#the way leo moves is very reminiscent
turtleblogatlast · 6 months
Saw your question about musical instruments and fighting styles for the turtles. I don’t have instruments, but I always felt like Leo’s love of fighting with his blades was very akin to a highly skilled ballet dance.
Like, one day the guys saves a women from a Purple Dragon mugging, and when Leo sheepishly turns to her to say “Miss I promise we won’t hurt you.” He doesn’t get the words out because she starry eyed and very obviouslu not afraid. She exciting exclaims how his fightinf looked just like her ballet practice.
Raph, Donnie and Mikey are suddenly stuck listening to the excited rambles of two giant ass nerds talking about the disciplines of their respective practices.
Cuuuute, I imagine these Purple Dragons are more like previous iterations, yeah? Past Leos can definitely get that ballet vibe to their styles I see it I see it.
Though I will say that in Rise I’d argue Mikey’s more ballet than Leo just in terms of canonical mentions! But tbh all of them have some forms that could mesh well with ballet, Mikey’s just the one I think of most when it’s mentioned as he’d been described as a ballet master before.
For Rise Leo, I actually find his style of fighting akin to figure skating. I might actually make a post about this at some point but it’s actually fun to look into for him.
Fighting styles are always fun to look at though because fighting and dancing go hand in hand, and I wholeheartedly agree that dual wielding katana and using them as Leo does is probably one of the biggest examples this in the series.
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crucialplayer · 1 year
Thoughts on moon placements
!! everything is based purely on my experiences with signs, written with no other purpose than to share my observations and be unserious.
Aries moon. Will ask you a question and leave midway through u answering it just cuz little men in their head pushed a new button on the emotions console, inside out style. If they feel some type of way be sure everyone in the room will also feel it. Great at destroying social harmony. 
Taurus moon. Brick wall banging against which you risk irrevocably damaging ur head. Usually deal with stress or any negative emotions by falling asleep. Insanely bad at moving on from anything.
Gemini moon. Find an outlet for your thoughts and ideas and it better not be that one poor friend that is too nice to stop your rambling. Anxiety ride from the moment they wake up till the moment they fall asleep if they actually manage to. Never have a firm stance on anything. 
Cancer moon. If they feel sad they can suck the life out of the air. Feel a lot and usually stop at that. Somehow kinda bad at reflecting. Some of them could really benefit from rationalizing their emotions. Like to reminisce a lot. 
Leo moon. Every day is a Miss Universe contest. Don't understand the concept of putting yourself in someone else’s shoes. Live life like they’re being filmed for a biopic about them. Get offended easily. Having too many ego deaths on a daily basis bless them. 
Virgo moon. Invented anxiety and hating things. Genuinely think they are smarter than everybody but like to ignore the fact that they’ve been stuck in the loop of the same problems for a couple of years. VEry unstable self-esteem. 
Libra moon. Appear very carefree to the point of care actually not existing in their world I think. Like cute things and cute feelings. Dislike ugly things and ugly feelings. Shine best when surrounded by people and are needed by someone. 
Scorpio moon. If mood swings were a moon placement it’d be this one. Cutting ur hair at 3 am moon. Everything is profound and deeply personal. Identity crisis during a bus ride home. Being nonchalant is a hoax. 
Sagittarius moon. 3 minute emotional life cycle. Consider feeling down a random virus they caught somewhere and not a genuine state of being. Cure themself to the natural optimistic disposition by blowing up to someone’s face and proceeding to go with their day unbothered.   
Capricorn moon. Incapable of giving approval or being positive about anything. See three steps forward except only for the situations going wrong. Hence dissociate when they’re supposed to feel happy. The soul leaves their body when entrapped by loud people. 
Aquarius moon. Have ideas about feelings. When exposed to simple emotional stimuli fall into a theoretical spiral. Like to look for the signs and parallels. Without a social circle are like fish without water. 
Pisces moon. Kid lost in the mall vibe. Dreamed a more exciting life and are living it. Need alone time to survive but also kinda hate it?? Always care, would lose at the speed of light in the idgaf war. Do art please. 
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nebbyy · 5 months
 Leo Valdez x Child of Aphrodite!reader
A/N: I haven’t got much to say this time, just a reminder that requests are open and will remain this way for some weeks at the very least:))
Warning: absolutely none (maybe some swearing? But like, two bad words), just pure fluff. Also, reader uses female pronouns
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It was kind of against your destiny to fall in love: Aphrodite is bound to never return Hephaestus’ love, so that they’re stuck in a loveless marriage. With the two of you, it’s the total opposite
The exact same MOMENT you see the boy in camp, disheveled look, face covered in machine oil and dust, you’re, absolutely smitten
It’s the classical “she fell first, he fell harder” type of trope
He notices you pretty early on too, but he doesn’t even try to approach you at first
I mean, no way that the prettiest child of Aphrodite could ever even look into his direction, you’re wayyyy over his league
It takes Piper’s help to start things up, when she accidentally stumbles upon Leo while she was taking a walk around camp. “Oh how rude of me. Y/N, this is my best friend, Leo”
It would be embarrassing to write down just how much he’s stumbled on his words the first time the two of you talked, just because of how he was absolutely captured by your godly beauty
He comes to find that you’re also a lot more than you’re looks: you’re funny, smart, clever, strong as fuck, and one of the best friends Leo has ever known
It doesn’t take long for him to realize that he’s completely and irrevocably in love with you, but oh boy how long does it take him to confess it to you
He had prepared this big, fancy plan to take you by the beach, with candles all around, a circle of rose petals and in the center of it a picnic filled with all of your favorite foods waiting to be devoured
Too bad he didn’t check the weather that morning, or he would’ve seen that a storm was expected right on that evening. He might’ve asked for Percy’s or Jason’s help too, maybe they could’ve done some big-god shit to prevent the rain
Nevertheless, you both found yourself soaked wet, standing by a line of extinguished candles, the petals long gone with the wind, and the food watered down to a soup
He wanted to drown himself in the sea right then and there, but he was quickly stopped by your laugh coming from behind him
Oh gods, where you making fun of him? Did you figure out what his intentions were? It must’ve been it, I mean, how could you ever want to have anything to do with him other than simple friendship, he’s been so stupid so reckles-
His track of thoughts was interrupted by your hands grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him in for a loving kiss, your skilled lips so soft and comforting against his much inexperienced ones
“You could’ve just told me you liked me at Camp, you know.”
“Wait, was it that simple?”
You laughed again shaking your head at his cluelessness, and he swore the sound of your laugh could’ve been the only thing he needed to live from that moment on
Okay no maybe food too, but you get the idea
You spend most of the time chilling in cabin 9 while he works on his projects, chilling in his bed or peaking at what he was doing
He definitely calls you dove for obvious reasons
Best believe that as soon as you guys are a thing all his flirting with every girl that moves is OVER my boy does not come from the streets he’s a loyal mf
After the curfew you usually sneak out to chill in some secluded area in the forest, and cuddle for hours in the moonlight
And whenever it rains, you waste no time to go at the beach and dance in the rain, reminiscing about the day you two got together
Oh, and get ready to see Leo as an emotional wreck anytime one of you is on a quest, when he’s unable to text you or hear anything from you for days or even WEEKS
He’s sure that’s worse than Prometheus’ destiny
Overall it’s like a golden retriever - siamese cat relationship, 10/10 would recommend
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cyberball · 1 year
cair paravel
caspian x reader / no pronouns used / not rq
warnings: a couple swears, physical touch (as in not 18+ but still), mention of the word 'dress' but you can interpret that as any type of dress really
summary: you decide to reminisce on a select few memories of the beach at cair paraval in your room, one morning.
genre: yes it is fluffy but there's some slow burn/yearning thing going on, allusion to a modern!au in narnia, although u can assume it’s the same
notes: cyberball comeback! *crickets* anyway this is my highest word count thus far. ben barnes is actually fatal cuz now I'm obsessed with a character from my CHILDHOOD who I completely forgot even existed. alas, here we are, because caspian is a very very close second to Leo valdez, and I'm head over heels for that man. all this is to say, this will probably not be the last caspian fic and who knows, maybe I'll figure sth out for peter n ed as well!!! anyway enjoy i hope u like it / edit: WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME I MISSPELLED THE FIC TITLE
11:03 | 2896 words
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11:45 AM
The spring breeze brushes against your face, and your eyes close in appreciation. From your balcony, the beach of Cair Paraval looks stunning; clear blue waters and a high tide to match. You let your thoughts linger on all the nights you’ve spent on said beach with a certain king of Narnia. You almost get up to try to find him, but you sit back down, realizing he must be busy. Your memories will have to sustain you for now.
4:23 AM – 1 month ago
Caspian’s hand came up to brush his hair out of his face for what seemed like the hundredth time that night – the sea breeze was relentless. You silently laughed at his efforts, as he leaned back into you, having given up on trying to tame his hair. His tall frame had somehow managed to sit snugly in between your legs, Caspian’s head resting on your chest. You were leaning against an enormous oak tree, the leaves swaying in tandem with the wind.
“Get up, you big goof,” you said, rolling your nightshirt’s sleeves up, determined to help him with his hair. He looked back at you for just a second before obeying your command. You loved his hair either way but you could tell it was annoying him right about now.
“What, you don’t like the unruly look my hair has taken on?” He asked, sitting up properly. You shook your head in amusement and looked away under his glance, pretending to look around for the clip you always kept on you, in case a predicament like this arose.
You gathered a little of his hair and tied it in place with the clip, letting a few pieces in the front fall out. The half-up-half-down look was his and your favorite.
He rested his head back onto your shoulder, looking ahead, the two of you still sitting. You had a ritual wherein you took one night each week to watch the sunrise. Now, even as the sun slowly woke up, the Narnian night sky glittered with tens of stars, and you wished you could look into his eyes. The black always reflected the light perfectly.
You two had been dating for about 2 weeks now. Caspian was your best friend and the person you trusted the most. Back when all you could think of on nights like these was your imagination of what it would feel like to have his lips against yours, looking into his eyes was a gesture far too intimate for two friends to share.
But now that it was a reality, you moved him off your shoulder and moved forward, so now you were facing him. On instinct, he picked you up by your thighs and placed you on his lap. Giggling, you took his stubble-covered face in your hands. After staring into your eyes for a length of time most people would find uncomfortable, he looked up at the sky. And there it was; the sky condensed into his eyes. He looked back up at you, and you couldn’t help but kiss him. You wondered how you ever lived without knowing the taste of his lips.
5:09 PM – 3 months ago
The sun filtered through your hair as you managed to push through it. It was setting, and the horizon looked particularly capturing today; pink and orange clouds shielding its light. Speaking of the sun, unbeknownst to you, yours had come up behind the spot you had claimed on the sand. Placing a kiss on your head – and consequently making butterflies fly around in your stomach – Caspian took the place next to you, as he often did.
More often, he’d only made rare appearances in your solitude, as the mantle of being king had taken its toll on his free time. You had found yourself reminiscing on the time when every other free second you both had, you would spend with each other. You would train together as well, and while that hadn’t necessarily stopped, he had significantly less time to do so. So you missed it, and you missed the close contact, where you could pass off the hitched breaths and stuttering glances as something other than what they were.
Caspian was your best friend. Nothing more, although you found yourself coveting the same. You don’t quite remember when it changed; when the way you looked at him turned from friendly appreciation to lingering on his smile. You felt that maybe he felt the same when he’d make you laugh and then drink in your reaction; when you showed him a new dress and his gaze lingered on you for far more time than was needed to look at the dress; when, a few days ago, you were playing with his hair, as you often did, and he unabashedly stared at your lips; and even now, when he kissed your head and instinctually rested his hand on yours. His thumb caressed your palm, and you had to physically restrain yourself from melting onto the beach.
At least then you could be washed away with the sea. You could feel his gaze on you. “What, idiot?” You asked him, not turning to look at him, a playful smile playing on your lips. “That’s no way to address your king,” he replied smoothly with a smirk of his own. You wanted to wipe it right off his stupid, pretty face.
As happy as you were with his presence next to you, you didn’t forget how your getaways to the beach were much frequent just you now instead of you both. “Sorry, Your Majesty,” you muttered sarcastically. You winced as his face fell at your tone, immediately regretting your words, knowing how he literally had no time for anything other than his duties. You couldn’t be mad at him for that. He beat you to the apology, “I am sorry. I know I have seen you less and less these past few weeks, and it’s not an excuse, merely a reason, but my work as king has taken up most if not all my time. Regardless, I could have made time for you. Aslan knows you’re much more important to me than anything else,” he spoke the last words under his breath, but you caught them.
You both had talked about this before – how much you meant to each other – but every time he brought it up, your heart beat just a little bit faster. “Cas, don’t be sorry. I know you’re busy and it’s selfish of me to be mad at you for that. I’m sorry,” you replied, looking away. “You’re not being selfish. You’re the least selfish person I know. You’ve done nothing wrong here,” he said softly, pushing your hair behind your ears. A hue of red dusted your cheeks at the gesture and you smiled up at him, “It’s okay, Cas,” you assured him and noticed his eyes crinkling at the nickname, “Just promise to meet me whenever you can,” you said, playing with his fingers. “Yes, I know, I will use all my free time on you. You don’t have to tell me twice,” he says, a glint in his eyes. You laughed amusedly, “You’re a good king, you know,” and he searched your eyes for any sign of a lie. He didn’t find it, even behind your teasing tone. “Just because I dedicated my free time to you?” he questioned and you pretended to think, “Hmm… yes.” Laughing
, you rested your head on his shoulder. You were happy to have him, even if your affections could only be as intimate as best friends.
2:58 AM – 2 months ago
You had just made a particularly hilarious joke, and Caspian had been laughing about it for what seemed like ages. “My god, calm down,” you managed to say through your own laughter, and he silently brought his forehead down to your shoulder, his own shoulders shaking from laughter.
After finally calming down, he said, “Never do that again,” a smile still brilliant on his face, despite the dim moonlight filtering through the clouds. “What, never make you laugh again?” you grinned, sucking your teeth, “sounds like a challenge to me. I’m too funny,” you joked, running your hand through your hair. Out of the corner of your eyes, you saw Caspian roll his eyes at you, and you wordlessly shoved him for it.
“That cloud looks like your hair in the morning,” you pointed out, gesturing to a cloud by the sea line. Caspian looked at you with an unamused face, “Ha-ha. Very funny,” he replied deadpan, but a grin eventually broke out on his face.
A long, comfortable silence stretched out between the two of you. You carefully rested your head on his shoulder and tried to take this for what it was: two friends enjoying each other’s company, and not letting your thoughts wander to a hope where maybe, someday, you could be more than that. Because it could never be. Caspian did a great job of reminding you of the fact when he piped up, “Today was sort of terrible,” and in response, you looked up at him through your lashes, beckoning him to continue. “The court is back at it with the marriage proposals and potential alliances,” he explained, and your heart dropped.
Oh. “Any of the potential matches interest you?” you questioned, silently hoping the answer was no. Regardless, you braced yourself for the impact, but he replied, very softly, might one add, “No,” and ran a hand through his hair. “Really?” you asked in an unamused tone, “none of them?” you were a tad bit eager to know his true feelings. So he pointed it out, “Desperate, are we? Why do you want to see me married off so quickly?” he asked, a smirk playing on his annoyingly pretty face. There was a sort of desperation in his eyes that you didn’t quite catch, however.
“Of course not, Your Highness,” you teased, “Curse me for wanting to see my king happy,” and rolled your eyes. “And anyway, it’s quite the opposite,” you muttered under your breath, sure that he wouldn’t hear it, but he did.
Fuck. He understood what you meant by it as well; he always did, and now he looked at you with something newfound in his eyes. Shit.
Silence. Why wasn’t he saying anything?
“That is the last thing that would make me happy,” he finally spoke, and you silently sent up a prayer to whichever god let him ignore whatever you had said.
“And what would?” you asked, a teasing tone in your voice, but you both knew you genuinely wanted to know. Were you a possibility?
He didn’t reply. You chuckled softly and slightly shoved him, “What? I asked you something,” you said, still giggling. Your laughter had brought a smile to his face and you wanted to evaporate.
He took one of your hands and started absentmindedly playing with your fingers, as he often did. “I just… it’s a little funny to me how many times I’ve asked you that same question and you’ve not responded,” he confessed, black eyes staring you down, and then moving away when you hesitated in responding. “We tell each other everything,” a pause, “Right?” he asked, and hundreds of unsaid feelings poured into the small gap between you two, which he was slowly but surely closing. All the while his hands were still on yours, and you wondered if this was it. The day you finally get to call him yours, or the day you part ways.
“Caspian…” was all you managed, a little choked. Had his face always been so close to yours? You swore you could feel the beat of his eyelashes on your face, which was no doubt painted deep red right about now. It didn’t matter, because so was his.
You never knew eyes could speak like this – albeit, Caspian’s had always been able to, but never to this degree – begging, desperation, and hope, all in just two pupils. You literally were choked now; words had left you. You always told him, in matters of romance, you would never be able to make the first move. He had always laughed at that, the irony of you being such a bold and fearless person, yet being afraid of showing vulnerability like this. Although he himself could never chide you about that; both of you knew his stubbornness, especially in affairs of the heart.
He was not a daft man. A little oblivious, sure, but he knew the way you looked at him. You hadn’t tried to hide it either; in some masochistic way, even though you had your doubts about his feelings, you still wore yours on your face. You regretted it sometimes, when if he ended up listening to his court one day, then you would feel like a fool for putting your heart out on the line.
But so had he. Later on, you would realize that you were much more oblivious than him. He had half the decency to never completely assume that you were interested in him romantically, but he knew you. And you knew him.
So it made sense now to you. His lingering glances, especially those on your lips; the forehead kisses, which he had started a long time ago before you thought of him this way – however, they had grown much more frequent and much less chaste; and, oh. The words he said to you just a couple of days ago, lounging in his bed, your head in his lap, when you had joked about him being in love with you, “I’m not going to deny it.” You knew when he was joking. This was not such an instance, even though, immediately after, he tried to play it off as such. You knew it. Why hadn’t you said something?
Your name fell from his lips now, once more, a silent plea.
His lips ghosted over yours once more. You closed your eyes briefly, as you did when in a predicament, and exhaled hard.
Caspian sent up a prayer to whichever god would take it and made to connect your lips. You met him halfway.
You remember the first kiss like the back of your hand. You just about whimpered when his taste reached your tongue; the taste of the chocolate you both had snuck just a few minutes earlier was fresh on his lips. His rather large hands steadied you by your waist, and you still felt like crumbling by his touch.
A few seconds later, you pulled away reluctantly, out of breath. His eyes slowly fluttered open and his face was redder than you had ever seen it. You grinned and pecked his lips once more, and he felt your smile on him. It wasn’t a feeling he thought he’d ever experience.
Giddy, he mirrored your smile and kissed you harder than the last time.
“I knew you had a thing for me,” you said, right after he pulled away, breathless and smiling. “I’m not going to deny it,” he gloated, and you rested your forehead on his shoulder, laughing.
You were going to deal with the court some other day. It was just you and him right now.
11:56 AM – Present time
“Enjoying the weather, my love?” Caspian’s voice sounds out as his arms wrap around your torso. You slightly crane your head to look at him, shamelessly staring at his frame; simple white button-up, black pants. A rather handsome look on him.
“Your pick-up lines have always been terrible,” you remark, turning your head back around, a smirk on your face.
“And yet you were just checking me out,” he shoots back, resting his chin on the top of your head. You roll your eyes in response. “Checkmate?” he teases.
“Whatever. You can hardly blame me when you look this good,” you respond smoothly, turning around to face him while raising a hand to play with the ends of his hair.
“Have you seen yourself?” he says comfortably. His hands are resting easy on your hips and his gaze is on you, focused like you hung the stars in the sky. He always looks at you like this.
You shake your head, silently laughing, and crane your head to look out at the waters. It’s true that no one loves the sea quite like Caspian does, but that’s the very reason you appreciate it. His eyes light up when he talks of his adventures and voyages. Interestingly enough, there have only been two instances when the joie de vivre shines in his eyes; once when he thinks of the sea, and twice when he thinks of you. You’ve noticed it. The thought gets you giddy each time.
There’s a comfortable silence between the two of you. He places a kiss on your head and leans down to kiss your lips. Every time he does, it feels like the first time. Your eyes flutter close, and you notice something more in the way his lips move against yours. A message.
And then you realize.
Three words.
He pulls away, exhaling softly. A pause.
“I love you,” he says, your name on his lips like it always belonged there.
You waste no time. “I love you too, Caspian,” and he grins.
You mean it. And Aslan knows he means it too.
tagging: @noorie101 @padfootagain (one of my fav cas writers <3) — if u wanna be tagged please send in an ask!
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manygeese · 3 months
Part two to my playlist as Percy Jackson characters
now with ratings! if you don’t agree, feel free to leave reasons that u do like the ship but please be civil abt it 👍 Warning i have not read all the books
these aren’t strictly canon guys and if u don’t like on of the ships ignore it and read the ones u do like :)
PercyxAnnabeth. I can’t rate them anything but 10/10 I think because they are the foundation
“Stand By Me” by Ben E. King. Represents their loyalty to each other even as the world is going to hell :) “Nobody touches her” anyone?
FrankxHazel. I think it’s cute but the age gap is weird but I like the devotion. Not my favorite but wholesome. 6.8/10?
“She’s Got a Way” by Billy Joel. Very wholesome, very pining-coded, very devoted. Reminds me of how Frank is over here like “I would kill myself for you” about Hazel in SoN
Will SolacexNico. I think it’s cute but I have not read the novel about them and have only read up to SoN bc my library doesn’t have MoA. 8/10, what I’ve seen in fanon is rlly cute
“Romeo’s Tune” by Steve Forbert. Very young love. Very frolicking in a grass field with my beloved.
JasonxPiper. I don’t like it, it’s giving comphet. Literally built on a lie but they are besties. Romantic- 2/10. Platonic- 8/10.
“Our Last Summer” by ABBA. Again, young love, but more like a fling. Very reminiscent but also sweet. This is if I HAD to give them a romantic song.
LeoxJason. I love it so much it is canon in my mind. The fanart for these silly little guys is so cute but also they are the next Romeo and Juliet. I look at them and I go “OOF” in a good way. 10/10
“Beyond the Sea” by Bobby Darin. They’re always waiting for the right time but it never comes 😔. Sorry in my mind they are happy and live in a cottage. This song is optimistic though!!! Don’t think about it too hard
PiperxAnnabeth. I think it’s cute but I think I haven’t seen them enough to really think about them. VERY COOL THOUGH!!! 7/10.
“High on You” by Survivor. They lift each other up and make each other better! Also matches the energy I think they’d have- hardcore, like U-Haul lesbians hardcore
LeoxNico. I think it’s sweet. I see it as a “getting together romantically after years of friendship” thing. They’re very similar to each other and they’d definitely bond over their pasts! 8/10
“Come and Get Your Love” by Redbone. They back each other up and give each other unconditional love, help each other unlearn bad habits, help each be better and all that :)
JasonxNico. Again, haven’t seen a lot of canon content about them but I do know Nico gets outed to Jason and I think they’d just be friends after that. Like I don’t think Nico would be 100% comfy in a romantic setting? Romantic- 5.9/10. Platonic- 8/10.
“Sleeping With the Television On” by Billy Joel. They’re unsure of themselves, too shy to make the first move on the other, etc. Pushing each other away and all that pining jazz.
JasonxPercy. They’re bros. All the way. I could see how it could go from bros to boyfriends, but I’m stuck in the bro mindset. Romantic-8/10. They could have a lot of fun banter. Platonic-10/10.
“If It Wasn’t For The Nights” by ABBA. They need each other, but they get mad at each other a lot :( Narrative foils!!!!!
Clarisse LaRuexSilena Beauregard. Tragic, the parallels to Patroclus and Achilles and PARALLELING! Amazing. Personally, I really like the poly ship where it’s Clarisse, Chris, Selena, and Beckendorf (cuz i love Beckendorf and I think they’d be a great support system for each other). By themselves, 9/10. Points deducted cuz they only really interact in TLO.
“Only the Good Die Young” by Billy Joel. The title should explain everything.
LeoxFrank. In the same vein as Jercy because they’re bros. I think a poly relationship between Hazel, Leo, and Frank could be sweet too. But by themselves, romantically, 7/10. Platonic- 10/10, would shenanigan together.
“It’s Not Unusual” by Tom Jones. They both give off very “jealous of their partners” vibes. Also they like the dance.
Reblog with any other ships you like! I might do a part two :)
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indiegowrites · 2 months
i'm asking between 28-31 in that ask game I WANNA KNOWWW
28.) What is one thing you would like to see explored more in TMNT art/fics?
So often April just gets completely sidelined—or, if she is involved, it's to a much lesser extent than the main four are. I feel like a lot of people forget that April is, for all intents and purposes—outside of 2012—their sister. She has as much a role in their family dynamic as the guys do.
Let's look at Rise, which is the iteration where she has the biggest role as an active family member IMO. In the final episode alone, she's all but verbally confirmed to be a member of the Hamato clan.
For instance, look at the usage of "it's us" here—they are a group. You either take all of them, or you get none of them.
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Note the fact that her sequence in the battle against Shredder takes place in the very middle, between Raph and Mikey's sequences. Moreso, think about the way she appears from behind Raph's copy. It's a move that's VERY reminiscent of what Raph just previously did with Leo hardly 15 seconds prior.
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She then has an entire battle sequence against him, which is, by the way, SO sick. This little move she and Karai do is topped only by Leo and Raph's teleport segment.
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She's with the entire family (plus Casey, my beloved!!!!!!!) when they launch their final attack on him!!!!
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Hell, SHE'S the one who holds the spear with Karai! You know, the guys biological great-great-great however many greats grandmother?
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I could talk for HOURS about April's connection with Karai, the guys, and the Hamato clan in general, and its usage of cementing her role as their sister in all but blood—but this is only the first question and I've already rambled for too long HAHAHA.
I want more April! Outside of Rise, inside of Rise, wherever, however, I don't care. Give me more April O'Neil. Stop sidelining her. She is a Hamato, just as much as the guys are.
29.) What is one headcanon that you have?
I see a lot of transfem 2012!Leo passed around, and I genuinely do subscribe to that—but my main headcanon is that 2012!Donnie is also genderqueer (whether that be transfem, nonbinary, or whatever else). Their relationship with April and their whole dynamic takes on an entirely different light when you view it through that lense, and becomes a lot more fascinating than...whatever is going on in canon.
(Sidebar, but Rise!Leo is transmasc. That's not even a headcanon, I fully believe that to be a genuine part of his character.)
30.) What is one common headcanon that you reject?
Not really rejecting, per se, as I believe that any headcanon can be true if you do enough mental gymnastics (#transfem12!donnie WOOOO), but my own take on Rise!Leo's sexuality is a lot more ambiguous than I know a lot of people go for. He's a pretty large kin of mine, and my own sexuality is hardly cut and dry (all I know is that I am queer, and that I don't like putting labels on myself beyond that), so I perceive him kind of in the same boat HAHAHA.
I don't know if this really counts, however, as Rise Leo being queer is hardly a headcanon. That's just...canon. Subtext canon, but canon all the same LMAOOO
Also. Again. That is a trans man. Rise!Leo is transmasculine. I will die on this hill. Argue with the wall.
31.) What is one piece of TMNT canon that you dislike/ignore?
I don't know that I really have any canon that I ignore, to be honest. I think that every TMNT canon is enjoyable in its own way, and that includes the more...let's go with controversial media, like the Bayverse, or Next Mutation,
There are some comics that I just couldn't really get into, but that's more of an ADHD thing than an active dislike.
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“Say yes to heaven, say yes to me”
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Request by @anonymous
Hey! I know this is kind of a weirdish request, but could you write like a really long fluff piece for lesso? Long fluffy fics always bring me loads of comfort. Tysm! I love your writing & your style, it's so beautiful to read
i do hope 3940+ words for pure fluff fic is considered long enough. if i add more, it would take me some more time to write and i feel like i have you waiting long enough already so hopefully this many words can scratch an itch, dear anon. crossing my fingers that this will be delivered to your fingertips 🤞🏻
Wisps of fire dances under the sunlight. Their golden glow is peculiarly hypnotising, very reminiscent of the sparklers that you love to play as a child. Even as an adult, you allow yourself the occasional indulgence in such nostalgias for they offer you a sense of childish glee.
Have you ever felt the irresistible urge to throw yourself off the edge while standing atop some place high, a building, a balcony, a bridge? You do not dare look down not because you are afraid of heights or of falling but because you are afraid that one day, your impulses will win.
Today seems to be that fated day. Now, the bright oranges and reds are beckoning you to touch them. To their demands, you dance. Like a lamb to the slaughter, naive fingers dive into a sea of fire. It does not ravish. It caresses. Soft flames gingerly lick your flesh as your digits seek the heart of the burning red.
By the time you shower her scalp with gentle scratches, the bundle of warmth in your arms has melted into liquid butter, creamy skin very nearly becoming one with the creamy sheets. A sultry hum that you can both hear, and feel through lips moving against the dip in your throat is spine-tinglingly husky. A dollop of honey in a tumbler of rum that when consumed, douses you with pleasant heat.
Although you always go to bed nestled snugly in your cosy little haven, by morning, you always find a majestic fox taking sanctuary in your arms. Said fox, sly as she is, stamps tiny, delicate kisses to your neck, nuzzles your jaw with her soft little nose before emerging out of her hiding spot. You drown in her eyes, a mesmerising sage green, sprinkled with little specks of brown in the middle, that dissolve into rings of dark forest green.
“Hey, sleepyhead.” You greet her with a kiss on the lips.
She on the other hand is smiling against your cheek, tracing your cheekbone with peppermint kisses. “Who are you calling a sleepyhead, hm?”
“Who, I wonder.” You squint your eyes as if deep in thought.
It earns you a chuckle coupled with a poke on the nose. “Can you blame me, ma chérie. You make it hard for me to get up.”
“Oh, so I am to blame then?”
You watch her eyes twinkle with mirth. The subtle curve of her lips grow into a sly little grin. She dismisses your question altogether, chooses instead to lock you in her arms.
“Come. Let’s be sleepyheads.”
“No can do.” Even though you come within a hair’s breadth of being caged in those stubbornly unyielding arms, you manage to successfully roll out of bed before being completely caught. “We have much to do today, Leo.” A pout has settled atop her lips, and when she moves to sneakily snatch you on your waist, once again, you succeed in dodging the surprise attack. The cherry on top has been getting to stick your tongue out at your lover as you flee the room with a wink that screams downright sass. “Get out of bed if you want me back in your arms, naughty fox.”
“Naughty fox, was it?”
“I’ll show you how naughty I can be.”
You have no idea what you have hoped to gain by taunting the very personification of sly-as-a-fox. Consequences are a certainty. When the lowly husked threat has trickled like ice down your spine, you certainly have not been expecting to physically feel cubes after cubes of ice being shoved down your hoodie. To your horror, you find that the sly fox has not only tucked your shirt into your pants but also cinched the waistband tight to trap the unforgiving coldness there.
Willowy arms encircling your waist, you are hauled onto the kitchen counter. They keep you confined, offering you no reprieve from the icy torture. Trapped and helpless, freezing and suffering, all you can do is to bombard her back with tamed punches while you writhe and wiggle like a worm being exposed to salt.
“Leo!! It’s cold!! Cold!! Leo!”
“Well, it is ice darling. Ice is supposed to be cold. What do you expect?”
“Alright! I’m sorry! Stop! Please, I’ll do anything. Just stop, Leo!”
Intrigued by your bold statement, she seeks your eyes. “Oh?” An elegant eyebrow arches. “Anything?”
“Yes! God, yes! Anything. Now, put me down please.”
She complies, face the very picture of a cat that has gotten the cream. As soon as your fluffy-socked feet touch the floor, trembling fingers scramble to untie the knot of your sweatpants. When you try but fail, lithe fingers join you, dexterous in their movements as the knot is freed and subsequently you, of your suffering. Ice cubes clatter to the floor. Sneaky hands, meanwhile, have found purchase on your ribcage. The very tips of her thumbnails playfully grazing the tender flesh just beneath your breasts has your lips falling open in a gasp.
You swat her forearm reproachfully.
“Naughty is an understatement. You are an evil fox.”
Soft lips fall atop the little furrow between your eyebrows. After one, two, three, four kisses have tumbled down the slope of your nose, the fifth one is perched atop the very tip.
“Why thank you, sweetheart.”
It is crooned along with the sixth which is bestowed upon your lips.
As warm flavours explode on your tongue after you have bitten into the sugary, creamy goodness, a moan has been your first instantaneous reaction. Then come the stars, bursting in your eyes as you marvel at the chef with those big, wide twinkles.
“What is this witchery?”
Four fingers and a thumb bookcase your cheeks.
“That, darling, is the art of baking.”
Tilting your head a touch, the little pout of your lips is met by a pair of succulent lips. A tender caress at first that escalates into gentle suckles. The milkiness and tiny glittering grains resting on and around your lips are meticulously plucked by the tip of a tongue.
Once satisfied, she hums, “Hmm, delicious, is it not?”
You feign disbelief at her query, mouth falling open. “Delicious? It’s scrumptiously divine!”
“I made yours extra creamy, practically doused it with icing. Do you like it?”
Another hearty bite into the sweet swirls renders you speechless. The fluffiness of the bread is impeccable; cinnamon sugar joins the thick, heavy cream as it melts on your tongue. Although every one of her baked goods always has you giddy like a kid in a candy shop, cinnamon rolls, in particular, are like ice cream in a room full of lollipops. You savour the taste of heaven tucked into a bun, reaffirming once more that they are indeed your lover’s best work.
“Like is an understatement. You make the-”So busy licking your fingers are you that you do not mind when you are cut off, delighted even that she knows you like the back of her hand. “-most heavenly cinnamon rolls in the entire universe, yeah yeah I get that quite a lot.”
With a pop, your finger is released, and you turn towards her at breakneck speed, stare her straight in the eyes.
“I would marry you if I could.”
“Oh darling,…” Crooned the woman in an apron. “…flattered though I am, I’ll have to stop you right there. These hands,…” Your eyes are immediately drawn towards those tantalisingly long digits. When they wiggle, you gulp. “…as dexterous as they are,…” She leans in, whispers conspiratorially. “…bake, and then some for only one person.”
After a beat, she winks. “My girlfriend.”
“Oooooh, lucky them.”
Index and middle fingers walk along toned forearms, teasing the edge of her rolled up shirt sleeve. A hand halts them by capturing your wrist. They are instead brought over to lips so soft that, when a kiss is pressed onto your fingertips, it is like touching silk.
“Lucky them indeed.” She initiates eye contact, and you hold it, unwavering. “You should teach them how to bake.”
“Oh I did,…” Fingers intertwine. A hand finds home just shy of your hipbone. “…over and over and over and over again, I might add.”
“It’s great luck that we still have a place to call home.”
“Wow! You may be an excellent cook but you are a terrible teacher.”
Her hand has abandoned your hip in favour of pinching your nose betwixt a middle and a fore finger. “It’s not my fault that you’re always so scatterbrained.”
Meanwhile, her cheeks are sandwiched between the palm of your hands. “It’s not my fault that the love of my life is always so annoyingly, distractingly drop dead gorgeous.” You squish her soft cheeks before punctuating your argument by capturing her adorable little puckered lips. Your kiss, to her annoyance, is delivered with an audible, exaggerated “mmmmwah”.
More often than not, when you are being overly affectionate with your woman, her expression may suggest repulsion but you know better than to let it perturb you. What can be read on her face is usually the exact opposite of what she is feeling. You have understood since the very beginning that she is an intricacy, and after a few years spent together, mastered the art of discerning her innermost emotions.
A beanie sitting snugly around your head, toes and fingers enveloped in thick socks and gloves, swaddled in at least three layers of clothes, bar the long coat, you are being carefully wrapped up like a Christmas present. Your beloved girlfriend has taken it upon herself to make certain that you are well dressed for your winter outing.
There has been a time when you have come home one chilly evening rudolph-nosed and shivering. Having unfortunately overestimated your tolerance for cold, accidentally underdressing for one day has left you with a terrible flu that has lasted for more than a week. Not only has she patiently and carefully nurtured you back to health, going forward, she will also go into protective mommy bird mode whenever you leave so much as a finger unprotected, especially during winter.
Currently, she is wrapping a muffler scarf around your neck on top of the turtlenecked sweater that she has already dressed you in.
“You act as if you did not just shove ice down my spine. Literally.”
“That’s exactly the point, sweetheart. Only I, your evil fox, get to torment you, my little lover.” Lips touch your nose, but a soft, fleeting caress. “Not even the weather is allowed to.”
Even though the cold is not necessarily your cup of tea, and it, too, is not Leo’s, she is not as affected by it as you are. Weak though you are against winter, you adore the weather. Leo on the other hand neither loves nor hates it. At the same time, while you love celebrating Christmas, she is not so much an enjoyer of festivities as a love-sick woman keeping her little lover company.
If you are the sun, then, Leo is the cloud hovering protectively in front of you.
Even now, while you look every bit the picture of a meticulously wrapped parcel, she looks as bare as the Christmas tree that the two of you have yet to finish decorating. She has on her body her signature white dress-shirt layered with a sweater over it with midnight jeans for pants, finishing it all off with a muffler scarf and a long coat. The both of which, aside from colours, entirely matches with yours. Compared to her other fashionable pieces, the sweater looks extremely out of place, the only thing that does not belong in her immaculate wardrobe.
You have just begun trying your hand at knitting, and the sweater has been your very first product. It is created with your lover in mind, but as a result of you deciding to get boldly creative on your first try, what is supposed to be a fiery red fox looks either like a rat or a dog that is terribly malnourished.
You have certainly thought that at worst, it would be fed to the trash can, and at best, it would be tucked into the darkest nook of her wardrobe never to be seen again. The more wishful part of you dares hope that she will wear it at home at the very least. You cannot both believe your eyes and stop staring at your woman when she appears in front of you, dressed in what you have knitted diligently, uniquely for her. She makes even the wackiest of colours arrestingly grand and you remember a small part of you thinking that it should be considered criminal. Meanwhile, the rest of you have been busy admiring her with unabashed wonderment.
If you have not seen your lover rocking questionable attires that will certainly look ridiculous on other people, you would have had half a mind to believe that she is the quintessence of beauty-is-in-the-eye-of-the-beholder. Not only do they look splendidly fine on your woman, it is not your personal opinion but rather a collective agreement that everything will suit her to a tee. After all, you have heard people marvelling at her elegance, seen heads turning towards her direction, which solidifies it as a fact instead of an opinion.
So filled to near bursting with love is your heart that you do not even notice, and if you do, you cannot care less that the two of your are inside a relatively crowded coffee shop when you have trapped her in your arms and attacked her with kisses.
Presently, you are stood outside the same coffee shop that is frequented by the two of you. The snowman out front has caught your attention. Hence, you have decided to wait by it while your wife goes back inside to order more hot drinks as per your friends’ messaged requests. It is amidst making a snowman of your own that you are approached by another. Since you are engrossed in giving the snow version of your girlfriend a face, you have thought whoever is sitting beside you to be the human version of your girlfriend.
“Who is that supposed to be?”
The unfamiliar voice, too gruff that it grates your ears instead of softly caressing them the way Leo’s does, startles you. The uncomfortably close proximity that you find upon turning makes you grimace. As you back away, you unfortunately trip on the thick lump of snow, but the imminent impact never comes. If it does, the ground that receives you has gentle arms that wind protectively around your waist.
There is no mistaking the hands that have explored every square inch of your body. All too happily, you melt into the solid wall of flesh behind you. While you look up at your lover, she gazes down at you, the furrows between her eyebrows ebbing away once a smile blossoms on your lips.
“Her.” You say this to the person still standing before you. “That is supposed to be her, my Leo.”
They either decide to ignore the obvious signs or are insufferably oblivious because instead of leaving the two of you alone, they do the exact opposite. They step closer.
“You’ve got a little something-”
Your guardian angel, of course, is not going to stand idly by and watch as someone else tries to touch you. So, she does the only thing she can; she plucks your chin delicately between a thumb and a forefinger, before angling your head a certain way so that she can lean down to capture your lips. Just like that, the false moustache is kissed clean. The kiss that is meant to ward off the unwanted advancer may have gotten a little out of hand but it does get the job done, because by the time your lips unstick, the bystander is no longer standing. You do not know, cannot care less, when exactly they have disappeared.
“Your nose is starting to resemble that of a rudolph, darling.”
Along with a second muffler that falls onto your shoulder, you are additionally pulled into her coat, being cocooned in her embrace. It is not the added fabric, you realise, but rather being nestled snugly against her body that makes the noticeable difference. Layers after layers of fabric cannot compare to the lovely heat that your lover radiates. Wings almost protrude from your heart and send the little creature soaring high into the sky when you feel warm lips on your forehead. They trace your hairline with satiny-soft kisses.
When you feel the beanie suddenly being lifted off your head, you are not expecting it to find itself back in place just as quickly. The difference however is palpable, for the chill seems to instantly seep into your skull. You cannot help the shriek that escapes your mouth when more handfuls of snow are being dumped into your sweater.
Instantly, your lover is hot on the heels of the culprits. While she tackles one to the ground, the other manages to escape. The unlucky one turns out to be Dovey, wrestled onto the thick blanket of snow and subsequently being turned into a snow burrito. Having successfully avoided becoming a snow burrito herself, Anemone cackles like a madwoman at the suffering of her partner in crime. Her victory is but transient. She is proved to be the unluckier of the two as soon as a sizeable ball of snow collides with her face. With most of the snow going straight into her open mouth, poor Anemone is left to cough and sputter. After getting rid of the snow inside both your beanie and sweater, you join the fray just in time to assist your lover while she is being double-teamed.
And thus, begins war. The four of you spend a good minute running and rolling in a white velveteen sea, screaming and giggling like a bunch of toddlers. The war ends with both ally and enemy teams creating snow angels. Afterwards, since Leo has not been able to wait in line until her turn arrives, for she has practically run to your side, the four of you find yourself once again in the coffee shop.
While you and Anemone have taken the duty of finding a spot to sit and chat, the two best friends have agreed to go and place the orders.
“How you get the grinch to enjoy Christmas is beyond my comprehension. Always was and always will be.” grumbles Anemone as she plops herself down on the couch opposite you.
“Is she truly that fussy? She has always complied with my wishes without any complaints.”
“Ugh, you have no idea!”
You do not get to expand further on the subject for Leo and Dovey return with your drinks almost immediately.
Having a sweet tooth, but at the same time, not wanting to go for something overly sweet, you have ordered a chocolate drink. From dark chocolate fudges, chocolate wafers, warm drizzles of milk chocolate to fluffy white cream dusted with dark chocolate, it has everything that will satisfy your cravings as well as balance the sweetness with a hint of bitterness.
Finding upon taking a sip that Leo, too, will find it palatable, you offer the drink to her. She obliges as she always does with you, but between eating with a spoon and sipping through the straw, she chooses neither. Instead, you are rendered pleasantly surprised by her mouth finding yours.
“Get a room.”
The groan from Anemone does nothing to make her budge. If her friend has wanted her to stop with her comment, it has an entirely opposite effect.
“Get a lover if you’re jealous.”
While poor Anemone almost chokes on her drink again, Dovey cannot help but laugh into her hand.
What you love about their friendship is that regardless of the endless quips being thrown around like nobody’s business, they have gone past the point of being truly offended by them. The three of them go way back, and over the course of time, their friendship has evolved into a familial bond. Leo has not only waltzed into your life alone but she has also brought with her, and subsequently into your life, Dovey and Anemone, who have welcomed you with open arms. You feel infinitely lucky to be a part of this little family.
From catching up with each other’s lives to reminiscing about the days of yore, the four of you talk about anything and everything. Even though you can still go on for days and never run out of things to say, the shop needs to close. So it is with great reluctance that you part ways. By the time goodbyes have been said, stars are already hanging overhead.
Delightful twinkles and colourful Christmas lights light your way home as the pair of you walk hand in hand. Your interlaced fingers are hidden in the pocket of your lover’s coat.
“Do you remember the very first time our paths crossed?”
“How can I forget? I spilled coffee onto you.”
“That, my darling, was not how you first caught my eye.” Puzzled and intrigued, you search her face. When she meets your gaze, you marvel at their beauty. It is as if the fallen stars have found sanctuary in her eyes. “Have you ever wondered that perhaps you bumping into me was my carefully crafted machination?”
“Was it, now?”
A perfect eyebrow arches. “Do I seem the type to ask someone for compensation through coffee dates had I not been interested in them in the first place?”
“Oh, so they had been dates! I thought I was just, well, compensating you for ruining your pristine white shirt.”
“Silly girl.”
“You were still charmed by this silly girl, were you not?”
“Indeed I was, and I am, still.”
“In all seriousness, Leo, from the very beginning, the feelings were incredibly mutual.”
“I know, darling. I waited for a while to see if you would make the first move.”
“I’ve never told you this before but the coffee that was spilled onto you…it was bought with you in mind. Although our methods were not entirely flawless, we both got what we wanted in the end.”
“Each other.”
It is under a lamppost that she stops you.
“You said you’d do anything.” It seems like there is more to her words than that, so you poise for elaboration. Out of the blue, she falls to one knee, and you watch with bated breath as her hand disappears into the other coat pocket. The hand, once vacant, returns with a small velvet box.
“Say yes to me.”
“As it so happens…” Fishing out your own velveteen box, you mirror her stance. “I’ll say yes only if you do too.”
The shocked expression on her face dissolves into a smile before the both of you let out a laugh in unison.
“Were you carrying it around everywhere you went?”
“No. I requested Anemone to pick it up for me on her way. You?”
“Same but Dovey.”
“Well, what will you say, woman?”
“There is only one correct answer.”
“Which is?”
“Yes, obviously.”
“Then, without question, my answer is also yes.”
They are both simple platinum bands with a single gem in the middle. While the band with gem the hue of Leo’s hair comes to rest on your ring finger, the band with gem the shade of your eyes goes to find home on your wife’s ring finger.
“Oh my dearest Leo, I love you so.”
When you throw yourself into her arms, she receives you with great enthusiasm. Standing up with you locked tightly in her embrace, she spins the two of you around before your vows are sealed with a kiss.
“I love you more, my darling angel.”
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zodiactalks · 6 months
How NOSTALGIC are the Zodiac Signs ?
There are zodiac signs that cling to every little memory, and those that don’t. 
It can be hard for the two extremes to understand each other. The more sentimental ones are offended when the non-sentimental ones tell them to let it go, it’s not that important.
Both are valid viewpoints. They don’t need to fully understand where the other is coming from, just respect the differences.
All zodiac signs react a little bit differently than one another. Even those who have similar views aren’t the same.
Read on and find out how each zodiac sign feels about nostalgia. 
#1. Aries
Aries has zero care for nostalgia. 
They want to move on and find new memories. As a cardinal sign, Aries wants to find new experiences. The past is the past to them. And they’d rather it stays that way, thank you very much.
It’s not that Aries can’t have moments when they feel nostalgic. They do. But Aries doesn’t dwell on the past. They don’t want to be dragged down by old memories that keep them from enjoying the present moment.
Fire signs like Aries want to live in the moment. If something is keeping them from that moment, they frown upon it.
Aries will dust that memory off and move on.
#2. Taurus
As an extreme opposite to Aries, Taurus is extremely nostalgic. 
They are so nostalgic they tend to become hoarders. Every object in their house has a memory attached to it. It makes cleaning things out extremely hard, if not impossible. 
Taurus is likely to have childhood toys packed away. They tend to cling to the past. This is because they are the type to fear the unknown of the future. So, the security and positive memories from long ago bring them comfort.
If you have a friend or family member who is a Taurus, you have probably seen their hoarding. Don’t tell them to get rid of things even if it’s needed. Taurus will either grow out of the memory or never let go.
Let them enjoy the little things in life.
#3. Gemini
Gemini is both nostalgic and not.
For a brief period, Gemini will be very attached to an object that brings them happiness. Until they rediscover a different one. Or make new memories attached to a new object.
Gemini will most likely display their nostalgic side through storytelling. Ruled by Mercury, Gemini will find their memories unlocked by reminiscing with friends about good times. 
Objects that carry memory are less important than the memory itself. 
Gemini may find themselves lost in a daydream about a fond time in their past. Once they snap out of it though, it vanishes like smoke. 
And Gemini is on their way to make the next memory.
#4. Cancer
Cancer is extremely nostalgic.
Cancer is by far the most nostalgic of the zodiac signs. They are the most likely to live in the past than in the present or future.
Cancer wants to return to the days when they remember feeling most happy and content. Like Taurus, Cancer needs to hold onto an object that reminds them of better times.
Unlike Taurus though, Cancer can clean out objects that they no longer find give them the comfort they seek.
This can also be a reason Cancer tends to cling to old friends they should have moved on from long ago. They just want the happy times to continue and feel like they once felt when with that person.
#5. Leo
Leo is the most nostalgic of the fire signs.
With a love for aesthetic surroundings, Leo will have trouble letting go of objects that could be useful in the future.
Leo is a zodiac sign who is likely to be saving their childhood toys for their children. They want to share their nostalgia with the future generation. 
Leo will adore talking about themselves if given the chance. This is especially obvious when asked about their past. They will happily tell the listener all about their past achievements and favorite memories. 
#6. Virgo
Virgo is ruled by Mercury, this leads them to value storytelling over object nostalgia.
Like Gemini, Virgo is more interested in sharing stories of good times in the past. They will hold onto objects filled with memories for a while. 
Once those memories no longer serve Virgo’s present goals though, they are often tossed aside.
Virgo is very future-oriented. So, nostalgia is less likely to play an active role in how they make present choices.
They enjoy reminders of the past, but only for a brief moment.
#7. Libra
Libra wants to be nostalgic but has better things to do.
As an air sign, Libra finds it hard to look backward. The air signs are all about ingenuity and moving toward new horizons.
Libra wants to be seen as a sentimental person. But when they look at their school yearbooks, they’d rather not remember when they were so unfashionable. 
Libra can reminisce with old friends. They tend to remember the past more extravagant than it was. Everything is exaggerated, good and bad. 
Which comes with a lot of intense emotions they’d rather not dig into.
#8. Scorpio
Scorpio is all about intense nostalgia. Though they tend to focus on the negative.
Ruled by Pluto, Scorpio is all about death and the rebirth of the self. Young Scorpios that don’t have a lot of life experience are seen as moody and intense for no reason.
That is because they don’t yet have life experiences to examine, accept, and learn to heal from. 
Once that life experience is acquired, Scorpio can look back at those painful memories. It will be a bitter-sweet nostalgia that comes from their sadness for the child they were. And pride for the adult they are becoming.
#9. Sagittarius
Sagittarius doesn’t want to remember.
Point blank, Sagittarius wants to run away from memories, not cling to them. It isn’t because their memories are all awful. They just don’t care to relive them.
Sagittarius is all about new experiences and wanting to learn things the hard way. Even if they had to live through a lot of negative stuff, they wouldn’t change it.
They experienced it, now they move on.
#10. Capricorn
Capricorn can be extremely nostalgic, or clinically uncaring. It depends on the day.
Saturn rules Capricorn, and that is often a sign of a life riddled with obstacles to overcome. Like Scorpio, when Capricorn feels nostalgic, it often leads to depressing memories.
There are happy ones, yes, but they tend to follow a line of memories that find their way to darker ones. So, they prefer to look back with a more calculating gaze.
Capricorn isn’t likely to have objects from more than ten years ago hanging around. If the thing isn’t useful, it is going to be tossed.
#11. Aquarius
Aquarius is more interested in the future than the past.
With a knack for looking forward, the only thing Aquarius holds onto is grudges. 
Nostalgia simply isn’t something Aquarius cares for. This zodiac sign is all about looking to the future and the next big idea to explore.
Ruled by Uranus, Aquarius is resistant to its Capricorn predecessor. While Capricorn can get stuck in the negativity of the past, Aquarius wants to burst free and create a better future.
It doesn’t serve a purpose for Aquarius to be nostalgic. 
#12. Pisces
Pisces romanticizes their memories. 
As a water sign, Pisces is prone to confusing real events and the ones they created in their head. 
That can cause them to be nostalgic for times that never really existed. And they prefer it that way.
Pisces wants to enjoy the fantasies they created for themselves. It overlaps with reality in a way that can blur the lines. This is a form of self-protection from bad memories. 
They want to remember good times, even if those didn’t exist.
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yellowhollyhock · 6 months
standing up to bullies, Nightwatcher again (march for Raph has made me (re)realize how much I love the 07 turtles)
Raph woke up a bit earlier in the evening than usual. Something was burning, which probably explained the frantic voices he could hear overlapping each other.
Sure didn't make him want to get out of bed.
He hoisted himself up with a groan. Splinter wouldn't be pleased if he missed dinner again, and he couldn't exactly show up for food after pretending to sleep through all this commotion.
He slammed his bedroom door open, as if he could intimidate himself into waking up, and found chaos.
Master Splinter and Mikey were tripping over each other in the kitchen, trying to clean something off the ceiling and floor. A mess of partially-melted styrofoam and leftover noodles sat on the counter right by the stove. They pointed and muttered to try to get each other the broom, the stepstool, turn the water on or off.
The voice was mostly Donnie's, and whoever was screaming so loud into his headset that Raph could hear it.
"Yes, I understand your frustration."
"Are we out of bleach?"
"I need your verification number in order to--"
"Michelangelo, do not leave the rag on the stove."
"But it's off now."
"If you can tell me a valid email address, I'll resend the code."
"It is still hot."
"There's no other counter space!"
Raph took some uncertain steps towards the kitchen. It looked like the contents of what had once been under the sink were taking up their counter space. As he got closer he could smell the musty cardboard and see that the cabinet was open. There must've been a leak.
"Yes, sir, I realize--no, I--we will need a valid email address in order to send the code. I don't have an option to text it to you."
He hesitated to walk in and start moving things--Mikey and Splinter were already on top of each other. In all these years of five of them trying to live here, why hadn't they gotten a bigger kitchen?
Anyway, it'd be stupid to change now that there were less of them. Not that Leo had really used the kitchen, but still.
"Donatello. Okay, you can do that, but we'll still need to set up a valid email address in order to--"
The incoherent yelling got louder, making Donnie wince and pull one side of his headset slightly away from his ear. The small gap made the hollered insults a little more clear, and grated on Raph's nerves.
He stomped over and snatched the headset, slamming it over his own head. He ignored Donnie's startled protest.
"If you came into our physical establishment acting this way we could call the cops," he roared without preamble.
"--stupid, useless--now who is this?"
"Are you gonna let us help you set up your email, or should I just hang up now?"
An indignant huff. "I would like to speak to your manager."
"I am the manager. And next time I catch you talking that way to one of my agents, your number will be blocked at every tech company in the country."
Donnie pressed something on his keyboard, and the line went quiet. For a very brief moment, Raph took in the wide-eyed expressions of his watching family. Were they shocked, afraid? Mostly they just looked exhausted.
He set the headset on the desk and scowled at Donnie.
"You can't just let people walk all over you like that."
"Actually, Raph," his brother drawled in an obnoxious long-suffering tone far too reminiscent of Leo, "That's exactly what my job is."
And you clearly wouldn't last a day went unspoken. Raph scoffed and turned away.
"Mikey, don't leave the rag on the stove," he snapped, feeling stupid even as he heard himself say it. He needed to get out of here.
"I'll go pick us up some food."
Maybe Donnie didn't appreciate it; that was fine. Most of the people he helped these days wouldn't ever appreciate it. That didn't matter. Somebody had to deal directly and immediately with those kinds of people.
Raph couldn't stand bullies.
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hotdogdynamitezzz · 2 years
Thoughts on the Wednesday Series Characters Birth Charts?
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Mercury retrograde is testing me and my technology, so idek if my next post will work, but just in case I'm only doing a fun post for Wednesday's Birth Chart Interpretation I will post later today
I binge watched this series, and It's SOO GOOD. My favorite characters are, of course, Wednesday, and especially Enid, she's my absolute fav.
Here are some of my thoughts for the characters' placements except for Wednesday. You can all join in! It would be fun to guess!
Enid - Leo rising + Aries venus - She's very impulsive, so I think she's fire dominant, most likely. Her incredibly protective nature and happy, friendly disposition is Leo like as they're a very playful and passionate sign but crazy protective and jealous over their loved ones. I'd say Aries Venus because she can't keep her crushes a secret lol and puts it on display. She's very passionate in love with her relationship and moves very fast. It's reminiscent of typical Aries Venus behavior imo. I can also see major Gemini & 3rd House placements like a potential Gemini mercury, this girl has networks and chats for days lol.
Bianca - Scorpio moon. Her mommy issues and insecurities pop out with her Scorpio moon as she seeks to protect her reputation at all costs. She's paranoid when anyone threatens to take her power or reputation away. She's very perceptive naturally and can get into people's heads. She figures out people quickly and seeks to gain power over them. Not to mention her mom's relation with the family cult, and obsession over her daughter giving up her own life to devote herself to the cult IS SO SCORPIO MOON. The moon does rule over our relationship with our mom and our behavior. So the Scorpio moon showed there was definitely a power imbalance going on in her family between her mom's obsession with controlling Bianca and wanting to isolate her, which reminds me of moon-puto or Scorpio moon 100%. It wasn't restricting or limiting Bianca but instead exploiting her powers for evil and taking away her morals and independence. The type of psychological abuse in that family had more of a Plutonic theme regarding manipulation, exploitation, and the emphasis on control.
I love Bianca I could go in-depth with her like Wednesday's chart reading later today
Tyler - Gemini moon + Virgo and Aquarius placements. He's giving Aquarius rising for me but im not totally sure about his rising sign. The Gemini moon because he's too good at lying and cold after after pretending he had feelings for Wednesday. Honestly, he's one of the hardest to asses for me but I'm pretty sure he's an earth or air moon.
Ms. Thornhill.- I think Ms. Thornhill is either a Virgo or Pisces Moon, I see a lot of Virgo for her, tho...she's spiteful and thinks her idea and way is the only correct way. Virgos can be super spiteful and forget to listen to reason when they think they're right. It's kinda similar to Aquarius, but when tiny things are screwed up, she loses her shit and makes sure to track + keep her eye on everything. It's more methodical and detailed. I wanted to say Pisces because she's delusional, but Virgos can be just as delusional when they think their plan is right.
Let me know what placements you think any character, including ones not listed have. It will be fun to discuss👀
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alyjojo · 3 months
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Twin Flame 🔥 Journey - June 2024 - Leo
Your Energy:
Page of Swords - The Emperor rev - 3 Wands rev
It’s easy to know who it is, it’s the one you stalk constantly but refuse to speak to 😆 This isn’t saying you’re wrong, just proud and stubborn. You refuse to be the one reaching out to them because of two things: 1, you will be the one being pursued, not the pursuer, you’re old fashioned like that; and 2, you already felt like this connection was one-sided, they didn’t give you enough in the first place - so you’ll die before you go chasing after them & that ever again. Maybe you did before, now it’s more about proving to yourself you’re better than that and they can make the effort.
With that though, you’re obsessively watching their every move, what they’re doing, who they’re with, where they’re going. Ruminating in your head everything that’s happened, what’s been said or done, and wondering why they aren’t making moves towards you. 3 Wands rev shows you’re waiting for nothing. You’re standing on principle, and you should, but this person is probably either clueless or over it…not even on the same page as you. You’ve internalized a battle of wills that only you’re playing, they’ve given up or moved on. Everything at the bottom of the deck says this is going nowhere, and with your messages maybe you want it that way. Partly.
- Outdated Thinking
- Conditioning
- Replaying Events Over in Your Mind
38 Limits
Know that limiting attitudes are often formed as protective reactions to past events.
42 Courage
Have the courage to see lessons in all situations and face them constructively.
- Going in different directions.
- I’m NOT that person anymore.
Their Energy:
9 Swords rev - 9 Cups - 7 Pentacles
Yeah, their energy was strong on your side too. They’re over it, and they don’t think about this much. When they do, it’s more of a wistful happy thought than anything negative or grudge-holding, and they consider it “the past”. It was a different time for them. Always Acting Single can show they didn’t take this as seriously as you did, they don’t invest as much of themselves as you do, they’re a very logical sort. Right now, their focus is 100% on their career and they’ve been working hard towards something they’re waiting to manifest into reality, probably related to business. I’m seeing one person staring at another’s social media page, and the other person is staring at spreadsheets & doesn’t even log in or care - that’s the vibe between you. You can’t make them give af, I think you’ve accepted that much. You wish you could though. If they’ve said or done something harsh to you, they do regret that, an apology weighs on their mind, and the bottom shows they didn’t want you to go. So they wish things could’ve been different, but they also chalk it up to a missed opportunity and have moved on with their life. That’s just the kind of person they are, I don’t think that they think that you even think about them. Another day, another dollar. That’s life.
- Reminiscing
- Making Memories
- Learn from the Past
- Perception
16 Dream
Connect to your intuitive dream world of metaphors and symbols.
37 Manifest
Soon you may manifest the goal you focus spiritual energies on.
- Always Acting Single
- I’ve Moved On.
Mutual Energy/What is Mirrored:
2 Swords - The Hermit - Queen of Cups
Stubborn, both of you 💯 The Taurus charm came out but the sign isn’t heavy, though they are described as King of Pentacles, one/both of you could have a strong placement there. Or it’s just the vibe. Neither of you are moving, acknowledging the other, giving even an inch. Not messaging, not starting over, not even entertaining the thought. So that’s where it’s going. Both of you are solid people, practical, stable, concerned about the material world and the reality in front of you - not a bunch of what ifs, maybes, destiny, karma, it could all be a bunch of hoodoo nonsense as far as both of you are concerned. Twins. Pfft. Fair. That’s also what delays everything so…be right and alone, basically, that’s what I heard 😆
It is necessary to take space apart in order to grow, and both of you tend to stunt your growth with narrow mindsets. The only way out of this is communication, and both of you are so heavily resistant to the idea of that, it could take years. Ages. Till near death. God himself may have to make you two enter the same gas station just to have *something* to go off of, give you the excuse. You both avoid your feelings, avoid healing, avoiddddd everything. And don’t take very good care of yourself, you both tend to make Distractions your priority and not feeding your heart, mind & spiritual center (which is healing). Work, obligations, responsibilities, we’re busy people, too busy to…love. Feel. Heal. Enjoy a too short life by spending all of your time on things that…meh. Neither of you care all that much about. We need some fire in this LEO reading ijs 🔥 too much earth energy is drollllll 😴 That sentiment alone shows you have to be the first to change. This person will die in a routine and probably think that’s how it’s supposed to be. Resistance and Not Today at the bottom, probably not today. June. This year. Idk but eventually, something’s gotta give. Or not 🤷🏼‍♀️ The sooner you move towards things that make you happy and let this go, the faster they’re triggered to wake tf up and do the same.
- Stability & Security
- Performance
- Growth & Endurance
56 Distractions
When you are trying to solve a problem, you will often be tested by distractions.
66 New Start
Sometimes we must realize that what we have done needs to be discarded and we must make a new start.
Possible Signs:
Heavy Aries, Gemini, Libra & Virgo
Trustworthy ♉️ on Grounding (both) shows two solid people that are focused on material pursuits and stability. Neither of you are unreliable or “too wild” by any means, both of you consider your foundations and future as a constant in every decision you make. Both of you are very mature in this way.
Clock ⏰ rev on Distractions (both) is wasting time. Hobbies, materialism, careers, favors, other people’s dramas, whatever the thing - you both place these things as highest priority in order to avoid the real shit going on inside. That could go on forever.
Fish 🐟 rev on New Start (both) show you both feel like the other person isn’t the one, could possibly be. You’ve tried before, it didn’t work, logic would have it known that “there’s a reason your ex is your ex.” True. And also, God doesn’t operate by anyone’s “logic”, and loooves to make people look foolish when they’re dead set on anything really. Like oh yeah? We’ll see about that…
Gift 🎁 rev on Resistance could be a specific holiday or occasion that’s being resisted or purposely ignored, either currently or that was a thing between you. Neither wants to give to the other in any sense, neither feels it’s their job or should be them. Everything about this feels one sided or unbalanced, and you both refuse to do anything about it.
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mimssides · 11 months
Three Glasses in A Room
Patton sees things through sky blue-tinted glasses. It's a sharper image than others would imagine. It's sharp enough to see the little freckles of warmth shining through Logan's seams. Warmth that isn't his. Will Patton be able to see through this or will the blue betray him?
Link to the story on AO3 | Masterpost | Taglist
Something had changed in the mindscape. The air had shifted, a tension, different from the one before, lay over them all.
Not that it was stronger. It had been so very tense for ages. No, it was that the quality of the tension had changed. A shift from desperation and frustration to resentment and – rage.
As Patton walked through the living room, he could smell it; the sweetness of concealed anger and the rich chocolate note of unspoken declarations of hate. He smiled weakly as Virgil walked past him. The side didn’t bother looking and Patton was somewhat relieved in his disappointment. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to fool Virgil into believing everything was just dandy with him.
Probably Virgil wouldn’t have cared to begin with. Which was not a train of thought that would be helpful to follow through, Patton reminded himself and took a deep breath. He had other things to do and would do them. Yes, today he had a goal in mind and headed to the kitchen.
His eyes went to the spot where Janus and Logan had stood the evening after the latest date with Nico. He remembered how Logan had told him that he could handle himself. Which was true. Logan had always been capable of defending himself if needed.
But there had been something that didn’t quite fit. He turned to prepare coffee. Logan might have asked him to leave, so he could deal with Janus himself. That wasn’t unusual. He wanted to have some privacy during conversations he felt unsure about. Also, not unusual for him.
He got out his white mug and took the light grey one out, with the Leo constellation. The little stars on it were labelled, Regulus the biggest since it was the brightest, and the grey would turn a dark blue when hot liquid was put inside. Casually, Patton pulled out the sugar from the top shelf and put a smile on as certain steps entered the kitchen.
“Heya ki- Logan!” Patton greeted his fellow side.
Logan bowed his head with a polite “Salutations.” His eyes drifted to the two coffee cups.
“I made enough for us both. Would you like a cup?” Patton asked as he took the coffee jug out of the station.
“That would be satisfactory.”
Patton filled Logan’s and then his own cup. He put the sugar and milk on the table and sat down. Carefully he watched Logan and patted on the table when he didn’t follow. Logan met his gaze and followed his request. He sat down with his cup.
There was intent in that gesture. There was always intent in Logan’s gestures. There was always a goal in his mind. It just never was an agenda. It wasn’t to manipulate or get people to go his way. Logan was obvious and upfront with what he wanted. Well, not about what he emotionally wanted or required but otherwise it was clear what his actions were supposed to accomplish.
But in his eyes sparked a will to win when he talked to Janus. In his eyes sparked defiance as he sat down with him just now.
Logan didn’t have an agenda.
“Do you mind if I reminisce for a second?”
The side tilted his head to the side and nodded. He moved his free hand in a reassuring gesture.
“This cup-” he pointed at the one in the other side’s right hand - “-was a gift about five Christmases ago. I gave it to you because you’re our brightest little star. You rolled your eyes at it, but you liked the pun.”
Patton laughed a little and looked at the mug.
“You don’t use it very often. I wondered why,” Patton said and tapped his fingers on the table, “Remember what you told me?”
The side furrowed his brows, and he looked down at the mug. He drew his hand away from it, looked at it and eventually: “Washing it too often would damage the print of it.”
“That’s all?”
The side’s eyes went from the cup back up to Patton. His mouth fell open for a millisecond before he closed it.
“I did like the pun?”
Patton’s face fell a little. But he was right. At least once he was right. Very gently he reached over the table and taped the hand of the other side.
“Logan did like the pun after a little bit. After I showed him the true glow.”
The side’s hand never pulled back from Patton. The gaze was a little unsteady. Suddenly it focused. He looked up to Patton, the voice slightly changed but not quite away yet.
“They are glow in the dark stars.”
Patton smiled.
“Mhm. You figured that out quickly.”
The calculated expression, the stoic tension in the jaw, they fell and were taken over by barely concealed rage and defiance. Somehow that felt more reassuring than the silent treatment Virgil and Roman had graced him with the past weeks.
“Is he save?”
He began to growl. Quick as the wind, Patton reached over the table taking both of his hands and shook his head. Here was not the place to make a scene.
“He’s with you willingly. I see that. I don’t need reassurance that you did this according to his wishes. I just -”
Patton looked to the door. He pulled his hands back and gulped.
He’s scared for Lo. He’s straight-up scared that what they’ve done has damaged him permanently.
Wide-eyes Patton stared at the side. First, the side seemed confused then he heard in his head: That’s not supposed to hap-
The side shook his head and pressed his hands against his head. The connection had broken, and their heads were theirs again. The side took a sip of coffee and glared at the floor before he focused back on Patton. Patton was hugging himself and eyed him warily.
“Do you want to check on him?”
A pause.
“Would he let me?”
The side understood. He looked to the right and sniffed his nose with an angry grunt. He closed his eyes and listened. He got his answer and turned back to Patton.
“He’d like you to be there if you respect his right to throw you out again as soon as he wishes. And if you won’t, I’ll make sure you will.”
There was a treacherously big amount of hope in Patton’s eyes at that threat.
“No need for that Anger. I’ll cooperate. I’ll do anything if I – if he’d like to give me the chance to just spend a little time with him.”
Anger eyed him thoroughly through the mask of Logan’s face. What must he have said, must he have done to gain such trust, Patton mused and followed as Anger stood. The act of impersonating him and taking Logan’s place couldn’t have any good connotations for him. That he let Anger do it spoke for itself. Or for how bad of a job Patton and the others had done to care for their fellow side.
They were going down the hallway, almost at the spot where one could cross over to the dark side of the mindscape. Patton stopped as Anger did and listened with him. No one was close by. Anger did the next step. Patton followed. The light changed somewhat, the décor got darker, and some spiderwebs made Patton’s heart beat faster.
But all in all, it wasn’t scarier than any thriller Virgil watched on a rough night. Still, he was grateful when Anger reached for his hand without looking and pulled him along. He had also dropped his disguise and was now wearing his own face again. He was a similar height as Patton was, Patton realised and looked at the orange hoodie. It looked rougher than Virgil’s. Heavier. He also wore a white T-shirt and grey gym shorts. And fluffy pink slippers with white socks?
How had Anger more of a dad outfit than him? Any further thought along the line died when he saw the doorway to the living room. Within he saw a similar layout to their own living room, but more importantly so, was the side sitting on the couch. In a dark grey shirt (a horror motive with several bite holes in the sleeves telling Patton exactly who this actually belonged to) and a pair of navy shorts with little white stars, Logan met his gaze.
It didn’t seem like those were the same eyes from before. Patton’s heart sunk but his expression softened. Logan’s hair was messed up from sleep, far greasier than he usually would let it become. The glasses were smudged, and his hands were slung around a plush ice bear.
Intently but without fear Patton stopped and waved gently at him. Logan’s eyes stayed warily on him but his shoulders relaxed as Patton forced his heart to beat slower and take the heat off of things. It would result in heartburn later, but for this, it was worth it.
“Heya kiddo.”
“Salutations Patton. I see you have uncovered Anger’s disguise.”
Patton nodded and looked at Anger. The side had walked between the two of them, arms crossed before his chest and a glare glued on Patton.
“Yeah, I did. I… Would you mind me asking a few questions? You don’t have to, I can leave or just sit and be here if you like. I’m already glad to know that you’re here and-“
“What are you doing? You didn’t come down here just to see me.”
Patton’s finger pads cooled. A tiny breeze twirled around him and then blew over to Logan, moving his hair gently. He motioned his hands to the other end of the couch. For a moment he just watched Logan for his answer. Eventually finding it. Softly Patton strode to the other end of the couch, sat, and looked at him.
“I think we’re both running on assumptions right now. May I make my intent clear, so you can decide to share yours or send me away?”
“That is acceptable.”
Patton bowed his head and folded his hands. He ignored Anger approaching Logan from the side and holding his shoulder protectively. He simply focused on the logical side and brought bitter mirth to his smile.
“I can see that you let Anger take your place. I’m- I’m ashamed to admit that I’m not exactly sure when you two swapped places, but I think that you were still present for the wedding. And I’m sorry for that. You- I don’t know if Anger told you, but I have apologized to you in a quiet moment for – for skipping you. I’m sorry that in my frenzy I believed that the only way to keep Thomas ‘morally righteous’ was to override logic. That was wrong of me.”
Patton paused. Logan’s face hadn’t changed. His hand on the couch had turned towards him and his ring finger twitched. Patton made a move to reach for it and halted. Logan came closer. So, Patton took his hand and continued as he squeezed it.
“I’m worried now,” Patton admitted and looked to his lap. “I know that there is more to your decision than I understand, but you go down here, so close to the subconscious, it seems dangerous and I would like to know what your plan is. And I would also like to know if you’re planning on telling us about this?”
Patton waited to look up again. He wasn’t sure if his angle had been right. He wasn’t sure if those were the words that would make Logan see what he was worried about. He wasn’t sure if he could stand Logan’s look if he was wrong again.
It was the light squeeze of his hand which made him look up in reflex. Logan’s eyes were unspeakably dark. Much darker than Thomas’ or those of any other side. Darker than the night sky, darker than shadows at noon, darker than the supply closet Thomas had been locked into for twenty minutes in sixth grade. And yet, Patton could see the tint of indigo in them and suddenly noticed the change in his expression. It was clearer, a bit more open than before and something in Logan’s eyes reminded him of his smile.
“Being here is as dangerous to me as it is to you. The subconscious has no use for me and my interest to be here had nothing to do with it in the slightest.”
Logan held his breath and looked at Anger. A conversation without words went on, then Logan’s eyes went back to Patton, and he pulled a bit closer to Morality.
“I have come to the realisation that I am rather overwhelmed with everything that has transpired before and after the wedding. I came here with a different intent but through their help,” - He pointed towards Anger and the hallway “I have found a different approach to hopefully better my situation. Anger has been a huge help and accommodated my needs and wishes dutifully. So far, our plan has been going well.”
Patton pressed his lips together. He could see that Logan was unwilling to give up details. Yet, he couldn’t be angry or disappointed in him. Now, after hearing Logan admit that he’d been overwhelmed he realised how much they had put him through. Tears began to well in the corner of his eyes and he turned his head away. Waveringly he pressed his hands over his nose and mouth and forced the sobs in his chest to stay down. He was far too good at doing that.
All was silent for a long time.
“I admit I feel conflicted about this.”
Patton’s voice was ringing through the room as if the walls were glass and ice.
“I’m glad you found someone to help you. I’m glad Anger is helping you and taking care of you. It does hurt that you had to go to someone else than us to find that relief though. We have- I have failed you. Correct?”
Logan mused for a moment. Then he reached over. Laid his arm around Patton’s back and pressed their sides together. He stared at the spot on the floor next to the one Patton was staring at.
“You did hurt me.”
Patton sniffled. He was about to press his hands over his mouth as Logan took them and squeezed them comfortingly. Tears rolled down Patton’s face. Icily they fell on his lap and Logan’s hand. Like shards, they pinged and wailed as they hit the ground. Yet the room was silent. The room stood still, unaffected by time and space and speed. Nothing happed.
“And I’ve hurt you too.”
Everything happened.
The room spun, light flickered, and the clocks began ringing. Anger looked at Morality’s red eyes, looking deep into his soul. Searching for the seed that had it all started, pulling at the threads that kept the mess from unravelling, poking at the sandbags which kept the water out of the city during a flood.
And Anger let him in anticipation of what he’d do next.
“You posed as him, but I still- I still was being inattentive to you in his form. I didn’t help you when Remus came to mess everything up. I- I should have tried to do something, to support you in a way that you needed. But I didn’t. And I never offered you help or a chance as yourself either. I neglected you because of my biases. I don’t know if I can ever make up for that. I’ll try. I’ll be open towards you when- if that is what you want me to do. And we’ll go from there if you let me.”
Anger was quiet for a moment. His expression was surprisingly hard to read and Patton wasn’t sure what that meant. He found himself feeling disappointed that he couldn’t understand the expression on Anger’s face. At how much he had removed this side from himself.
Not the answer he hoped for. But probably better than he should have expected. He turned his attention back to Logan. He lifted his hand and stroked his cheek.
Logan’s voice sounded something between annoyed and saddened.
“I know, I know.”
Patton lowered his hand and took a deep breath.
“I don’t appreciate that you essentially ran away from us. But I get it. I... I’m afraid it was a valuable solution to your situation. So, I’m not gonna say anything. I trust you know what you’re doing.”
“And if I don’t?"
A laugh. The eyes turned warm and trusting.
“Usually you do kiddo. And if you don’t, it won’t be a first.”
His voice sounded far more cheery than it ought to be. He stood and looked from Logan to Anger. Both could see the cogs in his head turning until they eventually halted and he settled on a much more solemn look. The smile though remained on his lips.
“I guess, I’ll see you when you’re ready?”
Logan nodded vaguely. Patton looked at Anger, who eyed him distantly. Patton settled for a light bow of his head and waved a last goodbye before he left.
Lucas let out a long breath. He hadn’t thought that Patton would be the one to figure him out first. Really, he had thought Virgil would be quicker but apparently, Anxiety was more hung up with Deceit than it was with Logic being off-kilter.
“Are you alright?”
Lucas huffed and plopped down next to Logan. He watched as he pulled off his glasses to clean the smudges with his shirt.
“How am I the priority here?”
“Oh, I expected them to find out eventually. I did wager that either Patton or Roman would see through it first. You, on the other hand, were unaware of my assumptions. And Patton was probably not the one you preferred to find out first, correct?”
For a long moment, Lucas just watched. There was this sharpness around Logan that he used to have back when they started filming. Something clean-cut and simple.
“You plan a lot more than you let on, huh?”
At this Logan smirked. It bore a bit of the charm from Janus, some of the cockiness from Virgil, but different. It was Logan’s confidence.
“I did. Well, I do. But I have improved considerably.”
“How so?”
Logan stood up and stretched. A sliver of his belly showed at the edge of his shirt. He found he didn’t mind and let his arms fall to the side. He turned and saw his reflection mirrored in Lucas’ glasses.
“Spending time with Impulsivity and Anger has taught me a thing or two about tactics.”
Lucas tilted his head in question.
Logan’s eyes glinted mischievously.
“Sometimes you just don’t need to give a figurative fuck. Sometimes, you just have to let them run into the wall they have built and let them tear it down themselves. So to speak.”
The words stuck along with Lucas. He couldn’t get to the bottom of them for a long time. He couldn’t understand, how Logan could be so relieved to see Patton again but at the same time was not willing to let him down gently.
Not when that evening Logan held Remus close to his chest as they watched a deep-sea documentary on the couch. Not when he gently revealed to Remus that Patton knew. That it was part of his plan for the others to figure it out themselves, and that it was probably for the best that Patton was the first to figure it out.
“Why’s the Dad Bitch our best option?
“Because his reaction to finding it out during a confrontation would be the most unpredictable. Roman lashes out verbally, which will be mean and uncalled for but essentially meaningless. He very rarely says things that he actually believes to be true in rage. Virgl’s anger might be more uncomfortable, but Roman, Patton and I have been able to shut him down if necessary. Patton’s bursts are far rarer, and they will hit on a much deeper level than the others. He figuring it out first is ideal. It is even better, as he has agreed to keep quiet about it, since he believes me to be capable enough to deal with this.”
Remus listened closely but didn’t bother to comment on it any further. Lucas heard Logan quietly whisper into Remus' neck during the rest of the night. He couldn’t quite decipher them but judging the tone it was meant to be encouragement. Whatever for Lucas didn’t understand.
“He’s never going to accept me.”
“He’ll have to.”
A sloppy wet kiss was placed on Logan’s nose. The logical side made a grossed-out noise and Remus snorted weakly.
“He won’t, little beetle”
“You don’t have all the facts.”
“Which are?”
“I love you.”
With how flatly Logan uttered the words, Remus couldn’t help himself but laugh out loud.
With a smirk Logan sat up on the bed. He watched the duke shake with laughter, pressed his hands against the sides of his chest and manoeuvred himself on top of Remus’ hips. His laughter was messy, unapologetic and loud.
It was also foremost so incredibly sincere.
“And to some extent,” he leaned down and kissed him gently on the still wiggling moustache, “he believes I make the right decisions.”
Logan needn’t say any more. Remus understood the implication. Understood that he was Logan’s good decision. But both of them knew that wasn’t really enough.
Patton needed to look at Remus and understand that he was worth more than what Logan thought of him. Then what he could do for Logan.
That Remus had the same potential to be “redeemed” as Deceit, Anxiety and Anger did. That sometimes not people needed to change but Patton needed to change his perspective to recognise that the person wasn’t bad to begin with.
And that sometimes “bad” things needed to be accepted too.
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muiltifandomnerd · 8 months
Adventures of Chika Hanabusa: The Restoration of Earth
Disclaimer: This book follows the events of Percy Jackson and Heros of Olympus fanfic, this fanfic will not include Trails of Apollo, The Kane Chronicles, and Magnus Chase.
Chapter 22: Letting Go of The Past
Reyna PoV
I woke up from my slumber, I was pleasantly surprised that Lady Juno appeared yesterday, and Isabelle is her child. I’m afraid that we know a dark secret that could cause war on Olympus. I did my routine of brushing my teeth and hair, putting on my jeans and a red shirt, and cutting my fingernails.
“REYNA!!your friend is here.” Chika shouted from downstairs; I wonder who could it be. I quickly ran downstairs, and Chika opened the door. No, it can't be!! Is that Jason? He is standing outside with a white dress shirt and jeans, standing next to his storm spirit Tempest, a storm spirit shaped like a black stallion. He waved at me and gave me a small welcoming smile.
"Can I come in? I just want to talk to Reyna if you don't mind?" He asked Chika and she moved out of the door and made a small hand gesture, signaling him to come in.
"Make yourself at home. I'm guessing you are the famous Jason Grace." Chika made a small laugh and Jason laughed as well.
"I didn't know I was that famous, I bet Reyna told you that I was terrible with the spear and the bow," Jason says with a light-hearted tone.
"No, she did not, she told me that you were a war hero in the Titan and Giant War." Jason looks down in guilt and he rubs the back of his blonde hair nervously.
“I prefer to not be remembered for that.” Jason took a seat on Chika's living room couch, crossed his hands together, and looked at the wall. Chika looks a bit nervously while I stare at Jason in curiosity.
"You didn't come here reminiscing. Jason, why are you here?" I asked her and he suddenly moved his hands to his side and stared at me with a guilty expression.
"I'm here to apologize to you, Reyna. I have abandoned New Rome and you out of my selfishness. Even since Leo sacrifices himself to defeat Gaia, I realize that I took most of my friends for granted and I realize how our lives are very short." Jason in a sad tone, still hasn't forgiven himself for what happened to Leo. I'm afraid we all have taken Leo for granted, even though he did open at Camp Jupiter. He did what every legionnaire is trained to do, sacrifice themselves for the sake of the world. Why does Jason want to apologize to me, Lady Juno was the one who transferred him to Camp Half-Blood in the first place. I was scared that I wouldn't see Jason again, but he and Percy needed to unite both camps against Gaia.
“You have nothing to apologize for Jason.” I smiled a warm smile while Jason looked more brooding with his sullen eyes.
“I ignored you when we met again back at Camp Jupiter because I was busy with Piper. I should have stuck by your side when Octavian was being an asshole to you. You have always been there for me, and I just took that for granted, it was wrong that I did. I'm slowly regaining my memories of our time together as Praetor and as friends. You fill in the hole that Thalia left for me. You were kind and strong, and you inspired me to seek Praetor. We were about to fix Camp Jupiter before Hera kidnapped me for her plans. I just want to say sorry for not being there the way that you are for me." Jason got off the couch and bowed before me with his head hitting the floor. I grabbed his hand and pulled him up in front of me. I tearfully hugged him, and I felt his tears coming as well. Chika looked on in concern for both of us.
"I'm not going to lie, Jason, it did hurt that you paid more attention to Piper and abandoned  Rome and me. But I can't be mad at you because I did have feelings for you and I truly thought that we could have married and ruled New Rome together. I was naïve at the time, maybe it's time for the both of us to move on from the past and start forgiving ourselves.” Chika smiled warmly while she watched Jason and me hugging and got out some fruits for us. Jason and I both let go of the hug.
“Wait you have feelings for me this whole time, I’m so sorry if I lead you along. I just saw you as a sister figure, but I hope we can still be friends.” Jason looks on nervously, wondering if he hurt me again.
“I no longer see you that way anymore, but you are still my hermano. Promise me that you will still help New Rome and that you will forgive yourself.” I said assertively and Jason laughed warmly.
“I will always be there for New Rome and you. I will also be there for Camp Half-Blood. I will try my best to be there for everybody. I failed Leo as a friend, I won’t fail again. I will have to leave soon; Piper and I have enrolled in a mortal school to at least have a normal life. I’m glad that you did the same, you deserve to have a normal life. Screw what Aphrodite says about never healing your heart, you go out there and find somebody that deserves your love. Doesn't matter if it's a mortal, a demigod, a god, or whatever. You deserve love just like anybody else." Jason says in a loud voice, authoritative voice befitting for a son of Jupiter. You know Jason is super dorky and that's why I'm so happy to know a person like that. It's to this day that I still admire him, even as a comrade.
“How did you know about what Aphrodite said to me? Did Piper tell you?” I asked in annoyance, great now you have Piper running around and telling my secrets. Note to self, never trust Piper anymore with secrets.
"Yeah, she did tell me out of concern for you. She only told me and not everybody else. She and I will support you no matter what." Jason opens his hand in a handshake, I shake his hand and we both smile at one another. Thank god I finally have closure with Jason, we can finally be friends without the dark cloud hanging above us.
“I know you will, don’t you have a daughter of Aphrodite to attend to.” I did a sly smirk while Jason went red.
“You are right, I should leave soon. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. I’m glad that we cleared the air between us” He grabbed one of the fruits and munched on it quickly.
"Me too and yeah, I will let you know if I want to reach out, we can finally be real friends. See you around Jason." Jason and I hugged for the last time, and he walked out of the house. I notice that Jason's stormy blue eyes look more like a clear sky as of late, I guess he is finally free of the pleasure of being the perfect son of Jupiter.
He ride off with tempest while Chika and I look on from the door, “You know how did the guy find my house?” Chika asked in surprise, while I merely chuckled.
“Because he is Jason Grace” Chika looked on in confusion while I still looked at the area that Jason left from.
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mihai-florescu · 9 months
hi hypmic anime anon here
i watched like 2 episode for now and i get the mlb comment cuz the mic transformation r really reminiscent of magical girl animes (also it reminded me of pitchi pitchi pitchi pitch / mermaid melody -> an old magigirl anime where they fight through song and like. its the same fucking anime tbh)
rn i like samatoki ( he has the same va as leo right? how??) and saburo (very funny to hear aira rapping after listening to his solo lol)
i think ramuda's really cute too (good pfp choice 👍)
anyway what were saying about prequel stories? are they in the anime or
Yes samatoki and leo have the same va! It always shocks me. And saburo was actually the character i got into hypmic for lmao it was way before i even knew what enstars was...what a time man. I just thought his design reminded me of miya sk8theinfinity and i was going through sk8 withdrawals/ the hyperfixation was coming to an end after 5 months.
And no:( the anime doesnt really give you much other than vibes and a good time, youre not getting the actual story or backstories. I read those in the manga, it used to be on tumblr but the translator moved them to a discord server now im pretty sure. You can read about this move and request access on slugtranslation-hypmic's blog if you decide you want to read them
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theseeingsage · 2 months
almost doesn’t count 💔
love message
cancer scorpio pisces • smrv
there was a truth or confession that was recently revealed & though it brought in some much needed clarity, you kind of wish it remained a secret. someone feels as if this was the wrong timing for this to come out & it has led to a stalemate in this connection. there is the energy of someone spying on the other’s social media reminiscing about the past & looking forward to a possible reconciliation. someone is so focused on a second chance & reunion that they are willingly ignoring their intuition. there were gut feelings & premonitions that someone is a charmer & player yet due to some sort of deception or toxic habits, no move was made to correct things. this has led to an unfortunate & emotional spiritual awakening in which the signs can no longer be overlooked. someone in this is very flighty, back & forth, one moment they’re completely invested & the next, nowhere to be found. Spirit is urging that time apart be taken in order to get clear on what next moves need to be made. 333. it is time to close out all external voices & opinions & focus in on what your heart truly desires. your heart’s screams seem to fall on deaf ears & it is time to lend an ear to self. you or your partner may be used to doing things a certain way & over time, have grown comfortable with the familiarity of this attachment. yet there is happiness & abundance that awaits elsewhere. in order for the clouds to part & the blessings to flow, a clean break is needed. this isn’t worth the fighting or competition that is constantly associated with this relationship. someone is wanting to win at all cost, yet what really is being gained? it is time for the shackles to be removed, once & for all.
sign’s & synchronicities:
how soon x astn, over 6ft, recently transitioned grandparent, taurus season, thing you miss x jmsn, september virgo, scorpio season, gemini libra aquarius smrv, transitioned parent, mirror x madison ryann ward, 3rd party karmic, mutable sign (gemini virgo sagittarius pisces) smrv, october scorpio, fixed sign (taurus leo scorpio aquarius) smrv, sagittarius season, let me go x giveon, brown eyes, engaged or married
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nooramoontarot · 3 years
ℙ𝕚𝕔𝕜 𝕒 𝕊𝕠𝕟𝕘: 𝕄𝕠𝕟𝕠 𝕖𝕕𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 ☔️
pick a pile/ pick a song
what do you need to hear right now?
- for this PAC I'm going to be using songs from the mixtape Mono by RM as the piles. this mixtape is honestly medicine for the soul so I thought it would be a perfect theme for this PAC. To select the right pile for you, shuffle the mixtape and whichever song pops up will be the pile that may have messages for you. You can also intuitively pick a song that you feel drawn to and you are more than welcome to pick more than one! I also recommend to listen to the songs as there might be some messages for you in there and honestly its a great listen aswell.i'm trying out something new so any feedback is really welcome! remember to always take what resonates, and leave what doesn't. hope you enjoy!
my readings are for entertainment purposes only. Therefore, they DO NOT replace any professional legal/financial advise and medical advice/diagnosis. Therefore, you are responsible for any decision as a result. Also use your discernment and judgment when receiving the reading and use that to take what resonates. Remember, you have free will and can change and chose what happens therefore nothing is set in stone in these readings if you don't want it to. I will do my very best to give an honest reading therefore, I do please ask you to keep an open mind when receiving the reading. Thank you
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when tomorrow comes, how different is it going to be?
I feel like you guys have gone through a tower moment where there was a lot of things falling apart and just chaos honestly. and it's really drained you my loves i really feel that. you know when there has been a massive storm and then after it's all done there's that serene moment of stillness? that's what the kind of feeling i get that's the same with your energy rn. Maybe it may not be as dramatic/tumultuous as that, remember take what resonates, but I do feel as something has really rocked your world and left you feeling very drained. For some of you, you might have just come out of a relationship where it has really drained you emotionally. the storm is over now, don't worry. you got through it. it's all over now. you can breath. i see that you are reminiscing on the things that you have lost during this tower moment. But the thing about tower moments is the things that never had a solid foundation will have crumbled away. yes it was painful, but all the things that no longer serve you had to be released. You've closed out that chapter of your life now and you're now moving on to a new cycle. See it as a fresh new slate. But I definitely feel that now is the time to rest. You've been through a lot lovely, you deserve to recharge yourself for the next chapter ahead. Be patient with yourself too, it may take you longer to recharge than you expected but thats okay. listen to yourself and your body and see what's right for you. try not to dwell on the things that have crumbled away for you. look forward to the new cycle of your life. I get a real sense of freshness from this new cycle like it's going to be a breath of fresh air. in the song that you chose, tokyo, i feel like namjoon projects his voice as someone who's really tired, and there's a sense of longing for the things that have gone. I feel like that really captures your energy so so well. But at the end, when namjoon whistles, idk why but it gives me the same sense as someone who's been through it emotionally but are trying to just move on- kind of like an imagery of someone who is walking on a dark night and just whistling in a "life goes on" sort of way? idk if that made any sense lol. but that's the kind of vibe that i get from you guys.
you've done it, you've gone through the storm. now relax lovely, breath and look forward to this fresh new slate.
signs: Fire energy, AIRES, Leo, Sagittarius, also strong water energy too (lots of emotion and water imagery, storms,rain,etc.) Cancer, PISCES, Scorpio, 12H placements, 8H placements
additional stuff: life goes on-bts, rain, beach, hot chocolate, warm blanket, comfy type of thing
if love and hate are the same words, I love you Seoul.
if love and hate are the same words, I hate you Seoul.
I get a strong moving energy with you guys. for some of you it may be about moving on from a situation, but i also get that for lots of you it's about physically moving, maybe to a new house,city,country etc. But i feel as though the reason for this desire to move is because you are trying to remove yourself from attachments that are holding you back. I feel as though you know that the best thing for you is to move away yet i still feel this hesitance. this indecisive type of energy. It makes sense with the song you picked, since namjoon is talking about his conflicted feelings of being in Seoul. It's almost bittersweet. It's like he's aware of the things he dislikes about the city but yet he can't help but have an attachment to the city. Maybe this relates to you literally, or maybe your in a toxic attachment that's really hard to let go off. I'm getting the phrase "there's too much history". For those of that resonate with this I'm getting more friendship attachment than relationship attachment but take it however it resonates. I'm not here to tell you off for not just moving and holding back because who can blame you? The hardest part of moving on is the very first step which is to do it. It's daunting and intimidating because it comes with a lot of what ifs. what if things don't work out? Have i made the right choice? It's a difficult thing to do, but it's the thing that has to be done in order to move on. I'm getting that your spiritual team have got your back and actually want to reach out to help you. they want you to know that you are not alone. a thing that is being highly recommended here is to take bite-size steps. Not everything can be done all at once, stuff takes time especially moving on-its a long process. so don't get frustrated with yourself if everything doesn't just get all better and done straight away. Take that leap of faith and take everyday as it comes love, you've got this.
signs: Air energy, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, and fire energy, Leo, Aires, Sagittarius, and a bit of cancer. 4H energy
additiional things: moving on-bts, new apartment- Ari Lennox, journalling, connecting with spirit guides
we gotta dance in the rain, dance in the pain, even when we crash down we gon dance in the plane
straight away I'm getting the phrase "let your hair down". it's time to have some fun my love! I see that maybe you have been really focused on having a sense of security, could be financial security, emotional security, etc. But in this persuit of security, you may have been neglecting your playful side. your inner child wants some attention! Be playful, have funnnn you deserve it with all the work that you've done. Do things/hobbies that you enjoyed doing in childhood/younger years. I'm getting collecting e.g. photocards,pokemon cards, stamps,etc. Change up your scenery a bit by adding more childlike things to your environment like toys, plushies,etc. I'm also getting to go out with your friends and just wander around your city without a plan and doing things as you go along, be spontaneous. I'm also getting a group of friends bowling or going to the arcade. connecting with your innerchild again will give you this new burst of energy that will be so so refreshing. Have fun and give yourself a pat on the back for the work that you've done. reward your strength and hardwork. I apologise that this pile is extremely short compared to others but literally all I'm getting is just to do things that are fun, exciting and spontaneous.
signs: heavy earth energy, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, with a bit of air, Aquarius.
additional messages: carnival, cotton candy/candy floss, milkshakes, sweet things, gold, laughter, building forts
bad badbye, no goodbye
I see here that you are currently at this really really great place to manifest. like now is the perfectttt time to manifest. I'm seeing here that it's time to co-create with spirit what you want in life. your spiritual team really want to work with you to create your desired life. i'm seeing a lot of successful outcomes with your manifestations and also a sense of stability. step into your power and have faith in your abilities to manifest because you have the ability in you my loves. I'm also getting that participating in creative activities will help you tap into your power. maybe you manifest things in a creative and unique way e.g. through making a song, poem, story, painting,etc. A piece of advice that I'm getting here is to also trust divine timing. Don't try to rush things to happen just simply trust and allow that things will flow through at their right timing. i think this is how this message relates to the song. namjoon had said that he started this song in 2016 and mono was released in 2018 so I think it shows that great work can take time to make and perfect so don't rush. yeah, it's really highlighted here that there's going to be lots of celebrations lined up for you in the future that are just going to celebrate you and what you've achieved so enjoy it! again apologies as this is another much shorter pile but that's all i'm really getting here. I feel like you already knew to do this you just needed the extra nudge and confirmation that's why this so short. kind of like the song too.
signs: strong water energy, Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio and a bit of earth, Virgo, Capricorn,Taurus, maybe a bit of Sagittarius too
all I need is me, I know , I know, I know, I know, I know, I know
but why do I feel so lonely?
I feel so lonely when I'm with me
this pile has some similar energy to Tokyo, so if you felt drawn to that song too, I recommend to check it out. but the overall energy that i'm getting here is that some of you may have recently come out of a co-dependent relationship.i can tell that this previously relationship and breakup had really drained you emotionally. you may feel like you have lost a sense of security. it's now time to build that sense of security within yourself lovelies. maybe in this past relationship the other person took more than they gave when there should be equal give and take. you may have put your all into this person but they didn't give you the same energy back. i'm being called to remind you that this is NOT your fault. some of you may feel like you should've given more but the truth is you gave MORE than enough it's just this other person failed in giving the same back. you may also have the fear that you will never have a person who will give the same energy as you. now is a really good time to give that energy, love and support that you were supposed to get from this person, to yourself. invest in yourself. take yourself out on a date. get yourself a lovely meal, flowers, gifts, etc. be the best girlfriend/boyfriend/significant other that you ever have. you deserve to be treated, loved, respected and the right person will come to you in time my loves. but for now, be the person that you seek for in others. in relation to picking the song uhgood, the lyrics that I've put above may relate to how you're feeling and i feel called to let you to not put yourself down as much. You may already realise that you struggle with co-dependency and you may be really frustrated with yourself with that. maybe you get frustrated for always ending up in those types of connections. the fact that you are aware of it is literally the first and hardest step to letting go of that pattern and you've done it! give yourself some time lovely, not everything can be achieved all at once just take it one step at a time.
additional stuff: cafes, croissants, books, library, picinics, movies, stuffed animal, lemonade
signs: a LOT of water, CANCER, Pisces, Scorpio, i'm also getting virgo/gemini moon or any placements with those signs.
it all passes, someday, for sure, certainly
with this pile, i get a sense of waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel. you may have been going/gone through some really tough shit, but you're pushing through to see the better days. you might be reaching a point where you're starting to lose hope of these better days but you're so so SO close. you're literally round around the corner. honestly you should give yourself a pat on the back, like you should be really really proud of yourself! what you've done, sticking through, is not easy AT ALL. but you've stood by your faith that things will be better, and guess what? they will. these better days are literally your rewards for pushing through them like wow, i just feel this overwhelming sense of pride! i'm seeing a lot of celebration for you in the future like it feels very exciting! it's going to be a very fullfilling moment for you and you will thank yourself for sticking through like i'm seeing so much amazing stuff for you my love! and it's literally so so close like this is really being highlighted here. you really don't need to do anything different, like i keep hearing " keep doing what you're doing". i also just heard "you're doing amazing sweetie" lol. I'm sorry this is again one of the shorter piles, but i think it's due to the fact that the message is literally keep going! look forward to the posibilities of the future and be proud of yourself for what you have acomplished! you're doing amazing my loves
additional stuff: travel/plans of travel, vacation, expansion, cocktails, citrusy smell?, 9
signs: we have a mix here of earth, water and fire signs and strong LIBRA placements too
𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕟
I wish it rained all day, cuz then people wouldn't stare at me yeah, cuz the umbrella would cover my sad face
I'm seeing here that someone has really wronged you. someone has really played you and you feel very much screwed over. i see a lot of pent up anger and frustration. you may feel frustrated with yourself with the fact that you "allowed" to be played when it wasn't even your fault. or maybe you're frustrated BECAUSE you're frustrated- you feel like you shouldn't care so much about this person and their actions but you're hurt and that's the truth. i feel like you have been holding it all back so other won't notice how much it has affected you. don't. let out your feelings. the more you hold it in, the more it will fester and brew into something bigger. however, let out this anger RESPONSIBLY. pls don't try to personally seek/inflict harm onto anybody, there are better and healthier ways. For example, writing out into a journal everything that you feel, maybe making it into the format of letter you would send to the person that has wronged you but without actually sending it to them. physical activity can also really help with releasing pent up anger and stress. try working out- try boxing. everytime you hit the punch bag imagine that your hitting out the anger and frustation out of your body. rant to someone you trust, cry if you need to. anything that will let you feel and release your emotions. the best way to move on from things is acceptance. accept that you have been hurt by somebody and remember that it wasn't your fault. feeling your emotions through is the best method of acceptance. and take all the time you need to go through this process. take it at a pace that you feel comfortable with. i'm getting that this will really help you to move on. accept that you've been hurt and that it was out of your control. what's in the past is in the past and what you can change is the future. I'm seeing that once you acknowledge, feel and release your emotions, you'll move onto a new chapter of your life where you won't be weighed down by anger anymore. you have every right to feel what you feel so don't punish yourself for it.
Additional stuff: don't hurt yourself-beyonce, green, time, 14, red,
signs: strong earth and fire, VIRGO/Capricorn/Taurus and Leo/Sagittarius/Aires
thank you guys so so much for joining me for this PAC! I really hope you've enjoyed this one, it took me a really long time but I really enjoyed making it! I wanted to try something new and I'm thinking about making this into a series where album songs are piles so please let me know what you guys think and if you have any suggestions for future PACS. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day🤍🤍
love and light,
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