Do you… ahh… Do you want me to finish on my own? Or would you like the honors?”
“Me! Let me.” He started to close the distance to her but stopped himself, remembering her orders.
She removed her hand and braced herself on the edge of the bed. “Kneel before your Princess.”
He was there in an instant, kneeling beside the bed, squeezing her thighs, and crashing his lips to hers, kissing her hungrily. She smiled against his lips and started pushing his head south. 
“No need for a preamble, lover. Claim your prize for putting on such a good show for me.”
He chuckled darkly as he kissed down her neck and sternum, taking a few delicious moments to suck on her nipples through the sheer cups of her bra. Her hips bucked when he pulled one between his teeth and bit down, just hard enough to send a bolt of pleasure to her center.
“Ugh… Loki…”
He sat on his heels and put her legs over his shoulders. He made his way up her thighs with wet open-mouthed kisses before he licked a wide stripe over her sheer panties.
“On or off?” he asked her, his voice deep.
“Off.” She raised her bum as his large hands pulled the tiny piece of fabric from her body. He brought them up to his face and inhaled deeply.
“Your arousal is the sweetest perfume I have ever smelled, kitten.” He licked her cleft again. “And the sweetest nectar I have ever tasted.” Burying his face between her thighs like a man starved, he had her bucking and thrashing on the bed in no time as he used his lips and tongue to send her over the precipice of bliss quickly.
Loki let her catch her breath while he gave her slow languid licks, but when she attempted to remove her legs from his shoulders and stand, he threw his arms around her hips and pinned them to the bed.
“I am not finished yet, sweetling. Let me have my fill.”
She moaned wantonly and buried her fingers in his hair, “Loki, I want to taste you.” 
“Not until I am satisfied.” He nudged her oversensitive bud with the tip of his nose as his tongue explored her cunt. He took his time bringing her to orgasm the second time. Savoring the way she felt under his lips and tongue, the look on her face as she watched him feast on her. The sounds she made as he pleasured her were music to his ears. By the time he heard the sweet mewls of her orgasm, his cock was so hard it was painful. He had wanted to linger there, serve his penance on his knees with his face between her thighs, to make her come again, but his own need was becoming unbearable. 
He gave her thigh one last kiss as her legs shook around him. He stood and pushed her down to lay flat on her back, bum nearly off the edge of the bed. The post-orgasmic haze still clouded her mind as she barely registered that Loki was now standing, looming tall over her with her knees in his hands. She instinctively wrapped her legs around him as he ran his hands up to her hips and pulled her closer to him. 
Loki growled, low and guttural, as he pushed his cock into her soaking-wet heat. Her cunt was quaking with aftershocks from her orgasm, and he gave her no time to adjust to his girth as he pulled back and pressed into her again. As he held her thighs up, his hips started rutting frantically, his cock finally getting the sweet friction it was craving so desperately as he was pleasuring her. 
Sigyn’s back arched off the bed, the needy way he was taking her and his desperate, breathy moans, causing a wave of arousal to wash over her. She grabbed fistfuls of the bedsheets as the wet sounds of their sex spurred Loki’s lust and he drove into her harder. He was sucking in breaths through gritted teeth, a sheen of sweat glittered on his brow. 
She would have bruises on both sides of her thighs tomorrow, from his crushing grip holding her legs up and from his hip bones pounding her in this position, but she did not care. He rarely took her roughly and she was loving every minute of it. She couldn’t get enough of the absolutely feral look in his eyes, his loss of control as his usually precise hip movements were replaced by animalistic thrusts. The pent-up tension he had been holding onto finally found a release as he took her hard and fast. 
“Yes, Loki! Yes!”
He could only grunt in response. His gaze tore away from the motion of her breasts in her skimpy bra and landed on her face. His eyes were dark with lust, wisps of hair clinging to the sweat on his neck, lips curled back in a sultry sneer. He looked lurid and dangerous. Her cunt clenched around his cock causing him to hiss sharply. 
The angle at which he was fucking her added no friction to her clit, so she wet her fingers in her mouth and let her hand travel to the swollen nub, rubbing tight circles. Another feral grunt came from him as he watched her, and his hips continued rutting into her at their brutal pace. 
Her walls started fluttering around him and her eyes rolled back briefly, “Come with me, Loki… Fill me with your seed... Oh… Ah… I’m coming!” 
His hips stuttered and his groan came from deep within him as he followed her over the edge. “Fuck...” His sporadic thrusts and throbbing cock as he spilled inside her almost sent her again. Her handsome husband wrapped in ecstasy was something she never grew tired of seeing. She rolled her hips as his grip loosened, his cock still hard inside her. 
“Mmm… Loki…”
He slowly regained his wits and looked down at his wife. He was still speared into her, his cock not ready to call it a night despite the late hour.
“Look at you.” He pushed her back further onto the bed and laid over her, his feet still firmly on the floor. “My needy little cock slut is desperate for more?” She clenched around him; she loved it when he teased her in that way. She bit her lip and nodded.
“You filthy little whore, your thighs are already slick with my seed. Is that not enough for you?”
She shook her head, “No.” She ground her hips up on him, “I need more.”
“Such an eager girl. Greedy for more of my cock, are you?” 
“Please, I need more. I was so very patient as I waited for you to come to bed. I laid here desperate for your cock.”
He gave her a languid pump of his hips. She let out a wanton moan and squeezed him again.
“Nasty girl. How would you take my cock now?”
She pretended to ponder the question briefly then answered, “I think I would like to ride you if it would please my prince.”
He cradled her head in his hands and dropped down to kiss her, slowly, tenderly, letting his lips express all the emotion he was feeling at the moment. He was sorry he didn’t join her in bed when she retired, he was grateful that she pulled him away from the never-ending pile of work on his desk, and he was so damn in love with her, he could not imagine his life without her. 
“Mmm… Get into bed, lover.”
He was reluctant to slide out of her, but he got up from his awkward position and crawled to the middle of the bed, laying on his back.
Sigyn was quickly straddling his thighs and removing the bra as Loki watched. His hands drifting over her skin, he used his seidr to remove the ink smudges from her thighs and his fingers. 
Sigyn positioned herself over Loki’s cock and slid down onto him slowly. Loki’s eyes fluttered closed as they reconnected. 
“Oh…” Her breath hitched as he started to thrust up into her as he held her by her hips. “Mmm… Lay back and relax, lover.”
She sat on his cock and placed her hands on his taut abs, circling her hips slowly, his previous spend and her own slick making sloppy sounds as she moved. She threw her head back and ground down on him.
“You are a nasty girl, so dirty. And using me for your own pleasure as if I have not made you come three times already.” She bucked against him before she started bouncing on his cock. He watched as her tits bounced along with her, and the familiar coil of pleasure started tightening in his lower belly.
“I will always need more of you. I can never get enough.”
“You look so pretty up there; your face is the picture of bliss.” His hands squeezed her ass and then trailed over her hips. His eyes fell to where they were joined, and he watched as she impaled herself on his cock over and over again.
He hissed sharply and thrust up into her, stilling her body and fucking up into her from below. “Ahh…”
“Mmm… Loki…” She pressed down hard on him, and he allowed her to regain control. She lowered herself and he filled her deep, the head of his thick cock nudging at her cervix. The ache deep in her belly, “You are so big, lover. So long and thick. Norns.”
“You take me so well, sweetling. So tight. Squeezing me. Milking my cock so well.” He moaned as she picked up her pace. His thumb found her clit and he pressed into it and stroked it with urgency.
Her hips stuttered as he pushed her closer to her climax, her movements were soon frantic. She held onto him for dear life as she came. Loki came soon after as Sigyn’s pelvic muscles spasmed and her body shook around him. 
They were both breathless and spent as she flopped down to his chest. He wrapped her in his arms and pressed his face into her hair, cherishing the scent of her, the unmistakable citrus that he would always associate with his sweet wife.
Rolling them onto their sides, he slid out of her followed by a gush of their combined spend. Loki couldn’t help but watch as his seed slid over her thigh.
“Loki…” she whined.
“You cannot even imagine how erotic this image is for me, kitten.” Loki shivered. “I love seeing my ecstasy painting your skin.”
“Very well.” He relented and cleaned them both up with his seidr.
“Thank you.” She leaned up and pressed a kiss to his lips. “Can I play with your hair?”
“Of course.” He pulled the blankets over their naked bodies and snuggled close to Sigyn, burying his face in her chest, and holding her tight.
She ran her fingernails lightly over the nape of his neck then pushed up into his silky raven locks. Earning a contented moan from him. Running her hand along his scalp and then pulling it away, letting his hair slip through her fingers and then repeating the steps again and again until they were both nearly asleep.
“Sleep well, Loki. Know that I love you more than anything in this world.”
He pressed a kiss over her heart. “I love you, my sweet, sweet Sigyn. My priceless gift.”
The threat of war had temporarily slipped from their minds as she played with his hair until she felt the deep, steady breaths of sleep pass through his pretty lips. Only then did she allow herself to be pulled under, her hand still pressed to the back of his head, holding him tightly, letting him feel safe and secure in her embrace.
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other AGFL One-Shots
The Gift of the Sun
Tag List: @gigglingtiggerv2 @chantsdemarins @superficialdomina @lokischambermaid @lokisgoodgirl @acidcasualties @muddyorbsblr @smolvenger @trickster-maiden @simone818283 @gruftiela @huntress-artemiss @tmlbdv @ladymischief11 @meowmeow-motherfucker @salvinaa
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The Profane
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The TVA proclaimed that the timeline in which Loki had lost everything he held dear was Sacred. He’d fallen, literally and figuratively, and a majority of his people were in Valhalla, including those he had once called friends (despite their disloyalty). This one, they insisted, was of the profane, destined to be wiped out of existence. Half of Loki’s heart wished that he could stay, even if that meant vanishing along with it. Asgard stood, the Warriors Three yet drew breath, and the missing Loki of this world had his brother’s love. What could be profane in that?
But no, they intended to snip off this life he could have led like clipping the head off a rose only to tread it into the ground, just as soon as he found out what had become of the Loki of this timeline, whether that fortunate creature had joined forces with that Loki wrecking havoc on their blasted Sacred Timeline. 
Loki lay on his bed, staring up at the ceiling that he’d looked up at each night for a thousand years. In his own timeline, even this room was gone. His books, his trinkets from mischief past, and that painted ceiling of the stars above Asgard. Had this room even burnt with Asgard, or had they wiped every trace of him from it when he’d fallen into disgrace?
The heavy oak door creaked as it was opened and Loki sat up, wondering how it was that the palace servants of this variation of Asgard were permitted to enter the room of a prince without permission. But it wasn’t a servant. Her lady’s clothes betrayed that. For a moment, Loki stared at her, utterly confused. Even as a lady of the court, only close family would enter his chambers unbidden. It was then that he saw a bracelet ‘round her wrist, a token of his affection that in his timeline had burned with her on the boat that had carried her hugr to the stars. It felt like a punch to the heart. In her face, he saw years unravel and the image of his first love took form. 
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tcbefearless · 10 months
@xinchargeofthetvax Sigyn & Mobius
Asgard had felt like a prison, the constant stares and the way she was to be proper being a Princess of Vanaheim and wife of a Prince.. it had become unbearable although Sigyn had kept on her mask not for her sake but her son.. their son. Of course his father had become a disgrace within the walls of Asgard, after what had happened on Midgard is had placed Sigyn in a difficult position.
How did she end up in the TVA? Sigyn didn't tell the details. She was a beautiful woman, raven curls, that rested past her shoulders and down the middle of her back, porcelain skin with dark pink lips and a flush of rose to her cheeks. Her eyes, a warm chocolate brown that when the light hit them they were as if they were a liquid honey. Sigyn stood tall, shoulders back, head held high, eyes darting around the room. "I am looking for my husband" she announced across the silent room, "Loki of Asgard, I believe you may have heard of him?"
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bubbleteycosplay · 2 years
With the Dream App I created a few Sigyn pictures today
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