#Soul Jim Lake jr
theslayerbrother · 1 year
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that Kiss was by far the best Kiss in Wizards.
I know i talked about this in Jlaireweek but i didn't talked about this in depth
Jim was Trapped by the Order because of the effects of the Dark Power form the Onyx Shard he is Trapped in the Limbo and Suffers greatly form it, not being Strong enough to beat his enemies that if not he will Lose the things that he bow to Protect.
and Claire form Side she was felling guilt ever Since the Start of Wizards, She blame herself form not being Strong enough to Save Jim and it's a lot more painful for her then a lot people realize she angry at herself form putting Jim in that State. form making him suffer that much. and She confess her feelings to him and Kissing him at the End, they aren't not School mates and friends or Just Semple boyfriend and Girlfriend anymore they became Soulmates.
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honeyxmonkey · 3 months
Shadow and Bone
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Claire and Harley are two of the most powerful characters in hbah... this is what happens when you put them together
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earth-ambassador-jim · 7 months
Lost Souls: Story 17
Bitter Reunion 
Lost Souls Summary: Merlin awakens early from his sleep. He decides that he doesn’t want to leaving anything to chance and kidnaps the young James Lake Jr. to began training his Trollhunter as early as possible.
Barbara is determined to hunt down the man who kidnapped her son. In her efforts to get her son back she finds a strange old radio that speaks to her in a woman’s voice. The radio leads her to an underground society of shapeshifters.
Mother and son meet again years later as strangers on opposing sides.
AO3 - Fanfiction
The Daylight armor was unnaturally light, yet it seemed to press down on Jim with the weight of a mountain. It felt wrong. Irreverent. Kanjigar was supposed to be wearing it not him. He tugged listlessly at his pauldrons.
“Come along,” Merlin huffed. “It’s best we take care of this quickly.”
He opened the oak door and started down the tunnel without pausing to look back. Jim hurried awkwardly after him. The clanking of the armor felt deafening in the caves. It was a relief when they exited out of the eerie green glow of the cave into the natural silver light of the half-moon.
“Now let’s see…” Merlin hummed.
He let his staff rest in the crook of his arm as he fished a dark vial of potion out of his bag and removed the stopper. He retrieved a grey piece of stone which he dropped into the vial followed by a glowing yellow crystal. He put the stopper back on, swished it around a few times and then smashed it on the ground where it dissolved into a green mist. After a moment or two the mist reformed into a vaguely hawklike form. It took off into the forest.
“Quickly now!”
Merlin and Jim followed.
It wasn’t more than five minutes before they came to a halt, the smokey bird circling above a pile of stones. A familiar scent reached Jim’s nostrils.
He rushed forward and fell to his knees by the pile. He sniffed and then opened his mouth slightly to better take in the scent. He smelled a strange chemical, human blood, plants and earth, but mostly he smelled Kanjigar. His heart clenched painfully.
Kanjigar was really dead…
A soft keening crept out of Jim’s throat.
Merlin came to a halt beside him. The light from staff cast a sickly glow over the crumbled stone.
“I shall gather his remains,” He said after a moment. “They must be returned to his kin.”
He planted his staff in the ground and opened his satchel.
Jim turned toward the wizard to say something, but a flicker of movement drew his gaze. He lifted his head and caught sight of a shadowy figure in the tree above them. The green light glinted off their knife.
Jim lunged forward, flinging Merlin to the side, and summoning Daylight to deflect the blow.
His opponent was bathed in the blue glow from the sword. They were human shaped: fully clad in dark armor with a ruff of black feathers around their shoulder and a yellow visor hiding their eyes.
“Step aside, Trollhunter,” A feminine voice said. “My business in with your master.”
She was after Merlin then. A jolt ran down Jim’s spine, raising his hair, and his heart beat faster.
“No,” He snarled.
He had just lost Kanjigar, he was not going to lose Merlin as well.
“I’ll kill you too then,” She stated.
Jim curled his lips back farther, fully baring his teeth, and lunged. His sword planted itself in a tree. His opponent dodged around him, sending a kick into his back. Jim stumbled and regained his footing. He spun around and saw she was heading toward Merlin.
The old wizard was in the process of sprinkling something on the remains. His back was to the fight.
Releasing Daylight, Jim crouched down onto all fours and sprung. His leap carried him effortlessly onto his foe, tackling her to the ground. He pinned her shoulders to keep her from moving.
A familiar smell reached his nose. Jim’s nostrils flared. Where had he…?
His grip on her arms loosened and in an instant a dagger was coming for his eyes. Jim reared back to avoid it and his opponent twisted out of his hold.
She came up in a crouch, a sword in one hand, the dagger in her other.
Jim growled softly. She was between him and Merlin, but her attention was on him. He had to get past her. He stood up slowly and flexed his hands. Daylight was a few feet to his left but if he went for it she would go after Merlin. Jumping at her unarmed would be risky though…
He moved sideways inching toward his sword while keeping his eyes on his opponent.
She took a step backward as he took one sideways then…
She turned and charged toward Merlin.
“Watch out!” Jim screamed.
He ripped Daylight out of the tree and ran after her. His pulse pounded in his ears. He wasn’t going to make it in time…
There was a flash of silver and a resounding clang. Jim saw with relief that there was a long thin, double-edged sword in Merlin’s hand. Kanjigar’s remains were nowhere to be seen. Their adversary jumped back.
It was two on one now.
“Who are you?” Merlin demanded.
There was a pause, as the figure’s head moved back and forth. Likely gauging her chances against the two of them.
“I am Nemesis,” She finally said, her visor facing toward Merlin. “I am Morgana’s chosen champion to bring about your downfall.”
Merlin’s face paled.
“Impossible! She’s locked away.”
Nemesis laughed. It was a cruel humorless sound.
“She is far too powerful. You knew when you did it that solution was temporary.”
She took a step back. Jim noticed that she was favoring her left side.
“I will meet you again. You will pay for your crimes in blood,” She promised. She turned toward Jim. “Be careful, Trollhunter, who you put your trust in. That bastard will stop at nothing to accomplish his goals.”
Nemesis turned and fled, disappearing into the dark shadows of the forest.
Jim growled and took a step forward, but Merlin stopped him.
“You’re not ready. There are things we must take care of before you can face one of Morgana’s followers.”
Jim sighed.
“Okay,” He said, but kept Daylight in his hand.
He sniffed the air, picking up more of Nemesis’ scent.
Jim stilled, hackles going up.
He realized why the scent was familiar. It was the human scent he had smelled on Kanjigar’s remains.
By the time Barbara made it back to her Janus Order apartment, she had just enough strength to lock the door, stagger to the bed, and shove some of the books off it before she collapsed. It felt like someone was stabbing her side with a pickax. Her head ached and every muscle in her body was screaming.
She should have returned home immediately after dealing with the Trollhunter instead of camping out to see who would come for the body.
Gingerly she tugged up her shirt as best she could without getting up. Her whole midsection was bruised. She prodded at her side and gasped as her vision whited out for a moment.
Barbara released her shirt and laid back again.
She was sure several of her ribs were at least cracked if not broken. On the bright side, now that she was actively using magic, she healed a lot quicker.
She would need to take her armer in to be repaired too.
What a headache.
Barbara lay there and tried to muster up the energy to at least get a pain killer. She really should start carrying some with her.
She closed her eyes.
When she opened them, the clock on her wall told her that two hours had passed.
Barbara struggled to sit up, stiff muscles protesting the movement.
She didn’t want to move but it would only get worse if she stayed there.
She made her way to the bathroom and swallowed down the strongest pain killer she had that wouldn’t leave her loopy, then staggered over to have a seat at the kitchen table. She glared at the wall tiredly before reaching in her bag an pulling out the dimensional orb. She wasn’t looking forward to paying back what she owed for it, but storage spells were tricky so she hadn’t dared attempt one on her own.
Inside the crystal orb Kanjigar’s blank stone eyes stared at her. She wondered briefly if the young troll she’d met was the one he had mentioned.
She quickly shoved the orb back in her bag.
The next scheduled meeting with the Underlord was tomorrow. She and Walt were to attend.
She hesitated at the thought of Walt.
It had been rough after she had learned what the Janus Order really did, but she had desperately needed someone to lean on, to learn from. Walt wasn’t trustworthy but he did care about her.
She would not have done as well as she had without him.
“…There is no honor among assassins,” She whispered.
A bitter chuckle escaped her.
He was a very good teacher. It was unfortunate for him.
Barbara ran her fingers over her sweaty hair and sighed. She would take a shower and try to get some rest. She needed to be looking her best. Tomorrow, if all went well, she would be receiving a promotion.
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lavenoon · 7 months
Hangman (~11K words) (Severing Hell's Leash AU)
Strick (der, masculine): German; noose. A loop with a running knot, tightening as the rope or wire is pulled and used to trap animals or hang people. Someone's noose is tightening, and he tied it himself.
Notes: Please note that I have changed certain terms regarding Angor’s magic — out of personal conviction and discomfort of using words originating in specific cultures. There will be an in-universe explanation provided, and I hope it won’t be too hard to get used to. I also will note that Strickler does not get a favorable depiction here. No flak to those who enjoy his character — I am simply not one of them, and if you don’t like him getting salt, this may not be the series for you.
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hammert-fitzerald · 9 months
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amok that gives life to sentimonsters with the peacock Miraculous, exceeds the limits and the amok becomes a pure soul ready for only the carriers jim or dictatus galandrigal to give life to that soul without the need to use an object nor unless the being is linked to anything nor does it disappear or be manipulated.
Dedicate to @bluheaven-adw
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voidfell · 1 year
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I literally missed fathers day but shoutout to my muses who don't have daddy issues and have good relationships with their dads and dad figures
#fathers day tw#✧˖*°࿐ Dakota Milton About // we’re BOMBSHELLS raisin' HELL now.#✧˖*°࿐ Noah Mandal About // fell asleep in my JACKET over hoodie over SHIRT.#✧˖*°࿐ Steven Universe About // ‘til i began to GROW. a power all MY OWN.#✧˖*°࿐ Anti Wanda About // turns out the VILLAIN is FUN to play.#✧˖*°࿐ Timmy Turner About // an AVERAGE kid that NO ONE understands.#✧˖*°࿐ Danny Fenton About // this is the DAWNING of the REST of our lives.#✧˖*°࿐ Leo Hamato About // playing DUMB but my PATIENCE wore thin.#✧˖*°࿐ Daichi Misawa About // the only one with COMMON SENSE.#✧˖*°࿐ Judai Yuki About // gasoline PUMPING through my VEINS.#✧˖*°࿐ Katsuki Bakugou About // i hope the SMOKE carries MY NAME.#✧˖*°࿐ Amadeus Cho About // they’re all WATCHING now. better show ‘em how.#✧˖*°࿐ Jaime Reyes About // so cut the ANCHOR on your HEART to be set free.#✧˖*°࿐ Jim Lake Jr About // you'll NEVER ever break my SOUL.#✧˖*°࿐ Monkie Kid About // everybodys always TALKING at you.#✧˖*°࿐ Chiro About // the voice of the UNHEARD. I gotta SPEAK it. BELIEVE it.#✧˖*°࿐ Cody Jones About // show me WHAT it's for. make me UNDERSTAND it.#✧˖*°࿐ Aedan Cavanaugh About // i will SHIELD you from the WAVES.#✧˖*°࿐ Millie Bolton About // i will draw my SWORD & FIGHT.#✧˖*°࿐ Marcus Haprele About // the only thing STOPPING me is me. YEAH.#✧˖*°࿐ Gal Alvarez About // i am a voice yet WAITING to be heard.#✧˖*°࿐ Liz Ruin About // here’s to never GROWING UP.#✧˖*°࿐ OOC // ROAD WORK ahead? uh i sure HOPE so.
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sopafa · 2 months
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Camelot, the center of this story, is ruled by Jim Lake Jr., trollhunter and leader of both the magic and human realm. The round table, is full with knights and ladies, from all the distant lands, willing to defend the magic and fight for what is right. The queen of these lands, is Claire of the Lake, a shadowmancer. A witch. Who is able to not only control shadows, but fill Jim’s heart with pure love.
Aja Tarron, monarch of the land of Akiridion, who, despite being part of the round table, lives in her own kingdom, as opposed to her consort (the knight Palchuck) and her brother Krel (who serves as Ambassador to the lands of Camelot).
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From other kingdoms, and distant lands, we have other rulers and monarchies, who have signed the peace treaty of the lands of Camelot, and follow the traditions of caring for, protecting and preserving magic, as well as magical creatures and beasts.
Rosas, an island kingdom with milk teeth, created by the King Magnífico, as a sanctuary for those who want to escape war, and leave in piece. Witches and wizards are often seen in the kingdom of Rosas, after all, it was the first kingdom to be formed with a monarch capable of manipulating magic.
Arendelle, The mountain kingdom, known for its proximity to fjords and ice magic. The world knows well the story of the so-called snow queen, and how the firstborn of the royal house of Arendelle was blessed with the kiss of ice magic, to protect her people, and prove herself worthy of the throne.
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And of course, the kingdoms of the champions.
From cities, to islands. The legend says that the purest hearts come from anywhere and anywho.
No matter gold, or silver stone, what is really important is the soul.
Berk, The center of the archipelago, the land of Vikings and fierce dragons, where beasts and men live together as one. Be careful with teeth, fire and weapons, who knows, they say that the least dangerous thing in those lands are dragons. Not for nothing, Berk has no enemies.
Dumbroge, legend has it, that the oldest souls and magic itself, comes from these lands. That the richness of its power is so high that if you stand still, you can see magic itself take shape. Unfortunately, past prejudice and persecution of magical creatures in times past caused a mass migration, leaving witches and entities in short supply in this area.
Corona, the land of the sun, an island in the middle of the Mediterranean, which is said to be rich in trade, art, minerals, and above all, raw materials for magic spells. Some say that its power comes from the sun itself. Others are just lucky. The truth is that nobody knows.
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Douxie's quote of the day #3
Quote of the day- I have four of them to do today and tomorrow 😭😭😭. But it'll be fun, so first up, a quote from our own shadowdancer- CLAIREEEEE NUÑEZ!!!!!!!!
"Look, Jim, there's a reason that you're my boyfriend. You're cute, you cook great food and because I fell heads over heels when you did your destiny speech for the Romeo and Juliet auditions and looked at me with those deep, soulful eyes of yours. But I know you're tired of being cute, so let me tell you this. In a couple of years, you're gonna be hot, and you're gonna have girls falling all over you. But then I'll come up, be your shadowmancer in shining armor and portal all those bitches away so you and I can spend our life in peace. You. Are. Going. To. Become. Hot. Believe in yourself, Jim Lake Jr!"
And then they started to make out right after 😭😭😭. We will see you later today for another quote, when I wash my eyes out with soap after what exactly I witnessed.
*skips away while crying*
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theonepiecelazyartist · 2 months
Lore Yeah
Yeah It's A Story For Trollhunters In My AU :)
Chapter 1: Normal Day?...
(After The Accurate Ending For Toby. Jim Was So Upset Yes And The Others Too. When Jim Rewind Time. Something Awakened A Dark Force. That Might Change Jim's Rewind Life.)
Jim Lake Jr: "Hey Toby Wassup!."
*Jim Lake Jr. Was Ready To Pack Breakfast For Himself,Toby, And His Mom he Runs To The Fridge Placing The Pack Of Food In The Bridge For His Mom. After Those Tasks. He Starts To Bike Away with Toby While Jim Lake Jr. Was Biking Away He Couldn't Help But Feel As If Someone Is Watching Him....Or.... Following Him. But He Ignores The Feeling And Bikes Along Toby.*
*He Met Claire Nuñez And Everything Was Being Normal:D The Way It Is....But Not For Long. When Jim Was With Toby, Toby Showed Him The Amulet He Found. Jim Was Surprised That Toby Was Chosen For The Amulet. When Jim Thought Blinky And ARRGHHHH Will Come By Just As What Happened. They Didn't Expect A Person..."Human?"...Jim Was Flabbergasted Including Toby Who Used The Amulet. They Were Looking At A Knight. The Color Of The Knights Color Was Black. The Knights Helmet Was Covered By The Black Helmet.*
*the Knight Went Forward To Them...Looking At Jim Instead Of Toby.*
The Black Knight: "You Despised Humanity....To Save This Life Of Your Fallen One....You Didn't Accept It To Be True...You Shall Suffer The Consequences....Trollhunter..."
*The Black Knight Pointed It's Sword At Jim...Toby Confused About What The Black Knight Said Asked Jim With A Concerned And Surprised Look.*
Toby: "Jim??? What Does He Mean About Trollhunter???..."
*Jim Stayed There...Silent...His Eyes Wide In Fear And Surprise...He Thought He Erased Time!?! How Does This Person Know?! Who Is He!?.*
Jim: "H-How....Do.....You....Know.....Me?..."
*The Black Knight Stepped Forward. The Knight's Presence Intimidating And Powerful That Made Jim Shiver On His Spine...*
The Black Knight: "Because....We....Have Been Watching You.....Young Atlas...."
*The Knight Glared At Jim....Jim Seeing The Knight's Gaze Boring Into Him......The Black Knight Was Looking Thru Jim's Soul...*
*But Toby Intervened Using The Amulet And Sword Slashing Everywhere. But The Black Knight Dodged Everything In A Smooth Motion...Kicking Away Toby...Getting The Amulet Away From Him In A Forceful Matter....Throwing It To Jim.*
The Black Knight: "Fight Me...Trollhunter....Or Your Friend Suffer..."
Jim: "No!!!."
*He Tried To Save Toby Before The Black Knight Used His Blade On The Surprised Toby. But They Were Saved By Blinky And ARGHHH.*
Blinky: "Master Toby!! We Are Here To Save You!!!."
*ARGHHH Charged At The Black Knight Getting The Knight And Throwing The Knight Away...ARGHHH And Blinky, Jim, And Toby They Ran Away...Trying To Go To A Far Distance...Away From The Black Knight.*
*Until They Accidentally Encountered Bular Who Was Hunting Down Toby.*
Bular: "Grrr....Well Well The Trollhunter...HAHAHA!!! This Would Be Easy-."
*until He Got Cut Off By Toby And Jim.*
Jim: "Bular!?! No Time To Explain!!! I Know Your Trying To Get The Amulet!!! But Not At This Time!!!"
Toby: "Were Running Away From Someone!?! Can't We Just Talk Somewhere Else!?!?."
Bular: "What The.....Why Should I Listen To You?"
*Until The Black Knight With A Speed Of Light Appears Infront Of Them. And Bular Seeing This Knight Was About To Go In A Fighting Stance With His Two Blades But ARGHHH just Grabbed Him Away. All Of Them Runs Away Beginning A Chase.*
Bular: "HEY LET GO OF ME!?!?."
ARGHHH: "No No Talk Now."
Blinky: "I Can't Believe It!!! It's The Black Knight!!!."
Jim: "What!?! You Know This Guy!?."
Toby: "Okay!? But Why Does He Know Jim!?."
Jim: "Yeah....That..."
*He Continues Running Lost In Thought....How Did The Black Knight Know Him?.... Impossible...*
(To Be Continued...)
If You Have Any Suggestions On What I Can Add For The Second Chapter Just Tell Me ^ ^ and If You Enjoyed Thanks!
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lovevalley45 · 3 months
the thing about this trollhunters fic is that. i am trying to put in references to the source material n so i must dig deep into my six-year old knowledge of the show. and the way the tidbit about jim lake jr. going into spanish when he's nervous seized my soul anew and caused me to go into hysterics mid-sentence
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Meet our contestants!
Seeding is in progress, the bracket should be done by tomorrow and Round One will begin! In the meantime send propaganda in the ask box!
List of the nominees under the cut:
Adora from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Aragorn from The Lord of the Ring
Ari Helix from Once and Future
Arthur from Code Geass
Arthur from Arthur King of Time and Space
Arthur from Shrek 3
Arthur from Disney’s The Sword in the Stone
Arthur Boyle from Fire Force
Arthur Dent from The Hitchhiker’s Guide of the Galaxy
Arthur King from King Arthur and the Knights of Justice
Arthur Kingsmen from Mystery Skull
Arthur Liebowitz from Fairy Odd Parents
Arthur Lester from Malevolent
Arthur Pendragon from BBC Merlin
Arthur Pendragon from Kaamelott
Arthur Pendragon from Seven Deadly Sins
Arthur Pendragon from The Mechanisms “High Noon over Camelot’’
Arthur Read from PBS’s Arthur
Bob from the Minion
Dave Strider from Homestuck
England from Hetalia
Excalibur from Soul Eater
Firestar from Warrior Cats
Fjord Stone from Critical Role
Flynn Carson from The Librarians
Jack and Annie from the Magic Tree House
Jim Lake Jr from Trollhunter Tales of Arcadia
John Uskglass from Jonathan Strange and Mr Nobell
King Arthur Baking Company from real life
King Arthur from Gargoyles
King Arthur from Monty Python and the Holy Grail
King Arthur from Quest for Camelot
King Artorius from Wizard 101
King from The Owl House
Ky Kiske from Guilty Gear
Larry the cat from real life
Link from The Legend Of Zelda
Little Josh from the Josh Figh
Lord Foog 2nd from internet meme
Lucille Kensington from Where the Stars Fell
Magnus Burnsides from The Adventure Zone
Martin the Warrior from The Redwall Series
Merric from Fire Emblem
Mario from Nintendo’s Paper Mario
Peter Pevensie from The Chronicles of Narnia
Poptropica Player Character from Poptropica
Prince Marth of Altea from Fire Emblem
Queen Elisabeth II’s ghost from real life
Rand Al’Thor from The Wheel of Time
Richard Campbell Gansey III from The Raven Cycle
Roland Deschain from The Dark Tower
Saber Artoria from Fate/Stay Night
Sailor Venus from Sailor Moon
Simon Snow from Carry On
Sonic the Hedgehog from Sonic and the Black Knight
Sora from Kingdom Heart
Stabby the Roomba from real life
Tedros from the School for Good and Evil
The lettuce who outlasted Liz Truss from real life
The little swedish girl who found a thousand year old sword in a lake from real life
The Luidaeg from The October Day Series
Thomas the Tank Engine from Thomas King of the Railway
Wart from The Once and Future King
Zagreus from Hades
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chrislaplante · 5 months
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𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖎𝖓𝖘𝖕𝖎𝖗𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓.
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𐕣 gerard way - my chemical romance. 𐕣 chris cornell - soundgarden. 𐕣 per yngve ohlin - morbid / mayhem. 𐕣 tobias forge - ghost. 𐕣 chester bennington - linkin park.
𝖇𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖘 / 𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖘.
𐕣 ghost. 𐕣 spiritbox. 𐕣 linkin park. 𐕣 my chemical romance. 𐕣 the cure. 𐕣 the smiths. 𐕣 depeche mode. 𐕣 joy division. 𐕣 bring me the horizon. 𐕣 the cranberries. 𐕣 yungblud. 𐕣 dua lipa. 𐕣 skynd. 𐕣 morbid. 𐕣 jim sturgess. 𐕣 echo & the bunnymen. 𐕣 lebanon hanover. 𐕣 the horrors. 𐕣 inxs. 𐕣 chris cornell. 𐕣 jonathan davis. 𐕣 marina and the diamonds. 𐕣 placebo.
𝖋𝖎𝖑𝖒𝖘 / 𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖜𝖘
𐕣 my soul to take (2010). 𐕣 insidious: the red door (2023). 𐕣 veronica (2017). 𐕣 hereditary (2018). 𐕣 the last exorcism 2 (2013). 𐕣 the night house (2020). 𐕣 boogeyman (2005). 𐕣 darkness falls (2003). 𐕣 saint maud (2019). 𐕣 suspiria (2018). 𐕣 the exorcism of emily rose (2005). 𐕣 talk to me (2022). 𐕣 the babadook (2014). 𐕣 split (2016). 𐕣 two sisters (2003). 𐕣 the uninvited (2009). 𐕣 mr. harrigan's phone (2022). 𐕣 satanic (2016). 𐕣 marrowbone (2017). 𐕣 rosemary's baby (1968). 𐕣 his house (2020). 𐕣 personal shopper (2016). 𐕣 boys in the trees (2016). 𐕣 a ghost story (2017). * 𐕣 spirited away (2001). * 𐕣 alice in wonderland (1951). * 𐕣 the exorcist (1973). 𐕣 annabelle (2014). 𐕣 lords of chaos (2018). * 𐕣 the vvitch (2015). 𐕣 the sixth sense (1999). 𐕣 hellbender (2021). 𐕣 the haunting of hill house (2018). 𐕣 midnight mass (2021). 𐕣 archive 81 (2022). 𐕣 the haunting of bly manor (2020). 𐕣 american horror story (2011). 𐕣 ju-on: origins (2020). 𐕣 ginger snaps (2000). 𐕣 donnie darko (2001). 𐕣 the others (2001). 𐕣 frankenstein (1931). 𐕣 edward scissorhands (1990). 𐕣 pet sematary (1989). 𐕣 black coat's daughter (2015). 𐕣 the last exorcism (2010). 𐕣 the haunting in connecticut (2009). 𐕣 the taking of deborah logan (2014). 𐕣 the lords of salem (2012). 𐕣 ju-on (2002). 𐕣 insidious: chapter 2 (2013). 𐕣 insidious (2010). 𐕣 sister death (2023). 𐕣 the devil inside (2013). 𐕣 relic (2020). 𐕣 the devil's candy (2015). 𐕣 ringu (1998). 𐕣 it follows (2014). 𐕣 skinamarink (2022). 𐕣 malevolent (2018). 𐕣 doctor sleep (2019). 𐕣 antlers (2021). 𐕣 the autopsy of jane doe (2016). 𐕣 lake mungo (2006). 𐕣 malignant (2021). 𐕣 family blood (2018). 𐕣 ginger snaps 2: unleashed (2004).
𐕣 adam plenkov - my soul to take (2010). 𐕣 edward scissorhands - edward scissorhands (1990). 𐕣 corey cunninham - halloween ends (2022). 𐕣 nell sweetzer - the last exorcism (2010). 𐕣 emily rose - the exorcism of emily rose (2000). 𐕣 quentin smith - a nightmare on elm street (2010). 𐕣 nancy holbrook - a nightmare on elm street (2010). 𐕣 matt campbell - a haunting in connecticut (2009). 𐕣 violet harmon - american horror story (2011). 𐕣 jesse walsh - a nightmare on elm street 2: freddy's revenge (1985).
𝖙𝖗𝖚𝖊 𝖈𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖊.
𐕣 edmund kemper. 𐕣 ronald defeo jr.
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tagged by: stolen. tagging: @grote5que (hm, your pick), @morb1dg1rl, @coastercrushed, @freakarus, @miercolaes, @hollowvictory, @thegiftofcruelty, @nuks (your pick), @00sgoth, @poetdeads, @cannib4l, @malignantdevil, @allevils.
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honeyxmonkey · 1 month
Harley: I was kicked out of the IKEA for being gay. This is homophobia
Jim: No, you were kicked out for summoning Swedish skeletons to read the furniture names for you
Harley: >:[
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earth-ambassador-jim · 5 months
In Lost Souls, Jim is barely able to read and write English (he can read more than he can write).
This is because he was six when he was kidnapped by Merlin, so he had just started learning. Kanjigar knows how to read a tiny bit written English (mostly used to sound out the human names of places) and cannot write it. He did pick up some picture books for Jim back when he was little though (Which is the only reason Jim remembers as much as he does). Merlin had no interest in teaching Jim written modern English since none of his scrolls or books use it.
Jim is however able to read and write fluently in Latin and Trollish and knows a little of some other archaic languages.
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talesofsonicasura · 1 year
A King's Musings
A warrior king thinks about his peculiar guests and the face of the person who brought them.
Part of the Past/Present/Future Trio! Best to check that out first, especially the comments and reblogs, or else you'll just be super confused.
Damas would admit that Jak will never fail to surprise and worry him. The young man alongside his smaller companion had been gone for two weeks ever since they snuck into the Monk's Temple. It wasn't no lie that a good chunk of his Spargus citizens than just their king were a bit worried.
Jak and Daxter peculiar dynamic helped ease the tension from the serious matters outside the walls. It's hard to not be amused by youths getting into ridiculous but mostly harmless antics. Something that felt needed when the problems at hand aren't the usually ones for his people. These were much larger and dangerous matters that even his unaware citizens can sense.
Then not even an hour into the night did the Spargan King received a message from his most trusted friend, Sig. Jak and Daxter had been found but they weren't alone. Two other boys were with them, one who had a lethal allergic reaction to sunlight. It was enough extra motivation for Damas to come over alongside an escort and get the four youths back to Spargus before sunrise.
The King was about to arrange separate rooms for the other two boys but they all insisted on staying with the "Demolition Duo". It wasn't hard to notice the kindredship between them. One of sworn brothers ready to burn the world to ashes for each other.
"I figured I would find you wandering the halls again." Damas turned away from his thoughts to look at an approaching Sig. Although he couldn't help but raise a brow at the bits of feathers stuck haphazardly on the man's armor. "Old habits die hard my friend. Let me guess, a pillow fight?"
The man playfully rolled his only organic eye at his king's query. "Blue Cherry has one hell of a swing. Knocked the air outta me real good than just make a pillow explode. I can only imagine taking a hit from him as a full grown adult." James Lake Jr or "Jim" being the young man's preference.
A half human/half 'troll' who shared a very similar situation to Jak. Sadly he couldn't change back to what he once was from how it been phrased. The boy could easily be mistaken for being part Lurker if he didn't have that smooth stone hide and horns. Maybe a subspecies?
Jim was sixteen but dwarfed Damas by a foot if you weren't counting the horns. It isn't hard to see what his sworn brother meant as the boy still had some growing to do. They were lucky Kleiver hadn't thrown out his old PJs when he was a teenager. Between the four, Jim is more outspoken and approachable.
"An agreed sentiment as the young man has no doubt seen his fair share of the battlefield if he shares Jak's predicament. Though I bet it was Link who started their little fight." Damas' smile could barely conceal the heartache that stung his soul.
The world of a warrior wasn't a kind one. Every man and woman will face their own unspeakable horrors as war is bound to find them at some point. The eyes that a 10 year child should never be cursed to have. Link was painfully close in personality to his lost son, Mar.
An innocent youth with a knack for getting into mischief and prefers to use sign language than his voice. Sadly Link's innocence had also been robbed in the same way his fellow brothers lost theirs. By men like the Green Eco Sage who believes children should hold the weight of the world on their shoulders.
"Little Cherry is as clever as his aim. He already knew the right trajectory and timing to throw so he could hit my face before I even opened the door. Jak got himself some competition when the boy's old enough to pick up a gun."
Damas snorted at the image of his friend being met with a pillow to the face. There were already some rumors about Link being the King's secret love child amongst his guards. "I'm glad to know they're making themselves comfortable already. Hopefully the boys don't decide to throw another pillow fight in their new room."
"So when you are going to start working on those adoption papers? Just know that you have to do shared custody for Jim cause his mother might beat you with a broom if otherwise." Sig chuckles at the pointed look from Damas.
He knew his sworn brother's fatherly instincts when it came to lost children like the four boys. Damas is family man at heart and he always wanted to give Mar siblings. When his son disappeared, it wasn't hard to notice the sorrow in the man's eyes.
It hurt to find Damas sitting on Mar's bed with his son's favorite Crocadog plush in hand. No updates on the lost boy for over a year just made it worse. There been a few leads but they were muddle before absolute silence once Kor was dead. Although some reports were linked to two particular boys who slowly been healing Damas' heartache.
There was something about the Demolition Duo, especially Jak, that resonated with the King of Spargus. A very familiar bond that neither parties could identify but can definitely feel. Kinda like... Both men hadn't noticed they had stop in front of Jak's room. Unlike 20 minutes ago, it was quite silent.
Damas and Sig looked at each before the latter silently open the door. The room had been overtaken by feathers that once made their home in the pile of torn pillow cases at the farthest corner. Jak and Link's items were closer to the bed especially the youngest peculiar "Fierce Deity" mask which sat on an intact pillow.
It wasn't difficult to find the room's occupants. All four boys were all fast asleep, huddled together in a slightly awkward cuddle pile. Jim was behind everyone as his head rested on Jak's chest alongside Link and arms held the two smaller blondes. The youngest boy nestled himself against the oldest with a firm grip almost if to make sure he won't disappear.
Jak was in the center of the two whilst Daxter laid behind his head, curled up like a feline. A very rare sight to behold as the duo still had issues when it came to sleeping. Haven City hadn't been so kind to their health from the constant mission reports Sig gotten ahold of during his stay.
The heartwarming scene felt very familiar to Damas, too familiar. Soft peaceful expression on Jak's face as his body was held in the safety of his brothers. Just like...
Realization hit Damas harder than a gun handle to the teeth. "Sig, get me every report involving Jak's stay in Haven. I'll be in my private studies as there's something I need to check. The answers we been seeking about Mar's disappearance is much closer than we thought."
Sig quietly headed off while the king look back at the sleeping youth, specifically Jak. The image of a little greenish blonde child surrounded by blankets as he held a plush crocadog to his chest paint the king's mind. "Please let me be right."
The door closed without a sound as darkness gently blanket the room once more.
And that's it. I'm a sucker for Dadmas just like Fierce Dadity so I couldn't resist. Figured I give Jim a break from the madness he's been subjected to on my main blog. Still on a Trollhunters kick so it'll taking longer to get other stuff done.
Life has also been insane as curveballs keep coming. I'm currently working on the next chapter for Of Bug Cults and Living Stone while proofreading my older works. Until next time folks, I'll see you back at the crossroads between Spargus, Arcadia and Hyrule!
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@radioactivepeasant @hermitdrabbles56
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sonicasura · 1 year
In the Ben 10 Trollhunters AU, how were the souls that Angor Rot had released?
Did Kangijar manage to destroy Angor Rot or was it through a different means?
Kanijar didn't take out Angor Rot. It was Gunmar as the assassin took a blow meant for the Trollhunter instead. "Finish the fight and look over Jim Lake Jr." Kanijar had grown since that very first clash so Angor trusts him to keep an eye on everyone.
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