#Silene capensis
farehamwinecellar · 1 year
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kemetic-dreams · 4 years
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Uvuma-omhlope is one of the so called ‘Ubulawu’ dream herbs. This is the name associated with a series of plants from Southern Africa that are used for visions and vivid dreams. It is believed one can communicate with the ancestral spirits and gain special insights and answers through use of the Ubulawu herbs.
There has not been extensive research into the workings of Uvuma-omhlope, but based on traditional use and user experiences, the effects are very similar to African Dream Root (Silene capensis). Uvuma-omhlope encourages mental clarity and very deep dream states. Some report prophetic visions and profoundly spiritual experiences when using this dream herb.
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wayward-verse-blog · 4 years
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A sigil that witches branded Sam with. Attached to the alchemical symbol for winter is the symbol for the phrase: “This object is unnoticed and its contents obscured.”
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dexter-the-king · 4 years
African Root Dream
I am big on dreaming. I keep a dream journal. I analyze my dreams and think about them a lot. I sometimes even try to find hidden messages, that my subconscious brain is trying to send me. All this is supposed to prepare me and teach me how to lucid dream. I have had a few of those in the past, but it wasn’t my hard “training”, but mostly because of pure luck. 
After doing a vast research on dreams and lucidity I came across the African Root Dream- a sacred plant of the Xhosa people (whoever they are...) traditionally used to induce vivid and lucid dreams. I got interested, did my research on the side effects and dosage and it seemed to be completely safe and harmless, so I stared the testing phase. 
Prep Day  
The package arrives. 5 grams of the long-awaited dry root is here.
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I open it up. Thought it would be bigger. There are about 10 little sticks, each about 10 cm long. I divide the package into 10 equal dosages of what I think might be 500 grams each and I start scraping the first dosage into powder using scissors. Not a very efficient way to do it, but it works.  
I decide to drink the mixture it up with water 1 hour before bedtime (that is around 1 am). It doesn’t taste good or bad. Just water with some dry pieces of wood in it (duh, who hasn’t drunk that before :D). I also shake it in a jar to create some foam, which I also drink. I go to sleep. 
Day 1 
I wake few times at night, as I usually do. I scribble down some of the key words of my dreams and so I can write the whole thing up in the morning. There is definitely something going on. I have 4 vivid dreams, one of them lucid. It only lasts a few “dreamy minutes” though. I’m in some kinda city. Suddenly I tell to myself “You must be dreaming”. I get crazy excited. First thing I always do I start or at least try to start flying. I see a nice big breasted girl, behind a fence about 50 meters away from me. And I wake up...
The other dream worth mentioning happens at my grandmas house. I am watching some kind of movie, which is not interesting at all, but my grandma tells me to leave it, because it’s an Oscar movie (so what?!). I do that and suddenly the surroundings change and I’m piloting a huge Boeing 737, trying to land it under a flyover. I miss and the construction starts to pieces like a house of cards. I take a selfie in the middle of all that. Series of selfies, which then transform into that movie effect. 
Perhaps that first experience is just a placebo, but I kinda enjoyed it and I definitely got a good nights sleep. 
In the evening 1 hour before bed time I repeat the process, only this time I leave the cut root in water for about 2 hours. 
Day 2 
I feel disappointing. No lucid dreams. Perhaps I want it too much. I got a good nights sleep and had one really vivid dream, but it didn’t seem any more vivid or unusual than my regular dreams. Similar dream signs appear. 
I am with my dad’s friend (whom I haven’t seen since high school and I’m 28 at the moment). I speak with him German (???). I try to explain to him where my parents’ house is, missing some words to explain where it is. He is surprised that my parents don’t own a house, just a flat. 
After that the setting changes and I’m taking part in a race. Racing up a hill, but I fail every time I try to run up. At some point after dozen of tries I take my shoes off to get a better grip and I succeed.  At the top of the hill I get info that the race is over and nobody was waiting for me to finish. They were kind of surprised that I was there. At the end I’m talking with a boy and it cuts here...
I will repeat the process today. If nothing spectacular happens tonight I will prepare my mixture in the morning and leave in the fridge for the whole day. 
Day 3
...and nothing spectacular happened. Dreams as regular as usually. Perhaps a bit more vivid and memory a bit better, but still it might be just an illusion. I dream about every day stuff, every day life people appear in my dream. 
I leave the mixture in the fridge for the whole day to be more potent? I don’t know. Perhaps I’m trying too much. 
Day 4, 5, 6
...well. No dream recall. I changed my sleeping pattern. Had to wake up earlier today. Went to bed quicker too. I know that I had some crazy dreams. I had this feeling after waking multiple times at night, but I didn’t seem motivated enough to memorize them. No lucid dreams though. 
Well... I don’t want to today that the root doesn’t work. Perhaps my mindset was not good enough. Perhaps I am in a crazy, unstable life moment right now and it may have impacted the failure of the experiment? Perhaps I should’ve drank the mixture in the morning and not in the evening? There are many unknowns, but overall I am dissappointed and I kinda feel burned out with the lucid dreaming idea. I think I will take a break. I won’t push myself anymore. Perhaps a fresh mindset will change things. 
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Night blooming flowers
Flowers for a vampirekin/nocturnalkin garden.
Alyssum ( Lobularia maritima)
Angel’s trumpet (Brugmansia)
Golden angel’s trumpet (Brugmansia aurea)
Peach angel’s trumpet (Brugmansia versicolor)
Red angel’s trumpet (Brugmansia sanguinea)
Salmon angel’s trumpet (Brugmansia vulcanicola)
Brahma kamal lotus (Saussurea obvallata)
Burning hearts (Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra)
Cape Jasmine (Gardenia jasminoides)
Casablanca Lily (Lilium ‘Casablanca’)
Chinese quince (Chaenomeles speciosa)
Chocolate daisy (Berlandiera lyrata)
Claret cup (Echinocereus triglochidiatus)
Dame’s rocket (Hesperis matronalis)
Drooping red gum (Eucalyptus parramattensis)
Easter lily cactus (Echinopsis oxygona)
Evening primrose (Oenothera biennis)
Evening rain lily (Zephyranthes drummondii)
Flowering tobacco ( Nicotiana alata)
Foamflower (Tiarella cordifolia)
Four o’clocks (Mirabilis jalapa)
Hoary stock (Matthiola incana)
Japanese wisteria (Wisteria floribunda)
Lotus’ (Nelumbo)
Lungwort (Pulmonaria)
Mock Orange (Philadelphus coronaius)
Moonflower (Datura innoxia)
Moon vine (Ipomoea alba)
Night blooming jasmine (Cestrum nocturnum)
Night blooming water lilies (Nymphaea)
Night gladiolus (Gladiolus tristis)
Night phlox (Zaluzianskya capensis)
Night scented orchid (Epidendrum nocturnum)
Night scented stock (Matthiola longipetala)
Nottingham catchfly (Silene nutans)
Opening Night rose (Rosa x ‘Opening Night’)
Queen of the night (Epiphyllum oxypetalum)
Ten-petal blazing star (Mentzelia decapetala)
Tuberose (Agave amica)
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botanicalguides · 4 years
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lucidherbs · 6 years
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bamby0304 · 6 years
The Hart II: Highway
Summary: Off on her own, without the Winchesters, Bobby, Ellen or Jo, Lizzie tries to get back to what she does best… hunting. But time is running out, Dean’s soul is on the line, and now everyone knows Lizzie is psychic like Sam. Can the brothers and Lizzie work through their problems? Or will they lose everything?
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Bamby’s Masterlist
The Hart Masterlist
The Hart II: Highway Masterlist
Part Ninteen: Just Sleeping
Warnings: Normal stuff. Some angst, bit of violence.
I sat at a bar, Long Train Running by the Doobie Brothers played in the background as I looked down at the half full glass of whiskey in front of me. I tilted the glass back and forward, in deep thought. All the hope I'd had the last few months seemed to have come to an end.
Dean's time was coming closer and I didn't know what to do anymore. I didn't know how to save him.
"There you are." Speak of the devil. I turned to see Dean walking up to me, worried. "What are you doing?" he asked.
I gave a simply shrug. "Having a drink."
"It's two in the afternoon. You're drinking whiskey?"
"I drink whiskey all the time."
"No, you don't," he argued.
"What's the big deal? You get sloppy in bars, you hit on chicks all the time," I noted. "Why can't I?"
He took a look around at the bar, noticing the older waitress and another woman, neither of which either of us would be interested. "It's kind of slim pickings around here." He turned back to me. "Liz and I have been looking all over for you. What's going on with you?"
Shaking my head, I didn't say anything right away as I looked down at my glass for moment or two before speaking again. "I tried, Dean."
"To do what?" Dean asked, clearly confused.
"To save you."
Sighing, Dean took a seat next to me as he nodded to the bartender. "Can I get a whiskey? Double, neat."
I shook my head at him again. "I'm serious, Dean."
"No, you're drunk."
"I mean, where you're going... what you're gonna become." I felt my eyes begin to water. Scoffing to hide my emotions, I went on. "I can't stop it." Looking down at my drink I admitted something I'd been trying to deny for a while now. "I'm starting to think maybe even Ruby can't stop it. But really, the thing is, no one can save you."
He shrugged. "What I've been telling you."
I looked to him again. "No, that's not what I mean. I mean, no one can save you, because you don't wanna be saved. I mean, how can you care so little about yourself?" When Dean scoffed and smiled, I sighed, getting agitated. "What's wrong with you?"
Before Dean could answer his phone started to ring. Answering it, he didn't hesitate to talk. "It's fine, Liz, I found-" He stopped, frowning as he began to stand up, something clearly wrong. "Liz, slow down. What's wrong?" There was another pause. His eyes locked on to mine as he spoke again. "Pack up the room. We'll be there in less than ten minutes," he told her before hanging up. "Liz just got a call from a hospital. Something's wrong with Bobby."
That's all he had to say. I was suddenly sober as I got up and we headed for the exit. Bobby was family. It didn't matter where the hospital was, if there was something wrong we'd be there.
I stood next to Bobby's bed, looking down at his sleeping form. His unmoving, un-waking form. Everything I was feeling in that moment... I hadn't been that scared in years. Bobby was the only father figure I'd ever really had, he wasn't just my surrogate father, he was my father. Losing him... I'd never be the same.
"So, what's the diagnosis?" Sam asked from where he and Dean stood at the end of the bed, looking to the doctor.
The doctor shook his head. "We've tested everything we can think to test. He seems perfectly healthy."
"Except that he's comatose," Dean noted, a tone in his voice that told me how worried he was. Bobby meant as much to Sam and Dean as he did to me.
The doctor turned to me. "Miss Snyderson, you're his emergency contact. Anything we should know? Any illnesses?"
"No, he-he..." I found it hard to speak, feeling my throat get tight as I tried not to cry. "He n-n-never gets sick."
"He doesn't even catch cold," Dean added as he came over to wrap an arm around my waist comfortingly.
Sam looked over at me and then at Bobby before turning to the doctor again. "Doctor, is there anything you can do?"
"Look, I'm sorry, but we don't know what's causing it... so we don't know how to treat it. He just... went to sleep, and didn't wake up."
Sam and I walked into Bobby's hotel room. We'd left Liz back at the hospital. She hadn't wanted to leave Bobby's side. Honestly, none of us had wanted to leave him, but we all knew the only way to figure out how to help him is to figure out what happened to him, and the only way to figure that out is to go digging.
"So, what was Bobby doing in Pittsburgh?" Sam asked.
I shrugged. "Unless he's taking an extremely lame vacation..." Closing the door behind me, I moved to stand in the middle of the room with Sam.
"I mean, he must have been working a job, right?"
"Well, you think there'd be some sort of sign of something, you know?" I noted as I headed over to the chest of drawers. Sam was right behind me, but as we opened a drawer up each, we found they were empty. In fact, the whole room was spotless. "Research, news clippings. Or a frigging pizza box or a beer can."
Sam stepped away from the dresser and over to the wardrobe, I watched as he opened the door and found some clothes hanging up. Pushing them aside, he nodded, having found something.
"How 'bout this?" He flicked on the wardrobe light.
As I moved over to check it out we found that the inside wall was covered in newspaper clippings, maps and pictures. The pictures were of roots, mushrooms and seeds. A map had to word 'Pittsburgh' written in big letters and underlined- I recognised Bobby's handwriting. There were post-it's with addresses and numbers. There was all the information a hunter might need.
I chuckled lightly. "Good old Bobby, always covering up his tracks."
"You make heads or tails of any of this?"
Reaching forward, I took one of the papers about plants and began to read. "'Silene capensis', which of course means absolutely nothing to me."
"Here." Sam grabbed a newspaper clipping. "Obit. 'Dr. Walter Gregg, 64, university neurologist'."
"How'd he bite it?"
"Um... actually, they don't know. They say he just went to sleep and didn't wake up."
I took the clipping from him and read it, seeing a lot of similarities. "That sound familiar to you?"
"All right, um... so, let's say Bobby was looking into the doc's death. You know, hunting after something-"
I cut him off, "That started hunting him."
He nodded. "Yeah."
"All right, stay here. See if you can make heads or tails of this." I gestured to the closet. "I know at least one person who might be able to answer some of our questions."
"Lizzie," he noted. "But what are you gonna do?"
Turning away from him, I started for the door. "I'm gonna look into the good doctor myself." I called over my shoulder as I left.
Walking into Dr Gregg's office, I found books and boxes cluttered all over the room. It was clear everything of his was already being removed despite the fact he only passed away recently. I found it a little insensitive but at the same time didn't really care.
"So you're Dr Gregg's lab assistant?" I asked Miss Sanders as she followed me into the room.
She gave a short nod. "That's right."
"Well, his death must have come as a shock to you," I noted, moving to his desk.
"Yeah, it did. But, still, go in your sleep, peaceful... that's what you wish for, right?"
"Yeah. Right." I grabbed a book from the desk, taking a look at it. "Dr Gregg uh... studied sleeping disorders? Dreams?" I asked, showing her the book.
Her face changed, going from polite to uneasy. "I don't understand. I went over all of this with the other detective."
I looked to her curiously as I put the book back down on the desk. "You already spoke to another detective?"
"Yes. A very nice older man with a beard."
"Well, I'd love to hear it again if you don't mind."
"Thing is, I'm sort of busy. Maybe we could do this later?"
It was obvious that she was trying to dodge me and my questions. But I wasn't letting her go that easily. "Sure. Yeah. Just bring you down to the station later this afternoon," her face fell as I went on, "and get your statement on tape, do it all official-like."
"Look, okay, I didn't know about Dr Gregg's experiments. Not until I was cleaning out his files."
"His experiments, uh...? The ones he was conducting on... sleeping?"
"No one knew, okay? Not the university, not anybody. I already spoke with a lawyer and he told me I can't be held liable for anything."
"Maybe you couldn't, but that was before the new evidence came to light," I lied through my teeth.
She suddenly looked more nervous. "New evidence?"
"What new evidence?"
I thought of a quick answer. "I'm not at liberty to say."
She gave a sigh, clearly annoyed by the whole situation. "Look, I'm just a grad student. This was a gig to cover tuition."
"Maybe so. But, uh, still, this- this..." I gestured around the room. "This could go on your permanent record. Unless you hand over the doctor's research to me. All of it."
I walked into Bobby's hospital room, finding Lizzie sitting next to him, holding his hand as she looked out the window deep in thought. I wasn't really sure how the two met, but it was clear they meant a lot to each other. She was his emergency contact, that meant something.
Clearing my throat, I got her attention. "Hey." I offered her a smile as she turned to me.
"Hey." She gave a small, half smile that didn't reach her eyes. "What did you guys find?"
I knew Lizzie enough to know that she didn't like beating around the bush. If I was here for help, she'd want me to get to it. So I did.
Walking over to stand by her, I offered some of the research I'd brought along. "I was wondering if you could help me with Silene cap-"
She cut me off, looking at the papers. "Silene capensis? It's an African Dream Root. I haven't seen the stuff in years. It's rare, expensive, and powerful."
Listening and watching Lizzie, there was a second there where I understood how Dean felt... Lizzie did seem to know a lot. At least she seemed to know a little about a lot of things. Either way, she usually had some helpful information, just like now.
"African Dream Root?" I asked, hoping she'd go into detail- she did.
"It's a plant you digest and gives you abilities in dreams. You can make bad dreams good, and vise versa. It may not seem so bad, but it's dangerous. If Bobby was researching a case involving the stuff..." She shook her head, looking up at me. "It's not good."
Still dressed as a detective- only now for the Pittsburgh police department- I showed my badge to Jeremy Frost, one of Dr Gregg's patience.
He moved out of the way so I could step into his apartment. "Look, I don't know what the RA said, but, ah, I was growing ferns."
I chuckled lightly, walking in to stand in the middle of the room. "Take it easy, Phish, that's not why I'm here."
"Really?" he asked, when I turned to give him a reassuring nod he relaxed a little. "Oh, thank God. Okay."
"I wanna talk to you about Dr Gregg's sleep study."
"Yeah. Dr Gregg just died, right?"
"You were one of his test subjects, right?"
"Yeah." He turned and opened his fridge, pulling out two beers and offered me one. "Unless you're on duty or, whatever?"
I looked to the offered drink for a moment or two before making my mind up and taking it. "I guess I can make an exception."
Taking the bottle, I opened and brought it to my lips, enjoying the cool and refreshing taste. If Sam had been here he would have stopped me. If Liz had been here she would have shaken her head and grinned at me. But I was on my own, and I was gonna do whatever I wanted.
After another moment, I turned back to Jeremy, getting on with the interview. "Now, Dr Gregg was testing treatments for a, uh, 'Charcot-Wilbrand syndrome'? Which means...?"
"Um... I, uh... I can't dream." When I looked surprised, Jeremy went on. "I had this bike accident when I was a kid and banged my head pretty good and I haven't had a dream since. Till the study. You know. Sort of."
"What'd the doc give you?"
"It's this yellow tea. It... it smelled awful, tasted worse."
"What did it do? "
"Just passed right out. And uh, I had the most vivid, super-intense dream. Like a bad acid trip, you know?"
"Totally." Remembering that I was meant to be a cop, I corrected myself and go back into character. "I mean, no."
"That was it. I dropped out of the study right after that. I didn't... like it. To tell you the truth... it kind of scared me."
"How is he?"
I looked over to see Dean walking into Bobby's room. "No change," I answered.
Dean looked around, confused. "Where's Liz?"
"I convinced her to go get some food. Thought it would do her some good."
He nodded, seeming to agree. "So, what you got?" he asked, moving over to me.
He'd called me on his way to the hospital and filled me in on everything he found out about Dr Gregg and the experiments he doctor was performing. During the conversation, we also agreed it would be best to keep the fact the doctor was dead from Lizzie. She wasn't dealing with Bobby's condition as well as Dean and I were. If she thought Bobby was in more danger than she already suspected, it wasn't going to help.
Getting straight to it, I began to tell him everything Lizzie and I learnt. "Well, considering what you told me about the doc's experiments..." I sighed, "Bobby's wall is starting to make a hell of a lot more sense."
"How so?"
I held up a picture of the Silene capensis plant. "This plant, Silene capensis, is also known as African Dream Root. It's been used by shaman and medicine men for centuries."
"Let me guess. They dose up, bust out the didgeridoos, start kicking around the hackey."
"Not quite. If you believe the legends, it's used for dream walking. I mean, entering another person's dreams, poking around in their heads."
"I take it we believe the legends"
We shared a look before I answered, "When don't we?" Never, by the way. We always believe them. "But dream walking is just the tip of the iceberg."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, this Dream Root is some serious mojo. You take enough of it, with practice, you can become a regular Freddy Krueger. You can control anything. You could turn bad dreams good, you could turn good dreams bad."
"And killing people in their sleep?"
I gave a short nod. "For example. So let's say uh, let's say this doc was testing this stuff on his patients, Tim Leary-style."
"Somebody gets pissed at him, decides to give him a little dream visit, he goes nighty-night."
"But what about Bobby?" I asked, looking over at Bobby as he 'slept' in the bed nearby. "I mean, if the killer came after him, how come he's still alive?"
Dean shook his head. "I don't know."
Walking out of Bobby's room, we started for the vending machines, hoping to find Liz on the way.
"So how do we find our homicidal sandman?" I asked.
Sam shrugged. "Could be anyone."
"Anyone who knew the doctor, had access to his dream shrooms."
"Maybe one of his test subjects or something?" Sam suggested.
"Possible. But his research was pretty sketchy. I mean... I don't know how many subjects he had, or who all of them were." When Sam scoffed I looked at him confused. "What?"
He gave a loud sigh. "In any other case, we'd be calling Bobby and asking him for help right now."
An idea occurred to me then, causing me to stop in my tracks. I grabbed Sam and stopped him too. "You know what? You're right."
It was his turn to look confused. "What?"
"Let's go talk to him."
Now he looked even more confused. "Sure. I think we might find the conversation a bit one-sided."
"Not if we're tripping on some Dream Root."
"You heard me."
"You wanna go dream walking inside Bobby's head?"
I gave a simple shrug. "Yeah. Why not? Maybe we could help."
"We have no idea what's crawling around in there."
"Well how bad could it be?"
"Dude, it's Bobby."
He considered it for a moment before giving a short nod. "Yeah, you're right." He hesitated as if realising something. "One problem though. We're fresh out of African Dream Root, so unless you know someone who can score some..."
One name came to my mind then. "Crap."
"Bela?" He looked confused again before his face fell as he understood. "Crap. You're actually suggesting we ask her a favour?"
"I'm feeling dirty just thinking about it, but yeah," I noted before I started walking down the hall again to find Liz.
I sat on the couch in Bobby's hotel room. Dean sat across from me, his hand absentmindedly massaging my ankle as my feet rested in his lap, while his were stretched out onto the bed across from us. We were going through some information on the Dream Root.
On the other side of the room was Sam, who'd fallen asleep at the desk and was now drooling as he moaned and mumbled. He was enjoying himself, whatever the dream may be about.
"Hey." Dean's hand moved to my calf. So maybe it hadn't been an absentminded massage... "You got anything?"
Sighing, I shook my head as I reached down and put the papers on the floor. "Nothing I didn't already know."
"Maybe we need a break." He grinned, moving to place his papers down as well, his other hand slowly running further up my leg. His intentions were blatantly obvious.
"I'm not having sex with you in Bobby's hotel room, with Sam right at the desk. It's weird."
Dean gave a slight shrug. "He's fast asleep. We'll be quite."
"When are we ever quiet?" I couldn't keep myself from grinning back. "You're always trying to make me moan."
"And scream." He shifted so his knee was on the couch as he started to move himself on top of me. "Screams from you are rare. Makes me feel good."
"Sex makes you feel good," I noted with a raised eyebrow. "And don't think for a second that this," I gestured between us, "is happening. We're still in Bobby's room, and Sam is still-"
His hand slid to the inside of my thigh, mere inches from my underwear. Heat was radiating off both of us as I fell silent and closed my eyes, forgetting why I didn't want anything to happen.
All thoughts were focused on everything Dean was doing as he massaged my inner thigh, fingers inching closer and closer to my underwear. All I could think about is how much I wanted him to do more. I needed more. Sex was a great way to relieve stress, and lately we'd all been stressing out…
I let out a gentle sigh as he leaned closer and pressed a kiss to my neck. He was hovering over me now, his own body heat pressing against me as his hand moving closer and closer...
A moan from Sam brought me back to reality.
My eyes snapped opened just as Dean pulled away and looked over at his brother with a groan. "Son of a..." Looking at me again, Dean knew there was no way anything that might have happened would happen now.
I reached over and pressed a quick kiss to his lips before pulling back quickly. "After we fix Bobby and everything, we'll do whatever you want."
His eyes went wide, surprised and excited. "Really?"
I laughed lightly, nodding. "Really."
With a smug smile, he pulled away and got back onto his spot before looking over to his brother. "Sam, wake up!"
It took a moment before Sam woke and sat up, wiping the drool off his face. Both Dean and I chuckled at the sight as we got back to research. It was as if the sexual heat that had been pressing on me moments ago, hadn't been here at all.
Dean grinned. "Dude, you were out. And making some serious happy noises. Who were you dreaming about?"
"What? No one. Nothing," Sam answered a little too quickly.
"C'mon, you can tell me. Angelina Jolie?"
"Brad Pitt?" Dean asked, earning a gentle nudge from my foot as it rested in his lap again.
Sam turned around, almost looking at Dean and I as he snapped. "No. No! Dude, it doesn't matter."
"Whatever." Dean shrugged. "Liz called Bela."
It took a moment or two before Sam awkwardly responded. "Bela? Yeah? She- what'd she... You know, say? She... gonna... help us?"
"No. Which isn't much of a surprise," I sighed.
"That puts us back to square one," Dean added. "We've been trying to decipher the doctor's notes. Unfortunately, he has worse handwriting than you do." When Sam stayed where he was and said nothing more, Dean looked over at him again. "You gonna come help with this stuff? "
Sam shifted, stretching a little. "Yeah, yeah. Just give me a sec."
Is it just me, or is Sam being... odd? I watched him, wondering why he was acting a little strange. Was it about the dream he'd been having? Or had he heard Dean and me?
A knock on the door pulled my attention away from the youngest Winchester.
"I got it." Taking my feet off Dean's lap, I moved to answer the door. Before opening completely, I looked through the crack and sighed. "Bela." Letting her in, I watched as she moved to stand in the middle of the room and turn to me.
"You called me. Remember?"
"I remember you turning me down."
She grinned. "When have I ever turned you down."
Without a word, Dean got up and moved to stand next to me. I couldn't help but feel a little bit of jealousy and protectiveness coming from him.
From over at the desk, Sam spoke up. "Hey, Bela. What's going on?" He gave her a little wave.
Dean and I looked to him, confused for a moment, before we both turned back to Bela, waiting expectantly.
"I brought you your African Dream Root." Reaching into her handbag, she pulled out a jar of the stuff and handed it to me. "Nasty stuff, and not easy to come by," she noted as she began to take off her coat.
"We know," I told her as I handed Dean the jar.
He took the jar, looking at the contents before asking, "Why the sudden change of heart?"
"What? I can't do you a little favour every now and again?"
"No. You can't," Dean and I answered at the same time.
A smile formed on her lips as she looked from me, to Dean and then back. "Aren't you two adorable?"
Dean ignored her comment, pressing for a genuine answer. "Come on, I wanna know what the strings are before you attach them."
"You said this was for Bobby Singer, right?" When I gave a nod, she went on. "Well, I'm doing it for him. Not you."
I frowned. "Bobby? Why?"
"He saved my life once," she answered. "In Flagstaff."
"Why don't I know about this?"
She sighed at my question. "I screwed up and he saved me. I begged him not to tell you. It would be too embarrassing, and that was back when I cared about what you thought of me, okay? Are you satisfied?"
"Maybe." Dean shrugged, walking past her and towards the wardrobe where a safe sat.
She watched him, changing the subject. "So when do we go on this little magical mystery tour?"
"Oh, you're not going anywhere. I don't trust you enough to let you in my car, much less Bobby's head. No offence," Dean told her as he placed the jar in the safe where the Colt sat.
Bela sighed. "None taken." She waited until Dean finished with the safe before she turned to me expectantly. When all I did was shrug, she sighed again. "It's 2 am. Where am I supposed to go?"
"Get a room," Dean suggested with a short grin. "Ah, they got the Magic Fingers, a little Casa Erotica on pay-per-view. You'll love it."
"You-" Shaking her head, she grabbed the coat and handbag, storming to the door.
Sam jumped out of his seat, calling out to her as she left. "Nice to- Seeing you-" He was cut off as she slammed the door, ignoring him. "Bela," he finished with a sigh.
One again, Dean and I looked at him confused.
Sitting next to Dean on one of the beds, I watched as he grabbed two cups from Sam who had just finished making the three of us some tea out of the Dream root.
"Here." Dean handed me one of the cups.
I offered him a quick smile. "Thanks."
Turning to Sam just as he sat down, Dean looked down at the yellowish-brown mud-like looking drink. "Uh, should we dim the lights and synch up Wizard of Oz to Dark Side of the Moon?" He grinned.
"Why?" Sam asked, clearly clueless as to what Dean was going on about. I couldn't help but chuckle a little.
Dean looked genuinely disappointed. "What did you do during college?"
When Sam just looked at Dean as if to say, 'huh', Dean shook his head before moving to take a drink.
"Wait!" I lifted my hand to stop him, putting my hand in between his cup and lips- which ended in his lips lightly pressing against my hand.
Pulling back- a smug look in his eyes- Dean looked over at me. "What?"
"Here." I pulled a small envelope from one of my leather jacket's pockets. Reaching a few fingers inside, I pulled out some hair and moved to sprinkle a little in each of our drinks. "It's Bobby's hair. " I answered their questioning looks. "In order to control whose dream you're entering, you gotta drink some of their body."
Dean looked down at his drink as the hair floated on top. "Well, guess the hair of the dog is better than other parts of the body." Giving a light shrug, he lifted his cup in somewhat of a toast. "Bottoms up."
Sam did not look ready for this. "Yeah. "
The three of us clinked our glasses together before we downed the liquid as quickly as we could.
It tasted awful. I mean, I have never ever had anything like that. It was as if I was eating an old, mouldy sock, that had been stewing in a pot of sweat, dirt and ass. Just a whole lot of ass. There were also indistinguishable flavours, but they were the worst and I was trying really hard not to think about them.
After lowering his cup and waiting a moment or two, Dean spoke. "Feel anything?"
"No." Sam shook his head and looked to me. "You feel anything?"
"Nope," I sighed.
Dean lifted his cup, looking at the remaining contents which consisted of a few drops or so. "Maybe we got some bad shwag."
Thunder in the distance was heard, drawing our attention to the fact that it was now raining...
Sam looked over at the window, confused. "Hey, when did it start raining?"
Dean and I looked over at the window as well. It was Dean who got up to check though. He stood and handed me his cup as he moved to go check outside. But as he pulled the curtain back, what we all saw was extremely odd...
The rain was 'falling' up.
Sam and I stood as Dean turned to us again. "When did it start raining upside down?"
As Dean turned, the room changed. We were no longer in the hotel room, but instead in a dull and dim living room.
Looking around, Dean seemed to be freaking out the most. "Okay, I don't know what's weirder, the fact that we're in Bobby's head... or that he's dreaming of Better Homes and Gardens."
"Guys..." I moved to the wall and ran my hand over the paint. "Imagine the place without the paint job. More cluttered, dusty, books all over the place..."
Both brothers realised what I was getting at, at the same time. "It's Bobby's house."
Smiling lightly, I nodded. "Yeah."
"Bobby?!" Dean called out, walking closer to me.
Sam went the opposite way, moving to the opening of the living room by the stairs. "Bobby?" he whispered. "Guys?" He turned to us, no longer whispering. "I'm gonna go look outside."
Dean shook his head. "No, no, no, stay close."
"Dude, I'll be fine," Sam insisted. "Just, look around in here. Look, we gotta find him."
Seeing that his brother wasn't going to listen, Dean didn't bother arguing. "Don't do anything stupid."
With a simple nod from Sam, he walked out the front door. A moment or two later he closed the door behind him.
After I stepped out into the porch, I was more confused than ever. Instead of a dark a dreary junk yard, the yard in front of me was bright, colourful and lively. The sun was shining, birds singing, colourful flowers in the garden. It was a technicolour, white picket fence cliché.
Behind me, the door suddenly slammed shut.
I turned and tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge. "Dean!" Walking to the window, I looked in to see Lizzie and Dean still in the living room. "Lizzie!"
Try as I might, they couldn't hear me yelling. They couldn't even hear me banging my fist on the wall.
"Stay close," Dean told me as he grabbed the handles of the kitchen doors before sliding them open.
The whole house seemed so... normal. Clean, painted, furnished. It was as if a real family. Like ordinary people lived here. Bobby's place now was a bit of a mess- a huge mess if I'm being honest. But it was him, and I loved it. Walking in this home... I did not feel right at all.
Dean moved through the kitchen and towards the hallway on the other side. I was a step or two behind him, watching our surroundings closely. Since appearing in Bobby's dream, I hadn't been able to shake the feeling that we were being watched.
"Bobby?" Dean called in a hushed voice as he walked into the hallway and turned to me. He gestured for me to come closer, a look in his eyes telling me he was on edge as well. "Bobby!"
"Who's out there?" The voice was faint, and scared, but it was Bobby's.
We both turned to the door closest to us. The hallway closet door. I step closer to it, running my fingers over the many scratches running along the wood. It looked as if someone had made these marks with their nails.
Resting his ear against the door as he reached for the doorknob, Dean spoke. "Bobby, you in there?"
"Yeah. It's me, Liz too. Open up."
Bobby opened the door and looked slightly relieved for a moment before he looked over our shoulders. He was quite clearly terrified. "How in the hell did you find me?"
"Sam, Liz and I got our hands on some of that Dream Root stuff," Dean answered.
Bobby looked confused. "Dream Root? What?"
"Dr Gregg, the experiments?" Dean tried to remind him.
Bobby threw him a glance. "What the hell are you talking about?" Before Dean or I could answer, the lights began to flicker. "Hurry." He grabbed my arm and rushed for the closet again.
Dean grabbed Bobby and stopped him quickly. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What's going on?"
"She's coming." Was all Bobby said, in his scared and shaking voice.
I rested my hand on Bobby's. "This is a dream, Bobby. You know that, right?"
"What are you, crazy?"
"It's a dream, Bobby! None of this is real!" Dean snapped.
But as he spoke, a door opened behind him. My eyes went wide as I watched a woman dressed in white with blood on her chest, walked into the hallway. It took a moment or two, but I recognised her from some photos I'd seen before... it was Mrs Singer, Bobby's wife.
Bobby pointed over Dean's shoulder and to his wife. "Does that look made-up?"
As the three of us looked to the woman who was slowly stepping closer and closer, the closet door slammed shut behind us. Bobby turned and tried to open it again, but there was no use, it wouldn't budge.
Knowing there was no exit, Dean turned to the woman, needing to know what we were dealing with. "Bobby, who is that?"
Bobby's voice shook more as he answered, leaning against the door as much as he could. "She's... she's my wife."
"Go." I grabbed Liz's arm and pulled her towards the kitchen. "Go!" Both Bobby and Liz moved for the kitchen as I backed up, keeping an eye on Mrs Singer. My priority at that moment was to keep Bobby and Liz alive. "Get to the living room," I told them.
Turning, I moved to rush as well. Reaching the doors of the living room just as Mrs Singer spoke.
"Why Bobby?" she asked, causing Bobby to pause and turned to her. "Why did you do this to me?"
"I'd rather died myself than hurt you," Bobby assured her.
"But you did hurt me. You shoved that knife into me. Again, and again. You watched me bleed. Watched me die."
Moving closer to Bobby, I grabbed a hold of his arm. "Bobby, she's not real."
"How could you?" Mrs Singer continued.
Bobby was close to crying as he shook his head at his wife. "You were possessed, baby. You were rabid. And I didn't know what I know now. I didn't know how to save you."
"You're lying. You wanted me dead! If you'd loved me," she was yelling now, getting more and more worked up, "you would've found a way!"
A small sob escaped Bobby. "I'm sorry."
"Come on!" Being more forceful as I grabbed him this time, I pulled Bobby into the living room.
Mrs Singer screamed as she started for the doors, but just as she was about to reach them, Liz lifted her arms and closed the doors with her mind.
Liz was still keeping the doors closed, but I could see it was taking a toll on her, which is why I was now leaning on the doors trying to help her keep them shut. Bobby on the other hand was still very clearly scared and unable to do anything as his wife continued to scream on the other side.
"I'm telling you, all of it. Your house, your wife, it's a nightmare!" I tried to get it through his head.
"I killed her," Bobby cried.
Sighing, I moved away from the doors in the hopes that Liz could handle it as I grabbed Bobby's shoulders. "Bobby! This is your dream. And you can wake up. I mean, hell, you can do anything."
"Just leave me alone. Let her kill me already."
"Look at me." I shook him. "You gotta snap out of this now! You're not gonna die. I'm not gonna let you die. You're like a father to me. You gotta believe me, please."
Bobby hesitated a moment, looking from me, to the door, to Liz and then back. "I'm dreaming?"
"Yes!" I snapped. "Now take control of it."
Turning to the door, Bobby closed his eyes tightly as if he were thinking hard, and suddenly, the banging and screaming stopped.
Liz didn't move at first, still holding the door until I let go of Bobby and moved to open them. Sliding the doors open I cautiously looked out, ready for Mrs Singer to jump out at any moment.
But she didn't. She was no longer there. Instead, all I found was Bobby's empty kitchen.
"I don't believe it." Bobby was completely shocked.
I turned around, breathing heavily, slightly out of breath. "Believe it. Now would you please wake up?"
Walking around Bobby's garden, I came across the clothesline where clean, white sheets were hanging. The whole place was surreal. It was all so clean, and bright and oddly perfect. It felt more wrong than Bobby's dull living room had felt.
As I turned, I wasn't prepared to see a guy standing there. I also wasn't prepared for him to hit me with a baseball bat. I fell to the ground, holding my shoulder, groaning in pain as I looked up at him standing over me.
"Who are you?"
"Who are you?" he asked back, oddly clam. "You don't belong here."
"You're one to talk. You're in my friend's head."
"You got a poor choice in friends. This is self-defence. He came after me. He wanted to hurt me."
"That may be because you're a killer," I countered.
"You should be nicer to me. In here... you're just an insect. I'm a god." The guy lifted the baseball bat, aiming at my head. "Sweet dreams."
I lifted my arm, flinching, waiting for the hit as the bat began to come down hard and fast...
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nowclarence · 2 years
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African Dream Root (Synaptolepis kirkii). Synaptolepis kirkii, or uvuma–omhlope, is an African shrub with large white roots. The roots are said to encourage clear visions, trance states and mental clarity in dreams. The root is also said to enable communication with one’s ancestors in the dream state, leading to visionary and prophetic dreams. Please note this product is the root of Synaptolepis kirkii, and not Silene capensis. Instructions on how to use are available in the group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/737269004080292/?ref=share https://www.instagram.com/p/CeIq7tbs4iL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lavandamarrom · 6 years
                                                         “gillyweed? eu lá tenho cara de quem anda por aí fumando bosta de centauro?” lavender indagou retoricamente, com ofendimento e indignação exagerados. em seguida levou o delicado cigarro de seda rosada aos lábios para mais uma tragada, liberando a fumaça com sabor adocicado pausadamente “esta é uma mistura 100% natural e de minha autoria; sálvia para a memória, o cravo que é um poderoso estimulante, jasmim é afrodisíaca, camomila é boa para enjoos e enxaquecas, lavanda combate a ansiedade e funciona como anti-depressivo, menta é calmante e digestiva, artemísia alivia cólicas, e o meu ingrediente especial: silene capensis, para induzir sonhos proféticos. quer experimentar?” ofereceu o fumo, estendendo-o na ponta dos dedos para a pessoa ao seu lado “minha bola de cristal anda muito embaçada ultimamente, sabe. isso não é um bom sinal. ninguém me dá ouvidos, mas dessa vez é sério. e meu dedão está coçando, é outro mau presságio.” reclinando-se contra uma das árvores do jardim, lavender folhava a revista em suas mãos distraidamente enquanto conversava.
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glyndwrthedruid · 3 years
The following text in an excerpt from a book *in progress* called FORGE YOURSELF by Glyndŵr the Druid
: entry 5 👋 all entries can be read chronologically- see my Tumblr page for more!
December 5, 2020 – DREAM ROOT & DEEP SLEEP
I decided in a ganja-filled stupor that taking African Dream Root would be a wise idea.
Silene Capensis, I learned about this plant's existence years ago. Five or more years ago I was entranced with the idea of a plant potentially increasing the vividness and lucidity of the dream state. 
The thing with Silene Capensis is you tend to ingest the roots in small quantities, and over a few days or more of ingestion, you may enjoy a shift in your dream experience.
I have in the past taken Dream Root for a couple of weeks in a row, and found my dream recall became to the point where a dream written down would be ten pages long.
I have had some of the most vivid dreams of my life while taking this root, and today I took a small piece.
Have you heard of this plant before? Have you heard of the plant that supports, allegedly, a vivid connection with prophecy and ancestors?
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gardenshamaneu · 3 years
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African dream root (Silene capensis/undulata) is ready to deliver looots of fresh seeds 😊😎 The first fresh seeds are already available in our shop 😊🙏 Keep it growing #silenecapensis #sileneundulata #silene #africandreamroot #traumwurzel #dreaming #dreams #luciddreaming #gardenshamaneu #gardenshaman #gardenshaman.eu https://www.instagram.com/p/CUIBPYqsOa7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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maximuswolf · 4 years
Best place to buy African herbs? via /r/herbalism
Best place to buy African herbs?
just wondering if anyone knows reputable vendors that sell African herbs
some herb is I am interested in include: • Snakeweed • Silene Capensis (or African Dream herb) • Griffonia simplicifolia ( good for anxiety and sleep .• Kanna
Please let me know if anyone out there knows any reputable vendors 🙏
Submitted October 28, 2020 at 06:03PM by TomJamBomMan via reddit https://ift.tt/3kGSmZI
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herbsupplementsdee · 4 years
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Entada Rheedii ~African Dream Herb ~Silene Capensis~ Whole Seeds~ 3oz https://ift.tt/2RHhO4O
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our-dream-zzzzzzzz · 5 years
Undela Ziimhlophe (The African Dream Root)
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In the river valleys of the eastern cape of South Africa grows the Undela Ziimhlophe, the flower historically known as the African Dream Root. The Xhosa shaman have used this technique to speak to their ancestors to ask for healing guidance or knowledge to their descendents. Dreams are sees as gifts or messages from their ancestors, making dreams important to their tribe. Shaman’s will go on a three-day bender where they consume as much of the plant as humanly possible (i.e. rubbing it all over their bodies, drinking it, and as well as mixing it with meals) during a full moon. It’s also used for memory imporvement as well as a treatment for a mental disturbance. There is also an intense vomiting effect which is considered physical and mental purging. Because dreams are very important to the Xhosa people, this plant is the most sacred. The african dream root’s (scientifically known as Silene Capensis) effects usually manifest during sleep into prophetic lucid dream states that are of high importance. The Xhosa people say if you fall asleep while focusing on a specific question, then the answer will be in the dream. There are no effects once awake, but it’s said to feel like going under water. There are posts from people who have taken it on www.erowid.org and they have said that it gives them strange dreams that have vivid colours, but none have used it for guidance or for spiritual purposes (to our knowledge).
1. Hammond, Chris. 2019. "Silene Capensis: The African Dream Herb - A Lucid Dreamer's Guide". World-Of-Lucid-Dreaming.Com. https://www.world-of-lucid-dreaming.com/silene-capensis.html.
2. "Silene Undulata". 2019. En.M.Wikipedia.Org. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silene_undulata.
3. Various Authors. 2019. "Silene Capensis (Also African Dream Root; Ubulawu) : Erowid Exp: Main Index". Erowid.Org. https://www.erowid.org/experiences/subs/exp_Silene_capensis.shtml
1. "African Dream Root (10 Gr - Herbal Spirit Den Haag". 2019. Herbal Spirit Den Haag. https://www.herbalspirit.nl/winkel/smartshop-magic-truffels-en/african-dream-root-10-gr/?lang=en.
2. FarmerDodds2014. Silene Capensis. 2019. Image.
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botanicalguides · 5 years
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