#Sorry Thanos but you suck more than Jarvis
For the violence asks: 8 & 13
*chanting* violence, violence, violence-
8 - common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about: No fandom was specified so we're talking about Tony Stark within the MCU. Specifically that, believe it or not, he's not a completely horrible character with no redeeming qualities or points in his favor! I can totally understand hating him. That's completely fair. BUT. The fandom, or at least the fandom on tumblr, treats him like he's pure evil. I think a good deal of people think that even within the canon of the movies he's worse than Thanos. But I feel like a lot of people want to ignore the fact that, like him or not, he's a complex character with a lot of depth. He's not some golden boy, and imo, he's never treated like one. Not by the movies (except maybe Endgame, but fuck Endgame), and not by the other characters around him. He's a deeply traumatized dumpster fire of a person with too much money and privilege, and I don't think he knows how to be a good person. But damn does he try. He's motivated by an often misguided notion of how to improve the world, one that's influenced by his upbringing. It's strongly implied that he was abused and neglected as a child, and that the butler, Jarvis, was more a parent to him than his actual parents ever were. Howard provided a perfect model of his future pattern of substance abuse and partying. He's been through numerous apocalypse scenarios, and was shown to have strong PTSD, along with likely some form of neurodivergence (I'm sorry, but no neurotypical person is hyperfocusing on an engineering project for days on end with no sleep and losing track of time). Tony was raised surrounded by wealth and privilege, and was never taught how to be a good person. But through the Iron Man trilogy, we see him trying. We see him struggling with facing his own mortality through the thing that once saved him killing him, we see him facing his personal demons in Iron Man 3, and we see him doing his best through all of it to stumble through the path to being someone he can not hate when he looks in the mirror. And yeah, he sucks at it. Watching Tony Stark trying to be a good person is a bit like watching one of those wobbly kittens try to eat out of a food bowl that's not theirs and only succeeding occasionally and very messily. But I think that's part of why I enjoy his character. I think I like watching someone who is so damn far from perfect struggle to become a better person, battling his personal demons, and I don't think his wealth completely erases that battle. Also, the later movies completely fucked over what was being developed through the Iron Man trilogy and just made him into what other people would have seen him as without holding any regard for his internal struggles and characterization, but they also did that with, like, most of the characters. Name a single MCU character they didn't make worse over time. I
13 - worst blorboficiation: I'm a little confused by what this one means. IMO everyone should have a blorbo. I strongly support everyone adopting a character and rotating them in their mind for 8-12 hours a day, no matter who that is. You can pick the most despicable resented character in canon and I will still fight for your right to go a little rabid for them. Foam at the mouth a little, it's good for you
Thanks for the chance to rant, Alex :3
🔥choose violence ask game🔥
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akar0ku · 6 years
Thanos hadn’t even been back at his desk for ten seconds before he heard the thumping of armored feat against the wooden stairwell just down the hall. He paused, trying to guess who it was before they came into view. He had already seen Caesar leave for the night and it didn’t sound like Gerald’s heavy fast strut. The only other person here was…
His eyes shot down to the mess of papers laying across his desk. He frantically tried to gather everything into a messy little stack, attempting to give the illusion of some form of organization. He crossed his arms against the table, back straightening as Elwen rounded the corner into the lobby.
“I was hoping you would be back by this time.” She said, the echo of her voice thought her helmet making it sound almost ethereal.
“Hey chief, I actually just got back…great timing.” Thanos replied awkwardly. It wasn’t the first time and probably wouldn’t be the last that she would have such impeccable timing. Though Thanos had a great deal of respect for the woman; as did everyone else, her seeming omnipotence was rather unnerving at times. “Tell me, what do you think of Jack?” Cutting right to the chase, so that’s why she was down here.
“Seems okay, I guess…” Thanos replied, unsure of where this was going. It wasn’t like the chief to initiate pointless small talk. “I talked to Gerald briefly, said he seems promising, though inexperienced.” He remembered Gerald seeming pretty pleased actually, especially considering how their last few recruits had ranged from less than stellar to down right useless.
Elwen nodded in reply, “I think he’ll be a good addition to the guild.” She fell back into silence again, staring past Thanos as if lost in thought. Thanos waited attentively, struggling to contain his growing impatience. He jolted when she suddenly spoke again.
“We’ll place him in Jarvis’ squad tomorrow.” Thanos gaped at the armored woman, opening his mouth to make a comment before slamming it shut when he realized his opinion was out of line.
“You look like you object.” Despite the statement her voice was not accusatory, instead tinged with amusement.
Thanos struggled with the urge to speak his mind and the fear of repercussion if he didn’t bite his tongue. It wasn’t something he cared about keeping in check with anyone else, but Elwen was not anyone else. Being on the other end of Elwen’s anger was not something a sane person would ever willing choose.
“It’s alright.” Elwen urged. “I’m well aware you must have an opinion on everything.” Thanos’ face heated slightly at the comment. He could have sworn he could hear the barest hint of a patronizing tone in her voice.
“It’s just…I mean he seems promising. Why not put him on Alica’s squad? Or even David’s?” He didn’t particularly like the two mentioned Sergeant’s, especially the former, but there was no denying that they would have more to offer a young warrior like Jack.
“You don’t have faith in Jarvis’ abilities?”
“You do?” Thanos couldn’t keep the sarcastic chuckle out of his voice.
“I wouldn’t have made him a Sergeant if I didn’t.” The cold shift in Elwen’s tone instantly wiped the smirk off of Thanos’ face. “At one point in time, his passion and drive made up for his lack of execution…A better trade off I think than lacking any desire to better ones self at all.” It was blatantly obvious the guild leader was talking about him, his resignation from active duty after losing to Alicia was not taken very well by anyone and even years later people were still making snide comments about it. 
“I think Jack is the type of person who will learn best under less than ideal situations.” Elwen shifted the discussion back to the new recruit. “And I'm hoping having such a talented subordinate will push Jarvis back on track as well. Of course Danial’s abilities could only improve as well.”
“You really think that’s how it’ll work out?”
“I’ll admit it didn’t work well for you…”
“...but I think things may turn out a bit differently this time.”
“Right…” Thanos was quickly growing irritable at the onslaught of personal attacks. He turned his attention to the messy stack of forgotten papers on his desk and began aggressive sorting through and organizing them. He heard Elwen turn and begin to leave, only for her to pause by the stairwell.
“Let Jack know where he’ll be assigned tomorrow, and give Hecton squad a mission. I would like to see how they manage early on.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Thanos replied with poorly veiled sarcasm, taking the first mission request form he saw from the pile and, none too gently, smacking it down on the edge of the desk. He scowled at the amused titter his boss gave in response before she ascended the stairs once again.
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Steggy Week Day 1 - Endgame
Author’s Note: This is my fic for Day 1 of Steggy Week 2019 - Topic: Endgame
I was unsure of what to write for Endgame as a lot of it has already been covered. There have been plenty of reunion fics and quite a few character studies about Steve's decision to return to the past so I didn't want to do those. I was going to just write another reunion smut fic but I already wrote two of those so I decided to do something different.
This fic is basically what I expected to happen when Steve and Tony went to 1970 during Endgame. Before I saw the movie, I was 99% sure that they were going to go back to S.H.I.E.L.D at some point in the past, either the 60s, 70s, or 80s because of various casting listings that I saw. And I was very happy to be correct. And so happy that Peggy, Jarvis, Howard, and Hank Pym all showed up too.
I expected Peggy to bust Steve stealing the Pym Particles. So this is basically a what-if if that had happened.
I hope you all enjoy, thanks for reading! :D
{Read on AO3}
You Never Were Very Good at Stealth
The mission was simple. Grab the vials of Pym Particles and meet Tony back above ground. They had a close call in the elevator but Tony did a good job keeping Steve’s face out of sight. He had navigated his way down the halls quickly and after his expertly planted phone call distraction, Steve was able to slip into Dr. Pym’s office.
The particles were on display proudly which did surprise Steve a bit. This man had shrinking particles, the keys to time travel, just sitting in a display case for all to see. Steve couldn’t complain too much though, it certainly made his job much easier.
He grabbed four vials and shoved them in his pockets. But Steve froze when he heard the gun click behind him, he hadn’t heard anyone approaching. He just hoped that the person pointing the gun wasn’t her…
It was like any other day at S.H.I.E.L.D for Peggy. She got updates on mission reports and briefed on the latest scientific discoveries. There had been no disturbances. That was until two security guards, whom she couldn’t remember the names of, came and warned her that two suspicious individuals had been reported.
Normally, she would leave them to search for the suspects themselves. But for some reason, Peggy just had a feeling that she should handle this situation herself.
Peggy headed out of the meeting room she was in and scanned the halls. She peered into every room looking for something out of the ordinary. And when Dr. Pym zoomed past her, she had a good feeling where she should look next.
Her suspicions were confirmed when she snuck into Dr. Pym’s office and saw a man stealing the famous Pym Particles.
She snuck up as quietly as possible and pulled her pistol from the garter holster hidden under her skirt. Ana Jarvis’ amazing invention still suited her decades later.
Peggy stood at a safe distance so he could not disarm her, cocked the gun, and pointed it at the back of the man’s head.
“Put your hands in the air and identify yourself!”
“Shit,” Steve thought subconsciously. All the people that work in this facility and of course she would be the one to catch him.
He could try to escape but he knew Peggy was the best shot there was. He remembered her hitting that Hydra driver from a couple hundred feet away with a pistol that wasn't supposed to be accurate at more than a couple dozen feet.
It was time to face the music. It was time to face her.
Steve slowly put his hands above his head and turned to face her, his head hung low.
Peggy sucked in a sharp gasp and she caught herself shaking lightly....it wasn’t possible.
He raised his head slowly and spoke softly to her, the same way he had when her dementia kicked in, “Yeah, Peggy. It’s me.”
She still looked the same. Still the same well fitting business attire though this wasn’t military issue like it had been during the war. Still the same luscious brunette curls falling past her shoulders. Still the same victory red lipstick coating her soft lips that he hadn’t felt in so long. Her hair had a few bits of gray but Steve thought it made her even more beautiful.
“Who are you, really!?” Peggy demanded.
“Peggy..” Steve spoke in that soft voice reserved only for the rarest of moments.
“No! You’re dead!” Peggy half cried out.
“I can explain, Peggy.”
“Prove it. Prove that you are who you say you are.” She was shouting at this point but she simply didn't care.
“Look in my pocket, Peggy.”
“So I can prove who I am.”
“Take your jacket off, set it on the table and slide it to me. Slowly!”
Steve did as he was instructed. Peggy reached into the pocket and pulled out a compass. She knew what was going to be on the inside when she opened it. Her hands shook but she managed to unclasp the latch and flip open the compass slowly. She was greeted with her younger face smiling back at her.
The gun fell from her hand and she looked back up towards Steve, her eyes welling with tears. Peggy let out a cry and rushed to him, throwing her arms around him as his wrapped around her body tight. The same way they had all those years ago.
It felt like years passed until she pulled back and her palms cupped his face as his hands held her sides. Peggy had tears openly streaming down her face now.
“You look older.”
That managed to get a chuckle out of Steve, “Yeah. I feel older too.”
“I don’t understand this, Steve. H-How?”
“It’s complicated, Peg.”
“I have time.”
“I don’t.”
Peggy’s face fell instantly, the words stung her like the freezing cold. Steve was crying now too. He wanted to spend eternity with this woman still. But he had a mission and he needed to get back to Tony as soon as possible.
“Steve. Please.”
“Would you believe me if I said time travel, Peggy?”
“Time travel? So, you’re what? From the past?”
“But you died, Steve. This doesn’t make any sense.”
“I know, Peggy. It all goes over my head too.”
“Please, Steve. Just tell me something, anything.”
Steve took in a deep breath, he owed her an explanation at least.
“I didn’t die, Peg. Back in 1945. The ice froze me and I stayed in a form of cryo-sleep. S.H.I.E.L.D found me in 2011 and unfroze me.”
Peggy almost fell off her feet, this was all too much to take in. Luckily Steve was holding her up and he guided her to a chair near the table in the center of the room.
“So, what, you’re from 2011?”
“No. 2023. Like I said, it’s complicated.”
“Wow…” was all Peggy could manage to say. This all sounded so ridiculous but she believed every word.
“I know it’s a lot Peggy. I’m really sorry. But I need to go. I came here for a reason.”
“To get those Pym Particles that you were stealing?”
"You never were very good at stealth."
"I actually got better than you would ever believe. Hard to sneak around you though."
“Back on topic, whatever do you need those particles for?”
“They’re the key. To time travel, I mean. To make a long story short, I need them to save the world.”
Peggy half laughed-half scoffed, “Of course you are.”
“Guess some things never change.”
They both grew quiet and Steve was about to apologize and make his exit until Peggy spoke up again.
“Can you tell me anything else, Steve? Please.”
“Do you really want to know?”
“Yes, Steve. I do.”
“You won’t believe me.”
“Try me.”
Steve took in a deep breath before he began, he knew he should get back to Tony but he couldn’t leave Peggy without giving her something more. She deserved answers. She deserved the world.
“In 2018, half of all life in the universe is disintegrated, reduced to ash by a Titan named Thanos.”
“And how exactly did this "Thanos" do this?” Peggy inquired, adding air quotes around the name Thanos. She clearly wasn't amused by his story. He didn't blame her. He probably wouldn't believe himself either.
“The infinity stones.”
“The what?”
“The infinity stones. There’s actually another reason why we’re here. The Tesseract, you have it here, and we need it.”
“The Tesseract? You mean that glowing blue cube that Howard fished out of the ocean years ago.”
“That’s the one. It contains one of the six infinity stones. I don’t know too much about them, I leave that for the scientists on my team. But basically, they were created at the dawn of time, each one contains unspeakable power. They were scattered all throughout the galaxy. Thanos got all six and used them to kill half the universe.”
Peggy considered his words carefully for many moments before looking him deep in the eye and speaking slowly.
“This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Time travel, aliens, jewelry that can destroy the universe. It all sounds like science fiction bullshit. And yet, I believe every word.”
“Believe me, Peggy. It’s true. I didn’t believe it either until I saw it. Trust me, there are even crazier things than that, that become normal in the future.”
Steve glanced up at the clock ticking on the wall. He had been here far too long and he needed to go. Tony was probably wondering where he was and if he had been compromised.
“I’m sorry, Peggy. I need to leave.”
Peggy stood again and approached him, “Always saving the world. The world truly doesn’t deserve you.”
“I’m tired, Peggy. I just want to rest. But I can’t until the world is safe---safe enough.”
“The world will never be safe. But I know what you mean. I’m tired too, Steve. I think we both deserve some rest.”
“That we do, Peg. That we do.”
“You’re sure you have to go? I only just got you back.”
“I have to, Peg. I’ve stayed too long as is.”
“Wait! How does this work? Is your body still in the ice or what?”
“I--I don’t know, actually. Don’t look for me, Pegs. Is isn’t worth it. And don’t tell Howard. I know how much time he’s already spent looking for me. Tell him….tell him to spend more time with his child and less time looking for me.”
“I don’t un-”
Steve cut her off before she could finish, “Just do that, Peggy. Please.”
Her breath shook but she managed to croak out an, “Okay, Steve.”
Steve pulled her close again, into a tight embrace. He took in the scent of her hair, still the same lovely scent of shampoo she managed to use all those years ago.
Both of them were crying when Steve pulled back, Peggy didn’t hesitate to cup his cheeks and plant her lips to his. Steve froze for a second before reciprocating the kiss, pulling Peggy impossibly closer and taking everything she would give him.
He ignored the cold silver ring he could feel against his right cheek. He knew she was married but he also knew that the love he and Peggy shared went far deeper. He was happy for Peggy, truly. That she was able to move forward and live on. Find another right partner to spend her life with. But he still saw the way she looked at him when she found out he was alive. And as selfish as it was, Steve liked that he had that effect on her. He hated himself at the same time. Hated to see her in pain. Hated to know that he was the cause of that pain. But knowing that she cared? Knowing that she loved him just as much as he loved her and that he didn’t just imagine it? He would only be lying to himself if he said he didn’t kind of like it.
He didn’t know how long they kissed for, all he knew was that when they pulled apart, they were both still crying and now breathless. They leaned their foreheads together and simply sat there breathing each other in for a long moment.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that,” Steve spoke up first.
“Done what? I kissed you. If anything, I should be apologizing. Not that I’m going to. I’ve wanted to do that again for 25 years.”
“I’ve missed you like crazy, Peggy. I’ll always miss you. I’ll---I’ll always love you.”
Peggy let out a soft loving sigh as another tear trickled down her cheek, “I love you too, Steve. I never stopped. I’m sorry things couldn’t be different.”
“You’ll always be my right partner, Peg.”
Steve planted one final chaste kiss to her lips before he sprinted out the door, not looking back. Because he knew if he did, he would never leave.
"Hey, you alright?” Tony asked when Steve met him at the rendezvous point. He could tell that Steve had been crying and it appeared that his lips were slightly reddened and swollen as well.
“Yeah, yeah. I will be. When we’re done with this. Then---then I will be.
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slenbee · 5 years
Honestly, if you ever asks for prompts and frostiron, I will be there because I cry all the time at the lack of new Frostiron content. So here's one of the angsty prompts!! “You said you’d always be there for me…so how did this happen? Why weren’t you there?”
-2 years later- I’m finally getting around to doing this prompt :’‘) Please enjoy.
Edit: It’s been like 3 years now (omg i’m so sorry) and unfortunately i could never get around to finishing this.
SO, that being said, please take this unfinished work of mine :’D
“You said you’d always be there for me…so how did this happen? Why weren’t you there?”Loki’s mouth opened before promptly closing. He didn’t know what to say. What could he say? That he didn’t have a choice? Excuses. That he had to fake his death and just disappear from Tony’s life, only to come back five years later  begging him for his help? Tell him the truth. “ Anthony, I know you’re upset-”
“ Upset. You think I’m upset? “ Tony began, his face screwing up, clearly taken aback. “ O-kay, let’s go with surprised, for starters. Surprised that you’re actually standing here, having a conversation with me, which brings us to emotion number two, anger. “ His left arm gave a slight tremor, fingers balling into a fist as he tried to calm his nerves. “ I’m angry- no, utterly pissed right now, because the last time I heard your name leave someones lips it was Thor coming to me to tell me that you died. Yet now you’re here. “ Motioning towards the god he gave a scoff. “ Alive, and clearly not dead. “
Grimacing Loki looked to the side, a hand lifting to rub at the back of his neck. Pale blue eyes searched for an answer out the window beside him, words piecing together and scattering in his mind as he tried to focus. “ A lot has happened since I was last here-”“ No shit Sherlock. “ Tony interjected, folding his arms across his chest.
Sucking in a breath Loki continued, eyes sweeping to the mortals face, his voice escalating with a hint of agitation. “-And if you’ll allow me a moment to explain, I will. “
“ Very tempted not to give you one.” Tony watched as Loki’s face fell, his lip quirking upwards. Five seconds passed before he spoke again. “ But sure. Go ahead. “
Bringing a hand to his nose Loki pinched the spot between his eyes and closed them, one arm folding along his chest. Sucking in a breath he held it before letting it out in a rush. “ Alright… It started with when I stopped visiting you from Asgard. I was sent to the dungeons after my.. ‘departure’ from Earth, as I’m sure you know. But after about a year, something horrible happened. “
“What, you get bored and throw a temper tantrum or something? Daddy take away all your toys? “ Tony muttered sarcastically.
Loki’s expression remained stoic. “ No. But you may want to sit down. My story is a long and troublesome one that may take a while. “ Motioning to the nearby table and chairs, he dipped his head in emphasis. “ Please. “
Tony’s attention flicked to the furniture, jaw jutting to the side. Fine. Stepping over to it he pulled our a chair and flipped it around, straddling the back of it as tall dark and- some how alive took a seat across from him. “ Fine. I’m listening. You’ve got… “ Lifting his wrist he studied the time on his watch before lowering it back to the top of the chair. “ One hour. Make it count, you’re on the clock “ Motioning for Loki to continue, he propped his chin on one of his hands and listened.
“ No way. “
“ Yes… very much ‘way’. “ Loki sighed out quietly, his position against the table finally relaxing, one arm folded towards his chest while the other cupped the side of his face. With a subtle lift of his fingers, he conjured forth two glasses of ice water. One of which Tony swiped off the table in a rush and took a long swig of. The mortal looked like he’d seen a ghost. Quite literally. But not only that, he was scared.
The cold water hit Tony’s tongue, easing the sudden dryness in his mouth as he took a long, much needed drink. Their little share and tell had lasted over three hours, and in that time he learned about a lot of things he now wished he hadn’t heard at all. Setting the cup down he drew his left hand to his chest, rubbing at his wrist in an obvious display of nerves. “ So what you’re telling me is, this ‘Thanos’ guy brainwashed you-”
Loki lifted a finger and spoke up quietly. “ No, the Black Order did. Thanos was just the one who gave them the order to do so. When they could not break my mind entirely, that is when he.. ‘took matters into his own hands.’ “
Tony grimaced, the mental images Loki had painted in his mind more than enough to make him feel sick to his stomach. They’d beaten him, tortured him, used his own body’s natural weakness to fire to… Goosebumps prickled along his arms and instinctively he tried to rub them away. It was like Afghanistan all over again, but ten times worse.  “ Right. So… This lasted for an unmeasurable amount of time, because it flows differently in different parts of the universe? Do you have about an estimate on- “
Brown eyes widened as Loki’s expression grew dark with discomfort, his eyes flicking to the side in a manner that had Tony’s chest aching. Shit. “ I’m- I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked. We’ll just go with ‘ a really long long time ‘, okay? “ Tony waited, studying the mage’s face. When he was given a subtle nod, he continued. “So after all of that you were sent to earth to get the tesseract for Thanos. But you still had some of your- i don’t know what to call it. Sanity? Real self? Somewhere in there, and you had Selvig put in the safety switch? “ What if things had been different? What if the switch didn’t work and he was stuck sending a Nuke through a wormhole… Yeah. Bad idea to think about that right now.
A pained grunt and a sigh fluttered past Loki’s lips as he tried to shrug off the memory. “ You would be correct. The Infinity stones are the most powerful items in the universe. Their power is unmeasurable. The only thing capable of stopping one of them is the use of another. “ Loki brought up a hand and ran it through his hair, rubbing at the nape of his neck with a furrow of his brow.
“ Which brings us to my next question, what did you do with the scepter? “ Loki frowned as he watched Tony straighten himself in his chair, gripping the back of it with both hands. Oddly, the human started smiling. Narrowing his eyes, the god drew in a slow breath. When he spoke, his words held a musical hint to them. “ Anthony… What did you do…? “ That smile widened and Loki’s own lips quirked up.
Oh. He’s going to get a kick out of this. Tony thought to himself, wiggling a bit in his seat to get comfortable. “ Wellll... Banner and I might have tried to use the power the scepter gave off to create a new kind of sentient intelligence. “ Loki raised a brow questionably. “ We tried integrating it into Jarvis’s matrix, buuuut that just ended up creating a murder bot named Ultron that tried to use the mind stone to make himself a fleshy body. “ The god opened his mouth, anger clearly in his eyes but thankfully Tony had his ass covered. “ But. “ He said, lifting a finger to silence the oncoming storm.
Standing up slowly he lifted his right leg and swung it around to stand. “ The team and I hunted Ultron down and managed to steal the cradle that was making his new body. Bringing it back here, Bruce and I tried- and succeeded on integrating Jarvis’s cerebral matrix with the new body, and the mind stone. “ A smug smile tugged at his lips as he watched Loki’s mouth snap shut, lashes fluttering in confusion and honest surprise. Tony clapped his hand against his fist rather excitedly and rounded the table. “ With some help from thunder thighs and a lot of lightning, we gave birth to Vision. “
As noted at the start, this work is incomplete. But it’s got some angst to it so i hope you enjoy anyway! :D
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stonyverse · 5 years
5 times Tony felt alone and the 1 time he didn't.
5 + 1 fic (or 5 times Tony felt alone and the 1 time he didn’t)
When Tony was four, he created his first circuit board. He was happy that he made something that could work so he went and showed it to Howard in hopes that the latter would be proud of him.
Get out, boy, I’m busy. Don’t come here showing me worthless things.
Maria said that Howard was just tired. He’s been out looking for Captain America. He’s busy running a conglomerate, creating new things for the future – contributing in order to help the world progress.
Jarvis said that maybe Master Stark was just not in the mood. You know how he is, young sir. Do not fret, there is always a next time. It was what he said before making Tony his favourite pasta partnered with apple juice which finally made him smile, again.
Tony held onto the next time over and over and over again until he realized that he will never be enough for Howard. He’s looking for something else – someone who he will never be greater than.
You will never be anything like Captain America was what he said.
He doesn't know how many times he woke up with pain consuming his entire body. He doesn't know how many times he fainted from said pain. And when he was finally conscious, finally okay compared to the last few days he had, he saw that a car battery was attached to his body — his chest.
What did you do to me?
I saved your life.
He didn't expect to befriend Yinsen. He was a doctor, someone who save lives… very different to Tony's merchant of death. Yinsen has a family, he needs to get out of this damn cave. Both of them have to. Yinsen for his family and Tony to repent and become better.
So, you are a man who has everything and nothing?
Tony agreed to 'make’ the Jericho for the Ten Rings. He asked them for supplies and the first thing he did when he got those was to make his reactor. He needed something more stable. He can't keep carrying a car battery around especially if he's going to work. Also, a car battery attached to the thing keeping him alive is dangerous if they plan on dunking his head in water.
But the Ten Rings weren't stupid. They knew something was up. They tried to hurt Yinsen. I need him, great assistant. He was so scared but Stark men are made of iron. They don't break. The Ten Rings said that if he won't be able to deliver the next day, both of them will be dead.
I'm going to buy you some time.
He knew, then, that the chances of Yinsen surviving was even slimmer. But he had to be strong. He needed to be so he believed that his new friend will be safe. When the loading bar turned to a hundred, he schooled his face for the fight ahead and attacked.
This was always the plan, Stark. I'm going to see my family now. Don't waste your life.
He got out and was a different man.
He was dying.
Isn't it ironic that thing keeping him alive is also the thing killing him?
After Afghanistan, after Obadiah, he thought he'll finally have a break. He thought that maybe, he will have peace but boy was he wrong. The world decided to kill him using his own tech.
Palladium on the chest? That's one way to die.
Tony was trying alright. He loked and looked but when JARVIS ran the scans, it's not a viable substitute for palladium. He was already a dead man walking. What will happen to him? What will happen to Stark Industries? What about Iron Man? He said he'll protect the world but it seems like he won't be able to do so.
That's when he had this idea, albeit, stupid. He answered the Stark Industries question by making Pepper the CEO. He knows she's more than capable of it. Tony figured if Pepper was able to put up with all the stunts he's constantly pulling and was able to deal with all his shit, she'll be able to run a fortune 500 company. Also, she's Pepper. No one will do better.
He asked himself, what about iron man? The government is already trying to take his property. They demand that it but turned over to the military. Rhodey's a liutenant colonel. Rhodey can pilot the suit, he has military training… he can be Iron Man once he's gone. Well, not Iron Man but another version. Yes, Rhodey can do it. He'll do it.
What would you do if this will be your last night?
I'll do everything and anything I want.
So, he did stupid things. He admits it, alright. He was a jerk to Rhodey and Pepper but in his defense, he's dying. He's entitled to do stupid things just for the sake of doing it.
What do you want from me?
No, what do you want from me?
He thought SHIELD was just some government agency handling government things. He never thought it's something more. He certainly didn't think his dad will be one of the founding members of the organization. They left him with things. They said he needs to figure it out. They said Howard said that he's the only person who can solve this thing that he left behind. Fury said that he should solve the riddle of his heart.
So, they left him in his partially destroyed mansion. He has to get to work.
The Avengers were gone and he was back at the compound. A compound with only three avengers: himself, a sulking Vision, and a Rhodey undergoing physical therapy.
Rhodey said that it sucks but he's not regretting his decision. The Sokovia Accords fights for the right things but sometimes… it just sucks. Tony smiles (or at least, tries to) for Rhodey. He needs to be there for him, every step of the way. He needs to help his honeybear because he knows that Rhodey will do the same for him.
Delivery for Tony Stank!
He was annoyed but it made Rhodey laugh so Tony let it slide with an eyeroll.
Dear Tony.
And damn if that didn't hurt. He knew that it will be from St — Rogers. It was a shitty apology letter (can it even be called that?). He said that the avengers were Tony's more so than his but why does it feel otherwise? Every avenger who Tony formed a deep relationship with, who he thought of as family was with Rogers. Clint took his side; Natasha, who signed, left him and joined Rogers. Thor and Bruce were not here so they don't count. He isn't even sure if they would side with him.
He was back to where he started. With Rhodey and Pepper, the only difference from before was JARVIS. He's Vision, now.
He still doesn't understand. Rogers could have just told him. He would have reacted, sure, but at least, he would hear it from a friend. Sure, Tony was mad about what happened to his parents because he never got to say goodbye. The regrets of not being able to still haunts him. He knows this. He told him this. But he chose to hide it from him. Maybe that's what did it for him.
Don't bullshit me, Steve. Did you know?
It was like Obadiah all over again. The betrayal from someone close stings more so than any physical pain they could ever make Tony feel.
If you need me, I'll be there.
He doesn't want to bank on it, anymore. He has to be prepared. He can't rely on the team of misfits.
Although, it doesn't stop him from carrying the phone wherever he goes.
Everyone's starting to turn to dust.
I'm sorry, Tony. There was no other way.
Tony shook his head, teeth clenched as he looked at Strange. Why would you do that? Why do you have to save me? Before shit went down the drain, he said that he will never give up the time stone to save Tony's life but he did and Thanos won.
Mr. Stark, please… I don't want to go.
He caught Peter in an embrace. The kid was looking at him — eyes wild with fear and hope that somehow, Tony will be able to save him. Peter hugged him. You're okay, kid. I got you. But Tony doesn't know what's happening. He was having a hard time breathing.
And if you die, I feel like that's on me.
Tony fell on the ground, kneeling while supporting Peter's back with his arm. He saw the kid swallow before looking straight to his eyes.
I'm sorry, Mr. Stark.
And then he faded.
Tony tried to hold on. He tried to get a hold of Peter but he already turned to ash. As Tony looked at the remnants of Peter, as the feeling of dust pass by his arm… he looked at it. He waited and waited but his body remained in tact.
Tony craddled his arm to his chest and cried. That was Peter. It was his kid. The source of life after all the shit he went through. And now, he's just gone. His kid is gone.
He did it. Thanos won.
The Avengers are back.
It took one catastrophic event which resulted to half the universe dying for them to come back and forget their differences. Suddenly, the fight they had seemed petty. Suddenly, there was nothing to do but live up to their name. The only purpose they have now is to get back eveything they lost because of Thanos. Whatever it takes.
Tony looks at his old teammates. Everyone aged at least a decade. Natasha doesn't bother to maintain her poker face. Clint looks angry. Bruce was trying his best to think of different ways to restore what was lost because it's the only way he can cope. Thor, who was usually the jolly and talkative one, is now only speaking when needed to. And Steve… he looks so tired.
We all look straight out of the Breakfast Club. Capsicle and Point break has to get this. We spent that one week watching it on repeat.
Tony tried to joke but his voice came out raspy.
They all looked at him. Natasha's lips curled up to a barely noticeable smile. Clint bit his lip to prevent from doing so. Bruce was looking at him, greatfully. Thor shook his head before lightly patting his back and offering a small smile. And Steve gave him a hopeful look. He looked at Tony as if he was greatful that he's alive. As if Tony held the secrets of the world which Steve was trying to discover.
Bruce asked him what his plan was and everyone looked at him expectantly. He took a deep breath before looking at Steve.
Do you trust me?
He closed his eyes after realizing the gravity of what he asked. It's been years since they saw each other. They haven't talked about Siberia or the Accords… basically, everything they disagreed about. That's why, Tony thinks, it's okay for Steve to say no. There's still an unfinished business between them.
When opened it, again, Tony saw the way Steve was looking at him. He was giving Tony a look which speaks to his every being. It was hopeful, determined, and passionate. It was the unwavering look of Steve Rogers — the exact look he fall for.
I do.
Tony knew, then, that he won't  be alone.
We'll do this… together.
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im-tops-bottom · 6 years
Dear @puppy-bitch24
Logan watches as Iron Man comes flying in to help out against Doom bots. He watches at how breathtakingly beautiful Tony works that suit as he takes down bots left, right and center whilst letting everyone know of any sneak up behind them at the same time as being a complete little shit.
"about time you show up shell head"
"oh go suck a dick birdbrain. Or maybe I can suck yours. Haven't decided yet."
"sorry Cap."
"sorry star spangled banner. It was birdies fault."
"you wanna go you little shit"
"guys what did I just say?"
Logan can't help but chuckle as he hears Clint and Tony apologize over comms. That laugh dies down at what Tony says and does next.
He watches Tony land down beside Steve. Watches how well they work together. There is a reason they are co-captains. Both smart, great at multitasking and work so well with each other that they can come up with new battle strategies midbattle and still pull it off without any need for practice.
"oh come on Rogers. You know your dick is the only one I need in my life"
"oh wow how rude Tony. I thought we were best friends. What happened to broes before hoes?"
"it died out Barton. Once he got that patriotic dick he never wanted anything else"
"oh god babe I would love it if you could shut up"
"I'll keep embarrassing you if you don't stop the chatter"
"good boy"
Yup that will definitely leave a sour taste, Logan thinks as he hears Clint laughing through comms before Steve tells Jarvis to mute Clint until he calms down. Logan can't help but start to think what Steve and Tony see in each other. They are as on and off as Rachel and Ross on friends. Well with the exception that when they get into fights they go hard. Broken bones and bruises get involved if no one is there to stop them.
Sometimes Logan wants to just drag Tony off and claim him. Make him his. Make sure Steve doesn't come back for him. Give him a good reason to leave Tony. Give Tony a reason to do better. He's better. But he can't. He knows he can't. He doesn't want to hurt Tony. No matter how much of a brat he becomes. Oh speaking of brat....
"Tony get back here right now! Thats an order! Tony!"
Logan watches Tony go into the giant Doom tent where doom currently has something hiding in there. Tony's comm becomes fuzzy and Jarvis starts saying that the tent is running interference.
After a few minutes a blast happens and something goes flying through the air and not stopping.
"shit it's Tony"
Since Hulk, Thor, Loki and Stephen aren't here, it only leaves Logan who starts running and
"got him!"
Logan is shocked as he had just seen Steve climb on top of a bus and tackle the iron suit out of mid air. He heads up to them and sees that Steve hit the ground first while the suit landed on top of him.
Steve gets up and quickly rolls the suit over. It's still too hot so Steve looks up at Logan. It's his time to shine as he brings out his claws and starts tearing the suit apart while Clint, Natasha, Bucky make sure no one gets to them.
They see Tony is badly hurt and Steve starts calling for medics. Logan stands up and stares at Steve saying for him to look after while he goes for Doom. Steve nods as he begins to head over to the tent while taking out bots along the way.
As soon as he gets in he sees Doom laughing as he starts the machine. He starts running to try and stop it but has to stop as a bright light blinds him.
He wakes up to a room that he recognizes so well. 'was it just a dream? No wait. It can't be. I left the mutant school and moved in to the compound' he quickly sits up and sees a newspaper that gets sent to him.
"2012? Sudden realization dawns on him and he groans "it was a god damn time machine"
"is everything alright Logan?"
He looks up and was about to breathe out 'pheonix' but keeps it to himself. It hasn't happened yet. Right in front of him is the lady he was so in love with back then. It's in the past. Speaking of past, he quickly gets up and gets ready.
"yeah. Sorry I just got somewhere to be."
He sees that surprised look across Jean's face and can't help to care. Not when he can try and change the course of the future. He's done it before. Why not do it again. Maybe this time things will change for the better. He rushes past Jean and heads to the garage to get his bike and drive off to the one place he knows everyone would be.
-20 minutes into the future-
"Fury sir, we got someone from the X-Men claiming to be from the future and has come to help"
"yes sir"
"and how do you know he isn't lying?"
"because it's wolverine and he mentioned Loki sir"
-5 minutes later-
"so what do you know about loki?"
"that he's Thor's brother who is under mind control by thanos who plans to remove 50% of the planet with the help of stones and a gauntlet. He needs his staff which has the stone that controls him and helps him control others. There are plenty more intel I can share."
"and why did you decide to come to show and tell?"
"because maybe I can save the world faster and also prevent Tony Stark from getting even more ptsd when he tries to save the world"
"Tony Stark? The g-"
"genius, billionaire blah blah blah. Yeah heard that all before and believe me when I say don't buy it for a minute. You are a spy aren't you?"
He smirks as he sees Natashas eyes go wide as Clint mutters an "hes awesome" while sitting back on his chair.
"and why should we trust you? Tony Stark doesn't play well with others. Tony Stark is not recommended. To-"
"Tony Stark needs to stop talking in third person"
Logan says as he stands up and turns around to see the man himself. Still looking as gorgeous as ever and he let's out a little gasp that he quickly covers up as he sees a small smirk on the man's face.
"why should we believe you?"
"what if I told you some hard hitting facts?"
"oh yeah? Like what?"
Logan sees a challenge and decides to go full on.
"I can say a few things that you have told me that no one has ever known?"
He sees Tony's smile falter and his eye brow raise as he crosses his arms.
"name one"
"I can name several. Where would we like to begin?"
"dealers choice fuzz ball"
Logan smirks as he stands right in front of Tony.
"well for starters you hate everyone in the team"
"I'm not apart of the merry band of misfits claws. You gotta be more specific if you want us to believe it"
Alright Tony you asked for it.
"you hate Black Widow for saving you when you had palladium poisoning. You were ready to let go and die. You had already made a will to leave everything to Pepper and Rhodey. You hate Clint because he slept with you and while you started liking him and warming up to him, you find out his little secret that he was working alongside his girlfriend Natasha and they needed to go undercover to get every little bit of information they can out of you."
He sees the guilty expressions across both spies faces and rolls his eyes. Thry deserve it for lying to him. Nat gets bonus points for keeping him alive.
"you like Bruce because he never did anything wrong....yet. now this is where we get to the good bit"
Just as Logan says that Fury, Maria and Steve walk in.
"you hate Steve Rogers. You hate him because of what happened during your childhood. Your dad was so in love with him that he hated you. He called you a disappointment, a drunk regret. Tells you when he is drunk why weren't you like Steve Rogers. He blamed you being born for stopping any chance of him getting together with Steve. They only time he smiled in your presence was if someone mentioned Steve or Cap. Other than that he was always drunk and angry around you. One night it got so bad that he let one of his friends have their way with you. You were only just a kid."
He sees Steve's face look like a kicked puppy. He looked so sad and wanted nothing but to cuddle Tony. Maybe Steve has always had a thing for the short brunette.
"at first there was only one reason you didn't mind Steve and that came in the form of one Bucky Barnes. When you were a kid, he was your favorite. You had a Bucky bear that Jarvis had given to you. As you grew up you realized that you had a huge crush in him. This started off your liking for men. As you got older you started getting into women as well. You were glad that Steve went missing and was in whatever frozen waters but you were sad that Bucky went missing and presumed dead"
"dead? What do you mean presumed dead?"
"I'll tell you after I'm done with the resident genius."
He feels somewhat guilty for making Tony cry but he can't stop. Not without the final striking blow.
"you hate Steve Rogers because as soon as he was found and unfrozen, as soon as you two met, you knew you couldn't hate him. He had taken your breath away. You fell so hard that you don't know what to do with yourself. You keep quiet about it because it's Steve Rogers and you just don't want to like him because he ruined your childhood"
Logan pats Tony on the back as he sits back down on the chair.
"how about you guys run along and I carry on with my interrogation?"
Everyone leaves as he turns back to Natasha.
"now where were we?"
-1 hour later-
After Logan spills about what's about to go down on the helicarrier soon and helps come up with a plan, he makes his way out to get some air. He sits on the edge and watches the clouds move under his dangling legs. He thinks about what happened back in the interrogation room. He thinks about Tony's facial expressions throughout the whole thing amd how he acted later on. Speaking of Tony....
"hey speaker of truths, mind some company?"
Logan doesn't start anything as he knows Tony enough that he isn't surprised when the smaller sits down next to him anyway.
"so I see we talk alot in the future"
"at times I can't even get you to shut up. It takes good ol' Rogers to tell you to pipe it that you calm down"
"do we ever you know get together?"
"who's we?"
"Steve and I ?"
Logan takes a breath before he tells Tony everything. From how they become fuck buddies, to getting together. From their Rocky relationship to them breaking up Everytime they have a fight to them getting together again days later after some apology sex.
"did you and I ever have a thing?"
"we didn't get together officially. We only had flings here and there whenever you and Steve broke up. You always thought that that was the final straw only to find out the next day sometimes Steve would come over to my place and drag you out proclaiming he's going to kick my ass if i ever touch his things ever again"
"but I'm my own person. I am not a thing nor do I belong to anyone"
"that's what I told him but he can get really possessive. Don't worry, I saw his facial expressions back there. It looks like he likes you too"
"what should I do?"
"Maybe go have a word with him. It may make you feel better. Maybe it won't. It won't hurt to try though."
”thanks. I'll go do that."
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menatiera · 6 years
Fic Writer Appreciation Day Rec List
Hey, it's Fic Writer Appreciation Day!
Sadly I don't have as much time as I wish, got a terrible migraine instead, but I wanted to give at least a few shoutout in this particular date, so just a quick, not detailed rec, some of this year's favorite fics - the list is far from complete, but it contains some of my to-go fics when I feel down, or when I need some epics, or when I'm in a mood, or... well, basically anything can indicate me re-reading :D So: a collection of 2018's reads and bookmarks and favs. (Note: the date is the time I've read the fics, not when they were written - most of them are not recently published.)
Note: If you know the author's tumblr username, feel free to tag so they'll know they've been recced! If I tagged someone by accident who aren't the author of these fics, I'm sorry, let me know so I can correct my mistake! :)
Note 2: leave comments, folks! Seriously. We writers live and die and write for your feedback.
Title & Author: A Handstand Flip over a Hot-Dog Cart by  LullabyKnell ( @lullabyknellart​ ) Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/6641941 Pairing: gen Length: 1866 Summary: Steve wakes up in the 21st Century, freaks out, and successfully runs away. Note: check out the sequel too, in which HYDRA loses the Winter Soldier while shipping him... :D Both fics have hilarious style!
Title & Author: Uphill Both Ways In The Snow by  BuckyKingOfMemes ( @buckykingofmemes​ ) Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/10072283/chapters/22443629 Pairing: gen Length: 48,595 words as of now Summary: Bucky provides bad advice and worse humor to all comers, plus occasional stories from the Good Old Days. Includes such tales as "How the Howlies got their name," "Steve and the Deathbike," and "Cows are Not Horses, Dumbass."
Title & Author: Look the Devil in the Face by  prettybirdy979 ( @prettybirdy979​ ) Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/5113310 Pairing: gen Length: 3412 Summary: It's increasingly becoming a world where the unbelievable happens every day. The Avengers team includes a defrosted World War Two solider, a giant green rage monster and a man who might be a God; and they battle aliens and magic on a regular basis. It's not too far fetched to believe the Devil walks Hell's Kitchen. Matt, on the other hand, hasn't realised exactly why his new battle buddies seem terrified of him. It's not like they've even heard the rumors about him being the Devil... right? Note: I love everything about this fic and I'm not even into the Daredevil fandom that much.
Title & Author: Tiptoe Through the Tulips by  notlucy ( @notlucy​ ) Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13562340 Pairing: Stucky Length: 1308 Summary: Steve and Bucky debate the ethics of sex pollen because they have nothing better to do with their time. No, really. Notes: You know you need sex pollen ethics dicussion. From them. You know. This fic is simply hilarious and I love the punchline.
Title & Author: Operation: Rescue Playmate by  Akira_of_the_Twilight ( @akira-of-the-twilight​ ) Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13624239/chapters/31283262 Pairing: Winteriron Length: 7768 Summary: Prompt: Tony is an alien who crash landed/got lost/was left (by Obi?) on Earth. Tony tries to hide among humans using his advanced tech and abilities. Bucky as WS is sent after alien Tony because Hydra wants his tech. Tony uses his tech to give Bucky back his mind. Fall in love, defeat Hydra (maybe pick up Avengers along the way), the end :) Does Tony decide to stay on earth or does he build a new space ship so he, Bucky, and the Avengers can be space cowboys?
"Happiness and a sense of victory tickled Tony’s insides. He snatched up the two hot dogs then swung himself back onto the crosswalk light. He gobbled them up with voracity—just one hotdog short of what he thought humans would consider “gorging.” He licked his fingers and hummed in delight. His pointed ears wiggled as he sucked the crumbs and juices from his fingertips.
Dummy flashed a yellow light.
Tony and his tail perked up, just as Dummy displayed a human-thumb-sized image a man on a rooftop with the coordinates.
Tony yelped and leaped onto a passing truck just as a bullet zoomed past where he had been standing. Giddiness tickled his belly as he spun around and grinned at the rooftop where the bullet had come from." Notes: Not as much humorous as simply a lighthearted, easy to enjoy story for rainy days to snuggle up and smile at alien!Tony's antics and be happy about Bucky finding his match in a rather unusual way.
Title & Author: You Can Hear It In the Silence by  waldorph ( @waldorph​ ) Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/2774723 Pairing: gen Length: 2830 Summary: When CAPTAIN AMERICA walks into the precinct, Jake staples his finger and doesn't realize it for like, six hours. He can only be happy that Scully and Hitchcock leave every day they can at 4:48pm so that they couldn’t bring shame upon the family. Notes: Avengers meet Brooklyn 99. Do I need to say anything else? ^^ Hilarious one-shot.
Title & Author: Vanilla Human Problems by  manic_intent ( @? ) Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/1493935 Pairing: Stony Length: 3911 Summary: Written for the prompt: "AU where Tony isn't Iron Man. He's a consultant for the avengers, so they still live in his tower, he still builds/improves their gear, but he never invented Iron Man. He's still close to the team, and is still a genius, so as the non-superhero member, he gets kidnapped. A lot. The team becomes increasingly protective of Tony." Notes: Cute and fluffy fic, warmly recommended for times when you don't feel good - it'll be better after (re)reading this :)
Title & Author: The (Not So) Great Pretender by  RayShippouUchiha ( @rayshippouuchiha​ ) Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12912708/chapters/29501541 Pairing: Winteriron Length: 19,586 Summary: “What,” Tony says softly but with a great depth of feeling, “the actual fuck just happened?”
“I believe, Sir,” JARVIS pipes up from the phone in his pocket, an unnecessary amount of what sounds like glee in his voice, “that you’ve once again managed to maintain your closely guarded secret identity. Truly your subterfuge skills know no bounds." 
“You’re an asshole J,” Tony mutters back as he reaches up to rub at his temple. He either has a headache coming on or a blood clot. At this point he’s honestly not sure which he’d prefer.   
"I did learn from the best, Sir,” JARVIS tells him sunnily. Notes: Tony doesn't try to pretend he's not Iron Man. Quite the opposite. Yet it takes a Bucky for someone to realize what's up.
Title & Author: No Such Thing as Fighting Dirty by  leveragehunters (Monkeygreen) ( @leveragehunters ) Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/6443635 Pairing: Stucky Length:3878 Summary: Bucky wants to be touched – he wants Steve to touch him – but seventy years of torture and captivity have left body and mind hardwired to perceive touch as a threat. They're working on it, but Bucky should have remembered that Steve will use every weapon in his arsenal – even the unconventional ones, the ones no one else would consider a weapon – when he's fighting for Bucky. Notes: This fic has Atmosphere(TM) and I love it.
Title & Author: Holding my breath in the palm of your hand by  Snowflakesandangels ( @snowflakesandangelslove ) Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13896096 Pairing: Stucky Length: 1744 Summary: Sometimes Steve needs to feel the steadying grip of Bucky’s hands to ground him. It’s not always easy for Bucky, he’s still learning to trust himself as much as Steve does, but in the end, it’s all about love. And oh how he loves taking care of his best guy. Notes: A verey gentle and sweet BDSM one-shot with sub!Steve and dom!Bucky and how they're ready to give what the other needs and I HAVE FEELINGS about this fic okay???
Title & Author: In Which Steve Rogers has Sex with all of the Avengers by  Cards_Slash Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/484417 Pairing: Steve/Avengers Length: 3313 Summary: It's Natasha on the days that he's livid, just furious, about to burn up from the inside out. Notes: okay, it's more of a character study than an actual hurt/comfort story, and on top of that it's more porn than plot, but you know what? The fact that it's on my list despite these factors shows how good it is.
Title & Author: where the days are longer by  endofadream ( @endofadream ) Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/6611716 Pairing: Stucky Length: 7835 Summary: And maybe that’s what they’re running from. Those ghosts. That minefield. The suffocating pressure to live up to who they used to be when who they used to be has now become stale, recycled words in textbooks and museums and clickbait online articles. Captain America and Bucky Barnes may be American heroes, relics of a time when patriotism ran deep and values were wholesome, but they are also people who lived and breathed and died to live and breathe again. They fuck off to the coast, trying to put as many miles between them and D.C. as possible. New York is loud and claustrophobic at the best of times, but California has the open skies and roads that make Steve ease a little more into his skin. Notes: This is an Atmosphere(TM) fic. A very well-done one.
Title & Author: I Hurt Myself Today by  MusicalLuna ( @musicalluna ) Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15300942 Pairing: Pepperony (sort of) Length:659 Summary: Tony and Pepper have been at each other's throats and Tony finally figures out why. Notes: Little ficlet packed with feelings! You might cry...
Title & Author: I'm Not There by  Voodoosgirl ( @voodoosgirl1 ) Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14550885/chapters/33621744 Pairing: Stucky Length: 1177 Summary: Thanos brought Steve to his knees, hands in the ash, facing the loss of Bucky again. What if the dead could see us? Reach across the void? What would Bucky's message be if he could talk to Steve after the snap? Notes: If you're still not over the end of IW, like me, this fic will bring you to your knees. Awesome Bucky POV. Yes, you've read that right.
Title & Author: One Man's Trash by  Shi_Toyu ( @shi-toyu ) Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14796809 Pairing: Winteriron Length: 5098 Summary: Tony Stark is head of the largest crime syndicate in New York. Bucky is his head of security, nothing more than a well-trained lap dog that comes running whenever his master calls. Still, even the best trained dogs can be lured away by a few scraps of meat... and Tiberius Stone plans to do just that. Notes: That one mob!au that even I love to pieces.
Title & Author: The Necrofloranomicon by  leveragehunters (Monkeygreen) ( @leveragehunters ) Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13640571/chapters/31325814 Pairing: Stucky Length: 47,569 Summary: Bucky didn't want much. Just to keep his head down, to sell his scavenged flowers in peace, and to stay off Shield's radar. His life would have been a lot easier if his flowers weren't dead and if being a necromancer wasn't illegal, but easy or not, he was getting by. Steve didn't want much, either. He was happy working for Shield, he had good friends, and overall his life was going just about the way he wanted it. Problem was, being happy with your life was generally an invitation for fate to throw a spanner in the works—and in Steve's specific case, it was going to be a spanner named Bucky. (A love story about flowers, trust, and magic and the choices we make about doing what's right.) Notes: necromancer!Bucky and special!cop!Steve and a beautifully built magic!au world and do I need to say more? That's my jam right here!
Title & Author: Endless War by  Nonymos Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14488623/chapters/33469737 Pairing: Stucky, Pepperony, Length: 27355 Summary: There is always something more to lose. (Which means all is not lost.) Note: An IW fix-it (but not a cheap one) including Deadpool and crossovering with Sandman and - honestly, this is among the most clever things I've read. Also it's from one of my fave authors. So definitely worth a shot if you want to bring back our faves or whatever! Also anything from her, especially War, Children and the old familiar sting and we are the things that we do for fun, but I should probably just make a rec list entirely dedicated to her...
Title & Author: Take Me Home (to My Heart) by  Taste_is_Sweet ( @taste-is-sweet ) Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13581903 Pairing: Winteriron Length: 25459 Summary: For this nonny prompt at the Imagine Tony and Bucky comm on Tumblr: Bonding is a natural thing that happens between compatible people. Person can have only one bond. When Tony wants to bond with his partner he finds out that he already has a bond. Now he has to find the person that he accidentally bonded with so many years ago when he was still a child.
"The only thing Tony remembered for certain was how he'd felt: Joy, belonging and comfort like he'd never found before or since. For a couple minutes out of his entire misbegotten life, he'd known what it meant to be whole.
It was impossible to forget. It had ruined him. Every new friendship, every potential relationship, only offered the forlorn possibility that he might feel that way again. But he never did. And after forty-something years of looking, he didn't think he would.
He still woke up with tears on his face and an emptiness inside him like a black hole had swallowed his heart. But that didn't happen as often anymore. He could even manage not to think of his lost Half for whole hours at a time.
Most of the time, he was okay." Notes: bitter and at the beginning quite depressing soulmate!au with a happy ending that worths all the struggle for them and for us readers.
Title & Author: Like a Comet Streaming On by  Sineala ( @sineala ) Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/3344072 Pairing: Stony Length: 32,491 Summary: Tony escapes Afghanistan with a functioning Iron Man suit and a perfectly normal heart. He even manages to bring Ho Yinsen home safely at his side. But he may as well have lost everything... because his wolfbrother is dead. Six months later, the Avengers find Captain America, frozen in ice, miraculously alive. Everything and everyone Steve has ever known is gone -- except his wolfsister, the recipient of the lupine version of the super-soldier serum, who was frozen in his arms. Tony has everything but his wolf. Steve has only his wolf. This is how their lives fit together. Notes: PSYCHIC WOLVES!!! WOLF-SOULMATES!!! EPIC ANGST AND HURT/COMFORT! HELL YEAH! *screams*
Title & Author: Above the Rain and Roses by  coveryourheads (rsk110), Kellyscams Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/11407446/chapters/25551711 Pairing: Stucky Length: 34,742 for this fic, 73,943 for the whole series Summary: Steve Rogers has been looking for The One ever since testing as Dominant. True love. Fairytales. Happily ever after with his very own submissive is all he wants. Which might be asking the universe for a little too much, but he'll take a good connection to start with. But tonight, Steve is visiting The Armory. An exclusive club where unattached Doms can go and enjoy themselves with a good sub for the night. Not exactly the place Steve expects to find his one true love. Then again, fate might have other plans, and one sub might get in way over his head making assumptions about this Dom. Notes: Dom/Sub universe, some of the best tropes and kinks if you're into this, and and and it's just beautiful. The worldbuilding, the plot, the character arcs, eveerything. I'm so on love with this fic, guys, you can't imagine.
Title & Author: Meridian by  Tippet Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/11842224 Pairing: Stucky Length: 31,181 Summary: The metal hand flexes now and Steve’s eyes go straight to it, then fix back on the soldier’s. Slowly, that the soldier can see every crease shifting into place, his face fills with a quiet wonder; he looks at the soldier as a beggar gazes at a banquet. (Steve goes missing; Bucky goes after him.) Notes: Again, this is an Atmosphere(TM) fic, with a great style, gorgeous descriptions, beautiful character and redemption arc. A bittersweet must-read that may or may not leave you in tears - through it and in the end as well, only for different reasons.
Title & Author: Don't Fear The Proving by juuls ( @juuls ) Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14678979/chapters/33913917 Pairing: Stony Length: 44,522 Summary: “Ah, tut tut, Thor All-Father; she no longer calls to you. She is open for the taking. We of power can feel it,” Proxima Midnight drawled, a smile tugging at her lips. This time when she hefted her trident she pointed it right at Thor, then proceeded to point it at each of them—Tony, Steve, Nat, James—and then back again to Thor. She held the trident steady, her muscles obviously strong and used to its weight in her hand. “Do any of you challenge me for her?” she demanded.
The one where Mjolnir gets repaired, Thanos' minions come knocking, Tony gives a speech, and there's a road trip. That may or may not lead to kisses. Oh, and Tony just might be worthy of lifting Thor's old hammer after all...
[[Written for the Cap-IM Reverse Big Bang.]] Notes: If you need a good post-CW Stony fic, this is it. I was almost afraid of it, because it's such a hard topic, but juuls handled them with such a grace and precision, it's spot on, it has its great moments, and it doesn't feel forced for a moment. Awesome work, really, check it out!
And last but not least, my beloved @cpt-winniethepooh's WIP - the one THAT EVERYONE SHOULD READ - and leave comments so she'll update sometimes in the future I guess:
Title & Author: The changes we dread (are the changes we need) by  araydre, cpt_winniethepooh Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14429967/chapters/33328158 Pairing: Stucky Length: 83,974 atm Summary: Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers were both on the Valkyrie when it crashed. In the new century they are both Captain America and work for a SHIELD that keeps the world safe - and also keeps superhero IDs a secret. Except they've had enough of SHIELD controlling their lives and they set out on a journey to find the Third Cap... and if they end up finding true friendships, secrets of the past, and maybe even a way to make this secret superhero thing a better deal for all parties involved? Well, that's just what Captain(s) America does, isn't it. Note: This is a super duper awesome fantastic fic, folks. Hilarious humor, delicious estabilished relationship - but just the right amount of miscommunication and past issues for it to be absolutely interesting and really, happy stucky relationship is our jam, right? - and an intriguing plot with lots of hurt/comfort! READ IT. Seriously.
Don't forget to leave kudos and, more importantly, COMMENT if you read a fic! Show your appreciation to your local (or not so local) fanfic writers who WORK FOR FREE and pour their souls on screen to provide entertainment for you, and all they ask in return is some feedback!
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otterskin8 · 5 years
Thoughts on Endgame
Hey everyone else had an opinion, I thought I’d try having one too! 
Spoilers Follow
Honestly, sometimes it feels a little like everything is on fire whenever I stroll into the fandom and I’ve just got a dopey grin on my face as everyone runs around screaming. 
 I came out of the theatre having had a good time and pleased that certain things were tied off nicely for certain characters. I like the Russos fine but have wanted them to show more personal flair in their work. In this film, in particular, the second act, I thought they really did - there was a lovely, meandering quality to the film that allowed for a lot of humour and fun character beats. It was unexpected and felt like - well, Community (also nice to see those cameos, I loved that show). I really hope to see more of that quirky sense of pathos and fun in their future work. 
This ended up being more a celebration of what the MCU’s accomplished so far than necessarily a finale for all of that. It was, as I expected, mostly a goodbye to Cap and Tony. I like both characters (though I still have my frustrations with them as well), and I pretty much predicted this ending when I placed my bets in 2017 (Cap finally decides he doesn’t have to be a soldier forever and retires, as he deserves, and gets to be a man again, while Tony finally does get the family he wanted but loses it so he can be the new Spider-Man’s Uncle Ben in that franchise. We’ll see if my prediction of a JARVIS-Tony computer program comes true. Maybe Riri Williams breaks into his lab and he appears over her shoulder like Clippy. ‘I see you are trying to steal all my old schematics. Would you like some help with that?’ You heard it here first, folks.) Best of all, Nebz was even more front and centred than I hope possible. She carried the heart of the film and delivered. I loved her confusion, half-regret and grief at Thanos’ first death (such a great shot, her with his head in her arms) to her final victory over herself. I particularly appreciated the opening on her and Tony, where she gets a taste of what it’s like to actually have a caring dad. It makes Tony’s final killing of Thanos feel more right in the story - the flawed father figure who rose up and put children first above his own ambitions kills the one who always put his ambitions first. That cute triangle game Nebula and Tony played explained so much about both of them. So, so good.
I loved Professor Hulk. I wish we’d seen him come to be - he was robbed of that culmination - but I’ve never wanted to hug the guy more. I think he was a fascinating sign of the guilt Banner had. I really loved how the time jump allowed these massive changes in the characters, that they took some big risks to their recognizability. I found that very rewarding. 
The same goes for Thor. My gosh, I loved what they did. I’d bet money that Hemsworth pitched it too, this seems like an idea he’d have. Thor is, of course, my favourite Avenger. It is often painful to watch him sidelined in the Avengers films since the series’ original, more grounded flavour made him an odd player out, preferring to showcase Steve and Tony. He was the unloved member of the trilogy. The same could be said about this film, but honestly Thor is given everything I ever wanted him to deal with in this film. His trauma finally caught up with him and he can’t hide it anymore, and it’s wonderfully heartfelt and funny and sweet and subverts all those ‘paragon of manliness’ tenants Thor has represented throughout history. His strength in this film comes not from being told to ‘buck up’ by Rocket (I loved that his attempt to pep talk and slap Thor into readiness was a total failure), nor from his body, nor, even, from his own mind. Thor gets to run crying to his mum and that’s treated as the healthy and correct thing to do. A necessary thing, even. Frigga delivers the best line in the film (sorry Love You 3000, you get a solid second). 
“Everyone fails at who they’re supposed to be.” I think that hits everyone. It certainly did me. The expectations put on us all, by ourselves, our parents, the needs of our age - they are as crushing as a hammer on your chest. 
Thor is the MVP of this film aside from Nebula. He gets to show the most range, the lowest of the lows and funniest of highs, in the very same scene and often at the very same time. It’s tragicomedy at its finest, which is what I come to the MCU Thor for. The incredible vulnerability combined with excellent comedic timing made this a performance that stands out in the arc. I was also surprised to see this huge, large, film of the century took time to go back to a sadly maligned chapter in its saga - Thor: The Dark World (my problems with it are manifold but I am tired of hearing it called the ‘worst’. That is not true. I know you all forgot about it, but the Incredible Hulk is still technically in the MCU, and there are plenty of other weak chapters that don’t manage to push their characters’ stories forward at all.) Not only that, but it patched one of my main criticisms of that film - that Thor had no time with his mother and their relationship didn’t feel explored enough. And that Thor needed to cry more. I come for man tears, that was what Branagh promised me and frankly I was getting dehydrated of late. So thank you End Game, I am quenched for now. 
I’m sure this will come up in the big long thing I’m doing about the overall themes of the MCU (Dads and Legacy mostly), but this film managed to address some questions the MCU has posed in entry after entry. Thor’s journey has been shaped by his father, and his search for his father’s approval. Sometimes he was found lacking, and other times he realized he needed to abandon that approval to do the right thing, but always he was trapped in the legacy of that father - the mistakes that father had made, and what his father wanted him to become. This film suggests a wonderful alternative to Thor - that he is also his mother’s son, and her desire is for him to be himself first. Once he hears that, he’s able to call Mjölnir - a sign that he also has his father’s approval, after all. No, I do not mind that the hammer came back from the dead for a little fun - it had meaning and significance in its scenes. (Although I still don’t get what’s the big deal of Steve lifting it - it’s a bit a jerk of a hammer, have you seen the list of who else could pick that thing up? Hela, Odin, Thor. All morally gray people. ‘Worthy’ seems to be a matter of conviction, confidence, and desire to act. Not inherent goodness. Eh.) I love that Frigga, long shuffled to the back of the Thor franchise, is given such a key and beautiful moment in this monster film. I love that she gets to be mischevious, fun, hint a little more at her backstory (witches, eh?) and play psychiatrist to a son who really needs her. I always wanted more of these two, and was CONVINCED I’d never get it. I think I’ve died and gone to Valhalla. 
Are there a few lines I wish were cut? Yes, there are some unkind words I wish had been altered - they are unnecessarily cruel and reflect badly on the characters who say them (in particular WM - dude. C’mon.) Rocket’s fine, though - that’s who he is (and that behaviour is changing) and he is not rewarded for his crass treatment. It fails.  Further lessons for character development - trauma isn’t fixed with violence. Pay attention, Rabbit. There are also plenty of plot holes and weird questions. Why can the tesseract suddenly be used without a device? Doesn’t that mean Loki could’ve teleported everyone to safety in IW? Speaking of, why did Thor not try harder to communicate with Loki or steal him from another timeline? I feel like an explanation was called for. It also kinda sucks that IW ended with Thor avenging Heimdall (awesome dude, I love him a lot, but...really? That’s the death they directly reference in Thor’s big moment? I thought they’d use Heimdall there and have Loki be more at the forefront of Thor’s mind in this one, but he seems more banished from his thoughts than Thanos’ name). But eh, at the end of the day, this isn’t meant to be the ending for either Thor or his brother. That’s the best part. I get to ride this train for years to come, and hopefully many more good things are coming. (Although I’m getting bad juju from every announcement I hear about the Loki series so far, so here’s hoping I don’t look back at laugh bitterly at my past self’s optimism.) 
I do hope that when Thor’s story does eventually come to an end that it’s in his own franchise. I feel like ending Cap and Tony’s story here is big and fun and all, but the Thor films began very intimately (somehow THOR might be the smallest film Branagh ever directed) and I hope to see them end that way. And I hope that even with the Loki series doing its own thing and Thor off with the Guardians that the two will be allowed to come back together again for something meaty before the end.
This film did right by my faves, and while it’s unwieldy, lopsided and imperfect it manages to set up the fictional people I care about for interesting things. Here’s to another decade of watching these actors barely age.
P.S. I am genuinely concerned that Eternals is going to hook me. Hmm. I can only hope they don’t do the Arthurian Legends or Egyptian Mythology as well. I’ll be sunk. 
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thorsthot · 6 years
Love Lost - Thor
@jonsnowisthesexiestbastard said: Hi, can I submit you a fic request ? So it's a Thor x human reader during Infinity War. She is an Avenger married to Thor and they have a child but they were on Earth during Ragnarok so she thinks he is dead. Then when Thor come to Wakanda and she is happy to see him but she end up in dust at the end. I dont know if it make sense so you can change some details if you like. Also I really love your work thank you ❤❤
Warnings: Probably some tears! 1.5k words
Authors Note: Bitch I cried. Also, yeah I used actual lines from the movie. Also sorry this took so long!
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“I don’t know what happened,” Bruce continued. “I fought Thanos and then next I knew I was here.”
Bruce told you the story about what happened to him during the last four or so years, plus seeing Thor and going to Asgard for the first time. It was a long story, but he explained what happened on Sakaar and how Ragnarok and Hela destroyed Asgard. How they’d finally thought they had a safe haven, but Thanos came in looking for the Tesseract.
Your heart sank. You’d hoped Thor was out there somewhere, but it wasn’t likely. So many different scenarios ran through your mind. There had to be a sign of him out there somewhere. Plus, how would you tell your child? She’d be heartbroken if she found out her father was dead.
“So, he’s dead?” You choked out, trying not to cry in front of everyone, but even that was hard.
“I’m not saying that.” He looked at you with weary eyes, “But there could be a possibility.”
Your heart felt heavy. You couldn’t control your breathing. It felt like the air was leaving your body and the walls were caving in. You could feel every word Bruce spoke in your chest.
“Listen, Thanos could beat me and he only had one infinity stone,” He stood up, his voice more serious in tone. “If he got the Tesseract he’s even more powerful.”
“And who knows how many stones he’ll have by the time he gets here.” Steve buts in. By now all the sorrow made your blood boil. You were experiencing so many different emotions. Your jaw clenched, and your hands balled into fists.
“And if he has five out of six infinity stones, he’s even more powerful than before.” Bruce went on.
“That’s why we have to destroy the mind stone.” Wanda looks down at her hands.
“We could do it without killing vision, think about it.” He looks around, surveying the room.  
“There’s a bit of Jarvis, Ultron, Tony, me; the stone.”
“So, what you’re saying is Vision isn’t just the stone?” Wanda asks, wholeheartedly. Honestly, she was relieved that she wouldn’t have to hurt vision.
“I’m saying we take out the stone, there’s a whole lot of vision left.”
“Can we do that?” Nat asks.
“Not me,” He pauses, “Not here.”
“Well, you better find someone and somewhere fast.”  Rhodey states.
“I know somewhere,” Steve replies.
“I’m going to kill that purple fucker if it’s the last thing I do.” You speak out after silence.
Battle time, well, it’d already started. Weird space monsters were killing themselves to get within the perimeter. She was far away but you could feel that weird blue alien bitch smirking. You were sure your heart was pumping out of your chest. But you wanted payback. What else could you do besides fight? For your sake, your daughter's sake and the sake of the universe.
You know that feeling you get when you can literally feel and see the world spinning? You didn’t have that feeling. Instead, it felt like the world was still. The trees weren’t making a sound. The only sound there was, was the sound of people fighting for their lives. It’s funny because on any other mission you knew it wasn’t the end. But the possibility that this could be the end terrified you.
You were sore and tired. Running from the government every day sucked, but you hoped it would all come to an end. A peaceful end. But life’s full of surprises. It wore you out. The aliens kept multiplying and you were sick of kicking and punching everything that goes in your way.
That’s when he showed up; the man of your dreams. In a big gust of lighting and thunder, he sent everyone back in ablaze. You knew it was him. You knew how powerful he could become. A new ax whirled around, slashing through every alien in its wake. It was an entrance that truly couldn’t be topped.
He stood there, a raccoon on his shoulder and a tree? You knew space had to be full of surprises. And the long story that Banner was adamant about telling you furthered that. Everyone watched as this handsome god you called your husband arrived to save the day. You felt much safer now that he was here. Now knowing he was alive and well. You missed him.
“Thor!” You screamed, running over to him. You jumped up into his arms, and he caught you. Spinning you around, you kiss him.
You could taste the longing and the hurt all inside a simple kiss. A single tear ran down your cheek. You broke the kiss, wiping the tear away.
“My princess,” He cups your face and looks into your eyes.
“Is your eye a different color?” You inquire.
“Long story. But now, we have a war to win.” He says, “I love you.”
“I love you too.” And you two continued the fight, side by side until most of the alien bastards were gone. And you had to admit, the raccoon and tree were kicking major ass.
You all traveled to the forest area, while Thor and others stayed back. The only sound was that of the trees whistling in the wind. It was an eerie feeling that didn’t settle too well with you. You could feel the sense of danger erupt in your stomach. You could hear your heart beating rapidly. The wind was blowing and it felt old.
Through a fiery burst of a blue cloud of smoke, out came that purple bitch. He was tall and big, walking through like he owned the goddamn place. His aura was violent yet yearning like he’d lost something. But that didn’t matter. He was here now, and you could feel the slight uncertainty in the air.
“Cap. That’s him.” Bruce warned.
“Eyes up. Stay sharp.” Cap confirmed, running up.
You all ran up to him, one by one. But with the flick of his wrist, he sent you all spirling, cemented in your places. Different colors of the infinity stones surrounded your bodies as you were sent flying away. He had five out of six stones. If he got to vision, it’d be over.
Being thrown down, you watched as Vision pleaded with Wanda to destroy the stone. She was the only one to do it. It is for the best. You watched as the red streak appeared from her hands, preparing to destroy the stone. Everything felt like it was going in slow motion. All of you laid there, watching as Thanos approached the two. Wanda fed him off using her other hand.
You gasped as the mind stone erupted from Visions forehead, sending his body slumping to the side.
“I understand, my child,” Thanos started. “Better than anyone.”
“You could never.” Wanda was distraught. In the span of a couple years, she’d lost her brother, and now her lover.
“Today, I lost more than you could know.” He pats her on the head. “But now is no time to mourn.”
The words he spoke were near malicious. He spoke with such high class and sincerity, you wondered how he’d ever come to this decision.
“Now, is no time at all.” He balled his fist and turned it. A green circle appeared around it.
It was amazing, yet horrible. With a simple turn, he reversed the time, bringing vision back together. He grabbed ahold of his neck, bringing him up. And as if he was picking flowers, picked the stone from Visions forehead. Dropping him and placing the stone in the gauntlet. Energy surged through his veins. He was powerful now. There was no stopping him.
Thor threw his ax at Thanos, flying it into his chest. Thanos dropped to his knees as Thor flew over to him.
“I told you,” He grabbed the back of his head. “You die for this.”
Edging the ax deeper into him, you felt the stress come off your shoulders and you could finally move. You got up and slowly walked over to the scene. It was over, finally over.
“You should have. You,” Thanos spoke, breathlessly. “You should have gone for the head.”
You felt unwanted tears escape your eyes. It was the end. There was a 50/50 chance that you, Thor, your daughter, or anyone could die right down. He snapped his fingers and you couldn’t feel anything. It was like everything had stopped. The gauntlet was charred around his hand.
“What did you do?” Thor repeated. Without an answer, Thanos disappeared back into the cloud.
“Where’d he go?” Steve asks, walking back onto the scene. “Thor, where’d he go?”
“Steve?” You watched as Bucky whisked away in dust. The gun he was holding dropped as his body disappeared. You felt something rise through you. It was uncomfortable, and you needed it to stop.
“Thor, baby.” You fell silent, it was over, endgame.
“Y/N, my love,” Thor reached out for you, but in the time it took, like that, you were gone.
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