#Something about staying at home makes him dislike it... heheh >:)
spoopieere · 4 months
Asa Headcannon lol
To me, Asa is a homebody. He likes domestic things: Stay home, cook a nice meal for himself , make some tea, read a book & pin insects...
But his other "hobby" that involves: Meticulously planning & traps/ murder, Going through lengths to capture new victims, Taking care of the hotel & his collection, Torture, etc...
Results in him having two lifestyles that are directly against each other. Though he enjoys both, he can't enjoy each things without sacrificing the time he could've had with the other.
Do I think Asa hates himself enough to have things that are contradictory that only affect him in his life? Not entirely. But *that* amount of trauma & psychopathy can NOT be normal growing up (plus my hc of homosexuality and autism).
What I'm trying to say is:
Asa being a serial killer is a form of self-harm.
(It's not the entire reason why he kills, but I think it's a part of the reasons. Or maybe he's just that nuts lmao.- read tags)
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kaeyachi · 1 year
The heavy lore post will be posted later! These ones are just more on his personality, likes and dislikes, and brief history hehehe
I'm doing things in bullet point form coz wow there's a lot
Was the gentle and polite child! Also frequently got sick. Addie frequently took care of him in those times hehe. Is it possible that this is because of his experiences prior to getting to Mond? Travelling as a child would have made him vulnerable to tougher weather and rapidly at that. I doubt that food comes easy too. Additionally, HE WAS LEFT IN A STORM. I still think Kaeya is gentle and polite, though he definitely gives the face of charming and sly (if it benefits him and it works then might as well keep it going!)
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Kindness is so inherent in him that he automatically does kind acts. He only acts like he has an ulterior motive, and tbh? I bet that act is only to keep people away. I think I made a oneshot about this saying his biological father may be worried about this tendency? Or something similar. Worryingly enough, Kaeya clearly has a hard time accepting words of affirmation from literally everyone. Heartbreaking to see in action.
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Diluc is a menace, asking Kaeya to help him in his mischief, tsk. Kaeya apparently also helps Diluc in the punishments he receives. Kaeya ended up doing the most of it :( (what are the odds of Kaeya also doing Diluc's paperwork while said redhead was out on the field? What if the reason Kaeya wasn't with Diluc and Crepus during that one fateful 18th birthday because he was covering for Diluc's shift...). Tbh? Kaeya never stopped covering for Diluc. Even now, he is still covering for Diluc (DKH).
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This one set off alarms in my mind. Kaeya was apparently not a very good liar when he was younger. I now definitely think that Crepus knew Kaeya lied about his origins. The question is, did Diluc know Kaeya was not a strong liar before their fight? Or did he remember afterwards and was immediately faced with even more guilt?
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He might actually have a sweet tooth! Dear god look at the number of desserts he ordered. Do note that Death Afternoon is a mixture that lessens the bitterness of Dandelion Wine. Additionally, Kaeya wasn't interested in wine when he was younger, he only grew into it because it reminds him of home after he left :( The Cider Lake drink is also sweet! And I'm guessing plain chicken mushroom skewers weren't sweet enough, so he decided to add fruits to it. I THINK CREPUS ACCIDENTALLY GOT HIM INTO LIKING ALCOHOL AFTER CREATING THE CIDER LAKE DRINK LMAO. Crepus suceeding in preventing alcohol intake from one child and ended up giving it to the other
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Fairly sure he was being flirted on here by an entire group of mercenaries and just didn't realize which would make things extremely funny. They saw him and immediately went "we need to see that body in the dance floor ASAP". What if he doesn't realize he is being flirted on until he is slapped in the face with a confession? It's also funny if he flirts up a storm and not realize people are flirting back lmao
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So I was right... he was not kicked out. He moved out on his own. Diluc is fine with him frequenting Dawn Winery, expects it even (lol my short 1 shot makes sense now). The staff keep asking him to come back and visit more frequently. Adelinde says that Kaeya is always part of the family. They become so happy when Kaeya comes back, it's like a weight is lifted off of everyone's chests. IT'S KAEYA WHO KEEPS SAYING HE'S A GUEST AND SEPARATING HIMSELF OUGH. He's the one trying to stay away after all :((( Let's summarize this: Kaeya was the sickly, quick to bruise, kind, gentle, and polite child who everyone in the staff (and Diluc) adores and still treats like he is their baby, but said baby of the family KEEPS LEAVING. Go home Kaeya!
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Klee keeps looking for Kaeya! And Kaeya reads her bedtime stories!!! Hearing her voice ask where Kaeya was broke my heart, I think I'd like that used for angst purposes. Kaeya is once again letting a mischievous pyro user get away with causing mischief. Kaeya you enabler lmaaaoooo. Kaeya frequently rescues Klee from solitary confinement, done so enough times that Klee now does the same for him (I bet she thinks Kaeya is in solitary confinement whenever he's busy doing paperwork). Not to Kaebedo/Albekae you guys (I am Kaebedo/Albekae-ing you guys), but I'm fairly sure Kaeya and Albedo spend so much time together with Klee. Again, frequent enough that Albedo has tons of drawings of Kaeya (the 3 brushstrokes is a popular meme, but it actually is just a way to say that he has drawn Kaeya a lot. Bet he could draw Kaeya with his eyes closed haha). HE GOT THEM MATCHING GIFTS THATS ADORABLE
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Speaking of gifts, he's a great gift giver! He really listens to people's needs and wants. What a thoughtful man (Diluc was right in his letters in hidden strife though. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF KAEYA). Speaking of, I'm guessing Kaeya is rich? Because I'm fairly sure the gifts were bought with his own pocket money and thus the huge amount of travel funds remaining (the gifts are expensive, surely it should have put a dent to the said funds had he used them)
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dontbesoweirdkira · 6 months
Vito going from annoyed to loving your stay in his apartement and starting treating you with his wife, his obsessive tendency on the first few was very subtle toward you but it's getting more apparent by holding your hand when going out and beat up punk that disrespected you. One of his most fearful moment is for one day you just go back to your own timeline leaving him all alone
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A/N: Ugh your minddddd!! Sorry this took a few days, I got a little busy. Using a prompt from the Yandere prompt list hehehe
44. “Leaving me and going back home is all you think about, isn’t it? Always dreaming about it, always thinking about it?”
Warnings: abuse, manipulation, being held hostage,violence, slight SA and happy sunshine rainbows!!
Requests: Open 24/7
As much flack as Vito had originally given you, he’s so attached to you now.
Vito definitely is the kind of Yandere who pretends like he’s not completely obsessed with you but is actually dying for your attention.
Tsundere I believe it’s called? Yeah. That’s him.
It’s been nice having you around the house. You make him meals, help out with laundry, cleaning, and even patch him up when he comes home hurt. Not to mention very caring and understanding. You check off all the boxes his mama told him to look for in a wife, why would he ever let you go?
Besides, ever since you told him that he’d end up old and alone, he’s been on the hunt to find his perfect wife.
Apparently that perfect someone is you.
Now you were simply doing all of these things as an exchange for him letting you stay while you worked on a plan to get back home. Not because you were trying out to be his housewife.
Vito is from another time period, for him, if you're basically functioning like a married couple then you are one.
All you need now is a ring and his last name.
You didn’t pay attention to his little gestures at first. Him opening the door for you, paying for you and being protective were all chivalrous gestures most men in the 50’s would’ve done anyways. He never made it a big deal or overstepped a boundary so it didn’t really rub you wrong.
Of course Joe would tease you about Vito being completely smitten over you but it never really appeared so. Also who really pays that man any attention???
It wasn’t until Vito started becoming bolder that you started taking him seriously.
Vito would start to get visibly upset if you decided to sit across from him and not directly next to him at restaurants.
He disliked when you interacted with any man other than him. Even to the point where he would start to question your feelings for Joe, slightly accusing you of flirting.
He became a lot more physical, insisting that you’d hold his hand or have at least one of his arms around your waist at all times.
You tried to protest about how this made you feel extremely uncomfortable since this was a very intimate gesture but the man wasn’t having it. It was like arguing with a wall.
“Y/N, I know we’re only friends but I’m doing this for your protection. If other men around think you’re with me, they won’t dare lay a finger on you. Everyone knows I’m with Falcone.”
To your dismay, you dropped it. What he said kind of made sense. Women and children are off limits, especially if they belong to a family. Maybe he knew something you didn’t.
The physical contact continued but only got worse. To the point he’ll just pull you onto his lap, adjust your clothes and move your hair out of the way so he can rest his head on your neck.
“Trust me Y/N, I’m not into you. You’re not even really my type. Like I said, I just want to protect you. I need people to believe it.”
Why are you lying so hard Vito??
This soldier doesn't like it when a man disrespects a woman period!! Like y’all remember this man holding everything in him back so he wouldn’t kill the guy that hit his sister.
Mama’s boy™️
Can you imagine what happened to the man who decided it was a good idea to not only catcall you but to smack your ass???
You tried to tell Vito to forget it and that it wasn’t that big of a deal…
You spent hours trying to get the blood stains out of Vito’s bomber jacket as well as the sounds of his fists slamming that poor punk into the ground out of your head.
As much as he tried so hard to hide his one sided relationship from you, it was so obvious by this point.
Vito felt strongly about you, even if it was platonic. It was getting out of hand and causing you to look for an out.
Maybe speaking to Vito about this would help? Maybe this was all a misunderstanding and maybe this time he’d actually listen to you?
He’s a stubborn fuck that refuses to accept reality.
“Okay…since you can’t respect my wishes and this isn’t enjoyable anymore. I’m thinking about leaving and going back home. I mean that was always the plan but-“
What? You’re leaving? No no no. How could you leave your husband?
“No. You’re not going.”
Haha that’s funny…
“Um, Vito, I didn't ask you. I’m telling you. I’ll be leaving soon. Did you really think I was going to stay here forever?”
Yes. He really did. You were meant to be a part of this decade, here with him. What is so great about the future if he’s not going to be there to spend it with you?
He’s not happy, this isn’t right. Something in his brain snapped and he’s not letting you leave.
“Leaving me and going back home is all you think about, isn’t it? Always dreaming about it, always thinking about it?”
“Do you think it’s funny that I have to spend my life alone…no one to love or take care of me while you go back to your life like it’s nothing??”
“P-please calm down-“
“Oh please fuck off Y/N. There’s someone else isn't there?? Huh? You have some pretty boy waiting at home for you right now? I can make more money for you-”
“Vito! There isn’t anyone else. I’m just not supposed to be here. We weren’t ever supposed to meet. This was all a huge mistake and I’m sorry for interrupting your life. I wish I just never came here. I-I wish we never met.”
Seriously? Did you mean that? Are you going to go back and undo all of this? Can you even do that? You can’t do that, he can’t live without you. You’re meant to be together.
Taking a second to breathe and lower his tone, he spoke calmly.
“Look, I’m sorry. I gained a little crush on you and it’s admittedly gotten a bit weird. You are right and I’ll let it go. If you feel like going back home will make you happy then I will learn to live with it.”
“It’s okay Vito. Let’s just get some rest and then we can discuss this over breakfast. We’ve had a long day.”
Yeah he’ll never learn to live with it. That was his best attempt at setting down the situation. He needed alone time to think and most importantly for you to go to sleep.
It’s wrong…he can almost see the frown on his late mother’s face as he thinks up this sick plan. But he didn’t ever think about you leaving before and now he’s terrified of you doing just that.
He’d only be locking you up for a few days, that’s enough for him to break you…make you change your mind…
He’s been tought exactly how to fuck with someone in the army, how to make his enemy crumble into doing whatever he wants.
Vito could do that with you. It’ll be okay and you’ll learn to forgive him once he gives you a new fur coat or something.
“This is for the best, Y/N. It’s for our future.” He loves you and the ropes tied around your ankles are tied with care. ;)
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lavenoon · 1 year
What kind of outfit would *Eclipse* like to see on his s/o? Hehehe!
And the snipe at everyone who wasn't sniped before, incoming!
Eclipse fortunately has no timelines to account for, so this one will be a bit shorter. Though we are getting reaction and preferences!
His focus is above all comfort, as someone who dislikes dressing up because of how restrictive it gets. Suits with four arms just aren't all that comfortable, which is why he opts for turtlenecks!
But if a partner likes to dress up, and they have outfits they like to show off, he's all for it! Chances are, he'll be awestruck - and the rest of his reaction depends on the outfit itself.
He's a trinket and accessory fiend, but he knows they get snagged on things easily, so he won't rush up to them to hug and twirl them unless he knows he won't risk tugging on necklaces or earrings where it might be uncomfortable. So if the outfit includes accessories, he'll most likely go very quiet and just hover near them but not quite touching, hands fluttering from accessory to accessory. With his partner's okay he'll start fiddling and prodding though, just to look closer! About as giddy as you'd expect, of course <3
As for what clothes he likes, this man is whimsical. Sleek and elegant is nice, yes, but he wants whimsy! Patterns or fun colors, suits with holographic shine, or contrasting colors are great! Loves flaring dresses, long or short, with ruffles or not - he just wants to get lost in the mesmerizing flare of a twirling skirt if he invites them to an impromptu dance! And, like with suits, bows are a bonus! <3
Definitely also the touchy kind, I mean, the man has four hands! Would love to assist with anything if only to stay close and have an excuse to sample the textures, he's curious, he wants to know! Will near immediately forget the actual purpose of whatever event is being attended, and if he gets to see them at home he'll be very put out if they can't be talked into skipping the boring formal event to instead be his entire focus for the day/ evening! Would definitely be open to (comfortably, so for him the turtleneck/ suspenders combo) dress up for just a little park or picnic date. That's what whimsy is for! And if you make up your own reasons to dress up, he won't be as sad about only seeing you all fancy only for events where he has to focus on something else, too, and keep PDA to a polite minimum!
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thatgayoctopus · 21 days
1: How did Otto first end up at Xavier's school?
2: How does he generally act around the other mutants?
3: Who does he like and dislike?
4: What was home life like for him, especially as a mutant?
5: How does Anna Maria first react after the whole breaking the law thing, and the aftereffects that follow?
6: How do the other people at the school first react when she shows up?
7: How in the everliving FUCK does your daydreaming post look so good?? I???????? What???????????????????
Alrighty LET'S GET INTO IT!!!!
1. How did Otto first end up at the school?
It's kind of a long story...? He's been on the streets with a rag tag group of mutants (the sinister six hehehe) for a while. At some point Wolverine stepped in and saved him from an undecided something (still working on specifics I literally thought of half of this over the last two days sorry </3) and offered to take him to the mansion, but he didn't have his morals quite sorted out and he was scared of being around so many people, so he turned it down. Eventually magneto recruits the rest of the sinister six, and Otto, knowing magneto is against the X-Men, felt like he couldn't join them, not after Wolverine saved him that time. BUT!!! I do think there would be some REALLY neat moral dillemmas there because Otto absolutely is on Magneto's side, he just ends up loving the X-Men and isn't able to bring himself to leave.
2. How does he generally act around the other mutants?
When you say mutants I'm going to assume you mean other students at the mansion AND!!! he really struggles with talking to them. Just like in MSM he looks oddly young behaves like a middle aged man, so no one can tell how old he is. Some people bet he's young and messed up, and some people bet he's old but his mutation has him age slower like with Mystique or Logan. Since the rest of the kids are hard to socialize with, he usually sticks by all the adults. He doesn't even talk much, but he appreciates how they take him seriously when he does. The sort of professional and parental way they treat him is a LOT easier to navigate than the energetic and sibling-like way the rest of the students treat him. When he HAS to be around them though, he's very standoffish and tries to speak as little as humanly possible, often only correcting them or making observations during training exercises. Despite how rude everyone thinks he is, they are a little fascinated by him.
3. Who does he like and dislike?
Beast is probably the person he's most open with! He and Hank are science buds and work in the lab together. Whenever Otto is working on something, Hank manages to get him to talk about his past or feelings on books, whereas most people can't get him to talk about anything.
Ororo is nice, they sit in silence together sometimes and Otto doesn't mind it. Neither does she. She often checks in on him in very simple ways; asking if he's eaten anything after a long day at the lab, offering to walk with him to the infirmary after a taxing mission. He wouldn't admit it, but he feels safe around her.
Charles knows the most about his past, mostly because if the involvement with megneto and needing to know where Otto stands. Otto recognizes the necessity to be open with Charles since he's running the whole operation, but he doesn't like being alone with him. He doesn't really trust Charles to stay out of his head.
Logan is just as protective of Otto as he is all of the other students, and Otto finds that... Comforting. He isn't used to people caring about him. Logan was the one who first called him out for being an asshole and inspired him to try and be better. Logan's helping him learn, and often encourages him to hang out with the other kids. Whenever Logan is in charge of a training session he makes sure Otto is with people that cooperate well with him, like Scott or Kitty.
Scott, while he doesn't quite get Otto and thinks it's a little awkward to be around him, does work the best as a teammate with him. Scott tends to give very clear and concise orders that Otto can follow easily, and listens when Otto has worthwhile input. Their relationship doesn't go too much further other than some awkward small talk. This goes for Jean, too.
Kurt - thinks he's weird and little too silly but kinda likes him anyway
Kitty - doesn't get her, but doesn't mind listening to her yap.
Rogue - they have a mutual understanding: they're both sulky and quiet, and of any of the kids, Otto prefers to be around her the most.
He pretty much avoids the kids younger than them like the plague.
4. What was home life like for him, especially as a mutant?
Funny you should ask. I'm still kind of working this out, BUT! justr like in MSM, he has the abusive father. He mutated around the age of twelve, to which his dad got worse, as one might imagine. The whole "Ugh my son is more of a freak than he already was" sorta deal. This is where I'm still on the fence about things: Otto lashes out one day and either A: injures him so badly he won't ever be same, or B: kills him. This would instill a fear of himself and his temper paired with his powers that he needs the X-Men to help him work past. Also, it would help reinforce his initial hesitation to join the X-Men.
5. How does Anna Maria first react to the breaking the law thing and the after effects?
She struggles 😭
It's gonna be really hard to see her family again, she lost her job, it's rough. She feels guilty for being involved with the MRD at all, she wanted to help mutants so bad. She has some pretty gnarly depressive episodes, but being around such a big chaotic family really helps keep her feeling okay. She likes spending time with Otto, and honestly they have this super cute highschool type crush sorta thing happening? And Otto is pretty oblivious to her hints despite him liking her??? It's cute idk hehe
6. How do other people at the school first react when she shows up?
To put it simply, they don't trust her. Despite her risking everything to break Otto out, she aligned herself with the MRD at some point, no matter how good her intentions were. Some of the kids never trust her, they've been traumatized too heavily by the organization, but most people warm up pretty quick. She's charming, fun, and kind. Because she's studied mutants and biochemistry, she's a real huge help with learning more about new kids and how to help control their powers.
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getosugurusbangs · 8 months
Gojo for the send me a character and I’ll tell you?
i’ve already answered this but we’ll see if my answers have changed lol
My first impression
my impression of him for a while before properly getting into jjk was just: silly goofy guy, sorta like kakashi maybe, has something deeply wrong with him.
My impression now
babygirl you need to stay dead so you can be your happiest. don’t worry, you don’t have to deal with gege anymore
Favorite thing about that character
hmm… it’s definitely a double edged sword, but i do like how many ways you can view and interpret his character (same goes for geto). i also fucking love his design ofc
Least favorite thing
tbh i don’t really have a least favorite thing about him. most of what i dislike in regards to him is just his fans/the overall perception(s) of him.
Favorite line/scene
i do love the episode 23 juju stroll… it’s a classic. i hope megumi-chan got home to do his violin practice. but a line of his that fucking takes me out every time i think of it is the “now i’m hoping this isn’t a dream…” from the end of the airport scene. gege akutami i will end it all.
Favorite interaction that character has with another
idk that i have a specific favorite interaction with him? ofc i love all the interactions with geto, but i do love the interactions that gojo has with yuji early on.
A character that I wish that character would interact with more
i would’ve loved to see him actually interact with kirara. also nobara, too.. i wanna see the three of them be silly together…
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character
vash the stampede from trigun (more specifically original and maximum, not stampede), and victor nikiforov from yuri on ice. he’s kind of a combination of the two now that i think about it lol
A headcanon about that character
i think he has chronically cold hands.
A song that reminds you of that character
mad iqs and razzmatazz- both songs by i don’t know how but they found me
An unpopular opinion about that character
idk how unpopular it is, but i think that him as a character, but also his death are much more interesting and complex than people make it out to be.
Favorite picture
i have my favorites saved hehehe
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mianmimi · 2 years
It's probably not intentional (the writing is so arbitrary that I doubt there was much thought put to anything in this movie) but Earth 838 almost seems like an Opposite Earth, with its whole "go on red" thing. The fanon that Mordo was Stephen's student and not his mentor comes to mind. Adding to that, on MCU 616, Mordo loved Stephen at first sight and then grew to hate him, what if 838 Mordo disliked Stephen at the beginning and then fell in love? I just love making fanon for 838 Strordo.
Awwww 😍
I’m really digging that idea sweet Nonny. And honestly I have a soft spot for slow burn and unlikely couples hehehe. I can see 838 Mordo and Stephen initially not liking the other ala Pride and Prejudice.
The first impressions are just bad. Stephen comes off as too cold, too high & mighty, which turns Mordo off because who does this guy think he is. Sure he’s the Supreme but he doesn’t have be to a dick about it. And Stephen thinks that Mordo’s this overly spoiled aristocrat who never had to lift a manicured finger all his life. Mordo hates how Stephen seemingly targets his weaknesses without offering any sort of praise. Meanwhile Stephen just thinks it’s more helpful to focus on what needs improvement rather than dwell on what Mordo’s already excellent at. Mordo’s also trying to practice his traditions while Stephen’s a bit more progressive and open, making Mordo feel like his teacher is trivializing something very important to him. I can see Mordo writing letters to his family or calling them saying this is a terrible idea and he wants to go home. The Supreme is insufferable. But of course he ends up staying, otherwise they’ll marry him off to someone. So he just endures Stephen.
But then what would happen to get these two to change? Or at least see that the other isn’t so bad after all? Would it be something catastrophic like Dormmamu coming down to destroy them? Or would it be a super simple thing? Like Mordo seeing Stephen bandage up a wounded dog? I actually really like the idea of Mordo falling asleep while he studies, and Stephen comes by and covers him with his cloak. And as Stephen walks away Mordo peeks a little with a smirk. And of course he quickly pretends to still be asleep when Stephen instinctively looks back. Just something sweet and cute.
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jiselleeeeeeeeeee · 2 years
Life with Noctyx ♡ reader with Alexithymia
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Author's notes: The actual writing is finally done ♡ as requested by @kaizen21 ♡
General tags: Male reader with Alexithymia w/Noctyx, actually some parts of it could be a gn/reader, lots of fluff! A little angst here and there but minor
Sonny Brisko ♡
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I believe that Sonny would notice the mild symptoms of Alexithymia, the most obvious being being more sensitive to sudden movement, sounds and physical touches
He would actually spend time researching on it and learn how to communicate properly
I think Sonny would be really understanding. “It's ok if you don't know what and how you're feeling. Take your time, I'll always be with you.”
“Ah good morning y/n! How are you-” Sonny paused. “...right, sorry about that, were you frightened?” Sonny caught a glimpse of his sleeping boyfriend, and sighed in relief. “Sleep well my love” He whispered softly, and gently closed the door behind him.
“Sonny...there's something I want to ask you” You had this question ever since you and Sonny started dating, was he actually troubled by the fact that you had such a condition? “Hmmm y/n, were you about to ask me if I feel troubled by your condition?” Sonny knew that you would ask, and he already has the answer. “Y/n, we talked about this...” You don't know why, but the way he sounded...“I know it's not the first time, and I'm sorry if you find it troublesome, but I don't have a choice! I wasn't willing to find myself in this condition!” You didn't know what happened to you at that point in time, you couldn't think, what were you feeling? You don't know, there wasn't a word for it. You had enough and ran back to your room.
Minutes later, you heard a knock. “Y/n? I didn't mean to sound bad just now, can you please open the door and we can talk about it?” Sonny knocked again, wondering if you would open the door for him. “...come in, Sonny.” You needed to get things sorted out. “Y/n...what I was trying to say was, no matter how many times you ask me, my answer would still be the same. Y/n, I dated you because I love you for who you are, nothing will change. I'll always be proud of my dearest boyfriend, and that is you, y/n.” For some reason, you didn't know how to describe it, but it felt like time stopped for the both of you, and you just wanted to be in his embrace forever. “Y/n, my only y/n, take your time. Don't worry, I'll always be here for you, always.”
Alban Knox ♡
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Alban would be a little confused at first, but will soon understand it
As loud as he is sometimes, he would try to soften around you to make sure that he doesn't startle you
“Whoever that stole your emotions, I'll be sure to steal it back! So don't be afraid, Y/n!”
“Y/NNNNNNNNN!” Alban was really excited to finally see you, having to not see each other in a long distance relationship was really hard for him! He really wanted to give you a big bear hug! What he didn't expect, though, was for his boyfriend he missed seeing so much flinch at his hug. “eH y/n did I scare you? gomen gomen heheh” “Alban~, so nice to see you again. But next time, try to refrain from surprising me like this, ok?” Alban stayed silent. “If that's what you want, I'll respect it, y/n!” Alban gave you his brightest smile.
The next few days, both of you had a lot of fun. However, Alban was still confused. Didn't google mention that there should always be surprises among lovers? Why is it not working? “...Alban? Are you ok?” You asked, he has been awfully silent today. “Ahhhh y/n, don't mind me asking but, do you...dislike surprises? Does it scare you? Do you...perhaps, expected better of me?” You were overwhelmed by the questions thrown at you.“Alban...I'll tell you when we get home, alright?” He was concerned, you could tell, and telling him about your condition was something that needed to be done sooner or later.
“Alban...I can only put it this way. You see, I have a condition, known as Alexithymia.” You spoke the truth. “Alex....ith...whA” Alban, however, needed a simpler explaination. “Well...you see, it's a condition where...I'm unable to recognise my emotions, and I tend to be more sensitive, you know” You looked at Alban, his gaze felt like it was piercing through you, but you didn't have a word to describe how you were feeling. Suddenly, you felt his arms wrapped around you, “Damn that Alex guy, it's ok y/n. I'll make sure to steal your emotions back! So don't be afraid, my y/n!” “Albannn, it doesn't work that way. But...thank you, Alban, for accepting me” You rested your arms around his waist. “I love you so much~Y/n.”
Fulgur Ovid ♡
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I think Fulgur might not notice immediately, and sometimes MAY joke about it, a little
But once he finds out, I swear on my relationship status that he will be begging for you to forgive him, and he would definitely try his very best to make it up to you
“I'm sorry my little cyborg, but from now, you'll be safe with me”
“Remember our first date? you were afraid of physical touches, and whenever I asked you how you're feeling, you'll always respond with i doN'T kNow baBE” There he goes again, with his piping teapot laughter. It wasn't your first time listening to your boyfriend joking about your first date, and your condition that he doesn't know about. You just simply didn't know how to react to it, so you'll just brush it off everytime.
“Oi fu chan, I think that wasn't very nice of you” Alban loves his shits and giggles, but he knows when to be serious about certain things too. “Nahhh he doesn't mind, right babe?” He looked over to you. Normally, you would just force out a grin and agree with him, this time, however, you didn't give me a response as you weren't really attentively listening to the entire conversation. “Babe? Babe!” He called out, snapping you out of your own world. “wha, you scared me fu chan!” You were just thinking about your own things. “Oh yeah? How did you feel getting jumpscared by me babe?” He had a smirk, as if he knows exactly what he's doing. “I...I don't know...” “Scared? Worried? what is it?” “I really...don't know...” Were you truly scared? Were you worried about something? Were you upset about how his jokes offended you? You don't know. “Look...I'm tired, I'll go to bed.” You had enough overthinking about those, and went straight to bed. “Fu chan! I think she's actually upset with you this time.” Alban convinced Fu chan to end the discord call and comfort you.
“Babe? Are you awake?” He peeps over, finding you wide awake. “Listen, babe...I joked about you, and I didn't realise how bad things were. Will you...forgive me?” “Fu chan...I think I should be honest with you.” You sat up slowly. “Fu chan...don't laugh at me, ok? Well...I have this condition, Alexithymia, which...I am unable to recognise my emotions” You were expecting a huge laugh from him. But instead, he kneeled down to meet your eyes, held your hands and whispered “I'm so sorry y/n...I shouldn't have...I am unforgivable, right... ” “Fu chan...it was my fault that I didn't tell you sooner, and I have no rights to not forgive you” Fu chan looked at you, deeply, and cupped your face with his hands, “I'm so sorry my little cyborg, but from now onwards, you'll be safe...with me”
Uki Violeta ♡
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Uki can definitely sense the symptoms that you are experiencing
I actually think that Uki might be the best person as I think that he's also the kind of person to not force upon you to speak the truth, although he probably already knows
“Shhhh, it's ok love, I'm here”
“Alexithymia...hmmm” Uki started to notice even the mildest symptoms that you're facing, although he doesn't ask, he has done a lot of research about it, leading him to the final conclusion. “Baby? what are you doing?” You got some water to help Uki sober up after his drinking stream, but can't help but notice him closing a search tab in a hurry. “Uki...?” “Ah baby, thank you for the water~ I'll end this stream really soon so that we can cuddle~” Uki was just too adorable for you to resist. “Alright~ I'll go take a shower first then Uki” Uki hummed delightfully and urged you to take a bath right now.
You were a little suspicious, normally, Uki would just acknowledge your presence and continue with his streams, but today...It went against your wills, but you decided to take a look at what exactly Uki was doing. “Symptoms...that's not it....no...” You couldn't see the screen, but you could hear Uki muttering about symptoms. “Maybe he's just looking at the symptoms of common cold, he's been sneezing a lot lately. What was I thinking.” You simply shrugged it off and quietly closed the door.
“Why didn't he tell me earlier...that stupid....” Uki can already confirm about his suspicion. However, instead of confronting you, he just sat by the bed edge, waiting for you to finish showering. “Oh you're done streaming Uki? Come over then!” You signalled him to snuggle up with you. After a long moment of silence, Uki stated, “Y/n...it must have been difficult for you.” “...huh...?” you didn't know what he was referring to, but at the same time, you made an assumption. “Uki...about my condition...” He interrupted, “You don't have to tell me Y/n, if you don't want to. I'm sure you had your reasons” “But Uki, aren't you mad...” He turned around and gave you a warm, tight hug. “Shhhhh, it's ok love, I'm here. I'm always here.”
Yugo Asuma ♡
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As a DJ, I think Yugo would spend a lot of time with music, and sometimes he might get too engrossed that he doesn't realise how uncomfortable it can be for you
Yugo would try to refrain himself from touching this music at home and do it mostly at his workplace
Please comfort this baby he would be so scared to accidentally do something that agitates you.
“If I had to give up music for you, I would do it, again and again”
You couldn't sleep. Yugo had to work on a piece of music at home and everytime you doze off, something loud coming from his room will wake you up,again. You weren't angry, or whatever they call it, but you certainly had enough of frights. “Yugo Asuma! What are you actually doing?” “Eh? Y/n? I'm so sorry, but I really have to complete this by today!” For some reason, something felt like it was boiling in your body, and you couldn't help but lease out “YUGO ASUMA! ENOUGH!” “Eh?! Y/N!” You ran out of the room, dragging your body to the living room sofa. You didn't know what happened, but for some reason, you just wanted to cry so badly. “Why am I like this...” You thought to yourself. You went off at your boyfriend, now what?
“Y/n...?” Yugo approached you slowly, and settled beside you. “Y/n...please don't cry...you know how much it hurts me...” Yugo was extremely worried, he couldn't care for anything else. “Yugo...I'm sorry...” You had a massive breakdown, and flung yourself into Yugo's arms. “Y/n...it's ok...it's not your fault. You didn't choose this, it's ok. You're my dearest boyfriend, and if...if I had to give up on music for you, I would. No matter what, I would, again, and again.” Yugo held you tightly. “Yugo....” “I love you, Y/n.”
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kob131 · 3 years
Morgan Le Fay (Alter Ego) My Room Lines
“Master~ Can we stay here please? A moment’s rest may bring you far after all!”
“Ah, you really like to work don’t you? No no, I’m not accusing you of anything. I know your drive after all...”
“No matter what, it doesn’t seem I’ll get use to fighting. I wonder if either of those two would-ah. nevermind!”
Bond 1 “...Oh, sorry Master! I was spacing out there for a moment. I’m...not really use to being...heh, nevermind me!”
Bond 2 “Your magecraft seems a little shaky lately. Are you sure you’re feeling well? You eating well? Maybe a nice plate of meat and potatoes will make you feel better? ...Wh-what do you mean that’s too heavy?!”
Bond 3 “How strange.  I’m still here. Usually I can’t remember where I’ve been or how I got where I am because...because...
...Well anyway, I can’t say it’s bad after all. I’d certainly be worried if one moment I was here with you and the next you left my sight. That-that can get rather scary...”
Bond 4 “... ... ... I can still feel them inside me, you know? ‘The Lady of The Lake’ and ‘The Fairy Witch’. My...other selves.
... Why? Why? WHY? Why do they have to exist? Why are they inside me? It’s not fair! I lost so much to them! So much of my life- Take, STOLEN from me by them! And even worst, they took my home away! I’m Morgause Pendragon, the daughter of Uther Pendragon! I am human! Not a fae! Not a witch! I. Am. HUMAN, ME! 
So why can’t they just leave me alone?!”
Bond 5 “... I won’t be here for long. Even if this body were to see the end of your journey, I-I might not be the one in it. I was the first to fade away after all. It’s simply my fate...to be used and discarded by everything I love. 
...Even so, I won’t run. As weak as I maybe in comparison to them...I won’t surrender a second of my time with you. With anyone. I’m here now. I am me.”
To Gawain “My son...my darling son. P-please don’t turn away! Please. I-I lost so much time with you. I can’t-I have to. Please, come embrace your mother. Before I’m gone.”
To Gareth “Gareth...my little pup. Look at you, you’ve grown up so much. I bet you had the lords at your beck and call. ... I wish I could have been there for you.”
To Agravain “Oh Agravain. It hurts to see you look at me so. And yet, it’s all my fault. If only I were stronger, if only I could overcome them. My little knight...I’m sorry.”
To Arturia “Arthur-no, Arturia isn’t it? To think I felt so bitter about what our father wanted...when there was so much to lose to that envy. I...I shall take my leave.”
To Mordred “Master, that knight over there?? That...wouldn’t happen to be Sir Mordred correct? ... Yes I assumed so, given her glares at me. Le Fay’s child with my own brother...There’s nothing I can do to help her, is there?”
To Morgan (Lostbelt) “You there, the witch. You have quite the nerve to show your face here. You, who abandoned her humanity for the sake of a kingdom. Your kingdom was a shame and deserved it’s fate. Glare at me all you wish, without the three of us you would be nothing.”
Likes “What do I like? Well, I always liked cooking. It was always such a treat to see my children’s faces light up when I cooked with all my heart!”
Dislikes “...Lake fae and evil witches.”
Holy Grail “Even if it is a heresy, I would like to wish upon it. Then maybe, I can finally be free.”
“Master, come. We have much to do still. ...I know you must be tired, I understand your weariness. But still, we must persist.”
“There’s no need to worry about me. An adventure like this-it is a simple matter. Compared to guiding those troublesome fae...”
“Quiet, quiet, quiet. ...Sorry Master, I was...having some difficulties with...the others. Le Fay especially...”
Bond 1 “So, you have stayed by my side? How strange, most humans simply leave the lakeside after so long.”
Bond 2 “Your heart is weary. There is no point in lying. I know that feeling well myself. Perhaps I have been pushing you too hard. Come, rest. All need reprieve after all.”
Bond 3 “It seems my time has not come yet. Good. I cannot-I will not fade like before. I refuse to let things end like before.”
Bond 4 “It is so tiring. To have their thoughts, their minds inside me. Always, always a reminder. That I am more than the fae ‘Vivian’. The human princess and the raging witch-
...No. No. NO! I am here now! I will be the one to fight! I will be the one to guard the Human Order! I will be the one protect the Age of Man that Father wished for! Not the human Morgause! Not the witch Le Fay! 
I am Me, Vivian, The Lady of the Lake!”
Bond 5 “Even though I am the fae Vivian, an existence incompatible with mankind. It was always the humans I loved most of all. The fae, so fickle and cruel. I guided and guarded them out of duty alone.
Why you may ask? Because it was mankind that my father Uther loved. He protected them to his last breath. And so shall I. Even if I may never see the Age of Man, I will protect and guide it. Especially you, my Master. I shall ensure your safety to death and beyond.”
To Lancelot (Berserker) “Master! Th-that figure cloaked in black! I-it can’t be! My son! This is what became of you? ... Who did this?”
To Lancelot (Saber) “I knew it. Of course my son would be here. There was no chance he wouldn’t answer the call to protect mankind. He grew into a splendid knight after all.”
To Mash “This feeling... You there, young lady with the shield. Come forward, let me take a good look. ...It really is, isn’t it? Don’t be scared young lady. I shall never hurt you. Now, come with me. I have much to discuss with you.”
To Fae Servants “*Sigh* It seems there are some troublemakers in this place isn’t there? Worry not Master, I know how to keep them on a tight leash.”
To Morgan (Lostbelt) “Ruler of the fae, huh? How pathetic. To have resorted to such evil. I do not care what your excuses are. I lead and guarded the fae myself. I sacrificed my place in the world. I expect no less of you.”
To Arturia (Archer) “How cute, thinking that little spruit is alike to my magic. Here, let me show you what a true Excalibur Vivian can accomplish.”
Likes “Besides mankind? ...I do enjoy watching the forest creatures prance about. The little bugs especially.”
Dislike “Lazy princesses and malevolent witches. That is all I’ll say.”
Holy Grail “It is a false wish granting device isn’t it? Still, if supplied with enough mana, it might just be enough to grant my wish To gain my freedom.”
Morgan Le Fay
“Careful now, Master. One wrong step and things will certainly go wrong. I know how much fun it is to lose yourself in the throes of battle. Hehehe...But your goal must come first.”
“That fire...that determination. Very well, I’ll join you in the fray. After all, I haven’t nearly indulged enough myself.”
“Your magecraft is rather lackluster isn’t it? Hm, whatever you call your ‘talents’, that doesn’t matter. Practice, practice, practice. Experience breeds excellence. I didn’t match Merlin with pure talent after all.”
Bond 1 “I must say, staying this way at will without being subject to the fickle whims fate...it’s rather nice. Thanks Master.”
Bond 2 “Fate is cruel. I know your pain better than most. Forced into the impossible by the will of others. But don’t let your heart waver. Through will and guile, you will gain your freedom.”
Bond 3 “Don’t hesitate to give me tasks. I find myself with more time than i know what to do with. Preferably with you around...”
Bond 4 “I’m sure you’ve heard about this before but...My other selves are still here. Deep inside, I can still here them. Their woes, their uncertainty, their hatred. All mine...
...Bwahaha! What a joke! As if I would let them trend upon me. It was my loathing that struck fear into Camelot. It was my malice that twisted the Green Knight. It was my love for Britian that allowed me to stomach sharing a bed with that liar. I am no feeble princess or passive fae. I am me, Morgan, the witch that loved Britian!”
Bond 5 “So here we stand still. I’m sure you caught on but I hate the Age of Man. Tearing away all the work I put out, fading everything I’ve done into legend. Acting as though I was never here. For it’s sins, I will always spur it.
So why am I here? Because I would rather have an Age of Man with Britian than not. Be it the destruction of history or man, I will not stand for it. I will rage and hate and burn until all is done. So long as we stand on the same ground, I will be here. I can’t trust the other two to get the job done after all.”
To Mordred “Hm, that defect of a homonculus is here? Master, you are best off sending it away. It’s incapable of following orders or performing tasks sufficiently. I would love to fix it but that’s beyond my reach.”
To Arturia (Alter) “Tch, that liar dares to attach my name to something so weak. She preaches that the strong rule over the weak, shall I teach her who is truly strong then? Gwahaha!”
To Merlin “Ah, Teacher is here too. How unusual, that fickle asshole couldn’t be asked to cut a blade of grass, let alone save humanity. He’s not even really here is he?”
To Fairy Knight Tristan “Master, this annoying brat won’t leave me alone. Acting all familiar and friendly with me... Maybe I’ll teach her what it means to truly be sadistic. Perhaps by rending her limbs asunder...”
To Arturia “So the King of Liars has come as well. Maybe a trip into Hell will teach her the place where she belongs...but that will have to wait, won’t it? She still has her uses after all...”
To Oberon-Vortigern “That mana. Another embodiment of Britian is here?! It feels like that failure Vortigern...yet...it’s so different. I must dissect him, to know!”
To Morgan (Lostbelt) “Ah yes, that other me. Heh, what a fool she turned out to be, no? She rages against man, fae and knights, wasting all her efforts in the process. Focus, my dear. Focus is the key to victory. I did not waste my time with man or fae, I put my all into the slaying of Arturia. And which of us succeeded, hm?”
Likes “A rough night with a man below me, of course.”
Dislikes “My other selves. Unlike them, I will not hide the truth.”
Holy Grail “Hm, I have no need for such a thing. Unlike them, I will not cling to a false hope. It will be my hand that cuts them out like the parasites they are.”
Bond 10 CE: I Am...?
One minute *I’m* home with my children One minute ^I’m^ guarding those troublesome fae One minute -I’m- cackling as I tear into his flesh
The next I’m not.
It is my duty to *lead*/^guard^/-destroy- my kin No, That is *my*/^my^/-my- duty. No, it’s *mine*/^mine^/-mine-!
...Is it?
No, I am a *princess*/^guardian^/-witch-! That is not what *I*/^I^/-I- am! Stop it! This is who *I*/^I^/-I- am!
I am *me*/^me^/-me-! I am *Me*/^Me^/-Me-! I AM *ME*/^ME^/-ME-!
I am... I...am... I...
....Who am I?
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loth-wolffe · 3 years
AHH CONGRATS ON REACHING 400 U ABSOLUTELY DESERVE IT!! :] also i'd like to tag along the ship game thingy it looks fun :0 i'd prefer to be shipped with a bad batch member if that's ok (and considering we're mutuals which im still in a shock about im pretty sure it's obvious who i like heheh oops)
soo i am a very very quiet person at first, but then when i know we both have similarities and get closer im very annoying (affectionate) i'd straight up pester my friends for like 2 hours and then stay quiet for the rest of the day bcs i get drained rip but besides annoying them i tend to do playful bullying more, sarcasm if u will there are many moments where i'll just whack my friends (they r okay with it we whack each other a lot) and i'd step on the back of their shoes and yanno basically call eachother morons but that's like the PEAK friendship for us so hehe
but no worries we know it's just playful banters and we love each other sm platonically ofc, and we tend to be for each other when we need it, i always make sure my friends have someone they can rant to, all of my friends go through some heavy stuff so im glad they trust me enough to tell me those and ofc i always keep a secret
ooh my top love language is quality time, i love sitting together in silence with my friend and we both do our own thing, maybe show each other a funny meme or doodle and we'd talk through writing on each other's papers in class bcs we are both drained and tired but generally i do love sitting in silence together with my loves ones maybe bcs i also dislike voicing what i want, i'd just either code i want something or just look at them until they figure it out which i do a lot with my parents heh, im very loud with my parents tho i am the youngest sibling after all, still the only daughter tho
physically im 154 so that's about uh 5'1 i think? i like cats i love them very much, cute things makes me happy but also i tend to joke about some uhh violence stuff like when my friend says someone said something hurtful to them and i'd just reply with "push them down the stairs. fuck them." so uh yeah that's it i suppose??? i've never done this before sorry ah congrats once again!!! i love your writing so much thank u
celebrate with me ✨
dude, seriously, are we the same person???????????? bc like. everything you said I was like SAME THATS ME. and I mean. sAME that's ME. u know. u sound like such a cool person!!!
can I like?? ship you with every bad batch member??? is that? allowed?
If I had to choose, I think I'd ship you with echo. i think. or tech? maybe with wrecker. or echo. no, cross. or hunter??? maybe fox. i think you'd do fantastic with fox tbh.
SKDJSK echo it is then<3
i think ur fave is crosshair? im not sure? but listen. LISTEN TO ME.
echo and you have the same vibes. i think you guys would have this small banter thingy going on all the time. teasing each other and giggling at your sass.
echo is usually seen as a grumpy, serious babey but he's a softie with a heart of gold, I just know it.
i think you would bring him that sense of normalcy and the same something(? he had back in his 501st days. he'd feel a bit more at home when you're around, a bit more like he didn't lost too much.
you kind of remind him of fives, and he has told you once or twice you would have been the bestest™ of friends.
you joke with him and you being annoying (affectionate) always makes him love you more. because he sees so much of his old days in you but also the new days to come, and because you give him this sense of- well, like things are going to be just fine.
you're his light in the dark, always guiding him somewhere nice, a piece of heaven that you hold in your hands and always find your way to place it in his own.
he'd def hear your rants and would laugh with you, giving you heart eyes as you speak or maybe listen to you as he works on whatever. and maybe you'd have a little bit of communication problems at first, with that not voicing what u want stuff, but he's a fast learner so he'd learn to read your eyes sometimes, when you feeling sad and stuff and you look at him he's in no time dragging you to his lap and hugging u tight, kissing ur temple and all.
he'd love when you draw doodles in his hands 🥺 and he'd draw a little something on yours too while you're bored in hyperspace.
I'd say echo shares your sense of humor, saying in the most serious voice "we should kill them." when someone says something neither of you like and there's this amused glint in his eyes. you follow his jokes with another stuff that makes everyone think you're psychopaths and end up laughing.
i think quality time is also his love language, adding little touches here and there.
it's in the silence, where you two show the most how much you love each other, in the warm looks and little smiles, sharing a blanket as you sit side by side and he leans a bit closer to you, he holds your hand sometimes, playing with it as you snuggle closer, your cheek on his shoulder.
you don't say much, eyes speaking for you and he kisses you softly, lips lasting a few seconds on yours before pulling apart slowly, he brushes your cheek with the back of his hand, leaning over again just to steal another kiss. you smile, and his expression mirrors yours.
"you good?" he asks, just to make sure you don't need anything. you nod, squeeze his hand with yours, sleepy eyes letting him know there's nothing you need but him.
he chuckles, a low sound that warms your heart, a kiss on your temple and there's something murmured in your hair. it's not long before you fall asleep just like that, holding hands and each other's hearts as you share warmth in the cold ship.
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bpro-cardstories · 4 years
Yuta Ashu SR
2019 ー Kiss and Engine [キスとエンジン]
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“Then, will you give me a reward for trying hard?” 
『Event: Start of a BRIGHT NEW YEAR (1st - 7th January 2020)』
Part 1
Staff: ‘Alright, we’re resuming the recording. The camera is rolling in 5, 4, 3….’
MC: ‘Now then, we’re sending you the『Fortune Burst Special』! Here we have the ultra-luxurious, limited Osechi*.’
Yuta: ‘Ooh~ amazing! It’s not only a multi-tiered box but the middle is glittering with gold dust~! That’s definitely a good omen! There’s no doubt. Thank you~, thank you~.’
Goshi: ‘Why do you worship that Osechi. It’s not a Buddha statue.’
Yuta: ‘Eh~ Doesn’t it almost look like Buddha!? I mean, such flashiness!?’
Kento: ‘Well, I do understand that the radiance of the gold gives off a divine feeling.’
Yuta: ‘True, true, divineness! This much is a given for the『Fortune Burst』~.’
Kento: ‘Though, my eyes hurt. The pressure of the luck carrier is strong in the studio…..’
Yuta: ‘On the falcon ornament is a big folding screen of  Mount Fuji! I feel the staff’s spirit.’
Yuta: ‘Was it 『One Fuji, two falcons, three eggplants』? If you see them in your year’s first dream, it’s a good omen!’
Kento: ‘As for me, I often have the feeling that cute girls coming to see me in my dream will always be a good omen.’
Yuta: ‘Ah, isn’t 『Four』girls then!?’
Goshi: ‘Don’t say stupid stuff at the start of the New Year. 『Four』is the 『Fan』. It’s even decorated over there.’ 
Kento: ‘I see, that was it.’ ______
Yuta: ‘Waah, Kenken, holding it suits you~!’
Kento: ‘Heh, isn’t that the best luck if this form of mine appears in your dream?’
Yuta: ‘Then, then, how about I take the falcon ornament and Gochin’s in charge of the Mount Fuji folding screen? Together we are 『Fortune Burst The Year’s First Dream THRIVE』♪.’
Goshi: ‘Don’t decide on your own who’s doing what!’
MC: ‘Ahaha, isn’t that great, 『The Year’s First Dream THRIVE』! Since this program is going to air during New Year, what do you think what first dream will you see, everyone?’
Yuta: ‘Hmm…. If I had the choice I want to see one with a good omen?’
Kento: ‘That’s true. Well, if you burn the view of the studio into your memory, you can see it in your dream even if you don’t like it.’
Yuta: ‘Ahaha, true! But then, I wished we had eggplants as well~. Then it would be the top three line-ups.’
MC: ‘Hehehe….. I thought you would say so, Ashu-kun. You know,.....’
Yuta: ‘Eh? ……. It can’t be.’
MC: ‘That’s right, we perfectly prepared the eggplant. Golden ohitashi** eggplant with gold dust!’ 
His biggest nightmare became reality. His good mood was bummed at that moment.
Yuta: ‘Ah…… I-It really is!’
MC: ‘A gilded splendour osechi which was specifically prepared by the head chef of a ryotei***. Now, everyone, please have a bite!!’
Yuta: ‘Ohi-tashi….. It looks so good~! Thank you for the food!’ 
MC: ‘Be my guest! There’s another cup.’ 
Yuta: ‘W-Wah~! Even another serving of the gilded splendour osechi…..!’
Part 2
Tsubasa: ‘ーーEveryone, good work on the recording.’
Tsubasa: ‘The car is on its way, so please wait here for a bit.’ 
Goshi: ‘Okay.’
Kento: ‘Understood. Then, shall I take a look at my JOIN.’
The only member that looks depressed is Yuta. 
Yuta: ‘............’
Tsubasa: ‘Oh…… Yuta-kun, what’s wrong? Your expression……’
Yuta: ‘Ahー...... No, hm…..’
Tsubasa: ‘........?’
Kento: ‘Yuta, how long do you plan to keep that going?’
Yuta: ‘I-I mean…….’
Tsubasa: ‘Keep going…… Was there a problem during the recording?’
Yuta: ‘No, that’s not it.’
Kento: ‘Yuta’s weakness was revealed in the program.’
Tsubasa: ‘His weakness……’
Goshi: ‘...... It’s the eggplant.’
Tsubasa: ‘Eh, the eggplant!?’
Kento: ‘Even though it was fine to leave it there if he doesn’t like it, he had to go with a second serving.’ 
Yuta: ’I-It’s not that I dislike it? Of course, I also don’t like it……’ 
Goshi: ‘Isn’t your『Doesn’t like』『dislike』.’
Yuta: ‘Uuh…… That might be true.’ 
Yuta: ‘Uhm, is it the sudden texture? A mysterious taste that stays until the end? Is it the roughness or the subtle tone? Anyways, in general, I’m bad with the eggplant.’
Yuta: ‘When I think I ate it…. I feel like I can’t say that.’
Tsubasa: ‘That’s how it was….. But, when Yuta-kun was eating the Ohitashi, your dislike of the eggplant was not noticeable.’
Yuta: ‘Eh? Really?’
Tsubasa: ‘Yes! It was something you did not like, however it was amazing how you were able to even eat a second serving without an unpleasant expression.’ 
Yuta (blushes): ‘E-Ehehe…..’
Yuta: ‘Yayー! I was praised by Tsubasa-chan!’
Goshi: ‘Are you a preschooler, or what.’
Tsubasa: ‘Ah, I am sorry! I did not mean to treat you like a child…..!’
Yuta: ‘I understand. It’s okay, Tsubasa-chan. ♪’
Yuta: ‘Since it was New Year, the theme of the program was『Let’s raise our fortune』. Somehow or other, I was careful not to show anything negative. That’s why Tsubasa-chan’s words relieved me! Above all, it would also be bad for the people that prepared it. From the bottom of my heart, I’m grateful and have to eat it properly.’  
Tsubasa: ‘Yuta-kun…. As expected of a professional. I think such an attitude is really wonderful.’
Yuta: ‘Hehe, cool, right?’
Tsubasa: ‘It is!’
Yuta (blushes): ‘Then, will you give me a reward for trying hard?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Of course! Huh…. eh? A reward, you said……?’
Part 3
Yuta: ‘Yep, a reward! A biiig one!’
Tsubasa: ‘E-Ehm…..’
Goshi: ‘Haa….. Leave it, Sumisora.’
Yuta: ‘Eh~! Even though I tried so hard….. Is that a no?’
Tsubasa: ‘Of course, it is not. It is true that Yuta-kun gave his best.’
Kento: ‘That’s true. Well, I too am not good with eggplants…. In other words, will you give me a reward as well, Tsubasa?’
Goshi: ‘You, shut up.’ 
Kento: ‘Ow…. Violence is not good. That’s barbarous, you know.’ 
Goshi: ‘Shut it.’
Tsubasa: ‘Ahaha….. But, that’s right. When you say reward….. Because New Year is soon, is a New Year’s gift**** fine? Ah, but I thought you will go home directly today, so I do not have it on hand….’
Yuta: ‘Waah, that’s not it!’
Tsubasa: ‘It’s alright, I will go to the wholesale later.’
Yuta: ‘No, no! Doesn’t that look like I extort money from you!?’
Kento (shakes head): ‘It doesn’t look like it, it is extortion, right? How cruel, Yuta…. What a disgrace of a man.’ 
Yuta: ‘Gyah! I didn’t intend for it to be like that, I said! It’s not the reward I meant.’
Tsubasa: ‘Which means…..?’
Yuta: ‘Hm, how to say, it’s not money or a thing. A reward  that energizes me and raises my luck!’
Goshi: ‘What’s that…. It’s too vague.’
Tsubasa: ‘I-I agree…..’
Yuta: ‘Well then~.... Yep, I decided!’
Yuta: ‘Tsubasa-chan, give me a kiss on the cheek!’
Kento & Goshi (shocked): ‘What?’
Tsubasa: ‘Eh?’
Yuta (blushes): ‘If Tsubasa-chan gives me a kiss it will cheer me up an awful lot and raise my luck so that I can give my best for another year. ♪’
Goshi: ‘Oi…. You, do you understand what you’re saying?’
Yuta:’ Hm? I do know?’
Goshi (blushes): ‘Y-You…. Understand nothing!’
Kento: ‘Heh….. Yuta too has quite the surprises, huh.’
Kento: ‘I was at the location since morning and did three TV recordings as well, right? So, will you give me a reward for doing my best, too, Tsubasa?’
Tsubasa: ‘T-That’s….!’
Goshi: ‘Are you an idiot! Good grief…. Sumisora, it’s fine if you sue those two.’
Yuta: ‘Hoeeh!? Why sue us!?’
Goshi: ‘Because…. It’s enough, the talk’s over now.’
Yuta (disappointed): ‘Then there will be no reward…..?’
Tsubasa: ‘That, uhm…. Ehm….’
(W-What should I do. I want to give him something but a kiss on the cheek is…. Is that even a reward in the first place.)
Yuta: ‘...........’
Tsubasa feels even more pressured to find a solution while Yuta looks at her with sad eyes.
(Ehm, ehm…. Something else that cheers up and raises the luck…..)
Tsubasa: ‘T-Then……’
Tsubasa: ‘Why don’t we form a circle with us four!?’
Yuta (surprised): ‘Eh?’
Goshi: ‘Ha?’
Kento (sighs): ‘.........What’s the meaning of this, Tsubasa?’
Tsubasa: ‘W-Well, to gather the same pace next year as well, forming a circle so that everyone is able to give their best…..! If we let out a loud cry, it will cheer us up and if our hearts are one, it surely will bring luck as well!’
Yuta: ‘.............’
Tsubasa: ‘T-That’s a no….. I assume?’
Yuta: ‘.....Puhaha! Tsubasa-chan’s the best, let’s do that~~!!’
Tsubasa: ‘........! Yes, of course!!’
Kento (displeased): ‘No, it’s not a reward anymore…..’
Yuta: ‘It’s fine, let’s do it! Let’s all make a circle and start the engine~!’
Goshi: ‘Haa, how stupid…..’
Goshi: ‘Hey, oi! Stop that…..!’
Yuta: ‘Yes, yes, I won’t let you escape though, Gochin~? Kenken, you too, join us!’
Kento: ‘Wait, it’s a bit hot. If I join shoulders, then only with Tsubasa.’ 
Yuta: ‘Yeah, Kenken comes between me and Gochin~.’
Kento (horrified): ‘What? Wai-.....’
Yuta: ‘Come on, you too, Tsubasa-chan~♪.’
Tsubasa: ‘Y-Yes! Then…. If you excuse me.’ 
Yuta: ‘Alーright, with this, it’s perfect!’
Goshi: ‘What’s perfect here……’
Yuta: ‘Ahem! Okay then, to wish that the new year will be the best one…. Give it a good yell~.’
Yuta: ‘OOOHー!’
Kento: ‘Geez, my shoulders hurt…..’
Yuta: ‘OOOHー!!’
Goshi: ‘My eardrums are getting torn!’
Yuta: ‘Ehehe, this is great! It’s really such an exciting feeling!!’
Yuta: ‘Thanks, Tsubasa-chan. Let’s do our best together next year as well.’
Tsubasa: ‘Yes, let’s!’
END _________________ 
* Osechi: Food served during the New Year’s Holidays.  
** Ohitashi: Boiled greens in bonito-flavoured soy sauce (vegetable side dish).
*** Ryotei: traditional Japanese Restaurant (esp. a luxurious one). 
**** New Year’s gift: The word Tsubasa used here is お年玉 (おとしだま; otoshidama). It’s a New Gift by relatives and visitors usually given to children.
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starrynite7114 · 6 years
silent treatment (sequel to traditions)
A/N: First of all, I just wanted to thank you all for the response you have given me due to traditions! All of the likes and comments are so much appreciated and I’m just so glad you all are enjoying that one shot as much as I enjoyed writing it. Initially, I was going to do an open ending, but I even start writing after I posted that first part. 
Hope you all enjoy this sequel tradition. 
There might be another one after this. hehehe.
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It’s been 2 weeks since you last saw Angel.
He’s been trying to reach out to you, but you weren’t ready to talk to him. After you left his home, you quickly packed and went to Vegas with Rafael. To say that you got absolutely plastered was an understatement. You kept your phone as far away as possible and it was an absolute plus that Rafael decided to be the semi sober one so you could go all out. You kissed a few men but before anything could get further, Rafael would cut in.
Rafael was the best wing man and douche swatter of all time. He was well built and could be intimidating, once he used his alpha type of attitude, guys usually fuck off.
Currently, you were in Rafael’s apartment, which was a few floors above yours. It’s been your sanctuary since you knew Angel didn’t know where he lived. You felt like an idiot for hiding from Angel, but how can you show yourself? Angel wasn’t much of a texter when it came to his feelings. He was the type of person who wanted to discuss everything in person. Instead, he’s just been texting you a good morning text and a good night text. It was weird, you knew Angel was trying to lure you out but you were staying in.
Then there’s EZ who surprised you at work. Angel didn’t want ambush you at work so he had his younger brother do it. EZ was the less intimidating one, it made sense. Your relationship with EZ had been tense since you found out about his DEA deal when Angel told you. But in some ways, you understood him. He asked you to go out to dinner with him, but Rafael interjected stating you two had plans. You really wished Rafael didn’t do that since you were certain EZ would report it right back to Angel and he did.
‘So is he your boyfriend now?’
It was the text Angel sent you the day EZ had gone to see you. You didn’t respond. You felt petty, but you were horrified you confessed to Angel. Now you felt vulnerable and you hated that, absolutely hated it.
“As much as I love having you over, you can’t hide forever,” Rafael broke you away from your thoughts. He held out the wine bottle to you and you nodded your head. He poured some out and sighed, sitting down next to you. “He already knows babe, you might as well just get the talk over with. I thought you didn’t want to lose him?”
“I don’t,” you frowned. “But I guess I can’t handle rejection like I thought I could.”
“What makes you think he’ll reject you? This is the same man that’s basically anticipating to marry you in 4 years.” Rafael took a drink of his wine. “Though, it’s a little pathetic that he’s going to wait 4 years when you two can get started now.”
“Don’t do that, little things like that is the reason I’ve stayed in this stupid game with him.” But it wasn’t a game, at least not on Angel’s end. It was those little things that gave you hope that maybe, just maybe, Angel was interested. He didn’t mean to do it, it was yourself that was trying to give reasons to hold on. Angel was always sweet to you. There were a few instances where his girlfriend’s would try to put a wedge between you two and Angel never let it happened.
‘You’re my girl, no one will ever replace you.’
It was what he always said whenever there was this impasse in your relationship.
“Did you ever try to move on?” Rafael always tried to set you up on dates. He was a romantic at heart and wanted you to have your happy ending. He would have tried to help you with this whole Angel thing if he didn’t think Angel would kill him. He wasn’t an idiot, he knew how much Angel disliked him. And he was almost certain it was because he was far too close to you.
“Yes, I did. But I couldn’t quit him,” you laughed before downing your whole glass of wine. You stuck your glass out and Rafael refilled your glass with a shake of his head. “I sound pathetic don’t I?”
“You said it,” Rafael laughed as you pouted. “Babe, you love him, it’s not pathetic. It’s hard to quit the people you love. But you know me, I’m a dick. I think you chose to not move on because you always had hope. You’re a determined young woman and whenever you put your mind onto something, you always achieve it. You chose not to move on from Angel and we both know that he kept you holding on by constantly reminding you that when you’re 32, you two were getting married.” He was fully aware that whenever possible, Angel reminded you that when you were 32, it was you two till the end. He always thought it was such a clever way to basically assure you would always have someone.
You knew Rafael was right. You did hold on to Angel. Not on purpose, maybe it was subconsciously happening. And you were almost certain that Angel wouldn’t let you go either. There were times that you’ve tried to let go of Angel, but it was as if he sensed it and became clingy.
“Rafa, can we not talk about Angel? I just want to watch Two Weeks Notice and drink wine.”
Rafael laughed. “Sure babe, let’s do that.”
Before you knew it, you were plastered. Wine was a sneaky thing and the few shots of Tequila you two did definitely helped set you up in your current state. Rafael picked you up and decided to bring you home since he knew you would much rather experience this hangover in the comfort of your bed.
When he got to your floor, he walked out of the elevator and almost dropped you. There, sitting by your doorstep was Angel Reyes, who was fidgeting with his fingers. He looked up and his eyes narrowed at Rafael.
“What the fuck is this?” Angel was already on edge cause you’ve chosen to give him the silent treatment which he fucking hates. Now, he had to find you in Rafael’s arms.
“Calm down, don’t cause a scene here.” Rafael walked over to him, handing Angel your keys. “Can you open the door?”
Angel opened the door, letting Rafael bring you in. Rafael went straight to your room, with Angel pulling the covers back and letting Rafael placed you on your bed.
“I’m not interested in her.” Rafael pulled the cover over you. He just felt Angel’s eyes glaring a hole into him. Angel was intimidating, but Rafael never made it known to him.
“Is that so? Doesn’t seem like it.” Angel crossed his arms over his chest.
“Even if I was, I don’t think it’s any of your concern.” Rafael and Angel had your bed on between them. Rafael was going to make a move, but the air was tense.
“Of course it is, you’re interested in my girl, so it is my concern.” Angel scoffed.
“I wasn’t aware you two were dating.”
Angel smirked. “We don’t do labels. When you’ve been in each other’s lives like y/n and I, labels aren’t needed.”
“Well in the real world, they are. To everyone, she’s single. Are you going to wait till she falls for someone till you decide you want to let her know how you truly feel?” Rafael was calling Angel out and he didn’t care. It was time someone woke him up. You were a beautiful girl, Angel was an idiot if he didn’t think that someone might possibly steal you away from him.
“Did you know she’s in love with me?” Rafael knew Angel threw that out there to dissuade him. It was the smugness in his tone that gave it away.
But he wasn’t into you.
“Doesn’t matter to me. Are you in love with her?”
Angel looked at Rafael and knew he didn’t owe him anything. But if it was going to get him to fuck off, then he can definitely let him know. Angel knew he couldn’t intimidate Rafael with violence since it would upset you.
“Yes, I am.”
“Then why don’t you tell her instead of having her think that this is the end of the road for you two.”
“Wait, aren’t you interested in her?” Angel didn’t expect that respond from Rafael. He was ready to fight this man and tell him how much he loves her. Much like yourself, Angel has been in love with you. While your fear of change and rejection prevented you from telling him, Angel’s insecurities prevented him from telling you. That’s why he made this ruse about you two getting together at 32. It would be enough time and if fate was on his side, you wouldn’t be married and he’ll take it as a sign that he did deserved you.
Rafael smirked. “I’m gay, Angel.”
“Oh, well, shit,” Angel again didn’t expect that from Rafael.
“Didn’t expect that, huh?”
“No, I didn’t.” Angel chuckled. “So why are you attached to her?”
“Always thought she was a cool person,” Rafael shrugged. “And you know, she confided in me regarding her troubles with you.”
Angel nodded his head. “Is she okay?”
“She just had a little too much to drink, trying to forget you.” Rafael made his way towards the door. “I’m guessing you’ll take care of her?”
“It’s my job.” Angel followed Rafael out of her room so he could lock the door behind him.
“Be nice to her, she’s been really torn up.” Rafael advised.
Angel nodded his head and locked the door behind him. He walked back to your room and sighed, a small smile appearing on his face. He took off his kute, jeans and plaid shirt. He turned the television on, knowing he won’t be able to sleep since he would be watching you. Slipping under the covers, he pulled you towards him, letting your head rest against his chest. He placed a kiss on the top of your head and wrapped his arm around your middle.
“What am I gonna do with you mi dulce?” He chuckled.
You groaned, feeling the slight pounding in your head. Turning towards your bedside table, you saw it was noon. Laying on your back, you looked up at the ceiling, hating the choice you made the night before. You’ve had worst headaches, but you still felt terrible. Hearing the banging of pots outside, another groan left your lips.
“Rafa, I get it. Please stop banging the pots.” You whined.
You slowly got out of bed, stretching once you were standing. Letting out a yawn as you walk towards the bathroom, something caught your eye that caused you to walk back out of the bathroom.
It was a Mayans kute. Maybe it was EZ, or Coco, hell maybe even Gilly, it was completely plausible.
Turning it over, you saw the secretary patch.
“Fuck.” You grabbed your phone, rushing to the bathroom. Locking it behind you, you turn your phone on and saw a few messages from Rafael. One was an apology, another one was a teasing message and another was him wishing you good luck.
“That traitor,” you whispered.
Looking down at your clothing, you were wearing some pajama shorts and a tank top. You grabbed the jeans that was on your bathroom floor and a sweater that was resting on top of your laundry basket. Looking over at the window, you wondered if you can fit through it. You were almost certain you could, but you should talk to Angel. Running away from your problems would never solve it.
A knock on the door caused you to jump.
“Baby girl, let’s eat.” You heard Angel call out.
“Damn it,” you mumbled. Maybe if you stayed quiet, he would walk away.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes!” You answered. “I’ll be out in a minute.”
“Don’t even think of going out through that window.” He warned.
You hate how well he knew you.
“Didn’t even cross my mind.”
You used the bathroom and washed your face.
“You can do this, it’s just Angel. Just brush it off. Say you were being dramatic.” You said to yourself, touching the side of your forehead and nodding in agreement. “That’s right, you were being dramatic. You got this.”
Finally opening the door, you found Angel sitting on your bed, fidgeting with his fingers. He looked up at you and smiled.
“Glad you didn’t run away.” Angel stood up.
This man was so good looking. He was wearing his white tank top that you loved so much and jeans. Walking over to you, he wrapped his arms around you. You automatically return his hug, slightly tearing up. You truly missed him and you were angry at yourself because you knew you couldn’t fully quit Angel. He’s been such a big part of your life, the one constant you had.
“I missed you,” he murmured against your hair.
You didn’t say anything and just wrapped your arms tighter around him.
“Don’t give me the silent treatment again, you know how much I hate that shit.” You slightly laughed. He did hate the silent treatment, especially since you’re the only person he spoke to daily. You’ve given him the silent treatment a total of three times, including this time.
“Sorry,” you murmured against his chest.
He pulled away from you, cupping your face with his hands. “You’re such a pain in my ass.”
You laughed. “But you love me.”
“Yeah, I do.” Your heart skipped at that, by you internally reprimanded yourself. It wasn’t the way you love him.
“Come on, I made you breakfast.” He intertwined your hands and walked you to the kitchen.
You two sat down and a laugh escaped your lips. “The Angel special, chocolate chip pancakes,” you lifted them up. “Not burned, good job,” you nodded your head in approval.
You knew that the storm was brewing, Angel wasn’t going to let go of the fact you told him that you were in love with him. Maybe if you don’t bring it up, you wouldn’t have to worry.
You two ate in silence, with Angel mostly keeping his eye on you as if you would disappear if he looked away from you for more than a second.
“Do I have something on my face?” You questioned.
“No, sorry,” angel took a sip of his coffee. “You’re off today right?”
“Yes, it’s Saturday.” You pointed out.
Angel nodded his head. “When you would say you had overtime during the weekends a few months ago, was that true?”
“Yes and no, I did have some overtime a few weekends, but mostly just hung out with Rafa.” You replied. “Um, did he bring me home?”
You nodded your head. “He’s not my boyfriend.”
“I know, he’s gay. So you want to talk about Thanksgiving or you still eating?”
“What about Thanksgiving?”
“How you lied to me about your sister? Cause your sister called me to ask if I was going to Vegas with you.” Your sister was a pain. She knew that Angel wasn’t coming. “And about the fact you’re in love with me.”
“I didn’t lie to you, I was going to Vegas to see my sister, we were having dinner there.” you replied.
“But you never said that you were supposed to stay in Santo Padre and spend Thanksgiving with me.” He leaned back, crossing his arms over his chest. “So what changed?”
“Um,” you put your fork down. “Nothing changed, my sister thought I was still having dinner -,”
Angel cut you off and shook his head. “Don’t do that, don’t fucking lie to me. I may have fallen for it that day, but not today. Tell me the truth.”
You knew you shouldn’t lie anymore. Things were unraveling and you need to be more truthful. This was Angel, your best friend, one of the most important, if not, the most important person in your life.
“Why is it so important to you? It’s just Thanksgiving Angel, you couldn’t have possibly thought we would spend every Thanksgiving together.” You pointed out.
“It’s family tradition. I’m sorry I broke our Friday night tradition, but this was different. We never break holiday traditions because that’s the time for family and you are my family.”
Damn, he had you there.
“I didn’t want to see you with Adelita. It’s one thing to hear you admire her, but it’s another thing to see it. I just wanted to avoid that heartache.” You hated this. Feelings were so difficult for you, it made you antsy.
“But I told you she wasn’t coming and I told you the ship has sailed, why didn’t you believe me?”
You shrugged. “I was already invested in the lie, so I just went with it. There was no way you gave up on her, she was different.”
“You’re overthinking this,” Angel chuckled. “I love you, I don’t care about her, at least not in the way you think.”
“Yeah, Angel, I know, I’m your best friend, I’m your girl. I’m numero uno.” You’ve heard it before. It was the type of conversation you always got from Angel when he thought you were threatened by another woman. Taking your plate, you stood up and walked over to the kitchen. Placing the plate inside the sink, you washed your plate and waited for Angel to say something, but nothing.
“Do you remember senior prom? When I gave you the silent treatment?”
“Yes, never understood why you did, but I figured everything was okay since here we are.” You chuckled, placing your plate and utensils on the dish rack.
Turning around, Angel was still sitting down, his eyes still on you. But you weren’t intimidated or anything, you just felt safe, warm.
“Do you want to know why?”
“I’ve always been curious, but I figured you were on your period.” You teased him.
Angel laughed. “I was upset that you chose to go with Nate. I was going to ask you, but he beat me to the punch. I didn’t think that you were gonna say yes because you always thought he was annoying.” He stood up, making his way towards you. “Then you said yes.”
“You gave me the silent treatment because I went out with pretty boy?”
“I gave you the silent treatment because I wanted to be the one to take you. I wanted to be the one to dance with you all night.”
“Angel, you could have danced with me still. You refused to talk to me.”
“Because even then I knew I love you.”
“Well of course, I loved you then as well, we’ve been friends for almost 3 years by then.” You were confused by his statement and was thankful the the island was in between you two.
“You don’t understand, I’ve been in love with you since we were in high school. I was an idiot and I kept it to myself thinking you didn’t feel the same way, but I do love you.”
You must be dreaming. You were about to pinch yourself, but that would look stupid. Though you were almost certain that she looked like an idiot just looking at Angel.
So you did what any other person would do who never thought this would happen.
You laughed.
Angel looked at you, confusion all over his face. He just confessed to you and you’re laughing?
“Why the fuck are you laughing?” Angel questioned.
“Sorry,” you said once the laughter has mildly subsided. “Hold on,” you held a hand up, taking a deep breath to gain your composure.
“You think I’m joking, don’t you?” He questioned.
“Yes, you can’t possibly love me.” You wiped the tears that came to your eyes due to the laughter.
“Why not? You don’t think I’m capable of loving someone?” Angel was a little bit annoyed with your response. He expected you to be in his arms now, kissing him or some shit. Instead, here you were, basically doubting him.
“Did I say that?” You bit back. “Look, you don’t have to tell me you love me because you think you’re gonna lose me. You’re not, I just need some time to get over you and accept this whole Adelita thing, then we’ll be back to normal.” You knew there was no normal, but it was a lovely thought.
You heard Angel mutter something under his breath. He walked over to you, cupping your face before bending down to capture your lips. At first you didn’t respond, but finally, you did. You moaned as Angel slipped his tongue inside your mouth. Before you knew it, Angel lifted you up on the island, your lips never parting.
When he finally pulled away from you, he rested his forehead against yours, leaving a few pecks on your lips as you caught your breath. Your eyes remained closed, catching your breath, your hands holding on to his tank top. You felt Angel run this thumb against your lower lip as he captured your lips again.
His lips felt so good against yours and it upset you that you waited this long to kiss him. Angel was on cloud nine, glad he was finally able to kiss you, but it upset him that he didn’t kiss you sooner, your lips were addicting, how was he going to go back to Santo Padre without you?
He pulled away once more. “Fuck,” Angel whispered. “I can’t get enough of you querida, open your eyes.” You opened your eyes and you met his. “I love you, I’m sorry I waited for as long as I did, but I really do and if I have to spend the rest of my life proving that to you, I will.”
You bit your lower lip, making Angel groan. “What?”
“I hate it when you do that, it drives me fucking crazy.” He kissed you one more time. “Tell me what you’re thinking.”
“That this is not real.”
“It is,” he took your hand placing it against his heart. “This is yours, it has been since we were 13.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Why didn’t you?”
“I was afraid of ruining our friendship. You meant the world to me Angel, the last thing I wanted was for you to reject me and ruin everything.” You we’re looking down at your lap, your fingers fidgeting on your lap.
Angel lifted your chin, that sexy smirk on his face. “How can you even think that? You really got no hint that I had feelings for you? Even when I would drive almost all of your boyfriends away?”
“I don’t know,” you groaned. You looked up at him. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Guys like me don’t get girls like you. You have too many ambitions and all I wanted was to be in Santo Padre.”
“Don’t you know that you are my life?”
“It’s weird to have someone put me first and you do it time and time again.” Angel tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear. “Do you know that you’re the love of my life?”  
“You’re the love of my life, after Rafael,” you winked making Angel roll his eyes.
“I’m pretty sure he much rather be with me than you.” Angel smugly informed you.
You laughed. “Isn’t it a good thing I broke tradition?”
“Sure, but next time you break tradition, you get the silent treatment.”
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dreamingsushi · 5 years
Before we get married - Episode 8
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Here we go again.  I can’t stop watching so instead of doing what I am supposed to do, I binge watch.  I know it’s a mistake since the episodes are not all out and that I will be miserable until they all are but well.
An episode of Before we get married isn’t a good one without a little fighting between Weiwei and Kehuan.  I think she’s still angry from the previous night when she had to take Kehuan home and uses work as an excuse to fight with him.  So much love between the two of them.  I love how Kehuan is still so confident about the fact that she likes him and that she confronts him and keeps saying that she will soon be married so she can avoid her feelings for him.  This little boy is sure quite omniscient to know all of this.
Anyways, what up next?  You guessed right on spot.  Say hello to crazy Ziyuan.  She just got a job as a wedding consultant and OF COURSE her first clients should be Weiwei and Haoyi since the proposal was in front of her and they sold the house to them and blablabla.  Weiwei is definitely not interested in such service, but in the end, she doesn’t really have another choice than to accept.  She’s too kind sometimes.
In the middle of the night, Maizi calls Haoyi to come out.  All the team is partying at a KTV because a company is interested in their product.  So they are all moving to Shanghai to work.  Yay!  I know somebody who will be so thrilled about it.  What do you think?
When Weiwei wakes up the next morning, Haoyi is cooking breakfast for her.  Here’s one thing we all know : if your boyfriend makes breakfast for you, he has something to apologize for or he wants to celebrate.  Here I think it’s a little bit more of the first case.  When she asks him why his boss called him so late at night, he even lies to her.  Since he doesn’t answer properly, she switches the topic to the wedding.  Oh Oh...  He tries to make the plans change by saying maybe they are rushing a little the wedding, that it’s unfair to Weiwei.  Just then, Ziyuan calls to plan a wedding dress try on. Haoyi has to work overtime again, so he can’t go with Weiwei.
Ziyuan probably became a wedding consultant on purpose to be on Kehuan’s feed.  She posts a picture about how she’s taking her client, Weiwei, to try wedding dresses. Kehuan immediately runs there and Ziyuan chose a pretty revealing dress for Weiwei to try, I guess she wanted to make her look vulgar in front of him.  But then, he just thinks she is stunning and he hurts that she’s trying dresses to be Haoyi’s bride.  I can’t help but hurt for him too.
Kehuan grabs Ziyuan and tells her to stop meddling in Weiwei’s business.  She’s unhappy that Weiwei is more important to him than she is, even though they were together for ten years.  Anyone else tired of hearing her talking about how long they were together?  It was 10 years of his life too, you don’t need to bring it up again and again, I think he knows.  Anyways, none of this was good, Kehuan is upset, Weiwei is upset, Ziyuan is upset.
And because we are never upset enough, when Haoyi comes back home, he tells Weiwei he has been promoted and that he decided to move to Shanghai and then postpone the wedding for six months.  Weiwei doesn’t feel happy about it and it can’t get through Haoyi’s head that maybe she doesn’t like for somebody to decide alone about her own future.
At night, Haoyi wants to have sex with her and he is quite insistant with it when she tries to push him away.  He’s like we’re about to get married, it’s okay even if you are pregnant.  Well good one girl, no one wants to have a big belly for their wedding and moreover, he made you mad, before he tries to have sex with you, he should at least make it up to you.  AND SHE’S CRYING AND ITS YOUR FAULT.
Oh... why isn’t she dumping him earlier?  It’s about time.
At work, Dawei spreads rumors about Kefei, saying she slept with many man at Guoxin (which would be Kehuan’s company).  Weiwei and Kefei comes in the meeting room just then and get angry with him.  He also badmouths Weiwei, so Kefei pours her water on him.  Just then, Kehuan drops his cup on the floor, but won’t help more than that the girls.  But scary Jessica comes handy and makes Dawei apologize.  I love her.
Weiwei tries again to get away from the project but, Jessica won’t allow it.  After the meeting, Kefei and Weiwei are out talking when Kehuan joins them - Kefei told him where they were.  She also tells him everything about Haoyi having left for Shanghai.  Weiwei gets upset because she told him everything so Kefei leaves the two of them alone.  She’s being a nicer friend than in the beginning of the drama and i wish Weiwei would listen a little bit more to her.  But well, they have a nice little talk the two of them.
At night, when Haoyi gets ready Weiwei is blatantly ignoring him.  Then he gets a call from his dad who wants to talk to Weiwei.  So Dad is trying to comfort her and apologizes instead of his son for being like he is.  I think she is touched by how much Dad cares for her, but she’s really upset that Haoyi uses his dad to smooth talk her.  The next morning he leaves in a hurry and Weiwei is hurt for him not saying he will call everyday.  He just promises to come back in two weeks.
At work, Weiwei has to accompany Kehuan for a business trip.  Kefei tries to get in instead of her, but Jessica makes the two of them go with Kehuan.  On the way, Kehuan’s car breaks down so they have to take the bus.  Since there are only three seats left, Kefei arranges that Kehuan and Weiwei sits together.
When they finally get to their destination, Kefei wants to go to the toilet.  The butler told her to use whatever which one she wants to use.  She ends up in one that a guy is showering in.  Can I talk about how much it’s a nonsense that somebody would just shower with the door open?  Anyways, she take a peek, but gets caught and she ends up sitting on top of the guy.
Ends up the guy is none other than Dawei.  His uncle is the chairman  they are supposed to meet with.  Unfortunately, his departure from Japan was delayed so he couldn’t be there and asked his nephew to take care of the guests for him.  He will be back the next day, so they should stay a night at his estate and wait for him.
I really pity Weiwei for being abandoned in such a way by her fiancé.  Lately I am starting to dislike very much Haoyi and I really don’t get why does she still hangs on to that relationship.  It’s just so toxic.  The guy isn’t treating her with respect.  It’s just destroying whatever they had in the past.
And I kept from saying so since a long time but... can somebody change the summary of that drama?  Everywhere I go, it always talks about how Kehuan is so in love with Ziyuan and that they are soon to get married, but before the middle of the drama they are broken up and they never were engaged.  The drama really doesn’t have thing to do with the summary.  If you are curious about it, don’t trust that summary.
And that’s it for episode 8.  Episode 9 seems to be interesting, in the previews we get a really nice kiss between Kehuan and Weiwei and that makes me happy hehehe!
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95825s · 7 years
member: hwang minhyun
summary: cold and quiet minhyun gets curious of the cold and quiet you :)
genre: fluff (im bad at this omg)
a/n: requested by an anon! so this is really new to this blog because a hwang minhyun was requested and i actually do ong and daniel scenarios HOWEVER i did say i could try to write for other members at my very first post, it’s just that it’s harder for me to write for the maknae line lol also i think it’s a little lacking for this because i’m not used to writing minhyun….. and it’s short huhuhu
hwang minhyun doesn’t know why he is still stuck with these other 10 guys who are twenty-four seven being loud and noisy
while him being the most sane, and quiet, preferably using the word ‘preserve’ is the best one for him
but he doesn’t know why he’s being called cold-hearted and really quiet to most people
like all he does is literally ignoring the presence of other people, and talk as if they’re nothing to him
okay so maybe he’s a little cold and quiet
“hwang minhyun” he hears sungwoon’s voice calling him, his face remains expressionless
“say something”
“about what”
sungwoon stares at him in disbelief, “were you even listening to anything we just talked about?”
minhyun shakes his head, casually drinking his cold water while sungwoon sighs
“i got paired up with y/n to do that project we have” sungwoon explains, and minhyun squints his eyes in confusion
he doesn’t know who in the world is y/n so why would sungwoon bring that up to him
the older male sighs one more time, rubbing his temples frustratingly, “i guess you have no idea who is y/n”
minhyun nods his head lightly, his eyes look at sungwoon who is currently pointing somewhere, “that’s y/n and they’re in our class”
“our class?” minhyun grows curious over the new information, he turns to see you, sitting alone at a table that’s a little further from theirs
the way you quietly eat your food while scrolling your phone makes him wonder what’s going through your head
and somehow it ends up him looking at you way longer that he expected
“hey, earth to hwang minhyun” sungwoon nudges minhyun’s arm before sungwoon’s hand waves in front of his face
“are you still staring at y/n?”
“so what’s wrong with them?” minhyun asks, ignoring sungwoon’s question as his eyes still lay on your oblivious self
“they rarely talk and literally ignores everyone… like how am i supposed to do the project with someone like that?”
minhyun stays quiet, still observing your every move, as you avoid the obvious eye contacts with people by playing with your phone
“how about trying to understand them a little?” he suggests, finally turning his attention to sungwoon
“are you serious? i can’t even understand you but at least you talk… a little” sungwoon says, half judging minhyun, half getting frustrated at you
“do you want to switch partners?”
you’re going into the library, for the meet-up with your partner, ha sungwoon, and you really don’t want to meet him to be honest
you dislike the fact that you have to talk with someone and have to act nice when you’re dying of getting out of there
but sungwoon had told you that he has something to talk about and you really hope it’s him wanting to do the project separately
but then you witness someone else waiting at the table that you and sungwoon decided to meet at and you lowkey want to shoo the person away
but all you did is stare at the person who’s head is too focused on the book he’s reading
and you’re waiting for sungwoon to come but he’s like super late and you roll your eyes irritatingly
the male finally looks up and sees you, and you both have the same expression
which is like actually just expressionless
and you both are looking at each other without saying any words at all and the male’s eyes seem like he’s trying to read you (or your mind) and you start to turn around to make your leave
and your legs just halt, like you could’ve walk away but you just… stop
“i’m hwang minhyun, i switched my partner with sungwoon so you’re my partner now” the male says, making you turn back to him
your arms cross and your left eyebrow raises, “is that all?”
minhyun becomes silent, obvious that he’s a little taken back by your reply but at the same time he feels intrigued by you
“if that’s all, then i’ll be going” your eyes left his, turning away from him before walking out of the library
minhyun reaches you out on the day when he bumps into you after the library incident, making you grow annoyance by him
you simply ignore him, giving him short answers and move on with yourself, away from minhyun
and it’s odd because you’re pretty sure the hwang minhyun is the same exact kind as you, the cold and quiet
not that you actually pay attention to him though…..maybe
but he suddenly talks average more than you, mostly about the dreadful project that you just want to get over with
and it’s worst when you figured out that minhyun is a perfectionist and likes everything neat
while you just don’t care at all
and you really don’t want to be bothered by minhyun anymore 
until one day ;)
“you’re doing that wrongly” minhyun says, his tone sounds angry but calm, and it’s the nth time you’re tired of hearing him correcting you
“what now, minhyun”
“the paper should be pasted on top, not below” 
you sigh heavily, throwing the gluestick onto the table, before you stand up, “then do it yourself”
you’re about to leave the place you both are currently at, obvious that you’re done with him
but your wrist is grabbed by minhyun, and you try to shake it away from you but he holds you tighter
“where are you going”
and you feel yourself being pulled and your eyes widen in shock because minhyun really just bring your face so damn close to his
“are you angry again”
“yes. isn’t it obvious” and you move your face away but his other hand pulls you back by the neck to look at him
“what the hell do you want, minhyun” you asks, trying so hard to remain angry, trying so hard to hide the fact that your heart is beating really fast
“i want to finish up the project” he replies calmly, like as if he’s not making you feel things that you thought you would never feel
on the other hand, minhyun is nervous and he has no idea what is he doing or why is he doing this
but he wants to do it because his heart says so, and it’s the first time that he ever listens to the heart instead of his head
“can you do it by yourself because i’m tired of you”
“tired of me?” he repeats, but his lips slowly form a smile and you really weren’t expecting that
and you weren’t expecting your face to feel very hot because of him
and the whole atmostphere just turn quiet and it isn’t awkward at all
instead it feels comforting and warm and you’re so confused with yourself because your stern look becomes softer and you’re just staring at him
and you back your face away from him again, but you go to your seat and stay quiet
and minhyun’s smile never leaves his face and he’s glad that he made you stay because
he likes you
and it’s a first that he’s so curious of someone, and that someone is you even though he just met you
like he finds you being quiet kind of attractive to him,,, and he can just look at you, admiring you when you’re quiet and his heart just flutter whenever you look at him with a question expression
and he just shakes his head, adding another silent to the whole meeting with you
and also you barely converse a lot but he likes that… and it’s weird for him to realized that he’s the one that talk more and he never was that person until he knew you
so he’s looking at you now, that’s pasting the paper on the top like what he had told you but with your face a littler calmer than before
and you both knew something is going on but you ignore it
and hwang minhyun doesn’t want that hehehe
so he grabs on your hand and you get another shock from him and you took your hand away
“do you know how much i’m intrigued by you?”
“what do you mean”
“you’re the first person to make me feel this”
and you’re so lost, so you ask him with “feel what”
minhyun smiles, “the feeling of wanting to know someone more… the feeling on wanting to care someone… a lot”
and you’re left speechless but your heart feels like it’s gonna burst any moment and you’re trying to remain cold to him but 
you feel the warmth
from minhyun
and you’re blushing, and stays quiet because you really have nothing to say back
and minhyun is fine with it honestly like it’s way better because it means you’re allowing him in
“let’s go out” minhyun blurts out confidently, his eyes stares at you and his lips are still smiling, “you know, after we’re done with this project”
“to eat?”
“to date” he says, and somehow your lips just naturally forms a smile, for the first time, and hwang minhyun is finally out from your list to be cold to
and you both just become that cold yet cute couple in campus to be honest while sungwoon is just so damn confused with what’s going on lol
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sainadazai · 3 years
Chapter 4
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A/n ahh yesterday was bakugous birthday I love him oml everyone say happy birthday even though its late
"They say clothes make the pros, ladies and gentlemen. And behold you are the proof." all might spoke, smiling brightly as everyone exited the changing rooms.
You walked out in a group, making it difficult to see everyones costumes, but you caught a glimpse of some that were rather cool. All Might seemed to think as well his words being "This is getting me all ramped up, you look so cool!" He really is too excited for his own good.
As everyone had finally taken their places, standing scattered in a bunch of costume-clad teens, you could finally look around and take in some of the impressive ideas your classmates had. Momo, wearing a quite revealing one-piece that was a beautiful red, contrasting with a yellow belt. It was showy, but you wouldn't say she looked anything less than badass.
Might be difficult to fight her while she wears it, though. You would want any mishaps to happen for the perverts around here, or in here.
"Woah! L/n I like your costume! It fits your quirk, haha" Momo approached you, as she laughed joyfully.
It better. This hero suit design had been in the works since you were just a preschooler. A skin-tight silver body suit that stops in the middle of your thigh. Two purple stripes going down either side from the shoulder down. A zipper, metal obviously, by the slightly turtlenecked top that goes halfway down your bust. On your hands, purple fingerless gloves, with concealed brass knuckles to benefit hand to hand combat.
Then, around your left thigh, a garter that also served as storage for small capsules of your own blood, just in case you're in need of something metal, and would be at risk if you cut yourself. The capsules are secured in little pockets around the garter, a pop of red to the otherwise shiny grey costume.
However, the favorite part ever since you were little, was the boots. They were a shiny purple that rose tightly up to your lower thighs, they were fireproof material with removable silver heels. Why? Well so that you can shoot them off using your quirk at any point in battle,or, if liquified, could be used to make you float.
This was an idea you and your mom thought of after seeing a movie where a girl shot bullets from her high heels, she told you that that was a badass woman moment, and ever since badass has been your favorite compliment to give. That was at age 7. Finishing off the costume you wore thick silver and purple glasses that scanned objects for metals and told you what metals they were, to make things easier to manipulate and multiply.
"I-am sorry-"
"Sorry, um thanks! Yours looks badass, too. "
"Thanks L/n."
The two of you made your way over to jirou and continued to talk, or try to talk while stuttering. As they spoke to you, subconsciously you kept on the lookout for Todoroki. He was nowhere to be seen in the mess of teens, but you did spot Midoriya having what looked to be a seizure as he conversed with a very revealed Uraraka. She looked beautiful,too. Even though her suit was skin tight, it fit her well, showing her curves in a modest but flattering way. Her most gorgeous feature,though, was her hair, so instead of your eyes lingering on her body in its glory, you found yourself entranced with the shine of her hair, and the blush on her cheeks.
Even though you were stuck in your own attempts at conversation, not paying attention to the half and half boy anymore, he was paying attention to you. His eyes stuck to your face as it smiled and your eyes when they brightened. Wandering down to your chest, luckily zipped up and away from the observing eye, your curves every little dip around your waist and hip, your legs, thigh, calf, all the muscles you'd worked to obtain since childhood. Todoroki was entranced by you, and how you looked like a hero already.
He wondered if the girls had made you their friend since you were shy, if they took you in and wanted to be your friend since you didn't have the words to ask them yourself. If so, should he do the same? It seemed to work for them, he might need to re-think his plan.
You both were brought away from your separate places as Iida spoke.
"This is the fake city from our entrance exam." He spoke robotically, from inside a full armored suit.
You looked around, not previously noticing this was indeed one the cities from the exam. "Will we be conducting urban battles again?"
"Not quite,I'm going to move you two steps ahead!" All Might gestured the number two with his fingers.
"Most of the villain fights you see on the news happen outside. However, statistically speaking, the most disastrous villain fights happen indoors. Think about it, backroom deals, home invasions,secret underground layers. Truly intelligent criminals stay hidden in the shadows. For this training exercise you'll be split into heroes and villains and perform two on two battles."
The girl from lunch, with the frog quirk, spoke up, "Isn't this a little advanced?"
The pro simply smiled "The best training is what you get on the battlefield,"
"Wouldn't call this a battlefield.." you mumbled, looking around at all your classmates who you supposed would be villains soon. How did he expect other hero students to be able to play the villain? You understood that getting in a villain's mind might be important, but really how good could anyone do?
"But remember you can just punch a robot this time, you're dealing with actual people now."
"Sir, will you be the one deciding who wins?"
"How much can we hurt the other team?"
"Do we need to worry about the losers getting expelled like earlier-"
You walked down the concrete path keeping All Mights words in mind.
"The situation is this: the villains have hid a nuclear missile somewhere in their hideout. The heroes must try to soil their plans. To do that the good guys either have to catch the evil do-ers, or apprehend the weapon. Likewise the bad guys succeed if they protect their payload or capture the heroes."
Next to you stood a tall, blonde haired boy with a tail, he'd asked you to call him ojiro. The two of you, much to your dislike, were meant to play villains. Another dislike, you'd be going up against Shoto Todoroki and Mezo Shoji. After thinking it through, you figured they could use Shoji's ears and other heightened senses to find the two of you, and Todoroki would probably just freeze you. How could you fight if you couldn't move, right? Wrong.
Ferrokinesis is the manipulation of metal through the mind. You had especially trained yourself to combat without using a single bone in your body, it just takes concentrated breathing. It might have been nice to inform your partner of that, to ease his mind, and maybe plan some sort of strategy, but you haven't been able to speak outside of greeting him. Thus, you entered the tall building silently and stood by the missile, waiting for the "Heroes" to come.
"Uhm, L/n, did what happened earlier make this whole thing a lot more...scary?" He began, startling you by initiating conversation.
"Um, what do you mean by that? Like Midoriya and Bakugou fighting?" You questioned, a lot more comfortable considering you were just alone with him.
"Yeah, like seeing how real it can get, you know.." his face screamed nervousness, and that really wouldn't help the two of you, plus you needed to get into a villain mindset, still.
"No, you see, the fact that things might get more real now, it'll only help us. Recovery girl is there to heal any injuries later, so I say we should all fight like that. Well, not like- I- you"
"I get it."
"Uhm, yeah, if we all give it one hundred and ten percent, that's how we will actually get better, and maybe learn how to handle ourselves in different situations. If things go bad now, it'll be easy, we just get really angry and mean like bakugou, perfect villains, ha"
"Heheh, yeah, your right L/n"
"S-yeah, thanks"
You suddenly felt cold rising from below, guess you were right about that. Feeling proud of yourself, you decided to indulge the part of the villain just a bit more. Earlier had simply been two kids talking, but now, you'd strut your heels and be the scariest female they'd ever seen, or try at least.
"Mmm, why must heroes be so predictable!" You stomped and let out a crazed pout.
Ojiro was taken back by your sudden behavioral change, not knowing how you and dad used to play hero and villain all the time. His eyebrows raised in question at your statement, and he took a few steps away. The task to become villains totally forgotten as he watched you throw a fit.
"Damn todoroki, it's cold up here now! Don't you fools get it. Missiles need heat. C'mon then pretty boy, hurry up and freeze us so we can see that dumb hero smirk! I know you want too~" You were talking to the floor, swinging your arms and legs around as you paced back and forth. Trying your best not to overthink the cheesy, embarrassing words coming from your mouth.
Turning to your partner you shot him a smirk, "Yeah, pretty boy thinks he can immobilize us from outside, pft. How silly of him, thinking I'd go down without dinner first." Your words were getting out of hand. Was this what villains were like, or were you just hiding some secret vulgar persona? He was confused until he saw the strained tears building in your wide eyes. You were doing this against your own nature, trying your best to succeed.
"So then, um L/n, you must have quite the plan to escape these pros and keep our missile intact, hahaha" His fake laughs were nowhere near as good as yours, but it eased you that he was trying.
Meanwhile, Shoji was waiting behind Todoroki, face completely red and eyes wide. He heard your comments easily, and was completely frozen on the image of, well, what you had insinuated.
"Why are you red?" todoroki questioned, as his teammate looked incredibly flustered. Had he done something to fluster shoji? He didn't think so.
"G-go, um, L/- she" he short circuited before he could finish, being completely flustered and no longer functional.
Todoroki continued his way up the several floors of the building now covered in ice, having been told where the two of you were hiding along with the missile. His feet crunched loudly against the ice covered floors, a smirk residing on his face. The boy was a little upset at first that his first interaction with you would be like this.
However, images of his father in his mind made him remember his purpose for being here. He was supposed to be the best, and you were supposed to be a villain. Number one heroes dont take pity on a villain just because she's cute.
"This quirk is insane," He heard your partner speak before entering the room. Upon showing his face, Ojiro was quick to take a defensive stance, while you were off in the corner of the room, leaning against a wall, feet equally stuck to the ground.
"Pry yourself up if you want, but it might be hard to fight me with no skin on the bottom of your feet." He smirked.
Shoto was continuing to walk towards the missile, thinking he'd won. Until he heard two little clicks from the corner.
"God, they really have to stop catering these trainings to my quirk, pft. God, ice is slippery."
His head shot up at the sound of your voice, your feet seemed to be free of ice, and the floor where they had been stuck showed two irregular lumps of stiff concrete. How? He thought you manipulated metal? Were there metals in concrete?
"God, I really do love these glasses," you tapped them. "Make my life a lot easier, less scientific novels and what not." the voice you had was so casual, were you pretending to be shy this whole time? Or were you just a really good fake villain. He felt like you were a real villain, eyes perking up a bit at the idea of a challenge.
"Lets see, how many walls do you think I could drop on you before the building collapses? Two, maybe three? Or I could just tie you up, huh?"
He smirked, "Oh really, shy-girl? I'd like to see you try.."
His words shot through your act like a bullet, piercing you right in the heart. His voice should not be allowed to sound like that. It's unfair, cheating even. Your face changed from confident to wavering and hands began sweat. Could you really hurt him? You saw bakugou hurt midoriya earlier, he did it like second nature, but you wanted to be a hero, learn about villains and put them away, so you proceeded. This was your chance to show off your combat skills.
Zipping down the zipper on your chest, you remove the tiny holder for it, causing it to fall in your palm and begin to liquify. Your glasses told you the different metals in it, and that allowed you to focus on multiplying them, closing your eyes as the liquid began to grow.
Your partner was staring between the two of you, hoping whatever you were about to do was successful, since his feet really did hurt. Suddenly your finger began making a circular movement, the metallic liquid mimicking it. It flowed in a ring of silver around your middle body.
"Metal is a fun element, you know. It's easily found in almost every environment, easy to hide, and disobeys many scientific theories. Like this liquid metal here, it looks normal, but it only gets this way by becoming scorching hot." You winked at no one in particular and swung your finger down in a straight line, a mini-mimic of Iida's air chopping.
The hot fluid melted the concrete in a straight line on the floor, ice and ground in that area being dissolved completely. It felt good to use your power to win, you could tell from his eyes todoroki was scared. Maybe you were stronger than you thought?
Losing, however, was not what he was scared of. The wave of heat that fell over him after your swing sent him into terrible memories. His scar began to itch and burn at the recognition of heat. You saw that, too. How his fear held deeper meaning, and it made you scared of yourself. You didn't want to be a villain anymore, you just wanted this to be over, your eyes almost welled with tears at how mean you'd been, acting like the villain.
"I-um-ugh" Your foot stomped down on the floor, slipping a bit but forcing concrete to envelope the boy's feet, while simultaneously forcing the ground up and the temperature just hot enough to free your partner.
"J-Just, where's Shoji?"
"I'll get him, since you did the fighting here, l/n...." Ojiro stated, running out of the room, having been uncomfortable with the tension.
The next words to come out of your mouth should have been expected, but never had they meant so much to todoroki. His eyes were back to normal, face stone once again. Trying to pretend that fear he felt, those memories, were never there. Steel walls being put up once again to hide away hid feelings, but you manipulate metal.
Your e/c eyes shoot to look at the scar around his left eye and then back to his whole face. Taking a few steps closer to him, ignoring the teachers yell of how your team had won, you whispered.
"Im so sorry."
No one else would understand it, not the other students watching intently from the observation room, not your partners downstairs, but he did. Shoto heard those words, and felt your eyes lingering on it, and his chest got tight. You knew, and you didnt call it ugly, and you stopped using heat because you knew.
It was your job to be the villain at any cost, but you worked harder to not use heat. You weren't just sorry for scaring him, but for the fact that he had to be scared. So he spoke to you, for the first serious time, saying the only words that felt appropriate.
"Thank you."
0 notes
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(I'll add her with her uniform later)~~~ Name: Emi Himari or Emi Age: 15 (physically) 25 (mentally and years) Quirk: Shadows (can use her shadows to sent out attacks, teleport from her shadow to other shadowy places, make any weapon good for one hit then disappears. That's the at the very beginning when she first joins UA. Later learns to give her shadow weapons more of a physical form and they don't disappear after one use, is able to appear from almost any place you can thing of that has shadows... And sent out attack like spikes. Anything shadow related.) Family: Emi Asami (mother and her quirk anti-aging) Yushin Ryo (step-father his quirk mind reader) real father left before her mother had a chance to tell him he'll be a father. (Will draw her parents later... Eventually...) Personality: stubborn, cheerful, determined, confident, sometimes a bit of an air-head Likes: Sewing. Eating Rice and Egg, being a part-time model, collecting limited edition stuff (most All Might stuff and otaku stuff) Deku, Yagi, Monster energy drinks, wine, watching movies. Dislikes: Onions, not being able to drink a monster in the mornings, her friends getting hurt, staying up super late. Hobbies: Planning her life with Yagi as soon as she graduates. Stalking him (not to the Yandere extent. Teasing Izuku and Uraraka. Bio: The reason why Emi looks like a 15 year old instead of an adult (not loli) is due to her mother's Quirk. Asami has anti-aging. When Emi was born she grew up normally for five years, but she was an adorable baby. Asami loved her and loved dressing her up, she ended up as a five year for 15 years. Her body stopped growing but her mind grew and devolped like she was growing. So after a few years she was able to take care of herself, stay by herself etc since her mother worked hard on her modeling (sense she had youthful looks and didn't change on bit, but she did this so her and her daughter could have a better life) everyone know Emi was 15 year old teenage girl stuck in a 5 year old body. Emi had no idea what her Quirk was for 15 years. She couldn't change herself back, so she didn't have her motner's Quirk. And her father left before her mother had a chance to even see him use he's Quirk once. One day though, after her mother started her singing debut they went out to celebrate. But just Emi and Asami. Her mother's fame had started to sky rocket in a few year, so as espected her fan base grew pretty large. After they left the agency a stalker followed them until he had them pretty alone and close to an alley. Asami had no combat experiance and Emi was just a child, ontop of that the stalker had a Quirk so the chance of them escaping were very low... Asami did charge at the stalker telling Emi to run. Emi refused but that's when the stalker knocked Asami down, after that he started heading for Emi saying he'll get rid of her so he can have Asami all to himself. In a panic Emi ran to her mother evading him for a bit, and her trying to wake her up. As he was close to them once again, crying and praying for a miracle she bit down on her lower lip and yelled out "I'll protect you mother to the very end! I won't leave you alone..." as an insicit she moved her arm almost as if scratching at something, doing all this with her eyes closed waiting for the attack to come but nothing. Opening her eyes she saw he was stuck and some dark ropes to strings were holding him in place. Surprised that it was actually her, she had a little bit of hope. That hope was then gone in a instant, as he used his Quirk to punch her hard right in her stomach... Making her lose her grip on him and him quick grabing her neck and pulling her to him. Choking her, she whimpered for help one last time, feeling useless that she couldn't protect her mother or herself. "It's fine now." she heard from a distance as she was about to take her last breath... But she then gasped loudly as she no longer felt him choking her. And she left safe now... "Why? Because I am here!" turning up she realized she was held in the arms of a young man smiling ever so kindly to her. He held her tight and before she knew it he had knocked the stalker back down for good. Sighing in relief, he set her down saying everything will be fine he's friend was on the way and knowing him he already called for the police. So after everything, her mother coming too and the police taking the stalker she just kept looking at the young man in awe. Her mother noticed her looking at him, giggling a bit said to the man thanks for saving them both. He kindly said no problem that's what anyone would do. She then asked if he could hold Emi so she can take a picture of their savior. Surprised he hesitated but smiled and nodded. He picked Emi up smiling and apologizing, as Asami was getting ready to take the picture... Emi asked, "what's you're name..?" "Hmm..? It's... Yagi Toshinori and yours?" "Himari Emi... Can i ask you another question?" "Heh sure!" smiling as he waited for the next question. "You…" she hesitated a bit... But something in her gave her strength to say the next sentence. "Will you wait for me? When I’m old enough I’ll marry you. So… will you? Taken back a bit and confused on what she said, Asami smiled and helped him out on what she was trying to say, "You're her first love, that's why she's saying that heh." "Come on Casanova, answer the young lady... So i can go home and sleep..." he's friend shouted from back. After a minute of processing what was going on, he smiled once more making Emi's heart beat even faster. Waiting for he's answer... "Heh, if that’s what you want ok! I’ll wait for you. Promise!" In sheer joy she gave him a even brigther smile then his, "Heheh promise!" (Sorry i made it so long... Once i get going i cant stop... But this explains why she loves him. I think the condition is called shinning knight syndrome or something along those lines X3 horrible at remember stuff...) {Reason why she's an All Might fan is because one day watching the new she saw a new clip of a hero saving so many people by himself. And he's smile and how brave he was reminded her of that night when Yagi saved her and her mother. She wanted to protect her mother but also be a great hero like All Might and Yagi. So that impression of them both pushed her in life. To convince her mother to allow her to grow up and to make her dreams come true.} Wow that was long XD Again I'll sorry...
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