#Song Oak
fruity-phrog · 9 months
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kipobipo · 4 months
I really hope that Song was the one who taught Hugo to play piano. I just think it would add an extra layer to their relationship. It would explain why it was still something that made him so happy since he seems pretty anti things that remind him of Lio. It would also make the scene in season three where song helps him get a piano hit a lot harder
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memelzebub · 4 months
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i keep thinking about a kipo au where everything is fucking boring
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shinygemstone · 1 year
1. An AU where Kipo doesn't end up on the surface in the first episode, and has to go through the events with the mega monkey still looking for her
2. An AU in which all of Kipo's people are actually dead, and she's the only survivor. Depression for everyone!!
3. An AU where Margot never betrayed Wolf, and the two have a very close and codependent relationship. Bonus points if Wolf gets kidnapped by Scarlemagne
4. An AU where Wolf's wolf parents never actually betrayed her and raised her alongside the other children. Wolf girl wolf.
5. AU where the protagonists end up separated after Ratland, with Kipo and Benson trying their best to escape Scarlemagne's place without Scarlemagne realizing they're there while Wolf, Mandu, and Dave try to save them
6. AU like #1, except Lio fucking dies and Kipo's body now assumes it is in danger a lot more. So now she's dealing with the mega monkey and turning into the mega jaguar
7. Kipo gets along a little too well with the timbercats, and they kind of adopt her. Parental Yumyan and Molly. They're not surprised to find out she's part cat and teach her how to properly kitty
8. In which Lio turns out to be the mega monkey, somehow.
9. In which Kipo was raised on the surface, and is kind of known as the local feral half cat creature. Naturally, Scarlemagne kidnaps her for weapon usage and oops. Guess he has to teach the feral out of her
10. In which Jamack joins the protagonists (if you didn't think my man would be here you're wrong)
11. Let Kipo get upset about the whole mega jaguar thing PLEASE
12. Song and Lio raise Kipo, while Song is suppressing the mutagen and struggling more and more as she gets older.
13. Song turns out to fill Dr. Emilia's role, and is actually trying to end mutekind.
14. Emilia gets her hands on Kipo, but mistakes her for a normal human (somehow) so Kipo grows up in the science burrow believing mutes killed her parents and that what Emilia is doing is justified. Bonus points if she's Emilia's protege/assistant/intern
15. Emilia gets her hands on Kipo, knowing that she's Song and Lio's daughter, and decides she can use Kipo as a weapon. This would involve a lot of dehumanization and likely good brother Scarlemagne/Hugo. Also Lio? Totally dead
16. AU where Lio manages to yoink Hugo. That's the AU. Hugo and Lio and Kipo as family.
17. AU #16 with angst: Lio gets captured, so it's just Hugo and Kipo. Bonus points if Kipo grows up in Ratland
18. For even more angst, Scarlemagne kidnaps Kipo, raising her in his blooming empire. Except Scarlemagne has no idea how to raise a child, especially not one who's half mega jaguar.
19. Where Mulholland doesn't help Kipo, and Scarlemagne's coronation goes as planned.
20. Where Emilia kidnapping the mutes was a trap, and it works as planned. Kipo is in for such a bad time.
21. Where what Emilia did to the mutes she kidnapped mutes is a lot more horrific than in cannon.
23. Margot changes her mind about betraying Wolf sooner, and Emilia never captures any of the protagonists. Consequently, Emilia sneaks into timbercat village to conduct her evil plans.
24. Instead of Yumyan, Kipo gets hit by the cure. Consequently, the decision is made to have the mega jaguar deal with all subsequent human incidents. This prevents It's a Trap from happening.
25. Kipo gets hit by the cure, except it works. No more mega jaguar, but she gets back to timbercat village.
26. Kipo goes through with sinking the cruise ship. Insert huge crisis (and maybe Song, Lio, or both of them rejecting Kipo/treating her like a monster. Please. I live for angst)
27. AU where Dave kills child Benson, and is a reoccurring side character who's literally just a bastard
28. Fun Gus Monster Emilia. Like just IMAGINE if she took Gus' DNA instead of the mega walrus. Sludge monsters are underrated imo, and she could do so much fucking damage.
29. Emilia gets stuck as a half mute, and gets shoved in prison. Maybe with Hoag.
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b3anieperson · 2 months
Kipo is up next for my obsession with using this headcannon generator
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loveaetingkids · 1 year
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(Credit or reblog if you wanna use)
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jurkin-off2ur-mom · 6 months
Kipo: Well, needless to say. Uh-oh Spaghetti-os.
Jamack: I have yet to encounter a problem where a sword didn't factor into the solution at least in some way.
Yumyan: If you get bitten by a shark, bite it back. You'll still probably die but the shark will be like "lol what"
Dave: My ultimate goal is to punch God in the eye, just to spite him one last time.
Kipo: I’m sick and tired of being called 'mortal' like, you don’t know that. Neither do I. I have never died even ONCE. Nothing has been proven yet. Stop making assumptions. It’s rude.
Leo: I don’t even use tubberware anymore. 
Song: What are you saying? Say it again. 
Leo: Tubberware. 
Song: Say it again. Slow. 
Leo: Tubberware. 
Song: Slow, very slow - actually, say the first syllable. 
Leo: Tub. 
Song: Wrong. 
Leo: What do you mean, wrong? 
Song: I thought I caught that. You’re saying tub. It’s P. 
Leo: What are you talking about? 
Song: Tupperware. Tupper. 
Leo: It’s tupper! 
Song: It’s tupper, always has been, always will be. 
Leo: I thought it was tubberware because it kind of looks like a tub.
Leo: honk. 
Song: WHAT. 
Leo: HONK. 
Song: I'm like Heinz Doofenshmirtz because I, too, like being petty, signing off-key, and over-sharing my deepest traumas for no discernible reason. 
Leo: Not to mention that you think of yourself as eveil but are, at best, a minor inconvenience.
Dave, seeing a bee on Benson’s arm: Uh oh... 
Dave, rolling up a newspaper: Benson, stay still... 
Dave, Using the newspaper as a megaphone: THERES A FUCKING BEE ON YOU
Dave: No, I don't want to talk about physics! I don't know anything about the laws of physics because they are hard and boring. I simply would like them to behave in a way that is most convenient to ME and MY LIFE! Is that really asking too much? 
Kipo: Yes, as a matter of fact, it is! 
Dave: Well, guess what? Science is stupid bullshit!! 
Kipo: You take that back!!! 
Dave: No. Magic is awesome. Science blows. The end.
Scarlemagne: My goal is not to be the best, but to inspire someone enough to one day surpass me. 
Kipo: Why do you think I don’t like you? I do. I would kill for you. 
Kipo: Ask me to kill for you. *turns mega*
Scarlemagne: ...First of all, calm down-
Scarlemagne: Don't go to the kitchen. 
Leo: Why? 
Scarlemagne: I saw a spider. 
Leo: Well, did you kill it? 
Scarlemagne: It has 8 arms and I only have 2, it's not fair...
Dave: Help! I’m drowning! 
Benson: Calm down. We’re only in six feet of water! 
Scarlemagne: Looked up my symptoms on WebMD and it turns out I have an ancient ancestral curse that has been passed down my bloodline for generations. 
Kipo: ...? 
Scarlemagne: Okay, fine. It was a hereditary mental illness. I just wanted to sound cool so I made something up. Are you mad at me?
Kipo: I am going to need you to swear- 
wolf: Fuck. 
kipo: ...swear as in promise.
Scarlemagne: Am I going to far? 
Leo: No, no, no. You went too far about 7 hours ago. Now you’re going to prison.
Wolf: Tony Hawks moving castle. 
Wolf: I can't remember the name of it, fuck. 
Kipo: Howl? 
Wolf: aaaauuuuuuuooooo??? 
Kipo: ...
Wolf: Oh.
Kipo: What do you call quantums of electromagnetic radiation that don’t get along? 
Wolf: What did you just say- 
Kipo: Foetons! *Laughs* 
Wolf: Wh-what?
Benson: What are y’all’s favorite things to wake up to?
Kipo: Breakfast in bed!
Dave: Emails from AO3!
Wolf: My favorite thing to wake up to is not waking up at all.
Wolf: The screams of my enemies are a close second though.
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birdmomblogs · 2 years
watching anime by moonlight delivering pizzas by daylight never canonically been in a real fight she is the one named Hero Oak-Swallows-Garcia
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[ID 1: coloured digital art of hero oak from dungeons and daddies in the classic sailor moon pose. she has curly hair tied up into space buns using red ribbons, warm brown skin and freckles. her eyes are green and she wears glasses. she wears a black turtle neck with a green plaid shirt over, light wash jeans with the cuffs rolled up and red sneakers. green magic flows around her and the caption, "The Unsung Hero." end ID.]
some bonus images for y’all!
hero in the sailor moon pose without all the extra details if you want a reference
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[ID 2: a simple digital drawing of hero oak from dungeons and daddies in the classic sailor moon pose. end ID.]
the alt version with my OC, Song, who is Hero’s twin. it felt weird to not have more twins this season, especially with the “Hero” part being covered and not the “Unsung” part. soooooooo, i fixed that myself :)
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[ID 3: digital art of my OC Song Oak standing back to back with her twin Hero Oak from dungeons and daddies. Hero is in a sailor moon pose while Song is in a k-pop dance pose. Hero Oak uses @birdmomblogs design for her. Song Oak has curly brown hair styled in long anime braids, green eyes, warm brown skin and freckles. she has a nose piercing and not visible to the audience she also has several ear piercings and hearing aids. she wears a light green tank top, dark wash jeans with frayed ends, a wooden beaded bracelet with a red ribbon and Birkenstock sandals. green magic flows around them and there is the caption, "The Unsung Heroes." end ID.]
i will info dump in the comments or reblogs should anyone want to know more!
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the-flower-named-fire · 11 months
Specific Trope of the Day
The monster/creature/begin is reveled to be a person the others thought dead
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kerakitty · 2 years
More Hugo Lives AU Stuff
Some more stuff from my Hugo Lives AU, mostly focusing on the relationship between the Wolf and Hugo. Kinda long, so stuff is under the break.
Kipo may not have a favorite sibling, but woah boy is she each of her siblings’ favorite. And neither one is shy about making that known. Before Hugo got his own place, there was a lot of jockeying for Kipo’s attention. Kipo did her best to make sure they got equal attention and frequently tried to find things all three of them could do together. Emphasis on ‘tried’.
Neither Hugo nor Wolf ever refer to each other by name. Wolf usually just refers to Hugo with pronouns (if English had a derogatory ‘you’ the way Japanese and some other languages do, she’d be using that), but will occasionally call him ‘monkey’. Hugo calls Wolf “wild child”, “feral girl”, and the like.
Hugo’s return to the family made Wolf very insecure. Seeing the rest of the Oak family so focused on him during his recovery, she figured this was going to be another case of an adoptive family deciding she wasn’t really one of them. And it only got worse after Hugo was brought home from the hospital.
After a few days, this boiled over into Wolf verbally lashing out at Hugo. I won’t go into details since I’m currently writing the fic for this, but he figures out what’s going on in her head and it hits him very close to home. While he still doesn’t think of Wolf the same way he thinks of Kipo, he does start to genuinely see her as family at that point. He sees a bit of his younger self in her (not that he’d ever admit it), and it changes how he thinks and feels about her.
After that incident, he continues to refer to her as “wild child” and such, but when speaking with Song or Lio he makes a point of saying “your wild child”. The way he figures, if Wolf is afraid of being abandoned, it’s probably due more to their parents than to relentlessly-affectionate Kipo (it doesn’t really occur to him to address whatever role he plays in those fears) and this is his way of prodding them to make sure their youngest feels secure. That any increased attention towards Wolf from Lio and Song frees up Kipo’s for him to dominate is just a perk.
This is (roughly) the Oak family house. The layout I have in mind is slightly different, with the front bedroom being smaller and not having to go through the bathroom to get in.
Kipo and Wolf share the rear bedroom and Hugo has the front. Hugo is salty that they get the bigger room with more closet space and neither him nor Wolf are happy about sharing a bathroom. Hugo’s not one for sharing in general and he tends to hog the room when getting up or going to bed. Between that and his fur clogging the drains, it’s more than understandable why Wolf wasn’t happy with the arrangement.
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kipobipo · 5 months
Thinking about Song struggling whenever she gets too close to Hugo’s pheromones. Thinking about how many things can make someone sweat and how little control one has over that. Thinking about song wanting to hug her son after a successful performance, or place a comforting hand on his shoulder when she can tell he’s nervous or wipe a cool cloth across his forehead when he gets a fever only for it to send her into a panic every time. Thinking about Song who just wants to finally be able to be there for both of her kids after years of being forced apart but not being able to. Song who can’t help but be angry with herself for not being stronger, for not being able to put aside her own horrible memories and trauma for the sake of her children. Thinking about Song who feels so much guilt over the fact that she can’t help but associate her son with Dr. Emilia and her years of being held captive.
Thinking about Hugo seeing the fear in his mothers eyes whenever he starts to sweat. Thinking about Hugo who is still so unsure of his place in his family that the slightest negative reaction makes him believe they are going to get rid of him. Hugo who has started obsessively cleaning himself to try and make it easier for his mother to touch him, who always declines to participate in activities that require physical exertion so that Song won’t have a panic attack when she’s in the same room as him. Hugo who wants to be mad, wants to blame Song for her negative reaction to something he can’t control, but can’t because a part of him feels like he deserves it. Hugo who already feels guilt and shame over his mind control abilities and what he’s done with them having to live with someone who is still suffering because of the effects of his pheromones.
Just. Thinking about them…
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starsfic · 1 year
Wolf encounters a cured Margot for the first time and finds herself having conflicted feelings on what happened to Margot.
The mission was simple.
“We think we’ve developed a full cure for Emilia’s antimutagen,” Song had said, her voice steady and strong in the hall. Kipo sat in the center of the council table, her smile full of pride for her parents. “It is still under development, but we are ready to begin testing on those cured.”
“We know that doesn’t sound the most confident,” Lio said, handing a clipboard. “But we simply ask for your belief. If you would like to write down your loved one’s names for the first round of mutation, go ahead.”
Wolf, standing at the back of the room, couldn’t help her own smile. It had taken a year or two, enough time that Las Vistas was almost fully rebuilt from the passage of time and Scar… Hugo’s attempted coronation, but this was a big step. The clipboard was handed to Billions and the white-coated wolf paused. He looked down the list before sighing. “I believe in my own work.” he said, writing down the other Billions’ name.
That wasn’t what made Wolf shudder as unease crawled down her spine. It was the thought of another wolf, the whimpers they heard
She raised her hand.
“What about the loose cured?”
Molly looked up from her position at the table and raised a brow. “What?”
“Some of the cured ran into the woods.” She could still feel the ropes tight around her and the furious beating of her heart as Emilia loaded the crossbow. There had been a yelp and a whimper- Wolf blinked the tears out of her eyes to face the council. “We should round them up first so they aren’t left behind.”
Kipo’s face had narrowed. Not in anger, no. Kipo had only gotten truly angry with Emilia. It was concern that made those purple eyes lock with hers. Wolf tried for a smile. It wasn’t convincing enough to make her sister look away though.
“Wolf is right,” someone else said. Wolf didn’t blink. Neither did Kipo. “...in the burrows we made small traps for the stray cats that managed to come down into the burrows. We could make something like those?”
“Would they be safe?”
“Probably, with some testing.”
“Miss Oak?”
Kipo looked away to look at the speaker. One of Lio and Song’s old coworkers, it looked. “Yeah. Make some prototypes and do tests.”
Wolf left before Kipo could chase her.
Wolf wasn’t part of the group making, testing, or setting the traps. She was part of the group who volunteered to check them twice a day. Kipo couldn’t protest that- as much as they all hated to admit it, Wolf was the most experienced in the woods.
The first day was a bust. The next visit, nothing but a rat. “Give it time,” one of the other volunteers said when they noticed her put-out expression. “They’ve might’ve migrated further, but there’s not a lot of prey.”
The third day, during the evening check, was when it happened.
Wolf stalked through the forest as though she was back to being a loner, her flashlight on the lowest setting. Too much noise and light, they learned when getting the rat, would work the poor cured up. Better to be quiet.
They had found Rupert in one of the cages. Wolf could’ve recognized him anywhere. He was skinnier now and had been gulping down the meat as though it was his last meal. Footprints had led away from the cage. Rupert had been caught but Margot had escaped.
Her flashlight fell upon a glint of steel and white fur.
…for that moment.
Margot had always been full of life. She had a fierceness around her that Wolf had been awed by when she still went by her old name. Margot, without a word of protest, had taken Wolf under her wing and protected her. She was fierce but playful predator and protector.
Who would have guessed that predator would turn against her?
Who would have guessed that was all she was now?
Wolf sighed, kneeling next to the cage. “You were strong enough for us both.” Margot stared steadily back, her eyes empty of that life. They were still alive, yes, but they weren’t…awake. Awake was the best word. Honestly, she looked worn out. “I wished I could’ve been stronger before we fought.”
Wolf straightened before she could say another word and held up a hand. Another volunteer waved back and soon the others were loading Margot up with Rupert.
Her eyes never left her.
“So, what’s the plan?”
The room that the window looked into looked like a cave. It was very simple set piecing and coloring, but it seemed to be enough for their two guests. Margot and Rupert sat together, batting each other in calm play fighting.
“Well, we were thinking that these two should be in the first round of curing,” Song said, making a note on her clipboard. Wolf glanced over her shoulder and had to look away. In science, Song and Lio’s handwritings both looked like chicken scratch. “I’m not much of a zoologist, but their behavior seems to be bonded. If we tried to do one and then the other, I don’t think either of them will handle it well.”
Margot would be back, then.
“The issue with that is that I can’t think of anyone to support them.” Song tapped her pen against the clipboard, eyes studying the siblings with an intensity that Wolf had seen on Kipo’s face before. “I think that someone should be there with every cured to explain what happened, but I can’t think of anyone to be with them.”
There were other wolves. But the Newton Wolves had been a rival pack to the family. Plus Billions would be busy with his brother.
Wolf opened her mouth.
"...I'll do it."
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The, Oak Family
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Along with their pets.
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januscorner · 6 months
Song Oak Stimboard
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♾️⭐️🧬 🦧👩🏻🐵 ➕🐾🐝
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loveaetingkids · 1 year
So,are we gonna gloss over the fact that Kipos parents experimented on her???
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youngsap · 2 years
Lio: You can’t kill me! I have a wife.
Emilia: Do you really think that will stay my hand?
Lio: Oh no, you misunderstood. That wasn’t a plea. That was a warning.
Emilia: Wha-
Song: *Smashes down the door.*
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