#Sora is 18 in this verse
muses-morii · 8 months
Oh No, he's hot.
Fanfiction time with Soap! Yay! I'm writing SoRiku again! @bloodbondcd - not exactly a starter, it can be if you want! I just mainly wanted to post this cause I thought it was cute! Haha! <3
~ Sora~
What a weird thought. Sora blinked at the words on the pages of the book. Seeing them, but not reading them. He was sitting in one of the tower common rooms, elbow on the arm of the couch, propping his head up, legs crossed, book held in his other hand. He'd been reading it, because it had seemed interesting; some theory about some ancient dark creatures that were rumoured to have at one point, plagued the worlds; The Faceless. Then a thought slipped in between the words on the page, that had given the Keyblade Master pause. Giving his head a small shake, licking his lips and snuggling back further into the couch, Sora continued reading. Or, he tried to anyway, but the thought kept coming back. Riku's hot.
Grimacing, Sora narrowed his eyes and stared at the book, determined to get through the damn sentence. Like, actually though. Not like he's wearing too many clothes, but like hot, hot.
Eye twitching, he shifted on the couch, leaned forward and gripped the book with both hands, bringing it closer to his face, his eyes burning through the book. Actually, he does wear too many clothes. “Augh!” Making a sound of frustration, Sora threw himself back against the couch and slouching, pressed the book to his burning face as his mind supplied him with images of Riku naked. Which surprisingly, wasn't hard to do. He'd seen the man naked before. They'd been friends and comrades in arms long enough for that to have happened more than once.
So why did he look so damn attractive in his head!? He was his best friend for gods sake!
Not just in my head. Squeezing his eyes shut, Sora grit his teeth and tried to think of anything else, but his brain just wouldn't drop the image of Riku, with his rippling muscles, toned legs, big arms and buff chest coming closer to him and--- Whoa! Face burning, Sora pressed the book harder against his face and slunk down further on the couch. Biting his lip, he gave up all pretense of trying to read the book and let his brain look at that image again. The scene that was starting to play out in his mind. Maybe Riku was hot. Oh man, he totally is.
Sora sunk down a little further, hands tightly gripping the edges of the book. Riku coming closer. Riku taking him into his arms. Riku leaning down and lifting his chin... Wow. Wow was right. Nothing like the realization you're attracted to your best friend while reading a book about blood thirsty cryptids. Sora rolled his eyes. It wasn't a realization. It was hardly the first time he'd had these thoughts about Riku. He'd been having them for a long time. He couldn't say for sure when they started. When they were kids? When they were figuring out how to save the Worlds instead of worrying about homework? Honestly, there'd just never been any time to really sit down and think about it. Maybe it was when Riku became his Dream Eater that he started thinking about him that way. The door opened suddenly and Sora shot straight up, face blazing and fumbling the book. “I'm not thinking about, Riku!” He shouted, just to make sure the Broom knew he was actually thinking lewd thoughts about the man. He stared at the Broom and oddly enough, the Broom, unmoving, seemed to stare back. The silence stretched on for seconds, turning into minutes and then the Broom went about its cleaning and Sora huffed out a sigh of relief. Dropping his head to his chest and letting his hands (and the book) rest in his lap. He was going crazy. These thoughts kept cropping up lately. He always tried to shrug them off, or distract himself with something else, because who the hell thought about their best friend in that way? There was some cardinal rule against dating your number one, wasn't there? Aqua and Terra are a thing.
Okay but, that was different.
Is it though?
They had history.
So, what do Riku and I have? Water under the bridge? A bag full of gummies, but no blueprints?
Sighing again, Sora looked up, one hand coming to rest on the back of his neck. He'd been having these thoughts for years. Even when they were on the island as kids. Riku was always good looking and powerful and back then, he'd just decided it was envy.
Then, when Riku went missing with King Mickey, he'd put everything he had into finding him, because he was his best friend, right? Then there was Kairi. It hadn't worked out.
He'd broken her heart.
He just didn't feel about her, the way she wanted him to feel. Rubbing the back of his neck, Sora looked towards the bookshelf, wondering if there was something on it that would explain what was happening to him right now. He knew there wasn't. The very idea that Master Yensid would have books on sexual attractions was laughable. Maybe Romantic attractions too? No, not unpacking that one yet.
Standing up from the couch, Sora stepped over to the bookshelf and absently slid the book back into place, his eyes unfocused and looking at something beyond the room.
Riku was hot. Sora did want him to hold him in his arms and touch him and... And kiss him.
And as his brain supplied images of what all could happen, he put his newly blushing face into his hand, eyes closed, his other hand dropping away from the book. Despite his embarrassment, he didn't try to banish the thought this time, instead letting it play out in his mind until it became too raunchy and he looked up with a sharp breath, hands twitching before him as he wondered what he was supposed to do with them. “Oh man...” Where even was Riku? Unbidden, Sora moved away from the bookshelf, his mind stuck on that thought. Where was the man in question? The current object of his desires? Leaving the common room, he looked both ways down the hall and then headed for the stairs.
First, his feet took him to the kitchen, then the big dining hall, then Master Yensid's study - “Sorry sir! No, I don't need anything!”
But he did. He needed Riku's hands on him.
He quickly shut the door of the study, took a few breaths and then opened it back up. “Um, have you seen, Riku?” How many times, over his life had he asked that? How many times had he been chasing after him? “Yes, he was just here. I believe he went to his room.”
“His room? Okay! Thanks!”
Bidding Master Yensid goodbye, Sora pulled the door gently shut and then made his way through the tower to the dormitory wing. He remembered how much of a headache this place had first given him when he was trying to figure out how it worked. Now, he just knew where to go like it was second nature. Reaching Riku's room, Sora stood in front of his door. What am I doing? He raised his hand to knock.
What do I want to happen here? He let his hand drop and stared at the door, giving a soft sigh. I want him to want me.
“Yeah right...” Sora muttered quietly and shifted to the side ready to leave when a noise sounded behind him. “I want Riku!” He announced loudly, which was totally not what he wanted to say. Spinning around, he stared at the Boom carrying buckets of water, hands clapped over his mouth. The Broom, stared back and Sora wonder if it could douse him with one of the buckets while he drowned himself in the other.
Then Riku's door opened and Sora whipped around with a surprised look on his face.
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foxydivaxx · 2 months
More Gossip Girl AU Headcanons: The Roronoas
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-Everyone calls Zoro Prince-sama because he acts like one
-Zoro resembles Arashi a lot which many suspect to be a reason why Terra treats Zoro like trash
-Idol by Yoasobi in this universe is sang by Miku and that song is actually referring to not only herself and all idols in general but that song is her way of telling people about Zoro's situation. The fact that it was released around the time of the #FreeZoro movement makes it more awesome and heartwarming. Zoro cried when he heard the song and thanked Miku for it
-The #FreeZoro movement was secretly started by Kuina, Perona and Zoro's backup dancers
-Miku and Zoro got their talents from their dad which is why their mum behaves the way she does. She envies her kids and her husband
-Arashi watched his kids on TV whilst in asylum. What Terra did not know is that Mihawk found out about Arashi and figured out a way to free him and whisk him off to Japan to be free. When the #FreeZoro movement begins, Arashi returns to America to reunite with his son. He also gains the strength to confront his wife and proceeds to finalise the divorce proceedings that she tried to delay years ago
-The Roronoa/Dracule clan are all great dancers
-The family now host movie nights every weekend to watch old Roronoa and Dracule classics
-Arashi and Mihawk have been best friends for years since they were kids. Terra drove a wedge between them
-Both Arashi and Mihawk go out together a lot these days and many suspect that there could be more to their relationship especially since Mihawk helped them a lot.
-Mihawk paid back the debt he owes to the Roronoas who saved him during his own struggles.
-Enma, Kitetsu and Wado are Zoro's cousins in this verse and they are all famous actors
-Grandma Roronoa is a top actress and Grandpa Roronoa is a singer and actor.
-Grandpa Roronoa passed away a year before Zoro's birth
-Grandma Roronoa always makes rice balls for the kids, especially Zoro and even taught Sanji how to make them
-The reason Zoro did not become like his mum or worse is thanks to Mihawk and Boa Hancock who serves as his lawyer and is now his new manager
-Some aspects of Zoro's life mirrors Arashi's in a lot of ways and also Mihawk's too as both father figures had turbulent relationships with one abusive parent.Arashi had a toxic relationship with his dad and Mihawk had to separate himself from his mother
-The Roronoa/Dracule family all live under the same roof. Zoro started living on his own once he turned 18.
- Sora and their kids plus Zoro’s other friends and their families are considered part of their family
- When Zoro started adapting a sexier image (similar to Koda Kumi), it rose a lot of eyebrows at first as people were so used to him being cute, baby Zoro. Eventually, the general public accepted it as they realized that he suits the sexy image better
- Sometimes whenever the family is having a dance party, Zoro’s inner sexy tiger comes out and next thing everyone knows, those sexy dance moves he exhibits onstage begin to manifest. The thing about Zoro is once the music comes on, he changes completely. Sanji too is like that
- Speaking of Sanji, people have been calling him Sanji Roronoa way before he and Zoro finally married
- Arashi has tried to get Zoro to tone down the sexiness albeit in a joking manner similar to Whitebeard and Sanji
- Zoro got his love of fashion and bling from his two dads who are pretty snazzy dressers. (Picture Zoro wearing bling similar to Sasha Banks)
- Once the cameras stop rolling and once Zoro is offstage, he becomes a cute little kitten. Onstage, he is a sexy tiger, similar to his dad. Sanji is similar in that regard except that one is a sexy fox xD
- Zoro’s natural singing voice is a lot deeper and sensual. He knows how to manipulate his voice to get the desired results out of a song, something that shocks Japanese netizens a lot
- Yosaku and Johnny are the pranksters of the family
- Perona and Kuina always go shopping together and help Zoro get clothes
- Miku’s normal speaking voice is a lot more matured compared to her idol voice
- Zoro and Miku write a lot of their songs especially now that they are older and wish to express certain things themselves
- Miku does her hair herself
- Miku is always portrayed as a bunny and Zoro is a mighty green tiger and often times is portrayed as an adorable black kitty with green stripes in fanart
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sxs-a2 · 2 years
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                               🚫 PERSONALS DO NOT REBLOG! 🚫
Imagine Nezuko, but on the road of being a slayer. A teenage girl struggling to protect her demonic brother Tanjirou while on a quest to turn him human again.
Like/reblog/follow if you're interested in Role Swap AU of NEZUKO KAMADO from Demon Slayer. 18+, Manga spoilers, OC & Crossover-friendly, Multi-ship & Multi-verse including Modern Kimetsu Academy and My Hero Academia verse.
Art by Arestinna. Screenshots by Hanayo Sora
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grepteaq · 2 years
character profile
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korean : 권 하늘
english: haneul kwon
japanese: sora gushiken
(haneul means heavenly; sky while kwon means power; authority.)
nicknames: ms devil, red devil
alias: low kick kwon
basic info
gender: female
age: 18
height: 180cm (5'11)
professional status
status: alive
school: kangbuk high
occupation: newtube manager, (former??) member of hapkido national team; korea, high school student
fighting style: mixed martial arts
relatives: kwon euntae (father, deceased) , yujin goo (mother, deceased)
love interests: jiyong kwon, taehoon sung
"do you know what it feels to lose both your parents?"
haneul is a supporting character in how to fight/viral hit and is the manager of the newtube channel, how to fight. she is also a presumably former member of korea's female hapkido national team.
haneul is strikingly tall for a female and has short brown hair that parts on her right. she is pale skinned and is often seen wearing light blush on her cheeks. she also has an athletic body type and is often seen wearing a sports jacket along with her school uniform. she's often described as a tree because of how tall she is.
in a flashback, haneul was seen sporting the hapkido uniform and had long black hair. she was considered attractive at that time, raking in a few fans.
haneul is very "nerdy" upon the first meeting. however, she can actually be intimidating. she considers herself funny and smart. she doesn't like being kind. haneul is also very wary. despite wearing glasses, she actually has very good eyesight. she pretends to wear glasses so her mother won't recognise her in jail. haneul is also very quick-witted and can hurriedly solve problems. she also finds it easy to understand things just from hearing it once.
despite pulling off very selfish acts towards her friends, haneul would rather not back down and come back again to fight. she has proven to be selfless and had multiple times chased after her father for running away with her mother's money at night.
haneul is also someone who cannot let go of the past. her apartment is full of the memories from the past.
haneul is the daughter of aikido champion, yujin goo and was a high ranking master. she had been trained by her mother in aikido ever since she was young. she was also told to take hapkido as an extra martial art, making haneul well-versed in both hapkido and aikido. her father, euntae kwon, was a famous footballer that retired due to an injury that disabled him from playing football forever. however, he still decided to teach her football so she can grow up to be strong.
haneul's mother passed from a heart attack when she was 12, causing her father to be stressed out. with the problems of having to take care of haneul , paying debts and bills and having to
fighting prowess
style breakdown
haneul is a former practitioner of hapkido but has also learned how to practice taekwondo and aikido. she was once considered an aikido prodigy at such a young age.
haneul prefers to combining taekwondo, hapkido and aikido together. she usually drives her opponent off the floor with low kicks around the feet. as described by haneul's hapkido teacher, she was called low kick kwon in the past for her often uses of low kicks, driving her opponents off the ground. despite being taught tournament-tier hapkido, haneul learnt KHF (korean hapkido federation) hapkido and applies it in street fights.
haneul's footwork and handwork are very light, fast and quick. she usually distracts the opponent by using taekwondo, replicating taehun's style of keeping his hands low. once the opponent is confident she uses only taekwondo, she then pulls a hapkido against her opponents, striking them to the ground and choking them with the hapkido cane, ji pang ee. haneul always brings around her cane in the event of anything terrible happening.
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|| Rules | Permanent Starter Call | Verses | Wishlist ||
Semi-selective, Independent, Semi-private Roleplay Blog for The Monster Trio (Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji) from One Piece. Anime and Manga based. Reigned over by your lovely wraithqueen, Zaira (She/Her, 30+). Crossovers, AUs, and OCs welcome. 18+ only, for my own peace of mind. Low to medium activity, replies are slow due to mental healh/burnout. Discord is for mutuals.
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RP Blogs: Koala | Cosette & Vinsmoke Sora | Herbert West | Renfield
Follows back from: @zairas-realm-gateway || Art Blog ||
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_ Luffy: Cis, Gay, Grayromantic, Asexual spectrum. _ Zoro: Cis, Bi (Leans heavily towards men/Masc.) _ Sanji: Genderqueer (leans masculine. He/Him, occasionally She/Her), Bi.
Shipping welcome but requires plotting first
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lokesheadcanons · 10 months
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MY MAIN VERSE WITH SORA HAS HIM POST KHIII, he is nearing twenty (thus ships can only be done with characters 18 and older ty) due to time flowing differently and he is… living in Quadratum.
Quadratum, also known as Shibuya is a world introduced in Kingdom Hearts III. According to Ansem the Wise, unlike other worlds in the Kingdom Hearts universe, it is not a world of light or dark, but a world of "fiction", that exists on the other side
It is a modern, urban world based on the real-life city of Tokyo, primarily its Shibuya district with some distinct variations and differences.
Sora has accepted he is dead, he has a job at "Ebony Coffee" (parody of Starbucks) where he works as a shift lead / manager, he attends the local university and even has his own apartment. (he also collects Disney Merch, the only sign you'll get that he misses his friends) He is not even trying to get home as he's convinced himself his friends are fine, better off without him. Intentionally or not, he had a giant target on his back that said "DARKNESS ATTACK HERE!" His friends always got caught up in these attacks. The worlds are safe. After all, there's several keyblade masters and keyblade warriors who can look after them all. Sora is content to be dead, he's not that needed, right? It's fine if he… just stops. If he lets himself… be.
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twinkleinthesky · 2 years
name: sora
birthday: march 28th
height: 5’3 (160 cm)
pronouns: he/him, but he’s fine with they/them too!
age: 18 (varies, but he is mainly 18)
sexuality: bi/pan! also poly.
my version is sora is mainly the same, he’s kind-hearted and optimistic, as well as brave and heroic, impulsively saving others (even people he hardly knows) at the expense of himself. sora loves meeting new people and always welcomes others with a warm smile and friendliness. he is very dedicated to his job of protecting the worlds and exploring the universe while he’s at it. he has a great capacity to forgive other people, and is always willing to give people second chances. he has a very playful nature as well, which can leak into competition.
sora in this version however is also very curious. he finds pretty much everything to be interesting outside of his home world, and has a childlike curiosity. he loves exploring worlds and starts to get stir crazy when stuck in one world for too long. he loves every world he goes to, but always has a instinct to leave after a while.
he has a deeply empathetic nature (caused by his connection to kingdom hearts), and sometimes mistakens other people's emotions for his own. as he's gotten older however, sora has learned how to separate the two, but sometimes still struggles with knowing his own emotions besides the optimistic front he always puts up. he’s a very understanding person and find a way to sympathize with people even with the most concerning situations. this doesn’t mean he’s a pushover however, he will still call others out, even if he can feel empathy.
sora is not as oblivious in this verse as he is in canon, due to being an empath. he’s very hyper aware of others emotions, and as a result is more perceptive than usual. he’s still his air-headed, endearing self, don’t worry.
has a tendency to fall in love/get crushes very easily. not because sora hops from person to person easily, but because he simply sees the beauty in nearly everyone he meets, and always sees the best in them. sora’s mind just always finds a way to make a person wonderful in his mind, even if it isn’t necessarily in a romantic way. he just has so much love within his heart, romantically and platonically.
sora has a very childlike personality, to many, due to his sheltered nature from being trapped on destiny islands most of his life. this can be tied back to his curious nature mentioned earlier.
sora knows of his connection to kingdom hearts in this verse, and it confuses him. he knows it’s part of the reason why his heart is so strong, along with his empathetic nature, but he doesn’t fully understand what it means for him as a person. he’s still trying to figure himself out.
the version of sora in this rp is still the same one from the games, just with extra traits added on that felt fit his personality or added more onto him. most of these new traits are a result of his empathy powers and connection to kingdom hearts.
ʙɪᴏɢʀᴀᴘʜʏ sora’s backstory is the same as it is in the games, the only difference being that in this verse, sora is actually the human body of kingdom hearts. sora does not learn of this until later on in his life during kh1. as a result of his connection to kingdom hearts, he is an empath and his bond to other people is strong. he also has had a strong desire to leave destiny island since he was young as a result. being the embodiment of kingdom hearts led to him wanting to explore new horizons and see himself grow. in a way, you could see that as kingdom hearts itself wanting to grow and learn, through sora. perhaps that’s why it made a human embodiment of itself to begin with. it wanted to have the human experience.
ᴀʙɪʟɪᴛɪᴇꜱ sora is the wielder of the legendary keyblade, a weapon he inherited due to his connection with kingdom hearts as an entity in this verse. his main keyblade is kingdom key.
he knows a lot of magic spells, but he isn’t all that well-versed in them as he is with physical abilities. he can use thunder, water, blizzard, fire, cure, and aero. all other spells he struggles with and is currently trying to learn.
despite lacking any formal kind of training, sora is a very skilled strategist and fighter. his style can be described as “lacking a trained finesse, which has led some unwary opponents to mock his skill. however, his offensive nature and raw determination make him an unstoppable powerhouse, and with the addition of a basic repertoire of techniques and spells, few are able to fight on his level. as he develops as a keyblade wielder and eventually with proper training, he displays extra finesse and agility with his motions, and is more experienced in using the environment and his enemy's momentum to unleash more powerful techniques.”
as for non-combat abilities, as mentioned sora is an empath, and has a deeper connection with kingdom hearts and the world in general. it’s difficult for him to put into words. also, sora can project his emotions out towards other people, which can come off as him communicating telepathically, even if he isn’t. a flaw in this is that sora struggles to discern his own emotions from others. but don’t be confused, this does not mean he can read minds, he can simply make good assessments of a person's mental state based on their emotions. at times, this hurts him emotionally, but he continues to use it regardless to help the people around him. part of his selfless nature.
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A Weird Pack
Starting after Skypiea arc. Our little weirdos becoming a weird but the best pack.
Characters' sub genders and some notes
Chapter Text
Characters' Sub Genders: Luffy///Omega Shanks///Omega Sabo///Alpha Ace///Beta Dragon///Beta Garp///Alpha Koala///Omega Law///Beta
Zoro///Alpha Mihawk///Alpha Perona///Omega (I love Goth Family) Kuina///Alpha(Yes she lives in this verse but quite complicated, Zoro doesn't know until the right moment which means we won't see her much)
Sanji///Omega Zeff///Alpha Reijuu///Alpha Sora///Omega
Judge and the other bastards are alphas
Nami///Alpha Nojiko///Omega Vivi///Omega Bellmere///Alpha
Usopp///Beta Kaya///Beta
Chopper///Doesn't have a second gender Doctorin///Alpha
Kid///Alpha Killer///Beta
Important Things In My Omegaverse: 1-Heats are short(2/3 days) and they don't loose all their consciousness 2-Ruts are like heats 3-Everyone can get pregnant unless some situations
Side Story 1(Kuina story)
Side Story 2(Kuina story)
Side Story 3(Goth Fam)
Side Story 4(Goth Fam)
Side Story 5(Ace’s story)
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sxs-a · 2 years
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Imagine Nezuko, but on the road of being a slayer. A teenage girl struggling to protect her demonic brother Tanjirou while on a quest to turn him human again.
Like/reblog/follow if you're interested in Role Swap AU of NEZUKO KAMADO from Demon Slayer. 18+, Manga spoilers, OC & Crossover-friendly, Multi-ship & Multi-verse including Modern Kimetsu Academy and My Hero Academia verse.
Art by Arestinna. Screenshots by Hanayo Sora
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“Pure hearts...filled with light...“
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──⊱• Ask Box Status - OPEN •⊰──
✧ LGTBQIA+ Friendly, Always.
✧ Open to AU’s and Canon related plots/threads.
✧ Open to OC’s and Canon characters. 
✧ Doubles are welcome! By all means, if you see that I have already interacted with a character that you also muse- do not be afraid to interact! Every mun’s muse is a little different and I love to see them all and establish relations between muses. 
✧ My Aqua is primarily post KH3, however, if you’d like to rp with other versions then I can do so; simply let me know ahead of time otherwise all responses will be made as post KH3. {I may set up some verses specific to Aqua like Dark Form etc. in the future} 
✧ This blog will mostly be roleplay based however, I may do art responses if the mood strikes me and I have the energy to do so. Please do not expect this very often though.
✧ Please keep in mind that sometimes muses are finicky- I do not want to give you forced or half-assed replies so if I can’t drag Aqua out to give you the response you deserve; you may have to wait a bit. I apologize in advance for this but please do not take that as my not wanting to interact. I will tell you if that’s the case.
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|| Crowe Noises || Mun Speaks ||
The following are Mun specific rules to acknowledge:
✧ Both Mun and Muse are 18+ as such, please bear in mind that I do not want minors interacting or requesting RP responses that could in any way be considered suggestive or questionable.
✧ I reserve the right to not answer your ask or decline invitations if it makes me uncomfortable. That being said, I want to have open communication about this. I do not want there to be drama or bad blood somewhere because things weren’t talked about. I am a very understanding/accepting person. I don’t see why we can’t talk things out like adults if something comes up at any time.
✧ If at any point you want to drop a thread or are uncomfortable with the direction it heads, get bored of doing it, want to end it etc; That is completely fine! I will not have any hard feelings about it. My only request is that you tell me beforehand and that if something did make you uncomfortable, that you tell me! Again, I do not want there to be any bad blood and I want this to be fun for everyone involved, not just me.
✧ You never have to match lengths with me. I am well aware that I have a tendency to word vomit, I get excited and then just bam! Suddenly you have a wall of text. Please know that I am not going to judge you or be upset if you reply with a shorter response, I do not want to scare you off...this is just... how I am. 
✧ This should go without saying but just in case; keep in mind that I am not my muse. If you have an issue with me, please talk to me about it. I want there to be open communication so that we can all have fun; do not take it out on my muse. Equally, do not expect anything that goes on with my muse to reflect your personal relationship with me {example; our muses are in a romantic relationship! Huzzah! This does not mean you can come into my inbox and act as though, you and I, as muns- are also in a romantic relationship.}
✧ This should also go without saying but this is a for fun blog- responses and replies will vary because I have things going on in my life and outside of this blog that will influence how quickly I can reply. That does not mean that if I haven’t replied, I am not interested. Sometimes I am just slow. I want to be able to give my best- so if the muse isn’t playing nice with me and wanting to reply at 100% then I don’t want to just give your character a half-assed response. Please be patient with that in mind.
✧ PLEASE, bare in mind that this is not my only blog. I run several others. @ask-sora-the-brave​​ and @ask-lea-the-sassassin​​ are my other two KH blogs currently.
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heartthrummed-a · 3 years
i am once again full of muse for genshin verse things so here’s a quick rundown of the idol muses’ genshin verses. this is an incomplete list, as many are still in the works, but! it’s still a good handful! also under a cut bc it got long oops
tsumugi aoba: 19, dendro catalyst, inazuma. isn’t actively involved in the resistance, but isn’t super shy about his support for them either. simply trying to live life and right the wrongs of the past after assisting one eichi tenshouin in causing trouble for many unfortunate souls. still possesses his vision, though since he does not have a fake, he often leaves it hidden.
kohaku oukawa: 16, electro sword, inazuma. hails from a family of assassins that serve the main suou family, who in turn serve baal as prominent members of the bakufu. kohaku decided to make his escape from his family after his cousin and the sole heir to the suou family, tsukasa, did the same and left for mondstadt. however, kohaku remains in inazuma and still works as an assassin, though on his own rather than for the family. eventually met madara mikejima and formed double face, vigilante pair working in the udnerworld, with him. also an active member of the resistance against baal. still possesses his vision and wears it openly.
adonis otogari: 18, pyro sword, natlan. a wanderer traveling all across teyvat, for he found no love in the warrior lifestyle of his home in natlan. at present, he is staying in mondstadt, but he never stays in one place for more than a few days, wishing to explore everything each nation has to offer.
mika kagehira: 18, cryo catalyst, fontaine. a performer in fontaine’s traveling circus, known for their mismatched eyes, their skills lie in dance, acrobatics, and contortion, and they are known to employ their cryo skills in performance as well. nicknamed “the marionette”  for their peculiar aesthetics and their style of movement in their contortion acts.
kuro kiryu: 19, pyro claymore, inazuma. once a delinquent and a rebel leading a ragtag group of anti-baal delinquents long before the vision hunt decree began, kuro and his friends were caught and brought in by the bakufu, originally to be executed. however, keito, another friend of kuro’s, persuaded baal that kuro would be an asset to them in order to bargain for his life. in return for kuro’s power and skill serving the bakufu as one of their own, the lives of him and his friends would be spared. to this day he serves as a member of the bakufu, though he has secretly supported the resistance behind the scenes since the vision hunt decree began. still possesses his vision and is able to wear it openly as part of the bakufu.
shinobu sengoku: 17, electro bow, inazuma. also hailing from a family that has served baal for generations, shinobu has recently begun to be deployed on the field as a member of the bakufu. however, he has no love for the tyrant their archon has become, and secretly (but desperately) searches for an escape from the bakufu, hoping to support and fight for the resistance instead. still possesses his vision and is able to wear it openly as part of the bakufu.
ritsu sakuma: 19, cryo catalyst, mondstadt. originally from khaenri’ah, but while they weren’t cursed, they were put into a deep and long sleep when the gods attacked and destroyed the nation 500 years ago. they recently awoke from their slumber and set off on a search for their older sibling, rei, who they figure must have also survived. they ended up caught by a band of treasure hoarders who sought to kill the vampire, but one of their members betrayed the group to save them, and together they took off to mondstadt. after much convincing fron arashi, ritsu joined her in becoming a knight of favonius, still keeping up their search for their sibling all the while.
sora harukawa: 17, anemo catalyst, inazuma. an active member of the resistance who is often sent traveling across inazuma for its sake despite his young age. lives a ‘on the run’ kind of life, but thoroughly enjoys it and all he does for the resistance in hopes that he will get to see the vision hunt decree finally fall. still possesses his vision and wears it openly, but often hides tsumugi’s on his person as tsumugi entrusted him with it.
arashi narukami: 18, geo polearm, mondstadt. originally a treasure hoarder, she is the one who betrayed her group to protect and save ritsu from being executed when the rest of the group feared the vampiric creature. when the two escaped her former group, arashi brought up the idea of going to the city of mondstadt, and later the idea of joining the knights of favonius to begin anew. telling ritsu that it might help them find their sibling, the pair passed the trials together, and remain members of the knights to this day.
tatsumi kazehaya: 19, anemo sword, mondstadt. a priest in the church of favonius who was previously a fatui agent. he was a rather notorious one, recruited out of inazuma years ago, and he was known for being rather jaded and cruel in all that he did. however, it was his eventual work partner kaname that persuaded him to see that the fatui ultimately was no good and that there was more to life than dominion and control. so the two fled, and thought kaname suffered a terrible accident in the resulting fight, tatsumi was able to take them to the church of favonius where both were given refuge. he eventually became a priest there after devoting himself to the anemo archon, and remains such to this day.
mayoi ayase: 18, a fatui skirmisher, specifically a pyroslinger bracer. their family originally came from inazuma, but moved to mondstadt years ago as their parents sought to chase dreams of freedom and song and begrudgingly took their child, who they never treated well, along with them. mayoi was later one of the many children taken from mondstadt by the fatui, but unlike their comrades, mayoi survived all they went through. namely experimentation by dottore that turned them into the skirmisher they are now. to this day they serve him, though their fear of him is immense and they dream of escape back into the freedom their home stood for. alas, knowing they are barely human anymore, fear of not finding a place for them in this world (and a fear of retaliation in the event they’re caught) keep them rooted in place. also, unlike other skirmishers, mayoi does possess an electro delusion, even if as part of dottore’s recent experiment to see if skirmishers could handle additional elemental power.
kaname toujou: 18, hydro polearm, mondstadt. they were originally nothing more than a traveling bard under the name himeru, prominent and well-known in mondstadt and even, to a lesser extent, in neighboring nations. however, when finances grew tight, kaname ended up turning to the fatui for business aid, and in turn was forced to work for them in secret. they ended up partnered with tatsumi, a cruel and jaded man, but kaname eventually got through to him and made him see the fatui was hardly worth it. eventually the pair executed an escape plan, though kaname was severely injured in the process. while the rest of the world wrote them off as dead, tatsumi brought them with him to the church of favonius, where the pair was given refuge and kaname was eventually healed. kaname goes on to become a knight of favonius after their recovery, where they remain to this day.
tsukasa suou: 17, pyro sword, mondstadt. as mentioned, he came from a prominent noble family in inazuma known to support baal, with many of its members joining the bakufu. as the sole heir, it was expected that tsukasa would do the same. however, he grew furstrated with this way of life and the vision hunt decree, and thus fled inazuma as a whole. ending up in inazuma, he decided he would join the knights of favonius so he might protect people rather than oppress them as the bakufu would have expected him to do, and later successfully passed their trials to become a knight. after learning of his cousin kohaku’s move to do something similar and suspecting his involvement in the resistance brewing back home, tsukasa began landing financial support to him and the rest of the resistance as much as he could.
yoshiko tsushima: 16, cryo catalyst, inazuma. the daughter of a pair of traveling bards, yoshiko spent most of her childhood alone while her parents performed in other nations. however, when the vision hunt decree began, it was decided all three would flee to find refuge in mondstadt. unfortunately, they were caught by the bakufu, and a scuffle ensued that killed both of her parents when they tried to take back all three visions. yoshiko fled at her mother’s behest, but ended up not only losing part of her memories with her vision, but so traumatized that she assumed the identity of “yohane”, a fallen angel from another world cast from her home into teyvat as punishment for rising up against her god. yohane, seeing baal as just the same as the god she was defeated by, decided she would stay in teyvat to take her down as both a redemption for herself and a proving ground so that she might go home and try again on her god again someday. now she’s a prominent leader of the resistance, though she desperately hides from her peers the truth of her identity and circumstances. obviously, she no longer possesses her vision, but trains with a sword to remain a fighter.
umi sonoda: 17, hydro bow, inazuma. daughter of the noble sonoda family and the sole heir to the sonoda trade association (basically the inazuma equivalent of the feiyun commerce guild), umi grew discontent with her family’s support and aid in the vision hunt decree, as well as that state of inazuma overall. however, since she had not yet assumed the power over the trade association, umi had to seek other means to help the people. to do so, she began to set out at night in a mask and change of clothes, tracking the bakufu’s movements and preventing their acquisition of visions where possible. she also guided fleeing citizens to the crux after striking a deal with its captain, beidou, to take refugees across teyvat for their protection. all of this earned her the title of a “hero”, who was dubbed “aoi” simply for her blue color scheme. umi, however, vehemently denied the title of a hero and tried to prevent any attention begin drawn to her, but to no avail. she was eventually caught and captured, but was saved by members of the resistances before her vision could be taken and she herself executed. from then on, because her family officially disowned her when she was revealed as aoi, umi began to work as an active member of the resistance. still possesses her vision due to the interference of resistance members, but keeps it hidden on her person at all costs.
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champofpallet · 2 years
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I posted 732 times in 2021
419 posts created (57%)
313 posts reblogged (43%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.7 posts.
I added 408 tags in 2021
#anonymous - 164 posts
#ic - 53 posts
#red responds [answered memes] - 41 posts
#ash speaks [ooc] - 38 posts
#trainer red - 20 posts
#ask the champ - 20 posts
#imgonnaketchumall - 19 posts
#red's birthday 2021 - 18 posts
#the battle legend [alola verse] - 18 posts
#submission - 17 posts
Longest Tag: 129 characters
#send “it’s a wonderful life” for your muse to interact with mine after waking up in a universe where they seemingly never existed
My Top Posts in 2021
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Thank you masters for making me feel better after such a shitty week ❤️❤️❤️❤️
25 notes • Posted 2021-09-16 17:25:31 GMT
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Preview of something I’m working on. Cloud and Sephiroth are taking the Smash characters to Disney World on the count of Sora’s inclusion Cloud can already feel the two hour lines
26 notes • Posted 2021-10-09 01:09:34 GMT
Headcanon: So in masters, Leaf finally gave a reason to why Red did go to Mt Silver, because he was so focused on battling. But still I don’t think that’s a reason not to tell everyone where you’re going and leave for two years without saying anything to anyone.
I believe he just told his friends that so they didn’t worry. He did want to get stronger, but away from his family and friends so they won’t be targeted by Team Rocket.
At least that’s what I believe. Red doesn’t seem like the kind of person that would leave his mother crying and mourning for him without saying anything for no reason.
28 notes • Posted 2021-08-01 19:29:08 GMT
Headcanon: In Pokespe, Smash Bros exists. Red mains himself but only uses Ivysaur, Blue/Green uses herself but uses all three pokemon because she's not going to loose and only using one Pokemon is a disadvantage.
Yellow uses Pikachu obviously. The one in the cute lil hat.
31 notes • Posted 2021-01-24 15:55:06 GMT
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Yeah I have a question, why was this so easy for me to edit? I literally just had to change some colors.
98 notes • Posted 2021-02-06 21:03:49 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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"My most popular post is a Friday Night Funkin joke...okay then..."
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novanekoma · 4 years
✨ 0.2 boss ladies
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✨ 0.2. boss ladies
prev. ✨masterlist ✨ next
✨ taglist is OPEN: just send me a dm or an ask if you want to be added!
notes: y/n met 2 of these lovely ladies through school, Rumi was an older student who took y/n under her ear and Yu was in y/n’s year. Midnight was met through Aizawa, Hizashi, and [redacted].
notes: the girls know how much y/n would rather keep her and Sroa’s return to Japan quiet, so they made sure to leave her @ out of their tweets 
notes: this will be the first time Sora is meeting his aunties irl, since all their meetings have been through Skype and facetime so far. He’s only met Aizawa and Hizashi in person once as those two were able to visit y/n and Sora in Canada, but that was brief and he was even younger than he is now. 
notes: the timeline starts 7 years ago when y/n was around 18/19, shit happened and she had to leave in the middle of her debut as a pro hero in Japan, but she continued on in Canada. Now she’s 26 returning to Japan and retiring as a pro hero so she’s able to spend more time with Sora and raise him the way she needs to. The commission offered her a PR job as the main source between them and the civilian law enforcement, since as a former pro hero, she knows the ins and outs of both sides and she is very well versed in the jobs of the commission
✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨
A/N- And we are done with y/n’s crews! Next up Hawks’s! 
Thank you so much for reading! 🥰
✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨
@an-angel-with-red-wings | @hawksexual | @exosehun-94 | @hyperkaiperrose | @boosyboo9206
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Terraqua :))))))))
1. How do much do I ship it?: Never heard of it/ Notp / Dislike / used to ship / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / IS IT CANON YET?
This rating applies to canon. Just want to clarify, since I'm going to also talk headcanons for different AUs (go to the asterisk reference sections at the bottom if you want a little explanation of AUs)  in some answers, and, in those situations, feelings are different.
2. What non sexual activities do they like to do together?
KH Post Canon: Learning how to be adults together. I know it's not the most "fun" answer, and they deserve a break, but even if things stay stable, they aren't getting one as such. Aqua is now the Master in Residence at the Land of Departure and someone all the Guardians of Light will look to as an authority (and Yensid will reinforce it!) , and Terra will get a lot of the same treatment from multiple factions.
 Not only will the GoL look at him as someone knowledgeable (Him! The screw up who not only isn't a master but has a lot less off-world experience where he was actually conscious than most of his new comrades), but, when it comes to the recompleted former Org members, while it's clear he is definitely not "The Superior" and they don't want him to be, even those that glance by Roxas/Sora/Ventus etc. as green behind the ears or "kids" despite their experience are naturally inclined to view him as an equal and/or someone to ask guidance from even if only on a subconscious level because he shares Xemnas features. 
And neither has the first clue what they are doing. Hell, they lived sheltered with Eraqus and the Land of Departure Castle probably taking care of a lot of their needs. So, yeah, Aqua and Terra learn to cook together, hone vocabulary and speaking style to sound "like a real adult" and not like teenagers who are using bigger and bigger words to sound mature, practice how to lead meetings without voice shaking and how to make people feel heard (and refrain from interrupting with "you're wrong and also stupid because of Xyz"), read up on history and powers of old keyblade masters like they are cramming for exams (because even stuff they were taught by Eraqus...it's kind of been awhile), bitch together over how to simultaneously be 28 and 18, and basically bond over "fooling" everyone into thinking they are competent. 
Then they indulge in a bunch of "childish" things they never did because they were always in a rush to grow up when they were actually younger. They slide down bannisters and have food fights and swing from the rings in the training area, feet lifted and knees near to knocking the ground.
Lost Masters AU*: Finishing growing up in the Mysterious Tower under Yensid's comparatively lax supervision, obviously effected their hobbies as much as their outlook on life. They escaped often to the book(s) where Fantasia sleeps and so they are used to music made through flora, fauna, and movements of their own body. Creating symphonies that are part sparring, part dancing, part gardening and finding out what creates the best music was a passion and it carries on beyond the Tower and beyond having (snuck) access to Yensid's books. Even in adulthood, they both have a tendency to dance when nobody's watching, and, wherever they settle there is a carefully cultivated flower bed they can be found tending to (and humming to them the whole time, teaching them the notes they should be playing but mostly refuse to)  when not on mission.
Grass is Greener**:  If you asked the couple themselves this question, (more politely phrased of course because you don't say the phrase "nonsexual things" in conversation) Aqua would beam and talk about going out on the boat...that they don't own anymore (Xem bought it off baby sister out of pity. He drew the short straw between him and Ansem), and didn't use much when they did. Terra would shrug and say he hardly remembers anymore, honesty slipping out because he forgets to be guarded until Aqua grips his arm too tight and says that he's joking on his behalf. 
With some prompting, Terra will slowly come up with the latest Netlfix series they are binging...separately. Not that he'll say they watch separately, because that's not anyone else's business, and it's not even a reflection on their relationship, just like not remembering what they do for fun isn't as bad as it sounds (Is it? Now he'll brood too much on it). With Aqua working days that start early and Terra working mostly nights, they hardly see each other. Even before that, before Terra's breakdown, which he is more apt to explain away than she is if they ever talk about it (which they try not to at all costs), he was doing his residency at the hospital and worked a lot of odd hours. Med school is actually...wow...more of a blur than Terra realized....but they had fun? Once? Together? Since the college days? Of course they did. They have many activities together. Lots of stuff. Common interests. That's what they do. Common interests.
3. Who does chores around the house?
In General/Canonverse: Split right down the middle. Some tasks they trade off on, and some become full time assignments, like, for instance, Aqua cooks and Terra does the dishes. 
Grass is Greener: Terra. Period. It's not discussed, and Aqua would adamantly refute this, but in Terra's mind he has to do everything. He did even when he was working/studying to be a doctor. Aqua knows how blessed she is to have a husband that just full stop doesn't let her lift a finger (because he loves her! And he likes doing house things), but not fully. Eraqus is old money (and so was Aqua's mom, though she barely remembers her before she took off) and Xehanort's "new money" only bolstered it, and besides just living on that kind of cushion, she was the only child with Eraqus who also had to "make up" for being a single parent for awhile, and then the youngest child and only girl when the family became blended, so she was never made to do anything in her life and kind of still believes in the cleaning fairy. She knows housework is difficult, but in the same way she knows what it's like to live paycheck to paycheck now that she and Terra don't accept any help from Eraqus and Xehanort....just live in one of their houses (to take care of it for them!) without paying a dime even towards taxes and insurance much less rent...and Aqua's car insurance is paid for six months at a time as a birthday gift in the fall and an anniversary gift in the spring...but scorn handouts otherwise. 
4. Who’s the better cook?
Canonverse/General: Aqua. 
Lost Masters: Terra. It starts off being Aqua, but, you know, you forget a lot of things once you're a Nobody. 
Grass is Greener: Terra.  Though Aqua starts to catch up once they start a couple's cooking class that Terra keeps canceling on, leaving her to take Tifa or Aerith
5. Who’s the funniest drunk?
Aqua, all universes. Terra just gets very quiet and stares at the wall to make sure it doesn't move. Aqua becomes the life of the party. Not a small task, considering their friends.
6. Do they have kids?
Canonverse/In general: Absolutely, eventually, and more than one. It would vary story to story how many, the sexes, and the ages, but they will have at least two.
Lost Masters:  I wasn't planning on it, but damn if I don't now want to rework the timeline.
Grass is Greener: "When are you guys going to have kids?" That question is the bane of their existence. "You've been together for a long time." "You'd be such great parents." There's a lot of pressure, but no baby and there's not going to be.
7. Do they have any traditions?
Canon-verse: Even though Eraqus's grave is near enough they pass by it regularly, they (and Ventus) have a yearly celebration of remembrance of his life where they gather by the gravesite and tell stories. Over time they even get comfortable enough to share negative memories. It's not disrespectful. It's remembering the whole man and learning every lesson he taught. Terra and Aqua also go all out decorating the castle for solstices, though Terra takes lead with jokes about how the one time Aqua changed the castle's decor on her own she went a little overboard. Each year picking a different world they went to separately to vacation at and re-experience together in peace.
Grass is Greener: Beach vacation every year. This is carried on from Aqua's family who used to rent a condo on the beach for the first week or so of July (or, when they got older, multiple condos, next door units so there was some pretense of supervision, Aqua, Xemnas, and Ansem sometimes getting to invite friends to come meet them/stay over for part of the time). Aqua and Terra usually do a shorter time because of schedules.  They also go all out for Halloween, turning most of the house into a haunted house for touring Halloween and the preceding or following weekend--and Aqua actually does most of the work on this, it's a grand creative project.  Ansem's for New Year's. The Dads' for Thanksgiving. Christmas tree hunting for all the households with the Dads, Ansem, and Xemnas.  Terra's family for Christmas Eve dinner and service, and then Xemnas's for Christmas because The Dads passed hosting on to him. 
8. What do they fight about?
 Canon/General: Projecting their own insecurities/sensitivities on to each other and expecting to hear things the other would never say. Take care of yourself statements twisted into assuming Aqua is worried about Terra falling prey to darkness again. Observations that everyone seems to be re-adjusting well to relatively normal/new normal life read as "Stay out of their lives and stop meddling, Aqua. You're what causes things to go wrong" 
Lost Masters: There's only the one fight planned. I don't know what smaller fights may be. Aqua handles being passed over for Master while Terra advances worse than Terra does when the opposite happens in canon. It doesn't help that Yensid takes her demands to be given another test right away badly. Terra tries to comfort her. It does not go well. 
Grass is Greener: Fight? They don't fight. They didn't fight when Terra was struggling even in his first semesters in med school (with what he wanted in life more than with the program itself, but there was a fair bit of both), confided it to Aqua, and she gently reminded him of what The Plan was--the plan that so much work and her fathers' money when someone lost some of their scholarships was put toward. They didn't fight when Aqua threw her side of The Plan out and decided it would be fun to be a teacher instead of following after Xemnas and going to law school. They didn't fight when Terra discarded more of The Plan after even more work, money, and time wasted, and started bartending of all things when even if he wasn't going to be a doctor there were so many other careers he could build. It's temporary, Aqua tells herself. He's happier, Aqua tells herself. So she's happy for him and she will not mention it and they will not fight. They don't fight over kids, or lack of kids even though that was on The Plan too that they should have one already--so they could space them out and also because Aqua had calculated the optimal age. They don't fight over money. They don't fight over hardly getting to see each other and how one or the other always seem to be late or make other plans when they do schedule off nights to be together. They just simply never argue. They are happy. Couple goals.
9. What would they do if they found their paring tag on tumblr? (If they have one)
General/Canon: They would first worry over who was watching them but then they'd get into pointing out cute art to each other and they may even write their own memoir to pass off as fanfic. It's uncomfortable how often they are the parents or aunt and uncle of the group--they aren't even completely comfortable being leaders like I said before, though they want to try their best--and even more awkward because the other Guardians of Light largely find it hilarious and tease them relentlessly. 
Lost Masters: If they find it while they are together, it's cute and a sign that everything will turn out alright. If they find it later, it's devastating for Terra, and ammunition for Dark Aqua 
Grass is Greener: Aqua doesn't really get a lot of the content but she likes how they seem to be popular, and she really likes her hair short. She should go back to wearing it short. Terra is into the fantasy anime vibes, and it's reassuring to think they may be together and in love in another universe. He thinks they are canon at least from how a lot of the tag is. It's validating.
10. Who cried at the end of Marley and me?
Neither, though they ended up talking about how Ventus definitely would have cried.
11. Who always wins at Mario kart?
Terra mostly. Aqua will have a well strategized/lucky race once in awhile though
12. One thing I like about this ship?
Even in the moments where they doubt or misunderstand each other or act stubborn, I feel like you can feel love, respect, and just the barest pining tinge even before everything goes wrong and it's cranked up. I'll break examples down when I get to games that include them on my replay I am sure. 
13. One thing I don’t like about the ship?
That they are treated as the default and even if you ship them with other people it has to be just for fun or an extra ship because at the end of the day everyone agrees with Terraqua. That's just a lowkey pet peeve though, and for “no reason” since, at the end of the day, I agree with Terraqua. 
I dislike the idea that they are "mom and dad" in a lot of people's eyes...in case I didn't give off that vibe already. Let them rest. Whether you see them are near 30 or as 18, they still deserve to just only be responsible for themselves. And, guess what, some of the kiddos have more life experience than them. 
14. The song I would say fits them?
You come into my house and keep asking me this question? Be gone with you!
15. Another headcanon about the paring? (Free space)
General: They adopt a bunch of animals. Since they are often on missions and not the most stable parents of even fur babies in the first years post KH3, this, in practice, consists of claiming animals on several worlds and visiting them every time they are there to spoil them and bring them gifts. Prince Eric's dog Max? Terra and Aqua's. Nemo and his father? Marlin resents the implication, but they are their fish. Thomas O'Malley the Alley Cat? You shouldn't be allowed to call yourself a pet owner when you also turn into a cat when you go to visit them, but, yes, he is part of the family.
Lost Masters: Instead of making large wayfinder charms, since it is just the two of them, Aqua makes smaller charms that hang from woven macrame bracelets that morph meaning as they get older. Terra continues to wear his up until "present." Aqua's comes with her even when she's a Nobody, but eventually gets confiscated by Ventus though it somehow ends up with Xigbar who doesn't hesitate to literally dangle the reminder of her human life over her. 
GiG: People tend to think Terra not Aqua is the one related to Xemnas and Ansem unless they specifically know better. Sometimes Terra goes along with this. He hasn't found a way to parlay this into some funny prank so far, but is on the look out for a way. Aqua doesn't see (or refuses to see) that Terra resembles Xem a little. Vehement denial is better for the sanity. 
*Lost Masters AU is the name for the canon divergence where Xehaqus eloped/ Xehanort chose love over power or darkness, and it changed everyone's fate--though fate still demanded both villains and heroes. Canon divergent post Xehanort's little jaunt to the future and spanning that time of Young Xehanort and Eraqus and up through the sage so far, though, you know, skipping around the years with different protags. Yeah, ambitious, but it would be so cool. I've decided I'm waiting until after I beat Melody of Memory to consider further whether I'm writing it or just posting a skeleton  in case we get some Radiant Garden/Ansem the Wise and apprentices/Kairi background I want to work in. Want to know more? Hit me up
**Grass is Greener is a modern au/soap opera-ish au created between me and Shaky. It's on both of our blogs, tagged Grass is Greener Verse.
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twinkleinthesky · 2 years
ɪɴᴛʀᴏ/ʀᴘ ɪɴꜰᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
♥ general rules and intro ♥ heyo! feel free to call me snoopy! any pronouns are fine by me! this is a singleverse (for now), semi-selective and headcanon-based RP blog. - i’m rather new to role playing on tumblr (i’m used to doing it on discord) and so i won’t understand some mechanics of role playing here. please be patient with me! - i’m also in college rn, so i’ll be busy with that. - myself and my muse are both 18+, and this I only feel comfortable role playing with people an age 18 or above. - drop into my inbox whenever you’d like! i won’t bite. i’m actually a bit shy, so i prefer someone else to reach out first- - please just be respectful in general. anon hate or hate in general is just no. - no drama ooc! if you have a problem with me, please just tell me in dms. and don’t drag me into any drama either.
♥ rp info ♥
threads will only be for my mutuals, but non mutuals can respond to starter calls or send me asks or prompts and such, if you want! - if i forget to respond to a thread, feel free to give me a nudge! - i will be sure to tag anything that is triggering with ‘tw:’ - i love shipping, and i especially love multi-shipping! i’m pretty much open to shipping sora with anyone, even outside of kingdom hearts, just as long as they have chemistry. i'm cool with poly! - i also love shipping sora platonically with people. i want someone to just adopt this curious little guy - current verses are kh, ffxiv and all other ff games!
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dawnwalks · 3 years
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Riku is, without a doubt, a strong Trainer.  So strong, in fact, that even though he failed to defeat the Champion, he was offered a spot in the Elite Four, as a Dark type master.  More than half of his team is made of Dark type Pokemon, and his team is incredibly strong in its own right.  He gives his all in every battle, and leaves nothing on the line.  At age 18, he is currently one of the youngest members of the Elite Four.
When he’s not running himself into the ground working for the League, Riku likes to travel.  His team is as follows.
ABSOL - LVL 69  ♀ -  The first Pokemon Riku ever met on his journey.  She found him shortly before disaster struck his home, in the form of a terrible storm.  Despite her presence, the town was utterly unprepared, and nearly wiped out, but over the years, has managed to rebuild.  Since that day, Absol has been by his side.  Her strength serves as a testament to Riku’s own, and she trusts his judgement completely.  Besides being one of his strongest Pokemon, Absol is also his closest companion.
MURKROW - LVL 68 ♂ - Murkrow, or Murky as he’s affectionate called, was a trade that Riku hadn’t thought too much about.  He’s stubborn as hell, and never wanted to listen to Riku in the beginning, until his strength was proven and respect was earned.  Murky was never treated badly, and never is, but he’s quite rude on occasion, and is often chided for it by his master.  However, in battle, the little bird is a force to be reckoned with, the quickest of Riku’s team.  They may not always see eye to eye, but Murkrow is loyal when it counts, and follows Riku’s commands without hesitation.
HOUNDOOM - LVL 69 ♂ - Houndoom is a good friend to RIku, although somewhat flighty and easily distracted.  He means well, however, and Riku knows that at his core, he’s trying hard, and that’s what counts.  They met when he was still a Houndour still, being chased off by a group of Wingull for accidentally disturbing them.  Riku originally didn’t want him on his team, but Houndour refused to stop following him, often close behind his heels wherever he went.  They’re bonded quite thoroughly now, and Riku can’t imagine him not being a part of his team anymore.
INKAY - LVL 67 ♂ - This little guy was caught while Riku was fishing, but not in the water.  He had decided to take up residence under Riku’s jacket, and got so startled he sprayed ink on it, and then began to cry.  He’s timid in nature, especially around strangers, and has a tendency to hide in Absol’s fur when he can.  When scared or provoked, he tends to spew ink that’s difficult to get rid of.  He’s not a strong battler, but he’s quick and clever, and outsmarts opponents when following Riku’s commands, which he always does.
DRAGONITE - LVL 70 ♀ - She was a gift from Sora as a Dratini.  She’s overly friendly, going so far as to crush people in hugs upon meeting them.  Affectionate and kind, she relishes in attention in the form of cuddles, head scratches, and baths.  Not to be underestimated, though, as her loving and friendly nature belies brute strength in battle.  She’s never used in his official League matches, but she loves the thrill of battle.  Besides Absol, Dragonite is Riku’s go-to Pokemon when battling outside of the League, and she loves to fly anytime she can. 
RIOLU - LVL 15 ♀ - Hatched from an Egg Riku received after a match, Riolu is is fiesty, and often prefers to do her own thing instead of following any commands.  She’s stubborn, arrogant, and altogether a pain in the ass to train.  However, Riku has no plans to part with her, nor give up on her, though she’s quite the headache for him outside of work.  That said, she is easily won over with berries and treats, adoring the Poke Puffs of Kalos above all else.  She isn’t seen in real battle because of her low level, but she’s getting stronger with every day Riku works with her, and although small, there’s a bond they share that can never be broken.
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