#So I feel creaky
greenunoreversecard · 5 months
Having physical ailments is like;"I'm gonna do shit!" While feeling shitty and then wondering why the shitty feeling is getting worse
( I say this because I stood up to fast while my head was already pounding them proceeded to almost pass out while cleaning my room)
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strawberryscare · 3 months
i don’t know if i’ve ever genuinely been scared of an npc of dimension 20’s until bobby dawn
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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I like Tuvok canonically having a crush on Noss that he struggles through because it means that something about this stranded spider hunter appealed greatly to him and I want to know what that is
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coff-in · 5 days
i'm trying to write angst. apologies for the lack of writing but i'm trying to push through my writer's block (more like an obstacle at this point?) and put in some effort in these asks. not like i haven't done it before, but like, more effort than usual. and it's taking a while. sincerest apologies
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parttimesarah · 1 year
He’s just like me fr…
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nohr-selphias · 2 months
I keep seeing people on tiktok say Gale is 35 and… baby that man is easily over 40
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daisywords · 10 months
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I ABSOLUTELY CAN AHHHHHHH I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS ABOUT IT ALWAYS. Premise is that after Dream blows up Logsteadshire, instead of leaving Tommy alone, he suggests to Tommy that they start over somewhere new. He leads Tommy to an even more remote location that this time no one knows about (not that Tommy’s aware of it) and after asking Tommy if it would be less painful if no one was allowed to visit him rather than having them constantly reject him by not showing up, and Tommy agreeing, he like. Bans people from visiting Tommy. This is not, however, what he tells the rest of the SMP - he actually doesn’t say anything for a bit because he’s busy destroying other teenagers lives (Doomsday also holy fuck i am so normal about eeau!tubbo or honestly just c!tubbo in general) but then after Doomsday of course Tubbo goes and discovers the annihilated Logsteadshire and like runs back and Dream insinuates that Tommy killed himself which definietly doesn’t devestate or at least shake up many people. But then people start talking and realize that like. Dream’s been manipulating and lying to them all this whole time and pitting them against each other. Philza in particular is like ‘why did we leave Tommy with the man who constantly expressed his dislike for him/set out to ruin his life’ and everyone was like . fair point. Queue manhunt for Dream where Dream loses his two lives and all of his allies and in a cruel twist of fate ends up with only Tommy for company!! Because stockholm syndrome babey :)))))) Plans backfired immensely for this man. (I did not forget about Punz well I did but then I figured out a way for him not to be there which is a WHOLE OTHER STORY basically Dream tried to manipulate purpled who went Nuh Uh and tattled to punz so punz fucked off and spat in dreams face on the way out)
QUEUE A YEAR LATER Ghostbur stumbles across Tommy in his secret exile spot (Henburgh) as Ghostbur has been searchign for Tommy’s ghost ever since he learned that he died. Eventually Ghostbur forgot he wsa looking for Tommy’s ghost and was just fixated on that he was looking for Tommy. Tommy however is scared of what Dream might do to Ghostbur/to him if he sees Ghostbur or finds out he was here, since he’s technically not allowed any visitors, so he sends Ghostbur away on an impossible quest. Ghostbur leaves him a small bit of blue that he then hides bc he can’t bring himself to throw it away, but unforunately nothing escapes Dream’s grasp for long and he notices :))))) It does not end well for Tommy, time for Logsteadshire pt 2. DURING THE TWO MONTHS THAT PASSED SINCE GHOSTBURS VISIT Wilbur is revived by Philza and Technoblade bc hella guilt and also Kristin hinted to Phil that Wilbur could come back and so Phil took the opprotunity. Wilbur however! Does not remember his time as ghostbur aside from very vague feelings and a couple blurry memories! But he feels VERY STRONGLY that there’s something important to the southeast of Techno’s cabin, and eventually that feeling grows so strong that he starts getting really anxious and upset about the fact he can’t go, so Techno offers to check it out fully expecting to find nothing. Only to stumble across Dream being HORRIFIC to Tommy during Logsteadshire Pt 2 and prompty going Oh Fuck No and bringing Tommy back to recover at the cabin.
Tommy does NOT appreciate this, and immediately demands to be taken back to Henburgh. Techno does not oblige. Tommy makes his displeasure clear but also mans now Traumatized as all hell so he also does jack shit to actually oppose the rest of the SBI. QUEUE FAMILY BONDING TIME AND SLOW HEALING. IT TAKES A LOT OF TIME AND EFFORT AND THERES OF COURSE MORE SHIT BUT I DONT KNWO IF I WANNA SPOIL IT CAUSE I AM WRITING THE FIC. But the main fic ends with Tommy having not fully completed his healing but having made progress in mending his relationships w his family and friends, specifically SBI and beeduo, and like starting to realize and come to terms that what he went through was wrong but it wasn’t his fault, and decide that he wants to fight to be better again. I’m definitely so normal about all of his healing arcs and the way he slowly starts to recover from his trauma and find himself again and discover that life is worth living and that love doesn’t have to hurt I’m really fucking normal. I could talk about this for hours I in fact have talked about it for hours with my sibling (shoutout to them for listening) there are so many details to all of this i thikn about it constantly I am packing so much symbolism into this baby it will be my magnum opus if i can ever fucking finish it
#the ducks quacked about something#a question!! :o#dsmp eeau#THE SYMBOLISM OF THE HOUSE THE SYMBOLISMMMMMMMMMMMMM#EACH OF THEIR HOUSES ARE VERY FUCKING IMPORTRANT AND SO VIVID TO ME#WHAT IT SAUYS ABOUT THEIR CHRACTERS. IM DEFINITELY CASUAL#also the way ghostbur was so bad about communicating but only agreed to be revived if they made revivebur care about completing the quest#tommy gave him (he did not explain it that way so they promptly did not tell revivebur but HE TRIED SO HARD TO NOT LEAVE TOMMY AGAIN)#EEAU WILBUR IS ANOTHER CHARACTER IM SO NORMAL ABOUT#wilbur and tommy really shaking hands on the affects of solitary isolation#oh also wilbur was in limbo for 50 years in this au due to the timeframe :))))))))))))#he is an old creaky man#THE GUILT TUBBO CARRIES AROUND ALWAYS AND THE GUILT RANBOO CARRIES AROUND ALWAYUS AND THE FACT NEITHER OF THEM TALK ABOUT IT TO EACH OTHER#I just really cannot let people be happy huh#IT GETS HAPPY AT THE END COMMUNICATION OCCURS BETWEEN MANY DIFFERENT PEOPLE#also we get awesamdad content but how we get it is kinda spoilers so i can’t explain rn T-T#ALSO TECHNO AND PHILS GUILT AND DESPERATION AND HOW THEY FEEL LIKE THE FAILED AND RRRRRHGHGHHRH#SBI are not bio family but all grew up in the same household as a family but Phil was not a great dad :)) but it wasn’t exactly his fault#hybrid shit vs human shit. he did not realize some of the differences#also how limbo works which i’ve talked a bit about before#ALSO THE DEITY SYSTEM WHIC I AM STILL FIGURING OUT AND ITS GIVING ME A HEADACHE#no dreamon activity in this au just dream being a shitty person because i think that holds more weight#dream is also so interesting me but in a villain character way#okay shutting up now which is so hard i have so much for this au i need to just WRITE IT#also i saw ur other ask it’s late for me but i absolutely want to draw that!!!! instant inspiration reading it#OH EDIT IMPORTANT NOT REVIVEBUR IS VERY DIFFERENT FROM CANON#HES MUCH MORE LIKE WILBUR BEFORE THE WAR(S)#hes chill and finallly on medication for his hella anxiety
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floral-hex · 1 year
I’m fucking disabled
#I had this conversation with my therapist last week. I’ll give you the secret HIPAA breaking rundown#I HATE calling myself disabled#I don’t know why. there’s no shame in it. it’s just ya know it’s just what I am#but I still can’t get it into my head that yes I’m kinda fucking disabled#because here I am sitting on this creaky futon unable to understand anything anyone is saying to me bc my hearing is so bad#it’s a bad hearing day! it happens! some days are good! today is very much not so good!#so I told my therapist I’m way cool with telling people I have mental health issues#but when it comes to hearing it’s ‘oh no I’m not REALLY disabled. I just uhhhhh can’t uhhh fuckin hear sometimes 🤷🏻‍♂️ that’s normal right?’#and he’s like no my sweet boy you are disabled you need to own that shit#okay… he didn’t say it like that but this is my flashback please let me have this#let me be a sweetie boy in my own mind#he said it’s usually the reverse: people don’t like to admit mental health issues but will mention physical disabilities#I just… I spent 30 something years with great hearing and then it all just got taken from me out of the blue and no one knows why#and I hate that. I’m so angry. I’m so fucking angry and scared and alone#and I hate admitting that yes I am disabled. like really disabled. it feels like defeat.#and it shouldn’t. like I said it’s just kinda what I am now. It’s like saying I breathe or I’m allergic to birds. it just is me.#sorry I’m just having a rough day#I got about an hour of sleep and now I’m holding down the fort while a home inspector and the new buyer look through the house#and I can’t talk to either of them. I can’t understand them talking to each other. it’s isolating.#I have therapy later and I’m hoping I’ll be able to communicate and hear during it. I really just need someone to talk to#I miss talking to people in person. I can still do that it just can take a bit of work and I hate subjecting people to putting up with me#I feel so needy. I just want some human connection. I want to know I can still make this work.#gosh this is whiny. sorry about that. just needed a quick vent to get me through the next few hours#anyway I love you. probably. maybe… ehhh#you can ignore this#text
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kingofmyborrowedheart · 9 months
Okay so all I need is a solid pair of headphones and to figure out how to convert my mp4 files to mp3 ones and I will be all good to actually record my first episode.
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Okay what do you think:
If Havers would have made any declaration of fondness/love towards the Captain (or would have adressed the tension between them) instead of watching the Captain do that, always followed by immediate backpaddling and Havers looking sad/crushed...
would Cap have been able to get over his repression and would he have reciprocated
or would he have had a freakout and would have pushed Havers away? Verbally, physically idk.
I mean he acted way more freely when Havers was around but he was also deep in the closet especially to himself and in a dangerous position to have those feelings acknowledged there altogether.
I mean when he uttered stuff he always backpaddled because(at least in my mind) he wasn't sure of Havers feelings and reaction and as a second reason because of the danger and being not even out to himself.
So I wonder if he had clarity about Havers feelings and would have only needed to react to them would he have been able to do so truthfully?
Or would he had lied/denied/repressed and pushed Havers away?
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i think you're allowed to be into gay baby shit as long as you're not annoying and depraved about it. But watch out bc it's a fine line
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curiosity-killed · 1 year
Bless random supportive dance parents actually
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undeadbutch · 2 years
some thoughts abt the things i attach to my identity
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kirishwima · 2 years
im at the night shift bedroom and. i keep checking every corner for possible insects like a maniac
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selfshippinglover · 2 years
ooooh to be dipped and lead around the room slowly by Marc under nothing but candle light <3
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