#Sky Dragon
pick-a-plush · 18 hours
Jellycat dragons? All the dexter varieties including the two new ones persimmon and sky? Make em fight!!!
There are sooo many Jellycat dragons and for my sanity I’ll only do 8 plushies at a time. So I can do 8 dragons for you! I do really love all these guys!
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hauntedtoybox · 15 days
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sky dragon by jellycat (x)
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theogaarual · 6 months
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aldermoth · 10 months
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beargyufairy · 1 month
Just My Thoughts Pt. 34
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If you discuss growth in FT characters and leave out Lucy/Wendy then you’re so wrong. These two girls have started at the lowest level and grown up so much. Quickly summing up Lucy’s growth from a celestial mage that started her magical journey at a very late age (compared to most of the other FT members), she’s the holder of multiple golden Zodiac keys, knows several spells including Gottfried and Urano metria (and of course the new ones in the 100 YQ), can use one of the grand fairy magic (fairy sphere) and has Star dress. That’s just the major parts of her growth as a mage.
Now for Wendy, she’s grown so much as a person and a wizard. I love her commitment to FT. I wonder how often she remembers her old guild because that was a very emotional moment for her to realize they weren’t truly real. I am so glad to see her dive into her dragon slayer magic (her dragon force mode is peak I love the design) alongside her enchantress powers. This is one thing I am so happy Mashima added because it’s perfect for Wendy. She’s truly power considering how young she is and how much potential she has.
For the remainder of the 100 YQ I would love to see more of her enchantress abilities, casting spells and enhancing her magic. Maybe a unison raid with Natsu. Honestly any unison raid would be acceptable. It’s something I thought would be more common but was put on the side like everything else I had high expectations for. Lucy and Juvia need to do another one since they were very first example. So maybe Natsu and Gray can have one or even Natsu and Lucy (to satisfy my NaLu needs).
Back to Wendy, I would also like to see more of her relationship with Sherria. Speaking of which, how’s her return to magic going?! I am sure Wendy does her best to provide as much support and positivity as she can. I would also like to see more of Wendy, Lucy, and Erza as almost a sister bond and wholesome moments between girls who went through so much together that’s not a battle or anything violent. Maybe a filler shopping spree or lunch outing just to relax and enjoy the moment. It’s something Wendy (and all the others need) since she’s still a child. She needs to have the positive vibes too.
I’m just going to add Happy and Carla on here because I just have one major thing I need from them. Did they ever realize the other Exceeds were their parents? Did they ever go to interact with them? How are they doing?! Honestly they could’ve had more involvement considering their flight is very useful. I just want to Happy to know his parents are proud of him and love him. I want Carla to know her mother feels sorry for what she did in the past and that to some extent an actual princess.
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persespring · 2 months
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Scorching Flame ! (Named after The Scorching)
Here’s some info about him.
Scorching was born 200 AS, making him 20 in the current time of the story. He has no home, he’s always traveling the world. He’s in no position to have a job. Not to be a shopkeeper, soldier, nothing. He’s a SkyWing but shows characteristics of other tribes, as most dragons do in the year 220 AS. Scorching Flame has no accessories, as they’d all melt/burn off if he tried. Scorching is excellent with directions. He’s gifted in directing and exploring the continent of Pyrrhia, adoring each place he discovers. With his entire life in his talons, he has spent all of it exploring and searching.
Maybe searching for his own family.
Scorching is also naturally gifted with flying as he is a SkyWing. But with so much practice and excelling every trick he knows; with practicing his stamina, he may be considered Pyrrhia’s most gifted flyer. He is dangerously swift and agile in the skies.
Compared to being in the skies, Scorching is awfully clumsy on land. Everything he touches and everything within 2 inches of his radius burns up into dry crisps of black ash. He has accidentally murdered a few dragons and dozens of little animals, cows, etc. by forgetting how awfully hot his scales are. He swears he didn’t mean to murder them. but in the back of his mind hes afraid that he did kind of mean it. Alongside his clumsiness, he is also illiterate. He has grown himself up and is lucky to even be able to speak. but he cannot read or write, do math, or count. Scorching also has a nasty temper at times and some anger issues.
a large weakness is his anger and managing it. he tends to lash out, and scares dragons away. his lethal touch is not to be messed with, so everybody stays away for extra measure.His clumsiness is also a weakness alongside not being able to read and write at all.
Scorching has the habit to slur his words as he has a fat long tong and jaggedy overgrown teeth. he also has a thick and mixed accent. as if every tribe across Pyrrhia had their accents mixed together. he picks his teeth a lot, and tends to have the body language of a clumsy cat.
Scorching as an egg was abandoned in a cave once the first signs of severe firescales began to show through a blue egg. thought to be a curse, he was left behind and hatched by himself, all alone.
he wondered about the forests and redwoods of the SkyWing mountains eating bugs, rocks, mud and any charred animal that he touched. eventually, he learned through spying on other families how to speak and pronounce some words. he then taught himself how to fly. and he began flying the territory before he memorized it, knowing it like the back of his talon.
Throughout growing up, an event that keeps him up at night was how he murdered a couple of dragons the first times he attempted to communicate with other dragons. ever since then he’s learned to keep a far distance. and so have others.
Scorching’s best accomplishment must be that he had visited every kingdom (except the Sky Kingdom) enough times to remember at least ten oral myths from each tribe. he is very proud of himself for trying to keep his anger in line, compared to his early days.he is also very proud of himself for teaching himself how to fly so well!
He has a secret suspicion that one of his parents might be a big deal. or maybe both. but he noticed he looks different from the pureblood SkyWings.
his best memories are of when he watched families with their young at a young age, feeling apart of their family at a distance. some others are seeing the joy on dragonets faces when they hear the myths and stories of their land, and watching festivals each tribe has and seeing how the culture varies so much. he also remembers flies in the skies fondly the closer he is to the sun. where the wind blows and he’s far above the clouds, smiling to the light as he feels the weight of stress and regret lift off his shoulders.
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artistryevie · 10 months
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Smaugust Day 23 Light
"Another Night Fury" "No, not quite. It's more like a Bright... Fury."  "A Light Fury." - Astrid and Hiccup discovering the Light fury
I loved making the Light Fury's design for this Day! to add the color variants so she can look semi-camouflaged, I think her white scales blend in with the clouds and the blue variant blends in with the sky :D I do honestly love the concept art and original Light Fury Design since they are unique ^^
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trithedragon · 10 months
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This is Zephyr, my chaotic neutral character in a pathfinder campaign I've been playing. Every session I am terrified he is going to get himself killed because he has a mind of his own and can't stop doing chaotic things.
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missdeepend · 1 month
I was Wrong about Wendy Marvell
I used to say for years and years that when Wendy and Carla joined Fairy Tail is when the series as a whole began to go downhill. In retrospective, it is when the show had begun to change its course in a way that I did not understand at the time. A more mature series was going to emerge and that was something I was not ready for.
While I dislike Carla still and find her character a little less than irritating, I have to say for many years I was wrong about Wendy Marvell. Wendy to me was the connection between the series going downhill in my eyes and I couldn't look past that. Now I know that she is probably one of the best developed characters in the show.
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This will definitely be long fair warning and I will without a doubt bring up 100 Year Quest. I just cannot speak about her character without bringing it up. I mean I could, but I would feel like this is incomplete. Please keep reading though if you care to. If you dislike Wendy or believe she is weak then I beg you to read this.
Wendy was a character I felt no attachment to despite watching Fairy Tail for the first time when I was around her age. I cannot tell you how I felt about the Oracion seis arc when I first watched it, but I can tell you it was mixed feelings. At some points I was excited that the series was going somewhere and we actually had a reason for the mention of dark guilds. Another part of me, however, was upset that the series I loved so much for its silliness was taking a turn for the darker side of things.
Carla's characte rI never could like. She was too bossy for me and her selfishness and outlook for only Wendy never sat right with me. However, Wendy... well I felt indifferent about her. I believe it only turned to dislike due to connecting her with when Fairy Tail changed so much. Even now, after putting aside my feelings for the change, I feel indifferent to Wendy first appearing.
Wendy begins as the weakest member of the alliance in the Oracion Seis arc, well besides Carla and Happy. She did bring the interesting concept of a female dragon slayer that was also a child. She helped greatly but due to her small size and strength she could only go so far.
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On the other hand, Wendy's personality I always found to be sweet and I know now it makes so much sense for her. She was a girl that lost her parents, who she now doesn't remember, and then her dragon mother. She was a scared child left to fend for herself until Mystogan had found her. Then after he brought her to Cait Shelter, he left too. Honestly, it is no wonder why Wendy had so many emotional issues at the start and was hyper sensitive. By the age of 12 she had lost her parents, her adoptive mother, Mystogan, and Cait Shelter. We also learn that she had gotten separated from Anna Heartfilia and the boys so you can count that as a loss as well.
My thoughts are is that Wendy may have developed an idea of abandonment, which is why she is scared to mess up when she joined Fairy Tail and was apologetic. She was most likely nervous she would be kicked out if she wasn't strong enough and didn't prove herself, which set her off on a path to get stronger. Not to mention the idea of wanting to protect her friends.
By the Grand Magic Games you can see just how much Wendy develops. Sure she may have been struggling prior to that and wasn't too reliable on Tenrou Island, but by GMG she had grown so much. I'm sure by then the concept of Fairy Tail abandoning her had left her mind and after Edolas Carla was guaranteed to stay at her side.
Speaking of Edolas, side tangent here, poor Wendy had to watch her guild be taken away once again and then later learned that her own cat was supposed to be turning her into Edolas which would've led to her death. This poor girl has endured so much.
With Grand Magic Games, we see a new side of Wendy. That fragile girl is a bit more toughened up thanks to her "older siblings" aka Team Natsu. As soon as she is able to participate in the games once again, she does. She doesn't care who she has to fight if she can bring back smiles to her guildmate's faces after 7 years. It is during the GMG that we see her first interaction with Shelia, who becomes her best friend (and if you ship it then love interest). These two have such a dynamic that I love. Although they have to fight for a win for their team, the two compliment each other and act like...well... young girls. They don't need bickering about how their guild is naturally better. They don't need the blind insults thrown at each other despite not knowing one another. They just act like girls that just met and they just so happen to have to fight. This is also the first time we see Wendy fight someone that is meant to be on her level. Its not some strong mage from some dark guild or giant dragon, just another girl like her with rare magic.
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Considering Wendy's main spells center around healing or status buffs, watching her go head to head with a god slayer is entertaining. Of course she does have the one weakness that she can only heal others while Shelia is able to heal herself, but she continues to push forward. This earns her a tie with the girl, which in Wendy's case is a big win.
This doesn't even delve into the fact that in the same arc we have seen Wendy summon a dragon from a weak life force left behind and help take on the dragons.
Wendy's arc really reaches its peak at Tartaros when her and Carla are up against Face. They have grown so much over the course of Oracion Seis that they are willing to give up their lives for the Fairy Tail guild to succeed in their job. Not to mention Wendy coming in full circle with her Dragon Force coming in at such a young age. You could argue she knew about Dragon Force and therefore knew something to work towards, but she transformed into Dragon Force and fought a Demon of Tartaros at just roughly 12-13!
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She is continuing to grow in 100 Year Quest, which is something that I am enjoying the watch of. While there isn't much to the characters I enjoy anymore in that plot, seeing little Wendy mature with the help of Irene is nice to watch. Unfortunately with the departure of Irene we haven't gotten much out of Wendy afterwards.
This doesn't even mention the fact that Wendy has some of the best interactions with characters due to her age. They are protective of her and know just how dangerous being in a guild could be, as some of them were even in it at her age. However, she tells them she isn't afraid and you can just see the proud look on their faces. This is especially true when it comes to Erza, who invited both her and Carla into their guild with open arms.
Just please watch Phoenix Priestess and pay attention to all the Wendy scenes. When she obviously could be scared as they are going up against an entire army in a kingdom, she tells them that she can't be scared because of having to rescue a friend (Eclair) who they just met.
If Fairy Tail isn't worth watching for those characters that are already extremely powered up such as Natsu or Erza, Wendy is the person to watch it for. It makes the experience much more enjoyable when you take into account where she started and where she ended up.
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That was pretty long, but I still could go on forever just about Wendy alone. But what do you all think about her? Maybe you guys thought or still think the same thing that I did. I'm curious to know.
Anyways, I'll see you later in the Deep End!!
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Today's fuckable dragon of the day is...
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laladbzland · 10 months
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sorrcha · 1 year
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the sky dragon from pillars of eternity <3
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finalfroevo · 1 year
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kagekrow · 2 years
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Morning Rise ☁️✨
My Sky Goddess oc flying through the fresh morning clouds.
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ehmaree · 11 months
Princess Quetzal
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Princess Quetzal of the Sky Dragons. She's an energetic and brutal dragon. I don't really know what else to put. She has a lot of lore, but I'll add it all later.
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the-emerald-wyrm · 11 months
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Dragon-a-Day- Sky Dragon on a Snowy Day
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