#Supernaural Fic
raz-writes-the-thing · 7 months
if prompts are still a thing; "your eyes are So pretty"
With anyone you fancy ✨
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"Thank you... your eyes. They are also quite pleasing to look at," Castiel replied, barely able to make eye contact with you, which you thought was amusing given the topic at hand.
"Thanks Cas," you spoke softly, that swelling feeling filling your ribcage when something made you really and truly happy. You knew he was probably only passing the compliment back because he didn't know what else to say, but it didn't stop that feeling from filling you up anyway.
"Your smile is also- you're beautiful, did you know? I've seen many forms and many faces over the millennia but yours... all the others do not compare."
You felt a flush crawl over your skin, betraying just how you felt about those little comments of his. And Castiel, usually so oblivious, noticed it right away.
"Oh, I see," his lips twitched into a very subtle smirk. "I did not realise my words had such an effect on you."
"Didn't you?" You asked sceptically, trying to get a hold over your reactions and failing miserably.
"Okay, you got me," Cas' grin widened just a touch, and you felt your heart flutter at the sight. "Maybe I knew a little."
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gingersnap1620 · 7 months
Make a Memory
Dean Winchester x F!Oc
Summary: Dean and Sam get their asses kicked by a witch whose big green eyes Dean can't get out of his head.
Warnings: Canon typical violence
Word Count: 1.1k
(You Want To) Make A Memory
Evil Woman
A/N: This is my first fic! This is the first part, and I hope you guys enjoy! My sister @gingernut1314 beta read this for me. Go check her out!
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~Year is 1676 in Scotland~
“You can't just leave us here Lily!”
When I decided to join the coven I had no idea of their plans. If I did then I wouldn't have joined and I wouldn't be in this situation. Leaving Scotland and my siblings behind for America. I feel like my mother, leaving them behind like this. My mother, Rowena, is a very powerful witch, so I guess that gave her the right to leave her seven kids behind.
“I don't have a choice, Fergus. You know what they're trying to make me do! Leaving is the only way to keep all of you and the world safe.” At this point, I'm just throwing the things I need in the only travel bag we own. It's big and brown and basically fallen apart. 
“I knew you would end up being exactly like her,” Fergus says, turning his back on me and walking away. Let's get one thing straight, I am nothing like my mother. She's a cruel, selfish woman. If I have to blame anyone for this I would blame her. She's the reason I have these powers in the first place. 
After I got everything I needed in my bag, I went around and said goodbye to the rest of my siblings. 
I didn't exactly have a ticket to get on the boat, but that wasn't going to stop me. I need to get on that boat. So carrying my bag on my shoulder I snuck my way onto the boat and down to the storage rooms to hide. 
As the ship started sailing off I looked out a small circle-shaped window and saw my home get further and further away. Saying that I'm scared would be an understatement, I've never been farther than the city. 
I'm going to stop those witches. I won't let them go through with their plan even if it's the last thing I do.
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~338 years later in America~
Sam and I thought that this would be an in-and-out kind of vamp job, and it was until we walked past this door. 
“What are they talking about?” I whispered to Sam as the girl in the room paced back and forth with her hand on her hip. She has curly red hair and big green eyes. “This chick kinda looks like Rowena,” I whispered to Sam. 
“I know I was just thinking that.” 
“Hopefully she's not a witch like her,” I said that as a joke, but of course right as I say it the door flings open and we get shoved which leads to us toppling onto the floor. Before I could get up the woman squats down right next to me yanking the back of my hair to make me look up at her. Her green eyes pierced into my soul. 
“Who do we have here, shall we find out?” She asked the man who hadn't moved from his spot behind his desk since we came in.
“How about not.” I spit out.
Wrong move. 
She pressed her fingers on my head. The last thing I remember seeing before I blacked out was her eyes glowed with green light. 
“Well, well, well. If it isn't Dean Winchester.” She leaves me lying on the floor as she stands up. 
What the hell just happened? How does she know my name?
“So, that must mean that you're Sam Winchester.” She said, pointing at Sam.
“What the hell did you just do to me bitch?” She walks to the man behind the desk giving Sam and I time to get up. 
I've said it before and I'll say it again I fucking hate witches. 
“Nothing, I just looked into your head, jeez stop being dramatic.” She said, with a dismissive hand.
Oh, I'm being dramatic now! I don't think so! 
I pulled my gun out and pulled the trigger, shooting her right in her stomach. She snapped her head down to find blood oozing from her shirt, a shocked look on her face. Her green eyes snapped back at me, rage burning in her eyes. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me! I just got this shirt!” She flung my gun across the room as Sam pulled his gun out and shot her again, this time right in the middle of her chest. She looked down at the bullet hole, rolled her eyes, and flung Sam across the room. I watched him hit the wall and pass out.
“He’ll be fine.” The man behind the desk decides to pitch in. I forgot he was even in the room. Apparently, so did the red-haired witch because she looked surprised when he talked. 
“Oh! I thought I already took care of you, I guess not.” And with one sharp flick of her hand, the man's head fell off.  “Don’t worry he wasn't human.” She says as she walks around his desk to pick his head up and show me his fangs. 
“A vamp? What do you get out of killing a vamp?” 
“Oh nothing, he just wasn’t helping me out with my problem.”
“Problem?” I guess I asked too many questions because just as it left my lips she flung me into the wall, pinning me there. 
“I realize I haven’t fully introduced myself, my name is Lillian.” She was walking over to me. “I don't want to hurt you two, you're just giving me no choice” 
“You know it doesn’t really feel like that.” She stopped in front of me, placing her hand gently on my shoulder. Her eyes started to light up a dark green color. She must be pretty powerful. 
“I'm sorry that I made you feel that way.” Her hand started traveling down my chest, where her other hand joined beside it. 
I closed my eyes tight, prepping for what was about to come. 
I felt her hands leave my body suddenly. My eyes flew open and I found Sam slapping a pair of silver cuffs on her. 
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“Fucking Winchesters.” She spit out as we put her in the back of the impala. 
“Are you sure you don’t just want to kill her Dean?” Sam asked after he shut the door on her. I walked around the back of the car to get to the driver's side.
“Something about her just makes me think that she's important. I don’t know man.” Sam glanced back down at her through the window and opened his door.
“Alright, I trust you, but let's go, my head is still throbbing.” He then sat down in the car and closed the door. I opened my door and did the same. 
I flipped the radio on and “Evil Women” by Electric Light Orchestra blasted through the speakers. A smirk pulled at my lips as I bobbed my head to the beat. As I turned to look at the witch I noticed Sam shaking his head at me. 
“I hope you have good taste in music” 
“I have exquisite taste in music, but this is utter garbage” I shrugged in return, placing my hands on the steering wheel and whipped out of that place.
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Smartest Kid I Know
Title: Smartest Kid I Know Fandom: Supernatural Characters: Sonny, Sam Summary: Ticklish!Sam; Sam is the smartest kid Sonny has met. If only the kid knew that too.
A/N: HELLOOOOO! Okay, so, I am so happy you guys like this series so far! Your support is amazing!! So here is Part 3 of the Sonny Verse. Enjoy!
Sonny has been working in the Boys Home “Business” for a couple of years now. The Ex-Con liked to think he was reshaping these kids lives for the better. When the Winchester’s first came up on the phone from the Deputy, he wondered if he was getting a tag team of thieves despite with he was told. But, when this tall young man with a protective arm around the smaller kids’ shoulders strolled in, he immediately knew he was wrong.
Sam and Dean quickly became popular around the boys home. Dean seemed hesitant to make friends but it came naturally to the teen, that it spread to the high school. Dean was a tough kid and strong as well, making it on the wrestling team. It made Sonny proud to see the teen happy in what he was doing. Despite Dean being a badass, the walls so obviously built around him crumbled in the face of an adorable puppy eyed kid―his little brother.
Sam was like no kid Sonny had ever met. He was quick witted (for his age), fast, unusually short and hella smart. He was so interested in everything. In the world, in the way people worked, how their minds worked. Sam recently became more invested with Law, particularly as a profiler or even a lawyer caught his interest. Sam loved reading all the books Sonny carried around and sometimes, if they finished chores and work around the barn, Sam would ask Sonny to explore the world with him in a dusty old atlas.
They would sit on the floor in Sam and Dean’s room, sometimes Dean laying a few feet away doing homework, sometimes getting involved too. But, most of the time, Sonny cherished it because they were alone. Sam would tell him about what he saw on the road with his dad and brother and then explain where he would love to go.
“Sometimes, I want to go back to Kansas,” Sam said once. Sonny was a bit surprised since they were looking at Greece, but he gave Sam his full attention. “I never knew our mom but if we stayed there...maybe I would be closer to her.”
“I’ve been to Vegas before!” Sam exclaimed another time. “You should have seen Dean. Practically pouting the whole time since Dad wouldn't let him go to the casinos with him.”
Sonny sometimes told Sam of what he did as an Ex-Con, what he’d seen and how he moved on. Sam listened with wide eyes and curious questions that made Sonny think that he couldn't be that bad of a guy if this kid looked at him with awe. Now he understood, more then ever, why Dean loved his little brother so much. Sam had a way of making you feel special. If only Sam had a Sam to make him see it, too.
“They were talking about college in school today,” Sam said, laying on his stomach as he wrote equations that made Sonny’s head spin. Sam was doing high schooled leveled homework and Sonny couldn't have been more proud.
“Well, sorta. My guidance teacher talked about it to me in a meeting,” Sam shrugged. “She asked where I wanted to go.”
“Have any idea?” Sonny asked, leaning back on one of the beds as they sat on the floor.
“I was looking at some of the brochures she had. I like Stanford’s law program,” Sam admitted, still not making eye contact.
“Stanford’s a good school.”
“I’d never make it in,” Sam sighed, biting his lip with a frown. It physically hurt Sonny to see Sam so downhearted. Where was Dean when you needed him?!
“C’mon, kid, you know that ain’t true in the slightest.”
“Sonny, I’d have to work really hard to get in and it would have to be on a scholarship since I don't have that kind of money! I would be like a Commoner in a school full of Rich People.”(OHHC References >///< sorry)
“So what?” Sonny said, leaning forward. “If you get in, it would be because your wicked smart, not because you bribed them to let you in.”
“But, Sonny, that’s the problem. I’m not some genius. I only know this stuff because of how often we moved, not because I actually know it! I cant get into Stanford and that's how it has to be,” Sam slammed his book shut. Sonny could see frustrated tears well in Sam’s eyes and Sonny wondered what the hell he could do to make this better. Then it hit him.
Sam was just as―if not more―ticklish then his big brother. And it would definitely put a smile on the baby Winchester’s face. Sonny reached a hand out and gently ruffled Sam’s hair, moving his hand so his finger’s brushed along Sam’s neck. Sam squeaked in surprise, head immediately snapping to trap the tickling fingers.
“Sonny, whahat are you dohoing?”
“Trying to make you feel better, kiddo. And get you to see my way, of course,” Sonny chuckled, wiggling his trapped fingers and darting his other one to Sam’s exposed sides.
“Whahat’s your wahahay?”
“That you are a wiz-kid and need to see that yourself.”
“Buhut I’m nohOHOT! NOO!” Sam shrieked as Sonny pulled his hands free and both hands scurried along Sam’s sides, slipping under the thin tee-shirt and scratching the soft flesh.
“You are, Sam,” Sonny insisted. “I mean, you’re going High School level homework right now! You’re in geometry already and you are almost done with your chemistry course!” Sonny dug his thumbs into Sam’s hips, doing the same maneuver Sam taught him for Dean.
Sam cried out in laughter, though he didn't seem to be as ticklish there as his older brother. The younger kid tried to roll away from Sonny, climbing to his knees to crawl away but the Ex-Con had a few tricks up his sleeves.
“Where do you think you’re going, Thing Two?” He scooped Sam up from his armpits, making the kid cackle as he wiggled his fingers into the ticklish pits. 
“STOHOHOP! AHAHA! SOHOHONNY!” The nickname made Sam feel warm inside. The only nickname he ever had was the one from Dean―Sammy―but since they arrived at Sonny, everyone quickly started calling them Thing One and Thing Two because despite the age difference, they pretty much did everything together. “DEHEHEAN! DEHE HEHEHELP!”
“Dean is out with Robin,” Sonny chuckled. “It’s just you and me...and the other boys.” Sonny sighed as Sam continued to struggle and call for help. “C’mon kid, use that big brain of yours and find a way out!”
Sam shrieked as Sonny moved down to his stomach, finger’s splaying over his ribs. They hovered over Sam’s slightly pudgy belly, teasingly wiggling in the air.
“NOHO! Nohooo. Plehehease dohohon’t.”
“Do you think your smart enough to get into Stanford and become the best lawyer out there?”
“I feel like that’s more of a no...,” Sonny mock-sighed, making a tickle-claw and descending it on Sam’s quivering tummy. Sam screamed as it vibrated, the feeling sending tingles of laughter out of his mouth. He tried grabbing at the older man but was able to avoid it.
“What was it Dean liked to do to you? What were they called? Blue berries?”
“NONONO!” Sam pleaded, throwing his head back with a squeal as Sonny discovered Sammy’s little innie. 
“Aww, it’s so cute,” Sonny cooed, wiggling his finger inside. Adorable bubbly laughter filled Sam’s chest as they exploded out of his mouth. “But, they weren't called blueberries. Was it black berries?”
“R-Raspberries? Ya, that’s it! Raspberries! You love them don’t you?” Sonny moved the shirt up further and rubbed his small scruff under the small boys belly button. Sam was crying with laughter, voice sputtering protests. “So, Sammy. Are you smart enough to get into Stanford?”
“YEHEHES! YES! Ihihi’m so smahahahart! I cahahan!”
“Damn right, you can!” Sonny chuckled before diving down and blowing a huge raspberry. Sam bucked up as adorable cackling laughter ripped through his ribs.
Sonny pulled away, laughing as the ore-teen seemed to deflate, a helpless smile on his face as residue giggles still poured out of his mouth. After taking a few huge gulps of air, Sam seemed to finally calm down from the torture. He looked up a Sonny and gave his shy smile.
“You really think I can do it?”
“I know you can do it, Sam,” Sonny ruffled the kids hair one more time before standing, helping Sam up and pulling him into a hug. “You’re the smartest kid I know. You’ll do just fine.”
And Sam smiled as he actually believed it.
~To be continued...~
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Wouldn’t It Be Nice (Part 7)
Wouldn’t It Be Nice If... We Wore Matching Pajamas?
Summary: While decorating at Jared’s apartment, Auri is reminded of the first Christmas she and Jared ever spent together as kids.
Trope: found family, realized feelings, slow burn best friends to lovers, a cheesy childhood story, AN ALMOST CHRISTMAS CONFESSION (2/?)
Warnings: none
Word Count: 873
A/N: @iwantthedean more cheesy times with the best friends, still no confession tho haha. I’ll describe the pajamas more in the next chapter
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Later that afternoon as we snacked, drank, and decorated the apartment, Jensen kept stealing glances at me whenever Jared would get too close. I could tell he had something up his sleeve but he wouldn’t tell me what it was, and if Nicole knew, she wasn’t spilling the beans either.
I hooked my phone up to the iHome I’d brought with me and found a funky Christmas playlist for us to sing and dance to while we decorated cookies and the tree Jared and I found together. It was beginning to feel a lot like Christmas back home when we were kids, except for the snow but even that was enjoyable. Nothing beat spending time with Jared during my favorite holiday season.
Jensen paused where he was in the middle of helping Jared hang a string of tinsel that we’d wrapped in Christmas lights and turned toward where I sat on the couch. “Tex, what’s with the pjs?”
“Jensen, I’m buried under ornaments and lights, I can’t hear you right now.” I carefully threw myself over on the couch cushions to indicate that I would not be giving in to his teasing. He only scoffed and muttered something under his breath that I didn’t catch.
Jared chuckled, smiling at my antics as he crossed the room and turned the volume down on the iHome. His dimpled cheeks were a warm rosy pink, his hazel eyes sparkled under the lights. It reminded me of our first Christmas together as kids.
“Hey, Cricket, what are you so deep in thought about over here?” He appeared above me, staring down over the back of the couch. I grinned up at him. “Oh no,” he said, embarrassed.
“Oh yes!” I exclaimed, sitting up. I patted the spot next to me and made him climb over and pop a squat.
Nicole looked up from the bowl of popcorn in her lap and smiled at us. “I sense a Baby Padalecki story!”
I nodded my head and moved to sit on the back of the couch with my legs over Jared’s shoulders. “Okay, so my family moved into the house down the road from the Padaleckis the summer Jared and I turned seven. It wasn’t until he’d cornered me out by my father’s barn to see if I wanted to play with them, that I finally got up the courage to speak to him for the first time. And as we all know, the rest is history.”
“Naturally,” Jensen offered, urging me to continue. Even he’d become a big fan of my stories of Jared from when we were kids, they gave him more things to tease him with at cons which I supported one hundred percent.
“Right. So, that first Christmas we lived down the street from each other, his mom invited my family over for dinner on Christmas Eve and breakfast again on Christmas Day. As you do, when you have new neighbors, I guess.” I lifted my hand to Jared’s head and absentmindedly ran my fingers through his hair, he let out a content hum and I kept going. “We went over both times in our pajamas. At this point, it’s already pretty clear that Jared and me are going to be an inseparable pair. Like, we were the duo and there was no saying otherwise. I mean, where you found one, you found the other.
“Well, we get there pretty early on Christmas morning because like any self-respecting seven year old, I wasn’t about to sleep past 7:30 and apparently, neither was Moose.”
Jared groaned, leaning his head back against my stomach. “I hate this story.”
“Shut up and let her finish!”
“Thank you. We got there early and of course, they’re all ready for us, too. Again, two self-respecting seven year olds on Christmas morning. Jared answered the door all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, and I was so excited to see my best friend for Christmas that I didn’t even say anything to his mom or dad, I just launched myself at him,” I said with a giggle, already having a hard time containing my laughter. He tensed up on my lap and I scratched my nails against his scalp to help him relax again.
“What happened next?” Nicole asked with a knowing smirk on her face. I wished she wouldn’t look at me like that with Jared right there. I rolled my eyes at her and she stuck her tongue out at me.
“I pushed her off and cried in the doorway because our pajamas weren’t matching,” Jared said, placing his head in his hands.
I leaned my arms down around Jared’s neck, giving him a tight squeeze. “Apparently our mom’s had bought us matching pajamas, and I was supposed to wear mine over but I didn’t get the memo. Jared spent the whole time pouting until I changed into mine.”
“Aww! Do you guys get matching pajamas every year?” Nicole asked. The hearts in her eyes would’ve been annoying if I wasn’t so busy focusing on the feeling of Jared’s hands comfortingly rubbing up and down my arms.
He nodded. “Every year for the last 18 of them. And Auri loves it.”
“Mostly because I love… making my best friend happy,” I ended quietly.
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saltyhuntress · 4 years
Imagine Dean bumping into you at the bar and getting interested
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Your shift was coming to an end. It was the time, when the bar became a place of quiet desperation and sadness with lonely drunks falling asleep faces on the table. You especially hated this time of night. You were the one who had to kick out these poor guys. You genuinely felt sorry for them. They wouldn’t be here if they had a place to go to.
"Damn. They’ve been here since sundown and this is all I got." Sara came up to you while you were wiping the glasses, looking sadly at the bills in her hands. You just guessed that there wasn’t much of a tip in there. You scoffed softly.
"Between puke inducing assholes with knives in their boots and sticks up their asses, and bad tippers, I choose first," Sara forced a tight smile, but she was too exhausted to say anything. You could see that clearly. "Hey, you worked a double today. Tell them off, let off some steam. Show those dicks that you’re not doing this for free."
"Hope you’re not talking about us." You and Sara didn’t see the worst-tipper-in-the-world come up to you, looking all dizzy and relaxed. With a little annoying smirk on his face. "We just wanted to order something to go."
"N-no," Sara looked down at her hands shyly, missing your strong gaze at her. Of course, she wasn't going to tell him off. She didn't work long enough here to know that if you weren't tough, you were food. "Sure."
You got back to work watching Sara put up the order and leaving to the kitchen. She put the money on the counter near you. You gave a knowing look to the guy after you counted the bills, but he just smiled a little. And although a thought of how cute his smile actually was crossed your mind, you were still protective of your friend. Even though he didn’t seem like a dick that you called him before. Sara came back pretty quickly with a bag of hot food. The guy threw in a couple of bills, muttered a "thank you" and started to leave, when you caught a saddened look on Sara’s face. There went your patience.
"Nuh-uh." You grabbed Sara by the wrist and caught up to the guy, ignoring her protests and attempts to stay away from this. "Hey!" You caught his attention when you approached, your friend clinging on you desperately to stop. "My friend here busted her ass on a double today, also serving you, what I remember was, like a dozen drinks. The least you could do is to give her a decent tip that she deserves."
The guy stood, a little shook, and probably slow from all the booze, looking at you. You could feel that he was threatened by you and couldn't do anything about. Something in your posture or eyes always made them freeze for a moment. You liked that feeling of power.
"Uhh, sure. Sorry." His gruff voice suddenly became deeper than before, as he nervously got a bill out of his pocket and gave it to Sara. He looked at you again and met only a stern expression and a brow flying up. He pulled out another bill.
"Nice doing business with you." You said with a mischievous grin and turned back to the counter, still holding Sara's hands, who fought with herself not to apologize to him. But when she did look back, she only saw one thing: the same smirk on his face that followed you. He looked... interested. The girl was kind of excited herself, so she kept quiet until the very moment that she left for the night.
 "What?" Dean handed the bag to Sam, that was looking at everything from afar with a boyish grin.
"Dude, she totally ripped you off." He laughed a little, but surprisingly for him that comment only made Dean smile too.
"Shut up." He said giving you another look as you cleaned up the counter. "Don't wait up, Sammy."
Dean winked at his brother with a crooked smile and handed him the keys. Sam knew not to argue with the brother, so he accepted the keys and waited until he finally got up to you at the counter, giving him an odd look. 
"She's gonna eat him alive." Sam said to himself with a tired sigh, as he left the bar.
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dianabluebonnet · 4 years
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: GingerRose, Armitage Hux/Rose Tico, Gingerflower - Relationship Characters: Armitage Hux, Rose Tico, Paige Tico, Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Phasma (Star Wars), Poe Dameron, Rey (Star Wars) Additional Tags: Werewolf, Supernatural Elements, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Mystery Summary:
Following the tragedy of the death of his soulmate causing Hux to leave his home, family and pack in England, he finds himself drifting aimlessly in life working as a Private Investigator when a chance meeting with a strange woman uproots everything.
Rose's sister is missing. Rose thinks she's found her last hope in a surly and frustratingly handsome Privet Investigator.
Can Hux get past his own fears of failing another woman who puts her entire trust in him? Can Rose learn how to trust someone who won't open up about himself in order to find her sister before it's too late?
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sams-sass · 4 years
I'm drinking wine and writing smut about Sam Winchester. I have achieved my pinnacle.
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spn-rewrites · 6 years
no use crying over spilled milk - s.w
boyfriend sam comforting you because your hormones are all whacked out and he doesn’t know why you’re crying over spilled milk (figuratively) but he lets you be upset about it anyway
warnings: crying, fluff, bf sam coming for your soul, hormonal rage and sadness and overwhelming disappointment
weekly writing challenge: @supernatural-jackles #Weekly Writing Challenge (week 4)
you were crying, sobbing, hyperventilating. you tried to wipe the tears that were coming out of your eyes but you couldn’t because you were just so sad.
“i burnt the cookies,” you mumbled to dean, who was sitting across from you in the kitchen he looked up at you and at the burnt cookies on the tray in your hands and laughed.
“after all that smack talk about how you could bake the best cookies ever.” it was dean’s teasing that sent you over the edge and you could always handle the teasing and joking but you were pretty certain you were about to get your period and everything was making you cry.
sam walked into the kitchen to find dean watching you in pure shock, eyes wide and body still, unsure as to what to do and you, sobbing into a tray of black cookies. “what’s going on?” sam asked.
“your girlfriend lost it,” dean mumbled, shaking his head at you.
“i’m fine!” you cried out, rubbing your nose on your sleeve. the cookies were garbage anyway so who cares if you get a little snot on them.
“why are you crying?” sam asked, throwing his hands up in the air. it was the third time this week that you had burst into tears for no reason and you were sure sam had enough of it.
the first time was over a tv show that you had never seen before and a character that you didn’t know died and you started crying because all the other characters were crying and the second time was because sam was too tired to cuddle you in the middle of the night and even the puppy dog eyes didn’t work and he kept telling you to go back to sleep and you couldn’t. you cried instead.
“i’m not,” you said, wiping your tears. sam laughed and came to your side. you tried to hide the tears but you knew it was no use so you just turned away from him.
“turn around,” sam chuckled, putting his hands on your shoulders and turning you around himself. “stop crying. what’s wrong?” he asked, wiping the tears with his thumb.
“she burnt the stupid cookies,” dean deadpanned from his seat, making you cry even harder. sam laughed and shook his head, wrapping his big arms around your shoulders and pulled you in for a hug.
“we can bake more cookies,” sam said, kissing the top of your head as you cried. “y/n....” sam mumbled, kissing your temple and then your cheek.
“what,” you whispered and sniffled as sam kissed your tears away. he cupped your cheeks with his big hands and looked into your eyes. “i’m sorry,” you said.
“i happen to love burnt cookies,” sam said, winking at you as he tried to pry one of the cookies of the baking tray but they were completely stuck.
“it’s fine, i know they’re gross,” you said, throwing the towel that was in your hand on the counter.
“no, i got it,” sam groaned as he tried to get the cookie and with one last pull, the tray slammed to the counter and he had one cookie in his hand. “see? i love burnt cookies!” he took a bite and it sounded like he was eating a rock.
you could tell he hated but he put a smile on his face for you. you rolled your eyes, taking the rest of the cookie out of his hand and throwing it in the trash. when you weren’t looking, sam spit whatever was in his mouth in a napkin. “delicious,” he said.
you couldn’t help but smile at your boyfriend which was his goal all along. “better?” he asked, grabbing your waist and pulling you back to him. you shrugged and looked at his chest as your fingers played with the buttons. “what would make it better?”
“oh, you know,” you hinted, biting down on your lip. sam snorted a laugh before bringing your face to his and kissed you softly. dean groaned and threw a piece of paper at the two of you, yelling to get a room and if you weren’t so focused on sam’s lips it probably would have made you cry.
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Prompt 20, 21, 31
Word Count: 438
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Mary Winchester, Jack Kline, Castiel
Pairings: Dean Winchester x Sister!Reader
Warnings: Fluff? Kinda, barely Request by @shes-absolutely-smitten: Hey! Can I please request prompt 20, 21 and 31 with Sam and Dean and their younger sister please xx
Prompt(s): 20.) Well, this is awkward. 21.) I uh, think I might be pregnant. 31.) “I’m not drunk enough for this.”
Prompt List
You hadn’t felt good for the past few days. Nausea, headaches, you name it. You thought to were pregnant, but wasn’t sure. But, you knew you had to tell your brothers.
You walked out of your room to the war room, to go tell Sam and Dean. As you walked in, you saw Jack, Castiel, and Mary there as well. All eyes stared at you as you walked in.
“(Y/N), you okay?”, Sam immediately asked.
“Well, this is awkward. Here goes nothing.”, you started.
“I uh, think I might be pregnant.”, you said slowly.
“W-What?! How?!”, Sam exclaimed.
“Well, I - uh, a few nights ago, I - I uhm…”, unsure of how to explain this to your brothers, you stuttered.
“How does someone get pregnant?”, Jack asked innocently.
You tried to hold in a laugh.
“It’s a story for another day.”, you replied happily.
You looked at Dean, seeing what he was gonna say.
He sighed and looked at you.
“I’m not drunk enough for this.”, he said as he got up, and walked away.
You started at him, upset.
“Don’t worry about it (Y/N). We’ll go talk to him.”, Mary said, motioning at herself and Sam, as the two walked away.
“Cas.”, you started.
“Yes, you are, (Y/N). Congratulations.”, he smiled.
“W-What? You’re sure?!”, you laughed.
“Yes, and I already know that you’re gonna be the best mother. I see how well you do with Jack.”
You smiled at the little Nephilim, before giving him a hug.
“Maybe I should go talk to Dean. I’ll be back.”, you said as you walked off.
Mary and Sam stood in front of Dean, who was drinking a beer.
“Hey, can I talk to Dean?”, you asked.
“Yeah, go ahead. We’ll be over there.”, Sam said as the two of them left.
“So, what did Cas say?”, Dean asked.
“Yeah. I am.”, you said.
“Why are you so happy?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, aren’t you scared?”
“I am. But I know I have you, Sammy, Cas, Mom, even Jack.”
“But, are you sure, (Y/N)? I mean, a child? In this lifestyle?
“I know it’ll be hard. But I can do it - we can do this.”
“I just don’t want anything bad to happen.”
“Okay, so I won’t hunt for some time. I can do that.”
“Okay, but, no hunting, at all. Not even the simple stuff.”
“I know, De.”
“Good.”, he smiled.
“So, let’s go celebrate?”
“Yeah, let’s go.”, you smiled and pulled Dean into an embrace.
Maybe having a child in this life was gonna be hard, but you had Sam and Dean there.
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pinkstevenu · 6 years
Golden Wings ~ Part 2
Characters: Gabriel, Asmodeus, Dean, Sam, Castiel, Reader
Pairings: GabrielxReader
Word Count: 1,160
Warnings: Character Violence, Swearing, Angst
Part 1
You heard in unison flinching and cowering back. You looked up at the two brothers with wide eyes, “Wings!”
You silently blurted out. Sam and Dean looked at you confused until you reached for Gabes hand pulling him up to his feet. He cowered into your arm. Dean looked at you confused, “I thought you two were dead.”
You huffed and walked past Dean setting Gabe down on a chair. You looked up at Dean and gave him a tired smiled. You lost your balance and grabbed the table leaning against it. Dean grabbed your shoulders, “Y/N?”
You looked up your eyes fluttered shut and your body went limp. When you woke up you were laying down on a bed, you pushed yourself up and looked around the room your eyes landed on Gabriel balled up in a corner against the dresser. You looked over his body noticing his lips were still sewn shut. You got off the bed holding a hand out for Gabe lifting him off the ground. You eventually hobbled you and Gabe down the hallway into the library noticing the boys watching you, “Y/N? Are you ok?”
Dean asked, you ignored him setting Gabe down and pulling out a pair of scissors. You held them up for Gabriel to see to make sure he was ok with it. He nodded at you, “sorry if this hurts Gabe.”
You lightly tugged at the strings so you could cut them free. You lost count of how many times you had said sorry to him while cutting the strings. Once you where done you smiled at him and walked out of the library to go wash the blood off your hands. When you walked back into the library gabriel was screaming and running around, “oh shit.”
You, Sam, and Dean where running after Gabe looping around the bunker. Until Sam eventually grabbed him allowing you to grab his hand. Instantly Gabriel relaxed and Sam let go. You cupped one of Gabriel's cheeks feeling him lean into it. You lead him to a chair and sat down next to him, “Gabe you gotta talk to me, please you know how hard it was just to get me to talk to you.”
You could feel Sam and Dean watching you. Gabriel just stared at you and you watched his eyes shifting back and forth. He didn't say anything so you grabbed the vial of grace out of your pocket and held it up, “Gabe you gotta take this please it will help.”
He pushed you hand away and silently shook his head, “no.”
Your face saddened. You turned to Sam and Dean looking right past Dean, “Sam is there anyway we can get Cas to help?”
Sam shrugged, “I mean we can try but I don't know if it will work with Gabriel being an archangel and all.”
You nodded ‘ Cas can you get your feathery ass down here ‘ you prayed. You heard a flutter of wings from across the room, “Y/N this won't work Gabriel is an archangel the most I could do would get his thoughts in a little bit of order.”
You looked at Gabe his eyes wandering everywhere, “just try something I want him to be back to how he was when I met him.”
Cas nodded and placed his hand on Gabriels forehead. You watched as Gabe just stared out into space. After awhile Cas dropped his hand, “sorry Y/N nothings happening.”
You nodded running a hand through your hair, “that's ok Cas we'll figure this out.”
Sams phone started ringing then you heard asmodeus voice, “Sam, Sam, Sam, you didn't think you could get away with taking my prized cows.”
Gabriel gripped your hand so tight you felt like he was crushing your hand. You looked at Gabe, “hey its ok, we'll be ok just calm down Gabe.”
You whispered. Sam replied to asmodeus, “im just gonna hang up.”
Asmodeus yelled, “ do not hang up on me Sam i'll give you ten minutes to return them or I will get them myself, now you can hang up.”
The room went silent. Sam looked at you, “Y/N bring Gabriel to your room, now!”
You got up not hesitating and rushed to the room with Gabriel following you. You sat Gabe down on the bed and huddled up next to him. He rubbed lazy circles on your back until you were pulled away from his grasp by a bunch of demons. They dragged both of you into the front of the bunker as you fought against them. Asmodeus walked up to you and hooked his finger under your chin, “why did you think you could run Y/N? we made a deal and now you have broke that and you know what happens when you break it.”
You looked up at him, “Bite me bitch!”
Asmodeus landed his fist right square in your face and you could see the anger building in Gabriel. After multiple punches thrown Asmodeus held his hand up using his grace making you feel like you were being melted from the inside out. You let out a blood curdling scream and that's when you knew Gabriel had enough, he threw the demons off of him and his wings spread out wide and his eyes glowed a bright blue. Asmodeus eyes widened, “son your not strong enough!”
Gabe helded all of his wounds before Asmodeus threw a sphere of energy towards him and Gabriel quickly deflected it. Gabe had a smirk of his face, “I always hated that dumbass suit.”
Gabriel disintegrated the knight of hell right before your feet you took a big gasp for air. Then the demons threw you on the ground and flead before Gabriel could reach them. You groaned at the pain when you felt Gabriel pick you up from the ground, “sorry Y/N just bear with me for a sec.”
You looked up at him and smiled wide, “your talking.”
You sighed in relief. Gabe smiled setting you down on a chair, “because there are a lot of things we need to talk about with you being able to see my wings.”
You heard a gasp from behind you, “she can see your wings Gabriel?”
Castiel questioned. Gabe nodded brushing a stray hair from your face. Gabe held up his hand as it started glowing he held his hand to your face. You looked up when he was done healing you, “hey cupcake how are you feeling?”
You smiled, “way better than before.”
Gabriel nodded, “ok so then about the whole thing of you being able to see my wings...so humans aren't supposed to be able to see angels wings, but dad left us angels a small little gift of having one human that can see you wings that is your...um...your soulmate and that's why you aren't able to see Castiel's wings, but you can see mine.”
Part 3
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aanda20081 · 6 years
Fandom Survey
I was tagged by the wonderfully amazing @flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash , Thank you hun!
Name: Abigayle
Preferred name: Abby/May
Age: 20
Location: Orlando, FL
First fandom you remember: Supernatural
Which fandom got you writing FanFicton: Supernatural/Walking Dead
Most active fandom: (atm)Taboo
Longest running fandom: Supernaural
Guilty pleasure fandom: None lol, love em all to death <3
Which fandom do you think you’d be the most successful in if you were thrown into that movie/book/TV show: I don’t really know, maybe Supernatural. I can see myself being a skilled hunter, and someone the boys could get along with quite nicely lol.
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good
MBTI Type: Mediator(INFP-T)
Who would play you n a movie of your life: Jennifer Lawrence
Top 3 characters you identify with: Katniss Everdeen, Groot, Furiosa
Top 3 characters to protect you: James Delaney, Daryl Dixon, Eddie Brock/Venom
Top 3 characters for you to protect: Winter, Spider-Man, Beth Greene
Top 3 characters to marry: Negan, James Delaney, Dean Winchester
Favorite dance move: Too many to count or name
Do you believe in magic: Hell yes!
Tagging: @succumb-to-your-king @may85 @ritualmichael @rooker-character-fics @sarcastic-writing @yes-sir-mr-tom @bamby0304 @iamkatehardy @hardyimagines @deartomhardy
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Wouldn’t It Be Nice (Part 5)
Wouldn’t It Be Nice If... We Knew the Truth?
Summary: While waiting for Jared and Jensen to get home from work one night, Auri confesses to Nicole what’s been on her mind. Unknown to her, Jared and Jensen have a similar talk.
Pairing: Jared x Auri
Trope: found family, realized feelings beginning, too stubborn to admit said feelings
Warnings: beer
Word Count: 945
A/N: Chapter 5 is finally here! There’s a small POV switch at the end. Enjoy! @iwantthedean there, are you happy now? lol
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Since I was on break from school until April, dinner with Jensen and Nicole became a regular thing. On the Friday two weeks after our first meeting, I had gone over to Jensen and Nicole’s apartment to help her cook dinner. We were sitting on the couch having a small Supernatural marathon while we waited for diner to finish and the guys to get home from work.
Nicole was sitting on the couch opposite me with her legs tucked underneath her, she’d been staring at me for a few minutes now, no doubt having caught on to the odd change in my behavior. I’d been in a strange fog all day and couldn’t explain why. She took a slow sip of her beer and turned to face me.
“Alright, come on, out with it.”
I blinked. “What?”
“You’ve been unusually quiet all day, you’ve been acting weird since dinner two weeks ago. Don’t try to say it’s nothing, either. Jack noticed it, too,” she said gently. “What’s up?”
Well, this was certainly a weird turn of events. Had I really gained new friends in Jensen and Nicole after such a short time? Could they really read my moods so easily now as to pinpoint when something was bothering me? The thought left me a bit stunned, if not elated at the idea of having someone besides Jared to depend on when I needed it.
I sighed. “Sorry, Nic. I’ve got a lot on my mind.”
She frowned.
“What now?”
“In the past two and a half weeks, you’ve only called me Nic twice. Both times was when shit about your breakup with Cameron was bothering you.”
“Really? I hadn’t noticed.”
“I’m always Kansas and you’re always Texas, it’s why the guys collectively call us KT.”
“Is that why? Jeez, how original.”
“You’re deflecting.”
“And you’re a pain in my ass.”
“What are new best friends for? Now, come on, talk to me.”
I got up and headed for the fridge, grabbed two more beers and sat back down. She was right, something big was weighing me down but I didn’t know how to begin talking about it. I couldn’t talk to Jared about it because he was it. No matter which way I looked at the situation, I ended up as confused at the end of it as I was at the start.
“Nic, I— Jared—” I took a long sip from the fresh beer and wracked my brain for the right words to say.
“He didn’t hurt you, did he? Swear to god, I’ll kick his ass soon as he walks through that door,” she growled, standing from the couch and turning to the front door.
I shook my head, giggling. “No, Nic, sit down. I’m fine, Jared’s perfect as always.”
“Then why do you look like somebody shot your dog in front of you?” she questioned with a tilt of her head, reluctantly joining me on the couch again.
I looked up at her with glossy eyes, unable to fully form the words in my head before they were tumbling from my mouth at a thousand miles a minute. “Nicole, I think I’m in love with Jared.”
She chuckled, sipped at her own beer and settled down again. “Oh, honey, I could’ve told you that.”
A snowstorm kept Jared and Jensen late and by the time they’d finally made it home, Nicole and Auri had fallen asleep.
“Thanks again for letting us stay the night, man,” Jared had said as they moved from the door through the hallway and into the living room where the girls were.
“Hey, no thanks needed. You’re family. Besides, there’s no way you’re getting home in that storm and Nic would have my head if I let you take Tex out in that,” Jensen laughed. Together, the two of them cleaned up the mess of dinner plates and beer bottles that were left on the coffee table.
Even in Auri’s sleepy haze, she could feel Jared’s gaze linger on her. He pulled the fleece blanket they’d left behind for nights like this from the back of the couch and laid it over her sleeping form, then softly brushed his hand through her hair.
“Hey, man, when are you going to talk to her?” Jensen asked, lifting Nicole from the couch.
Jared sighed. His hand stilled in Auri’s hair, replaced momentarily by his lips on her forehead. “I don’t know, J. She needs time to get over this whole Cameron thing. Plus, she goes back to school in April. This is the first time I’ve seen her in years, I don’t want to spoil the holidays with a confession that she might not even reciprocate.”
“You’re both stupid, you know that?”
“Thanks, Ackles. Real helpful.”
“No, I’m serious. You love that girl, Jared, and she loves you right back. You’re both just too stubborn and blind to see it. Talk to her, before it’s too late.”
Jared hummed his acknowledgement, letting Jensen’s warning go in one ear and out the other. He had time, didn’t he? Surely five months would be more than enough time to figure out where and how and when, or if he even wanted to pour his heart out to his best friend. For now, he let it go, choosing instead to enjoy the time he’d been given.
“Come on, Pretty Girl, let’s get you to bed.” He gently lifted Auri from the couch and headed down the hall toward the guest room. If time was on his side, he’d know when it was the perfect moment to tell Auri that he’d loved her since the day they’d tumbled from the hay loft in her father’s barn.
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spn-rewrites · 6 years
01x08 (part 1)
Season One Episdode Eight: Bugs
Summary: mad cow disease or mystery death plaguing a newly developing neighborhood? if you’re sensitive to the creepy crawly things beware.
Word Count: 4.9k
part 2 part 3 part 4
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You sat with Sam on the hood of the Impala, a newspaper in his hands. “Local Death a Medical Mystery” is a small, but a tand-out headline in the paper. Sam was reading intently, taking in every detail but you were only focused on the way his thigh was pressed up against yours.
Dean was inside The Loading Dock, a small bar on the side of the highway. The music was loud and there were bikers and they were revving their engine, trying to act tough and cool or show off or something. Dean chuckled as he skipped down the steps of the bar, spreading out a giant wad of cash that he just hustled from some poor old biker.
“You know we could get day jobs once in a while,” Sam said, putting the newspaper down. You were excited, sitting up on the hood of the car and reaching for the wad of cash to count it.
“Hunting is our day job and the pay is crap,” Dean said, smiling at you and handing the money to you.
“Yeah but hustling pool, credit card scams?” Sam, always playing the saint. The hustling and credit card scams gave you a rush. It was exciting and it was fun and you loved the anticipation of sitting outside, waiting while Dean did his work. It was exciting, never knowing if you were going to get caught or not. “It’s not the most honest thing in the world, Dean.” Sam was right. $200.
“Let’s see, honest,” Dean held out one hand. “Fun and easy,” he held out the other hand and pretended to weigh the scales. Of course, fun and easy won. “It’s no contest,” he smirked. You rolled the money back up and handed it back to the oldest boy. The raised his eyebrows at you and winked, knowing just how much fun you thought this all was. “Besides, we’re good at it. It’s what we were raised to do.”
“Yeah, well, how we were raised was jacked.” Sam folded up the newspaper, put it on your lap and slid off the hood of the car. Ever since Lori, he’s been in a mood. Moping around as if his life was the worst thing in the world and while it wasn’t always a walk in the park or fun, it was exciting and you got to spend it with your best friends but Sam was always the one needing, craving, more.
You thought you were like that at one point, too. Wanting to move on, change your life for the better and find a cute boy. Someone who didn’t hunt ghosts and other supernatural forces. Someone who maybe worked at a bank and made a lot of money. You wanted to work at a bank and make a lot of money. But then Sam left and John went missing and the idea of leaving Dean behind was more heartbreaking and scary than the thought of traveling into a haunted house and so you stayed. You realized that this was what you meant to do, just like Dean said.
“Yeah, says you,” Dean deadpanned, brushing Sam off and counting the money for himself. “We got a new gig or what?” He asked, motioning towards the newspaper that was now on your lap.
“Maybe,” you said, opening it back up to the page that Sam was reading. If you were being honest, Sam was the only one out of the two of you who read this article, so you turned your attention to him. He looked at you and you pleaded at him with your eyes to explain the case to Dean. He was hesitant, but he strolled back to where you were sat and grabbed the paper.
“Oasis Plains, Oklahoma. Not far from here.” He walked to the front of the Impala, setting the paper down on the hood so Dean could read it, too. This time, instead of focusing on Sam’s thighs and how his hand brushed against yours when he turned the page, you listening. “Gas company employee, Dustin Burwash, supposedly died from Creutzfeldt-Jakob.” He looked at you and then at Dean as if you were supposed to know what the fuck that meant.
“Huh?” You asked.
“Human mad cow disease,” Sam answered, raising his eyebrows at you as if that was the most interesting thing ever. You made a face at him and Dean stuffed the money into his pocket and looked over the paper.
“Mad cow? Wasn’t that on Oprah?” Dean asked, serious as ever and your face went cold because you knew that watching Oprah was something Dean did in his hotel room when he was alone. It was something that the two of you did to pass the time while Sam was making love to Jess in his college dorm and it was something the two of you swore to secrecy the moment the habit formed.
“You watch Oprah?” Sam asked, shocked. As he should be. Dean looked at you, wide-eyed and then down to the paper. He was making faces as if he didn’t know how to respond. That maybe if he didn’t, Sam would drop it.
“So this guy eats a bad burger. Why is it our kind of thing?” He asked. Sam looked back at the article to read the next section, getting the facts straight. When he wasn’t looking at Dean anymore, you could see him cussing himself out in his head. You sent him a what the fuck dude look and he cringed as an apology.
“Mad cow disease causes massive brain degeneration. It takes months, even years for the damage to appear. But this guy Dustin sounds like his brain disintegrated in about an hour, maybe less.”
“That’s weird,” Dean mumbled, taking in the facts and moving them around in his brain in an order that would make sense to him. In an order that would make him want to check it out.
“It could be a disease,” Sam started but you knew where he was going with this.
“Or, it could be something much nastier,” you ifnished witha  sinister smile on your face, your voice going an octave lover to make it sound scarier than it was Sam smiled at you, tapping his finger on your knee. You held in the smile you wanted to give him and instead, gave him a soft one. One that meant, I got it, instead of I fucking love you.
“Alright, Oklahoma!” Dean clapped, convinced with just one sentence. He rubbed his hands together and then started for the driver’s side door. Sam folded up the paper, stuffed it in his pocket and then held his hand out for you to grab it. “Man, work, work work. No time to spend my money,” Dean sang. You slid off the hood of the car with the help of Sam. His eyes watching you the entire time as if you would get hurt even if you did fall.
Finally, in Oasis Plains, Dean pulled the Impala into the parking lot of the gas company that Dustin Burwash worked for. It was a nice building, big glass windows covering almost every inch of the exterior. You were on the hunt for one of the only witnesses to what happened to Dustin, Travis Weaver.
A scruffy looking man was piling things into the backseat of his car. He was wearing a denim button-up shirt - gross - and his hair looked like it hadn’t been washed in a week - also gross but you’d been there before.
“Travis Weaver?” Dean asked as the three of you approached his car. He stood up, taking all three of you in before answering a yes. “Are you the Travis Weaver that worked with Uncle Dusty?”
“Dustin never mentioned nephews,” Travis said, his eyes glancing behind Sam at you. You shifted on your feet, feeling a little out of place and uncomfortable but Sam put his arm around you and pulled you into his side and Travis’s eyes left you.
“Really? Well, he sure mentioned you. He said you were the greatest,” Dean said, buttering up the guy, hoping to get as much information out of him as possible and it worked. It worked. Travis’s face lit up, a smile spreading across it and he looked down at the ground.
“Oh, he did? Huh.” You mumbled more to himself than to the group, but you had to get to the point.
“Listen, we wanted to ask you, uh, what exactly happened out there?” You interjected, sticking your head out a little. Travis looked at you again, his eyes hard but they softened. He was digging his brain for the image of Dustin, the details.
“I’m not sure, he fell in the sinkhole and I went to the truck to get some rope and, uh, by the time I got back….” He drifted off. The image of something like that was probably haunting. Suddenly, Sam and Dean were at the bottom of a sinkhole and they had no pulse and their skin was turning white as their empty eyes stared back up at you and you shook your head, erasing it.
“Well, what did you see?” Sam pushed him but Travis just shrugged.
“Nothing. Just Dustin.”
“No wounds or anything?” More pushing. You had to know more.
“Well, he was bleeding from his eyes and his ears and nose, but that’s it.” That’s it. That’s it? That’s it! A clue! You mentally jotted it down and pressed yourself more into Sam. His head dipped down to look at you and you sent him a smile. His eyes smiled back at you and his hand rubbed up and down your bicep and you felt good. Happy.
“So, do you think it could be this whole mad cow thing?” Dean asked the real question. What did the public think? What did it look like to the naked eye? An eye that wasn’t tainted by the knowledge that you have.
“I don’t know, that’s what the doctors are saying.”
“But if it was, he would have been acting strangely beforehand. Like dementia, loss of motor control. You ever notice anything like that?” Sam asked him, listing off symptoms of mad cow disease that didn’t fit with the case. The red flags.
“Nah. No way,” Travis brushed Sam off quickly, but then he thought about it for a moment, seeing the red flags stuck in the grass, waving in the wind. “But then again, if it wasn’t some disease, what the hell was it?”
“That’s a good question,” Dean smirked. “Now, can you tell us where this happened?”
Oasis Plains Estates Luxury Homes. It looked anything but luxury with all the dirt piles and holes and yellow caution tape strapped around trees. The developing neighborhood already had houses built, families moved into them and what the hell could those families be thinking - I just moved into this very nice, very expensive home in this very nice, up and coming neighborhood but oh look, a construction guy died right across the street.
“Huh. What do you think?” Dean asked as you got out of the Impala. The sight was a partially built house. The exterior walls were already put up, holes were carved for the doors and windows and the roofing was already completed. But there was caution tape blocked off one single hole.
“I don’t know, if that Travis guy was right, it happened pretty damn fast,” Sam said as he held the tape up for you to duck under before he followed you. The three of you stood looking into the hole, twigs and branches blocking a lot of the view but it looked long and narrow and dark.  
“So what, some sort of creature chewed on his brain?” You asked, trying to see every inch of it but you could only think about the number of spiders that made their home in there.
“No, there’d be an entry wound.” Sam turned on a flashlight and lit up the sinkhole. There wasn’t much else to see, really. “Sounds like this thing worked from the inside.”
“Huh. Looks like there’s only room for one,” Dean said, patting Sam on the shoulder and crossing the other side of the caution tape to get to the rolled up rope on the ground. “You wanna flip a coin? Loser plays Y/N?”
“Um, I am sure as hell not going down there!” You protested, crossing one arm over your chest and pointing down to the hole with your other hand. Dean chuckled at you as he brought the rope closer and Sam glanced back at you before also protesting with you.
“We have no idea what’s down there,” he said.
“All right, I’ll go if both of you girls are scared.” Dean always had to play the big bad guy, willing to do anything and everything and you always let him but Sam was different. “You scared?” He asked his brother.
“Flip the damn coin,” Sam challenged.
“Alright, call it in the air. Chicken.” Dean joked with his brother, a smirk on his lips as you watched. Dean rummaged for a coin out of his pocket, finding one and flipping it. Instead of calling it, Sam snatched the coin in mid-air.
“I’m going,” he said, grabbing the rope off the ground.
“Sam, no-” You started but Dean held his hand up to stop you.
“I said I’d go,” Dean said. At some point, the two of you would have to stop treating Sam like a baby. He may be the youngest but judging by the little sprouts of facial hair he would get every once in a while that he had to shave off and the biceps he was gaining by the day, he wasn’t a baby anymore.
“I’m going,” Sam said. He wrapped the rope around his waist, tying it securely. “Don’t drop me.”
Sam was observing the disgusting, dead, beetle in his hand. Moving it around with his finger and looking at it so closely like he was trying to remember every single detail of it.“So you found some beetles. In a hole in the ground. That’s shocking, Sam,” Dean stated, clearly unimpressed by what Sam found down there.
When he yelled from the bottom of the hole that he found something, you got excited. Maybe there was a trace of something supernatural down there. A trail to something that lingered underground and snatched it’s pray through the ground. But you had no luck, they were just beetles.
“There were no tunnels, no tracks. No evidence of any other kind of creature down there,” Sam justified, still looking at that stupid, gross, beetle. “You know some beetles do eat meat. It’s usually dead meat, but-”
“How many did you find down there?” Dean asked, cutting his brother off causing him to look up.
“It would take a whole lot more than that to eat out someone’s brain,” Dean pointed out. He was right. This made no sense but you let Sam keep going, indulging him with the one and only lead you had but you weren’t any more interested in it than Dean was.
“Well maybe there were more,” Sam argued, snapping back at his brother.
“I don’t know, it sounds like a stretch to me.”
“Sam, maybe this just isn’t our kind of thing. Okay?” You said from the backseat, putting your hand on Sam’s shoulder like maybe that would soften the blow of your words but your words weren’t painful at all and you just needed a fucking excuse to touch his shoulder.
“Or maybe, we just need more information on the area and the neighborhood and whether something like this has ever happened before,” Sam kept going, looking back at you. He was set on this, seeing this out.
“I know a good place to start,” Dean said, looking out the window of the car. You saw the red balloons that caught his attention and the New Buyers Open House sign attached to them. “I’m kinda hungry for a little barbeque, how about you?” He asked, smirking and slowing down the car.
“Oh! Yeah!” You cheered, hitting Dean in the shoulder. He chuckled, nodding his head in approval and a smile was plastered on your face until Sam shot both of you a look. An are you serious right now look.  “What? We can’t talk to the locals?” You defended.
“And the free food’s got nothing to do with it?” Sam asked, a smirk on his face. He was shaking his head at the two of you, but he was smiling which meant he was amused by you.
“Of course not. We’re professionals,” Dean said, nodding back at you for confirmation. You nodded your head at Sam and he rolled his eyes at the two of you. He may be the baby but sometimes he was much more mature than the two of you.
“Right,” he said sarcastically as Dean pulled over the car and the three of you got out.
“Growing up in a place like this would freak me out,” Dean said, looking around the street and all the houses that look exactly the same. The dollhouses with the world’s little playthings inside.
“I did grow up in a place like this,” you shivered at the memory of living in a house just like these ones. How every neighbor was friendly and wanted to know how your day was and how your pets are doing like they really fucking cared at all. The smell of cookies or pie baking in the kitchen from the moment you opened the front door. It was all just a distant memory at this point, but you could still see your mother sitting in the kitchen counter reading her paper.
“The manicured laws, how-was-your-day-honey? I’d blow my brains out.” You held up a fist for Dean to bump, agreeing with him.
“There’s nothing wrong with normal. Hell, I wish I’d grown up normal like Y/N,” Sam said, looking at the two of you like you were absolutely crazy for not wanting this life but for someone like you, who had it and hated it, and for someone like Dean, who never had it and never wanted it, you were content and happy with your life. It was never boring. It was never redundant.  
“It’s not all it’s cracked up to be,” you mumbled as you tried to peak into the windows of the house as you three walked up the path to the door.
“I’d take our family over normal any day.” Dean knocked on the door of the house and an older man answered it, a smile on his face that accentuated his wrinkles.
“Welcome,” he said, holding a hand out for someone to shake. Dean shook it.
“Is this the barbeque?” Dean asked, looking around the man’s shoulders to see inside the house. The only thing you missed was having a house. A real house, with a real kitchen and a bedroom all to yourself. That was the only thing.
“Yeah, uh, not the best weather.” The man looked out the door, sticking his head out of the house and looking at the cloudy sky. It was a little rainy and cloudy and dark, but you liked it like this. “I’m Larry Pike, the developer here, and you are?”
“Dean,” he answered before gesturing to the two of you. “This is Sam and Y/N.” You smiled at Larry, shaking his hand.
“Nice to meet you guys. So you three are interested in Oasis Plains?” He asked, looking at all three of your faces. In all honesty, if you ever did own a house it would not be in a neighborhood like this. Where everything looked the same and everyone pretended to be something they weren’t.
“Yes sir,” Dean smiled, shoving his hands in his pocket and putting on his best-domesticated face - a cheesy smile and wide eyes. Convincing, you thought.
“Let me just say, we accept homeowners of any race, religion, ethnicity or sexual orientation.”  Dean chuckled, looking at Sam and then over to you. You tried to stifle a laugh, pressing your lips together.
“We’re brothers,” Dean told him. Larry’s cheeks flushed and he sucked in a breath but let Dean continue talking without apologizing. Dean pointed this thumb behind him at you. “It’s mostly this one back here that’s interested. Ya know, newly married and we need a place to live!” His voice was high pitched and excited, still putting on his best facade but when Larry looked at you like he wasn’t fully convinced, Dean wrapped his arm around your shoulders, kissed the top of your head and sent Larry a smile.
“Oh, well. Come on in,” he said, inviting you into the house and giving you the tour before you exited out the back where there was a lot of chatter amongst other homeowners, future homeowners, and real estate agents. If there was a complete opposite of what you were used to, this was it.
“So you said you were the developer?” Dean asked, fishing for as much information as he could now that Larry was done with his long-winded explanation of why they went with granite instead of marble countertops.
“18 months ago I was walking this valley with my survey team. There was nothing here but scrub brush and squirrels. And you know what, we built such a nice place to live that I actually bought into it myself. This is our home. We’re the first family in Oasis Plains.” Larry went on, walking backward as he talked. He sounded proud of himself but there was something sinister about his face. He was hiding something or he knew something or maybe he was just an innocent man who wanted to make something beautiful but at what cost? “This is my wife, Joanie,” Larry introduced. Joanie was blonde and beautiful and she shook all three of your hands with a polite smile on her face.
“Tell them how much you like the house honey and lie if you need to because I need to sell some homes,” Larry whispered into her ear and it was meant for you to hear and it was meant to be a joke so you faked a laugh because it wasn’t really funny at all. Sam chuckled beside you and you wished the cover-up was that Sam and you were newly wedded so you hold his hand and wrap your arm around his but instead you were holding Dean’s hand and that was ok, you suppose.
“Don’t let his salesman routine scare you. This really is a great place to live,” Joanie boasted. She was warmer than Larry and seemed less intense like she wasn’t trying to sell you a product.
“Hi, I’m Lynda Bloome, head of sales,” an older, brunette lady introduced herself to Sam first, then to you and then Dean. Lynda and Joanie could have been the same age, but Lynda had a lot more wrinkles and she was colder and you hated the feeling her eyes gave you as she looked into them when she shook your hand.
“Lynda was second to move in, she’s a very noisy neighbor, though,” Joanie joked,
Putting her hand on Lynda’s shoulder before crossing in front of her and walking away. Lynda chuckled and brushed her off.
“She’s kidding, of course. I take it the three of you are interested in becoming homeowners?” She asked. All three of you had fake smiles on your faces and it was getting exhausting pretending to be excited about a new house and pretending to think these jokes were funny when they were anything but.
“Uh, just these two. Here for moral support,” Sam answered, gesturing to you and
Dean. He held your connected hands up in the air to show you were, in fact, a couple. Lynda kept making stupid jokes, going on with the mantra that they accept homeowners of every race, religion, ethnicity, and sexual orientation and Dean pretending to laugh again.
“I’m going to go talk to Larry,” he said, bumping his shoulder into yours. “Coming?” You nod and say goodbye to Lynda as you followed Dean into the house to find the developer.
“Cute how you have to pretend to be my boyfriend everytime we’re on a case,” you
pointed out to Dean. He let out a real laugh this time as your eyes scanned for Larry.
“Well, would you rather be Sam’s girlfriend and risk exposing yourself or be our sister?” He asked, his voice sounding horrified as he said, sister. You faked a gag at the thought and Dean wrapped his arm around your shoulder as your eyes landed on Larry.
“There,” you pointed out. You started asking Larry questions about the house, more in detail about what to expect when you’re buying a house and how customizable the house was since they were in development and not yet built and he had an answer for everything. You walked through the house again as he went over the details. Not only the details of the house but the history of the development. The history of a surveyor who mystically dropped dead with a single bee sting.
“Whoa, someone likes bugs,” Dean said, noticing mason jars with bugs living in them on the table just next to the staircase. You hadn’t noticed them before but now that you did, you wished you hadn’t. You kneeled down, inspecting them closely but you got too grossed out so you backed away and back into Dean’s arms.
“My son. He’s into insects. He’s very inquisitive.” Larry explained, Dean looked at the bugs and nodded his head. You could see the gears in the back of his mind grinding away at the connection but you had no idea what the connection would actually be beside the number of bugs in this house, the mystery beetles in Dustin Burwash’s sinkhole and the bee sting that killed a surveyor.
You went back into the backyard, Sam’s back to yours but Larry barked at the kid he was talking to. “Matthew!” Larry’s footsteps sped up and you guessed that Matthew was the inquisitive son. When he got to his side, he apologized to Sam for his son’s ‘pet’ but you hated the way his voice was booming and the condescending tone he was using.
“It’s no bother,” Sam dismissed Larry and he and his son walked away. As he passed you, you pretended to be engrossed in a conversation with Dean and you didn’t hear a word. Sam turned around to see if you and Dean were following, his eyes going right to Dean’s hand wrapped around your waist, resting on your hip. He hesitated for a moment before turning away and fuck if you didn’t know better you would have thought he was jealous.
When they were gone, Dean unwrapped himself from you and you walked closer to
Sam. “Remind you of somebody?” He asked, hoping to get a reaction out of Dean. He was watching the father-son duo argue on the porch steps, Larry barking orders at Matthew and Matthew pretending not to care but you saw it in his eyes and you saw what Sam was getting at. “Dad?”
“Dad never treated us like that,” Dean said matter-of-factly and shrugged his shoulders.
“Dad never treated you like that,” Sam rebutled. You wished you could interject
Something to the conversation. Something to help even the score or be the man in the middle who saw things more clearly than the people in it, but you were late to the game and yes, you saw the way John treated Sam as if he was always a little boy but everyone did that and from Dean told you about his childhood, Dean was always John’s right-hand man whether that be with hunting or taking care of the youngest boy. “You were perfect, he was all over my case.” Dean still looked blank, like he had no idea what Sam was talking about. “You don’t remember?”
“Well maybe he had to raise his voice but sometimes you were out of line,” Dean responded. Sometimes, it was uncanny how much like his father Dean was. Never really seeing things for what they were and just how he wanted to see them.
“Right. Right, like when I said I’d rather play soccer than learn bowhunting,” Sam chuckled, shaking his head at the idea that a father would want his son to be a hunter rather than play soccer or an instrument or even go to regular school.
“Bowhunting is an important skill,” Dean defended, again.
“Just drop it,” you snapped, holding your hands out between the boys to stop the argument. You were over it. It was the past and there was nothing you could do to fix it now so the best thing to do is to let it go.
“Whatever,” Sam let out a breath, clearly annoyed. “How was the second tour?”
“I think you might be onto something, looks like Dustin Burwash wasn’t the first strange death around here,” Dean hinted, his eyebrows raised and he always liked being the one with the information.
“What happened?”
“About a year ago, before they broke ground, one of Larry’s surveyors dropped dead while on the job. Get this - a severe allergic reaction to bee stings,” Dean told him and you saw Sam’s eyes lit up and he got the connection. It was too good to be true, that a little black beetle was anything more than a gross bug that Sam picked up.
“More bugs,” Sam said.
“More bugs, baby,” you responded.
tagged: @matchamendes @stuckupstucky @sillydecoy jessewa26 @kaelyn-lobrutto24 @liztorr1212 @icanreadbookstoo
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spn-rewrites · 6 years
01x07 (part 3)
Season One Episode Seven: Hook Man
Summary: where jealousy occurs and hearts are broken and blood is shed
Word Count: 1.2k
part 1 part 2
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You and Dean scavenged for anything silver that you could find. Frankly, the hook could be anything it wanted to be and if you even missed one piece, well, that could be the one. You turned over every cushion, every bible, every table runner. It went by quickly because there were two of you and after triple checking every inch of the building, you went into the basement of the church and lit a fire, tossing everything you found in the blazing flames.
There were footsteps creaking on the old wooden floor above you, but you paid no mind to them, knowing that Sam was coming back soon. There couldn’t be that much silver in the house and when the footsteps got closer and then down the stairs, you turned your head and sure enough, there he was with a giant bag. “I grabbed anything that even looked like silver,” he said, tossing the bag on the ground next to your pile of stuff.
The floors creaked again but this time, you looked. “Move, move,” Dean whispered, moving you off to the side so he could sneak around you and head up the stairs. He grabbed his gun from under his waistband and Sam’s arm went protectively around you as you both followed Dean upstairs. The basement door creaked and Dean stopped in his tracks and lowered the gun.
You pushed up on your tip-toes to try and look around the tall boys, but they were blocking your view. When Dean turned slightly to look at Sam, you caught a glimpse of what it was. Lori. Lori sitting at the pew, head bowed down in prayer. You wanted to feel sorry for her. You wanted to feel something other than rage that she was there and that Sam was taking steps towards her and away from you as Dean put his hand on the small of your back and guided you down the steps and back to the fire.
Dean’s face was lit up by the flames as he tossed things in, one at a time. You stood
back, staring off into the distance and kicking at invisible rocks instead of helping. Dean let it go for a minute or two before he finally turned on his heels and looked at you. “What?” You snapped after he was watching for a moment too long.
He held his hands up in defense and shook his head as if he meant nothing by it, but judging by the sigh that escaped his lips, he was about to tell you exactly what he meant by it. “You’re upset because of Lori, I get it but listen to me, this case is almost finished and he’s never going to see her again so who cares if she’s got a crush or if he thinks she’s got pretty eyes. You’re the one who he’s leaving with.” You knew he meant well and that he also wanted the conversation to be over with just that one blanket statement because he turned his back to you again and kept tossing things into the flames.
“It doesn’t matter if he’s leaving with me if he doesn’t think I have pretty eyes, too,” you commented back. Dean froze for just a beat, but you saw it, before continuing with his work. You let yourself mope for a few more seconds before deciding to finally help.
Minutes of silence went by until you heard a crash, a scream, running. The floorboards creaking with heavy footsteps, back and forth back and forth. Your head was spinning in all different directions trying to follow it and then another scream, another crash. “Sam,” you whispered and your feet were reacting before your brain could but Dean grabbed your arm and stopped you.
“I’ll go, keep burning!” Dean ordered, again grabbing his gun and running up the stairs. Without hesitation, you did as you were told and just kept burning as fast as your hands would toss them into the fire. You didn’t know how long it would take for melting the metal to actually take effect. The second it hits the flames? Once it’s fully liquified and into a million different pieces? You heard a gunshot but you kept going.
A scratching noise, a loud scratching noise was filling the entire building. Like nails on a chalkboard and then another gunshot. You heard more footsteps running around but you kept going, blocking it out until Dean was at your side. “Here!” He yelled, tossing a silver necklace into the fire.
“What was that?” You asked, looking up at him. He was panting, sweating, looking around the ceiling for any noise of what was going on. “What’s happening?”
“Hook Man. That was Lori’s necklace. Fingers crossed this works,” Dean mumbled, not looking at you. You got off your knees and onto your feet, following his eyes as he still traced the ceiling, listening intently. Dean grabbed your hand, “let’s go.”
You went with him, running as fast as you could up the stairs and down the many halls until you rounded a corner and saw him. Sam. Laying on the ground, his hand up to his chest. You both slowed down when you realized the Hook Man was finally gone and it was a sigh of relief. Finally. After so many almosts, it was finally done.
You were waiting in the car while Dean got questioned, again. They questioned you, too but you told them you were in the basement the entire time and didn’t see much of anything. Which was the truth. Once again, the truth working in your favor. You watched Dean in the rearview mirror of the Impala. He shrugged the cop off and started heading your way. When he opened the door, you eyed him until he got inside and closed it. “Everything ok?” You asked.
“Yeah, just dandy. Don’t look now, though. Romeo is parting ways with his Juliet,” Dean deadpanned, his voice emotionless and like he wasn’t joking about it anymore. Seeing you hurt over it made it not a joke anymore. Dean watched Sam and Lori from the side mirror and you didn’t want to look, but you did anyway.
“It’s my fault. He doesn’t know how I feel so if that’s what he wants he can have it. I just need to get over myself, you know?” You spoke, not really to Dean but mostly to yourself. Dean nodded though, listening to you despite what his eyes were doing. “You’re right, he’ll never see her again,” you brushed it off. “But what if he likes her? Really likes her? After Jess, I mean that’s big,” you continued even after telling yourself to just fucking let it go.
Dean just chuckled at you as he watched and let you go on your tangent. “Do you think they kissed? They had to have kissed, like come on. But whatever,” you shook your head and waved your hand in the air trying your best to get rid of the thoughts. “What if he wants to stay - oh shit he’s coming.” You adjusted yourself to look as natural as possible but it probably just looked weird as hell and Sam opened the door, sat down and stared out the window as if he was pissed off at the world and you knew, you knew, that he wanted to stay.
tagged: @matchamendes @stuckupstucky @sillydecoy @jessewa26 @kaelyn-lobrutto24@liztorr1212 @icanreadbookstoo
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spn-rewrites · 6 years
the impala parked next door - d.w
dean winchester au where he’s your civilian next door neighbhor and there’s lot of sexual tension and flirting and pre-relationship fluff
warnings: light smut (?? not really) flirting, fluff, walking alone in the rain, mentions of smut
weekly writing challenge: @supernatural-jackles #Weekly Writing Challenge
it was just your luck, your car breaking down in the middle of an intense storm. the water was pouring down, slapping against the concrete and the thunder was roaring in the sky.
luckily, you had a coat in your trunk in case of emergencies but your phone signal wasn’t working so you couldn’t call from help and you were only a mile away from home so you decided to take the hike there.
your socks were soaking wet and they were squishing against your shoes and it gave you the worst feeling in the world but you kept your hands in your pockets and your eyes on the street and tried to ignore it and ignore the cold and pounding rain.
every time a car would pass by you, you’d stop and step as far away from the curb as possible because you’d already been splashed once and your mascara was running from it.
you heard the car that was approaching and stepped on the grass and away from the street, watching as the car sped past. then it stopped. reversed. and stopped again right in front of you.
your first instinct was to run as fast as you could because there’s no way you were getting kidnapped today but then as your eyes focused through the rain, the car looked familiar.
the window rolled down and your neighbor dean showed his concerned face. “hey, you need a ride?”
“is it that obvious?” you joked. dean laughed and unlocked the door, propping it open. you got in, trying not to bring a lot of water in with you but there was a pool at your feet. “sorry,” you mumbled.
“hey, no worries. you heading home?” he asked, turning down the radio so he could hear you over the rain hitting the roof of the car. you nodded and he started driving again. “what happened?” he laughed.
“uh, my car broke down,” you told him, rubbing your hands together and putting them up to the heater of the car. you’d been in this car only once before and you were drunk so it was hard to remember any of the details besides dean helping you inside and holding your hand as you bounced your head to whatever song he was playing.
you vaguely remember him helping you out and to your front door as he leaned against the frame and ran his fingers up and down your arm. you remember him moving the hair out of your face and telling you that he wouldn’t take advantage of you but when you were sober you could call him.
you didn’t call him but you thought about it. you thought about going to his front door and knocking on it and kissing him right there. you watched him getting in and out of this very car and through his kitchen window that was directly across from your bedroom window as he put away groceries and nodded his head to the music you could almost hear in your own house.
“well when this rain lightens up, you can take me there. i’ll look at it for you,” dean offered. you also watched as he worked on his own car sometimes.
“sure. thank you.” you took down your hood as you started to warm up. you pulled down the mirror and tried to wipe away the mascara that was running down your eye without him noticing but he was watching you intently. “sorry i look like a mess,” you laughed awkwardly. his eyes on you made you nervous.
“you don’t look like a mess. you look good,” he said. you smiled to yourself, fixing the disaster on your face before looking at him. “you never called me.”
“i thought about it,” you admitted.
“and?” he paused, “why didn’t you?”
“i don’t know. i got nervous. you make me nervous,” you told him. he made you nervous that night when his green eyes landed on yours and looked at you intensely. his fingertips made you nervous and his lips that grazed your cheeks and whispered in your ear made you nervous and the inches of space between his hand on the gear shit and yours on your thigh made you nervous.
dean didn’t respond to you. instead, he parked the car on the side of the road and looked out the window. you followed his gaze and there you were; your house. “here,” he whispered. he sounded almost sad. “ready to take on the rain again?”
“not quite,” you said, looking back at him. he had a quiet smile on his face as he looked at you. “dean, i should have called you.”
“you should have.”
“is it too late?” you asked. dean shook his head and you smiled, putting your hand on top of his which he gladly took. his hand was much bigger than yours and he intertwined your fingers together.
“you know, i watch you sometimes,” dean admitted.
“yeah. your bedroom window is always open,” dean smirked at you. you felt your cheeks redden at his comment and then thought about all of the things he could have seen. you naked. you dancing around in your underwear. you after you just woke up and looked like a disgusting monster.
“oh great,” you responded sarcastically. trying to make light of the situation so that he couldn’t sense your embarassment.
“no,” dean laughed, “you look cute in your pajamas and with your hair up like that.” he ran his finger through the peice of hair that fell out of your ponytail. “you look even better when you’re just in your underwear,” he commented as his eyes went to your legs.
“oh no,” you blushed, covering your face as he chuckled. the hand that he was using to hold your own untangled itself and went to your thigh, his fingertips just barely touching the inside of it.
“don’t be embarrassed, y/n,” dean whispered.
“i’m not,” you peaked your eye out from behind your fingers at him and he was smiling at you. “i see you, too. dancing in your kitchen as you wait for those microwave meals to cook,” you tease him back.
dean laughed and squeezed your thigh. you liked it and you liked him and you were finally sober enough to remember what his touch felt like. “maybe i can make one for you someday, yeah?”
“oh, i am so above microwave meals,” you joked, scoffing at his offer but giving him a small smile so he knew you were teasing him.
“oh well then maybe we can skip the meal and go straight to the part where you do that little dance you do at night but with me in the bed,” dean whispered. he leaned in closer to you and his lips were almost to your face and if you just turned a few inches to the left your lips would collide with his but you let him kiss your cheek softly before whispering in your ear, “what do you think about that?”
“i think that we should get out of this car,” you whispered back, turning to face him. your lips were only an inch apart and if you leaned in youd kiss him and that was the second time in that car today you skipped out on kissing him.
you opened the door and ran to your porch. when you were covered by the roof, you gestured for him to follow you. he shut off the car and did what you asked, running to meet you. “what the hell? you know i could have parked in my garage and used the door that goes straight to my house?” he yelled over the rain.
“it’s more fun this way!” you yelled back, laughing at how he looked with water drenching his flannel shirt and his hair now flat on his head.
dean laughed and wrapped his arms around your waist, tickling you just enough to make you squirm and hit his arms to make him stop. he set you down and this time, you kissed him.
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pinkstevenu · 6 years
The Last Fight
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Pairing- DeanxReader 
Characters- Dean, Sam, Reader
Warnings- swearing, character violence, angst
word count- 1,122
A/N- this is my first fic i hope you guys like it I’m really scared!!
You picked up your computer and sat down next to dean on the bed. He wrapped his arm around you and you snuggled into his side. “So I think I found a connection between each vic, all of them were fighting with their loved ones the day that they husband or boyfriend bashed the girls head in.”
Dean winced at the thought, “well then why dont we head out to the bar and the next couple fighting we follow them.”
“Sounds good.” Sam replied. You nodded and got up from the bed to slide your black long sleeve on. Then sam came out of the bathroom you all headed to the bar. When you got there the three of you sat down at the bar. Dean started to drink a lot, so it was pretty much only you and Sam looking for the couple. After about two hours dean started to get handsy with you, so you decided it was time to head out because you were not finding anything. You wrapped Deans arm around you and walked him back to the motel. Dean squinted his eyes at you, “why aren't you having any fun Y/N?”
You furrowed your brows, “what do you mean dean?”
You walked into the motel setting Dean down on the bed. Dean sighed and rolled his eyes at you, “ I mean your always a stick in the mud, you never have any fun.”
He exasperated. You sighed and pulled a pair of sweats on, “sorry Dean i'm not doing this while your drunk.”
Dean huffed, “ why can't you have any fun with me once in awhile you stuck up bitch!”
You turned wide eyed as tears crept up. You stormed out of the motel room and walked down the sidewalk as you rubbed your puffy eyes. As you walked down the sidewalk you felt arms wrap around your waist. You turned to face Dean. You could feel his breath on your face. You huffed, “why are you following me dean?”
He pulled you closer, “ I wanna make things better sweetheart.”
You tried to pull away, “you can make things better by leaving me alone Dean!”
You pushed away and stormed away from him. You could hear his feet behind you, so you kept walking faster till he gripped you arm tight and pulled you into an alleyway. You struggled to get away from him, “let me go!”
He wrapped his hand around your mouth and then slowly pressed harsh kisses along your neck. You bit his hand trying to get him off of you, “you son of a bitch let me go!”
You turned your head seeing dean stumbling around in the alleyway. You turned back to the shifter in front of you wide eyed. Dean was still tipsey and couldnt walk straight without falling. The shifter smiled at you placing a harsh kiss on your lips and bitting you bottom lip ripping it open, “ you weren't supposed to find out thins way sweetheart.”
He plunged a knife into your stomach you let out a small squeal as he cupped your face sliding you down the wall then running off. You coughed looking up to see a worried expresion on deans face a tear trickling down his cheek. Dean cupped your face fumbling with his phone. After he got off the phone he pulled you into his lap craddling your face, “its gonna be ok Y/N”
You looked up placing you hand on his, “I dont wanna die dean not like this not when the last thing I did was fight with you.”
Your eyes turned glass like as you tried to hold your tears back. Dean shook his head furiously, “your not dying Y/N not on my watch please forgive me.”
You smiled as your eyelids got heavy. Dean lifted you up as you heard the sound of sirens inch closer. Dean handed you over to one of the medics and hopped into the ambulance holding your hand not letting go. You turned to face him, “dean?”
Dean lifted his gaze to you, Yes sweetheart?”
A tear fell from your face as you cupped his cheek felling him lean into you, “i love you dean I-”
The imense pain cut you off and caused you to scream as tears fell prefusely. Dean gripped your hand moving in closer. You turned to deans conserned face, “Y/N please stay here i cant live wothout you.”
He paused watching you, “Y/N I...I love you.”
When you guys got to the hospital dean slowly slid into your hospital room and aproached your bedside. Dean sat down and folded his hand into yours. Deans head shot to the door as it open he relaxed after he saw Sam. Sam walked up to dean pulling a chair up. He looked from you to dean, “Dean what happened, how did this happen.”
Deans was watching his hand, “ I messed up Sam i mean like I really messed up i may never hear her voice again because of me, the shifter got her posing as me after she walked out on our fight.”
Sam rubbed his face and watched your chest rise and fall. Then the doctor walked in nodding at the boys, “you boys are very lucky just a couple seconds later and she could have died she just needs rest to let her sleep till she wakes up.”
Dean nodded and the doctor walked out. Dean turned hearing shuffling and feeling you hand slide out of his. Your eyes slowly fluttered open as you groan turning to see dean and sam. Deans breath hitched, “Y/N! Are you ok is there anything I can get you.”
You reached out grabbing his face and pulling him into a soft sweet kiss. Deans eyes glisened watching you. You sighed of relife, “please dont ever leave me.”
You begged. Dean vigorously shook his head, “ I would never ever dream of it sweetheart.”
A tear slowly slid its way down deans cheek. You swiped the tear away with the pad of your thumb smiling at him. Sam squeezed your calf and your eyes shifted over to him, “oh um...sorry Sam.”
Sam shook him head, “its ok Y/N i hate to break up the moment, but so something else dosent happen i would advise me and dean go and kill the sick son of a bitch that..”
Sams eyes shifted to your neck and split lip, “that decided to go after a mans women like that.”
You nodded rubing your neck and gently bitting your lip. Dean smiled at you and gave you a quick kiss, “we will be back in no time sweetheart, I love you.”
You smiled, “ I love you too dean.”
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