#Snow Monkeys
nobrashfestivity · 1 month
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Super 8 film about pink Japanese snow monkeys, ebay from 2010 from toys and techniques
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proserpiiart · 1 year
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My new socks!! These guys are now available on my store! Proserpiiart.com
It's still incredible to me that I have wearable merch now! Things with my art that you can ear in your day to day life! That's incredible! I hope you guys love these socks as much as I do <3
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ferelbasta · 5 months
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Was feeling really off today since some rl stuff, so I decided to doodle some Yokai from memory and try to get the hang of my design for a Satori oc I have planned, though I wasn’t that happy with how he was turning out.. theeeeen I decided to look at some Japanese Macaque images to try and study how I should draw him later.
The images I used were found on google images btw
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Do monkeys ACTUALLY use hot springs as baths or is that an exageration
I am delighted to tell you that Japanese snow monkeys are THE hot spring bathers, and this is no exaggeration.
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In fact, it is such a popular activity that there is a Snow Monkey Park in Japan that has built hot spring facilities specifically for these monkeys to enjoy! Human visitors can buy tickets to spend time in the park, which is part of Joshinetsu Kogen National Park, and observe these bathing beauties.
Being a high ranker in macaque society is stressful, and high ranking Japanese macaques spend the most time in the hot springs. These hot baths reduce stress for them and help them maintain healthy a healthy and balanced lifestyle. While being a monkey might be stressful, having these winter spa days is a great solution and the presence of people doesn't impact their stress levels, so if you get the chance, go watch!
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lesdrawsposts · 10 months
lmk oc
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as a baby :00
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jadeseadragon · 1 year
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Jun Sato, Monkeys
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doshi-sukiru · 1 year
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Yeah, so apparently snow monkeys like snow a lot
and ofc I had to make the small macaque family because why not
Bottom corner is young Macaque giving his dad a snowball
Beside that is Rumble eating the snow when he was supposed to bring it to their snowball pile
And at the top is Savage ready to have a snowball fight-
Questions go to inbox as always.
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calmingram · 7 days
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Monkey Moments 2🐒
I'm an autistic amateur photographer. Follow me on Tumblr and Instagram 📷
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noloversworld · 2 years
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during winter in the valleys of Shiga Highlands (Japan) you'll find snow monkeys, also referred to as snow babies, rolling and making snowballs
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alexin-wonderlust · 6 months
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Day 6 - Japan Blog - 12 February 2024 Snow Monkeys and Karaoke
We had to be up super early today because we are going on a tour to see SNOW!! This desert babe has never seen snow (in its pure form, only from a snow machine... and thats NOT FAIR!!) so Im going to find some today. Still feeling sick as a dog, but I loaded up on the warm lemon/honey beverages. Theyre SO GOOD! My throat is happy. The bus tour takes us to Nagano. First we stopped at a restaurant for our "Beef Sukiyaki" meal. It was very -- push you here, take you there. Kind of tour. It wasnt very friendly or fun. It was just business... Sigh. Beer Sukiyaki was yum! We bought some regional snacks to enhoy while we are on the bus -- because Ive done these things before and being without snacks is the WORST! The guy behind us passed out because it was super hot on the bus and no fresh air. Oops! When we got to the Snow Monkey Park (Jidokundani Yaen Koen) there was a trek to be done -- and yes! SNOW!! I was actually quite scared I wouldnt be able to do the hike because Im so shit at hiking. Ben wore his new boots which caused him issues, and I feel on my butt at the end -- but it was doable. About 45 mins to the top and then another 10/15 mins to get to the onsen. I accidentally saw a Japanese dudes penis, because he was in the hotel onsen on site and he was just WALKING AROUND NAKED. You know, normal things at a tourist sight. I made a joke about this to the lady when she said there were men bathing "I thought we werent allowed to bring food -- this guy here with his MEAT hanging out" she giggled because Im an idiot. The monkeys are hilarious and cute and weird. There is a lot of drama going on with them, and screaming and chasing around the snow. But they literally just hang out in the natural hot springs and dont really care about the 100 people taking their photos. They also have a live stream too! https://www.jigokudani-yaenkoen.co.jp/livecam2/video_en.php After only being with the monkeys for about 20 mins, we were bussed to another "tourist trap" location with no food, but instead "snow igloos" where we got a beer and walked across the road instead to play in the fluffy snow. There was one stop on the way back to a roadhouse type place which had food, souveniers, a convenience store, local produce and dagashi to take home as gifts. We got burgers and other snacks to keep us going back to shinjuku.
And since we are already here; Shinjuku again. I needed something for my tattoo, so we went to Donki for a shop, and then found a karaoke place with food and drinks. (Instead of going to a bar...!) The food was dismal and the karaoke was terrible but it made for a fun experience. If you were there with a group of people, it would be awesome.
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winterdragon101 · 11 months
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Did I mention we have a few art prints up for sale on Etsy?
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tilbageidanmark · 11 months
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Went to the snow monkey park today . How adorable are these guys
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日本冬季野生動物撮影ツアー〜プロのカメラマンに向けた 写真撮影に特化した特別企画 2025/26/27年2月
幻想的な冬の野生動物を撮って見ませんか? 冬の日本は幻想的な風景や野生動物を撮るのに、とても魅力的な場所であり季節です。 丹頂鶴、オオワシ、オジロワシ、ニホンザルなど雪景色の中で躍動する野生動物と出会い、自然カメラ好き方、プロのカメラマン/フォトグラファーに向けた撮影に特化した特別企画。 冬の背景を楽しみたい方や冬を懸命に生き抜く生き物達に、出会いたい方におススメのツアーです。
1. 丹頂鶴、オオワシ、オジロワシ、ニホンザルなど雪景色の中で躍動する野生動物と出会い、撮影撮影を目的とした特別企画です。 2. ツアー中は適時にプロ写真家 キラン・ジョシ(Kiran Joshi)さんから写真撮影のアドバイスをいただけます。絶景を捉えた写真とともに、おすすめのフォトスポットをご紹介します。 3. 北海道 釧路(鶴居村→屈斜路湖→根室→ 長野→東京(山中温泉地獄谷)→の10日間国内ツアー 4. 自然を楽しみにながら写真撮影はもちろん、海外の方とのコミュニケーション等もして見たい方に対して良い機会です。 5. 日本政府観光局(JNTO)によるJapan Specialist Program認定フォトグラファーキラン・ジョシ(Kiran Joshi)は英語、ヒンディー語、マラーティー語以外に日本語での会話サポートいただけます。
ツアーの詳細: ツアー日程: 2月12日 ~ 2月21日 日数: 10日間 言語サポート:日本語、英語、ヒンディー語、マラーティー語 グループ人数: 8 – 10名様 料金: USD5,500(Ex.羽田空港)
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leapingmonkeys · 8 months
After a Taste of Freedom in the Scottish Highlands, Runaway Monkey Is Captured
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johnstamospanda · 10 months
I’ve been using this to fall asleep for like 3 days now
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