#I also have hypermobility
greenunoreversecard · 5 months
Having physical ailments is like;"I'm gonna do shit!" While feeling shitty and then wondering why the shitty feeling is getting worse
( I say this because I stood up to fast while my head was already pounding them proceeded to almost pass out while cleaning my room)
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ratcandy · 1 month
had a conversation with my mom and now i'm curious
If unsure, go grab yourself a pencil and compare to these examples:
"Correct" ways to hold a pencil:
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(if you didn't know there were names for these, yea I had no idea either until I started looking stuff up lmao)
"Wrong" ways to hold a pencil:
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I'm mostly curious as someone who has always held her pencil wrong. No matter what teachers/my mom ever did to try and teach me (pencil grips, elastic bands, etc) it just never worked. I wanna know how universal this experience is hdKJH
(rb for sample size, etc etc, the usual)
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Hello, treasured moot, how are you? I feel like being social today and I’m sending around some asks. If you’re feeling up for it, tell me about your favorite thing you’ve written in the past month or so. ✨
Hello beloved moot!
For you<3:
Twilight is well and truly gone. A thick cast of clouds plunges Lady Alice’s rooms into shadow. The sconces in the corridor bleed a flickering light through the doorway and over the whitewashed stone walls. I would fall asleep to this light when I was little, when some feast spilt well into a winter’s night and my parents would crowd us around a grand fire place with fairy tales and true stories – we were never sure which was which – until all the excitement of the night had left us with nothing but a heaviness in our eyes. Then my father would carry us, one by one to our sleeping pads beneath his bed, and my mother would pull the blankets over our shoulders. I wish I could stop thinking about them. I wish I didn’t feel horrible for wishing it. Do my parents want me safe or do they want a daughter that is safe - proper, unproblematic? What parent would not give a kingdom to their daughter if they could? But was queenhood their gift, a life of privilege to shape as I see fit, or is it a burden meant to trap me, a fly to a pot of the sweetest vinegar? Mother, do you still love me though I have made my own choice? Father, are you still proud of me? Everything I've done I've done to spite you. I was a loved child. I am terrified none of it was real.
-- WIPVII, draft 3 (.5), page 80.
Can't believe this nearly got cut from draft 3. I managed to save it but I think it happened like 30 000 words earlier in draft 2.
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mxescargot · 2 months
“average person gets 3 repetitive strain injuries a year” factoid actualy just statistical error. average person gets 0 repetitive strain injuries per year. Hypermobility Georg, who lives at computer desk,
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dabeth-is-dead · 3 months
Working in retail teaches you a lot about how much the public sucks, but the most surprising to me was just how common it is for people to feel entitled to personal medical history. I wear a knee brace at work to stabilize my kneecap for long shifts, and usually at least one customer asks, "What happened to your leg?" And thinks that that's an appropriate question for a stranger. The weirdest part to me is that if I tell them I was in a car accident (I'm a strong advocate for lying to customers about yourself) they leave that interaction continuing to believe that it was totally fine, but if I answer with some variation on the truth they suddenly get very uncomfortable. Like, sorry I've got an incurable genetic disorder instead of something cool like a tiger attack. Maybe questioning someone's health shouldn't be on your list of small talk topics if you're not prepared for the answer to possibly be upsetting, just a thought.
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mothwiingz · 4 months
this fucking doctor just tried to tell me theres no way i have hypermobility syndrome and that all my symptoms are probably caused by a food intolerance that my parents dont know about. im a 7/9 on the beighton scale. she didnt even try. she barely touched my joints at all. my fingers can all extend beyond 90 degrees on both hands, my thumbs can bend backwards to touch my forearms, and youre trying to tell me im not hypermobile enough to be diagnosed? fucking hell man
she also told me that i wouldnt have as much issues with fatigue if i exercised more. i DO exercise a lot, and when i push myself, i feel shitty and exhausted and have to spend forever recovering
i did mention using a cane to my mom tho, and she was actually surprisingly supportive and said i could if i wanted to and there was no reason for dad to object. ik he will, ik he’ll have smth to say about it, but at least i have one supportive parent.
i’ll be getting a second opinion abt hypermobility syndrome soon, def seeing a different doctor, but damn that was sooo frustrating
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kawamagi-crow · 9 months
Anyone else feel guilty of not being "disabled enough"? like, i feel like I can't call myself disabled bc "well, my autism does affect every aspect of my life buttt I'm high functioning and have low to medium support needs!" or "My essential tremors arent that bad, I just can't write sometimes, I'm probably exaggerating stuff."
Ik this is some internalized ableism, and i should sort it out but its just... ik. very hard. same thing with asking for accomodations. sometimes i want to, i really do, but something just makes me think I'm stealing from people who actually need it and its not even that bad, I'm just exaggerating for attention
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bread-that-draws · 1 month
Hypermobility is fucked up and evil actually like yeah I am a contortionist and my body can do all these fucked up tricks like Putting Both Feet Behind My Head. Folding Myself Entirely In Half. Bending My Limbs The Wrong Way. And don’t forget STEPPING DOWN A LITTLE TOO HARD AND MY ENTIRE LEG JUST GOES INSIDE OUT THEN SLINGSHOTS ME FORWARD AND I EAT ABSOLUTE SHIT
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lichensbian · 18 days
my eds has gotten bad enough that i feel super unstable and have knee/hip pain constantly.... does anyone have recommendations for canes 🥺
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ordinarytalk · 3 months
Could Symptoms Syndrome maybe chill the f out for a few days?
So ever since one of the instructors at the gym where I take aerial acrobatics classes clued me in to the fact that I'm probably hypermobile, I've been on yet another wild domino-effect ride that I like to call "What do you MEAN that's another symptom of hypermobility?!"
That hurty thing my fingers keep doing is probably subluxation and I might need to get joint braces
Opioids not working on me is part of it
The IBS is part of it
Poor proprioception/being clumsy is part of it
My shoulder is Not Supposed To Be Doing That
Me sometimes needing to punch doors open (because opening them the regular way hurts my wrist) is part of it
My fingertips pointing upwards when I extend my fingers isn't normal and it's called the Flying Bird Sign
The migraines are part of it
The random bouts of dizziness and sometimes blacking out when I stand up is part of it
Bruising all the damn time literally everywhere is part of it
The super heavy giant periods I used to get were part of it
It's comorbid with autism, auditory processing disorders, sensory processing disorders, apraxia, mood disorders including anxiety and depression, asthma, tinnitus, hair loss in all genders, chronically low vitamin D, teeth crowding, bruxism, fucking uticaria, chronic fatigue, and ADHD, aka every single medical problem I have ever had in my entire life except for maybe seasonal allergies.
Oh, and I probably have hEDS, too.
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elizabethrobertajones · 10 months
I'm actually kind of mad after wearing a knee brace (with patella support!) for 2 days because I just went down for breakfast not wearing it and my kneecap was wobbling loosely in its socket like it's done for years and I could FEEL how wrong it was and just had the biggest "you LIVE like this??!" moment and now i GUESS I am wearing a knee brace every time I go near stairs forever because it turns out it's not ideal if parts of your body have their own plans for every joint movement.
Mobility aids <3
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beneaththegildedmoon · 5 months
hey fellow chronic pain sufferers/people with joint issues, have any of you found something that helps with pain while standing? like in lines and on public transport and stuff?
I can't stand for more than about 2 minutes at a time without my whole spine, along with my hip and knee joints, starting to seize up and if I have to stand longer than about 5 minutes I will end up on the verge of tears tbh but I can't always find a seat and people are assholes about giving up a seat for you when you "look healthy". I can usually just about keep it together until I can find somewhere to sit, but it always fucks up my whole day with pain flare ups while sitting or walking to the bathroom etc. which I normally don't struggle with. I'm on a waiting list for a physio appointment to try figure out if/how I can strengthen the muscles etc. but if y'all have any advice in the meantime please help
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halogalopaghost · 5 months
I can really judge how bad of a day I'm having based on how hard it is to get tucked in bed. Sometimes just lifting my weighted blanket to get under it is a HERCULEAN effort. Im working on coming to terms with the fact that this is not my fault.
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just-a-queer-fanboy · 8 months
"Transitioning creates a lifelong medical patient" Girly i have been since I was born
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eggings · 1 year
I feel like so many people i know who have Tourette’s and other tic disorders are hypermobile, but there’s not much research done about it, so here’s a poll (for curiosity sake)
(Pls reblog to spread poll)
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breakfastteatime · 8 months
My new physiotherapist and I got to talking about Fallen Order. She played it, liked it until the ending (don't worry, I explained why Cal destroys the holocron) and then I broke her heart by telling her Survivor isn't available on the PS4...
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