#Sol city fiction
derce · 8 months
Wikipedia 2
Coming this year in the summer, we are proud to announce Wikipedia 2
20% more Polish
We will do this by effectively replacing 3% of text in all languages with Polish.
2.4x Larger
That's right. We're aiming for 3x by December next year in addition to this metric.
Communist, Libertarian, and French language propoganda addendums
This one should be pretty self explanitory.
Fake/fictional places
We'll give you directions to fake and fictional places.
Errors may occur for ones that violate SOL on scales >2lightyears or <32 planck units. We are working tirelessly to get the scale from at most 4 planck units to at least 23 lightdecades.
North Korea
We figured out the logistics. A 3% reduced version will be released in North Korea
No Russian
We turned the Russian into Polish
Polish day
Self explanitory. Members in select cities (both free and premium members) will be allowed into arenas to fight for 72 straight hours every week. No food will be allowed into the arenas or provided. Water will be provided in form of rain. May contain radium. No waiver necessary for adults and children 6 and up.
Experience historical figures better than ever
Ever wanted to meet great historical figures such as JFK or MLK? Now you can. Everyone with a last name H-L now has their own hologram compatible with most VR headsets. Not WMR compatible.
New user interface
It's new so it's good.
Find friends!
Everyone's cursor is shown on the page! Labeled or unlabled, transparency options, it's incredible!
Combat mode
Plagiarism? Bias? Fight it out. We don't care. There's many weapon options to choose from such as -
• Shotgun - obliterates enemy cursor in 30 degree radius, but bulky and includes gravity.
• Smg/Rifle - Auto. No gravity. Kills in 3/2 hits respectively at a rate of fire of 8/5 per second respectively
• Pistol/Revolver - Limited ammo, semi, but fast time to kill. 2/1 shots respectively and 13/6 bullets respectively
• Sniper - Must use bipod. Risky, bulky, gravity enabled. Deletes user's account.
Exclusive Laura Les commentary
Dylan Brady was unfortunately not able to read our email as he smoked too much weed out of Billie's windpipe. Sorry.
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in gallifreyan, whichever scripts, how do they write coordinates, be it time or displacement? Or planet relative calendar dates.
How do Time Lords write coordinates?
There's a bit of contradictory information and things that don’t make much sense when it comes to space-time coordinates and Gallifreyans, but here’s an answer I hope will sate your curiosity, with plenty of background:
🔑Key Parts of the Coordinate System
Spatial Coordinates: These specify locations in three-dimensional space relative to Galactic Zero Centre (Gallifrey’s Eye of Harmony, basically, or at least somewhere near it). They usually consist of Vector and Quadrant particles.
Temporal Coordinate: This indicates time, relative to Gallifrey’s present (whatever that’s supposed to mean! I would probably assume that while Gallifrey went walkies, the Doctor's TARDIS either used temporal coordinates relative to Event One (the creation of the universe), or otherwise fixed it at a certain Gallifreyan date. There are also specialised TARDIS instruments which can be calibrated help skip the temporal coordinate stuff and make the input relative to the planet).
Universal Coordinate: This designates the specific universe required.
Epsilon Coordinates: Calculated paths through the Space-Time Vortex, usually handled by a TARDIS automatically.
Flight Data: Details about departure and destination points.
🚀Space-Time Coordinates Format
Space-time coordinates consist of fifteen digits. Using these two combined below will get you to the right star system:
Vector (2 digits): Indicates the broad direction.
Quadrant (2 digits): Specifies the quadrant within the galaxy.
Using these two below in addition will get you a more precise location, and a time:
Exact Spatial Location (7 digits): Detailed coordinates within the quadrant.
Temporal Location (4 digits): Relative to Gallifrey’s present (you'll obviously need to be longer to be more precise).
Let's have a crack with Earth’s galactic coordinates. We know the Earth’s Galactic Coordinates are 5804 4684884:
Vector: 58, Quadrant: 04 (solely on these you’ll reach Mutter’s Spiral)
Exact Spatial Location: 4684884 (add this and you’ll reach Earth)
Temporal Location: 9182 (+9182 time units from Gallifrey’s present)
The Flight Data Monitor will simplify this. Assuming a journey from Earth to fictional Zargon 3, your TARDIS monitor will display something like this:
Departure Planet: Sol 3 (Earth) [Dimension 01] Location: London, England Local Dateline: 2024 Earth Year, 10th Era of Gallifrey Destination Planet: Zargon 3 [Dimension 04] Location: Zargon City, Zargonville Local Dateline: 156 Zargon Year, 11th Era of Gallifrey
Complete Coordinates:
01 5804 4684884 9182 -> 04 0316 0316500 3050
🏛️Integration with Landmark Worlds
Additionally, a TARDIS’s Galactic Positioning System can be fine-tuned using the relative locations of several Landmark Worlds. These landmark worlds include Gallifrey, Dagusa, Caresh, Erekan, Gau-Usu, and Cern. This way, the TARDIS can get more precise navigation by periodically materialising in space to recalibrate bearings as it's flying.
🔢Epsilon Coordinates
Then there are Epsilon Coordinates. These serve as a roadmap through the Space-Time Vortex, and need to be calculated before a flight. A Time Lord could do it mentally if they wanted, but the TARDIS usually automatically calculates these – it’s hugely complex maths, even for a Time Lord.
🖊️Writing the Coordinates
This really depends on the script you'd prefer to use, you can use modern Gallifreyan, which is probably the most lore-friendly, or Sherman's, or circular, or just bog standard Latin script numbers.
For GIL's Sollifreyan conlang shorthand script, you can use the 0-9 base with hyphens in-between, where the spaces would go.
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How do Time Lords write dimensional coordinates?: How dimensional coordinates get written and work in TARDISes.
Do we have any info on TARDIS biology?: Overview of TARDIS biological aspects.
Phew, hope that helped! 😃
More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired 😴
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21-roses-a-day · 1 year
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SABRINA CARPENTER on stage as the opening act for Taylor Swift’s The Eras Tour in Mexico City, Mexico at Foro Sol. NIGHT 2 – 25th August, 2023 © (on instagram): l.og20 (1), scottkinghair (3) © Nine Fiction (2)
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dragonerd8224 · 15 days
Welcome to the Dragon’s roost!
this is my 50 follower event. It’s a lot like others you may have seen where you pick an item and I do something based on it. You know how it goes
of course, it’s based off my favorite fictional dragons
SCREAMING DEATH- the Screaming Death is a rare mutation of Whispering Death from How to Train Your Dragon. For this one I’ll give you a song I think you’ll like
ALTAIR- The first mechanical Bakugan, unlike any before it, had no story of its own. Pick this one and you can give me a prompt and I’ll write something short for it!
QIBLI- my favorite Wings of Fire character, he’s known for being very observant. For this one I’ll give you a character that you remind me of!
SOL REGEM- An ancient Dragon King from Xadia, who I tend to draw a lot. Pick this one and you can give me a quick art prompt!(it won’t be good)
DRAGON CITY- Most of the Dragon City lore I understand is buried in layers of headcanons. Pick this and I’ll give you a headcanon based on a fandom/character of your choosing!
SEADRAGONUS GIGANTICUS MAXIMUS- a massive dragon from the original HTTYD book series, it’s extremely long lived and has seem all kinds of lives pass by in front of its eyes. Pick this and I’ll tell you something I think might have happened in a possible past life!
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crimeronan · 11 months
I’ll admit I didn’t pay much attention to your OCs at first but now I’m very interested. Can you give a quick summary of them please?
i'm giggling at this ask bc i went back in my tags to try to figure out what had intrigued you and truly i've just been kin assigning shitposts to the OCs.
i think i wrote a rundown of them a while ago but can't be assed to find it so here's an even shorter one
all four members of the quartet live in tachni, a fictional city-state with a stranglehold over this fictional world's global economy. tachni's culture is largely based around light magic, which is an abstract type of magic related to illusions and luck and the future and abstraction.
everyone uses she/her, devin also uses they/them and he/him.
nova - gaslight
nova is the incarnation of a light god, she has an unbelievable amount of political control/influence over tachni & she can turn her reality into a dreamland playground at will. this has left her craving things that are Real, which is unfortunate because her real soulmate hates her guts. her magic is making her very sick but she's pretending that it isn't bc she can solve everything with yoga and health smoothies.
devin - gatekeep
devin is the incarnation of an earth god, divine powers work thru her in the same way as nova, except that her magic is rooted in the concrete rather than the abstract. which means she can build shit and tear it down just as easily. being the opposite of nova's god, she's technically nova's soulmate & the two of them are supposed to balance each other out. however devin is much sicker than nova because of how fucked-up tachni is, and she's a giant bitch about it at all times.
sol - girlboss
sol is the devil. if not literally then certainly in every other regard. she too has an enormous amount of political power and sway, because she is unbelievably rich and has a monopoly on tachni's sex work industry. she's a nightmare of a human being who loves murder and terrorism; it's an open secret that she has killed a lot of people and that nobody will ever be able to prove it. girlboss antics. sol's bitchy attitude is in many ways the antithesis of nova; devin is wantonly cheating on nova with her, inasmuch as you can cheat on someone that you never wanted to marry in the first place.
ruby - manipulate
ruby is a mental health worker by day and a forger by night, her social power is much quieter. she's doing her best to retain her identity and morals while being surrounded by godawful people. her main focus is on helping marginalized and disenfranchised people get help and achieve their goals. she is unbelievably sad all the fucking time and has a million things wrong with her, which is why she's still hanging out with a bunch of shitty people and enabling their nonsense. she sweeps every OC poll i ever make because of her hashtag relatable neuroses.
all four have very messy history tangled up in each other, some of it gets Very Very Very Ugly and some of it is very funny. shitheads.
no one is a mansplainer or a malewife because i got tired of writing dude POVs. you can make up a couple mansplainer and malewife OCs to annoy the quad if you would like though.
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kastsol · 1 year
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Hello and salutations, welcome to the marvellous private exhibition of the Sol collection. My name is Kast (he/one) and I will be your host for this evening's festivities. Some legally obligated health and safety first...
The Sol collection hosts all kinds of experimental... Delights to entertain you. Feast your eyes on the unholiest of creations, the revenge-fed stags, the most monstrous of cryptids. Just mind your fingers, some of our displays have been known to bite...
To make the most of this event, please ensure you direct your eyes to the appropriate areas using our signpost system:
#KastYourEyes - Art posts
#KastDoodles - Sketches only!
#FamousKastWords - Text posts
#KastualConversation - Asks
#SoldMySol - Reblogs
#TheFeelingsMutual - My main universe following a deer seeking revenge against the social elite, set in the early 00s in the fictional City of Eden
#Mr Capitalist - A yet-to-be made satirical set of children's books written in the style of Mr Men during the Second Red Scare, teaching the kids about how 'cool' capitalism is
Thanks for coming and please enjoy the show!
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flagwars · 1 year
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People’s Flag Wars: Round 1, Bracket 15
See the symbolism below.
Old Sanwonic Confederation is a flag by dodot65. It is a fictional flag of a far future nation.
Nerja, Spain is a flag proposal by Gortius-VIII.
Symbolism: “The sun is supposed to represent the Costa del Sol (the sun coast), a very touristy area of Spain, and the fact that Nerja is a very popular destination for English, German and Scandinavian tourist. The 5 stripes represent the Balcón de Europa (balcony of Europe), a characteristic building in Nerja, and the white and blue are for the clear skies and water. The red connects the flag to the greater Malaga region of Spain and to the sos ish flag itself.”
Kairouan, Tunisia is a flag proposal by Gargari.
Symbolism: “It shows a camel with the city's name calligraphically written on it. I made this choice because the name literally translates to caravan, or military column. The colours green and yellow are taken from the current coat of arms of the city. Also taken from there is the dome of Kairouan's great mosque, which also represents the camel's hump here. The additional colour purple is used for lines not part of the calligraphy but vital for making it look like a dromedary. The colour represents the wealth of the history of this noble and old city.”
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starandcloud · 1 year
42!Miles playlist for/about you
Cupid's chokehold - Gym Class Heroes
Sucker for pain - Imagine Dragons
Heartbeat - Childish Gamibino
Livin' La Vida Loca - Ricky Martin
Mockingbird - Eminem
Let You Down - NF
Stereo Hearts - Gym Class Heroes, Adam Levine
I'm yours - Isabel LaRosa
El Amor De Mi Vida - Ricky Martin
In The Name of Love - Martin Garrix
Can't Hold us - Mackle More & Ryan Lewis
Where Them Girls At - David Guetta, Flo Rida, Nicki Minaj
Tu - Shakira
Psycho - Post Malone, Ty Dolla $ign
Cooler Than Me - Mike Posner, Gigamesh
Circles - Post Malone
Fairytale - Alexander Rybak
Into You - Ariana Grande
Nada Valgo Sin Tu Amor - Juanes
Cool For The Summer - Demi Lovato
Novia - Jake Daniels
Sure Thing - Miguel
Te Amare - Miguel Bosé
Entra En Mi Vida - Sin Bandera
Eso Y Mas - Joan Sebastian
Mi Razon De Ser - Banda MS
Ojos Color Sol - Calle 13 and Silvio Rodriguez
Punk Rock Princess - something Cororparate
Fuck about it - Waterparks, Blackbear
I Just Wanna Run - The Downtown Fiction
10:35 - Tiesto, Tate McRae
Safe And Sound - Capital Cities
Middle Of The night - Elley Duhe
She Doesn't Mind - Sean Paul
A Match into Water - Pierce The Viel
Roses and Gold Acoustic - Bryce Savage
Roses and Gold - Bryce Savage
I Wouldn't Mind - He is We
Here's to Never Growing Up - Avril Lavigne
XOXO - 6arelyhuman
Maps - Maroon 5
Infinity - Jaymes Young
Daddy Issues - The Neighbourhood
Trouble Maker - Olly Murs, Flo Rida
Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood
Paris - The Chainsmokers
SNAP - Rose Linn
You Belong With Me - Taylor Swift
Love Story - Taylor Swift
Anti-Hero - Taylor Swift
Blank Space - Taylor Swift
S.L.UT. - Bea Miller
My Oh My - Camila Cabello, DaBaby
Shameless - Camila Cabello
Butterflies - Zendaya
Ghost 2 U - Magnolia Park, FRED, Joshua Roberts
Addison Rae - Magnolia Park
Queen - Loren Gray
Electric Love - Borns
Partners In Crime - Set It Off, Ash Costello
All The Things She Said - tATu
Check Yes, Juliet - We The Kings
Not Another Song About Love - Hollywood Ending
She Look So Perfect - 5 Seconds of Summer
Euphoria - BTS
That's My Girl - Fifth Harmony
Do It for Me - Rosenfeld
Voila - Figure You Out
Rich Boy - Payton
I like you - Post Malone, Doja Cat
10,000 hours - Dan + Shay, Justin Bieber
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surejess · 2 days
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i. the man who laughs (1928), dir. paul leni // ii. "fear and loathing" - marina // iii. robert bloch
( margot robbie, 34, cis woman, she/her ) — Look who it is! If you take a look at our database, you’ll find that JESSICA "JESS" TURNER is a COAL MINER that works in SECTOR 8. According to the file, they’re a mutant with the power of FUN LORD (+ CLOWN PHYSIOLOGY). That must be why they’re GREGARIOUS and NONSENSICAL. If you ask me, they remind me of unearned laughter over a killing joke, a permanent stepford smile, mars opportunity’s last message. They are affiliated with NOBODY.
full name: jessica "jess" turner
date of birth: february 24th, 2140
zodiac big three: pisces sun, sagittarius moon, gemini rising
gender & pronouns: cis woman & she/her
sexual + romantic orientation: demisexual + biromantic
ethnicity: white
nationality: sol city-an? 
religion: "there's no point in religion because we're all being controlled in a piece of fiction anyway :-)", raised very loosely practicing christian (protestant, not sexy catholic)
languages spoken: english (5)
enneagram: 7w6
mbti: enfx
temperament: sanguine-melancholic
alignment: chaotic neutral
ability: fun lord ( + clown physiology )
affiliation: n/a
task: mutation breakdown
triggers: murder
The second child of Bernice and Joseph Turner, the only hint they were given when she was first born was the joyous laughter the doctor and nurses offered upon delivering her. Outside of that, despite both Bernice and Joseph being low-level mutants, no mutation red flags shot up... at first.
Her first hairs were cotton-candy colored, though. One iris that had looked blue in the delivery room and nursery ward was actually... pink.
As she grew, she didn't look far too different from her peers -- not enough for her to get singled out, at least. The extra colors in her hair were natural, but could be passed off as dye ( or some Claire's clip-ins (although I've got a feeling Claire's doesn't exist anymore :( ) ) and the one pink iris was easy to miss. That built-in makeup? Oh, she just got into her mom's makeup... every day, apparently.
Where she drastically differed, however, was in the way she thought. 1+1=fish was a completely true statement. 1+1=2? Who says!?
That said, it was largely harmless. She didn't fully understand when someone was making fun of her -- they were just being silly! -- and she'd never had the capability to hurt anyone with her mutation. As far as she and her parents could tell, all she could do was clowny things without needing the props on hand!
-> Oh, how silly they were to think that!
When Jess was 15, new things began manifesting. It was still mostly harmless, but... definitely more powerful than just being able to make a card appear out of nowhere. It started with a mimed action turning into said action actually being put into effect (for example, finger guns actually firing (invisible) bullets) and ended in murder. What a way to go, right?
See, as these more extreme powers began manifesting, Jess started to grow this sneaking suspicion that... she wasn't in charge of her own life. Someone was writing the plot of it for her, someone was determining her actions -- and it wasn't some god or higher-being... she was a character in someone's story.
Well, that obviously sounded insane to everyone. But she knew it! And there were so many things she couldn't have known unless she were being controlled by someone who did! But, try as she might, no one bought into it.
She, however, received confirmation when the creator finally talked back. She had an audience to entertain -- and, as a clown, that was what she was best at! -- and she had a story her creator wouldn't let her slip away from. This wasn't some kind of Oedipus Rex pondering fate and free-will -- nope! She had no free-will! And knowing that -- knowing that -- found her in some of the finest (sarcasm detected) psych wards the settlement had to offer! More than once! And she couldn't do anything to stop that. As long as the creator kept her talking about it, as long as the creator kept her parents (and others) from believing her, the more she'd be shut away. There was no free-will!
-> Oh, but if only she didn't still have the illusion!
Her creator told her the condition under which she'd be granted free-will -- Jess knew it would have long-term ramifications, but whatever it took to make her life her own...
On December 25th, 2161, Bernice and Joseph Turner were found dead and mangled in their living room. Bernice's intestines had replaced the lights that were strung up on the tree, Joseph's head had replaced the star on top. Slices of their skin had been carved into the shape of gingerbread men. Bernice's head was on a silver platter, not unlike a Christmas ham. In the backyard, the inflatable snowman's arms had been replaced by Joseph's. Both of their hearts were hanging from the tree. And the person who had created this grotesque scenery had been the one to call it in, sitting on the front porch step.
-> Damn, May. That was such a mean prank.
Between how gruesome the murder was and Jess's pleas -- technically speaking, it was her, but on a grand scheme, it was her creator! It was the only way she would be free! And if her parents were already being controlled by the creator... -- she was first sent to a fine psych ward, completely separate from all other patients, before being transferred to the penitentiary two years later when she stopped babbling about her creator. She knew the writer was still there -- hell, there were times that she still communicated! -- but she also knew that there was no point in continuing to beg the nurses and doctors and guards to believe her! (Especially if the creator was controlling the story, in which case it wasn't even her choice!)
Although she did not fully identify, so to speak, with many of the inmates in the penitentiary, it was nice to have people to talk to again -- people who weren't the creator. Were some of them murderous freaks? Yeah! But so was she! And they were probably being controlled, too, so who could really blame them? It's really not their fault if the creators want to get a lil fucked up! Where was their jail time?
The mines were... acceptable. Between her regular abilities and developing kinship with the creator, passing the time while chipping away at the coal wasn't quite as miserable as it could've been. If nothing else, she wasn't gonna die (at least, that's what she was led to believe... but, man, she'd been punk'd so bad in the past!).
BORN -- and everyone laughed! seriously, it's not r/ThatHappened, everyone really did laugh! Despite being the daughter of two low-level mutants, that was the only hint they had regarding her status.
TODDLER AGES, IDK -- Well... her first hairs were cotton-candy colored, one iris seemed to turn pink, it looked like she always had makeup on... It wasn't exactly glaring, what compared to some other mutants, but it was clear enough to her parents that Jess would not grow up as a human. Further solidified when cards and balloons would appear out of nowhere.
KID AGES, IDK -- Jess was pretty sure she was best friends with everyone, but everyone else was pretty sure she thought 1+1=fish (which, to be fair, she did). Her mind very clearly did not mesh well with that of the average kid, even the most creative ones out there! The occasional confusion she'd accidentally induce or the occasional balloon... that was actually a bomb that she'd accidentally create... see, that didn't quite help her case! She was friendly enough, but wow... what the fuck...
EARLY ADOLESCENCE / EARLY TEENS -- Along with puberty came the development of more powers -- or maybe they were always there and she'd just now noticed, she wasn't quite sure, but they were definitely more powerful than her earlier arsenal. And everything only grew stronger and more intense...
AGE 16 -- She grew a sneaking suspicion that she wasn't in charge of her life. Someone else was controlling it... There were so many things that couldn't be explained any other way (like certain memories or certain knowledge -- things she wouldn't have or know if it weren't for some outside force)... and she was growing stronger... But she, of course, was written off as silly goofy whenever she'd discuss it.
FURTHER MID-TEENS -- As suspicion grew stronger and she began receiving harder forms of confirmation, she became even more adamant! What to the point that her parents sent her... away more than a few times. (On that topic, one thing she remembered was getting a lobotomy... only that never happened... but it did happen... but it never did... but it did... but it didn't... etc etc.) Of course, she was never the most popular kid in school, but those claims and those little trips really didn't do her any favors.
AGE 21 -- There were periods she'd go, completely dropping the claims (even if she still thoroughly believed them)... but she'd always go back around to it. She wasn't in control of her life!? Well, that meant someone else was! And that that person was the one who decided she got to know she wasn't in control of her life! And, in turn, that that person was the one who decided she'd hate that! Geez, what a dick! Oh, but she fell for it! She fell for it when the creator said she could have free-will! All she had to do was go kill her parents in an extremely grisly fashion. (Listen, even if she and her parents were no longer exactly on speaking terms, she didn't want them dead! But there were some good points the creator brought up -- who did Jess think was controlling them? Who was to say her parents even had any feelings after all? Who was to say they weren't just a way to create a story for her?) She called the cops on December 25th, 2161 to witness her horrific Christmas-themed massacre. Between the grotesque nature and her outlandish claims, she was sent to the more... criminal and isolated section of the psych ward for two years.
AGE 23 -- She was transferred from the Hannibal Lecter-esque psych ward section to the penitentiary. She hadn't rambled about the creator in a while -- she hadn't rambled much at all! Despite being around some folks who were murderers for funzies, it was nice to be able to talk to people again! And, like, she wasn't wholly down with her own choice because, like... it wasn't her choice! So who even was to say that it was those folks' choices anyway? I mean, her creator had basically confirmed that most people around her -- if not all! -- were just as controlled as she was!
AGE 25 -- Finally deemed fit to go to work for the first time since she was 21, she was sent straight to the coal mines to be good ol' Miner 49er! It was dull and dangerous and physically taxing... but she had her silly powers and the creator to keep her company. She was growing friendlier with the creator, after all, and the creator had said that there was no danger to her in the mines! (Of course, she'd been the victim of a really mean prank before, but...)
AGE 34 -- Still trying to maintain a good relationship with the creator while not talking about her as much around other people! Kinda getting out of that obsessive territory and having to actually feel the guilt of killing her parents sucks though :\ and handling organs was, like... damn, did she really bake their skin :\ she'd like to submit her murder to the damned for a ranking (ignoring the call to the cops -- she thought she was gonna be free if she did that! and also ignoring the lingering guilt -- see, it was a complicated relationship...)
Her version of reality can now be showcased by Lily Allen’s ‘LDN’ MV…
Very important image of 5'01 Jess in the psych ward(s)
The creator now just fucks around and tells her about her silly goofy powers in the mines. But the creator holds some cards to her chest! Jess has to discover those by herself!
Her biggest flaw is thinking she has such an immaculate aura that any animal, no matter how deadly, would become her best friend. Might get eaten by a polar bear one day, idk.
Clowns like Ronald McDonald (I doubt he still exists in this world) perpetuate unrealistic beauty standards for clowns everywhere!
Dreams of being able to be a comedian in Sector 9 one day <3 She has a natural gift for comedy! And when people aren't laughing naturally... fuck it, clown with "laughter inducement"!
Damn... she's actually having to feel the guilt of that gruesome murder now though... damn girl...
(To note: she is not ACTUALLY going to talk about us (<3) as much as this intro makes it seem, it's just an important part for Jess 3.0!)
her older sibling. her brutally slaughtering their parents cld be so very juicy!
a childhood friend. but. like. one (1). because she was too silly goofy for this world.
cellmate. (idk i think it would be funny if she were cellmates with someone really tough with a really cynical outlook and she's there like "it's okay we're all being controlled anyway! don't worry about not succeeding in your assassination attempt on a councilman that's on your creator :\")
idk i clearly like vibing
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onomatopiya · 2 years
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[Image ID:  Image one is a red and black hued picture of a dark skyscraper that seems to twist slightly. Image two, also red and black hued, is of a hooded figure standing. Image three is of a room full of people that’s cast in shadow. The text over top and bottom images read, “Today marks the day the Merchant’s Hand falls, with the title in the middle reading, “Revolution, Retribution,” in all caps. End ID]
genre: na science fiction
draft: two!
aroace transgender boybossery
capitalism (derogatory)
revenge plots and #murder
glittery girls (gender neutral) with rage in their hearts
a cringe fail business boy being used as a political pawn
the story: 
LILA KOSALA has a ghost haunting her and a city full of people depending on her leadership in a brewing revolution.
LAHAR KOSALA has a lust for revenge that lands him in the center of cutthroat politics, masquerading as a lover while working to bring ruin. 
SOL FOSTER has a double-life that ve will do anything to protect and a pharmaceutical empire family pushing vem into a marriage ve doesn’t want.
ANTHONY MASON has a task set upon him by his father, though his heart finds itself drawn to a keen-eyed boy sitting in the corner of a club.
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I have this WIP setting about mechas which I am not being hyperfixated about but I do kinda like. It is unnamed for now but here's the introduction:
Alright so some work on the Mecha Project
The entire story is happening on an Earth-like planet. Turns out, biology is pretty rigid and Earth ain't such a unique snowflake as we thought.
Into the faaar g'damn future we send a stasis ship there, and arrive to a peaceful, unpopulated by sentient life planet. Name's pending but I think of something like New [insert name].
The planet is ruled by the United Sol Alliance (USA, on purpose) and is now beginning to build an eco-friendly high-tech civilization. Generations have passed but, due to a part of the huge information tanks being damaged, a part of Earth history and a lot of physics/inventions catalogues are lost, thus rendering humans on the new planet a bit uneducated on some matters.
The three continents of the planet are populated and everything is pretty much utopian. Clean air, alien life is quite similar to Earth's (four legs, fur, skin, general biology), trees also use chlorophyll but are toxic due to other not so pleasant chemicals, though it ain't much of a problem.
Then the Invasion began.
From outer space, unpredicted, came hard to spot ships with little to no electronics or energetic signature. Crashing on the surface, they started letting out the Kaiju.
These creatures are called just that - Kaiju - in tribute to the old Earth fiction. The thing though is that they aren't natural creatures; Engineered by some other species, they are living war machines meant to consume genetics of other species and use them for creation of new and newer lifeforms. This Kaiju Horde instantly becomes a threat to the human colony.
The first months of the invasion things were only heating up. Some human cities were destroyed, population slain. In return, alien motherships were targeted by hardcore artillery. But while humans were great in the distanced combat, easily sniping down huge beasts with absolutely wild railgun tech, they were helpless up close.
The kaiju could easily scale the distance between them and the human forces, beginning bloodshed in close quarters combat. Huge, muscular beasts perfected to destroy any creature or tech, they succeeded in putting down entire platoons of the USA (actually I might rethink that name).
Then there came a solution, seemingly out of nowhere. During one of the fights, a construction worker beat the beast to pulp using a non-battle mech meant for moving weights. Instantly labeled hero, the dude inspired the human forces to start the creation of war mechs.
So the arming race began. The mechs were slow as shit when on manual control, so they had to invest into neural linking. The PHIL link (Personal Helmet Infolink) was created and was truly still a complete mess. It was sensitive to any thought of the user, may you think of lemons or steamed hams, the helmet would try to interpret commands even when it doesn't have to and had bad lag which proved lethal.
Next went the RING, AMP-1 and AMP-2 links. Those were proven superior to both PHIL and manual.
The mech tech itself improved over the years. Beginning with bulky hardbodies, it evolved into sleek and agile softbodies which were highly capable of close quarter combat. Sooner or later, the profession of a mech pilot became very useful and high-paying.
For now, the human colonies on the three continents are split, but the times are a bit more easy on the front. The kaiju motherships (which act as factories) are far in the land, in the sectors beyond reach, and fortifications are built to hold them back.
That's attabout it. Here's a repost of the link and mech types:
MECH TYPES Softbody S Armored Softbody AS Clam C Hardbody H Semisoftbody SS
LINK TYPES RING (Redirecting Implanted Neural Gate) AMP-1 (Amputee Mech Personel Type 1) AMP-2 (Amputee Mech Personel Type 2) PHIL (Personal Helmet Infolink) Manual
An interesting parameter in mechs is the (neural) feedback.
It is the proprioception of the driver with the mech, the feeling of the mech's body and where it's bodyparts are. Manual mechs have no proprioception, so do the PHIL ones on the older models (new models at least provide a projection of the mech's pose for the driver to reference from).
RING has the best feedback sensitivity meaning the driver with a RING link make best DES and SPD (speed) builds. AMP-1 and AMP-2 are both roughly equal in feedback sensitivity, with AMP-2 being bit better due  to larger portions of the driver's limbs being "phantom", thus linked with the mech. PHIL is completely dogshit in providing feedback as mentioned before, and manual is equal to sitting in a tank and wondering what was that noise that just hit the left side of the hull. Yet feedback isn't tied to the link type but the mech type.
A hardbody mech has little to no feedback. It does count the angles under which the joints are bent and all that but those sensors can be easily broken, giving wrong info or none at all.
A softbody mech is best in providing feedback. Literally having a neural mesh that has sensitivity and allows the drivers to feel "touch", it also provides best proprioception and agility.
Other mech types are varying in feedback providing.
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simmy93sims4creations · 5 months
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Diamond Memorial Park - Community - National Park
Replacing the small park beside the major fountain in Del Sol.
"Deedee 'Diamond' McClaran, the belle of the Silver Screen era bought a piece of land in what would one day be central Del Sol. She decided to gift it to the city and added a new pavilion each decade of her life, reflecting her many passions especially her dearest love, fictional butler and co-star, Ricky Steele. A great performance space, a viewpoint to enjoy the great Del Sol fountain and a fantastic chess scene await you. "
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doom-nerdo-666 · 11 months
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"Zen 2212 A.D." - Vanilla-compatible map inspired by dystopian fiction
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florwal · 2 years
Question about the your save!! For Oasis Springs, is it in a different town from Portsim? Like I know the three worlds in 1.0 are technically one town? So I was wondering if Oasis Springs was going to be a different town with, say, Del Sol Valley and Strangerville?
yeah so with portsim, all 3 worlds are the same city and close together. oasis springs, del sol valley, and strangerville are all hot climate worlds but have different terrains so my plan for them is that they’re in the same state, but they’re different cities slightly far away from each other. my idea for them is they’re gonna be fictional californian cities except del sol valley is just gonna be based off los angeles. i won’t be releasing all 3 of those at once because it would take forever + i like each town to have really in depth stories, and i have ideas where they’ll be a lot different from each other. hope that makes sense! lmao
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chaoticgeminate · 2 years
Evening Events
Part of the Iridescence Fictional Universe Sparkling Embers Series Part Two
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Pairing: Hellhound!Javi G x Half-Pixie f!Reader Series Rating: M Warnings: Toxic and abusive family, implied past bloodshed
Word Count: 2.9K
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When no issues with the shipment of goods were made known you had decided it was safe to head off for your holiday, not really wanting to but knowing it was something you couldn’t miss. Not when the Queen of the Diminutive Fey so kindly offered a direct invitation, at least, and as you finished packing up you heard a low hum from the doorway as Javi took in your attire. One thing you detested about going back was the very rapidly changing dress requirements depending on your grandmother’s whim. Right now she was in a traditionalist phase, women in skirts or dresses and men in trousers sort of phase, you hated it.
You had thrown on a dress, the top half was a black turtle neck bodice while the skirt was a brown tartan pattern and a tea length, your opaque black tights and brown ankle boots completed the look and Javi tipped his head slightly.
“Traditional attire is sort of the thing with El’Anasaar right now, this is the kind of thing I’m expected to wear since it’s what the Court has made all the rage.” Your explanation earned a sympathy-laden nod, the sarcasm dripping from your voice at the end of the sentence coupled with an eye roll and shake of your head.
“You look beautiful, though you always do, but I do think I prefer your usual clothing to this. I’ll drive you to the Embassy building, Libélula, you are taking a portal there?”
With a snap of your fingers the luggage you packed began to levitate behind you as the pair of you left the bedroom to head for the front door.
“Yep, it’s the direct portal to El’Anasaar and the less traveling I have to do the better. If I were to take the Seagate Portal it would take me to the coastal city Remoria, which is a few days travel in Uhica with flying. The added hour of driving here is more than worth it.” Javi opened the passenger door for you, his rather sporty car had the convertible hood up since the weather was now in the cold season with December here at last, and your luggage fit nicely into the trunk before Javi slipped into the driver’s seat.
It was a serene drive, really, the two of you listening to music as Javi talked about his own holiday plans since it was Ellemire’s first time experiencing anything close to the mix of holidays this time of the year. You had left the gifts you’d made for everyone with Iggy and Kirial, the two bat shifters promising that none of the nosy demons would get into them early, and you wondered how the insane mix of holidays would even work.
The lesser demons and Gabriela celebrated a modernized Christmas, Iggy and Kirial celebrated Sol Invictus, you celebrated Yule, and Maggie always came by but she celebrated Saturnalia. All while Dahlia celebrated Hanukkah, her girlfriend Evaline celebrated Kwanzaa, and that made for one hell of a holiday set up at the villa that you couldn’t even begin to explain to anyone. A Christmas tree, a menorah, and a kinara all found a place of honor in the family space and the villa was decorated with amazing Christmas lights but also arrangements of lights to celebrate every holiday under its roof.
“Kirial and Iggy are going to be overwhelmed with gifts this year, I already know you went overboard without Gabriela and I there to stop you.” Javi was so generous despite his demonic heritage, he just gave and gave no matter how much or little someone needed it, and you watched his cheeks color under your suspicious stare. He tried to lie, stumbling over his words, but lying -at least to you- never worked out for him.
“You are right, I have, but it is her first SolYuChrisHanuKwaNalia!” The ridiculous holiday mash-up name had grown on you and Javi’s desire to include everyone had been the primary cause, phrases like ‘happy holidays’ always felt impersonal and at least around the Villa you had a way to include everyone with a more… heartfelt sentiment.
“Javi she’s still an infant, she won’t remember it, and by the time she’s old enough to I bet she won’t want to look at baby photos.” His pout made you hum and reach out to play with his curls, scratching gently just behind his ear, the soft huff as his lips curled into a smile made you smile too. He truly was sweet, nothing at all like what you’d been told about a lesser demon, and you knew he had his fangs in there but Javi wasn’t the type to resort to violence first.
“Libélula, you will be happy seeing your family, yes?” His genuine concern was touching and you felt your throat tighten just a little bit because of it, you’d always avoided the conversation of family with people on this side of the veil because you wanted them to be your friend because they liked you as a person and not because they wanted to gain clout or something. You supposed that must have come across as a negative thing, even though Javi disliked his own pack he didn’t avoid talking about them, and guilt shimmered through your heart.
“Probably, they’re my family. I know I don’t… really talk about it much but while our relationship is complicated it’s not completely bad.” Without telling him the entire truth you really couldn’t reassure him as well as you wanted to, and while you knew Javi probably wouldn’t think different of you if he did know it was still terrifying to face the thought of him knowing who you really were.
Silence fell between the two of you and you could tell that he wanted to ask but didn’t know how, it was probably the worst type of tension that you’d ever faced around him before.
“If you need to come back early just let me know, even if I have to come find you.” It wasn’t a vow, it wasn’t an oath, but you knew it was a promise and that he would give it to you was enough to make your heart race and your cheeks warm.
“Of course.”
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Ambassador Clewyn had greeted you as calmly as they could, not a soul in the Embassy knew your status save for the Sprite across from you as you finished filling out your travel paperwork. Once the documentation for this side of the portal was done you were allowed to pass through the barrier spell around the large world tree. While there were many portals that were regulated and protected by the Consortium and the FBMI in other areas of the city this was the most central point of travel, the portals connected directly to the capitol city of each major government in the other realms.
The World Tree had been created and grown after the Sundering, the last act of the Immortals before they retreated to their own realms to allow for the wilding magic of the world -and the world itself- to heal, the twisting branches and shining green-gold leaves were hidden away within the walls of the Embassy building. Behind layers and layers of protection and masking spells, hidden from anyone that wasn’t a Se’Kvia native, and an entity of magic you were both in awe of and terrified of.
People nowadays liked to ignore the fact that wilding magic was alive, that it had a conscious and will of its own, so a large entity that was meant to house the portals between realms made of it? All it would take was the wrong comment made where those boughs could hear, where the roots could eavesdrop, and maybe that massive being would decide to send you somewhere else. At least that was your fear, your family all were convinced it was unfounded but nobody could know for sure, just because there hadn’t been tales of winding up somewhere else didn’t mean it hadn’t happened.
The Ambassador waited until you were alone to bow, their brow furrowed and lips in a tight line of clear discomfort at not addressing you by your court title, and honestly you wanted to just go back to the villa now before you even got to El’Anasaar where everyone would be doing this.
“Princess, pray forgive my rudeness in the delayed court greeting.”
“Ambassador please, there’s no need for formalities on this side of the portal I assure you. Now, I have to hurry along, keeping her Majesty waiting is something even I am not allowed to do.” You paused to rest a hand on the twisting bark of the world tree, thanking the sentient ancient for allowing you passage, and then you were floating through the portal. You felt like you were floating, your golden markings shimmering as your wings manifested behind you, and as the ever swirling images around you stabilized you took in the sight of the portal room.
In El’Anasaar the world tree was out in the open, the city as a whole blanketed in illusions and protective runes, if someone was trying to find the city and they weren’t personally invited the chance of them getting through the wards was basically slim to none. As soon as the guards turned to look they dropped into a bow and you had to bite the inside of your cheek as you nodded, chin up and expression wiped clean of anything but cool indifference.
“Princess, you look lovely.” Captain Aelle Solarian of the Dragonfly Guard -the palace guards assigned to you specifically- bowed deeply and you had to bite back the instinct to hug her. You had two whole friends on this side of the portal, Aelle and Iphigén, and the last thing you wanted to do was get either one of them into shit with your family.
“Thank you Captain.” You fell into step in front of her, your luggage floating behind the two of you, and like you’d suspected the people out on the glittering streets stopped to bow when they saw you. You’d forgotten just how shiny the city was, the light gray kyberine stone making up the walkways between the packed dirt roads shimmering like starlight because of the orbs of light atop every garland wrapped lamp post.
Since El’Anasaar was in the Summer Realms there would never be snow here, instead of falling snow there were white petals from the towering silversage trees that were scattered all around the city. The dark trunks contrasting the nearly white green leaves and the glowing white flowers, casting a summer snow across the city as you stepped up into the carriage waiting for you. Iphigén’s excited smile was hidden behind the mess of brown curls they sported, thick rim spectacles not remotely on their face, but you didn’t care at all.
Aelle slipped into the seat beside you, her twin short swords set within easy reach, and the carriage driver clicked his tongue so the tamed field blurrgs began their walk back to the palace. With the doors closed and the privacy spells in place you allowed that expression of indifference to fall away, launching yourself into Iphigén’s arms with a delighted cry, and your best friend let out a shrill cry of their own as they returned the hug.
Only after you’d spent at least five minutes clinging to Iphigén did you release them enough to breathe so you could cling to Aelle too, just happy to be with your two closest friends again after so long. You wanted to be greedy and have them join you in Se’Kvia but that would mean exposing just who you were to everyone, since there was no real justification for you to have another pixie and a fire attuned sprite tattooed with the markings of the Diminutive Fey royal guard come with you.
“So, how goes wooing the hellhound?” Iphigén wiggled their brows playfully and you felt your face warming up as you began to deny it, not wanting to even get into that discussion just yet. Aelle snorted behind her hand and nudged you, making you pout at her for not letting the subject drop.
“There is no wooing.” Your reply was mumbled, you wanted there to be wooing but it just wouldn’t work until Javi knew the truth and after that you doubted that your crush would be allowed to flourish at all. Sure you weren’t the only Princess in the Court but that didn’t mean you were free to marry and love whoever you wanted to.
“I wish they would just let you be, this is kind of bullshit. Even if the wilding magic of the Aestori Grove Barrow Den chose you to succeed the Queen your naming wouldn’t go uncontested and, unfortunately, we all know what your history of duels has been like. I don’t want to have to stop you from bleeding out again.” Iphigén’s eyes were a little hazed over as she talked, no doubt thinking of the countless times you’d been hauled to your bed chambers after the very cursory once-over by the palace healers, you detested how much your friends suffered mentally for the sheer misfortune of being in your life.
“I mean, I’ve literally been trying to abdicate my position as a potential crown Princess since I became an adult, you know that I’m doing all I can here. Can’t exactly exile myself if the Queen decides that I’m not allowed to, and hiding in Se’Kvia isn’t an option since she’d just hire the Mandalorian Hunters to bring me back if I tried to ignore her summons.” You’d been hauled back by a Mandalorian before, after trying to flee deeper into Aestoran’s continent and hide among the razormist swamp lands with the elementals and the sprites that called the lands home.
It was an embarrassment you didn’t want to face again.
By the time you reached the palace entrance, which was more like a large rounded hill covered in flowers, it was nearly dark and you had poured your whole heart out to Iphigén and Aelle about the fact that you knew Javi wanted you too and how hard it was to hold back. The blurrgs were still plenty energetic despite the trip, stamping their feet impatiently as you stepped out and bid farewell to the driver. Kuiil tipped his head and departed, leaving you forced to hold an impassive face and act like you were someone you weren’t as the wooden door swung open.
The illusions to hide the palace in case of any danger were so strong that it was almost like looking into another realm when that door opened, instead of the inside of a dirt mound you could see the glittery butter yellow marble with its vibrant green carpets woven with patterns in bright floral tones; you walked through the door and all at once the grand entryway seemed to light up as the glittering white orbs lighting the space flickered to announce your arrival.
“The wayward Princess returns home.” Your eyes lifted to the top of the stairwell where one of your numerous cousins stood, though nobody would be able to tell based on appearances with just how different all of you looked, and you bit your tongue as she looked you over with a sneer of derision that was pretty standard by this point.
“There you are, my little flutterbug.” Your mother hurried over, pulling you into a hug that made your skin crawl at the display of false affection, hiding behind her too-wide smile was the hatred she had for you and had always had for you. Flutterbug was her way of calling you a dragonfly without using the word, to mock you for the sign of your weakness and mixed blood, you hated how they kept calling you back when you just wanted to be left alone.
All you were to them was the ass of a joke.
“Hello mother.” Just like that she released you and stepped back, now that you’d greeted her, and that fake smile was still very present on her face.
“We should really hurry to the throne room, please handle my daughter’s bags.” The head butler nodded and bowed, walking away with your bags to take them to your room, and you were very suspicious of the cheery behavior. Not that she’d ever actually tell you why she was so happy but it was concerning, especially with your cousin’s smirk growing wider as she fell into step beside you.
The throne room was as large and opulent as ever, filled with people, and you felt the weight of everyone’s stare as you were announced; your grandmother rose as your walked across the room and you almost didn’t notice the man waiting at the base of the short flight of steps. But you ignored his presence, dropping into a curtsy, and masking your voice from the anger and irritation that threatened to fill it.
“My Queen, it is an honor to have received a personal invitation for this year’s Yule festivities.” A slender hand lifted your chin, making you stand straight, and your grandmother looked you over with that indifference you knew her for and the same indifference you’d taught yourself to utilize.
“There are more than just Yule festivities, child. A suitor has asked for your hand, and after considering I have approved. I would like you to meet your fiancé, Lord Thaddeus Clement ne’Rahne.” The man you had ignored offered a smile, his eyes taking in the sight of you, and your heart dropped to the floor.
“No. I refuse.”
Your words caused a hush to fill the room and you could hear the scandalized whispers starting.
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All Fics Taglist: @haylzcyon @wordsnwhiskey @pagannightwitch @radiowallet @tauralmie @amneris21 @trickstersp8 @practicalghost @rominaszh @alwaysdjarin @alexxavicry @all-the-way-down-here
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crimeronan · 2 years
hi!!! do you have any writing or anything abt those characters nova, sol, devin, and ruby? im scrolling thru ur tags trying to figure out what their deal is lol
(also that luz + hunter qpr fic you wrote permanently changed my brain chemistry. thank you for putting it into the world. undoubtedly one of my fav owl house fics ive ever read)
oh thank you so much re: the owl house fic!! i love luz and hunter so Much and want to write like 100,000 more words about them
i don't have a whole lot of new snippets to post of the original fiction project but you can look thru my tag for it to see some notes and scenes drafted over the past ~3 years. granted, the project has evolved a lot since i started writing it, so plenty of stuff is no longer canon-accurate!
that said, it's been a while since i talked about these characters and the story they're in, so!
like most of my owl fics (and fics for other fandoms), it's a story that's largely about grief and chronic illness; it's also a story about power and what people do with it
without getting too heavily into plot spoilers, the main cast are:
sol (she/her): full name "winter solstice," certified loner bitch with very clear Issues. she has a stranglehold on the sex work industry in her fictional city in this fictional world & very little interest in ceding that power. she's originally from a place that has been blighted by famine & has a bunch of trauma from all kinds of sources, nowadays she only trusts two people in the entire world fully -- devin and ruby. also, she hates nova's guts and wants nova dead in the most grisly way possible.
ruby (she/her): full name "ruby sunrise," hails from the same place and cultural background as sol, shares her native language and her traditions. ruby cares more than sol about preserving both sides of her heritage & culture (she's biracial), and she's very invested in kindness and decency. what she wants more than anything is to leave a positive mark on the world, but she's lonely and lacks a lot of the support she needs. she loves both sol and devin fiercely.
devin (he/they/she): in pain pretty much constantly because of a chronic illness that's Supposed to be a "blessing"; they're a powerful magician who functions as the reincarnation of a god. this position comes with a lot of responsibilities and varying miseries. devin has made a lot of questionable choices in her quest for autonomy and for making the world better; nowadays she spends a lot of time helping sol do grisly crimes and trying to protect underprivileged people. all while knowing that their magic is a terminal autoimmune disease.
nova (she/her): like devin, she functions as the reincarnation/personification of a god. because of this, she and devin are fated soulmates, which she is determined to honor even though devin hates her and does not want to be her soulmate and has made no secret of that. she comes from a privileged background with an idyllic childhood, tons of adult support, and very little strife. she believes that the best thing that she can do is serve her purpose of preserving the status quo, and she's Extremely Vexed when people make this harder for her. also believes she can outrun the autoimmune part of her magic with yoga and jogging.
all four of them function in my usual sweet spot of "people who all kind of suck and are making kind of terrible terrible decisions, but who are also doing the best they can with what they have." and. i love them
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