#Skye Weddings and Events
ministarfruit · 1 year
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day 20: get you a girl that can do both ♡
(prompt list for femslashfeb)
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 2 years
Palomino Masterlist
COMPLETE | Explicit 🔞 NO minors allowed
Jack Daniels x F!Reader
Series tags: Dude ranch cowboy Jack AU | mini-series | solo travel romance | lots of horsey details | self-indulgent AF | set in Wyoming | no physical descriptions of Reader
Note: You guys voted for Palomino to be the next WIP after Consent, and who am I to refuse? But honestly, thank you for voting for Jack, because I've been dying to write this story. If you'd like to be tagged, please comment, reblog or sign up at my taglist.
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Part 1: Palomino
Unable to get a refund for a week-long horse-riding pack trip you'd booked with your ex, you decide to go solo. As it turns out, a rebound with a cowboy named Jack while traversing the wild landscapes of Wyoming might just be what you need.
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Part 2: Buckskin
It's an eventful first day on the trail, to say the least.
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Part 3: Dapple Grey
Tinder is a dangerous game. So is Never Have I Ever.
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Part 4: Strawberry Roan
Jack pulls out all the stops for your birthday. All of them.
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Part 5: Appaloosa
You and Jack play house for a day.
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Part 6: Mustang
On the fifth day, you leave the Halfway House behind, and the conversation turns homeward.
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Part 7: Fleabitten
You and Jack spend your last night together in the mountains - for now.
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Part 8: Silver Pony
And just like that, your week at the Statesman Ranch comes to an end, leaving you grappling with the prospect of saying goodbye to Jack.
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Part 9: Warmblood
The hardest goodbye you’ll ever say.
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Oneshots & drabbles
Deleted scenes from the series that I didn't have the word count for.
Bernaise: You watch Jack cook. Deleted scene from Part 4 - Strawberry Roan.
If Only: Jack smiles and brushes a thumb across your cheek. If only you knew.
Peeks into Jack and Darlin's life after the end of the series.
Pressing: Jack marks you as his in an unexpected way.
Real: You call Jack after running into your ex at a wedding.
Cowgirl Aesthetics: 'This dress won't last ten minutes in a real horse yard and you know it, darlin''.'
Miscellaneous headcanons - some requested, some no one asked for.
Silver Pony | Jack’s moustache | Jack and horses | Jack's guilty pleasures | Jack is king of the two step | Jack's allergies | Teak the artist
Mostly made/commissioned for A Palomino Farewell.
Special edition chapter banners
Horses of Palomino
Palominogram: About last night
Palominogram: The cellar
Commissioned art
Belt buckle inspiration
Moodboard: Buckskin
Moodboard: Palomino
Horse girl representation
Mama Daniels' express chili: featured in Fleabitten
Poppy's chocolate & rum cupcakes: featured in Strawberry Roan
Chapter sneak peeks: two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight
Bonus content
Art and misc. generously gifted by my sweetest friends ❤️
A Palomino Farewell
Palomino playlist
A birthday message from cowboy Jack and Cowboy yearning by the most talented @guiltypleasure-art
Palomino edit by the loveliest Heidi @wildemaven
Moodboard by the sweetest Keira @k-ra
Playlist by sweetest Sil @psychedelic-ink for A Palomino Farewell
Palomino-inspired cocktail recipe by darlin' Skye @iamskyereads
I can't believe that Palomino now has its own cocktail!!! I'm so honoured that Skye created and shared this recipe with us. All the elements are perfect, from the Campfire whiskey (Darlin's favourite time of the day - snuggling with Jack by the fire), apple (If Only reference) and Ginger (who convinced Darlin' not to cancel the trip). I cannot wait to try this cocktail myself, thank you so so much my love ❤️
More notes: This is a very personal story to me as I grew up loving and riding horses. I've been lucky enough to go on several horseriding holidays, and I'm writing directly from experience - except the hot cowboy part, sadly. Even if you don't ride, I hope you enjoy this story, and I will be the happiest writer if I impart to you even a fraction of the joy of exploring the great outdoors from the back of a steady (or speedy) steed.
{ Inspo }
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riddles-n-games · 4 months
Well guys, with the revealed cover of yet another TIG book, you know what time it is; cover analysis. Games Untold brings back many familiar elements from the first three books and recently, The Brothers Hawthorne. They are: a sword, a compass, a glass cowboy boot, a gold coin, a book, a key, a pearl necklace (Pearl O'Day?), flaming flowers, roses, calla lilies, and a ruby ring. And in true Hawthorne fashion, it's time to look at our clues and see what we can make of them.
The sword could have something to do with Grayson, the cowboy boot probably has something to do with Libby and Nash but perhaps it's a callback to the glass ballerina, and the key most certainly would be symbolic of Avery and Jameson. Now, the compass might have something to do with True North, remembering that it was used in The Hawthorne Legacy for that very reason but it could also mean something about Zara and Skye. Unless it's a glint on the glass, I think the compass is pointing northeast (what's northeast?). The flaming flowers might be symbolizing the Hawthorne Island fire or the fire that happened in Prague. The gold coin is a new one, not the old one from The Hawthorne Legacy cover which is covered in concentric rings. The picture on it looks like a gate of sorts with serifs, maybe it does have to do with Toby? The pearl necklace feels like it has something to do with Nan, I mean her name is literally Pearl. The roses might be a regular decoration but the calla lilies in my opinion aren't. It might actually have something to do with Lyra Kane and maybe Pain at the Right Gun has something to do with that since her father shot himself. The book confuses me, that could be something to do with a photo album or maybe symbolizing this being a collection of stories. And the ring; maybe it symbolizes the Libbynash wedding we've been waiting for or it has something to do with another marriage, like Alice and Tobias.
That's all I got for now and I'll do an updated one later down the line if I come up with anything else which I'm sure will happen given recent events.
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lasudio · 26 days
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VeronaHills, Round Eight: Weiss
Woody's lips were on Dixie's, but his mind was on Viola, who walked past the flourishing Weiss garden and called out his name.
Kissing girls - plural - felt like a great reward for leaving the forest and joining human society. Woody had found faerie soirées difficult to navigate in his early teens, when those of the fairer sex were a little more intriguing, but the village humans happily introduced themselves at markets and invited the new family to afternoon tea. Penny was the social buffer, of course - smiling and taking people's hands. Woody recognised the benefit of his big sister's charisma in making his company more attractive to his golden goose: ah, girls.
News of a faerie-human wedding was spinning its way through town in a whimsical web. The townspeople had seen one before in Mr and Mrs Greenman; theirs was a decidedly wholesome marriage that lacked the gossipy potential of a handsome vet bouncing back from a rejected engagement proposal to the bachelor farmer and falling for the friendliest faerie either forest or village had seen.
Soapy string of events aside, Skye approved of his soon-to-be son-in-law. It was gosh darn easy to like a guy who surrounded one's daughter with soft words and hands.
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marmotish · 1 month
Batch Replies
(5 more asks under the cut)
trying to clear out the old inbox after months and months of neglect, but drawing something for every ask isn’t proving feasible. No drawings in this post unfortunately!
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d’ you know, i never even considered the possibility that Tonks wasn’t the only one of Freyja’s friends to get killed during those events??? 👁️��👁️
Considering that Freyja had been MIA from mid 1991 to mid 1994, and didn’t reunite with old friends/classmates since until 1997… I wouldn’t say the events brought them closer. I’d say it made the reunion more tense and awkward. At first, anyway. Given time, they would get comfortable around each other again - some quicker than others i.e. Penny and Barnaby due to their personalities.
Those definitely safe and alive after May 1998 are as follows, merely because I’ve already drawn them in post-1998 scenarios so I’m not backtracking on that -
Penny (Freyja was a bridesmaid at her post-war wedding)
Chiara (She was working the day Freyja got bitten by one of her patients)
Barnaby (back-cracking bear hug)
Jae (the awkward hug reunion)
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❤️🫨❤️ thank you !! YOU are amazing!!
Assuming 1920s where none of them have magical abilities here, there’s only a few characters that I think have more or less direct 1920s analogues for their canon era professions…
Andre - tailor/designer
Chiara - doctor or nurse
Rowan - teacher
Erika and Skye - Racecar drivers. I was gonna say football or rugby players but women’s football was banned from 1921-1970, and women’s rugby didn’t take off til decades after the 20s..
there’s probably more but my brain is still a bit foggy…
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Perhaps a little, but I reckon they’d put most of the blame on Dumbledore for not vetting his staff properly i.e. Rakepick. So when Freyja went to visit Rowan’s grave, she made sure to go at the crack of dawn to reduce the chance of running into the Khanna family.
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I haven’t got to that part of the game unfortunately, I don’t have the first idea on Alanza’s character, sorry! 🙇🏻‍♀️
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Raise your glasses to Andromeda Tonks - for flipping the bird at the notion of blood purity ✨🥂✨
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i’ve only seen one ep of seinfeld, so all i know about kramer is that he’s the tall guy with the Hair… 😣
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heckyeahponyscans · 1 year
The Jinxie Games
Thoughts on G5 MLP Make Your Mark Ch. 4, Episode 3
This episode has three subplots: Hitch competing in the Forest Critter Field Day event, Pipp and Zipp discovering their mom is dating Alphabittle, and Misty attempting to find something in the Brighthouse that she can take home to appease Opaline.
The latter two plotlines are pretty good, the first one drags and I think they should've moved it into the background more. Maybe have Pipp and Zipp find out about Queen Haven's date earlier and try to scuttle it, but then see that their mom is truly happy and have a change of heart?
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Anyway, I feel very vindicated in having shipped Queen Haven and Alphabittle as far back as the original G5 movie. They just had that vibe.
Even though Misty spent most of the episode in one place, rifling through the Mane 5's belongings, this was a really good episode for her, first exhibiting her bitterness and jealousy at the main cast ("Ohhh, we're so HAPPY, we all have cutie marks and we get to live with our best friends!"), which helps the audience understand why a fundamentally nice pony keeps spying on / trying to steal from the other ponies, and then coming to a turning point when Misty finds that Sunny has included a picture of her, Misty, in her journal.
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Misty's VA is so good; the gasp she gives when Misty finds the picture tells you everything you need to know. The foundations of her world have been shaken.
Later, Misty has a chance to kidnap Sparky--Opaline's main objective--and instead she leaves him at the Brighthouse, purposely disobeying Opaline's orders even though she knows she'll be in trouble.
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Here's Misty, nervous because Opaline just called bellowed for her, metaphorically stuck between the two pictures: a childhood picture of Opaline and the photo of herself with the Mane 5.
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Even though I do think this episode, and some others, have parts that drag, I do think Misty's story being spread out across the entire season is genius. It lets us really see what Misty's going through, the toxic push-and-pull of serving Opaline. There's no way her story would be as impactful if it was condensed into one or two episodes; we would get an info-dump of facts, but we wouldn't feel the weight of her burden
Random notes on this episode:
Queen Haven sending Zipp a text that just said "Don't" was extremely funny
the Forest Critter Field Day occurs every 4th purple moon
there's reference to bits as currency (Hitch mentions "flipping a bit" to see who goes first in a game)
When Hitch and Izzy initially explain what Forest Critter Field Day is, Pipp is zoning out on her phone
Queen Haven postponing brunch to "a time that's more inconvenient to you both" is the funniest bit of the episode
"Unicorns didn't have access to their magic for many thousands of moons." As previously noted, a moon seems to be the equivalent of a year. How many thousands is "many"? It's got to be 3000 minimum, right? Assuming Skye Silver is correct about this information, that is.
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Speaking of Sky Silver and Dazzle (the reporters), one thing G5 does much better than G4 is parody. G4 is leaning towards Looney Tunes in its style of humor (slapstick, pianos dropping on people, Pinkie Pie leaping out of mirrors, etc) and whenever they tried to do parody on top of that already exaggerated humor it was juuust terrible. With Sky and Dazzle, they don't do anything specifically "comedic" but their performances are just over-the-top enough to be funny. Like the way they do scripted lines to "each other", but they're turned towards the camera because it's actually for the TV audience's benefit . . . Man, that is the kind of humor G5 should harness more.
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I assume this ZBS special is based on a real life show about the British Royal family or something, because the ponies look so dour . . . lmk if this is the case, I don't watch TV anymore except cartoons based on Hasbro properties.
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literally a wedding ring chilling in the background there, nice touch
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Nice to see Hitch isn't the only non-unicorn contestant, Windy is there too. The purple unicorn, Elderflower, was mentioned in a previous episode as being the oldest and wisest unicorn in Bridlewood.
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Once again Sparky shows some kind of earth or plant magic
"This is what every sport looks like to me." Same Pipp, same.
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gwenbrightly · 7 months
The Sea Calls Me Home (pt 7)
A chapter that has been hiding in my google docs for far too long... Enjoy?!
Nya drifts awake to the distant sound of voices.
"Ten bucks says Lloyd just dreamt it all," one says. Nya lays there,  eyes still shut. 
"You're on," another replies. The voices sound familiar. Shifting positions, Nya  finds herself oddly dry. Almost as though she isn't at the bottom of the ocean. Is she dreaming?
"I'm telling you. She's really here!" A third voice insists, closer than before. More awake now, Nya opens her eyes. "I'm.. home?" she whispers to herself, sitting up. Yesterday's events come flooding back to her. The intensity of breaking free from the water. The ride to the monastery with Nyad. Finally seeing her family again, safely tucked into bed. 
Her room looks exactly how she left it. Nya soaks in the familiarity, finding it energizing. The sunlight streaming through the window feels so good on her skin.
"It seems someone has finally noticed your arrival," Nyad comments as Lloyd comes flying into the bedroom like a child on Christmas morning.
"Lloyd!" cries Nya, sweeping him into a hug. She's pretty sure they're both crying within seconds, but she's certainly not going to be the one to point it out. It's been so long. Too long.
"I've missed you so much," Lloyd mumbles. He returns the hug so fiercely, Nya wonders if she'll need a crowbar to remove him. In the background, she's pretty sure she hears Cole curse. Looking over at him, Nya sees him pass something to her brother, who looks just a bit too self satisfied.
"It's not what it looks like," Kai blurts, seeing her expression. 
"As if I'd ever believe that," Nya laughs, "now get over here."
She drags both Kai and Cole into the hug, marveling at how good it feels to be near them again.
Pixal and Zane join them a short while later.
"I saw you on the Samurai X security footage this morning," Pixal explains.
"It's a very good thing we never changed any of your passwords," Zane adds. 
"I don't know if you meant to do that or not, but I'm glad you didn't." Nya gives them both a hug.
"We had made the choice to honor the legacy of the original Samurai X in your absence," Pixal explains with a smile. 
"Well, thank you," Nya says, returning the smile gratefully, "Oh! It's so good to see all of you again!"
"And I am very glad to finally meet the master of water's friends. She speaks quite highly of you all," Nyad cuts in. The others stare, as if only just noticing her presence. 
"Nyad, I presume?" Zane inquires. Nyad nods, giving a little bow. 
"Indeed I am," 
"I would never have made it out of the ocean without her-" Nya starts. There's so much to tell everyone. And so much to catch up on. 
Just then, another figure appears in the doorway. For a moment, all is quiet. 
"Jay!" Nya exclaims, moving to greet him. But he looks less than enthusiastic about her presence. 
"Oh, no. I'm not doing this right now," he says coldly. And just like that, he's gone. Nya stares after him in shock. 
"Are you sure this Jay is worth all the praise I have had to listen to when you speak of him?" Nyad asks, looking equally shocked and a little unimpressed. 
"I-I," Nya's not sure what to say. It hadn't crossed her mind that her boyfriend might not be happy to see her. She blinks, her eyes suddenly wet. 
"So, um, you guys look pretty busy with… whatever this is," a voice interjects, rescuing Nya from having to say anything coherent, "but since all we had to eat for dinner last night was wedding cake samples, I was thinking I'd make some pancakes, if anyone else wants some?" 
"Skye," Kai greets awkwardly. At the same time, Skylor continues, "Wait - Nya - you're back?" 
"Um… yes?" Nya replies, still reeling from Jay's unexpected outburst. 
"Welcome home! I had a feeling you'd turn up sooner or later," Skylor says with a wink. She gives Nya a quick hug. "You've definitely been missed, here."
"Just a little bit, though. It's not like we were worried you were never coming back or anything," Lloyd snorts. Nya flinches. 
"I know. I'm sorry."
"And on that note, I think I'm gonna go punch Jay for you, Nya. See you at breakfast?" Cole comments, heading for the door. Skylor frowns at this. 
"I take it Jay's being emo again?" 
Again? Nya wonders. 
"You could say that," Lloyd answers for her. 
"Pancakes would be great," Kai tells Skylor, kissing her cheek. "Why don't you guys go ahead and get started, and Nya and I will be down in a few to help."
"Sure thing," Lloyd says, "but you'd better not keep her too long. The rest of us wanna catch up too."
As the others, including Nyad (who mentioned wondering what a modern kitchen looked like), trail out of her room, Nya sinks back into her bed. 
"Give it to me straight, Kai. How bad is it?" she asks. 
"Well, in the history of bad things, you being gone for six months isn't the worst thing that could've happened," Kai comments, seating himself beside her. 
Nya puts her head in her hands. "Six months?" she mumbles. "No wonder Jay hates me…"
Kai puts a hand on her shoulder. "I don't think he hates you. He's just… he's gonna need some time to forgive you. Even if you didn't mean to disappear like that."
"I guess I can't really blame him for being mad at me…" Nya sighs and glances at her brother. "I mean, I remember what it was like when we lost Zane - how much that hurt. And I'm Jay's girlfriend. At least I was. I'm sure that made it even worse for him."
"I won't lie, we were all upset and worried. And maybe a little bit angry at times. But Jay? I don't think I've ever seen him act like he did… And that's saying something, because we've both seen him react poorly to stuff." Kai states. Nya nods. Unlike the rest of her family, she hasn't forgotten the time Jay tried to use a djinn to win her back. It didn't go well. 
"But this was something else. For the first few weeks after you disappeared, he would spend hours down on the beach just staring. Then, when we started worrying about him being down there all by himself all the time, he started bringing the sea back with him instead. He had jars of seawater in his room and he talked to them like you could somehow hear him."
“Oh.” Nya has no idea what to say. 
“Yeah… it was pretty weird. But then one day he lost it. He dumped all the water down the toilet and threw the jars off the monastery roof. After that he was just… Quiet. Quiet and angry. None of us could figure out what had changed.”
Poor Jay. He must have given up on her completely. And Nya kinda deserves it. She got to drift through the past 6 months without thinking or remembering enough to feel anything. Jay had to live through it all with every human emotion, every memory. Every bit of hurt and doubt. 
“Ugh… What a mess,” she moans, half wondering if she should have just stayed in the ocean. 
“You can say that again,” Kai agrees unhelpfully. Seeing the look of misery on her face, he adds, “Listen, Nya. Jay will get over himself eventually, and you saw how excited everyone else was to see you. Don't let a little awkwardness get to you. I'm sure once we've all had a chance to readjust, things will be back to normal in no time.”
“I guess you're right,” Nya says reluctantly. Hopefully with time and lots of apologies, she could make things up to everyone. 
“Of course I am,” Kai tells her, “Now let's go get some breakfast before Lloyd pours syrup in my bed for holding you hostage.”
“Yeah… that's probably a good idea.” Nya pushes herself up from the bed. Kai joins her, and together, they head down the hallway. They've almost arrived at the kitchen when something occurs to Nya. “Hey Kai?”
“Skylor mentioned wedding cake samples… Anything you wanna tell me?” Nya asks. Kai freezes. 
“Oh. Uh. About that…” he begins awkwardly. 
“Congratulations, Kai,” she tells him, finally smiling again. 
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omegawhiskers · 7 months
Survivor Series 2023
I was wrong...
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When the copyright logo popped up on the bottom right corner to close out Survivor Series, I thought that was it, but it wasn't. Chicago's own, CM Punk made his WWE return after nine years. I have mixed emotions about his return.
Punk made his return to professional wrestling in 2021 for All Elite Wrestling. It was magical. Seeing Punk back in a wrestling ring was a moment I'll never forget because I never thought I'd see it. He even gave out the ice-cream bars he wanted so badly during his WWE run. Punk looked happy, I know I was. Then came the media scrum. This was embarrassing to watch. The unprofessionalism from Punk was through the roof. He threw the EVP's under bus, while insulting Adam Page. He dragged the company through the mud, while Tony Khan sat there looking defeated. Punk said he ''didn't approach it in the right manner" in an interview, but it was too late, the damage was done. The Young Bucks and Kenny Omega were suspended and the first trios champions had to vacate titles. While Punk was suspended, he was also injured, so he didn't matter if he was going to miss TV anyway. I also blame Khan not putting a stop to the media scum once Punk started going off. He should of shut Punk down and sent him home. Instead, Punk got his own show, Collision.
Collision could only have certain talent on it. No way were the Bucks, Omega or Page allowed on this show. Apparently Cristopher Daniels, Matt Hardy and Ryan Nemeth were turned away. I hated all of this. During his time off to rehab his injury, Punk showed up at WWE, but had to leave shortly after. It seemed like Punk knew his time was going to be short in AEW.
Punk would get into another altercation, but this time with Jack Perry at All In 2023. This was another disgraceful moment for CM Punk. This led him to being fired as Khan said he feared for his life. I don't feel like AEW quite recovered since the media scrum. Khan did not handle Punk well, so a lot of the blame goes to him, but Punk is the veteran here. He should of known better. Look at Sting, a veteran whose caused zero issues during his time in AEW. Sting come across as a humble and grateful individual.
When Punk was fired WWE, I thought there was no way he was going back. For weeks I heard CM Punk chants, and I honestly found them frustrating and pointless. But I was wrong. They weren't pointless. The fans that hoped and said that he would return were right. As bad as Punk's time in AEW was, he's history with WWE looked worse. He was never given the chance he deserved in the company for a long time. He never got that WrestleMania main event. He almost died due to a MRSA staph infection that was mismanaged thanks to a WWE doctor, and let's not forget that he was fired on his wedding day. So to see him last night was a shocker. I can't say I'm excited due to the mans history, but I'm interested in the plan going forward. How does it effect storylines going forward? Have plans now changed? Who will Punk face first? How does his return effect the dynamic in the locker room? So many unanswered questions.
Let's jump into the first match. It was the women's WarGames. This match never got boring. It worked at a nice pace. There were some high risk moves, but everyone came out safe. I thought Shotzi was going to die when she used a chair to leap off of and almost landed head/neck on it. Iyo Skye stood on top of the cage and put a bin over her and leapt off. I loved that spot. Charlotte Flair also did backflip off the top cage and almost landed directly on her feet. The tension between Becky Lynch and Charlotte got resolved as they worked together. The babyfaces won when Bayley took the pin. There were two moments during this match when Bayley stepped into save her teammates, but I have a feeling she will get the blame for being pinned. Bayley has been a heel for four years now, so it's time to mix it up. Overall, this was a pretty good match.
Gunther and The Miz had a way better match than I expected. At one point I thought Miz had it won when he delivered a low blow and skull crushing finale to Gunther, who kicked out. The Miz lost here and that was a good thing. As mentioned, I want to see Miz go through a bad patch after this. Change his character up. Have him scratch and claw his way back.
Santos Escobar has an exciting bout with Dragon Lee. Santos won clean, but he needed to look strong as he has just gone solo. Lee looked great and he is still new enough to the WWE, so the loss isn't major.
Zoey Stark and Rhea Ripley had decent match. Stark lost, and she still needs more time to develop, but I think she's got something special about her.
The men's WarGames didn't pull me in like I thought it would. Maybe having two WarGames matches in one night is not the best idea as it takes away some of the magic of the match. I didn't think anyone slacked or did a bad job, it just didn't excite me. Although, Randy Orton's return did get me invested. Orton looked great as he packed on some muscle. The babyfaces won the match and CM Punk returned to eye up the competition in the ring.
This was a solid PLE, even tough it was obvious Gunther, Ripley and Santos were going over. I don't know what the fall out for the men and women of the WarGames matches will be, but having Bayley turn face would in interesting. With Punk watching on after the men's match, we have some stuff cooking for the Royal Rumble.
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ephemerastardust · 1 year
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[Pinefest2023] Art for Hunter's Throne
link to fic | Author's AO3 page | Author's Tumblr
Here are my art pieces for my author @ladyknightskye's fic 💕
- First meet -
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Dean in a laced brocade wedding dress! What else can I ask for!! Drawing Dean's face with makeup was so very difficult for me (hell I cannot even do makeup on faces in real life let alone Dean's pretty too-difficult-to-draw face) but at least I got the brocade feeling hopefully :D
- Trueform -
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I wanted to draw Cas in true form for so long but never had the courage/inspiration to do it. Thanks the fic for giving me the chance! Had so much fun drawing Cas' eyes, skin, scales, and claws 🤣 Also I drew six wings for the first time! And Dean is all powered up :D
- To my author, fellow artists, and mods -
I want to say thank you to Skye. She always gave me positive feedback and helpful detailed information, encouraging me through the scenes I had never drawn before. Please go reading the fic it was so much fun!
Also, thank you to all my amazing fellow artists! I saw so much talent and got very helpful advice and heartwarming encouragement in the channel, I am so happy to be in the same event with you!
And to all mods, you are amazing! I couldn't believe my eyes when the promo materials were released - each fic had header pics handpicked regarding the fic theme and content, and even two versions for Tumblr and Twitter! Thank you for being super friendly, responsive, and helpful, and thank you for all your time and effort you put into this lovely event!
(I will say these again in my other post :D)
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oldfangirl81 · 9 months
My brain really is always trying to connect Marvel to my other fandoms. But when you bring Gods, magic and the multiverse then anything becomes possible.
Fandoms: The Sentinel, Due South, Young Justice, Torchwood, Nimona, Warehouse 13, Lucifer, Stranger Things, 911 Lone Star, Hawaii 50, 911, Eureka
• Sentinel: Clint is sentinel whose strength is sight. But his abusive father still cost him a good chunk of hearing. Other events have left Clint completely deaf in one ear and partially in the other. In a world where ableism exists this makes it hard to find a guide. Until he meets Coulson/Natasha/Bobbi/Bucky/Darcy/Laura.
• Due South: Teenage Clint has been betrayed by Barney and Trickshot. The circus happened to be in Chicago at the time. Clint ends up homeless after being released/sneaking out from the hospital. He meets Diefenbaker on one of his adventures. This leads to Ray and Benton fostering Clint. Hawkeye still becomes an Avenger but he was SHIELDS best track in both urban and wilderness settings.
• DC: Young Justice Connor Kent tries to protect his team from an angry magic user. Instead of dying he is transported to the Barton farm a week before the snap. How would Clint's arc change if he had a superpowered teenager following him like a duckling.
• Torchwood: During Captain Jack's absence the rift gets odd again. Ianto and Toshiko get pulled in and spit back out in the sanctum sanctorum. Wong and Ianto bond over properly brewed hot drinks. Toshiko makes friends with a hacker online by the name of Skye.
• Nimona: What if Nimona brought a guest back with them in the form of a shape shifting Asgardian Loki. The God flirts heavily with Ballister to the annoyance of Ambrosius.
• Warehouse 13: Somehow Steve's shield becomes an artifact. Steve, Bucky and Sam take a trip to the warehouse in hopes of fixing it.
• Warehouse 13: During a new experiment to bring back her daughter HG Wells is sent to Tony Stark's lab while the man was explaining something to Peter Parker. To Clint's amusement HG flirts heavily with Natasha.
• Lucifer: Clint follows a suspect into Lux and stops her from taking a shot at Lucifer. When the cops arrive Clint has the awkward moment of seeing his ex-boyfriend, Detective Dan Espinoza.
• Stranger Things: Instead of exiting the upside down they end up in the sanctum. Much to Dr Stranger's annoyance but he does assist in helping them get back eventually. It takes effort because once the kids discover they are in a comic universe they want to explore.
• 911 Lone Star: When Steve was on his bike tour he met a Texas Ranger who he struck up a friendship with. Bucky, Steve and Sam were in town for the wedding incognito as "work friends". Because of this the gun shot wasn't fatal. Carlos doesn't know how to react to his Dad being friends with Avengers. And ones that weren't straight. I love a Jewish Bucky so he bonds with TK on several levels.
• Hawaii 50: Clint is taking a forced vacation in Hawaii. As luck would have it he's in a museum that Charlie's school was visiting when it was taken hostage. The bad guys are specifically looking for Charlie as revenge for something related to his stepdad. Clint stops them before the task force arrives. He quickly becomes family.
• 911: Bucky and Clint are trying a normal date at the Santa Monica Pier. They befriend a kid and the guy they assume is his stepdad. Then the Tsunami hits. Because of the extra trained adults Chris doesn't get lost. The school gets in hot water for calling Chris a liar for saying an Avenger saved him. The lawsuit goes down very differently, either because they get him a better lawyer who works with the union or offer Buck a job with Avengers HQ in New York.
• Eureka: Clint drops in on an old friend, Sheriff Jack Carter. Given all the shenanigans he's used to the town barely phases Clint. However Nathan Stark is not happy to have a member of his cousin's boyband hanging around Jack. His headache increases when several assassins, Bucky and Natasha, arrive to bug Clint.
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lifeofkaze · 1 year
A Search for Balance
Find the masterlist with all chapters of this story here, the previous chapter here, and the next one here.
Tagging: @flareshogwarts
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With Lizzie and Skye barely speaking to each other, the second part of the season for the Wigtown Wanderers went by in a rollercoaster of wins and losses. Somehow, they were miraculously able to retain their spot in the upper half of the table, and had thus qualified for the final round, even though no one was entirely sure how. 
The beginning of this last stretch of the season was traditionally marked by a big, cross-League event. The Vernal Ball was one of the year’s landmarks, which Lizzie usually looked forward to the most, but with all the quarrelling brewing in their team, she found it hard to muster her excitement.
The strain between her and Skye wasn’t the only thing occupying her thoughts. It was barely a month until the wedding now, and with every passing day, the dread Lizzie felt thinking about it grew. After the match in Wimbourne, she had finally given in to Matthew, grabbed Mouse and her most important things, and moved into the manor with him. Luckily, she didn’t get to see much of him; with the wedding looming over them, he was busier than ever, which suited her just well.
On the day of the Vernal Ball, practice had ended early. Lizzie wasn’t in a hurry to return home, however, so it was late regardless when she eventually made her way back to the manor. As she walked the cold corridors of Matthew’s family home towards her rooms, she tried shaking the sense of unease creeping up her spine but didn’t entirely succeed. Passing the door to the study of Matthew’s father, a set of familiar voices drifting into the hallway made her stop.
“I don’t care for your excuses,” said the voice of Malcolm McRae, Matthew’s father. “You’re barely showing your face in public anymore.”
Matthew’s reply was strained. “We’re going to the League’s Vernal Ball tonight, aren’t we?”
“An obligatory event won’t do much for your credibility. The wedding is close, and many important people will be attending. Do you know how much money I invested in this?”
“It’s not all about the money, Father.”
“No, it’s all about the family,” Matthew’s father responded sharply, “and it’s your duty to make sure it survives. All I ever expected of you was to find a suitable wife to do so, but it seems like, again, you do nothing but disappoint me.”
Lizzie leaned forward, trying to hear better. As she did so, her Quidditch bag slid from her shoulder and hit the side table next to the door with a dull noise. She had just enough time to pick it up and take a few hasty steps back before Matthew and his father appeared in the doorframe.
“How long have you been standing there, girl?” Malcolm McRae asked with a stony face.
“I just walked past,” Lizzie said innocently, hoping that her face wouldn’t betray her racing heart. “Is everything alright?”
Matthew’s father gave her a long look, then turned to his son.
“I expect you to take care of this.”
As soon as the door had closed behind his father, Matthew’s submissive demeanour dropped. His face suddenly hard, he grabbed Lizzie by the hand and pulled her away.
“What were you thinking to eavesdrop?” he hissed as soon as they were out of earshot of the study.
Lizzie shook her head in protest. “I wasn’t!”
“You’re a terrible liar.”
His hold on her intensified but loosened again when he saw the apprehension on her face. Letting go of her, Lizzie had to fight the urge to take a step away from him.
“You never told me your father is pressuring you so much.”
Matthew barked a laugh. “There’s loads of things I haven’t told you.”
“I guess so.” Lizzie paused, gearing herself to ask about what had been pressing on her mind for the better part of the day. “Funny you would mention it.”
“How so?”
“Because Ethan and I had a chat today. He said it’s been weeks since you last talked with him and the execs,” Lizzie said, trying to keep her rising anger from her voice. It didn’t work. “Is my career some sort of joke to you? We’re about to start the final round, and after that, I’ll be unemployed. You promised to sort out my contract, but I have no offers from anyone at all!”
Matthew made an impatient noise and rolled his eyes. “Have you considered that I have more important things to do?”
“More important… Matthew, you’re my agent!”
“No, I’m your very-soon-to-be husband,” he corrected her, “and I’m sorry if our future family takes priority over your ridiculous career plans.”
Lizzie stared at him. “This is my life you’re talking about. There’s nothing ridiculous about this!”
Something about the look on Matthew’s face made her take a step back after all.
“Your life is about to change, Lizzie, and it’s high time you finally accept it,” Matthew said through gritted teeth. “All I ever hear you do is complain about everything, while I’m here taking every last bit of work off your shoulders. If you’re too useless to help me, the least you can do is what’s expected of you and shut up about things that go above your head.”
Lizzie’s mouth dropped open. “Merlin, what’s gotten into you?”
“The sense you’re missing, it seems. If you can’t keep your priorities straight, I’ll have to do it for you. Talking about it, go and get ready for the ball. We’re late.”
Snapping his fingers, Dede the house-elf appeared, shuffling backwards when she saw the look on Matthew’s face.
“Dede, I want you to make sure Lizzie is presentable in thirty minutes, at the latest. Have you understood?”
Dede listened to her instructions, then turned and led the shell-shocked Lizzie to her room, where she gently steered her towards the dressing table. Lizzie was quiet while Dede put away her Quidditch bag and brought the pastel pink dress Matthew had ordered for her, Matthew’s words pounding in her ears. As the house-elf began brushing the tangles from her hair, she winced in pain.
“Dede is so very sorry, Miss Lizzie,” the house-elf apologised profusely. Her voice came out muffled from the pins she was holding between her lips. She twisted Lizzie’s hair into a knot and stuck the pins inside to secure it in place. The pull on her roots was tight, but Lizzie tried not to let it show as Dede stepped back with an apprehensive look. “How does Miss Lizzie like it?”
Lizzie studied her reflection in the mirror. The elaborate updo Dede had created sat high on her head, all of the hair usually framing her face now removed from it. She turned her head this way and that, looking at herself from all possible angles, and found that not a single strand was out of place.
Her eyes fell on the pictures she had stuck to the frame of her mirror. One of them showed Lizzie and the girls she had shared a dorm with at school. All of them were laughing, shifting from side to side so that everyone would fit into the frame. Lizzie watched her younger self with her tanned skin and messy hair, her eyes sparkling with life and laughter in the middle of her dearest friends, and it suddenly struck her how long it had been since - apart from Skye - she had seen any of them.
And why would they even want to see her? The woman staring back at her from the mirror had nothing in common with the Lizzie they had known. This Lizzie was pale and beautiful, elegant, meek, quiet; nothing like the bubbly girl inside the photograph. Raising her eyes to her reflection once more, Lizzie forced herself to smile, but it felt all wrong. Everything was wrong. There was no sparkle in her eyes anymore, only emptiness.
Suddenly, Lizzie felt her loneliness like a physical pain, an unbearable weight pushing down on her. Her ribcage straining against the tight bodice of her dress, she struggled for air. Pressing her lips and eyes together as tightly as she could, Lizzie fought the sob forming in her chest.
“Miss Lizzie?”
Dede’s tentative voice broke Lizzie from her miserable thoughts. Hastily blinking away her tears, she gave the house-elf a weak smile.
“It’s lovely, Dede. Thank you.”
“If Miss Lizzie thinks it’s too tight, Dede can rearrange the pins for her.”
“No, it’s… perfect. Just like Matthew wanted it. A true McRae in the making.”
The thought made Lizzie feel sick, and she swallowed the bile rising in her throat. How pathetic she was, sitting in front of her marble dressing table in her evening gown and diamond earrings on the verge of tears.
“Miss Lizzie?” Dede said eventually.
“Dede just thinks that… maybe Miss Lizzie needs to be reminded that she is no house-elf. She is free to choose what she wants to do. That’s something no one can take away from her.”
Staring at Dede in the mirror, it was like something shifted within Lizzie, some long-forgotten pieces falling into their proper place inside her.
“Dede,” she said, turning around to face her, “do you remember where my house is?”
When Dede nodded, Lizzie smiled at her; this time, it was genuine.
“Good. I need you to go and fetch something for me.”
Matthew had been pacing in front of the parlour’s fireplace for some time already. Casting an impatient look on his watch, he drew his brows together in a scowl; thirty minutes had passed, and there was no sign of Lizzie. 
Just as he was about to go and get her himself, the door to the parlour opened and Lizzie stepped inside. Despite his anger, it took Matthew a moment to find his tongue again.
“Godric, you look beautiful.”
She did, indeed. The pale pink dress he had chosen for her suited her even better than he had imagined. The shimmering layers of chiffon making up the skirt and bodice were adorned with delicate pink flowers, rising up along the neckline and spreading onto the short sleeves that ended just below Lizzie’s shoulders. As she stepped towards him with a smile,  the light of the chandelier made the diamonds of her earrings glitter.
“Thank you so much, my love,” Lizzie said sweetly, breathing a kiss onto the corner of his mouth. “The dress you chose is wonderful. Fit for a princess.”
The smile on Matthew’s face widened as he watched her spin around herself, the skirt of her dress rustling softly as she did so.
“It’s the best of the best. Only what you deserve.”
“Only what I deserve,” Lizzie echoed. “Dede performed a real miracle on me, don’t you think?”
“She did what I told her,” Matthew said, arching his eyebrow at the apprehensive-looking house-elf standing behind Lizzie.
“Yes, but she did fulfil all your wishes, didn’t she? You’re content with her work.”
Matthew fought not to roll his eyes. “Merlin’s beard… yes, I suppose, I am.”
“See?” Lizzie smiled at the house-elf. “I told you he’d be pleased. Thank you, for everything.”
Dede gave a tiny squeak, nodded and vanished when Matthew waved her away. Once she was gone, Lizzie stood next to Matthew, turning him to face the floor-length mirror in the corner of the room.
“What are you doing?” he sighed and glanced at his watch again. “We need to leave.”
“Just a moment,” Lizzie hummed and leaned against him. “I want to take a look at us. Don’t we look like the perfect couple?”
To say that Matthew was astounded at Lizzie’s sudden change of heart was an understatement; it seemed like his words from earlier had made an impact, after all. Draping his arm around her shoulder, Matthew pulled her to his side.
“We certainly do.”
“But I think there might be something missing.”
“What would that be?”
The ponderous look on Lizzie’s face gave way to a mischievous smile, the kind of which Matthew hadn’t seen in months.
“A little fire.”
Matthew didn’t bother hiding his grin as his hand trailed from her shoulder down her arm and came to rest on her waist.
“There might just be enough time left for a little fire of yours.”
“I’m so glad you think so,” Lizzie said, giving him a sultry look from beneath her dark lashes. She stepped away from him, swaying her hips seductively as she walked backwards out of his reach. From out of nowhere, she produced her wand and raised it to her eye level. A slight wave of it, and the pins holding her hair in place vanished. Her curls tumbled down over her shoulder, where they wrapped themselves into an artfully messed-up, low ponytail.
Matthew drew his brows together in confusion. “What are you doing?”
Lizzie’s smirk was still in place, but something was different about it now. There was a spark in her eyes as she looked at Matthew.
“I’m giving you fire.”
With a second wave of her wand, her dress began to change. Its pale pink colour deepened into a vibrant cherry red, the skirt tightening itself until it clung to Lizzie’s body. The delicate petals vanished, the chiffon transforming into a silky smooth material that shimmered in the light. Even the diamond earrings had disappeared; in their stead, dainty gold hoops with pearl-studded half-moons were gleaming from beneath the curls framing Lizzie’s face.
Dumbstruck by her sudden transformation, Matthew had to watch helplessly as Lizzie walked past him, presenting her exposed back to him, over which the thin straps of her dress were crisscrossing their way downwards. At the door, Lizzie stopped and looked over her shoulder and arched one eyebrow at him.
“Didn’t you say we need to hurry? Being late for such an event really wouldn’t look good on us.”
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theskyehealers · 1 year
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It had been a happy departure.
The War in Arbor had kept both Alynne and Jezyk from their four children, and they had returned to Hillside, happy to be with them, when the invitation to Alexandria's wedding was received. They left a fortnight after, and witnessed the joyous event.
Where drinks were shared, and Alex out-drank each and every one of her challengers. It was a raucous night, and the day that followed just as entertaining.
When the time for their happy departure loomed closer, they said their proper goodbyes, offers of welcomed visits extended, and even a plan for a family reunion at The Stony Hills and Oxbow Lakes was voiced.
The carriage carrying Alynne, Jezyk, Helena and Ulrich did not reach the docks before Alynne began to feel uncomfortable. And the carriage was soon filled with the sounds of her panting, as her early labor began.
Helena assuaged Jezyk's fears of his child being born too early.
Alynne breathed hard, panting as she was carried on a litter onto the ship, where the crew at first bristled at the idea of a woman actively in labor being brought on board, but they caved to the Giant Red Wolf's demands. Ulrich lead them to the room, where only Helena, Alynne and Jezyk remained.
As the ocean waved them closer and closer to Hillside, another call went out. The crew's chanting for protection and calm seas.
It would be Maris, in the dead of night,who heard the call in the deeper parts of Hillside who heard. And searched the waters for the newborn, birthed at sea.
Maris was an odd sight, emerging from the water, with nothing but water droplets clinging to her skin, and beckoned for the babe.
Alynne clung to her newborn, still born in her sac, a true mermaid's birth, another good omen.
Maris bestowed onto the newborn a promise, one that carried her voice across the sea, that she would never be alone. Her gift, a necklace to remind her of a promise never to be broken.
From Maris' words came Jezyk's suggestion for a name.
Returned to Hillside, and emerging from her seven day seclusion, Alynne spoke, with Jezyk by her side. The marking of red and black ocher staining their newborn's nose and forehead, earning a soft uncomfortable wail, she began.
"Our daughter saw the sea first, the ocean's allure settles deep within her. She is called upon by her animal totem, a bird of the ocean; a white-tailed eagle." and caressed her daughter's fair hair. "Jezyk and I have decided to honor her with the name of Ula for you are a jewel of the sea....and Vesna born under the watch of Vesna, the goddess of spring...she is of Clan Skye, and Clan Cantaville." she whispered to her. "our little mermaid."
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theweekinarrowfic · 1 year
Completed Arrow Multichapters on AO3, December, 2022
NOTE: I’m now crossposting to https://theweekinarrowfic.dreamwidth.org. Need more Arrow in your life? Why not try one of the multchapter fanfics recently completed by our talented fic writers?
I get the sweetest feeling (that this is the start of something new) by StarlightDreamer21 (Oliver/Felicity, 3/3, 2022-12-01) - Felicity Smoak just moved to Starling City to start her new job at Queen Consolidated. It doesn’t take her long though to learn that her best friend, Thea, is the sister of the CEO. She moved here for new opportunities and adventures, but will she also find new love from the CEO who doubles as a 5 star chef?
I Object! by mindramblings (Oliver/Felicity, 2/2, 2022-12-25) - Oliver and Felicity were high school sweethearts, but they were torn apart by the distance adulthood brought to their lives. Despite the hurt and pain that it brings, Felicity is determined to face her past years later. So, she returns to Starling City...just in time for Oliver and Laurel's wedding. Memories bring out an emotional confession.
Other Arrow Ships
Arrow: The Paths To Tomorrow by HRwriter897, Onyon23 (Sara/Oliver, 23/23, 2022-12-09) - After the Crisis of infinite earths event, everything you thought you knew was changed. With the help of the one called The Specter, two individuals from Oliver’s life are given the chance to fix many mistakes and rebuild the world to be better prepared for what comes ahead.
Batgirl Sucks Cock by Batman_Batgirl_XXX (TottPaula) (Barbara Gordon/various including Barbara/Oliver, 4/4, 2022-12-22) - Batgirl thinks creatively to earn extra money to help finance her crusade in Gotham. She utilizes her best skill to earn a few benefactors. So how much cock could Batgirl suck if Batgirl would suck cock? Enough to finance her mission in Gotham as needed. Easy peasy. What millionaire would deny her request? An Arrowverse/ Batverse crossover. If Batman gets to eat pussy, Batgirl gets to suck cock!
What if...? by coldtime2000 (Rip Hunter/Leonard Snart, Sara/Leonard Snart, 33/33, 2022-12-15) - What if...? Fic What if...Would Rip have been married to Snart and not Miranda? After watching his husband die at the hands of Vandalo Savage, Rip Hunter decides to assemble a team to kill Vandalo and save the man he loves. But what if one of his team members is his husband? Only...this version of his husband is not yet his husband.
You can't be serious?! by Victoria832 (Natasha Romanov/Skye | Daisy Johnson; Felicity listed as character, 9/9, 2022-12-24) - When Skye gets the message that a friend of hers passed away Natasha is there to comfort her, to the surprise of her own team. May is starting to grow suspicious of their behavior. And then the two women just leave, leaving the team of three agents short and with lots of questions. A lot of Skye/Natasha
Touch Like a Memory by moonbeam (Oasiis) (Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, Oliver and Dinah Lance listed as characters, 8/8, 2022-12-16) - Dick Grayson, an unclaimed Omega living under the protection of Alpha Bruce Wayne, spends most of his nights as Nightwing, protecting the people of Gotham from numerous threats. His life is relatively simple considering he's yet to break through his first Heat. But his entire world shifts when Dick stumbles upon an Alpha fighting/breeding ring and locks eyes with the mysterious Alpha 'Red'. He's determined to save Red, even if he doesn't fully understand why the urge is so strong, and with his family at his back to help him, he's sure to succeed. However, Bruce Wayne has had his eye on Dick for years in the hope of becoming his bonded Alpha and he doesn't take kindly to anyone that gets in the way. Notes: Set in the Gotham Knights (2022) game universe. This is a standalone AU in the series so feel free to skip to the next one if it's not your thing! <3
Altering The Calm by Phillipe363 (Sara/Oliver, 3/3, 2022-12-18) - Instead of the Olicity driven episode we got and starting so many issues, what if events went differently? What if the show followed a path of Oliver and Sara focused? How does one tiny difference along with other stuff making sense like Oliver caring about QC, change things? Find out.
Waverider Down by legendsstan19 (Sara/Ava Sharpe, 2/2, 2022-12-01) - Summary: When an SOS call goes out to everyone on Prime Earth they are confused why it’s the waverider when all of the sudden the waverider comes crashing down. Read as they help each other get the legends out and figure out what happened.
Любовь под названием «АваЛенс» by Bernyce_Kiuberty (Sara/Ava Sharpe, 28/28, 2022-12-15) - Какой будет жизнь, после свадьбы Сары Ленс и Эвелин Шарп? Единственное, что все знают точно - она не будет спокойной.
Sorry if you can by Bernyce_Kiuberty (Alex Danvers/Sara, Sara/Ava Sharpe, 2/2, 2022-12-15) - Всё началось с драки и закончилось свадьбой. В этом вся я. Хотите узнать кто моя избранница?
playboy, playboy by kapiushonnn (Oliver/Slade, 2/2, 2022-12-15) - Oliver Queen era el playboy más peligroso. hasta que se fijó en Slade Wilson. o pequeño estudio de Oliver Queen y algún que otro carácter en cuánto amor y Slade Wilson.
It's a Super Xmas Tale by AllyBP (Kara Danvers/Oliver, 4/4, 2022-12-22) - This is my annual SuperArrow Xmas story the introduction of a new crackship I believe many people will enjoy. ave fun and happy holidays.
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🌙🌙 hi hello i would like to ask abt any thoughts of the pyra/sapphire wedding (or anything relating to it, like postgame ideas) and also catarina/hapi reunion after the timeskip !!! or anything just regarding to the two ships is amazing i love hearing abt them ♥️
Clara, my dear friend, my fellow denizen of Xeno hell's 2 and TTGC divisions, I got half a sentence into this ask as soon as I got home from work and it broke me. I proceeded to remain flustered for the entire rest of the day. You did this to me /lh
(source: this post by nougatships)
Give me a 🌙 in my inbox and I’ll give you a random headcanon about my selfship, F/O, or self-insert. - Right, okay, let's give you what you're asking for.
For the first moon..
As you mention, Pyra and Sapphire do indeed canonically get married. I was going to say that this is actually the only one of my romantic selfships where I have actually established this, but that's actually not the case - Skye and Emily also get married as part of the story too. Pyra is the one who proposes to Sapphire, using one of her earrings in lieu of an actual ring, under the aurorae on the last night the party spends in the Leftherian Archipelago (so, near the start of Chapter 5).
However, due to the fairly high stakes of the current objective, i.e. stopping Malos and Torna, we don't actually get married until after the game ends, by which time both of us have also successfully obtained the blessing of the other's father (which is not as easy as it sounds when Pyra's father is the Architect, literal half-omnipotent creator of Alrest and sole surviving remnant of his universe left in it. Yes, this means Sapphire took the time to stay behind and ask him if it was okay for her to marry Pyra right before rushing off to the final boss fight).
Although I don't have much set in stone for the actual wedding itself, I think I still like the idea of it taking place in the Olethro Playhouse. You can see the World Tree (where Pyra is from), but are in Uraya (where Sapphire grew up). It’s also a very grand place, even if Malos did destroy half of it, and it has some significance to the Aegis Blades in general because it’s where Addam first awakened Mythra.
Haze officiates, because a combination of Sapphire’s ether crystallisation ability restoring her Core Crystal and Nia’s cell regeneration powers (which can resurrect people, as Chapter 6 shows) allow her to be revived as a special separate entity from any Driver in my version of events.
For the second moon..
I’m actually not 100% sure if my (or rather, Catarina's) reunion with Hapi post-timeskip still takes place anymore, because of how I have now established that Catarina spends her time bringing supplies to Abyss (where Hapi stays) over the course of the timeskip. So, technically, we wouldn’t need to reunite if both of us had been allowed to join Byleth’s house.
However, although Catarina is one of the Ashen Wolves and this would normally mean she does not ever appear as an enemy after the timeskip, I was considering having her appear as part of forces loyal to the Kingdom if she was not recruited into Byleth’s house, since her family on her mother’s side is from Faerghus and her older sister lives there (she would appear too, specifically as a Falcon Knight). Therefore, there is potential for her to be fought as an enemy at some point; I’m envisioning it as if you kill her sister then Catarina will be enraged and fight to the death herself, but if you defeat Catarina first then she will retreat instead (possibly being recruitable on Verdant Wind, like Lysithea is on Crimson Flower) and her sister will also retreat, so that you can still do Catarina’s Paralogue.
A reunion on the battlefield between Hapi and Catarina would thankfully not be as angsty as it could have potentially been, since Hapi is very averse to fighting to the death as shown by her voicelines while Catarina is not particularly especially loyal to the Kingdom as a whole, instead more being in it for her family’s sake. So, if she was offered the chance of joining Byleth’s forces, she would definitely take it for her own safety, and Hapi would of course be very relieved by this.
That’s about all I’ve got for the moment.
I hope that these answers were alright!! Sorry for the wait on finishing writing them, friend.
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Individual Guide On Isle Of Skye Wedding Photographer
So you're engaged! All the options for planning your big day are swirling in your head. You're tying the knot, getting hitched, settling down, plighting one's promise, taking the plunge, becoming husband and wife! Congratulations have been in order. Maybe you've wondered how you'll navigate the planning of the big event and all those special events surrounding the marriage day. His family, your household, his friends, your friends, the budget, the location, the spreadsheets, the graphs, the lists, the disagreements. It sounds somewhat ominous; entering new uncharted waters can be pretty scary! Maybe you have considered eloping? There's no shame in eloping or even considering eloping! Couples today are extremely independent. In many ways, couples are buying a non-traditional solution to marry. No further tied to numerous outdated traditions, eloping is becoming among the most popular methods to tie the knot. The features of choosing to elope over a traditional wedding are many.
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Eloping can be an adventure, whereas a main-stream wedding can quickly become a stress-filled, out-of-control. Eloping can be quite a spontaneous, very romantic decision. Think of that time period and stress you'll save yourself. You won't need months of planning or even a wedding planner when you elope. Many services specialize in elopements and small weddings occur probably the most beautiful locations. A fast check online under elopement packages, beach wedding elopements, and you may be set. Think about tips on how to combine a marriage, a honeymoon and the perfect vacation all at once. For example, destination weddings on beaches are beautiful, simple and genuinely offer you a day to remember. Once you elope, making your commitment together officially could be a lot more pleasurable than you might think. Again, it's so effortless to combine the marriage ceremony with a beautiful destination and honeymoon.
Avoid the staggering costs of a chapel, church, reception site and the worries of it all. Planning an elopement can be very simple; you need an officiant. They are a person allowed by law to marry you—a marriage license and usually a witness. Many elopement packages can provide the small extras- such as for example flower petals for the sand if you choose to really have a beach wedding, a bridal bouquet and photography. Most of the beach elopement packages can be bought for the price of an ideal wedding gown or the quantity that you may invest in floral arrangements for a church. In the event that you elope, just think about what you are able to do with the money you've leftover to purchase a great car, a nice honeymoon or perhaps a down payment on your first home together! So once you've made a decision to tie the knot, consider eloping. It's a fantastic, fun, low-stress alternative. Think of a destination beach wedding. Consider a destination beach wedding; if you want a tremendous destination elopement to begin your lifetime together, think about a destination beach wedding. You'll manage to spend a great day on the beach with usually the one you like, understanding that you'll be developing a celebration you'll always cherish!
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