#Sonny Verse: Part 3
polkadotpenguin16 · 4 months
#MarchFicMadness24 Rec List
Here's my contribution to @the-blind-assassin-12's March Madness Reblog Challenge: reblog 63 fics in 31 days!
Below are stories/drabbles/whatever that I enjoyed reading and give the Penguin Stamp of Approval 🐧™ (very exclusive)
Expect a lot of Carisi/Barba love 😍
Part 1 | Part 2
🥰=Fluffy 😔=Angsty 🥵=Saucy 📋=Masterlist
1. Carisi and reader's first kiss by @kryptonitejelly 🥰 Sonny Carisi x reader This is just an adorable little snippet that made my heart flutter
2. Mistakes We Knew We Were Making, Chapter 1 by @lovecarisi 🥵 Sonny Carisi x reader Hot damn - that's it, that's all my thoughts lol
3. Slow, soft love making with Barba by @adacarisi 🥵 Rafael Barba x reader This was my gateway fic into the Tumblr-SVU-Fic-Verse (came here from a random pin on Pinterest). And it is still one I enjoy going back to because it is so delightful. Anyone who enjoys smutty SVU fics should check their stuff out!
4. Sweet Tangerine by @whoevrwhatevr 🥰😔 Sonny Carisi x Rafael Barba My guilty pleasure is sick/comfort fics, and this one checks all the boxes for me. Pathetic, ill Sonny has a special place in my heart lol
5. Second Chances, Part One by @tropes-and-tales 😔🥰🥵 Sonny Carisi x Reader I read this on the recommendation of @misscharlielulu, and it did NOT disappoint! It literally has everything - broken hearts, adorable dates, a sensual satisfying climax. It goes from angsty, to fluffy, to saucy, and it is near close to perfect.
6. Overtime by @storiesofsvu 😔🥰 Rafael Barba x Reader Honestly, read any of her stuff, you're guaranteed to enjoy it. I like this one in particular because it is such a well composed story. And she nailed Raf being a lovable dick 😂
7. Tears For A Good Man by @escapingrealtiylovinginsanity 🥰 Sonny Carisi x Reader I always get excited when a new Sonny fic comes across my dash, and this one is just GAHHH **insert incoherent happy noises** Probably the sweetest version of Sonny you will ever come across **swoon**
8. 19 (aka losing your virginity to Sonny) part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 by @carisi-dreams 🥵 Sonny Carisi x Reader If I was on a deserted island and was only allowed to bring one fic to read, THIS WOULD BE IT!!!! I love how relatable the reader is, I love how attentive Sonny is, and it's just GOD DAMN HOT 🔥
9. Relaxation Therapy by @mrsrafaelbarba 🥵 Rafael Barba x Reader Who doesn't want a sexy Cuban lawyer to take care of them after a long day 😏 #life is hard and barba is hot
10. You're My Dream Girl by @pascalispretty 🥵 Sonny Carisi x Reader Apparently @misscharlielulu and I are on the same wavelength because we were both thinking about this one today lol. This one is hot, heavy, desperate and it's AMAZING
11. Line Without a Hook by @writingdayandnight 🥰 Rafael Barba x Reader This reads like a delightful romance movie, and is a beautiful alternative for Undiscovered Country-deniers (seriously, what were they thinking?!)
12. Carisi realizing he’s in love by @kryptonitejelly 🥰 Sonny Carisi x Reader Another adorable snippet courtesy of @kryptonitejelly - keep em coming!
13. “i’m yours, in every way possible.” by @qvid-pro-qvo 🥰 Sonny Carisi x Reader Y'all wanna cry happy tears? Cuz this made me cry happy tears! I found this gem last week, and have become completely obsessed.
14. HCs: Being in a Relationship with Sonny Carisi by @locke-writes 🥰 Sonny Carisi x Reader This is wonderfully written, in-depth, and simply put, it's heartwarming 💓
15. Rafael Barba Masterlist by @melk917 📋 Rafael Barba x Reader If you're a Barba fan, this is the Tumblr to go to! Seriously, just pick any of them. You'll find a little bit of everything, and you'll enjoy yourself.
16. A Fight With Sonny by @storytimefromthecreed 😔🥰 Sonny Carisi x Reader The dialogue in this is so perfectly written. Honestly, it's #truelovegoals
17. Rain, Candlelight & Pumpkin Spice by @beccabarba 🥵 Rafael Barba x Reader This one is so soft and sensual and makes me miss fall. Standout quote - "I love that you think you’re the lucky one" - I'm literally melting 🫠
18. Taken Care Of by @plaidbooks 😔🥵 Sonny Carisi x Reader There are LOTS of stories out there about Sonny taking care of the reader. Not nearly as many about Sonny being cared for, and by god does that man deserve it! This is a fav of mine, Julie's so talented, and I've got 45 more fics to go so I'm sure I'll be adding more of her stuff to this list.
19. Perfect / Love Won’t Die by @cathrrrine 🥰 Sonny Carisi x Reader When this fic dropped, I got absolutely nothing done that day because it was the only thing I could think about. It gives you all the nice mushy feelings a good fluff piece should!
20. Movie Night by @adarafaelbarba 🥵 Rafael Barba x Reader This is one of the first Rafa fics I ever read. Then I freaking lost it and thought I was imagining the whole thing. And when I finally found it again, it was even better than I remembered lol
21. Mistakes We Knew We Were Making, Chapter 2 by @lovecarisi 🥵 Sonny Carisi x Reader Chapter 2's out y'all!
22. Public Transportation by @amaroforpresident 🥰 Sonny Carisi x Reader An utterly adorable meet cute 😍
23. Caught in the Act by @svuwritings 🥵 Sonny Carisi x Reader Just absolutely filthy smut; might need a cold shower after this one.
24. 4th of July by @australiancarisi 🥰 Sonny Carisi x Reader I love reading fics with a focus on Sonny's family. We got such a small sliver of that part of him on the show. This fic just makes me smile ☺️
25. Decisions by @detectivesvu 😔 Rafael Barba x Reader This is a heavy read, but it's oh so good. Sidenote, this reader is a saint - I wish I could practice this level of patience lol
26. Paradise Lost & Paradise Found by @cycat4077/@cycat-carisi 😔 Sonny Carisi x Reader So Tumblr will not let me reblog these for some reason, but I just had to share because I love them so much. This story breaks my damn heart and then glues it back together and I am HERE for it! All of their stuff is a joy to read 💙
27. I Want You to Touch Me by @writefasttalkevenfaster 🥵 Rafael Barba x Reader Sexy bearded Barba, anyone? “I told you it wouldn’t be a bed,” - GAHH I'm blushing 😳
28. Gallery by @svu-ncis-criminalminds 😔 Sonny Carisi x Reader Is "deliciously angsty" a thing? I have issues dealing with conflict in my personal life, so reading about people fighting and making up is kind of cathartic for me. It does wrap with a sweet ending.
29. Getting Flowers from Sonny by @duchesschameleon 🥰 Sonny Carisi x Reader I've only received flowers once from someone (who wasn't family) and I remember just how goddamn special that made me feel and this perfectly captures all those warm fuzzy feels 😊
30. "Hey, just look at me. Breathe." by @amirightcounsellor 😔 Sonny Carisi x Reader Oh, to be held by Sonny after a nightmare...
31. Sonny in an accident part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 by @carisi-dreams 😔 Sonny Carisi x Reader Scrolling through Violet's blog is like the best box of chocolates you've ever received - always something new and exciting to find. I cannot believe I only just read this today. I think it is a contender for my most favorite fic of all-time. Violet, I bow to your greatness 🙌
32. Unsure by @svucarisiaddict 😔 Sonny Carisi x Reader I love this story so much. It really resonates with me deeply. And Sonny is such a dear in this :)
33. The Tum by @plaidbooks 🥵 Rafael Barba x Reader I love me a fluffy man, and Raf deserves all the adoring attention in the world <3
34. A Misunderstanding by @minidodds 😔 Rafael Barba x Reader This is a cute shorty about a silly miscommunication.
35. Toy Box by @detective-giggles 🥵 Sonny Carisi x Reader Did someone turn up the heat, cuz it's getting a little steamy in here. This is filthy...please enjoy 😏
36. All Wrapped Up by @melk917 🥵 Rafael Barba x Reader I know the holiday season has passed, but this is a good read all year round.
37. Come Home part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 by @enamoured-x 😔 Sonny Carisi x Reader In case you needed your heart torn up this evening! This whole series is amazing, I love it so much. Why do I we love to see Carisi suffer so much?!
38. Do Not Disturb by @foryouthem00n 😔 Sonny Carisi x Reader I do enjoy me some Cranky Carisi lol. Can hardly believe Sonny would turn down cuddles 🥺
39. how the svu characters would react to you pranking them by texting “i miss being single” by @cathrrrine 🥰 The whole SVU gang These are all just a laugh and a half 😆 and so accurate! "Not now. I'm not done sulking yet." OMG seriously Rafa?!!
40. fluff #1 by @writingsforfandoms-multi 🥰 Sonny Carisi x Reader Ya know, I'm just a sucker for some domestic bliss. This one is so precious!
41. Your first five dates with Sonny… by @reddielov-e 🥰 Sonny Carisi x Reader This is such a fun read! Very well thought out, lots of details. "you’re an outstanding woman and you never fail to make me laugh" - ya killing me!
42. Jealousy by @minidodds 😔 Sonny Carisi x Reader This is an oldy but a goody. I go back to this one whenever I'm in the mood for some angst.
43. Trust Me by @ambivertdreamer 😔 Rafael Barba x Reader I really like Rafa stories that follow the plot from Intersecting lives (wtf were you thinking giving out your address Barba?!) and seeing the fall out and consequences that the show didn't really give us. This is a great story that ties up really nicely.
44. Coming Home by @seekret-fanfic 🥰 Sonny Carisi x Reader Warning! Your heart may not be prepared for this amount of fluff!! I fucking LOVE this story - it pulls at the heartstrings in such a delightful way. Warms my cold dead heart 🖤
45. On Takeout and Yoga by @inflagranteinnuendo 🥵 Sonny Carisi x Reader Not your conventional smut piece. This is so well written. I love the flow of the whole story. I love the build up to ending. I love just how goddamn sweet and endlessly understanding Sonny is!!
46. SVU guys picking out engagement rings by @adacarisi 🥰 Sonny Carisi, Rafael Barba, Mike Dodds I've been a wedding-y mood recently, and this just tickles my fancy.
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marosina · 1 month
Band!Eren pt. 3-1 (Hometown: Lore Tour)
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Modern AU, reader x Eren, famous!Eren, band!Eren (guitar+vocals)
Series warning: 🌶️
Part 1
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💫 When you arrive in Shiganshina for the band’s hometown show, you can’t help but feel giddy. Eren’s early lyrics included references to the people, places, and things all around you—and now you get to see them for yourself.
💫 You probably could have just driven over on show day, seeing as you live only a couple of hours away. However, you’ve decided to make this a weekend trip so you have time to explore beforehand and rest afterward. After checking into your hotel, you head out with a map of the sights you want to see.
💫 You start with the large wall separating the city from the seafront, which is mentioned in a number of lyrics. As you stand on top of it, wind blowing through your hair, you feel inspired to write your own.
💫 Then, you visit the high school the band was born from. You’re sure to take a picture for your friends back home. You even take a picture with the sign out front that reads “Go Titans!”
💫 You can’t be 100% certain, as it was never confirmed by the man himself, but you’ve heard through the rumour mill that the coffee shop you’re approaching is the same one Eren used to frequent; the building where most of their first two albums were written.
💫 As you open the door to Sonny’s Beans you’re now at least 99% sure that the rumours are true. There he is, sitting at a table in the back with two familiar strangers: Armin and Mikasa, his childhood friends. You’ve seen them in the few photos from Eren’s pre-band days that fanpages circulate from time to time. Eren’s mostly hidden behind a plant but you’d recognize those hands anywhere.
💫 His “stalker” comment from a few weeks ago rings in your ears, so you do your best to act like he’s not there. Celebrities deserve privacy too, and the other patrons seem to be on the same page. No one bothers them and you don’t either.
💫 You order your drink and sit at the window bar with your notebook, scribbling down the words your earlier sightseeing inspired. They’re not much yet but the cozy atmosphere of the coffee shop fills you with the energy to sculpt and refine them. It’s easy to understand why Eren spent so much time here.
💫 By the time you finish your drink, you’ve got a verse and hook. You pack up to leave, but before you can make it too far out the door you hear that smooth, deep voice call your name.
💫 Armin and Mikasa study you closely as Eren closes the distance. He wasn’t expecting to run into you before the show, especially when he’d just been talking about you to his friends. Not that he lets you know that. This is strictly professional, after all.
💫 You’re a bit embarrassed to be caught on your band lore tour and he teases you about it. It’s a bad idea, but he offers to treat you to dinner that night in exchange for your promise to never confirm the location. He made a deal with the owners years ago to try and preserve the quiet and stable lifestyle they preferred.
💫 You may or may not feel like you’re going to explode from his invitation but you’re determined not to show it. You accept and joke that you’ll even make a post to throw off the trail if he throws in dessert. Eren grins and suggests one a few streets over that ‘really deserves more hype’.
💫 Armin and Mikasa exchange a glance just as Eren says he’ll message you the details within the next couple of hours. You watch them disappear around the corner, Eren waving his friends off as they pester him. Then it hits you.
💫 Eren Jaeger—the man you’ve spent way too much time and money idolizing over the last couple of years—wants to spend his time and money on you tonight.
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Fun fact: one of the local high schools in my hometown called their sports teams the “Titans”! I once cosplayed Mikasa in their practice gear c:
Tagging: @katestrophes @jaegersdiary
Comment or message to be added to tag list <3
Part 2 | Part 3-2: TBA
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snnydcysarch · 4 months
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this valentine's day, i am mushy. not cause of romance, but because of the love that you guys have been sending my way about sonny. i genuinely appreciate all the kind words and how you guys adore this adorable silly disney channel character in every fandom. thank you guys for allowing me to have this safe space to continue to write her and explore different parts of her. even in different verses (seriously never expected to give her an spn verse, but the love and acceptance she got when created?? means the world!!).
sonny has been my comfort character since i was a kid and she means everything to me. maybe because i am demi trash, but i just fucking adore sonny munroe. everything she stands for and her love for people, even when they kick her down. my bb girl continues to stand tall. with her short ass (i say while being the same exact height rkgjsbegkjber).
but seriously, i really appreciate you guys so much. your words always mean the world.
please continue to take care of yourselves and stay hydrated <3
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skrillien · 6 months
18 and 23 for the fanfic ask game? And happy new year! <3
Current wips:
Cringecore is still ongoing, even if updates are getting slow due to a lack of interest. Not to say it'll be abandoned at all, i just haven't felt like working on it a bunch lately. Been getting distracted.
On the unpublished side, right now I'm working on a Skrillmau5 BDSM oneshot with the working title "strip me down and go to town". it's almost 4k words long. Once that's done I plan to write some PG!Verse waycest/gerardmau5 or more skm5 BDSM depending on if my dick wants to cooperate with me.
Fics i wanted to write but didn't:
oh boy. where do i start.
first there was the fucking ROULETTE of ideas i had for BSB that all sucked. and then there was, like, basically a first draft of love me dead in that it was gerardmau5 snuff but THAT sucked.
i started the YOTP series but i never finished it and i don't really plan to.
there's an entire sonny/waybros noncon fic me and @vampireshmu wrote together that just never got posted even though it got finished (???i felt like it sucked. i might go back over it because i posted a sequel to it and it's weird as hell with no context.)- there was also a part three i started formulating but never plotted out.
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THIS is my plot bunny hutch.
and, to top it all off: i realized Mutually Assured Destruction needed to be a 2-part series instead of a standalone story and had to put off writing it so I could actually plot out the FIRST part.
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adarafaelbarba · 2 years
I’ve seen @teamsladsandgents do it mainly with Rafael and Sonny. But do you have any dad hcs with any of the guys? 👀
Boy do I! 😅
I’m thinking of revamping widower!Mike (hopefully soon) and giving his daughter Grace two brothers, Parker Dodds (who’s the oldest) and Michael “Micha” Dodds jr. (youngest, and named after Mike 🥰). Parker was 5 when his mom passed away, Gracie was 3 and Micha was 1. And ever since then Mike’s taken care of them mostly on his own (of course with sitters and family helping when he works). Mike’s content with not moving on, wanting to have his wife be his first and last love. But with some encouraging pushes he manages to find someone who loves him, quirks and all, and absolutely adores his kids. Only a selected few outside of family knows about them. Parker is the spitting image of Mike, Grace is their mom’s clone, while Micha is a perfectly balanced mix of the two 🥰
In my mind Joe is a single dad (baby mama walked out on him and the kids) of two kids, Josephine and Gabriel. Josie is the eldest. And Joe does his best to take care of the two and keep them safe while doing his job. His mom and sister-in-law help a lot with the two, but like with Mike, not a lot of people know about the kids. Both babies are a mix of both parents, which made Joe’s heart ache at first, missing their mom. But he’s gotten over it now.
Sonny (who I’ve written a family verse for) has a lot of kids! In my Sonnyverse he has the following: Dominick Gabriel, Matteo Lucas, Giovanni Elijah, Angelina Maria, Beatrice Esther, Christian Isaac, Adelina Magdalena and Virginia Louisa. All of them having two names (An Italian and a Biblical). If we’re not talking this universe, I could see him wanting still a few kids, not that many (but to be fair, Christian and Adelina were unexpected twins, and Virginia was not planned 😅). I want to stick with some of the names for them. Definitely Dominick for one of his sons, and they would definitely call him Nicky! 🥰 the whole squad get frequent updates with baby pictures and he gushes about them 😅 just as much. 
Rafael would have one, a son, named Emilio. Rafael was so scared when he found out he was going to be a dad. Scared that he would be just like his father, but the second he holds Emilio in his hands he swears to do right by him. Rafael is set on teaching his son how to be a good person and treat others well. At first Rafael would be hesitant to tell anyone outside of his mami (and abuelita if she’s still there). But then Emilio would sometimes need to stay with Rafael in the office if something came up. And he would, at one point, especially around nap time, be found on the couch with Emilio falling asleep in his lap as Rafael reads for him.
Nolan has one too, a daughter named Eloise. She’s the absolute apple of his eyes, and he’s with her as much as he can. If he’s just gonna be in his office all day he offers to have her there with him, of course having the nanny on standby in case something comes up. Everyone at the DA’s office knows about her, and Samantha will sometimes stop by just to say hi to “my future colleague”. Not many people know this, but Samantha is Eloise’s godmother 😌
Peter has two sons, Andre (after Andre Dawson of Chicago Cubs) and Frank (after Frank Chance of the Chicago Cubs). His partner wasn’t all too happy about the name Frank, so no one calls him that, all going by the nickname Frankie. He teaches them everything there is to know about baseball, starting when they’re born, heck even before that. And will of course coach their team when they start playing. Peter will occasionally call in “sick” on days the boys are playing, and is their number one supporter. 
Nick in my opinion would be done after two. Having Zara and Gil part time (unless it’s after his cameo on the show and he’s married to Cynthia) is enough for him 🥰 he’s a loving dad though and makes every moment with the kids special 😌
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djmusicbest · 6 months
Say Ooh Chart by Sammy Porter
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- Artists: Sammy Porter DATE CREATED: 2023-12-13 GENRES: House, Techno (Peak Time / Driving), Dance / Electro Pop, Tech House, Minimal / Deep Tech, Bass House Tracklist : 1. Sammy Porter, Goody (UK) - Say Ooh(Extended Mix) 2. Sammy Porter, MISS DRE - Old Skool(Extended Mix) 3. Martin Ikin - Make U Sweat(Extended Mix) 4. Diplo, Hugel, Julia Church - Stay High(Extended) 5. Nick Morgan - Shook Part 3(Original Mix) 6. George Mensah - Closer(Extended Mix) 7. Chapter & Verse - Dropping It(Original Mix) 8. Riordan - Needle On The Record(Extended Mix) 9. Majestic, Liam D - Dancing & Singing(Extended) 10. Sonny Fodera, MARTEN HØRGER - Levitate(Original Mix) 11. Little Fritter, Solardo - Follow(Extended Mix) 12. TECH IT DEEP - Aisha(Extended Mix) 13. Tita Lau - I Can't Take No More(Extended Mix) 14. Seb Zito - Delicious(Extended Mix) 15. Jenn Getz & Alfie - Vibration(Extended Mix) 16. YOURS - DON'T KNOW WHERE I'M GOING(Extended Mix) 17. Secondcity, Route 94 - Vamo( Read the full article
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muznew · 6 months
Say Ooh Chart by Sammy Porter
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- Artists: Sammy Porter DATE CREATED: 2023-12-13 GENRES: House, Techno (Peak Time / Driving), Dance / Electro Pop, Tech House, Minimal / Deep Tech, Bass House Tracklist : 1. Sammy Porter, Goody (UK) - Say Ooh(Extended Mix) 2. Sammy Porter, MISS DRE - Old Skool(Extended Mix) 3. Martin Ikin - Make U Sweat(Extended Mix) 4. Diplo, Hugel, Julia Church - Stay High(Extended) 5. Nick Morgan - Shook Part 3(Original Mix) 6. George Mensah - Closer(Extended Mix) 7. Chapter & Verse - Dropping It(Original Mix) 8. Riordan - Needle On The Record(Extended Mix) 9. Majestic, Liam D - Dancing & Singing(Extended) 10. Sonny Fodera, MARTEN HØRGER - Levitate(Original Mix) 11. Little Fritter, Solardo - Follow(Extended Mix) 12. TECH IT DEEP - Aisha(Extended Mix) 13. Tita Lau - I Can't Take No More(Extended Mix) 14. Seb Zito - Delicious(Extended Mix) 15. Jenn Getz & Alfie - Vibration(Extended Mix) 16. YOURS - DON'T KNOW WHERE I'M GOING(Extended Mix) 17. Secondcity, Route 94 - Vamo( Read the full article
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film-in-my-soul · 2 years
Misc Fandom Masterlist
The Sandman
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By: Moorishflower (written) - ReformedTsundere/Film-In-My-Soul (Recorded)
Pairing: Dream of the Endless | Morpheus/Hob Gadling
Rating: T
Length: 02:47:48
Summary: "So, what's the thing that makes you poor company, stranger?" Morpheus opens his mouth -- it is none of your business, my heart is broken, I am contemplating going home and committing suicide because I am clearly and patently not designed to be loved in any meaningful way -- but is interrupted by Hob's cheerful continuation, "Because I've just been dumped by my girlfriend of two years."
Part 1 of Hallmark 'verse
aulon raid
By: Moorishflower (written) - ReformedTsundere/Film-In-My-Soul (Recorded)
Pairing: Dream of the Endless | Morpheus/Hob Gadling
Rating: T
Length: 00:18:40
Summary: The New Inn is as close to a church as Hob can build, a monument to stories, a tribute to dreams. He has a baseball bat, 600 years of fighting experience, and an anthropomorphic representation of dreaming to impress.
In other words, no neonazis allowed.
Stranger Things
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Got a Promise to Keep
Pairing: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
Rating: G
Summary: It only takes about thirty years, but finally, the day has come.
Rock Me Like a Hurricane
Pairing: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
Rating: G
Summary: Steve gets 'tricked' into taking the kids to a metal concert and gets more than he bargained for.
Teen Wolf
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Sleepless With You
Pairing: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Rating: T
Summary: The nightmares are unavoidable, but that doesn’t mean they have to linger.
Pairing: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Rating: T
Summary: "A werewolf?!" Stiles's voice is raised, a frantic curl to his question. He's pacing his hotel room, holding his headpiece like a phone out of habit.
"You didn't read the briefing?"
Happiness Is Not A Horse, You Cannot Harness It
By: Otter (written) - ReformedTsundere/Film-In-My-Soul (Recorded)
Pairing: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Rating: M
Length: 00:44:19
Summary: Derek's expecting the new guy. He's expecting another mostly-useless college kid who doesn't know one end of a horse from the other, and Derek doesn't have the time to babysit. What he's not expecting is Stiles Stilinski, who carries on conversations with the livestock and gets maybe a little too chummy with Isaac and is really kind of stupidly perfect in every way. And it's just distracting, that's all.
Six of Crows
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Another Word for Handicap
Pairing: Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa
Rating: T
Summary: Everyone in the Barrel has something to say about Kaz Brecker.
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Homing Beacon
Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Rating: M
Summary: Ambushed and captured on a recon mission, coalition fighter Dean Winchester is brought to an unknown location by an unknown party and thrown into a cell for unknown reasons. The only thing he is sure of is that he's pissed and that he's not alone.
Law & Order: SVU
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Pairing: Rafael Barba/Dominick "Sonny" Carisi Jr.
Rating: G
Summary: Something passes over the other man's expression, calculating, and Sonny pretends that the air isn't charged with more than latent static from the lightning outside and the rising humidity. Up until Barba rocks half an inch closer and lets their forearms press together, that is.
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Doorstep Damsel
Pairing: Arthur/Eames
Rating: T
Summary: There's another set of knocks, softer, weaker perhaps, but with the same amount of space between each one, the same person then.
The Flash
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Large Black Coffee. Hot.
Pairing: Cisco Ramon/Harrison “Harry” Wells
Rating: G
Summary: Cisco likes working at the coffee shop just off campus. Wait. Pause. Correction. Cisco tolerates working at the coffee shop just off campus.
Late to the Party (Barrison Week Fills)  
Pairing: Harrison Wells/Barry Allen
Rating: T
Summary: Prompt 1 - Missing Scene from Canon, Prompt 2 - Domesticity, Prompt 3 - Canon Divergence, Prompt 4 - Alternate Universe, Prompt 5 - Fake/Secret Dating, Prompt 6 - Soulmates, Prompt 7 - Free-day
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Dust and Nothing  
Pairing: Tony Stark/Pepper Potts
Rating: T
Summary: Tony Stark returns to Earth and sees with his own eyes the aftermath of the snap. The only thing on his mind is Pepper.
Xavier’s School for Completely Unfair Youngsters    
Pairing: Billy/Teddy
Rating: G
Summary: “Billy and Tommy’s mutations presented themselves at a young age. The way it happened wasn’t pretty… “ 
The Young Avengers are mutants that attend Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters instead of being, well, Avengers. Follow Billy as he meets new arrival Teddy and waxes over how completely unfair the blonde just happens to be.
Beautiful Things  
Pairing: Billy/Teddy
Rating: G
Summary: Teddy likes to draw beautiful things. He also likes to go to the campus library every other day of the week. It’s not his fault that the brown haired librarian behind the desk is beautiful.
Don’t Get Lost   
Pairing: Billy/Teddy
Rating: G
Summary: Son of Hecate Billy is worried that Son of Zeus Teddy will get lost during a quest to find missing campers and makes a little magic happen with a ball of yarn.
IT (2017)
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A Pair of Arms Mean Love, Seven Means Home 
Pairing: Everyone/Everyone, OT7
Rating: Not Rated
Summary: It takes them all a little while, but eventually they find themselves exactly where they need to be. Together.
Purple Rain   
Pairing: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier
Rating: Not Rated
Summary: No one messes with Derry High’s only male cheerleader and it only mostly has to do with the fact that his boyfriend will fuck you up.
Twenty-Seven Years Later
Pairing: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier
Rating: Not Rated
Summary: It’s 27 years later and the most important part is that they’re together.
Pairing: Bill Denbrough/Stanley Uris, Side: Ben/Bev
Rating: Not Rated
Summary: Bill is tasked with dropping off Ben and Bev’s child from school and Stanley is their kindergarten teacher. It’s love at first sight.  
Repeat After Me 
Pairing: Bill Denbrough/Stanley Uris
Rating: Not Rated
Summary: The looming oral exam sends Bill into a speech induced panic, and it’s Stan that helps him out of it.
Walk You Home  
Pairing: Richie Tozier/Reader
Rating: Not Rated
Summary: Richie just wants you to know that he likes you. Unfortunately that involves him talking your ear off in the process.
Stuck Together 
Pairing: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier, Side: Bill Denbrough/Stanley Uris  
Rating: Not Rated
Summary: Soulmates are determined by complimentary tattoos. It only causes a little bit of problems… or maybe a lot a bit…
I Can Take A Punch If It’s For You  
Pairing: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier
Rating: Not Rated
Summary: There’s a lot of things that Richie can take, and a beating for Eddie is near the top of that list.
Short Stuff  
Pairing: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier
Rating: Not Rated
Summary: An insecurity explored.
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Pairing: Archie Andrews/Jughead Jones
Rating: G
Summary: Word Prompts: “71: “There’s a thunderstorm outside and you want to do what?” - 90: “I’m not stopping. I just had to see you.” - 01: “I’m sorry.”
Pairing: Archie Andrews/Reader
Rating: G
Summary: Word Prompts: “96. “I’m sick of being USELESS.” - 40. “Those things you said yesterday… Did you mean them?” - 29. “Again?”
Pairing: Jughead Jones/Reader
Rating: G
Summary: Word Prompts: “30. “I’ve been in love with you my entire life.” - 63. “You left without saying goodbye……. I hate you for that.” - 49. “I can’t promise you that…….”
Star Trek
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Bird Talk 
Pairing: Montgomery Scott/Nyota Uhura
Rating: M
Summary: “I’m gonna’ have ta thank whoever yer bird might’ve been,” Scotty said softly as the linguist pulled her naked body towards him.
Pairing: Jim Kirk/Spock
Rating: G
Summary: Yeah, Jim thought, very agreeable.
Thy'la I’m Sorry 
Pairing: Jim Kirk/Spock
Rating: G
Summary: Spock fucks up a little bit.
Pairing: Pavel Checkov/Leonard “Bones” McCoy
Rating: G
Summary: Leonard McCoy hates flying.
Holodeck Fun 
Pairing: Nyota Uhura/Nyota Uhura (Holodeck Clone)
Rating: M
Summary: Nyota tests a theory in the Holodeck.
Memories of Tulips   
Pairing: T'Pring/Nyota Uhura
Rating: G
Summary: T'Pring shows up to Uhura’s apartment for a date with flowers.
Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons
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Pairing: Hiccup/Jack Frost
Rating: Not Rated
Summary: Golden-child Hiccup and outcast Jack are in love.
Notes: AO3 Posted - Written 2015 
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Smartest Kid I Know
Title: Smartest Kid I Know Fandom: Supernatural Characters: Sonny, Sam Summary: Ticklish!Sam; Sam is the smartest kid Sonny has met. If only the kid knew that too.
A/N: HELLOOOOO! Okay, so, I am so happy you guys like this series so far! Your support is amazing!! So here is Part 3 of the Sonny Verse. Enjoy!
Sonny has been working in the Boys Home “Business” for a couple of years now. The Ex-Con liked to think he was reshaping these kids lives for the better. When the Winchester’s first came up on the phone from the Deputy, he wondered if he was getting a tag team of thieves despite with he was told. But, when this tall young man with a protective arm around the smaller kids’ shoulders strolled in, he immediately knew he was wrong.
Sam and Dean quickly became popular around the boys home. Dean seemed hesitant to make friends but it came naturally to the teen, that it spread to the high school. Dean was a tough kid and strong as well, making it on the wrestling team. It made Sonny proud to see the teen happy in what he was doing. Despite Dean being a badass, the walls so obviously built around him crumbled in the face of an adorable puppy eyed kid―his little brother.
Sam was like no kid Sonny had ever met. He was quick witted (for his age), fast, unusually short and hella smart. He was so interested in everything. In the world, in the way people worked, how their minds worked. Sam recently became more invested with Law, particularly as a profiler or even a lawyer caught his interest. Sam loved reading all the books Sonny carried around and sometimes, if they finished chores and work around the barn, Sam would ask Sonny to explore the world with him in a dusty old atlas.
They would sit on the floor in Sam and Dean’s room, sometimes Dean laying a few feet away doing homework, sometimes getting involved too. But, most of the time, Sonny cherished it because they were alone. Sam would tell him about what he saw on the road with his dad and brother and then explain where he would love to go.
“Sometimes, I want to go back to Kansas,” Sam said once. Sonny was a bit surprised since they were looking at Greece, but he gave Sam his full attention. “I never knew our mom but if we stayed there...maybe I would be closer to her.”
“I’ve been to Vegas before!” Sam exclaimed another time. “You should have seen Dean. Practically pouting the whole time since Dad wouldn't let him go to the casinos with him.”
Sonny sometimes told Sam of what he did as an Ex-Con, what he’d seen and how he moved on. Sam listened with wide eyes and curious questions that made Sonny think that he couldn't be that bad of a guy if this kid looked at him with awe. Now he understood, more then ever, why Dean loved his little brother so much. Sam had a way of making you feel special. If only Sam had a Sam to make him see it, too.
“They were talking about college in school today,” Sam said, laying on his stomach as he wrote equations that made Sonny’s head spin. Sam was doing high schooled leveled homework and Sonny couldn't have been more proud.
“Well, sorta. My guidance teacher talked about it to me in a meeting,” Sam shrugged. “She asked where I wanted to go.”
“Have any idea?” Sonny asked, leaning back on one of the beds as they sat on the floor.
“I was looking at some of the brochures she had. I like Stanford’s law program,” Sam admitted, still not making eye contact.
“Stanford’s a good school.”
“I’d never make it in,” Sam sighed, biting his lip with a frown. It physically hurt Sonny to see Sam so downhearted. Where was Dean when you needed him?!
“C’mon, kid, you know that ain’t true in the slightest.”
“Sonny, I’d have to work really hard to get in and it would have to be on a scholarship since I don't have that kind of money! I would be like a Commoner in a school full of Rich People.”(OHHC References >///< sorry)
“So what?” Sonny said, leaning forward. “If you get in, it would be because your wicked smart, not because you bribed them to let you in.”
“But, Sonny, that’s the problem. I’m not some genius. I only know this stuff because of how often we moved, not because I actually know it! I cant get into Stanford and that's how it has to be,” Sam slammed his book shut. Sonny could see frustrated tears well in Sam’s eyes and Sonny wondered what the hell he could do to make this better. Then it hit him.
Sam was just as―if not more―ticklish then his big brother. And it would definitely put a smile on the baby Winchester’s face. Sonny reached a hand out and gently ruffled Sam’s hair, moving his hand so his finger’s brushed along Sam’s neck. Sam squeaked in surprise, head immediately snapping to trap the tickling fingers.
“Sonny, whahat are you dohoing?”
“Trying to make you feel better, kiddo. And get you to see my way, of course,” Sonny chuckled, wiggling his trapped fingers and darting his other one to Sam’s exposed sides.
“Whahat’s your wahahay?”
“That you are a wiz-kid and need to see that yourself.”
“Buhut I’m nohOHOT! NOO!” Sam shrieked as Sonny pulled his hands free and both hands scurried along Sam’s sides, slipping under the thin tee-shirt and scratching the soft flesh.
“You are, Sam,” Sonny insisted. “I mean, you’re going High School level homework right now! You’re in geometry already and you are almost done with your chemistry course!” Sonny dug his thumbs into Sam’s hips, doing the same maneuver Sam taught him for Dean.
Sam cried out in laughter, though he didn't seem to be as ticklish there as his older brother. The younger kid tried to roll away from Sonny, climbing to his knees to crawl away but the Ex-Con had a few tricks up his sleeves.
“Where do you think you’re going, Thing Two?” He scooped Sam up from his armpits, making the kid cackle as he wiggled his fingers into the ticklish pits. 
“STOHOHOP! AHAHA! SOHOHONNY!” The nickname made Sam feel warm inside. The only nickname he ever had was the one from Dean―Sammy―but since they arrived at Sonny, everyone quickly started calling them Thing One and Thing Two because despite the age difference, they pretty much did everything together. “DEHEHEAN! DEHE HEHEHELP!”
“Dean is out with Robin,” Sonny chuckled. “It’s just you and me...and the other boys.” Sonny sighed as Sam continued to struggle and call for help. “C’mon kid, use that big brain of yours and find a way out!”
Sam shrieked as Sonny moved down to his stomach, finger’s splaying over his ribs. They hovered over Sam’s slightly pudgy belly, teasingly wiggling in the air.
“NOHO! Nohooo. Plehehease dohohon’t.”
“Do you think your smart enough to get into Stanford and become the best lawyer out there?”
“I feel like that’s more of a no...,” Sonny mock-sighed, making a tickle-claw and descending it on Sam’s quivering tummy. Sam screamed as it vibrated, the feeling sending tingles of laughter out of his mouth. He tried grabbing at the older man but was able to avoid it.
“What was it Dean liked to do to you? What were they called? Blue berries?”
“NONONO!” Sam pleaded, throwing his head back with a squeal as Sonny discovered Sammy’s little innie. 
“Aww, it’s so cute,” Sonny cooed, wiggling his finger inside. Adorable bubbly laughter filled Sam’s chest as they exploded out of his mouth. “But, they weren't called blueberries. Was it black berries?”
“R-Raspberries? Ya, that’s it! Raspberries! You love them don’t you?” Sonny moved the shirt up further and rubbed his small scruff under the small boys belly button. Sam was crying with laughter, voice sputtering protests. “So, Sammy. Are you smart enough to get into Stanford?”
“YEHEHES! YES! Ihihi’m so smahahahart! I cahahan!”
“Damn right, you can!” Sonny chuckled before diving down and blowing a huge raspberry. Sam bucked up as adorable cackling laughter ripped through his ribs.
Sonny pulled away, laughing as the ore-teen seemed to deflate, a helpless smile on his face as residue giggles still poured out of his mouth. After taking a few huge gulps of air, Sam seemed to finally calm down from the torture. He looked up a Sonny and gave his shy smile.
“You really think I can do it?”
“I know you can do it, Sam,” Sonny ruffled the kids hair one more time before standing, helping Sam up and pulling him into a hug. “You’re the smartest kid I know. You’ll do just fine.”
And Sam smiled as he actually believed it.
~To be continued...~
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carisi-dreams · 2 years
Hello. The lovely @beardsanddetectiveses recommended Motorcycle MC! to me to read as I adore Sonny Carisi and can I say I absolutely loved it. 
I'm new to fics and this isn't what I would gravitate towards but my goodness, I am so happy it was recommended to me. I have read the Sonny ones twice and Amaro's (after beardsandetectives recommended I start with his). 
I could fangirl and go on forever - but I really just wanted to say my favourite part today (and it changes often) is where the reader confronts Sonny in the parlour with Emily. Gosh - where she says 'there was a time when you looked at me like that' and my absolute angst killer ' I saw the look in your eye'.
I have a few questions but I really am interested to know if you have a preference to write for Sonny or Amaro, whether you had a favourite chapters/or line and what was your best part you wrote? 
I've been so lucky finding this fandom at this time that I have and finding these amazing writers and stories. So thankyou so much.
Ps. With me now back on my commute to work - i'm totally binging on fics to pass the time and I am now reading your Sonny series and it makes me so happy. Especially how unbelievably sweet Sonny is at 19 and 23. It's all the best feels. 
hello! thank you so much for your kind words! I really love the mc!au and it will always be my baby :')
it feels mean to choose a favorite, but I would have to say mc!sonny right now. I always saw his storyline a bit more clearly than I saw nick's, but I do love how they complement on another.
my favorite part of the mc!sonny series is probably drunk driving [the angst and the love are just...chef's kiss] or Love having you inside me (NSFW) [I think this was my very first fill in this verse..?] OR anything soft and sweet.
truly, I have a lot of favorites and it's so hard to choose!
thank you thank you for loving these characters so much <3
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I’m writing a lot in the background. A couple things aren’t on Tumblr, but I may post here and add one shots in that verse. For now, I’ll throw up the link.
Frederick Chilton 
The Blackout (In Progress)
Frederick Chilton x OC Blackout I Wish I Could Know What You’re Thinking  She May Have Even Liked Him Then
All Too Well
A thing I’m writing
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Sonny Carisi
If You Love Someone, Let Them Go (In Progress)
Sonny x OC 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 Four Valentine’s Two Weddings
One Shots
Down a Sitter : When Carisi’s wife is away, he has to bring his daughter to court.
Rafael Barba
Hallelujah (Never Ending)
Rafael Barba x OC  Started as a One Shot, and Now We’re Here
When I Became a Man, I Put Childish Ways Behind Me Back Before You Lost the One Real Thing You've Ever Known Here We Are as in Olden Days Trust Me Abuelitas, Tantrums, and Ropa Vieja Happy Valentine’s Raf Bring Your Daughter to Court Day and Dad Friends
Because You Don’t Have to do This Alone (What if Rafael Answered the phone? AU)
Miami (Jumpin’ the shark)
Accidental Feminist Icon
Rafael Barba x Carmen Friendship or Romance? I don’t even know yet.
Accidental Feminist Icon Delete the Twitter App, Mr. Barba The Iowa Caucus Happened
Choices We Make (Hiatus)
Rafael Barba x OC AO3 Link Current word count: 17,001
BBC Sherlock
Mycroft Holmes
Folklore 4 Part
Love you to the Moon and to Saturn
I can see us Lost in the Memory
Meetings Over Dinner (In Progress but slow)
Mycroft Holmes x OC AO3 Link  Current Word Count: 43,947
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cycat4077 · 3 years
Summary: The origin story of Sonny’s tousled hair of season 18. Set July 27th 2016 (S18 E01 - Terrorized) Pairing: Sonny x Reader Warnings: Just a witty little drabble. Words: 294 AO3 here
Part 11 in the Changes verse. But 100% a stand-alone fic :P
A/N: Am I the only one who thinks Sonny’s hair was extremely attractive in this season? I mean, that little floppy bit in the front...*dies* Shout out to hair and makeup in that season for being the real MVPs. Petition to bring it back!
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It’s early morning. You’re in the kitchen preparing yours and Sonny's lunches for work when a series of frustrated grunts and groans ring out from the bathroom.
What the heck, Sonny? you think, padding towards the source to investigate.
Popping your head through the door you see your boyfriend standing in front of the mirror, arms raised as he works a comb across his hair.
"Everything okay in here, babe?" you ask, quirking an eyebrow at Sonny in the mirror.
He swivels to face you, one hand flicking the comb through his gelled hair while the other smooths back what he's just combed. He huffs and his shoulders slump in defeat when a few defiant strands flop back across his forehead.
You scrunch the corner of your mouth into a sympathetic frown and Sonny flashes you two big, blue puppy dog eyes. Unable to resist, you step towards him, palm out expectantly. He sets the cool plastic comb in your hand and you gingerly use it to slick back his dark locks. At first the strands hold, but as soon as you pull your hand away, they fall forward once again.
You step back, biting your lip. Hmmm, you hum, drinking him in. Sonny's silver sprinkled locks appear more tousled than orderly.
"What?" he asks, still annoyed over his uncooperative hair.
"I like it," you reply. "It's sexy." You then reach a hand behind his neck and pull him down for a heated kiss. Sonny's eyebrows raise in initial surprise but he's quick to ease and match your fervor.
You end the kiss by gently tugging his bottom lip between your teeth and, with a flirtatious gleam in your eye, suggest that Sonny gives this new hairdo a try.
Unsurprisingly, he has no objections.
Heehee! I dreamed this idea up and ran with it. I’m secretly a glutton for weaving canon stuff into my fics like this. 
Hope it made you laugh a little :3
Feedback is loved <3 And please let me know if you’d like to be tagged! (I’m shy to just ask people.)
Part 12 here
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onsunnyside · 2 years
HI SONNY!!! im back🤭 may i present to you again...
spicy videos: cl and hcv edition (part 1 because its a lot)
1. cl steve? or hcv curtis? punishing his omega WITH CHAINS?!?!?!?!
2. cl r getting a call from hayden while giving steve a bj so of course steve being steve, he forced her to answer it
3. cl steve after he tamed r to a complete submission
4. hcv curtis teaching his omega how to pleasure herself with his thigh
5. SIZE KINK!!!! hcv curtis teaching r how to ride him without his help unfortunately
6. HCV CURTIS!!!!!!
7. hcv curtis f*ucking r on her pink ruffle/fuzzy bed
also i fucking hope that hcv means howard college verse because if its not......... im going to be embarrassed
here we go: many dark drabbles below (HC Verse (yes it is HCV bestie), sick of sugarcoatin', captain's legacy) these can also be considered spoilers bc some will be in the fics !!
𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 | dark alpha!fratboy!Steve Rogers x omega!reader, dark alpha!fratboy!Curtis Everett x innocent omega!reader
𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 | dark, manipulation, non-con/dub-con, SMUT - minors DNI, dirty talk, blasphemy (I'm serious, this goes off the rails at #1), misuse of a rosary, spanking, oral (m), a smidge of boot riding, daddy kink, degradation, dumbification, dacryphilia, filming sex, grinding, thigh riding, exhibitionism - public sex-eqsue (library), virginity kink/ruined kink, petting, spit kink, size kink, unprotected sex (p in v)
𝗪/𝗖 | 1860
if you don't like it, don't read.
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1. Sick of Sugarcoatin’!Curtis and your rosary: omg, let's just go full 'i need jesus' bc curtis... doing this... with your rosary 😳 and he makes fun of you too
"What do you think your parents will say if they saw you now?”
You yank against the silk ties around your wrists, tears seeping into the frilly pillow under your face, "Curtis—don't—"
“Hush now, I'm going to bless you." He chuckles darkly, "In the name of the Father, and of the Son," the beads trail down your skin, over your ass and down your thighs, barely slipping between your thighs.
"This isn't—you said we were going to study!" You wiggle, trapped between wanting more and hoping your parents would come home early. Curtis wasn't allowed in your house unless they were home, but he guaranteed you were only going to study, nothing more.
A burning sensation blooms on your ass, the beads sending streams of warmth over your flesh as Curtis continues the motion, swatting you with your precious rosary. "Can I finish now?" He yanks your hair back, forcing your neck to stretch awkwardly.
His firm body envelops yours, his beard scratching your tear-stained cheeks, "Aw, poor cherry, why are you crying? It feels too good?"
"N-No, you're being mean again... You lied."
Curtis scoffs softly, fisting the rosary in his hand and prying your thighs apart with his knees, "I didn't lie. I never said what subject we'd be studying, do you want to guess, omega?"
"Want these off." You uselessly tug at the restraints.
Curtis tsks, "I can't let you go until you learn how to behave and let me bless your pretty body." He drops your face back into the pillow but turns you to the side so he can kiss your lips. His blue eyes are dark and shadowed, "Welcome to Bible study, cherry."
2. Captain’s Legacy!reader answering a call:
He films you on the call too. With the bright light on your face and his smell taking over your mind, you'd do whatever he told you to.
"Yeah—uh, maybe?" You manage with his balls in your mouth, you suckle on his sack. Your eyes roll back as he massages your head, pulling you closer to his throbbing cock.
"Spit on it." He rasps lowly.
Your salvia lands the angry red tip, dribbling down the thick girth and where your fingers barely meet around him. You try to listen to Hayden, but with Steve slipping his foot between your thighs, there isn't much room in your head for thought.
"C'mon, grind that little cunt on me." He pushes down your shoulders, forcing your centre to press against the shiny leather of his boot. His spit lands on your cheek before he grips your chin, forcing you to meet his eyes, "Are you going dumb already, baby? Don't you want to be daddy's good girl?"
"Who is that?" Hayden asks over the line.
You can't answer him, too busy stuffing your mouth full of Steve's cock, whining around his length, and rubbing your cunt against his boot.
"Smile for the camera, omega." Steve points the lens at you, getting the perfect view of you tearing up as the leather of his shoe gets soaked with your slick, and his cock reaches the back of your throat, muffling your moans.
"That's it, daddy's pretty little whore." He snatches the cellphone from your hand, bringing it to his head, "Hey, Hayden, let me know if you'd like a copy of our little film—I'm sure that legacy wouldn't mind."
3. Captain’s Legacy!Steve taming you: Set in the future,
He comes back to the fraternity house to see you lying in his bed, nude, and doing homework, there isn't much he does without you, but days like this come and go.
"You missed me, omega?" His only reply is your happy chirps as you nuzzle his chest, burying your nose in his sweater.
You've been alone for a few hours, but it nearly felt like days because you're desperate for him to always be close. When he taps your bum, you let him pick you up and fall back onto the bed.
His head sinks into the plush blankets and pillows of your nest, "Did you eat yet, baby?"
You nod, bringing one of his hands to your mouth, kissing his fingers to his wrist, digging your nose into the skin to get more of his scent. With slow grinding motions, your bare cunt rubs against the fabric of his pants, your wetness already staining the material.
He growls, clenching one of his fists behind his head. Fond memories of the beginning of your relationship go through his mind, when you wouldn't let him touch you, when you called him an asshole—what a time that was. And now look at you, sucking on his fingers while your folds grind against his clothed cock, "Go on, take me out. Are you going to be daddy's fleshlight tonight?"
4. Sick of Sugarcoatin’!Curtis teaching you how to ride his thigh:
"Slowly, that's it. Good girl, just rub your little clit on me, just like that."
You clutch his shirt in your fists, biting down on your tongue to keep from being too loud. You can't help but think about someone walking around the corner and catching you—but why did that make you more desperate?
This part of the library is empty all day, and especially with the beautiful weather, most people are studying outside and soaking up the sun. Unlike you and Curtis, with his shorts rolled up and your summer dress bunched around your waist, hidden deep in the college library with lewd noises filling the surrounding air.
"Hold on," he reaches down, peeking at your soppy pussy before spreading your folds with his fingers, he presses you down by your hips again. "Continue, is that better?"
You gasp wetly, eagerly nodding as your clit rubs against his warm skin. Your motions speed up, those little twitches growing into erratic jerks, "Ah, I—oh!"
"That's it, cum all over daddy's thigh, show me how messy you are." He helps you, bouncing his leg in time with your grinds, pushing those pathetic whimpers from your throat. He chuckles, "Feels good, cherry?"
"Mhm." You nod, in a daze.
"I know this virgin cunt hasn't done this before, can feel you dripping down my thigh. Are you going to mark me, cherry? Cover me in your cream so you can lick it off after I cum on your pretty face?"
5. Sick of Sugarcoatin’!Curtis and size kink:
His fingers rub your cheeks, wiping away those tears.
"I like when you—do it..." You trail off.
"When I fuck you," Curtis corrects, his cock lying hard against his lower stomach, "When I make love to you, cherry."
"Yeah, want you to do it, please."
"How else are you going to learn if you don't try to take me yourself?"
You gnaw on your lip, hesitatingly looking down at his fat length, red and hot, "You're too b-big... I can't..."
He cups your cheek with one hand, pulling your hips closer with the other. Your bare pussy barely touches his cock, but it's enough for you to nearly jump out of his lap, and he calms you with slow rubs on your gland. "You can, cherry, I know you can. Don't you want to feel good? And make me feel good too? After everything I've done for you, this is how you're going to act?"
You frown, gasping as the thick head prods at your hole, "What?"
"I don't know," His brows furrow, "It sounds selfish to me. Like you just want to use me."
"No! I'd never!"
"Then, show me." He cocks his head, reaching between your thighs to slip the leaky tip along your slit, "Ride me, cherry, show me how much I mean to you."
6. Sick of Sugarcoatin’!Curtis: "I told you that you'd like it."
"You don't have to watch this time."
Instantly, your head falls back against the couch, your grip tightens on your feet as your thighs tremble, the quiver is soothed by Curtis' other hand that caresses your knee, tugging at your socks.
"Tickles a little, huh?" He asks, his skilled fingers softly rubbing your cunt over your cotton panties. "I'm being very gentle, cherry, I wouldn't want to overwhelm you."
Your reply is a little nod as your eyes flutter open, meeting his in a heated gaze, but yours are too unfocused with the new feeling taking over your body with every swipe of his fingers.
"I told you that you'd like it, and you tried to push me away." He tsks, angling his head to look between your legs and groaning at the wetness seeping through your underwear. He spreads your folds over the fabric before seeking your button, "See what happens when you just let me do the thinking, baby? Omegas like you should never worry your head, just let daddy decide everything for you."
7. Sick of Sugarcoatin’!Curtis fucking you:
His lips are warm against yours, his tongue massaging yours as he swallows each of your moans.
You feel a slight tugging at your hole and dig your nails into his shoulders, caught between pushing him away and pulling him closer.
"Feel my knot, baby?" He groans against your mouth before pulling away, a string of saliva between your lips before he spits where you meet. His hips unrelenting, fucking little uh's out of you. "Fuck, look at that little fuckhole—fucking split open on my cock."
Your head bobs with each of his thrusts, your hands falling to the mattress to fist your sheets. "Daddy, daddy, daddy," You weep, drool escaping the corner of your lips, "s-so good, love it—love you—"
"I know, cherry, daddy knows." His gaze lifts from your puffy folds to your face, he groans at your dazed expression, "I love you too, baby, so much."
His skin slaps against yours, filling your room with filthy noises as your wetness coats his cock, creamy strings connecting his base to your hole. He teases you with his knot, barely fucking into you before pulling out until just the thick tip.
"You want my cum, cherry? Want me to pump you full, and fill this little cunt until you can't take anymore? Maybe I'll knock you up, huh?" He entwines your hands and presses down on your lower stomach, his muscles flexing under his tatted skin as your juices leak onto the bed.
Your mewls grow in volume before he tears your underwear from your knees, he covers you, panting heavily as he sinks deep. "If you don't shut up, you'll get us caught. You want your parents to wake up and find their daughter getting railed like a whore?"
You shake your head, gasping for air as he fills you to the brim.
"You know what to do."
You surge up and latch onto the ring hanging from the chain around his neck, keeping it locked between your teeth with your lips shut.
"Good girl, keep your purity ring safe while I cream your little pussy, yeah?"
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unbiasedcabaret · 3 years
love death + robots
objectively the most badass name for a tv show
anyways here's my review of the first season. it is ranked. but rankings change depending on whether I wanna look at pretty animation or be invested in characters/story. there are short, slightly (extremely) stupid reviews next to them too.
(Also rankings are so hard. Am I basing it off of rewatchability? how impressed I was on the first watch? would I want to go back to that world? the animation? the characters? my investment in the story? Currently, I'm going off of what feels right and how excited it makes me basically)
18. The Dump: Eh. I couldn’t get into it. Boring animation, like it was definitely good quality, but nothing particularly interesting. Like okay, dumpster monster. Cool cool cool. This felt so long when it was relatively a shorter episode.
17. Alternate Histories: Never have I been so disappointed so fast. The premise sounded so cool, I was really hoping they’d go realistic with this one, explore some really interesting theories/possibilities. If I look at it objectively, pretty okay. I liked hitler’s long legs, did not enjoy the weird prostitute part, and had an okay time at the ending. Eh.
16. When the Yogurt Took Over: I don’t get it. Oh wow, humans are so dumb even the yogurt left us. Or oh wow they were so smart they got everything they wanted genius yogurt. Okay so? I didn’t care about anything happening, because I got over it kinda fast.
15. Lucky 13: Fun. I love pilots loving their ships, especially with this slightly sentient(?) ship thing going on. I enjoyed the rise to the top, could’ve been a less predictable fall perhaps.
14. Ice Age: Great start, I was hooked from the second the civilization started developing. Might’ve helped that I was high as fuck while watching this. Didn’t really go anywhere, there was no resolution, no reason, nothing. Honestly just felt a little underdeveloped, they should’ve pushed it a little. Very cool premise though.
13. Beyond the Aquila Rift: I don’t fully get the hype not gonna lie. Like I was interested definitely but the twist didn’t blow my mind it just seemed like it made sense. Didn’t have the ‘oh fuck’ moment and wasn’t especially blown away by the animation
12. Sucker of Souls: My favourite part of this was when they literally killed the exchange student. Very fun. Also when his head was split in half and it split into layers. Other than that, eh. The cat thing was interesting but then they never actually used it so what was the point. It just went nowhere and wasn’t that cool. Okay, I take that back the chase scenes/fight scenes/anything action was very engaging.
11. Shape-Shifters: I agree with that one guy who said bad-ass. I love it when fight scenes are actually all out because you KNOW motherfuckers tend to hold back for the sake of plot or whatever. I like it as a short though because it’s interesting to think about, I’m just not too interested in seeing where it goes after. (Which is a good thing because they did all the fun things in the short).
10. Three Robots: Really interesting, loved the characters, loved their skewed understanding of human history (kinda makes me question how much we really know about the past). Odd ending but high me was impressed
9. The Secret War: I was super into it. I love a good fight scene, great backstory, great animation. I just watched Aquaman and the creatures reminded me of those guys from the trench, especially with the flare at the end and I’m not complaining.
8. Blindspot: Why does this episode get hate. It’s a heist with robots how is it boring. I personally love heists, especially in the fast&furious style thing. I loved the characters too, and I’m now questioning my ability to get attached to robots this fast. Also enjoyed the murder, because I’m so used to people being saved at the last minute. I would definitely watch the fuck out of this movie because there could definitely be fun ways to fuck with the whole ‘there are no stakes because we can’t die’ thing.
7. Suits: PERFECT. So perfect there is nothing wrong with this like absolutely nothing wrong. I was into it, loved the robots, loved the characters, loved the world. Would wanna go back into this world and see more of it. Just the idea of casual alien encounters is so fun to me. I’d definitely watch this movie. Honestly felt bad when Jake died which is surprising with an 18-minute runtime. Basically, I view this as a little Pixar version of the show and I had a fun time.
6. Fish Night: So pretty so mesmerising so mystical. I wish the fish part went on for longer I would’ve watched the shit out of it. I kinda wanna go and see that whole scene again. Great short. Very perfect.
5. Helping Hand: Gravity but gory. Did not see it coming so it was a very fun surprise. Nothing wrong with this and I would watch again. Especially liked the part where no one somehow managed to save her and she figured it out on her own. (Not from a feminist point of view, more from a predictability point of view)
4. Sonnie’s Edge: Brilliant fucking animation (when the neon outfits/parts thing came I had to replay several times), great fight scene. I shouldn’t have been deceived by that dude’s girlfriend but she was good, so when she extended her nails through Sonnie’s skull it was great. Apart from the animation and the direction, the story did kinda fall flat now that I think about it. Like it felt a bit, okay so? types I think.
3. Good Hunting: Very great animation, great story, great storytelling. Loved the world and the way the world developed. Loved the automatons. Loved the combination of magic and machine. I didn’t expect her to be able to transform at the end so that was extremely fucking cool. Loved that she got her agency back and that the son was able to break away from his father’s habits. Hated seeing that one guy’s dick.
2. The Witness: SEXIEST animation. Spider-verse vibes especially with the bang! or whatever and I wish there was so much more of this. I was definitely more interested in the action sequences than in the weird sex stuff mostly because I saw no point to that. What was the point of the whole vladmir character when we don’t even know what he’s like. Like he was given way too much importance in my opinion. Technically she didn’t even have to leave that room. The loop stuff was pretty cool though like I had to go back to the beginning to make sure because- slight mindfuck. But I think this animation, and this beautiful beautiful world, was wasted on this average ass story. Could’ve been way cooler.
1. Zima Blue: Oh god this was a good fucking episode. Didn’t think it was gonna be this good. First of all the art itself was so cool. The were spray painting literal space rocks you cannot get more anything than that. Then his whole story? His origin? His truth? FUCK me. Also the animation was so distinct. It was so, it’s own. So specific. And it worked so well with the story. I don’t want anymore of this short in the best way possible. Also I thought of this art thing that starts like this but the blue starts becoming better and then a whole universe comes out of the blue and it starts right back where he started - murals of the universe. And his final work is a universe with like a tiny blue square to show that it repeats forever? Idk what that means but I kinda wanna make it but it’d definitely be plagiarism. Also I can’t do art.
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skrillien · 7 months
and to make the polling fair, here's a short description of each;
1. sonny daze/lolita haze: literally just a bunch of fftl!sonny porn :) various pairings but gerard way and pete wentz will definitely be there!
2. untitled: skrillmau5. this one will make you cry.
3. space invader: skrillmau5, noncon/dubcon alien porn
4. like an outlaw, baby: long? plotty, part of a trilogy. potential skrillmau5 but joel will definitely be there as will mikey way. takes place after gerard's murder.
5. another world outside: a professional griefers AU (and, technically, this is the version of PG that exists in equinox-verse). may be a mid-length fic or may be a series like cringecore, who knows it depends. skrillmau5, features the way brothers and will likely have some waycest. may also potentially include frank iero, james dewees, feed me, kill the noise, knife party, and/or others.
you may also send asks or comment if you like multiple :3
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atasteforsuicidal · 3 years
Tagged by @primeemeraldheiress​ ♥ Thanks Em!
name/nickname: Kit, xavi
gender: she/her/hers
star sign: gemini, though i like to claim gemini-cancer cusp, even though i’m a few days before it
height: 5'7-5′8ish??
time: 9:12 a.m.
favorite bands: Simple Plan, MEST, Good Charlotte, Green Day, 5 Seconds of Summer, One Direction, The Vamps, The Rankin Family, The 1975, Hedley, Marianas Trench, My Chemical Romance, Three Days Grace, Little Mix, Gym Class Heroes, Destiny's Child
favorite solo artists: McGinty, Zayn, Luke Bryan, Dean Brody, Aaron Pritchett, David Cook, Adam Lambert, Shania Twain, Halsey, Stan Rogers, Nelly, Ja Rule, Hillary Duff
birthday: June 18
song stuck in my head right now: Coal Miner’s Daughter - Loretta Lynn
last movie: The Old Guard
when did i create this blog: Uhhhh. Like a decade ago? Ish? Definitely back in my uni days, anyway.
what i post: Chaotic fandom reblogging, impulsive whining/observations about my life, links to my own writing
why I chose my url: I’ve been through many, although I think it’s been several years since I last changed it. It comes from the line “with an angel face and a taste for suicidal” from green day’s song Saint Jimmy. The entire American Idiot album has always been extremely important to me, and this line highlighted my particular mindset at the time of choosing it, so. Yeah.
In regards to my ao3 handle, it comes from smushing the names of two PBs from an RP ship I used to be involved in. The PBs were Xavier Samuel and Tim Urban. I used to have a 'matching' tumblr url with the PBs of a different ship from the same game (lukepoynter, for Lucas Till and Dougie Poynter).
do i get asks: Not very often.
last thing i googled: "does germany have daylight savings time"
i follow: 564
followers: 787, following my most recent purge of empty/ageless blogs. I'm due for another one, though, given that I was a little lax when it came to familiar usernames the first time around.
average hours of sleep: It varies dramatically, but I'd say around 5-6.
lucky number: I don't really have a consistent one, but I tend to lean towards 13
instruments: I don't think I could play any of them anymore, but I used to be able to play the flute, recorder, and guitar.
what I’m wearing: Shawn Mendes booty shorts, a Zayn tanktop, and a sports bra that's a lil' too small.
dream trip: I'd like to get to Europe again for, like. A significant amount of time. Long enough to go to Ireland, Scotland, Italy, Germany, Amsterdam, and Belgium, and I'd like to get back to France and see more of it. But I guess if I had to pick only one, it's a toss-up between Ireland and Italy, the Vatican in particular.
favorite food: I dunno, man. Probably chicken nuggets lmao. We'll be a little classier and go with chicken over penna pasta in rosé sauce, though.
nationality: Canadian
favorite song: Sonny's Dream by McGinty
last book read: Like, read and finished? Red Robin, Vol. 3: The Hit List. But I have several textbooks and other semi-abandoned books on the go.
top three fictional universes I wanna be a part of: The one in the book Boy Meets Boy by David Levithan; for all the problems that the author herself has, I still would like to live in the Potterverse - I'm sure there are dozens of other really wonderful magical universes, but this is the one I know; and Red, White, and Royal Blue, by Casey McQuiston, because I think it would be interesting to see how the leadership works out in the real-world verses an idealised fictional world.
favorite color: Dark green, bit of a toss-up between emerald and forest.
No Pressure Tags: @elareine @theplacewhererobindied @kiseiakhun @irolltwenties @pluckyredhead @yellow-warbler @hamjay @mf-luder-xf @macabrekawaii
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