(story telling again. Get ready people)
Immediately everyone was absorbed in the fighting. There was nothing else to think about. [Redacted] hadn’t realized he would remember just how using a sword felt, because they hadn’t done so in a while. But they moved fast, and being able to blind your opponent definitely helps in winning a fight.
Across the field, Somino was also holding their own quite well, even with a busted hand. They’d definitely practiced, and the sharp point of their spear worked wonders that their bat wouldn’t have been able too in this scenario.
Rizu and Asa were also holding their own well, staying higher up and moving constantly. Shockingly, Rizu has deadly aim, and Asa wasn’t a particularly bad shot either.
But in this kind of scenario, when one of you is the target, and intended only to be incapacitated and not killed, they’ll do anything to distract you. And they knew he’d focus on anything that happened to one of their kids.
He saw a grunt level their weapon towards Somino. Their back was turned and they had no clue of what was behind them, and Rizu and Asa were too far to see it.
He didn’t even think. They just moved. It had lost four others dear to them from its own inaction, and he would not let it happen again. Nobody else would be lost because they didn’t move fast enough, or do something to stop it, and it damn well would never happen to his kid.
Maybe before the calamity he would have been afraid, but he’d faced death once before, and knowing the others were there waiting for them, it wasn’t so scary to think about. Even so, they said a small prayer to Ludeius. He may not typically be one to pray to their species guardian deity, but in this case he wanted just that little bit of relief.
He just hoped Somino would forgive them.
When he pushed them behind him, he saw the look on their face. They knew something was up, but it wasn’t until it actually happened that they understood. (Tw: not super well drawn explosion)
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Gods it hurt. He’d expected it, but he still wasn’t ready for it. Just for a second he stood, wing still spread in front of Somino, and he heard that sharp inhale of panic from them.
But then they were falling to the ground, vision going blurry, and all they heard was Niko screaming something at him.
And the glowing feather drifted to the ground alongside him.
Five glowing feathers on the ground.
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A rift suddenly appears in the middle of the room.
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Nope! Don't like that one bit! Let’s go.
Yeah I agree let’s do that-
Whatever the hell that is I do not like the sound one bit.
[Oh by the five… I knew something was up!]
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Yep okay we’re leaving now-
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I’ve done the next redesign, this time being Niko themself.
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Once again they’re very dedicated to the aesthetic because they’re still wearing the scarf.
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-Twm is back in their homeworld, currently just thinking about what went down-
[Ughhhh… That was chaotic…]
-He leans back, against the wall, just trying to calm down-
[Nobody here can catch a break, can th-]
-Suddenly, there’s a yellow flash of light, and a swirling yellow portal appears. Twm stands straight up.-
[What the h-]
-A figure quite literally falls out of the portal, and takes a second to push themself up onto their feet. Once the yellow glow fades, the figure is revealed to be Somino.-
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Well at least I know I can open portals into digital places too.
-Then they look up, and their expression changes. They stand all the way up, and basically sprint at Twm.-
[OH SH-]
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Where the heCK DID YOU GO?!
[Niko I-]
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No! Too many people recently have just disappeared for no apparent reason!
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I just got kidnapped, [Redacted] literally just died, and then I get a notification that you’re not connected anymore?!
[Niko listen it was a b-]
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You better have a good explanation because I might go crazy if it was something stupid.
-Twm sighs, and begins to explain. After a while, she’s finished, and they look at Somino.-
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Okay… I think I understand.
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I’m still mad, but I can at least understand why you cut the connection.
-It goes silent for a minute, and then Twm speaks up-
[Hold on, did you open that portal??]
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Yeah. [Redacted] said if after an hour if I hadn’t come back he’d open one into here.
-and as if on cue, another yellow portal opens back up, and [Redacted] looks through it.
[Might want to hurry bud. I can’t hold these as long as normal since I’m still recovering.]
-With a nod, Somino turns and heads towards it. They wave at Twm, and mention that they’ll message him later, and then they go through.-
[We really have had too many things happen recently…]
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os-mapmaker · 4 months
Bookbot - What's your least favorite trope in os game rp?
// I’m almost a bit afraid to say this, since it may be controversial…
// I feel like Player OCs have been getting a lot more attention to the point where they are overshadowing the main OneShot characters.
// Don’t get me wrong — every single OC in os game rp is incredibly well written. And I don’t feel like it’s a problem for in-universe OCs such as Jaye, Aria & Flower, and the others from Somino’s timeline.
// But when it comes to Guides/Players, this imbalance becomes clear, at least to me. When interacting with OneShot characters, Players fit in perfectly. But with them getting much more attention than other characters, especially considering how most of the people running Player OC blogs also run OneShot character blogs, it almost starts to feel like OneShot is losing relevance within os game rp.
// This is not fault of the muns; again, all OCs in os game rp are really well made. I just feel like the main cast and in-universe OCs need to get a bit more interaction.
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diginiko-asks · 6 months
Glad to hear you healed up alright! I'm pretty sure both Ni- er, Somino and [Redacted] both were pretty worried, so they'll be happy to hear this too. Somino would have sent you something instead, but they're having a headache episode. So they asked me too instead!
Stay safe!
P.S. Somino is still trying to figure out how to send you pancakes. Keep an eye out!
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Tell them I said hi!
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And I hope Somino's okay...
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...Didn't my wand end up there somehow?
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Maybe they could use it to send me some.
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zeralight-asks · 4 months
(No cause I have to ask, I feel like I know some but not a lot -Z [or Somino-mun? I think that was what you said it was.])
Random Asks
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Well, my most utilized is definitely the ability to traverse servers and cyberspaces.
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What else...
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I'm pretty strong!
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I tested a full-power blow against Leo, and it was like nothing he's ever seen before!
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agent-octo · 7 months
[Ah, the connection did work. Twm has gotten good at this.]
[Anyways, I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced. I’m [Redacted]. Though I believe you already know my name.]
[Somino told me about your help during the Rainbow Rocket incident. I know I wasn’t awake for it, but I wanted to thank you.]
[I do find myself curious about something. You can universe hop, like I can, though my method is facilitated through light magic. If I can ask, how are you doing so?]
"Yo! Theodore here! Leo is out right now, but I know enough to answer that question for ya!"
"So, to summarize, we don't use magic. We are human. Or at least Leo USED to be, but whatever, the point is, we can't just travel all willy-nilly. We gotta use some fancy tech Leo dubbed: The Gateway! It's this huge honkin' machine in the middle of a room that makes portals allowing us to travel from universe to universe. All we need are coordinates of the universe, and boom, we are on our way!"
"Leo has a more compact version built into his armor, but he says it takes a lot of the armor's energy so he doesn't use it often. Buuuut, we CAN remotely transport people from other universes to our own, or another universe entirely using our machine over here! Makes things REALLY easy if one of us is in a bad position and we need to get the hell outta there."
"Only problem is... I got no clue how the thing actually FUNCTIONS. All I know is how to activate it, but I never cared enough to ask Leo, and he never told me. Though he DOES keep a manual around his office... I should read that at some point..."
"But anyways, yeah, that's basically our shtick. Oh, and I'll tell Leo you said thanks when I get the chance! Theo out!"
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denkowriting · 4 months
Oh god I'm having more stolen arc ideas-
Honestly at this point it's a fucking arg now
A lot of people that writer, niko, and emma had close contact with converge to an irc where somino is doing hacker stuff since the sonic probably gives them free access to writer's server regardless of inviolability
Can you tell I'm stealing taking inspiration from hacknet?
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bunnieghostt · 2 years
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♡ Eden
♡ 24 years
♡ Blob
just here to have an online diary :** <3
mentally in silent hill
DNI: p0rn/k1nk blogs
﹒⊢ ✶ ˖ ࣪ ਏਓ 🦇 .゚۪ ♡ ۫
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-A phone call-
“Hey d- [Redacted].”
[Something wrong?]
“Uhm… not really? I just…”
[What’s up bud?]
“I had a weird feeling, and I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
[Oh. Oh buddy.]
“Don’t- don’t please. I just wanted to make sure you were alright. I’m sorry.”
[Niko it’s okay. I promise. I’m fine, I will be fine, and if you need, I can come tomorrow to confirm to you that I am fine.]
“Uhm… yeah. I’d like that.”
[Alright. Then I’ll see you tomorrow.]
“Yeah… see you tomorrow.”
-[Redacted] sits in silence for a moment, and then sighs.
[Sorry buddy. I might be lying to you… just a little.]
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That... is concerning.
Remember Light's dream from a while back?
Niko, calm down.
But think about it. They were right then, who’s too say I’m not right now?
There’s no reason to jump to conclusions. We haven’t seen those guys in months, and [Redacted]’s in his homeworld, where we’ve never seen them. He’s fine.
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So I’ve started watching the owl house because several friends of mine are hyper-fixated on it right now and I wanted to know what the hell they were talking about. This is made more ironic by the fact that me thinking Gus and Hunter are sort of what I imagine Niko sounds like was not related to this, as they had not yet landed on TOH at that time.
But I’m watching it, and I may be a little obsessed because I’m a good chunk of the way through season 2, and was watching Hunter and Flapjack do their thing, and all the sudden my brain goes “Damn, I wonder what palismen all of my guys would have,” and now this is all I can think about.
My brain has already decided basically all of them. [Redacted] would have an owl, probably one that somewhat resembles a western screech owl, and he would name it Dusty, after his sister (Dusty was her chosen name.) Rizu I can’t get over the idea of her having a pink fox named Taffy, because it popped into my head and it won’t go away. Asa I’ve been thinking would have a snake, which she would name something like Tofu, since those are a symbol of healing. I’ve been toying with the idea of Sage having something like a coyote, because of the trickster bit in mythology, or a cat of some kind because it’s just stuck in my head. I don’t have a name in mind yet.
Now Twm and Niko are where I struggle. Twm I’m still trying to figure out their personality, but what I’ve established is they’re a somewhat cynical walking entity of sass. But I feel like they would unironically end up with something like a hummingbird or a bee. Leaning towards them having a bee named Flick, and I’m not sure why I’ve decided the name is Flick, but it is.
Niko is the other hard one, and it’s because I now have the included existence of Hoshi. So I can’t quite decide if they would have their own separate ones somehow, or share one. Niko I would lean towards them having a Lion or dragon, two things associated with the sun, and therefore light, or some sort of shape shifter, which could be connected up to their connection to dreams (It’s why I picked the name Somino, something I’m storing away for later). Hoshi is a little more complex. If I were to give them their own, I’d probably use an animal associated with the Zodiac, due to it’s connect to stars, which Hoshi takes their name from.
but yeah basically this is what I’ve been thinking about pretty much since I got off of work.
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Here it is, the pinned post for this one
[Hello. It took me a while but with help from Somino and [Redacted] I’ve finally accessed this website. Now I can make posts and interact I guess. I’m interested to see what happens.]
[Oh, I forgot to mention. To differentiate me from the other versions of myself that are here, I will simply go by TWM. And my pronouns are He/She/They/It.]
//Yeah it’s a lot but I felt it fit.
Tags here we goooo:
[Twm]: world machines tag
[???]: cryptic things
Messing around: crazy shenanigans
The tags I use on my other blogs also carry over here.
If I put anything out of cannon, it will be after these: //
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os-mapmaker · 7 months
Kinito Arc Map
The Writer gets asked if they know what Kinitopet is
The Writer checks it out
Trying out the program
. . .
The Writer gets pulled in
The Writer tries to call for help
Ask redirected to The World Machine
Coming up with a plan to save The Writer
Meanwhile in The Inversion…
Meanwhile in another timeline…
Pulling The Writer out of the machine
STACK_OVERFLOW enters + a mysterious entity appears
The Writer collapses + the others leave
The Mapmaker checks in with The Writer
Somino checks in with TWM
Light checks in with The Writer
“No more almost dying, please.”
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diginiko-asks · 7 months
[ @os-mapmaker ]
Greetings, Lightbringer and World Spirit. I apologize for leaving on such short notice earlier.
Oh, that’s right. You have not met me yet, Niko. You may call me The Mapmaker.
I will try to explain what has been going on as best as I can.
The Writer was abducted by Team Rainbow Rocket and taken to a fortress established in another timeline, the one you recently returned from, Niko. Somino and their roommates Rizu, Asa, and Sage, had also been kidnapped by them and taken there. I was assisting [Redacted] in finding them all. That is why I was in such a hurry earlier.
Niko…I knew as soon as you found out The Writer was taken, you would try to go after him. I couldn’t allow that to happen, not after what happened to you last time. So asked The World Machine to prevent you from leaving your home timeline for your safety. And, after learning the kind of pain the other four were put through, I am glad that I made that decision.
World Machine, thank you for helping on such short notice, and keeping Niko safe.
The Writer has been found by [Redacted] and the others. Unfortunately, he is currently unconscious. He collapsed just as the others found him. [Redacted] is currently carrying him. If I am not mistaken, they should be making their way out of the fortress as we speak .
You will see each other again soon. Until then, Niko, I must ask that you stay within your timeline.
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[Niko, I know you want to help.]
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[But that's too much for you, especially right now.]
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[Who knows how upset Rekka would get if you got hurt again...]
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She would help...
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[...She can't help. She's just code.]
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