#Sorry I don’t remember the name of the couple
turcott3 · 3 days
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the set up
cole caufield x fem! reader
warnings?: alcohol, cursing, kissing, smut, unprotected sex, public sex
“truth.” you spoke aloud. you were at emma’s bachelorette party, one day before the rehearsal and you were all drunk playing truth or dare like teenagers.
“i know you have a crush on one of the players, who is it?” she asks inquisitively.
“well i’ve always had a little crush on caufield.” you reply with a shrug and a light smile on your face.
“oh really?” emma giggles.
“yeah, i mean he’s just so happy all the time and he’s really handsome, how could i not like him?” you reply taking another sip of your drink.
“i mean yall would be cute honestly.” she continues, texting someone quickly on her phone.
“who ya texting?” steph asks her next to you.
“just brendan, making sure he’s not blackout drunk, you know.” she laughs, knowing the boys were also having their party today.
“oh also, i’ll have your bridesmaid and groomsmen pairings done in the morning.” emma speaks up shutting her phone off. the rest of the night was spent partying, thinking in the back of your mind that you had just admitted your crush on cole to your best friend.
“hello?” you groaned into the phone, a call from emma waking you up.
“did you see my text?”
“no i just woke up, i need ibuprofen before i stare at a bright screen.” you laugh lightly.
“oh did i wake you? i’m so sorry.”
“no no it’s fine, i needed to get up, ill read it in a sec.” you reply.
“okay thanks, see you in a few hours y/n!” she says.
“bye love.” you reply, ending the call and getting up, digging for your pills. you popped two before opening your phone back up to read her text. as you ran across your name you almost choked on your drink.
“cole?” you question starkly, eventually leading to a sigh.
“of course i’m with him.” you groan, now feeling pressure to look flawless to maybe impress him. you knew that you’d found him attractive for a while but you had zero clue how he felt toward you.
after many hours of getting ready and making sure your rehearsal dress was perfectly wrinkle-less, you finally were able to leave your hotel room and make your way to the rehearsal venue.
“y/n!” emma yells as you step through the door, running up to hug you.
“hope you enjoy your pairing, yall two are sitting over there for dinner.” she winks pulling away.
“you’re stressing me girl.” you laugh nervously, sitting at the small two top table by yourself. much to your demise, you didn’t get much time to prepare as cole walked into the room a mere 5 minutes later, finding his way to his seat.
“how’ve you been? i haven’t seen you in a while.” cole asks smiling.
“oh i’ve been great, how about you?” you ask, picking at your manicure.
“better now that i’m here.” he replies, turning to face the couple as they were about to speak, a blush creeping onto your cheeks.
“hey guys so, before we get to eating dinner i just wanted to go over like the order of how everything’s gonna go just so we’re all prepared for tomorrow. and i won’t be mad that it’s not perfect, it’s not supposed to be. but if we don’t have any fun whatsoever, then we’ve failed our mission of being ‘the gallaghers’ so let’s hope we can do that at least.” emma spoke loudly amongst the room. she spoke for a few minutes just running through the order of how everyone is gonna walk out, you and cole being the third “couple”.
“and one last thing, i’m not making you guys sit at separate tables, i sat you with your pairing just because i didn’t like how it looked on the seating chart so, basically you’re attached at the hip all night. sorry.” she laughs, you knew she was particular in not wanting the wedding to be old school and formal.
“you think you got that all down?” you ask, trying to make it seem like you weren’t anxious, and it was starting to work. your nerves were beginning to ease as your anxiety seemed to remember that cole wouldn’t hurt a fly.
“i think i do. and we’re about to practice so that’ll be the test.”
“i’m nervous for tomorrow though.”
“whys that?” he asks, taking a bite of the plate that was sat in front of him.
“what if i like trip on my dress or like sneeze. i’m just scared ill ruin it.” you admit.
“it’ll be fine, you’re just over thinking it.” he replies and you nod knowing he’s right.
“that reception is gonna make it worth it though.” you giggle.
“oh absolutely, that’s gonna be the best part.” he replies
“and you’ll dance with me right?” he asks, with a hopeful smile on his face.
“oh um,” you pause finishing the sip you were about to take, “yeah of course i will.”
“great, i was hoping you would.”
you’d spent a vast majority of the night getting to know cole, which you loved doing. he’s an easy going guy who’s very sweet and respectful, which you adored. you went to bed tonight pondering on what the day would bring the two of you. you could feel the flirting between the two of you all evening.
the next morning, you woke up feeling refreshed. you went over the details of the wedding in your head over and over until you didn’t miss a word. you grabbed onto your garment and makeup bag and fled the room, rushing to be by your best friends side as she got ready for her big day.
“so you nervous?” you ask.
“girl no, i already know im saying yes.” she laughs as she sits in the chair being dolled up by her make up artist.
“oh that’s good.” you replied unpacking your things beginning to get yourself ready with the girls. the time came quickly. it seemed like minutes passed by between the time you finished your hair to the time you were stood with the guy you’ve had a crush on for a year.
“you okay? you’re fidgety.” cole asks quietly.
“oh uh, yeah i’m okay. just nervous.” you say, his hand then softly rubbing up and down your back.
“don’t be nervous, you’re gonna be great. if you trip ill catch you. i’m here.” he replies reassuringly as you flash him a weak smile.
“thank you.”
“of course, and you look beautiful by the way.” he says before locking arms with you, prepared to walk down the aisle. you made it down without any trips and appreciated cole going the extra mile to help you up a couple of stairs. you all stood on your respective sides, admiring the couple between you, sharing occasional glances with cole from across the altar. selfishly, you couldn’t stop thinking about him and how kind he was to you just moments prior.
the reception started about 30 minutes ago and you’re already 3 wine glasses deep with cole. you’d been dancing for a while and finally made your way back to the table, still littered with the others. you both had grown to be decently drunk and were getting touchy with cole, which is something you wouldn’t DARE to have done about 45 minutes ago.
“cole is need to pee, will you come with me and hold my dress?” you ask, sporting proud puppy dog eyes.
“yes, come on.” he replies standing up reaching his hand out to you, you found your way to the, luckily, single stall restroom. you locked the door quickly and turn to face him.
“i actually don’t have to pee.”
“i know.”
“you do?”
“yes, you’ve been making it obvious.” he giggles.
“what do you mean obvio-“ you start and are cut off by his lips harshly on yours, but in a way you enjoy. it was a quick change in environment, the fun had subsided and all you wanted to know was how he felt buried deep inside you. you felt yourself grow wet at his hands grazing down your back and onto your ass. his lips trailed to your neck, nipping and sucking on the skin before returning back to your lips after a long moment.
“i don’t wanna ruin your make u-“ he starts.
“shut up and fuck me caufield.” you reply interrupting him, a skill you’d both acquired in the last two minutes. cutting him off. a look of shock briefly flashes across his face before a smirk takes over.
“are you sure?” he asks, his hands placed on your waist.
“what do you mean? did you not hear me?”
“no i mean are you sure you wanna do it here?”
“yes, i want you right fucking now cole, and maybe again later when you’re staying in my room with me.” you reply and he smirks, turning you around and bending you over the sink. he assists you in pulling the short train on youryour long skirt over your ass, pushing your soaked lace thong to the side.
“so wet already?” he asks dragging a quick finger through your soaked core.
“mhm.” you reply biting your lip. you looked down at his pants in the mirror as he quickly unbuttoned his dress pants, rubbing himself hard very quickly. you bit your lip as you watched him line his hard cock up with your entrance.
“nuh uh, eyes up here.” he says using his hand to push your chin back up, locking eyes with him as he ran his leaning tip through your wet folds.
“cole we have to be fast.” you complain, as if you weren’t enjoying the teasing. a sigh of relief left your mouth as he buried himself deep inside you, his tip brushing your g-spot instantly, your eyes rolling back.
“oh fuck.” you whimper, realizing you are in a very public place and have to make sure you keep your voice down. you mentally acknowledge the fact that you have no choice but to be fast in this moment, wanting to get the job done quickly. in thinking, you fucked yourself back onto him, colliding in the middle.
“god fuck-“ he grunts, placing his hands firmly on your ass cheeks, thrusting quickly, letting the fabric of your dress muffle the sound of your skin clapping.
“you’re so tight y/n.” he says, almost speeding up his already decent pace.
“oh my god cole, that’s it right there.” you whisper, tears forming in your eyes as you collapsed further over the sink. gently, he wrapped his arm around your chest pulling you up, deepening the angle of his thrusts, hitting your g-spot right on the head with each thrust.
“fucking god, i’m gonna cum.” you whine, a tear slipping from your eye.
“come on baby, cum for me. i will too yeah?” he asks with eyebrows raised in the mirror and you nod as the knot unravels in your stomach, shockwaves shooting through your body rapidly as he filled you to the brim with his milky climax, fucking you all the way through both of your highs.
“i can’t believe we just did that.” you sighed out, catching your breath.
“me either.” he chuckles behind you, pulling out slowly.
“oh fuck, here, stay right there.” he says observing the mess he made between your legs. he grabs a few sheets of toilet paper, carefully wiping you clean, tossing them in the toilet and pulling your panties back over your core.
“my eyes.” you groan looking in the mirror.
“let me see.” he replies and you turn around. he licks his fingers to fix the smudges under your eyes and around your lips, dabbing the sweat off your forehead with a paper towel.
“do i look okay?” you ask, pulling the dress back down.
“just as gorgeous as before.” he replies, readjusting his pants, making sure everything’s in straight.
“okay you ready?” he asks holding onto the door knob.
“wait hold on, can i ask you something?”
“yeah of course.”
“will you come stay with me tonight? like in my room?” you ask boldly, the buzz beginning to wear off.
“if that’s okay, yes of course i will.”
“it’s more then okay.” you smile lightly, wrapping your arms around his neck, pressing a firm kiss to his lips.
“good, then i can fuck you right.” he mumbles on your lips, kissing you again.
“woah fuck y/n i’m sorry.” he says as you pull away.
“what what’s wrong?” you reply nervously and he turns you by your hips to the mirror, using his hand to turn your head to the side, exposing the dark hickey he left on your neck.
“honestly, it’s fine, really.”
“are you sure?”
“yes cole it’s fine, and besides you’ll be littered in them tomorrow morning.” you wink, kissing him one last time as you turn the doorknob. he grabs your short dress train of the floor, carrying it as you walked out of the bathroom. you hear a chuckle a few feet away from you, realizing nick was standing there and definitely watched the two of you enter the bathroom.
“emma!” you shout as cole lets go of your dress, taking your hand as you jogged over toward her.
“we’ve been looking for you.” emma replies with a smirk on her face.
“oh uh, i just had to go to the bathroom and there was a line.”
“yep mhm, a line.” she laughs, turning your chin to the side, high fiving her husband.
“what?” you ask.
“bitch, what do you mean what? yall just fucked in true bathroom at my wedding and now you’re holding hands. oh brendan we have outdone ourselves.”
“girl, i put you with him so that THIS would happen. nick was our spy, great help.”
“you wanted us to fuck at your we-“
“well that isn’t EXACTLY what we had in mind, i was thinking like a kiss during a slow dance on the floor but this? this is fucking gold.” she laughs hugging you, as you stood confused as ever.
“so this was a set up?” you scoff.
“well, yes.” brendon pokes in.
“thanks gally.” cole laughs, a soft hand wrapping around your hip.
“now yall go have fun.” emma says waving the two of you off.
“what a night.” you sigh, collapsing into your bed, cole right beside you.
“yes for real, we really got set up.”
“i’m not mad about it.” you reply.
“me either, i’ve been wanting to talk to you for a while.”
“why didn’t you, i’ve had a crush on you for like a year.” you laugh.
“yeah well, now we fucked in a bathroom at a wedding, i’d say that is quite the stride.” he smiles widely at you.
“i’m fucking exhausted. i would totally love to stay up and fuck all night but i feel like maybe we should sleep it off and then maybeeeeeeee fuck all morning?” you giggle.
“whatever you want baby.” he smiles, his thumb grazing over your cheek lightly, pressing a sweet kiss to your lips
“god you make it so hard not to just wanna fuck you like a damn bunny right fucking now.” you say and he busts out laughing.
“let’s go to sleep, come on love.” he says tucking the two of you under the covers.
“we can fuck like bunnies in the morning okay?”
“okay.” you pout, poking your bottom lip out.
“goodnight pretty girl.” he says softly.
“good night pretty boy.” you smile as he presses a light kiss to your nose.
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vodika-vibes · 1 day
Hello Vod'ika, congrats for your followers!!
If possible (in advance sorry for my English) I wanted to ask you a Crosshair x Jedi!Reader (angst with happy ending from Cross view?) in a soulmate au (you can't hurt your soulmate kind of au) where chipped!Crosshair supposelly killed reader (then much much later he founds her again, maybe fallen-scarred or something but not heartshoted dead) (they where crushing each other but tightliped/proud/nothing officially stated)
Noble Maiden Fair
Summary: She was his. And He was hers. They were both just too proud to admit it, even to each other. When the order came out, Crosshair shot her. A blaster blot between her eyes. She fell. She died. Crosshair handled the guilt by staying on the move, by not thinking about it, about her. And then he murders an Imperial Officer and his only option is to run, not to his brothers, who abandoned him, but somewhere else.
Pairing: TBB Crosshair x Reader
Word Count: 1849
Prompt: Soulmate AU - Soulmates can't hurt each other
Warnings: Some angst
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: Thanks! And thank you for your request! I've been bouncing between ideas on this one, and I finally had one that I liked, so I hope you like it too!
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“Welcome!” Crosshair frowns at the large Trandoshan man standing just off the landing bay, “It’s been quite some time since we’ve gotten a visitor! Are you the person bringing the seed delivery?”
“Aa, that’s me,” Crosshair replies as he straightens from where he’s checking that his cargo is still in one piece. Honestly, the demotion from soldier to delivery boy annoys him to no end, but it’s better than the alternative. “You’d be the mayor then?”
“Oh, no. Not me.” The Trandoshan says with a laugh, “We’re a bit too small of a community for someone like that. I’m Grrog.”
“I…see.” He doesn’t, not really. But NatBorns have always been weird, “Anyway, where do you want the stuff?”
Grrog gestures to a flat cart near the door, “We’re going to have to make a couple of trips! I hope you’re not on a time crunch.”
Crosshair sighs, “You don’t have any droids?”
“Oh no! Awful things, droids.”
“Of course.” He rips off his work gloves and throws them inside the ship, “I guess we’d better get to work then.”
The Trandoshan looks thrilled and almost bounces over one of the massive pallets of seeds. “Look at it all! Ooh, the farmers will be thrilled!”
“I don’t just have crop seeds. There are also some seedlings for fruit trees. They’re still inside since they’re a bit more delicate.” Crosshair replies as he walks over to the cart and moves it closer to the pallet.
“Perfect! There’s always room for more seedlings!”
“You really are all about this life, aren’t you?” He asks. 
“Oh, yeah. Most of my people are hunters, but, well,” Grrog gestures to himself, and his wide girth, “I’m not made for hunting.” He jokes, “Fruits and Veggies don’t run away at least.”
“Well, there is that.”
“We have a population of a couple hundred people, from all walks of life. We don’t get many new people, though.” 
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. People don’t want to be farmers, y’know.” Grrog hoists a couple of bags over to the cart, and then straightens with a groan, “The AgriCorps used to run everything here, but they were wiped out to the last.”
“That right?”
“They were Jedi, you know.” He shakes his head, “Could work miracles with dying planets. Such a shame.”
Crosshair doesn’t say anything. There’s nothing to say. 
But, for half a second, he sees her. He sees her smile and the way her eyes crinkle when she’s happy. He hears her laugh; loud and bright and unashamed. 
His jaw clenches, and he roughly shoves the memory of her away. He doesn’t want to remember her…or the look of confused disbelief when he shot her. Or the way his name fell from her lips as she fell into the ravine.
Still, even though he doesn’t want to remember, it doesn’t make the ache in his chest go away. Or the guilt that threatens to strangle him. 
“You alright?”
Crosshair is ripped from his guilt at the concern in Grrog’s voice, “Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine.”
He nods, “Sometimes when I think about the Jedi, the grief threatens to overwhelm me too.” He confides, “You’re not alone there, friend.”
“I’m fine.” Crosshair repeats, “Where am I taking this cart?”
Grrog gazes at him thoughtfully, “It took me a long time to come to terms with the fact that it’s okay to not be okay, friend.”
Crosshair sighs, “You are incredibly nosy.”
“My wife says that it’s my best feature.”
“I don’t like talking about it. Where am I bringing the cart?” Crosshair bites out.
“Alright, alright. There’s a general store. It’s called General Store.” Grrog says, “The employees there know what to do when you deliver it.”
Crosshair stares at him blankly.
“Ah, right! You’ll go through the spaceport, follow the road until you reach the fountain, and then turn left. The General Store is the first shop on the right. If you see the greenhouses, you’ve gone too far.”
“Alright.” Crosshair pushes the cart through the spaceport, easily side-stepping people. Not that there are many people for him to side-step. Honestly, he’s surprised that this place is big enough to have a spaceport. 
But, then again, they probably sell the excess fruit and vegetables to other planets. 
He pushes the carts through the open doors and stops.
The planet is very green. He should have expected it, it is a farming planet after all. But, for some reason, he wasn’t expecting it to be this green.
For a moment, time slips, and he can hear his kitten’s voice.
“I think, after the war, I’d like to retire.” His kitten says as she absently braids a strand of her hair, her voice soft and thoughtful, little more than a murmur to not wake his brothers.
“Retire?” Crosshair asks, his voice just as quiet, “And what does a Jedi do when they retire?”
She laughs, dropping her braid and resting her chin on the palm of her hand, her eyes glitter with an emotion that Crosshair doesn’t dare name, because naming it would mean that he has to acknowledge it.
“Maybe I’ll become a farmer, move someplace green and alive.”
“You’ll be bored in a week.”
“I think we deserve a little boredom, don’t you?” Her smile is warm and soft, and Crosshair thinks, for a moment, that he would burn the galaxy if it meant that she’d never stop looking at him like that.
With great difficulty, he pushes the memory away.
As much as he’d give anything to go back to that night, with her smiling at him like he hung the stars in the sky for her and her alone. He can’t. 
His kitten is dead.
He killed her.
And the Galaxy is a much darker, and lonelier, place for her absence. 
Crosshair heaves out a sigh and grabs the cart again. He’s not going to stay here. He can’t stay here. All he has to do is deliver the seeds and seedlings, and then he can go somewhere else.
Maybe he’ll move to a desert planet. No green at all.
Not that it’ll help. After all, it won’t change anything. 
He still killed his soulmate.
There’s no coming back from that.
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Several hours later, all of the seeds and seedlings are off of his ship, and Crosshair is filling out the last of the paperwork with Grrog. Not to mention, adding some additional fees since he had to unload the ship on his own.
“You sure you don’t want to stay? This place is a lot more welcoming than the rest of the Galaxy.” Grrog offers with a grin.
“I’m sure.”
“You might like farming.”
“I can just about promise you that I won’t.” Crosshair fills the last bit of information on the datapad and then hands it to Grrog, “This looks right?”
“Hm…yep. All of the information is here.” Grrog replies as he scrolls down the information, “Though some of the counts are off, I think. Let me get a count.”
Crosshair rolls his eyes and leans back in the chair, “As you like.”
There’s the sound of a bell behind him as the door to the General Store opens. Grrog beams at the person who just entered, “There you are! We go the seedling shipment in!”
“I’m glad to hear it.”
A voice, soft and female, and so achingly familiar that Crosshair drops the toothpick he’s about to put in his mouth. His head snaps around and he stares, stunned, at the woman standing in the door.
It’s her.
Her hair is longer, braided over her shoulder, and she’s wearing more casual clothes than he’s ever seen her wearing before. 
But it’s still her, his Kitten.
She turns her head slightly and catches sight of him. Her eyes widen, likely just as surprised as he is. Though she doesn’t look afraid, she mostly just looks confused to see him there.
With seeds.
Which, okay, that’s valid.
Grrog vanishes into the back of the shop, and she hesitates, before she turns and walks over to him. 
“Crosshair,” Her voice is soft, and her eyes scan his face. “This is new,” Her fingers, still slightly calloused from years of lightsaber use, brush against the scar on his temple.
He stands and he lightly grips her chin to tilt her head back, “I shot you.” He breathes out.
She meets his gaze evenly, “Yes.”
“You don’t even have a scar.”
She hesitates for a moment, “I figured out what our soul bond is.” She finally says.
Crosshair is silent for a moment, “We can’t hurt each other.”
“No, we can’t.”
He releases her chin, “That’s convenient for us, I suppose.”
“I…” She pauses and then reaches up and presses both of her hands against his cheeks, “We didn’t talk about it. About us. And I know it’s because you were ashamed or—”
“Proud. Not ashamed.” Crosshair corrects, “I was too proud to admit what everyone else already knew. Proud and…a little afraid.”
“Why would you be afraid, Cross?”
“Because. You were so good, Kitten.” He brings his hands to cup her face, “You’re so good and I know you deserve better than me. You always have. Someone as good as you are.”
“I don’t think that’s your choice to make.” She says slowly, thoughtfully. “Not when I’ve been choosing you since the first time we met.”
Crosshair sighs, “You should hate me. I tried to kill you.”
“You didn’t, though.”
Slowly he leans in and bumps his forehead against hers. Crosshair can feel her breath against his face, warm and alive in a way that he never thought that he would feel again.
“I’m sorry.” He says, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Please—”
“There is nothing to forgive.” Her voice is soft, yet there’s steel underlying her words, “You did nothing wrong. You and your brothers are as much victims of this war as we were.”
“They made us as weapons,” Crosshair says, his voice thick with grief that he’s never had the chance to put into words, “They made us to be weapons against the Jedi.”
“That’s not your fault.” She whispers, “It’s not your fault, and I can’t think of a single Jedi who would blame you for it. Not when they learned the truth.”
Crosshair shudders, and his forehead falls to her shoulder. 
Gentle arms slide around him and brush through his hair. “Come home with me, Crosshair.” Her offer is soft and warm and so, very, tempting. 
Nothing would make him happier than following her home and making her home. But he can’t put her in danger. He can’t.
“The Empire—”
“—will hunt me whether you’re here or not.” She interrupts, “Don’t leave me again, Crosshair. Please?”
Crosshair melts on the spot, “You don’t play fair, Kitten.”
“I know. I’m sorry.”
He doesn’t reply. There’s nothing for him to say. So, instead, he pulls her into a kiss. A kiss that’s been a long time coming. It feels like a missing piece of his soul snaps into place, and his arms slide protectively around her.
He’s never going to let her go again. Ever.
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rilirios · 18 hours
➢ 香雪酒.
—✦ pairings. yingxing/blade x reader —✦ summary. the last memory you have of your beloved blacksmith. —✦ things to note. header by tuofu 、title translated to “fragrant snow wine” 、fluff to angst、yx x reader -> short blade x reader、reader is a vidyadhara so typical long life species things happen 、implied that reader remembers their past lives 、references to ‘maybe next time’、 proofread ✔️ —✦ extra. send in a request! —✦ notes. little thought i had that turned into a fully fleshed fic! of course its a little angsty at the end, because what are my fics when they dont end up a little sad? the wine names and knowledge may be inaccurate so i apologize for that 😖😖
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“(name)?” you turn to see a familiar blacksmith walk up to you. “sorry, did you wait long?” yingxing sheepishly asks, setting down the wine bottle. the two of you had met up for a small ‘end of the year’ gathering. as per usual, yingxing was late.
“fifteen minutes, yingxing,” you comment and the white haired man sighs.
“listen, i got held up at my workshop. forgive me this time, please?” yingxing sat down across from you, pouring himself a glass of wine. this time, he brought huangjiu. it’s a little more bitter and sour than the usual baijiu, or xiang xue jiu he brings, but it has a sweet aftertaste. and free wine is free wine, so who were you to complain?
you laugh at his excuses, taking the bottle from him and pouring yourself a glass. “aren’t you always held up at work? as you’ve said before there’s always something to do.”
yingxing frowned at your words, standing up from his chair (which you assume is because he wants a better look of the city down below). “come on, it’s just the two of us, and you could’ve came early. so i don’t think punctuality should count.” he walks over to you, looking down at the natives that are setting up the new years fireworks.
“punctuality is respectful, and it’s almost twelve. if you left me here for ten more minutes i would’ve left.” ignoring his words, you put your hands together and mumble a few words before chugging down the wine. it’s more sour and bitter, but it has a sweeter aftertaste. you glance down at the townspeople setting up, savoring the view while you’re at it. “the view’s nice,” you mention, “why didn’t you invite the others here? we could’ve had a more eventful evening.”
you look at the blacksmith curiously. it’s not usually like him to invite people out one-on-one. normally when he invites you out, it’s usually with a couple more people. like dan feng or baiheng as an example. your little gathering wasn’t that different from your hangouts though. the only difference would be that it’s just you and yingxing.
you can see yingxing’s hesitation to your question, which makes the outing all the more interesting. why would he invite you to have a new years drink? yingxing fidgets with his hands before answering you, “the.. uhm, view is nicer than other places i’ve found.” he glanced at the townspeople; they were almost finished setting up the fireworks. which meant it was a matter of time before it hit twelve. yingxing then turned back to you. “don’t go telling the others about this place, alright? i’d prefer if you kept this place just between the two of us.”
you raise an eyebrow at his excuse. “that’s all?” you say, resting your chin on your palm. “you’re sure there’s nothing else?” you see yingxing slightly flush at your words, so you note that yingxing was being particularly flustered about this.
“…positive,” yingxing replied, short and straightforward and just a hint of embarrassment. “listen can we just move past this and talk about something else?” he huffs and glances back at you to see your cheeky grin.
that definitely kept him quiet.
the blacksmith sighed and turned away from you (in hopes you didnt see how flushed his face was). gazing down at the town once again, he could see everyone getting ready for the countdown. it’s almost time, then, he thought to himself. yingxing then turned back to you. “(name)! whats your opinion on the huangjiu? i thought i’d try something a little different tonight,” he asked with a determined smile. the blacksmith acted as if he took hours picking and choosing wine that would suit your taste.
you smiled at his attempts at conversation. it was pretty adorable if you thought of it. he reminded you of a child who was looking for their teacher’s validation on an assignment. you laughed at the thought before answering his question.
“it’s more bitter than i’m used to. definitely a transition from the usual sweet wines you bring,” you answer simply and yingxing nods at your response.
“you do like it then?” he queries, “or would you prefer if i just brought what i usually bring?” yingxing adds, looking at you intently.
you bring the cup to your mouth, taking another sip and you savor the taste of the wine this time. “if im being completely honest, i don’t mind what you bring, just as long as we enjoy the night,” you finally answer, setting down your cup and smiling.
“ah but that doesn’t really answer my—“
“but if you must know i do prefer the xiang xue jiu,” you swiftly add, which makes the blacksmith laugh a little.
“noted. i’ll keep that in mind next time,” he grinned, looking at the town one final time. you notice this and also take a glance.
“already loading up the fireworks, huh?” you can see the town getting more crowded as more people gather around to look at the fireworks. you look back at yingxing, smirking. “you know what that means, right?”
the man sighed and shifted his weight to one side. “the years nearly over,” yingxing poured himself another cup, downing it all in one go. then, the two of you start hearing people chant;
you both look down at the town, seeing a crowd holding lanterns, sparklers, anything that can produce light. you smile at the sight, looking back at yingxing to see his reaction. the blacksmith has a slightly troubled expression on his face, ghosting his fingers on the rim of his cup— you figured out it was something he did every time he was nervous.
you think of reasons to why he’d be troubled.
new year troubles, you ponder. it’s possible yingxing’s anxious of what’s to come with the new year ahead of him. but then you think a little deeper.
it’s not like yingxing to be nervous, is it? he’s usually so confident and bold, it’s almost laughable seeing him so nervous and bothered. you quietly laugh to yourself at the thought.
a small smile made it’s way onto yingxing’s face when he saw you laugh. though it disappeared quick when the fireworks boomed and the “happy new year!” from the town below. you both gaze at the fireworks, simply admiring the sight.
you glanced at yingxing and he glanced back. giving him a subtle smile, you say, “happy new yea—“
though your words were abruptly interrupted by yingxing pressing a short, chaste kiss to your cheek, followed by a mumbled, “happy new year.” yingxing steps back, looking a bit sheepish. then a thought pops into your mind.
was this what he was worried about earlier? you laugh quietly at the thought, a subtle blush creeping up your cheeks.
“yingxing,” you began, chin resting in the middle of your palm as you gazed at him with the cheeky grin he had grown to love. “was there something more to this small gathering?”
how long ago was that? you’re not sure. you only know that it’s been too long since your last meeting with him.
since the last time you saw him.
it was quite infuriating, honestly. the moment you come back from your trip abroad, the only thing waiting for you was a letter. confused and distressed, you consulted jing yuan.
though the answers he gave you weren’t at all satisfactory.
more years pass by and you’ve started fresh. new life, new name, new everything. but the memories with yingxing and the quintet still remained. you knew you should’ve forgot about him when you had the chance. like how jing yuan managed to get over everything.
but you couldn’t forget. every time you walk by a familiar street, you always remember the days when the quintet was still active. especially that damned blacksmith.
you knew you should’ve forgotten about all of this years ago. it was the only way for you to peacefully move on. instead of doing that, however, you watch your old companions lead the lives of their choosing.
it wasn’t long before you spot a familiar looking swordsman on the news.
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© rilirios 2024. if you steal my works i will cry
footnotes. oh my sana can you tell i love this man blade all day everyday man. this was extremely self ship coded…..
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ahhnini · 2 days
better things - cheater!ex! rafe cameron x reader one shot
synopsis - after rafe cheats on you, he wants a second chance. unfortunately for him, you’re onto better things now
warnings - rafe is lowkey an asshole here, arguing, cheating ( i don’t condone it!! )
word count - 1.2k
likes and reblogs are appreciated!
ask box is open!
tbh i love when my interests mix so here’s some aespa with a fic lol
divider credits - aqualogia on tumblr
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initially, you had a rough time after the breakup with rafe. tissues from crying were littered all over your room, you ghosted your friends, and you’re pretty sure you sold out the ice cream from the local grocery store.
turns out, he had cheated. you should’ve known something was up when his text responses became dry, didn’t want to go out in public for dates, and was always on his phone.
when you received the text from him saying, “I need to talk to you,” you panicked. your text response however, remained calm. you both met up, he confessed he cheated on you and wanted to break things off. you tried your best keeping a poker face but he knew you too well, knowing you were about to break down. he then had the audacity to give you “one final hug” before speeding off on his bike, leaving you wallowing in your tears. he never even apologized.
now, here you are, sunbathing with a couple of your friends. it’s a small island, so you occasionally see rafe with his new girlfriend, sofia. or was it sofie? you honestly can’t remember, and that was good. you’ve moved on, healed, realized that you were only with rafe because he saw you at your weakest.
as you watch your friends go in the water to cool off from the heat, you notice a familiar blond boy walking along the beach, alone. you take a glance and lay down on your beach towel again, not paying attention to him. until he calls out your name.
you sit up, and rafe stands over you. you want to see if you can ignore him, so you just wave him off, but you hear him scoff. it was awkward, of course, your ex was standing right in front of of you after almost a year of no contact. you decide to speak up, breaking the silence, “yeah?” and he bluntly says “we…broke up,” your eyebrows furrow. “okay? what does that have to do with me?” you respond. he sighs, “can we talk in private?” “alright, make it quick”
you both walk to a more secluded area, and he begins speaking, “we broke up because of you,” he sighs. “because of me? what part do I play in your relationship?” you cross your arms, scoffing. “sofia thought I was still hung up on you, and she was right, I was,” he looks at you, there’s shame in his eyes, and guilt in his words. you couldn’t believe what he was saying. he continued, “listen, I know I cheated on you, it was a shitty thing for me to do. my head wasn’t right, and…I took you for granted.”
you roll your eyes and scoff again, “yeah, you did take me for granted rafe…you knew how much I loved you, you knew how much I cherished our relationship…for you to throw that away-” he interrupts, “I know, and i’m willing to give it another shot. if you would just let me-” it was now your turn to interrupt, “excuse me? do you know how ridiculous you sound right now? you were the one who broke my heart in the first place, and now you’re crawling back to me? i’m sorry rafe, I won’t ever get back with you. never in a million years.” he sighed, defeated.
he hated seeing you like this, so happy. after that day on the beach, he tried to talk to you again via text. and again, and again, and again, until you finally hit the block button on his contact.
your paths crossed again at the wreck, you were talking with someone, a new friend perhaps. you were smiling and giggling as you ate one of your fries. of course he noticed you first, and his heart leaped. he wanted to come up to you and strike a conversation again, but he knew he would just get shut out by you once more. he wanted to get out of the restaurant as soon as possible, so he ordered and anxiously tapped his foot while mr. carrera fulfilled his order. as soon as his number was announced, he took the bag of food and rushed to his car, not caring that he was being stared at.
it hurt his pride, of course. he knows he shouldn’t be reacting this way, he has no right to be acting this way. but god, did he miss you. he missed the way he basically had you wrapped around your finger, you were so willing to drop everything for him at the snap of his fingers. sofia wasn't the same. she set him straight, didn't enable his behavior, and he hated that. rafe always got things his way, he couldn't control sofia the way he controlled you.
word gets around fast in kildare country. it didn't take long for rafe to find out that you have someone new. he quickly came to terms that you've finally moved on. however, he wasn't prepared to see you and your new boyfriend in person so soon.
you were living your best life, your skin was glowing, and you had the best boyfriend in the world, jason. he was the juxtaposition of rafe, a breath of fresh air. you two were having brunch at the country club, watching some of the members out on the field, playing golf or also having a nice meal. as you take another bite out of your avocado toast, you see a familiar trio walk in. you really wish this island wasn't so small so you wouldn't see him that often. it annoyed you more than it bothered you. you put your toast down on the plate, then spoke to your boyfriend, "i'm gonna use the restroom," he nodded his head. you stood up from your chair and went inside the building.
while on your way to the restroom, you ran into rafe. it had been six months after you blocked him, and you resisted rolling your eyes when he waved and smiled at you. he started walking towards you, and you hoped he knew how much of a stupid decision he was making. probably not, you thought. he was now across you, and you hear him speak up, "how are you?" "fine," you say, dryly. "heard some things goin' around town." rafe says, trying to keep the conversation going. "yeah, I have a new boyfriend," your voice is monotone. "oh, does he treat you better than me?" he asks. you roll your eyes and try your best to not just walk away from the conversation.
"yes, he does, rafe. why haven't you moved on?" your voice was slightly raised, and he sighs, "you know why I haven't moved on. I need you, y/n. please-" "rafe. i've moved on. you should too." you start walking away to the restroom, and he looks at you, defeated. you knew your worth, and you knew you deserved someone better than rafe.
he took one last glance at you before going back to topper and kelce. he sighed as your words hung over him. you moved onto better things now.
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taesanluv3r · 1 day
flower shop confessions.
kim woonhak x reader
another woonhak love confession story 😭 im sorry im just really obsessed w the idea of woonhak telling his crush he likes her and it cld go so many ways and i feel like i HAVE to put all my ideas out there TT ALSO this is rlly ass cause im still on my trip and didnt bring my laptop so pls pls excuse the spelling mistakes / grammatical errors 💔 i just REALLY needed to write this 😭😭 okay lowercase intended, pls enjoy <3
wc: 1,531
listen to 1980s horror film by wallows while reading...!
he didn't know what it was. maybe it was the way she said his name, the way each syllable ran smoothly out of her mouth. perhaps it was the concern on her face when his clumsy self tripped over his own shoelaces, and the constant nagging and scolding she'd give him afterwards. it could be just…her in general. the way her hair fell down below her shoulders, how she wore her clothes in such a way so she wouldn't look as short as she really was. whatever it was, kim woonhak was completely and utterly, ridiculously in love with her...with yn ln.
yet he was absolutely oblivious.
sure he knew he felt something, why else would his heart beat faster when she was nearby? why on earth would his ears perk up upon hearing her name? even worse when he hears her voice. but the idiot was nothing more than a child, an immature little prick who couldn’t quite grasp the concept of being in love. these feelings confused him, there was no way he could understand them himself, he needed some help.
“what’s up, kid?”
myung jaehyun. arguably the best person to ask for advice from, and historically the worst! but hey, you live and you learn; not with jaehyun though, there is not a single thought in his head. “hyung i need your help, i was gonna ask taesan hyung but i figured he’d make fun of me…” he spoke naturally, not an ion of nervousness in his voice, but this was before he started to think about her again. “it’s yn, yn ln” he began, heart beating faster already. jae nodded his head slightly, allowing the younger boy to continue.
“i don’t know how i feel about her. i don’t think i like her like that, but whenever she’s around i just get so nervous and my whole body gets on this fight or flight mode. she makes me so…breathless? yeah, it’s like she physically stabbed me in the gut and stole all of my organs. i don’t get it, i used to be able to talk to her so easily but nowadays i just…can’t? not without panicking inside and stuttering. she’s ruining my cool guy persona!!! what do i do!?”
the senior boy let out a chuckle, finding the junior’s rant and obvious infatuation for the girl a little bit hysterical. woonhak was even more lost now, lifting an eyebrow up in utter confusion when his friend finally calmed himself down. “look kid, it’s obvious you have feelings for her. and it’s okay to not know what that feeling is. just go with your gut on this, and if you’re still unsure…give it a couple days and when you’re really desperate, tell her. tell her all the things you told me. i can’t guarantee you any great outcome, but maybe it’ll help” the younger boy nodded, bidding the myung guy goodbye before leaving the highschool’s library and deciding to get some fresh air on his walk home.
about halfway through his walk he felt a wave of goosebumps wash over his skin; it was odd considering the fact that the weather was exceptionally warmer today, not to mention the boy wore his school’s varsity jacket. what in the world could have caused this? and that’s when she saw her.
he sighed, the yellow-ish tint of the pretty fairy lights that combed the roof of the flower shop on the street illuminated against her skin. her hair had seemingly grown a little longer overnight, he’d know, for he remembered rather clearly that it hadn’t reached her collarbones the way it did today the day before. it was nearly six pm, but the girl still wore the star academy uniform, a white button-up with the red and blue skirt with her black sweater layered on top. she worked at the rose-scented shop after her lessons right after school three times a week, and today just so happened to be one of those days…
she was pretty, he has always thought so. ever since they bumped into each other at school one day, and coincidentally she moved into the same neighbourhood as him the next week. he had talked to her before, in fact, they were rather close. it was only recently he had been feeling different, just the mere sight of her sent grumbly butterflies to overflow his stomach. even when she did the most mundane things, like tie up her hair or take pictures of the pretty sunset, or like right now; helping some old lady pick the perfect flowers for a large bouquet…yn ln made kim woonhak’s heart melt into pieces.
he didn’t know how he got there, he must’ve been too deep in his thoughts to notice that his feet had taken him into the flower shop. the ding of the bell atop the door shook him out of his trance, and alerted the female worker. his friend, but as of right now he wanted her to be something more. “woonhak! just got back from dance practice? i hear the team has a competition at the end of the month” yn was cheerful as she rearranged some of the lavender that was left on her counter from her last customer. “mhmm, practice is going really good, heard you’re doing the decoration and costume for us?” his sentence came out breathier than usual, it was the unconscious worry that he’d say something wrong. she nodded before she began to silently sing along to the songs that shuffled from her playlist.
~ she was only seventeen, oh why are girls in songs always seventeen? ~
“is there anything i could help you with?” she asked, 1980s horror film by wallows blasting out of the vintage speaker she bought at a thrift store the other day. “yeah um, i thought, while i’m here, i should be a good child and get my mom some flowers. but if i’m honest, i don’t know what to get” he chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head while she mirrored his movement; except she actually had an itch on her neck. “hmm, well your mom seems like a young soul who’s got a big heart. so i’d go with the poppies, lilies and ranunculus. they symbolise youth, innocence, grace and…what was it? oh! and joy”
she looked so passionate when she spoke, and after he had agreed with her choices, kim began to stare. not in a creepy way, of course. rather, he was enchanted by her focus; her tongue stuck out as she arranged the flowers, and he noticed her little huffs in annoyance when the loose strands of hair fell against her face. she looked so…in her element and all the boy could think was…’shit, she’s perfect’
~ she was from a movie scene, and now she plays in my head all day ~
“alright, here you go!” yn smiled brightly, handing the boy the bouquet and the pennies of change. “ah, thank you so much!” he mimicked her grin, heart-eyes all too obvious as he retrieved the flowers from her grasp. “anything else i could help you with?” she asked finally, tilting her head slightly as she did so. now was his chance, he’d have to play it smooth…it was now or never, kim woonhak had to confess.
he thought about his next move as if he were playing a game of chess. the advice he had gotten from jaehyun earlier retrograded in his mind. then he remembered where he stood, and i don’t mean that as in mentally, i mean physically; in a flower shop. just perfect.
“yeah, so basically i’m in love with this girl, and i wanted to know if there was a flower to say…eternal love? or you know, something of that sense” smooth one woonhak, smooth. there was a slight frown that casted upon the girl’s face, but before he could ask her what was wrong, she had straightened herself out and began helping him out. “yes! um- red roses, they’re a classic for this…here, i just un-thorned this one” her voice came out quieter, juxtaposing the way she usually was. instead of worrying him, her reaction gave him a slight bit of hope. he grabbed the single rose from her, thanking her before he pretended to leave. once he was at the foot of the door he turned on his heels,
he exclaimed, walking back towards her counter when she lifted an eyebrow at him in confusion. “this is for you, actually…so um, call me?” and he handed her back the rose, shooting her a crooked smile and quick wink before pacing out of the store to save himself from further embarrassment, just in the case that she didn’t feel the same.
later that evening, when kim woonhak laid on his comfy bed, the one with the tayo the little bus bed sheets he's had for ages, he felt a sickening feeling of nerves racking throughout his body. she still hasn’t called or texted. but all that worry was to be washed away when his phone chimed a familiar sound.
yn (pls love me 💔):
i love you too, woonhak <3 see you at school tomorrow? and thank u for the rose 🌹
the end.
LMAOAOAO this was so random idk 😭 again sorry if this sucks balls im still away n dont have my laptop </3 love u guys tysm for reading. feedback n reblogs r greatly appreciated!! love, kona.
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sowoozoo-7 · 12 hours
I Think I Want to Marry You (KSJ)
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Pairing: actor!Seokjin x stylist!reader
Genre: strangers to friends to lovers, fluff, a lil bit of angst
Rating: T
Word Count: 4.3k
Summary: You've never put a label on your relationship with Seokjin, and you prefer it that way. But one day, he proposes out of the blue.
Warnings: language, mentions of sex but nothing explicit
A/N: In honor of Jin's return from the military, here's a fic I've been sitting on for the past few months. Welcome home, Worldwide Handsome 🫶🫡 Unedited and unbeta’d, and as always, would love to hear from you!.
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The day you meet Seokjin, he walks you down the aisle. 
He arrives to the venue minutes before the wedding is supposed to start. When he steps out of the chauffeured black car, it’s like you’re seeing him in slow motion arriving at a red carpet, his hair swept back, suit tailored to perfection. Apologies drip from his lips like honey, for missing the rehearsal the day before, for almost being late today. 
Every inch the Hollywood darling, you want to hate him, but he introduces himself as if he’s not plastered on every billboard in town, gets misty-eyed at the vows, and actually remembers your name. When he busts into a goofy dance during the wedding party entrance at the reception, you can’t help but smile and wiggle along. 
“So anyway, every time I get to see the stars like this, I can’t help but think abut that one scene in the Lion King where Timon says they’re just fireflies stuck in the sky.” 
You’re lying flat on a trampoline, the voluminous skirts of your pastel-puke bridesmaid dress spread out around you. Weddings are exhausting, doubly so for the perpetually single, and triply so for industry weddings. The pressure to be gracious, to (barf) network, to make sure everyone looks good for the inevitable social media posts, all of it has your social battery dangerously low. You’ve done your rounds on the dance floor and you’ve hand one drink past your best friend’s two-drink limit. So you’ve escaped the reception and found the trampoline tucked in a back corner of the mansion’s extensive gardens, presumably for events with kids. Makes for a good hiding spot. It’s quiet and dark, the only evidence of a party the bass and cheers from the dance floor.
“What if they are?”
You push down your skirts to look at Seokjin. His hands prop up his stupidly handsome head, eyes on the clear sky above you. 
“Idiot. We’ve been to space. They’re big burning balls of gas.”
“What if they’re just really, really, really big fireflies really, really far away and we just don’t know it.” 
You think for a second, seriously considering it as a possibility. Then you shrug. “It doesn’t really matter, does it? They’re still stars to us. Untouchable.” 
“Give me your hand.” 
His expression is dead serious when you look over at him, and you place your hand in his. He takes it and places it over his heart. You feel his heartbeat under the layers of clothing, the rhythm steady. Your own heart picks up the pace as he looks at you, eyes serious, searching. 
“Not all stars are untouchable.” 
You scoff and snatch your hand away. “That’s the worst line I’ve ever heard.” 
He laughs with you, the trampoline shaking with the force of your laughter. 
An announcement interrupts the music, too muffled to make out, but a quick check on your phone shows you it’s time for the bouquet toss. The whole event is less a wedding and more of a highly choreographed dance.
“That’s my cue to go.” 
You sit up and crawl off the trampoline gracelessly. 
“Wait.” He scrambles to the edge of the trampoline. “Your hair is all over the place.” 
A static shock travels from his fingertips to your neck as he reaches for your hair. You jump and let out an involuntary gasp.
“Sorry,” he murmurs, as he smooths down your hair with careful fingers. Your traitor heart skips a beat. 
Once he’s done, you tug his suit into place, just so no one gets the idea that either of you have been horizontal. 
“Maybe you want to wait a couple minutes before coming back?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“What will they say, if they see Mr. Worldwide Handsome coming back to the party with a nobody like me?” 
“You’re not a nobody.” He sighs and leans back anyway. “But you’re right. Sometimes I forget about all of that.”
You look back just once on your way back to the dance floor. Seokjin sprawls out on the trampoline, looking up at the stars again. 
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Another wedding, the second in as many months. It’s that season of your life where everyone around you is getting married, having babies, and hitting all the milestones, and all you have to offer is your job as a stylist. Your old classmates think it’s glamorous, to work with celebrities all day, but seeing the sparkle of endless engagement rings makes you feel like you’re far behind. On top of all that, your mother called you to catch up that morning. Her words echo in your head, reminding you that you’re still single and not getting any younger. 
And to add insult to injury, you’ve been parked at the singles’ table. At least there’s a familiar face. Seokjin, seemingly friends with everyone you’ve ever known, is there too. You’re glad he’s around. Saves you the energy of painful small talk with a stranger. 
Once dinner ends, you escape into the grounds of the country mansion-turned-hotel. 
There’s no one at the pool, and you slip your heels off to put your feet in the water. You consider canceling your RSVP to the next four weddings you have this year as you watch the light reflect through the pool. It’s not doing great things for your mood, to have love shoved in your face like this. Like the whole world is happy except for you. You’re happy for your friend, of course, she deserves this just as much as the next person, but you can’t help but be jealous of the stupidest thing: she’ll actually get laid tonight.
You’re in the driest spell of your life, what with project after project at work, long hours on set, and a demanding boss who thinks you can do nothing right. You don’t even have time to shower and eat, let alone swipe on Tinder for a hook-up. 
“Good god, I need to get laid.” The words escape your mouth along with a world-weary sigh. 
“Does shouting it at the heavens work?” 
Your hand flies to your chest, and you let out a squeak of surprise that turns to laughter. It’s Seokjin, who’s found you again. He takes off his shoes and socks before joining you at the edge of the pool. 
He cups his hands around his mouth to amplify his voice. “Good God, if you’re out there listening, I need to get laid, too! Thanks!” 
His antics bring a much-needed smile to your face. It’s hard to be in a bad mood when he’s around.
“Wait, you’re telling me Mr. Worldwide Handsome doesn’t fuck? Car Door Guy isn’t drowning in pussy?”
“What a crass way to put it.” He heaves out a world weary sigh of his own. “But yeah.” 
“Shit, if I was as famous as you, that’d be my preferred cause of death.” 
“Fame is the problem.” He pauses. “I didn’t know you were into women.” 
“Labels don’t fucking matter. I’m into whoever is hot and thinks I’m hot too.” You drag your feet through the water, watching as the ripples extend to the other side of the pool and back again to you. “Are you saying you’re too famous to fuck? Like you’re too good for us peasants?” 
He laughs, a sad, bitter laugh. “Sometimes I can’t tell. When someone is interested for me, or for their own fifteen minutes in the spotlight. Sex is great and all, but there’s only so many times one can wake up to someone that just wants picture evidence that you’ve fucked.” 
He says this with the weight of a dozen stories, untold. 
You place your hand on his, curling over the lip of the pool. 
“For what it’s worth, I’d go after you for that sweet, sweet ass rather than any type of public attention.” 
He scoffs, but flips his hand over and tangles his fingers with yours. 
“So you think I’m hot?” He looks at you, his joking tone belying the intense heat of his gaze. 
“It goes both ways, bud. You gotta think I’m hot too if this is going to work.” You try to match his light tone, but heat rises to your cheeks. 
“Beyond hot. Beautiful.” His thumb strokes circles across the back of your hand. 
“What about the reception?” 
Without hesitation, he jumps into the pool. Your breath catches in your throat as he rises from the water, wet shirt clinging to his defined chest. He pushes his wet hair away from his forehead. 
“Aw, damn it. I’m all wet now. How could I possibly go back to the reception?” 
A smile spreads on his face and you can't help but smile back. He holds out his hand in an invitation.
You take his outstretched hand and he pulls you in. 
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Honey, I know you don’t want to talk about it but—
“Then why are you bringing it up, Mom?” 
I don’t want to see you alone, and besides, what am I supposed to do with my retirement if I don’t have grand babies to take care of?
“How you spend your retirement is your problem.” 
 I raised you, all my myself, and I worked so hard, you can’t do this one thing for me?
“Mom, you’re being unreasonable.” 
I just want to see you happy, sweetheart.
“And you think marriage and babies is the way to happiness? It wasn’t for you.” 
You regret the words as soon as they’re out of your mouth. There’s silence at the end of the line and, for a moment, you think she’s hung up.
You were the greatest joy in my life, honey. I wouldn’t have traded that for the world. 
The quiet conviction in her voice brings a lump to your throat. 
“I can’t talk about this anymore, Mom. I have to go. I’ll see you next week.”
You set the phone down beside you and pull your knees up to your chest. The city sparkles in the night, holiday decorations adding glitter to the view from your fire escape. The fire escape is the best thing about your apartment, and you spend as much time on it as the weather permits. 
Just as your joints start getting stiff in the chill, your phone buzzes. You almost don’t check it, expecting more guilt tripping from your mother, but it’s Seokjin. 
WWH [19:34]: want to grab a drink? 
It’s been over a year since you first hooked up, and it’s been going like this:
Every time Seokjin travels to your city for work, he’ll text you, for dinner, for drinks, really any excuse. The first time it happened, you met him at his hotel bar, and ended up in his room that night. The following night, he insisted on meeting you somewhere near yours and wound up staying the night at your place. Since then, you meet him somewhere close to home on his first or second night in town, and he stays at yours for the rest of his trip. 
You [19:37]: I didn’t know you were in town
You don’t mind. Even though your apartment is barely big enough for one, it’s nice to have company for a few days. He cooks, claiming he’s never home enough to keep fresh groceries at his place and that he misses his own cooking. You believe him, with his filming and promotion schedule for three different films. When his trip coincides with the farmer’s market a few blocks over, you go shopping together, takeout coffees in hand. He makes friends with each of the vendors and leaves you with at least a week’s worth of leftovers every time. 
WWH [19:38}: last minute press thing
When you’re in public, he keeps his distance, but when you’re in private, he holds you close. In the bedroom, in the kitchen, in the shower, on the sofa. Claims he doesn’t get enough genuine human touch in his line of work. You scoff, but let him cling. You don’t get enough human touch either. 
He admits once during those quiet moments after sex, with only the streetlights illuminating your room, that your place actually feels like a home.
You [19:40]: take me somewhere nice this time
He’s your boyfriend in everything but name. Two spare sets of clothes in his own drawer, a toothbrush that lives permanently next to yours. You even got each other a gift at Christmas, and he sent you chocolate and a gorgeous dahlia bouquet on Valentine’s Day. You’re not official though. So it always starts with a text. 
WWH [19:40]: car will be there in 20. dress nice. 
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The streets are icy, slippery wet where your heels meet the concrete. The bar Seokjin took you to was indeed very nice, with fancy cocktails and even fancier small plates that didn’t amount to much of a dinner. You’re unsteady on your feet and it’s going to take something greasy and carb-y to sop up all the alcohol in your system. 
You’re looking for a taxi, or maybe something to eat; you’re not entirely sure. What you do know is that you’re moving forward, which is keeping you warm in the icy wind blowing down the city streets. 
As you step confidently forward, your heel skids out from under you and the only thing between your ass and the grimy sidewalk is Seokjin’s hand around your waist. 
“Wow. If this was a k-drama, they’d film this from like, fifty different angles.” 
He laughs and steadies you as you get your feet under you. “Maybe we’ll see the Subway ads floating around here somewhere.” 
“Ooh, Subway sounds so good right now.” 
His beauty doesn’t catch you off guard as much anymore, but now, with the wind ruffling his hair and the cold bringing a slight pink to his cheeks, you’re mesmerized. Your hand comes to caress his face, cold against the warmth of his skin. 
His hand covers yours as he looks into your eyes, something indescribable in his gaze doing funny things to your stomach.
“Marry me.”
“What?” You’re not sure you heard him correctly. 
“Will you marry me?” 
You laugh in his face. As far as you’re concerned, this is the best joke he’s ever made. You laugh so hard, you break away from his arms.
“Sure, why not? My mom already loves you. Maybe with a ring on my finger she’ll get off my back abut marriage and babies.” 
He accidentally met your mom a few months before when she showed up at your apartment building to surprise you for your birthday. Seokjin was graceful enough to treat her to a fancy day out on town. Of course, she melted for him and has asked after him every phone call since.
“Great! We’re engaged, then.”
“Ooooh, I’m a fianceeeeeeee.”
You wobble a bit as you do a little spin and he puts your hand in the crook of his arm to help your footing. You look at your left hand then, and notice something missing.
“But wait. How will other people know I’m a fiancée if I don’t have a ring on my finger?" You waggle your hand in his face. "How will I know not to fuck other people without a ring?” 
You don’t tell him you haven’t slept with anyone else for months now. 
“I’ll get you a ring.” 
“Okay yay!” You tuck your arm back in his but break away immediately as you catch a glimpse of the gleaming golden arches in the distance. “I! Want! Nuggets!” 
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He calls you on a frosty Saturday afternoon to tell you he’s coming over for something important, that he wants to stay but can’t. He’s been shooting on location, and you haven’t seen him for a couple of weeks.
The trees have lost their leaves and the sun makes a weak attempt at heating up the city. You’re waiting at the top of the steps to your apartment building, debating whether or not to run in real quick to grab a more substantial coat. A large, black SUV pulls up, making the decision for you. 
Seokjin jumps out of the car, wearing a long camel-colored coat to ward off the bite in the air. He takes the steps up to the top of the stoop two at a time and reaches you quickly, his breath puffing up in the cold as he drops a kiss on your cheek. This is new, but not unwelcome. 
“I can’t stay long, I have to get back to the airport soon, but I needed to deliver something.” 
“You could have sent somebody over.” 
He shakes his head. 
“I had to deliver this in person.”A ring box comes out of his pocket. He opens it to show you.“We’re engaged, right? You need a ring.” 
The ring nestled inside the box has a tanzanite stone framed with little diamonds. You’ve never been one to imagine your engagement ring, but this one is perfect. Delicate and beautiful. 
“Did you fly all the way here just for this? You could have waited a bit, I mean…” 
“I had a day off. Besides I wanted to see you.” He slides the ring on your left fourth finger and admires your hand. “There. I couldn’t until I wrapped. What if you had fucked someone else in the meantime?”
You wince a little at his words. You say such stupid things when you’re drunk. “You know I haven’t, and I wouldn’t.” 
He pulls you into a hug. You slide your hands around his waist inside his coat. 
“I know.” 
You want to stay wrapped in his embrace forever, his warmth shielding you from the cold, his warm, musky scent enveloping you. Too soon, he pulls back. Before he goes, he cups your face in his and pulls you into a kiss, sweet and tender. 
The paparazzi photos you see later make your heart ache. The two of you look so in love from the outside, like a real-life engaged couple should. 
Early the next morning, your phone rings. It’s your mom, wondering why she had to find out on the news that you were engaged?! Saying that he’s such a good man. And that she’s so happy for you. You don’t want to tell her you don’t think it’s real. 
You don’t tell anyone you’re afraid it’s just a joke. Not even Seokjin himself the next time you see him. 
He deviates from the routine, but only in that he comes straight to your apartment from the airport, no more pretense of asking you out for a drink before he stays a week. 
So you stay in this limbo, happy to pretend you’re engaged. It’s easy to pretend to be a happy couple when he’s around. Now when you go to the farmers’ market together, you can hold hands with him, paparazzi and passerby phones be damned. You don’t know if it’s real or not, but you enjoy it, and let yourself sink into the fantasy. 
When he’s not around, it’s harder to convince yourself, but you catch yourself smiling openly at your phone every time he texts you. And he texts you about all sorts of things, about his annoying coworkers, about a potential project he’s excited about, about what he wants to cook for you next time you see him. You tell him you miss having his cooking skills around. (It’s as far as you’ll go to say you miss him). 
The months pass like this.
At the end of spring, your mom starts to not-so-subtly hint that she can’t wait to meet Seokjin’s parents at your engagement party. You say you don’t have anything planned, that you don’t even have a wedding date in mind because you both have been so busy. You don’t tell her you haven’t even talked about the wedding with him at all. That you’re afraid that he’ll say once and for all that this is just a thing for convenience, to get the weight of the public’s eye off his back. 
He hears your end of the conversation one late-May afternoon. 
“Let’s do it.” His parents have been nagging him too. “Our families need to meet eventually.”
“How are we even going to plan this? I have a million things going on at work and so do you. When will we even do it?”  
“Just give me a list of who you’d want to be at the wedding, and what dates you have free in September, and the planner will take care of the rest.” 
The mention of the wedding has adrenaline pumping through your veins. It's the first time the word "wedding" has been uttered between you.
“How nice it is to have money.” You try to keep your tone light, cool.
“What’s mine is yours. You know that, right?” 
He’s standing across the living room by the big window, framed a golden sunset halo. You can’t quite make out his face, but you hear the weight of his sincerity in his voice. The bigness of it all scares you. 
“Time to buy a house and invest in the stock market, I guess.”
He just gives you a slow shrug. “If that’s what you want…” 
“I’ll look on Zillow and get back to you with estimates.”
You excuse yourself to the bathroom, and he doesn’t bring it up again when you come back. He just plays the movie and hugs you close like he always does. 
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The planner makes it all happen. Invitations with hand-written addresses by an expert calligrapher get sent out, a venue overlooking the ocean gets booked. All you have to do is fill out a simple form the planner sends you. You pick your favorite flower, a color scheme, and your favorite alcohol for a signature cocktail. She even takes care of your dress, says you’ll have options ready on site along with a hair and makeup team. Money indeed. 
Summer passes in a blur and you almost forget you even have an engagement party. The only reason you don’t book in a work thing on that date is because Seokjin sends you a calendar invite for the party, blocking out the entire day. 
You pull up to the event alone, nose in your phone. A work emergency kept you at home sending emails all morning. Seokjin sent a car for you, told you he’d meet you at the venue later. You’re so engrossed in answering a nasty email from your boss’s boss that you don’t look up until you’re fully inside. It’s not what you expected. 
You thought there would be tables for guests, with a dance floor and maybe a little stage for musicians or a DJ. Instead, you’re standing halfway down an aisle, rows of chairs on either side of you. Dahlias, just like you asked, decorate the space, with fairy lights twinkling gently around the blooms. There’s an arch at the end of the aisle on a raised dais. 
You turn at the sound of your name. 
Seokjin stands at the entrance, looking more nervous than when he had to host an award show. 
“What’s all this?” you ask. You think you know the answer, but you need him to say it for you to believe it. 
“Our wedding. If you want it to be.” 
“What do you mean if I want it to be? This looks like a done deal.” You’re shaking a little, in the frozen stage of fight or flight. 
He approaches you like one would a frightened animal. 
“I mean exactly what I said. This could be our wedding, if you want it to be. We can change this back to an engagement party if you don’t want to. It’s up to you.” He takes his hands in yours. Red creeps up his neck to his ears. “I know you took it as a joke when I asked you to marry me, but I was serious. I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” 
You look into his eyes, so tender and full of love, and know you have two choices. 
“I know marriage makes you nervous, because of what happened with your parents, and because you changed the subject every time I tried to bring it up. So I thought I would surprise you, show you how serious I am about you. But I can wait. We can change it all back if it’s too much, too soon. The staff are on standby.” 
Reverting back to an engagement party is not an option. Because you may lose him while you try to sort your shit out. He might walk away. And that would crush you. Because it’s like you’re missing a limb when he’s not around. Because his laugh is the best sound you’ve ever heard. Because, you finally admit to yourself, you love him. The way he’s looking at you, so unsure but full of hope, your walls crumble.
“It’d be a shame to put all their hard work to waste.” 
His smile rivals the sun. Your vision goes fuzzy as your eyes fill with tears. 
“I’m not changing my last name.” Your voice cracks. 
He brushes the tears from your cheeks, catching them as they fall. “Wouldn’t dream of it.” 
“And I don’t have any vows written.” 
“I had them put some standard ones in your room. You can choose whatever you like. Or no vows, it’s up yo you.” 
“You thought of everything.” 
“I tried to.” He kisses you once, twice. “Now go and get ready. Guests will start arriving in a couple hours.” 
“Oh my god, I still have to choose a dress.” You use your palms to wipe your face and let out a watery laugh. “My mom’s gonna kill me for this. She’ll die of joy then come back to kill me.” 
He laughs and takes your hand to lead you toward the dressing room. You almost don’t want to leave him now, but he pushes you in the door with a little smile. The hair and makeup team are waiting for you, but you remember something at the last second. 
“Seokjin!” He’s halfway down the hall, but turns back at your voice. You run to him and wrap him in a hug. “I almost forgot. I wanted to tell you I love you, too.” 
His arms tighten around your waist and he buries his face in your neck. 
“I know, love. I know.” 
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A/N: This fic came from a wild dream where–surprise!–I was getting married to Seokjin. I had to write it down, but it came across super creepy outside of dream logic lmao. Seeing it written down reminded me of all those AITA posts about people getting surprise weddings from toxic partners, which was not the feeling I had in the dream, so this is the result of that. Not included in the fic but featured in the dream: a coworker being a total hater about it, the rest of BTS (sorry).
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©sowoozoo-7 2024
Please do not copy or repost. I do not crosspost anywhere else
21 notes · View notes
sadisticsongbird · 2 days
playing god's game ~ coriolanus snow
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warnings: blood, talk of mental health, talk of death, idk really
word count: 3.8k
a/n: a shorter one, but bigger ones are coming. i had to adjust some timeline things for the next few chapters and im sorry this has been slow burn for pretty much all of it but im really excited for this story. its honestly been one of my favorites to write! anyways, ENJOY!
series masterlist
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The rest of the evening went by in a blur. It was evident both you and Coriolanus could tell that the feeling wasn’t the same the rest of the night as it was in the first few minutes. Everything was strictly professional from there on out despite the few stares that both of you pretended not to notice. After a couple hours of hammering away at some ideas, Tigris came to check on the two of you. When it was clear you weren’t even finished yet, she left and came back with a pink silk gown and robe for you. You just stared at it, unsure what to do with it. It was one of the finest materials you would ever have the opportunity to wear. When you didn’t take it from her, she thrust it into your arms and told you to follow her. Leading you to her own room, she let you in alone to change. You didn't mean to pry during, but the drawings on her walls were too alluring to ignore. Tigris was a brilliant designer. As you left her room, you made sure to tell her as much. She smiled at you, simply thanking you and telling you to get back to work. 
And that’s what you spent the rest of the night doing. To the point you hadn’t even realized you fell asleep. 
When you woke up, the sun was pouring in through the tattered curtains in the corner office. Lifting your head up from the wooden desk, you sat up, realizing that Coriolanus was nowhere to be found. His desk was tidied up from the papers and books the two of you had scattered last night. Everything sat neatly in its original position. You knew that Coriolanus was an organized person, but he didn’t seem meticulous. Judging by the state of the rest of the apartment compared to his corner, you assumed he hated not having control over the cluttered apartment. 
You rotated your head to look behind you at the rest of the apartment when you noticed something fall off your shoulders: a blanket. Coriolanus or Tigris must’ve placed it over your frame after you fell asleep. Your cheeks heated up, in embarrassment or simply because you were thankful, you hadn’t a clue. Honestly, you didn’t know when you fell asleep last night. You don’t remember closing out a conversation, but you don’t remember feeling tired either. Regardless, it felt awkward to be alone in the Snows’ apartment. You stood up from your spot, draping the fallen blanket over the back of it. You felt bad snooping, but you badly wanted Tigris or Coriolanus to appear. There didn’t seem to be any noise coming from the apartment and the curtain to the room opposite to Coriolanus's office was closed. You figured that was where their grandmother stayed, but you didn’t want to pry. Thankfully, right on cue, the front door opened, revealing a colorful Tigris. She was like a drop of sunshine to an otherwise gloomy home. 
“Y/N! Hey, I figured you would be up soon. Is Coryo still here?”
“Huh?” You were still waking up. “Oh, uhm, no. I think he left. I mean, he could be here. He wasn’t in the office when I woke up.”
“He probably left to bring your proposal to Gaul already.” You had forgotten about turning in the proposal. You know you didn’t put your name on it, so you hoped that Coriolanus would give you some credit. After yesterday’s events in the classroom, you weren’t sure. “Do you want some?” Tigris asked. 
“What?” you asked, unsure how long you had zoned out. Looking towards her, you saw that she had some packaged breakfast cakes, ones similar to the ones that Ma made. “Yeah, sure.”
Tigris smiled at you, happy that you agreed. “I wanted to go out and get some real breakfast for you. We…we don’t have much here.” She paused for a moment. “Don’t tell Coriolanus I told you this. He…well, just don’t.” She stopped again after speaking that hushed tone. “Anyways, your uniform is laying in my room on the small sofa if you want to go get changed.”
She turned around when you walked away towards her room. I didn’t take long to get dressed back into your uniform and jacket. Folding the gown she let you borrow, you made sure to assure its good condition before laying it on her bed. 
Walking back into the main area, you could smell the warmed cakes and you didn’t seem to be the only one. Grandma’am’s curtain opened the same time you stepped out of Tigris’s room. You felt bad that you were still ‘invading’ their home when Coriolanus was no longer even here. She seemed standoffish toward you already last night, but you didn’t want to make it worse. 
“Good morning,” you said shyly. 
She didn’t reply for a moment, looking you up and down in the same outfit she last saw you in last night. Compared to her attire, you looked homeless. “Good morning,” she said, not disgusted but obviously not happy with your presence. 
“Grandma’am!” Tigris said, interrupting the awkward moment. The old lady smiled at the entrance of her granddaughter. “I got some treats for our guest. Sit and I’ll get you some too,” she said, leading the woman over to the open space on the table. “Y/N, sit. I’ll be right back.”
When she left, the two of you sat down next to one another in what you anticipated to be silence. “I’ve never met any of Coriolanus’s friends.”
“Oh?” you asked, for two reasons. One, you couldn’t believe that Coriolanus didn’t let any of his other friends meet his family when it was almost normal for esteemed Capitol citizens to know everyone and their families. Two, that Coriolanus could consider you a friend. 
“I blame myself. He’s very protective of us and our home. Sometimes maybe too much.”
Tigris reappeared, setting the plate of cakes down in front of the two of you and turning the TV on in the corner of the room. 
“Just yesterday, one of the tributes brutally murdered one of our own Capitol children. Arachne Crane, daughter of Idmon and Lucia Crane, sister to Phalanx Crane, was dearly loved and cherished by her family, friends, and classmates.” You knew that the zoo was being broadcast, but you thought they’d get rid of the footage from yesterday. Your assumptions were proved wrong when clips of Arachne’s death played over and over again from different angles. It was almost strategic how they continued to replay it, but it made you shutter and look away from the screen. Not before you saw a glimpse of Coriolanus run over to her fallen form, though. “She will be honored for her contributions to the Hunger Games this year per Volumnia Gaul’s request and remembered by friends and family at a funeral service held this evening in front of the Academy.”
Tigris shut off the television as soon as it was turned on. Unbeknownst to you, they continued to play the footage, which means only moments after you looked away your figure appeared onto the screen, running to Coriolanus’s aid and dodging the bullets sprayed in your direction. The feed cut the moment the tribute from 10, Arachne’s tribute and murderer, was shot down. 
“Y/N, I had no idea. Coriolanus didn’t-” She cut herself off. 
You had stopped eating at this point, keeping your focus down on your fidgety, sweaty hands. You felt a hand rest on your shoulder, making you look up. Grandma’am had also stopped eating, focusing her attention on you. “Thank you. For protecting him.”
You gave her a weak smile before glancing towards Tigris. She looked stunned to say the least. You didn’t want sympathy from them when there were others who needed it. “Thank you, Tigris. For the breakfast. For everything. I should really get going, though. To class.”
“Will they still have it?” she asked, watching you stand up, leaving your breakfast practically untouched. 
“I doubt Gaul will put a pause to the Games. If anything, Arachne’s death will make her want it to come sooner,” you said. As much as you hated it, you knew that things would be much harder on the tributes now, and in turn, much harder for you. 
“Okay,” she sighed. “At least let me walk with you. I should get to work anyways.”
“Sure,” you shrugged. You moved out of the way as Tigris cleaned up your unfinished food when you remembered that your bag was still in Coriolanus’s office. Moving over there, you found your bag up against the desk, latch closed with all of your books inside. Coriolanus must’ve tidied up your things as well last night. Leaning over to pick it up, you noticed a floorboard below the desk that seemed to be out of place. You wondered if it was loose, but when you were able to lift it from the ground, you realized it was on purpose. There were a few things in the hollowed out floor: a piece of orange fabric, a compass, a notebook. You wanted to reach your hand in to dig out the contents, but you heard someone coming up behind you. Placing the piece of wood back down, you stood up quickly, bag in hand. 
“Ready?” Tigris asked from behind you. 
“Yeah,” you sighed. She smiled before walking back over to Grandma’am, placing a kiss on her head and saying goodbye before meeting you at the door. 
The moment the door was closed, you asked Tigris if you could stop by your house on the way to grab a change of clothes. She agreed, telling you she would wait outside while you ran in. You felt bad for that. You had been in her home for hours, practically barging in, and she volunteered to stay outside of your home while you only grabbed a change of uniform. You would hurry as much as you could, not wanting her to wait alone long. That idea was forgotten though when you opened your door to your mother on the floor. 
“Mama!” you screamed, throwing your bag on the floor and rushing over to your mother who was lying in front of a broken glass plate and crumbs of desserts. “Fuck!”
The television had been turned on in the living room, news feed cutting in and out, the same one you had been watching shortly before in the Snows’ home. The news of Arachne’s death was still playing and it made you wonder how long they had been broadcasting the event since it happened. Tending to your mother, you tried to roll her over and away from all the broken glass, but it seemed to not matter. Glancing at her hands, you noticed the scratches, blood, and shards all over them. 
How could you have been so stupid to forget about your mother? You were too caught up trying to play star pupil that you forgot about her. You wondered if the stains on the floor were from her hands and why they continued to multiply, but when you felt hands on your shoulders, you realized they were your tears.
“Y/N? What happened?” Tigirs worriedly asked, helping you help your mother. 
“S-she…I don’t know,” you cried. “I forgot, I left, I’m so fucking stupid. She can’t be left alone.” You were practically sobbing as the two of you rolled your unconscious mother over. “Is she dead?” you asked, trying to find a pulse with your shaky hands. Tigris gripped your hand and pulled it out of the way to replace it with hers. 
“She is, Y/N, she is. But you have to help me get her up.” 
You shook yourself out of your emotions to deal with your mother. Tigris helped you lift her up to place her on the couch. The moment that she was above the ground, something in her seemed to flip a switch. She began to flail, making it harder for both you and Tigris to carry her. 
“Elspet! Elsie! Elsie Sage!” she called. “ELSPET!”
You readjusted your grip under her arms, trying to get her to calm down enough to get her safely to the couch. “Mama! Mama, you need to calm down!”
“Elsie! Elsie, please!”
“Who’s Elspet?” Tigris asked. 
“I don’t know.” Truthfully, you didn’t. Your father was normally the only person she called out for. “Mama, please! Quiet! I know you’re hurt, but you need to let us help.”
Your mother began to settle down little by little, at least enough to be able to put her down. 
“She’s here, Y/N/N. I saw her.”
“Sure, Mama. Can you please let me clean your hands?”
She looked between you and Tigris, seeming to understand what was happening now. Shaking her head, you let go of her, asking Tigris to stay with her while you went to get a wet rag and tweezers from the bathroom. When you came back, the television had been turned off and Tigris sat next to your mother, observing the injuries on her hands. 
“Thank you,” you told her. She didn’t respond, only smiling and continuing to take care of your mother. 
“Can I take the pieces out of this hand?” she gently asked your mother. 
She responded to Tigris with a nervous shake of her head, making you hand the materials you gathered to Tigris. You felt bad just watching your mother get taken care of so you moved over to the broken plate of goodies on the floor. Well, you couldn’t return this plate of goodies to Ma now. You were sure she wouldn’t care anyways, but you still felt horrible. 
Grabbing the straw broom beside your kitchen wall, you began to sweep up the shards and crumbs into a pile easy to throw away. A substantial amount of dust gathered with it and you suddenly felt conscious about your home and who was in it. You were sure this was just how Tigris, Coriolanus, and their grandmother felt when you just showed up unannounced. They were unprepared for a visit, probably not even desiring one. You hated assuming things about people, especially one who was sitting here taking care of your mother and one that seemed to be one of the prestigious people you had ever gone to Academy with. But just like you, they deceived people about their true lives. While you were worse off than the Snows, it made you feel more comfortable knowing that Tigris understood what it was like to live this kind of life. 
Gathering the rest of the pile, you made sure to kneel down and look under the table and the back of the couch that your mother and Tigris were on. You wanted to make sure that your mother couldn’t be hurt by even a chunk of stray glass. Your eyes scoured the area, looking for things to sweep up when you noticed a slip of paper, or what looked like one, underneath the corner of the seat. Picking it up, you realized it was a torn, folded photograph. Unfolding the ridged piece of film, you discovered a photo of a young, teenage girl wearing a popping, floral corset and white skirt. Her arm looked like it was around someone else, but the other figure in the photograph was the missing half. 
“Do you have something to wrap her hand with?”
You stood up, shoving the photograph in your jacket pocket. “Uh, yeah. I’ll be right back.”
Scurrying away, you left the mess to find gauze or wrap or something in your bathroom to use. When you came up empty, you grabbed a loose shirt on the floor and tore the bottom off. 
“Will this do?” you asked, walking back into the living area. 
“Yeah,” Tigris responded, turning back to your mother who remained unmoved. She was almost like a statue but contrasted to how she looked when she was sleeping. Her skin was pale despite the little blood loss from the cuts and the creases on her forehead seemed to be more intense. You sat down on your small coffee table across from your mother and handed Tigris the scraps of fabric. 
“Mama? Is this yours?” you asked, holding up the ripped photo so she could see it. 
Her eyes connected with the photo then went to yours, almost as if she wanted to know if you knew the answer to a question she had not yet asked. 
“Her,” your mom said, pointing to the picture weakly with the hand Tigris wasn’t occupied with. “She left.”
“Who left, mama? Who is this?”
“Where is she? This… Elsie? Elsie?! Elspet, please!” she began to cry again, her hand shaking as she touched the girl's face lightly with her fingertip. 
“Mama, is this Elspet?” You didn’t realize you were getting angry, your tone raising until Tigris spoke up. 
“Y/N, maybe it’s better to let her rest.”
You looked at the blonde girl, not anger in your eyes, but pleading with her to let you get some answers. Because you were frustrated. You were upset. You were angry. But you knew that she was right. If your mother couldn’t give you answers now, she maybe could after she had time to rest. Helping Tigris lift your mother from the couch, you guided her to her room down the hall. Tigris stood outside the door while you tucked your mother into bed, placing a kiss on her forehead, and whispered a small ‘sorry.’ When you closed the door behind you, you let your head fall back onto the door. 
“I’m sorry you had to meet her like that,” you whispered, knowing Tigris wasn’t far and watching you. 
“Don’t be,” she replied. “I’m happy to help.”
You let out a breathy laugh. “Shit, I left her here, Tigris. I knew she couldn't be here by herself and I left her here.”
“Don't blame yourself. You had no idea this would’ve-”
“But that's the thing. I did know. I knew that she's been a danger to herself for a long time. The only reason she's still alive right now is cause I can't bear to leave her in a goddamn facility. Every time I think it gets bad enough here, I feel guilty for thinking that way because I don't want to have to imagine what they'll do to her there,” you cried.
Tigris stayed silent. Honestly, it was because she didn't know what she should say. “So this isn't the first time?”
“I wish. It's just about every night she wakes up screaming, calling for my father.” 
“Your father was a general, right? Stationed in the districts?”
“Yeah. In 12. He started his training there, but had to come home and start a family with my mother. He was deployed again during the war, but he never came back. Mama never told me what truly happened, but I always assumed he was killed by rebels.”
“Coryo’s father was also stationed in 12. Died there too. I wonder if my uncle knew your father.”
You simply shrugged. Had your father and Coriolanus’s father known each other, would you and him have been friends? Would your families have been friends? Tigris was quickly growing on you and you would have liked to have been a part of her life long ago. 
“Where did you find the picture?” Tigris asked.
“Under the couch,” you said. “I assume she must have ripped it and the other half got lost in the ruckus.” 
You moved past Tigris to go back to the area. Perhaps you could find the other half. Regardless, it was still a mystery who the girl was in the half of the picture you had. You hadn't got a good look at it, but you would have to do that once Tigris left. You were sure she was going to be late for work by now.
“I can look for it. I should probably stay home with my mother, anyway.”
“Will you be at the funeral this evening?”
“I'm not sure. Arachne and I weren't really friends. I'm sure the rest of the mentors will be there, though.”
“Coriolanus will probably go…not that it makes a difference for you. I should go. Pay her family respects. Either way, I need to get going. It was nice meeting you, Y/N. I hope your mother feels better.”
“It was nice to meet you, too,” you expressed. “And thank you, really. For everything today.”
“Of course,” she said, walking over to your door. “And I hope Coryo brings you by again soon,” she teased. 
You gave her a small smile before wishing her goodbye. The moment the door closed behind her, you took the half-photo back out of your pocket. The young girl in the picture was kind of blurry, but the more that you stared at the figure, the more you realized the resemblance that she bore to your mother. Could this have been your mother when she was younger? You didn’t know why she would have worn a dress of that sort or how she would have even found a forest. From what you had learned in history classes, the old Capitol was essentially a city, just a lot less structured. People own their own little houses, mini-mansions of the sort. Some were placed close together and others were more spread out, closer to the countryside. But it was always city-like, never forest-like. 
You really needed to find the other side of the tattered photo. It probably had something written on the back of it, much like your old family portraits did. It was never seen because of their framing, but your mother always liked to keep things orderly so she could remember them when she grew older. You set the photo on the table, crouching down again to see if you could find the other half of the photo. Looking under the couch, you came up empty handed, same with the table. You thought you could have accidentally swept it up, but nothing was there either. You were just about ready to give up when you saw something peek out from under the television. Walking towards it, you began to get excited as it looked ripped on the side, much like the one in your pocket. There was some writing on the backside, as you predicted. Confirming your suspicions, in your mother’s handwriting, it read ‘Guinevere & Elspet (Gwen & Elsie).’
Gwen was your mother’s name, although you didn’t know that it was short for Guinevere. And Elspet, or Elsie, was the person your mother was calling for. Flipping the photo over to see the other half, you nearly froze. It wasn’t possible. There was no fucking way. Sticking the two halves together, just to be sure this was truly the other half, your breath hitched. Your mother’s arm was around another girl. One who was wearing the same dress that Lucy Gray arrived to the Capitol in.
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childoftheriver · 1 year
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Howdy boys
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heartbreakfeelsogood · 2 months
i think millennials are the worst generation i’ve had to work with i’m so serious
#op#sorry millennial mutuals i’m sure you’re great to work with this is just from my own experience#right now at work it’s me (gen z) one millenial and then everyone else is gen x and maybe a few boomers#and like mr millenial is the one who takes nothing serious??? ever???#first of all he’s literally mocked me a few times and i know he’s joking but it’s like idk u like that#and he’s always getting us talked to being reminded about guidelines BEVAUSE HE DOESNT LISYEN#i wish so badly i could be like ‘i think that was [name]’ because i’m not the one doing that!!!!#our manager sent a text reminding us tubs can’t be over 40 pounds and that a couple libraries were overfilled#and the tubs for those libraries were in the section he was working on yesterday#and i remember last week he said something#about how he hates making new tubs for just a few books and i said i don’t like to overfill them and i rather the drivers decide what to do#with an almost empty tub because they have a few options#like they could leave it put it in a full tub take a half full tub put a few in a bag etc#AND HE MOCKED ME FOR SAYING THAT#HE WAS LIKE OH HOW KIND OF YOU#WHAT?????? LIKE YES THATS KIND OF ME ACYUALLY THESE TUBS VANT BE OVER FORTY POUNDS#AND SOME OF THESE MEN ARE OLD AS DIRT#anyway i hate him and every millenial i’ve ever worked with i’m so sorry millenial mutuals#it’s not you it’s the dumbasses i’ve worked with#i would understand if u hate gen z a little but pls remember i’m the exception <3
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Also have a fun little life update since it’s 8 AM (the time it is everywhere in the world right now) and I haven’t slept and my partner’s work alarm is going off—
Graduated from college in 2020(sad party popper noise). Studied theatre, visual arts, art history. Emmett Timeline OUT. Andrew Rose Timeline IN.
Started testosterone and changed my name AGAIN in 2020. Got FUCKING medicated.
Worked as a manager for FuckBucks for a few years, as I feel is a valid post-theatre-degree job, many arts graduates would agree.
Started an art business that’s currently on hiatus(for moving reasons). Made a few zines. Still doing that. Had a fun pagan spiritual awakening.
Saw My Chemical Romance and The Mountain Goats within a week of each other and came out a changed man(-adjacent).
Started dating my best friend from high school and we moved to our dream city with my college roommate, my cat, and my partner’s snake the week before I turned 25.
Moved from the mountains to the ocean with a brief(lol) stint in eastern Massachusetts suburbia(read:hell).
Quit smoking cigarettes. Started smoking cigarettes again. We grow and quit again, save for when heavy drinking is involved(read: rarely).
Working at a cool artsy downtown cafe with cool artsy people!! My partner works with vampires!! Dipping my toes into theatre again(slowly)(very slowly)(literally just got this job and don’t know how to schedule that around theatre schedules)(we learn and adapt).
I picked up my Doctor Who writing fixation like an old long-untouched sketchbook full of familiar-ish art that I want to sketch over, finish unfinished pieces, and try my hand at redoing old work in a not-very-changed style. I want to write old muses like I redo character designs.
I picked up my general Doctor Who hyperfixation and slammed it against a wall like a wet teddy bear for the satisfying sound it makes.
And I am, perhaps, actually, legitimately, most importantly, the happiest I’ve been in my 25 long and short years on planet earth.
(The Brainworms for the Master & the Doctor [both separate & together entities] never went away. The Brainworms for everyone else came back with a vengeance.)
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mmmwafflesart · 2 years
btw I’m collecting SO many link verses / ravio verses does anyone have more that I haven’t heard of 👀 ?
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ju-ji · 5 months
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On a positive note: POOKIE!!!!!!!!!!!!
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fingertipsmp3 · 8 months
My dreams lately are literally either the dumbest shit imaginable or honest to god existential nightmares. No inbetween
#last night i woke up at 4:15am from a dream in which my mom had mabel put down without warning me or getting my consent in any way#(mabel is. going to need to be put to sleep soon. she’s at a point where she has very little quality of life because she is terrified of#pretty much everything most of the time because her dementia is so advanced. and i just want to do it soon before she gets to a state where#she’s literally giving herself a heart attack [she also has a HEART MURMUR] from panic. so i think it’ll be monday. i just want to give her#a really good and calm last few days in which we can just decompress and spend some time together and say goodbye#and if that sounds morbid i’m fucking SORRY i’m not ready to do it yet okay. but like i’ll never be ready. so it’s monday)#anyway so that dream made perfect sense to me but obviously wasn’t any less sad. i think i just cried a little and rolled over and went back#to sleep. straight into a dream in which the classmate i have a crush on & the former coworker i had a crush on#were competing for my affections. we lived in a college dorm together but it was also the apocalypse#i was rating them both on a scoreboard. one of their names had changed to henry inexplicably. neither of them are called henry#i woke up again a couple hours later and was like ‘that was… so dumb’#what a completely bizarre tonal shift. and at 4am of all times#—i just remembered another thing i did at 4am…. i cancelled an ice cream order i made because dog ice cream was part of the order#and like. she’s not going to get time to eat it is she#i don’t know what the farm thought when they saw a mispelled cancellation email timestamped 4:27am in their inbox but i’m assuming confusion#was one of the main thoughts#i was so glad they didn’t ask why. like. i would’ve probably told them as well#personal
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bleedingoptimism · 26 days
“I’m sorry Steve, I thought we were just having fun! I enjoyed you taking me out and paying for everything that’s all…” Is what Shelley said to him when Steve walked into the bar and saw her flirting with another guy. 
Obviously, he smiled and shook his head, said everything was okay, ‘Just a silly misunderstanding’ and left, ever so graceful. But the second he was outside he cursed, tried not to shed a tear, failed, and then started laughing. 
He probably looks like a mad man, or a drunk. But no, don’t worry people, he’s not drunk or crazy, he’s just really, really stupid. He thought Shelley really liked him, he thought they were dating. And Shelley just assumed he was just another playboy so she played him back. He’s not even mad at her. She didn't mean to hurt him. It’s not her fault Steve is just so easy to hurt. 
Sighing, he gets his phone out to get an uber and hugs himself even though it’s not really that cold outside, waiting for his car, already imagining the big, greasy burger he’s going to order when he gets home. He deserves it, okay?
The car that pulls out has definitely seen better days, but it’s clean and comfortable so Steve doesn’t think twice about getting in. He offers the driver a smile through the rearview mirror, sparing a moment to notice his eyes are big and dark, and they crinkle when he smiles back at him. 
Steve sits stiff and straight for a moment before realizing no one is there to judge him right now and he deflates, sighing again and letting himself collapse against the seat. Still hugging himself to feel any sort of comfort, he bumps his head against the window softly a couple of times. 
“Long night?” The driver asks him in a friendly manner.
Steve meets his eyes in the rearview again and shrugs, smiling back crookedly “Thought I should go home early since I already accomplished making an ass of myself for the night”
He checks the uber app for the driver’s name, doesn’t want to be rude by not remembering. ‘Eddie’ chuckles at Steve's statement.
“You did, huh? Well good job on getting it out of the way then,”
Steve chuckles back, “Yeah, I was actually thinking I deserve a treat”
He notices Eddie looking back at him a couple of times before breathing an interested, “Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah,” Steve says, “A huge cheesy burger or something” Wondering what Eddie was thinking he’d say.
Eddie laughs again, “Oh! Right of course” and just when he’s about to say something else his phone rings.
“Oh, sorry” Eddie murmurs, immediately hanging up on whoever is calling. 
“No worries,” Steve mumbles back, sitting up a little straighter again. 
“So, what’s your favorite dirty burger place?” Eddie asks him. 
Steve can tell he’s trying to distract him from the mood he entered the car with and he really appreciates it.
He sits forward and leans his forearms against the headrest of the passenger seat, “Oh, there’s so many, but…” from this angle, he can see Eddie’s face better, and he can’t help but think he’s got a really nice looking profile, long lashes, full lips, and the cutest nose he’s ever seen, “I think Benny’s the best one” he finishes.
Eddie pulls at a stop light and turns to look at him with a smile and he’s so much prettier than Steve first thought he involuntarily gasps. But thankfully Eddie is talking excitedly and doesn’t seem to notice.
“No way you know Benny’s?! Benny is my uncle! Well, he’s married to my uncle actually- you know what I mean but yeah, Benny’s is great!” 
It’s such a weird coincidence that it managed to take Steve out of his stupor and he’s suddenly just as excited as Eddie,
“Really? Oh my god, I’m so jealous right now, I wished I could live at Benny’s sometimes” 
Eddie laughs, and just when he opens his mouth to reply his phone rings again. This time he doesn’t immediately hang up and Steve sees the screen light up with the name “you deserve better” 
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Ouch, he thinks, and his heartstrings tug for his cute, sweet, uber driver. Who offered him friendly conversation cause he noticed he was feeling down and has the most beautiful laugh. He doesn't really know why he feels so strongly about it, he doesn't even know Eddie… but he still feels the text is right. Whoever hurt him, Eddie deserved better.
“Hey,” He says softly when Eddie hangs up cursing.
Eddie sighs again, “I’m so sorry,” 
“Hey, no. It’s fine,” Steve replies, resisting the urge to place a comforting hand on his shoulder.
He figures, after the way his night started, he’s got nothing to lose so he says, “So much talk about Benny’s I feel like I need to go there right now.” 
Eddie let’s out a distracted “Huh?” and Steve soldiers on, “Wanna change the destination and join me? You can take me home after,”
He notices Eddie doing a double take and blushing, “Really? I- Am- I- okay” he stammers but Steve can’t really figure out why.
“Yeah, you know, that way you don’t lose time on the job and have another ride?” He finishes and Eddie laughs,
“Oh, right. Yeah That- makes sense”
They keep talking about their favorite things on the menu on the way there and soon they are sitting face to face in a booth at Benny’s.
What a pair they make, Steve in a three piece suit, jacket off, vest undone and shirt rolled up to his forearms. And Eddie with sweats and a hoodie. 
Eddie is even better looking in the shitty dinner light and the blush that adorns his cheeks ever since they came in makes Steve wanna kiss them to feel their warmth.
Benny himself comes to take their order, and Eddie gets up to hug him and introduces him to Steve. They already know each other, because Steve does come to the dinner often and Benny lets Eddie know that.
Eddie thinks it's hilarious that they both have been here so much and never saw each other before, but Steve can’t help to think it’s a shame.
“I actually would’ve loved to have met you sooner,” he tells Eddie at one point and watches curiously as Eddie’s blush turns a few shades darker.
As they eat, Steve tells Eddie about Shelley, about his hopes, about misreading the situation, about his shame. How he doesn’t even think he liked Shelley that much, but he just wanted to have something real. Eddie gets mad at him for blaming himself, tells him it wasn’t his fault, that he’s being too hard on himself. And it’s not a bad thing to consider but all Steve can think about is how cute Eddie looks when he’s mad on his behalf.
Eventually, Eddie tells Steve about whoever was calling him. 
“I met him at my last job. I thought he was so cool but turns out he was actually just cold,” Eddie shrugs, “We dated for like 6 months or something, not that long but, I was miserable the whole time and I didn’t even realize it was because of him.” 
Eddie’s hand is tearing up a paper napkin between them and Steve tentatively settles his hand over Eddie’s, who stops destroying the napkin and smiles gratefully at Steve, holding his hand back.
“The worst part is I didn’t even break up with him, he broke up with me,” Eddie chuckles self-deprecatingly, “But he still wanted to keep me around I guess… And I… didn’t want to feel lonely” 
They both stay quiet for a moment after that, and Steve stares at their hands joined over the greasy dinner table and thinks about loneliness, about how he doesn't feel it right now, with Eddie.
“So, what happened?” he asks after a bit.
“I did eventually realize he was the one making me feel like shit so I stopped seeing him but he didn’t appreciate my new sense of self-respect,” Eddie says lightly and Steve instinctively squeezes his hand protectively, which makes Eddie smile again, “I’m doing just fine now though, I told him to fuck off and got a new job. And it’s actually pretty good, ya know?”
Steve can’t help but smile back at Eddie’s cute expression, “Yeah?”
“Hell yeah, my own hours? Good money? Plus I’ve always liked driving around, it calms me. And I get to meet really interesting people…” he says, winking at Steve and making him chuckle.
“Well, I’m glad then. Proud of you for getting out of there,”
“Me too,” Eddie says and looks up as Benny walks over to them.
“Sorry to interrupt boys, but we are about to close for the night,” He says, stifling a yawn.
Steve looks surprised at his watch, it’s almost 2 A.M. He can’t believe he’s been sitting here with Eddie for hours when it only felt like a few minutes.
He offers to cover the bill but Benny fights him over it and says it’s his treat. And Eddie offers to take him home no charge. So they get in Eddie’s car again only this time Steve sits next to him instead of in the back and they talk about music on their way to his place while Steve changes the radio stations. Laughing, singing and joking around, it’s such a good time. It feels like they’ve been doing this forever, like they could do this…forever. But eventually they arrive at Steve’s building and suddenly Steve doesn’t want the night to end. 
He’s about to tell Eddie as much, maybe invite him inside, when his phone rings again, the ‘you deserve better’ staring at them. But Eddie immediately grabs his phone and hangs up, blocking the number after. 
“There, he can’t call me again,” he says with a sigh.
“Can I see your phone for a second?” Steve ventures, making a last second decision.
Eddie looks surprised but curious as he hands it over and Steve punches his phone in.
“If you ever feel like unblocking him, or calling him back… Why don’t you try calling me instead?” he says in a rush and then walks out of the car, not lingering to see Eddie’s reaction.
There’s always the positivity that he got things wrong again, got too invested too soon again and he doesn’t want to know tonight. He’ll deal with it later, if Eddie doesn't call.
It takes only two days for Steve’s phone to ring, an unknown number flashing on his screen. He picks it up feeling a little out of breath for no reason at all.
“Eddie, I”
“Wait- before you say anything I just want you to know that I didn’t call because I wanted to call him, or I was thinking about him. I called because I can’t stop thinking about you, I wanted to talk to you. Okay?”
“Eddie- yes! It’s more than okay, I- I was hoping you’d call”
fin 💙
☕🥐💕 coffee? oovoo javer?
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blue-jisungs · 2 months
hi omg I loved all ur “u sleep with plushies” for each svt unit, may I req a hhu ver ??? all of the other units were so cute😭💗
you still sleep with plushies ♡
author's note. thank you hehe!!! it was so fun to do, sorry it took so long tho:(
vcu ver && perf ver
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┆彡 SEUNGCHEOL [ 승철 ]
he never considered it a problem?
like he’s been at your place a couple of times and noticed the plushies, thinking it’s just really cute :(
i mean come on, some of his members heave weirder habits (like sleeping with their eyes open…)
so when you asked him if that bothers him, seungcheol was offended that you even thought!!! about it!!!
however . . .
when he does sleep at your place, you two all cuddled up and comfy
and then… he wakes up only to see your back
okay, it happens… maybe you were uncomfortable
he’s so sulky, good luck with that …..
you explain that it’s just your comfort plushie and that you cuddled it out of habit :(
so cheol insists that he can be way better than it and begs you to let him stay one more night to prove his point ☝️
and he kinda does, he becomes your new giant, warm and loving teddy bear <3
┆彡 WONWOO [ 원우 ]
wonwoo noticed before you could tell him
well, you really thought you were slick when you didn’t bother hiding them because you hoped he’d think they’re there for the aesthetics
or when you two went shopping and your eyes widened upon seeing a cute plushie:(
yeah, he knows
but he thinks it’s really cute, especially if you have that one specific plushie ever since you could remember and you always sleep with it
so not to make a fool out of yourself in front of his friends, you don’t take it with you when you go on a trip with them
after whole day of fun, it’s time to sleep in the cabin
and wonwoo notices that you’re constantly squirming around, unable to fall sleep
and you confess that it’s because you didn’t bring your plushie:(
so he offers to be the plushie for the night, reassuring you that he doesn’t mind and you can cuddle him as much you wanna
and that may have been a risky decision because ever since…… well, he is one of your plushies now ^__^
┆彡 MINGYU [ 민규 ]
you decided to invite your boyfriend over and share a secret with him
mentally, you got ready to get teased about it
but you when mingyu entered your bedroom he didn’t even notice the plushies 🧍‍♀️
he was just happy that u let him in your personal space and looked around your room with hearts in his eyes, like a kid in a candy store
"so you don’t mind the plushies?" you mumbled, plopping down on your bed and holding one for emotional support
"the pl– oh? ah, baby…" he groaned and swore his knees got weak; you’re just too cute for his own good
he doesn’t mind, at all - which you’re kinda surprised but happy
he does get pouty if you cuddle a plushie to sleep instead of him >:T
sometimes will spray his cologne on your (or his) favorite one so you could feel like he’s here when he’s out having schedules ☹️
might steal a one or two to his apartment, esp puppy ones 💔
┆彡 VERNON [ 버논 ]
i mean we all know nonnie, he’s really chill about everything (welp, except bugs but—)
so when you were facetiming him once and you noticed your plushies are on camera, you started panicking
"yo, what is it? did something happen?" he asked, noticing something’s wrong
"yeah… no… well…" you stuttered, not sure how to answer "did you see that?"
"what? that big spider behind you?" he stuttered and soon after laughed upon seeing your scared face "sorry, it was a bad joke… hey, don’t get sulky…"
"i meant my plushies…" you mumbled and pulled one closer
"oh them? yeah, and? you always have them. say hi to gerard by the way" vernon nodded
there’s no gerard in your collection but later on you realised he meant (plushie name)
like really,, he doesn’t care in a way that – he doesn’t mind you having them
he does care about them, though :(
will put a blanket on them if he thinks they’ll get cold or carefully reads all the corners of the internet before putting them into a washing machine:(
masterlist <3
taglist. @mirxzii ,, @primoppang ,, @l3visbby ,, @nicholasluvbot ,, @planetkiimchi ,, @weird-bookworm ,, @slytherinshua ,, @kazmura ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @mon2sunjinsuver ,, @eternalgyuuu ,, @rubywonu ,, @haecien ,, @mine-gyu ,, @nonononranghaee
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 2 months
I was thinking of reader being pregnant but not being aware yet but bucky can hear the heartbeat of his unborn child but what if the reader and Bucky weren't in an established relationship in fact the two don't really get a long at all but they hooked up once and Reader got pregnant. After a mission they end up in a safe house and Bucky realizes that he's hearing the heartbeat of their unborn child
Unexpected » Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Pairings: Avenger!Bucky Barnes x Avenger/Pregnant!Reader
Summary: Bucky finds out Y/N is pregnant with his unborn baby when he hears the heartbeat.
Warnings: mix of Fluff and Angst, language, mentions of sex (18+), kissing, use of pet names
A/N: Thank you for requesting @annekelovesreading 🩵
A/N #2: @little-miss-dilf-lover wrote a similar one shot. Just know I’m not copying her in any way. Her and I just got the same request. She said I can write this and I thank her for allowing me to write this🩷
Written on my phone. I’m sorry for any mistakes and typos.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creators. I found this one on Pinterest.
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“I had him, Barnes!” You yelled, panting.
“No you didn’t. You could barely-” That’s when he heard it, the noise he’s been hearing all week.
“I could barely what, huh?” You asked.
“Nothing.” He clears his throat. “Let’s just finish this mission so we can go to the safe house.” He says, gently nudging you in the direction you two need to go.
Bucky thought he had been hearing things all week. He has been hearing a little thumping noise. He only hears it when he’s around you which is weird, considering that you two don’t get along. He’s been trying to figure out what the noise is and it’s driving him crazy. That was the only thing on his mind as you two finished the mission and went to the safe house. It didn’t take long for realization to hit him. The little thumping noise he has been hearing all week is a heartbeat of an unborn baby. Meaning, you’re pregnant with his child. Bucky remembered the one time you and him had sex. You two got drunk off of Asgardian alcohol Thor gave you and him at Tony’s party a few weeks ago, making his eyes widen.
“Oh my god.” Bucky says to himself.
Bucky ran his fingers through his hair as he paced back and forth in the bedroom. If you knew, you would’ve told him, right? You wouldn’t keep something this important from him, would you? Or maybe you don’t know it yet. Instead of jumping to conclusions, he laid down on the bed and tried to relax, but that got him nowhere. He just stared up at the ceiling. Bucky already knew that he wasn’t going to get any sleep that night so he just tried to relax. He turned the TV on for background noise to drown out his thoughts. He soon fell asleep. A few hours later, he woke up from his dreamless sleep. A sigh left his lips as he got out of bed to get something to drink. He stopped in his tracks, hearing the heartbeat of his unborn child coming from your bedroom. Bucky was tempted to go in your room to hear the heartbeat better, but he didn’t want to wake you. He went to the kitchen and got some water and went back to his room. Bucky laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling once again till he fell asleep. When morning came, he woke up to the sound of birds chirping and the sun shining through the curtains. Bucky rubbed his eyes to wake himself up more before getting out of bed. He went to the kitchen, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion when the smell of coffee didn’t instantly hit his nose.
“You didn’t make coffee?” Bucky asks, slightly annoyed.
“No.” You took a sip of your orange juice. “For some reason, it’s been making me nauseous for the past couple weeks.” You tell him.
Bucky’s breath got caught in his throat when you mentioned being nauseous.
“That’s weird.” He says, clearing his throat.
Bucky got a cup from the cabinet and poured himself some orange juice. He went to the living room and sat down next to you.
“Just out of curiosity…” Bucky took a sip of his orange juice before asking his question. “Does anything else make you nauseous?” He asks curiously.
“Now that I think about it, some of my favorite foods have been making me feel sick lately.” You answered. “Wait a minute. We don’t like each other. Why are you asking me this?” You asked, looking at him.
Bucky shrugged his shoulders and took another sip of his orange juice.
“Are you thinking I’m pregnant?” You asked.
“What? No. I’m not thinking that at all.” He says, lying through his teeth.
That’s when Bucky heard the little heartbeats again. He glanced down at your stomach, listening to the heartbeat of his unborn child.
“Either you have a staring problem or you know something I don’t.” You say.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He says, moving his eyes away from your stomach.
“You’re a terrible liar.” You tell him. “Tell me what’s going on before I interrogate you.” You say, turning your body to face him.
“Last time I checked, you’re not a detective or a cop.” He says, standing up and went to the kitchen.
“I was trained in that area, Barnes.” You followed him to the kitchen. “I’m going to ask you again, do you know something I don’t?” You asked, crossing your arms over your chest.
Bucky gave in with a sigh and turned to face you.
“Heartbeats.” Is all he said.
“You mean our heartbeats?” You asked.
“Not ours. An unborn baby’s heartbeat.” He says.
“What do you mean an unborn baby’s heartbeat? I’m not-” You stopped to think for a moment. “I’m not pregnant. Am I?” You say, more to yourself.
You kept thinking. You haven’t gotten your period in two months and most of your favorite foods and drinks make you nauseous. Some of your clothes don’t fit you like they used to. Your mind started to wander to the time you and Bucky had sex. That was two months ago as well. You two got drunk on Asgardian alcohol Thor gave you guys and neither of you thought to use a condom when you guys had sex. As you were putting the pieces together, it was beginning to make sense.
“Maybe I am pregnant.” That’s when your eyes widen in realization. “Oh my god.” You whispered. “I’ve been taking a lot of hits during this mission. What if- What if I did something to hurt the baby?” You say, looking at Bucky with tears in your eyes.
“Hey, don’t go there.” Bucky cooes, wrapping his arms around you. “You didn’t know, doll. I’m sure the baby is fine.” He says softly, rubbing your back to calm you down.
Bucky stood in the kitchen, holding you in his arms till you said something.
“How can we raise a baby together if we don’t get along?” You asked, looking up at him.
“We’ll figure something out.” He says, moving a piece of your hair from your face.
“What about the mission? I obviously can’t finish this mission in the condition I’m in.” You say.
“We’ll call Steve later and figure something out. As of right now, let’s get you comfortable.” He says.
Bucky lead you to his bedroom. You got underneath the blanket while Bucky stared at your stomach for a moment.
“Can I listen to the heartbeat?” Bucky asks.
“Of course you can. It’s your baby too.” You say with a smile.
You took the blanket off of you and moved your t-shirt just above your stomach. Bucky’s eyes filled with adoration when he seen your baby bump beginning to form. He laid down on the bed next to you and pressed his ear against your stomach, smiling when he heard the baby’s heartbeat.
“What’s it like?” You asked curiously.
“It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard.” Bucky says, completely astonished.
You couldn’t help but reach a hand down, running your fingers through his hair. Bucky hummed at the feeling.
“You know…” Bucky starts. “I’ve always wanted a daughter. That was in the 40s and I still want that now.” He tells you.
“Wanna know something?” You asked. “I’ve always wanted a daughter too.” You say with a smile.
A smile grew on his face. What Bucky did next surprised both of you. He leaned up and kissed you passionately.
“Sorry.” He mumbles, pulling away.
“No need to be sorry. I’m pregnant with your baby. You get to kiss me all you want.” You say, cupping his scruffy cheeks and rubbed your thumbs over his beard.
“Well, in that case…” Bucky kissed you again. “A kiss for my doll and…” He moves down to your stomach. “A kiss for our little one.” He says, kissing your stomach.
“You really think we can work this out?” You asked.
“For the sake of the baby, I hope we can.” He says, lying down next to you.
Bucky wrapped his arms around you protectively and pulled you closer to him, placing one of his hands on your stomach. You and Bucky spent the rest of the day cuddling and talking out your differences so you two can raise this baby together.
-Bucky’s Doll
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