#Sixth Committee
quirinah · 6 months
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i! ro! ha!
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Pennsylvania’s public defenders are so underfunded and overburdened that the commonwealth violates the constitutional rights of more than 100,000 criminal defendants every year, the state chapter of American Civil Liberties Union claims in a lawsuit filed Thursday.
For decades, Pennsylvania has left counties to pay for attorneys to defend people facing criminal charges who can’t afford to pay for a lawyer themselves. The result is an inconsistent patchwork in which public defenders are forced to contend with unmanageable caseloads that leave them unable to properly represent clients, the lawsuit says.
The suit was filed in Commonwealth Court on behalf of 17 people, many of whom have been jailed while awaiting trial for six months or longer, claiming public defenders have failed to properly represent them and that the state has neglected its constitutional duty to provide representation.
“The inconsistent and insufficient funding of indigent defense in Pennsylvania makes us less safe,” ACLU of Pennsylvania Executive Director Mike Lee said in a news release about the lawsuit. Lee added that with the exception of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is tied with Mississippi for the lowest funded state public defender system on a per-resident basis.
The U.S. and Pennsylvania constitutions both provide the right to counsel for anyone charged with a crime and facing jail time, ACLU of Pennsylvania Legal Director Witold Walczak said.
“That right means more than a warm body with a law degree at your side; it requires an effective professional who has the time and resources to prepare a defense,” Walczak said. “Pennsylvania’s grossly under-funded system leads to overwhelming caseloads that make effective representation practically impossible, even for the most dedicated lawyers.”
The 152-page suit details the experiences of the plaintiffs and others in criminal cases where they lacked timely and adequate representation from public defenders. Most have only spoken to their attorneys once or twice and one plaintiff claims he only met his attorney because they happened to walk past while he was cutting grass outside the jail, the suit claims.
In one example, a Northampton County man sat in jail for nearly three months on charges of driving an unregistered vehicle without proof of insurance until a public defender argued for a reduction in his bail.
The suit, which is a proposed class-action on behalf of the 17 plaintiffs and others in similar situations, names Gov. Josh Shapiro, state Senate Pro Tempore Kim Ward, and House Speaker Joanna McClinton as defendants. A spokesperson for Ward said she has not received a copy of the suit and would need time to review it before commenting.
Spokesperson Nicole Reigelman noted that McClinton began her career as a public defender, and “knows firsthand the value that indigent defense plays in the judicial system.”
“Since being elected in 2015, she has used her experience as a defender to inform her policy agenda and has been an outspoken champion of legislation to improve access to legal counsel for indigent clients. Speaker McClinton celebrated when funding for indigent defense was finally included in the 2023-24 state budget and continues to advocate for additional dollars,” Reigelman said in a statement.
The current state budget included $7.5 million for indigent defense, the first time the state has provided funding for public defenders. In his February 2023 budget address, Shapiro noted that Pennsylvania is one of only two states that didn’t provide funding for public defenders, which he called a “shameful distinction.”
The suit notes that amount falls far short of providing adequate funding. It also states that every county in Pennsylvania, with the exception of Philadelphia, falls below the national average of $19.82 per resident spent on indigent defense.
Pennsylvania counties spent a total of $125 million on their public defender’s offices in 2020, while similarly-sized Michigan is budgeted to spend $319 million in 2024. Massachusetts, which is considerably smaller, budgeted $331 million.
And because counties are limited in their ability to generate tax revenue, they could not provide adequate funding without significant tax increases. The suit notes that the same factors that limit revenues, such as high unemployment, poverty and limited higher education, are also indicators of higher crime rates.
The ACLU also argues that Pennsylvania agencies have been warning for decades that the state’s delegation of funding for public defenders to the counties results in the systemic denial of counsel to criminal defendants.
A state Supreme Court study in 2003 found that sparse resources and “exploding and unmanageable caseloads” allow public defenders little time, training or assistance in communicating with clients in a meaningful way or to conduct pre-trial investigations, secure expert testimony or otherwise prepare for hearings and trials.
The report recommended that Pennsylvania institute a statewide system for funding and overseeing indigent defense. The state failed to act on the recommendation. Nearly a decade later, a legislative commission reached a similar conclusion. And in 2020 the Pennsylvania Interbranch Commission for Gender, Racial and Ethnic Fairness warned that the underfunding of indigent defense services cost the state hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to incarcerate and retry defendants due to failure of public defenders to represent them effectively.
In connection with the funding for public defenders as part of the 2023-24 budget, the General Assembly created the Indigent Defense Advisory Committee.
“As one of its first official acts, one of the Committee’s two proposed standards recognized that “[t]he responsibility to provide indigent defense representation rests with the state; accordingly, there should be adequate state funding and oversight of Indigent Defense Providers,” the lawsuit notes.
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merlinsear · 1 year
I’m sorry but school duties outside of actually teaching my students are not my priority. I don’t appreciate being individually berated by an administrator because the committee I’m on is useless when I’m the only one who does anything when we do actually meet. And honestly, until they split my class in January I was about one breath away from quitting my job and/or being hospitalized and I’m still recovering from that stress so no, I have not prioritized this bs action team and yet somehow it’s now become my problem to solve. Meanwhile I specifically said in September that I could NOT take charge of the team because this year was too hard, so how has the actual team leader gotten away with doing nothing and I’m scrambling to fix everything anyway?
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reasonsforhope · 6 months
"Georgia Republicans bundled over a dozen measures that targeted the state’s transgender residents into omnibus packages in a desperate attempt to get them passed. In a stunning defeat for the GOP, every single one of them failed.
Legislators gutted bills that had passed through committee and instead stuffed them full of their anti-LGBTQ+ wishlist items.
Bills that would ban transgender students from playing on teams aligned with their gender identity, ban transgender students from bathrooms aligned with their gender identity, opt parents into notification for every book a student checks out of the library, bar sex education before sixth grade, make all sex-ed classes opt-in and expand obscenity laws to make it easier to ban books with LGBTQ+ content all failed.
“MAGA politicians in Georgia tried it all in service to their anti-LGBTQ+ agenda,” said Human Rights Campaign Georgia State Director Bentley Hudgins, “including silencing debate and gutting unrelated, popular bills that had bipartisan support to ram through policies that would have put young LGBTQ+ Georgians in harm’s way. They failed.”
“It’s undeniable that the tides are shifting, both here in Georgia and across the nation,” Georgia Equality executive director Jeff Graham added. “Anti-LGBTQ actors are losing their political power, and more and more Georgians who know and love LGBTQ people are standing up against their baseless fear-mongering.”
In Florida recently, nearly two dozen anti-LGBTQ+ bills were defeated in the wake of Gov. Ron DeSantis‘s (R) presidential campaign implosion, dozens of measures in Virginia were tabled [Note: In the US, "tabled" means "shelved" or "taken out of consideration - the opposite of its meaning in the UK and other places], and Ohio’s governor backed off his attempt to restrict gender-affirming care access for transgender adults and minors. 
Meanwhile, in D.C., Democrats successfully excised 50 anti-LGBTQ+ provisions in the two budget bills passed and signed by President Joe Biden to fund the federal government.
Even Fox News has been forced to acknowledge transgender issues are among the lowest-priority concerns among voters."
-via LGBTQ Nation, April 1, 2024
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defmaybe · 2 months
Noona from the Bar
IVE's Kim Gaeul x Male Reader
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A/N: Ahh, my debut! Thanks to @msafterhours and @i-am-lifeform24 for editing and beta-reading! And thanks to all the kind writers and fellow readers who have been nothing but supportive of me. I know my skills aren’t really up to the task yet (I have a Minji-Haewon 15k draft with broken grammar sitting lol), but I’ll seek my way through it. Thanks for reading!
It’s Friday night. The sound of the electronic beats echo throughout the bar, accompanied with the shaking bass. Customers are cramped into small tables, shuffling together to accommodate the enormous crowd. And there you are, sitting in front of the vacant stage, which, to your knowledge, is usually reserved for the band to play, with the Nordic-esque climate sending shivers through your body.
Leehan and Sungho dragged you with a few other guys here after your sophomore finals. You wouldn’t say that it’s a chore, but there are definitely better things to do than get drunk. These two are the most outgoing guys of your diverse group. Meanwhile, you aren’t much of a social butterfly, preferring the more busy student council member life. Sitting in between them, you can only scroll through your phone to pass the time.
“To our grades!” Sungho raises his glass and looks around, inviting you and the other friends to join him.
“To our grades,” you say, barely able to hear your own voice before clinking your glass with others.
You chug half your beer, ready for a long night, your friends laughing as they do the same.
Sungho sighs, putting down his drink, and saying, “Thanks to Seokjin, or we wouldn’t have today, drinking beers and listening to music!”
All eyes on your table turns to Seokjin, the kind, quiet nerd of your group. “It’s nothing really, you’re my friends, and—”
“To Seokjin!” Leehan puts his glass up for another toast, while Seokjin scans around him, seeing all his friends doing the same, smiling. 
“Thanks, guys.” Seokjin says, as he raises his glass for a toast with yours.
As the night goes on, the music shows no sign of calming down. NewJeans booms through the speakers, interspersed with remixes of local songs. Alcohol has started to take hold of you, plaguing your inhibition with sharp tingles as you chug your glass away.
“Shit, I have to go to the bathroom,” Leehan suddenly says.
“I’m coming with you,” Namjoon follows. “Anyone else?”
Everyone around the table stands up except for you, and you watch as they shoot you apologetic glances. “Watch the table for us!” Sungho shouts at you, his voice struggling to carry through the loud music. “Use your student committee power to protect this table or whatever.”
“Fine, and I’m only a secretary, by the way. Don’t be gone for too long.” You smile, waving to your friends as they leave one by one. 
“I think Leehan is going to stay there for quite a while. I saw him heaving a bit earlier,” Seokjin sighs, worried.
Your eyes widen. “Well, I’ll wait for you guys here. Take your time,” you assure Seokjin, with him gesturing a thanks with a grateful smile. 
On the other side of the bar, another group revels as their finals come to an end.
“Jiwon, pass me the liquor, please,” Gaeul asks.
Jiwon holds the half-full rum bottle. “Gaeul, this is your fourth glass of the night. Are you sure you wanna drink more?”
Gaeul scoffs, voice already slurring. “Yeah, why not?” 
“Well, the last time this happened, I was holding your head above my toilet by the sixth shot,” Yujin adds.
“It will be different this time, come on~” Gaeul pleads, sulking in her chair, matched by her descending tone.
“Fine,” Jiwon huffs, finally passing the rum to Gaeul. “I’m not holding your hair again, though,” she pouts, with Yujin nodding in agreement.
“Thanks!” Gaeul pours the drink into her ice-filled glass before topping the golden liquor with cola. She glances around her table. “I promise, I’ll be the one who holds Wonyoung—,” her stream of thoughts is cut off, as she catches your presence not too far from her, alone, sliding one video after another, gleaming her with flame.
Yujin follows her sight to you. “Well, well, another freshman, huh?” She scoffs.
“Oh, come on, I never get to do this. God, Jiwon brought like three guys to her place in the same month before,” Gaeul deflects.
“Hey!” Jiwon reaches to slap her hand. “You say that like it’s an insult.”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to,” Gaeul pouts, making Jiwon roll her eyes, smiling.
“If you want him, then go get him!” Wonyoung adds. “We may not have another chance in our senior year. They are going to kill us with those goddamn projects.” She takes a sip from her glass and contorts her face after that.
“You know men don’t like older women, right?” Gaeul turns her head back onto Wonyoung, who’s still trying to make peace with the content of her glass. “He’d say no.”
Yujin laughs, “That attitude is why you’ve brought no one back to your place!” She pushes Gaeul’s drink into its owner’s hand, pointing at her face. 
“Don’t live to regret this.”
Gaeul taps the table with her fingers rapidly, contemplating her approach. Her friends watch her hesitation with anticipation, until Gaeul retorts, “Alright, fine. If that’ll make you guys happy,” before getting up from her chair and walking towards you, glancing back to see her peers watch the scene unfold from afar.
It has been twenty minutes since your friends left. You are caught under the crushing weight of the foreign sounds and solitude among the crowd. Leehan is probably having his face in the toilet. And being the good friend you are, you bring up your phone to text Seokjin to ask about the situation.
Before you hit send, a sound comes from your right, catching your attention.
You turn to see a woman with short, raven black hair standing before you. Her hand is holding a glass of what your best guess seems to be cola. Her nails are cut short and plain. She’s wearing a black cardigan that somehow shows off her lean curves. Her jeans don't make it even easier for you, leaving you with little to imagine.
“Is this seat taken?” she asks, bending down to hover her glass above Sungho’s seat.
“Hey!” You greet her. “Yeah, it’s taken. I’m sorry about that.” You plant your hand on the vacant chair, inadvertently touching her long fingers, eliciting a giggle from her.
“Shit, sorry! …Again.” You pull your hand back as you feel her warm skin. You can feel a small fire in your cheeks.
Gaeul lifts her glass to cover herself laughing. “Haha, it’s fine. Still, are your friends coming back soon? I’m kinda looking for… company tonight.”
It’s quite rare to find someone approaching you, let alone stating their romantic needs this clearly. Yet, it’s a bar after all; alcohol strips people’s inhibitions off here. And who are you to say no to this beautiful woman?
“Oh, sure! They are probably taking care of my friend in the toilet. Go ahead.” You gesture at her to sit down, as she moves the chair a little to comply.
“I’m Gaeul, by the way.” She offers you a handshake, smiling, to which you happily accept. Unlike yours, her hand is silky soft, 
“Hi, Gaeul. I’m from engineering, civil. What do you study?” You ask.
“Architecture! I’m just beside you, haha,” as she pulls her hand back and placing her glass on your table. The architecture faculty is bordering your engineering main building, and you’ve walked past it often during lunchtime.
“Have I met you before?” You inquire, squinting your eyes on you to examine her shadowed features.
“I don’t think so. I would have remembered you with that face.” Gaeul playfully points at your face, chuckling.
You chuckle along to hide the fact that she’s really influencing you with such an irresistible charm. “Thanks, I guess.”
“What year are you in?” Gaeul asks. “I’ve recently finished my junior finals. I made a lot of home models this year.” She rolls her eyes and sighs while recounting her experience.
“You are a year above me. I’m just a sophomore.” You answer.
“So, I’m your noona, right?” She giggles, tapping your shoulder softly with her finger.
“Yes, Gaeul noona,” you pout, placing your hands on your thighs.
Gaeul giggles, “No need, haha. Just Gaeul is fine, really.”
“Alright, Gaeul.” You smile along with her.
The night with Gaeul advances, while you quickly forget about your friends taking care of Leehan. You learn about her aspirations of being an architect, and how she also hates drawing to death. 
“And you want to become an architect?” you ask, baffled in such contradiction.
“Yeah, haha, I’ve always loved elegant buildings, and I really want to create them myself as I grow up.” Gaeul smiles, gladly sharing her wishes. 
She continues, “But when it comes to drawing, I’ve always had the feeling of having to perfect them. And that eats up a lot of my energy, really.”
“So, you’re a perfectionist?” you continue to shoot questions at her, giggling.
Gaeul laughs. “You can say that.”
She then tells you about the pets at her home, as she learns about your ambitions. And you feel like the conversation is sparking everywhere; it flows like the alcohol in your blood, suppressing your shyness just for her.
“Yeah! I just got my driver’s license a few months ago.” The clock strikes almost ten, over half an hour after your first words with her, and the topic is lingering on driving at the moment.
Gaeul takes a deep breath before gaining the courage to ask. “Hey, do you want to go back to my place?”
“Really?” you ask.
“Yeah, talking in here doesn’t give us much privacy.” Gaeul seems to be going all-in here.
Unable to bother yourself under these waves of songs you can’t sing along to anymore, you answer in a quickfire, “Sure! Where do you live, though?”
Gaeul points her thumb behind her, towards the outside. “Just across this bar. I usually have my friends crashing for the night if they can’t walk to their dorms.”
“Lead the way, then.”
“Well, show’s over, girls,” Jiwon huffs, seeing Gaeul guiding you out of the bar. “It’s the three of us now. Anyone you guys are eyeing on?”
Yujin and Wonyoung shrug. “Let’s just enjoy the rest of the night first,” Wonyoung says.
“Yeah.” Yujin adds and signals a toast, as Jiwon and Wonyoung join her.
Gaeul unlocks the door to her room before leading you inside. Her room is pretty tidy, aside from the lump of unfolded clothes on her bed on the left, covered by brown bedsheets. She has a few stuffed animals sitting at the top of it: some Care Bears, a cylinder piggy doll, with Shaun the Sheep gracefully sitting in the middle, and a few more aquatic animals.
“I’m saving up my money to buy my fifth Care Bear,” Gaeul says with a smile, determination sparks in her eyes.
On the opposite side, there’s a drawing table with a few sketches of buildings, showcasing her architecture works. You close the door and lock it for her.
Noticing the mess, she darts toward the bed. “It’s a little messy, sorry,” she says, picking up the pile before cramming it inside her closet. “I didn’t have time to take care of it when I was coming out.”
“I don’t mind, really.” You smile, understanding her struggle of doing laundry.
Gaeul smiles back as she shuts her closet door. “Where were we again?” she leans against it, giving you a questioning look.
“I—,” you pause, further taking in the atmosphere of her room. You find a few movie posters on her wall above the bed: Thirteen, Little Women, and After Hours are the ones standing out. She also has her Jubilee vinyl on display just by her table.
“So, you like Japanese Breakfast?” you ask, before she follows your gaze onto the album. You’ve never expected someone you find at a bar to listen to Michelle Zauner’s band, to be honest.
“Yeah, it was my sister’s before she moved out,” Gaeul answers. “But the album itself is pretty good. I pick it up now and then to let it loop while I’m drawing.”
“I’ve heard about its quality.” You tap your fingers on your thighs, eyes darting everywhere except onto her.
Gaeul taps her chin in a staccato rhythm; she seems as unsure of her next action as you do. The humming of the air conditioner lulls from behind her. She ponders for a while, before stepping towards you.
“You know the implications, right?”
And that’s it; the way she says ‘right’ tingles you in a peculiar way. Gaeul looks into your eyes as she does, eliciting an indescribable feeling inside you. Your hands shake as she closes her distance to the point where you can feel her breathing.
“May I?” she asks, lips just inches away from yours.
“S—sure,” you stutter out in front of this gorgeous woman.
Without further ado, Gaeul kisses you ardently. Her tongue doesn’t let your mouth simply rest on hers, as she invades your cavern to display the passion she has been holding. She cups your cheeks so that she can taste you more thoroughly. You moan at such a confident act right into her mouth, before you let your tongue wrestle with hers.
As the kiss deepens, Gaeul draws her hand down your neck, and you shudder in response. “Fuck, noona,” you utter through the connected lips. Your hands cup her face, letting her take control. And without initiation from you, her fingers sliding down your abdomen seem to invite you to engage with her under the same depravity. Yet, your hands linger on her facial features.
Soon, Gaeul’s hand works its way to your crotch, stroking your erect length through the pants. “Wow, all excited for me, huh?” she says, suppressed under the kiss, and you moan through the gaps, having your shaft fondled.
Gaeul breaks off from the torrid act, but her lips leave just a little distance from yours. However, it’s far enough to keep you wanting her more. She lifts her arms to wrap around your neck. “I want to ask you something.” She says in a whisper while looking into your eyes; her deep voice shakes you.
“Go ahead.”
Gaeul clicks her tongue a few times, glancing at the wall before asking. 
“Are you comfortable calling me noona again? I know I told you back in the bar to drop it, but seeing you being all obedient because of me is a bit of a…” She bites her lip as if to resist the inevitable. “…turn on.” She grins, unsure, not even believing the words coming out of her mouth.
You chuckle before answering without another hesitation. “Sure, Gaeul noona.”
Gaeul smiles. “Alright, baby boy.” She slides her hands down to work on your top button. “Let’s go to our main course.”
You quickly unbutton your shirt upward to meet her trembling hands. And quickly, your shirt is up for Gaeul to toss it away into the void. She runs her right hand down your chest. “You take care of yourself well, don’t you?” As her fingers tap on your flat stomach, hitching your breath.
“C—Cardio from time to time, noona.” You stutter out; fuck, this woman is burning your skin.
“Good for you.” She says in a deep tone, while her right hand is still feeling your midriff.
“Now, leaving you like this wouldn’t be… fair, right? Bare for me to—” The next word cut short for her to plant her lips on your nipple, tasting your body and eliciting a moan from you.
“Noona…” You are now lost in the pleasure; jolts after jolts from her lips rush through your body, making you shudder. Her saliva coats your nipple, and you lock your hand behind your noona’s head to keep yourself from falling over.
Gaeul keeps switching her suction on your peaks before she pushes you onto her bed. “I was talking about fairness, right?” She says with her fingers tilting your head down on your chin a little to meet her eyes. Her legs are straddling yours, keeping you in place.
“Y—Yes, noona,” you speak out.
“So, since you are half naked… under me.” She traces a line down your abdomen, igniting a fire in its wake. “You get to choose which half of me… that you want to see.”
You gulp, eyes wide. Fuck, this woman is really having her way with you now, and there’s nothing you can do to resist her seductive endeavor. Your mind goes into overdrive with the choices: top or bottom, top or bottom, top or—
“Every second counts, my baby boy.” Gaeul taps her bare wrist, grinning.
You swallow another gulp. “Your pick, n—noona.”
Gaeul giggles. “Well, since I’m a believer in justice…” She moves her hands to the top button of her black cardigan, ready to unlock it. “Say please, baby,” she says with her sultry voice.
“Please, noona.” You succumb to her domination. As Gaeul unlocks the first button, putting her soft cleavage into view.
“Please what, baby boy?” She continues her seduction; her hands are toying with the second button now. She pulls the neckline down to reveal the strings of her bra and the full view of the valley between her mounds.
“Please take your top off, noona,” you plead.
Giggling, “Alright, baby boy.” Gaeul quickly unbuttons the remaining locks, as her unending tease also seems to affect herself. Her toned midriff quickly reveals itself to you, decorated by the sky blue laced bra above, sending you further into a spiral.
Slowly, she strips herself off of her cardigan, your tongue becomes drawn to the thin string that holds two sides of the chest cover together. You can taste the hints of her salty sweat absorbed by the cloth.
“Fuck,” Gaeul whimpers. “S—So needy, aren’t you?” She tosses the outer garment away before pressing your head onto her. Being pushed even more, you map a straight line up the hollow of her chest with your tongue, causing her to moan out.
“Alright, I—I get it, you’re a—a tits person,” Gaeul cries out, quickly retreating her hands to unclasp the back of her remaining top attire. “This doesn’t mean y—you have p—power over me or anything, though.”
“Yes, noona,” you say through your licks, her bra falls off right between you two. As you pull yourself back to take a break from your appetizer, you are given the heavenly sight of her succulent tits. They are small, but you’ve never been the one to care, anyway. Her nipples are already erect, aroused as she expects the divine rapture from no one but you.
“You like the view, baby boy?” Gaeul chuckles at the sight of you salivating in front of her perky mounds. 
As an answer, you dive in to savor her excited brown nubs. There’s no particular taste to them, yet you’re being commanded by these peaks to satisfy her overflowing lust, making her a writhing mess right before you.
“God, fuck!” Gaeul moans out. You remain fixated on her tits, sucking on them as if your life is hanging on the strings of her cries. And to further stimulate her, you use your hand to caress the freed side of her frame. You roam from her shoulder to the waistline, squeezing her chest with each passing.
Gaeul, again, presses you onto her soft chest, yet she’s unable to let herself being satisfied just on the outside anymore.
“F—Fuck, shall we go to the m—main course, baby boy?” her words come out ragged; she can’t further shackle herself from the peak of intimacy.
You remove yourself from her nubs. “Yes, please, noona.” Gaeul pushes you down onto her bed, signaling you to unzip your pants while she does so. And within a blink, your erect cock and her soaked cunt are just a breath away from each other. She seems to be an all-natural girl too, choosing to let her hair grow above the canal, and that just makes her even more mouthwatering.
Still, the sex education lessons hold you back on the ground. “Do you need protection?” you ask, concerned about the prospect of unwanted consequences.
“I have my contingency plans, baby,” she huffs with a smile as she hovers her sex just above your shaft now, ready for the ride of her life.
With no words, you nod, and she slowly sinks herself onto your rod. You cry out as your tip gradually disappears into her. You pull your head back under the overwhelming sensations. “Fuck,” and you can do nothing but whimper.
“D—Do I feel good on top of you?” Gaeul asks, voice and her body shuddering in the descent. You are halfway inside her now. Her hands are roaming on your writhing frame, determined to push you off the edge even faster.
“Yes, fuck, noona. You feel so fucking good.” You’re enamored by the throes of pleasure surrounding your body. She slowly impales herself down to the hilt, fully coating your cock with her nectar.
“Fuck!” Gaeul’s tone becomes a scream now. She bends herself back, showing her fragile frame. Traces of ribs are visible under the room light, and her immaculate chest stretches for you to view.
Gaeul remains in the position for a while, before she drags her wet cunt off of you, just barely seeing your tip, grazing your dick with such an unbearable pleasure. Your length now glistens with her honey, but the shackling gratification lets you register only her up and down motion. And as she slams down, you can do nothing but moan under such divine elation.
Wet squelches and moans echo throughout the room, as Gaeul picks up her pace to quicken this perversion. She cries out in every movement, and you echo out every moan. Her short hair becomes really helpful in situations like this, since, with each bounce, they don’t seem to cover her face as much as it should. And you’re one lucky man to see her all invested in the depravity - every contorted face, every line drawn on your abdomen with her hands, and God, how her moan is a symphony you’ll remember for the rest of your life.
Inevitably, with each of her bounce, it drives you toward the precipice. Her angelic moans and the bouncing chest ramp you up closer to paradise. The sight of her riding you - mouth agape, perky tits bouncing, hands shuffling her strands to make sense of the pleasure, creating such an immaculate image - with the sensations around your cock is just unyielding.
“N—Noona, I’m gonna cum, slow down,” you plead, and Gaeul looks down at you, hands still locked in her olive hair. Her breaths become ragged, and her whimpers seem to scale up with each insertion.
“Me too, baby boy, me too,” Gaeul cries out. “Cum with me.” 
She keeps the moderate tempo she has been putting on you. Her bare, untrimmed, drenched cunt rams your cock with steady speed to keep your orgasms alight. Sounds of fleshes crashing into each other; an unyielding amount of Gaeul’s honey is mixing with the notes that come out of her gorgeous lips, creating a concoction that sends you into ecstasy.
And with one last thrust, along with you, Gaeul becomes a squirming wreck. With eyes fluttering, delectable chest heaving, wailing such a symphony that only a deity can sing. Her entire frame shakes with exaltation. You cry from the depths of your lungs, and the knot in your stomach becomes undone. Your cock shoots spurts of cum inside her, as Gaeul’s delicate cunt gushes out torrents of clear juice onto your crotch.
With each twitch of your length, they serve the purpose of unloading into her womb to the brim, and they shake you to sing out such a beautiful melody, joining Gaeul into composing an amorous masterpiece. Your nectar finds its way out to concoct with hers, pooling on your crotch. It’s a breathtaking sight, seeing her undone like this - juice spilled, wails unrestrained, walls contracting to drain you dry.
Gaeul’s climax subsides; her moans show signs of her normal voice again. “G–Good job, baby boy,” she chuckles through her whimpers. Her pace decreases, and you’re thankful that she doesn’t ride your consciousness out.
“You’re getting sensitive, right?” She brings her motion to a stop, but still enveloping your length within her needy core. It’s warm; she’s warm.
“Yeah, noona. You can–,” you stop halfway for a few breathers. “You can stay like this, to be honest.”
“Oh, my poor baby boy~,” Gaeul laughs. “We can stay like this if you really want it.” Her voice still carries hints of intoxication, yet you can’t deny that the potential of it being genuine affection entices you. “I’ll have to go to the bathroom first, though. I can’t sleep with our cum being everywhere like this.”
She bends down to give you a peck on your forehead, before slowly, agonizingly, pulling herself off of you. And doesn’t that make you whimper out, as your cock is still sensitive from shooting spurts of your seed inside her dainty cunt? The feeling of unloading still lingers in your filthy mind.
Maybe it’s a mix of all the sensations you’ve ever felt - mostly pleasure with pain. You moan out as she chuckles at the sight of you crumbling under her final touch. “Alright, baby boy, wanna take a shower?” Gaeul gets up from the bed before sauntering towards the bathroom. “Maybe we can have another round~,” she winks across her shoulder, before going into the shower.
“I’ll be there, noona,” you reply, as you collect your inhibition enough to take another shot of intimacy with her under the running water.
Sunlight peeks through the curtains, waking you up after the rough night, naked. Last night’s debauchery remains clear in your head, as the images of Gaeul commanding you around are still in high definition. You look around the room to catch your noona examining the contents of her fridge, bending over to show you her bare, plump ass, only slightly covered by her baby blue shirt.
“Up already, sleepyhead?” She notices you through the gap between her arm and the single garment on her. “I have some banana cake left, not expired yet,” she says before picking it up and surveys the package. “Yeah, a day left. You want one?”
“How much is it? Can you send me your QR code after this, noona?” The memory of you acting all-obedient shows up again, and you can only cover your mouth after that. 
“No need, ‘baby boy’,” Gaeul chuckles, pulling up an air quote, mocking the tone she used last night. “Consider this as part of the one-night plan.”
God, she looks flawless under this morning’s light. The way her short hair is messy; the tired eyes, and that pair of legs - the pair you wish to be caught between - makes you want to spend another day with her. 
“Can I extend my subscription?” you utter out involuntarily. The alcohol hasn’t returned your reticence yet, perhaps.
Gaeul considers your proposal for a while, nibbling her chin with her free hand, while tapping her feet with the cake still in the other hand. 
“Well, I’m not sure, really,” she says. “I have only known you for barely half a day, with the help of alcohol.”
“I know, Gaeul,” you groan. “But like, I want to know you more.”
“I don’t know.” She chuckles as she closes the distance between you two. 
Gaeul continues her interrogation, “do you, really?” Her bare, untrimmed pussy comes in at your face level. She changes her motion to crossing her legs forward, slowly, covering the lower part of her sex as she gets right in front of your eyes.
You drool at the sight, tranced, as your morning wood is twitching. Your tongue involuntarily sticks out, aimed at her nub, and you are magnetized to her cunt again. You are so ready to please your noona again, making her a drenched disarray before you, before Gaeul breaks your train of desire, grabbing your chin and tilting your head up to watch her smile.
“Alright, I believe you now.” She simpers with your tongue still out. “I’ll give you my Instagram before you leave.”
You sign an okay to her, as you retreat your tongue back into your mouth.
“Good boy,” Gaeul laughs. “Here, your breakfast.”
You take the banana cake from her. “Thanks, noona.”
“I’ll give you more than this the next time, if you can make me fancy you.” She lets go of you before climbing onto her bed to the other side, giving you a view of her luscious cheeks once more. She bends down to pick up your discarded, now-creased clothes, involuntarily (or not) putting her sex into display, and you can do nothing but let your length twitch at the sight.
You gulp at the sight, mustering the courage to ask out, “Really?”
She sits back up after her teasing act, legs crossed, but you can still see flashes of her. Gaeul ponders for a while, tapping her chin in the same veins she did before the explicit scene of you two.
“Definitely, maybe.” She laughs again, shooting the garments at you, and you can only join along with her.
As you walk back to your dorm, your phone suddenly rings. You pick up the phone, eyes widen. It’s Sungho, the ‘friend’ you left with no trace for him last night.
“Shit.” You utter before accepting the call.
“Where the fuck have you been last night, bro?” His breath is coming in shorts. “We were worried about you. We came back around ten—”
“I was with a woman; her room is just across the bar. I’m fine, Sungho,” you reply.
“Oh.” Sungho pauses. “Oh damn. Wow.” He’s left speechless for a few seconds.
“Yeah, and we—, uh—” You stop, contemplating on whether to tell him.
“No need, bro.” You can hear Sungho chuckling through your phone. “Who’s the lucky woman who takes your virginity, huh?”
“Architecture,” you play coy, withholding Gaeul’s identity. “And we trade each other’s contact just this morning.”
“Goddamn, you had been inside her, and you just asked for her contact after that? Fucking hell, man.” Sungho laughs again. “Well, we’re happy that you didn’t lose an arm or anything, bro.”
You smile before remembering about your sick friend. “Oh, what about Leehan? How’s he now?”
“Fine, he’s still sleeping on my bed,” Sungho affirms. 
You smile, and reply, “Alright, good, thanks for calling.”
“No problem, see ya!” Sungho says.
“See ya.” And you hang up the phone.
On the way back, the prospect of building your relationship with Gaeul reels in your mind. The probability of you two working remains shaky. Emotions might take hold of only one of you, dragging its victim into an unbearable sorrow. What if a crush turns into a craving? Either way, the shared moment of your bodies clashing into each other is going to be etched into you, and, hopefully, her.
And as you unlock the door, a notification pops up on your phone, and it reads as:
actualgaeul started following you.
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arakkne · 2 months
Gender apartheid: oppression of women should be made a crime against humanity – feminist academic explains why
Published July 15th, 2014, written by Penelope Andrews
"Crimes against humanity are occurring with impunity around the globe; from Myanmar to Sudan, Ukraine and elsewhere. And yet, unlike international treaties for the crimes of genocide, torture, apartheid and forced disappearances, there isn’t a treaty specific to crimes against humanity.
That lack is now being remedied.
The International Law Commission, a UN expert body, has submitted draft articles for a treaty to the UN’s Sixth Committee. This is the main forum for considering legal questions in the UN General Assembly. The intention is to give countries more legal tools to hold accountable those who commit crimes against humanity. It is expected that the treaty process will conclude in October 2024.
The new treaty may include special protection for women.
We believe good journalism is good for democracy and necessary for it.
A group of women activists is lobbying the committee to consider including in the treaty a new definition aimed at protecting women against all forms of oppression. They are advocating for a definition of this discrimination as “gender apartheid”. The idea is that it would track the definition of racial apartheid by replacing the word “race” with “gender”.
Apartheid (Afrikaans for “apartness”) policies were codified in South Africa between 1948 and 1954. The ideology divided South Africans on the basis of race in all spheres of life.
The lobbyists argue that the international community responded comprehensively to racial apartheid after the Apartheid Convention made it a crime in 1973. This forced the South African apartheid state to be held accountable for the crime. It also imposed an obligation on UN member states to eradicate the institutionalised systematic oppression and domination of black South Africans.
Read more: Ordinary white South Africans and apartheid – bound to a racist system they helped prop up
As an academic who has researched and written extensively on racial and gender equality, I fully support broadening the definition of the crime of apartheid to include gender. I believe this is necessary given the persistence and ubiquity of structural discrimination and violence against women in the world.
I first made a case for this in my 2012 book From Cape Town to Kabul: Rethinking Strategies for Pursuing Women’s Human Rights. I argued that when one reads the Apartheid Convention closely, and substitutes “gender” for “race”, the situation of Afghan women, in particular, is identical to the plight of black South Africans under apartheid.
I argued that thinking about constructing a genuine alternative to the realities of women’s lives in Afghanistan was to consider the way the international community confronted the eradication of apartheid in South Africa. It would enable a structured global approach responsive to the institutionalised systems of domination and oppression of women, girls and the LGBTQI+ community.
Codifying “gender apartheid” could go much further than protecting Afghan women and girls.
Great progress has been made in the pursuit of gender equality and in stemming gender-based violence. I believe that codifying gender apartheid under international law is an essential component of that continued progress.
It could offer significant relief to many victims and survivors who otherwise would not be entitled to adequate recourse from the international community and from states. It could also lead to a more effective and concerted international response to gender-based oppression.
Fighting gender apartheid
The crime of gender apartheid stands out as unique and pernicious in intent and consequence. It is what legal scholar Patricia Williams has referred to as “spirit murder”. That is a system of dehumanisation, erasure, oppression, domination and persecution.
Read more: Students on the frontline: South Africa and the US share a history of protest against white supremacy
The Taliban’s ever deepening and institutionalised oppression of Afghan women and girls is the most vivid illustration of the case.
Multiple UN experts, member states and Afghan women’s rights defenders have warned of the deteriorating situation of women and girls in Afghanistan. The concerns became more pronounced after the UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina J. Mohammed on 12 January 2023 warned the international community that in Afghanistan,
unprecedented, systemic attacks on women’s and girls’ rights and the flouting of international obligations are creating gender-based apartheid.
A sign in Johannesburg in 1948 saying 'non-European' people are not allowed to use a lift reserved for Europeans (whites).
Apartheid signage in Johannesburg in March 1948. AFP via Getty Images
In September 2023, UN Women executive director Sima Bahous called on member states to support an intergovernmental process to codify gender apartheid under international law. She said that
the tools the international community has at its disposal were not created to respond to mass, state-sponsored gender oppression. This systematic and planned assault on women’s rights is foundational to the Taliban’s vision of state and society and it must be named, defined, and proscribed in our global norms, so that we can respond appropriately.
Why the argument holds water
One question that needs answering is whether apartheid can be separated from its association with South Africa. Can we think of apartheid as a crime against humanity that can be removed from its racial context?
The evidence from Afghanistan, for example, suggests the answer is a resounding “yes”.
There is a precedent for this. The crime of genocide originated as a term to describe the crimes in Nazi-occupied Europe in the second world war. It was then applied to genocides that occurred elsewhere in the world, like Rwanda, Cambodia and Sudan. In the same way apartheid ought not to be confined to its racial origins.
Read more: South Africa’s genocide case against Israel is the country's proudest foreign policy moment in three decades
International opponents of racial apartheid played a significant role in bolstering South African anti-apartheid activists. In the same way the backing of the global community is crucial to advancing gender justice and women’s human rights. It is particularly necessary to support frontline defenders of women’s human rights who challenge gender apartheid at great risk to themselves.
As the government of Malta noted in its 2023 written comments on the Draft Crimes Against Humanity Convention:
[t]he codification of the crime of gender apartheid will enable victims and survivors – present and future – to hold perpetrators to account for the totality of crimes committed by systematized oppression which the crime of gender persecution alone cannot and does not capture.
This view ought to be widely endorsed by the international community."
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verysium · 11 months
ACT 1, SCENE 4: blue lock headcanons
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shidou would view traditionally ugly creatures as strangely cute. it's not a disgusting cockroach, it's a silly little bug with eyelashes as long as his. no, he's not going to let go of that scraggly one-eyed cat that likely has rabies. it looks too sweet to be abandoned on the streets. his dream childhood pet was definitely a piranha.
aiku wears band t-shirts without knowing the actual music group. no, he does not listen to sex and the pistols, he just thought the design looked very cool. would also wear lana del rey merchandise just to impress the ladies. the only song he realistically knows is west coast, and even then he's only heard it at a random sushi restaurant.
reo would have stereotypical rich people problems. he can't decide if he should bring his chauffeur and valet or actually drive the car himself for your upcoming date. also spends at least one hour seriously pondering over which gucci silk pattern tie looks better on him. trick question, they're both the exact same shade.
shidou steals your covergirl perfect point eyeliner because he thinks it looks way better on him. also a big fan of body glitter and super vulgar eyeshadow palette names. his favorite hue so far is that one hot pink fuchsia that literally burns your eyes with its brightness. nothing is too neon with this man.
ness is the epitome of the sunshine-turned-unhinged-maniacal-killer trope. he would be the bestest boy, but if someone even lays a single hand on you, he’s already plotting their murder. eerily good at hiding bodies but would never divulge his secrets in fear of scaring you off.
shidou would walk unashamedly to the women’s clothing section of the general department store. would never be embarrassed by the bra sizes. you have a double D? he’s already trying three of the cup sizes on just to see if he can get you a comfortable one. if you’re part of the itty bitty titty committee, he wouldn’t judge either. this man loves femininity in all its full glory.
aryu exclusively uses dior beauty. he would rather die than use a generic drugstore makeup brand. sometimes you wonder if he's secretly a dermatologist because this man knows the exact shade, tint, and quality of product for every possible skin tone and type. also very passionate about the controversies behind animal testing and parabens. would be exceedingly picky when it comes to anything he smears on his face (think jeffree star but without the problematic issues.)
sae has his phone screen set to default wallpaper. he only has the translator app downloaded, and that's about it. his personal trainer takes care of all the rest of his stats. after he started dating you though, he kept pictures of you in his private photo albums.
noa cannot tell a white lie to save his life. if he doesn't know something, he will not know something. he doesn't see the point in hiding that. sometimes has trouble reading the room, so you need to remind him that brutal honesty and pure rationality aren't always the way to go. he does become more conscientious after that.
bachira used to draw crayon portraits of all the imaginary monsters he saw at night. scared the shit out of his parents because they thought he was hallucinating (he actually was.) nowadays, he's a lot tamer because you force him to take his meds.
isagi is, in fact, the number one mind reader and manipulator throughout the entire series. this man is clairvoyant, psychic, and telepathic all packaged into one. sometimes his right ear twitches, and he just knows someone is talking about him behind his back. unfortunately, all of this occurs in his head, so no one on the outside world actually knows about his sixth sense.
rin was absolutely bombarded with valentine's chocolates last year, but when he sorted through the entire pile and realized you hadn't given him one, he returned them all to their respective senders. will refuse any form of sweets unless it came directly from you. you need to be there physically to hand him the box.
kaiser writes, thinks, and speaks entirely in german even if no one else can understand him. he secretly can speak english but chooses not to because he absolutely hates anglicization. refuses to compromise his own language and culture just to fit in with the rest of the world. it's degrading. if he had it his way, german would be the new lingua franca. definitely thinks translation is for dummies. what do you mean you're not already bilingual? you better run, not walk, to that little green owl app. does use his foreign accent to make you feel flustered though. has a voice kink but in a non-traditional sort of way. you have to be the one turned on by his voice. only then will he start feeling it.
yukimiya loves it when you lose your shit. one time a jerk cut you off in traffic, and you started aggressively cursing. he fell in love with you right there on the spot. it was something about the fire in your eyes and the way you refused to take any attitude from the other party. that self-assertiveness you exhibit is so empowering.
aiku takes you out to karaoke bars just to hear you sing. you look so pretty under the purple disco lights, belting your little heart out to the rock lyrics. sometimes he has to take a minute to just appreciate how lucky he is to have you.
nagi didn't know that you have to actively check and update your email inbox. he had no clue school even started until one day the principal called his parents over his thirteen student absences. he thinks it's a headache to even get out of bed and put his fingers on his laptop keyboard. since when was the distance between his arrow cursor and the search bar that wide? it looks too long for him to reach. maybe he should just do this tomorrow.
reo does not know what saving money is. the first time you asked him for a promo code, he looked at you as if you had just spouted a strange language. when you showed him your little wallet full of cut-out coupons, he literally had to hold them up to the light and closely inspect them. it was definitely a moment of enlightenment.
sae likes anklets, especially the super thin gold chain ones. something about the way it brushes against his bare leg when you sleep beside him drives him out of his mind. he's also a sucker for subtle jewelry as evidenced by his necklace and wrist bands.
otoya practically lives for instant gratification. he would be guilty of love bombing. loses interest quickly, but sometimes wishes he could actually commit for once. football is important to him because it is one of the only activities he has consistently practiced for over a decade.
karasu is down bad for anyone who can actually outsmart him. you got a higher mark than him on the recent exam? damn, his heart just beat a little faster. spaces out in a love-filled haze whenever you ramble on about your nerdy little subject interests. he is a sapiophile through and through. intelligence just does it for him.
loki is the type of person who absolutely demolishes your self-esteem, and yet you still cannot bring yourself to hate him. when people say god has his favorites, they mean this man right here. he would be an innately talented genius while simultaneously being the most humble human being in existence. at this point, it's not his problem. it's a you problem. try harder next time.
chris is very similar to a neurosurgery resident. he has the largest self-entitled ego in existence. not a single day goes by when he doesn't remind you that he is, in fact, one of the highest ranking football players in the world. you can't say anything about it though because he has rightfully earned his arrogance. i mean, what are you going to use against him? his grueling hours of blood, sweat, and tears? this man works harder than the devil himself. in fact, he is the devil.
rin is the type to get emotionally attached to the most ordinary objects ever. he collects batteries and keeps a separate drawer as a graveyard for them once they die. the triple A ones get a special funeral since they're so hard to find. he just can't bring himself to let go of objects that no longer serve a purpose (just like his relationship with sae, sorry not sorry.)
hiori cannot go to bed unless it is absolutely dark. the curtains have to be closed. the door has to be locked. everything has to be drowned in pitch black. the reason he does this is because he still has flashbacks from that tiny strip of light underneath his bedroom door. his parents would argue all night when they thought he had gone to sleep. it still haunts him to this very day.
nagi wishes he could be a cat. sleeping all day and sunbathing on the rooftop seem like great ways to spend his life. unfortunately for him, he is not a cat. when he dies though, he wants to be reincarnated as one. either that, or a rock.
rin snores like a whole power drill at night. sae secretly hates his brother for that but can’t bring himself to wake him. whenever the itoshi family goes on vacation, ear plugs are not an option but a necessity.
chigiri knows ventriloquism. he used to play with his sister's dolls and make up character voices for each of them. definitely uses it as a party trick or as a way to make you laugh when you've had a bad day.
sae always keeps his feelings to himself. sometimes he finds it easier to rant to you than others, but then he almost always ends up retracting back into himself after realizing just how much he's revealed. he hates being emotionally slutty.
ness is the big scary dog in his relationship with kaiser, not the other way around. everyone thinks kaiser is the intimidating one, but ness wears a leash for a reason. one of them is the chihuahua, and the other one is a rottweiler. you can already guess who is who.
reo was having a mental breakdown in his limousine one time, but he ran out of his usual luxury aloe vera lotion tissues. instead of buying more, he took out his cheque-book and ripped out the pages to dry his tears. money is just paper to him. it can be recycled (no, it can't.)
loki is the type to show you a sweet and heartwarming smile before pulling out the most atrocious uno card combination in existence. i'm talking reverse, wild card, skip, draw 2. you sat there for twenty-five minutes trying desperately to draw a green. by the time you were done, he only had one card left. (screw you, loki.)
niko draws his own manga whenever he doesn't like how the official plot ends. if the canon ever diverges from the way he imagined it in his own head, he will draft his own fan fiction instead. one time, he rewrote an entire shonen jump series just to bring his favorite character back to life (*cough cough* said character wears a blindfold.)
karasu is definitely the "um, actually..." type of student. he will always have a rebuttal on hand. the truth is never black-and-white with this man, and he will argue both sides if it furthers his own agenda. he reads the encyclopedia front and back every night just so he can pull out a random arbitrary fact to win an argument some time in the near future.
shidou had a bad habit of chewing pens as a child until one day it finally exploded in his mouth. from then on, he vowed only to chew glittery gel pens. that way when it exploded in his mouth, his tongue would be stained a bright, shimmery purple. if you ever got him a scented gel pen pack, his life would finally be complete.
rin cannot differentiate between colors. if you asked him to find the difference between bubblegum pink and cotton candy pink, he would not know. to him, seven colors is already a lot to memorize. when he was a child, he only drew pictures with a single color because it was less of a hassle that way.
otoya used to think lime green was the most aesthetically pleasing color in existence. almost considered dying his hair that shade until karasu told him that girls don't actually like guys who look like neon highlighters. still wishes he did it though. he wants to glow in the dark.
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© verysium 2023 / please do not translate, repost, or plagiarize any of my works
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katakaluptastrophy · 8 months
Can we talk about Juno Zeta?
You're living the dream, Master Archivist of the Sixth House. The Archaeology department hates you. The secretaries love you. Your son has risen to the very top of the absolutely unproblematic meritocracy of the House to become Master Warden. Sure, you treated him as a colleague when he was 7 too, but this is much more intellectually satisfying and much better for your publication record (suck it, Archeo). You sit on the Oversight Body, making decisions for the 3 million strong House of the Sixth.
Then the Master Warden gets summoned by god to become a Lyctor. (No civilian has seen a Lyctor for thousands of years. But the information you do have speaks of astonishing power. Are you intrigued? Do you regard it as an even more stellar opportunity for the Master Warden? Do Lyctors have access to interesting material for the archives? Does the possibility of your son becoming an immortal finger and gesture of god ever feel strange?)
A few months later, some fragments come back in a box. There's nothing left of Camilla at all. No one will tell you anything. Every House but the Third and the Ninth has lost its head or heir (the poor girl your son loved is dead. You're never going to get another overly-formal letter from the Fifth begging for Lyctoral documents from your archive.)
Then the Master Warden makes contact from beyond the grave to tell you that the saintly founder of your House left a plan in place in case it ever became necessary to betray god. He tells you why god should be betrayed.
Suddenly, the Oversight Body has to make a decision. To take your home and 3 million people away from the Dominicus System (away from its thanergetic soil, no more necromancers will ever be born). To break the contract of tenderness made on the day of the Resurrection. Do you have time to call back your soldiers in the Cohort? Do you have to leave them behind? Has the Oversight Body ever felt unanimously about something before? And how frank can you be with the House? You have visiting scholars from almost every House, and who knows where the Bureau have eyes and ears.
There are calculations to make. How to transport a whole House? How do you work out that it takes five hundred and thirty-two obselisks? That there are deleterious effects past five hundred and sixty? How do you find a stele that would anchor such a big thanergy transition? (Only the Fifth make stele. Do you try to do it yourselves? Who do you trust on the Fifth to help with that? Is that why Kester Cinque left Koniortos?)
The Master Warden, who is dead, lives inside the body of Camilla, who is not. He picks you - in your capacity as Master Archivist - to be one of the negotiators. How do you integrate 3 million people into a completely alien society with whom your people have been at war for millennia? How does negotiating with terrorists feel compared to academic committees?
What happens then? One day you just...lose it? The sun rises too bright and too blue and you are in agony, unconnected from yourself, screaming and writhing. And when the thing in the sky is at its furthest orbit from you, in some exhausted moment of clarity, you nearly kill yourself using necromancy to restore your sanity. You blind yourself. Do you think beyond that moment? As someone who deals in documents and artefacts and forms in triplicate, do you mourn your sight alongside everything else you have lost? Your son, your home, your god, your sanity...
And now you are a hostage. Sixteen of you in the back of a sweltering truck, held at gunpoint, always moving. The only thing keeping you alive is the possibility of selling you back to the empire that you've betrayed. Your captors have signed a 'no torture' clause, and perhaps they do stick to that. You're needed for providing proof of life and are probably better off than most. But it's too hot, there's not enough water, you can't see, and the only way out is either that the Master Warden gives Blood of Eden a Lyctor or being released to the mercies of the Kindly Prince. You sit in the dark and do mental maths with each other to stay sane.
Somehow, the Master Warden has done it. Without a Lyctor, he's turned his own cell commander against her fellows and you have been released. Most of the Oversight Body can't even walk out of the truck without help. But you're free, and the Master Warden - now in the stolen body of a Lyctor's cavalier - has the sort of mad scheme only he could come up with. Those mental maths will come in handy. The cell commander isn't bad either...
You can't see your son die again (the last time he speaks to you, from that borrowed body, he calls you 'mum' instead of 'Master Archivist'). But you can smell Camilla’s flesh burn. Perhaps the Commander, holding your arm, describes it to you. You follow this new person, your child, now something else, back into the truck where you were held captive and watch as they drive it into the River.
The Tomb is open. Your child is part of a being of strange and unimaginable power. The House Formerly Known as Sixth is on the other side of the universe. You are on the Ninth with a dead cavalier in the body of her necromancer, the Emperor’s construct, legions of demons, and a very mysterious dog...
Anyway, I'm very excited to see what havoc Juno gets to cause in ATN. She's there to be snarky, do psychometry, and be a romanceable MILF. Let her yell at god. And for goodness sake, let her get some peace at the end.
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mayasaura · 1 year
now that soul permeability is established, do you think cassy and/or g1deon will have a major effect on varun?
varun has already shown small signs of quote unquote 'infection' from cassy, because i remember that varun-through-judith laughed at palamedes lamenting sounding like he was a sixth house committee member which. y'know. is a cassy thing to do. and varun was reported to have gone dormant for a century after it ate her
do you think we'll learn more about cassy through varun, and that her motivations have bled into its own, affecting how it will approach alecto and the idea of vengeance and love?
(on a smaller level, do you think we'll learn about pyrrha's pre-res memories this way? if her knowing g-'s name is a result of memory blending, then how does he know his name?)
Did Varun eat Cassiopeia? We have a few slightly differing accounts of her death that mostly boil down to: Which would you rather be torn apart by; ten thousand feral ghosts, or one feral ghost ten thousand times the size?
But yeah, that laughter was fucking weird wasn't it?
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If that's Varun laying low inside Judith and getting startled into laughter, then. Damnit, I hadn't even considered that. It would be just like this series to have two ghosts playing dead in one scene; one the audience explicitly knows about, and one we don't.
Anyway, let's assume Pyrrha's account of Cassiopeia's death is the most accurate.
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At the volume a soul like Varun's must have, I wouldn't think we'd find out too much about one specific soul it incorporated. Unless....
I noticed something very interesting while I was searching for the above quote. "Dormant" is repeatedly used in Harrow the Ninth to describe only one thing: a lyctor's body when its soul is elsewhere. We've seen that a Resurrection Beast can also throw its soul elsewhere—into poor Judith—so .... if there's an equivalency there, where did Varun go for those hundred years after killing Cassiopeia? And what was it doing?
A planet's ghost is burning through Judith pretty quickly, but how long would it take it to burn through a lyctor? Maybe a century?
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hannahssimblr · 5 months
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“Smile! No- okay, a real smile if you can. Would you show us some teeth? Ah! That’s a snarl… why don’t you think of something that makes you happy, or just say cheese. Okay? ‘Cheese’? Jude. C’mon.”
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I smile for one second just as the camera bulb flashes, blinding me temporarily, and let it fall right off my face. “That okay?”
The photographer checks the screen and tuts, “Well, it’ll do. Onto the next, please!” I slide off the stool and let the next person in line take it as Sam from the yearbook committee beckons me over to him. 
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“Jude, I’m just looking at your form here. For the yearbook? It looks like you must have forgotten to fill some of it out.”
I peer at it.
“No, that was on purpose.”
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“Right, well your section of the book is going to be fairly empty if we submit it like this, and most of the stuff that you’ve written is pretty much unusable.”
“Which parts?”
“So here, under ‘best memories’ you have, ahem, ‘smashing Fitzy’s nose at that match that time.’”
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“Yeah. You notice it’s still fucked up a bit even after the surgery?”
“You actually can’t say that. The principal wants me to cut it out because it’s inappropriate, so you’ll have to think of something else.”
“Another good memory?”
“Yeah, just one.”
“You’ll have to let me stew on that.”
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“Right. And here, for ‘where will you be in ten years?’ you’ve said ‘possibly dead.’” He’s got a troubled look in his eyes, “Kind of morbid, isn’t it?”
I shrug, “Well it is possible, isn’t it?”
“Well I suppose, but, like, most people have said something like ‘running my own bakery!’ or ‘married with kids!’”
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I scoff, “Alright well I won’t be married.” 
“Have you not got a pretty solid thing going with Michelle Tengu?”
A bit presumptuous. I repeat myself, “I won’t be married.” 
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Sam scratches the back of his head and lets out this world weary sigh. Whatever about me, but in ten years Sam will probably be doing exactly as he’s doing now, stuck behind some desk, sighing over forms, checking his watch slyly and yearning for lunchtime so that he can finally lay into the limp salad with vinaigrette dressing on the side that he’s stashed in the office fridge, a label on the Tupperware lid lest anyone be tempted.
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 “Okay well the rest of it, the ‘favourite subject’ section is empty, so is ‘words of advice’, ‘nickname’, and your quote.”
“I don’t have anything to say.”
“So you’re going to leave those sections blank?”
“Is that… okay with you?” 
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“Is it okay with you? You’ll have this yearbook forever, you know, and what if when you’re older you want to look back at it and remember what you were like in sixth year and you’re disappointed in yourself that you never made an effort to fill out the form?”
“Okay, and what if I’m dead by then?”
Sam sighs again and stuffs the form back into the pile on the desk, “Fine, Be like that. I don’t care.”
“Well to be honest, it feels like you do.”
“No, you can do what you want.”
“Well… good.”
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I shrug and slope towards the gymnasium doors where Alison is standing, smirking. 
“Were you just getting told off by Sam?”
“Yeah he’s on a yearbook committee power trip, he’s mad because I don’t want to fill in the form.”
“Well wait until the debs committee come after you.”
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We push through to the hallway and make our way towards our lockers, “The debs committee? What do they want from me?”
“Money for tickets, apparently. It's been due for weeks.”
“Well I don’t want tickets, so they can piss off.”
“You’re not going?”
“No, obviously not.” I pull a frown to match hers, “why would I be going to the debs?”
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“Because it’s the debs.”
“Good reason.”
“Like I just assumed, what with you having a girlfriend now, surely you’d like to go and get dressed up and do the whole thing. It’s, like, tradition.”
“I’m surprised you’re so into the idea. I didn’t think you’d be the kind of person who’d be up for it.”
“What do you mean?”
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“Well it’s cringey, isn’t it? Getting dressed up in a little suit and standing around on someone’s front lawn drinking from champagne flutes that only get dragged out for special occasions. The whole tradition is stupid, with that flower thing you put on the girl's wrist and all,” I shudder with embarrassment, “Wouldn’t you just feel like you’re play-acting as a sophisticated adult to some extent?”
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She smirks, “You don’t think I’m sophisticated?”
“I don't know.”
“And you don’t think I’d like to have a cute little corsage on my wrist?”
“Would you?”
“No, I think they’re weird, but I’d still like an excuse to wear a dress and do my hair up. We’ll get a free shot of sambuca too.”
“Well, mine is yours.”
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As Alison unlocks her locker I fling mine open to dump my books in. I haven’t had a lock in years. What would anyone want to steal from me anyway? All I have is textbooks with the covers ripped off and notebooks with their whole lower third damaged and bleeding ink from the time a water bottle opened inside my school bag.
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“Is Michelle against the whole thing too?”
“I assume so.”
“You assume?”
“Yeah, I can’t see her being jazzed about it. It’s not really her thing.”
“You didn’t ask?”
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I move on swiftly, “Who are you going with?”
Alison smiles, “I’m going to two debs, actually. My own, obviously, and the boys school one. I got asked last week.”
“By who?”
“The guy I’m going out with.” 
I poke my head around the open door of my locker, “Alison, do you have a boyfriend?”
She wiggles her shoulders with delight, “Yes. At least I think so, we haven’t, like, had the conversation officially but I think it’s safe to say we’re together together now.”
“That’s great! What’s his name?”
“Uh huh, and what’s he like? He up to it?”
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The bell suddenly sounds for the end of break and we sigh as the hallways fill with frantic footfall, clanging lockers and swooshing doors. Alison slings her school bag over one shoulder. “We can catch up about this later, maybe. Do you want to meet me after school for a walk or something?”
I hesitate, and she starts babbling, “Or, um, wherever, like, I know-”
“Yeah it’s just-”
“If you’re busy-”
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“We’re not really supposed to be friends, are we?” I blurt out, and her face looks stricken. Her hand on the strap of her bag clenches, white over the plastic buckle, “Right.”
“It’s just, like, with me having a girlfriend and stuff… She’s not really a fan of me hanging around people that I used to… like-”
“Hm. So I suppose you having less time for me this year wasn’t really by accident, then.”
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I don’t know what to say. Someone bumps their bag against my elbow as they push past us and I stagger closer to her while she takes a decisive step back, maintaining our new distance.
“It’s just with Michelle and everything. You know how it is.”
“How insecure is that girl anyway? You and I haven’t done anything in over a year. Since way before you got together.”
“She just doesn’t like the idea.”
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“Of me?” She scans my face for some semblance of meaning to all of this, her blue eyes big and wounded. “Okay well, suit yourself then, but this is just...” She can't muster the words for exactly this is, instead she pulls a disgusted face at me that might as well have been a boot to the crotch.
“Come on, Alison, no matter what I do I’m going to end up upsetting someone…”
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“No, I get it, it's better it’s me.” She plasters a big smile on her face and whirls around, and I watch her, black patent shoes clacking against the linoleum, hair swishing, arms swinging, and she’s gone. 
Beginning // Prev // Next
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campgender · 6 months
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“Stone Butch, Drag Butch, Baby Butch” by Joan Nestle
published in A Restricted Country (1987)
New words swirl around us
and still I see you in the street
loafers, chinos, shades.
You dare to look too long
and I are turn your gaze,
feel the pull of old worlds
and then like a femme
drop my eyes.
But behind my broken look
you live
and walk deeper into me
as the distance grows between us.
Shame is the first betrayer.
The birth of Lesbian feminism. New York. The old firehouse on Wooster Street. Wooden chairs pulled across the cobbled floor. Pretty young women form a circle to form a group called the Lesbian Liberation Committee. Two old-time Lesbians arrive, grey-haired, short DAs. They stand on the outskirts. I go to the bathroom on the floor below. Two of the young women stand in front of me. “Why do they have to look like men? I hope they don’t come back.” When I returned upstairs, the grey-haired women were gone. They never returned. Jean and Ginny told the world who we were and what we wanted. Books were written saying the bad old days were over. The national organizations started, the presses and newspapers began, and the grey-haired women receded further and further, as if they had blended into the walls.
Shame is the first betrayer.
Stone butch, drag butch, baby butch
the litany of the unwanted.
I see your eyes smoking
behind the self-congratulations
of the vegetarians
the Goddess worshippers
the healers.
Your magic worked in other places
in church alcoves
in diner toilets
in moving cars
pants with sharp creases
shirts cuffed
hair slicked back
riding Brooklyn subways
at five in the morning
shades worn just right
for mystery, for protection.
Rigid, you walked the gauntlet of their sneers
Hey lezzie, hey queer
and even when it was the end of the line
you kept moving.
A strange witch,
my baby butch.
Stone butch, drag butch, baby butch
leaned me back against the bathroom door
tuned for the intrusion, you sucked my breast.
Alert and wanting, we made love in a public place
because territory was limited.
You pushed my wetness out
only when cunning had won for us a place.
In a subway station toilet
I held your head between my thighs
heard the roar and thought it was
our secret rushing out.
Stone butch, drag butch, baby butch
Sandy tells me of the time
she walked in Prospect Park
with her lover on her arm.
Forgetting they were freaks,
they let the bending trees
caress their day.
The men, outraged by Sandy’s pants
and Carol’s skirt,
attacked with chains.
The women fled,
past playgrounds
past the benches made for lovers.
Sandy, smiling, says
through all the years
they never hurt me,
but we both know better.
A hot dark night on Eighth Street.
Held tight with love,
the butch yells up to a shadow on the wall
all she can see of her lady
who calls out
“I’m here baby”
and we all hear her.
A shrine for separated lovers,
the Women’s House of D.*
They tore it down
replaced it with a garden
but those voices still are there
the lasting blossoms of our surviving time.
Stone butch, drag butch, baby butch
I keep you deep within me
warning voices in a changing time.
Shame is the first betrayer.
*The Women’s House of Detention stood for many years on the corner of Eighth Street and Sixth Avenue in Greenwich Village.
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the-al-chemist · 2 months
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Fall For You
A/N: Ah, first love. It doesn’t always last, but it’s sweet while it does. Penny takes a tumble in this one, for @hphm-ship-week’s prompt “Ball”.
Warnings: none.
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Penny was in a rush again.
She often was these days; with the Celestial Ball fast approaching and being the one in charge of the organising committee, she felt as if she had an awful lot on her plate. In fact, she felt as if she had a lot on several plates, and all of those plates were spinning on top of sticks. There was just so much that had to be done, from the decorating, to the catering, to the music. And that was before she even thought about herself. She still hadn’t decided what to wear, nor had she found herself a date.
Well, technically, that was only half true. She had decided who she wanted to be her date, but it wasn’t as simple as that. After all, there were plenty of others who would have jumped at the chance to go to a ball with Bill Weasley. Not to mention, Bill was her friend. They had friends in common. One of which was Rowan, who Penny wasn’t certain had fully gotten over her crush on him, and Artemis, who had that strange brother-sister sort of thing going on with him, and Charlie, who actually was his brother.
No, it was not simple. It was actually very complicated indeed.
It would have been less complicated if Penny had been sure that Bill liked her. As in, really liked her, as more than a friend. Because, yes, he always made a point of talking to her when they saw one another in the corridors or the courtyard, and yes, he had offered to help her with her Transfiguration coursework, but Bill would have done those things for any of his friends. And although recently she had thought that he had been looking at her or smiling at her more than he used to, that may have been wishful thinking on her part.
Bill was a sixth year, and clever, and cool. Penny might have been popular and quite pretty, if it wasn’t too vain of her to think so, but she had to be dreaming to think that Bill would ever see her as anything more than one of little brother’s friends. To think that he might actually ask her to be his date for the Celestial Ball, it was…
Penny’s dancing thoughts were interrupted as her foot seemed to hit something — a step or loose stone, perhaps — as she walked. She stumbled, then fell forward, landing on the hard ground, the notebooks and rolls of parchment she had been carrying scattered across the flagstone around her. She turned to look at what she had tripped over, but there was nothing there but air.
“Oh dear.” A shrill voice called out, and Penny looked up to see a group of sixth year Gryffindor girls standing nearby, all sniggering. At the front of the group was Emily Tyler, her wand raised and face smug. She sneered at Penny. “I didn’t realise you were so very clumsy, Penelope.”
As Emily and her friends laughed again, Penny felt her face grow pink and tears prick at her eyes. Embarrassed, frustrated, and determined not to let any of them see her cry, she focused on trying to gather her things back together. A moment later, she was joined by a passerby, who crouched down to help her and made her heart skip a beat.
She wasn’t sure if she was happy or not to see him right now. She had just fallen flat on her face. Goodness, he might have just caught a glimpse of her knickers! Penny blushed even more.
“Are you alright, Pen?” Bill asked her, his blue eyes filled with concern. Penny nodded, her voice suddenly gone. “Was the floor wet, or…” He turned and looked at Emily Tyler and her friends, who were now walking away. “Oh, for Godric’s sake. Do you want me to go and give her a detention?”
Penny suddenly had a vision of Bill, dressed like Prince Charming, riding a white pony up the Grand Staircase with a sword in his hand, ready to fight and defend her honour. But then, she had another vision of Emily in her dormitory, talking about her behind her back. She shook her head.
“Oh, no. There’s really no need, Bill. I’m perfectly alright.” To prove her point she smiled, desperately hoping that she hadn’t chipped any of her teeth on the flagstone. Bill did not look convinced. “Really, she’s just upset about the whole Ball committee thing. I would have been upset, too, if she had won the vote and I hadn’t.”
“Yeah, but I don’t think you would have trip-jinxed her because of it.”
“Well, no. I suppose that was a little uncalled for.”
“It was completely uncalled for,” said Bill. He stood up and held a hand out to her. She took it, and he helped her to her feet. “Are you sure—”
“I’m positive, thank you.” Penny, aware that her hand was still in his, let go and took the last of her papers back from him. “And thank you for helping me with these.”
“You’re more than welcome.”
Neither of them spoke for a few moments, but neither of them moved away from each other, either. It would have been awkward, had Penny not been too busy hoping that he might kiss her to feel any awkwardness. But, of course, he didn’t kiss her. He did, however, glance at her lips. Unless she had imagined. Had she imagined it? Was he thinking about kissing her? Might he like her back?
“It looks like a lot of work, all of this,” he said. Penny shrugged.
“Yes, I suppose it is. But I enjoy it, so I don’t mind.”
“Of course. It must be right up your street. Still, I’m really impressed.” Penny couldn’t stop herself from smiling at Bill’s words. But, he wasn’t done just yet. “You know, if you need a hand with any of it, I’m happy to help. With anything, really, you just need to ask. I mean it.”
He really did mean it, Penny could tell. He really wanted to help her. He wanted to spend time with her. Maybe, just maybe, she hadn’t been imagining things at all.
“And… Sorry. You go on.”
“Oh, no. No, I’m sorry. I didn’t realise you hadn’t finished speaking,” said Penny. “Please, carry on. What were you saying?”
“Not much. Just that I’m going to be helping out anyway. I’ve signed up to be a chaperone on the night.”
Penny felt her heart drop in her chest. If Bill was going to be a chaperone at the ball, then he wouldn’t be able to go as her date, even if he did want to.
“Anyway, what were you about to say, Pen?”
Her sudden sense of disappointment prevented her from lying.
“Well, I was going to ask you if you wanted to go to the Celestial Ball with me. As my date. But if you’re a chaperone, then that’s not going to work, is it?”
“No.” Bill gave her a pained look. “Sorry.”
There was nothing more to say. Once again, Penny felt the threat of her own tears. She shrugged at Bill in lieu of talking, and walked away from him before she could cry. She couldn’t bear that embarrassment as well.
“Penny, wait.” She stopped, and allowed Bill to catch up with her. “I really am sorry. If I hadn’t volunteered to help, then…”
His voice tailed off, and his sentence went unfinished. After a second, Penny tried to finish it for him.
“Then you would have said yes?”
“Then I would have asked you myself.”
Now it was Bill’s turn to blush. Penny could barely believe her eyes or ears.
“Yeah. I, um… Well, I kind of like you, Pen. I mean, I really like you.”
“I really like you, too.”
The hall in which they were standing wasn’t overly busy, but it wasn’t completely empty either. In that moment, however, it felt as if Penny and Bill could have been the only two people in the whole castle, maybe even in the whole world.
“Maybe if everyone behaves themselves, I’ll be able to get on the dance floor for a few songs,” said Bill. “Maybe you could save a dance for me, just in case?”
“Well, I’ll certainly try,” Penny replied.
The school bell pealed. Their moment was over. It was time for their next lessons to begin. Somewhat awkwardly, they each gestured in the directions they needed to go. Opposite directions.
Penny rose up onto her tiptoes and kissed Bill on the cheek, before walking away from him with a rosy face and a smile that she wouldn’t have been able to suppress if she tried.
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
from this article by 1905.com which is a platform under CCTV6 “Infinite Possibilities Not Defined——Impression of Crossover Actor Wang Yibo”
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This kind of persistence in love and the core of success through hard work are exactly the themes that the film wants to express, and the character of Chen Shuo fully expresses Wang Yibo's unique spiritual core. Rather than saying that Wang Yibo played Chen Shuo in his true colors, it is better to say that Chen Shuo reflected a certain side of Wang Yibo.
Recently, the movie "One and Only" starring Wang Yibo entered the 700 million club at the box office in just 10 days. Viewers in Tao Piao Piao and Maoyan rated it with an average score of 9.7. The difficult street dance moves he completed in the movie were praised by professional dancers again and again. "Wang Yibo's enthusiastic one-elbow throw is done by himself" became a hot search on the Internet, and the street dance movement suddenly became popular.
"Dancing in any corner of the world is not bad"
"One and Only" is the theme movie of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou in 2022. It is exclusively planned by the Hangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee. It uses the new competition event break dance as the carrier. A story that shines on the stage. Director Dapeng said in many interviews that choosing Wang Yibo to play Chen Shuo was the unanimous recommendation of the hip-hop industry.
It was recommended because of Wang Yibo's professionalism in hip-hop and his influence. In the "This Is Street Dance" series of variety shows, his infectious and aesthetic dancing attracted countless audiences and aroused a wave of hip-hop dance among the people. His influence was noticed by the Chinese Dancers Association and awarded him "Ambassador of China's Top Dancers Promotion" ", it can be said that he is expected to play Chen Shuo.
Dapeng said that the screenwriter wrote Chen Shuo according to Wang Yibo, first there was Wang Yibo, and then there was "One and Only". So we can see the shadow of Wang Yibo in Chen Shuo.
Wang Yibo started learning to dance because of his love in the sixth grade of elementary school, and this hobby has continued to this day. On August 3, he said during the Yueyang road show of the "One and Only" crew: "Dancing is my passion, and acting is also my passion. I don't feel tired doing two things I like at the same time."
In order to meet the needs of the plot, he did the dance that he gave up because of injuries when he was a child; for a dance move in the movie, he practiced repeatedly until his leg was injured; in order to achieve the best shooting effect, he repeated every time the filming is complete and danced it completely. He is making progress, and Chen Shuo is also making progress. Finally, in the final scene, Wang Yibo performed all types of hip-hop dance, which made hip-hop lovers feast.
Wang Yibo once said in an interview: "Dancing in any corner of the world is not bad." So we saw in "One and Only" that Chen Shuo danced in subway cars, shopping malls, restaurants, homes, vegetable farms, etc., dancing all the time. We arrived at the final scene of the National Hip-Hop Competition. This kind of persistence in love and the core of success through hard work are exactly the themes that the film wants to express, and the character of Chen Shuo fully expresses Wang Yibo's unique spiritual core. Rather than saying that Wang Yibo played Chen Shuo in his true colors, it is better to say that Chen Shuo reflected a certain side of Wang Yibo.
Huang Bo, who plays Chen Shuo's coach, said that his first impression of Wang Yibo was "handsome and hardworking". Screenwriter Su Biao even admitted that Wang Yibo gave him a lot of creative inspiration. It took Wang Yibo ten years to step by step to shine in front of the public. His own famous experience is an "exclamation mark" worthy of admiration.
“Just stay indifferent"
At the "Moon Rise in the Bay Area" gala jointly held by Hong Kong and mainland China, Wang Yibo sang the theme song of the same name of the movie "Hidden Blade" he starred in. Because he sang so well, some people questioned him for fake singing, and rumors spread. Later, some professionals pointed out that the song itself had overlapping choruses, and Wang Yibo's live singing was perfectly connected with the accompaniment chorus he had recorded in advance. Some people compared the live singing with his original MV, and found that a sound on the scene has been changed. This anti-rumor treatment is the same as he did in a concert in 2019. The rumors are self-defeating.
When questioned about lip-syncing, Wang Yibo himself did not come out to defend himself. Wang Yibo majored in music at Hanlin Art High School in South Korea. When he debuted in 2014, he was the team's rapper and dancer. He won the Best Newcomer of the Year Award at the Cool Music Asia Festival and the Annual Music Award at the Screaming iQiyi Night Awards Ceremony, which shows his singing skills and level. You can tell from watching his stage that he can breathe steadily while dancing and singing, not to mention singing while walking that night.
He has always chosen to respond to his doubts with his works. At the end of 2019, Wang Yibo released his third single "Wugan", which is his first attempt at lyrics creation. "Don't be a puppet that allows others to manipulate your emotions" "No feeling is the best way to fight back" "When the sun goes down and the lights are turned on at night, you can see that the world is not bad" "The road to adversity sees the future and stands up after falling Get up" "Finding the way, Follow the light that you see, be free". Every line of the lyrics expresses his attitude.
In 2021, he released a new song "Twenty". The lyrics read: "I want to re-ignite the fire, only ashes are left in front of my eyes again and again, I am looking for an exit with wounds all over my body, I have tightened the invisible rope again and again, my hands are empty and I have no strength to break free, the wind is so vast above three feet, but there are already bursts of waves in all directions." "stand up thousands of times, stand up to the skyline, stand up to the end, stand up to the infinite future". The song "Twenty" tells the story of pursuing the front again and again without fear of difficulties and finally finding the strength to stand up, as if it is a portrayal of his struggle against fate.
In 2023, at the concert in Macau, he used the song "Twenty" as the background music, and performed a dance called "Exclamation Point" with the original crew of the "E-Mark" dance troupe in the movie "One and Only". The same song, but with music without lyrics and a different dance, adding a new connotation. This brand-new way of expression makes people marvel at his stage again, and also makes people re-examine the song "Twenty" and re-examine the ups and downs Wang Yibo has experienced for so many years.
Recalling this song, he seems to be telling people: Not feeling is the biggest response to doubts, you can't beat me, I will go forward bravely and shine with my works.
"Stay true to yourself, don't please others"
Wang Yibo in 2023, in addition to the release of the three box-office and word-of-mouth films "Hidden Blade", "The King of the Sky" and "One and Only", there are still many occasions where he will be exposed to the public. Whether it is at the airport, on the red carpet, on the stage, watching a show, or in brand activities, his clothing and makeup often become hot topics that the public likes to talk about. Some people say that he is a "walking clothes rack", and some people say that he is a "fashion vane of internal entertainment".
Clothing and beauty brands are very partial to Wang Yibo. Chanel awarded him as a brand image ambassador, and filmed the movie "My Friend" for him to participate in world-class film festivals; Moncler praised him as "Moncler's most handsome spokesperson"; EVISU customized a special car for him; Special guest of the Shu Uemura Beauty Makeup Contest, signed on the same stage with world-class design masters; Pechoin is the exclusive title sponsor of the TV series he starred in; Anta specially designed his favorite color - green shoes and clothing for him...
Why do they love him so much? It may be because of his appearance, or his talent, but more likely because his image and core match the brand's values.
In May of this year, when Wang Yibo attended the Chanel show in Los Angeles, the United States, he talked about the biggest commonality between him and Chanel in an interview. He said bluntly: "Be loyal to yourself and don't please others." Reminiscent of his saying in an interview many years ago: "If you don't like me, just like others", it is similar.
So what is the self he insists on? To use the lines in the movie "One and Ou", it is "you will succeed if you keep working hard", and "if you have no distracting thoughts, you will have everything".
Wang Yibo's talent and intrinsic value are being recognized more and more. In addition to being the "China Top Dancer Promotion Ambassador", he is also officially awarded the "China Skateboard Application Promotion Ambassador" and "China Ice and Snow Sports Promotion Ambassador", etc. Departments and organizations such as public security, transportation, fire protection, tourism, and public welfare have also invited him. Spoke for anti-drug, civilized transportation, fire safety, etc.
He is like a treasure, opening infinite possibilities with a multifaceted life that cannot be defined.
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mypatchworkreflection · 6 months
""The State Department's shocking assertion that the Netanyahu government is complying with international law in Gaza is a gross disregard of overwhelming evidence and a dangerous precedent in the conduct of U.S. foreign policy," said Patrick Gaspard, who previously served as executive director of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and U.S. ambassador to South Africa under the Obama administration.
"The stakes here are so high that the administration must be transparent and accountable in sharing with the American people all evidence that has led to this determination and the continued sale of offensive weapons to Israel," Gaspard argued, pointing to Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant's stated goal of imposing a "complete siege" on Gaza at the start of the assault, which is now in its sixth month with no end in sight.
Gaspard said that "every aspect" of Gallant's "edict" has "been on open display to the world," with famine, dehydration, and disease spreading across the enclave as Israel persists in obstructing the delivery of humanitarian aid."
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"If we back down from this---there is nothing left"
Lara Logan (God bless her) interviewed Rep Clay Higgins who has a career in law enforcement. I hope Representative Clay Higgins is right. -GRITS
Lara Logan's Truthinmedia.com Episode 9
www.policestatefilm.net @Truth_InMedia
Police State Trailer:
Episode 9: Rep. Clay Higgins Speaks Out
Clay Higgins brought his investigative skills from the streets of Louisiana where he was a cop for years to the halls of congress, where he’s been investigating January 6th ever since it happened.
We sat down for a tough, far-reaching interview to explore what he’s learned…
Read the Episode Transcript:
Lara – studio intro
We’re breaking with our regular series to bring you a rare, in-depth interview with a man who is no stranger to controversy and doesn’t seem to give a damn what people think of him. Clay Higgins has gone from cop to congressman. And along the way, did things law enforcement officers don’t normally do, like the way he delivered his message in crime stopper videos that earned him the name the “Cajun John Wayne.”
If you look him up online, you’ll find no shortage of articles condemning Clay Higgins as a far-right conspiracy theorist, peddling in crazy, unfounded ideas about January 6th. Then again, these are the same people who told us Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation and President Donald Trump was a Russian spy. Simply put, they often lie and we don’t care what they think.
We know we’ve been deceived about January 6th because the narrative has shifted. For example, we now know from court cases and the FBI itself that the bureau did have undercover assets on the ground. That’s one of the reasons we wanted to speak to Representative Higgins. He’s one of the few in Congress who’s challenged the insurrection narrative from the start and as a former law enforcement officer himself knows a thing or two about investigations.
Powerful people who dominate the flow of information don’t want you to hear what he has to say or what he’s learned over the past two and a half years. That alone seems like a compelling reason for us to find out.
This is a letter from Bennie Thompson, who was chairman of the January 6th Select Committee, and he sent this to TSA, to the Honorable David Pekoske, who’s the administrator for TSA.
They want a briefing on “efforts to address the travel of white supremacists and other domestic terrorist groups. Options for quickly denying air carrier service to individuals posing a potential threat, and current status of efforts to identify and add to watchlists.” How far does this go?
That letter was the beginning of an executive action by the TSA to use its authority to instruct America’s air marshals to track and follow Trump supporters that have been charged with no crime. They were guilty only of – of arriving by air into D.C. on January 4th, fifth or sixth. And those – those manifest were turned over to the FBI.
The FBI went through those manifest. And every American that they identified, that the FBI identified as a Trump supporter, that was on those manifest was added to the FBI’s suspected domestic terrorist watch list. The FBI create the profile on those people – a suspected terrorist profile, and then the TSA administrator used his authority to instruct air the Marshals of America to track those Americans wherever they fly and
Still today?
It’s still happening. This is who our air marshals are following, the Trump supporters and that letter signed by Bennie Thompson, who was chair of the J6 Select Committee and signed by John Katko, who at the time was a ranking member.
A Republican.
He was the lead Republican of the Homeland Security Committee advising the- the Pekoske, the TSA senior guy to use all of that authority to track Trump supporters that have not been charged with a crime. They were guilty only of arriving in D.C. by air.
And every time they fly, they’re being tracked?
That’s right.
If they have never been convicted of terrorism, why are they on the terror watch list? It’s a violation of the First Amendment. They exercise their First Amendment rights. They’re being punished for it. It’s a violation of the Fourth Amendment. I mean, how many laws does this violate? How many rights does this violate? This is not a free country.
You’re not a free country where you’re tracked by air marshals, by the way, at taxpayer expense. And we’re not talking about an insignificant expense. Teams of three air marshals tracing people all over the country? You’re putting physical detail onto people.
That’s right
That’s the most expensive form of surveillance that exists.
Let me say – let me clarify. It’s very comforting to Americans to think that there’s, there might be an air marshal on your flight.
Not if they’re tracking you for your political beliefs.
Well, not if they’re being used for nefarious purposes. But the people that are complaining about this are the air marshals themselves, digital whistleblowers that are coming forward to tell a congressman that they felt would pay attention.
This has been going on since January ‘21 and you just found out about it. What else is going on, that we don’t know about?
We don’t know, but I’m telling you, we’re in uncharted waters as it relates to the weaponization of our government against the American people. I am not frightened of these people. I’ve spent my life serving others and and I love my country. This thing is not going to just slip away. They’re not going to take us without a fight.
And I’m going to fight legally and peacefully and within the parameters of the Constitution that I’ve sworn to serve, but they’re going down. These – these men, and their high perch in there, their position of power and authority and are walking upon our entire history, our deepest core principles. They’re not going to get away with it.
They have so far.
We’ll see.
Powerful people in this country. They want to make sure no one hears your voice. They want everyone to look at you like a far-right, crazy conspiracy theorist. Is that who you are?
No, m’am. I’m a regular American man. I’m an investigator – police officer by background. I’m going to continue to speak the truth, whether anybody likes it or not.
You’ve always been controversial. I mean, even when you were in law enforcement, you did those crimestopper videos that went viral. People loved them. You got a lot of heat for them, too.
The Gremlin Street gang is responsible for hundreds of violent crimes: Murders, armed robberies, witness intimidation, burglaries, drug trafficking, extortion, and brutal beatings.
We’ve arrested 10 of these thugs and have warrants on seven more. You will be hunted, you will be tracked, and if you raise your weapon to a man like me, we’ll return fire with superior firepower.
Darren Carter – you think men like these are afraid of an uneducated, 125-pound punk like you? That’s never won a fair fight in your life and hold your gun sideways? Young man, I’ll meet you on solid ground any time, anywhere. Light or heavy. Makes no difference to me. You won’t walk away. And for those who would use this message as a way to create false racial division in our country, take a close look behind me. Standing next to every cop is a leader of our black community. This is not about race. It’s about right versus wrong.
Was that your idea with you? Were you the reason behind that?
Those videos, those public service announcements were part of my job that the sheriff asked me to perform.
Because you were the press officer? Public affairs person?
Public service, but that was a late in my career. I didn’t ask for that position, I had been a swat cop for long time. In fact, when the sheriff asked me to to take that role, I first I thought he was joking. And I told the sheriff, “I don’t know how to do that.” and he said, “well there, it’s easy.”
And you show up where the TV people tell you to show up and you stand where they tell you to stand and somebody holds the script for you and you read it. I did that a couple of weeks. I read the script, but I was uncomfortable with that because it wasn’t real. It wasn’t reflective of what I had been telling actual suspects for many years.
In the dead of night. That direct conversation that a lone cop will have, whether a young man has taken a wrong turn in life and asked to be arrested. That’s a very special communication for a good cop.
How do you do that, Clay? How do you have that conversation?
Well, you speak candidly and honestly and from your heart with compassion, but discipline and confidence. I mean, if – if I show up in your life at 2:00 in the morning, it is not because you’ve had a good day. I don’t consider you to be a bad man. You’ve just done something that has crossed a line and – according to statute, and I’m ‘a help you through the booking process and hopefully lead you to a better day.
Their only path really to freedom was through my jail and – and real freedom. Spiritual freedom would – would be if they could break the bonds of darkness, you know. So the way I deliver the message when I began having to record video segments, I just communicated in that same honest manner. And – and what started happening is people started turning themselves in.
People responded. And even beyond your little sheriff’s department in Louisiana.
It was big.
Worldwide. Some of those videos, wh- they were translated in eight languages, I’m told. IT people told me they were viewed 150 million times across the world.
No one had seen anything like it.
It was just honesty. And that’s what I do in Congress.
Well, there is another video of you that went viral not so long ago, which is when you at that press conference on the Hill and that activist kept coming up and you leaned in and took your sunglasses down, you told him, “I’m going to give you an interview. I’ll give you what you want, but this is what you got to do.”
And then he came back.
You had a Freedom Caucus press conference immediately following a Bernie Sanders-like rally. So they had, you know, not necessarily a good mix. You – one could anticipate there might be some activists there that that would not necessarily agree with the kind of things we were saying in our in our press conference. And one of those little fellas figured out there was no police around.
So he wanted to be more aggressive than he should have been.
Man causing a scene: Can you talk about when your family did an ad all endorsing your opponent and…?
And he came on and saw the barriers, you know, into the press area. He was not a journalist.
He was walking right between the group of congressmen.
Yeah, he came – he was trying to get around to Lauren Boebert and I had already dressed him down a little bit and put him in a box.
Man causing a scene: You can’t answer the question that he has.
Clay: No I can answer the question.
Man: Okay, listen, What’s your name?
Clay: Clay Higgins. I represent South Louisiana. All I’m asking you is to just peacefully stand by with your camera. I promise ya – look at me – I’ll come talk to you straight up and answer all your questions. Fair enough?
Man: Do you know about his family and his endorsement? Yeah.
Clay: I’ll answer that when we talk.
That didn’t last but maybe a minute and he decided to get even more aggressive, so I just – I had to escort him out of the area. I turned him over to the police. That was the end of it.
I like the way you say “escort him out.” You basically picked him up and walked him over and put him down.
That was an escort.
That’s a Clay Higgins escort?
That’s a Clay Higgins escort, Yeah.
And you stayed very calm and said, “Calm yourself.”
Calm down, son.
It sounded like you’d said those words before.
Yeah, I’ve said them before. Kind of where we are as a nation right now. It calls for calm consideration and response to the oppression that we face from within. It’s – it’s quite nefarious.
Tell me what you mean. What do we face as a nation?
Generationally, we have allowed our federal law enforcement agencies to gradually become commanded by corrupted men, and they’ve been corrupted not so much by money, but by power. And that power really began manifesting itself insidiously with The FBI and DOJ and our intelligence services since 9/11, since the Patriot Act. We gave them great authorities and power.
Those powers are no longer being – being used to thwart terrorists. They’re being used to oppress the individual rights and freedoms of regular Americans like me and like the citizens I’ve sworn to serve. So I have a problem with that.
The counter to that would be these are not ordinary citizens. These are domestic terrorists. Because that’s, I mean, it’s very clear from Christopher Wray, the letter that he wrote about parents going to school board meetings that need to be investigated as terrorists. You speak at a Moms for Liberty event today, you get targeted by the Anti-Defamation League or the Southern Poverty Law Center or someone like that as a domestic terrorist. And these organizations are working very closely with not just social media companies, but with law enforcement.
Regular patriotic American men and women are not terrorists. Let me say the factions within our highest levels of federal law enforcement – And I and I and I – FBI and DOJ and intelligence services, these corrupted men we’re discussing, they could be more readily identified and more accurately described as domestic terrorists than – than me.  They’re the ones treading upon my individual rights and freedoms. They’re the ones that’s spying on  – on Americans. They’re the ones traveling uh great distances to, to insert themselves into the lives of Americans that are just communicating freely, as is our right online or anywhere else, at meetings as we congregate and gather.
What about those who say your, your right to gather and uh have a conversation doesn’t give you a right to assault police officers and disrupt Congress and so on?
I don’t support battery on police officers or, uh, nor – nor violent disruption of – of government operations, but I will remind everyone that a free American has a right to resist an unlawful arrest.
At the last hearing where you addressed Christopher Wray, you produced a photograph of what you called “ghost buses.”
These two buses in the middle here, they were the first to arrive at Union Station on January 6th. Zero 5-hundred. I have all this evidence. I’m showing you the tip of this iceberg.
Your point really was that they’re unmarked vehicles full of individuals that have not been explained. Is that right?
A “ghost vehicle” in law enforcement is not an uncommon reference. It’s vehicle has been purposefully concealed to – to whereby it’s not easy to identify. So no license plate. It’s been painted over its original cover. In this case, these two buses were totally painted white, like a cheap, vast overspray over all of the markings. So when you have two charter buses show up, the very first buses to show up in Union Station on January 6th…
Around 5 a.m.?
Around 5 a.m. The initial witness, another charter bus owner, arrived at – at 5:20. He thought he would be the first to arrive because he knew the schedule of all the other charter buses and he knew that most the buses would begin arriving around 6. So this charter bus operator was very experienced man. Very squared away. When he arrived with his couple of buses, these two white buses were  – were to his surprise already there, and he immediately noticed that these buses were odd because they were totally painted over. It was a bad paint job. There was no markings, no phone numbers, no company name, totally outside the parameters of the way charter buses are required to operate and by law. So he said, “these buses are weird” and no one was getting out.
So something else that happens within that charter bus driver community is the drivers know each other. The passengers may stay on a bus if they’re especially in a parking lot, and not ready to disembark yet.
The passengers might stay on a bus, but the bus drivers get off and they talk to each other.
They talk to the other bus drivers. So there are things that happen normally that the absence of that happening was odd. So he was suspicious enough of these buses as a professional, that he collected some digital evidence of those buses and then estimated with him and – and other eyewitnesses between 40 and 50 guys that they described as “Trump supporters.”
They all disembarked from the bus and they gathered in front of – of the two buses and they had like some kind of discussion, a briefing like the way a military leader would address his troops.
Yeah, they call it a huddle.
And then they together went to the escalators and up into Union Station and were gone.
And they were all men?
They were all men in all the Trump regalia. These men were in really good shape. They made comments like, “Wow, these are real serious Trump supporters. These guys” and they said they all had elbow pads and knee pads. And least they appeared like they had common equipment, but they were not in uniform, but they – they behaved in a uniform manner. 0
And we intend to get all of that video evidence from Union Station, from the escalators, from the parking lot. We have other eyewitnesses, much to the chagrin of everybody that was in those buses and everyone who commanded them to be there. We’ve identified one of those buses. And you know what that means? That means that’s their ass, because a bus is a serial numbered vehicle.
And in America, the change of ownership of a serial numbered vehicle…
Is recorded.
Is documented. So that means we can begin to trace from the original owner of that bus where it was sold and who bought it, and then who it was leased to and where it disappeared. And then eventually those buses were removed from the Union Station and we’re going to document all of that.
So you believe that those buses held undercover officers, not informants? Correct?
I feel very, very confident that – that everybody that was on those two buses were FBI assets.
And I have a high degree of belief there were actual FBI agents. And – and I’m, I’m sorry to say, ma’am, my objective conclusion is that – that senior officials at the at the FBI were deeply involved there.
You had a combination of FBI confidential informants either registered, unregistered – or a volunteer informant, or actual FBI agents depending upon a group and how significant a group was. Like the agents inserted in say the Proud Boys groups that we’re going to come to D.C. Those are most probably actual FBI agents. Whereas some, you know, random Facebook group of patriots from Arizona or something were most likely an informant.
So it would still fall under the umbrella of an “FBI asset” if they were communicating with the FBI – data that they were harvesting and information that they were recording and delivering it to the FBI, screenshots of text chats or actual recordings of phone calls, things like that – that they were delivering to the FBI, all part of the web of surveillance of the American people.
What have you seen? What can you tell us about? I know you can’t get ahead of everything. I know there’s limitations on some of this, but can you tell us anything?
I can tell you that, that the FBI had, had established a formula in 2020 that, that they pursued with all their – their power and authority to infiltrate groups across the country of Americans that were essential discussing online. They’d formed online groups.
Like chat rooms?
Yeah, like chat rooms.
Discord and Telegram.
Etc. to discuss their frustrations with COVID oppression and so the FBI identified groups and and – and  infiltrated them with undercover operations that were very effective and they began planting seeds of discord. If you track the – the text threads, which I’ve –  I’ve seen some of again, through evidence that I’ve been able to witness, but I cannot, I cannot share publicly because it would be in violation of – of court orders.
But to be clear, this is video you’ve seen with your own eyes?
Yes, ma’am. The evidence that was in criminal cases.
Is this what it’s based on? It’s based on the digital evidence, what you have on camera and supporting evidence for that and other kinds?
Yeah, eyewitness testimony, sworn testimony, affidavits, text messages, emails, and digital – digital footage. Yes, ma’am.
A lot of people would say “Clay, you’re lawman, right? That’s what we do. We infiltrate groups where we perceive there to be a threat or potential of crime being committed. We have undercover officers. We have undercover assets like informants. This is the bread and butter of law enforcement. What are you complaining about?”
They were the criminals. They were the threat.
Based on what?
We were just Americans. We were Americans that were that were angry and – and we were enraged that our freedoms were being oppressed and that FBI and the powers that had become corrupted, the those – those bad actors within the federal government that had this authority, they said “these Americans, how dare those Americans challenge the oppression that we’re putting upon them.”
Can you share any of the messages yet that you have said you traced back to FBI undercovers inside these groups and these chats?
No m’am.
Will you share it when you can?
The moment that I’m able to reveal that – that stuff, I will.
You said specifically that you saw that there were undercover police officers who were inside the Capitol before any of the protesters came in.
That’s right.
How do you know that? And can you give us any sense of what that means?
I mean, if you clearly have men dressed as Trump supporters walking around inside the Capitol on the other side of police officers who are, to one extent or another, not engaged with them, like they’re not concerned about them.
Then you have a set of closed doors like exterior doors and interior doors closed, and you have police officers positioned outside and then in between the two doors and then on the inside of the second set of doors –
Doors weren’t open yet.
What time was this?
This was –  a couple of videos that Trump was still speaking and then on the inside, it looked like Trump supporters walking around in groups of five or six, so these were clearly separated physically and by doors and by police officers from the guys on the outside.
Any reasonable man would come to the conclusion– When you have videos of the doors being opened and police officers allowing Trump supporters that had gathered at the door to now enter, no violence, just walking in. “Just come on in, some fist bumps, and come in.” A second set of doors open, then there’s a group of Trump supporters on the steps, interior steps saying, “Come on this way, this way.”
What does that tell you?
Any reasonable man would look at that and say this was a coordinated effort by a law enforcement to have these people come in to. So who was that? They had to be, you know, I think as nefarious forces and part of the whole agenda of the – of the FBI with their involvement of this whole thing. We have other evidence, specific observations of police officers, Capitol police or metro, both entering rooms and here in the Capitol in uniform and coming out as Trump supporters and construction workers.
You’ve seen that?
Yeah, so…
Why has that video not been released yet?
One would say that’s a pretty good clue.
The other reason that we believe it’s just practical to have someone who knows how to get around, I mean, you know yourself, you can’t walk around his place. You have to be here for years and years.
The capitol is a maze.
That’s right. And it’s incredibly difficult to get around. You have to know where you’re going.
You had to have people that were very familiar with the the capital itself in order to lead to random groups of citizens that have come from every corner of the country in many cases, never been to D.C. before, much less walked around in the capital. So it – it just makes sense that the Trump supporters that were leading the way and were clearly already inside the capital before the doors were open, were working in coordination with the FBI agents and assets that were embedded into the crowd. 
In some cases in these groups had been embedded for months. This is ugly stuff we’re discussing, but the American people deserve to know the truth and I intend to see that it happens. 
A lot of people just won’t believe it without  – they have to see the evidence or they just don’t believe you. 
I don’t want to believe these things. I’ve been a cop for a long time, since I was a little boy. The FBI shield was – that was the baddest ass badge a cop could ever earn. It was an honored achievement to become an FBI agent so it’s with great pain I describe the corruption that has taken hold within our FBI, and we intend to clean it up because these rank-and-file FBI agents, let me tell you that a lot of these men and women are quite disturbed about what has happened to their beloved FBI. Same thing inside the DOJ. We have an obligation as Americans to embrace truth, whether it’s ugly or not, so that we can take corrective action. 
Okay so you have the floor now, but you don’t know how much longer you have it for, right? And you don’t have forever.
We don’t. 
And it’s been how long?
10 months.
10 months?
Some things have not happened that – that –  that the conservatives within the people’s house would like to happen. We’ve had some disagreements internally regarding who shall be our speaker. We just had to go through what we went through in order to arrive at that particular junction of American history where a man like Mike Johnson became our speaker. Mike gets it, that all the digital evidence of for instance J6 has to be released to the American people, talking about altogether between 40 and 50,000 hours of digital evidence.
No one has a staff large enough to go through that evidence. So it has to be crowdsourced, have to give this stuff to the American people. And then the truth will be revealed, clip by clip.
Mike Johnson has released precisely 12 and a half thousand hours of that 40,000, and he’s not releasing 5%, which is 2,000 hours. Whether it’s for a good reason or a bad reason, it provides opportunity to hide whatever you want in those 2,000 hours. I’m not saying he’s hiding something because I don’t know.
But I’m just saying is when you’re withholding 2,000 hours, you can put whatever you want in that 2,000 hours. There are American citizens who are sitting in jail, some of them for three years without a trial. People have gone to solitary confinement for misdemeanor charges, nonviolent misdemeanor charges.
They’re still arresting people. You expect people to go to an election and vote when they don’t even have answers on their questions on the last election. And over time, more and more and more evidence is coming out in court cases. Right? Judges that wouldn’t take those cases when the light was on them. Now they’re not able to avoid them anymore. So what are you waiting for?
The people who don’t want the truth out have complete information dominance.
Right? You come out with something, you have a committee hearing? Dismissed. Conspiracy theories. “Ah Higgins. He’s a far right lunatic. Now, you know, don’t listen to him.” And so there are millions of people in this country that read The New York Times every day. Some of them were in this room, right? They hear you saying this and they think you’re just a nut.
You’re just a nut. And where’s the evidence or Mike Johnson’s going to release it? What is he waiting for?
The truth of what happened on those days, J 4 or 5 and 6 is in the digital evidence that Speaker Johnson has control of. And thank God we have a speaker who has stated that he is committed to release all of that data. Now he’s restrained to the extent that he’s restrained by attorneys, but he’s an attorney himself.
And, and we’ll see. When you when you say not going to release at all, I say, let’s see.
Well, those were his words, not mine.
Well, I know the man’s heart and it is pure and he knows that American needs full truth. I believe, I speak on behalf of “we the people” when I say we demand full release. The whole thing. Not just from the Capitol grounds and within the Capitol proper by the way. We want it all. We want all the DC Metro digital evidence. We need evidence from Union Station and and some other spots that we’ve identified.
Can you tell me any of those spots that you’ve identified, Union Station being one. What other the spots? 
The parking areas and, and areas for dismemberment.
What do you mean by that?
The escalator areas where you can connect the dots from agents disembarking from vehicles and going either on foot to their stations and their teams of three and four and five, or getting in other vehicles that were dispersed and where some actions were noted that were born of of those vehicles, where some actions were taken, nefarious stuff.
What can potentially happen there? If you were a J6 defendant who’s in prison or was convicted of a crime, but you find out later that – that Brady material was withheld from you in violation of the law, is there legal redress for you here?
Yeah, that would flip the case. The bottom line is that if we are successful, if Mike Johnson is successful at getting all the digital evidence from J4, 5, and 6 released entirely to the American people, including the body cam footage of – of – of every police officer that was either operating in uniform or not in uniform, shall we say, then all these J6 I call “persecutions”, these political prisoners, those cases will be flipped because it’s exculpatory evidence that’s been withheld and the prosecution has a legal responsibility to provide exculpatory evidence that they’re in possession of to the defense. In this case, in every one of these J6 cases that have been prosecuted, the FBI and the DOJ has most certainly been in possession of all the digital evidence that we’re describing right now. If we’re successful at getting that evidence released to the American people, the American people are going to be stunned into acceptance of the reality that our FBI and our DOJ, and in some cases, head people in our intelligence services, have been corrupted by power. 
Have you seen all the video? I know it’s a lot.
it’s a lot.
Have you seen the key parts?
Clay: I’ve seen many segments of video that most Americans have not seen, that is incredibly condemning. They’re so desperate to keep this digital evidence away from Americans, just regular citizen’s review, that they’re going through quite complex legal maneuvers to stop Americans from viewing this evidence. Every American that’s watching this should ask themselves why. Whether you’re liberal or conservative, ask yourself why.
Why do you think?
Why are you concealing that evidence from me? Why can’t I see that? It’s video from my own capital. People have a tendency to forget, especially my liberal brothers and sisters across the country. This is your country. This is your capital. You have the right to know what actually happened in 2020 in the months preceding J4, 5, and 6. You have the right to see the digital evidence of what truly happened in your capital on January 4th, 5th, and 6th. This is my position.
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Lara Logan spoke to Steve Bannon's War Room:
For every martyr: Please forgive us & know your suffering is temporary. 💔
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kunoimochi · 1 year
𝟔𝐭𝐡 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐲𝐚𝐡𝐢𝐤𝐨 𝐠𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐞𝐧
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HELP THE QUALITY– my anatomy is weird here please ignore it ily
Risshū Anzai
Vice chairman of Library Committee. He always helping harukaze with his questionable plan, he's very reliable senior, will do anything to help his junior. Born in kinki region but move out of personal reasons.
Harukaze Eto
The chairman of Library Committee. Very protective of all the books in library but have a very questionable collection of weird book. Know how to read Chinese and indo. Have a baby face but probably a womanizer, his friends will jokingly call him pervert bookworm.
Maori date
Accounting Committee chairman, have a easy going personality and love to take care of plant especially cactus. He have a very different personality whenever he doing his committee works.
Roufuu Goto
The vice Chairman of sewing committee. Have very close bond with Ikuna and always help her with committee works. Have a very deep voice, He's always getting into fight with itsuzo, they're not getting along so well. Roufuu is really relaxed type of person, he will saw a building on fire and react like "that's hot" and walk away like nothing happened.
Raiyuu Hori
The chairman of class president committee. Have a rivalry personality love fighting. A happy go lucky guy but sometimes a very narcissist person.
Haruji ishii
The chairman of equipment and storage committee, a very quiet senior. No one actually see him talk before, the other sixth year just understand him well that he doesn't need to make a sign language. Can talk just choose not to.
Korishirou itohi
The vice chairman of biology committee. His hobby is arranging flowers and will gift his fav Kunoichis junior the finished product. Always seen with Haruji, he's the one who always translate Haruji behavior.
Naoyu shobe
The chairman of biology committee. He's born with golden spoon and always get whatever he want. Run away from home because of arranged marriage that his parents set up for him. Very good at ridding horse and love all kinds of animals and plants. Hate Maori
Kyojin Iwamoto
Kanrou older brother, one of the members of P.E committee. The reasons why he's not the chairman because he don't want to be one so he dumped all the responsibility to Banri. Very disappointed in Kanrou but at the same time kyojin find him very creepy.
Kyonosuke tao
The chairman of students council committee, always sleepy and have a very lazy personality. Always wake up late and skipping class, can't get expelled since his grade is too good.
Arihiko Tanji
Originally a doll that Hatakeyama change into a living thing. His body is a doll but have a human skin (like um scaramouche from genshin–) doesn't remember his past life. Show up after the death of Ikuna best friend, ikuna really dislike him because similarities that ikuna best friend and Arihiko have. Have a very doll like personality at first but not completely emotionless. The chairman of etiquette committee
Hagemu shirai
One of the Hatakeyama apprentice, a very normal guy trust me. Vice chairman of etiquette committee
Itsuzo nisshi
The chairman of explosive committee, a short tempered person. Always go to students council committee to rant out about his feeling and urge to kill someone. His junior really scared of him
Norisuke kinno
The chairman of martial arts committee. Someone who really love to eat, his friends always call him 'the gluttony'. Have a very serious stalking habit. A good friend with itsuzo and also his roommate.
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