#Sorry if you didn’t want to be @‘d I just love shouting out people because they are cool
Sonic and Infinite are so fucking GRAUGHHHHHHHH I want. To study them in a lab. I don’t know how to convey the emotions I feel for this dog and hedgehog so please bare with me
Before I start my bs I just wanted to say this post actually goes out to @neurotypical-sonic and uh @beloved-user (and maybe a few other people but those were the only 2 that I saw had said anything at the time of writing this) because they wanted to see this content in the world so shoutout to them for giving me the courage to post about these cringe fail mobians (I am the sonic and infinite psychoanalysis anon btw)
there’s so much under the cut please be careful also please be nice it’s 2 am and I’m very emotionally fragile
The fact that sonic and infinite are 2 sides of the same coin yet also thematic foils to each other is just sending me over the deep end I can’t take it ARGHHHHHHH (I am willingly taking it)
You’re probably asking “what the actual fuck are you going on about dude” and to this I raise you all of this entire post (you’re gonna regret asking)
A few things before I start, this is obviously gonna be Forces bullshit because I Bear The Curse™️also I’m only gonna be talking about the English version of the game because sadly I have not been able to play or see the japanese dub yet, I’ll do that later though 
Also if there’s photos with shit quality, sorry, that’s on me
Ok autism activated let’s go
Let’s start with our obvious main man Sonic, the blue blur. I’m gonna start with something that irked a lot of people, and that is the fact that Sonic seemingly came out fine after being tortured for 6 months.
The thing is, he was absolutely not fine, at all, it was just so subtle that it was genuinely hard to tell, but once you notice, you continue to notice. The first thing you can see is that he is acting a lot more brutal I guess I could say??? 
I mean, look at the end of the Zavok fight, he beats the ever loving shit out of Zavok with his hands, not a few homing attack or spin dashes, his fucking hands, I don’t know how often that happens outside of games where the actual gimmick is hand to hand combat, but it seems pretty weird to me how he just keeps hitting Zavok and he just stares at him as he falls, panting and out of breath from how relentlessly he was attacking him
Second, he’s constantly talking about how he wants and will get revenge for what happened, he doesn’t let up that he’s going to get revenge, and I was actually kind of shocked when he started saying that I was kinda like “woah calm down buddy” (note, one of these screenshots is from the wiki because I couldn’t get the image from the game, also, these 2 are just from the cutscenes I could find, there’s so much more, this hog can hold so much malice and rage)
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Third? Now this one is my favorite to talk about, because it really shows just how drastic Sonic and Infinite really are, the scene it occurs in is during the infinite fight with sonic and the avatar character, during the first stage where it’s just sonic
You may say “ok what’s special about the reskinned metal sonic fight?” sarcastically but this is a very important fact to me, and the fact is that Sonic just straight up implies to Infinite’s face that he’s gonna murder him!
 The line he says is played off as a kinda joke, but the way Sonic says it is so genuine that it’s a little bit disturbing, it’s a fridge horror kind of moment where you look at the line, maybe giggle, but after a quick google you realize just how fucked the line is because of the inclusion of one word, one single word.
The word being “Epitaph.” An Epitaph being the phrase or words written on someone’s tombstone in memory of them.
Now, you may know what line I’m referring to if you’re like me and reply that fight alot, but if you don’t know the line that’s fine, I’m gonna explain it either way because it’s very important to me!
So the fight starts and the first lines said are these;
Infinite: What would you like your epitaph to read? How about “Here lies the blue buffoon”?
Sonic: Why not “Here dozes the masked clown”? Might as well make it for the person who needs one, right?
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I think you can see where I’m going with this point, let’s move on now to the other point I wanted to make, which is also kind of a major tone shift from the point above
This point ties in with the “2 sides of the same coin” bit, but the point I want to make is that Sonic needed companionship to win. (Take a drink of water every time I write the word “companionship” or anything similar starting now, see how hydrated you get)
He needed the avatar character to support him throughout that fight, he needed the avatar & classic to help him defeat the eggman and ruby as well, he needed companionship. 
This theme of him needing support and a companion is echoed through the very song that is the theme of forces, I am, of course, referring to Fistbump
AGGHHHH I LOVE FISTBUMP SO MUCH IT’S SO GOOD THEMATICALLY AND IT’S ALSO JUST A GOOD SONGi want you to know I’m snarling and biting and growling like a rabid animal but in a good way I’m sorry I just needed to say that real quick back to the point I was trying to make
Now, the first indication that Sonic needs companionship is that Fistbump is literally him “speaking” to the avatar character, the lyrics portray this perfectly, but I am going to stop myself before I go on a tangent about this song for too long, so next um dot point
The second indication he needs companionship using Fistbump is that it plays whenever he double boosts with the Avatar and during the level Null Space, the double boost is self explanatory, it’s them working together, they’re being friendly friends!
What people may not completely get is me bringing up Null Space, because, once again, there’s seemingly nothing special but there is. There is to me. In my heart. I love Null Space as well as the other stuff mentioned here because it ties into this insane bs I’m concocting for my viewing pleasure that just so happens to get to be on tumblr too!!
Null Space is a level where Infinite sends Sonic and, accidentally, the Avatar character to the level’s namesake, Null Space. Null Space is devoid of substance or life, it is the loneliest place you could ever be, but here Sonic and the Avatar are, the complete antithesis of such a concept, they are together, they are safe with each other, they are going to get out of there together.
And so they escape, and what is playing in the background as they do so? A version of Fistbump dedicated specifically to that level.
Before I can make the rest of my points, we have to talk about the elephant, er… jackal, in the room; Infinite.
Let’s start with a general thingy like we did with sonic, now, I’m not gonna go over his actions in game, they speak for themselves, I will, however, be talking about the implications of his actions; his morals, his values, all of that
First off let’s collectively discuss and by discuss I mean go ‘what the actual fuck is wrong with this dude’
It’s very clear that he’s just not a “good” person, he does morally frowned upon things like being a mercenary, of course, that’s one of the big ones, but the one that really fucks with me and makes me really wanna pick his brain is that despite Shadow being the one who hurt him, he immediately clicks to Sonic and the best way I can describe it is him going “i NEED to beat the ever loving shit out of that kid right now.”
Like, even during Episode Shadow, he still mentions Sonic with this personal malice that you don’t expect, stating that Sonic won’t be able to stop him, and it’s honestly just kind of weird tbh??? 
So he hates Sonic from the start, he gangs up on him, beats him to the point of unconsciousness, kidnaps him, is indirectly (at least) the cause of 6 months of torture, beats him again, tells him he’s not even worth killing, tries to kill him and the entire resistance by throwing the sun at them and then tries to kill him personally before Sonic can finally get the revenge he wanted.
So I’m sensing a lot of initially one-sided hostility between him and Sonic.
Another point is that his theme seems to be directed towards Sonic, it is mocking him, trying to tear down everything he establishes in Fistbump, stating that friendship will get you nowhere when you rely on it too much, asking who is going to save Sonic from Infinite when he is alone?
This is once again shown with how he interacts with Sonic, using Silver and Infinite’s little tussle as a comparison, yeah, Infinite throws an insult, but it’s as a collective, he says he’s happy to crush a hero to keep the “rabble” (the resistance) in line, but when Sonic appears it becomes very personal
He’s immediately on him, stating that Sonic is “back from the dead”, calling him the “little blue savior” and insisting he can smell Sonic’s fear, glad he’s left an impression, noting that Sonic is “still thrashing around”, in his own words.
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He speaks to Sonic so personally, hell, he waits for Sonic to quit talking before tossing Sonic to another part of the jungle to fight him alone. He very well could have gotten rid of Silver and then dealt with Sonic, but he instead decides dealing with Sonic immediately is more important than Silver is. He even says that he will meet Sonic again after that fight.
he also threatens to smash Sonic into blue jelly. I just wanted to mention that because it’s funny that he specifically said he would smash him into BLUE JELLY
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So it makes me wonder, what is this dude's issue??? Why is he so obsessed with Sonic? And then it kind of hit me. Sonic is the antithesis of everything he values and believes in, of course he’d be intrigued.
Or, alternatively, he’s intrigued because Sonic is just like him.
Yep, It’s the moment we’ve (me) all been waiting for! We’re finally discussing the “two sides of the same coin” point!
Sonic and Infinite are exact opposites but they are also the exact same! They both so desperately need support and companionship (I’ve covered Sonic’s need, but we can see how Infinite needs support and companionship with how he handles the loss of his squad), they both have the same kind of goal (change the world to be a place they would want to live in, good or bad), they’re both associated with the same people (Shadow and Robotnik)!
They are the exact same but they are exact opposites! They are each other’s foils but they complement each other so well, they are two sides of the same tarnished, damaged coin!
Sonic and Infinite are what they could have been based on how they responded to their own struggles. Infinite could have very well been just like Sonic, dedicated to helping people because of what happened at Mystic Jungle, and Sonic could have very well been just like Infinite, lashing out and hurting everyone in his way because of any of the copious losses he’s been forced to deal with.
But they don’t, they become the person they are because of how they respond to their own struggles, trauma, losses and wins. And that’s the beauty of their characters. 
Sonic and Infinite are foils to each other, it’s a point you can’t argue, but the reason they are foils to each other is because they are the same in some weird, messed up way.
But I wanted to add one more thing before I finish this off.
Infinite very well left an Impression on Sonic. Like it or not, somehow, someway, Infinite’s concepts and ideals imprinted on Sonic and it made him and his own problems worse. So much worse.
I won’t go into too much about that because that links to other things outside of solely Forces, so yeah, tangent done. Thank you for listening
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stuniolvs · 8 months
keep you safe ~ m.s.
in which matt snaps at you because he is having anxiety before a show.
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(please leave requests!)
matt had begged you to go on his second tour with him. you two were a fresh couple during the last one and he absolutely hated it.
he just missed you like hell and didn’t want to do that again. so you agreed to go on this one with him.
it’s currently the second show and you loved going to the first one with him so you were excited about this.
you guys had been driving for most of the day before stopping the tour bus at the hotel then checking in and dropping off all our stuff then driving back to the venue. now just waiting in the tour bus until the triplets needed to go in.
you had noticed that matt seemed a bit off but you just figured it was because he didn’t get good sleep last night.
“hey baby are you excited?” you ask matt who was watching tv. “mhm” he sighs not breaking his gaze from the tv.
you entered the venue with various security guards around you and the triplets.
meanwhile matt was biting his nails feeling extremely stressed and anxious. he felt sweat prick at his hairline. he started doing some deep breathing as he entered his green room type of area to get ready.
you quietly sat on the floor backstage wanting to leave matt and his brothers alone to get ready.
nick entered the room first wearing a purple shirt and some jorts. “looking good nick!” you compliment “thanks babe, i gotta go check with the sound people so ill be back soon” you nod.
then matt enters backstage. he’s wearing a blue tshirt and jeans, simple, yet he still looks so pretty. “hey baby, you look g-“ “shut the fuck up! god you’re being so annoying!” he shouts quickly storming out.
matt felt panic rise in his throat.
shit. shit. shit.
he felt himself start to sweat as he’s breathing restricted. he tried to take deep breaths but they’d just get caught in his throat.
“matt?” you shout down the long hallway knowing something was up with him.
“i-i-i” he tries to yell but it comes out barley a whisper. luckily you heard him in their because it was fairly quit in the hallway cause nobody went down it unless they had to use the restroom.
you quietly open the door and the second you see him your heart tugs. he’s sitting on the ground with tears running down his face, sweating, and trying to breath.
“hey, hey, matty.” you slide down next to him. you pick up his hand and place it on your chest covered with a blue shirt. matt looks up at you with glossy eyes. you take deep breaths as matt try’s to follow “so sorry” he mutters three times through strangled breaths. “matt it’s okay” you cup his face and pull him into a kiss.
he quickly kisses back, putting his shaky hands on your waist.
after a couple minutes you pull back.
you speak before he gets the chance to, “matt what’s wrong?”
“i-i don't know.” he mutters “i-im so sorry baby, i d-dont know what’s wrong. i don't feel good.”
“its okay matty. i love you and if something is wrong, even if you don't know what it is, please tell me and i can help."
he takes a deep breath“i love you more and i promise i will.” he sighs “i have to go, we go on in 10” he groans.
“okay baby, win for me. i love you so much,” you say with an idea popping into your head. he kisses your nose. you run a paper towel under the sink and wipe his face with it. “i love you too baby.”
you walk him over to his brothers and you place a parting kiss on his lips with a “you look so amazing matty.” and a flushed matt enters the stage.
you walk over to you favorite security guard and speak to him. “hey, i have to go get some things for the triplets i should be back about 20 before the show ends, ill text you when im back.” “oh yes of course mrs.sturniolo, ill be there to walk you in when you text me.” he nods “thank you so much!”
you leave and stop by your favorite flower stand and get a bouquet for matt. then you stop by target and get candy and stuffed animals of their animals for each triplet. you leave and arrive back 16 minutes before the show is gonna end, holding a bag full of stuff.
you enter the backstage area seeing the triplets enter from the stage, all three of them sweaty.
matt glances around before landing on you before he jogs over to you “baby! baby! i won!!” he says holding up his medal.
“good job matt! here you go, there’s more stuff in here but they're for your brothers too so can you go get them?” you ask while handing him the flowers you look up at him after your rant and see a shocked matt staring at the flowers. “these are for me?” you nod aggressively. he looks up at you and places a soft kiss on you lips, slightly leaning because there’s a bag and flowers in-between you guys.
he pulls back, “thank you so much baby. i'll go get nick and chris.” he says placing a soft kiss on your nose.
when matt, nick, and chris are in front of you you hand them their candy and stuffed animals.
they all hug you thanking you.
"are we ready to go back to the hotel?” you ask “mhm,” chris says, he looks exhausted.
matt drives them back to the hotel and you all settle down in your rooms.
matt dumps a bottle of water in a cup and uses it to put his flowers in placing his stuffed shark next to you in bed. “to keep you safe.” he said
you smile and open your arms, he lays on your chest. “i love ya’ so much baby” he mutters “i love you matty.” you kiss his head.
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tootiecakes234 · 9 months
Katsuki Comfort
This…. This is exactly why you tried to stay off of social media. Nothing good ever came from it.
Being a pro hero, you and Katsuki’s names were constantly in headlines.
Most of the times on the news, it’s for the great things the both of you do and it’s separate depending on the missions you both go on.
But online is another story. Apparently the general public didn’t think the two of you belonged together. All over fan pages and popular accounts saying how they thought he would look better with Uravity or Deku.
They either said they looked better with him,and seriously what the fuck does that even mean?? Or that he seems to have better chemistry with them.
Seeing it once or twice wouldn’t have killed you, but you’d fallen into a rabbit hole… and now you were spiraling and at some point you started to agree with them.
Maybe someone that looked and acted like you wasn’t good enough for Great Explosion Murder God: Dynamight. Maybe you just didn’t measure.
You weren’t even in the top 20 hero’s like the other two were. So why in the hell was he settling for you? Why is with you if-
“Hey y/n. I’m home. Where the hell are you?”, you heard Katsuki shout from the front door.
You quickly shut your laptop and tossed you phone on the bed. The next thing you know he’s bursting through your room door with a frown on his face.
“What the hell is your problem?”, he asked
“What are you talking about?? You just walked in here. Why do you think I have a problem.”
“Cause usually your ass is like an excited puppy, rushing my ass at the front door and today…. Nothin. So answer my damn question would ya?”
“I’m not a fucking dog Katsuki. I don’t have to be waiting for you and wagging my tail because you came home to me.” You snapped back at him and you immediately regretted it. You were taking your insecurities out on him but they were too much and you were hurting too bad.
When you looked up at him Kats mouth was set in a stern line and he’d crossed his arms. He looked like an unmovable wall. His eyes were locked on you like he was waiting for you to say something else.
But you couldn’t. There was already a lump in your throat and you knew if you started talking, the tears would 100% start flowing.
“You gonna stop acting like damn child and use your fucking words? I got all day to sit here.” There was no malice in his voice. No irritation.
“It’s nothing.” It came out as a murmur as you were getting up and making a swift exit for the bathroom. You didn’t want to be around him right now. Didn’t wanna say anymore hurtful things.
You almost made it too, but of course that freakishly inhuman speed of his caught you off guard yet again.
His hand wrapped around your wrist and spun you back to him.
“Can you please let go of me?” Now it was a whisper. A whisper and the first tear falling.
“ I’ll let you go after you tell me what’s got you this upset. You pissed at me about something? Your period about to start?? What the hell is it?” Asking again but the time his other hand was tilting your chin up to look at him.
The time your eyes made contact with him the dam holding back those tears broke and babe it was not a pretty cry. It was an ugly, blubbering, gross cry.
This isn’t the first breakdown Katsuki has seen you have and he’s gotten pretty good at handling them with you. So he wraps you up is his strong arms and just holds you. He tucks your head under his chin and gently sways back and forth like he’s coddling a small child. His hand is rubbing up and down your back.
Everyone knows Dynamite and a lot of people know the attitude on Bakugo.
But you were the only one who knew how patient and loving Katsuki is. The way he cares for you…. Even when you feel like you don’t deserve it.
Eventually the sobs calm.
“M sorry. I- I d-didn’t mean to get upset with you. I- I just- Are you sure you’re happy with me Katsuki…..am I really enough for you?” You were mumbling into his chest but you were sure he’d heard you with the way his breathing slowed and his arms tightened around you.
“Oh…. Now I get it. You’re not pissed and it’s not your period. You’ve just completely lost your damn mind…”
“I’m not crazy. I’m being serious!” You tried to pull away from. Retreat back into yourself but the man was stubborn and had arms made of steal apparently.
“Look woman I love you. Is that not enough?”
“Well people don’t care about that. You are a top 3 hero. You’re smart and talented and hot. You should be with someone…. Idk… more than me I guess. I’m just scared one day you’re gonna realize you could do a lot better than settling for me.” You said all that with your ear pressed to his chest and the loud thump of his heart in your ear.
“Look, I’m gonna say this once so make sure your ears are open woman.” He pushed you back from him so he could peer into your eyes when he spoke. “I don’t give af what anyone else thinks. You already know that. I love you. You’re a nutcase and you grind my fucking gears to no end, but there ain’t anybody else in the fucking world id be willing to put up with. I don’t like people! And I love you. That’s all you need to know. So cut this I could do better bullshit out…. Doesn’t get any better than you.”
He kept eye contact the entire time. Even when the silent tears started spilling over. He just took his thumb and wiped them away.
“You know what I hate though”
“What?” You sniffled
“I really fucking hate the way you make me say sappy ass shit like this. It’s fuckin embarrassing.” It sounded like he was exasperated but that goofy ass grin was still etched on his face.
A watery smile started pulling at your lips. Your boyfriend was the sweetest jerk.
“ ‘sides. I already got a ring. So ain’t no turning back.”he threw that in there like he was talking about the freakin weather!
He bent down and placed a kiss on your wet lips.
“What ring??!?? You bought a ring!?!”
“Yea so stop your damn “you could do better bullshit”. You’re stuck with me.” And he started walking away towards to bathroom. “And uh- it’d be awesome if ya said yes” as he shut the door to the bathroom closed.
You didn’t know what to do with yourself. You went to the bed and flung yourself on it.
He was gonna propose to you….. he already bought a RING!!!!
You were gonna be Mrs. Bakugo!
I guess you were still giggling to yourself and laying down on your back when he came out of them bathroom.
“Yea I’m convinced you’ve actually lost your mind. Sitting there smiling and laughing like a psycho.”
Before you could get up, his damp form was hovering over you.
“I don’t know if you’re aware, but I gotta thing for crazy chicks.” He has the biggest, sexiest smirk on his face.
“Oh yea… well you’re in luck hot stuff.”
*Ummmmmm… this is sooooo long. But I wanna do a smutty part 2. Cuz he’s nice now but Kats does not take well to you down playing how amazing you are.
Katsuki Masterlist
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louloulemons-posts · 1 year
Shy smiles
Eddie Munson X Shy!Reader
Summary : Eddie and reader crushing on each other.
Word Count : 1k
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Warnings : Not Proofread, major fluff, use of Y/N, kinda rushed, I was in need of fluffy Eddie honestly, idiots in love, very ramble-ly, fem pronouns are used, but readers not described physically.
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He knew you because of Nancy, you were a childhood friend of hers, along with Barb. You were quiet and normally went unnoticed, but not by him. Never by him.
He remembers the first time you caught his eye. You were walking down the hall, waving goodbye to Nancy and didn’t realise he was next to you. Bumping into him, dropping all of your stuff, along with him dropping his.
“I’m so sorry!” You said quickly, picking up his things, along with yours. “I’m sorry too, seems like we were both in our own worlds huh?” He smiled at you, helping you.
Standing up, he handed you a book and you passed him his D20 dice. “I’m really sorry,” you said, meeting his eyes. He was taken aback, you were beautiful. “It’s okay Sweetheart, just mind you don’t hurt yourself okay?” He smiled crookedly.
“‘Kay,” you said, gently. That’s the first word that came to mind. You were so gentle. Not dainty, no weak, but gentle. Like you wouldn’t hurt anyone or anything, you’d do things with care.
Shaking his head slightly, he spoke once more, “Well it was nice to bump into you, you have a good day.”
“You too Eddie,” you smiled slightly. His mouth went slack, you knew him. You knew his name.
You turned from him and carried on to your locker. He stood there, watching you. Not in a creepy way - okay maybe it was slightly creepy. But he was in awe. “Munson!” A voice shouted.
“Let’s go,” Gareth called to him.
“Uh, yeah I’m coming.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
That’s the first time he met you. He thought about it often. Since that day he’d had a sixth sense for you. He knew when you walked in a room, or saw you as soon as he entered one.
And then he met Mike Wheeler, which meant he met Nancy, which meant he met you. Properly this time. He saw you often, but you were so quiet, he didn’t want to scare you off.
Playing D&D in the Wheelers basement has become a regular thing this summer.
It was one of the spaces large enough for the boys to hang out, and as Wheeler parents didn’t mind it was perfect. Eddie pushed up from his seat, excusing himself to the bathroom.
Running up the stairs he waved to Mrs Wheeler and Holly. The pair smiled at him and he carried on up to the next floor. Walking to the bathroom, he hummed to himself, but when he went to open the door someone walked out and into him.
Looking down he saw a familiar face. “Y/N,” he breathed out. “Hey Eddie,” you smiled sheepishly, “Sorry for bumping into you, really need to stop doing that.”
He chuckled, “I’m sorry too. How are you? It’s been a while.”
“I’m doing good, college is kicking my ass but you know,” you shrugged, and he noticed how you played with the bottom of your shirt.
“How about you? How’s everything?”
“Well I finally graduated.”
“I heard! Congratulations.”
“Thanks,” his face warmed. “Oh and I’ve got a new job at Hawkins mechanics.”
“That’s so great, I’m so glad for you,” you said honestly. “That you, what is it you’re studying?”
“Oh forensic science.”
“Wow. I’m not surprised, you were always the smartest girl in school.”
“I dunno about that.”
“You were.”
“I think people would disagree, if they remembered me,” you laughed to yourself.
“Well I remember you. Never forgot.”
You looked up to meet his deep chocolate eyes. “You didn’t?”
“How could I? How could anyone forget you?” You face turned pink and warm, which made Eddies mouth lift in a smile.
“Never forgot you either.”
“Little old me?”
“Yeah you Eddie.”
“Well I’m hoping it was good impression I left.”
“Oh the best.” The pair of you smiled at each other, struggling not to grin.
A door opened down the hall, “Hey Y/N you okay?- Oh hi Eddie,” Nancy said, her head popping round the door. Eddie waved, “Wheeler.”
“Sorry Nance, me and Eddie were just catching up.”
“Oh yeah course take your time,” the girl gave you a knowing smile, and shut the door.
“Well I better let you get back to Nancy,” Eddie spoke. “Uh yeah of course.” Looking down at your shoes, you walked past each other. As he was about to enter you spoke, “Hey Eddie.”
“Yeah Sweetheart?” The nickname made your heart flutter. “I was um - I was just wondering,” you played with your fingers, twisting the rings that sat there. “If maybe, and feel free to say no, if maybe you’d wanna hang out sometime?”
Eddie paused, was this real? It couldn’t be, the girl he’d crushed on for so long was asking him out. “Like .. um like a date?” He asked.
“Y-yeah, like a date. If you want. Or as friends.”
“A date sounds good.”
“Gonna need a number to call,” you smiled.”
“Oh um right, I have no pen or paper, but Nancy has my number. You know cause of Mike and stuff. So ask her and call whenever you’d like,” he rambled on quickly.
“Okay, well I’ll call you then.”
“Can’t wait,” he smiled.
“See you.”
“See you.”
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You slipped into Nancy room shutting the door behind you. She sat up on her bed, wiggling in excitement. “So?” She said.
“I asked him out,” you spoke.
“He said yeah!” You almost squealed, she ran from her bed and hugged you.
“Oh my gosh this is so exciting!”
“He um, he said to get my number from you,” you laughed, knowing Nancy had given it to you months ago, practically begging you to call the boy you’d fawned over for years.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Eddie locked the bathroom door, unable to stop himself from grinning. Fist bumping the air a few times he was beaming.
He looked in the mirror and spoke to himself “Don’t mess this up Munson! She asked you out. She’s gonna call. You’re gonna go on a date.”
His smile was none stop, when he walked past the room you and Nancy were excitedly chatting in, past Mrs Wheeler and Holly, down to the basement.
The boys looked up at him, at his face. “Let me guess Y/Ns here,” Mike teased.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Thank you so much for reading! Please leave any requests 🤍
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
@henderdads posted this about domestic fluff and I realize that I love this trope and I just don’t write enough of it, and I wanted to give her a little treat to read. Mostly because her tags when she reblogs on my post give me absolute joy, I laugh every time.
Two things might come as a surprise when getting to know Steve Harrington. The first being he didn’t actually like parties. He likes making other people feel good, wants to make them happy. Hence why for years, he lets Tommy and Carol wreak havoc on his house. It makes them happy and, for a short while, makes most of Hawkins High happy. Steve, in retrospect, has learned to regret this since he has now gained a reputation for being a party king, despite not throwing one in years, but he knows all too well how hard it is to let go of a high school reputation.
The second surprising fact is that Steve Harrington hated his birthday. Well, maybe hate wasn’t the right word, but he has incredibly low expectations for his birthday. Either everyone forgets his birthday, or somehow Steve is reminded that he is an inconvenience.
“Sorry sweetie, your dad has a business meeting that day.”
“Dude, I have a baseball game in that night could we do something another day?”
“I’m late! I know, we stayed up all night playing D&D. I even forgot to call Suzie!”
Steve isn’t necessarily hurt per se when these things happen. He knows that some people, more than others, are really trying. That it’s human to make mistakes. But Steve doesn’t like to get his hopes up; that’ll be much better than that.
There is also the more commonly now known fact that Steve doesn’t like being the center of attention. And birthdays come along with a lot of that. Sure, Steve wants someone to pay attention to him, really listen to what he has to say, but he has long since out grown the desperate need to have everyone look at him.
It is why it is such a surprise the upside down crew throws him a 24th birthday party.
Steve always thought something like this would upset him, but he is delightfully warm at the sight of all his friends, all of his family, inside Robin and Nancy's apartment screaming,
“Surprise, Dingus!”
Steve can’t believe she got everyone to say that.
After the shock of seeing them all packed like sardines wearing party hats, Steve can’t help but smile.
Eddie walks up to him, placing a hat on his head and a soft kiss on his cheek. “I tried to stop them,” Eddie whispers. “I know you don’t like parties, but they just wanted to show how much they love you. It was hard to say no.”
Steve turns to Eddie, a man who knows him inside and out and knows he can’t lie to him. “I thought I would hate this, but I don’t. It’s perfect.” He kisses Eddie on the lips, just as soft as the one before.
“Good, because I really didn’t try to stop them.” Eddie smiles into the kiss.
“Get a room!”
Various shouts across the room cause the couple to giggle and pull apart. Eddie flips them all off, “It’s been four years, assholes! Grow up.”
Eddie runs off to particularly chase Mike, who actually hasn’t said anything but did make a face, and Steve can’t help but be overwhelmed by joy.
Hours later, after the cake has been cut and the presents have been shared, and his kiddos are definitely way too drunk, the party doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. And Steve, who is having fun but growing antsy since he slowed down on drinking years ago, isn’t quite sure what to do with himself.
He doesn’t want to ruin the fun or make anyone think he didn’t have a good time. This is one of the best birthdays, if not the best one, he’s ever had. But Steve is getting overwhelmed and worn out. He isn’t really tired, but being social has reached its capacity for the night.
Even so, he can’t help but laugh at Robin as she tells a story about the most recent disaster of her sign language class, where kids keep accidentally swearing instead of the proper words.
Eddie catches his eye across the room; he looks happy as he talks to Hop and Wayne. But even mid-conversation, across the sea of people, he tugs his helix piercing over his right ear twice.
It’s their signal for, “Do you want me to come over?”
Steve rubs the scar over his left eye twice, “Yes please.” It means.
Eddie excuses himself and makes his way to Steve. “Hey, baby.” He interrupts Robin mid-rant, who makes a sound of drunken protest. “Did we feed Mrs. Pierson’s cat today?”
Another signal, which translates, “Do you want to go home?”
And Steve knows he can just tell Eddie yes, and they can stay at the party, and Steve will have fun, and he’ll be happy, but it isn’t what he wants. What he wants is to be at home with their own cat Beelzebub, snuggled up in their bed. So Steve says, “Shit, I don’t think we did.” Yes, please. Let’s go home.
Eddie acts quickly. They make their rounds, say goodbyes, and make their excuses. Everyone lovingly pokes at their forgetfulness. The couple insists everyone stays and enjoys themselves. Steve thanks everyone with individual hugs.
Steve and Eddie hold pinkies the entire walk home, down the streets of Indianapolis. The dark night blanket of night, and the never-ending sound of the city, keeping them safe enough to risk the intertwined digits.
When they make it home, they say nothing. They unwind slowly. Sharing kisses, delicately take off each other's clothes, hum into each others mouths. There is nothing rushed, or rough; they have time now. There will be moments for that later.
And in their journey from the front door to the bed, Eddie kisses the place where Steve’s shoulder and neck meet. It’s his signal for “I love you.”
Later, when they are tangled up in the sheets, heavy breaths slowing down, Eddie’s arms wrapped around him, Steve leans up and kisses the tip of Eddie’s nose. It’s his signal for “I love you more.”
Eddie’s smile back says, “that just isn’t possible.”
“Thank you for today.” Steve finally speaks out loud, playing with Eddie’s fingers.
“Oh, it isn’t over yet, baby.” And Eddie jumps out of bed naked, running out of the room.
Steve can’t help but cackle at his boyfriend's antics. There is a sudden thump on the bed; Steve peeks down to see their cat making his home on the end of their bed like he knows they are finally done for the night. “Hey, bee.” Steve scratches him behind his ear, earning a resounding purr from him. A little to the left, it means.
Eddie comes back into the room and dives back into the bed, bouncing Beelzebub but not startlingly him enough to move. Steve supposes he’s used to his father's antics. “Okay, I would tell you to close your eyes, but I know you’re not going to listen, so I’m just going to hand them to you.”
Steve giggles and grabs the pieces of paper in his hands and his heart stops. “Eddie.”
“Steve.” Eddie’s grin is wide.
“These are three tickets to see Madonna.”
“Yup.” Eddie pops his ‘p’ clearly proud of himself. “One for you, one for Robs of course, and one for me.”
Steve whispers in awe, “But you hate Madonna.”
Eddie brushes the hair out of Steve’s face, “Please, no one can hate Madonna.” Eddie’s eyes turn soft, “Besides, you love her, and you love me. It only felt fair to have us both in the same place. And you’d worry the entire time if I wasn’t there.”
Steve throws his arms around Eddie, squeezing him tight. Hoping he can translate how much he loves this man through it. Steve loves making other people happy, but no one has loved making Steve happy, quite like Eddie. “I love you so much,” Steve says once he leans back.
Eddie kisses the place where his shoulder and his neck meet. I love you. Eddie kisses the tip of his nose. I love you more. Finally, he holds Steve’s face and says aloud,
“I love you too.”
Was this perhaps inspired by the fact I turn 24 in a week and a half? Maybeee. I’m a lot like Steve in this where I have such mixed feelings about my birthday. I’m feeling a lot of anxiety about it if I’m honest, and I don’t have high hopes.
Unlike me, I don’t have a partner like Eddie, but Steve deserves the world and I wanted him to have some loving and domestic fluff. The idea that these two have secret signals is an important headcannon to me, and I would love to see others take on it.
I hope @henderdads you enjoyed this if you made it this far. It was a lot of fun to write. :)
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It's crazy to me that people call Jonathan a himbo, he's so methodical and clever! It makes sense that Mina would be attracted to someone bright too
Yes, anon, you’re so speaking my language!!! I do wish people would stop calling Jonathan a himbo because — nothing against himbos — but Jonathan is not one of them! And yes, it totally makes sense that Mina would attracted to someone as clever as him, and since she’s also so smart, I’m sure the feeling is mutual.
Before y’all come shouting in my inbox “what do you have against himbos??” and “Jonathan is totally a himbo, what are you talking about?” Let me clear things up:
First of all, I love himbos!!! Kronk from Emperor’s New Groove — peak himbo, imo — is one of my favorite characters. Am I attracted to them? Well…no. As you can probably tell from my last Nova’s Notes, I’m more the kind of person who’s attracted to cleverness or when people nerd out. BUT I cherish himbos for all of their wonderful qualities and if I ever get the opportunity to meet one in real life, I would love to be friends with them! <3333
Secondly, for anyone who’s still saying Jonathan is a himbo…
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Himbos have to embody all three qualities equally to be considered himbos! If they are not kind? Not a himbo. Not strong? Not a himbo, I’m sorry! I do make the rules of himbo, I simply follow the rules.
Now on to our good friend Jonathan Harker’s case.
He is undeniably kind. From what we’ve seen so far (not to mention later), he is not only loving to his fiancée, he is kind to strangers as well. He takes gifts from the villagers, even if he does not understand them. Just a couple of entries ago, he was willing to risk his life over a child he didn’t even know (and the same night after he had screamed running away from the women, too). Some of the Dracula Daily book club on here suspects (as do I) that some of the reason he’s so eager to spring into action the next day is to put a stop to Dracula’s evilness for other people, not just for himself. Heck, he’s even talked about Dracula’s good qualities after finding out he’s a prisoner!!! So, kindness? Yes! ✅
As for strong, there’s not as much evidence here, but I would call him somewhat strong because not just anyone could successfully scale a castle wall twice in one day like that! That takes a lot of strength in your core, arms, back, etc. Sure, Dracula can do it — but Dracula is also a vampire with super strength. Maybe it’s easier than I think it is, but I’m not exactly going to look for a castle to try it!! So for Jonathan to crack his knuckles and go “yeah, he can do it, why can’t I?” is both hilarious and shows that he must know something of his own strength. However, he’s also a solicitor and I doubt he’s built like a bodybuilder. So, strong? Maybe not as much as a typical himbo, but let’s give him the check mark because Lizard Fashion is nothing to sneeze at. ✅
Now for the ditzy part….I’d have to say no to that. Himbos are meant to not be “the sharpest tool in the shed” (yes, I did have to hit you with a Smash Mouth reference, sorry not sorry) and Jonathan is farrrrr from that.
Everything he has done so far has been methodical and smart. I covered this in my other Nova’s Notes (you can look under the hashtag on my page if you want to see more :D) so I really don’t want to go through too much I’ve already gone through, but the arguments I’ve seen for him being a himbo — based on the entries we’ve already read — are that he’s not smart because he:
Doesn’t heed villager’s warnings
“Let’s” himself become a prisoner
Is nice to Dracula after he knows he’s a prisoner
Talks about his fiancée a lot (???????)
For the first point, we’ve gone over this, but here we go again — he doesn’t heed the villager’s warnings, no. But keep in mind none of them actually say “The Count is a super dangerous man!! Don’t trust him!!!” Here’s the passage:
“When I asked him if he knew Count Dracula, and could tell me anything of his castle, both he and his wife crossed themselves, and, saying that they knew nothing at all, simply refused to speak further. It was so near the time of starting that I had no time to ask any one else, for it was all very mysterious and not by any means comforting.
Just before I was leaving, the old lady came up to my room and said in a very hysterical way:
‘Must you go? Oh! young Herr, must you go?’ She was in such an excited state that she seemed to have lost her grip of what German she knew, and mixed it all up with some other language which I did not know at all. I was just able to follow her by asking many questions. When I told her that I must go at once, and that I was engaged on important business, she asked again:
‘Do you know what day it is?’ I answered that it was the fourth of May. She shook her head as she said again:
‘Oh, yes! I know that! I know that, but do you know what day it is?’ On my saying that I did not understand, she went on:
‘It is the eve of St. George's Day. Do you not know that to-night, when the clock strikes midnight, all the evil things in the world will have full sway? Do you know where you are going, and what you are going to?’ She was in such evident distress that I tried to comfort her, but without effect. Finally she went down on her knees and implored me not to go; at least to wait a day or two before starting. It was all very ridiculous but I did not feel comfortable.
So here’s the thing: you can see that the only thing the innkeeper’s wife explicitly warns him against is going to the castle that night because it’s a day in their culture where evil spirits are considered to have full sway.
The innkeeper’s wife does ask him if he knows “where he is going and who is going to” — he says no, but she does not speak further on the matter. When he asked about the Count before this, they just refused to speak! I know that may seem like an implicit warning — and it is — but some people on here act as if Jonathan was supposed to have known why they were crossing themselves and immediately have left? Like, he obviously feels uncomfortable, but as he states before and afterwards: he has a job to do. If you were in his position: a newly-appointed lawyer (or position of your choice), and you went to a place where the locals told you not to visit your client that night because it was a night where evil spirits would come out: would you honestly believe them? And if you asked about what your client was like and they just crossed themselves and refused to speak on the matter, would you simply leave the town and tell your boss “nah, sorry, the villagers warned me against him. I decided this client’s not for me”? I guess that honestly depends on you, but I would think not if you want to keep your job!! I know that’s not ideal, but to be fair, he also is not given a fair warning before going in.
There is also that incident in the carriage where he hears those villagers talking and he picks up bits and pieces (including the words werewolf and vampire) but a) they’re not talking to him and b) he doesn’t pick up enough to even indicate who they’re talking about!! In fact, he thinks they’re badmouthing him!!! (Which is understandable, he can only hear a bit and he’s translating on the fly). Again, how he is supposed to automatically know: “oh, Count Dracula is a vampire and I must flee this place immediately.” We know that because Dracula has been a pop culture icon for 100+ years, but Jonathan doesn’t have that kind of knowledge. I feel it’s kind of ridiculous to call him not smart for not knowing this.
However, and this is important, he does take some of this warning to heart. He does take the crucifix and the other vampire-repellent gifts the villagers bestow upon him, despite his skepticism and ignorance of the culture (thanks, English colonization /s). He feels uncomfortable and anxious before he even goes into the castle, literally saying goodbye to Mina in his diary in case he doesn’t make it back!! He keeps the crucifix in his room and uses it to ward off bad dreams and for safety against Dracula (which is not really how he’s supposed to use it, but he wasn’t really told how, so I don’t really blame him for that).
I don’t think a himbo would’ve picked up that something was amiss at any of these points, not until it was too late at least. I think for this test, just picture Kronk (or your fav himbo) in this situation. Would they even notice something was up? Or would they go cheerfully towards the castle?
As for the second point — this is kind of unrelated to the himbo question but — what kind of victim-blame mentality is this????? I have seen people unironically (at least I’m pretty sure it is?) post that Jonathan deserves the abuse he’s getting because he didn’t heed the villager’s warnings (which I already talked about above) and/or he’s “rude” to Dracula. I’m sorry — WHAT???? So if you’re rude to somebody they’re to allowed to lock you up in their castle???? That’s a fair trade? I beg your pardon?! Just…ok. Believe what you want, but maybe let’s not blame the guy who’s been a prisoner in a random stranger’s castle for a month and is sure he’s about to die? Yes, this is fictional and not that deep, but still — weird take.
Back to the himbo question, I mean, he doesn’t really let himself become a prisoner. He’s at Dracula’s castle for a job. Once he’s done with that job he’s ready to leave, but Dracula makes him stay because he literally locks him in!!! He then explicitly tells him he will stay longer and Jonathan has to accept because he is there in place of his boss, and saying no would be like speaking (negatively) for his boss — and Jonathan is not going to do that. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think a himbo would be able to see all of that subtext within that conversation. I actually don’t know this kind of interaction between a true himbo and Dracula would go, but I imagine not well. Dracula thrives off of interesting conversation and wit, as well as being able to maintain a facade of host and guest. I just don’t see if someone like Kronk could maintain that for long because he would probably be like “but I don’t want to stay longer, let me go” or something, which would end the “game”.
Moving on to the third point, he is nice to Dracula after he knows he’s a prisoner for a reason. When he realizes he’s locked up (which he realizes super fast, by the way), he sits down and has a good, long think about what he can do. More passage evidence!
“I am thinking still, and as yet have come to no definite conclusion. Of one thing only am I certain; that it is no use making my ideas known to the Count. He knows well that I am imprisoned; and as he has done it himself, and has doubtless his own motives for it, he would only deceive me if I trusted him fully with the facts. So far as I can see, my only plan will be to keep my knowledge and my fears to myself, and my eyes open. I am, I know, either being deceived, like a baby, by my own fears, or else I am in desperate straits; and if the latter be so, I need, and shall need, all my brains to get through.”
So he knows Dracula is up to something (or he’s jumped to conclusions) and either way, talking about it is a bad idea. The only way through is to act like nothing’s wrong for now and try to get information out of Dracula. Other than that, he’s going to need to use his brains! Yes, he does talk to Dracula and acts nice — but it’s with a plan and a purpose. Dracula has creeped him out from the start, but he has always been able to maintain good cheer around him. Now, he will put that to use.
So for this himbo test, it’s kind of similar to the second one. Were Kronk in this situation, he would make it by for a while because he probably wouldn’t notice the doors are locked. But once he did…I’m not sure if it would be like the second point where he’d immediately tell Dracula “hey why are all of the doors locked” and the game is up or if his shoulder angel/devil characters would come out to help him. I guess it depends! And to Kronk’s credit, he has figured things out before (e.g. figured out who Pacha was and in relation to Kuzco) *but* it took him like 12 hours after the fact and that’s not how Jonathan operates. Jonathan figures out things pretty quickly. Does he need time to think sometimes? Yes. But he’s pretty much always thinking and trying to figure out more once he’s at Castle Dracula. I just don’t see these two in the same vein here.
For the final point, I haven’t seen much evidence for this, but it needs to be addressed. I think sometimes people tend to equate WifeGuy with “no thoughts, head empty only for wife” and that can be true!!! There are definitely characters like that and I do love them so. Jonathan is undeniably a WifeGuy (and Mina’s not even his wife in name yet), bringing her up anytime he gets a chance. I would argue though that just because he’s in love and brings her up a ton doesn’t mean he’s also not clever and methodical. You can be in love and smart: these can coexist. Mina is a very smart character from what we’ve seen already and she’s in love too!
I don’t really have a Kronk case study for this one, but like anon said — I think Mina is attracted to Jonathan for his smartness and it goes both ways. They love each other for many other reasons (there’s a lot to love!), but I imagine that’s kind of the cherry on top for them.
Why does this matter? I think calling Jonathan a himbo is reducing his character a bit here. Again, I’m not saying being a himbo is bad, but it does discredit his methodical ways and strategy he has in the castle. His methodical nature is part of personality and pretending that doesn’t exist erases his character, in my opinion. Additionally, it raises the question: could a himbo become a lawyer? I…don’t think so…but maybe? Find me a himbo who’s a lawyer and prove me wrong I guess! Wait is Phoenix Wright a himbo…? Question for another time.
In conclusion, Jonathan Harker only passes 1 part of the himbo test (kindness) with flying colors. The strong test he only passes by the tail of his lizard fashion, and as for ditzy? He fails miserably. Recall that for someone to be a true himbo, they have to possess all three traits equally. Even if you could make the case for one, you’d still be missing another. So, no, I don’t think Jonathan Harker is a himbo. You can maybe argue with me that he has himbo moments (if that’s a thing, idk), but overall? No.
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seichira · 2 years
his punishment, your demise.
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wherein hanma shuji loses the only person he has ever loved, despite all attempts to protect you from his world—a world of pain and death.
pairing: kmg!hanma x reader
warnings: heavy angst. death, profanity, blood, violence, knives, guns, kidnapping, gang fights, and a very heartbroken shuji.
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hanma shuji was no romantic man, but he was your man. he promised you the world, the stars, even the damn planets if you ask, and his entire future.
his love is too real, too true, and too sincere that you could almost hold it in your hands as he entrusted all that he is to you.
“i am all yours, for as long as you’d let me stay by your side,” he said that one october night when you bared your most naked feelings and thoughts to one another.
you can recall believing him, even taking reassurance from what he said. it made you sure that you will never lose him, because you will always—without a doubt—let him stay by your side because that is where you need him.
because as much as he was yours, you were also his. body and soul, and whatever else there is to offer.
oh, and another thing about hanma shuji, is that he is breaking up with you.
“i want to know why!” you almost can’t recognize your own voice from its strain. “you can’t barge in here this late in the night and decide that you don’t want to be with me anymore without a damn reason, shuji!”
there is no effort coming from your end in wiping the tears that filled your eyes, compromising the view you have of shuji who is sitting down on the couch with his hands clasped together against his face, avoiding your eyes.
“i just don’t wanna fucking do this anymore!” he shouts. “that should be enough reason to let me go! i don’t want this any longer!”
your sobs get caught in your throat, and your hand flies to your lips to stop the broken wails from coming out.
“y-you don’t want me anymore?”
the answer didn’t come nor did the love of your life move a single inch. it made you hope. that maybe he’s just confused. maybe he wants you. maybe he’s high off of something sanzu made him take even though he promised not to do that anymore—you’ll forgive him for it right now if you have to!
“shuji. shuji, you don’t mean it, right?“
a faint noise is heard when your knees hit the tiled floor of your apartment. when shuji raises his head to look, his eyes widens to see you kneeling in front of him with pleading and desperate eyes.
“what do you not understand?! it’s fuckin’ clear! they say you’re smart and all that with your damn straight As, right? why can’t you catch a clue that i don’t wanna be here!”
“but you said—you said you love me, shuji!”
he didn’t give you a chance to touch him. he stood up without a warning, making you lose your balance and falling on the floor. it was just a split second but you saw him stop himself from helping you.
what you don’t know is that it took everything in him not to come to your aid and take you into his arms to comfort you. he won’t tell you that now. maybe not ever.
“d-did i do something wrong? i know that i get clumsy and i make mistakes sometimes and if i did, i’m sorry!”
shuji can feel his entire body aching from head to toe, his skin screaming at him not to do this because it knows how much it will crave you for years after this night. but he knows what he has to do, and it involves breaking your heart.
because at the height of the era of gangs in japan, he found himself at the highest ranks of kanto manji gang. and the rival tokyo manji gang is out to kill him and the people he loves—but the only person he has ever loved is you.
like nothing happened, you pull yourself up from the floor to face him as best as you can because he is so adamant on avoiding your eyes.
“is there something wrong with me? you d-don’t find me pretty anymore? did i… change? i was stressed lately and i know it might have affected my appearance—“
“it’s not that, y/n! shit!” he curses without inhibition in the frustration that he cannot tell you anything, that he has to break your heart like this, that he has to leave you asking why.
“then what is it?!”
“i just don’t—“
you cut him off. “want this anymore! that is bullshit and you know that, shuji! we are better than this! i know that this isn’t right!”
time is running out. his enemies can find out where he is right this very moment and piece things out together, and they will figure out that in order to truly kill the reaper, they have to get rid of you first. he can’t have that.
“or…” you trail off at the last remaining possible reason in your mind, and the way the light left your once sparkling eyes didn’t go unnoticed by him. “you don’t love me anymore?”
fuck. he thinks. that will never fucking happen. he knows that in life, you will be the person whom his heart will beat for. even in death, his soul will always be in love you.
“if you don’t love me anymore… if you fell out of love with me… then i guess i can’t do anything about it.
“y/n—“ he was about to repeat his sorry of an excuse, the stupid excuse that he simply doesn’t want this relationship anymore. he knows it’s stupid, but at least it’s not him telling you the greatest lie of all—that he doesn’t love you anymore.
“just fucking say it, shuji!” you screamed. “look at me in the eye and tell me that you don’t love me anymore, and i’ll let you go!”
hanma shuji takes a step forward, leans in to level with your eyes, and like a heartless and soulless man says, “i don’t love you anymore.”
just like that, he walks out of your apartment and your life, something you have never imagined before.
the second the door closes behind him, the tears he was holding back came crashing on to him like a broken dam. he walked and walked and walked aimlessly, cursing himself to the depths of hell.
while he can’t regret you, he sure wishes that for your sake, he should’ve just contained himself from wishing to be close to you. he shouldn’t have let you fall for him so deeply. maybe you wouldn’t hurt this much.
with sin and punishment, his hands, he threw all the objects he could find in their hideout. sin and punishment. you are as clean as a saint, with no traces of sin. yet, he had to punish you in such a cruel, heartbreaking way.
what was he thinking? he’s one of the dangerous men that graced this earth! how could he think that an angel like you could live a normal, happy life with him?! outrageous! his selfishness is outrageous!
meanwhile, you grieve hanma shuji like he died. he is good as dead anyway, knowing that there is not a chance he would ever show himself to you ever again. you had no idea that he would be the one to actually grieve you.
a week after he broke up with you, the battle between the two tomans breaks out. a week after he broke up with you, two men kidnapped you from the comfort of your own home, and took you the site where the rest of them were.
to kill you right in front of him.
“hanma shuji!” the man holding you announces, momentarily halting the ocean of punches and kicks being thrown below you. they all looked up at you, being held at the top of the container van with a cloth on your mouth and blindfold on your eyes.
you are terrified. every inch of your body is trembling from the fear of being in another man’s hold, of being in this situation. but the mere mention of hanma shuji’s name is enough to make you relieved.
he’s here. your shuji is here.
but god, if you were terrified, shuji was already dying from the inside out. he thinks he could vomit all of his insides out of the unleveled fear of seeing you like that.
how did they get to you? he was so sure you were out of everyone’s eyes and ears! he protected you all this time! he has men tailing you to make sure no one would harm you! how could this fucking happen?!
“y/n!” he screamed your name before carelessly clearing the path in front of him.
for the first time in his life, he is afraid.
“fuckers! you gotta fuckin’ problem with me, you face me! cowards! she has got nothing to do with this!”
“well, well—you never played nice, reaper. why would i?” the man taunted, but everyone can see how he starts to trace your skin with the cold, sharp knife. you felt it, too.
in the middle of his trail to reach you, he is stopped by the captains of the tokyo manji gang.
you are scared for him, so you struggled. the toman captain holding you was kind enough to remove your gag. shuji curses out loud when he hears you call his name, “shuji! you can’t go here! he has a knife! he will hurt you!”
you think he cares about that?!
he is on the verge of breaking down. he knows you could die here. he knows what these men are capable of. men like him.
“i’ll get to you, i promise!” he shouts, trying to ease your worries in the midst of his own storm going on inside this head.
“no! you can’t! you will get hurt!”
he starts fighting off everyone, and normally, he couldn’t do it alone but maybe it’s the adrenaline and the sheer fear of losing you that enables him to knock them unconscious.
“shit! why the fuck does he have to climb that fucking high of the container vans?!” sanzu remarks.
the rest of kanto manji gang is holding off everyone else, as they also tried to reach you. if only you don’t have a blindfold, you’d see kakucho, ran, rindou, and sanzu killing everyone on sight to get to you as fast as they can—but not as fast as your lover.
however, the thing about his world is that there are no cliches, no promises of happy endings, and definitely no mercy. he can’t expect the enemy to play nice, to buy him time, because he never did the same for others.
an eye for an eye.
“say goodbye to your sweet lil angel, hanma!”
with that, a knife cuts through your side, and a bullet from another enemy from behind penetrates your chest.
a deafening silence follows, a precursor to hanma shuji’s scream of your name, a sound that would later haunt the people present that night both in their sleep and in their waking moments.
fate is cruel, because just a few seconds after you dropped down, he reaches you. if he had arrived a few seconds earlier, it is clear to everyone that he could have saved you.
but this is hanma shuji’s world.
“y/n! y/n!” at this point, he is full on sobbing and calling for your name with a broken voice. “call an ambulance, damn it!” he orders.
“baby? baby…” he taps your cheeks. “we’ll get you to the hospital, alright? it’s okay. it will be okay. i promise you. i’m here, see? i’m here.”
nobody cared that the kanto manji captains have killed the person who did it to you. nobody looked at anything or anyone else but the scenario unfolding in front of them.
everyone can only watch the man hold you in his arms to cradle you. they can only stand around and witness hanma shuji lose the love of his life, a person who is never meant to die like this, but does anyway because she fell in love.
“s-shuji…” your face is wet with tears, but they aren’t your tears. you raised your hand with the last remaining energy you have left as life slowly slipped away from you, holding his face on the palm of your hand.
your whole world in your hand.
“ssh.. sshh.. baby, it’s okay, yeah? don’t talk. save your energy. we’ll talk later, okay?”
his eyes are unfocused and he is trembling, but you badly need him to accept that if you two are to talk, you have to do it now.
“i-i… love you… shuji…” your voice is failing you but you have to say it, or else he will never forgive himself for today. because despite everything he told you the night you broke up, you know that he will always care for you whether he liked it or not.
“shuji… i have no regrets… d-don’t regret you. thank you f-for loving me before—“
“i love you. i love you. y/n, i will always love you, so please! don’t fuckin’ give up on me now, dammit!”
and you little shit had the guts to smile in this situation, “you l-love me… i’m so relieved… because i will always… love…”
you never finished the sentence.
“a-angel… c’mon. wait a bit more, baby. the ambulance is on its way. you can’t give up on me now. can’t leave me now. still gotta give you that home library you want!”
“baby, you can’t do this to me.” he’s still going on and on, trying to wake you up, trying to pretend that he is not bathing in your blood.
you’re not moving. you’re not telling him to calm down. you’re not assuring him that it is going to be fine. you’re not telling him you love him.
hanma shuji dropped his lips to rest on your forehead to kiss it over and over again.
i love you. i love you. i love you.
everyone stopped and bowed their heads, because they respect you—a victim of a life of blood and death. but also because all of them knows how it is like to find salvation in love, despite being stuck in this life.
but how about hanma shuji?
is this the price he has to pay for all his sins? the gods must be so cruel. if so, he prefers the idea of hell, than to live this life without you.
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a/n: it hurt my soul writing this as if their lives aren’t literally in my hands. anyway, likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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lost-my-sanity · 4 months
Inspired by Linger from the Cranberries
Trafalgar D. Water Law imagine
If you, if you could return
Don't let it burn
Don't let it fade
I'm sure I might be rude
But it's just your attitude
It's tearing me apart
It's ruining everything
Law and I have been dating for several years. We’re both very damaged and hurt people, having gone through terrible things in our childhood and we bonded over that pain. Lately we’ve been arguing a whole lot. Rude comments, snarky remarks and faces thrown at each other like knives.
I love him with everything in me. I just want things to change, I want to be happy again, just the two of us, but he’s one of the most prolific new pirates of the era with a big future ahead of him and I’m afraid we’re going to drift apart and he’s going to leave me behind.
And I swore, I swore I would be true
And honey, so did you
So why were you holding her hand?
Is that the way we stand?
Were you lying all the time?
Was it just a game to you?
My heart was breaking. Law was talking to Nico Robin and her hand brushed over his and he didn’t stop her. Does he like her? Does he love her? Does he love her more than me?
So many thoughts are swirling around my head and I feel like I’m going to be sick. My heart is beating out of my chest and I feel like my world is crashing down on me. Was I just a place filler to him? Was this all some sort of sick game where I give him my heart and he crushes it in front of me?
But I'm in so deep
You know I'm such a fool for you
You've got me wrapped around your finger
Do you have to let it linger?
Do you have to, do you have to, do you have to let it linger?
Later that night while we were in our shared bedroom my thoughts were overwhelming me once again and I had to say something.
“Trafalgar, I need you to be honest to me, are you still in love with me?”
I questioned my palms, sweating and my body shaking as I waited for his response.”
“Of course I do y/n-ya why would you ask something like that?” He said with a look of shock written on his face.
“All we do is fight lately and hurt each other's feelings… and I saw you With Nico Robin earlier, how you were practically holding hands… Please be honest with me, do you like her?” I tell him, the question finally spilling out of my lips as tears begin to roll down my cheeks.
“Oh love, I don’t like her, she’s just a nakama, you are the love of my life, the one I want to spend my end of days with, create a family with. I know I’ve been cruel lately because of stress but I didn't realize it was this bad if you're doubting my love for you” as Law spoke his fingers brushed away the tears from my eyes.
Oh, I thought the world of you
I thought nothing could go wrong
But I was wrong, I was wrong
If you, if you could get by
Trying not to lie
Things wouldn't be so confused
And I wouldn't feel so used
But you always really knew
I just want to be with you
“All I want to do is be with you” I state putting my heart out on the line.
Law brings his lips to mine in a bruise kiss as he tries to show me just how sorry he is that he’s made me feel this way, knowing that no matter what he says he won’t be able to properly convey his feelings.
“You know I’m such a fool for you. I thought no matter what I said or did, you’d still be in my corner, I’m a grumpy asshole with a lot of baggage and I know I need to work on myself better. I know I need to not work so much and dedicate time to just me and you. I’m sorry my love.
I will change, for both of us. You’ll never have to worry about whether or not I love you because I’ll shout it from the rooftops every day if I need to” Law stared me deep in my eyes as he said this, gripping my face gently but firmly in his hands.
Things wouldn’t be easy, hell I know we’ve been through it before but for the first time in a long time I held a hope I thought long forgotten.
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enid-rhees · 1 year
heelllo, would you mind writing rosita x reader? where rosita is a total bitch towards the reader, one day it went to far and the reader was really hurt by rosita, reader starts to distance themselves to rosita. ( i don’t know what the ending will be but can you please make it very angst?) thank youuu
helllooo anon :D tysm for requesting !! hope you enjoy . this is definitely some angst and i am sorry in advance :) i wanna explain the death warning so bad but it’ll spoil so,,, this story went a whole other direction 😭
warnings: angst. death. no comfort whatsoever. just straight up angst.
a/n: clarifying that i absolutely love Rosita, she’s one of my absolute favorites. this is just a request i’m writing, it doesn’t reflect my feelings on her.
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you knew you weren’t like the others. strong, stealthy, intelligent, you weren’t any of those things. you tried to make yourself believe you were, but you knew the truth. and so did Rosita.
she made sure to remind you every chance she got. spitting insults daily.
it got tiring, and you were nearing an edge that didn’t look far enough for you stop right before you fell. it took a toll on you, but you didn’t know what to do. you didn’t know what you did to make her hate you this bad, especially when you knew she was a good person. just not to you.
you wanted to be good at this; the whole apocalypse thing. but not everybody was made for it, and you were one of them.
you knew your struggles held your group back, it wasn’t a secret. and you didn’t have any doubts that other people thought it too, but never said it out loud just to not hurt your feelings.
“god, can’t you do anything fucking right?! all we had to do was get more food from this place, but you of course managed to find a way to fuck it up because your own fucking stupidity.” Rosita shouted at you, throwing the box of food in the back of the truck.
“we could’ve been out of this place ten minutes ago if you weren’t so fucking stupid and allowed yourself to get attacked by a walker! do you even know how to defend yourself without me having to save your life every damn time?!”
you stayed silent, knowing if you spoke, you would break and start crying. and that is not something you wanted to do in front of her, it would only make the situation worse than it already was. you felt the pressure building up in your throat, and the waterworks behind your eyes.
she scoffed when you didn’t answer, “whatever. just get in the fucking car so we can leave already, if you can even do that right.” she mumbled the last part under her breath, but it felt as if she said it out loud. you got in the car and looked out the window, preventing Rosita from seeing the tears welling in your eyes.
the drive back home was silent, like it always was when you and Rosita went on runs together. you weren’t sure why Rick always assigned you to go with her, knowing the way Rosita acted towards you. maybe he thought one day your “feud” would be resolved and everything would be normal. he couldn’t be anymore wrong.
Rosita pushed the stick to ‘P’ and got out of the car, lifting up the trunk. you followed her, grabbing one of the boxes of food. you both started to make your way to the pantry room where Olivia was so you could put away everything you got.
when you made it to the doorway, your foot got stuck on the small ledge, causing you to fall with the box in your hands. one of the glass bottles fell out, breaking and spilling everywhere. your heart dropped, and you didn’t dare to look up to face Rosita.
“Olivia- i’m so sorry.” you spoke, voice shaking like crazy. “i tripped on the ledge and-“
“Y/N, sweetie it’s okay.” Olivia spoke softly, and it comforted you almost immediately. “a lot of people trip on that ledge, including me.” she chuckled. you wanted to laugh along, but you looked up and saw the hard expression on Rosita’s face.
when you stood up and brushed off your jeans, Rosita gripped your arm and pulled you outside. “what the fuck is wrong with you, Y/N?!” she yelled. Olivia ran outside with you two, but realized she couldn’t do anything now to defend you.
“every fucking day you ruin something. either it’s a run, when you’re on guard or just doing the simplest fucking task like putting away food! you’re useless, you’re so fucking useless! why did Rick ever take you in his group? you bring nothing to offer, you’re not smart enough for this, you’re not strong enough, and you certainly are not made to live. everything would be so much fucking easier if everyone finally decides to stop saving your life all the time and just let the walkers eat you.”
there was no words you could think of that could describe what you felt right now. it wasn’t anything like you felt before. you felt numb, but still in pain. nothing could possibly hurt more than Rosita’s words.
you looked up with tear filled eyes, and noticed that others had heard what she said, including Rick, and practically your entire group. humiliation took over your body.
you couldn’t take it anymore, and turned away from everyone, running back to your own house. the one you lived alone in. “Y/N!” Rick shouted, but you didn’t even turn your head back. you slammed the door behind you, locking both locks and shutting your blinds.
a sob left your lips, and you fell into the corner of the room. you hugged your knees, unable to stop the crying now that you were alone. each sob burned your throat.
nothing could fix the words Rosita said to you, she had officially gone further than you thought she ever would, and that was your breaking point finally. her words sunk into you, every other word repeating inside your head.
useless. you were useless.
someone started to knock on your door, but you ignored it, continuing to cry out every last emotion you had left. they continued to knock for almost ten minutes before finally giving up. you watched their shadow walk away, and noticed it was Rosita.
for the rest of the day, you stayed inside, barely moving. it felt dramatic, but you knew it wasn’t. you couldn’t think of another way to go on about your day after being humiliated like that.
as the sun got lower and Alexandria fell quiet, you knew everyone was finally heading to bed. you got up from your spot and went upstairs into your bedroom.
you opened your bag up, throwing in everything you owned, which wasn’t much at all. you straightened up the entire house, even going as far as perfectly making the bed so it looked like no one even lived there.
when you were done, you zipped up your bag and left your house, heading towards the gate. you were leaving Alexandria because Rosita was right, you were useless, even you didn’t know why Rick decided to take you in.
you grabbed onto the gate and pulled yourself up until you managed to jump over it. you landed on your feet, and started to make your way down the abandoned road. it was so dark out, but you continued your way.
you headed into the forest, going in no particular direction. you weren’t sure how far you would go, or how far you would even make it. it wasn’t your priority though, you just wanted to escape and get away from everything.
after a while, you stopped walking and leaned against a tree. with how late it was, you were already feeling yourself grow tired. you sighed, hitting your head back against the wood.
you looked up at the sky, watching the small stars twinkle individually. they were so pretty, you pouted at the fact that you never admired their beauty like this until now.
tears unexpectedly filled your eyes again and you looked down to wipe them; even though there was no one there to hide them from. everything had started to flood back, and Rosita’s voice rang in your ears. so much for five minutes of peace.
you dropped your head into your knees, sobbing quietly. you wished this could’ve just been a nightmare that’s been going on for too long, and soon you’ll wake up in your own bed, walkers nonexistent, and you would’ve never met Rosita.
a particularly loud sob left your lips, and they didn’t stop coming out after that. you were letting everything out, there was nothing else to do. you couldn’t hear anything but your sobs.
as your cries continued, teeth plunged into your shoulder. your eyes widened as a pained scream escaped your lips, echoing throughout the forest. you pushed the walker off of you to the best of your ability and stood up, pulling your knife out. you drove it into its head, pushing it to the ground once it was dead.
you touched your shoulder, whimpering at the pain and terrified by the amount of blood on your hands. you couldn’t process it; you just got bit.
you fell to the ground, breathing heavily. suddenly, footsteps starting to run towards you, and you assumed it was another walker coming to finish the job.
“Y/N?!” a voice yelled. it was Rosita.
you sighed, closing your eyes tightly, begging now for this nightmare to be over. “oh my god.” Rosita mumbled.
“what the fuck are you doing here?” you asked. “i was following you to talk, but i lost you. until i heard you scream.”
you scoffed, “there’s nothing to talk about. go home.” Rosita lifted you up, helping you sit against the tree, and you hissed at the way your back hit the wood.
you already felt yourself become weaker by the second, staring at her with hooded eyes. Rosita didn’t look mad or frustrated, she looked worried. this was the first time she’s ever given you a look like that.
“go home, Rosita.” you said again. “you’re- you’re bit. i can’t leave you here like this.” she said.
“this is what you wanted.” you retorted. “you would’ve had no problem leaving me here if the situation was different.”
“Y/N, i came to apologize.” she said to you. “i don’t need an apology, Rosita. because you’re not going to mean a single word you say, and don’t try to make it seem like you will. and either way, it’s too late. just go home.”
“i’m not letting you die alone.” she argued.
your body went limp against the tree, the effect from the bite happening sooner than you thought. “i’m so sorry, Y/N.” she whispered, and you noticed tears lining around her eyes.
“i want you to listen to me, Rosita.” you spoke, voice becoming weaker as well. “just this one time.”
“not everyone was made to live a life like this.” you told her. “it’s something you don’t have to think much about to realize.”
she nodded, sucking in a deep breath to hold in her tears. “i know. and i’m so sorry for the way i treated you because of it. i’m so sorry.”
“sorry will never be enough for the words you’ve said to me.” you said quietly. “you can’t take those back.”
your eyes shut, but you never opened them again. “Y/N?” she asked, shaking your shoulder. “no- no, Y/N. wake up!” she yelled.
Rosita put her hand on your heart, there was no beat anymore. a shaky hand went over her mouth, but she only had a few more minutes to react. with her other hand, she reached for her knife.
she hesitated, but pushed the knife into your head with a cry from her lips. she took it out, immediately wiping your blood off.
with one more deep breath, she lifted your lifeless body and started to make her way back to Alexandria. she couldn’t leave you there.
“open the gate!” she yelled from outside, and a few moments later it opened. Rick and the others had known she ran out looking for you.
when it fully opened, Rick and Michonne were already standing there, waiting to see you again.
Michonne’s mouth dropped open as sobs now ripped through her body. Rick stared with wide, glossy eyes, not knowing how to process the sight in front of him.
Alexandria was quiet, the only sounds left being the cries that left Michonne’s lips. “she- she was bit.” Rosita said, words shaky.
it only made Michonne cry harder, and Rick took two stiff steps closer, taking you out of Rosita’s arms. he spotted the bite mark, shakily exhaling. he didn’t say anything to anyone, silently taking you to the empty field of grass next to the houses.
A/N pt 2: i’m so sorry
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ayoharuko · 2 years
Genshin boy’s Scenario’s
(When you wear a wedding dress pt:2)
Hello :3
Part 2 is finally out! hope y'all enjoy this one :3
Including: Xiao(Alatus) & Wanderer/Scaramouche/Kunikuzushi/ Kabukimono
REMINDER: These characters don't belong to me they belong to hoyoverse. If any of the characters I write are occ or inaccurate I apologize for that. Sorry if it might be a bit cringe(I try to make it not lol) and the reader here is female(she/her). The pics present here belongs to there respective owners :3
 Also these aren’t set in modern AU its just normal~
If u guys don’t like the wedding dresses that I pick, you guys are free to imagine what u want it as! :3
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You and your Adeptus, or Yaksha boyfriend shall I say... or soon-to-be husband Xiao had never really had plans for you and him to get married.....
When you got pregnant he soon after proposed to you, after learning about marriage from Zhongli of course.
You and him weren't expecting the baby of course and at first Xiao didn't want it but...with a few talks with his dad and a few other people he decided for you guys to keep your little baby :)
Right now, in present time. You and Ganyu were both deciding on what  wedding dress you should wear on your wedding day!
Now, you and Ganyu weren't in a bridal shop ahahaha no. You were both at Xiao’s or should I say you and his room in the hotel because Xiao has been acting too overprotective lately and his been bringing weird stuff to you all the time..but eh maybe its just him-
‘’Ah how about this y/n?’’ Your thoughts were interrupted when you saw Ganyu holding up a...whoa...a really really pretty wedding dress :0
‘’W-Whoa...Ganyu..where did you..find it?’’ You asked the horned-girl, she looked at you smiling and explained how, while she was looking through the pile of wedding dresses she saw the dress looking rather more simple then the other ones and thought about how you said you just wanted a simple looking wedding dress for you and Xiao’s simple wedding :D
Now if your gonna ask where in the hell did all the wedding dresses come from...well...lets just say somehow the Tianquan found out about you and Xiao’s supposed to be secret wedding, and decided to pay for your wedding dress, hence, why she send a PILE of them for you to choose from...and might I add they look expensive-
But alas! You have finally found.the.one.
‘’Ganyu can you help me with trying on the dress? Ya know pregnant and all ahahaha’’ You said, giggling as well
‘’Ah! right!’’ Ganyu rushed over to help you put on the dress, and surprisedly its very...soft?
You expected to be itching after you put it on, but it seems like this is an expensive dress. You really do have to thank the Tianquan for her kindness~
The dress fits you just right, from the roundness of your pregnant belly, to your legs. It was perfect.
You could not wait for Xiao see it.
So, like the good fiancé you are, you told Ganyu your thanks and told her that you’ll be fine on your own now, so she excused herself and somehow carried all the dresses outside. She's really strong huh-
No matter...you need Xiao right now, so you called out his name and like magic he appeared right in front of you looking around for any signs of danger.
‘’Hm...did you need anything Qixing-’’ Xiao stopped his sentence mid way and looked at you with shock and with a blush present on his face
‘’Heh...do you...like it?’’ You ask feeling a little shy...
He just looked at you with amazement, shock and most of all love.
‘’You..i...’’ Xiao was stuttering and couldn't form the right words to say to you...I mean...how would he!? You look....you look so...perfect
The white dress fits your beautiful form like no other...it also highlights your belly which makes him even more flustered....
‘’Do you...not like the dress Xiao?’’ At this Xiao immediately shouted a no and held your hands while looking at you with lovesick yet serious eyes, along with a flushed face. 
‘’I...I love it...you look...very..beautiful Q-Qixing..’’ The Adeptus said barely containing himself
‘’Oh..thank you Xiao hehehe’’ You responded to him, giggling quite a bit~
‘’So...now that we have my wedding dress figured out, what about you Xiao? Have you decided on a suit yet?’’ You ask teasingly 
He blushed and let go of your hands and disappeared...
Was that too much?
What you didn't know was that he went to his dad(Zhongli) and aunt(Cloud Retainer) and asked for....advice
Oh this is gonna be a wedding of a life time, and you just know it.
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Marriage is about 2 people uniting together and vowing that they stay together for an eternity, until one of them dies. Yet the Wanderer thought that it was a cursed thing...how could you bound yourself to someone who can hurt and betray you?
He thought marriage was ridiculous.
But when he met you. However, everything changed. 
You changed how he viewed everything...
So when he got down on one knee and asked for your hand in marriage and when you said ‘yes’ and embraced him tightly....
He thought, how his past self thought how ridiculous marriage was...but..now as he looks at it.. and how he looks at you...nothing matters
If marriage shows everyone you belong to him and how he belongs to you then so be it. Nothing will take you both away from each other. 
But...alas, he also now thinks marriage is a hassle....
‘’Kuni! How bout this dress does this look good?’’ He hears you ask him 
He sighs and looks at the dress you're showing him ‘’It looks fine.’’ He answered with a blank stare.
You pout and scoff while looking around the Bridal shop more, looking for the perfect dress that you wanted~
Kunikuzushi aka the Wanderer sighed and just sat down a couch that was near the changing room area, he knew that planning a wedding could be a hassle but he didn't know that it would be this hard.
He just wanted to be bound to you and for you to be bound to him, is that so hard?
He knows that you want this wedding of you both to be special but for all he cares, you could just wear your pajamas and he’d still think you're beautiful.
He scoffs as you walk to him with another dress, but instead of showing it to him and annoying him, you winked at him and went inside one of the changing rooms to he guesses change into the wedding dress you found.
He couldn't see the wedding dress fully but...why does he feel very excited? It couldn't be because he knows that once he sees you he’ll stop functioning no...hah! how ridiculous!
You in a wedding dress won't kill him no, it won't thats just pure ridiculous-
‘’Kuni! Now...how does this look on me!?’’ You yell in anticipation getting out of the changing room to show your lover
‘’Hey kuni you ok??’’ You shake him by his shoulders and he suddenly looks away from you..
oh...he’s blushing
Damn it...you look so fucking beautiful...he didn't expect that you in a wedding dress would make you look even more like a goddess.....
‘’So you do like the dress? hehehe~’’ You asked your kuni, teasing him~
‘’S-Shut it!’’ He yelled at you while pulling his hat down so you wouldn't see his face and so he wouldn't see you.
He felt like he felt his non-existent heart skip a beat when he set his gaze at you...thats how much power you have over him, yet he won't tell that to you.
‘’Then it's decided then!’’ He heard you yell
He peaked over to you and saw you smiling at him, ‘’You..want that dress?’’ He suddenly asks ‘’Huh? o-oh of course kuni! Since you love it and I love it too, then we should buy this one!’’ You said practically shining with happiness
Kunikuzushi cracks a little smile and holds your hand, with the blush on his face still not going away.
‘’Then let me say this....’’ He said to you, looking at you with warm, affectionate-loving eyes~
You listen and in a blink of an eye you were the one blushing a bright red the moment he said those words that you didn't expect him to say.....
‘’Your beautiful, my soon to be wife~’’
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I hope I made ur hearts go dokidoki, cause mines sure as hell did lol
I hope u guys enjoyed part 2~
Reblogs and Feedback/Comments are always appreciated! :3
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fandomfanservice · 8 months
The Sign Ep8, had sooo much packed in, so this fan needed a night’s sleep to fully process what they learnt. So here is an usually long (for me) string of random thoughts and comments:
The first one is more of an ongoing reminder that Doc/Prince will be a douche bag for eternity. He can’t be redeemed, sorry, not sorry. I don’t know if nagas have ears but I want to shout, sign or sky write “His Just Not Into You”😡😡 😡😡Oh wait I forgot he doesn’t care 🤬🤬 (douche)
The monk is always watching (awks but also what a save) and he is a relative/respected elder, cool. 😵🙏🏿📿🫨🫨🫨😮‍💨
Phaya’s D put Tharn into the best & deepest night’s sleep EVER, cause what the actual Tharn!!! Wake the F up and hold him (more to come on that point)🫣
Yai, is the captain of this ship and we are just here for the ride and to cheer with him.🥰🥰🥰😂🥰🥰🥰
This team of specialist cops don’t do anything by halves, they will comically lose a boxing match to placate their partner/loves or ask them to move in after one night. (Yes I know it was quite a night, refer back up to the point about Tharn’s much needed sleep) 😜
Sharing clothes is something they need to do, mostly works in Tharn’s favour and Yai doesn’t have to see that again🥹😂
Tharn & Phaya have a long, complex, beautiful but tragic history and they need to break the cycle.✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅ However why does this mean they can’t follow simple instructions? Always watching Monk clearly instructs - “Don’t go near any large bodies of water!!” A few moments later…. Phaya & Tharn being soulmates near a large body of water (yes, I know they were there on a case etc but come on😫😫😫). So you’re telling me none of these highly trained and qualified cops checked a MAP!!! Followed by then maybe swapping which location they investigated? 🤔😒🧐. Now we have to wait a week to suffer the angst of the fallout😩 (stay strong)
Phaya - how did you seriously forget already that Tharn and Wansarut are the same person/soul?! Have you had too many bumps to the head or is it because your oxygen deprived?
Sister I hope you moved on from the Prince/Doc douche bag after all that? Please say you did?!
The last but great learning which all the above pale in comparison to, is how irked the fandom was that Tharn didn’t hold Phaya after the “bad dream”. Lord people just didn’t get why..
It’s funny to see the first takes (live reactions) on the night after:
There was the obvious we will claw your eyes out for more kisses
go beyond delulu for some more pink and purple lighting and
stop Tharn from running away and hiding. We need affection and happy boyfriend/soulmate era
What we initially thought we got was, if you are not hugging, holding and squeezing your soulmate after a bad dream, followed by some more of the best pink and purple lighting we have seen in awhile, like why are you even here Tharn?! (affectionate but also confused)
A few parts later….
The Fandom take after the past lives part (I loooooooveeeeedddd this whole part sooo much), anyway the reveal completely shifted the night after take to:
screw kisses (to an extent),
pink and purple lights not needed (for now, there is more to life right?!) and
hugs and holding after are so last year!
You gave him your last breath and soul to protect him, even now. You kept your promise in a convenient yet stylish necklace. (Don’t mind us losing our minds over here)
Tharn you may have just reinvented romance and our expectations of what should come after some pink and purple light shenanigans 🥹😭😭😭🥰🥰🥰🥹🥹🥹🥹
This whole episode series is a masterclass in many aspects that I haven’t even touched upon cause my brain tends to run emotional and silly first. Anyway I have seen and read so many wonderful analyses from other in the fandom, keep them coming they are appreciated.
For this week this fan needed to remember in all the tension (so many high stakes end of week BLs right now), there is always a reason for every reaction and action (most of the time). May not be your first choice or desire but it will truly, madly, deeply mean something.
So to close, next week Phaya let’s try this again, wake up asap, stop Tharn from leaving you (stay calm), yes Tharn is your soulmate the same one (time to share what you know?!), you can’t get rid of Doc douche bag his immortal (sucks when your enemies prosper), never take that necklace off (it’s designed for efficiency and effectiveness, just requires wearing), avoid water unless you have said necklace on (we know you like it 😉🫣). Got it?! Great, I look forward to you only taking at least three of those solid and clear instructions to heart next week. We do love you but you got to meet us halfway dude!!!
Looking forward to learning some more next week.
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attemptinghaikyuu · 1 year
Joking About Dating A Friend But They Take You Seriously
A/n: This is for the woman lovers this glorious June hehe, I know there’s not always a lot of this type of writing for anyone who likes girls so I hope I did right by the lovers of these haikyuu lovelies <3
G/n reader
Haikyuu girls (most of them~)
Yachi Hitoka
Her poor little heart drops
She looks like a kicked puppy, giving the biggest sad eyes as she watches you with another girl who she knows you’re good friends with
Thought you were good friends with
Now she knows that was wrong and it was stupid of her to assume
Yachi immediately wishes she had the power to go back in time to before she even knew you so she could tell herself “NO! Don’t fall for this one!!!”
Tears in her eyes, she thinks it probably would’ve happened anyway
It’s hard, but she forces herself to face the other way and once she succeeds in turning, she tries to start walking away
She’s so upset she can’t get her feet to move :(
Yachi had always been guilty of crushing too hard on people, however this seemed a little excessive right now
She doesn’t even realize when you come up behind her and she certainly misses the tender, worried look you give as you notice her tears
The sound of your voice startles her out of her frozen state
“Yachi? Yachi, what’s wrong?”
Let it be known Yachi Hitoka is not a brave soul; she runs from fights and hides when things overwhelm her
That being said, she had her brave moments
And apparently this was one of them
She says your name and takes a shuddering breath-
And ends up shouting, “I like you!”
She’s so embarrassed by her outburst that she starts completely sobbing
….maybe the tears are also from the fact that she knows you don’t like her back
Except you’re cupping her face and starting to laugh at the shocked, snotty face looking back
“Yachi,” you say slowly, letting yourself enjoy the way Yachi’s eyes watch you
“I like you too. And if you weren’t covered in so much snot, I’d kiss you.”
Completely shell shocked, starts stuttering right away in disbelief. “W-w-what do you mean? I j-just heard you say you were d-d-dat-ting your friend?”
“What? When did I-
You stop and think back to not even two minutes ago when you had indeed been messing around with a friend. “oh.”
You move your hands down till Yachi’s and yours are interlocked and apologize
“I’m so sorry for upsetting you Yachi, I was joking around with her and I really didn’t mean it.. can you forgive me for hurting you?”
Yachi sniffles and says to your surprise, “how do you know I’m crying because of that?”
You can’t help the laughter you both burst out into
And then Yachi has one more brave moment as she kisses your cheek
Alisa Haiba
Alisa is used to acting
She’s in the modeling industry after all and she’s had more then her fair share of days where all she wanted to do was yell and make a mess of things but she didn’t, instead smiling and greeting people politely
Hearing you say you were dating the handsome model she had worked with on several occasions before, brought out an ugly anger she found she didn’t want to hold back and wasn’t sure she could act away
Alisa had been aware of your closeness to the model, she had been the one to introduce you two
She hadn’t realized that the relationship you shared with him, could morph into something romantic
Finding out now, after you had already apparently been going out, made her blood boil
It wasn’t fair in the slightest! She hadn’t gotten to confess, she hadn’t thought she needed to until she had figured out the way to tell you her feelings
You were perfect for each other, at least in her opinion! And you’d practically been dating!! How could this have happened?
She didn’t know, you hadn’t even hinted at liking the man and that made her even more pissed off at you and him
She probably could’ve avoided the situation she was about to put you all in, if she had payed attention to the way the man had rolled his eyes and said after a few seconds that he wouldn’t date you
But Alisa wasn’t paying attention to what you were saying anymore, having turned her focus to what she would tell you dating a model was like and how it was a horrible idea if it wasn’t her
So she did what she figured was a very friendly, friend-ish thing to do, (and she was a friend right?) and told you all about the horrors of dating a model
Both you and the man you’d been joking with have your jaws dropped to the floor as you listen to Alisa shit talk the man next to you and inadvertently, herself as well…
You consider interjecting, though you don’t think you could even if you wanted to as you listen to Alisa heatedly tell you about plastic surgery and weight problems in the industry
“And anyway, now that you know that dirty habit most models participate in,” at this she pauses and glares at the man beside you. “I’m sure you’d love to know what models do to force romance on relationships that aren’t romantic? Yeah? I think you would, so listen up closely, this one will be hitting home I believe,”
At that, someone finally intervenes
It’s the handsome model you’re “dating” excusing himself to the bathroom
You supposed that was fair
And you supposed you knew what this was about now that Alisa had brought up romance
“Alisa, babe.. are you upset about my joke with Jay? Because I didn’t mean it, obviously I didn’t when we’re dating.”
“Yes I’m mad about Jay and your relationship I-
She stops and stares at you, as what you said sinks in
“Sweetheart,” she starts, unsure and a little excited at the same time. “What do you mean we’re dating?”
Now you’re staring
“Uhm? Aren’t we?” You ask a little stupidly
In your defense Alisa had quite literally just called you sweetheart and you could recall five separate times she’d said she loved you?? And you’d said it back??? Sooo
Alisa can’t believe her luck, she’s so happy she doesn’t care she just told you a multitude of terrible things models do and that she was mad enough to do it in the first place
All that matters as she smiles, and wraps you in her arms is how you care about her the way she does you and she tells you now for the sixth time, that she loves you <3
Kageyama Miwa
Conflicting upon conflicting emotions as she hears you say with a cheeky smile you’re excited for your date later
On the one hand, she likes the happy expression on your face, on the other you’re talking to someone she’s never met
From an outsiders perspective it looks like she ate something sour and that’s why she’s making such a scrunched face
In the end, her reaction smooths out into a slightly disgruntled look as she decides to walk away and pretend she heard nothing
A good portion of her figures if she ignores this, it won’t be real
This doesn’t end up working too well when she starts to religiously avoid you along with the news of you dating someone else
She doesn’t even know why it’s bothering her so much
Miwa supposes her slight crush could have something to do with it…
But she’d never once stopped to consider dating you, so she didn’t know why someone else dating you would bother her so much
I mean.. you still had the same relationship, right?
Not with her avoiding you and looking sour every time she caught a glimpse of you. It was hard to acknowledge she didn’t have your friendship anymore
And now she couldn’t stop thinking about how much she missed spending her time with you, and she hates the way she’s been handling her feelings >:(
UhhhgggghhhHHH! She just wants to be around you again, regardless of your feelings toward her
It’s time, she realizes, time to confess you’re her best friend
She’s really freaking nervous going up to you the next time she sees you
There was a brief consideration to text you and say what she wanted the easy way, but then it wasn’t easy at all trying to come up with something to tell you and she figured it would go better if she said in person anyway
You’re shocked, seeing Miwa want to talk, after days of her looking miserable and running away when she so much as saw you
Truth be told, you’re mad at the woman for ignoring you
You still let her talk though, since you miss her voice
“Hi,” she starts.
You wait
She opens her mouth to continue
And shuts it again
You’re left staring at each other like 👁👁
You decide you’re mad again, “Miwa, what do you want from me?” When she doesn’t respond you continue. “I seriously can’t believe you’re ignoring me again! Can’t you just tell me what’s wrong?”
You stomp your foot in frustration and Miwa thinks it’s pretty cute, and now she’s embarrassed for thinking that when you’re dating someone else
She finally speaks, “I want us to still be friends..”
“What?” You seriously don’t understand
She continues with a frown. “I want us to be friends even though you’re dating someone else.”
“Miwa I’m what?” You ask incredulously
“You’re dating someone.” She says it as if it’s a fact
“I’m not.” You respond as if it’s a fact, and it is
“That’s what I should be saying!” You’re confused, and you just wanna know whats wrong with Miwa
“Do you want to date someone?”
You startle at this and turn to find eyes staring intensely at you
“I-I guess it depends on the person,” you say, feeling shy at your friend’s sudden curiosity
“Would you want to date me?”
You sputter, understanding lighting you on fire
“You can say no as long as we’re still friends,” she adds, almost as an afterthought
You finally regain enough composure to say yes
Miwa’s so glad she gets to be the one to date you, she doesn’t hesitate to kiss you right away <3
Kanoka Amanai
Hears you say in your joking around voice that you’re going to kiss your girlfriend, and sees that it’s directed at a friend who she thought was dating someone else
She’s automatically unsure how she should take this information
You seemed like you were kidding, and yet the word “girlfriend” echoes in her head
And with her anxious thoughts taking over, she’s inclined to believe you are being serious, as silly as that may seem if she explained the situation out loud
Kanoka didn’t know whether you were actually dating or into that girl, she really had no idea what your feelings were at all
What she did know was that she had bad luck when it came to romance
No matter who she liked it never ended the way she hoped it would-
With them dating
Some had become lifelong friends and others had distanced themselves afterwards, one can’t help excepting the fate of no romance after so many rejections though
So Kanoka, heart hurting, resigns herself to the revelation
There’s always next time
She doesn’t want there to be a next time
She knew it was wrong to like people so much when it had never once ended well, yet she just couldn’t tell her heart to listen to logic when her feelings for you were in question >:/
So she makes a decision on the spot
Kanoka doesn’t want to walk away from you and her feelings
She knows there will always be hurt in feelings that don’t match
But she’s going to face that hurt head on and tell you what she wants
Even when she’s sure she knows what your answer will be
She turns around and marches up to you, ignoring the flare of jealousy at the proximity your “girlfriend” and you share
“I need to talk to you,” she starts and only waiting a moment for your nod, grabs your arm and guides you away from the group of friends you had been surrounded by
“What did you want to talk about?” You ask
Kanoka doesn’t hesitate
“I want to go out with you,” she says. “I want to go on dates and kiss you and tell you I love you! I want you to look at me and I want to look back, and I need you to tell me if you’re dating that girl.”
She’s pointing back at the group, at your friend who you’d been joking with a few minutes ago
You barely register it through your shock, you were not expecting a confession
Least of all such a big, sweet one
You want to tell your friend that yes! You want to date her but you’re stuck frozen so long, her face starts to twist and you can see the confidence in Kanoka fade
She looks terrified by the time you open your mouth, having worked out what to say
“Kanoka, I would never date Luce, and I’m not sure if you noticed but,” you smile, closing the distance between you two. “I’m already looking at you.”
You both are, and you only stop when your eyes close and lips meet
Yukie Shirifuka
She’s so chill
She’s legit right next to you as you say you’ll bridal carry your partner
Doesn’t blink, carry’s on as is
In reality, she is so focused on coming across as chill, that she doesn’t hear you say you’re kidding
Only after you’re gone does Bokuto ask if Yukie’s ok?
He was also there at the scene of the crime
He also blanked out and didn’t hear you when you very clearly said you were kidding
Neither of them saw you look over at Yukie nervously after your joke either, like you were worried about her reaction
They panicked, alright?
Yukie keeps panicking for days afterward
She wants you to tell her about your relationship so she can get over you
But you act like you would normally and don’t mention anything about your partner, and it’s not helping her get over you at all???
In the end, she decides she needs to kill you and dispose of your body
Kidding! She’s kidding!! She does scare Bokuto with that suggestion when she says it with a straight face though
Yukie’s pretty tired of dancing around her feelings at this point
She decides to tell you the next time you’re alone together
Which takes way too long for her liking
Her opportunity finally comes after a couple more weeks, when she and you walk home together after a hangout with friends at a park
She seriously looks indifferent as she turns to you, the moment other people are out of the way and says, “I like you, and it’s in a romantic way.”
Like damn ok
You take a second to stop, and then keep moving when you see Yukie is marching onwards
You respond as you reach her side
“I like you too!”
You’re happy, big grin stretching across your face and Yukie is very confused
“..did you not hear me say romantically? Or did you break up with your partner?”
The last bit makes you hesitate before you say you heard her and you don’t know what she means by breakup
“That friend you were dating, the one that you carried-
Did you break up?”
“We were never dating!” You shout, without thinking of the people within earshot
“We’ve joked a couple times, but I don’t actually like them and we’ve always made it clear we’re kidding!”
Yukie doesn’t get flustered easily, however she’s beet red as you yell
And she gets even more embarrassed when you ask if she wants to date
She wishes she’d paid more attention
She’s wishes BOKUTO had paid more attention
And Yukie wishes she could have been dating you two weeks sooner as she tells you yes, she wants to start dating
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stuniolvs · 7 months
⋆。˚୨୧˚。⋆ 𝐊𝐄𝐄𝐏 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐒𝐀𝐅𝐄 ~ matthew sturniolo
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summary.) matt snaps at you because he’s having anxiety before a show.
warnings.) anxiety, panic attacks
matt had begged you to go on his second tour with him. you two were a fresh couple during the last one and he absolutely hated it.
he just missed you like hell and didn’t want to do that again. so you agreed to go on this one with him.
it’s currently the second show and you loved going to the first one with him so you were excited about this.
you guys had been driving for most of the day before stopping the tour bus at the hotel then checking in and dropping off all our stuff then driving back to the venue. now just waiting in the tour bus until the triplets needed to go in.
you had noticed that matt seemed a bit off but you just figured it was because he didn’t get good sleep last night.
“hey baby are you excited?” you ask matt who was watching tv. “mhm” he sighs not breaking his gaze from the tv.
you entered the venue with various security guards around you and the triplets.
meanwhile matt was biting his nails feeling extremely stressed and anxious. he felt sweat prick at his hairline. he started doing some deep breathing as he entered his green room type of area to get ready.
you quietly sat on the floor backstage wanting to leave matt and his brothers alone to get ready.
nick entered the room first wearing a purple shirt and some jorts. “looking good nick!” you compliment “thanks babe, i gotta go check with the sound people so ill be back soon” you nod.
then matt enters backstage. he’s wearing a blue tshirt and jeans, simple, yet he still looks so pretty. “hey baby, you look g-“ “shut the fuck up! god you’re being so annoying! leave me alone!” he shouts quickly storming out.
matt felt panic rise in his throat.
shit. shit. shit.
he felt himself start to sweat as he’s breathing restricted. he tried to take deep breaths but they’d just get caught in his throat.
“matt?” you shout down the long hallway knowing something was up with him.
“i-i-i” he tries to yell but it comes out barley a whisper. luckily you heard him in their because it was fairly quit in the hallway cause nobody went down it unless they had to use the restroom.
you quietly open the door and the second you see him your heart tugs. he’s sitting on the ground with tears running down his face, sweating, and trying to breath.
“hey, hey, matty.” you slide down next to him. you pick up his hand and place it on your chest covered with a blue shirt. matt looks up at you with glossy eyes. you take deep breaths as matt try’s to follow “so sorry” he mutters three times through strangled breaths. “matt it’s okay” you cup his face and pull him into a kiss.
he quickly kisses back, putting his shaky hands on your waist.
after a couple minutes you pull back.
you speak before he gets the chance to, “matt what’s wrong?”
“i-i don't know.” he mutters “i-im so sorry baby, i d-dont know what’s wrong. i don't feel good.”
“its okay matty. i love you and if something is wrong, even if you don't know what it is, please tell me and i can help."
he takes a deep breath“i love you more and i promise i will.” he sighs “i have to go, we go on in 10” he groans.
“okay baby, win for me. i love you so much,” you say with an idea popping into your head. he kisses your nose. you run a paper towel under the sink and wipe his face with it. “i love you too baby.”
you walk him over to his brothers and you place a parting kiss on his lips with a “you look so amazing matty.” and a flushed matt enters the stage.
you walk over to you favorite security guard and speak to him. “hey, i have to go get some things for the triplets i should be back about 20 before the show ends, ill text you when im back.” you smile at him “oh yes of course mrs.sturniolo, ill be there to walk you in when you text me.” he nods “thank you so much!”
you leave and stop by your favorite flower stand and get a bouquet for matt. then you stop by target and get candy and stuffed animals of their animals for each triplet. you leave and arrive back 16 minutes before the show is gonna end, holding a bag full of stuff.
you enter the backstage area seeing the triplets enter from the stage, all three of them sweaty.
matt glances around before landing on you before he jogs over to you “baby! baby! i won!!” he says holding up his medal.
“good job matt! here you go, there’s more stuff in here but they're for your brothers too so can you go get them?” you ask while handing him the flowers you look up at him after your rant and see a shocked matt staring at the flowers. “these are for me?” you nod aggressively. he looks up at you and places a soft kiss on you lips, slightly leaning because there’s a bag and flowers in-between you guys.
he pulls back, “thank you so much baby. i'll go get nick and chris.” he says placing a soft kiss on your nose.
when matt, nick, and chris are in front of you you hand them their candy and stuffed animals.
they all hug you thanking you.
"are we ready to go back to the hotel?” you ask “mhm,” chris says, he looks exhausted.
matt drives them back to the hotel and you all settle down in your rooms.
matt dumps a bottle of water in a cup and uses it to put his flowers in placing his stuffed shark next to you in bed. “to keep you safe.” he said
you smile and open your arms, he lays on your chest. “i love ya’ so much baby” he mutters “i love you matty.” you kiss his head.
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sleepless-writes · 10 months
Kitty Gang (Part 4)
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Pairing: Agust D x Reader, Baby J x Reader
Genre: Cyber Punk Au, Unrequited love, f2l
Warnings: Swear Words, Blood, Sexual Themes, Drug use
Words: 2.368 Words
Note: Hi, I hope you like this part of my first fanfic!
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The Party Agust meant was not like I imagined. In my head, he knows some shady people who are living in the streets of Nightlife City. People who are taking drugs to escape reality. People who look twice their age because the city makes them older but suddenly we were in front of a huge apartment complex. A tall building, illuminated by the surrounding buildings. Windows bigger than me, the cars parking in front leading to the conclusion that only the richest people can afford to live in this area. It was another world and it seemed like Agust was a part of it somehow.
„Don't emberres me okay, he is my best customer.“ Agust said. „Woah Yoongi I didn’t know you would sell drugs to people who can actually afford your stuff.“ JK replied. „Shut up kid.“
We went up the elevator. I was too stunned to speak. Part of it was still because of the job but the fact that I was never at a party like that didn’t help either. Sure I was clubbing from time to time but the safety of my room was more my thing. Yoongi had to feel that I was still not fully there so he held me close to him. The other boys were excited and talked endlessly.
„Just stay close to me, some guys don’t know how to behave.“ Yoongi murmured in my ear. I just nodded. The elevator stopped at the penthouse.
We could hear the loud beats and the bass from outside but as soon as Yoongi rang the bell someone shouted: „Put the volume down! Maybe it's the police again!“ But when the man appeared at the door and saw Yoongi his face lit up. „Agust D. Man, never thought you would really come to one of my parties!“ He said. „And you brought people too! Never imagined you had so many friends!“ Yoongi just rolled his eyes at this statement and shook the guy's hand. „Thanks for inviting me.“ „Sure thing D, anything for my favorite dealer.“
And with no time we had the time of our lives. V and Baby J danced in the crowd, already surrounded by beautiful girls and boys. Jin and RM were located in the open kitchen and talked with a drink in their hands, while JK flirted with a girl on the balcony, sharing a joint. Yoongi had still a hand on my back while we walked to a fluffy-looking couch.
As we sat he asked: „how are you feeling?“ „I would feel better with a drink I guess.“ „No problem, let me chill for a sec then I bring you something.“ „Thanks, Agust.“ „Sure.“ He became quiet. After a while, he asked: „Y/N do you want to leave us?“ I was stunned jet again. „Why would you believe that?“ „I didn't want to pry but I saw that you looked for a train ticket out of the city earlier this week, so I thought you wanted to go. Sorry.“ I remembered. When I stayed with him in his bed. I was sure he slept. „No, I just was in my head and missed my hometown.“ I said. „I think you would like it there. It's peaceful and near the sea.“ „Sounds nice, promise to take me with you if you ever go back, okay? Don’t leave me here all alone.“ I grinned. „If you looked closely you already know, I wanted to buy two tickets. Even if I think, you wouldn’t be alone here too.“ He hid his face in my shoulder. He was embarrassed. „Maybe not alone, but I only feel like myself with you.“ He raised his head and searched for my eyes. „You know, I sell so many drugs to people, I took so many myself but nothing hit me like you did.“ My heart stopped a beat and decided to speed up a second later. „Yoongi, I…I think…“ I couldn’t form the right words to say. I wanted to tell him that I love the time we spent together, that I feel safe with him, that I want him with me forever. And maybe my heart already knew what I wanted but my mind was thinking about Jimin. Feelings were the hard stuff. „Don't worry, we talk about it later. I get us a drink. Just wait here.“
And with that he was gone and I had time to look around. The music was loud again and most people danced in the living room. Others were standing on the side and talked or kissed. The lights were dimmed and neon light in purple, pink and blue gave the apartment a dreamy glow. The furniture was white and black and expensive looking but the owner seemed not really interested that a girl was dancing on his marble kitchen counter with her high heels on. The owner sat in a big armchair by a window, he took a little red pill and rested his head on the backrest. Someone shouted: „I'm gonna punch you asshole.“ Agust was still gone. The people here didn't seem old, not like the folks on the streets.
Suddenly Jimin appeared next to me on the couch he looked high. Pupil big and smile even bigger. „Isn’t that an amazing night, dove? So many beautiful things to play with.“ „I guess so.“ I replied quite. I was tired. „Come on! You have to enjoy this part of the city as well if you always focus on the shitty things, you can’t become happy at all.“ „I don't know if I can, we will leave at some point and we have to face the shitty reality again.“ „Wrong, its not the reality that’s bullshit, it's your mindset. If you had money, what would you do? I tell you what I think, you would still sit in your room, your laptop in front of you and you would still hate the city. Maybe your room would be bigger, above the clouds so you can ignore what’s going on outside but that’s all.“ I thought about it, he was probably right but I can’t seem to be like him. What’s wrong with me? „Love, don’t think, just feel for a moment, focus on the music how your heartbeat is reacting to the bass, focus on the sweet smell of all the smoke settling over us.“ He gave me a baby blue pill. „Focus on me.“ He looked me deep in the eyes, they were smiling like his whole appearance. „You are so fucking high.“ I told him with an unimpressed expression. „So what? You could too. We could live in the same reality for one night.“ He shrugged his shoulders. His eyes never stopped watching me. „Fuck it.“ I said and before I could think too much I swallowed the pill. Jimin laughed and I felt my heart beating to the beat of the music for a moment, then I joined Jimin in Wonderland. Everything was so much louder and I wished Yoongi would be here with me. I wanted to see his gummy smile so badly. Jimin was on his feet and dragged me with him on the dance floor. V was still there. He hugged me when he saw me and jelled over the music: „Now you finally a real part of the Kitty Gang!“ He looked proud and I smiled. He spun me around and now Jimin was in front of me. He looked like an angel and a demon at the same time. When he took my hand in his and guided my body to dance against his I felt free.
Yoongi came back to the couch just to find it empty. He panicked. He blamed himself for leaving you alone and he blamed Namjoon and Jin for stopping him coming back faster. He had a million scenarios in his head about what could possibly happen to you but he hoped you were just with someone from the gang. „Fuck!“ He cursed and stepped into the crowd.
In the meantime I danced with Jimin, it was hot in the room and my body was even hotter. I tried to open my eyes but they were sleepy, my mind was wide awake. It was hard to think of something else than Jimin. The room spun upon me, I'm gonna fall, I was sure about that. Fall...fall down the rabbit hole, but Jimin was there to catch me. „Stay with me bunny. The night just begun.“ Es whispered in my ear. „Let's get us out of here.“ „Tell Yoongi that we are going home.“ I „Tch, I help you to forget everything else but me.“ And with these words, he put his lips on mine. It wasn’t how I imagined our first kiss. I thought it would be full of affection and with butterflies in my stomach but he worked fast and his lips were first on my lips but soon he traveled to my ear and then my neck. He bit me playfully. V cheered next to us. His words were just mumbling to me. Jimin stopped abruptly and took my hand. Then he told V: „ If you see Yoongi, tell him I bring Y/N home, she is done.“ V just winked at us.
After a while Yoongi stood on the balcony, cigarette in his mouth and eyes closed, he looked everywhere and asked everyone he knew. The only ones he didn’t find were Jimin and Taehyung. Maybe they took her with them but nobody was answering their phones. He was tired. But the moment he wanted to go back inside, Taehyung stepped into the cool air next to him. „Hey did you see Y/N? I lost her?“ „Yeah, but don’t worry, Jimin brought her home. She was high as fuck.“ He replied. „You tell me I shouldn’t worry when fucking Jimin is with Y/N?“ Yoongi almost yelled. He panicked again. „Chill, they went home.“ „Fine, I’m out. Bye.“ „Hey, let them have some fun.“ But Yoongi was gone. He didn’t care about the people he pushed out of the way, or JK who wanted to smoke with him. He was too far gone. And as he arrived home, Y/N came out of the bathroom, with a lazy grin. She waved at him, happy to see him, but he only saw the red marks on her neck. Was he too late?
Worst decision I decided on ever. I told Agust that Baby J kissed me at the party just a few seconds ago and that he was now waiting in his room. He is waiting, because he wants me, just me. I felt like flying and dancing and all that shit people always talk about in movies. Yoongi didn’t smile at all. I thought he would be happy for me, just a little bit but right now his face was grossed out. Was there something I missed, something I can't remember?
„Y/N can’t you see that he just wants fun for one night, he’s not serious!“ He spoke through gritted teeth. „Maybe that’s okay with me! I can have fun too!“ I shouted. Why did I shout? „We both know that you have feelings for him, but you are stupid and can’t see that he just thinks you are cute and an easy fuck.“ He answered coldly.
I couldn't believe that he said things like that, I thought we were friends. Why was it that hard to accept that someone like Baby J was interested in me. The neon lights of the outside world lighted up the dim apartment. Agust's face looked even more closed off than before. I was angry but decided to ignore him. I pushed him out of my way. Ready to enter Baby J's room. Agust tried to stop me. He put his hand on the handle and blocked the door. „Please Y/N. You just get hurt.“ He looked me in the eyes. „I feel that something is between us and it's from both sides, so please let us explore that feeling some more. Maybe…“ he stopped and shook his head like he couldn’t think straight. „Maybe you and I are made for each other, maybe it's you and me against this fucking city and you are just so focused on Jimin because he gave you a new chance. Please try to listen to your heart.“
At that moment Baby J opened the door and watched between us for a while. Then he smirked and asked: „Yoongi do you wanna join? I wouldn’t mind. But please hurry, I'm getting cold all by myself.“ Yoongi let go of the door and backed off. I looked at him for a second but got going into Baby J's room. As soon as the door went shut, he kissed me. And while he pressed me against his door, I heard the front door went shut. Yoongi left the apartment.
Baby J worked fast and hard. His pillowy lips ghosted along my jaw and my neck. Soft moans escaped me and I could feel his smile against my heated skin. My body started to feel weak and Baby J took the change to take me to the bed.
„Jimin, I'm so happy, I liked you for a while now. I never thought you could feel the same.“ „Of course I like you. We make great partners don’t you think?“ „Partners? Like a couple right?“ „Couple? Love, I like you, I really do…“ he began to stock. I have to admit that I never heard him being loose for words but I also didn’t want him to have to look for the right words now. „Listen Y/N, I see you and I am happy, I wanted to get you out of that little shell of yours since I saw you the first time and I really want to feel you right now but I don’t do relationships. I…I could never stop falling in love with a million random people in a week. Kiss men and women, left and right and it wouldn’t be fair.“ „Why did you kiss me then?“ „Because I wanted to.“ He answered. Shit.
I couldn’t stay any longer. After a second of processing what just happened I left and went into my room. I felt nothing. No grief, no anger, nothing. I screamed into my pillow. I fucked up.
Baby J just sighed and called V. He would never waste a night.
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aeoki · 1 year
Seven Bridges - The Dead Chatterbox: Chapter 1
Location: Yumenosaki Rooftop Characters: Hajime & Hitsugi Season: Summer Writer: Akira
TL Note:
In the original script, when Hitsugi switches from NEGI to himself, he uses a male personal pronoun (僕 / boku), however, we don’t have this in English, so I opted to replace it with the last line instead (“...careless boy I am.”). Do note this extra line does not appear in the original.
At this point in time, I do not have information about whether or not “Gatekeeper” is actually a blood relative of Hitsugi, so please note that “uncle” is the loosest sense of the word in English. (If you do have information on this, please don’t hesitate to let me know and I’ll change it!)
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< May, the first year ES was established. The rooftop of the Yumenosaki Academy idol school building. >
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Hajime: Hmhmm ♪ La la beats, love Ra*bits~...♪
(Ahh, it’s been so peaceful lately~ The sun is out and it’s so nice and warm~ The washing also smells lovely.)
(The school has been pretty quiet ever since ES was built~... It’s so quiet to the point you can even hear the birds chirping.)
(The strongest and most lively people graduated from Yumenosaki, after all. I do like the quiet but it does feel a bit lonely.)
(That’s why I end up humming unconsciously…)
Hmhmm ♪ La la beats…♪
???: SenpaisenPAISENPAI!
Hajime: Whaa!?
(Eh? Huh? What? Who? I didn’t hear any footsteps!)
(Whaa, how embarrassing! He didn’t hear me humming, did he…?)
???: Senpai SENPAI, where are you!? I don’t even know your name yet!
Um, I wanted to thank you, Senpa–
Hajime: Tonfa!?
???: Hagya!? Migyo!? Ogyuruppiria!? Gyango!?
Hajime: A-A-A-Are you okaaaay!?
???: …………
Hajime: Uuu, w-w-w-what should I do? That was a big trip but you’re not hurt, are you?
???: “I’m fine.”
“I’m a sturdy girl and I’ve also got luck on my side.”
“I’ll survive no matter what. That’s my fate.”
Hajime: (A-A girl? Hm? Their hair is long too.)
(But I don’t have the right to say anything, either.)
(But they’re wearing a boy’s uniform, right…? A-Are they like Narukami-senpai?)
(Wait, this isn’t the time to be thinking about this! Gosh, I’m still not great at handling unexpected situations…)
???: …………
Hajime: Are you okay…? Err, I can carry you to the infirmary if you’d like?
???: …………
Hajime: Oh! I’m actually quite strong, although I might not look it…?
???: “Wait. I’ll switch right now.”
Hajime: (“Switch”...?)
???: I thought I was a goneeeeeerr!
Hajime: Hyaaaa!? P-P-P-Please don’t shout all of a sudden!
???: Huh? Ahh, I’m sorry! I don’t really know what’s going on but I’ll apologise! It’s usually my fault in these sorta situations~! What a careless boy I am![*]
Hajime: (B-Boy? Huh? Didn’t they say they were a girl just before?)
???: Hm? I think I’ve seen you somewhere before! You look so cute!
Hajime: Huh? Me? Um, I’m in a unit called “Ra*bits” in the idol cours–
???: Wha~!
Hajime: Wha~!?
???: I’m sorry! My head goes boom and bam when I have to listen to complicated stuff!
Hajime: B-Bam?
???: Yes! My head’s a little broken! Even as we speak, it’s getting more and more that and–
Hajime: What are you talking about…?
???: Wha~!
Hajime: Wha~!?
???: –That’s what it turns into! I’m in such a pickle!
Hajime: I-I see…? Umm, that must be tough…?
???: It’s fine because I’m used to it! My big sister will handle all the important stuff anyway!
Hajime: Big sister…? Umm, do you have a sister in the idol course?
???: Huh? How’d you come to that conclusion? I don’t really know!
Hajime: Huh? Um, that’s because this is the school building for the idol course…? Also, weren’t you searching for someone…?
???: Woah! I guess smart people can tell, huh!
That’s right~ There’s someone I wanna meet…♪
Hajime: D-Do you want to meet your big sister?
???: Nope, that’s not it! I can meet my sister anytime!
Well, I can’t meet her at all at the same time? Huh? I’m getting confused!
Where is this? Who am I…?
Hajime: ……? ……?
U-Umm? If you’re looking for somebody, shall I get someone to call for them over the school intercom?
Err, Nii-cha– I mean, a graduated upperclassman of mine used to be the chairman of the Broadcasting Committee and I’ve helped out a few times.
???: Stop! Don’t talk so much! I can’t understand since I’m stupid!
Hajime: Uuu, umm, I might be… able to find the person… you’re looking for over the school intercom.
???: Ohh, I see! Wow, that’s like magic! I don’t really know anything about magic! But my sister does!
She’s especially good at revolving the deat~!
Hajime: R-Revolving? What?
???: My bad! I meant reviving the dead…! Japanese is hard!
Hajime: Um, you’re not Japanese…?
???: I’m a Japanese person through and through! Both my sister and my dad are too! Too!
Hajime: I see~... Me too – we’re the same ♪
???: Yes! We’re the same so we’re friends!
Oh! I didn’t tell you my name even though we’re friends! I’m a second-year student in the producer course – my name is Hitsugi Kurone!
Hajime: Ohh. Umm, if you’re a second-year student then we’re in the same year. I’m a second-year student in the idol course, Hajime Shino~♪
Hitsugi: Oh! We may be in the same school year but I just enrolled into the school!
Other than the third-year person who saved me, umm, the one I don’t know the name of, we’re all “new students”! In the producer course, anyway!
Hajime: Umm. The only third-year student in the producer course is the only “producer” who enrolled into the school last year…
That’s Anzu Onee-chan, right?
Hitsugi: Huh? Nee-chan? Big sister? You’re the younger brother of that mighty Senpai, Shinohaji-kun!?
Hajime: No one has ever shortened my name like that before… Um, I’m not her real brother but we’re quite close.
Hitsugi: Ohh~! I’ve got a big sister too! We’re the same! Friends~☆
Hajime: Friends…♪ Umm, Kurone-san?
Hitsugi: Oh, call me “Hitsugi”! It confuses things with my sister!
Anyway, ahh~! Whaa~! I forgot what I was going to say!
I remember now! Shinohaji-kun, that Anzu-senpai person? If you know her, could you summon her with your phone or something?
Hajime: Ah, umm, Hitsugi-kun? Hitsugi-san? You were looking for Anzu Onee-chan?
Hitsugi: Yup yup! I wanna meet her!
Hajime: I see~ Hehe, Anzu Onee-chan’s always so popular.
But did you have some sort of business with her?
Hitsugi: I was thinking about how I wanted to grant her wish!
Hajime: Okay…?
Hitsugi: She saved me so I want to grant her wish!
Shinohaji-kun, which do you think she’ll like better? Killing someone or bringing someone back to life?
Hajime: ………?
Hitsugi: My sister’s a “necromancer” so she’s really good at that kinda stuff!
Uncle[∗] “Gatekeeper” even praised her once! Ehe ☆
Hajime: ……? ……? ……?
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤNext Chapter →
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bluebutlikenotalways · 6 months
🐲 For Rayo and 👑 For Sorpresa, please? You can do either or if you don't want to do both. Thank you :)
Oooohhhhohoho! I love this ask :D
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I think I need to redesign her mask to make it less like a butterfly, because that ain’t her vibes!
Nou die draak
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I kinda rushed the folded wings because I wanted to show his stupid fucking dragon hands off XD
Of course where would a prince be without her dragon?
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hey guess what
So let’s start with our Prince.
Sorpresa comes from a long line of of women royals and is bright and ready to prove herself. A big part of her job tho is keeping her identity secret so she’s able to walk amongst her people without them acting off so they actually know what to fix, hence the mask. They’re also the first defensive against any attacks so they must always be ready with weapons and strangely sharp crowns. Sorpresa is more than ready to take on the world, she’s just waiting on the chance to prove herself.
Dragon man
Rayo X is a Knucker with horns that grew in wrong. Instead of pointing out they grew sideways to form a cross. With less protection than his fellows he decided to leave them to avoid the shame of them telling him he was a burden. While not able to use his horns he has developed one hell of a tail whip to fight back. It has served him well for a long time, but he still appreciated the beak guard because it makes close range attacks easier.
How they know each other!
Sorpresa was an only child and Rayo was an outcast, so both of their childhoods were really very boring when they weren’t training or sleeping. One day Rayo decided he’d drag his sorry ass out of the pond he was holding up in to try find someone to play with. He stumbled across a very flashy silver gate with blue gems set into its crest. He couldn’t help himself, he slithered up and pecked the sapphires out. Holding one up to admire it he watched as the world through it fractured and spun through the blue shine. On the other side he saw more flowers than he’d ever seen in his life. He had to see more! So he bellyflopped into the yard and went skittering to check everything out. Needless to say he trashed the place.
A very board student was staring out her window while her tutor was trying to explain why the apple fell on Newton’s head and wishing that she could be doing anything else. Suddenly she saw a shadow climb over her fence and start slinking around her hard pulling up her grandmother’s flowers and toppling statues of her long dead relatives and if that wasn’t the most interesting thing she’d seen all day. Her teacher didn’t even get the chance to grab her before she went bursting out the window and scaling down the vines till she was able to land with only scarped knee to complain of.
Rayo was admiring how his reflection was shining in the depths of their well.
A shout and poke from behind him made him jump and lose his grip on one of gems. He lent forward to to try catch it before it was out of reach, but a smack on his back made him jolt forwards and go spilling into the the depths below.
For a second he considered just curling into a ball at the bottom until whatever it was went away, but he reminded himself he’s a fucking dragon who can whip ass if he wants to.
Sorpresa peered over the edge of the well wall to the Rocky water below. She thought it was someone in a long robe digging through her family’s yard, but for a second she could have sworn…A dragon’s head come rocketing out of the earth below. Her stomach nearly fell out her ass as she steps back keeping her weapon up list like she was taught and glued her eyes to the opening waiting for a fight. Nothing came. Slowly she approached again to take another peak.
Rayo was about seven feet short from the top and was desperately clinging to the stones trying to claw his way back out, but he kept hitting a smooth one and ended up splashing back down.
Sorpresa watched him struggle for a bit. Poor thing looked like it was panicking. “Hello?”
Rayo paused. He looked up at the face above him. “Why did you hit me?”
Sorpresa cringed. “Well it was you or me.” She glanced at the torn up flowers and shuttered seeing that the crown broke off of her great great great aunt. “My mama is gonna explode when she sees this.”
Rayo curled around himself trying to calm down. “Whatever.” He dipped back below the water to tie himself in a knot. He couldn’t deal with this.
Above him a blip in the water made him stir. A tock on his head made him rise out back out of the water to see he must have fallen asleep because the light around them had faded to a deep purple, or maybe that was just a reflection from him.
“I came back to check in you and I was worried you drowned.” Rayo blinked up at her. “You’re…really stuck, huh?” Rayo started sinking again. “I’ll get you out, don’t worry.”
Rayo Sat with his eyes above the water as he watched her work. A few minutes later a rope flitted down next to him and Sorpresa called him up. He reached out and gave it a tug. The beam it was tied to creaked a little, but didn’t break. He wrapped himself around it and started his way up.
Halfway up the rope he heard something snap and he practically turned to stone.
“C’mon! You’re almost there!” Sorpresa leaned over to see her garden destroyer dangling like a uvula in the throat of some great beast. He was so close she could almost…she grabbed the rope, looped her leg around it and slid down far enough that she could reach out and touch him. He was way smoother than she excepted, but when she went to sooth down his spines he flinched away. She hissed. “No! Not back down!” The knucker stayed where he was. She puffed air out through her nose and went over what she had learned. “I’m sorry I scared you down here earlier, but it’s my duty to protect those in my kingdom..where you are, so please let me help you.”
She reached down a second time, but instead of touching him she held her hand in front of his eye. He cocked his head at it, then cautiously dug his claw into her sleeve.
Sorpresa had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from pulling away as he climbed up her arm, cutting her more with each step. She watched blood run down her arm through the rips in her sleeve. Mama really won’t be happy with her destroying her shirts like this. Soon enough Rayo was clinging to her shoulder with his tail wrapped around her arm for balance. Even with the extra weight she pulled them both up and out where she dumped them both on the ground.
Now that they were both safe she got to have a proper look at him. “You had wings this whole time? Why didn’t you use them?”
Rayo was trying very hard to dry off by flopping around in the dirt, but he humoured her and opened them. “Its too cramped down there to fly.”
“Oh. Wh-“
“I dropped your gems in the well.”
“You did what?”
And the rest is history!
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