#Sorry this is only partially relevant. I’m just thinking of my fandom stuff I got going on
bobbydabob · 4 months
you are literally making all my dreams come true. seeing homestuck AND enstars, esp in ur style is a blessing ty for ur service
Thank you, haha.
I intend to draw a lot more ShuMika if I can honestly. They used to be my “OTP” and I was obsessed with Valkyrie for ages. I’ve really really really been missing them recently to the point of vibrating excitement. Homestuck is a no brainer though I have been a DirkJake fan since like 2019.
I’m glad you like my style, I will keep it up. Thank you for the ask.
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todomitoukei · 4 years
what's your biggest gripe w bnha? and what kind of plot/character changes would you make if you had that kind of power? (this sounds like a question you get for an interview or an essay im sorry 😭😭 im genuinely curious though because you're very big brain and have interesting thoughts)
Did you hear that, mom?? This person says I’m big brain; suck on that!! Thank you so much, I’m glad you find my thoughts interesting!
Anyway, I would take a completely different approach to the story. Focus less on the heroes and more on the villains (than the story does), and most importantly focus more on the correlation between the hero system and the existence of villains.
Bnha oftentimes feels all over the place in terms of genre and what it wants to focus on. Just compare the first season to the current manga arc. The first season felt more like it was going to be a very light-hearted, slice of life type of story that would just focus on this kid who tries to become a hero. But at some point, it turned into a whole social commentary on injustice and discrimination, as well as touching on other really heavy topics.
While where the story is at right now is much more to my liking than the first season is, it can just drive a lot of people away from it, too, and is partially also the reason why there is such a divide in the fandom - either you like the light-hearted hero aspect of it and then you end up not even paying much attention to the story when it focuses on the villains and you don’t want to see people in the fandom talk about the deeper aspects of the story, or you are more into the heavier stuff and either have to wait a long time until the story gets to that point or just get turned away early on and then never get to the interesting part.
That is not to say that having those two sides is inherently bad; it’s nice when deeper stories also have their light-hearted moments, but it just kind of jumps from one side to the other all the time instead of just focusing on the actual points it tries to make.
I probably would’ve just made the class a whole lot smaller. This story has far too many characters because it doesn’t just focus on the students; it focuses on the students, the Pro Heroes, and the villains, which then leads to the issue of the majority of these characters being absolutely irrelevant most of the time. The class could just be half the size and that would’ve been just as fine and would allow for the remaining students to be fleshed out more and get more screentime than they do.
Personally, I’d prefer Shouto as the protagonist, but Deku could actually be a good, interesting protagonist if Horikoshi wrote him better, which isn’t difficult considering Deku is technically the perfect protagonist for this story. He is someone who has grown up experiencing that injustice of a quirk-based society, the problem is that as soon as he got his quirk, he suddenly seemed to have forgotten all about that. And that is actually fine if it only lasted for a while, but he still hasn’t realized that. He could be a really great character if he just started questioning things earlier. That doesn’t mean he has to give up on heroes and try and start a revolution right away, but maybe have him actually point out how messed up it is that Endeavor is one of the top heroes, when he’s the type of person heroes would usually help arrest.
Fewer side stories! Season four was so annoying in terms of how manga arcs were spread across the episodes. The Gentle arc was far too long, which then led to the Pro Hero arc only partially being in the season; the remaining parts then having to be continued in season five - not to forget that they chose such a boring, anti-climatic cliffhanger?! I kind of understand the purpose of the Gentle arc but it could and should have been way shorter.
Overall, just give more screentime to the villains - the League of Villains, that is. The story could be better executed if Horikoshi actually bothered to focus on the injustice caused by the hero system, but it’s often not obvious enough when the major focus continues to be on the heroes, with the villains only being focused on every once in a while (more and more as the story goes on, but that built up is just really slow). Not to mention how Horikoshi himself treats the heroes vs. how he treats the villains, which incidentally basically parallels how they are treated within the story.
To sum it up, I think if there were fewer background characters and side stories that aren’t relevant to the plot it would allow for a more balanced story by giving more screentime to the villains and their backstories because this constant over-shadowing makes it unclear whether Horikoshi actually wants to have the story deal with these topics or not. 
There are many things in the story that are just inconsistent or straight up contradict something else within the story, so if Horikoshi could write this story a little clearer and get to the point a bit better instead of having this weird back and forth it would be a far better story and one that could be told in fewer pages, considering if we take the current arc some kind of big turning point in the story, then it took roughly 300 chapters to get there. That in itself wouldn’t be too bad if the flaws of the hero system were more consistently focused on before. So better pacing would be nice (and stop throwing every possible reveal at us for no reason); he doesn’t have to drag out how the heroes constantly get away with everything over and over again - we get it! But how are those flaws of the hero system going to change, that’s what I would like to find out, hence the story would benefit from showing those darker sides more.
In short - I would change a lot of things, but the main idea is to cut out the more unnecessary parts and then shift the focus a bit more to have a more balanced story overall that is clearer on the point it’s trying to make.
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“What’s the very worst thing you can do to your very best friends? Tell them your darkest secret, because if you tell them, and they decide they’d rather not know... You can’t take it back. You can’t unsay it. Once you’ve opened your heart, you can’t close it again.”
This is the second post I’m making about BBC Sherlock S4 (or anything about any fandom, really). You can find the first one here, the topic is almost the same. I’m really slow in writing down my theories in a way that is comprehensible by others, so I’m sorry if i don’t have a lot for the moment. Read this with the knowledge that I firmly believe in TJLC as explained by Rebekah on YouTube, and that S4 is not real as we see it, but is telling us what we need to know before they release S5 (or the special if that’ll come first) through unusual ways, TJLC style.
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I think here Culverton smith is mirroring the writers, and his friends are the viewers. During the whole scene we have TONS of mirrored shots in the windows, most of it infact. In all of the previous seasons mirrors and character shots in mirrors were there to signal “hey this character is currently mirroring this other thing”, so idk it might be even this time??
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Faith when she’s still drugged and tries to remember something about the conference, the first shot of her that we see, she’s in a mirror, even the desk reflect her image. Wander which part of the audience Faith is mirroring? Yeah, you guessed it. The tjlc fandom. The ones that analyze things. The ones that are questioning.
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And the nurses? Idk, I’ve never seen a nurse that’s just putting an IV wearing a mask (unless under special circumstances of course), it never happens even when you’re taking blood samples, it just doesn’t ring right to me. So, who are the nurses? They’re people working for Culverton, they know what’s happening, they know what the solution is and what it does, they know how to administrate it, but they leave the room in the moment of confession. The nurses are mirroring BBC Sherlock’s crew.
If you’ve never worked on a set let me tell you: nobody, apart from the smallest possible amount of selected people, knows the whole picture, they can’t risk it, usually it’s just the writers, the producers, and most f the times the main actor; everyone else just knows the smallest informations to do their single job of adjusting the lights or hair for that single scene just like it’s written in their schedule.
So the crew knows partially what they’re doing, but they can’t speak, because their mouth is covered.
I’m thinking this is exactly the reason of S4. S4 is the memory drug. Everything made sense till now, tjlc was more and more evident, it was extremely obvious to everyone that johnlock was an actual thing, i mean just look at the sign of three, MY MOM THOUGHT THEY WERE CANONICALLY IN LOVE BEFORE I EVEN DID (at the time the fandom wasn’t the greatest so I avoided pretty much anything that wasn’t fan fictions or fan art, and just thought it was queer bait). Everything was super clever and well made. And then S4 came. A cheap Hollywood movie where nothing made sense and with john and sherlock great platonic friendship. And it was the last season so how could you not except what they already gave you and still want more, right?
Wrong. S4 is either complete bullshit or a distortion of what actually happens.
Culverton say that he can’t say his darkest secret because he can’t take it back, yet he does tell, and he does take it back.
The show does say that sherlock and john love each other (and are still pining) but S4 takes that back. You want the distorted version? Ok. Sherlock does explicitly says the words “i love you” in S4 to Molly in a physical mirror, a character’s mirror for John, whose description of the coffin perfectly fits John. The show does say that the writers aren’t stupid and aren’t making a tv show that’s just a blockbuster action movie, with cheap Hollywood effects and made up physic laws. Yet S4 takes that back.
The whole thing they kept saying in earlier seasons about “making history of television” and “making unprecedented things”? What unprecedented things? That was extreamely cheap cinematic, with really poor writings and a rip off of James Bond and classic horror movies. Nothing about S4 was memorable or relevant.
They already said everything they had to say (for the moment) but then they couldn’t leave the public waiting for another 6 years before S5 with all that hope and knowledge. Especially considering the fandom suspected even the phone\heart metaphor before ASiB even aired. Leave those people with the tiniest hope and you’d find your plans stripped naked for everyone to see in less than half of that hiatus. That’s really not Moffat style, he needs to give you hope, rip your heart open, surprise you leaving you gasping, only then he can make another plot twist and make everything super beautiful again and making you crying because it’s too many emotions.
So they said their things before S4, the fans that were still not sold on johnlock or didn’t want it canon were the friends who would rather not know, they went on with the brain washing of S4, and said “ok, we’re done here, nothing else to see, the show is finished, good night”. But just as with Faith’s story you can reconstruct if not all, part of what happened; because i don’t know if you noticed, but S4 doesn’t have a lot of plot holes, it is one single gigantic plot hole.
But what happens if they kill everyone just like Culverton Smith said? What happens if they make S4 so bad and destroy everything they said up until now with the show itself? What happens if the same people that were able to decode everything suddenly lost any faith because they were let down so much they just let the fandom die, and there was no one left to analyze what they were actually saying?
Everyone would forget all about TJLC and about how clever of a show it was. They would erase the whole show from people’s memories, letting it pass by like any other show that’s there to fill your Sunday evening.
Also there’s another thing that doesn’t sit right with me, although i don’t have any proof backing this up and am not sure of what I’m saying, it’s basically just speculation, but still. TD12 package:
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obviously this drug doesn’t exist, the only thing i came across with that name is a percussion sound module, you’re welcome to make your own theories with this informations since i know absolutely nothing about music technology and am not the smartest tool in the shed when it comes to music theories or clues.
I presume TD12 it’s something along the line of saline solution, since Sherlock made that replacement himself later in the episde, my research (because i also have no knowledge about medical stuff) told me that saline solution has en expiration time of roughly 2 years. On the package we see that the expiration’s date is October 2018, so counting back, assuming Culverton got the drug shortly before doing his speach, the scene takes place somewhere around October 2016. Wander what happened in October 2016?
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On BBC Sherlock official YouTube channel they release just one video: Sherlock Series 4 release date. Now. You might say I’m looking a little to much into it, but if you go check the release dates of the other YouTube videos you would see that they usually don’t post just one video per month, that’s the only one around that time period. Idk if you ask me it’s a lot of strange coincidences.
Anyway, in the scene he then says “these drip feeds will keep the drug in your blood streams at exactly the right levels. Nothing that is happening to you now will stay with you for more than a few minutes. I’m afraid that some of the memories you’ve had up to this point might also be... corrupted.”.
So the victims starting now, will continue to take the drug for the next idk 30 minutes???? But apparently some of the events preceding that moment can be “corrupted”. Translated: everything starting from October 2016 is fucked up because of the drug, not only that, but also some things from before that. I’m guessing the “drips” would be the little occasional posts or news??
Might I add the information that in December 2018 the escape room Sherlock the game is now opened? Like, i know it’s not October, maybe I’m just looking where i want to look, but... I genuinely don’t know, that’s why I’m sharing things, so that people with a more objective point of view can come and say to me “hey you’re not making any sense, what the fuck are you talking about”.
And overall, I’m not native English speaker, but I don’t think you say “corrupted” when talking about human memories. It sounds more something used in the context of digital memories, usually it’s files that gets corrupted, not human brain memories.
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dattebae · 4 years
Hi! I just came across your blog but I just wanted to say I think it’s hilarious how you mention how all your naruhina friends was shocked that narusaku wasn’t canon, and how I reacted the same way lolol (I’m also naruhina fan). But I also wanted to say as a naruhina fan I 100% agree with your anti naruhina part 1
Part 2 and why I hate kishimoto and naruto (it’s partially why I’m glad I never caught up to shippuden after the pein arc but I still lose because I suffered through the disrespect of naruhina and their character’s development). But tbh I never shipped narusaku b/c I never felt like Sakura was ever in love with him but I just figured they automatically end up to together because they’re the hero and heroine because that’s just how works (except w/ like anthem of the heart)
P 3 but I also thought it end up w/ the story completed with closure but w/ a cliff hanger canon ship too b/c naruto never came off as focus on romance at all & figured be like hey let’s call it a wrap. Tbh would’ve preferred it so there wouldn’t be so much hate amongst everyone in the fandom. Also sorry for bringing up naruhina but I just wanted to let you know you’re not alone on your view points b/c I feel the same way about the way ship was handled
P 4 so sorry for so many asks (this the last one I swear) but tbh even though I used be a NaruHina shipper I think and also ship SasuNaru and they should’ve been end game. But I also love SasuHina and SakuHina and a lot of ships also but since NaruSaku & NaruHina get all the hate I wanted to know how you feel about these two ships? (P.s I hope didn’t sound like I was anti NaruSaku b/c I’m not, I can’t really have an full opinion since I never finished Naruto lol)
P 5 Ok I’m super sorry but I was looking further into your blog and well now you don’t have to answer my SasuHina question lol (omg I can’t believe you’re a NaruSaku and a SasuSaku that ships SasuHina like every shipper of those two I’ve so far hate SasuHina but then again just hate Hinata period). But I saw a few other things you’ve said I’d like to comment on like I totally agree with that SasuSaku ask you answered about how Sakura becomes immature to Sasuke even after her development and etc
P 6 & when Sasuke is brought up is the only time when I really dislike Sakura b/c it ruins her character but other than that I love her & also I only half agree with you on Sakura being a relatable b/c i don’t see how Sakura being canonly labeled the most beautiful girl in Konoha & being top of her class & haveing tons of admirers is relatable at all
P 7 (I’m sorry but there’s a ask word limit) but I don’t see how Hinata was made to be so desirable when she gets so much hate for being plain looking & get called ugly for it. Like I know a lot people say it’s only b/c of her body she get attentions but not a lot of people actually like boobs or cares when it comes to attraction & the fact that she was given big boobs was just so people can even considered attractive is fucked up b/c even Kishi didn’t think she was
P 8 but yeah everything else you about Sakura’s character is true & it’s why I love her so much but at same time she’s not 100% relatable b/c everyone knows Sakura is pretty, & popular when it comes to boys but being pretty gives you privilege & is why Sakura got such great development & is the most loved female character. Ugly girls don’t get a happy story like her & unattractive girls never go as far as prettier one’s b/c they aren’t given the opportunities instead
oh god almighty . . . people still care about naruto???
basically i just wanna clarify that the things you are bringing up are a good 3-5 years old lmao so honestly i don’t care/stand for a lot of ship-related things you mentioned. I will however give you a brief respond regarding Sakura not being relatable. 
Sakura being the most beautiful and popular wasn’t exactly a narrative that was pushed to the viewers throughout the manga, nor was it something that defined her character. It might’ve been more relevant in the genin days when she cared about having long hair and being pretty, but that was something that she overcame in the forest of death when she cut her hair off to protect naruto and sasuke. After that she didn’t care much for her appearance if you ask me. I find Sakura to be incredibly relatable and good example in that sense, but also when it comes to her other flaws. She has a short temper, she misjudged people ( Lee and Naruto ) , she had to constantly compare herself to Naruto and Sasuke while training under Tsunade , she made a lot of mistakes , she’s not very likable amongst the fandom. In an interview Kishimoto even explained that Sakura and Lee are the most human characters out of the bunch. SO, Sakura is indeed relatable and she has a LOT of human flaws which can make viewers dislike her. Ironically, to me that’s what makes her interesting. Not to mention, the more people hate her because of double standards, the more it makes me like her lmao. One example is that people can praise Hinata for attempting to fight Neji or Pain despite failing, but they’ll call Sakura useless just for appearing on screen. See my point here?  I’m not trying to pit these characters against each other, i just find it quite irritating that people do. Hinata is definitely more likable to an audience because of her soft-spoken nature and her crush on naruto. She is also one of the characters that is easy to pity and sympathize with imo. Also, she certainly doesn’t have a bland or boring look to her? I find her very pretty! I think that’s just something they like to describe her as but not really portray her as lol
i didn’t wanna be a dick and ignore your messages because it really seemed like you put time into it, but tbh i really dont care about naruto related stuff these days. Thank you for writing to me though !
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oooh nice ok do: 1,2,3,4,5,7,9,22,23,
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?tbh i really don’t understand zoro/law? zolaw? i rlly don’t get it.  where’s the appeal?? the chemistry??? do ppl just want two buff dudes with swords to fuck???? i mostly only see horny stuff with them so im assuming thats it. but even knowing that, it still sort of confuses me tbh
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?z*san for SURE like its just. its wack im sorry. y’all who ship it are wack. also la/wlu and jo/takak
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?oh definitely, but like. less “opinion” and more bc they ship mc/reyes or baku/deku or st. bad shit.  also unfollowed a few unironic sanji stans bc like come on. one in particular had the wackest viewpoints and opinions on some things… i won’t get into it or name them but it rlly weirded me out. the utter lack of brain cells and comprehensive thinking was baffling
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?really just. see question 2.  z*san, law/lu, jot*kak.  also any incest or pedo ships obviously.  OH relevant one: i really don’t ship fugio honestly?  it’s a valid ship for sure and lots of ppl make really cute and nice content for it but personally i don’t ship it, for reasons
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?i thought i might enjoy jota/kak or z*san for about five seconds and then never thought that ever again. also partially bc neither ship has virtually any canon basis but ANYways
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?HA i can’t believe i used to like f***y t**l thats so goddamn cursed it makes me wanna die. i rlly just wanted one piece and got bad knockoff lowkey porn instead huh
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?i think rohan sucks and i think people who unironically stan him are annoying tbh
22. Popular character you hate?hmm i think i already answered this BUT. i do really hate sanji in a lot of ways.  in some ways he’s one of my favorite one piece characters but at the same time he sucks SO bad. it’s all oda’s fault though. and again, anyone who enjoys him without admitting his character is flawed? is a loser and i have no respect for them
23. Unpopular character you love?this USED to be true for giorno and now it’s not which makes me rlly happy, i love him a lot and i’m glad to see other jjba fans seeing how cool he is too
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dent-de-leon · 7 years
Allura for the ask meme!
Why I like them: Sooo many reasons!! I love how she’s a princess completely dedicated to her cause with this whole regal bearing, but still loves shiny things and playing cute games with her mice and just being herself. I love how she’s not as prepared and confident as everyone imagines, how she’s hesitant to be in charge at first, how she’s not sure if she’s ready and is still learning her role just like everyone else. I love how she’s not patient and motherly like people make her out to be, I love how she’s a force to be reckoned with and has a well honed strength in every sense of the word. I love how they took her old pink outfit from the 80′s and didn’t decide it was unfit for their warrior princess, and instead made the color a point of pride and relevance, something that mattered to Allura and belonged with her character arc.
 I love how Allura is prim and proper at times but also allowed to start food fights because, yeah, she’s a teenager too. I love how passionate she is, how she’s someone ruled by her heart at times with a longing for the past and wide-eyed hope that she can genuinely make the universe a better place. I love how dedicated she is to her cause, how she’s willing to give everything it takes to keep the people she loves safe. I love how she’s had a tragic past but still knows how to smile and wants to have fun. I love how she really likes flowers and jewelry and small comforts that remind her of home. I love how she considers the space mice her friends and likes to gossip about the other paladins with them. I love how much she’s grown as a person over the course of the series, how she was able to reach out to Keith again and rebuild that bridge of her own accord. I love how she’s really opened up to Lance and they’ve grown so much closer, how she genuinely seems to reciprocate his affections. I love Allura’s courage and drive. I love how fond and uplifted she looked when Blue chose her. I love her whole character arc as a paladin and would be sad to see her leave the team after all that. 
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Why I don’t: Fanon Allura really does get the shaft a lot. It made me dislike her just seeing how she wasn’t allowed to be a teenager like everyone else. How she was the Team Mom and only the Mom, dutifully caring for all her children and also married to Shiro because somehow they’re both 20 years older than everyone else and must Be Together because Space Parents law dictates it be so. Because Allura isn’t motherly or nurturing towards the paladins in the slightest, because I’m sick of female characters being forced into a motherly role. Because automatically putting Main Guy with Main Girl and Space Princess with leader Space Knight and having the whole fandom accept it as canon just bothered me. 
Because antis preached it as the Golden Ship and you weren’t allowed to ship them with anyone else for so, so long. Because people tried to shove Shiro’s characteristics onto Allura to suit their happy little Space Parents motif but she’s clearly more fiery, passionate, aggressive, self-righteous, has an anger and desire for revenge in her–because she’s so much more clearly like Keith than Shiro, but that makes her too rough around the edges for the Space Mom role so they file her down. Because antis keep editing Allura out of the picture and dropping in Keith because somehow Lance’s love for her isn’t valid enough. Because somehow Allura isn’t ever allowed to reciprocate and have feelings of her own. 
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Favorite episode (scene if movie): Just like with Lance, it’s The Red Paladin and A New Defender! I think seeing Allura’s very personal link to the Red Lion–and how she broke down at its rejection, watching her speak about Alfor and how much being a paladin means to her, the reason for her armor…that was all just so heart-wrenching and lovely. It also made me so much more attached to Paladin Allura than I ever thought I would be, and when Blue accepted her you felt a rush of pride and warmth as well. 
Then there’s A New Defender, which again gives insight to both Allura’s weaknesses and strengths, her insecurities and innate potential. She feels betrayed by the use of Altean magic against her, she struggles with this fear that she isn’t skilled enough to handle this, that she was never trained and therefore can’t outmatch this. But then Lance urges her own, makes her realize that she’s the Heart of Voltron, and she’s had that power inside her all along. Both episodes provide great character development for Allura on her own, as well as further her bond with Lance and really seem to establish requited feelings on her end. It’s really endearing. 
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Favorite season/movie: Season 3!! It builds a lot on Allura’s character as well as her bonds with the rest of the team (also, that good allurance content). Seeing Allura’s journey as a paladin got me way more invested than I anticipated, and it really felt like she belonged on the team. It was nice to see that shift in her dynamic, in her really becoming one of the paladins rather than someone back at the castle. It was pretty refreshing to see her on the front lines and bonding with a Lion, even if it wasn’t how she initially hoped or intended. Lots of growth and learning on her end. Some Good Stuff,, 
Favorite line: Allura’s plea to the Red Lion, especially, “I want to carry on my father’s fight, but I need your help. Please, I must do this.” ;; Hearing how committed she was, how important this cause was for her, how she was just laying her whole heart bare…that really got to me, and it was so well voiced. Damn good scene that hurt my heart and really shed some light on how much this all means to her,,
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Favorite outfit: Listen I am just really partial to everyone’s space pajamas okay,, she just looked so cute in them they were both adorable and regal
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OTP: Talked about this one already over here, but allurance!! :’D 
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Brotp: Keith and Allura!! As I said before, they have a lot in common, and I think their likemindedness makes for a really neat team. They’ve both experienced so much loss and grief in their lives, even despite been born at opposite ends of the war. And watching Allura learning to trust him again, see how Keith never pushed her or held a grudge against her in all that time, how he never demanded any apology because he understood Allura’s feelings and felt she was valid for having them. How they start to open up and lean on one another for reassurance despite their withdrawn natures–Allura letting Keith know she believed he was capable of being the Black Paladin, Keith comforting her after everything in the alternate universe. They certainly clash from time to time, but I think that, despite all their hardships, they’re gradually growing closer and it’s just nice. 
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Head Canon: That she loved the little Lotor helmet Zarkon gave her and ended up wearing it a lot as a kiddo ;; 
Unpopular opinion: Never liked sha/llura or the accompanying whole “Space Parents” motif. Also don’t like how it’s very popular to have lots of “Altean Lance” AU’s where he’s given a great deal of Allura’s character and backstory and they’re also both conveniently siblings so there won’t be any romantic feelings between them. 
A wish: That she and Lance live happily ever after and Allura helps everyone rebuild, quite possibly forming a “New Altea” for refugees across the universe. Or also!! Pollux is a thing, and Allura gets the comfort of at least knowing she and Coran–and Honerva–aren’t the only Alteans still alive. I would also love, love to see her apprentice under an Altean magic user or druid of some sort since at the end of season 4 she mentions that she’s never been trained. Keith got to train with the BOM, and so I really hope Allura will get to train with another magic user. oH also!! White Paladin Allura please,,
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An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Allura being kicked off Team Voltron or otherwise having her character development as the Heart of Voltron lead to nowhere. Also sh/allura (sorry, but antis ruined it for me early on) 
5 words to best describe them: Duty, righteousness, wistful, passionate, charm
My nickname for them: Space Princess!! ✨
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scrapyardboyfriends · 7 years
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15 June 2017
[The Scrapyard with Aaron, Robert, Adam and Pete] (Me: Yay my url is relevant again!!!)
PETE: *Says something in order to give Adam an opportunity to talk about his failing marriage* - no one really cares what Pete says right? -
ADAM: My marriage is failing! My life is ruined!
AARON: Oh, Adam, enough! We barely get the time to hang out these days due to the fact that the Plot apparently hates our friendship and here you are using the time to be all depressing!
ADAM: Says Mr. Chirpy himself! (Fandom: Yes! A new nickname! Mr. Chirpy and Mr. Shifty sitting in a scrapyard K-I-S-S-I-N-G first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes...oh no...I don’t like this song anymore)
AARON: *Slightly Offended Face* *Hey I’d like to be happy if the Plot would only let me be Face*
ROBERT: Right. Adam, you work on your cheerleading routine. Aaron! Come on...it’s shopping time!
AARON: *Wants to avoid that as long as possible face* Give me a second. *Goes into portacabin* Adam, mate! Sort it out if you’re this miserable. Honestly, my Plot is depressing enough without hearing about yours all the time.
ADAM: Speaking of your Plot. Robert actually slept with Rebecca unlike me who only briefly kissed Vanessa before practically running out of there and yet you forgave him and Vic is still giving me the cold shoulder.
AARON: Just talk to her.
ADAM: I’ve tried! We can’t all get a Maxine episode to work out all of our issues!
*Cute banter about freezing and de-icing* - what the hell was that Aaron? -
AARON: Just sort it out. This is driving me crazy. Plus, since our Plots so closely parallel, maybe if your situation works out, mine will too? Also, if you get back with Vic, maybe she’ll stop getting so invested in her BPFF.
ADAM: You’re right. Also, how could she resist this? *Gestures towards self*
AARON: *What did I ever see in you Face*
ADAM: Just going to have to rain down the love, aren’t I?
AARON: *So glad I got over that embarrassing crush on you Face*
[The Woolpack with Adam, Victoria and Zak]
ADAM: Vic! What time are you getting off?
VICTORIA: I’m off in a min - do people really shorten that in conversation? -
ADAM: Great!
VICTORIA: But then I have to go pick up my BPFF...I mean...do some festival stuff…
ADAM: I was really hoping we could talk. I feel like our Plot’s been pretty shafted lately since you got involved in your brother’s Plot...I mean your BPFF’s Plot.
VICTORIA: Much as I would love to discuss our Plot, I have a business to run...really...that’s totally what I’m doing today.
ZAK: Let me help with your business!
VICTORIA: You don’t even know what a vegan is!
ZAK: It was one time!
[The Woolpack with Aaron, Robert and Adam]
ADAM: Yes boys! Come keep me company in my misery! Weren’t you going into town though?
AARON: Yeah, we’ve been.
*Cute banter about shopping* - for the fans (FANDOM: We take what we can get these days)
AARON: So, did you talk to Vic about your Plot? How did it go?
ADAM: Not great. She’s still too wrapped up in yours even though she lied about it. Just too busy getting on with her life apparently.
AARON: Sorry mate. I know my Plot sucks.
ROBERT: There is such a thing as having self respect *Robert Is A Hypocrite Alert*
ADAM: Things are looking up though now you’re back. It almost looks like I have friends now! And even if it is just for the Plot, at least our friendship is based on more than just a need for a pregnancy test.
ROBERT: Actually, we do kind of have plans...of the non Plot variety…
ADAM: Oh...
AARON: We were foolish to try and plan those anyway, Robert. The Plot obviously wants us to stay.
ROBERT: *Why won’t the Plot let me live Face*
AARON: Come on Adam, time to get me drunk. If the Plot wants us here, I reckon we’re going to need it. Also, I’m totally not paying for Plot!Drinks.
[Random car park with Victoria and Rebecca]
VICTORIA: *Drives Diddy Diner Van in an attempt to fool the audience into thinking she was actually doing work* *Sees BPFF* *Smiles* *Squeals* I THOUGHT YOU WEREN’T GOING TO COME AND YOU WERE GOING TO DENY ME A CHANCE TO CONTINUE TO OBSESS OVER THIS BABY!
*Hugs like they’ve been friends for years and not five minutes* (Fandom: *Confused Face*)
REBECCA: Well...I did change my mind a billion times as I usually do...but the Plot wants me here, so here I am.
REBECCA: I know...I got your tsunami of messages...Don’t you ever do anything besides obsess over my baby? (Fandom: When did Rebecca become the less annoying character of the two?)
VICTORIA: *I didn’t hear a word you just said because all I’m thinking about is babies Face* IT’S SO GOOD TO SEE YOU!!!
*Another big hug that looks like they’ve been best friends forever and separated for years instead of two weeks*
[Random park with Victoria and Rebecca]
VICTORIA: So...where were you for the last two weeks which was apparently a lifetime in my head.
REBECCA: Here and there. I don’t have details when they’re not relevant to the Plot. Or friends for that matter. But apparently I slept on some sofas.
REBECCA: Sigh...this Plot is a mess. I think...maybe...I’m partially responsible...I don’t know if I’m allowed to admit–
REBECCA: *Weird look that will feed the Theories Face*
VICTORIA: You are still having a baby aren’t you? Because that’s the only reason I care about you. So if that’s not a possibility anymore –
REBECCA: No no, I’m still pregnant. Obviously. (Fandom: Obviously?! Really?! Have you been to a doctor yet...besides the one you went to for your stress pains who we never saw who apparently is the most inept doctor ever since they didn’t do a scan! And here we thought Hotten General was a magical place of fast healing. Guess you don’t have to be competent if it’s just the Plot that wants you to get your patients better and out of the hospital) But can’t you see how this Plot has wrecked my character…I mean...head! Everyone’s invested in it. (Fandom: We’re not!) Even the auntie...which really is getting over the top...don’t you think?
REBECCA: It’s too much #SpeakingForTheFandom (Fandom: When did she start making sense?) People either desperately want me to have it...like you…
REBECCA: ...Or desperately want me not to (Fandom: Ooh! Ooh! We don’t want you to!) I don’t even feel like it’s my child. It’s just a #PlotDevice for people to engage in discourse over and take sides over that divide the fandom! And it’s not even here yet? Can you imagine what will happen when it is? If there’s even a fandom left by then…
VICTORIA: I’m so sorry - Wow it’s almost like I responded reasonably there. Maybe my character is still salvageable after they scrape it up off the pavement from where that bus ran me over -
REBECCA: I’m sorry too because I’m leaving. (Fandom: Never apologize for that!)
REBECCA: I’m moving to Melbourne at the end of the week. (Fandom: That sounds fake...but okay. See ya!)
VICTORIA: I thought you were happy here.
REBECCA: I was until I got dragged into this Plot.
REBECCA: But all this Plot does is make me an obstacle for this baby’s father and his husband and they will hate this baby...and so will the fans. I really wanted the fans to like me.
REBECCA: I want to do this on my own terms.
REBECCA: And then there’s my family…
REBECCA: *Blink* *Blink* *Blink* *Blink* *Can I blink myself out of this Plot Face*
[The Woolpack with Aaron, Robert and Adam + Bonus Background Marlon]
*Boys Playing Darts* - Please let Aaron actually join in!
*Aaron and Marlon having a very animated hand gesture conversation in the background* (Fandom: We would love to know what they’re discussing)
ADAM: I’m really hot! Vic totally still fancies me!
ROBERT: *Laughs hysterically* Vic doesn’t care about you! She only cares about my unborn child!
ADAM: Not many women would kick this out of bed!
ROBERT: I would...but I digress. I hear you’ve been dumped by pretty much every girl you’ve been out with.
ADAM: Come on Rob! I need her back! And you want her out of your Plot and all!
ROBERT: You snogged Vanessa. I’m the last person that’s going to give you a recommendation. You’re a car crash. *Robert Is REALLY A Hypocrite Alert*
ADAM: *Points out that Robert is a complete and total hypocrite* You’re married to my best mate and you got Rebecca pregnant!
AARON: Hey remember me? I’m totally right here, getting your drinks. And you’re both equal screw ups when it comes to relationships. Deal with it. I apparently am...really well...is it the Plot or am I actually still going to counseling?
ROBERT: *To Adam* And you wonder why I’m not going to help you get back with Vic. *Robert Is STILL a Hypocrite Alert*
AARON: *I want out of this Plot Face*
[The Woolpack with Chrissie, Lawrence, Robert, Adam, Aaron, Victoria and Rebecca]
*Boys playing darts* *Clear view of Robert’s elbow patches* *It’s the ssw shirt!*
CHRISSIE: I don’t know how much longer I can sit here and watch that sickening oxygen thief #SnarkyChrissieIsTheBestChrissie
LAWRENCE: We’ll leave this Plot soon. Lucky needs some comforting over his gross virginity Plot with Belle. #LetSerialKillerLachlanRise
*Boys playing darts* *Robert failing at darts* *Adam broing down with Robert and hitting him on the back of the head and shoving him* *Quality Trash Talking Robert Banter* - for the fans
ROBERT: Stop crashing our date! If it weren’t for you, we could be escaping the Plot right now!
ADAM: Vic and I used to go out on dates…
AARON: Oh hi...still here...Adam you’re an idiot.
ROBERT: *Eats cheese and onion crisps with his sleeves rolled up* - for the fans - (Fandom: Look...we’re desperate here!)
ADAM: *Sad Face*
ROBERT: What? Cheese and onion Vic’s favorite as well?
ADAM: I’m heartbroken here. Have some sympathy!
*Victoria and Rebecca walk in*
ADAM: Vic!
ROBERT: *Apparently too absorbed in his cheese and onion crisps to notice who’s walked in* JUST GET OVER HER MATE!
*Robert and Aaron see Rebecca*
ROBERT: *Guilty Face* - I really thought I was done with that one -
AARON: *I fucking hate this Plot Face*
CHRISSIE: Rebecca! Oh is that why we’re still in the pub?!
[The Woolpack with Rebecca, Chrissie, Lawrence, Victoria, Adam and Marlon]
CHRISSIE: Why didn’t you tell us you were coming back?
VICTORIA: She only decided an hour ago because I forced her into it. But it was totally her decision.
MARLON: Oi! Can you keep your nose out of other people’s Plots and do some work!
VICTORIA: I can be in whatever Plot I want Marlon! Calm yourself!
ADAM: *Exists*
VICTORIA: Adam, not now!
LAWRENCE: It’s so great to have you back! Now maybe the Plot can move forward!
CHRISSIE: Yes! How are things with the baby?
REBECCA: Great! As great as they can be when you’ve never been to a proper doctor’s appointment!
LAWRENCE: And you are sticking around this time? Until the next time they need this Plot to be off screen at least?
CHRISSIE: You can always stay with me...which is mildly ridiculous because there’s no set for my house so I’m always at Home Farm anyway. But you can totally still stay…
REBECCA: Actually I’m moving in with my BPFF, Victoria.
CHRISSIE: Why the hell would you do that? #SpeakingForTheFandom
REBECCA: I just really want to do this on my own terms...well Victoria’s terms really but who’s really paying attention to that…
CHRISSIE: Well...whatever Victoria wants…
[The Woolpack with Robert, Aaron, Adam, Victoria, Rebecca + Bonus Pierce and the Police]
*Pierce getting arrested in the background* (Fandom: It’s about damn time! Stupid block storytelling!)
ADAM: *Staring at Rebecca* Well now I’ll never be able to move back in! Your Plot is ruining everything boys!
ROBERT: Or maybe your Plot ruined everything when it made you snog Vanessa. *Robert Is STILL Being A MASSIVE Hypocrite*
Rebecca: *What did I get myself into Face* Oh goodie!
*Adam, Aaron and Robert looking depressed as fuck in the background*
VICTORIA: Eugh! Look at those three people that I used to care about more than anything! Now I only care about you, my BPFF, and the baby that is totally yours...yes...definitely yours and not mine.
*Back at the bar*
AARON: Are you sure you’re okay? - Look at me still being considerate even though no one has asked how I feel lately -
ROBERT: Just stop asking me that! - Look at me totally being a jerk to my husband because I’m totally freaking out that she’s back. Why couldn’t she just stay away. - Is anyone serving here?
AARON: I literally only asked once Robert. And I guess you are bothered.
ROBERT: Can you just get off my case! I’m assuming you totally have asked me this a hundred times off screen because otherwise my reaction makes no sense. Also...let me state again for the people in the back, namely my sister, that I’m totally okay with Rebecca doing this on her own.
(Fandom: Let’s go back to watching Pierce get arrested. That Plot is still good. Proud of you Rhona!)
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robininthelabyrinth · 8 years
Summer in the City - Chapter 3
Fic: Summer in the City - Chapter 3 (AO3 Link) Fandom: The Flash Pairing: Mick Rory/Barry Allen
Summary: Barry Allen is a good CSI, but this whole stupid Heatwave serial killer thing is just killing him.
Or, you know, people around him.
Luckily for him, he’s always got Mick to complain to…
"I'm starting to think you're cheating on me with another pizza place, you call so late," Mick chuckles.
Barry smiles, phone tucked into the crook of his neck. "My job keeps me busy," he replies. "I wasn't sure you'd still be open."
"For you, I stay open."
Barry snickers. "Send me something I'd like, then," he says, suddenly feeling spontaneous.
"Not the usual?"
"Nah. I trust you."
"You're a trusting type of guy - and also a jerk, since you've given me no time to prep anything."
"Sorry," Barry laughs. "I promise to order the same tomorrow, how's that? Tonight just get me something fast."
"I'm holding you to that. Delivery'll be in twenty."
"You're the best. No desserts this time!"
"You're too skinny."
"You've never even met me!"
"You sound too skinny. Are you telling me you're not skinny?"
"Well, no," Barry concedes. He's not underweight, but he is, admittedly, a little skinny. "I just wouldn't say too skinny..."
"I bet," Mick says smugly. "Dessert tomorrow, then."
"Something with fruit involved, at least?"
"Can do."
"Thanks, Mick," Barry says, then hesitates. On one hand, he doesn't want to make this weird. On the other, he's been thinking it for a while. Might as well. "Is it sad that talking to you is a highlight of my day?"
"Not any sadder than the fact that talking to you's a highlight of mine," Mick replies immediately. "We're both very sad; just accept it."
Barry smiles. Mick's the best. "Good to hear. I'd better hang up - I'm going to eat then go straight to sleep, since I've got a busy day tomorrow."
"Yeah, interviews. We're following up on some things with some of the big labs in the city: Palmer Tech in the morning, then STAR Labs in the afternoon. Ramon Foundation tomorrow unless something comes up. Can't give you details, of course..."
"Of course. Have fun on your busy day, Barry."
Barry really likes hearing Mick say his name.
The food that shows up ends up not even being pizza, which Barry fully expected, but a medium-cooked ribeye with béarnaise sauce and some asparagus. One of the stalks looks like it's been nibbled on, like Mick grabbed the steak off of someone else's plate, but that's silly. Barry's sure Mick just grabbed whatever was available.
Honestly, he hadn't even remembered that this place did non-pizza stuff. They must have transitioned over to regular Italian as well.
It's delicious, as usual, which he reports to Mick with a smile (he vaguely thinks he hears someone yowling about having their plate stolen out from under them because someone can't man up about their goddamn crush, but Mick assures him it’s just the radio), and he sleeps well but still manages to wake up to his fourth alarm, so he even makes it to the front door of Palmer Tech on time.
Barry's not sure how he feels about Palmer Tech. The guy in charge of it - Raymond Palmer - was a player in Starling City politics and business for a while, which made everyone wonder why he was opening a branch in Central. The more generous said it was a natural expansion, taking advantage of the generous state interest in funding laboratories and scientific development generally; the less generous whispered about the corruption of the business class in Starling - that awful earthquake - and the slender gap left in the Families' supply of good money laundering operations after Snart had started his little meta crusade against them.
From what Barry's seen of his interviews, Ray Palmer seems like a pretty decent, upstanding guy, but Barry's more cynical side points out that the guy thinks of himself as an inventor - even humanitarian - first, businessman second, and that doesn't tally with his business' recent ruthless rise in market share, so either Ray Palmer has a hidden cold streak or he's got a second in command that's the real head of the business, someone with a real killer instinct.
"Barry, you're on time," Joe says, smile firmly affixed onto his face and on Eddie's. "Great. We're just waiting to see Mr. Palmer himself."
"What, personally?" Barry asks, frowning. "He's coming all the way from Starling?"
"Already arrived. Be nice, okay? We'll talk with him a few minutes and move on to the serious questions once he's assured us he had no idea what was going on, there'll be serious inquiries, the usual crap."
"Got it," Barry says. "Morning, Eddie."
"Good morning," Eddie says, looking tired. Then again, he recently got moved high enough up that he gave the media announcement this morning - the regular update on the Heatwave case, i.e. “Nothing yet but we’re working on it” - and he looks like he's been savaged by a bunch of media wildcats. But Iris’ boyfriend still has time to smile warmly at Barry, because he's always been incredibly sympathetic to Barry's plight (once Barry indicated he was getting over it and after one punch-in-the-face incident which Barry totally gets).
Just at that minute, Ray Palmer himself, recognizable from the fact that he's as tall as Barry and from the broad white-toothed smile you could see on all the advertisements, comes through the door, flanked by two blonde women.
"Detectives West, Thawne," he says, hand outstretched, seeming actually pleased to see them, not like he's secretly annoyed by these people trampling all over his lab at all. "I heard you'd called. And this is..?"
"CSI Barry Allen," Barry says, shaking Palmer's hand. "I'm accompanying the detectives today."
Palmer brightens like Barry said something incredibly interesting. "Wow, it's really great to meet you!"
"He watches too many police procedurals," one of the blonde women cuts in smoothly. Her smile is just a bit wicked. "Welcome, all three of you."
"This is Sara Lance," Palmer says. "She's my VP of Operations. And this is Felicity Smoak; she runs our R&D/Tech side."
"You didn't have to bring all the big brass, Mr. Palmer," Joe says. "We told you, we're just following up on the theft that you experienced a few months back."
"Naturally," Palmer says. "And please, call me Ray! I just wanted you to know how seriously we've been taking this issue. Sara and I will be taking you on the tour ourselves."
Everyone's smile gets a little more fixed onto their faces, because that's...great. If by great you mean absolutely awful. It's a careful balance in Central City between investigating with the full power of the city and state behind you, and not pissing off the politicians who count on the political donations and economic stimulus that rich people like Palmer brought with them when they expanded into Central.
Palmer was the politician's second favorite type of rich guy: spends a lot of money in Central building his business, but mostly concerned about politics in Starling and therefore no threat to their positions.
(Their first favorite type of rich guy being the kind that is willing to give them personally a lot of money.)
"We're delighted to have you as guides," Eddie says, even managing to sound partially sincere. "Thank you for taking the time. Ms. Smoak, you won't be joining us?"
"No, I just came here to see - uh, the investigation. How the investigation was. Was going! I'm R&D, you know, so I care a lot about theft. I mean, about investigations! Investigations into theft. Also in general. " She covers her flushing cheeks and closes her eyes. "Please pretend that made sense."
"Perfect sense," Barry assures her. "I do it all the time."
She opens her eyes and grins at him. "You're nice!" she exclaims, sounding a bit surprised. "I wouldn't have thought."
"The cops aren't all bad," Barry says, suppressing a smile. "Don't believe everything you see on TV."
“I’m glad we got the nice cops,” Felicity says, grinning at him.
“You have the luck of coming first in the alphabet,” Barry says, giving up and returning her smile. “So you get to go before STAR Labs this afternoon.”
This was true except for the Ramon Foundation, which started in the phone book somewhere after ZZ.
“Thank you, alphabet,” Felicity says with a laugh.
"We’re very thankful indeed," the other woman - Sara Lance, Ray had called her - cuts in smoothly. "Shall we begin our tour?"
Barry can feel the exchange of glances behind his back at the neat, careful people management, and he concurs entirely. Sara's too young to be behind Palmer Tech’s initial rise to prominence, which was mostly based on the sheer creativity of Ray Palmer’s inventions, but Barry would bet dollars to donuts that they've just met the brain behind its recent cutthroat expansionism.
Despite their initial fears, Ray actually proves to know something about the tech side of his business and is able to answer questions, rather than regurgitating a set of talking points crafted by a set of lawyers in a dark room somewhere.
"This is our Dynamite lab," he says. "That's a little joke, you see -"
"Thermodynamics," Barry says with a grin. "That's funny."
"You sure you want to keep up with this CSI stuff?" Ray asks. "We're always looking for good science people."
"And I haven't even pulled out my mad skillz yet," Barry says.
"No one says that anymore," Sara says, looking amused. "Assuming they said it, ever."
"It's definitely a first for a police investigation," Joe says pointedly.
Barry zips it.
Well, he tries. Ray's actually really nice - sure, he gets distracted sometimes and goes on tangents involving the possible uses of a dwarf star alloy, but that's super interesting to Barry's mind.
Just - maybe not that relevant to the investigation.
"So where exactly did you say the - ah - 'heat gun alloy' was?" Joe finally says.
"Over here," Ray says, gesturing at a set of shelves.
"You just let it sit out there?" Eddie says, frowning. "Isn't that dangerous?"
"It was only a model," Ray says. "We had eventually intended to make it into a gun, but we hadn't gotten anywhere near that point yet. Honestly, it was really just a lump of metal and some plans to show how it could be shaped to deal with the heat. The design of the alloy was meant to let it go up to as close as humanity has yet reached to absolute hot - which is to say, very, very hot - in a logistical manner, assuming you could fashion some source of energy that could get you the power you'd need to get there. The designs were suggestions on how to strengthen the metal so that it wouldn't melt by itself."
"That’s why the dwarf star alloys!" Barry exclaims. "If you make metal in part out of stuff that's been exposed to stars -"
"There's nothing on earth that should be able to melt it," Ray says, beaming. "Exactly! Are you sure I can't offer you a job?"
"Quite sure," Barry laughs. "But thanks for the offer. Can I examine the area?"
"You're welcome to, but it's been cleaned. And, well, a lab..."
"Industrial strength cleaner," Barry says, nodding. He's not going to find anything. But he'll look.
"While Mr. Allen does that, can you take us to your security system?" Eddie asks. "We'd like to look at the logs of who might have been able to access the alloy over the last few months."
"Sure," Ray says, though he looks longingly over to where Barry is unpacking his kit. "Follow me."
Barry's working by himself when there's a noise from outside. A crash, then barely audible cursing.
It's totally none of Barry's business.
Besides, it's a lab. If he wants to look out a window, he'd have to stand on a table, and that would be super unprofessional.
Naturally, Barry finds himself on his tip-toes on one of the sturdier-looking tables in under a minute.
He'd get down and scrub it off before anyone notices.
There's a guy in the alley outside, big guy, bald, shoulders round with muscle that's apparent under his cloth jacket even from Barry's vantage point. He looks pretty hot, though Barry can't see his face.
He's talking to Felicity Smoak, who seems to have knocked over a trash can and is waving her hands emphatically and bouncing a little on her toes in excitement.
Maybe he's an employee?
But if that's the case, why are they talking in an alleyway instead of indoors? He wouldn't have pegged Felicity as a smoker.
Huh. Weird.
There's a noise from the door and Barry has to scramble to get down from his perch in time to play it casual by the right table.
The table next to the right table. Damnit!
"Oh, good, you're done," Ray says, beaming as he sweeps into the room, luckily not noticing Barry’s unusual placement. Joe looks tired of Ray's sunny optimism already and Eddie's got his thinking face firmly fixed on. "Any chance I can take you all out to eat? I know a great Italian place..."
"Sorry," Joe says, only barely managing sincere. "We can't be seen to be influenced by someone even peripherally involved in an investigation."
"Well, maybe when your investigation is done, then," Ray says.
"We'll review department policy," Joe says, meaning hell no.
Ray and Sara then proceed to bustle them out in a haze of overwhelming good cheer that explains why Joe is looking like he's on the verge of murder. There's nothing like someone being aggressively, cheerfully unhelpful when you've running on three cups of coffee and no sleep.
Felicity's in the lobby, waving goodbye, and as Barry passes her, he notices the faintest smell of smoke lingering on her clothing.
Guess she is a smoker after all.
Though, that mention of Italian has him craving dinner...
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awed-frog · 8 years
Why do you think is Cas so seperated from the Winchesters? I get it if the following ep is without Misha or end of Ep8 is about SamDean being captured- But why the other instances like at the end of Ep2 even tho Ep3 shows Cas is there, why at the end of Ep7? (or the beginnig of Ep8) Why are Sam and Dean just walking away as if Cas staying with them isnt even an option for them? If its about Cas lackof belonging arc then s/t should it be called out by the narrative? using Crowley maybe
Hey - sorry I left this so late. It’s exams period, so my blog may be a bit hectic and weirder than usual until the end of February or so. 
Anyway - that’s an interesting question, and you could answer it three different ways.
From the characters’ perspective, Cas doesn’t stay long with the Winchesters because he doesn’t know he truly belongs there and he feels he doesn’t deserve it, anyway (*goes and cries in a corner*). 
Narratively, there’s still this deux ex machina fear - the idea that keeping around an all-powerful character will make the story boring, because if Cas can just solve all the problems and kill all the monsters, then what’s the point? This is mostly the reason why Cas’ been so mistreated by the narrative so far - brainwashed, possessed, hunted down, imprisoned and finally mutilated - and I’m hoping that all the weak!Cas moments we’ve had this season are aiming right there - at showing Cas isn’t this perfect warrior who can win everything without even trying and, therefore, that it make sense to have him around a bit more.
Finally, from a RL point of view - introducing new characters is always tricky, because they could upend existing dynamics so completely as to change what the story is about - and, unfortunately, we tend to be creatures of habit, so even when change is well done or overdue, we may not like it. This is a problem for all long-running shows - sometimes actors want to leave, or are fired, and other times the writers simply feel the narrative will become stale if they don’t shake things up, so they do (with varying degrees of success). 
Now, Supernatural’s got a bit more leeway in this department because its fandom can produce miles of metas explaining away every single mistake they make so it actually fits in the underlying narrative because of its lack of a distinct genre - as a half funny, half excruciatingly painful coming of age story featuring all kind of unnatural stuff, it can believably introduce any kind of new character, from a vampire BFF to a surrogate daughter to an actual daughter who grows up and is killed in the space of one episode (okay, bad example, but still) and somehow make it work. Having Cas in the Bunker, though, living and hunting with the Winchesters 24/7 - that would change a lot of things, especially because, as much as he’s come to care about Sam, Cas’ primary bond (however you want to read it) is with Dean. So, well, I do understand that the people deciding this sort of things are scared to try it, even leaving aside all those ‘real world’ implication I know nothing about (salaries, contracts, actors’ availability, who knows). 
I hope this answers your question?
(I have to admit - personally, what pisses me off the most about Supernatural’s current format is not that it revolves around Sam and Dean only, but that they sometimes move in a world where nothing else even exists. For instance, this magnificent Bunker full of secrets and spells and weapons and information - why the hell aren’t they sharing it with other hunters, if they’re serious about wanting to save people? And as for that last time the world was ending - why didn’t they ask for help, or say goodbye to anyone? Also, I find it stretches credibility to think neither of them never has even a partially off-screen breakdown because of their past, or the people they lost. I mean - don’t need, or want, long-ass speeches about this and that - but, for instance, Dean casing an old, possibly haunted bookshop while Sam talks to the owner - Dean coming across a battered copy of The Hobbit and clenching his jaw - that’s it - that would be plenty enough. Or, I don’t know, Sam making a mess in the kitchen and justifying himself by saying Jody’s roast sounded easy to make, but yeah. There are so many small ways to show these characters don’t move in a void, after all. 
And also - this is relevant to Cas, and to your question, because Cas is really where you see it. Both brothers have an incredibly deep bond with Cas by now, so it makes no sense whatsoever that Cas is never mentioned in any way in those episode where Misha is not there. I have to say - they’ve gotten better at that - for the last two seasons we’ve had phone calls and a couple of lines explaining the thing away - but this used to be a real problem, which, to me, even undermined characterization several times. 
But, yeah - the bottom line is that they can’t keep hurting Cas or having him do strange things forever (it’s hardly believable that Crowley’s not more present, tbh) - let’s see how they work it out moving forward.) 
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