#So glad i could help out with the badges even if u got here late. we did it homie
nighty-night-nh · 6 months
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forever-rogue · 4 years
Hi! I have a request and whenever/ if u get to it I’d be super happy😊 it’s been a rough week and I would love a Javi fic where he wakes up next to you and it dawns on him that he loves you, and some fluff or smut ensues 👀? Have a great day!
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I love this - I went with some fluff, because I am feeling soft. Here we are, some gentle, soft, and introspective Javi. 
Javier x Fem!Reader; no warnings
Javier Masterlist
»»————- ♡ ————-««
He came home late. Again. For the millionth time this week - rather this month. Year?
He always insisted that you didn't have to wait up for him but it didn't matter - you always tried anyway. For the days when you were able to stay up and welcome him home into your arms, he always seemed to ease up and melt into your touch. It wasn’t much, you never thought it was, but to him it was everything. To be able to come home to your smiling face, especially after a day out in the field was better than anything he could imagine. You were the singular, bright light in his dark and desperate world, reminding him that no matter what horrors he witnessed, there was always some good in this world. That no matter how bad of a man he felt, how evil and corrupt, you made him feel like that he wasn’t just filled with aching blackness. He was a good man and he was doing good things. 
The way you’d whisper his name as he walked into your shared apartment was always reverent, gentle, but firm, a catalyst to ground him and drag him out of his DEA head-space. Sometimes, you’d have dinner ready and waiting, almost as if you could sense when he’d be back, cracking a cold beer open for him as he sat down before gently kissing him. 
Other days when it would be late - too late - you’d meet him at the door and pull him along to the bathroom where you ran hot water filled with gently perfumed oils and stripped him of his clothes before guiding him into the tub. Sometimes you joined him, when he’d reach for you with eager hands and let you lay on his chest as he spoke about his day and got it off his mind; other times he just wanted the touch of your skin on his as you laid together in silence. Some nights you sat on the edge of the tub as you held his hand, telling him about your day, or something random, followed by washing his hair and body for him. It was something you enjoyed doing and he often did the same for you. He never verbalized just how much it meant to him, but you knew, you could always tell when he’d look at you with those soft chocolate, glossy with unshed tears before he kissed you. 
There were a hundred million ways that you told him you loved him without ever saying a word. Your actions always spoke volumes, and sometimes they overwhelmed him so much, he’d retreat into himself and go off into his head. Sometimes he was convinced that he didn’t deserve this - you - any of it. That he was masquerading around and had you fooled and thinking he was a decent human. But even in those times, you let him go, didn’t push or pull too much. And you went back to showing him in all the ways you could that you loved him. That you needed him as much as he needed you. That he was your everything. 
But this particular evening, he came home extra late. The stakeout had gone on longer than he intended and he wanted nothing more than to come home and crawl into bed and into your arms. 
By the time he entered the apartment and tossed his keys, badge, gun, and wallet onto the side table, he knew you were asleep. You weren’t there to greet him in person, but in your place was a scrawled note on the counter top.
Javi - dinner is in the fridge - I made your favorite. Eat and take a hot bath (I insist) and then come to bed. Tomorrow’s your day off and I want you to rest. Te amo.
An overwhelming sense of warmth started in his core and spread throughout his body as he read over your words. Never in his life had he expected to be part of this level of domesticity, but fuck - it sure felt nice. He ran a finger over your gently scrawled words before tucking the note safely away into the pocket. 
Just as you instructed, he went to the fridge and pulled out the plate you had prepared for him, heating it up while he got a beer and flicked on the television to quietly listen to some rerun of an old movie. As he ate, he listened to your soft snores coming from the bedroom as he smiled to himself. He knew he loved you, hell, he’d known that for a long, long time, but it had never really hit him just how damn much. It was the little things, and the big, that had him falling for you, over and over again. And - gods, he was completely smitten with you, overwhelmed and all consumed by you. 
He finished his plate and beer, going to set them in the sink before deciding against it and washing the few items up and tucking them in the cabinet. It wasn’t much, but he wanted to do it so you wouldn’t have to. Padding to the bathroom, he sneaked a quick peek at your sleeping form before smiling and stepping inside and turning on the tap for the hot water. He filled it with oils and bubbles, just as you always did, before stripping and sliding into the warm, blissful water. A low groan escaped his lips as he already felt the tension leave his body; you had been right - this was exactly what he needed. 
He took his time to wash his dark locks, to scrub himself free of any of the stress and grim, both literal and metaphorical, from the long day he’d had. He was off for a few days now and he wanted to start anew, to have a couple of fresh, clean days to get lost in you, to get lost in the simple pleasure of a normal life. It was nice sometimes, to get a reprieve from the constant darkness. One day, you promised him, this would be an everyday thing. And he couldn’t wait. 
Once he was satisfied with his handiwork, he got out and dried himself off and grabbed the clean pajamas you had laid out for him before crawling under the covers to join, taking care not to disturb your slumber.
But it was no use; as soon as you felt him slip into bed, you whispered his name with a smile tugged across your features. Your eyes didn’t open as you held your arms open and motioned for him to come to you. He eagerly complied as he let you wrap him up in your arms, pulling him tightly against your chest before tangling your legs with his. Javi made a small sound of content as he buried his face in your neck, pressing a few kisses to your soft skin before yawning and feeling the sweet call of slumber win him over. 
“I love you, Dulzura,” it was a soft whisper - a promise - a reminder that even if he didn’t verbalize as often as he should, it was true. 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
By the time he woke up the next morning, or rather later that morning, the sun was shining brightly through the sheer curtains, the chirping of birds and the excited shouts of children reaching his ears. Javier moved to reach for you, but found your side of the bed empty. He huffed lightly, wanting nothing more than to feel your skin on his, but his despair was quickly turned upside down.
The delicious smell of cooking - bacon, coffee, pancakes - met his nose as he listened to you softly singing along to whatever was playing on the radio. Suddenly his world stopped as he realized with a burning intensity that this  - you  - were his everything. It was overwhelming and nearly bowled him over as he realized that he already had everything he could ever want. 
As if you sensed that he was awake, you padded down the hallway and poked your head into the bedroom to find him grinning back at you. 
“Good morning mi amor,” you beamed at him, that soft, gentle smile that still managed to make him weak in the knees. God, that smile had won him over within about five seconds of meeting you. You stepped in and walked over to him, leaning down to press a soft kiss to his lips. Javi reached up and grabbed your face, holding you against his lips as he savored your sweet, saccharine taste. He traced over your features, studying you closely as his eyes softened, “what’s wrong, Javi?”
“Nothing,” he promised with another soft kiss, “I’m just happy. What a sight to wake up to.”
“I’m happy too,” you promised him, “I’m glad you got some rest, but now go back to sleep, it’ll be a little bit before everything is ready.”
“I’m wide awake now,” he insisted as he sat up and you ran a hand through his messy locks.
“Was I being too loud?” you frowned, hoping you weren’t the cause.
“No,” he promised softly, “I got enough rest. Let me help you - “
“It’s okay, Javi,” you insisted, “I want to do this, besides, it’s your day off. Let me take care of you.”
“I love you, dulzura,” he said suddenly, reaching for your hand before you could get away, “I know I don’t tell you enough, or show you, but please just know, I love you more than you will ever know.”
“I know Javier,” you gave his hand a squeeze, “I know you do. You prove that to me every day, even if you don’t realize it. I love you too.”
“Let me come and help make breakfast,” he moved to slide out of the bed and stand up, stretched as he did so. 
“Javier, you don’t have to…”
“I want to,” he promised gently, wrapping his arms around you before pulling you into his chest, “really. And maybe this afternoon we can go to the beach. Just you and me. What do you say dulzura?”
“I’d like that Javi,” you grinned at him as touched his cheek, getting lost in those soft brown eyes, “I’d like that a lot.”
“And I like you a lot - I love you always, even if I don’t say it enough,” he insisted, “you have my heart, now and forever.”
“And you have mine, Javier. Always.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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lumosinlove · 4 years
Relic Keel
(warnings in tags)
Marlene got into college and hasn’t told Dorcas because she’s scared of how she will react.
Lily and James had sex and obviously like each other, but Lily is scared to have attachments on Hogwarts when they’re going to college soon.
Leo and Logan question each other about their pasts without much progress. Logan finds out that Leo hopes to own The Lion restaurant one day, and that his father’s death has something to do with “The Voldemort.”
Saint and Sirius talk about leaving the island and how they met when they were eleven years old. They have sex and avoid more difficult topics.
James and Lily meet at the Gryffindor Club as promised. Lily tells James that she doesn’t want anything tying her to the island, that she hates the fake boundaries that Hogwarts has and that James isn’t crossing them as much as he thinks he is. James understands, even though it hurts.
Saint and Sirius are cleaning the Potter’s pool when James arrives with Remus and Luke. Remus and Sirius have a tense moment in the kitchen, Luke and Saint argue, and Sirius finds out that it’s Remus who sails the Wolfsbane every morning—Remus thus finding out that Sirius notices.
Logan returns to the Carrows to hand over his money and stock up on Crucio. We find out that he works for them in the hopes that they will help him get Finn out of Saint Clair, only the Carrows are angry with him for using their Crucio—they say that Logan owes them now.
Logan heads over to Saint Clair to watch Finn from afar, and swears again that he will rescue him.
part iv
Remus closed his eyes, soaking in the morning sun and the salty air. The wind pushed his hair back as he tightened the rigging, catching the wind. Sometimes his sails felt like his bare hands. Like he finally had something to hold onto, even if it blistered his palms. The sea made him feel alone, in the best way. Usually, it felt like people were always around. He couldn’t go anywhere without running into at least two people from school, or his parents’ friends. Yes, he’s excited for college, no, he’s not sure exactly yet, yes, he’s still sailing, yes, he’s still obsessed, yes, he remembers learning at Gryffindor Club, sure, I’ll tell my mom you say hi.
Solidarity was less exhausting.
The wind buffered and he sighed as he slowed down. he looked back towards Shack Beach. Saint had said they saw him every morning—that Sirius saw him every morning. He wondered if Sirius was watching now.
He couldn’t see anything from this far away. Part of him wondered if he could make this island disappear completely, just for a moment. But it was dangerous to stray that far. Even The Cradle, the small U of islands just off of Hogwarts’ southern coast, was pushing it. Remus huffed out a laugh as he managed the ropes to come about, back towards shore. If that wasn’t a metaphor, he didn’t know what was.
Things on Hogwarts had become complicated in what felt like overnight, even though Remus knew that wasn’t true. They were older now. They didn’t just care about summer vacation. There was college to think about, and then jobs. Hogwarts wasn’t the dream it once was. Remus wanted to see mountains, and huge cities, or snow—and not just for a week on vacation. He wanted to belong somewhere because he wanted to be there, and not just because he had grown up there. He was tired of knowing everything there was to know.
He tied up his Wolfsbane on autopilot, stroking his hand over the side before tugging his shirt over his head and jumping straight into the water. It was cooler from the night, but it was what Remus needed. He held his breath as he found the sandy bottom, his eyes closed. For a moment, he didn’t have to be anywhere. He got to enjoy the ocean and its predictable changes.
When he came up for air, he remembered why he loved this island. That still didn’t mean he didn’t want to leave.
“Are you headed to the museum, sweetheart?” his mother said when Remus came down to the kitchen, freshly showered. He preferred to let the salt linger all day, but he figured he should be fresh for his first day of work.
“Yeah,” Remus held up his keys. “Just looking for some coffee first.”
His mom held up a mug for him, laughing. “Ask and you shall receive.”
Remus smiled. “Thanks, mom.”
“How was it this morning?”
Remus poured some milk into his cup. “It was good. Sun’s going to be strong today. Went near The Cradle—not too far, don’t worry.”
“You know me too well,” Hope laughed, whisking some eggs into a lather. “Well, it’s pizza night. We’re ordering in so, if you want to have some friends over and take it to the den, that’s fine with me. But don’t complain if Jules crashes the party.”
Remus nodded. “Actually, I think we’re going out. If that’s all right?”
Hope nodded. “All right, sure. Be safe, though. Who, uh…”
“James and Luke,” Remus sighed. “Mom—”
“I wasn’t going to say anything—”
“It’s not Luke’s fault,” Remus continued anyway. “His dad, I mean. He didn’t know.”
“I know that,” Hope sighed. “But…Even I can see that boy’s hurting and I barely see him at all.”
“Then shouldn’t he be with his friends?” Remus said.
Hope raised her eyebrows at him, and Remus raised his own right back.
“All right, all right,” Hope said. “You’re gonna be late, I’ll see you later, baby.”
Remus knew he should take the car his parents had given him. He knew he should get used to driving, knew his dad wondered why it just sat in the garage. But here, on the island, Remus liked his bicycle. He liked the warm breeze. It reminded him of being out on the water.
Which, in turn, now reminded him of Sirius Black.
When Remus remembered Sirius, he mostly remembered bruised cheeks and nasty looking cuts. He remembered the hushed way people used to whisper about him, and how, even when he was loud, grinning and well-liked, he was still from Salazar. Sometimes he had eaten lunch surrounded by people, and sometimes he had eaten it alone with his brother.
Remus didn’t understand this island. Was Sirius really so different because he was born a few miles South rather than North? It made no sense—only it did, but only because it was all Remus had ever known.
The Hogwarts History Museum was a pride of the island. Remus knew it well from school trips, and from his own interest. He’d spent many Saturdays there as a kid, gazing at all of the small models of ships and dreaming about what it would be like to sail them, wishing they weren’t trapped behind glass—feeling a little like he was trapped behind glass. A ship in a bottle.
“Hi there, Remus,” Layla smiled at him, green eyes kind and skin a rich, dark brown against the pale pink scarf in her hair.
“Hi, Layla,” Remus smiled. “Having a good summer so far?”
“Sure,” Layla shrugged. “Lots of time here. I saw you win the sailing race last Sunday, congrats.”
Remus smiled. “Thanks. It was real fun. Sorry I beat your brother, though.”
“Oh, Lyle doesn’t mind,” Layla waved a hand. Her nails were painted pink, too. “Don’t worry about it.”
Remus had been friends with Layla since they were little, competing for best in class usually. She was wicked smart and mellow. Remus could always use some mellow, good conversation—especially with James being James and Luke being…well, whatever Luke was now. Layla liked history, and her family owned the museum, which meant Layla told tales that were, albeit tall, fun to listen to.
Remus leaned against the desk, looking around. “This place never changes, huh?”
Layla laughed, clicking a pen. “History doesn’t tend to change that much, R, and so neither do we. Unlike the world out there.”
“I don’t know about that. Nothing ever feels too different out there,” Remus laughed, too. “But I guess you’re right. I’m glad you’re here, though. Or else I’d be sitting behind this desk by myself.”
“I’m glad you’re here, too,” Layla nodded. “What made you take the job?”
Remus snorted as he rounded the corner, picking up his name badge where Beatrice, Layla’s mother and the museum curator, said it would be. “Don’t pretend we didn’t see each other here when we were little all the time. Not to mention at Gryffindor Club. You, obviously.”
Layla raised an eyebrow. “Me and your mom.”
Remus winced and Layla laughed.
“C’mon, we both know you’d be out on your boat all day if it was up to you.”
Remus laughed. “Fine. But seriously. You’re a perk.”
Layla nodded, rolling her eyes with a smile. “Just a couple of history buffs, I guess.”
Remus shrugged. “There are worse things to be.”
The day was pretty slow. A few tourists here and there, taking photo behind the cardboard cutouts that made you look like you were dressed as a sailor, or a pirate.
“Are there really pirates here?” one little girl had asked Layla.
Remus had smiled when Layla crouched down and whispered to her, “careful, there’s one there,” and pointed at Remus.
When lunch rolled around, Remus expected Layla to pull out a bagged sandwich like him, but instead she scoffed and picked up her bag.
“Come on. We have to get out for a bit.”
Remus shrugged. “All right, where to?”
“The Lion, of course,” Layla replied. “It’s the best food on the island.”
“The Lion,” Remus repeated slowly. “You mean—in The Hollow?”
Layla gave him a look. “Oh, you’re not one of those are you?”
“One of what?” Remus said. “No. I’m not, I just… c’mon, you hear things.”
“Hear things? You’ve never been?”
“Once,” Remus swallowed, thinking of the fight. “It didn’t really go well.”
Layla just shook her head.
“History is just one great field of stories, Remus. You’ll never get to the truth unless you listen to them all.”
And so Remus found himself riding alongside Layla on their bikes and right through Gryffindor. The Hollow didn’t have a sign or anything, but you knew when you were in it. Remus almost wished he had been able to see some sort of line to cross, but everything was just suddenly different. Low houses with open doors, people gathered together and laughing. Kids running with surfboards over their heads, towards Shack Beach. It had seemed even more vibrant in the dark the night of the party, even through the tinted windows of Luke’s car. String lights hung over cookouts, and music blasting from speakers. It had smelled amazing, and Remus would have to say Layla was probably right about the food. 
The Lion was just as bright as everything else. It was bustling with lunch-goers, and the doors were flung wide, letting the heat right in. Remus looked around at the people. Some tourists, obviously. Some not. Hollows. Some of them smiled when they caught Remus’ eye, and some narrowed their eyes.
“Hi, Leo, babe,” Layla said as she slid onto a stool at the counter.
There was a blond boy behind it wearing a tank top and a snapback. He smiled as he set some shrimp down in a frier. “Hey, Layla, babe, ça va?”
“Just working. At least I’ve got Remus for company now.”
Remus smiled awkwardly when Leo fixed his blue eyes on him. He really didn’t know what he was waiting for. Something terrible to happen?
Leo only held out a hand. “Leo, nice to meet you.”
“Remus,” Remus said, and took it. He tried not to look at the rainbow bracelet on Leo’s wrist for too long, but he could tell Leo had felt the way his hand tightened. “Yeah—you, too.”
Leo touched it briefly, like an old habit, as he pulled away, giving another smile to Remus.
It didn’t necessarily mean Leo wasn’t straight, but on such a small island, Remus tended to notice these things. He and Luke had figured each other out pretty fast around sixteen. They’d kissed. Once. And then winced, laughed, and shoved each other in the pool. Sometimes Remus wished he and Luke had worked. He didn’t see any other boys coming his way. Leo was smiling at him like he knew what Remus was thinking.
“What can I get you two?” Leo asked.
A boyfriend? Remus thought wistfully.
“Two of your specials, please,” Layla said. “Re, you’re going to lose your mind it’s so good.”
“What’s your special?” Remus asked.
Leo shrugged, but he was grinning. “Like a chef ever gives up his secrets—”
Leo had stopped mid-sentence, eyes going over their shoulders towards the door. Remus turned to look, and a moment later, a brown haired boy was slinging a backpack down carefully between his feet and taking the seat beside Remus.
“Well, look who’s back,” Leo said to him.
The boy glanced at Remus and Layla, then gave a small shrug. “Yeah.”
Leo snorted. “Yeah,” he parroted. “You’re just hungry.”
The boy shrugged again.
Leo sighed, and gave Remus a look that said, can you believe this? before turning back to the stove. “This is Logan guys. Apparently he doesn’t talk today. Three specials. Coming up.”
Logan didn’t recognize the boy sitting at the counter. He didn’t recognize the girl either. Then again, he didn’t recognize many people. He didn’t know anyone. Except Dorcas—if that even counted. And Leo. If that counted, either.
The Felix was heavy in his pack, wedged protectively between his feet, and he wished the strangers would leave so that Leo would talk to him. He hadn’t said two words that weren’t him making sure that Logan liked his food, and asking him where he’d been.
Logan was a little annoyed with him for asking that question. It wasn’t like Leo didn’t know what Logan did. Then again, Leo didn’t know why Logan did what he did.
“You guys get the new madness exhibit up yet, Layla?” Leo was asking the girl with the scarf in her hair. “The one you were telling me about.”
The sandy-haired boy looked up from his food. “The madness exhibit?”
The girl—Layla—cocked her head. “Remus, you…you don’t know?”
“Know what?” the boy—Remus—replied.
Layla sat up a little, looking suddenly awkward. “Your mom donated almost everything we have. I mean…it is your family that’s famous for…”
Remus raised his eyebrows. “Losing their fucking minds?”
Layla winced. “Well, yeah, okay, poor choice of words on my part. But madness isn’t always a bad thing, you know. People say people are crazy all the time. Sometimes they’re just extraordinary.”
Remus looked back down at his food. “My family’s not extraordinary, believe me.”
“Usually extraordinary-ness belongs to one person, I’d say,” Leo said. “My mom’s pretty extraordinary. Doesn’t mean I am.”
“You want to stay on this island, don’t you?” Logan found himself saying. Then, he felt his neck heat and he turned down to his food.
“What’s so extraordinary about that?” Layla replied at the same time as Remus said, “You do?”
Leo just laughed, rolling his eyes at Logan. “I’m with Layla on this one, guys, sorry.”
“What about you, Logan?” Layla asked. “I want the museum after I go to college. At least I think I do. Leo wants The Lion, Remus wants to sail the world…” Remus blushed at that, and Layla’s eyes were very green. “What do you want to do?”
Logan found it strange that they were treating him like that. So normally. Logan knew his necklace was on display. It was easier than explaining why people hadn’t seen him around and pretending to be a tourist. That lead to questions. Being abandoned didn’t. And he was. He was abandoned. People didn’t ask. Most probably thought he had just aged out. People didn’t ask. It was better that way. Logan didn’t have any answers. All he had was the memory of that last night with Finn. Finn had returned to their room, eyes wild and voice urgent.
Come on, Lo, wake up. Wake up, Logan, we have to go. Now.
Logan had felt helplessly awake in the first weeks of being out. He was still sorting through what that meant.
Logan swallowed. “I don’t know. I’m—looking for someone first.”
Remus sighed and mumbled. “Aren’t we all.”
“You are?” Leo asked softly.
Logan nodded. “Or, not looking. I’m just…I’m waiting for someone.”
He knew where Finn was, but Logan knew that he could wait forever and he wouldn’t come. Logan had to take what he wanted. It was a lesson he was learning fast.
“Oh,” Remus replied. “Um…cool. I hope you find them.”
Logan just nodded.
“Well, we should head out,” Layla said, rising. “Gotta get back to work.”
“Sure thing, just pay up front,” Leo smiled. “See you later, Layla.” He nodded at Remus. “Nice to meet you.”
“You, too,” Remus smiled back. “The food was great.”
Logan watched Leo watch them leave, then snort. “That guy looked more spooked than a horse with a snake.”
“Isn’t that what Gods are supposed to look like?” Logan replied.
Leo shrugged. “Usually you can’t see their eyes behind their aviators.”
Logan laughed a little. “Right.” he looked back down at his food, realizing he had begun picking his fries apart, rather than eating them.
“I’m looking for someone too, you know,” Leo broke the silence.
Logan did. Only, he hadn’t thought about it like that. Leo’s dad and Finn. Leo’s dad was probably dead. Finn wasn’t.
“I hope you find him,” Logan replied. “Your dad.”
The Lion was in full swing now, the lunchtime rush loud and boisterous. Leo had a tank top on, and Logan thought he looked a little tired. Sleeplessness showed easily on his skin.
“Do you have to run?” Leo asked instead of responding. “And hide? Like, from the police?”
Logan sat up, instinctively looking behind him. “I assumed I would have to. But…it hasn’t been that difficult.” He laughed a humorless laugh. “I guess I keep overestimating how much people actually care about me. Maybe I should have learned something by now.”
“Maybe you’re just looking at the wrong people,” Leo said quickly, and looked up with a smile, a small one, then down again. “I know a few others who got out. They don’t seem to have trouble, so, you know, if you needed a job or something, you could work in my mom’s workshop. With me. Or here. I’m sure Celeste and Pascal would be all right with it.”
Logan felt taken off guard. “Oh. I…” he thought of the powder packets in his bag. Of the Carrows. How much do you think you owe us by now?
Others? he wanted to ask. What others? 
“Just think about it,” Leo said, and turned towards one of the stove tops to check on some boiling water.
“Yeah. Okay.”
They sat in silence for a long moment.
“It’s a boat,” Leo began suddenly, answering Logan’s yet unasked question. The Voldemort. What his father had been looking for. It was almost like Leo was thanking him for telling the truth about his situation. An eye for an eye. A truth for a truth. Logan sort of liked that consistency. “Was a boat. In the eighteenth century.”
“Oh,” Logan said.
“Biggest story on Hogwarts,” Leo said. “Ten thousand pieces of gold, all fallen to the depths of the ocean just off of Hogwarts’ shores…and never seen again.”
“But if it’s just off the shore…”
Leo smiled a little, shaking his head. “But you have to know where off the shore. Otherwise, you have a whole circumference of miles and miles of open water to work with.”
“And your dad figured it out?”
Leo shrugged, expression closing off a little. “He thought he did.” He cleared his throat as he put an order on the counter for a waiter to take away, and ripped another piece of paper down from the line up to look at. “The Cradle. You know it?”
Logan shook his head.
“It’s a sort of…horse shoe shaped cluster of islands, just off of our southern tip.”
“Salazar,” Logan said quietly.
Leo nodded. “Salazar.”
“Your dad was a treasure hunter,” Logan said slowly. “He was looking for a treasure.”
“Yeah,” Leo said, flipping a crab cake in sizzling oil. “He was.”
“And did he find it? Do you want to find it?”
“I don’t know,” Leo whispered, busy hands stilling. “He never came home.”
Logan nodded.
“He wanted to find it,” Leo said softly. “Really badly. And I… I feel like I should.”
“And was he close?”
Leo glanced up from his knife. “Yes.”
“Leonardo,” a voice came suddenly, entering the restaurant. “What does your mother feed you, you gorgeous specimen?”
Logan froze. He knew that voice.
Leo rolled his eyes, and looked at the newcomers. “Fuck off, Saint. Hey, Sirius.”
“Hi,” a second voice came, and it was closer, almost beside Logan at the bar.
Leo’s eyes caught on Logan’s again, probably meaning to introduce him, but he stopped instead.
“What’s wrong?” Leo asked.
But Logan just shook his head, and then the newcomers—Saint and Sirius—were leaning against the bar. Logan felt the breath beside him catch just as his own had, and he turned to look.
Logan thought the boy standing beside him looked different. Older. More muscular. Squarer jaw. But the same. Same eyes. Same shock of blond hair. Same warm, brown skin.
“Logan?” Saint breathed, his eyes disbelieving.
Logan went to open his mouth, when Saint’s arms were around him suddenly.
“It’s Saint,” he said softly, just for Logan’s ears. He squeezed him tighter. “God, you’re here.”
“Saint?” Logan whispered into his shoulder. No one had touched him like this in what felt like forever.
“Yeah,” Saint said. He pulled back and raised an eyebrow. “Okay?”
Logan shrugged. “I…yeah, okay.”
“Knutty,” Saint’s serious expression morphed into a grin. He leaned against the counter, keeping his palm on Logan. “Handsome as ever.”
Logan blinked at Saint, then at Leo. “Knutty?”
Leo rolled his eyes. “Don’t listen to a word he says.”
“Oh, Logan already knows not to do that,” Saint laughed. He tapped his cross necklace. “We’re practically brothers.”
“Oh,” Leo blinked. “Right.”
The other boy—Sirius—looked just as taken aback.
“Oh, sweetheart,” Saint called in a sing-song voice, looking at Sirius. “Order for us, won’t you? And get us a table? Logan,” Saint nodded towards the door. “Come hither.”
Logan was so thankful to see Saint, he nearly tripped while getting up. A familiar face. A familiar anything. Saint had gotten out almost seven years ago. He’d been there one day, in his bed, in classes, in the courtyard, and gone the next.
“Sweetheart?” Logan asked, glancing back inside at the dark-haired boy, Sirius.
Saint just put his hands on Logan’s arms, eyes more intent than Logan had ever seen them, then on Logan’s cheeks. “Holy shit, how did you get out?”
Logan felt his heart slow, then speed up. He swallowed dryly. “Finn. How did you?”
Saint ignored the question.
“Finn,” Saint repeated, nodding. “Of course. When?”
“About a month ago. And he—he’s still in there,” Logan said. “He’s…And I’m—”
“I hear you,” Saint said. He jerked his head over to the table. “Not now. Let’s get back.”
“Saint?” Logan asked again.
Saint rolled his eyes. “Leave it alone. For now.”
Saint hadn’t been ready. He hadn’t seen Logan in nine years, but he’d know his face anywhere. All eyelashes and sad, green eyes. A smile he wore with Finn only. He looked spooked now, and tired. They’d sat at the bar, watching one of Leo’s shifts go and another one come, then moved to a table. Watching it get dark outside now, Saint wondered where Logan had been living for a month.
He eyed the backpack that Logan held so protectively close, and thought of the way Dorcas did the same thing.
Saint had a bad feeling.
“So, how’d you two meet?” Sirius said, gesturing between Logan and Leo with a fry when Leo brought over more water.
“Party,” Leo shrugged after a moment of hesitation. “Shack Beach.” He jerked his head at Saint. “You two were there, judging by Sirius’ shiner. Could hear that fight at my house, probably.”
Sirius rolled his eyes. “I didn’t start it.”
“True,” Saint said, wondering how he had missed Logan that night. “Some God—albeit a beautiful one—thought we were selling Crucio.”
Saint flicked his eyes over to Logan. Sure enough, he blushed.
Saint cocked his head. “The horror. Dangerous stuff.”
Leo looked at Saint quietly, and glanced at Logan, then back to him. Saint nodded. Got it, it said.
“Well, would you look who it is,” said a deep voice from behind them, and then there were two strong arms around Saint and Sirius. Pascal placed a loud kiss on each of their heads.
“Eck,” Sirius laughed. “You smell like grease, old man.”
Pascal Dumais laughed. “Grease that feeds you, maybe. And who’s this?”
“Dumo, meet Logan,” Saint said. “Logan, meet Pascal. He owns the Lion with his wife, Celeste.”
“The most beautiful woman in the world,” Pascal said, accent heavy. “Logan, it’s nice to meet you.”
Saint watched Pascal eye Logan’s necklace.
“We were together at Saint Clair,” he supplied.
“Maybe not so loud,” Logan said harshly. “Saint.”
“Oh?” Pascal said, and squinted at Logan. “Who are you with now, mon cher?”
Saint watched Logan open his mouth, frozen, and was about to speak up when—
“Me,” Leo cut in. He looked down at the carrots he was chopping as he said it. “Me and my mom.”
Oh, Saint thought.
“Oh, Leonardo,” Saint sighed. “Un ange.”
“Not my name,” Leo said.
“I know.”
“Yeah,” Logan replied to Pascal’s still questioning gaze. “Yeah.”
“I see,” Pascal nodded. “Well, I’m happy you and your mother will have a helping hand now. I miss your father dearly, mon fils.” He smiled sadly at Leo.
Leo just nodded. “Yeah.”
“Him and his treasure, eh?” Pascal said. “A wonderful man. I miss going out on that boat of his.”
Leo’s smile was small, but fond. “Those were some of his favorite mornings.”
“Treasure?” Sirius asked.
“Black!” a new voice shouted. “Thank fuck.”
Saint looked up when Sirius did. James and Remus were barreling towards them from the dark outside.
“Good lord,” Saint said. “Rain, from Olympus. Water my crops, why don’t you.”
“James?” Sirius said. “What are you—”
James and Remus walked right up to their table—Remus looking slightly more reluctant. “We have a question.”
“How did you know we were here?” Sirius raised an eyebrow. “I mean, just…it’s a little out of your way, non?”
“Remus came here earlier, and when I told him—well, you’ll see—he said maybe you’d be here.”
Saint watched Sirius’ eyes narrow at Remus, confused. “Okay…”
“Well, it’s good to see you again, tweedle-hot,” Saint said to Remus. “Up close this time. We actually though you were going to sail right out of sight this morning.”
Sirius stepped on his toe beneath the table.
“Excuse me?” Remus choked out. “What the fuck did you—”
James blinked at Saint, then shook his head, as if to right his thoughts. “All right, setting every strange thing that comes out of your mouth aside for a moment —where is Dorcas?”
“Meadowes?” Logan chimed in.
James’ eyes turned on him. “You know her?”
Saint raised his hand. “I have the same question.”
“Well,” Logan hesitated. “Sure.”
“And she sells Felix,” James said, as if trying to confirm the information.
Logan narrowed his eyes. “Says you.”
James sighed. “I’m not here to turn her in, Jesus, I just have a question.”
“Do…” Sirius was looking at Logan. “Do you sell…”
“What kind of question?” Saint cut in.
Remus spoke up. “A does-she-deal-to-Luke type of question.”
Saint laughed. “Deveaux?”
“You know who Luke is, Saint,” Remus sighed.
“Well, yeah I do, Lupin, he tried to buy off me,” Saint shook his head with a tisking sound. “Turns out he’s a prejudice piece of eye candy. Who knew.”
“Come on,” James sighed, rubbing his eyes beneath his glasses. “Please, Sirius, come on.”
Sirius shrugged. “We don’t know who Dorcas deals to. We’re not involved.”
“If you did would you tell us?”
Sirius smiled, just a little. “Probably not. But I really don’t know.”
James sighed, sagging away from the table. He looked at Remus. “Fuck.”
“What were you hoping to accomplish here?” Sirius asked slowly.
“We—” Remus said, then sighed, too. “We were going to see if she would agree to stop. If it was her, if she would stop giving it to him.”
“We’d pay her,” James added. “Obviously.”
Saint scoffed, and Logan laughed a little, too, from beside him.
“Obviously,” Saint mimicked.
“We just meant—” Remus began.
“We know what you meant,” Sirius said.
Saint popped a fry into his mouth. “If we’ll clean your pools for a few bucks, we’ll grant you three wishes, too.”
“Jesus, Saint,” James groaned.
“Mary. Joseph—”
James ran his hands through his hair. “We’re sorry, we misspoke. We’re just trying to help our friend. His dad got taken to jail, his mom pops pills all day and night.  That’s already draining what little money the bank didn’t seize and if he wants to do anything with his life he needs a straight head. Just—fuck, we’re just asking.”
Saint prided himself on gathering information, but most of that were things he didn’t know. Luke’s dad had got taken away. But the pills? The financial distress? All of that paired with that guarded snarl the boy always seemed to wear…it almost made Saint feel sorry for Luke Deveaux. He almost said so.
Instead, he said, while twirling the cross around his neck. “Wow, he must feel like an orphan or something.”
“All right,” Remus sighed. “James, let’s just go.”
“What does he look like?” Logan said suddenly before they could turn to leave.
James looked a him warily. “Um. Sort of blond-ish. More brown-haired, I guess. Big guy, built and tall and all that. Oh, he’s got this green spot in one eye.”
Logan nodded. James raised an eyebrow. Saint waited.
“How much will you pay me to stop selling to him?” Logan finally said. He rose as he did, slinging his backpack over one shoulder. “That’s a lot out of my pocket.”
“Logan,” Saint said, but Logan didn’t look at him.
James blinked. “I—oh. Oh, uh—God, what do you want? Two hundred?”
"One grand,” Logan said.
James laughed. “Dude. Who the fuck are you? No, I don’t have that much just—on me.”
“Logan,” Saint warned again, and this time Logan did look at him. Saint shook his head softly.
“Fine,” Logan said through his teeth, and held out his hand. “Two.”
James took his wallet out and handed over the cash.
“Thanks,” Remus said from a little behind James’ shoulder. “Really.”
Logan just nodded, shoved the bills into his pocket, and headed for the door.
“Pardon,” Saint sent a grin to them all, and followed him.
Once they were outside, Saint gave him a wack on the back of the head.
“Fuck,” Logan swore. “S—”
“You get out of that shit-hole and you go around selling Crucio? To Gods?”
“I mean, seriously, what the fuck was that? Do you know how not careful that was?”
“I don’t even know who that boy is,” Logan bit back.
Saint blinked. “What?”
Logan looked out towards the ocean where they could hear the waves crashing against the shore. “He offered to pay, and so I told him what he wanted to hear. When his friend shows up hallucinating next, that’s their problem.”
Saint scoffed. “Fine, okay, clever boy. But you do sell Crucio.”
“Felix,” Logan countered. “And yes.”
“Crucio. And no.”
Logan shrugged. “I need the money.”
“For what?”
Logan looked at him and, this time, his eyes were hard. Desperate. “For Finn.”
Saint froze. He opened his mouth, and then closed it. “Excuse me?”
“If I can get enough cash, I can get Finn,” Logan said.
Saint stared at him, and then Saint laughed. Then, he laughed louder.
“You’re shitting me,” Saint said. “You think that?”
“What do you…”
“You think you can buy Finn out?” Saint repeated incredulously. “You think you can walk back in there and buy Finn out.”
Logan took a breath. “He—”
“Logan, Jesus Christ,” Saint snapped. “You walk anywhere near that place and you are never getting back out.” Saint pressed a hand to Logan’s shoulder and shook him. “Do you hear me?”
“I need to do something,” Logan shouted back. “I need to do something, I can’t just leave him in there, he’s everything to me.”
Saint shook his head. “He got you out. Don’t waste that.”
Logan nodded, eyes bright with tears now. “And you know he got punished for it. You know he did—”
“Stop,” Saint spat, glancing around, as if anyone could hear. “Don’t.”
“You could help me,” Logan said, wiping his nose. “Bash, you got out once—”
“No,” Saint said, and turned away. “No. And don’t call me that. Don’t you ever call me that.”
“Please,” Logan begged. “Please—Saint.”
Saint whirled on him again. “I am never going near there, and neither are you. Finn’s still in there, fine. But he’ll need to get himself free like us if he wants it bad enough.”
“I owe money,” Logan began, then his breathing hitched. “I owe them, I took some of it to see—to see Finn and…Bash—Saint—”
“Them?” Saint took a step forward. “Them?”
Logan pressed a hand over his eyes, but Saint walked forward and pulled it away.
“Logan,” he said lowly. “Tell me you didn’t.”
Logan closed his eyes, mouth twisting against his tears.
“Tell me, right now, that you didn’t let the Carrows tell you they’d help you. And that you didn’t believe them.”
Logan shook his head, not in negation, but in defeat. “I need him. I need him, I’m so…I’m alone.”
Saint pulled Logan against his chest and let him cry. The sobs heaved out of him for a long while, until the collar of Saint’s shirt was wet. Until Logan was breathing softly again, exhausted, and until his voice sounded shot when he spoke.
“You’re really staying with Leo?” Saint asked, more gently this time.
Logan nodded.
“I have a place, too. Here, in The Hollow. If you want.”
“With the others?” Logan rasped.
“What others?”
“How many others are out?” Logan said softly.
Saint shook his head, fingers in Logan’s hair. “Just me, that I know of.”
“You still wear it,” Logan said, pulling back to look at him. “The cross.”
Saint let his hands drop with a last touch to Logan’s hot cheek. “So do you.”
They were both silent.
“I’m sorry about Finn,” Saint said rigidly. “I know how much he meant to you.”
Logan’s brows pulled together. “He’s not dead.”
Saint nodded. “Right.”
“Saint…” Logan began, and Saint heard the almost B instead. “Would you—just thinking about it—“
“No,” Saint said, and then turned and went back inside.
Sirius, back at the table, looked at his face, and then at his wet shirt.
“Okay?” he asked softly when Saint sat down.
“Just dandy,” Saint replied, and looked towards the door. Logan was gone.
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girls-scenarios · 4 years
A Little Curiousity
Idol: Heejin (Loona)
Prompt: Guys! Can u do smth like a AU with Heejin where the reader and Heejin are POKEMON TRAINERS!!(im rly hyped about the new pokemon games!!!) Where her pokemon got lost in the woods and the reader helps her find her pokemon and decide to continue their path to the Pokemon League together!
Writer: Admin Kiwi
A/N: I just finished playing Pokémon Shield on my Switch and I’m still super excited about it since it was so fun, so I thought I’d try my hand at this prompt! Please forgive me if my writing isn’t the greatest, it’s been a while since I’ve written anything. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy!
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Heejin wouldn’t normally consider herself a slow or inattentive person. After all, being a trainer had heightened her senses and made her pay more attention to her surroundings. But she had been in the middle of setting up her tent when it happened, too distracted with her full hands to react fast enough. She hadn’t even noticed Star, her Raboot, curiously approaching the tree as she focused on getting her tent up before the approaching clouds could open their floodgates.
She hadn’t noticed until the sky lit up with lightening, the ground shook with the force of the thunder, and he let out a loud squeak just as something hit the grass. At the squeak, she had turned just in time to see him dash off into the woods after a very large, very startled Skwovet, leaving her and the rest of her team to stare after him.
“Star! Stop!” She’d called after him, but it was too late. By the time she had jumped to her feet, he was gone and the skies opened, pouring a heavy rain down onto the campsite. She had only taken a moment to corral her team into the tent and tell them to stay before she ran after him, but he was already long gone.
Now she was soaked through and gasping for air, her new boots covered in thick mud as she stopped to catch her breath under a huge oak.
“Stupid Skwovet, how did it just jump out of nowhere like that?” Heejin huffed and stomped her foot as she looked around, squinting through the rain. “Star! Come here!” A distant roar answered her call and she shivered, clutching the Pokeball at her side that contained her Mubray Champion, the only companion she’d thought to bring with her in her haste. God, this was so stupid. She was going to catch a cold wandering around out here. Thankfully she’d left her backpack with her clothes at the tent so she could change when she got back.
She went to take a step forward, then froze. Her tent. Where was it again? A bit frantic, she looked around, but all the trees just looked the same, especially under the heavy rain. Gulping, she glanced back at her footprints. Would she be able to follow them back?
Half of her wanted to run back the way she’d come, but she knew that she couldn’t leave Star out there alone. Groaning, she wiped at her face with the back of her hand, swearing to herself that she was going to get a leash the next time they were in town. There was no way she was going to let this happen again. She was miserable as she started forward again, cursing everything. Stupid rain, stupid Skwovet, stupid curious Raboots, stupid woods-.
“Hey, are you okay?” The voice that came from deeper inside the woods made her jump and stop in her tracks again, her head swiveling around to try and find where it came from. “I heard you out here in the rain so I came to see if everything was alright. You’re totally soaked!”
She found herself looking to her right and watching as you stepped out of the darkness, an umbrella over your head and your eyes wide and concerned. For a moment, she was apprehensive, until she noticed that the belt around your waist was full of Pokeballs and you had a Pumpkeboo trailing after you, peeking at her from over your shoulder. Somehow, you seemed a bit familiar as well, but she couldn’t tell why. Not through the rain and the darkness that lingered in the woods at all hours of the day.
A quick glance down at herself had her feeling embarrassed and she let out a soft laugh, pushing her wet hair away from her face. “Well, I don’t know. My Raboot ran off into the woods while I was setting up camp and now I can’t find him in the downpour.”
Your frown was sympathetic as you stepped forward, close enough to cover her with your umbrella. Now that she wasn’t moving, she realized how cold she was, making her shiver again. Your frown only deepened. “You aren’t going to be able to find anything in this downpour. Why don’t you come over to my camp? It’s right back through these trees here. I’ll give you some of our curry and you can warm up by the fire while we try to figure out how to find that Raboot of yours.”
For a moment, she hesitated, before realizing that you were right. She could barely see anything and Star wasn’t going to come out from wherever he was hiding until the rain ended. “You’re right. Thank you,” she said, a grateful smile stretching over her lips as she wrapped her arms around herself, trying to conserve as much body heat as possible. “I owe you one. My name is Heejin, by the way.”
You smiled in return as you started to guide her back the way you came. “I’m (Y/N), and don’t mention it. It’s the least I can do for a fellow trainer. You’re trying to get your gym badges, aren’t you?”
With a raise of her eyebrows, she asked you how you knew, drawing a laugh from your lips.
“I’m a trainer too and I’ve seen you at the past few gyms. You always challenge right before me, so I’ve seen you fight a few times. You’re really good!”
“Oh, thank you.” Her face burnt a bit at the praise, but she was thankful for the warmth so she didn’t turn away. Instead, she studied your face, before her eyebrows raised in recognition. “That’s why you looked a bit familiar to me! I’ve definitely seen you at the gyms before. Although I guess I’ve never seen you fight,” she said sheepishly, making you laugh again.
“That’s okay, like I said, I’ve been after you, so I wasn’t expecting you to stick around and watch every round. Not while there’s still so many of us challengers. It’s nice to officially meet you though.”
“Same to you, although I wish we’d met under slightly less.... Wet conditions.”
“True. Oh, we’re here!” The trees disappeared suddenly, giving way to a small clearing just big enough for a campsite, where your other Pokémon ran over to great you. You had your tent set up and your curry cooking, and she felt her stomach grumble. It had been a long day, and even though she’d given her team berries to tide them over until dinner earlier, she hadn’t eaten in a while.
“Come over here and warm up,” you told her, guiding her under your makeshift shelter by the fire before closing your umbrella and going about filling up a plate. With a happy sigh, she leaned closer to the fire and smiled at your Vulpix as it wandered closer, sharing its warmth. As she let Champion the Mudbray out to run around with your team, you approached her with the plate. “Here, have some of this.”
The curry was spicy, and she let out a hum as she swallowed her first bite. “That’s delicious!”
“Thank you,” you said, a smile stretching over your face as you sat down and let the Vulpix climb into your lap and snuggle close. “I’m glad you like it. Most of my experience is in cooking for Pokémon, so I’m always a little worried that it might not be edible for humans.”
It was her turn to laugh before she took another bite, already feeling warmer. Before she knew it, she had already finished the plate and she felt warm inside and out, most likely thanks to the extra heat Vulpix had added to the fire. The rain had let up as well, and there was a bit of sun peeking through the clouds as the downpour turned into a tiny drizzle.
“I can’t thank you enough,” she said earnestly, “I feel a bit guilty for taking up your time,” but you waved a hand, dismissing her guilt.
“Don’t worry about it, Heejin. I’m glad I was able to help.” You looked out at the woods. “Now that you aren’t going to freeze to death and it’s no longer raining, we should start looking for your Raboot.”
Her stomach dropped and she sighed, placing her plate down and standing up. “I feel terrible for leaving him out there in the rain.”
“It’s not your fault, you couldn’t find him,” you soothed, putting Vulpix down and standing up as well. “I’m sure he was able to find shelter in plenty of time. Pokémon are animals, after all. They’re good at surviving the elements.”
“That’s true. But I still want to find him as quickly as possible.”
“Then let me help.” You whistled, getting the attention of the Pokémon. “Come on guys, let’s go find Heejin’s Raboot!” Turning back to her, you raised your eyebrows. “Does he have a name?”
“Yes, his name is Star. You don’t have to do this, you know. I don’t want to be a bother.”
“But I want to.”
Something in her heart fluttered at your words and she felt her cheeks flushing. “Oh. Well then, thank you again (Y/N). His name is Star. Hopefully he’ll come out now that’s it’s not raining as much anymore.”
The ground was still muddy, but the trickle of sunlight made it easier to say and, without the drumming of the rain, it was easier to hear all the different sounds of the forest. With Champion trotting behind her and you by her side, Heejin made her way back into the woods, calling for Star. She had to admit that having you by her side made her feel a lot better: the various sounds from other wild Pokémon didn’t scare her as much anymore. No matter what was out there, surely the two of you would be able to take it. It gave her more bravery to search, and search she did, looking anywhere she thought Star might hide.
“Star, come here! It’s not raining anymore, you can come out now!” Crouching down, she peered into another den, only to quickly back away at the sight of a sleeping Bunnelby and sigh. “Where is he? Maybe he went back to camp?” She stood and dusted off her still-damp pants, about to suggest that the two of you try to find your way back to her camp before you let out a gasp.
“Heejin, I think I found him!” At your call, she spun around to see you peering up into a short berry tree, your eyes wide. “Hey little guy, how did you get up there?”
Heejin broke into a run, clearing the short distance in no time with her heartbeat spiking in her chest. Sure enough, when she looked up she saw Star shivering and clutching at the branch he sat on, his little ears wet from the rain and his eyes quivering. “Star! Oh my god, you scared me!”
The little Raboot sniffed and glanced away, trying to look cool, but she could see him shaking. With a relieved smile, she reached up to pull him down and clutched him close to her chest. “Don’t ever do that again! I know you’re getting bigger, but what if you had run into a big wild Pokémon? Poor baby, you’re soaked through.” She quickly unzipped her coat to wrap it around him before zipping it back up, and he snuggled closer to her chest, obviously exhausted. With an affectionate, yet long-suffering sigh, she pet his little head. “I’ll cook your favorite curry when we get back, okay? It’ll warm you right back up.”
When she looked up, you were looking at her with a similar affection twinkling in your eyes, your hands in your pockets.
“Thank you so much again for finding him,” she said, shaking her head. “I should have known he’d be up in a tree looking for food.”
“How did he even get up there?” You looked back up at the branch he’d been sitting on, looking a bit incredulous. “I’ve never heard of Raboots climbing trees, that’s for sure. I just happened to look up and see a flash of red and white.”
She laughed, still softly petting his head. “He’s too adventurous for his own good. Add that to his endless energy, his speed and constant growing, and his huge appetite, and you get a Raboot with no problem getting into trees. He doesn’t climb as much as he runs and jumps.”
“Oh, that makes more sense.” Your smile returned and she felt her heart flip as your eyes met hers, the spark of affection still lingering. “I’m glad you found him. I can’t imagine how scary it is to loose a Pokémon.”
“I acted annoyed, but I was really scared,” she admitted. “I don’t know what I’d do without this little guy. He was my first Pokémon ever.”
“I can tell how close you guys are. It’s cute.” You grinned and her cheeks warmed again as she watched the sun slip in through the leaves to light up your face. It was like the universe was asking her to fall for you or something.
“I-I... Thank you?” She let out a nervous giggle, then perked up at the familiar sound of her Liepard’s call. It was somewhere close by, which meant that her camp wasn’t far away! “Champion, can you lead the way back?” He gave her a little nod of his head before she turned to smile brightly at you. “My camp is close by, why don’t I give you some potions as a thank you?”
“Oh, you don’t have to!” Your eyes widened as you waved your hands. “I just wanted to help, I didn’t want anything in return!”
“Still, I want to do something to return your kindness. I’m really glad I ran into you out here.”
Your face immediately softened at her words and you fell into step beside her, a small smile on your lips. “You know, I always wanted to approach you at the gyms, but I was too nervous.”
“Really?” Her mouth dropped open. “Why?”
“You seemed to be so good, so confident, so, um, pretty,” you blushed as you spoke, looking down at your shoes. “I was intimidated by you, honestly. But now I see that I should have approached you sooner.”
“I can’t see myself be intimidating,” she said, still shocked, before her lips turned up into a hopeful smile. “Want to make our way to the next gym together? It would be nice to have some company on the journey, and I want to get to know you better.”
You visibly perked up at her suggestion, just as Champion broke through the woods into her camp, returning to the happy calls of her team. The sun was bright as the two of you stepped into the clearing, and your eyes sparkled in the light as you beamed at her, making her heart skip more than just one beat.
“I’d love that!” You exclaimed, and her smile stretched to match yours, all of the fear, and cold from earlier being replaced by an excitement that lit a fire in her chest, different from the competitive determination she’d felt at the beginning of her journey.
“Great! This is going to be so much fun, I just know it.”
As she placed a sleeping Star into her tent and covered him with a blanket, listening to you coo at her other Pokémon, she couldn’t feel the annoyance she’d felt earlier, forgetting her promises to scold him when she found him. Instead, she pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead before sitting back to admire you, full of anticipation for the future.
“I never thought I’d say this, Star,” she said in a whisper as she stood up to head back out to you, head already spinning with plans of what she wanted to do with you. “But I’m so glad that you’re the curious type. I’ll cook you something nice to thank you for this when you wake up. I have a feeling that this is going to be big!”
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shysneeze · 4 years
persuasion (part three)
George Weasley x  Malfoy!Reader
Description: a quidditch match at the burrow has the reader and george flung together again and more of the past creeping up 
Warnings: it’s 2 am, i’m not convinced ik what this is but i think it’s angsty again, i swear again most likely, lmk if i missed something pls 
authors note: I... don’t even know if this is coherent english 
tag list: @andineversawyoucoming @theweirdsideofstuff @the-grey-lady13 @peanutem @paigeyisme @wolfiepirate @sir-lili
(pls let me know if u don’t wanna be tagged anymore ik it’s awkward but id hate to think i was annoying you so i don’t mind :))
series masterlist
(Y/N) can hardly tell if she’s shaking from the cold or her nerves when she arrives in the grassy meadows of the infamous Burrow. Although the sun sits high in the cloudless March sky, the bitter chill of winter lingers and nips at her bare fingers and she grinds her teeth to stop them chittering, suddenly regretting her decision to leave her scarf at home, though glad for the flask of coffee in her tote bag.
The apparation point she’s arrived at is a bit of a distance from where Fleur explained the match is to take place, although from here, (Y/N) can see the lopsided silhouette of the childhood home George so perfectly describe to her during nights spent curled together in the astronomy tower. She can hear the faint rumble of laughter and chatter ahead and begins to worry she may be very late, picking up her pace as she trudges up the gravelly path.
It’s not until at the brow of a small hill, (Y/N) can make out what is to be the makeshift pitch for today’s match, a flat grassy field parked outside the topsy-turvy looking building she can recognise from just the stories. She remembers being guiltily envious of George’s family back then, the way he described it as loud, but cheerful, and basically everything the Manor was not.
(Y/N) is startled by how quickly that feeling has resituated itself in the pit of her stomach at the sight of the red-headed family and their friends on the field. She can no longer hide her nerves, an anxious feeling unfurling in her chest as she gets closer. She forces herself to keep on track, reminding herself that she’s here for Fleur, not to punish herself like her subconscious has suddenly decided.
Fleur’s voice carries from the end of the path to where (Y/N) has temporarily frozen to calm herself. Her friend’s excitement has a smile inching itself up (Y/N)’s cheeks and her feet moving again until Fleur is flinging her arms around her.
“You came!” She gushes.
“I RSVP’d.” (Y/N) reminds, smile wavering at her friend’s doubt in her. “So here I am.”
“Well it’s so good to see you.” Fleur grins. “I was just wondering when you’d arrive.”
“Am I late?” (Y/N) grimaces.
“No!” Fleur assures quickly. “No, we’re still setting up.”
“Oh.” She sighs in relief. “Can I help?”
Fleur lets out a light laugh as she loops an arm through (Y/N)’s and begins to walk them towards the others. (Y/N) can’t figure out what it is about her question that’s so funny until they’re stood behind a plump red-headed woman, hand on her hip as she gives out orders to her various children.
“You’re supposed to be getting rid of the last of the gnomes!” She chides. “Oh, Hermione dear, not you, it’s okay.”
“Not a chance Molly will let you help.” Fleur whispers, an amused edge to her voice. “Hermione’s not been a guest in years and she’s still exempt.”
“Ron, I told you to help your brother get the brooms- it’s like herding Nifflers with their eyes on someone else’s watch!”
Fleur chuckles softly at her mother-in-law before taking a step away from (Y/N)’s side and tapping the older woman’s shoulder gently as her friend’s eyes widen in panic, longing to reach out for Fleur and pull her back. She needs at least a five-minute inner pep-talk before she’ll be prepared to meet the Weasley’s mother.
It’s too late though, the lady of the house is already turning with a startled jump to face her daughter-in-law, questioning look in her eyes. Fleur nods toward (Y/N), who can only hope her face doesn’t display the sheer distraught she’s feeling inside.
“This is the friend I was telling you I was inviting.” Fleur informs. “(Y/N) Malfoy.”
(Y/N) does a bad job at hiding how she flinches at her own surname, a habit she’s had since she was old enough to realise how other people viewed her family. She gulps at the lingering confusion on Mrs Weasley’s face before the woman is plastering on a kind-hearted smile and stretching her hand out.
“Lovely to meet you, (Y/N).” She says. “Molly Weasley.”
(Y/N) scrambles to wipe the nervous perspiration from her palms embarrassingly before reaching out for the older woman’s hand and shaking it. A glint of amusement, one that mimics the twin’s in a way, flashes in the older woman’s eyes.
“Nice to meet you, Mrs Weasley.” (Y/N) says. “Thank you for having me.”
“Of course.” Mrs Weasley waves her hand dismissively. “A friend of Fleurs- and Fred’s, is a friend of the family.”
“T-thank you.” (Y/N) stutters. “I didn’t know what sort of food to bring but uh, I brought coffee.”
Embarrassment finds (Y/N) quickly, flustered by this woman’s kindness, that seems to ignore all the horrible thing (Y/N)’s family did to hers. No one warned her growing up how much guilt her surname carried, especially when the rest of her family wore it like a badge of honour right until the war. It’s worse right now though, stood in front of George’s mother, feeling as though she’s lying by omission.
“You needn’t have brought a thing.” Mrs Weasley smile kindly. “But thank you nonetheless.”
“Can I help set up at all?” (Y/N) tries, making Fleur smirk.
“Goodness, no.” Mrs Weasley laughs. “You’re a guest. No, just you find yourself a seat, my dear.”
There is no time for protest on (Y/N)’s part as Mrs Weasley is already shouting at Fred and Ginny for bickering on the pitch, exclaiming ‘you’re not even in the air yet!’. Fleur gives (Y/N) a smug look before nodding the pair onwards.
After a moment, they begin to discuss the teams. (Y/N) can only agree that it all seems rather unfair, observing that half the Gryffindor team are here, a mixture of the Weasley’s and their friends, not to mention Ginny’s professional status.. They’re laughing together at this when (Y/N) collides with a red-headed man, drawing several expletives from his lips and then a hasty apology.
“Oh shit, sorry I didn’t see you…”
George trails off, eyes meeting his unfortunate victim’s as she rubs at the spot where the broom sticks he was carrying had smacked her on the head. She drops her eyes to the ground upon recognition of his identity and mutters out a quiet apology and assures him he’s fine. Her heart is racing, much like last time they’d met eyes at the Leaky. He frowns having not expected her at all today, taken off guard, again.
“I didn’t know you were coming.”
“I RSVP’d.” She repeats with a sigh. “Oh, you didn’t know that.”
“No.” He admits.
“I invited her.” Fleur assures. “I told Fred.”
“That explains it.” George sighs loudly. “Stupid git.”
“Well, we’re going to get seats.” Fleur announces. “Try not to knock her over on your way past.”
“I wasn’t paying attention.” (Y/N) mumbles. “My fault.”
She looks up shyly and meets his brown eyes again, gulping at the intensity of the look her gives her. She thinks for a moment he’s never going to look away when a voice from the pitch snaps his attention away and she feels like she’s free to breathe again.
“C’mon, George.” A woman she recognises as Angelina Johnson, calls. “We need those brooms to play!”
George gives both Fleur and (Y/N) a sort of apologetic look before shouldering the boom sticks again and jogging towards the pitch where the rest of the players wait impatiently for him. Fleur watches as (Y/N) stares wide eyed at the ground, trying to still her panicked heart. She gently touches her friend’s arm and tilts her head in concern.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” (Y/N) exhales. “Sorry, it won’t even bruise.”
Fleur purses her lips and holds back from explaining that’s not what she was asking about. (Y/N) gives her a clearly forced smile then begins to walk again.
When they finally take a seat on one of the many picnic blankets by the other spectators, (Y/N) pulls out her flask of coffee from her tote bag and hands Fleur a cup cheerfully, as if it’ll distract from the interaction she’s just witnessed. From  the pitch, Fred is waving at them, beaming happily.
“You came!” He hollers.
“I RSVP’d!” (Y/N) calls back, barely hiding her frustration.
He lets out a laugh at her reaction, his body shakes with it and his eyes crinkle like George’s do, head tilted backwards as he chuckles. It rids her of her upset at being doubted, bringing a smile to her lips. She can note now, no longer preoccupied by trying to fight off a mental breakdown in the middle of the Leaky Cauldron, that she likes seeing him healthy
She remembers when she found him during the battle, laying almost lifeless on the ground, she wasn’t sure he’d ever be healthy again, even after she’d used all the healing spells she could think of. Hearing he’d recovered after the war was one of the first time’s she’d felt anything other than numb since Harry’s victory.
“Where’s your kit?” He calls.
“I don’t play.” She returns defensively.
“What?” He asks. “Too scared we’ll beat you?”
“Aw c’mon.” He tries. “We’ve got a spare broom.”
“Leave it, Fred.” George says, eyes lifting to find (Y/N)’s before jumping away again. “She’s scared of heights.”
(Y/N) looks away with what she hopes comes across as embarrassment, although her mind is already whirring with the fact he remembers. She finds herself swiftly falling down what she knows will be a self-destructive path and wondering what of her other quirks and habits he remembers, if he remembers how she takes her tea, or if he thinks of her when her favourite song plays. It has her feeling terrible in thirty seconds, a split second of hope killed in an instant by her own guilt.
Fred gives her an apologetic look and she shakes her head in assurance that it’s okay. He turns back to the rest of his team and leaves only Fleur staring at (Y/N) with a curious frown. (Y/N) offers her a shrug and sheepish smile that her friend sees straight through.
“I didn’t know you were scared of heights.” She frowns.
“Oh, well it’s my secret silly fear.”
“Hmm.” Fleur hums.
Fleur opens her mouth as if looking for what to say next as (Y/N) sips at her coffee and avoids eye contact, as if that will in anyway make her friend less suspicious. Fleur seems to give in though, lips shutting in what looks like defeat. (Y/N) Is glad when people begin to mount their brooms, a welcome distraction for both the women.
It takes a bit for the game to get into full swing but when it does, (Y/N) finds herself transported back to Hogwarts, sat in the Slytherin stands pretending she cares what her house’s team does, spending the entire game watching George as he flies. She watches him now, still as impressed as she always was, yet still as anxious.
“You nearly fell sixty feet.” (Y/N) hissed, pacing the boys changing rooms long after everyone else was gone. “You’re an idiot.”
“I’m fine.” He rolled his eyes.
“You could have died!”
“I didn’t though.” He grinned proudly. “Were you worried about me, Love?”
She fixed him a harsh glare at his teasing, but her face softened when he reached for her, fingers fumbling for her hand and pulling her in until she landed on his lap. He pushed some hair from her face and gave her a genuine smile.
“You’re very cute all worried like that.” He exhaled. “I might nearly die more often.”
“Don’t you dare.” She warned but cupped his cheeks in her hands. “Never again.”
She leaned in and kissed the forming bruise just above his left eyebrow, the cut on the bridge of his nose and then, just in case, the mark on his jaw that she couldn’t decipher as a bruise or just some dirt. He smiled lazily at her before tilting his head in order to connect their lips in a kiss.
“I’ll try not to worry you again.”
He had, she recalls, continued to worry her almost every match. However, now she feels like she doesn’t have the same right to be worried, yet she still finds herself clutching her cup tighter every time he does a flip or when he seems like he might miss the bludger. She finds herself letting out a breath of relief when the game is called a while later.
“That was a good game.” She speaks up.
“Even with the tie.” Fleur agrees.
“It was to be expected with such a high skill set on each team.” (Y/N) shrugs.
“I’m just glad Bill is finally on the ground again.” Fleur laughs softly. “It’s like I’m holding my breath the entire time- it’s silly.”
“No, it’s not.” (Y/N) assures kindly. “Quidditch is dangerous- probably more so with your siblings.”
Fleur gives her a grateful smile before turning back to the pitch, where Lee is being grilled for his referee skills, making (Y/N) chuckle to herself. Her eyes catch George, grinning with his family and friends. Fleur follows her gaze and nods.
“You see it too?”
“Angelina and George.” Fleur explains. “We always thought Fred but recently…”
(Y/N) hadn’t noticed in fact, she was more entranced by his  lovable lopsided grin, but now her eyes find him again and she does see it. Initially she’s more perplexed by it than anything else because Fleur is right, it was always Fred. Now though, Angelina is leaning in to George, grinning up at him and laughing dramatically at his jokes and (Y/N) despises how it makes her feel, because she left him and he has the right to move on. However, her guts are churning with jealousy and she hates it.
“Yeah.” Fleur laughs at her expression. “Confusing, huh?”
“Hmm.” She nods.
“There are few bets on it.” Fleur informs. “I haven’t decided yet.”
“I won’t weigh in.” (Y/N) manages a chuckle. “Definitely not my place.”
It becomes quickly noticeable from that point onwards and (Y/N) almost wishes Fleur had never pointed it out. As the day moves on and they all sit haphazardly spread out across the various picnic blankets, (Y/N) does find it slightly easier to distract herself though, her eyes rarely making their usual trip to George a few feet in front of her, though every so often she can feel his eyes on her. However, she finds herself somewhat relaxed as she chats with Fred and Bill.
“I’m impressed you came after seeing this idiot drunk.” Bill jokes from Fleurs side. “It’s not pretty.”
“Ouch.” Fred gasps.
“I have a feeling the morning after was uglier.” (Y/N) smirks.
“You have no idea.” Fred agrees. “George was no help either- wouldn’t bloody shut up.”  
Fred’s eyes meet (Y/N) with this, a hint at what George wouldn’t shut up about perhaps, or even who. (Y/N)’s panicked is stilled when she realises his eyes don’t hold any malice or anger, though she’s not sure why not. It’s almost understanding, the look he gives her. Despite her resolve not to, she finds herself peering over at the boy in question.
She’s caught though, his eyes filtering away from his conversation to meet hers and she inhales sharply. Something in her reaction this time has him smirking, shaking his head as he turns back to the heated debate on the best type of broom with Angelina and Ginny. It’s mortifying to (Y/N), like he’s seen her panic and knows he’s done it, what’s worse is she knows she deserves it.
She misses the time that smirk would find her across the classroom, knowing and infuriating, and almost always the gateway to a quick snog in a hidden corridor, or at dinner, across the sea of other students and only for her, swiftly followed by a wink. She hates that that smirk suddenly has guilt swirling in her stomach instead of butterflies.
“Are you okay?” Fleur whispers.
“Yep.” She assures with a faked smile. “Great.”
It’s when her watch reads four o’clock that (Y/N) finds herself excusing herself and flung into a seemingly endless chain for farewells. She’s again amazed by how accepting everyone is of her presence, all calling for her to join them again soon. It’s after a hug and a muttered ‘thank you’ from Fleur that she stands to leave.
She’s jittery with a sort of pride as she leaves With a few hiccups, she’s still happy to have managed to hold conversations and to relax. She doesn’t feel so compelled to cry as she had at the Leaky certainly not until she gets home. Certainly not until George’s voice is suddenly halting her in her tracks.
That about does it though, her surname said with that animosity. She doesn’t want to turn around from fear of her distraught showing on her face. She’s only a few meters from apparating, so close that a few steps would do it. However, slowly, she turns to face him.
“Am I supposed to just call you Weasley now?”
She winces the moment it leaves her lips and lets out a quick apology. She’s no idea where it came from. He has an eerily unreadable expression, instead just passing her the tote bag she apparently left behind. She takes it shyly, eyes casting down to her feet as she thanks him. He shrugs at her, already turning on his heels. She stands still for a moment then finds herself tempted again by a part of her she has no right to have.
He stills but doesn’t turn around and she smiles at his stubbornness, so familiar to her.
“You described it all perfectly you know.” She explains, voice soft in the quiet of the meadows, the house, and the others far behind them. “Your house and your family… I know why you love them so much.”
She doesn’t give him time to answer, already taking those few steps and apparating with a crack before he can even turn around again. He breathes out a disbelieving chuckle and shakes his head as he retreats towards the house. 
She’s always saying things he doesn’t expect and impressing him, and she knows how to make it bloody difficult to hate her.
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coyotesongwriting · 4 years
Bad Decisions Can Have The Best Results
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Avengers - Bucky Barnes/Reader
Story Summary: Working on a farm in the summer heat with no water was not your best decision. Thankfully, someone's there to help.
Word Count: 1433
Author’s Note: I may or may not have forgotten to bring water to a u-pick farm like this, thus the inspiration. Also, Home and Confession’s next chapters are coming along - I just really wanted to write this today.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters so don’t sue me please. I just really like them haha
When you’d made the decision to quit your high paying job to take your dream job even though it paid less, you knew you’d have to be smarter with your money. It only made sense then that when you heard about a local farm offering up to 3 boxes of produce for $15 that you take the deal. You’d eat what you could fresh and freeze or can the rest to make sure you had fresh(ish) food for a while. The only downside was you had to pick it yourself. What could go wrong with that?
You’d barely slept the night before, having stayed up late binge watching your favorite show, and so you started the day exhausted. It only got better when you arrived at the farm with your 3 boxes and realized it was a rather warm day. You didn’t really see any issue with it, until you started picking in one of the hot houses. A lot of the produce was already really picked through and you were struggling.
By the time you moved to the outside fields, you were already sweating and cursing yourself for having forgotten to bring a water bottle with you. You had been working at a desk job lately, so you weren’t in the best shape of your life. As the box of produce grew heavier you decided to take it back to the car and grab one of the empty boxes, make it a little lighter to maneuver.
As you headed down the rows of vegetables, you noticed the heat stroke was really settling in. You could see your car, it wasn’t even a quarter mile away but it felt like it was going to take hours to get there. When you finally reached the shade of the barn, halfway to your car, you took a seat on the ground next to your box.
“Are you okay? Do you need any help?” her voice was pleasant and you found yourself blushing, embarrassed at being caught like this.
“I’m fine, I left my water in my car” you lied, not wanting to admit that you hadn’t even thought to bring one with you at all.
“I can watch your box if you want to run and get it?” she offered, frowning at the exhaustion evident on your face.
“No thank you, I’m not far” you pointed at your car.
She tried protesting, but eventually she gave up and headed out to the field herself when you promised her you’d be fine. After she left, you leaned back against the wood of the barn, eyes shutting as you let out a low groan. It was bad enough you’d forgot to bring water, but now people were noticing the weird girl just relaxing against the side of the barn. You weren’t a big fan of the fact that you obviously looked like you needed help, but you couldn’t bring yourself to get a move on just yet.
“Can I help you, ma’am?” a man’s warm voice spoke, and you jumped slightly. You hadn’t even heard anyone approaching.
“No, I’m fine. I’m just gonna die here and then you can have my box” you chuckled, refusing to open your eyes. You didn’t want to see whoever it was - with your luck it would be a hot guy and you’d be sitting here, drowning in sweat and dying of heat stroke.
His laugh was soft and you couldn’t help the smile that slid onto your face as he spoke, “Well we can’t have that. You’re too pretty to die here among the tomatoes.”
At that you cracked one eye open, eyebrow raised. It took your eyes a moment to adjust to the bright sunlight and you immediately found yourself wishing you hadn’t looked. You’d been right when you assumed he was of course going to be handsome, but it wasn’t until you spotted the metal arm that you realized who he was. Of course you’d meet Bucky Barnes when you were dying of heat stroke and looking like complete trash. Just your luck. Couldn’t meet him on a day when you were looking good or even just feeling good, nope. Not you.
It wasn’t until he laughed again, louder this time, that you realized you’d spoken those last thoughts aloud and you let out a groan of frustration, leaning your head back against the barn. Sometimes, you really made the worst decisions.
“Come on, Doll. Let me help you to your car.” Bucky picked up your box in one hand and held out the other one to pull you up.
“It’s fine, I am more than happy to just wait to die here, Mr. Barnes.” you groaned, but when he didn’t budge you placed your hand in his and let him pull you to your feet.
The two of you walked in silence over to your car and he slid the box of produce into the backseat. You on the other hand immediately sat down in the passenger seat, exhaustion over taking you.
“Hey, where’s your water? You really should drink something.” Bucky’s voice finally broke the quiet.
You let out a nervous chuckle, “Okay, so, don’t laugh, but I may have forgotten to bring water with me.”
“Stay here. Do not go anywhere.”
“Couldn’t even if I wanted to.” you smiled when he looked at you puzzled, “That would require me moving and I’m good here.”
Bucky rolled his eyes playfully and jogged away. You hadn’t even noticed the other Avengers were here as well until he reached them. Your eyes traced the faces and you named them as your eyes wandered. Captain America, Tony Stark and his family, Black Widow, Falcon, and Hawkeye. He leaned over the small cart and grabbed something, talking to them. Suddenly, it seemed like all of their eyes were on you and you wanted nothing more than to just go back to dying against the barn. You waved half-heartedly before placing your hand over your face, hoping you’d just disappear. Embarrassing yourself in front of one Avenger was bad enough. All of them? Well, this would be the memory keeping you up 50 years from now - you were sure of it. When Bucky finally returned, he was holding two water bottles. He unscrewed the top and handed it to you.
“Yes, sir” you saluted him playfully before taking the water from him. You chugged that thing like a frat guy at a toga party.
Bucky raised an eyebrow before handing you the second one, and when you began to sip that one he finally spoke. “I don’t think you should be driving anywhere for a while. Where do you live, doll?”
For a moment, you hesitated, unsure if you should answer. Yes he was a guy you’d never met before, but he was also an Avenger. If you couldn’t trust an Avenger with your address, who could you? When you finally gave him your address, he smiled. It wasn’t far from the compound at all.
“Can I drive you home?” his voice was soft now, reassuring.
“You don’t have to worry about me, soldier. Go have fun with the other Avengers - just stay out of the hot houses. Those things are death traps.”
“I won’t be having any fun at all if I’m worried that the prettiest girl in New York is driving home in this condition. I’d hate for you to get hurt.”
“Flattery will get you everywhere, Barnes.” you snickered before continuing, “No but seriously, I’ll be alright. You don’t have to worry about me. Besides, you don’t even know my name”
“[Y/N] [Y/L/N].”
You blinked slowly, “Well that’s not creepy at all there.”
He pointed at the security badge hanging from your rearview mirror, “Besides, you’d be doing me a favor. Clint’s really driving me up a wall and this is the perfect excuse for me to escape. Help me?”
The puppy dog look in his eyes was enough to do you in, and you sighed, handing him the keys. He waved once at the team, and as he shut your car door you could see Tony and Clint shooting him double thumbs up. He climbed into the driver seat next to you, and the smile on his face was enough to make you glad you’d met him today.
You’d been right when you said this would be the moment keeping you up 50 years later. Only, it wasn’t out of embarrassment. It was gratitude. The simple bad decision of forgetting water led to you meeting hte love of your life, and your future husband.
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cl-babydew · 6 years
I Can’t Get Too Close
(They are 16 in this)
(This took me two months to write and I’m finally finished, YES!! So I wrote this fic for @debbigail-lover, as a surprise for secret Santa, but I’m soooo late! XD You deserved this, you were working so hard, and plus you had no one, other then others who also surprised ya!!! And you made me something, which you didn’t have to, but you did, thank you so much for that too lol!!! I hope you all like this!!! Warning, it seems long! XD This book is gonna be painful, but with a very cute ending!!! Oh and before we start, I’d like to thank @sophfandoms53 for helping me write this, she was there to help me right away, and calm me down when I was stressing over this fic!!! XD Bless you Soph, thank you so much, I love you both!!!! Also, I rewrote this fic twice! And I hope this came out good, cuz it doesn’t seem in character to me, but maybe that’s just me?! XD enjoy!!!) (WARNING: I suggest having a tissue box, or ice cream, or something to cling on...yea) (Click on ‘read more’ to have the whole fic)
“We need to talk.” Webby closed the door behind her, standing in front of Dewey. He hasn’t been himself lately, she noticed when she invited him to join her in search of an agent artifact, he told her that he didn’t feel in the mood. Whenever has he not been in the mood for an adventure?! At first she didn’t think anything of it....until he began avoiding her outside of adventure.
He stood up, rubbing his arm, “Look, Webby...” he paused, getting caught in her eyes, then blinking to come back from losing himself, “I just-...it’s hard to explain...please just leave me alone.” He turned around, he didn’t mean to sound rude, he just didn’t want to...he couldn’t....lose her.
“Please, talk to me!” She moved her fingers through her hair, frustration clearly showing. “Did I do something wrong? Just tell me, then I’ll leave!” She demanded.
He flinched, “You wouldn’t understand.” He pushed past her, walking out the room.
“Dew-“ He was gone. She slide in the chair by the desk, covering her face, “What went wrong?”
“Ahhh, we finally made it!” The Scottish adventurer breathed in, “Smells like adventure.”
Louie covered his nose, “Smells like old hot dogs to me.” He gagged, stepping over what he hopped was dirt.
“Where are we anyway?” The red triplet spoke up, looking up from his book.
“The Cosmos!”
“The what?” Louie was tuned out by the two squeals coming from one of his brothers and friend.
“The Cosmos!” Webby repeated, with stars in her eyes.
Dewey came to a stop, his eyes starry as well, but lessening, “W-what’s that?” He looked to Scrooge.
“Why, it’s the best place tu go when stargazing.” He paused, pulling out his map, “But it’s also secretly known fer buried treasure behind breathtaking waterfalls. And we are here tu see if that myth is true tu its tale.”
Louie’s eyes sparkled, looking up from his phone, “Did you say, treasure? What are we waiting for?! Let’s go!” He zoomed off with the speed no one realized he had.
Scrooge called after him, “Be careful lad, yeu don’t know where yer going, yeu could hurt yerself!” He picked up his map, chasing after the hooded, clueless, duckling. Huey following close behind.
“Stargazing!” Dewey singed.
“Waterfalls!” The girl chimed.
They grinned, high-fiving, then scurried after the others.
Her cries kept ringing in his head, not allowing him to sleep in peace for at least one night.
He squeezed his eyes, turning to his side, facing the wall, “Please...” He whispered in the base of night.
He sat up, he couldn’t handle much more of this. He got up, grabbing his blue coat, creeping out the room, hoping to not wake his brothers.
“Isn’t it beautiful.” Scrooge whistled, gazing at the waterfall, the sun illuminating a rainbow.
“Are we going to be checking every waterfall?” Huey squinted up, feeling drops of cool mist hit his feathers, it felt nice in this heat.
“Of course not! There’s only one waterfall that was said tu be marked with treasure.” He held out his cane, holding back the blue triplet, who he saw out of the side of his peripheral vision. “Jumping in the water isn’t very safe or smart, especially not in this water.”
Dewey’s shoulders slumped, Webby put a comforting hand on his shoulder, “Sorry Dewey, but Uncle Scrooge’s right.” She smiled brightly, which slowly earned a tiny smile from Dewey, causing familiar butterflies to form in the pit of his stomach. He just ignored the feeling like he always did.
“Fine.” He groaned.
“Are you guys coming, or what?!”
Scrooge scolded, “Louie! What did I say!” He began stomping over to Louie who was a good bit a head.
Knock, knock!
“Dewey?” The sailors eyes widened, looking through his opened door, “It’s the middle of the night, what’s wrong?” He rubbed his eyes.
“Sorry for waking you.” Dewey walked in, sitting at the table booth.
Donald smiled, yawing, shutting the door behind him, “I’m fine.” He turned to Dewey, frowning, “But, what’s bothering you?”
He didn’t answer. His stomach twisted into knots, the feeling of holding himself back. Emotions whirling inside him, screaming to burst out any moment.
“Bad dream?” Donald assumed.
Dewey cracked a tiny smile, “I wish, but no.”
“Oh...did...did something happen that I don’t know about?”
Dewey’s face scrunched up, shrugging, “I guess you could say that.”
“Does...does it have to do with your mom?” Donald crossed his fingers under the table, hoping this wasn’t the case.
He shook his head, fiddling with his fingers, “Not this time.” Though his mom was another issue, it wasn’t the main problem of his actions lately.
Donald looked around the room, his eyes stopping upon a picture. He got up, Dewey’s eyes followed, “A girl perhaps?...” He trailed off, he turned back to Dewey, his face revealing most of the truth. He walked back to the table, sitting down, revealing the picture, “Someone like...this girl.”
Dewey turned away from the photo, his cheeks were slightly hinted red.
Donald smirked, “Bingo”
He rested his chin in the palm of his hand, his eyes more alert now, “Is that all?”
Dewey turned his head slightly, “You pretty much got it...”
Donald’s smile melted into a sad one, “Did something happen between you two?”
“Not in the way I’d-you’d think.” He rubbed his face.
Donald frowned, “Continue, please.” He relaxed his shoulders, watching as Dewey breathed in, looking out the illuminated moon light window.
“Are you sure you know where you’re going?” Huey backed away from one of the waterfall’s edges, shivering from the steep drop.
“Of course not!” Scrooge called back, gripping his cane to steady himself.
“What?! That’s it! We’re lost! I didn’t even get to live to see the day where I earned all my badges!” Huey’s eye twitched just a bit, anxiety coloring his face.
“We aren’t lost!” Scrooge sighed, “It’s called instinct, lad. I let me instinct guide me, it’s how I became such a good adventurer.” Scrooge grinned, keeping a close eye on Louie.
“Instinct?! Yea, we’re going to die!” Huey muttered, stepping over rocks, clutching his beloved book to his chest.
“Think positive!” Scrooge chimed, stretching his arms out to the world, still gripping onto his cane.
“I’m positive we’re going to die!”
Scrooge muttered something under his breath, something about needing a vacation.
He looked over his shoulder, spotting Dewey and Webby lagging behind, “Try tu keep up yeu two! I don’t want tu be scolded by yer Uncle and Grandmother fer not keeping track of yeu two.” He called over his shoulder.
They turned from the mesmerizing waterfall, as if they were in a trance.
“Coming!” They harmonized, speeding up a bit.
Scrooge held his hand out, and tugged at Louie’s hoodie. The others almost collided into each other.
They watched with raised eyebrows, as their great Uncle gazed across the view, licking his finger, then pointing it up in the air.
“This is it.” He squinted up at the double waterfall, avoiding the rapid stream connecting into another.
“Really? Are you sure?” Huey spoke unsteadily over the cheers.
“Surer then I’ll ever be.” Scrooge chuckled, pointing his cane up.
Huey blinked, soaking in their surroundings. It was a pretty view, and even though he hated to admit it, he needed to put a little more trust in his great Uncle...for now at least.
“I can already smell the treasure!” Louie chuckled, rubbing his hands together, smirking bigger then ever.
Scrooge smiled fondly, breathing in, he’s glad he has someone to share money senses with, “Atta lad!” He patted Louie’s shoulder, “Now let’s go, but be carful as we do so.”
Louie nodded, following as Scrooge led.
Dewey pulled Webby back, tugging her arm, she frowned, “What?”
Dewey shouted over to Scrooge, “We’ll catch up!”
His faint voice vibrated over to them, “Be carful! I don’t want tu be caught dead by yer Uncle an Grandmother if something were tu happen tu ya both. Webby, keep a close eye on the lad, will ya?” Even tho he couldn’t see, Webby nodded. Webby had his most trust out of the others.
Dewey rolled his eyes, his hands still wrapped around Webby’s arm.
Webby turned to him, glancing at her arm which was still gently in his grip, “Why are we catching up later?”
Dewey shrugged, “Let them find their treasure, while their digging for gold, we’ll be going on our own adventure! Are you up for it?”
“Of course!!!” She grinned widely, to which he returned.
She looked around, letting her arm slip from his grasp, “We just have to stay close so we won’t get lost, so, where to first?” She looked back to him, her eyes shimmering with excitement.
Dewey hummed, “I haven’t figured it out yet, but let’s see where the wind takes us!” She nodded in reply.
“Let me get this straight, Scrooge Let you two, wander off?! ALONE?!” Donald eyed an uncomfortable Dewey.
“Yessss?” Dewey sqeaked, tensing up.
Donald breathed, closing his eyes.
Dewey look around, the air becoming thick, “...U-Uncle Donald?”
After a few moments of deep breathing, he shifted to Dewey, “Please continue, I’ll let Scrooge have his last few moments of breathing before I kill him.” he rubbed at his forehead.
Dewey shuffled in his seat, chuckling awkwardly, “You’re joking right?”
Donald gave him a look, causing Dewey to shiver, turning back to the story at hand.
“So me and Webby went off...”So me and Webby went off...”
The two ducklings were running around, feeling the breeze against their feathers. Butterflies flew around them, one landing on Webby’s beak, trying to hold back laughter so she wouldn’t scare it off. She whispered to catch Dewey’s attention.
“Dewey! Look!” He snapped around at her call.
He chuckled, stepping a bit closer to inspect the butterfly, only to be really caught by her eyes. Webby’s eyes traveled to Dewey’s, her breath getting caught in her throat. None of them noticed the butterfly leaving, they were too lost within each other to notice the things around them.
Her eyes were such a sparkly color, he couldn’t look away. It struck curiosity within him, it made him want to move closer, to go swim deeper in her eyes. He wanted to know more, he needed to know more. He just had to. 
For her, it was basically a roller coaster of emotions. These emotions confused her to no end, why is this happening? Why does this...this feeling cause her cheeks to feel warm, was it getting hotter? It had to be the heat...right? His eyes...they were too much, but not enough at the same time. She wanted to reach out and touch them, they seemed like stars that she wanted to catch and explore.
Sadly though, a rumbling quake snapped the both of them out of their trances. They held onto each other’s arms, trying to steady each other.
Webby looked behind her, she was really close to the edge, and below were rocks and a huge drop with water rushing around vigorously. If she fell...she was for sure doomed. This thought caused her to grip onto Dewey tighter, her nails deepening, which he ignored, more worried about their surroundings.
Dewey tried to walk back slowly, but because of how much the ground was shaking, it was too much of a risk. Which normally he’d take, but he didn’t wanna risk losing his best friend. It wasn’t worth it. But if he didn’t move-
The ground behind Webby started to crumble under, inching away, closing in to swallow her.
This had to happen of all days, and adventures! He cursed under his breath, his his tightening around her arms as well.
He caught a glimpse of Webby’s fear, her eyes, looking through his as if it would apply her an answer.
“W-why is this happening?!” Webby screeched over the sound of the world crumbling around them.
Her foot slipped off the edge, quickly planting it back, “Dewey, we have to move!” She screamed as another foot slipped, she inched closer too Dewey, he wrapped his arms around her.
“If we move then it’ll make this situation worse!” Dewey shouted. He was scared, for him and her, what are they going to do?! How could he save her?!
“Dewey!” Webby screamed once more, she slipped out of his arms, and down to his hands. “Help!” She cried, tears falling like the waterfall near them.
His heart raced, he gripped her hands, but as he tried to pull her with the strength he had, another rumble shook the ground, causing his best friend to slip through his fingers.
...All he could do was watch as she pummeled to the rocks, and rough waters in slow motion. He failed! He-he couldn’t protect her. He was useless...he felt vulnerable. Why can’t he look away! Why isn’t he jumping after her?! Why was his body frozen and forcing him to watch this happen to his best friend! To the one he loved! He loved her! He needed her! He needed her eyes in his life! “Jump!” He tried to scream to his body, but nothing. He deserved this, he deserved to live with this, showing his failure. This’ll play over and over as a way to punish him for failing. He deserved all of this...she deserved none of it.
He saw her hit a huge rock. Everything went numb, he heard faint shouts from behind him, he felt his cheeks burn and tingle and soak with tears, He felt his clothes becoming soaked from ether sweat or rain. He didn’t move, his eyes rested upon Webby’s lifeless looking body on a rock down below. His body was paralyzed. He couldn’t move.  His beak apart.
He snapped back into reality, it seemed he was in a hospital. He saw a body lay in the bed in front of him. He got up, hand resting on the rail, the blue clad swallowed hard, memory hitting him like a tilde wave.
Before he knew it, he was in tears, hunching over, hiccuping, catching his sleeping brothers attention. He could faintly hear his great Uncle and Beakley arguing outside the room.
His brothers came to his side, wrapping their arms around him, as he shook them off, “Don’t touch me!” His voice raised a bit, quivering as his tears continued to fall. His brothers flinched back, eyes red.
“I failed, Huey! I was supposed to protect her! This is all my fault! She’s...” He trailed off, seeing the needles in her hands, and the braces around her arm and neck. He broke once more, “It’s my fault! I...she might be gone because of me!” He sobbed, sinking into the chair behind them, covering his face.
“It should of been me...” he mourned silently.
“...All of it was my fault. And I made a vow that I’d try to stay far away as possible from her, because I didn’t want to hurt her, I caused so much damage already. And I realized that everything terrible that happened, the issue about mom, Webby, the family splitting, mom ending up on the moon-everything! Was my fault. So I distant myself from Webby and adventures as much as I could...I know Webby isn’t happy about me ignoring her...but it’s for the best.” Dewey sighed, feeling guilty, drawing loops on the table with his finger. 
Donald blinked, processing everything. He was shocked to say the least. His nephew, the one he was supposed to project, care for, remind that he was something special, him and his brother, was in so much pain,“Wow...”
Dewey rested his eyes, the image of her lifeless body in the hospital bed, haunting him.
“Yea...” he whispered.
Donald looked over to him, frowning, “Dewey...”
He hummed, signaling that he was listening, or at least half listening.
Donald’s eyes were shooting everywhere around the room, his mouth trying to form words. His nephew has been through so much, he really thought everything was was because of him?! Oh how he took after the Uncle. “Heh, ‘Father like son’, more like ‘Uncle like nephew.” he chuckled sadly at the thought.
Clearing his throat, Donald positioned himself to face Dewey better, “You remind me of...well, me! When I was younger anyway...”
Dewey’s eyes fluttered open, sitting up enough to look up at his Unlce, “Really?”
He nodded, “Really.” He smiled sadly.
The sailor rubbed his hand through Dewey’s hair, messing it up a bit. Dewey fixed it out of habit, with a slight annoyed look.
“How?” Dewey mumbled, glancing at his reflection across the room through one of the mirrors hung against the walls. He winced at the sight of the bags under his eye, he really needed sleep.
“Well, I used to blame everything on others like your great Uncle Scrooge for instants, but I knew deep down that most things were my fault...” Donald trailed off, smiling fondly at Dewey’s yawn.
“Did you ever distance yourself from anyone?” 
Donald didn’t wait a beat to answer that question, “Your mom, but of course she wouldn’t let me get away that easily. Especially when Daisy would confront her about everything I told her.” He laughed, “Those two were like two peas in a pod, they told each other everything. Though, your mother was a bit annoyed that I was confronting Daisy and not her about it...” 
They stood silent, staring into the night sky of the window. A sound of one of Donald’s generators kicking on.
Dewey muffled into the table, rubbing his arm with his thumb, “What do I do, Uncle Donald?”
His Uncle turned to him, “For starters, let’s get something clear” holding up a finger,  “not everything is your fault. None of that was your fault, Dewey...you can’t control what happens...it just happens, weather if you want it to, or not. Something that took, even myself, a while to understand.”
Dewey looked down at the table, arms still around his head, thinking back to when he went see his mom in the past, but learning that he couldn’t save her. It hurt to know the truth.
“But...” Donald sighed, looking down at Dewey, smiling softly.
The blue triplet slightly looked up at him, peeking from behind his arms, “But?”
“You may not be able to change what happened in the past, but you can change the future by making the present right.”
“Uncle Donald?” 
“Tomorrow, talk to Webby, tell her how you feel. Spill your heart out to her...because you may not get another chance if something were to happen.”
Dewey’s beak was slightly apart, his heart beating against his chest. He watched his Uncle, who’s eyes were now looking out the window.
Donald looked back at Dewey, “I promise you, she’ll understand...more than you think.” He smiled yawning.
It went quiet, the blue Duckling was trying to process his Uncle's words. Confess?! Spill his heart out to her?? Tell her  how he feels?! But...how could he....?
Donald rested his hand on Dewey’s shoulder, “Trust me.”
Dewey swallowed, nodding once, and smiling a bit, “Thank you, Uncle Donald.”
The sailor pulled his nephew into a hug, rubbing his back, “Anytime, Dewey...anytime...”
He led Dewey to the door, “Now off to bed with you. You have some day tomorrow.”
The blue clad’s face was flushed, “Yeah.” He chuckled nervously, butterflies already swarming within him, “Goodnight Uncle Donald.”
“Goodnight Dewey.” Donald smiled, waving the sleepy Duckling off, watching as he got in the house safely. Donald’s shoulders relaxed, not noticing that they were tense earlier. He closed the door behind him, whispering, “Good luck.”
The next morning Dewey stopped in front of his best friends room. His hands shaking, he rubbed his sweaty palms on his shirt.
“Ok Dewey, you can dew this...” he muttered under his breath.
The house was too quiet to what he’s used to, he could hear himself think, which wasn’t a good thing in this moment.
Closing his eyes, and breathing in, he balled his fist and tapped the door once barley audible.
“Whelp, looks like no ones home!” He turned on his heels, only to run into his older brother, glaring down at him.
“Hey Huey...what-what’s up?” He chuckled nervously.
Huey raised an eyebrow, smirking, “Uncle Donald wanted me to make sure you didn’t chicken out.”
Dewey laughed, “Pffff, me? The Dewey Duck, chickening out?! Yeah right!” He puffed out his chest, grinning. “Thanks Uncle Donald.” 
Huey wasn’t convinced, “Fine then, Dewey, how about you actually knock this time.” He smirked, hearing his brother growl something under his breath.
Dewey turned around, stomach twisting into knots. “Here I go...” his hand inched closer to the frame, “I’m going to knock...” heart pounding, he was afraid Webby might be able to hear before he could even knock, his hand flew to his side, spinning around, “I can’t do it!” He groaned.
Huey chuckled, ‘I knew it.” He shook his head.
“I’m sorry, it’s not like this is easy! It’s harder then it looks.” Dewey sassed.
Huey rolled his eyes, smiling, “Oh you got it bad for her, don’t you.”
Dewey folded his arms, biting his bottom beak, a faint blush spread to the side of his cheeks.
The eldest sighed, resting a hand on Dewey’s shoulder, catching his attention, “I suggest you do it now, or Louie will for you.” Huey warned.
Dewey’s eyes widened, “NO!” He covered his beak, looking over his shoulder to the door, then turning back to Huey in a whisper, “No! He can’t! He’ll make this worse, he might even blackmail me if he found out about my feelings for Webby!”
“Who says he doesn’t know?” Huey smirked.
Covering his face, Dewey groaned, “Am I that obvious?”
“Yep.” A familiar voice popped up from behind them, causing Dewey to jump.
“How did you-”
“A magician never reveals his secrets-”
“I texted him.” Huey blinked, frowning.
Louie mumbled, “Sure, take the fun out of it.” He shoved his hand into his pockets.
Huey rolled his eyes.”You betrayed me!” Dewey held a hand on his chest dramatically.
“Oh grow up!” Huey snapped, rolling his eyes.
“Don’t tell me to grow up! You’re still a Jonior Woodchuck. 16, and you still can’t get into the Senior Woodchucks!” Dewey whisper shouted.
Huey gasped, gritting his teeth, “You. Take. That. Back!”
“Then you take what you said back!”
Louie looked between his brothers, clutching his phone, “You guys are acting like children.”
“No one asked you Louie!” They spat.
“Oh you just poked a bear!” He pounced on his blue brother, Huey being dragged down by Dewey.
Humming to herself, the duckling with a pink bow wrapped a string around a photo, pin pointing certain pictures of the McDuck, and Duck family.
“Ow! You’re gonna pay for that!”
She overheard, what she assumed to be Louie, quack.
Some days she was fine with hanging out with the boys, going on adventures with them, and even learning new things about them...
She grasped the handle, opening the door.
...Other days, well...
“Guys?” She spoke over the shouting, seeing them freeze. Dewey was holding Louie’s arm behind his back while he was trying to look up at her, one eye and cheek squished on the ground. Huey on the other hand, was in the middle of pulling the blue siblings hair, messing up his perfect zoosh, as he called it. “What is going on?”
The boys hummed in course, trying to think of an excuse, scattering off of the ground and untangling from each other. They glared, before allowing their full attention on her.
“Well...” she gripped the handle, tensing at the sound of her voice, 16, and she was already starting to sound like her granny.
Louie pushed Dewey in front of them, changing the subject, “Dewey needed to talk to you!”
“Very mature, Louie.” Dewey muttered.
She squinted at the other two, them caught Dewey glaring at them. He glanced back at her, to which her eyes softened. He shuffled awkwardly under her gaze.
Webby sighed, stepping to the side, “Oh...um...” she trailed off, shuffling uncomfortably.
He hesitated, catching her smile that seemed fake, even for her. He began to slowly walk in.
Once he had his back to her, she leaned out the door to whisper to the others, “And don’t even think about east dropping!”
They gave her an innocent look, she continued to eye them as she slowly closed the door behind her.
After a bit of silence and staring at the frame of the door, Huey glanced over to Louie’s direction, “So...we are totally spying, right?”
Louie grinned, “You know it!”
They crept up to the door, listening in.
Closing the door behind her, Webby stayed facing the frame, her head swarmed like a hive of bees.
“I see you’re adding more to the bored.” He chuckled, trying to lighten the thick air. He leaned near a picture of him and his brothers when they first met her, “Heh, it’s crazy to think that was 3 or 4 years ago, it feels like it was just yesterday.” The glimmer in his eyes faded as he frowned, peeling his eyes from the photo, he turned his head to face her. She was still facing the door, her body frozen like a statue.
He stepped a bit away from the board, “So about last night, I-”
“Do you have a problem with me?” Her voice was just a soft whisper.
He questioned, “What?”
“Did I do something wrong?” She twisted around, he could tell she was holding back. He hated seeing her like this.
“Webby-...you...no...” dang it! “Words, this is not the time to stop working!” He scanned the room like it would give him something to say, anything at all! His face was scrunched up.
“Then why are you like...this?!” She motioned to him, frustration coloring her face. “You haven’t been yourself lately, and you’ve been avoiding me!” A tear slipped down her rosy cheek. She made no motion to wipe it away.
His heart pounded against his chest, fighting back his own tears, he avoided her eyes, “I...I just wanted to protect you...”
“Protect me?! From what?!” Her arms flew around
He didn’t answer, holding his arms, looking at his webbed feet. How could he explain to her that it was him, he was protecting her from. It was him, that messed up so many times, that it was his fault she got hurt and could’ve- that it was him who caused everything bad to happen, that he was the issue, that...that...THAT...he loves her...it was all him...
“I know you, Dewey, and this isn’t you!” She snapped, looking him up and down.
His head jerked up, she was looking at him like she didn’t know him...didn’t recognize him...he was still him...right?? He was still Dewey Duck! The bravest adventurer around, after Scrooge of course...he was still...Dewey...
“Why are you acting like this?!” She whispered.
Something in him suddenly broke, “Because it’s me! This is the real me, weather you like it or not! That’s fine, because I don’t even like the real me! But this is me. I’m sick of hiding behind a mask! I’m sorry if you don’t like what’s behind the mask. If you don’t, why don’t you just try and erase me from your memory.” His heart stopped, and from the looks of her gaping beak, hers did too. Oh gosh, why did he just say that?! Why did he have to snap at her!? Why did he say THAT?! Why was he even here?!
He saw her beak tremble a bit, tears forming in her eyes, “Webby...I...I didn’t mean-”
“What about me?” She shouted, her tears were falling like waterfalls, but yet, she still looked beautiful, “What? You think you’re the only one suffering? Dewey, you are the only person I can ever be this vulnerable with! How can I trust you...if I don’t even know who you are anymore?! How...how can you trust me?! Can we even trust ourselves?!”
“You are not my Dewey!” She spit out, her voice cracking. Her hands turned into fist, knuckles turning white. 
They stood in silence, all he could do was watch as the one he loved fell to her knees, her hair a mess, sticking to her stained cheeks. He did that to her...
He came to her side, slowly falling down to his knees near her. He gently put a hand on her shoulder, a bit hesitant at first.
“I’m...I’m so sorry...this is exactly why I distanced  myself...and all you wanted to do was talk...” his voice cracked, but he didn’t care, all he cared about right now was the girl hunched over her knees, sobbing.
She moved her hands from her eyes, looking to him, “I’m just worried about you...I don’t want to lose another-” she hiccuped, he pulled her into a hug. “I can’t just forget you...and I don’t want to forget you.”
“You may not be able to change what happened in the past, but you can change the future by making the present right...” his Uncle's voice rung through his head.
“Shhh...” he smoothed her hair.
“Dewey...” Webby sniffled, pushing back to look at him, “This is hard for me too...you’re not the only one hiding behind a mask...It’s so hard to be yourself when you are afraid others will judge you, and-and you feel the real you isn’t enough...”
He sucked in a breath, “Webby...”
She looked him in the eyes, both of them could see how broken they were, they were complete messes.
How could she not love who she was?! She was Webby Vanderquack! She was beautiful, talent, shined brighter then the stars!!! He loved everything about her! But apparently...she didn’t?
The girl in his arms took in a shaky breath, eyes slipping from his. He didn’t want her to stop looking at him...
“Webby...you are incredible! You’re a granddaughter of a secret agent! You’re so cool! You light everyone’s world up! How could we not love you?! Yes you may have flaws...everyone does...” he rubbed the back of his beck sheepishly, “You light up my world Webby...you’re my best friend! You’re super talented! No one can do what you do! There’s only one you, and I’m glad I met you. I’m glad I have you in my life, we all are, we love you, for who you are! You’re spunky, courageous, brave, goofy, smart, a warrior with a big heart, dare I say...beautiful...we love you so much. You’re just so remarkable, I don’t know what any of us would do without you. And...even though we aren’t enough for others...we are enough for each other.” He pulled her into another hug, hearing her gasp into sobs once more, she clanged onto his shirt, burying her head into his neck.
He didn’t mind her messing up his shirt, she needed this, and so did he. They gripped onto each other for a while.
Once her hiccups settled, he let her climb up to her bed, sitting on it, while he sat on the side of her.
“You don’t have to tell me anything if you don’t want to...you can go...” she rubbed her eyes, they were puffy and red.
He wrapped his arm around her, allowing her head to rest on his shoulder, “I’d rather be here. Plus, I owe you the truth after these past few months.”
He let his arm fall, putting his hands on his knees, shifting a bit on her bed, slightly facing her. He breathed in, then out, eyes closing and reopening,  “The truth is, I was protecting you from myself...” he glanced up at her, then back to his hands.
“Why?” Webby sniffed, still recovering from earlier, she played with a strand of her hair. Something she did to calm herself, or when she was nervous.
“I didn’t want to hurt you anymore then I already did...I already caused so much, and seeing you in that hospital bed...I realized so much, Webby. So I had to...I promised myself that I would protect you from...well...me.” He laid back on the bed, covering his eyes, he cried so much, he didn’t think he had any tears left in him to shed.
His hands uncovered, realizing Webby was studying him, her smile was soft, and her eyes were glossy, “Dewey, it wasn’t your fault...yes you may cause some problems-”
“Hey!” He nudged her shoulder, earning a giggle that escaped her beak.
Webby continued, “As I was saying...not everything is because of you...and you don’t have to protect me, I can protect myself. Especially against you.” A smiled played on her beak. “But it’s sweet of you to want to protect  me...but I’m okay now, and I’m here. Oh and plus, I got this cool scar!” She showed him her arm, which had a medium sized scar across it. He chuckled, resting his head on top of his arms.
“...because you may not get another chance if something were to happen.”
His cheeks warmed up a bit, he watched as she collapsed near him, sighing.
“We are such messes.” Dewey chuckled.
“No one’s perfect.” His head turned to her, she turned to him, their eyes locked, her hair sprawled around her. He gave her a soft smile.
They fell into each other’s eyes...the world disappearing round them...they missed this. Her eyes twinkled, stars shinning within her eyes, breathtaking. He noticed her pink hinted cheeks, the way her bow complimented her features. His hand reached up to move a tiny lock of hair from her face that wasn’t resting on the bed, too caught up in the moment to comprehend what he was doing. Her hand followed up to his, gently grabbing onto his. His thumb rubbed over the back of her hand.
They ignored the fast beats of their hearts, the butterflies fluttering in their stomachs, the only thing on their minds were each other. Dewey hadn’t realized how close they were until his eyes snapped to her beak, then back at her eyes. He could feel her breath on his face, and he bet she could feel his. He’d count all the times she’d blink. She bit her beak, causing him to want an kiss her.
They slowly came closer to each other, Dewey’s hand rested on her cheek, while her hand rested on top of his. Their beaks were inches apart, eyes slightly open.
Before they knew it, their beaks were connected. The kiss is soft and gentle, but sends a wave of fireworks through them both. Once Dewey pulls away, Webby felt lightheaded.
“What was that for?” She felt her warm cheeks, her voice was out of breath.
He breathed, “Because...I love you, Webs...” he heard a light gasp, “I have for a while now-”
She cut him off, her beak back on his, surprising him. they broke apart, catching their breaths.
“I’m crazy about you!” He confessed, chuckling.
She giggled, “I love you too, Dewey!”
He kissed her nose, wanting to hear her giggle. Her laughs were his weakness. He always melted when he heard her giggle.”Webby...”
She sat up, looking down at him. He sat up, grabbing her hands, “Dewey?”
He smiled sweetly at her nervous expression, “Every time I see you, I fall in love with you all over again.”
She pecked his cheek, smiling, “I would’t mind falling for you over and over.”
Once they opened the door to Webby’s room, they were ready for what was to come.
“Ow!” Dewey’s brothers fell in the floor, looking up at the couple.
“Hehehehe...hi.” Huey chuckled nervously, getting him and Louie off the ground.
Dewey rolled his eyes, grinning, “Just wait when it’s your turns.”
Louie smirked, “Un til then, when’s the wedding? He teased.
Webby and Dewey looked at each other, pushing past the other two.
the green clad shrugged, “Guess you owe me 10 bucks”
Huey grumbled, handing Louie what he owed.
Dewey and Webby ran past Donald, hand in hand, to which he smiled, his nephew was finally happy again.
“That’s my boy.” Donald smiled, “I wonder what Daisy’s been up to?”
So I hope you all loved it, even tho it’s iffy! This took me so long to do!
Tagging: @ifs15, @lemonduck2, @ducktales-fangirl, @spiritarcticclawsw, @creativeshippersworldsblog, @webby-dings-reblogs, @raheyyy, @artproductionsofficial, @dannymg777, @crimsoncobaltblue, @haystarlight
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suncatchr · 5 years
thank u! hehe
36. “How much do you remember?”
“Wow, Seoll, thank you!”
Rare happiness sparks in Khaon’s eyes when I hand him the journal I found for him. It’s dark and leather-bound, clasped with a stark gold latch. I thought it was pretty. I’m elated to see that it’s put a smile on Khaon’s face.
“It’s so fancy for a food journal, don’t you think?” He turns to Delta, who’s staring over his shoulder at the new book. I wonder if I should have gotten him something, but the journal just stood out to me as something Khaon should have. I’ll get something for Delta tomorrow, I’ll remember.
“You can write about more than food in it,” Delta suggests, reaching around Khaon to draw his finger over the golden latch. “Right? You can like, write about how our day went before we stopped for our meal.”
“Well, I already do that,” Khaon responds. “I don’t wanna- uh…” He stops himself, fiddling with the clasp to let the book fall open. I wait for him to continue, but he doesn’t. Khaon does that a lot, actually, lets his sentences fall flat on their faces before he’s done.
“What?” I ask, trying to be helpful. Khaon screws up his face and turns to Delta like he’s looking for help.
“Like, lose track?” Delta supplies. I wish I had what they do, that ability to see the words in each other. They travelled together for a while before the last eclipse. We all run together now, but I can tell there’s something that keeps us on separate levels. I wonder if that’s how we’re supposed to be. You know, since they’re both drawn from the night in a way that I’m not. Or something. I don’t completely understand it, honestly, I didn’t do a lot of reading on our history before I met them. The closest thing I did was look at photos taken and sketches done the last few generations of us. In the museum-academy we visited before we left.
They all had wondrous things to say. About places they went and lives they had. It was cool, I guess, but it was also like reading the journals of long-gone poets. I can write my own poetry, you know? I don’t need their life story to do it. Else I get caught up in what they did and I forget what I really want.
Which brings me back to Delta and Khaon. Am I really willing to let the idea of them being the moon and stars keep me distant from them? No, right? That can’t be the way it’s supposed to be. I’ll grow to understand them, I know I will. So I try not to feel too locked out when they pick up the edges of each other’s trailing sentences. Right now, all I need is for the sentence to be completed.
“Yeah,” Khaon says. “Without context, the food stuff isn’t the same. It’s about…”
“Memories?” I supply. It’d be nice, I think, if it’s all about sentiment. And finally keeping track of the places he’s been in a way that draws fondness.
“Yeah, like the people we met and the stuff we did.” Khaon shuts the journal and locks it back. “I have to finish my old one. But I like it a lot, C, thanks.”
He likes it. Warmth makes my head fuzzy. “I’m glad!”
Delta smiles over at Khaon and then up at me. So Khaon really likes it, if Delta can see it too. Oh, I’m happier than I thought I’d be.
“What’re you grinning at? C'mon, flag down the waiter, wouldn’t you? I need coffee.”
“K, it’s nine-thirty,” Delta chastises. “You shouldn’t-”
“D, you’re not my mom.”
Delta leans off of him to wave at a young man walking towards us. “But I care about your heart and your sleep. Tell him, Seoll.”
“I was gonna get one too,” I admit before I think about Delta’s reaction. He narrows his eyes at me, and then shoots a criticising glance at Khaon when he snickers. “Sorry, I just wanna stay up with you guys.”
“There will be no staying up. I’m going to bed when we find a hotel, and so should both of you.”
Khaon’s expression flattens when he returns Delta’s glare. “D-”
“It’s okay, Khaon. Just relax on the caffeine, will you?”
Well, this is unfamiliar territory. Delta’s words are coming from a context that I haven’t got. “Wait, what’s wrong?”
“Khaon has trouble sleeping at night,” Delta says quietly, like it’s a secret. Khaon does tend to be secretive. I can see why he would want to hush about this, I guess. Around other people, though. Not me. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I ask. Khaon doesn’t answer. He glances instead past Delta to the waiter that just arrived. 
“I want a red-eye, please,” he mutters.
“No, he doesn’t,” Delta snaps, laying a hand over Khaon’s and pushing him away from the waiter. “You wouldn’t even serve those so late, would you?”
The waiter looks a bit confused. “We still serve espresso drinks,” he says plainly. Delta makes a frustrated noise in the back of his throat and the waiter blinks as though he realises he’s made a mistake.
“Forget it,” Delta mutters. The waiter nods. Delta grips Khaon’s hand too tightly. “I’ll take a hot chocolate, please.”
“Can I just have some water?” I ask quietly. I don’t want to be on the receiving end of Delta’s sudden wrath. The waiter nods and thankfully walks away. “K, why didn’t you tell me-?”
“It’s not a big deal, Seoll, it’s just another stupid trick the gods are playing on me. If I can’t sleep at night, what choice do I have but to Chase the moon?”
“But you don’t do that,” I remind him. “So why-?”
“To try to force me, I bet. Leave it alone, it’s not like you can talk it out of me.”
“But why the coffee if you want to sleep?” I try to ignore how his face contorts with discomfort. He’s not making sense, doesn’t he see?
“Haven’t you ever stayed up a little too late before? I at least want the energy to do something if I’m gonna be stuck by myself until five in the morning, you kn- I don’t know.”
I didn’t know all of this! “K, I’m-”
“I’d like to stop talking about it. It’s really not a big deal, only D thinks it is.”
Delta’s cheeks go flushed. “You need to sleep!”
“Well, take that up with the gods, then. All they do is pick on me, I’m used to it.” He shrugs. “Did you guys want to see the market square before we go home?”
“No, we’ll go tomorrow.” Delta is still holding Khaon’s hand and Khaon doesn’t let go. I don’t think they’re fighting anymore, but I don’t want to reignite it so I’m going to leave Khaon alone about this for now. I guess. “If we wait too long, all the hotel rooms will be gone.”
“That’s not true. It’s never true.”
“I’m scared you’ll keep saying that and then one day it will be.”
“Well, then you can tell me I was wrong.”
I laugh a little so they remember I’m still here. Then I add, “Regardless, it’s late. These small towns sleep at night.”
“Okay, tomorrow, then.”
We get our drinks after a minute, and Delta makes a point of turning up his nose at the scent of Khaon’s coffee. Khaon ignores him, though he winces when he tastes it. I don’t understand what’s going on here. I stir the ice cubes around in my water and wish I could have held my awkwardness off for long enough to get something hot.
After Delta explains the function of our badges (for the millionth time in our lives) to the waiter, we pick up our stuff and head out. It’s cold outside, colder than Khaon is comfortable with. He shoves his hands into his pockets with a wordless complaint.
“Can’t believe you guys would have wanted to go to the square in this!” he whines. Delta blinks.
“You were the one who asked,” he says.
I shush them. For best friends they certainly do argue a lot. Besides, I need to concentrate. My falcon is flying somewhere above this place, and I have to call him back before we find a place to stay. I’m never afraid that he won’t return, but sometimes I hesitate to let him free because I’m not sure when I’ll stumble into an area where people hunt birds of prey. I mean, who knows, right? 
“Are you calling that damn bird?” Khaon asks just as I slide my bag off my shoulder to pull out my sleeve.
“I don’t know, maybe,” I answer playfully, pulling the leather sleeve over my coat. It’s tight but it doesn’t hurt nearly as much as raptor talons in my arm. “Why? Do you not like him?” I’m teasing, I know Khaon doesn’t like birds.
“I just don’t get why you don’t let it free.”
“He’s domesticated.” I pick up my stuff and start walking again. Waiting here for Bennu will take too long, and I know poor Khaon’s about to freeze to death. “How cruel of you, Khaon.”
“You can’t domesticate a bird of prey!”
“He’s Seoll’s pet, Khaon, we’ve been over this a million times,” Delta cuts in insistently. He shoots me an apologetic look, as though I’m not totally used to Khaon’s relentless complaining. 
“Well, then, I’m going to adopt a sewer rat from a New York subway and name it Iah. It’ll be my lunar guardian and you’re both gonna have to put up with it sleeping in our bed and giving you rabies.”
“Bennu doesn’t have rabies,” Delta sighs.
I like that Khaon assumes we’ll all keep travelling together after this eclipse. 
“What’re you smiling at?” Khaon huffs, “I’m dead serious.”
“I know. But my bird will eat your rat.”
For a hot second, he actually looks upset.
We find a quiet local hotel off the side of the highway, after twenty minutes of walking and Khaon’s increasingly high-pitched remarks about frostbite. As soon as we open the door to our room I spot my falcon, perched on the balcony rail outside the glass back door.
“There you are! You took your sweet time tonight.” I rush to open the door for him and he swoops inside, settling himself onto my arm like he’s offended at how long I took to let him in. “Sorry, your highness. Are you cold?”
He shuffles his feet and looks away from me. I hope he’s not mad.
Khaon drops his bag. “I’m gonna go wash up. Seoll, you’d better go next, wash the bird flu off of you.”
“Ha, ha. If he had the bird flu I’d have caught it already.”
“That’s not reassuring.” He walks into the bathroom and shuts the door.
Delta trails up behind me, lays his head on my shoulder. “You know he’s only playing, right?”
“Of course I do. You think Khaon’s misery has the power to hurt my feelings? Or his?” I ask, gesturing to the bird.
Delta snickers, reaches with a finger to stroke some of Bennu’s feathers. Normally I don’t let anyone touch him, for the safety of their fingers, but he seems to understand Delta and Khaon’s presence by now.
“I don’t know, he seems to have that effect on other people.”
“I feel like I know him too well for that.”
“Hm,” Delta says, leaning back. He looks at me like he’s not sure he believes me, but before I can ask the look fades away and he goes to seat himself on the bed. I don’t see any issue with what I said, so I decide not to ask lest Delta bring one up. Instead, I set myself to setting up Bennu’s temporary roost, jessing and hooding him so he’ll rest for the night. I make sure to set it all up on the dresser away from the window, since Khaon likes to sleep by the window.
He comes out of the bathroom a little while later, after Delta and I have already lain down. We’ve been watching TV this whole time, even though I don’t think Delta’s very entertained. He glances up when the bathroom door opens, and then immediately sighs and rolls over to sleep. I guess he was waiting on Khaon, but that was about as far as he could get. I hand Khaon the remote when he sits down. He accepts it wordlessly and changes the channel. Feeling a little off-put, I follow Delta’s lead and just close my eyes.
Snow flickers past my face.
I shoot a glance to my side, but whoever I had expected to be there isn’t there. I’m standing on the edge of a valley, fat snowflakes hardly visible where they fall relentlessly against the white ground. Without meaning to or feeling it I creep forward, walking along the valley’s edge. I don’t call for anyone, though I think about it. I think about it constantly, actually.
There’s a patch of ice under the snow; I’m on my knees before I even realise that I’ve slipped. It’s cold under my hands, bitingly so, and I worry I might freeze out here. I’m not wearing my jacket, I notice- gods, my mother’s going to kill me! I’m not to play outside in anything less than three layers all over. Khaon and Delta won’t tell her, will they? I don’t even know why I’ve come out without my coat, it wouldn’t be fair if I were to get punished for it. 
The cry of a falcon makes me jerk my head up to the sky. There’s no sight of Bennu anywhere, but there’s a person standing in the snow when I look back ahead. They weren’t there before. I get to my feet and try to back away from the ravine’s slippery edge, but it seems to follow me back, the dip just touching the toes of my boots each time I move.
“Wh-what do I do?” I call to the figure. Apprehension is rising cold in my belly as I keep trying to run back. Eventually my rushed stumbling makes me lose my balance, and I stay where I’ve fallen in the snow this time. The edge freezes.
“Move forward!” The figure gestures to me. “Walk along the edge.”
But I’m scared! I nearly fell so many times, he just watched the ground recede with every step I took, didn’t he? 
“I brought your coat!” He raises what seems to be another figure, until I realise it’s legless. It really is my coat! I can’t get in trouble with my mom now! Carefully standing myself up at the edge, I start forward again. “Come get it, I’m not far.”
I try to run.
“No! Take your time!”
Right. I don’t want to slip. Frustration prickles in my fingertips, but that might also be the cold. It’s my own fault for coming out here coatless. The figure gestures me to him again and then extends a hand to me. He isn’t wearing a coat either. I keep my steady pace until I’m close enough to reach out for his hand. He pulls me to him and drapes my coat over my shoulders, warming me from head to toe. Thank the gods for this thing. I try to thank the figure, too, but I can’t open my mouth. He smiles at me, and there’s something familiar about him, in a fuzzy sort of way. I don’t quite understand his features. 
“Good work,” he says. “You can go back now.”
Back? Back where?
I jolt awake, opening my eyes to darkness and sitting up to try to make sense of where the hell I am. The bed rocks underneath me, that’s right. I’m in a hotel bed with Khaon and Delta. Delta didn’t notice me waking, he’s still curled into his pillow with no trouble on his face. Thank goodness, I wouldn’t want to scare him awake.
“Seoll? What’s the matter?”
Khaon is here too, that’s right, it’s all coming back to me. I sigh my relief. He blinks curiously. 
“Weird dream,” I report. “Aren’t you tired yet?”
“Dream?” he asks urgently. Oh, is he trying to deflect again? Delta wouldn’t let him. “What kind of dream?”
“Maybe we should take a walk, see if that helps you feel tired.”
He huffs. “What kind of dream, Seoll? Answer me.”
Is it that important? “I don’t know, just a dream. Nothing bad happened, if that’s what you’re wondering.”
“What do you remember of it?" 
"What’s with the interrogation, K? It was snowy and cold and then someone gave me a jacket.”
"I don’t know!” He’s really starting to freak me out. “Why?”
“Seoll, we don’t dream!” he drops his voice to a noisy whisper, like he’s worried about Delta hearing.
“What do you mean? I just had one.”
“No, you didn’t.” He growls with frustration, shaking his head and turning away from me. “Do you see now what kinds of stupid tricks they play on us?”
“What are you on about? It was just a dream!”
“Were you in danger?”
“I was cold..?”
“Was there something you had to find?”
“My jacket.”
“They’re pushing you to something. There’s something else they need you to do for them, you-”
“Khaon, what are you talking about?” I hop out of the bed because I’m scared to disturb Delta. “I think you need to rest, you’re freaking out.” This happens to people who don’t sleep, I know, they become agitated and frustrated and both of those things describe Khaon perfectly right now.
Khaon gets up, too, meets me at the foot of the bed and braces his hands against my shoulders. “Seoll, you- I read a lot of stuff while we were staying in Greece. People like us don’t have dreams. If you didn’t see the afterlife, you saw something that the gods were showing you, do you understand me?”
The more he insists upon it, the more I’m convinced that not only my dream but his insomnia are a lot more normal than he thinks they are. “Why should they care about me getting cold? They don’t care about anything else about us.”
“You thinking that is probably why they sent that dream,” he whispers. 
“You should have paid more attention to the artifacts the last few Chasers left behind,” he mutters crossly. “You might be in danger, Seoll, the gods don’t like it when we don’t listen, that’s why I don’t sleep!”
“Khaon, I think you’re getting a little ahead of yourself.”
“Would you please just listen to me?” A whine threads his words all of a sudden, a desperate one quite unlike his normal complaining. “Seoll, you’re our Sun. You-" 
He lets go of me. 
I’m trying to hear him out. "I what?”
“Seoll, if you ever have another dream, tell me. They’re giving you puzzle pieces, you have to make up for whatever they’re mad about.”
“How do you know they’re mad?”
“Other Chasers say that’s the only reason they ever heard from the gods.”
“We’re not other Chasers.”
He groans. “We’re all the same. That’s why we exist, Seoll, to live the same life again and again.” He backs away from me. He turns suddenly to face the window as though something had startled him. It’s dawn, the sky is paling. 
“I feel stupid now.”
My heart sinks. “I didn’t mean to make you-”
“Shh. Just…”
“If I hurt your feelings I’m sorry.”
“This isn’t about me, C, it’s about you.”
“But I don’t understand what’s wrong!”
“Oh, Seoll, of course you don’t.” He shakes his head. I feel bad. “Don’t tell Delta about this, okay?”
“Wh-Delta?” Does everyone know something that I don’t? 
“Yeah, he’ll worry. Just… just keep me updated on any other ‘dreams’ you might have.”
“Okay, K, I will.”
He’s silent.
I’m so confused, but I’m relieved that this seems to be… over? I think. My worry is all for Khaon, I don’t know what he thinks is going on with me but he’s really scared of it. I put my hand on his shoulder and try to offer a few comforting strokes. He doesn’t seem to notice me.
“I’m gonna clean up for the day,” I mutter, backing off.
“Okay,” he grunts, going back over to his side of the bed. Before I close the bathroom door behind me, I spot him grabbing his new journal off the bedside and drawing his knees up to write on. He reaches a hand over Delta’s shoulder, but he hesitates. Slowly he picks up a pen instead. Biting down on my rising worry, I close the door.
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Complicated (Prt9) - Barry Allen x Reader
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A/N: i thought the gif was funny sorry not sorry. Feel free to message me if you have a question, if u would like to know more about the story, or if u just wanna talk lmao. 
Summary: Barry and reader reflect on the day they met.
Disclaimer: I've watched Arrow now and yiiiikes, I apologize for everything I wrote before I watched it. If you notice any huge mistakes or gaps, please, message me and let me know. Constructive criticism is encouraged !
Warnings: suggestive themes, cursing
Word count: 3540
I groaned as I woke to a light in front of my face. Wincing, I put a pillow over my face. “Please don’t tell me it’s been another year” I said with my face still under the pillow, “because, no offense, but I have better things to do” I hear someone snicker and grab the pillow from my face. “Boo,” I whined, putting an arm over my eyes. “You’re not dead—you won’t die, it’s been 9 months, you were pregnant, and you just have birth” I hear Barry sarcastically say. I took my arm away from my face and narrowed my eyes at him. He was sitting in a chair next to me, he looked exhausted. He raised his eyebrows at me and gave a closed, crooked smile with a small shrug. “Shut up,” I laughed, “next thing you’re gonna tell me is I time traveled to the future” “You never know—“ Barry started but I cut him off by slamming the pillow he took from me in his face. “Ha-ha,” I mocked, sitting up, “What really happened?” “Oh! That’s right,” Barry’s face lit up as he reached underneath him and picked up a couple bags that had the words Big Belly Burger splattered over them. He placed them down on the medical tables near me. “Shhhhhh,” I closed my eyes, putting a finger up to my mouth, “my head hurts,” Barry became a lot quieter, but showed no signs of slowing down. “So, because you’re now officially a speedster, you burn through food, water, and energy super quickly—“ “Also clothes, you owe me a new blazer. I looked bomb in the work suit I was wearing, thank you very much,” “—Yes, and clothes, too, but don’t worry Cisco’s got that all figured out for you,” he gave me a shy smile, “You did look pretty good in the outfit though, you literally pull off anything. . . . “—Anyway, because you burn through food, medicine—and basically anything you consume—so quickly, you have to regain that all back, and fast. “Personally, I have consume about 10,000 calories a day, but considering your size and how fast you burn through everything, it’ll be different for you,” Barry explained and I nodded. “That explains why I’m always so hungry,” I said to myself. “And don’t forget—water is your friend!” Barry smiled as he reached down once again and got a pack of water bottles, he placed those on the table, too. “Caitlin suggests you eat at least 17,000 calories a day, at most 25,000” Barry told me as he reached into one of the Big Belly Burger bags and pulled out food, taking some for himself and giving me the rest. “Woah, dude,” I grinned at it, “This is my favorite thing from Big Belly Burger—I can't believe you remembered!” I gave Barry a skeptical look and he just smiled, shrugging and looking down. “I mean, I don’t think I’d ever forget anything from out first date,” he blushed. My smile faltered and I felt myself getting embarrassed as well. “We agreed that wasn’t a date,” I groaned, “not after what happened afterwards,” “I thought it was pretty cute,” Barry shrugged and smiled. I reached up and scratched the back of my neck. I let out a nervous laugh, remembering the night. “I don’t think I could ever forget the day we first met” I grimaced. *** “Ollie!” I ran up to Oliver, who was just now arriving to the crime scene, “I know we just got broken into, but honestly I’m glad it was us because I think I know what they took” I rambled as Oliver, Felicity, and Dig walked through the door. “So, you know how I’m a literal genius?” I continued, “I do a lot of research in my spare time—“ Oliver raised an eyebrow at me. “More specifically, on our family,” I narrowed my eyes and lowered my voice, “most of my research has been on the Queen’s Gambit and its sinking. Did you know that . . . “ My voice wavered on as I spoke. It was obvious none of them were really listening, but I couldn’t care less. “ . . . and what we do with all the technology laying around. We actually have—“ Oliver stopped me by gently grabbing my shoulders and turning me towards him. “(Y/n), you’re my sibling and I love you, but please slow down and start from the beginning will you?” I glared at him, but begrudgingly nodded my head. I grabbed Oliver’s hand and started dragging him to a broken door. “Woah—okay,” Oliver stopped as he crouched down to look at the door. “This door is made of expanded reinforced titanium,” I told them, “Which is crazy strong, yet is on the floor literally bleeding out, but there’s no sign explosives. How does someone break through expanded reinforced titanium without explosives?” I raised an eyebrow at him and he gave me a look. “Maybe a crane?” Felicity suggested. “Or a forklift” said Dig. “Or anything else capable of slamming through a metal door” Oliver responded. I ignored everyone, “Which got me thinking, who’d go through this much trouble and for what?” “So I did some more investigating, which led me to the industrial centrifuge,” I walked over to the base of where the centrifuge should’ve been, dragging along the trio, “An industrial centrifuge is—“ “I know what a centrifuge is,” Oliver glared at me again. “Okay,” I raised my hands up in defense, “Well, there’s three sets of broken bolts where our theif must’ve just ripped it out. And—again—how does someone do that? And why?” “And then,” I continued, walking around the base, “I found these,” I pointed to a set of footprints, “One person did all of this, guys. I mean, no offense, Ollie, but what kind of friends did you drag home with you from that island?” I whispered in a hushed tone to Oliver. Oliver’s face fell as he thought of the possibilities. Felicity and John exchanged a look. “Look, just keep this in the DL, okay?” I told all of them, “I don’t have enough evidence to conduct a real investigation on the one dude theory,” I held my hands out as if I were weighing an object in each hand, moving them up and down. “But, you know, I thought this would be good intel to let the hood in on,” I pointedly looked at Oliver. He just sighed and looked back at the door on the floor. Just then, detective lance walked over. The three eagerly looked at him, presumingly waiting for what everyone else thought of the situation. “I’m guessing there were 3 of them—maybe 4, given how quick they got in and out of here. They were fast” he told them. “Any idea what these guys were so hot to break in here for?” Lance turned to Oliver, “Didn’t happen to leave a spare earthquake machine lying around did you?” Oliver just looked at Lance. “Sorry” Lance looked away from him and onto me. “Queen?” He narrowed his eyes, “You always seem to have a theory of your own on cases. What is it now?” I opened my mouth to speak, “—You think maybe a group of Hulks came here and stole some precious prototypes of yours?” He mocked me. “Ha-ha” I answered sarcastically. “This is what we were able to pull off the, uh, security cameras,” said a guy suddenly behind us. I moved over so I’d have a clear view of what happened, shoving Oliver on my way. He just looked at Felicity and she shrugged back at him. We watched as one man appeared on screen and the camera gave out. I scoffed and gave out a grumbled response. “It’s the only guy we got in video, the rest of the crew must have come in after” the man told us. “Actually it was only one guy,” a voice said behind us. I turned quickly, trying to figure out where it came from. For the first time in forever I wasn’t the crazy detective on a case who had come up with a strange explanation for everything. Even though I was always right, everyone was hesitant to believe my theories. “I—Sorry, I’m late,” said a guy walking up to us. As he stepped into the light, I got a better look at him. It felt as if my breath had been taken away, my heart leaping into my throat. It felt stupid to say, but I couldn’t help myself. The man was lean and tall. Dark brown hair and piercing green eyes. He was dark and mysterious. “Actually, my train was late—well, the second one. The first one I did miss,” he stumbled over himself, “but that was my cab driver’s fault. I’ve got this great traffic app and—,” he let out a breath as he realized he was rambling. “He thought he was right. I’m here now though—so . . . “ He was clumsy and anxious. And he was perfect. I stupidly looked away as we made eye contact. I saw Oliver frown in the corner of my eye. I cleared my throat as detective Lance spoke to him. “Great, who the hell are you?” He asked him. “And do your parents know that you’re here?” Oliver said. I let out a short sigh as I looked at Oliver, nervously playing with my hands. “I’m Barry Allen,” he said surprised, “I’m from the Central City Police Department,” he took out his badge and we all gave it a quick inspection, “I’m with the crime scene investigation unit” Oh, my god—he’s really cute. “We’re working on a case with some similar unexplained elements in Central City,” He explained, “So, when the report of your robbery came in over the wire, my captain,” his voice faltered, “sent me up here” He smiled to cover the fact his voice wavered just a second ago, and it worked. He looked around with the dumb smile and I swallowed before quickly smiling back. He finally noticed me and his smile twitched before growing wider. He blushed and looked away. I stared stupidly down at the floor. I cleared my throat and looked up at the rest of everyone. Felicity was smirking and John was raising his eyebrows at Barry. I noticed Barry and Oliver make eye contact. Barry tried smiling at him, but Ollie only glared back which resulted in Barry’s smile going away. “And you think one guy ripped through this door like it was tin foil?” He looked back and forth between Barry and I. I couldn’t believe we actually had the same theory. “One very strong guy, yeah,” he responded. I looked at Oliver and gave him an ‘I told you so’ look. He just rolled his eyes at me. However, Barry took that as a sign of annoyance and quickly gave his evidence. “Uh—it takes about 1,250 foot pounds of torque to break someone’s neck,” Barry took out a tablet displaying the dead guard’s body. I frowned as I looked at the picture. Why had I not seen the body? Why had no one given me information on the dead guard? “You see the marks on the guard’s neck? The bruising pattern suggests the killer used only one hand,” he looked up at Oliver, “I’m guessing you don’t know how hard it is to break someone’s neck” I was still stuck on the picture. My mind whirling as I conducted more evidence and a case on my theory. “Hm?” Oliver raised his eyebrows, “No, no idea” “Uh, we’re gonna need a list of the entire inventory here to figure out what was stolen,” a voice cut in. “Oh, I know what was stolen,” I answered back. “(Y/n),” Ollie warned me. “I-I think I do, too,” Barry told everyone. Detective Lance’s stare on us became more cautious now. “A centrifuge,” I repeated myself in annoyance. “An industrial centrifuge,” Barry and I spoke at the same time. I looked at him in shock. Either we’re both going crazy or we might actually be right. “Probably the Cord Enterprises 2BX 900,” Barry told everyone as he started pointing it all out, “Maybe the six series. Both have a three column base,” he pointed to where I had previously pointed, “Here, you can see the three sets of broken bolts where the thief just ripped it out of the ground,” Barry mimed the action. “And what exactly is a centrifuge?” Lance asked and Barry tilted his head in defeat. “It separates liquids,” I stepped in, “The centripetal acceleration causes denser substances to separate out along the radial direction,” I explained, my hands flailing. “And lighter objects move to the top,” Barry continued and I looked up at him. “What did you say your name was again?” Felicity asked suddenly. “Barry. Allen,” he looked beyond terrified. “Felicity. Smoak,” Felicity gave him an overprotective look, eyes flickering between me and him. Oliver glared at him, too. Letting him know not to mess with either of us. I stepped on his foot as Barry looked away. ‘What the hell?’ I mouthed and he just looked away. “You can see the cracks heading towards the door,” we all looked over to the footsteps I had pointed out before, too, “Footsteps. One guy” he nodded. The rest of the group exchanged a look and I did a celebration dance in my head. “I was right—suck it” I whispered to all of them. Oliver kneeled down to look at the base further. I saw Barry staring and when he realized I knew he was staring he blushed again and looked away. “A-Anyway, it’s just a theory,” he went on, “One backed by a lot of evidence” “There has to be another explanation,” Lance pressed and I sighed. Always trying to knock me off my feet. “Yeah, I’m sure you’re right,” Barry shrugged in defeat, but I looked at him in desperation. Felicity and Lance walked off. Leaving Oliver to stare at the bolts again. I kneeled down next to him. “So, one of your buddies do this?” I asked, annoyed. Dig got down, too. Oliver grumbled something under his breath and I sighed. “So, who do you think did it?” A voice suddenly asked. I looked up and saw Barry standing over us all. I gave a panicked look to Dig and Oliver. John shrugged and Oliver glared at me. I looked back at Barry and stood up. “Um—I—well—I-I think it may have been an enemy of, uh, the family,” I stuttered and silently cursed myself. Barry’s eyebrows went up, his mouth hanging, “Um, do you think one guy did it, though?” “Oh! Um,” I trailed off, tilting my head. “Well—It’s just that, earlier, when I mentioned the footsteps you just had a look of victory on your face,” Barry smiled. “My foster dad gets it every time he solves a case, ya know? Like he knows he’s gonna put whoever wronged the world in the right place. He says I have a similar look on my face when doing anything that involves science,” he rolled his eyes playfully, “but I don’t think so,” The ends of my mouth twitched up. He noticed his rambling and the tips of his ears started turning pink. He coughed. “—I just noticed that you had the same look,” he shrugged looking down. “You ever consider becoming a detective, Allen?” I smiled. “Oh, I could never,” he says immediately, “I’m more of a lab kind of guy” I nodded solemnly. I thought for a moment, gathering my thoughts. He snorted and I held back a smile. An awkward cough brought me back to the world around me. This one coming from my brother, behind me. I looked back and glared at Oliver and John. Oliver gave me a glare back, eyes flickering behind Barry and I. I rolled my eyes and turned to Barry, starting to walk away speaking, expecting him to follow. Sure enough, he stumbled behind. “Actually, I had a theory only one person did it,” I spoke up, eagerly trying to get away from the guys, “What kind of detective would I be if I didn’t see the footprints,” I laughed awkwardly. “If you already knew it was one person why didn’t you say anything?” I grimaced, “Right, um, I mean, it’s just that . . . “ I scratched the back of my neck, “I didn’t have enough evidence. It’s not really likely one person could do all of this. . . . “Well, there was the bolts and the missing centrifuge, but one person doing it all doesn’t really come to thought. “But we saw the—the um—security footage so,” I lied, “yeah,” I cleared my throat. When I saw we were a good distance from everyone, I stopped walking. I turned quickly to look at Barry, but we bumped into each other. He quickly grabbed my elbows to steady me and my hands came up to his chest. ‘sorry’s stumbled out of both of our mouths.
I examined his face up close. He was even cuter than I thought. I realized how close we were and felt myself become nervous. We looked into each other’s eyes, like we were in a cheesy romance novel.
“You ever consider becoming a CSI?” Barry asked curiously.
I licked my lips, “I don’t think it’s really my style. I like to be out here with all the action,”
I couldn’t maintain eye contact, and looked down, nervously. I cleared my throat and backed up, out of his arms.
“Do you want to get coffee sometime?” Barry blurted out, eyes examining me.
“Uh—“ I was surprised.
“It doesn’t have to be coffee!” Barry blurted again, “we could get,” he stopped as he thought for a moment, “t-tea, or, um, smoothies or something,”
“No—yeah-y-yeah—definitely!” I smiled widely.
“—I mean, we don’t even have to get drinks, we could get lunch, or dinner, or just, um,” Barry rambled again, “we could just discuss the case,” he shrugged, “sometime,”
He seemed to be staring anywhere but me.
“I’m free right now,” The words stumbled out of my mouth before I had a chance to stop them.
Barry looked back to me in surprise. We once again stared at each other for what felt like minutes. In reality, it was probably a few seconds.
“Okay,” he smiled, “um—coffee?”
“Sure,” I laughed softly.
“I have to warn you, I don’t know any good places around here,” Barry brought up.
“Oh,” I thought, “I think I may know somewhere we can go,”
I grabbed his arm and took a step towards the exit, but stopped myself when I realized what I was doing.
“I’m,” I looked at him, “(Y/n), by the way. (Y/n) Que—“
“(Y/n) Queen, I know,” he blurted and I frowned.
“You know?”
“No, I mean—I-I’ve seen you in the news,” he scratched the back of his neck.
The news. The news wasn’t very nice.
“Oh,” I tried to hide my disappointment.
“No!” Barry explained himself, “I mean—yes. I have seen you in the news, your family’s kind of famous and—“ he stopped when I interrupted him.
“It’s okay, I get it. I mean with my brother and the family company—“
“I’ve read your papers online!” Barry blurted out again.
“ . . . My—?” I looked at him, confused.
“It’s just—you used to write these research papers on your blog you had in college and I’ve read some of your work. You had this particular one on the physics behind Star Wars which was crazy because as a student going into forensic science I almost switched my majors because of the paper.
“I mean, after I’d read everything on the blog I stared following your career and I was surprised to see you went into law enforcement, but glad because—like I mentioned earlier—my foster Dad is a detective and to think you two were doing the same thing was crazy. I mean, what are the chances that my foster dad and you are in the same career?"
He spoke like being detectives were award-wining Oscar celebrities.
“Then I realized how big of a deal you are in Starling City, but regardless of your family you still managed to make a name for yourself. I just—“ He stopped himself as he realized how creepy he was starting to sound. “I’m a fan of your work,” he swallowed. I was bewildered, “You’ve read my papers?” I laughed, “Oh my, god, that was so long ago. Now I’m embarrassed,” I wiped my face with my hand. “You’re embarrassed?” Barry raised his eyebrows at me, “I just admitted I stalked you,” “And the Star Wars paper? Really? The blog was a stupid excuse to be nerdy and have fun with my work,” I realized I wasn’t listening to Barry. “Oh, I’m sorry, did you say something?” I blinked at him. “U-Uh, Big Belly Burger then coffee?” His face was full of hope. Jesus Christ, marry me please? “Yes! Right! I’m sorry, I just can’t believe people even read the things I posted on there,” I laughed and we started walking towards the door again. “I mean, how could I not have? Your work not only as a detective but as a scientist is great,” I snorted as we reached the exit. “Please, I don’t come close to—“ “Queen!” I groaned internally as I faced Lance. “Yeah?” “Where do you think you’re going? We’ve got a case to work,” “I’m working it,” I motioned to Barry and I heard him let out a strangled cough. “Yeah, well you’re gonna have to work it here or the precinct. None of that giggly running off stuff,” he mocked me. I scoffed but nodded letting him know I’d stay. “Rain check?” I asked Barry hopefully. “Yeah, definitely,” ***
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
with internships finished, our hero students now have new challenges to face, and ranpo has a new admirer?!
Magaki: "..." guard: ... Magaki: *stomach growl* guard: *slides a bowl of rice under the door slot* Magaki: <...I was hoping for something else.> guard: <well tough luck...> Magaki: <Do you even know what I eat?> guard:..... Magaki: <...It's not like I want to...> *picks up the rice bowl, starts shoveling it* guard:....*walks away* Magaki: "..." *sniff* -elsewhere- Haumea: "He's been quiet." dahlia: perhaps he is ill? Haumea: "Hmmm..." *opens the door--and it's locked* "???" -elsewhere- Black Star: *sitting...upside down* naho: ~? Black Star: "...Damn it!" *lets himself fall forward* "Thought that'd help me think..." naho: 'bout what? Black Star: "Going back to Japan--again. And just..." *sigh* “We just got home, too..." naho: ah. Black Star: "This mission, and back to Japan, and more questions--" *rubs his hands through his hair* "GAH!" naho: ? Black Star: "Like, I don't even know my old man." naho:...do you want a hug? Black Star: "..." *sighs* *holds out arms* naho: *comforting hug* UvU Black Star: "..." *pat pat* -elsewhere- Lucy: "...A princess?" *starts pulling books off her shelves* atsushi: yeah. she's...chatty. ^^; did you want to meet her? Lucy: *starts opening up book after book* "Yes! I want to see how she compares to these!" *the books contain fairy tale drawings of princesses* atsushi: ...kinda similar, aesthetically. Lucy: *shiny eyes* "Fancy dresses?" atsushi: pretty fancy, i guess. Lucy: *claps* "Yay! ..." *serious face* "Did Dazai do anything stupid?" atsushi:..... define 'dazai doing something stupid.' Lucy: "Steal her crown jewels?" atsushi: i dont think so. Lucy: "Did he ask for a pardon?" -knocks- Lucy: "???" maria: hello~ ^^ Lucy: *shiny eyes* *turns back to Atsushi--and starts pointing* *squee* maria: OvO ~? atsushi: right. lucy, this is princess maria, princess, this is my girlfriend, lucy. .///. Lucy: ^\\\\^ *slight bow* "Greetings, Princess." maria: ^^ glad to meet you, miss lucy. ^^ *glances at her books* Lucy: .\\\\\. *quickly closes one* maria: do you like fairy tales, miss lucy? Lucy: *nod nod* "I like a lot of reading." maria: do you ever dream of meeting your prince charming some day? *shiny eyes* Lucy: o\\\\\\\o atsushi: o////o Lucy: "...I AM HAPPY RIGHT NOW, THANK YOU!" *bows again* maria: hehe~ can i tell you a secret? atsushi: aaand that's my cue to give you two some girl chat time, see ya! *exits* Lucy: "?!!" D:< "Hey!" *turns back to Maria* ^\\\\\^;; "Sorry, he's kind of nervous at times..." maria: is that right? seems he really likes you a lot. ^^ Lucy: o\\\\o "Y-Yea..." maria: you're soooo lucky! i hope i get to meet my prince soon. u////w////u i've had a dream about him. a cool and intelligent man, with striking green eyes~<3 Lucy: "Green is a nice color--" *imagines someone with green eyes...and likes to show off his intelligence--* *RECORD SKIP* o______O maria: ah~ my heart's all a flutter thinking about him~<3 Lucy: .________. *pats Maria's shoulder* maria: OuO~? Lucy: "...Um...Heterochromia can be attractive, too." ^^;;; -elsewhere- ochako: [happy b-day todoroki! *cake emoticon*] Todoroki: "..." *small smile* [thank you. 🙂 ] -morning- Yumi: *pouring coffee* lord death: thaaaanks =3= Yumi: "You're welcome." *cheek smooch* "Sleep well?" lord death: yeah. *hugs from behind* late night... Yumi: =\\\\= "Will you need a nap?" -elsewhere- Shamrock: "Who will be watching us while you are out?" tsubaki: mahiru said he and kuro will look after you. Sakuya: *sips his orange juice down the wrong way* o_o *slight cough* naho: OuO *vibrating* Belkia: "...Switch to decaf, girl." otogiri: *sweatdrop* Black Star: "Don't get into any fights with Kuro." Higan: "I don't think that's the action we'll have to worry about." Sakuya: *coughing* otogiri: *hard pats to the back* Sakuya: .\\\\\. "Th-*cough*-Thanks..." -elsewhere- Tanizaki: "Okay, buckled in?" *checking the mirrors* ranpo: yeah. maria: ^^ Tanizaki: "You sure, Princess?" *checking that the doors are locked* maria: *she nods* it'll be sooo cool to see you guys doing your detective work! Tanizaki: "Yeeeeeeah, about that..." *starts the car, backs up into the street* "We need to give you an alias while we're at work." maria: can i be 'mari'? *shiny eyes* ranpo: marioka? Tanizaki: "...Mari is fine." maria: yay! Tanizaki: *drives* "Ranpo, you reviewed the report?" ranpo: yeah. Tanizaki: "The police have cordoned off the area, preserved the evidence...No suspect yet." ranpo: *cracks knuckles* perfect! i'll solve this one in no time at all. maria: really? ranpo: yup, i am a genius detective with the special ability of super deduction after all, ohoho! Tanizaki: "Ranpo is our secret weapon." maria: ooh, sounds fancy! Tanizaki: *pulls up to the crime scene* "Get your ID out..." *pulls out his Agency badge* cop-chan: ...ah, mr minouichi, they've arrived. Minouichi: *spots Ranpo* "..." -_-# ranpo: ayyyy, what's up? Minouichi: "..." *through clenched teeth* "We...wanted your opinion based on the evidence..." ranpo: of course you did. so what's up? Minouichi: "..." *points at Maria* "I don't think the child should see this." ranpo: she's just here for training or something. Minouichi: "...Fine. This is going to be pretty gruesome...and it's hard enough to find any prints." -where the corpse is- ranpo: hmm... Minouichi: "Strangulation?" ranpo: with a belt of all things. Minouichi: "Not rope?" ranpo: look at the marks, there's leather indentations. Minouichi: "Hmm...No other indications for how the victim was killed?" ranpo: *pulls out glasses* -super deduction!- Tanizaki: *watches* maria: !!!.... (green...eyes...) *blush* Tanizaki: "..." ranpo: i think i found your perp. Minouichi: "Of course you did." -_-# "Where are they?" -as it turned out, a corner store employee worked with the victim to pay customers back with counterfeit money, but the victim was going to sell the killer out, resulting in the murder- Minouichi: "...We have been trying to find the counterfeiters for months...How do you know these bills are fakes?" ranpo: hold it up to a light, look on the right side, there's no hidden face. Minouichi: "...Oh..." maria: wow! *shiny eyes* Minouichi: "Yes, 'wow.'" ranpo: not only that, the texture of the counterfeits is different from an actual dollar, and the security tape is oddly missing... Minouichi: *crosses his arms* "We'll have Secret Service investigate." ranpo: till next time. *turns to face maria and tanizaki* now, you made an offer about food? maria: *shiny eyes and blushing* Tanizaki: ._.; "I-I was kidding about the Gleeful Meal--but if you want, okay...You still want the toy?" ranpo: YES. Tanizaki: "It's drive-thru at Abattoir Burger." ranpo: oi, mari, you want some grub? {princely!ranpo: care to join us, my lady?} maria: *heart eyes* of course... ranpo: awesome! Tanizaki: "..." *click click--DING* *light bulb* ._____.;;;; "Oh boy..." -elsewhere- Lucy: .____________. *shudders* atsushi: ? Lucy: "I sense...ships." atsushi: ??? Kyoka: "...I think you were on the Moby-Dick too long." -elsewhere- Patty: "Japan again?" tsubaki: yeah, tying up loose ends and what not. Patty: "Huh...That sounds important." -elsewhere- Bakugo: ("Just a few more days...You can handle this...You can...You can...") "...WHY IS EVERYTHING SO SHINY IN HERE?" best jeanist: that's because it's _clean_. Bakugo: "...Is that glitter?" -elsewhere- Meme: "I got the approval for the mission..." tsugumi: ok. Anya: "How soon?" ao: sometime within the week. Anya: "Better pack when we get home." -elsewhere- Yumi: *setting out missions* "Germany...Japan...Salt Lake City…" teacher: france? teacher 2: who's going to france? Yumi: "What threat level is the mission?" teacher: about a 2 star. Yumi: "I recommend a two- or three-person team." teacher: right. -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *reviewing layouts* "Hmmm..." jordan: *whistling* Fitzgerald: "Jordan, hold this." *hands him a layout* jordan: ok, um… Fitzgerald: "Hmm...Not quite to scale..." *hands Jordan papers* "Hold these over your head.” jordan: ._.; Fitzgerald: "Hmm..." *frames with his fingers* *Jordan is holding papers that make him look like a mech* jordan: ._.; erm-... Fitzgerald: "No, it still isn't right..." *grabs Jordan's arm* "We'll need to add a rocket here...I'm sure that arm could be removed." jordan: O-O; -elsewhere- Rin: "How's it goin', Teach?" stocking: good. bit busy. Rin: *nods* "Training?" stocking: yep. Rin: "...Is it Neuhaus?" stocking: i havent checked in with him yet. Rin: "He's been...I mean, he was a dick before, but after his kinda-dead wife, he's been quiet." stocking: i'll add that to my agenda, then. Rin: *nods* "..." *looks around, then whispers* "I also know a vending machine that gives you two soda cans for the price of one!" stocking: where is it? Rin: "East wing, second floor, next to Room 202." stocking: noted. -elsewhere- Gopher: "What are your plans after school?" kirika: might head to the arcade later. Gopher: *nods* "Want to go head-to-head?" kirika: you're so on! Gopher: ^w^ "May the best one win!" -elsewhere- Chuuya: *taking a test* atsushi: *taking notes* Akutagawa: *already turned in the test...just staring at the chalkboard* Kyoka: *folding paper* -elsewhere- Joker: "To review: the governmental documents show no other path the Hoods could have taken. The Agency encountered the Hoods and somehow survived." Victor: *nod nod* scarlet: talk about a shitshow. Victor: "The good news is that we can be sure now they aren't in the Nether any more! The fireball created so much structural damage..." Joker: "Hmm..." -elsewhere- Crona: "..." *sets down a vase* mami: looks good. ^^ Crona: "Th-Thanks...I tried to arrange them..." mami: *she smiles* well i appreciate that. *small kiss on the cheek* Crona: .\\\\. "Y-You're welcome?" -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "How's this one?" *holds up a dress for the Fancy Fire Event* fang-hua: ^-^; Tsukiyo: "And this for you?" fang-hua: sure. Tsukiyo: "Yay!" *pushes her into changing room* fang-hua: ah- -elsewhere- Kid: *standing in front of the fridge...holding one of Shiori's drawings...and trying to find the right spot for it* o~O;;;;; jack: need help? Kid: Q~Q *nod nod* "No spot looks quite right to be symmetrical on the fridge..." jack: ^^; want me to help? Kid: *nod nod* "Make it perfect, please." -after that- Kid: *shiny eyes* "AMAZING!" jack: well, i've got quite a few years’ experience. *smiles* Kid: "It served you well...I-I don't have that experience..." jack: *pats his back* you'll get there. sometimes being a parent means making a few sacrifices here and there. Kid: Q_________________Q "My beautiful symmetry..." -elsewhere- Kyoka: *waves at Keek* keek: h-hey. Kyoka: "How is it going?" keek: survivin'. Kyoka: "...That is good to expect." *sits down* "Any research updates?" -elsewhere- yana:......*puts on some classical music and spins around on the office chair* Ivan: *polishing blades* Adam: *standing* mushitaro: *styling his hair just so* ... *bishie sparkle* hmhm~ ^u^ Adam: *staaaaaaaaaaare* "...How do you do that?" mushitaro: mousse, hair spray, and supreme combing techniques. Adam: "..." *moves a finger to touch the hair--* mushitaro: *hard grab + violent expression* do not. Adam: Q~Q yana: he's fussy about his hair. just thought you outta know that. Adam: "...I've learned my lesson. Please let me have my hand back?" -elsewhere- Mori: "..." *picks up a book, reads* mii: ... Mori: "...It's an old book." mii: indeed. Mori: "Was it one you used in your writing, for inspiration?" mii: *examining it* Mori: "Had you read this when you wrote?" -elsewhere- Poe: *humming* lana: im hooome. *plops onto the couch and sighs* so tired.... Poe: "Difficult work?" *moves to the couch* lana: *nod* busy day, today... Poe: *sits with her...supports her* lana: =///= Poe: "You can rest now..." *soft hum* lana: thanks, edgar. Poe: "You're welcome, Lana..." *cheek smooch* lana: ^///^ Poe: ^w^ *hug* -elsewhere- Shotaro: "You all look exhausted." mana: busy day.... mono: TT~TT Shotaro: "??? I haven't done a good deed yet. Anything I can do to help? mana: get us coffee. -elsewhere- zoey: *holding Q and humming* Q: =u= Ivan: *sneer* Adam: "???" Q: !! *snarls at ivan* Ivan: *hiss* Adam: O~O lydia: calm down everyone, what's going on? mushitaro: ivan and the medic are at odds again, typical workplace drama. Ivan: "She started it!" zoey: i was just.....minding my business... Adam: "..." *points at Ivan* "He sneered first." Ivan: <SNITCH!> lydia: *chop to the shoulder* behave. Ivan: "Ow!" -elsewhere- Motojiro: *passes a drink* Chuuya: "Thanks..." naoya: cheers! Chuuya: *clinks glass* Motojiro: -w- *sips* "So, Naoya, what mission you got?" naoya: 'nother recon mission. guess it cant be helped, given my ability. Motojiro: "Chuuya~ One of my new devices is a hat." Chuuya: "..." naoya: if it has a propeller in it- Motojiro: "D'aw, how'd you guess?" >3< Chuuya: -_- naoya:...... *laughs* i was joking! but holy shit! Motojiro: "Well, I was watching 'Inspector Gadget' re-runs on youtube and thought, 'Chuuya likes hats--'" Chuuya: "I appreciate it, but no." ayako: did the claw send you? naoya: how did she- Motojiro: *adjusts his glasses* "Actually, it was 'Dr. Claw.' And I don't think you're old enough to drink." ayako: oi bartender! give me your strongest orange soda you got! Bartender: "Right, a Sailor's Scurvy Special coming up." ayako: AWESOME! -elsewhere- Hyde: "...Echidnas suck." guildenstern: what brought this up? Hyde: "They think they're so cool with their eggs and spines and 'am I a mammal or a bird' bullshit..." *crosses his arm, kicks a video game box* guildernstern:...*sweatdrop* ._.; -elsewhere- Oda: (…) atsushi: ....(you ok?) Oda: ("Just thinking...Keep an eye on Mori.") atsushi:....(noted.) Oda: ("Even without...his ability, he is shrewd, cunning--and lethal...Maybe it wasn't a good idea...") atsushi: (perhaps....but given his current state....i think something inside him broke...) Oda: ("Elise.") atsushi:.... (yeah......have you...) Oda: ("What?") atsushi:... (lost someone?) Oda: ("...Yeah.") atsushi:..... Oda: ("...We do what we can...It doesn't always work.") atsushi: .... Oda: ("Just do your best.") -elsewhere- Patty: "I got this gingerbread house set for cheap after Christmas--and it hasn't expired! Guess what we're building?!" riley: gingerbread mansion with a moat? Patty: "Melted sugar moat? Or maybe a maple syrup moat?" -elsewhere- Kid: *lies down* stocking: *nuzzles* t-thanks, kid... Kid: "You're welcome..." *holds her* "Any time." stocking: *holding onto him whimpering into his chest* i thought i-i'd be over this whole thing by now.... Kid: "..." *rubs her back* "I know...I'm here for you..." stocking: *sniff* t-thanks.... Kid: *offers a tissue* stocking: *blows* *sniff* s-sorry. Kid: *small smile* "Nothing to apologize for..." *holds her hand* stocking: c-can you wash my back? Kid: "Yes, of course." *sits up* stocking: .... Kid: "..." *rests a hand along her shoulder* stocking: *hugs* -floof- -her wings popped out- stocking: .///.; um... Kid: *stares* "...Beautiful..." stocking: guess they needed some air too. ^^; Kid: "I suppose so...You've kept a lot in..." *kisses her shoulder lightly* stocking: u////u *small wing fluttering* Kid: *slight chuckle* "Cute..." stocking: oh shush, you're cuter. =///n///= Kid: "Hee hee...I've learned not to argue with you..." *holds her hand, kisses* stocking: =//////= Kid: *moves his hands to her shoulders, lowering the cloth* -elsewhere- Yohei: "They look happy." chie: they're almost like siblings. ^^ saki: *she smiles* Yohei: "Yeah...Runs in your family." saki: yeah... chie:....*hugging saki* glad you're here... Yohei: ^^ -elsewhere- Poe: *wraps up in a blanket* lana: zzzzz karl: zzzzz Poe: ^w^ *cuddles* lana: u////u Poe: *happy murmur* -elsewhere- Meme: "We'll be traveling up to the Pacific Northwest..." mio: ah. Anya: "That's going to be a few stops." Meme: "Thorough." tsugumi: i've been doing a lot of training too. *lance blade arm* Anya: "Ooooooo..." ao: impressive as always. ^^ Meme: *smiles* "Training paid off, Tsugumi." tsugumi: ^u^ mio: yeah, i still have a ways to go yet. *axe arm* Meme: "It's progress..." *pat pat* -elsewhere- miura: ... Motojiro: "All's well?" miura: as far as it's been going. Motojiro: "Good to hear!" *sets down a glass...of motor oil* miura:... -_-; Motojiro: "...Ha! Just kidding." *puts it away* "You happy with the work you're doing?" miura: *she nods* hirotsu has been doing a good job keeping things together. Motojiro: "He's good like that--age gives him that experience." miura: *she nods* Motojiro: "Imagine what you'll be able to do with that many years..." miura: .... -elsewhere- Izuku: "--and I think I'll be released tomorrow or the day after." inko: *on the phone* im so glad, sweetie. *wipes her eyes* Izuku: "...I'm sorry..." inko: izuku? Izuku: "I didn't mean to worry you..." inko: im fine sweetie. you're still alive, right? im proud of you. -tears are falling down her face- Izuku: QwQ "...Th-Thank you, Mom..." inko: i'll see you soon, then. Izuku: "I'll let you kn-now when I land at the airport..." inko: ok. love you so much. Izuku: "I love you, too." inko: *she hangs up*.....*she's crying* Izuku: "..." *sets the phone down* -elsewhere- Mephisto: *rubs Felisia's back* felisia: =///w///= *tiny wing flutter* Mephisto: "Better?" felisia: *nod nod* Mephisto: *hug* "I'm glad..." felisia: *snuggles* =w=~<3 Mephisto: *forehead smooch* -elsewhere- Black Star: "..." tsubaki: *alseep on the plane* Black Star: "..." *tucks the blanket over her before looking out the window* -elsewhere- Joker: *passes the bottle* ivy: thanks. Joker: "Welcome..." *flipping through maps* -elsewhere- Todoroki: "...Endeavor could not escort me to the airport himself?" intern: something came up. Todoroki: "...Understood." -elsewhere- Kid: "Better?" stocking: yes. Kid: ^^ *cuddle* stocking: *purrs* Kid: ^\\\w\\\^ *pat pat* -morning- Izuku: *closes his suitcase* gran torino: heading home now? Izuku: *nods* "Classes start up again soon, sir." gran torino: now, dont go forgetting what you learned here *fast forworded blah blah bladdy blah* -find a way to keep those nerves under pressure* Izuku: O____O ("...That was exactly what I was thinking...") *bows* "THANK YOU FOR YOU MENTORSHIP, GUIDANCE, AND PATIENCE WITH ME!" gran torino: yeah yeah... (he really is a lot like you, toshinori...) oi kid. i have one thing to ask.....who're you? Izuku: o_O ("HOW CAN HE STILL NOT--") *All Might shaped light bulb* "Oh!" *bows* "Deku. That is my name, sir." -elsewhere- tsuyu: *on the train home*.....*checks phone* Habuko: [hey gurl!] tsuyu: *smiles* [hey habuko! how's it going? \(^o^)/ ] Habuko: [classes are starting again: >3> what u been doin?] tsuyu: [headng back from an internship. im swamped =3=] Habuko: [oh hey--how did your internship go?] tsuyu: [pretty busy. did you hear about that smuggling incident on the gulf?] Habuko: [yeah?] tsuyu: [i was there. it was scary, but it all worked out ^^ ] Habuko: [OMG ARE YOU OKAY?! D8> ] tsuyu: [yeah. a few bruises, but ok. *thumbs up frog emotion*] Habuko: [THANK GOD. be careful! *hugs* ] tsuyu: [ok.] *small smile* -elsewhere- Bakugo: "Not. One. Word." eijiro + sero: QuQ *trying not to laugh* mina: hey kacchan, nice hair! Bakugo: "THAT'S NOT MY FREAKIN' NAME, RACCOON!" jirou: his hair looks like monoma's. Bakugo: "I DON'T KNOW WHO THAT EVEN IS!" Monoma: *pops out of the shrubs* "LIAR!" jirou:...........................why are there shrubs in a- plant student: can you please get out of there now? jirou:....nevermind. Monoma: "JUST GIVE ME THIS!" plant student: GET OVER IT ALREADY YOU NEED HELP! Bakugo: "YEAH, WHAT PLANT PERSON SAID! STOP STALKING ME!" Monoma: "STOP YELLING IN THE HALLS!" -elsewhere- Iida: "..." momo:....*she hugs him* Iida: "..." *hugs back* momo: i was worried about you, you know. Iida: "I'm sorry...I didn't mean..." momo: just.....be more careful....*sniff* Iida: "I will..." *nods* -elsewhere- Todoroki: *stretches* fuyumi: welcome home, shouto! Todoroki: *smiles* "Glad to be home..." -elsewhere- Kurogiri: "Would you stop pouting." tomura: *groans and scratches at his neck* Kurogiri: "And stop scratching yourself--it's leaving marks." -elsewhere- Aizawa: *grunts* yuuji: mmhmm....*nomming on snack bar* Aizawa: "...That enough for you?" yuuji: yeah... Aizawa: "Hmm...At least drink some water. That stuff will dehydrate you." yuuji:....yeah... Aizawa: "...Don't let the Quirk anger get to you." yuuji: ?... oh....right..... Aizawa: "...You hungry?" yuuji:....not really..... Aizawa: "Okay. You need a real meal. Dinner later. No excuses." yuuji: ...... Aizawa: "I'm picking you up after course prep. Now, take care of yourself." yuuji:...yeah, yeah... Aizawa: "..." *back pat* "Okay." -elsewhere- Izuku: *walks up to the apartment* ???: "Greetings." Izuku: "!!!!" *turns* "A-All--" All Might: "Shhhh!" Izuku: !!! *covers his mouth, looks around* S-Sir? what brings you here? All Might: "I got a call from Gran Torino that you had returned..." izuku: yeah..*looks at his hand* All Might: "And you're limping..." izuku:....s-sorr- All Might: "...It's time you learned. About One for All." izuku: ?! -elsewhere- jirou: *playing DDR* Aoyama: *trying to catch up* ochako: so how were your internships, guys? Aoyama: "Magnifique! I--" mina: AOYAMA, THE GAME! Aoyama: "!!!" *trips* "Oh, no! I missed a step!" Mineta: *hiding behind a trash can, shivering* Q_Q denki: what's up with him? sato: ah, im sure he's fine. Mineta: *can only hear sounds of Mount Lady's cackling* Q_________Q sato:...just fine. ^^ Ojiro: ^^;;; "I thought the internship was pretty basic. Lots of paperwork...Tail was helpful for stacking files..." hagakure: sounds nice. sero: are you sure you're gonna be ok? Ojiro: "..." hagakure: y-yeah! i'll be back to normal in no time at all! Ojiro: "..." *pat pat* hagakure: t-thanks. Ojiro: *sad smile* Kouda: (ono) sero: just be glad you didnt run into that hero killer guy. Shoji: "Yeah, that Hosu battle caused a lot of damage. Lucky those three didn't get caught up." sato: to think he's connected to the league, too....scary. denki: yeah, but still pretty tenacious with his goal, it's kinda cool. mina: waugh, dont say scary stuff like that, denki! >A<' Mineta: *pops up* "But he was ranting about being a real hero! Why join with villains?! Unless there are heroes who are actually villains!" *LOUD INCOHERENT SCREAMING* "SHE'S GOING TO STEP ON ME!" Ojiro: *ignoring Mineta* "Denki, wow." denki: !! s-shit, i didnt mean- -LOUD WHISTLE- denki: OW! momo: ok, everyone, settle down. Iida: "NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR INCOHERENT SCREAMING AND PRAISING VILLAINS WHO ARE DEVOTED TO FUNDAMENTALIST IDEOLOGIES!" *random hand motions...with his good arm* Mineta: *covering his mouth to stop incoherently screaming* Shoji: "..." denki:...*looking down at his feet* ... Iida: "Now let us prepare for our return to classes to apply all we learned with our successfully concluded internships and become the heroes this world deserves!" mina: right! hagakure: right. -elsewhere- izuku: ... All Might: "...And that's what I wanted you to know. What you inherited...It may make you a target if All for One knew." izuku:....... All Might: "And...there's..." izuku: ?? -no...not now...- All Might: "...You're going to need to take what Gran Torino taught you. Trust his word...Okay?" izuku:...right. i will. All Might: "...Sorry to keep you." izuku: ok. have a nice day. *heading back home* All Might: *waves* -elsewhere- Shotaro: *stare* nea:....do you need something, kid? Shotaro: "Can we get Emine cake?" nea: let's see what we can do, then~ ^^ Shotaro: *claps* "Yay! We'll toss in ice cream, too." nea: heck yeah! *shiny eyes* setsuna: ^^; Shotaro: *pulls out a cook book* "I got the ingredients. Just need help mixing and keeping cool..." -elsewhere- Black Star: "We're back..." mrs nakatsukasa: *hugs them both* Black Star: .\\\. tsubaki: ^^; Black Star: "So...I guess we should rest up first?" mrs nakatsukasa: that would work. Black Star: "Then... *yawn * ...head to the jail..." -elsewhere- Kuro: "..." Sakuya: "..." lavender: who's up for a movie? Higan: "Sounds good. Any genre?" -elsewhere- Hiro: *opens the door* "I'm home." mrs kenshimono: welcome back, sweetie. ^^ hime: hey. Hiro: ^^ "Sorry I didn't get back earlier..." *looks in the dining room* -hime's friends from school are there studying- Hiro: "Study group?" hime: yeah. Hiro: "Got it...I'll just eat elsewhere then..." -elsewhere- Mifune: "..." yuma: what's up? Mifune: "Oh, sorry...Was just thinking..." *sets down his tea* yuma: hmmm... -meanwhile, somewhere in japan...- ???: "..." *small growl* -the forest is silent- ???: "..." *sniffs the air* ???: "..." *his stomach growls* *looks...* -there's a small village not far off...- ???: "..." *stays low to the ground, careful with his steps over fallen leaves until he nears the village* elderly man: ... *He follows the Elderly Man...* elderly man: *going to a storage area* ???: "..." *looks at the storage area for exits, windows...* elderly man: *filling his sack with the food he needs for tonight's dinner* ???: *sniff sniff* "..." *approaches a window* elderly man: ?? <oh?> ???: "..." *gets closer* elderly man: <excuse me? i dont think i've seen your face around these parts.> ???: "..." *growls--both in his throat and in his stomach* elderly man: <are you a vagrant?> ???: <I...Hungry...> elderly man:...<why dont you come with me to our home? we're making udon tonight.> ???: "..." *stomach growl* "..." *follows* -elsewhere- Crona: *shudders* mami: are you alright? Crona: "J-Just felt...something." *rubs their arms* "Maybe a memory..." mami:...*hugs* Crona: "..." *small weeping noise* mami: im here. Crona: *nod nod* "I-I'm sorry..." mami: you're ok, chrona. Crona: "O-Okay..." *holds onto Mami* -elsewhere- Jordan: *sniff* *crying into his beer* "--and then they cancelled my favorite show, and Mr. Fitzgerald made me dress like a robot, and I don't--" *sobbing noises* daisy: *pap pap* eckleburg: that's rough, buddy. Jordan: "A-At least I can torrent the re-runs...Eckleburg, do you like working here?" eckleburg: it's nice. Jordan: "Compared to the old boss?" eckleburg: a lot better. Jordan: "I gues so...Probably same for you, too, Daisy?" daisy: ...im more or less indifferent. Jordan: "Hmm." eckleburg:... Jordan: "..." *nudges Eckleburg* eckleburg: ?? Jordan: *whispers* "She's like that--always 'indifferent.'" eckleburg: ??? Jordan: "Maybe you're 'different.'" eckleburg: ???? daisy: oookay, i think that's enough for you, jordan. Jordan: *pushes Eckleburg* "Whoopsie--" eckleburg: ow! daisy: hey! *helping him up* honestly jordan, go home. -_-; eckleburg: .///.; -elsewhere- Karim: "That's some progress you've made: great work." pearl: thank you. Karim: "Well, that'll be it--it's late. Wash up and get to bed." -elsewhere- Giriko: *tossing* arachne: *hugs from behind* mmmn.... Giriko: *calms down, opens his eyes* "...Hey." arachne: hey...*hug* *slight squish* Giriko: =\\\\= "Thanks..." arachne: ^^ Giriko: "..." *holds her hands, drawing them closer to him* arachne: u///u Giriko: *kisses her hand lightly* -morning- Kurogiri: *washing the counter* twice: did you watch that video again, toga? himiko: i watched it like...50 billion times! >u< Dabi: -_-### "...Punk-ass brat." twice: didnt you say 'you like the way this guy thinks'? =3= Dabi: "Just...You had the chance to kill Endeavor, and you didn't do it." twice: oh. Dabi: "Maybe someone else can step up to the plate..." mr compress: without a doubt, we'll be getting new members, soon. Kurogiri: "Should be here soon, so make a good impression..." himiko: okaaaaayyyy... -elsewhere- -a boy with a gasmask and school uniform sits on a bus stop bench with a sign that reads 'going to death city'- gasmask: ... *Bus approaches, its door opens* Driver: "..." gasmask:....*holding up his sign as he gets on* Driver: "Huh. You one o' those Quirkies?" gasmask:....is there a problem with that? Driver: "Nope. Off to get an education there?" gasmask:...yeah... (you could say that....) Driver: "See, I tell my kids 'Go to school.' But one of them wants to be--get this--a circus performer! I even told them there are colleges for that, but they won't listen and--" *talking talking talking* gaskmask:....*looks out the window* Driver: *blah blah blah* *Bus passes hills* -elsewhere- Poe: *opens an envelope--stares at the numbers* O__________o;;;;; lana: what is it? Poe: *shaking* "It-It's not possible! The interest rate should be higher than this! They lowered it on my savings!" lana: what's going on? Poe: *holds up the savings account listing...and it has a lot of zeroes after the number* lana:..... *JAWDROP* Poe: "They're ripping me off! I must have missed the statement that they were adjusting my interest rate--" *notices her* "...Lana, dear? What's wrong?" lana: i-im fine... m-must be the weather. Poe: *drops the papers, holds her hands* "Let's get you something to drink..." lana: t-thank you, edgar. @-@; (you love him for who he is YOU LOVE HIM FOR WHO HE IS, DO NOT FORGET THIS!!) Poe: ^w^; *guides her to the kitchen, retrieving some tea* "Have a seat..." -elsewhere- Bakugo: *sitting in his seat, looking pissed (as usual)* itsuka: hey katsuki. ^^ Bakugo: "Oh, thank God!" *hug* itsuka: o///o happy to see me? ^///^; Bakugo: "Out of everyone here, you don't annoy me." [Translation: "I love you."] itsuka: aww. *kiss on the cheek* Bakugo: =\\\\\= *tiger growl* -elsewhere- mushitaro: *doing his morning routine* (teeth brushed, check. pants on, check. binder on, check. shirt on, check. jacket on, check. bow tie on, check.) *styling his hair* *Knock knock* mushitaro: *glaaaaares* WHAT?! ???: "I need the key to the bathroom!" mushitaro: im in the MIDDLE. of my MORNING ROUTINE!! Adam: "But I have to go!" mushitaro: USE THE OTHER BATHROOM THEN! DX< Adam: "Someone's in there! And they only answer in Russian!" -elsewhere- Fyodor: <I just want to request my favorite song~> guard: you seem to be rather fond of the radio... Fyodor: *nods* "It's solace for the soul." guard:.....very well, what is it? Fyodor; " 'Fantasie Impromptu’, please." guard: alright then. Fyodor: *closes his eyes* -underground...- -the radio is playing- Ivan: *blush* zoey:...ah....<3 Ivan: ^\\\\w\\\\^ lydia: <seems they're enjoying themselves.> yana: mmhmm. Ivan: <So pleasant for him...> lydia: <shall we begin with his orders, then?> Ivan: <Yes~> Adam: "???" *has a door smashed over his head* mushitaro: TT^TT *mumbling* Ivan: <I believe Mushitaro may proceed with Master's orders...> mushitaro: .....*grins* Ivan: "Do you have the address?" mushitaro: *he nods* all i need to do is retrieve the item and take care of business~ Ivan: "Yay! Please do all to please Master~" -elsewhere- Todoroki: *walking through hall* ochako: hey todoroki! *waves* ^^ Todoroki: *waves* "Hello." *smiles* ochako: how're you feeling? Todoroki: "Relieved to be back." ochako: yeah. Todoroki: "How was your internship? Educational?" ochako:....you could say that. *super serious* Todoroki: .____. "...Hard core." -elsewhere- Kepuri: "..." *hug* akaderu: =////= Kepuri: "Better?" akaderu: yeah. thanks babe. Kepuri: *pats his neck* "...It's going to be okay." akaderu:....*hugs* sometimes....i worry i'll wake up...and you'll still be in that computer space.... Kepuri: "And that's not ever going to happen again...I'm going to be here when you wake up tomorrow, and the day after..." akaderu:...*hugs her tightly* ...... Kepuri: =\\\\\= "A bit tight, babe..." akaderu: TT///TT Kepuri: "..." *tip-toe to kiss his cheek* akaderu: t-thanks... -elsewhere- Black Star: "How you want to start?" tsubaki: we should speak with them Black Star: "..." *nods* "The prison?" tsubaki: *she nods* Black Star: "I'll call for the ride..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: TT~TT *fox crying* louisa: toby? what's wrong? are you sick? Mr. Tsubaki: *curls up into a ball* *whimpers* louisa: *going to call a vet* Mr. Tsubaki: … {tsubaki: *smiles*} Mr. Tsubaki: Q____Q *buries himself under a blanket* -elsewhere- Higan: "Kind of surprised she trusted some kid and his cat to watch us...and they're at school right now, leaving us here." naho: we're gonna drink so many sodas. Higan: "...Guess that's one goal." Belkia: *picking a lock to the cupboard* "Right in here!" -chop- otogiri: behave. -.-; Belkia: >3< "IT WAS NAHO'S IDEA!" naho: tattle-tale! >A<# Sakuya: ^^; "Maybe go light on their punishment until Mahiru gets back, Otogiri?" -elsewhere- Dazai: "How are you feeling?" kirako: a bit nauseous... TT~TT Dazai: "Medicine? Tea?" kirako: yes please. TT3TT Dazai: *shakes out some medicine* "Just need some time to brew the tea..." *sets down a glass of water for her* kirako: thanks, dazai. Dazai: "Of course." *smiles* -elsewhere- sonia: .... Teacher: "--and don't forgot to finish your math homework. Any questions?" sonia: ... Teacher: "If not, you're free to--" *The door kicks open* Tachihara: "Here to pick you up!" Teacher: "?!!!" sonia:...uncle tachi, class isnt over yet. -_-; Tachihara: .w.;;;; "...Sorry." *sits down--in one of the school chairs, which is too big for him* Teacher: "..." Tachihara: *winks at the Teacher* Teacher: "...Sonia. Make your uncle behave." sonia: *facepalms* uncle tachi, stop. -_-# Tachihara: "What? What am I doing?" *the chair breaks under him--but since it's a child's chair, he just falls a short distance* Teacher: -_-# "You're paying for that..." Tachihara: "I could repay you with a date~" Teacher: "...Sonia? GET HIM OUT OF HERE! CLASS DISMISSED!" *headdesk* -in the car- sonia: -___-#; Tachihara: *slap mark on his face, which he's trying to pass off as cool* "So, what's on the agenda, buddy? We gonna get some fast food?" sonia: why are you like this? Tachihara: "Yeeeeeeeeeeears of practice at the School of Coolness." *lowers sunglasses over his eyes...only for one of the lenses to pop out* sonia:.....deep down, you have a lot of insecurities, dont you? Tachihara: "..." *pulls over to the side of the road* "..." *rests his head against the steering wheel* sonia:.....*pap pap* Tachihara: *covers his eyes* "I just want *sniff* what normal people have..." sonia:...do you want a hug? Tachihara: *nod nod* sonia: *hug* Tachihara: Q______Q sonia:....ice cream? Tachihara: "O-Okay...With sprinkles?" sonia: *nod* Tachihara: QwQ "Y-Yay..." *turns back onto the road* -elsewhere- Master: "Mana, I need a favor. See that customer?" mana: *looks* Master: "He hasn't paid his tab in months. Persuade him to pay. You have my permission to use threats." Hyde: *seated at the table where Master pointed* mana: excuse me sir.....pay your fucking tab~<3 Hyde: o_O "...But it's my day off--" mana: *grabs him by the neck* well then you're just gonna have to work it off ^^# Hyde: "!!!!" *grabs his wallet* "TAKE IT! JUST DON'T HURT ME!" *throws the wallet at her face* mana:..... -he got made to wear the dress- -elsewhere- Kuro: *yawns* "We're going back to that house?" mahiru: yeah. Kuro: *stomach growl* "Ramen..." -elsewhere- Rin: *stretches* "What you up for?" madoka: maybe visit the cafe? Rin: "Can we get some cookies?" madoka: sure! ^^ Rin: *shiny eyes* "Yay!" -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "Do I need to put him into one of those carrying cages to take him to the vet?" louisa: most likely. Fitzgerald: "Could you help me, then?" *holds up his arm--where Mr. Tsubaki is latched onto it* Mr. Tsubaki: >n< louisa: its ok, toby. ^^; Mr. Tsubaki: *fox chittering noises* Fitzgerald: "Hold the cage, Miss Alcott--his claws are digging into my skin..." -elsewhere- Todoroki: "Any plans this weekend?" ochako: not sure. Todoroki: "Homework to catch up on..." ochako: study group? Todoroki: "Sounds good...Anyone to bring in?" -elsewhere- Steinbeck: "...Have you even _piloted_ a boat?" twain: does a paddleboat count? Steinbeck: "Barely..." *defeated sigh* "Still more experience than others have, I'm sure..." twain: ^u^ Steinbeck: "Where the heck is Oscar with the RV..." oscar: im here, lovies~ ^^ ebie: woah. baum: fancy. Steinbeck: ._. oscar: just a little gift from a family benefactor~<3 Hemingway: "Ostentatious." *opens the door* "And roomy!" dorothy: it's like a castle with wheels. Steinbeck: -_-# "I was hoping not to draw attention to ourselves..." oscar: 737;; Hemingway: "Aw, let Wilde have this! We can travel in style! Maybe even stop by some fishing spots..." twain: *laying on a cushy bed* =w= Steinbeck: "Okay, who's driving?" -elsewhere- Tachihara: *scooping up ice cream* TwT sonia: *nom* Tachihara: "So, your teacher seems nice." sonia: ..are you trying to get me to set you up? Tachihara: "Nooooooooo! Never! Not at all...But hypothetically--" sonia: no. -_-; Tachihara: "Worth a shot." *scoops up ice cream* "So, after this, I can show you how to get free tokens at the arcade." sonia: ok. Tachihara: ^w^ "What's your favorite game?" sonia:...not sure. Tachihara: "Ever play whack-a-mole?" sonia: *shrug* Tachihara: "Or a beat-'em-up game? Or a shooting game?" sonia:....i think i might remember how to use a gun. Tachihara: owo;;;;; "...'Kay...Maaaaaaaaaaaybe just skeeball." -elsewhere- Motojiro: "--and finished!" *turns on a disco ball* ayako: yeeeah! Motojiro: "We're gonna make this one superpower dance hall!" -elsewhere- White Star: *gobble gobble nom nom nom* elderly woman: <my, my, what an appetite.> ^^; White Star: *mouth full of food* o\\\\\o "..." *swallows* <Sorry.> elderly man: <you must have been hungry.> White Star: "..." <Feels like I haven't eaten in years.> elderly man: <well you take all the time you need to.> White Star: "..." *bows* -elsewhere- Yohei: "??? You okay?" chie: exhausted. =_=' Yohei: "...Food? Lie down? Bath?" chie: yes. Yohei: ^^ "Okay...I set out some bubble bath in the bathroom. I'll get your meal ready." -elsewehere- Black Star: "...Ready?" tsubaki:...*she nods* Black Star: *opens the door* Magaki: "..." tsubaki: hello... Magaki: *nods* <I should have seen this coming.> tsubaki: <we arent here to kill you. we just want to talk.> Magaki: "..." <What did you want to talk about?> tsubaki: <what is it you want? why did you do what you did?> Magaki: <...I've been like this as long as I can remember--which isn't that far. I get some memories of maybe...2 years ago? 5 years ago? It's hard to tell.> tsubaki:.....<what's the earliest you can remember?> Magaki: <...Dark water?> tsubaki: *listening* Magaki: <I...think I died.> *holds their chest* <I don't exactly have a heart beat anyway...> tsubaki: .... {????: <please.........my child....please save....} {Priest: <...> *picks up the child* } Magaki: <Priests...Priestess...Red water...?> tsubaki:.... Magaki: <...> *puts their head down, small groan* tsubaki:...*hugs them* Magaki: <...Why?> tsubaki:....<you looked like you needed that...> Magaki: "..." <Thanks?> -elsewhere- Patty: "Need help grading?" liz: *working hard* Patty: "..." *shrugs, looks at school reports* -elsewhere- Neuhaus: *looking at the books* "So why ask me?" nygus: stein figured you and him could compare research notes. Neuhaus: "What's he investigating?" nygus: he just wanted to compare notes on the zombi- Neuhaus: *tenses* nygus:....my apologies... Neuhaus: "...I'll share what I know." *hands her a book* "You're welcome to copy these notes for him, but I'll need them back." nygus: understood. -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *sips an appletini...through a curly straw* naoya: well? how is it? Akutagawa: "Sweeter. I couldn't taste alcohol." naoya: see, you're getting there. ^^ Akutagawa: "Why do people drink this? Alcohol tastes like poison and makes people act...like Tachihara." naoya: well, life can be stressful, it helps with that sometimes. Akutagawa: "...But in moderation." naoya: yeah. Akutagawa: "...Just afraid of doing something embarrassing. Or violent." naoya:... *pap pap* Akutagawa: "..." *shakes the empty glass* -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "What do you think, Doc?" doctor: hmm... Mr. Tsubaki: @~@ doctor: he seems rather dehydrated. seems to be displaying signs of anxiety or depression as well. Fitzgerald: "..." *strokes Mr. Tsubaki's back* Mr. Tsubaki: TT____TT Fitzgerald: "What do you recommend?" doctor: im sure we can prescribe some anti-anxiety medication to calm him down. Fitzgerald: "I see...Are there non-medication options that can also be provided to him?" -elsewhere- Kouyou: "Something the matter?" leo: hm? no, just thinking. Kouyou: "Ah..." *passes a cookie to her* leo:...*tiny nom* Kouyou: ^^ "I think you've been doing well at catering to visitors." leo: thank you very much, ma'am. Kouyou: *nods* "You're welcome." *sets down her tea* "Could you watch the estate tomorrow?" leo: i shall do my best. Kouyou: "Good. I will be out in the morning." -elsewhere- Poe: "Feel better?" lana: yeah =w= Poe: ^\\\w\\\^ *forehead smooch* lana: hehe~ -elsewhere- ranpo: *whistling* maria: ^////^ ~<3 <3 <3 Tanizaki: "...So..." *his hair is sliced along one side--from knives* "Why don't you--" Kyoka: "Why are you into that guy?" Tanizaki: ._. ("So blunt.") maria: hehe, my prince~<3 ranpo: ? Kyoka: "..." *looks at Ranpo* "..." *looks back at Maria* "..." *puts a hand on Maria's shoulder* maria: ~? Kyoka: "..." *serious face* "DO NOT." maria: OuO ~?? ranpo:.....tanizakiiii, im out of ramune. can you drive me to the store? maria: can i come too?? ^///^ Tanizaki: ^^;;;; "Sure?" Kyoka: "...This will end in a way that will require brain bleach." maria: hehe~ naomi: that poor girl. Kyoka: -_- "No kidding. I know they say there is someone for everyone but...This?" naomi: yeah, falling for ranpo is pretty much a lost cause. Kyoka: *sighs* "I need to wash this from my brain..." *pulls up crime reports* -elsewhere- Black Star: "Think they've gotten better?" tsubaki:...i-i think so.... Black Star: "..." *pat pat* "You tried." tsubaki: .... Black Star: "Maybe talk to them tomorrow?" tsubaki:...yeah... -in a small home...- -blood stains the walls and floors....- White Star: "..." *loud sigh* -the elderly man and woman lay motionless, two souls floating above them- White Star: *stares in fascination at one of the souls...he pokes it with a finger* -elsewhere- Chuuya: ._.; "...Big prize you won at the arcade?" sonia: *nod nod* Chuuya: "Did Tachihara help?" sonia: *nod nod* Chuuya: "And did you thank him?" sonia: *nod nod* Chuuya: "..." *looks at Tachihara* Tachihara: OwO;;;; Chuuya: "..." *pats Sonia's head* sonia: uncle tachi showed me how to throw a curveball. Tachihara: OwO *nod nod* Chuuya: "...Well, thank you, Tachihara." Tachihara: ^\\\\\^ -elsewhere- Higan: "Better?" lavender: seems it. Higan: "Good...What did Tsubaki write?" -she explains what was in the note- Higan: "...And that...um, 'vampire,' just gave up?" otogiri: seems they were detained....they sound like they were weakened.... Belkia: "So, they could take down Black Star...then got injured enough to be captured? Guess Black Star hit harder than we thought..." Higan: "..." ("Or Tsubaki did...") -elsewhere- Arthur: "...You think the Captain needs a makeover?" tamaki: yeah, it might make him feel better. Relan: "Maybe a hair cut?" Arthur: "A suit of armor." tamaki: we should take nozomi out too. it might help her feel better. Relan: "Oh, good idea!" Victor: .w. iris: yeah. i like that. maki: and i know just the place. *shiny eyes* Relan: "???" -elsewhere- Hyde: *napping on the couch...with a kazoo in his mouth* licht:...im not even going to ask. Kranz: "I thought it was cute! And it makes funny noises--" Hyde: *breathing out in his sleep--* "WOOOOOOP..." romina: *snickering* Guildenstern: -_-;;; -elsewhere- Meme: *asleep at her desk* mio: ... Meme: *groans, sits up* "..." *her eyes are puffy* mio:...meme? Meme: "Y-Yeah?" *she tries to smile* mio:...*hug* Meme: "..." *shudders* mio: ... Meme: *small whimper* -elsewhere- White Star: *huffing, out of breath* {White Star: *cackling, slices at villagers* } {-footsteps are heard-} {White Star: "!!!" *steps back into shadows*} {-a man with a sword is standing there-} {Mifune: "..."} {white*star: ?} {Mifune: "..." *slices into the shadows*} {white*star: *jumps back* oh? what have we here?} {Mifune: "...So many that you killed..."} {white*star: ...} {Mifune: "It stops here--" *swings at White Star's head*} -CAW CAW- White Star: "!!!" *swings his sword* -a flurry of crows flies off- White Star: "..." *sniffs the air* -elsewhere- Asura: "..." *holding his head* mikan: asura?...*holding his hand* Asura: "Nirvana..." mikan: ? *she looks at the logos on the wall of the building* Asura: "What they want...Was this all fated?" mikan:...*rubs his back* Asura: "I-I didn't know who they're leader was...It's all so confusing what to do..." -elsewhere- Yohei: "Better?" chie: a lot better now. Yohei: "I'm glad..." *sets down some chocolates* chie: *shiny eyes* Yohei: *picks one up, brings it to her lips* chie: *nom* >u< *smooch* Yohei: ^\\\\^ "Mmm...Tasty." -elsewhere- Kid: *tending to Shiori* "It's okay..." shiori: >~< Kid: "Just a little stomach ache..." *rubs lightly along her back* shiori: mmn.. TT~TT Kid: *holds her, continues to rub her back* "I'm sorry...You'll feel better soon. I promise." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *lying down* "..." Fitzgerald: "...He seems calmer?" mary: did you feel sick today, toby? *pet pet* Mr. Tsubaki: *small grunt, moving his head as if nodding* -elsewhere- Benimaru: "We had to knock down another building." kirei: ah. do you know what will be in its place? Benimaru: "I was hoping for some ideas. So far I've heard 'storage,' but that's boring." kirei: perhaps we could build a shop there? Benimaru: "Hmm...Would boost the local economy. What would you sell?" kirei: eh? hmm. Benimaru: "Maybe clothing, or tools--" Tsukiyo: "SOUVENIRS!" -elsewhere- Poe: *asleep in chair* "Zzz..." lana:.... *puts blanket over him and kisses his forehead* Poe: =w= "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Gopher: "Zzz..." kirika: .... Gopher: *turns* *yawns* *opens his eyes* "..." kirika: you ok? Gopher: *nods* "B-Better...I guess I was exhausted." *looks up at the top of her head* kirika:....what? Gopher: "It looks great." kirika: um...thanks? *she has bedhead* Gopher: ^\\\w\\\^ *smooths her hair* kirika: =///n///=; Gopher: "..." *inches closer to nuzzle* kirika: *small growling* =/////=;; Gopher: .____. *leans back* -elsewhere- Kouyou: *lights a candle at a grave, holds her hands* leo: .... Kouyou: "..." *wipes her eyes* leo: lady kouyou? Kouyou: "..." *composes herself* "What is it?" leo:...did you need a moment? Kouyou: "..." *nods* leo: very well. Kouyou: *inhales deeply...tries to steady her breath* leo: ..... *examining the area* *Some buds are already forming on the trees, despite winter* leo:.....*faint smile* Kouyou: "..." *gets up* leo: are you ready to return home, now? Kouyou: "Yes...Let's go." leo:.... -elsewhere- Kid: *collapses in bed* stocking: long day? Kid: *yawns* "Yeah...Shiori had an upset tummy..." stocking: aww. Kid: "She's asleep...Just hope it doesn't last..." stocking: yeah... Kid: *facedown in bed* "..." *holds out his hand* stocking: *kisses his hand* Kid: "Mmm~ Thanks..." stocking: no problem~ Kid: *yawns, turns over, hugs Stocking* stocking: u///u Kid: =w= "Perfect person..." -elsewhere- Shamrock: *looking out the window* lavender: waiting for something? Shamrock: "I thought I heard something..." lavender: ? Shamrock: "Like someone stepping around..." lavender: do you think it's an intruder? Shamrock: "...Maybe...Wake up Sakuya..." lavender: *going to do that* Kuro: *yawn...sits up* mahiru: *already has the broom out* Shamrock: "..." *holds up his hand, making military gestures to indicate the plan silently* Belkia: ._. "???" mahiru: ?? Shamrock: x_-;;; "Two of you hide in the grass, the others land the first strikes from up and down." mahiru: oh. Kuro: "Then just say so...It's boring otherwise..." Shamrock: *holds up fingers, counting down...4...3..2...* *throws open the door* naho: *sneaks into a bush* Sakuya: *leaps forward* "RAWR!" Kuro: *bored roar* "Rawr?" Stray Creature: .________. naho: awww. how cute! Stray Creature: *animal chitter* Kuro: =_____=; Shamrock: x\\\\\\o;;;;; lavender: just...what even is that, some kind of squirrel? Belkia: "A capybara?" Stray Creature: *head tilt* "???" naho: are you lost, little buddy? Stray Creature: "..." *slowly approaches* naho: ^^ *holds out a hand* Stray Creature: "..." *small lick* naho: hehe ^^ Stray Creature: ^w^ *licks--then hand chomp* naho:..... QwQ Sakuya: o______O Belkia: "D'aw, it likes you!" otogiri: *already has the medkit out* Stray Creature: *wagging tail* ^w^ -elsewhere- Black Star: "..." *groans* "They just going to keep them locked up?" tsubaki: its possible.... Black Star: "Think they deserve that? I mean, they killed..." tsubaki: ..... Black Star: "..." *pokes her nose* tsubaki: *small chuckle* what? Black Star: "You're thinkin' somethin'..." tsubaki: i guess... Black Star: "...Well, you're better at the planning stuff. What we need to do to convince others to help them out?" tsubaki: i'll see if i can find out more from magaki about their situation. Black Star: *nods* "Maybe I can talk to some witnesses or cops..." -elsewhere- Hibana: *sips wine* gabriella: this is nice. ^^ Hibana: "A well-deserved break." *passes a glass to Gabriella* -morning- Akutagawa: *stares at the calendar* -jan 15- Akutagawa: *shudders* "Just a little more..." -elsewhere- Lucy: "--and she's now gah-gah for him." atsushi: oh wow. sucks to be her. Lucy: "Could be worse in dating choices--but Ranpo is so oblivious that she's going to get hurt--" *pinches Atsushi's cheek* atsushi: >3< ow! Lucy: "--and we should at least minimize the hurt. Wouldn't you agree?" atsushi: y-yeah. that does make sense. Lucy: ^w^ "Good." *lets go* "She seems to like some treats, so she'll probably pig out on those when Ranpo crushes her heart like a brittle seashell in his hands." atsushi: ._.; Lucy: "...I was reading nautical fiction. The word choice got stuck in my head. But seriously, let's give her a night out to minimize the pain." atsushi: sounds good. -elsewhere- Kid: *sets out breakfast* "So many plates to pass out..." lord death: yep. Kid: "...Did you ever think a family would get this big?" lord death: well, life can be full of surprises, even for a family of reapers, haha! Kid: ^^ "I suppose so..." *opens the cupboard--* o_o Patty: *wedged inside, eating out of the cereal box* "..." liz: again? Patty: *mouth full* "Always!" -elsewhere- Ivan: "--and she's vomiting again." lydia: <i feel kind of sorry for her...> Ivan: <In a hilarious way...> ^w^ lydia: ... -_-; mushitaro: jeez, and i thought _i_ was petty. Ivan: <I can afford to be!> mushitaro: 737 Adam: "But she's sick. And someone has to take care of the child--" *holds up Q* Q: =A= put me down! im not that small! Adam: "But you are tinier than I am. And I'm huge." Q: IM 14 YEARS OLD! >3< Adam: "...Really? I thought you were 6." yana:.....huh. Ivan: "..." *steps back* lydia:.... ._. (not how i expected to spend my birthday...) Adam: "Oh!" *picks up a crudely wrapped item and hands it to Lydia* "Glorious Nascent!" lydia:...thank you. *opens it* *Inside is a book--Hawthorne's Bible* lydia:....this is the pastor's. ._.; Adam: "That's how gift-giving works, right?" *smiles* lydia:....um....thank you...adam. (i'll just return this later...) -elsewhere- nozomi:..... Relan: "..." *whispers* "We doing this?" shinra: *nods* it'll do good for her. tamaki: hey nozomin! nozomi:...h-hey. Relan: ^^ "So...We had an idea..." tamaki: we were going to head out to chibuya crossing. there's lots of cute shops there, you want to come with us? nozomi:....i-i suppose. tamaki: great! shinra: hey maki, can you be our driver? Maki: "Sure thing." *grabs the Matchbox keys* iris: commander, we're heading out for a bit! Akitaru: "Oh? Where you heading?" tamaki: chibuya crossing! Akitaru: "Okay, have fun! Have your cell phones!" shinra: we will! -and so- tamaki: ah, chibuya crossing is so stylish, even in winter. nozomi: hm.... iris: ^^ Relan: "And lots of post-Christmas sales..." tamaki: no way! they have valentines stuff out already?! shinra: welcome to the world of retail. Maki: *stares at the candies* O~O nozomi:..... tamaki: ....oh! that store looks cute! hey nozomi, lets go find you some new clothes! nozomi: e-eh? Maki: "I agree! Come on, Iris!" iris: ^^ Relan: "...Um..." shinra: did you want to go with them? Relan: "I don't know...I haven't done shopping trips like this--I don't know whether it's appropriate for a guy to join in." shinra: hey, if you want to, then you go ahead and join in, heck, i'll join in too! Relan: "O-Okay..." *smiles* -inside the store- tamaki: *modeling an outfit* Maki: *claps* "So cute!" iris: *snaps a pic* ok, who's next? shinra: ok, im ready! *he has on a visual kei style outfit* Relan: "Oh, wow..." iris: so cool! shinra: UwU *bishie sparkle* tamaki: *picking out clothes* Relan: "How about you, Maki?" Maki: "I...don't think I could pull that off." ^^; iris: im sure you would look nice, though. Maki: "...Well...I could try..." shinra: that's the spirit! Maki: *picks one* "Only if Relan tries something on..." Relan: ._. shinra: want me to help you out, rel? Relan: "Wh-What should I try on?" -later, it was nozomi's turn- nozomi: h-how does it look? tamaki: you look so cute! you should totally buy it! Maki: *nods* "Right now!" nozomi: oh, um... tamaki: we'll pool our money together! Relan: "Something else for after Christmas!" -elsewhere at chibuya crossing- Shotaro: "How about these?" *puts on silly glasses* mana: ^^ Shotaro: *puts them on Mana* "There--now I barely recognize you!" mana: >3<; mono: we'll need to stop at the bookstore too, the new volume of that 4-panel manga i've been reading is out now. Assi: "??? So it's good?" mono: a-at least i think it is. 737 mana: oh right, you've been reading 'Ringo Aaparu's fruity flavored classroom' right? Shotaro: "??? Is it sweet?" -elsewhere- Todoroki: *sits down* "Haven't had ramen in a bit..." fuyumi: want to order take out or head somewhere? Todoroki: "Maybe head out. Could use the walk." fuyumi: alrighty then. ^^ Todoroki: *small smile, as he retrieves his wallet* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *points* "And there's the children's museum, straight ahead." sonia: *looks* Chuuya: "I heard they got dinosaur bones, and an otter tank..." sonia: wow. Chuuya: *smiles* "Want to go in?" sonia: sure. Chuuya: "Yay!" *a little too excited to see the otter tank* sonia: ....*small smile* Chuuya: *hands the admission price to the ticket taker* "One adult and one--" Hyde: "Here." sonia: thanks. Hyde: "...You're welcome." Chuuya: *opens the door for Sonia* -elsewhere- otogiri: well, at least that creature was returned to its owner now. naho: TT~TT my poor hand... Sakuya: *sets down tea* "What kinda creature..." -elsewhere- komori: ........*she takes her face mask off, revealing Glasgow smile scars, and starts eating lunch* Arthur: *walking through a nearby hall* komori: ....*nom* Arthur: *passes where Komori is eating* komori:....!! *tries to cover her mouth* Arthur: "???" *turns around* "Hey..." *picks up a quarter off the floor* "I found money..." komori: [good for you] Arthur: *nods* "How's lunch?" komori: [alright] Arthur: "Not up for the makeover the others were doing shopping?" komori: [too busy] Arthur: "Well, at least no one is too injured here..." komori:... -elsewhere- Relan: *biting into a large pretzel* =w= shinra: so where to next? *checking a chibuya crossing map on his phone* Maki: "I hear a fighting game calling my name." tamaki: you're so on! Relan: "Oh, oh! One of the racing games!" shinra: ^^ *notices somebody* ?? Izuku: "Shinra!" *waves* shinra: izuku hey! *waves* Izuku: *walks over, limping slightly* "Hey...Hi, Relan!" Relan: *meek wave* shinra: we all decided to spend the day off at chibuya crossing. nozomi: ... Izuku: *spots Nozomi* "Oh, new outfit?" nozomi: y-yeah... m-miss tamaki helped pick it out for me. Izuku: "I think it looks great. That was really nice of Tamaki to help." tamaki:..*small smile* Izuku: "What game are you playing?" -elsewhere- Anya: *walking through neighborhoods...looking around corners* maria: *following ranpo on a job* ^///^ ranpo: *whistling* Anya: *spots Maria and--* "...!!!?!" ranpo: hmn? hey, arent you that weird doctor's daughter? maria: hmm? Anya: "...Do I know you?" maria: oh, call me mari! ^^ *holds her hand out* Anya: *looks at her hand* "..." ("...What is it with princesses disguising themselves?") *takes Maria's hand, smiles* "Anya." maria: nice to meet you! Anya: "Likewise." *spots Ranpo* "...Are those Crocs?" ranpo: oh these? they're my water shoes. Anya: "...Aren't you a grown man?" ranpo: your point? maria: hehe, you're so funny~ ^^ Anya: ._.; "...Um...So, what are you two doing?" ranpo: work stuff, solving mysteries, the usual. maria: hehe~ *hugs his arm* Anya: ._________. "...Are you from that cartoon with the hyper-active girl and the boy with the pine tree hat?" maria: owo~? ranpo: saw it, saw the theories, debunked them, same old same old. Anya: "...You have a highly active life on fan community’s sites, don't you?" ranpo: eh, sometimes. -elsewhere- stocking: .... Kid: "..." *cuddle* stocking: t-thanks... Kid: *nods* *rubs her hand lightly* "It's okay." stocking:....*hugs him* Kid: "..." *hug* stocking: i love you so much... Kid: "I love you, too, so much...Always." stocking: *kiss* Kid: ^\\\^ *smooch* stocking: mmm u////u Kid: *holds her close* "..." *small laugh* "I can feel your heartbeat..." stocking: ^///^ Kid: "..." *closes his eys* "And your soul..." stocking: *holds him close to her chest* Kid: =\\\\\= "It's beautiful..." -elsewhere- Magaki: "..." -...- Magaki: *sips water...grimaces* {???: <please......child......save my child....>} {Baby Magaki: *shudders, panting*} {??? *in tears* <please, save my baby!>} {Elder: "..." *takes the baby*} Magaki: *holds their head, moaning* -elsewhere- Giriko: "Cute sweater." arachne: thank you. ^^ Giriko: "And not to ignore our little cutie's sweater..." anna: ba! ^o^ Giriko: "Hee hee..." *picks her up* anna: *giggle* Giriko: "...She's getting so big..." -elsewhere- marie: we're baaack~! christa: hiyaaaa! Yumi: *holding up a sign at the airport: "Mjolnir"* ^^ christa: hiya auntie! Yumi: "Hi, Christa! Enjoy seeing your family?" christa: yuppy! marie: ^^ Yumi: *hugs Marie* "Good trip?" marie: *she nods* -elsewhere- Maki: *carrying bags* "Think we got enough?" tamaki: yep! nozomi:....hey guys?....thanks for today....i...had fun. *small smile* Maki: "D'aw, that's great!" *smiles* tamaki: any time, nozomi. *smiles* Relan: ^w^ *holding a new mouse wheel for Buttons* shinra: we're home! karin: welcome back, kiddos! Arthur: *waves* maki: we bought some stuff for the others too. they'll be on the couch. Arthur: "???" *looks inside one bag* -it's one of those horse head masks- Arthur: "...I am so blessed." *puts it on* shinra: *laughs* Vulcan: *walks by--* "...Oh, wow..." *walks up to Arthur* "..." *starts stroking his head* Arthur: "...What are you--" Vulcan: "Shhh..." shinra: *about to cry from laughing so hard* Vulcan: *pulls out a carrot, offering it to Arthur* Arthur: "..." *shrugs, lifts the mask, starts eating the carrot* Takehisa: *walks by* "Nice mask, Arthur. It elongates your face." Arthur: "Thank you, sir." Vulcan: =w= Takehisa: "???" *looks inside a bag* "...Oh. Did you all buy these?" maki: yep! iris: 0x0; Takehisa: "..." *looks up* "...Thank you. I shall try this on." iris: ._.;;; Relan: "Oh boy..." Takehisa: *walks away with the bag* tamaki: ^u^ iris: lord forgive us. Maki: >w> "I'm sure it'll be fine..." Vulcan: =w= *still petting Arthur* Arthur: *has the mask off* "???" -elsewhere- Black Star: *yawns* tsubaki: zzzz Black Star: *sleep hug* tsubaki: *small smile* Black Star: "..." *loud snore* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *staring at the otter tank* *shiny eyes* sonia: wow. Chuuya: "They're so tiny but so fast..." sonia: yeah... Chuuya: "!!! That one is holding a ball!" sonia: *small giggle* Chuuya: *snaps a photo of Sonia watching* sonia: ^^ Chuuya: "Want to see the other exhibits?" sonia: ok. -elsewhere- Takehisa: "..." *standing* tamaki: >3< shinra: *chuckles* iris: ._.; Arthur: "..." karin: ._. Takehisa: "Greetings, Doctor. How are you?" *he is oblivious* -his hat reads 'the walrus was paul'- Relan: .w.; Vulcan: "..." *thumbs up to the hat* iris: ^-^; Akitaru: *steps outside, thumbing through papers* "Greetings, everyone. How's everything--" *looks up* "..." Takehisa: "..." Akitaru: "...Captain." Takehisa: "Commander." tamaki: >3< Akitaru: *hands files to Maki* "Captain, a word?" Takehisa: "Okay." *follows* -minutes later- *Loud screaming is coming from Akitaru's office* Takehisa: ( . ) __________ ( . ) Relan: *hiding behind Iris* Vulcan: "...I don't think that's how you conjugate that word..." Victor: *writing notes* shinra: *backing up* Akitaru: "WHO GAVE YOU THOSE CLOTHES?!" Takehisa: "..." *puts his hands behind his back* "I bought them." shinra: .-.; Akitaru: "YOU HAVEN'T LEFT THE FIREHOUSE ALL DAY!" Takehisa: "It was mail order." Akitaru: "THE PRICE TAG IS STILL ON THE SHIRT!" shinra: what a trooper. tamaki: it was shinra's idea! iris: D8< Relan: "LIAR!" Akitaru: *disappointed Dad face* shinra:.... Q____Q Akitaru: "..." *teeny-tiny chop* shinra: .-. Akitaru: "Your punishment will be Takehisa gets to pick your outfit for tomorrow." Takehisa: "???" shinra: TT.TT that's fair. Takehisa: "I suppose I can pick something out that is appropriate." -elsewhere- Ivan: "Do you have everything?" yana: i think so. Ivan: *nods* "We need a bit more information to actualize Master's plan..." yana: yeah. Ivan: "I suggest reconnaissance. Who should explore?" lydia: <i'll go.> Ivan: <Thank you.> *hands her a map* -elsewhere- Yohei: *sips coffee* "Aaaaa..." chie: long day? Yohei: *nods* "But accomplished..." chie: mmhmm. Yohei: "Got paid..." *hands the check* chie: awesome. *kiss on the cheek* Yohei: ^\\\\^ *yawns* -elsewhere- Shima: "Woo woo!" *holds up a DVD* "Sexy film!" -CHOP- izumo: no. -_-# Bon: -_- "Please, tell me someone picked another movie." Rin: *snatches the DVD from Shima* Shima: TT~TT shiemi: got it! Rin: *shiny eyes* "Little Mermaid?!" madoka: ^^ Rin: *squee* *sits down* Shima: T3T "Why you got to be so mean, Izumo? I bet you never even watched these kinds of films growing up..." izumo: ... Shima: "..." Rin: "Wow, really? You haven't! Oh, man, you're in for a treat! See, it's about this girl who lives under the sea--" -elsewhere- Mephisto: T_T "Demons get such a bad rep..." *looking at a cartoon picture of a demon* felisia: *pap pap* ... !! the baby just kicked! Mephisto: QwQ *puts his hand on her belly* "Really?" felisia: ^^ still thinking of a name... Mephisto: "...Mephy Jr?" *joking tone* felisia: *chuckle* Mephisto: "Something sweet...and perfect..." *looks into Felisia's eyes* felisia: *small blush* Mephisto: *holds her hand* "Any name come to mind?" -elsewhere- Todoroki: =w= "Good meal..." fuyumi: good eats. =w= Todoroki: "..." *small laugh* "We should do takeout in the future, too." -elsewhere- Relan: *pat pat* shinra: TT3TT *mumble* stupid jerk, tamaki... Relan: "Just give it time. Her bad luck and karma will catch back up with her..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: TwT mary: feel better, yet? Mr. Tsubaki: *nuzzle, sad moan* mary: *pap pap* Mr. Tsubaki: *yawns* -elsewhere- Hibana: "I think you'd look good in this, sweetie." hanako: ^u^ Hibana: "Try it on! You can even try on one of Mommy's necklaces." hanako: for reals? Hibana: "Really real!" hanako: yay! -elsewhere- Magaki: "..." -two guards are talking- Magaki: *listens* "..." guard: <you dont think....it's, y-you know...do you?> Magaki: (<'You know who'?>) *leans closer to the door* Guard #2: <But they're dead, right?> guard: <that's what i heard, but...what happened in that village...> Guard #1: <Not too different from what happened years ago...> Magaki: "..." guard 2: <still, freaks me out...> Guard #1: <Same. Glad we're not investigating it.> -elsewhere- White Star: *hunched under a tree in a forest, picking something out of his teeth* -a city is in the distance- White Star: "..." *flicks the "food" out from his teeth* "..." *stands, starts moving towards the city* -elsewhere- Kouyou: "Good meal." leo: thank you, miss kouyou. Kouyou: *pours wine* "..." *looks around* "I thought they would have returned by now..." leo: ? -knocks on the door- leo: *goes to check* ah, they're home. Kouyou: "Then let's see what they're up to~" *pulls back her hand--and knocks the door down* sonia: ._.; *holding an otter plushie* Chuuya: *waves* "Hello." leo: welcome home, sir. Chuuya: "Sorry to be a bit behind schedule..." sonia: hi grandma. Kouyou: "Hello, sweetie. What's that plush?" sonia: papa bought this for me. Kouyou: "Cute! Did you give them a name?" -elsewhere- Benimaru: *opens a box...finds a small doll* "..." reimi: what's that? Benimaru: "An old gift..." reimi: ah. Benimaru: "...There are parents always happy to have the protection...including for what they could have lost." reimi:.... Benimaru: "..." *sets the doll onto the shelf* -elsewhere- Akitaru: *mutter grumble mutter* karin: still in a sour mood? Akitaru: "In the time I've known Hinawa, he's always been like that. I once had a meeting with the top brass when we were still forming this brigade. You know what he wore?" karin: what? Akitaru: "A tutu." karin: did he really? Akitaru: "With the tiara. I think he's...like, face-blind? Only it's not a face, it's clothing?" karin: *chuckle* i guess he's humoring them. Akitaru: "??? You think he meant to?" karin: probably, nozomi seemed to lighten up a bit. *smiles* Akitaru: "..." *nods* "Guess you're right on that one." -elsewhere- Tanizaki: "...So, Ranpo, we have to talk..." ranpo: *sipping on ramune* wassup? Tanizaki: "What you think of the Princess?" ranpo: eh, she's alright, i guess. Tanizaki: "Well, you should be aware that...That is to say...Um...Look, just don't get her hopes up." ranpo: ?? Tanizaki: "I mean, because...you...and her..." ranpo: ??? Tanizaki: "See, when two people get close, then they start to feel things one way or another about...feelings?" ._.; ranpo: what, like sex? Tanizaki: O____o *grabs him by the shoulders, starts shaking* "YOU BETTER NOT BE DOING THAT WITH HER!!!" ranpo: ew, dude no. i mean, i know what sex is, im just not interested, like, at all. Tanizaki: "...Okay." *lets go...smooths out his own hair* "...Look. I think she's crushing on you. Maybe you should talk to her, let her know you're not up for it?" ranpo: i tried that already. i think she lives in her own little world. poor delusional moron. Tanizaki: *chop* "No need to be mean!" ranpo: ow! >3< im just being honest, jeez. Tanizaki: "Learn to phrase things in less mean ways...And you need to just be honest but not so rude with her..." -elsewhere- Shotaro: "...That's kind of embarrassing, Mom..." setsuna: what is? Shotaro: *he has a scuff mark on his face* "That whole 'spitting onto a rag to wipe someone's face' thing that parents do..." setsuna: oh. *small chuckle* ^^; Shotaro: ^^; "Yeah..." *rubs his cheek* "Man, Mana punches hard." -morning- Takehisa: "There. We have concluded." shinra: =~=''' Takehisa: "I think this is fashionable? I heard people like bunny slippers." shinra: *presses the cat head, which meows* greeeat. Takehisa: "The sound will be delightful, I think. Like a small cat following you everywhere." shinra: TT-TT; Takehisa: "I even packed you a lunch." *it's in a lunchbox...a princess lunchbox, with glitter stickers* shinra: TT-TT thank you, sir. Takehisa: *nods* "...Wel, goodbye." *turns and leaves--showing a kick-me sign on his back* -at school- Akutagawa: *crosses out a date in his notebook calendar...smiles* marie: *teaching the lesson* Chuuya: *writes a note, then raises his hand* marie: yes? Chuuya: "Will this be on the test?" marie: *she nods* indeed it will. Chuuya: *writes more notes* Akutagawa: "???" *whispers* "I didn't catch that..." -elsewhere- Anya: "--and she seemed infatuated with him." ao: oh my, is that right? Anya: "That creep is going to break her heart--and I don't see her recovering quickly." atsushi: ? Anya: "The guy was nothing to look at either. Creepy cat smile, closed eyes, some Sherlock Holmes get up, and ugly Crocs." atsushi: ._.; Anya: "Should probably report him to someone...Like the fashion police! ...That's a thing, right?" atsushi: >->; Meme: "Maaaaaaaaybe change the topic..." *holds up a tourist map of Salt Lake City* mio: right. Meme: "I suggest we check this shady part of town when we get there. And maybe if we have time, stop by the ice skating rink--" mio: m-maybe. Meme: "??? Not a fan?" mio: im not very good at it. Meme: ^^ "Practice, then..." mio:.... .///.; r-right. -elsewhere- Gin: "It's quiet..." higuchi: yeah. Gin: "...No sign of them." *calls into radio* "Report." naoya: doing recon now. Gin: "Spot the targets?" naoya: yep. 3rd floor. Gin: *nods to Higuchi* "Cover." higuchi: *nods* Gin: *talks into radio* "Troop A, deploy." -a few goons head in- Target #1: Q____Q *runs* "Crud crud crud--" -SMACK- Target #1: "OUCHIE!" naoya: sup, buddy? Target #1: Q_________Q "DON'T KILL ME!" naoya: depends.... !!! *pistol-whips a guy coming up from behind her* Target #2: "AAAAH! FUCK!" Target #1: "..." *puddle forming* naoya: dude, gross. Target #1: "I HAD A LOT OF SODA AND YOU'RE SCARY!" >3< naoya: awww, is dat twue? T3T# Target #1: Q_______Q "Don't kill me..." naoya: alright, just tell us what we want to know, and we wont have miss silver bullet witch put holes in your skull. katya: *maniacal giggling* Target #1: O________o "BEHIND THE PAINTING OF THE DUCKS!" naoya: *nods to pushkin, who looks* pushkin: woah. is this a Maltese falcon? Target #1: *shrug* "Just looked valuable--so we stole it..." -elsewhere- Dazai: "...So...Is this what babies like?" yosano: yep. basically. Dazai: "Well, should have the paint dry in a bit..." -elsewhere- juria: *chewing gum, slouching in her seat* Karim 2: -_-; "At least sit up." juria: um, are you the teacher? if not, shut up. if so, same thing. Karim 2: "Hey! We got to look better than all the other brigades, and I got no time for some back-talk!" juria: ugh, so annoying. selim: *griiiiiins* gwen: .............. Karim 2: *sighs* "Best brigade there is, and stuck with you twits...Yo, Ogun! You're their mentor--deal with them!" -elsewhere- Nurse Arg: *looking at a photo: it is a small child being lifted into the air by Commander Arg* "..." huang: is that you, asako? Asako: *nods* "A long time ago..." Asako: "Before grandfather..." huang: .... maybe he'll be at the event? Asako: *sad smile* "After everything, that would be nice..." -elsewhere- Magaki: *hands cuffed to the table...with some cold tea poured for them* <...Not a fan.> tsubaki: ... Magaki: <It's not even hot. I know they don't trust me with that...> tsubaki: ....<what sort of fruits do you like?> Magaki: <...Peach?> tsubaki: <ok then.> ^^ *she goes to get peach flavoring* Magaki: <...I don't know that I'll taste them as well. This...condition alters what you taste.> tsubaki: hmm... Magaki: <Some people taste different...> tsubaki: <as in the blood type?> Magaki: <Even what they ate...> *grimaces* <Junk food eaters are dreadful.> tsubaki: ^^; Magaki: <...Your partner tastes like meat.> -elsewhere- Mephisto: "How are classes?" stocking: doing good. it's rewarding. Mephisto: "As I should expect~" *offers a cupcake on a tray* stocking: *nom* ^u^ Mephisto: ^w^ "Are you sure you don't need me to talk to any of your supervisors? I can arrange for whatever you need~" stocking: *shakes her head* im good so far. how's mom coming along? Mephisto: "...Well..." >_> stocking: ._.; im scared to ask. -elsewhere- Dazai: "...So Ranpo is her catnip?" mii: =3= naomi: seems like it. Dazai: *pets Mii* "...I think you need to get some protective equipment, because when Ranpo pisses her off, she's going to wreck the place." -elsewhere- Johannes: "How's work going now that you've been here a bit?" medea: it's been alright. Johannes: "Ah. You getting along with the customers?" medea: moderately. Johannes: "??? They been rude to you?" medea: no. Johannes: "Well, let me know if they are. I have ways to keep them quiet." medea: noted. -elsewhere- Mori: *snore* fukuzawa: *reading* Mori: *grumbling in his sleep* "Head...Head..." fukuzawa: ? Mori: "I just...wanted me to go on...Future..." fukuzawa:.... *checks his temperature* Mori: *grabs Fukuzawa's hand* fukuzawa: !!! Mori: *eyes snap open* "...What were you intending?" fukuzawa: im only checking your temperature... Mori: "...Oh..." *lets go* fukuzawa:... *reads the thermometer* Mori: "...Bad?" fukuzawa: running a bit of a fever... Mori: "...Water?" fukuzawa: *goes to get it* -elsewhere- Tachihara: "That's what you all retrieved?" *looks at the statue* "Some bird?" pushkin: a maltese falcon. ^^ hirotsu: hmm... Tachihara: "Like in the movie? If we smash it, will there be a map inside?" katya: i'll get the hammer. hirotsu: -_-; Tachihara: "Yay!" -elsewhere- Relan: ^^;;; "You'll change when you get home..." shinra: yeah, that's one comfort. TTuTT Relan: "...I think you look fine in anything..." shinra: d'aww. ^///^ Relan: ^\\\\^ *hand squeeze* shinra: *smooch* Relan: >///w///< "Hmmm..." shinra: ^////^ Relan: "Maybe take a bath and have a good meal. And pick out your shoes for the dance." -elsewhere- Kid: *pours tea* "Been well, Homura?" homura: *she nods* thank you. Kid: "And your next mission?" homura: there's been a few incidents up north. Kid: "Good progress?" homura: seems like it so far. Kid: "You filed reports? I could take a look..." homura: *she hands him one* Kid: *looks through it* "...Any distinguishing features?" -elsewhere- Black Star: "How'd the meeting go?" tsubaki: i think it went well. Black Star: "...Anything that's going to convince the authorities not to...you know?" tsubaki: hopefully..... Black Star: "...Talk to your dad?" tsubaki: *she nodded* Black Star: "What'd he tell you to do?" tsubaki: ... Black Star: "What'd he tell you to do?" tsubaki: ... Black Star: "...And if you say it, will the cops do it?" tsubaki:...i dont want to kill them. Black Star: "..." *nods* "Idea what to offer?" tsubaki:.....well....maybe we could....and this is going to sound crazy....take them in? Black Star: "..." o_______o "...Do we even have any more room?" tsubaki: hopefully? ^^; Black Star: "..." *sighs, leans against her side* tsubaki: thanks... Black Star: *nods* "Any time...You going to tell them tomorrow?" tsubaki: probably. Black Star: "...Want me to come?" tsubaki: i would like that... Black Star: "Then I'm there." -elsewhere- White Star: "..." *sniff* -it's quiet- White Star: "..." *inches forward* -in town- tsubaki:... !! Black Star: "The heck..." tsubaki: you felt it too? Black Star: "...Kinda? Like...rage?" tsubaki: come on. Black Star: *follows* -outside- tsubaki: *in sword form* Black Star: *moves into shadows* "..." tsubaki: *quietly* see anything? Black Star: "..." *nods to a corner* "Blood." tsubaki: .... Black Star: *inches along a wall towards the blood* "..." tsubaki: ..... *notices someone* !!! White Star: *turns...stares* Black Star: "?!!!! The hell..." tsubaki: !!! White Star: *swings his blade--* Black Star: "!!!" *blocks* tsubaki: !! White Star: *stares at Black Star, slicing away at him* Black Star: "Gonna need some distance..." tsubaki: *nod* Black Star: *leaps back--* -BOOM!- -smoke fills the area- Black Star: *leaps back* ("Okay, then use Tsubaki's ninja star form to slice through this--") *Someone explodes forward through the smoke, until he is face to face with Black Star* White Star: "..." Black Star: "!!!" tsubaki: !!!! White Star: <...That face...> *lifts up his sword, ready to swing it down--* -blade block- Black Star: "...That face..." tsubaki: ?? *notices the star marking* !!!!!!!!!!! White Star: <Imposter!> *stabs at Black Star--* -blade block- Black Star: *flip over--kick to the back of White Star's head* "Too slow, old man!" White Star: *grunt, falling to the ground* tsubaki: black*star.....look..... Black Star: "...No..." White Star: *motionless, collapsed on the street* tsubaki: di-didnt mifune kill him? Black Star: "..." *leans down, grabs White Star's arm--* *STAB* White Star: *eyes open, a kunai thrown into Black Star's forehead* tsubaki: !!!!!!!!!! Black Star: "..." *starts waving his arms wildly* "GAH! WHAT THE HELL?! THIS STUPID FREAKING THING IS STUCK REALY DEEP NOW!" White Star: *passes out* tsubaki: hold still! im amazed you even survived that. Black Star: TT~TT "I've enough forehead damage to last a lifetime..." tsubaki:...what do we do about him? Black Star: "...We even know this is him? What did he call me? 'Sash of sha'?" tsubaki: 'sashosha', it means 'imposter'. (i really need to help him brush up his language skills) Black Star: "...How the heck I'm the imposter? He could be an imposter! Running around impersonating some dead guy who's freaking dead!" *childishly kicks White Star in the side* White Star: "Umph!" *still passed out* tsubaki: regardless, he still did attack us. we should bring him in. -elsewhere- mahiru: *splashing his face with cold water* >///~///<;;;; Kuro: ._. mahiru: cant unsee it... Kuro: "It couldn't have been that bad..." mahiru: i only saw it for a split second.... *shudders* Kuro: "..." *pat pat* "You know what helps with forgetting awful things? Ramen." mahiru: at this point-.... *lightbulb* SAKUYA! Kuro: *protective cat mode* "Whatever you're planning to do with him--" mahiru: hey, sakuya, you can alter memories, right? Sakuya: *yawns* "Yeah? Why?" mahiru: i need you to remove the past 15 minutes from my memory! Sakuya: "...'Kay. But there may be some side effects." mahiru: *tight grip on his shoulders* JUST PLEASE DO THIS FOR ME, OK?! Sakuya: .\\\\. "Okay, okay--I'll do it! Just relax your shoulders so I can put my hands on your head..." mahiru: *lays down* ok. naho: O/////w/////o *steam coming off her head* Sakuya: *leans over him, presses his hands along Mahiru's head* "..." .\\\\\\. "This may hurt a bit..." mahiru: *gulps and closes his eyes* naho: (come on. come oooonnnn) Sakuya: *closes his eyes...energy appears along his hands--* mahiru:......*yawn* ngh? oh crap, did i fall asleep? how long was i out? naho: =3= Sakuya: "...Yeah. Just for a few minutes. Don't you remember?" mahiru: guess i'm pretty tired after today. ^^; Sakuya: "..." (" 'Pretty' alright...") "Well, better get some food cooking..." -elsewhere- Kid: *kitten yawn* stocking: morning~ Kid: ^^ "Good morning, Angel." stocking: hehe~ ^^ *nose nuzzle* Kid: ^\\\\\^ "So...*yawns*...cute." stocking: ^///^ Kid: *cuddles* "But alas, a busy day..." *hug* -elsewhere- Meme: "All aboard!" tsugumi: yay! Anya: -3- "I could have driven if I could..." EF: do any of you have a license? ^^; Anya: "...I drove a scooter once." tsugumi: ^^; Meme: "We really should get a license--like for a monster truck!" mio: ._.; Anya: "...Or start smaller. Like a 1924 AJS Model D Combo cycle with a sidecar." -silence- Anya: "...I was trying to expand my interests..." tsugumi: and that's totally ok. Anya: TT\\\\TT mio:....you gonna be ok, meme? Meme: *wipes her eyes, smiles* -elsewhere- Izuku: "..." *looks at his hand* tsuyu: how's your hand doing? Izuku: "Still hurts a bit..." tsuyu: ah. *pat pat* Izuku: =\\\= "Just got to get better..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "...Fuck!" naoya: hm? Chuuya: "I was trying to track someone--and I lost them." naoya: let's see... ~perception~ Chuuya: "They were scrawny, fidgety, kind of nervous--and fast. naoya: !!! he's got some girl as a hostage. Chuuya: *grumble* "Shit...Weapon?" naoya: none i can see... Chuuya: "...Griffin Path." naoya: *nods and heads up the fire escape* Target: *not noticing* "I'm losing my patience: where is your car?" girl: ..... Target: "..." *pulls back his hand to slap her--* ???: *ahem* Target: "?!!!" *swings his arm* -something grabs his fist- naoya: well howdy, buddy, pleasant day today, ya? ^u^ Target: "?!!" *lets go of the hostage, swings his other fist at Naoya* naoya: *grabs other fist and kicks him between the legs* girl: !! Target: .______O *collapses* naoya: *looks at the girl* ....hey. girl: *muffled 'hey'* Chuuya: *grabs the Target* "It's done." girl: !!!! ozaki?! Chuuya: "...Oh shit..." girl: d-did you come here to save me? Chuuya: "..." naoya:...*looks at chuuya* Chuuya: "Y-Yeah...Happened to run into someone and told them the emergency..." girl: are you a secret agent? naoya: .___.;;; Chuuya: "...No. Just in the right place..." girl: .///. Chuuya: "...I'll walk you home." *nods to Naoya* "Thank you, random person." naoya: *already absconded* Chuuya: "...Huh." *turns back* "...You live far?" -elsewhere- Arthur: "..." *pokes the letter with a stick* shinra: -_-; *checks his letter* Letter: "Shinra! Arthur! How are you surviving the Eighth?" shinra: *keeps reading* 'things are pretty hectic here at the 4th as always, what with that oni chick and lava boy selim and all, haha'..... *excalibur face* oh right, those two... Arthur: "??? Oni?" *grabs a sword* -elsewhere- Aizawa: -_-# "...This plan is stupid." yuuji: what is? Aizawa: *sighs* "All Might planned another extracurricular lesson--and he roped in some students from another school." yuuji: oh? Aizawa: "...You remember the last time he wanted to 'make the lesson fun'? He got kicked in the balls." yuuji: ._.; yikes. Aizawa: *sigh* "Attend it. I'm going to need backup." -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." -nobuko....rokuzo......that little girl.....minato.....they're all dead....- Kunikida: *mutters* "Like I don't know that..." -who will be the next to die, i wonder.....aya? atsushi? dazai? ranpo?- Kunikida: "Shut up..." -...- Kunikida: "..." *curls up* -elsewhere- Dazai: "...Shit." kirako: ?? Dazai: "...Sorry. Just thinking of Kunikida." kirako: .....i hope that he's ok... ranpo: how about i check on him tomorrow after my shift at the shopping plaza? Dazai: "Yes! That would be--...Wait. You still have to do the plaza thing?" ranpo: ok, it's settled then! i'll see him tomorrow then! Dazai: ._. -elsewhere- Black Star: "...Just...Fuck." tsubaki: *hugs him* Black Star: "..." *pat pat* "...Who gave him a right to show up?" tsubaki: i dont know.... Black Star: "...Is he even normal?" tsubaki: .... Black Star: "He looks like...what they all said I was...A demon." tsubaki:....*rubs his back* Black Star: "..." *sighs* "What am I supposed to do?" tsubaki: you arent your father. the only thing you are is you. Black Star: "...And what do I do with him? Kill him?" tsubaki: .... Black Star: "Is a 'dead man' even on Lord Death's kill list anymore?" tsubaki:.....i dont know... Black Star: "...He wake up?" tsubaki: not yet. Black Star: "...Maybe tie the restraints more." -elsewhere- Adam: *head shoved into the wall* "..." lydia: ._.; Hawthorne: "...He would not be quiet." lydia: was....this kind of punishment needed? Hawthorne: "Ask him." Adam: *muffled voice* "I'm okay!" lydia:.... <oh lord give me the strength...> -_-; Hawthorne: <It's in this book.> *taps it* lydia:....oh right, yana's been teaching you. Hawthorne: *nods* Adam: *muffled* "What you guys talking about?" -elsewhere- Kid: *pours tea* "Another cookie?" stocking: why thank you~ julie: *nods* kirika: *nom* Kid: *passes the plate* "And then the cupcakes will be ready..." *sits down* "How has everyone's day been?" kirika: been alright. had to do a photoshoot for school promotional stuff, but at least i got paid for it. Kid: "Oh? For new students?" kirika: more or less. Kid: "Well, good face to put onto the Academy--" Gopher: *pops up from under the table* "I agree!" kirika: *hands him a cookie* hey. Gopher: =w= *nom* Kid: ._.;;; stocking: she's not even shocked anymore. Kid: "I guess that's lov--" kirika: finish that statement and i'll rip off your balls. *casually drinking tea* Kid: .__________. Gopher: owo;;; -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *sits up* *hunger whimper* bram: here you are. *puts down food* Mr. Tsubaki: *sniffs...nom nom nom* *wags his tail* bram:...*faint smile* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *lean* bram:.... *small pet* Mr. Tsubaki: ^w^ *fox chitter* -elsewhere- Sakuya: "You okay?" naho: *snuggle* yeah. Sakuya: *hug* "Good..." *forehead smooch* naho: mmm~ Sakuya: "...Did it bother you?" naho: you and mahi? Sakuya: "Yeah." naho: ...you really think i would be bothered by two men getting all close together?! OwO *slight nosebleed* Sakuya: ^\\\^ "I suppose not..." *wipes her nose* "You seemed to have wanted more?" naho: .///w///. Sakuya: "Sorry to have disappointed..." naho: it's alright, i guess. *hug* Sakuya: *pat pat* "Hey...I love you." naho: i love you too, sakkun. Sakuya: *rubs her shoulder lightly* *smiles* -elsewhere- Chuuya: "I'm home..." sonia: *hugs his leg* Chuuya: "..." *smiles, hugs her* "I missed you so much..." sonia: did you have a good day at work? Chuuya: "...There were challenging parts of it...I'm just glad to be home." sonia: ... Chuuya: "...You were a good girl for Grandma?" sonia: *nod nod* Chuuya: *smiles* "Good to know...It's getting late, though." sonia: ... mito: *streeeetch* Chuuya: *pets Mito* "Time to brush your teeth..." -elsewhere- Asako: *yawns, removes her glasses* ritsu: zzzz.... Asako: "..." *rubs her eyes, then puts a blanket over Ritsu* ritsu: *tiny smile* Asako: ^w^ *pours tea* -elsewhere- lana: zzzzz.... Poe: "..." *tucks her in* lana: uwu Poe: *forehead smooch* -elsewhere- Magaki: "..." tsubaki: <i spoke with the head of the japan branch...> Magaki: <...Oh.> tsubaki: ... <you'll be coming back with us to the states, but under surveillance.> Magaki: <...If I refuse?> tsubaki:...<then they'll most likely kill you...> Magaki: <...You think that would not be welcomed?> tsubaki: .... Magaki: *smiles...and starts crying* <It's what should happen, right?> tsubaki:.....<in my opinion, no. just because some people have done bad things, it doesnt always mean they're bad people...> Magaki: "..." *tries to cover their face--but their hands are still shackled to the table* "..." tsubaki: ... -elsewhere- White Star: *struggling inside a straight jacket* Black Star: "..." DWMA guard: <mr black*star, there's an old man here to speak with you.> Black Star: "??? How old we talkin'?" DWMA guard: <seems like some old hermit.> Black Star: "..." *looks around the Guard to see the Hermit* hermit: .... *weak smile* Black Star: "..." hermit: <mind if we have a chat, young man?> Black Star: "..." *glances back at the room holding White Star, then at the Hermit* "...'Kay?" hermit: *ahem* perhaps english would be easier for you? Black Star: "Oh, totally. What's up?" hermit: normally, i dont visit the city, but i figured today i would make an exception. not every day that i get the chance to meet my grandson. Black Star: "...Wow! Really?!" *smiles* "...Who's your grandson?" hermit:... about yey high, blue hair, star marking on his shoulder, talking to me right now? Black Star: "..." *looks around* "..." *points at himself* "Me? ...Wait...How can you be...?" hermit: it's a long story... Black Star: "...I got time." hermit: alright. Black Star: "...So, what do I call you?" *sits* hermit: for now, you may call me 'grey*star' -a long time ago, when i was still in my youth, i was the leader of the star clan. back in those days, we were just a group of vagabonds, trying to get through life- Black Star: "...By stealing?" grey*star: we were young and stupid. no offense. -we did some reckless things, but for the most part, we were harmless....keyword 'were'. my son, on the other hand, had different ideas on how our group should be run, he had, dark, malicious intentions. - Black Star: "...He took over?" grey*star: *he nods* i tried to talk him out of it, but he wouldnt listen, and i was cast into exile, losing an eye in the process, and the rest was history from there. i dont know why he chose the path of the demon like he had done. i thought he was too long gone to be saved, so i had an outsider come to finish him off, and we thought he had been successful, however, it seemed fate had different plans... Black Star: ._.;;; "...You hired Mifune to kill your kid?" grey*star: ....it does sound pretty bad when you say it like that, but keep in mind just who we're talking about. Black Star: "Yeah, a guy in a straight jacket who tried to kill us." grey*star:....so you've met mifune, then? how is he these days? Black Star: "Got kids." grey*star: is that right? Black Star: *nods* "He's good at it." -elsewhere- Mifune: *sneezes* yuma: you're not getting a cold, are you? D8> Mifune: *sniffs* "No. Maybe just some dust..." -elsewhere- Takehisa: *adjusting his tie* shinra: *antsy* Victor: "Vulcan, you got to wear a shirt." Vulcan: -_- "Fine..." *buttons up a shirt* lisa: ... *small pout* Vulcan: "??? Lisa? You okay with this?" lisa: y-yeah... Arthur: "The event should be populated..." tamaki: soooo, who's hosting it again? Akitaru: "The Fifth. So it'll be all kinds of fancy." tamaki: cool. Relan: ^^ "Get to catch up with friends..." shinra: yeah. im sure the other members of the other brigades will be there too. Akitaru: "Like the Fourth..." shinra: hey, maybe ogun and the others will be there too. (and commander arg...) Arthur: "??? Ogun is alive? I thought he was eaten by that griffin that keeps mailing letters..." shinra: maybe you'll see those two cheerleaders of yours too, arthur. tamaki: what cheerleaders? am i gonna have to kick someone's ass? Arthur: .\\\\\. "It was a long time ago. We don't talk about it. I can't remember. I have brain damage." shinra: i knew it. iris: *chop* be nice -3- shinra: yes ma'am. o-o; Relan: ._.;; Arthur: >\\\\< -elsewhere- Benimaru: "Everyone ready?" fang-hua: *nod* kirei: i believe so. Konro: *in his formal kimono* *looks around* "...Where's--" Tsukiyo: =w= -elsewhere- lana *holding poe close* sorry you had a nightmare, edgar... Poe: *shivering* lana: *hugs* its ok, im not going anywhere, alright? Poe: Q~Q "P-Promise?" lana: *kiss* of course, always. Poe: "..." *cries quietly* -she'll abandon you eventually, who could love an abhorrent freak like you?- Poe: *sob* "I'm..." lana: *rubs his back* Poe: *sobbing* "I'm a freak..." lana: edgar... Poe: "They said it..." lana:...if i could, i would go into your head and take out that voice that keeps hurting you. Poe: "..." *small chuckle* lana: ? Poe: "I-I would really like that..." lana:...*smiles and kisses his forehead* Poe: TT\\\\w\\\\TT -elsewhere- Kishiri: "Stupid tie..." >-< mikami: ? Kishiri: "Boss said I needed one...But it stifles my style..." ryuuko: how unfortunate. Hibana: "Fuck boi ain't a style, Kishiri." Kishiri: Q_Q "...How long you been--" Hibana: "The entire time." ryuuko: we'll send our best regards to your next of kin. Hibana: *smirks* Kishiri: *stares at Ryuuko* "Rude!" -elsewhere- Black Star: "..." *presses his fingers to his temples* "That's a lot to take in..." grey*star: i could imagine... Black Star: "...What would you suggest doing with him?" -elsewhere- Takehisa: *gets into the driver's seat--taps the GPS on his phone* "Everyone ready?" shinra: yep. tamaki: mmhmm. iris: ^^ Relan: *nods* Vulcan: "..." *looks at Lisa* lisa: y-yeah. Vulcan: *holds her hand* Victor: *looks at Nozomi* nozomi: y-yeah... karin: *pats her back* Akitaru: *nods* "Okay, let's head out." Takehisa: *backs out of the garage* -elsewhere- Patty: *shiny eyes* "IT'S SO BIG AND FANCY!" takeru: y-yeah. hito: i heard the 5th commander lives in this building. Honda: "Indeed! She made a lot of money from her work with Haijima!" 3rd acting commander: *pacing, too nervous to go in* o~o;;; hito: isnt that commander tennouji? Honda: "??? COMMANDER!" *spreads out his arms and starts waving both of them wildly* "OVER HERE! HELLO!" tennouji: EEP!! c-c-commander honda, p-p-please dont startle me like that! >~<;; Honda: "...Right. No bear hugs--I remember that! Still nervous about going in? Hibana won't bite your head off or anything! And her daughter is a sweetie! Right, Juggernaut?!" takeru: r-right. tennouji: im not sure if i should be going in at all, im not even an official commander and *mutter mutter mutter* Patty: "??? I like your outfit!" tennouji: oh, um...t-thank you. ._.; -inside- Fulham: -_- "We got here too early, sir." Burns: "It is important to be punctual." Hibana: -_-# "Saaaaaaaaave me from this annoying guy..." pearl: ^^; Burns: "So, Hibana, what did you do with that ankle bracelet after you were exonerated?" Fulham: ._. Hibana: *stare* "...When you lost your eye, how much money did you save on eyedrops?" gabriella: ^-^;;; hibana, please... Fulham: .___.;;; "How about a drink? Or maybe mingle with other people, sir--Oh, look! Kusakabe arrived!" Hibana: "I need two drinks..." shinra: OwO;;; *whispers* tamaki dont do anything too rash. tamaki: sod off, shinra. Relan: "...Don't hiss at Burns, Tamaki." tamaki: i wont!..... *nasty glaaaare* gabriella: (this is going to be a long night... ^^; ) Relan: *innocent whistling* Hibana: "!!! Iris!" *hug* iris: hello sister. ^^; gabriella: *phew* Hibana: "Are you feeling well?" iris: i'm doing alright. -elsewhere- Asako: "That looks amazing, Commander!" huang: thank you. *she wore a pantsuit* Asako: ^^ "I asked the vehicle be pulled up--Is everyone here?" vivian: yep! tao: *nod nod* Asako: "Very good--and wonderful clothes!" -inside- Ogun: "--and then I said to him, 'Kusakabe, that's one way to open a door'!" shinra: ?? !!! *waves* OGUN! HEY! 8D gwen: ..... Ogun: "Speak of the Shinra!" *fist-bump* shinra: it's been ages, man! tamaki: friend of yours? Relan: "???" shinra: arthur, you remember, ogun, right? from school? iris: oh, so this is ogun? it's nice to meet you, sir. ^^ Ogun: "Hello, Sister. Good to meet you, too." shinra: *smiles and looks at relan* Relan: .w.; Ogun: "And you're Relan? Happy to meet you!" Relan: *nod nod* "Th-Thanks..." shinra: ^u^ tamaki:.... 7-7 gwen: ......... Arthur: "Oh. Hello." gwen:.......hi arthur... tamaki:.....*holds his hand* Arthur: "..." *squeezes Tamaki's hand* "This is Tamaki." shinra:.... ? what happened to the other girl? gwen: ......................................................... Arthur: "Where's Morgan?" gwen:....*shaking* Arthur: "...Oh." shinra:......!! s-shit... iris: *small prayer* nozomi: ..... Arthur: "...Was she given last rites?" gwen:...*nods* Arthur: "...I'm sorry." gwen: i couldnt even do anything....im really...really useless, huh? nozomi:....dont say stupid things like that. Arthur: "..." Victor: "???" nozomi: if you just give up now, then...then how will you ever get better?! karin: nozomi... nozomi: my father, he was working on a cure for this, he worked so hard, even though he became an infernal himself....still, i cant just give up like that. even though i've been through a lot recently, learning things i wish i didnt, but it doesnt matter now, because i have to be the one who carries my father's legacy. Victor: "..." *small smile* shinra: *smiles* aw yeah, she's back! nozomi: *smiles* excuse me, i need to go do something, i'll be right back. *heads off* tamaki: ah... Arthur: "???" nozomi: *looking around, until she finds a room. seems to be a dressing room.* .... *she walks over to where the mirror is*........*she takes a pair of scissors and cuts her hair shorter* -elsewhere- Takehisa: *standing by the wall* maki: heyo~ ^^ Takehisa: "Hello." *sips his punch* "...It's starting well enough." maki: yeah....say, let's go dance! Takehisa: ._. "...Okay?" maki: *takes his hand and pulls him onto the dancefloor* karin: oho, seems we got a few lovebirds here~ Akitaru: "??? Oh? They've been friendly for a bit..." karin: but look at the captain's face. Takehisa: =\\\\= Akitaru: "???" karin: he's got it bad. Akitaru: "...Ooooooh...Huh." -elsewhere- Benimaru: "...It's not terrible." kirei: ^^ Tsukiyo: *pours some wine* kabuki: ^^; *in a suit* Tsukiyo: "Nice jacket!" kabuki: why thank you. Tsukiyo: *touches the fabric* tao: OwO ~? Tsukiyo: "So soft~" =w= tao: whatcha doooin? kabuki: hmm? fang-hua: ah! Benimaru: "Behave. Now. Or I'll send you home." Tsukiyo: >3< misora: T3T (stupid miko hanging all over beni...) miwa: you ok, misora? misora: OwO; fine! just fine! -elsewhere- Asako: "Hello, Gabriella." gabriella: asako, nice to see you doing well. Asako: *nods* "How is the Commander?" hanako: hi miss. ^^ gabriella: im making sure she behaves tonight. ^^; Asako: "I appreciate that, after the last time she and the Commander--" Hibana: "Commander." -_-# huang: hello hibana. *nods* Asako: .w. *smiles at Hanako* ^^; "Let's let your mother and the Commander talk alone..." Hibana: "Still running the hospital?" huang: indeed. Hibana: "Huh. I see you saved Shinra from dying." huang: *nods* it's been pretty busy for all of us. Hibana: "Yes...which is why it's good to kick back a bit. What will you have to drink?" -elsewhere- Patty: "--and he bought me this shiny necklace!" vivian: how cute! ^u^ Patty: "I love what you did with your hair! Where'd you get it done?" vivian: i had a professional hair stylist from paris fly in to style my hair tonight! Patty: owo "Wooooooow...Kid once had pizza flown in from New York because I kept poking him with a stick!" Kishiri: "--and I'm telling you, the chicks are into tall guys. You feel me?" takeru: you're sure about that? b-but what if i step on them?! Kishiri: owo;;; "...Hey, man, I'm not judging your kinks--but I think you need to get their permission for that kind of thing..." takeru: i guess i should be careful of where i walk, then. ._.; Kishiri: "Yeah, you do that. But, um, I thought you were happy enough with Thompson over there, so you're probably not looking into other people..." takeru: ??? wait, i thought you were talking about baby chickens ._.;; Kishiri: "..." *pours another drink* "I'm gonna need this...Man, your kinks are _really_ messed up, bro." takeru: ?????? *confused* -elsewhere- Arthur: "..." tamaki:...*lean* Arthur: "..." *puts a hand on her shoulder* "Thanks." tamaki: no prob... Arthur: "...A lot has changed." tamaki: i can imagine... Arthur: "..." *looks at Tamaki* "...So have you." tamaki: *blush* Arthur: "..." *pats her hand, holds it* tamaki:...*hugs* Arthur: .\\\\. "..." *shakes a bit* "Th-Thanks..." -elsewhere- Fulham: *sipping water* pearl: enjoying yourself? Fulham: *shrug* "A'ight. Fine." pearl: im glad. Fulham: *nods* "You like it?" pearl: it's nice. ^^ Fulham: "Good...You dance?" pearl: sometimes. Fulham: "Interested?" pearl: a-as in right now? Fulham: "...I mean, it can be later?" pearl: r-right. ^^; -elsewhere-
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yotsutama · 8 years
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Hello Fukuoka! (02/21)
Special thanks to (@aseria) for proofreading (^_-)-☆
Visual Board Tour Event:
Sendai | Sapporo | Hiroshima | Fukuoka
Mitsuki: Let’s begin for today! IDOLISH7’s web program…
All: Kimi to ‘Ai'dolish Nai to~!
Iori: This web program is presented by the seven of us, IDOLISH7, and takes place the same time as our tour to seven cities, “Visual Board Tour”.
Mitsuki: It’s sad that we had to leave Hiroshima. But starting today on February 21, we are visiting Fukuoka! People of Fukuoka, please take care of us~!
Sougo: We have already visited 4 cities, it feels like it’s gone by so quickly.
Yamato: We are grateful that we’ve done well in each city.
Tamaki: We are grateful.(1)
Riku: Tamaki, what’s with that tone?
Iori: You just wanted to use the old-fashioned sentence you just learned in our traditional japanese lesson, didn’t you.
Riku: Ahahaha, I see! You’re so cute, Tamaki!
Tamaki: What, Rikkun. Don’t treat me like a child!
Sougo: To think that you remember the things you learned in school… That’s so amazing, Tamaki-kun!
Tamaki: Sou-chan, you’re so bad at praising.
Yamato: Sou, that’s a bad thing to say to a person who is always motivated by praises.
Sougo: Eh… Did I make a mistake somewhere…?
Mitsuki: All of you wait! This just started and you’re off topic so early this time!
Nagi: Please give it up Mitsuki. If we don’t go off topic, the audience will get bored.
Mitsuki: I know Nagi. Don’t say anymore than that…!
Yamato: 'Boring’ doesn’t suit us, does it.
Mitsuki: He said it――!!
Nagi: That being said, people of Fukuoka, please take care of us. (2)
Mitsuki: We’re sorry for the bad start! To the staff who did the planning of this episode, please forgive us!
Mitsuki: Now for the first corner, “Confess Your Love in Dialect!”
All: Ooh~!
Mitsuki: The rules will be explained by, let’s see, Iori please!
Iori: Yes. Just as the title says, one member must confess using the dialect of the city we’re currently visiting. The confessions are chosen by acquaintances of our staff so the dialect used might be out of date today, but we would be glad if you would forgive us.
Mitsuki: Tamaki is in charge of Fukuoka, right? Are you ready?
Tamaki: I’m not.
Mitsuki: No, you’re ready, aren’t you? You practiced it in dressing room earlier.
Yamato: You’re at that age, huh~ you must be embarrassed now.
Tamaki: My classmates teased me a lot because I’m doing this! (the confession challenge)
Mitsuki: Ahaha, it’s nice to be a high schooler! Iori, you didn’t receive anything like that?
Tamaki: Iorin had a 'please don’t bother me’ aura surrounding him so he didn’t.
Iori: Leave this topic alone, just do the confession already!
Riku: I wonder what Tamaki’s confession is like! He never talks about this kind of thing. (3)
Sougo: To think that I will get to see Tamaki-kun’s new side, my heart is throbbing now.
Tamaki: Don’t say that! Why is everyone looking at me!?
Nagi: Relax, Tamaki. You will want to confess… you will want to confess… (4)
Tamaki: Fuhaha, I’m not going to fall for that Nagicchi. My eyes are closed!
Yamato: Just how long must I watch these exchanges?
Mitsuki: Judging by the look on the staffs’ faces, I think it’s still okay to let them continue.
Riku: Ah, there’s a note from the staff! “We received a request from the audiences, they want MEZZO’’ to confess to each other.”
Sougo: U, uum…
Yamato: The rule was like that at first, but it changed because of Mitsuki and I.
Iori: Seriously, what a sly adult.
Mitsuki: I am sorry…
Tamaki: Impossible. MEZZO’’ will have a serious survival crisis if I do it!
Riku: Okay, then I’ll hold your hand Tamaki! It will be better than doing it alone, right?
Tamaki: Even if Rikkun helps me, impossible is still impossible…!!
Sougo: Tamaki-kun, I have some advice for you.
Tamaki: What?
Sougo: Actually, I already predicted that this will happen. I have prepared a 'Ousama’ (King) Pudding mask so Tamaki-kun can confess to me without being nervous.
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(it’s Sou-chan’s drawing)
Tamaki: Gyaaaaa!!
Riku: Waaa!!
Mitsuki: As expected of Sougo, you predicted this!
Nagi: Confessing to 'Ousaka’ Pudding, I see. I’m sure the impression of this episode will last forever.
Yamato: Gyahaha! Good for you, Tama!
Tamaki: What the hell!!? At least wear a cuter pudding mask!!
Mitsuki: Well, well Tamaki, Sougo is thinking of you and prepared that mask for you.
Iori: That’s right. Are you going to waste Ousaka-san’s efforts?
Nagi: Tonight, “Ousaka Pudding” and “Confession” will definitely appear on the trending topics.
Tamaki: Sou-chan, you will definitely get scolded by some important person from King Pudding’s company!
Sougo: No need to worry about it. They already gave me permission.
Tamaki: Hey, don’t give him permission!! More importantly, don’t talk to me with that mask on!!!
Mitsuki: Tamaki, give it up already. The King Pudding company treats us favorably since we collaborated with them that one time.
Sougo: Thank you very much for giving us consent. We will not waste it and use this place to repay it.
Yamato: That mask plus those serious words are too funny. Aahh, I’m laughing so much my stomach hurts.
Riku: A mask, that’s so nice…! I want to use it too sometime!
Nagi: I suggest you to wear a Kokona headband, Riku.
Iori: I will not let you wear anything involving Kokona.
Mitsuki: Tamaki, if you could confess after receiving all these high expectations, that would be so great! I respect you so much! I really need to learn from you more!
Tamaki: …… Really, Mikki?
Mitsuki: Really, really! If you can do it, I’ll call you Super Tamaki.
Tamaki: Okay.
Tamaki: ……. *cough*
Tamaki: ……….. King Pudding, I love you!!! (5)
All: Hyu~! Hyuu~!
Yamato: Wait, you confessed to King Pudding at the end?
Mitsuki: It’s just like Tamaki though, isn’t it fine?
Nagi: We give so many expectations to Tamaki’s confession that the staff is panicking now. This is what they call an 'adult’s circumstance’, isn’t it?
Mitsuki: Nagi, don’t say that…!
Riku: The staff is waving their hands with unbelievable speed!
Iori: No, they’re just denying him.
Sougo: U, um……
Yamato: What is it, Sou. Are you dissatisfied with Tama’s confession?
Sougo: No… Is it alright for me to take off the mask now?
Mitsuki: Ahaha, it’s fine! Good work, Sougo. Tamaki looked so cool, you know!
Riku: You could do it without holding hands, Tamaki!
Tamaki: Huh.
Mitsuki: Now that the staff has calmed down, let’s begin the next corner, “Talk About Your Memories in that City!”
All: Let’s talk about it~!
Matsuki: Ok. The explanation of the program, Nagi, I leave it to you!
Nagi: Yes. In this corner, we will talk about our memories in the city our billboard picture is located at.
Mitsuki: Thanks! Iori, do you have anything to say about Fukuoka?
Iori: In the restaurant we visited, we got to eat popular foods such as Mentaiko and Gyoza, it was really fun.
Yamato: Fukuoka has many foods that goes well with sake.
Mitsuki: I think it depends on which restaurant, but I thought so too! They were so delicious~!
Iori: Also, our billboard picture in Fukuoka was quite impressive. The theme was a refreshing, 'festival’ motif. I think it ended up looking like the usual IDOLiSH7.
Iori: Except, there was someone who stood out more than the rest with an adult atmosphere surrounding him. I was surprised. (6)
Riku: He looked so cool! I’m sure the fans in Fukuoka will be delighted seeing it!
Nagi: I was so happy that I found a Magical★Kokona mask in the box of items we were allowed to use in the billboard picture. That’s when I thought to myself, “they understand me.”
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Riku: Nagi was so excited that time!
Iori: It’s good that you got permission to use it in our billboard picture.
Nagi: Figures and tapestry, acrylic keyholder and button badges are important, but are still normal items. To think that they had a Kokona mask however, I could no longer hold my excitement.
Yamato: Stop, Nagi. Leave this topic alone until we’re in dressing room.
Nagi: OH! Yamato, I see you finally realize Kokona’s charms. We have no choice but to continue this in Mitsuki’s room after we go home today.
Mitsuki: What do you mean ‘today’! Why is it always my room…
Riku: Because it’s comfortable in Mitsuki’s room!
Tamaki: I know. Mikki’s room is comfortable. He always let us in with smile on his face too.
Sougo: I agree, Mitsuki-san’s room is the easiest to visit.
Mitsuki: I think it’s because your rooms reflect your habits too much that it’s hard to go in!
Iori: Ousaka-san’s room is nice too. But sometimes I can hear the sound of chainsaws from it…
Sougo: Ah, that’s because I have started doing DIY projects lately… (7)
Yamato: Do it outside the dorm! Outside!
Mitsuki: Okaay, attention please! It seems like it’s time to wrap it all up now. Now for Fukuoka’s detailed announcements, I leave it to Tamaki!
Tamaki: Got it. IDOLiSH7’s tour to seven cities, “Visual Board Tour 2017” will take place in Fukuoka starting from today, February 21st. There will be posters, CM, and merchandise, be sure to check it out.
Yamato: There’s also Tama’s message on our billboard picture in Fukuoka Station.
Tamaki: Ohh. I wrote it.
Nagi: Please keep looking forward to our photoshoots on Twitter!
Mitsuki: Okay then, everyone! See you next episode! 3, 2, 1!
All: The next “Kimi to 'Ai'dolish Nai to!”, don’t miss it!!!!!
To be continued….
(1) 'We’re grateful’ or 'thank you’ is “arigato” in japanese. Tamaki says “arigatashi" here.
(2) Nagi says "yoroshiku onegaishimasu” but he most likely wanted to hint that this is how they always act, so be prepared.
(3) “He never talks about this kind of thing”. Meaning, Tamaki had never confess to anyone before and never talk about this
(4) In story 2, Sougo says Tamaki will do what he is told to do if it’s repeated over and over, like when he tells Tamaki “You’re sleepy, right? Sleepy, sleepy, sleepy,” so Nagi is trying to attempt something similar here.
(5) Tamaki’s confession is in Fukuoka dialect. Romaji: “ousama purin, bari suitoo yo!!”. SO CUTE
(6) Iori is talking about this sinful man.
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((op: the others wear pants but he doesn’t. why??))
(7) DIY or Do It Yourself: building, modifying, or repairing things without the direct aid of experts or professionals.
Thanks for reading!!🍀💙
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withgentleheart · 6 years
For my goldfish brain. talk with @hiddenweaponuserkun and our upcoming A.A verse. 
R: OH. it could work with the first iteration of fushimi's aa verse i had with zoe's edgeworth. fushimi was just s substitute detective from another precinct sent to help edgeworth out while gumshoe is absent(edited)GDI why u do this
E: Lenora did work with the police until she moved to the private sector....she could have met him when she stopped by to visit. although how would be bond?..........because i love rinshimi.............
R: The aa-brand ridiculousness of fushimi being the detective in charge of investigation when rin is finally accused of being a murderer lol
E: YESi kinda of want her to be accused of murdering an ex boyfriend or something?  either that or one of her tennis students parents
R: im laughing so much we need to build this case. fushimi getting pissed about how there even is a case with how obvious it is that rin is innocent, and the investigation phase turning into them somehow maybe laughing together at how stupid it all is
E: honestly the fact that sunshine rin is accused of murder is ridiculous but i want it to happen so much
R: im quoting you on that
skip over some memes 
E: Rin: an apple a day- Fushimi: will keep anyone away as long as you throw it hard enough.
R: Fushimi: for example. [demonstrates by drop kicking an apple in larry's direction]
E: Rin:......that's fair
R: lenora would be constantly side-eying them(edited)
E:maybe it's cause i just watched a flashback episode in the AA anime, but I really want Rin and Fushimi to have gone to school together, even for just a little bit so they can have a little history. kinda a throw back to the verse where rin has flower shop and school yard rin stands up to fushimi's bully for him and then maybe he moves away so they don't really becomes friends until her murder trial but that's just another reason he knows she didn't do it. it's cheesy and ridiculous (and a lot like phoenix and edgeworth) BUT I DON'T GIVE A FUCK
R: !!!!! i love it??? like, it doesn't matter in what way. i want little rin to have saved little fushimi in some way, and i can already see one of the secrets behind fushimi's psyche locks being how he knew from the start rin wouldn't do anything even remotely bad because she was a hero to him
E: fuck. i love them so much. my heart so there was this boy in my eight grade english class who like, never talked and i made it my goal to say hi to him every day when i walked into class. so every day i would walk in and be like "hi nathan" and he's get a little shy but he'd only wave at first and after about a month he's actually respond with a "hi" too and a cute shy smile and that's how i imagine rin and fuhsimi in grade school together...kinda
R: YES!! oh god i can see little fushimi clinging to that. like, he wouldn't smile or feel shy, but he'd nod or sometimes greet her back and it's just. the highlight of his day, one of his classmates treating him like he's just another person, not avoiding him or putting him on a weird pedestal.just. the impact of something so simple.
E: and she'd never take it personally that he wouldn't respond. she just wanted to make him smile, even of it's inwardly.
R: imagine the greater impact if like, fushimi's dad is openly convicted of a crime, and he's ostracized even further and rin just doesn't change the way she still treats him.
E: rin really wouldn't care at all.
E: she probably wouldn't win any points but like, she doesn''t put much stock in fathers. Her's is an asshole and left before she was born.ME TOOrin would walk up to anyone making fun of fushimi because of his dad and be like "fathers don't make a person good or bad, and if they do, then your dad is the worst"
R: THAT FIRST PART OF WHAT SHE SAID IS GONNA FOLLOW FUSHIMI FOREVER. one of his constant struggles would be the possibility of him turning into a person like niki, but then he'd remember that one kid's words, and he'd just hang on for a while longerit'd be what eventually leds him to studying criminology. i also love the parallelism with edgeworth of how 'it's thanks to his dad', but with still contrasting rationales
E: god, i love this. it's so cute and sweet. i will go down with this ship
R: how are they so perfect and convincing in all aus
enter us gushing about these two cause they are fucking cute
E: I still don't know all aa canon, but i am fucking down for it!canonically i think the wedding happens after phoenix is disbarred and gets his badge back but i'm a ways away from seeing that but HIT ME WITH IT
R: ah, but actually, because i only have the ds games, i've only gotten to apollo justice where he's disbarred djekf. i haven't played the two(?) latest games with simon, athena, nahyuta et al
E: WE WILL JUST MAKE IT UP BECAUSE FUCK ITthat's what wiki articles are for yo
R: gdi now i'll really have to go back to the tumbls
E: you don't have to if you don't want to. we can write on here if you are more comfortable with that.i don't wanna make you write on a platform you don't wanna use. I just love writing with you
R: nah, i'll try! it's not that i don't want to write on tumblr. i am just a lazy writing boye
little skip
E: okay ^^ it's gonna surprise lanna that i've actually started AA. I've been saying i would for like a year and never did. i'm trying to surprise her. rin's history is basically the same since it's just her sister verse with lenora, but she will be surprised when I give her Rin's murder chargei'm gonna have to think about this murder
R: ah, yes!! run it by me when you're done so i can intertwine fushimi a bit with certain details
E: i've got to decide first if it'll be someone she's like, emotionally attached to in some way, or should it be one of her employers?
R: the former because u love pain
E: that's true. although....with her clients are all very rich, so any murders in one of those families would be SUPER high profile.  So....i'm thinking....Ex-Boyfriend she reconnected with recently and was the last person to see alive  OR Father of student who she's accused of having an affair with and murdering when he wouldn't leave his wife.
R: the latter. it's spicy and ridiculous
E: OKAY! She "Murdered" a client. It's definitely going to be a frame job by the wife who is the actual one having the affair
R: i love it. it's in the AA spirit
E: man, i always forget how few adult characters are in anime/mangaFOUND HIM!
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The murder victim!
R:  wow. a hotshot who keeps ''subtly'' hitting on rin
E: yup. he's definitely the kind to think "i pay you so i can do what i want" Help me pick a wife!
more pictures of anime adults
(this is option two)
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E: ...i really wanna rewatching the anime i'm getting these characters from.But option two it is! Now I have to think of names and backgrounds
R:time 2 Get Punny
E: yup. i was trying to look for their kid, rin's student, but it's getting late and i should probably head to bed soon
R: oh wow. 3 am right? you definitely should sleep now
insert rin kidnapping some kid she found in the internet and fushimi telling her to put him back
E: Rin's student. Still haven't thought of any name
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random personal stuff
E: okay, but random question for you, is Monet with or without é?
R: withoutand i get by with just watching the lives cluelessly, then looking for twitter translations
E: okay, that's what i thought but i wanted to be sure. it's AA important
R: AA important. i am sure
E: Monet kinda sounds like Money, so it's the person she "killed" last name
E: Michael "Mike" Monet (sounds vaguely like Make Money), Marian Monet (Marry In Money) and Penny Monet (Penny is a kind of money)these are the tentative names I've picked out so far
R: im calling the aa localization team and recommending you
E: haha, i just know how to use my resources well. ^^but i'm glad you seem to like themalso i just found out that if i have this murder happen after the phoenix/lenora wedding rin will be thirty! i didn't realize rin would be that old by the time the get married ><
R: i love them! and if it's any consolation, lenora and phoenix are still older??
E: yeah they are 35.i'm just not sure rin would still be a tennis instructor at age 30but i guess serena williams is 37 so it would happen
R: it's rin. she can make it happen
E: "Today, 30 Year old Rin Love is accused of murdering her employer Michael Monet, Chief Operating Officer of ___ in his Beverly Park home Monday night. Ms. Love was the live in tennis coach for Monet’s 10 year old daughter, Penny, and the police now suspect the two were conducting an affair which turned south. " I'm writing the news article right now, this is as far as I've gotten.  I don't know what company he works for yet
0 notes
rhnuzlocke · 7 years
Episode 21
Scene 6:
[That night Ren is climbing into bed when she gets a notification on her nav. It is a text from an unknown number. Her pokemon are all settling down for the night as well. Akahata and Naihi are curled up together and Taraki has made himself a nest out of boughs by the foot of her bed. Ren makes herself a little more comfortable before investigating.]
Text: Hello Ren. This is Josh. I found your number in my back pocket so I figured it was ok to text u. Let me kno if it’s not. I just wanted to congratulate you on becoming champion. I watched it on TV with Hart n Brent. It was really amazing and kinda terrifying. Thanks for never using your full strength on me. And also for saving the world. I never thanked you for that right? And thanks for giving me your number. It was really nice of you.
[Ren chuckles a little at the awkwardness of the message, but she smiles from ear to ear as she types up a response.]
Ren: Thnx and ur welcome. I was sort of hoping you’d get up the nerve sooner so I could invite you to the championship.
Josh: Srry
Ren: Nbd. You’re not too late for my coronation ball though. Want to come? I’ll buy you a suit if you need one. I’m salaried now ;)
Josh: You’d use ur plus 1 on me??? But you have friends and stuff
Ren: I’m the champ. I can invite as many people as I want.
Josh: Right.
Ren: Hart and Brent can come too if they promise to behave.
Josh: I think that would be much for me, but thanks for offering.
Ren: Alright. But there is free food. Just something to consider.
[Ren waits for a bit, but there is no response so she types again.]
Ren: How are you doing? I take it you H&B escaped the law?
Josh: Yeah. We got an apartment in Lilycove. It’s a bit cramped with all the pokemon, but not bad. I need another job before I can get my own place.
Ren: Any ideas what you want to do?
Josh: You sort of inspired me to try being a serious trainer. I’ve always liked training and I might be good at it. Idk. Fang thinks we could.
Ren: You’re a really solid trainer. You should totally go for it. You could get your first 2-3 badges easy with just Fang and Shade.
Josh: I caught a mawile while you were fighting Groudon and she agreed to stick around, so that’s half a team to start.
Ren: That’s great! What’s her name?
Josh: Poppy.
Ren: Cute! Maybe I can meet her sometime. And it’d be nice to say hi to Fang and Shade when I don’t have to fight them. Anything else going on?
Josh: I called my sister. We’ve hardly spoken in years and then I couldn’t call when Magma went undercover. I’m going to visit her soon.
Ren: I hope that goes well. I’m glad you got back in touch. Hart and Brent aren’t your brothers, right?
Josh: No. I have 4 brothers but I don’t know where they are. We all got split up when they took us away from my parents.
Ren: I’m so sorry.
Josh: It was probably for the best. They’re all older and were already starting to act like him. Also it’s easier to get adopted that way. That’s why they split me and Hannah up in the end.
Ren: So did you get adopted?
Josh: No, just foster care.
Ren: Sorry. I don’t mean to pry.
Josh: It’s fine.
Ren: So what’s your sister like?
Josh: I don’t really know anymore. We were pretty close when we were young, but we never got to see each other after the orphanage. She used to call me all the time like it was her job to look after me even though she’s only a year older. We both had a hard time making friends, so we talked to each other as much as they let us. She used to collect stuff. Nothing valuable, just little things. And when we talked she would tell me about the stuff she found and sometimes I would send her a button or something in the mail. She’s really smart. She used to read to me every night at the orphanage so I wouldn’t have nightmares. Sometimes she did it over the phone too, but we both got in trouble so she stopped. She always asked if I was hungry or if they were letting me watch my cartoons. And she would help me come up with ways to get back at the other foster kids when they bullied me. She’s sort of the reason I made friends with Hart and Brent. But once I had them and she had her friends, we didn’t need each other as much. A lot of time passed and we drifted apart. I’m a little scared to meet her again. I don’t know what to say.
Ren: Just start by catching up. I’m sure you’ll find something in common. And you can tell her about all your crazy adventures if she’s not a snitch.
Josh: She’d never do that. She knows what it’s like. But I’m afraid she’ll blame herself for the things I’ve done.
Ren: You could tell her you’re buddies with the Champion and leave out the criminal activity.
Josh: Ur terrible. You’d probably deny it just to make me look like an asshole.
Ren: I’d totally back you up! Here, you can have some pics to prove it. [She sends over the portraits she had taken with her pokemon back in Mauville along with a link to Kata’s instagram.] Just don’t leak those to the press. Or maybe do. I look great.
[There is a long pause, probably while he looks at the photos and Ren decides she should probably dial back the flippancy a bit.]
Ren: On a more serious note, I don’t think you need to worry. You did do some shitty things, but you did a lot of good too. I might not be alive if it weren’t for you.
[There is another long pause and Ren starts to type more when she gets a response.]
Josh: Why are you so nice to me?
Ren: I want to be friends.
Josh: But why? You know about the bad stuff. And you’re Champion now. You could be friends with whoever you want.
Ren: Call it a hunch, but I think you may be a really decent person under there. You can’t deny we had some real bonding moments too. I’m invested now whether I want to be or not. And you’ve never done anything to hurt me. Just the opposite. Maybe I still feel a bit guilty for the shitty stuff I did. Idk. I just want to give this a shot.
Josh: Ok. [several seconds later] Thanks.
Ren: No problem.
Josh: Maybe you’ll be less scary as a friend.
Ren: I hope so but no promises!
Josh: Arceus. What did I just sign up for?
0 notes