#Solar Futures
53v3nfrn5 · 16 days
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Amy Youngs: Hydroponic Solar Garden (2005)
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gnome-punk · 1 year
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Image text: "I'm so sick of living life on survival mode. I want to live in creative mode."
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h-didanart · 5 months
I have not gotten over the fact Bloodmoon apparently took the licensing test??? I don’t know how many licensing tests there are so I might be wrong in this assumption, but I take it as they took the driver’s license test
so of course I had to draw something about it, enjoy this silly drawing of a not-silly-at-all AU of mine
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cognitivejustice · 4 months
Two men who were instrumental in creating a global seed vault designed to safeguard the world's agricultural diversity will be honoured as the 2024 World Food Prize laureates.
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Cary Fowler, the US special envoy for Global Food Security, and Geoffrey Hawtin, an agricultural scientist from the UK and executive board member at the Global Crop Diversity Trust, will be awarded the annual prize and split a $500,000 (€464,000) award. In 2004, Fowler and Hawtin led the effort to build a backup vault of the world's crop seeds in a place where it could be safe from political upheaval and environmental changes. 
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The facility was built into the side of a mountain on a Norwegian island in the Arctic Circle where temperatures could ensure seeds would be preserved.
The Svalbard Global Seed Vault - also known as the 'Doomsday vault' - opened in 2008 and now holds 1.25 million seed samples from nearly every country in the world.
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united-in-cyberspace · 7 months
The Enchanted Learning Astronomy Dictionary
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Some of the spectacular images from the Enchanted Learning astronomy dictionary.
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solarpunkbusiness · 4 months
Ritchie speaks to BBC Future Planet about what shifted her mindset, why the world might be reaching overall "peak pollution" – and ways that a more sustainable future could be secured.
What prompted you to change your mind about humanity's future? And why do you now think that "doomist" predictions do not inspire action?
Climate change has always been part of my life and I've always been quite worried, even as a kid. That got worse when I went to university, because I was studying environmental science and all the trends were very much going in the wrong direction. At the time I felt very anxious, hopeless, and like these problems were completely unsolvable.
The feeling of 'it's too late' just leads to inaction and paralysis – Hannah Ritchie
A key turning point for me was discovering the work of the Swedish physician and statistician Hans Rosling. When I was studying, I'd assumed that all of the human wellbeing metrics – such as global poverty, mortality and hunger – were also getting worse alongside the environmental ones. But Rosling would do TED talks where he'd show, using data, how the world had changed over the last few centuries for the better.
So, I started asking: can we do both things at the same time? Can we continue to improve human wellbeing while also reducing our environmental impact? And, over the last 10 years or so, according to the environmental data, there have been signs for cautious optimism. It's not inevitable that we get there, but I think there's the opportunity for us to do so.
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pangeen · 1 year
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“ Nutopia “ // Diego Castro
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solarpunkswy · 1 year
Remember to avoid fast fashion! Wear the clothes you like, style them in different ways, and make your own fashion choices! We don't need websites and companies like Shein that profit off of the abuse of workers. Thrift and shop locally if you need. Learning how to sew is a rewarding hobby and will allow you to make your own unique accessories as well!
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magmethius · 4 days
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for today's @theemperorweek prompt: exploration
The colors of the flora on this satellite are like nothing you've seen before. The way the blue-shifted light passes through the giant leaves of the canopy beyond you seems fresher, somehow, as if it diffuses into different, softer prisms. And yet, as you and the Emperor make your way through the knee-tall grass of the outerworldly meadow, you spot something that grounds you, reminds you that the dirt beneath your feet was indeed once part of Toril: a patch of daisies.
daisies for daisy. <3
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crabussy · 1 year
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you;re all so sexy
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solarpunks · 1 year
“Any near-future science fiction that does not engage with climate change is fantasy"  - Sarena Ulibarri
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gnome-punk · 1 year
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Artist credit:
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Solar Return Hack: If the Upapada Lagna lands in the same house where Asteroid Union is placed in your solar return = 𝒂 𝒏𝒆𝒘 𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝒓𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒊𝒔 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆𝒍𝒚 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆𝒈𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒆𝒂𝒓 💞
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*You can learn more about the Upapada Lagna in my last post.
I stumbled across this discovery a few months ago in my current solar return chart and realized that it showed up in previous solar returns from years when I began a new romantic relationship: the Upapada Lagna fell into the same house that had the asteroid Union! This only occurred in the solar returns of the years I began a new romantic relationship.
What you're going to do is check for the Upapada Lagna in your solar return chart. Upapada Lagna is a Vedic astrology method that tells you about your future spouse/life partner. This method is meant to be used in the natal chart but I discovered it also works in the solar return.
I'm using an old solar return chart from 2011 when I began a significant romantic relationship as an example.
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To find the Upapada Lagna, you're going to start at the 12th house and count how many houses away the lord of the 12th house is.
For example, in my 2011 solar return chart, Cancer is in the 12th house. The lord of Cancer is the Moon, which is in the 2nd house = 12th house lord is 3 houses away.
You're then going to count however many houses away your 12th house lord is starting from the house the 12th house lord is placed. In my 2011 solar return, I count 3 houses away from the 12th house lord located in the 2nd house and end up at the 4th house in Scorpio, which happens to have the asteroid Union.
If the Lord of the 12th house is IN the 12th house or is directly across from it in the 6th house, then you must automatically count 10 houses away from the 12th, which will bring you to the 9th house. The 9th house will be considered the Upapada Lagna and if the asteroid Union also happens to be there in your solar return, then it's very likely you'll end up in a new romantic relationship that year.
If the 12th house has dual rulers, such as Aquarius, Scorpio and Pisces, then use the above instructions for each planet and see if the Upapada Lagna for either planet ends up in the same house as the asteroid Union.
*Check your solar return in both Tropical and Sidereal format! I found that this placement will sometimes show up in one but not both charts.*
That year I began a significant romantic relationship that began in secret = Scorpio themes galore. He slid into my DMs, which would normally be considered a 3rd/9th/11th house theme but it can also apply to the 4th because I was at home when he messaged me and I kept this relationship strictly in my private life = 4th house themes. He also had a Scorpio Mars in his Vedic natal chart and a Scorpio Sun in his tropical natal chart.
Leave a comment or send me an Ask if you have any questions!
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P R O P H É T E S (2023)
A Pure Solar World:Birth of Afrofuturism
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cognitivejustice · 8 days
When we think of sustainable materials, bamboo, cork, recycled stone and reclaimed teak often come to mind. These building and surface materials are used extensively in both residential and commercial projects, enough to solidify them as the eco-friendly future of established architectural practices.
But what if we went even further? Creative and experimental designers worldwide are embracing much more unusual sustainable materials in a wide range of projects, be these sturdy floorboards and insulating panels, or small-scale decorative elements such as lamps, trays, vases and other furnishings. With designs hailing from Singapore and Indonesia, as well as distant studios in Italy and Palestine, here are the materials of tomorrow.
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Mogu’s mycelium floor tiles
Mushroom filaments may not seem like the sturdiest base for hardwearing floors, but the Italian designers behind Mogu would argue otherwise. Transformed into resilient tiles appropriate for luxury residences and even commercial spaces, the mycelium structure is topped with a layer of bio-based resin, granting it resistance to scratches and abrasions rivalling traditional flooring materials.
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Orange peel and pine needles make up the sustainable lampshades by Caracara Collective
Turning orange peel into useable furnishings and décor pieces is no small feat, yet the people behind the circularity-focused Caracara Collective in Finland have mastered this singular art. Inspired by the abundance of the natural, inherently sustainable materials around them, the designers created a series of lampshades made of orange peel, as well as pine needles from discarded Christmas trees.
As the collective puts it: “It takes around 20 squeezed oranges to create one lampshade. In other words, each lampshade is the by-product of someone drinking two litres of orange juice.”
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Markos Design’s Ostra lamp, made of discarded oyster shells
Discarded oyster shells are similarly repurposed on the island of Cyprus, transformed by Markos Design into Ostra, a ceramic-like biomaterial. Ostra is worked into statement lamp designs, naturally hardwearing thanks to the oysters’ high concentration of calcium carbonate, which also lends cement and concrete considerable strength.
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jay-berries · 7 months
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hello hi hello, I disappeared off the face of the earth for a while, anyway I've been catching up with the tsams episodes and wanted to throw out my concepts for human Eclipse, the maniac I love him
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