#Sirius Black defense squad
lepoltergeist · 8 months
Sirius isn't a manchild that only saw Harry as James. But there is a character in canon that is like that, and that character is Snape.
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in-flvx · 1 year
Gentle reminder that sirius didn't become James' best man and his sons godfather bc he annoyed James and lily into giving him that role but bc James genuinely loved him and cared about his opinions above anyone else's
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v-a-l · 13 days
One thing that I find completely unbearable is that in HBP, no one other than Harry and Buckbeak were mourning Sirius. We see Remus and Tonks acting sad, the two people, aside from Harry, Buckbeak and Crookshanks, who should have been the closest to him, and it turns out that they were sad about each other! No one feels grief that the Order of the Phoenix suffered its first casualty in the second war. No one feels regret over the destruction of a young man’s life, never mind that some of its members had known him since he was a kid. Nothing.
oh god this hurts me, tbvh I've never quite considered who grieved him and who didn't, but you're right!! Spare HBP though, people are hardly grieving in OOTP. Five minutes after Sirius fell through the veil Dumbledore was already talking shit about him, so. Poor dude can't catch a break.
Like even Ron and Hermione should have been grieving more? Considering how much they put on the line to rescue him in PoA. The marauders were Fred and George's heroes, and Sirius housed the Weasleys in Grimmauld when he didn't have to. McGonagall, Moody, Tonks, Remus its almost like now that he's gone, they're happy to pretend it never happened. He does cast a shadow, and a big one over the subsequent books, especially over Harry, but it isn't one that ever makes you feel that others ache for his presence and the comfort and safety and freedom he brought Harry the way Harry himself does.
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padfootswhiskers · 1 year
sirius was not reckless when it came to harry send tweet
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springs-hurts · 7 months
This is wrong on so many levels
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Saw it on Pinterest and I can't spell how many things are wrong with this one! The hatred that is burning inside me damn it! I hate wolfstar too much man!
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impishtubist · 1 year
I don't get why so many people hate Sirius and demean him in every way possible. Can't count the amount of fics in which Sirius is the manic pixie dream girl to stoic Remus (which - have these people interacted with the books ever at all?) and when he's done peeling Remus out of his shell, being the first person to fully respect his chronic illness and defending Remus from everyone, without getting anything in return, Remus and all their friends turn around to talk badly about "Drama queen" Sirius, and how he is the last person who should be trusted to be anyone's godfather. And I don't get it
Yeah I think the current iteration of fandom took Hermione and Mrs. Weasley calling Sirius reckless and irresponsible at face-value, and so that's how everyone writes him now. Never mind that he was the top of his class, or broke out of prison to track down a traitor, or lived in a cave and ate rats to be close to Harry, etc. Those are definitely the actions of someone who is irresponsible and reckless and unintelligent 🙄
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i r r e s i s t i b l e
fandom- Harry Potter
pairing(s)- sirius black
a/n: i saw this prompt on Pinterest, and immediately thought of Siri. he's just so confident which makes him irresistible. Anyway I'm trying to up my Sirius black content, so if you have any ideas don't hesitate to send them my way :) with love, teddy
warnings- unexperienced writer
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Poking you gently for an entire hour from behind you, you finally acknowledged his presence with a murderous glance as everyone dispersed to the great hall for lunch.
And his first thought always was and would be,
I wanna kiss her between the brows so the furrow goes away
"would you rather eat a pound of bricks or a matter baby?"
"what's a matter baby-?"
"nothing sweetheart, what's the matter with you?"
A smile etched across your face. you tried to get rid of it, but it was quite adamant to leave when he was watching its glory.
You tried to play it off while standing up and gathering your quills and parchment and attempted in pushing him of his chair. neither did your smile nor him moved.
Instead, you managed to fall into his lap. As if it had been practiced and rehearsed a million times in his head, he molded his hands under your thigh to catch you from falling of. He efficiently switched positions, placing you on the table, leading him towering on top of you, a smirk plastered on his face meeting your blushing mess.
his arms were on either side, his eyes attentively watching your facial expressions as you brain short circuits. he cautiously wrapped slinged an arm around your waist, pulling you a little closer while positioning himself between your spread legs.
in the shadows, his face was close to yours, you could smell something along the lines of a dog's fur. his grey eyes looked like moons and his eyelashes were close enough to brush your cheeks
fuck it
You leaned in and made contact with his lips. They were soft and silky. His lips were still sweet from the grape gum he'd stolen from you. he didn't stop you. he did more than not stop you. He kissed you back. Warmth blossomed in your chest.
Sirius pulled away, and studied your face for a second, an eyebrow raised and a smirk, before deciding, “you’re really red.”
“Shut up, Black.” you ordered as your eyes narrowed, but your face seemed to only get redder. “You’re like, really red though. Like, crimson-kind-of-red.” Siri added in a hum. His teasing tone had was light and loving. he was having the time of his life watching you struggle for once, for him. not the other way round.
“Go to hell,” you deadpanned, looking away.
“Only if you come with me”
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jmagnabo92 · 7 months
You also have to consider that Sirius is the only adult who Harry can trust to listen to him in a crisis? Literally every other adult in Harry's life has proven to him time and time again that they won't listen and won't help. Harry has consistently had to save himself and others around him. Of course he goes to the ministry to save Sirius. He has every reason to believe no one else will bother.
(I'm also pretty sure Harry wasn't warned that Voldemort would try to lure him to the ministry? So he also had no real reason to suspect a trap, especially when every time prior to this the danger was real. After all, Arthur WOULD have died if Harry didn't take his visions seriously)
Oh I absolutely 100% agree!
I love Harry to pieces, that whole thing was 100% not his fault.
First, every one of his visions had been taken seriously and were REAL. The last really big one SAVED Arthur's Life, so why WOULDN'T he think Sirius was TRULY in trouble. And of course, he's going to try and save HIS family from danger?
Given Harry's mental state, it makes total sense if he had taken off right away to go save Sirius without anything he did before he took off.
he can't trust any of his professors to do anything
his visions had always been true
he's been told that they ARE real and the concern is V seeing in his head NOT fake visions
He's stressed out with no support & was never warned about possibilities
he was never given a way to talk to Sirius in case anything happened (even though they HAD to suspect that V would use Sirius against him)
Despite all this, Harry STILL tries to connect with Sirius.
He tries to go or think of Professors that could help, he does the fire thing, he TELLS Snape, and nothing.
Of course he believed it, of course he went to save him.
That's why I was like 100% NOT on Harry and I hate whenever tries to blame him for it.
Especially 'cause like re-reading it, yeah, the set-up makes sense, but the first time through, I believed it. So it's like, how do you expect a traumatized kid to know better? He can't re-read and remember the mirror. He can't search for a specific passage that reminds him of the possibilities. That's just not how it works.
Harry James Potter Defense Squad right here! :)
Thanks for the ask!
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fugamalefica · 1 year
Walburga Black to all of her haters.
She knows they hate her because they ain't her!
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m00neroni · 1 year
I need the world to know that nobody knows and understands teddy lupin like I do
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vivithefolle · 2 years
This is really random, but when do you think Harry was 100% wrong in the HP books? As in the problem couldn’t really be blamed on anyone else. For Ron I’d say the Yule Ball incident was his thing and the canaries are Hermione’s, but I’m struggling to find one for Harry. Not that I don’t think Harry has ever made a mistake- because he has, but sometimes I can’t remember a time when he was the one who had all the blame lol 🤷‍♀️
The canaries as a specific action are entirely wrong, but Hermione did have reason to feel angry and heartbroken... now if only the narrative ACTUALLY acknowledged that no matter how hurt and angry you are it's still wrong to send birds to PECK YOUR FRIEND'S EYES OUT...
For Harry... hmm. I'd say Sirius or Malfoy Manor.
That's the issue with Harry. When he fucks up, he really fucks up.
There was tons of baggage leading to Harry freaking out and subsequently Sirius' death though, it didn't happen in a vacuum, so while he does bear a huge amount of responsibility (check your fucking magic mirror you idiot asgkszsjlkgs-) it IS something that happened after an excessive amount of heavy shit.
Malfoy Manor though? Harry hadn't pronounced Voldemort's name in three months by that point, fantasizing about Hallows and all. Then he gets excited again and in a convo that isn't even about the Horcruxes he screams Voldemort's name just because he can because he's Harry Freaking Potter and look he's so special he can say Teh Name without fear oooh là là what a badass, and promptly gets everyone captured.
Hermione gets tortured. Ron goes ballistic. Dobby has to intervene because as usual don't expect Harry to actually employ skills to get out of a situation, it's Deus Ex Machina all the way down here folks. Dobby dies to teach Harry a lesson about... uh, how obsessing about things is bad especially when you're on a mission to save the world, or whatever. Hermione is dying in the background but don't worry guys she's Rowling's self-insert so she's back good as new not even three pages later because Hermione Granger is, as usual, Wonderwoman and also because Harry's manpain takes priority.
And all that, just so we can have a trite scene about Griphook saying "wow Harry and Hermione you both are so special for valuing this house-elf, no Ron even though you helped dig the grave AND gave your own shoes and socks to bury Dobby in I pointedly will not include you because we can't have the readers think you deserve any kind of recognition, don't we".
So yeah. Even when Harry does a fuck-up as humongous as this one, he still gets a pat on the back and a "wow you're so heroic and special!!!", while Hermione will get "you're so super brilliant for comitting war crimes" and Ron gets "EMERGH RON YOU FUCK-UP ASSHOLE HOW DARE YOU BE A TEENAGER THAT'S LEARNING EMOTIONAL REGULATION THROUGH TRIAL AND ERROR LIKE ANY DEVELOPMENTALLY HEALTHY TEENAGER DOES".
Thanks for nothing again, JK Rowling.
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in-flvx · 1 year
Sirius hates kreacher. But not as a pureblood wizard who hates non-humans. He recognizes kreacher as a person, with his own free will. That free will just happens to go against everything Sirius stands for as a person in the political landscape! And as a person who held power over him, as an extention of his own parents. Bc kreacher has been an adult, with the ability to use magic, for most, if not all, of the time Sirius lived at nr12 grimmault place. Yes, there is an inherent power imbalance between an heir and their servant/slave. But that doesn't matter when the heir in question is the abused child, and the slave is inflicting abuse on that child!
Just as he doesn't hate snape for being a half-blood. At the point of swm, snape has been thoroughly indoctrinated into the fascist mindset of his housemates. Hell, snape has been anti-muggle in his very childhood, when he attacks petunia, and tells lily that she's good despite being muggle-born.
Remus wouldn't be the exception for Sirius, because Sirius (is a person with a mind of his own, and a fucking strong one at that) already disagrees with his parents at the age of 11. It's not James who is the moral compass for Sirius, we have factual evidence that it's the other way around. Bc sirius is a rebel. But not for the looks of it (he doesn't give a shit lbr) but bc he empathizes deeply with everyone.
Do you think Remus 'I'll run at the first inconvenience' lupin would stay friends with someone so obviously prejudiced against him? Or that lily 'call me a slur in a moment of horrible distress and I'll drop you like a hot piece of shit' Evans would make out her and her sons life into his hands if it was otherwise?
Sirius spends so much time in ootp with placating Molly, and the other weasleys, bc he cares So much, and wants everyone to feel welcome and taken care of, even when he's feeling like shit. It's the first place he has ever broken out of, largely bc of the hostility and politics of his parents - he regularly spent Sunday lunches with the potters even after moving out as soon as he could.
Sirius spends so much time trying to not bother anyone with his own baggage, and stands up for what he believes in. And still manages to be welcoming and loving, even in his darkest hours.
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padfootswhiskers · 1 year
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ah yes good old remus who never checked up on his best friend’s son once in 12 years, lied about being james’ best friend, hid the fact that sirius was an animagus, basically just vanished during harry’s fourth year when harry was enlisted in the Death Tournament, never wrote harry after his godfather died, never told harry, an orphan, about his parents unless it was to guilt trip him, threw harry into a wall when the seventeen year old kid thought that knocking up ur young wife and ditching her and your unborn son was Bad…
yeah. real godfather material, that one
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springs-hurts · 1 year
Sirius Black is not a MAN-CHILD. There, I said it. From where in the Helheim people got this idea that he was an immature person? He certainly wasn't one in canon as far as I can remember ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
He certainly did not need a Baby Sitter.(not funny joke)
Lily and James loved him(james did for sure and if canon is anything to go by, Lily did as well)
They did not tolerate him.
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impishtubist · 1 year
I think the fandom decided to hate Sirius in OOTP because the narrative decided to hate Sirius. We have characters like Molly and Hermione undermine him and his relationship with Harry. Earlier, it was taken for granted that he was a good godfather because he WAS a good godfather. But, god forbid that he act human while being placed in an awful situation. The only person who could relate to him is Harry, who was also stuck with his abusive family with nothing to distract himself with.
This is still so wild to me, because I read the same books the people who don't like Sirius did, and it was clear to me that Molly and Hermione were unreliable narrators when it came to talking about Sirius. Obviously he wasn't a reckless person. Obviously Molly was wrong when she yelled at him in the kitchen in OOTP. The fact that some readers took those exchanges at face value is a big ol' yikes lmao.
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jimblejamblewritings · 8 months
I am not a Snape defender
I'm sorry but I really don't understand the "Snape defense, james & sirius are the worst" in relation to each other...
Snape wasn't a randomly innocent victim of Potter and Black's bullying. Being in with the future Death Eater squad isn't exactly innocent. Also, it's stated that James and Severus were always at each other's throats. That's not the marauders were big bullies and Snape was an innocent victim.
Side note: people saying that James was a dick to everyone. That's fanon. We only know he hates Snape. And he hates Snape specifically because he's into Dark Arts.
And we are seeing all of this through Snape's vision. Our own opinions and memories of ourselves can be skewed. Severus only joining the baby Death Eaters after he calls Lily a mudblood and she pushes him away isn't believable. He was friends with the baby Death Eaters at school before they became Death Eaters... I'm sorry but I don't believe in our real world that a person can be friends with racists but because they have one minority friend I should assume they aren't racist. So I can't believe that in this world either.
Need I start with he had no problems using what is effectively a slur in their world. Or is the whole mudblood thing just a one time outburst at Lily? Ain't no damn way a slur just rolls of the tongue in frustration unless it's something someone says on a daily basis.
He goes to apologize and she's like well you call every other muggleborn that so why not me...
(side note: lily wtf? why would you be friends with him when you know that? I'm not staying friends with someone that would regularly call black people the n word. anyway...)
That means he's been using that slur against muggleborns and harassing them. So he doesn't just become a bully after the marauders tormented him in school. He's been one.
Snape and his friends also try to do something apparently evil to Mary MacDonald. That's someone who wasn't James or close to him like the Marauders. She didn't do anything and they tried to/ wanted to hurt her anyway. That's a bully.
Like I'm sorry but this man was a Death Eater and only turned to the good side to beg for Lily's life because he was obsessed with her. He didn't give a shit if Voldemort killed James or Harry who was like a six month old. He only wanted Lily to live and when Voldemort didn't spare her that's when he went to the good side.
And when people bring up "James sexually harassed Snape by using Levicorpus that exposed his underwear" ... my guy, Snape invented that spell. So are we to assume he never used it? Cause I don't. So you better bring that energy for Snape as well if this is the road we're going down. And he doesn't take off Severus' underwear.
The text mentions that after taking off his trousers you can see grey underpants. When it says pants, it still means trousers not the common use of pants the way most British people say it. Most because certain parts of the UK don't, fun fact. And again, Snape came up with the spell. It's oh so convenient that we only see James use the spell against him but not Snape using it against other people to what we can assume is the same extent as James.
Also the whole werewolf thing... I'm sorry but if you suspect someone is a werewolf and confront their friends about it, the people you don't like and who don't like you, why the hell would you go on the night of the full moon. Sirius telling him how to get past the Willow honestly doesn't change much. Lily tells Snape she already knows his theory after he points out that Lupin disappears every month at the full moon. The dude knew or stongly suspected that Remus was a werewolf. And still decided to see if his theory was correct, putting himself in the line of fire of a full grown werewolf.
Like I'm not necessarily absolving Sirius because he should have known that the boy who hates them would be arrogant enough to still go after them even if he thinks Remus is a werewolf. But still, that means Snape was arrogant or stupid enough to do that despite his suspicions before confronting Sirius, which he did on the night of the full moon so at this point Snape knows he has all the facts. But even if we only blame Sirius...
Snape still calls people mudbloods, bullies children that aren't Harry (not that that's okay) at his grown ass age, and didn't think Voldemort was wrong until he killed the obsession of his life. Like that enough I'm good on him.
And everyone else has a skewed story but Snape? No. That's not how that would work. We also only see a few incidents and nothing about what happens in between or even what leads up to them. It's just as skewed as anyone else's memories we see in the book. Like remember when Tom Riddle's diary only showed Harry certain moments to make it look like it was Aragog and Hagrid knew.
And to anyone that recognizes Snape being friends with the baby Death Eaters but saying that we don't know if he was a bully.... It's giving, "I can excuse racism but animal cruelty is where I draw the line."
Some other things I've seen, I'll discuss in little bullet points:
An 11 year old James saying who wants to be in Slytherin or Hufflepuff and Snape overhearing isn't James being a bully. It's an 11 year old not wanting to be seen as lame cause everyone calls those houses lame (or evil in Slytherins case).
Saying that James and Sirius are rich doesn't suddenly make them bullies. There's not a power imbalance that they use against him. They don't make fun of him being poor. They hex him with spells he came up with. I don't think they would only bully Snape for being poor, nobody else, and then ignore the Death Eater part. They were hating him for the Dark Arts, not cause he had no money. We don't know about Remus or Peter's financial status but considering they are never mentioned as rich then at best they're probably middle class to poor. I don't think they'd be around for that type of bullying.
Y'all siding with the wizard racist, obsessive man who is a dick to kids at 30, I can't be convinced about Snape. Sorry. I also don't get the Snape deserves a redemption arc storyline but not Draco. However that's a different story. Like JK writing him bullying children and then saying but it's not that big a deal is skewed. She also had Harry name his kid after Dumbledore and the entire fandom agrees that the man doesn't deserve it.
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