#So his gills are the most sensitive part of his body
teethofthedeeps · 8 months
🌺 HIBISCUS - do they have any allergies?🌩️ LIGHTNING - are they scared of lightning?
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Stoplight doesn't really have allergies per say, or at least doesn't experience them like humans do? He won't go into anaphylactic shock if he eats something with, say, peanuts in it but he'll definitely notice something is up if he's in a place with a lot of dust and/or mold spores floating in the air. His gills stay moist even above ground, optimizing all that lovely oxygen up on the surface so when dust and spores start coating his gills, it starts feeling rather unpleasant and he'd like to wash it off before the itching gets too much.
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tagzpite · 2 months
Obsessed with your fishsseus au, he's so hfsdufheuwhfuewhfw
I love him, I'll try to draw him at some point
Got any lore, fun facts or anything to tell us about the au?
I can sum up a few! One of Ody’s eyes is actually still able to see light and shadow, hence why I draw his left eye with a light pupil rather than full white like the other one.
Slight body horror warnings on some of these.
He has shark teeth.
He crunches of bones and clams to annoy Poseidon whenever he’s on his routine check up to torment.
The gills on his sides, under his arms over his ribs, are three on each because they are slashed in by Poseidon’s trident.
His tail has a colour shifting effect! Depending on how the light hits it that’s what colour you’ll see. I made attempts to make that obvious in my art.
His spines are venomous!
He sheds like a snake, which is great on his tail but on his human parts where scales are in patches and thin layers, it can be a pain.
Poseidon turned his shed into jewellery, since it’s a mix of fish and snake scale, it’s actually colourful.
He’s basically immortal in the terms of a life span.
His jaw can unhinge slightly wider than a normal human jaw.
Most of his innards are actually in his tail now, his chest is all lungs. Plus he’s got a second “back up heart” in his tail to help pump blood.
He has a third eyelid that prevents water from damaging his already sensitive eyes.
Since his eyes were pretty much destroyed, he can’t cry.
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iamthecomet · 7 months
COMET! For the kiss meme, what about 20 or 21 with Phantom and Dew? pls and ty
How about both??
Dew doesn’t think much about his scars anymore. Most days he doesn’t see them. Doesn’t look at the silvery lines on his neck–hidden, usually, by hair. Or the deeper ones, longer ones, on his ribs. Graceful arching scars that show where his gills were–what he used to be. 
Most days, they’re a part of him, not a wound or a reminder. 
But Dew hasn’t had to show himself to new eyes in a long time. And despite his usual confidence, he finds unease in the idea of Aeon seeing him, all of him, for the first time. 
There hadn’t been much time for lingering earlier. Just the hurried rush of clothes pulled off in the dim light of the hotel room. Aeon’s body pressed against his. Hands tugging at him, desperate. They’d fallen into each other with little fan fare. Aeon hadn’t lingered. If he really looked, Dew hadn’t noticed. But he’s looking now. 
The lamps turned low, basking the room in a glow that reminds him of his fireplace back home, warm and golden, and just bright enough for Aeon to see him. And Aeon looks. 
Dew lays back, arms under his head, tries to feign the same easy confidence he always wears. Naked, sheet thrown over his hips, torso, and scars, on full display for Aeon’s roaming eyes.  Dew feels the prickle of nervousness under that intense gaze. 
He doesn’t think much of his scars, but when he does, he feels like curling in on himself. A reminder of who he used to be. Permanent ugliness etched over his skin where there used to be beauty. And he’s happier now–better. But it doesn’t stop that voice in the back of his head–or the memory of what used to be there–what burned away when he was remade. 
“You good, bug?” Dew asks. Aeon’s eyes dart up to look at him, then back down to the scars, fascinated. Dew feels heat flood to his face. Aeon reaches out and presses a finger over one of the lines over his ribs. Dew jolts, and Aeon’s hand curls back in, hesitant. A frown digging at his still kiss swollen lips. 
“Do they hurt?” he whispers. 
Dew shakes his head. “No, just…sensitive, or…used to be. My body still thinks they are. I know there–gruesome.” 
“They’re not,” Aeon insists. He tries again and Dew stays still, lets him pet down the length of one long line. “I like them.”
“Should have seen what they looked like before,” Dew tries to fake bravado but fails, it comes out a little shaky–unsure. Aeon looks up at him. Eyes searching his like he can see into Dew’s soul. Fucking quintessence ghouls. 
“Don’t care what they looked like before,” Aeon mumbles. 
Dew opens his mouth to protest again, or maybe to change the subject so he can stop thinking about these lines that marr and otherwise basically perfect vessel. But then he feels cool lips on his ribs. Following the same line Aeon’s fingers just did. One kiss after another, curving along his ribs. Chasing each line where his gills used to be. 
“Pretty,” Aeon mumbles against his skin.
Dew’s eyes flutter closed as Aeon starts again, dragging lips and tongue over those sensitive scars. He thinks, if Aeon keeps this up–he might actually learn to believe him. 
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
Y’think we could get more of The Deep and his gills? Some sort of gill worship? Or maybe he cums from only having his gills played with. His gills have me in a chokehold too honestly. I’m a real sucker for the guys whimpering and making all kinds of noise too. Your work is great man, keep it up!
Kevin Moskowitz/The Deep x male reader
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There’s just something about gills, huh.
I know canonically its uncomfortable for someone to touch or finger Kevin’s gills, but lets completely ignore this for the stories sake. Let’s say they’re just extra sensitive on the inside instead.
Kevin didn’t know how sensitive his gills truly were before you two started dating. They had always just been a part of his body that he was quite insecure about and always tried to hide. It led to him always wearing shirts, no matter what.
You never demanded to know exactly why he never took his shirt off, even when you cuddled or slept together. You wanted to leave it up to him to decide when he was ready to talk about whatever was bothering him.
It would probably take a few months before Kevin felt secure enough to show you, and its most likely a spur of the moment kind of thing, where he just tells you he has something to show you and takes his shirt off.
He will expect you to look at him in disgust, maybe even verbalize how gross he looks, but to his surprise you just smile and thank him for showing you.
Maybe you even brush your hands down his side, gracing your palm over the outer part of his gills and telling him they just make him look more attractive.
After that it would take even longer before either of you ever actually thought about using his gills for anything, since you both assumed it would hurt a lot to do so.
That is until Kevin somehow gets something stuck inside his gills after a mission or similar, where he ends up in The Sevens private bathroom, his shirt off and his fingers skirting around the edge of his gills.
Kevin would struggle if he should actually do it, scared that it’ll hurt. But whatever is stuck in his gills is annoying and bothers him, so he finally pushes his gloved fingers into the slit of his gills and wriggles them about to get whatever is bothering him.
To Kevin’s surprise it doesn’t hurt, far from it actually. He immediately has to clamp his free hand over his mouth as his eyes roll back, his knees growing so weak he has to sit down as his gills clamp down on his fingers.
When he finally comes to his senses a bit, he keeps working to get out the thing that’s annoying him, choking back his whimpers and moans as he does, struggling to stay quiet the entire time.
When he succeeds in getting the item out, he just sits there panting, rock hard in his tight pants and his hands shaking softly in his lap at how good that had felt. Kevin feels too ashamed to push his fingers back into his gills though, even though it had felt so good, so instead he just waits for his hardon to lessen and he hurries back to your shared apartment.
After that Kevin would try and act like nothing had happened, but his head would be full of fantasies featuring his new discovery, and you being the one to touch him.
You would notice how he seems less insecure about his torso nowadays, as he covers his upper body a lot less than before now. But you just assume its because he feels more secure in your relationship and in the fact that you won���t judge him.
Kevin would never be able to muster up the courage to tell you during any normal day, so its probably in the heat of the moment he spills the beans. You would be getting down and dirty, maybe him riding you after you’ve gone multiple rounds already. He would be close, and his head would fall back, and he would beg you to shove your fingers into his gills.
You would freeze up in confusion, which would make Kevin realize what he said, and he would be horrified and embarrassed and would immediately start sputtering and trying to make up an excuse, say that he was joking, or play it off like a spur of the moment kind of thing.
But whilst he’s trying to play it off, you look closer and notice how he seemed to have tightened up at the idea of you doing that, and looking at his gills you can see him fluttering, like just the idea of you doing what he had asked excited him.
So, whilst he’s babbling you reach up and push just the tip of your finger into his gills, causing Kevin to whimper and stop dead in his talking, his face going bright red as he looks at you.
When he doesn’t say anything to stop you, you push the rest of your finger into his gills, curling it in a way that has Kevin aching his back and crying out in pleasure. That night you only use one or two fingers, but Kevin has never been so loud and sensitive before.
When you realize just how much Kevin likes to have his gills played with, there is no end to it. It becomes one of the way you two have quickies, since it just feels so good for Kevin and you like watching him.
Its not unusual for you to show up to The Sevens meetings as Kevin’s partner, or different kinds of meetups and alike where Kevin needs to go. When you can see Kevin dissociating or when he just stops paying attention or gets a little too cocky, you’ll pull him away to “give him a break”
But instead of a break you pull him into a hidden corner or bathroom and push your fingers up under his shirt and up into his gills, moving them about until Kevin is a gasping mess.
He always has to clamp both his hands over his mouth to try to stay quiet, though it is extremely difficult for him, especially if you’ve got both your hands up under his shirt and inside him.
It always results in Kevin humping your thigh or the air as you make him cum from just that, at times you even have to kiss him to stop him from crying out loudly from the pleasure it gives him.
After cleaning him up Kevin will go back to whatever you pulled him away from, everyone none the wiser to what just happened. Except for maybe Homelander, that guy could hear and smell everything, but he just looks at you guys with disgust in his eyes. As long as it makes The Deep a more marketable hero, he doesn’t care.
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goldstargloww · 1 year
curses, coincidences, and deity influences
so um. i kinda wrote an essay of some sorts
version that might be easier to read is at https://goldstargloww.neocities.org/goldsaysstuff/
the canary curse
canary call, the first to fall / forever caged in different walls. everyone knows this one - canaries were used in coal mines in the 1900s as a warning to miners that there where toxic gases such carbon dioxide or other asphyxiant gases in the air, which would effect small warm blooded animals faster than larger ones due to their quicker respiratory exchange. canaries were found to be more sensitive and effective than mice as they showed more visible signs of distress. canaries were brought into mines in carriers and cages to save the miners, often at the expense of their own lives (though sometimes they had little oxygen bottles to revive the birds)
this is jimmy. jimmy is always out first, without fail, in every season. he's the first one to be struck with lightning and separated from everyone else.
3rd life; died in a war with his husband despite being in a bunker.
last life; died because he got a bit too greedy as a red life and tried to push his brother-figure into a trap, and then faced the consequences.
double life; got caught and strangled by an enderman, leaving his cursed by proxy soulmate to die alone.
limited life; once again got too greedy as a red life and fell off the bridge along with the tnt minecraft he tried to push off of it. in fact, this wasn't even supposed to ever happen. he was supposed to die earlier, when etho got his boogey kill, but he got the incorrect amount of time subtracted from his total. he wasn't supposed to be alive - he was dead before he hit the ground.
two deaths from trying to keep himself safe, two from fall damage, two from greed. ironic how a bird dies twice from falling to his death, huh?
the canary in the coal mine analogy is actually vaguely referenced in the very first parts of 3rd life session one. martyn's digging down and asks bigb to sing for him so when martyn can't hear him anymore he knows he's dug too deep and it's time to leave
miners attempted to revive their canaries because of how much they relied on them. jimmy, however? no potential for revival there.
attempts to break the curse have been made. they've never succeeded.
jimmy's never seen anyone permadie. he's never seen a dead body. the day he does, if ever, is surely gonna hurt. "that should've been me".
the watcher curse
this one isn't really official, it's more of a pattern, and one harder to 'prove'. those who are watcher aligned (ex. grian) tend to cause themselves and their allies to lose or die early.
grian caused scar's death in 3rd life.
all the southlanders died in last life, hell jimmy and mumbo were to his own hands, the two he was closest to.
he killed bigb in double life despite them being secret soulmates.
all the bad boys and clockers died in limited life, many because of him, notably scar.
the listener blessing
pretty much the opposite to the watcher curse, where everyone who's listener aligned (ex. scott, martyn, pearl) tend to cause themselvs and their allies to win or live longer.
grian won third life with scar as second place - scott was allies with both of them
scott himself won last life with pearl, his closest ally, in the top four
pearl (and technically scott, in a sense) won double life with the other half of the divorce quartet as second or third/fourth place. tilly death do us part!
martyn won limited life by betraying his own mean gill, "and i wouldn't have had it any other way."
scott has been allied with every single person who has won one of these death games up to limited life.
dogwarts, despite not winning in the end, certaintly got very close to it. and martyn was the last of the king and his hand to die.
he made it to the top four in last life and in double life
he won limited life, maybe not the most honorably, but it's been coming all the way since red winter and his plan for red spring. and the watchers were notably involved in this win, too. "THIS IS A DEATH MATCH FOR A REASON."
the phoenix curse (etho)
every odd numbered season, etho loses his last life to fire/burning. in even numbered seasons, nothing fire/burning related even really happens
unnamed (joel)
joel always tends to end up alone and desperate for kills
the watcher's self fulfilling prophecy
the idea that because us, the watchers, the viewers, believe in these curses and stuff, makes them true
the canary curse
the idea that the watchers pushed jimmy off skynet in limited life to continue the canary curse
the widow curse
sort of ties into the watcher curse and listener blessing. the thought that with grian, he causes his allies to die and him to be left standing. with the listener aligned players, they're the only ones left standing until the end.
referenced by scott and cleo in third life, when their husbands die they'd make the widow's alliance
grian never being boogeyman
grian is a watcher who's inserted himself into the games. if he wasn't ever meant to play, if he was only ever meant to watch, why should he be a valid entry?
could be tied to the amount of lives he got in last life, as well. he wasn't meant to be there in the first place. why let him play longer?
the AFK session (grian)
canonically (to eyesandears), grian was pulled away from his body during the AFK session. "pause, unpause, we paralyze / a vacant stare for wandering eyes."
the watchers are pissed that grian keeps getting to play. they're trying their best to rip him out of the games and return to their grasp.
the border
"here's the thing about being beyond the veil - we're already dead."
being beyond the border doesn't protect you. it only hurts you. grian knows this because he's a watcher
bigb's invisibility
bigb was briefly invisible to scott during a fight in limited life due to a glitch in the game. what if this is just because the watchers hate scott with a passion and wanted to make his life harder? we already know they hate him
the fact that it was bigb, a former evo member, is interesting too…
playing by the rules - compliance and refusal
martyn either tries his hardest and fails, or obliges against his will.
his attempted boogey kill on scott failed and the shadow was very upset with him for this. they gave him one job and he failed.
he was very clearly influenced by the watchers to break the notion that red lives should all of a sudden be honorable at the final few again.
scott's outright denial
scott tried the whole boogeyman thing once in last life, but the next time he straight up refused to play by the rules. he told everyone he was the boogeyman and laid out his plan of playing as normal unless a situation arises where he could steal a kill.
he denied his soulmate in double life and went and got a new one
rushed boogey kill in limited life instead of building up the suspense the watchers wanted
has technically won 2/4 games.
bdubs being unwatched
bdubs didn't record his limited life perspective. he could only have been watched through others's perspectives, or heard about.
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beelsjockstrap · 2 years
The Obey Me Brothers’ Physical Profiles Part 1
Older Brothers Edition!
Lucifer, Mammon, Levi
A/N: You don’t have to agree, again these are just my head-cannons. Just know you’re wrong though
Also not proofread (; ̄ー ̄川
❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。
Lucifer <3
Height: 6’4
Weight: 236 Ibs
Defining Features:
He definitely needs reading glasses
He just has his front lobes pierced
He has a lean muscular build, I don’t really see him working out. Just paperwork at a desk all day LOL
His hair naturally falls onto his face, he styles it to the side out of his face
Scar on his left jaw
Has a birth mark under his right eye
He has pretty bad scarring on his back from his wings being ripped out
Forehead wrinkles (mush to asmos dismay)
Mammon <3
Height: 6’3
Weight: 228 Ibs
Defining Features:
Tongue piercing
Double lobe piercings
Industrial piercing
Has a bunch of little scars on his face and body from all the trouble he runs into
He has one gold molar tooth
His skin glows like he’s literally shiny as if he’s dipped in gold
He’s not the shortest brother but he is a good bit smaller than most of them. (Despite being shorter than Levi he outweighs him in muscle LOL)
He does workout for his modeling gigs, and he stays in shape with all the part time work he does
Happy Trail (Wait what, who said that??!)
Eyebrow scar
Those little eye crinkles from smiling :)
Levi <3
Height: 6’5
Weight: 207 Ibs
Defining Features:
Slightly long forked tongue ;)
Eyebrow slit
Naturally wavy hair (Honestly this dude wakes up and adds 5 Ibs of hair gel to get that hairstyle he has LOL)
Sharpened (Shark) teeth
Has patches of scales on his body even out of demon form
Dark under eye circles
Right eye is a slightly lighter shade of orange. Kinda yellow-ish orange. (partially blind in that eye)
He’s pretty tall and lanky so he’s not really a bulky type of guy. Instead he has a lean swimmers build. So he does have some muscle on him from swimming
Has gills in the anti helix part of his ears (They’re pretty sensitive) hehe
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utsuboarchive · 8 months
updated mer fom / fish info as promised
both of them are roughly 12.5 - 13 ft long ( 3.81 m ). exact weight is difficult, and i don't really know where to start with that. but the two are very heavy. their tails are mostly just muscle and bone, and help push them through the water with frightening ease. the color of their bodies also helps them blend into the environment a lot better than you'd think. usually if you're in the water, and they want to sneak up on you, you wont know they're there until well-- they're on top of you.
it is possible for them to... beach themselves? but just because they're out of water in mer form-- doesn't mean they're helpless. in quick bursts they can move very very fast?? and they're even heavier on land, so getting caught would be literally like being slammed by a truck lmao.
generally speaking? they have a very high resistance, if not an immunity, to most toxins and poisons. and the two are very toxic if consumed for...whatever reason. though it is really just the blood you need to be extra careful of. i don't really need to tell people not to eat eel mucous do i?
they have a lot of teeth!!!! about two and a half sets of teeth worth. and a bit like sharks, eels will also continuously grow teeth back as they lose them. they also have a long tongue, mostly for the spook factor tbh.
they both still have gills in his human form. and they allow them to breathe underwater regardless of what form they're in. though they cannot breathe quite as deeply, or as easily as they might in mer form. these are also why you probably shouldn't touch floyd or jade's sides without permission ( or without him knowing you well enough ), as it goes without saying that gills are probably sensitive????
they do NOT have scales! rather, moray eels are coated in a mucous that does all sorts of things for them. it protects their skin from abrasions, infection, bacteria, and the elements if they're out of water. it's also quite soft to touch, with a texture that is not unlike wet velvet.
canonically, this mucous is good for your skin!
contrary to popular belief, cold blooded does not equate cold. the twins actually run quite hot? especially in their mer forms, as their bodies need to work harder to ensure they maintain a healthy temperature. getting into the biology of this could be another part of why the two eat so much. but ill save all the science-y stuff for later.
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esotericjerks · 3 months
body, drive, sounds for Gilles
body — what is their favorite body part of theirs? of their partner(s)'? are there any specific body parts they like to pay special attention to (ex. feet, hands, ass, etc)? where are their erogenous zones? where are they most sensitive?
He's particularly proud of his biceps and his abs. But really he knows every part of him is appealing. He's so vain fr y'all.
As for body parts he likes on other people, ass all the way. And like... internal organs, but we'll ignore that for now.
drive — how high is their sex drive? are they hyposexual, hypersexual, or somewhere in between? does it change depending on the circumstance? how often do they have sex?
He's hypersexual and a hedonist. He will basically fuck anything with or without a pulse. Truly, he is a disgusting bastard man who belongs in cage like an animal.
sounds — what sounds do they make during sex? do they laugh a lot during sex? are they chatty during sex?
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rinwellisathing · 4 months
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Jaina is pretty firmly a switch as far as position, it depends on the mood and any form of rigidity seems incongruent with the very nature of sex to her.
Jaina enjoys the sensations of cold and of water during sex. She also enjoys massages as well as heavy sensual foreplay. Scented oils are also something of interest to her. Also, as much as it's a cliche, as a pirate she enjoys a bit of roleplay (particularly dueling an enemy and ending up in a compromising position.)
As much or as little time as she wants, usually. Because of her illness and the conditioning she's gone through, she has very good control of her body.
Her horns and tail are sensitive, but also the ridges at her neck and waist are as well, local lore from her island claims this is because her people are so akin to sharklike creatures that these would be ideal places for gills.
Expert swordplay, music and dancing, a sweeping romantic gesture.
She rarely had time before her adventure, so usually once a week if she was very lucky.
Jaina enjoys switching positions often in the heat of the moment, but it's essential for her to be able to wrap her legs and tail around a partner.
She was led on by a popular opera star in the city who took advantage of how young, naive, and starstruck she was in order to have an affair with her.
Jaina likes to be in or around the water when she has sex, particularly running water.
No, she's very discreet. You have to be when you've lived aboard a ship and then in dormitories.
She can be loud or quiet depending on the situation. She would prefer to be loud, however, as she's sick of being someone's dirty secret.
Yes. The infamous 'Narwhal' which is actually a carved bit of stone enchanted to vibrate with the pattern of crashing waves. She made it herself.
Again, she prefers things to flow naturally and any rigid 'preference' is disruptive to that.
She would have to schedule once or twice a week back when she was involved in the affair, but once she and Wyll became an item (and later Karlach), it was much more often and spontaneous.
To be loved and worshipped and to be with someone she loves and worships whole heartedly as well.
Sexy mermaid fantasy by way of pirate erotica
38D is her bra size if we're going by modern American sizing
She will usually think of tentacled creatures in the sea if she's feeling especially spicy, but very often it's whomever she's currently attracted to. Most recently being in a Wyll/Karlach sandwich.
Jaina is pansexual
Jaina prides herself on how long being a sea faring creature she is able to hold her breath. She enjoys giving oral sex immensely.
Behind the curtain of the city's theatre while a performance was in progress.
Her collar bone as well as her lower stomach.
Slowly realizing that no, that famous performer is not going to leave his wife for her and she's just a plaything to amuse him after a long performance. Particularly realizing it mid-fuck.
Her first time with Wyll, her first time with Karlach, and most times since with them.
A few times a day if she's really reminded of it. It's not constant.
Her stomach is not flat and also because of how her people evolved with Umberlee's blessing, she has a subtle diamond hatching to her skin up close like a shark's.
Jaina is very much about spontaneity and has good control of her body, so again, generally as long as she and her partner are enjoying it.
Spontaneity is everything for her. If a laugh or giggle should slip out or something funny happens, it's natural and all part of the fun.
Although her family emphasizes practical clothing for sailing and combat, Jaina does secretly enjoy the idea of fetishized, sexy pirate clothing and when she finally has access to a decent amount of gold, she does invest in some sexy corsets, low cut blouses, and exciting nautical themed lingerie to show her partners.
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who-is-muses · 6 months
Random assortment of short nsfvv Walker headcanons
Absolute service switch that (for the most part) only teases as much as he's teased. (However, if the mood strikes him, he can be a surprisingly wicked tease.)
Deceptively sex positive, just rather shy; casual hook ups are very accepted by Astonians, just whoever's interested will have to be the one to ask Bro'Dee.
While he's inexperienced beyond vanilla when it comes to actually doing it, he's heard of more things than he lets on.
Interested in trying mild bondage and shibari, but too shy to bring it up to anyone but an established and trusted partner.
Doesn't have the highest sex drive on his own, maybe like a 6 out of 10, but sharing an empathic link with his partner in the moment tends to raise it- especially if they have a high drive.
So so so touch starved, he'll melt just from being held close and kissed on his neck.
Please do not yank on his head tail, it's extremely sensitive due to being y'know a sensory organ- actual erogenous zones include the three gill slits on the back of his neck, the area between his eyes and slightly above/below them, the sides of his ribs, basically the entirety of his hips/pelvis, and the insides of his thighs.
While not a massive one, he definitely has a praise kink; tell him how good he's doing, how pretty he looks, how good he makes you feel, and he's like putty.
Likewise, he's all for praising and nigh worshipping his partner; their body, their voice, them.
Mun is definitely biased because Those're👏Their👏Favorites👏, but Bro'Dee has a very nice butt and legs (and hands.)
(Yes, anal is a possibility, and Astonians essentially have a g spot and a prostate in about the same spots, but he's never tried it before.)
His genitals are in relatively the same location as a human's, both kept internally inside a single slit when not aroused.
Absolutely enjoys a nice cuddlefuck or cockwarming, regardless if he's bottoming or topping; he's super affectionate.
Also enjoys being manhandled, picked up and carried, moved around and bent by his partner.
Sex in the water is a big yes- a pool, an open body, just a tub or shower, he adores it.
Other things he enjoys/would enjoy but doesn't realize yet include giving head, receiving overstimulation, body painting, and somnophilia (specifically the just woke up, still sleepy but horny kind.)
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calmeokeanos · 1 year
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//Neptune is a man of many, many, many secrets. Most of them aren't sad or tragic or would be considered worth of even being considered a secret but here are a few:
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He has multiple 'siblings' and is actually the second oldest. Where they are or where they've gone he doesn't know. They were hardly a 'nuclear family' they had no parents around from their early years so really the only thing keeping them all together was just a mutual agreement that they were all best off together and a sort of bond with one another. During the archon war they were split up and he has not seen any of them again and tries to not to look for him because he KNOWS he can't handle learning if any of them died.
He can breath underwater. He actually does have gills but usually covers them with with very thick chokers and occasionally high collared clothing.
He usually is hard to get to even bother to care buuuut some of the sure fire ways is:
Touch his neck. His gills are sensitive and while he has desensitized himself to fabric over his neck anyone touching his neck just sends him into a defensive rage. Ask incredibly personal questions to an extent. The first time he says no he will be irritated at best, but keep pushing and he will get very angry very fast. Seem to know more about him than said person should. Again he values his privacy. Beat those weaker than oneself. He generally doesn't like to garner much attention his way but he does not care and will fight those that don't seem inclined to battle anyone at their level. Left over big brother energy.
He has alot of power over water in general, but mostly saltwater. He can part the seas to a certain extent and to some extent can manipulate fresh water sources as long as the water is unpolluted. The more pollution a body of water has the less he can manipulate it.
He can also sense the level of pollution in a body of water but being in bodies of heavily polluted waters makes him feel sick.
His favorite food is anything with boiled or cooked octopus. He isn't picky but want to give him something he won't turn down put octopus in it.
He hates dry and arid places. Temperature doesn't matter but if it's dry he hates it. It won't do anything other than make him moodier but that doesn't change the fact he is still miserable.
He has something of a phobia of being known, if he were close enough to admit this to anyone he couldn't really explain it. Much of his desire for privacy stems from this. He doesn't necessarily mind if people know he exists somewhere in this world but to be known as a man rather than just another name and face is terrifying to him after losing everyone that has known more of him at more than surface level.
Also he has a tendency to show up places that are obviously far to dangerous for most 'mortals' and whenever confronted about it he just claims "I was fishing". And conveniently enough half the time it is actually true.
He has a habit of thanking people by giving them fish he caught because he always catches more than he can eat himself.
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iamthecomet · 1 year
He gonna get pneumonia cuz of this I just know it but how about Swiss cumming all over Rain's gills and fingering them after
Budgie the way my eyes bugged out of my head. FUCK.
1100 words of gill fucking (and a rough blow job) under the cut, just for you.
Swiss fingers thread in Rain's dark curls. Silken hair slipping between his fingers. He drags his thumb over Rains' temple, the base of his horn. Up over the sea glass smooth curve of it. At his feet, Rain shudders. Tongue pressing up into the vein on the underside of Swiss' cock. Flicking up dig at the ridge under his head. Swiss feels like he's coming apart. Each slow drag of Rain's mouth is cool over his overheated skin. Feels refreshing in a way that doesn't make sense. He's stupid with it. Every ounce of blood fleeing south the second Rain had knelt for him. Looked up at him with wide blue eyes. He's helpless against Rain. Doesn't matter what it is. So, he's definitely not going to deny him this. Rain pulls back, the ruddy head of Swiss' cock popping free from his lips. He doesn't pull back far, kisses the tip. Laps lazily at a bead of precum welling there. When he talks, Swiss can feel his lips move, feel the huff of breath over the most sensitive part of him. It makes him want to cave in on himself. "I asked you to be mean to me," Rain murmurs. A little petulant. Pouting as he looks up at Swiss again. One hand curled around the base of Swiss' cock. The other squeezing at his own through his sweatpants. There's an order there. Rain's perpetual need to be in charge. Like he's going to get mean if Swiss doesn't get his act together. Like Rain has figured out a way to bully the asshole out of Swiss. Swiss swipes his thumb over Rain's horn again as they look at each other. Eyes locked. Swiss could roll his eyes at him. Could push this another direction. Because the more resistant he is, the more fun Rain gets. Bitchy, demanding. There's something so hot about watching Rain unravel when he realizes he isn't going to get what he wants. But, fuck does Rain's mouth feel good. And every second Swiss doesn't spend buried in it is abject torture given how hard he is. He shifts his grip, untangles his fingers from Rain's hair and fists the base of his horn instead. He yanks. Shoving the head of his cock against Rain's lips until Rain opens, he doesn't stop pulling. Dragging Rain forward until he has to brace both hands on Swiss' thighs or risk toppling over.
Swiss buries himself in Rain's throat with ease. Rain chokes, coughs, and then, right on schedule, his gills flutter open. Opalescent, nearly transluscent, they come to life at the side of Rain's neck--his ribs. Flexing as he settles in, pushes his nose hard against Swiss' pelvic bone. Swiss never gets sick of this. Watching Rain's gills flutter, exposing sensitive membrane. He wants to tell Rain how pretty he is when he does this--but that doesn't feel mean enough for Rain's standards. So instead he grinds his dick in deeper, rolls his hips so it bumps against Rain's throat harder. Despite the gills providing him air he still chokes. Swiss won't last long like this. The visual mixed with the tight fit of Rain's throat is a death sentence. He cups his other hand around Rain's throat. A loose fit, just enough to feel the way he carves out space in Rain's body. He sets a brutal rhythm. Using his hold on Rain's horn as leverage. Rain blinks up at him like it isn't good enough. Like the bruises he's digging into the very back of Rain's throat are nothing. He tightens his grip on Rain's throat, digs two fingers into one of his sets of gills and Rain twitches, whines, eyes fluttering. And that gives Swiss a terrible idea. He's close in a matter of minutes. Reluctant to pull out of the tight slick of Rain's throat, but he does. Dragging his cock over Rain's tongue one last time. Feeding Rain the last drops of his pre as his balls tighten and his toes clench against the soles of his boots. Rain closes his eyes, face upturned, tongue out. Expectant. Ready and eager to be painted. But Swiss wrenches his head sideways, tips it. Exposes the delicate mechanism of his gills. Rain's eyes snap open just as Swiss starts to cum. Shooting across the side of Rain's neck. Hot pearlescent ropes splattered across Rain's jaw, his cheek. His gills. Rain's eyes flutter again. He has a hand back on his cock again, squeezing. Moaning low as Swiss wipes the head off against his throat, catching on the slits of his gills. "You'd fuck them if you could," Rain says, eyes half open, lidded, head still tipped despite Swiss' loosening grip on his horn. Swiss watches as Rain shoves his hand into his pants, really gets a hold of himself. Swiss can't deny it, isn't in the headspace to even try. Instead he drags his fingers through the sticky mess. Dragging cum over the still fluttering edges of Rain's gills. He pushes in, just a little, and Rain goes rigid. Gasping as Swiss drag cum coated fingers over the edges of his gills, one finger pressed to each one. Dipping in. Rain is impossibly soft here, and there's no resistance when he pushes in a little deeper. Each finger dipping in to the first knuckle. He watches Rain for any hint that he's uncomfortable but all he finds is a slack jaw, blown out eyes. He's pulling at himself roughly, hand twisting. Swiss wishes he could see it. Could see the dark head of Rain's cock, slick, spilling pre like a faucet. But what he can see is just as good--a rapidly darkening stain on the front of his sweatpants. Swiss gives an experimental pet against the gill wall and Rain bucks. Swiss pulls out just long enough gather the rest of his cum on his fingers then slips them back in. Pushes and pulls. Fingers Rain's gills the way he would Cirrus' cunt. Slow, gentle, petting against the spots that make Rain whine and twitch. Swiss is hard again in no time. Watching his fingers disappear into Rain's cum slick gills. Listening to the noise spilling from Rain's lips. Petulence gone. Replaced with desperate hazy pleasure. It's more than enough to have him aching. He might have to finish himself off with his hand this time, but it'll be worth it for the way Rain looks like this. Cum smeared across his neck, shoved deep into his gills. Flushed, and sweaty and begging Swiss to: "Please, I'm gonna--Swiss--I'm gonna fucking--" When Rain cums, his gills constrict around Swiss' fingers, squeeze them. Pulsing around him. And Rain's right--Swiss would fuck them if he could.
He pulls his fingers from Rain's neck and smears what's left of his cum over Rain's drool-slicked lips. Rain looks up at him, spent, boneless. A whispered thank you tumbling from his abused throat. Next time, Swiss thinks, he'll aim for the larger ones on Rain's ribs. See if he can really make Rain beg.
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beelspillowpet · 4 years
HCs for the mc being turned into a maga and/or HCs for a Naga!Levi??
Leviathan as a Naga?! That’s like... monster Levi! I looove it!!! I hope you don’t mind this format, I’ve bene having a bit of a writer bug lately~
What sparks that interest is the clear discomfort and annoyance displayed by Leviathan when going to the private beach that Lord Diavolo owns. He clearly doesn’t want to be there, and given his lifestyle, you could sort of understand why. Not that it was healthy.
He spends most of his time hiding under the parasol, playing a handheld console game and refusing to touch the water. Meanwhile the others are playing in the water. You spot Mammon splashing Satan with some water and turn your head moments before chaos can erupt. You wanted no parts.
You walk over to Leviathan, who is curled up on himself. He couldn’t seem more uncomfortable if he tried. you felt bad; not a single person on this beach was paying him any attention.
“Leviathan?” You frowned. “Is something the matter? You should be having fun with us. It’s not often we come to Lord Diavolo’s private beach, after all.”
Levi huffed, clearly a bit flustered. Why were you bothering him? Right- you probably weren’t aware. He keeps an aquarium in his room for Henry and his jellyfish, but he seldom gets in the water himself.
You pry into him about it, asking him to come help you learn to swim. You actually didn’t- know how to swim- or maybe you did? He wouldn’t have known. Regardless, you put up a fight about it, telling him you didn’t trust anyone else with this task.
It seemed understandable as it was. He is Grand Admiral of The Hell's Navy, after all. “More importantly,” you coo, “The Lord of Shadows never turns down his dearest Henry when he has a request!”
Leviathan’s head whipped around so fast it nearly snapped off his neck. Ooh, that always seemed to do the trick. It was like bribing a baby with candy. Or.... Beel with candy, anyway.
He sprung into action, getting up from where he sat. But then he paused again, almost as if he remembered why he didn’t want to get in the water in the first place. “MC,” he stammers out. “W-when I get in the water... I-I, u-uhm...”
You raise an eyebrow. It’s not unlike him to be so shy, but he seemed different. You couldn’t quite put our finger on it, but you waited patiently for him to finish. “I don’t look like this,” he waves a hand over himself. “I look like... a sea serpent.”
Your eyes shine, almost blindingly bright for Leviathan. “That’s fine by me! It sounds cool!!” With that, you drag him off, and he clumsily stumbles along behind you. You were more than excited about seeing this new form. Finally! All it took was one trip to the beach.
While in the water, Leviathan watched for you. He was a few yards deep, far enough where when he transforms, he would be out of the way of everyone. He takes a deep breath before diving under, and is not seen again for nearly half a minute.
What emerges is a massive tail, decorated with golden and deep blue scales that shun with the water droplets. What came after was a mop of blue hair, a slightly darker hue. There were fins where his ears used to be, and his skin was now a grayish blue hue. There were gills resting on both sides of his neck, and he wheezed as the light from the moon pierced his vision.
It had clearly been a long time since he took this form, because instinct took over and he roared. It was more like a loud, choked shriek, but it echoed. The water, and even the sand rippled and shook with his cry. Leviathan was definitely still in there, because immediately after doing this, he covered his mouth and hunched down slowly.
His body flattened into the water and he hummed, waiting for you to react. You merely stood there, admiring his form. He was enormous. Bigger than a cruise ship, and still bigger. Slowly, you walked up to his massive form. His head rested on the shore of the beach, and his eyes were snake-like.
Slowly, you put your hand on his nose, which is much flatter now in this form. He shudders at the touch, the flesh that isn’t covered in scales must be sensitive. It occurs to you he must not be able to speak, because instead of saying anything, he shuts his eyes and tries his best to lean into the touch.
His tail comes above water and he hums, almost purrs against your touch, no matter how small. He’s much more honest in this form, it seems. one of his hands, (which are webbed you now realize) comes above water and he places it, palm up, on the beach.
Taking the hint, you step on to his palm and he raises you up and carefully places you at the crown of his head. His movement is slow, as he turns to the ocean and swims deeper, enough so that everything is engulfed from his nose down.
So much for swimming, you thought. But this was much better than swimming for you, anyways.
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once-was-muses · 2 years
Random assortment of short nsfvv Walker headcanons
Absolute service switch that (for the most part) only teases as much as he's teased. (However, if the mood strikes him, he can be a surprisingly wicked tease.)
Deceptively sex positive, just rather shy; casual hook ups are very accepted by Astonians, just whoever's interested will have to be the one to ask Bro'Dee.
While he's inexperienced beyond vanilla when it comes to actually doing it, he's heard of more things than he lets on.
Interested in trying mild bondage and shibari, but too shy to bring it up to anyone but an established and trusted partner.
Doesn't have the highest sex drive on his own, maybe like a 6 out of 10, but sharing an empathic link with his partner in the moment tends to raise it- especially if they have a high drive.
So so so touch starved, he'll melt just from being held close and kissed on his neck.
Please do not yank on his head tail, it's extremely sensitive due to being y'know a sensory organ- actual erogenous zones include the three gill slits on the back of his neck, the area between his eyes and slightly above/below them, the sides of his ribs, basically the entirety of his hips/pelvis, and the insides of his thighs.
While not a massive one, he definitely has a praise kink; tell him how good he's doing, how pretty he looks, how good he makes you feel, and he's like putty.
Likewise, he's all for praising and nigh worshipping his partner; their body, their voice, them.
Mun is definitely biased because Those're👏Their👏Favorites👏, but Bro'Dee has a very nice butt and legs (and hands.)
(Yes, anal is a possibility, and Astonians essentially have a g spot and a prostate in about the same spots, but he's never tried it before.)
His genitals are in relatively the same location as a human's, both kept internally inside a single slit when not aroused.
Absolutely enjoys a nice cuddlefuck or cockwarming, regardless if he's bottoming or topping; he's super affectionate.
Also enjoys being manhandled, picked up and carried, moved around and bent by his partner.
Sex in the water is a big yes- a pool, an open body, just a tub or shower, he adores it.
Other things he enjoys/would enjoy but doesn't realize yet include giving head, receiving overstimulation, body painting, and somnophilia (specifically the just woke up, still sleepy but horny kind.)
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Survival of the Fishiest: Astonishing Adaptations of the Aquatic World
by Shelby Wyzykowski
For Charles Darwin, all sorts of species—from birds and large land animals to flowers and tiny invertebrates—captured his interest and encouraged him to explore the great diversity of life. After years of observation and research, he published his famous book On the Origin of Species in 1859. In it, he presented his revolutionary and controversial theory of natural selection, which is also commonly referred to as “survival of the fittest.” His theory suggested that individuals of a species are more likely to survive when they inherit traits from their parents that are best suited for their specific environment. Essentially, beneficial adaptations give an organism the greatest chance to live and carry on its genetic line. This well-known theory is in part rooted in Darwin’s early experiences with and on the ocean. In 1831, he embarked on a five-year journey on the HMS Beagle, serving as their on-board naturalist. As the crew surveyed and mapped the South American coastline, Darwin marveled at the wonder and beauty of the sea, observing and collecting surface plankton as well as theorizing how coral reefs form. Unfortunately, with no photography and limited technology, studying ocean life was difficult even in shallow water. So, in Darwin’s time, little if anything was known about life far beneath the waves. But if he were alive now, Darwin would no doubt delight in all of the incredible underwater discoveries that have been made by modern-day science. And he would more than likely be awestruck by the many amazing adaptations that sea animals employ to survive.
Aquatic Adaptations: Antarctica
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Image by Andrea Spallanzani from Pixabay.
When one thinks of an environment in which adaptation is of the utmost necessity, Antarctica may be the first spot that comes to mind. The Southern Ocean, which encircles Antarctica, is an unforgiving and inhospitable place to live. Rotating currents almost completely isolate these waters from the rest of the Earth’s much warmer seas. This keeps temperatures low…it can drop to 28.6 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter! To combat the cold, Antarctic icefish produce and carry special antifreeze proteins in their blood and body fluids. These proteins bind to ice crystals, dividing their crystalline structures and therefore inhibiting crystal growth. Without this antifreeze, microscopic ice crystals would form in their bodies, severing nerves and damaging tissues to a deadly degree. It’s an incredible adaptation, but it did not happen quickly. About 25 million years ago, the Southern Ocean, flowing around the isolated Antarctic continent, began to cool. Aquatic life in this area had to evolve the special antifreeze proteins, find some other way to adapt to the cold, or go extinct. Today, thanks to their special cold-water adaptation, icefish make up more than 90 percent of all fish species in the Antarctic!
Aquatic Adaptations: Mariana Trench
But Antarctica is not the only harsh environment that demands extreme adaptations. You’d be hard-pressed to find living conditions that are more punishing and severe than in the Mariana Trench. Located in the western Pacific, it is considered to be the deepest part of the ocean anywhere on Earth. Near the trench’s bottom, the lunar-like landscape is pitch-black, and the pressure of the freezing cold waters would instantly kill any land animal. But, amazingly, sea animals have found remarkable ways to thrive.
In most places in the trench, the temperatures are between 34 and 39 degrees Fahrenheit. This extreme cold would not be good for most animals’ bodies because it would damage their cell membranes. These membranes are of a fatty consistency and must stay liquid to function properly. The Mariana Trench’s frigid temperatures would make the fat in a land creature’s cell membranes solid like butter. But deep-sea animals have evolved in a unique way that enables them to avoid such a chilly catastrophe. They have lots of unsaturated fats in their membranes, and these kinds of fats remain liquid at low temperatures and keep their membranes loose and intact.
Besides the bone-chilling temperatures, these aquatic creatures must contend with the pulverizing pressure. Extreme pressure can have a devastating effect on a body’s proteins (these are the molecules that do much of the work in a cell). To keep their proteins healthy and working well, sea life collect tiny organic molecules called piezolytes in their cells. These piezolytes prevent water from distorting and damaging the proteins. The deeper in the ocean an animal lives, the more piezolytes they need to have in their cells. One type of piezolyte, called TMAO (Trimethlyamine-oxide), gives fish their “fishy” taste and smell. Since TMAO increases with depth, being “fishier” is crucial for survival in the deep-ocean environment!
But food is also crucial for the survival of any organism; how is it possible to hunt in a world of darkness? Sea life have found many ways to deal with the lack of light. The stout blacksmelt, for example, has giant eyes that can capture the faintest glimmer of fleeting prey. The tripod fish has such unreliable vision that it mainly relies on sensors in its pectoral fins to detect the movement of a potential meal. And the anglerfish actually emits its own light by a process known as bioluminescence. The light from their built-in “headlight” will actually attract the prey to them!
Aquatic Adaptations Near the Ocean's Surface
Marine life that live a bit closer to the ocean’s surface have also developed ingenious ways to search for food. The Great White Shark could very well be thought of as the bloodhound of the sea. Its sense of smell is so good that it can detect one drop of blood in ten billion drops of water! But, if the prey is close enough, it need not spill one drop of blood for the Great White to detect its presence. This is because these sharks are experts in electroreception, which is the ability to detect weak electric fields in water. Unlike in air, the ability to conduct electricity in water is extremely easy. This scientific fact allows many underwater species, including Great Whites, to sense the weak electrical fields of biological sources (such as their prey). These sharks are known to react to charges of one millionth of a volt (for reference, a tiny AA battery has a mere 1.5 volts of stored energy). This acute sensitivity to electrical fields can be traced to electroreceptors in the shark’s skin. Pore openings peppered over its head receive minute electrical signals from the water and channel these signals into tubes of highly-conductive gel. Each tube ends in a bulb known as an ampulla of Lorenzini. Sensory nerves are activated in the ampulla and send the message to the shark’s brain. Their electrosensitivity is so precise that they can detect prey hiding in the sand bottom!
With such an extraordinary adaptation, Great Whites can be a formidable and terrifying predator. But sometimes even the hunter can become the hunted. If a Great White is foolish enough to go after a sick or young Bottlenose Dolphin, they might find themselves biting off more than they can chew. Living in groups called pods, dolphins have tightly-knit family groups with complex social structures. They actually have their own cultures and display positive cultural behaviors such as compassion and cooperation. So when one member of a pod is targeted as prey, the others will come to its defense and work in a coordinated effort to combat the Great White. They’ll surround the shark and attack it relentlessly. Some use their sturdy, bony snouts like battering rams and slam into the shark’s underbelly and gills, causing massive internal injuries. If the shark is lucky enough, it can make a quick escape, but pods have been known to actually kill sharks. These incidents involving selflessness and cooperation have also crossed the species barrier from time to time when pods of altruistic dolphins have come to the rescue of humans in distress. There have been many reported cases of dolphins encircling and protecting swimmers as they work to successfully fend off a shark’s persistent advances.
The altruistic and cooperative behaviors of dolphins are adaptations that exemplify the true meaning of Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection. Believing that compassion was the key to evolutionary success, Darwin was in fact frustrated with the way many readers misinterpreted the phrase “survival of the fittest” (a term that he himself did not even coin…biologist Herbert Spencer did so in 1864). This phrase implies the use of selfishness, ruthlessness, and callousness to ensure survival. There’s certainly no denying that these actions have definitely played a part in evolution and in the realities of life. But Darwin chose to believe that sympathy, benevolence, and cooperation played even greater roles in the survival, flourishing, and evolution of a species. In the end, it’s the positive adaptive traits that determine as well as define the overall success of life on Earth.
Shelby Wyzykowski is a Gallery Experience Presenter in CMNH’s Life Long Learning Department. Museum staff, volunteers, and interns are encouraged to blog about their unique experiences and knowledge gained from working at the museum.
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encyclopika · 2 years
Animal Crossing Fish - Explained #181
Brought to you by a marine biologist and the jokester himself...
Gonna warn ya...this might be a long one. So instead of doing my usual introduction, I will start out by saying that we will be covering Dr. Shrunk the axolotl today, because today is April 1st and it's just too perfect for me to miss out on. Dr. Shrunk has quite the journey during his professional career from AC Wild World to New Leaf. He's a psychologist (so the Dr. title is real!), then a not funny comedian, and then the owner of ClubLOL. No matter where he's working, though, his main job was to unlock emotions for the player to use, so explains why he's not in New Horizons - the villagers stole his job.
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They really went to town making Dr. Shrunk an accurate axolotl. (And don't be surprised if you're not pronouncing that right; I can't either.) Of course, I will explain! See, the axolotl is actually a type of salamander, meaning that it is an amphibian. Amphibia, the class of the amphibians, are a group of tetrapods that, unlike all other extant tetrapods (mammals, reptiles, and birbs), they rely on water for at least part of their life cycle. Their eggs do not have hard, protective shells, so they can dry out very quickly. Amphibians also typically start life as larvae, just like fish do. The larvae have gills, but metamorphose into adults with lungs. Well...most do. The axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum, doesn't!
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By ZeWrestler - Own work, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=10201881
Axolotl adults still have their gills, which are the pink feathery stalks on either side of their head, and live their whole lives underwater, just like other amphibian larvae do. This retention of "juvenile" traits is called neoteny, which is the mechanism by which the animal's body has slowed or delayed their physical development into adulthood. Meaning, they still look like "kids", and that's called paedomorphism. They do have an "adult color" of darker olive brown with gold speckling in the wild, but captive breeding has led to other color variants, of which, Dr. Shrunk doesn't resemble any that I can find. He is most likely based off the leucistic variety, which is white with black eyes, as shown above. They have pretty weak limbs, too, which is featured on Dr. Shrunk and his tiny bent legs.
Despite the fact that the axolotl may be the most famous salamander out there, as it is a popular exotic pet, in the wild it's considered Critically Endangered. The axolotl is native to Mexico, and at one time, its range extended throughout the wetlands and lakes of the Central Mexico Valley. However, it's disappeared from most of that, now occupying a 467 square kilometer area within Mexico City. I can't even begin to tell you how incredibly tiny that area is. Living as a sensitive freshwater species has all downsides as their remaining habitat is threatened by multiple factors, like pollution, development, and invasive species. Maybe one day the axolotl may only exist in captivity...and that's no laughing matter.
And there you have it. Fascinating stuff, no?
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