#Skies Under Avalon
dragonnest-art · 2 months
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Chapter 6 of SUA is now available as a PDF! Pay what you want or get it for free. Shout out to @ask-azurearts for making this cover page. Want to check it out? Here’s the link! https://sal-dn.itch.io/skies-under-avalon-ch6
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ask-azurearts · 11 months
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Commission work for @dragonnest-art comic Skies Under Avalon which you can read here! I'm eternally grateful for being commissioned to create a piece for their comic and am so glad they like it. Thank you again for the commission!
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dragonnestpersonal · 5 months
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New year, new PDF available! Skies Under Avalon Chapters 1 through 5 are now available to download. Each PDF also includes a list of Patreon backs from when this was first published online AND current backers! Want to check it out? Here's the link! https://sal-dn.itch.io/skies-under-avalon-ch5
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bignostalgias · 7 months
I recently fell into this hijack ship and I am scrambling to find fic when I landed on your tumblr - YOU HAVE SO MUCH STUFF HOW DO I GO THROUGH THEM ALL?!? also please help, I cant figure out which art has fic and which doesnt
Haha welcome!! ❄️
My only ongoing fic is Translations! I keep related writing/art/asks under the tag translations au.
I’ve posted fanart for a bunch of great fics, which I’m assuming is what you’re asking about?? Usually if a piece references a fic, the link to it will be in the caption. I’ll list the fics I’ve done art for here, as well as how I tag them on my blog:
Snow Crested Shrines by tukeyvultureinavest (fic: scs)
The Ripple of a Snowflake by @emerialyncodevenice (fic: troas)
The Lights of Avalon by @alkalinefrog (fic: tloa)
Of the Northernmost Winds and Skies by @jjackfrost (fic: otnwas)
((Both TLOA and OTNWAS are available as podfics, narrated by the incredible @santathegrey! Links are pinned to the top of his blog))
If you’re looking for more fic, I also highly recommend @twiafom’s If You Ever Find Me and There is Nothing About You (That I Don’t Adore) - their whole catalog is wonderful.
I hope this is helpful!! There are sooooo many fics on my to-read list, I am amazed daily by the sheer talent and creativity in this fandom. It may be cringe crack-ship purgatory but it’s our cringe crack-ship purgatory 🥹 hope you enjoy your stay!!
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kanonsarchivedblog · 2 years
Pre-Flight Rituals
What habits do your favorite pilots have before taking to the skies? What rituals do they do to calm themselves?
Thanks to @survivethefeels for the suggestion!!
As a little reminder, my requests are open!
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Billy “Fitz” Avalone: Billy has a WHOLE ritual he goes through. After donning his flight suit, he has to put on his LEFT boot first, and then he has to wrap the laces twice around his ankle after getting his boots tied. He swears that this makes him pay better attention, something about the pressure. Callie just thinks he has undiagnosed OCD.
Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw: He was raised Catholic, but hasn’t really been a part of the faith for years; his belief in a higher being has shifted a lot over the years. He does pray before going up- a silent prayer to his father, Nick, to look over him. Aside from that, he knocks on the dash three times. Though, recently, he's gotten into the habit of whispering "Talk to me, dad." I wonder why.
Brigham “Harvard” Lennox: He has to pop his knuckles twice before taking off. And he does. No one knows how he can do it but he DOES. The truth? He’s double jointed in both hands, and it helps release the pressure in his joints to pop them. Changing altitudes has caused for his fingers to get sore.
Callie “Halo” Shen: She has a necklace she wears beneath her uniform at all times- a gift from her mother when she became a lieutenant. She has to make the clasp touch the little “C” twice- once on either side. It reminds her of when her mother would tap her head twice on her way out the door. It feels like her mother is with her- her own personal little co-pilot.
Jake “Hangman” Seresin: He acts like he doesn’t have any sort of ritual, but that’s a big ol’ lie. He sits in silence before going out- it doesn’t matter where, just someplace where he can be alone for a moment. He doesn’t pray- he hasn’t prayed in years, not since leaving home when he was eighteen. But he does talk to himself- which sounds weird, I know. He whispers the Courage section of the Naval Core Values: “Courage is the value that gives me the moral and mental strength to do what is right, with confidence and resolution, even in the face of temptation or adversity.” Sometimes, he’ll whisper it more than once. It helps him calm down and get his head focused.
Javy “Coyote” Machado: He talks to an old photograph of his parents that he keeps in his flight jacket. Tells them the details of the flight, explains what he’ll be doing, what role he’ll be playing this time. He promised his mother he’d come home- and he’s doing his best to honor that promise.
Logan “Yale” Lee: He taps out TAPS. Sort of morbid, he knows, but having played trumpet (and the bugle, once) in the past, it’s the one song he knows by heart. He also tries to eat a mint! Fully believes in the whole “mint makes you focus better”. It also calms his tummy because he gets a nervous tummy sometimes.
Mickey “Fanboy” Garcia: He taps his right boot against one of the wheels of his jet four times. It doesn’t matter the wheel, but he has to tap. He also walks the length of the jet- he doesn’t touch, but he looks. He’s a surprisingly detail-oriented person, so he likes to look and make sure everything looks right.
Natasha “Phoenix” Trace: She’s hands on; she has to walk the length of her jet, touching everything- making sure it feels right under her hands. If it doesn’t, she’ll have one of the engineers come over and fix whatever small problem it is. She also taps her name on the side of the jet twice. She’s a confident pilot; once she sits down, her mind is clear. She feels at home in the skies.
Neil “Omaha” Vikander: He likes to stand on the edge of the flight deck and look down at the water. It clears his mind, and allows for him to focus. If he’s doing a takeoff from land, he stands off to the side and stares at the sky.
Reuben “Payback” Fitch: He sings! It doesn’t matter the song- whatever comes to mind first, he starts singing. Music has always had a calming effect on him, and to just be able to sing a few lyrics before climbing in helps him. His favorite one to sing, though, is Rock with You.
Robert “Bob” Floyd: He does helmet checks- goes through and makes sure that his fleet mates helmets are okay. No cracks, no tears. He isn’t sure why, really. He also, like Phoenix, taps his name twice.
BONUS Pete “Maverick” Mitchell: “Talk to me, Goose.”
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ragdollartwork · 11 months
I'd love to see you do Cardinal from my comic Skies Under Avalon. To save from you having to look up things though, how about a wild strawberry?
I like seeking out reference more than I like strawberries so you get a Cardinal anyway, muahaha
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I like the design you made for his wings
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camelotremix · 2 years
2022 Camelot Remix - Reveals & Masterpost!
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♥ Thank you everyone for joining us again for another fantastic year, we hope to see you all again next year! ♥ We've had some amazing remixes this year and want to thank all of our remixers and pinch hitters for your hard work - you've been FABULOUS. ♥ Thank you to everyone who read, commented, kudosed or showed love in any way for the works created. And if you haven't left some comments, kudos, or love, here's your chance! Your ever-loving mods, Sknits & Fifty ♥
Art & Fic: lfb72 created The Red Thread of Destiny - The accidental soul bond remix for ExcaliburnRowan (Merlin/Arthur – Teen and Up – Art & 2.3k) Summary: Art for Camelot Remix 2022. In mediaeval times the ability to harness and manipulate the elements was called magic. Many centuries later when humanity took to the skies and explored the stars in spaceships it was called the force. Once upon time in a galaxy far far away, Prince Arthur, captain of the Camelot fleet was sent on a peace treaty mission. He was tasked with negotiating with the Sidhe, a small, ancient but deadly race from the planet Avalon. They had a fierce affinity with the force and were known for their trickery. To aid in his mission, he took Lieutenant Merlin Emrys – also skilled with the force. Having successfully made it through the laborious greeting ceremony, everything seemed to be going smoothly until Arthur discovered he had somehow married Merlin and now the two were destined to spend an eternity together. Fic: ajsrandom created Awkward Romance (the would you shout it from the rooftops? Remix) for princessoftheworld (Arthur/Gwen – Gen – 842w) Summary: Arthur wants to date Gwen, but doesn't know how to ask her out. When Merlin suggests an outlandish plan, Arthur jumps on it (much to Merlin's chagrin). Fic: TheCourtSorcerer created Romantic New Year (the Romantic Santa Remix) for merthurallure (Merlin/Arthur – Explicit – 2.5k) Summary: It had been hard rigging the Secret Santa to ensure he got Merlin’s name, even harder to deal with the nerves that came with trying to pick the perfect gifts and write the perfect notes (he still winced thinking about his first one, so direct and straightforward—he’d been so worried Merlin would find it strange, he got lucky). In the end, it had worked out, though, and now he had a date with the man who drove him mad in all the right ways. Even now, days later, he could still feel the tingle of Merlin’s lips pressed firm against his own… His heart stuttered in his chest as he pulled up to Merlin’s flat. Fic: EachPeachPearPlum created this feeling follows me wherever i go for sushishin (Merlin/Lancelot – Teen and Up – 1k) Summary: In the months he and Merlin have been leaving the citadel under the cover of darkness to take care of creatures menacing Camelot’s countryside, Lancelot has come to appreciate bodies that disappear on their own. It doesn't happen often, but he very much appreciates it anyway. Fic: scotscookie created Finding Light in the Darkness (Dancing in the Dark Remix) for slantedknitting (Merlin/Arthur – Mature – 2k) Summary: Arthur's had his eye on Merlin for some time - a few moments in the dark is all he needs to make his move. Fic: aeris444 created Sorcerer’s Robes for impala_chick (Merlin/Gwaine – Teen and Up – 640w) Summary: Merlin gets fitted for his Court Sorcerer’s robes. Gwaine is not exactly on board with the situation, but he can't deny how good Merlin looks. Fic: camelittle created Oops I did it again! The Two Huskies Remix for lfb72 (Merlin/Arthur – Teen and Up – 18k) Summary: Merlin gets hit by a curse meant for Arthur, as a result of which he transforms into a dragon at seemingly random intervals. No-one can work out what causes Merlin to transform into a dragon, let alone what can help him to turn back again. It’s Arthur’s duty to help his hapless manservant to return to his normal self, but it won’t be easy. Not without acknowledging a few things about his own feelings along the way. Fic: merthurallure created Living Art (My Mark On You Remix) for digthewriter (Gwaine/Mordred – Explicit – 1.7k) Summary: The one where Mordred is a work of art, and Gwaine is his tattoo artist. Fic: digthewriter created Malentendu (traduire mon amour remix) for TheCourtSorcerer (Merlin/Arthur – PG – 1.3k) Summary: A bit of misunderstanding and a bit of destiny. It was a start to their love story. Fic: impala_chick created Tub Confessions (The Ealdor Bath Remix) for aeris444 (Gwaine/Merlin – Teen – 1,367) Summary: Gwaine accompanies Merlin on a trip to Ealdor, and surprisingly fits right in. Merlin tries to deny how much his feelings have grown, but Gwaine isn't afraid to tell him the truth. Fic: queerofthedagger created Romance, Romania, and Relocation (the Dating, Dragons, and Disaster Remix) for fifty-fifty.dreamwidth.org (Merlin/Arthur – Teen and Up – 3.8k) Summary: Arthur thinks of how Merlin has always been too selfless for his own good, and the tabs in his browser that catalogue the history of a dream he has never once told Arthur about, but that Arthur knows the shape of, all the same. --- It isn't possible to raise a dragon in London, once it is past a certain size. Arthur and Merlin struggle to separate from Aithusa after the first year, though, no matter how much they both know that it's for the best. Sometimes, unconventional problems require unconventional solutions, and Arthur thinks Romania is rather beautiful, really. Fic: sinivalkoista created guardian (on eagle's wings) for ajsrandom (Gen – Gen – 897w) Summary: Arthur knows he shares a connection with someone - he just doesn't know who it is. Fic: Shana_Rose created Puppy Dog Eyes (Puppy Love Remix) for clea2011 (Merlin/Arthur – Gen – 1,547) Summary: He’s glaring down at the now knee-high Samoyed pup, who was not done growing according to his housemate. “I told you, that was the last time,” he hisses. Aithusa sits and looks at him with her big wide sad eyes. - Arthur wants nothing to do with Merlin's puppy. Really, he doesn't. Fic: princessoftheworld created the sky's the limit (i can't believe that we are free remix) for moonflower999 (Arthur/Merlin/Gwen – Explicit – 5k) Summary: Arthur and Gwen have just gotten married, and Merlin has been scarce. Arthur's not very happy...yet... Fic: slantedknitting created A Different Kind of Summer Fling (the tentative touch remix) for polomonkey (Merlin/Arthur – Gen – 3,650w) Summary: Arthur lives in a seaside town, and one summer he meets Merlin, who is bizarrely wearing winter gear on the beach. They strike up a quick friendship, and Arthur finds himself wanting more. But Merlin is a closed-off mystery… until he begins to take off his scarf, and then his hat, and then, finally, his gloves. The first time they touch, skin meeting skin, Merlin reveals who he really is. Fic: sushishin created If I Start a Commotion (On the Floor remix) for EachPeachPearPlum (Gwaine/Merlin – Teen – 2,700) Summary: "I'm sorry." The problem is - well, one of the problems is - that Merlin really is sorry. He's sorry every time, but that doesn't change the fact that Gwaine doesn't know about his magic, and it's too much of a risk for Merlin to tell him. "I'd take you with me, if I could." Would he still want to come, if he knew the truth? Fic: tari_sue created Never Fall For a Straight Boy (the uneasy remix) for oncefutureemrys (Merlin/Arthur – Teen – 2,743) Summary: 'Rule number one – never fall for a straight boy, they will break your heart and not even know they did it.' If only Merlin had listened to his own advice rather than falling for Arthur Pendragon, King of the (dire) Straights, Clotpole In Chief, Dollophead In Charge of Knob-ends, then he wouldn't be in this position. Who did Arthur think he was anyway? Prat. Although… what are the rules about falling for a not exactly straight boy? Fic: linorien created East of the Sun and the West of the Moon for MerlinMorganEmrys (Gen – Teen – 4771w) Summary: Arthur has been cursed. Morgana is worried. And Merlin is messing about with time travel? Morgana knows he's Arthur's only hope, but the warlock of the west wind never does things the normal way. She only hopes it works. Maybe then he can rescue her, too. Fic: clea2011 created Rainbow is the Colour (the Red Thread Remix) for scotscookie ( Arthur/Merlin, Gwen/Morgana – Teen – 15.5k) Summary: Merlin likes working for Prince Arthur.At least, he does until the day that King Uther has his worst idea ever and uses magic to locate soulmates for Arthur and Morgana. It's a terrible idea. Everyone tells him as much. But Uther wants grandchildren. And anyway, when did Uther ever listen to anyone else? Fic: moonflower999 created Reconciliation (The "Us" Remix) for tari_sue (Gen – Gen – 1,630w) Summary: Uther does some soul searching. Fic: geekslave created The Last to Know for Shana_Rose (Merlin/Arthur – PG/Gen – 2k) Summary: When Arthur has a personal crisis involving Merlin, to his surprise, Gwaine becomes his personal confidante. Who knew Gwaine was capable of decent advice? Fic: oncefutureemrys created The Most Selfless Act (The Best, Terrible Plan Available Remix) for linorien (Gen – Teen – 3,238w) Summary: After Morgana's been found out about her magic and sentenced to death via burning, she's resigned to the fact that she will die. But perhaps, with the help of Arthur, Gwen, and Merlin's terrible, dangerous plan, there might be hope at the end of the tunnel yet. Fic: polomonkey created Any Place is Better (The Save Me Remix) for queerofthedagger (Merlin/Arthur – Explicit – 4.6k) Summary: Arthur lives for those nights. He’s hot in his own skin most of the time, desperate for escape, desperate for something beyond the path Uther’s chosen for him. He only calms when Merlin’s beside him, when he puts the pedal to the floor and makes them fly through the blackened streets. Arthur wants to escape, but not without Merlin by his side. Fic: MerlinMorganEmrys created Emrys & Pendragon, Avocados at Law for sinivalkoista (Gwen/Arthur, Freya/Merlin – Gen – 4,580w) Summary:  (the red in my ledger, gold in my veins remix) Fic: ExcaliburnRowan created I'm Anchored By Your Side (The It's Only Love Remix) for geekslave (Merlin/Arthur – Teen – 7.8k) Summary: Four times Arthur visits Hunith, and one time he doesn't. Fic: fifty-fifty.dreamwidth.org created Convergence (The How We Met Remix) for camelittle (Merlin/Arthur – Teen – 18,674w) Summary: When concert pianist Arthur gets injured protecting Merlin, a total stranger. Little do they both know how their lives are about to converge as they are brought together by a force neither of them can quite understand. Spoiler alert: it’s love.
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dykesbat · 2 years
playlist: you found the treasure chest made by you and your childhood friend (who you’ve lost contact with)
this name is so long agsjdhsh sorry lee
1. christmas island by lake "Come along with me / To a place beside the sea / We can wander through the forest / And do so as we please” the childhood memories! the adventures! the happy summers!!
2. day without you by keep for cheap "I don't wanna think about a day without you / Meet me later the midnight rendezvous / And wind and the trees they talk to me / Can't Remember what it's like to be carefree" more childhood memories! but the idea of separation seeps in “i don’t wanna think about a day without you”
3. nonbeliever by lucy dacus "If you find what you're looking for / Be sure to send a postcard / You promised you'd never forget / The little ones when you got big / You deal in unspoken debts / No kindness without wanting something back / What do I owe you? What did I forget? / Or are we even after all of that? / You shook my hand and said goodbye / You'll never let me see you cry again / What good has come from learning to pretend? / You said I could've been a better friend" the friend leaves, an argument ensues. you both realize that despite growing up alongside each other, you’ve both grown to be very very different people. 
4. the gold by manchester orchestra "Couldn't really love you any more / You've become my ceiling / I don't think I love you anymore / That gold mine changed you / You don't have to hold me anymore / Our cave's collapsing / I don't wanna be me anymore” the friendship’s getting taxing on both of your parts, this is your admission to yourself
5. i guess by mitski "I guess this is the end / I'll have to learn to be somebody else / It’s been you and me since before I was me / Without you, I don't yet know quite how to live / If I could keep anything of you / I would keep just this quiet after you / It's still as a pond I am staring into / From here, I can say, 'Thank you'" its been a while and you’re still grieving your friendship but it’s gotten to a place where you can acknowledge it lightly. it’s not exactly all painful anymore. you end up moving out of your hometown.
6. hot & heavy by lucy dacus “Being back here makes me hot in the face / Hot blood in my pulsing veins / Heavy memories weighing on my brain / Hot and heavy in the basement of your parents' place / You used to be so sweet / Now you're a firecracker on a crowded street / Couldn't look away even if I wanted / Try to walk away but I come back to the start” you come back one year to visit your relatives and all the memories and nostalgia come back. you were together for the entirety of your childhood, you can’t help but remember their face everywhere.
7. it all comes back from fun home “It all comes back / It all comes back / It all comes back!There’s you / And there’s me / But now I’m the one who’s forty-three / And stuck / I can’t find my way through! / Just like you / Am I just like you?” you’re in your room and the memories of both of you, childishly playing floods your mind. you wonder, distantly, if you’re still both so different (you wonder if you were ever all that different). you don’t even remember why you fought.
8. pathways by ezra glatt “Oh Avalon, although you'll never hear this song / I just wanted you to know that I'm still here... / ...Do you remember on that road trip / Under the grey Virginia skies? / You told me love is but a weakness / A future heartache in disguise” you spot it in the closet, hidden deep behind clothes and other trinkets, a box you both decorated when you found out about time capsules. your memories held gently like a treasure. you wonder if they think of you, if they have anything physical to remember you by.
9. christmas island by lake "Come along with me / To a cliff under a tree / Where we can gaze upon the water / As an everlasting dream / All of my affections / I give them all to you / Maybe by next summer / We won't have changed our tunes/” you open the box. “maybe by next summer we won’t have changed our tunes” here takes a bittersweet meaning bc we know how the friendship developed
10. old friend by mitski "We nearly drowned / For such a silly thing / Someone who loves me now / Better than you... / ... I haven't told anyone / Just like we promised / Have you? / Every time I drive through the city where you're from / I squeeze a little" you finally remember what you were arguing about. it seems much smaller now. you still wonder about them and make a half-conscious decision to reach out. pen in hand you draft a letter.
11. we'll meet again by vera lynn "So will you please say "Hello" to the folks that I know / Tell them I won't be long / They'll be happy to know that as you saw me go / I was singing this song / We'll meet again / Don't know where, don't know when / But I know we'll meet again some sunny day" you won’t get a response for a while. but something tells you the tale of you and your friend won’t end just there. 
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lyrics365 · 6 days
End Of The World (feat. Anne Gudrun)
Somewhere beyond your wildest dreams There’s an island waiting for you Dark skies Metro under ground All of your dreams coming through There’s a place We can go Through the fire and the smoke Come with me On our way We’re at the end of the world Where there’s peace and we know Through the valley there is gold Brighter days On our way We’re at the end of the world Avalon Avalon Avalon Gather ashes…
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prosegalaxy · 4 months
Upon the realm of Avalon, where dragons ruled and magic bound, lived a humble farmer named Gavin. He tilled the earth, his hands worn and calloused, unaware of the destiny that awaited him. One fateful day, Gavin stumbled upon a secret entrance to an ancient cavern, hidden for centuries beneath the earth's surface. There, he discovered a mythical artifact, imbued with the power of the gods themselves. As Gavin touched the artifact, a wave of energy surged through him, and he felt his body transform. He had become a mighty dragon, his heart now filled with the wisdom of ages. With newfound strength, Gavin soared into the skies, ready to protect Avalon and its inhabitants from any threat that dared to challenge them. And thus began the legend of Gavin, the Dragon-Born, who united the fractured kingdoms under one banner, and brought peace and prosperity to the world for generations to come.
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dragonnest-art · 4 months
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mollydsails · 5 months
January 11 - David and I have been back on Molly D for about a week. A Christmas break back home with family was just what we needed. We always miss family!
Prior to leaving for 2 weeks, I managed to empty the freezers without wasting any food! The items that I could not use before we left were given to Kevin and Karen (Avalon). They were happy to receive the “gifts”!
When we arrived back in Vero it was necessary to reprovision the freezer and to get other perishable items. Our friends Bob and Wendy (Sol A Maya) needed to do the same. We had a rental car until 4:00 the day after we returned so the four of us hit Target, Publix, Lowe’s, the dive shop, the propane company, and the liquor store.
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We packed the rental Jeep. The cargo area had storage under the floor and that area was filled as well.
David and I had visitors on the afternoon of our shopping trip. Ernie and Lilly (Adventura) stopped by to say hello. We met them in the fall of 2022 in Beaufort, NC. They recognized Molly D as they were passing by in their dinghy. That night Ernie and Lilly, Bob and Wendy and David and I dined at Pomodoro Grill. What great company!
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Island Packet friends at Pomodoro Grill
On Friday night, Bob and Wendy and David and I went to the free concert at “ The Loop” at the Riverside Theater. We all had a great time!
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The Loop outdoor concert Venue.
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Outdoor concert fun with friends
This past Sunday Bob and Wendy left Vero for points south. 😢. We will catch up with them in Key West in February.
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Goodbye Sol A Maya! See you soon!
The weather in Vero this winter has been disappointing. There were about 3 weeks of hot, sticky weather with abundant sunshine. Vero’s weather has been stuck in a gloomy pattern for weeks. Sunny days are rare, occurring about once a week. The temps rarely get above 73 at the skies have been cloudy to mostly cloudy. And don’t get me started on the wind. About every 4 or 5 days a strong front rolls through bringing with it clouds and strong gusty winds. The front usually brings rain and I mean RAIN, with it. Despite the less than ideal weather in Vero, the weather is far better than what we’d have at home.
Filling out the rest of our stay in Vero with more free concerts, dining at favorite restaurants, and walking the waterfront. David and I have become fixtures in Vero—the bus drivers beep and wave to us as the bus passes by as we are walking!
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A rare sight—an empty mooring!! Stayed empty for a bit over an hour before it was assigned to incoming boats.
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The beach can be beautiful on a cloudy day.
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Date Palm Road, one of our favorites to walk down, is beautiful with its overhanging live oak trees.
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For readers of Stuart Woods books, the Ocean Grill really exists in Vero Beach.
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dragonnestpersonal · 8 months
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If you ever need more Skies Under Avalon, you know where to look. https://www.patreon.com/Dragonsnest_art
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only-fragments · 6 months
Under hazy skies and a blood red sun, breathing in cancer ash and covid, I beg, Take me, someone, anyone! I scream, dare, plead, taunt, Come claim me, o queen of Elfame, come lure me away to Tír na nóg; come spirits fair or foul and kidnap me to Faerie, to Avalon, to anywhere other than this dying world! I hunt ceaselessly for fairy rings, for corpse roads and will-o-wisps, but we have burned the…
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karenlacorte · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: ❤️ Under Purple Skies.
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So Huckleberry Hound went diving at Seal Rocks with the Catalina Diving Clowder ...
A somewhat brisk, though mild, mid-winter's afternoon off the likes of Santa Catalina Island, sky being somewhat mixed in the clouds and sun department, finds no less than That Oh-So-Merry, Chuckleberry, Huckleberry Hound on the Catalina Diving Clowder's diving pontoon heading out of Avalon towards that particularly interesting part known as the Seal Rocks, itself renowned as a seal and sea lion rookery as much as a dive spot of some renown.
"You know something, Huck," explained Jayne from the Clowder on pointing out some sea lions swimming through the glass-bottom portals of the pontoon, "it just seems rather interesting that the seals can't help but find Catalina irresistable."
"And who wouldn't," Huck exclaimed, "once they've visited such an enchanting place? After all, Disneyland, Magic Mountain, Hollywood, Venice Beach, all have their attraction ..."
Only to have "Bubbles," the Clowder's intrepid dive leader, rejoinder with "...but one ought to spend some time on Catalina as well; it just seems so enchanting, does it not?"
"I'd have to say as much myself," Huck explained in his "awww shucks" stylee.
Jayne was quick to point out a popular Japanese expression translating as "Never say kekko until you see Nikko--and kekko translates as 'wonderful'!"
"So how exactly does Kekko relate to Catalina Island, ma'am?"
"Huck, Catalina, I will have you know, seems to have a charm as is uniquely Southern Californian. A charm visitors can't seem to forget once they leave ... especially when diving, as we like it!"
With Seal Rocks and Lover's Cove approaching, "Bubbles" made ready the anchorage for the diver's pontoon of the Clowder (to protect the marine life in that area, special boat anchorages are installed along the water surface) and went into a briefing explaining what to expect: Kelp groves, rock reefs--and plenty of pinniped action ("That's seals and sea lions," Jayne explained, adding that, out of regard for the calving and mating period extending over March into mid-April, which can get rather rough and protective, they avoid Seal Rocks at that time).
Huck was fitted into a wetsuit of the sort the Clowder provides guests of their diving adventures, mainly lime green so it better stands out against the seals as may be swimming and diving about (and not become too attractive to sharks as are otherwise distracted by bright colours), as well as a mask/snorkel combi, before going into the experience with "Bubbles" and Jayne leading, Jolene on standby.
Before you could say "Jacques Cousteau," reader, the two felines and the canine guest managed to find themselves especially attractive to a pod of sea lions as were swimming around (and don't ask why that could be save for the likelihood of natural attraction among the Clowder's ranks). In Huckleberry's case, the attraction couldn't have been more adorable without smothering him, yet when captured on GoPro headband cameras by Jayne and "Bubbles," it just seemed that the sea lion found Huck rather huggable.
And Huck likewise towards the sea lion.
It just seemed as though a Carolina hound dog and a California sea lion couldn't resist such underwater company in such a magical setting as off Catalina.
"Still," Jayne acknowledged at a post-dive briefing back on the boat, "it seems many animals can't help but find Huck attractive, even in the water!"
"Perhaps it's my nature," Huck was quick to explain ever so casually. "They just seem to find this old hound dog likably irresistable." (Shared over a bottle of Mineragua Jarritos brought aboard for refreshments. I bet you didn't know Mexico's top soft drink brand also marketed mineral water.)
"Well," "Bubbles" remarked, "chalk up another wonderfully weird diving experience with the Catalina Diving Clowder!" as the pontoon made its way back to Avalon under late-afternoon skies which could be seen as cloudy, but with sun sneaking through.
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