#Sound Archive of Australia
myhughniverse · 2 years
NFSA National Film and Sound Archive of Australia - via social media - "In this clip from 2002, veteran broadcaster Michael Parkinson speaks with Kylie Minogue about the secret behind her longevity. See more in our special curated collection dedicated to her incomparable recording career - Month Of music -
🔗Kylie Minogue | National Film and Sound Archive of Australia (nfsa.gov.au)
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2023 Vocabulary Symposium: FAIR Vocabularies For All.
Following on from the success of the 2022 Vocabulary Symposium, the ARDC invites you to the 2023 Vocabulary Symposium on 14 and 15 November 2023.
This is a 2-day hybrid event bringing together people from domains across disciplines spanning research, government and industry, including those from the ARDC Thematic Research Data Commons. The aim is to communicate and promote approaches to using, developing, publishing and maintaining vocabularies. The event will cover Australian and international initiatives that demonstrate the impact and value of FAIR vocabularies for maximising the reuse value of data within and across domains.
The program for the Symposium is out now. The Symposium will feature keynote presentations from:
Arofan Gregory, a standards expert at CODATA, who will present on “Controlled Vocabularies in a Changing Metadata Landscape”.
Jen Drysdale, a cultural heritage informatics and analytics specialist at the National Film and Sound Archive of Australia, who will discuss “The Role of Vocabularies in Cultural Heritage and the Impact of New Strategic Drivers”.
Register to participate!
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fobarchiveteam · 5 hours
The Fall Out Boy 2001 Demo... and the fact that there's actually two of them!
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A few years ago, the wonderful Dave Hofer, who owns the DuPage County Hardcore Archive, uploaded the first Fall Out Boy demo from 2001 onto his archive, revealing its existence to the world. Dave was able to locate both a copy of the CD and the cassette versions of this demo, finding out that limited amounts of CDrs and around 100 cassettes were ever made. The CDr has uncut and unmastered versions of the recordings that later appear on the Project Rocket split, but the cassette contains completely different recordings for the first two songs, while an original song that is found nowhere else called “A Nice Myth” replaces Moving Pictures. The truth is that these are actually two separate demos: the cassette recordings came first. These demos were both made in 2001. For the first demo, the band consisted of Patrick on vocals, Pete on bass, Joe on guitar, and two other members who only lasted for a short time in the band: Ben Rose on drums, and John Flamadan on rhythm guitar. It was recorded on an 8-track in Ben’s basement. That 8-track was later turned into the cassette, of course. Both Ben and John left shortly after, and Jared Logan and TJ Kunasch replaced them on the CDr recordings respectively. What you may not know is there was an even rarer version of the CDr demo made: two types of lathe cuts.
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These lathe cuts were posted on Discogs as pictures years before Dave’s discovery, so they sat dormant and undiscovered by FOB fans for a long time. After researching the cassettes and CDs for our archive, we stumbled upon these pictures and were perplexed that nobody has mentioned this version elsewhere before. Although this was not really a “new” discovery, we were still intrigued. We contacted the uploader of the picture, and this is what he had to say:
Hey!! Yeah it's honestly a crazy story on how I acquired it, but I believe it's legit. Basically, a few years back (I think 2018 or 19? The listing on the page for the clear version that sold for $0.50 or something crazy was from me, that's how I bought it). I messaged a guy on here that had the CD added in his collection if he would be willing to send me the mp3s/WAV files for his copy, and he did. We talked for a bit about the band and he said I seemed knowledgeable about the band and asked if I wanted his second copy of the lathe (he had two, one clear, one black). I obviously was like "hell yeah dude" and he said he would ship it to me. Fast forward a few weeks (he lived in Australia or some shit) and low & behold, I actually got the damn thing in the mail, plus two promo trading cards from the TTTYG album cycle, one with Andy & one with Joe. A few years later he messaged me that he got in touch with the dude that made the lathes for the band (he was based in Chicago which makes sense). Apparently 26 copies were cut & only 20 got labels thrown on them, members of the band slapped them on themselves. They were only in white paper sleeves, not any picture sleeves unfortunately. The sound quality on them is actually pretty decent for a lathe made in 2001, which is what leads me to believe it's legit. Also, like you had mentioned, the songs didn't leak until a few years back, when I got it I had never heard these versions (it's just the Project Rocket split versions uncut & unmastered essentially, same versions as the ones that leaked from the CD version. That is pretty much all the info I have on it, I hoped that helped some!!
Cheers from Florida - Jake
He later followed up with:
If I'm not mistaken, I believe the guy I got it from got both the clear and black copies verified to be legit by the guy that made them. Also small detail I forgot to include before, he obtained both copies through a lot of FOB merch from eBay. He was looking to get a complete set of TTTYG trading cards, which is why he bought it. But I know in the lot he also got the two lathes & a demo CD, I forget what else he had mentioned. It's odd that the band hasn't spoken of their existence, maybe they forgot? The lathes were probably more of a novelty item than anything, considering that vinyl wasn't very popular in 2001 & they weren't packaged as "properly" as the CDs & tapes, plus they made a lot less of them. I'm assuming they just kinda got tossed around between friends of the band or got sold at random at their early shows. Either way, it's been one of my prized possessions since I've acquired it, let me know if hou have any other questions on it haha
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Currently we have no idea who this elusive Chicago lathe maker is, but maybe we may find out one day. These lathe cuts may possibly be the rarest FOB merch in existence.
Side note: The fact that the top title on the cassette specific insert says "Fallout Boy - Growing Up" and then later lists Growing Up as a song below, it may have been intended to be the title of the cassette, and the song was a title track. This is unconfirmed though.
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Did you know that the name of the city of Canberra is an anglicisation of the original people of the area, the Kanberri, as stated by the national archives. Other proposed names were Austral, Australville, Hopetoun, Myola, Home or Wattleton. King O’Malley, minister for home affairs suggested Shakespeare! The capital city of Australia could have been called fucking Wattleton! Sounds like a joint in rural Vic with a population of 60 and 3 pubs with a crosstown footy rivalry treated like life or death
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longitudinalwaveme · 1 year
Voice Acting for Arkham Files: Flash Rogues
These vignettes, and, more specifically, the characterization of Dr. Hugo Strange, are based on the wonderful Arkham Files YouTube videos produced by Mr. Rogues.
Here's his channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyxNOHiNclZlVpeRhYV2QRQ
Since I am a huge Flash nerd, I decided to use this idea as a jumping-off point to explore how the Rogues would respond to therapy sessions. Again, all credit to the basic format goes to Mr. Rogues.
I wrote this about a year ago, and now I am wondering if anyone would be interested in doing some voice recordings/voice acting of the sessions for the characters.
Here's the list of characters that I'm hoping to eventually cast:
Professor Hugo Strange: This is by far the biggest role, since he's in all the sessions as the psychologist. Strange has a German accent (it seems to fit the character), and he's generally calm and fairly soft-spoken. Strange is intelligent, and he's very good at his job, but there's an undercurrent of menace and obsession in his voice whenever he's discussing superheroes.
Captain Cold (Leonard Snart): Captain Cold grew up poor and relatively uneducated, and he doesn't try to hide it in his speech. He talks tough because he is tough, and those who don't know better might assume that he's a dumb thug. But nothing could be further from the truth. Captain Cold is very intelligent; he's very street smart and an excellent strategist. Bringing in some of the drawl that Wentworth Miller used when playing the character would be nice, but only if it doesn't conflict with the rest of your performance. Midwestern US accent. It's also worth noting that Cold has a tendency to drop the "g" sound from the end of words like "trying" or "calling".
Mirror Master I (Sam Scudder): Midwestern US accent. The first Mirror Master also grew up in poverty, but unlike Captain Cold, he's tried to drop some of the speech quirks that would identify his background, which he is somewhat embarrassed by. Sam is dramatic and prone to theatrics; he talks himself up and likes to present an air of being calm, cool, and collected. He's also a chain smoker (in fact, he's smoking through his whole interview), and, while he hasn't quite developed the horse rasp yet, that's something that should be reflected in his voice.
The Top (Roscoe Dillon): The Top is from the Midwestern US, like most of the Rogues, but he's desperate to sound intelligent and sophisticated, so he puts on a very posh accent that sounds somewhat like the "Transatlantic Accent" that's common in movies and radio broadcasts from the 1930s and 1940s. However, when he gets stressed, excited, or angry, his fake accent does slip a bit and he falls back into his more natural accent. He's also on the autism spectrum (like me), and due to this, he is excessive formal and grammatically correct in speech when talking to people he wants to impress (like Dr. Strange in this interview), since he hopes that this will help him avoid social blunders.
Captain Boomerang (George "Digger" Harkness): Like Captain Cold, Captain Boomerang grew up poor and undereducated, and he doesn't really try to hide it in his speech. Unlike Captain Cold, Captain Boomerang is from Australia, and his accent reflects that. More specifically, he has a "broad" Australian accent (the Australian accent that Americans usually think of when they hear "Australian accent"), and he uses a lot of Australian slang. That being said, don't play up the accent so much that it becomes a caricature. Throughout his interview, Digger is calm and relatively friendly towards Dr. Strange; he's not threatened by him since he's totally happy and content with who he is. Unfortunately, "who he is" is a thug and lowlife.
Weather Wizard (Marco "Mark" Mardon): Even though he was born in Guatemala, Mark came to the US when he was only a year old, so he probably has a Midwestern US accent for the most part. That being said, he does speak Spanish fluently, and since he grew up with parents who likely did have Guatemalan accents to at least some extent, there might be twinges of that in his regular speaking voice. Really, the most important requirement for playing Weather Wizard here is being able to speak Spanish fairly fluently. Other than that, Weather Wizard spends most of his interview in a heightened state of emotion (talking about his brother will do that to him); he's trying and failing to maintain his image as someone powerful and scary for much of the interview.
Heat Wave (Mick Rory): Midwestern US accent. Heat Wave has a very deep and raspy voice (in part because he's damaged his vocal cords due to a lot of smoke inhalation). He's friendly and affable, but he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, and he knows it. He also has to start crying during his session, so being able to fake-cry with some degree of realism would be helpful too.
The Trickster (James Jesse): Since he grew up in the circus and moved around a lot, he doesn't have any particular accent, although he's an expert mimic of all sorts of accents. He's cheerful and mischievous, and he sees his interview as a game in which he can outsmart Dr. Strange. He's extremely clever and quick-witted, and he has a lot of energy.
Golden Glider (Lisa Snart): Midwestern US accent. Like her brother, Captain Cold, she grew up in poverty, but unlike him, she does make some effort to hide her background (though she might start sounding a bit more like him when she gets stressed). Her overall diction is probably a lot like the first Mirror Master's. Golden Glider has a very intense hatred of Barry Allen and an equally intense love for Roscoe Dillon. While she is very loyal to her friends, she is also terrifying when she's angry, and she is not nice. She also swings between being calm and being angry very quickly and with little warning.
The Pied Piper (Hartley Rathaway): Very upper-class, "posh" accent that he's trying to hide by adopting a more standard Midwestern US accent. His parents were millionaire publishing magnates, and this is reflected in the way he speaks. He's very passionate about helping the poor, but is otherwise rather quiet and soft-spoken (due in part to his extremely sensitive hearing). Pied Piper is also probably suffering from some level of depression in this particular interview, and that should probably be reflected in his voice.
Mirror Master II (Evan McCulloch): Working-class Scottish accent (more specifically, he has a Glaswegian accent). He's endlessly amused by the fact that Americans don't fully understand him and deliberately plays up his accent to confuse people. That being said, I don't want the accent to become a total caricature. McCulloch is a very strange man with a very strange sense of humor, and of all the Rogue, he seems to be the most out-of-touch with reality. He's generally cheerful, but is very dangerous when angered.
Dr. Alchemy/Mr. Element/Albert Desmond: Midwestern US accent. Albert Desmond suffers from a very fantastical, fictionalized version of Dissociative Identity Disorder. All three of his personalities have the same basic voice. Dr. Alchemy is quietly threatening; Albert is sad and horrified; Mr. Element is rougher around the edges. Dr. Alchemy is by far the least human-sounding of the three.
Zoom (Hunter Zolomon): Midwestern US accent. Zoom is prone to stretching out his vooooooowel sounds at random, apparently due to his ability to control his position relative to the timestream. He speaks very quietly and might have a slight rasp; his voice also echoes a bit. He's quietly but menacingly obsessed with his goal of making Wally West a "better" hero through suffering.
Professor Zoom the Reverse-Flash (Eobard Thawne): The Reverse-Flash is from the 25th century, so ideally he should sound somewhat different from the rest of the cast (since word pronunciations tend to change over time). He's pompous and dramatic ("HA-HAAA!!!"), but that doesn't take away from his menace.
The Flash (Wally West): Midwestern US accent. It's hard for me to not simply say "do Michael Rosenbaum's voice from the DCAU", but that's not fair to anyone, so instead I'll just say that Wally should be passionate, a bit hot-headed, and a bit sarcastic. He's a very good guy, but he's not at all happy with the fact that Dr. Strange is treating him like a criminal.
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duckprintspress · 9 months
Meet the Aether Beyond the Binary Contributors: Ellen Faye and Bettina Juszak
Today, we’re introducing two of the authors debuting with Duck Prints Press in AETHER BEYOND THE BINARY, our modern aetherpunk anthology starring characters outside the binary, currently crowdfunding on Kickstarter! Continue on to check out their biographies and read tags about and excerpts from their contributed stories!
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City of Lights by Ellen Faye
About Ellen Faye: Ellen has been a dreamer and designer of worlds all her life. She has been involved in many fandom environments over the years but most recently jumped with two feet into Supernatural, and never surfaced. She has shared many stories online (as Ellenofoz), but she’s grateful to be able to take the leap into published works with the Aether Beyond the Binary anthology.
Ellen lives in Brisbane, Australia, and spends her days writing code. By night, she reads and writes stories, watches shows, and plays games involving magic, science, historical adventures or romance—sometimes all at the same time. She co-hosts a podcast about Supernatural fanfiction, but can also be found enjoying Star Wars, Marvel, Doctor Who and other assorted fandoms.
Links: Archive of Our Own | Twitter
This is Ellen’s debut publication with Duck Prints Press.
Title: City of Lights
Tags: bullying (past), childhood friends, london, modern with magic, non-binary, present tense, reunion, student (college), third person limited pov, united kingdom
A loud cheer rises from the crowd, and the first float comes into view: a dramatic arch and spiral of lanterns, rainbow-hued and bright with the glow of aether. Music blasts from speakers on board the float as it skims the ground, a thumping beat that Rowan can feel in their chest as it approaches. The people dancing on board the float are dressed in a similar aether-kissed fabric to the crowd’s flags, shimmering with shifting colours as they move, smiling and waving to the crowd.
Rowan can remember staring up at the beautiful dancers last time, wishing they could dress up like a magical being and join the parade. They chuckle and shake their head. They’d become a magical being, all right, of a kind. Their mandatory Academy training had seen to that.
Before the float draws level with where Isaac and Rowan sit, something catches their eye across the street. A building, a balcony two stories up. A child, reaching a small hand out as their parent is distracted beside them.
The child overbalances.
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Finding Resonance by Bettina Juszak
About Bettina Juszak: Originally from Germany, Bettina has (so far) spent time in the US, the UK, and Canada. She is particularly interested in exploring questions of music and language in imaginary worlds, aided by degrees in linguistics and literature. When not writing, she loses herself in hobbies such as archery, cross-stitch, attempting to learn yet another language, and complaining about the amount of space her book and notebook collection takes up. Her first published work appeared in the Upon a Twice Time anthology published by Air and Nothingness Press, and she is working on a second original novel – despite the first one not having seen the light of day yet.
This is Bettina’s debut publication with Duck Prints Press.
Title: Finding Resonance
Tags: asexual, fluff, found family, london, musician, non-binary, past tense, third person limited pov, united kingdom
The screeching of tortured pipes made Ros flinch.
“Sorry!” Minnie shouted from the organ loft, kept usable through the sheer stubbornness of a stone wall. This church might still nominally be standing, unlike most of its compatriots, but it wasn’t exactly in good repair.
Ros rubbed at their blurry eyes, wishing for coffee. “You promised last time you wouldn’t wake me this early for one of your ideas again.”
They knew they sounded grumpy, but they were halfway across the city from their apartment in Islington, and they already dreaded the return journey on the Northern line, their least-favourite Tube line. After over ten years of getting dragged into Minnie’s projects, starting from when they met at the Royal Conservatory, Ros was mostly resigned to it, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t complain.
Throughout the Aether Beyond the Binary campaign, we’ll be highlighting the 17 contributors, so keep an eye on our social media for more bios, interviews, and excerpts – or become a backer now and get notified with each update!
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slidesworthseeing · 1 year
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Found slide: The Australian Institute of Anatomy (now home to National Film and Sound Archive, with the anatomy collection moved to the nearby National Museum of Australia), Canberra, 1961 (photographer unknown)
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saintmeghanmarkle · 14 days
Changes are shifting me outside the words by u/Mickleborough
‘Changes are shifting me outside the words’ A quote from my current ear worm, which seems appropriate:I don’t think the Royal Family now will be upset by anything Sussexes do. They’ve gone beyond conscious grey rocking and are simply living their best lives.For most people, when they’ve had a brush with death, their perspectives change. They become more focused on the bigger picture, and don’t concern themselves with the petty or the negative.Take HM. The King’s been having treatment for cancer. From all accounts, his treatment’s been a success. He’s set to begin the ‘second chapter‘ of his reign with a tour of Australia and Samoa for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting at the end of October.According to an insider:https://ift.tt/a3b9skA that sound like someone who‘s overly concerned with what a couple of attention seekers do?Then there’s the Princess of Wales. In the recent video that she shared, she said:https://ift.tt/GylQ9Is clearly states that she has a new perspective on ‘everything’ and is grateful for the ‘simple yet important things in life’ - to love and be loved.It doesn’t sound like she - or her family - care about what small-minded people do.Sussexes can do what they wish to upstage the Royal Family. The Royal Family simply don’t care. And that takes away the power of Sussexes to wound. BBC unarchivedGB News archived / unarchived post link: https://ift.tt/MS3QDIr author: Mickleborough submitted: September 10, 2024 at 09:15PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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sound-art-text · 1 month
Sound at the 59th Venice Biennale (2022)
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I'm afraid this years' collating of works relating to sound and listening will be an emergency run through as I only have a couple of days here unfortunately. Hoping for a longer stay and more comprehensive blog next time!
Was all ears, literally. We entered through one. A strange red fabric balloon greeted us, then dramatically began to expand, and expand, until it filled the whole room and visitors had to run away or risk being crushed into the walls. Artist Jonathas de Andrade explores idioms related to the body. A fun experience.
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A 200-day performance by Marco Fusinato.
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Not all related to sound, yet a turntable spins in the corner and attention to the sonic feels very present. A gorgeous, theatrical, sound-full, cinematic installation by Zineb Sedira. The work is about 'the drive to make militant films in the 1960s and ’70s', considering her historical ties to France, Algeria and the UK.
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GREAT BRITAIN The winner of the Golden Lion this year, Sonia Boyce presents 'Feeling Her Way'. On entering the pavilion, up the grand neo-classical staircase, we're met with a large video installation, which then continues in every room. Women of colour, singing - improvising, together - solo. A wall of memorabilia, crowdsourced, honouring female black and brown musicians. Important work, and a wonderful archive. I wish I loved it. But why are these on-screen singers in Abbey Road studios, perhaps the most expensive and exclusive studios in the world? What's all the gold and glitz about? The politics of the work feels unresolved to me.
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A chant from the Cordillera region, translated into musical notation by the artist Gerardo Tan painting with squid ink on his tongue.
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Abror Zufarov and Charli Tapp present a sleekly designed space with an evolving sound installation, in homage to the work of scientist Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi (an anagram of his Latin-translated name gave us 'algorithm') and highlighting contributions towards technological developments from outside the West.
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Francis Alyss shows us children playing, utterly delightful in their games and calls. In this one, children are calling in a tone that mosquitoes are sensitive towards - they adjust their wingbeats to harmonise with the kids. Happily, Alyss has made all these videos available here.
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naritaren · 9 months
Title: Winter Hiking Day/Prompt: Day 3 “If you don’t have gloves, you can just hold my hand.” Fandom/Character(s): Robbie Eagles/El Phantasmo Fandom: NJPW Warnings (if applicable): it's a cute fluffy drabble :) Word Count: 897
For @12daysofchristmas (@debbiechanclub)
Read on the archive or below
Riley looked Robbie up and down and shook his head.
“We’ll have to work on getting you proper winter clothes.”
Robbie let out a noise of protest as Riley turned back to the closet to dig through it. He was looking for something that would fit the other man and would keep him warm on the hike. It wasn’t too terribly cold, but Robbie was from Australia and it gets cold up on some of the mountains they would be hiking.
Riley spotted a pair of boots in the closet from a friend and pulled them out. He had already found a spare coat and Robbie had put it on, the oversized jacket look making Riley giggle nonstop about how silly he looked.
“These should be your size. My friend left them here years ago.” Riley handed the boots over and watched as Robbie tried to bend over with the heavy winter coat on and he knew he shouldn’t laugh, but the whole sequence was comical.
“If you take your jacket off first it makes putting the boots on easier.”
Robbie glared at Riley before unzipping the jacket in the most unsexy way possible, causing Riley to pout a little. He watched as the other man carefully put the boots on, wiggling his toes to prove that the boots fit. He carefully helped Robbie put the jacket back on and pulled his green and yellow hat over his ears.
“Oi! My hair!”
Riley couldn’t help but laugh as he put his own snow gear on.
“It’s a hat dude. It’s going to mess up your hair. It’s what happens.” Riley blew a raspberry at Robbie as he grabbed his hiking bag.
The pair headed to Riley’s car, bickering playfully over nothing really at all. Once they were in the car, Riley set off for the park he liked to hike at. He had been wanting to show Robbie some of his favorite spots, and since he was actually in Vancouver for the holiday, this was the perfect time.
On the ride over, the pair chatted about the upcoming show, Robbie sounding proud of Riley for being in the Wrestle Kingdom lineup. It brought some joy to Riley because he knew that Robbie was hurt when he moved weight classes.
Riley spotted the parking spot he liked and pulled into it. He turned off the engine and grabbed the bag from the back.
Robbie nodded and Riley winked as they headed towards the walking path. Riley noticed that Robbie had his hands jammed in his pockets and was confused.
“Babe? Do you have gloves?” Riley couldn’t believe he forgot to check to see if Robbie had gloves. Because the temperatures were still pretty mild, Riley had forgone his own, but Robbie wasn’t used to these temperatures.
“I forgot them in my suitcase.” Robbie sounded disappointed as if he had failed a test.
Riley grabbed Robbie’s hands in his.
“Well, you know what that means? We just have to hold hands so you can keep your hands warm.” Riley laced his fingers in Robbie’s and pulled their joined hands up so he could kiss them.
“Let’s get going.” Riley led the way up the mountain and through different trails. He pointed out different hiding spots that he used to hang out at during the summer and spend hours drawing in the forest. Robbie clung to every word, smiling at all the memories Riley would share.
They continued on, only stopping for a few moments to have a drink of water. The air was getting thinner and colder and Riley made sure to not let Robbie’s hands go unless it was absolutely needed. The stories continued to flow out of Riley, him getting Robbie to laugh at a particularly funny one from when Riley was in his early 20s and was out partying with friends in the forest.
“One day I’ll have to take you to some beaches.”
Riley snorted and kissed the top of Robbie’s head.
“You have taken me to plenty of beaches.”
“This is different. You keep telling me all of these stories and I just want to share the same ones with you.”
They paused for a moment to kiss before heading further up the trail.
“I just like sharing my life with you.” Riley squeezed Robbie’s hand as they started to get to the apex of the hike.
Riley led the way to the top and pointed at the bench on the overlook. He led Robbie to the bench and sat him down.
“What a fucking view!” Robbie exclaimed, seeing the mountain overlook the forest below. It was nothing like what he could see back home and it made sense why this was such a safe space for Riley.
“It’s beautiful isn’t it?” Riley was a bit quieter and was focused on Robbie’s reaction. He had seen this view a million times and it never got old. It was his favorite place to be and he was finally there with his favorite person.
“I love it. I see why you love it too.”
Riley pulled Robbie in for a kiss.
“I love you too you goober.” Riley said against Robbies lips before kissing him again.
Robbie broke the kiss and smiled.
“As much as I love you. I don’t love the cold. Let’s go home and get warmed up.”
Riley smiled. Home sounded good.
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flexitarianfandom · 10 months
Beneath Boundless Skies
Home is a world filled with funerals, a girlfriend who can't bear the sight of you, and people who are convinced you came back from the dead. Bugger it, even Australia sounds good.
Harry Potter, Drarry
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lycanlovingvampyre · 2 years
MAG 128 Relisten
Activity on my first listen: putting up a new fence.
BASIRA: "Jon. Don’t turn on the light. Go get Melanie, quickly." Get Melanie? For what? She’s not Buffy the Vampire Slayer anymore.
BREEKON: "That’s right. Just wanted to – to drop off a package." That pause after “Just wanted to”. He's so unsure of what he's doing...
JON: (with compulsion) "Why are you here?" BREEKON: "Dunno." (pause) "‘S not right, on my own. Not right. No point in doing it on my own." Breekon & Hope... Still a better love story than Twilight... (I like how TMA makes us feel for people and monsters who did terrible things. But in the end I guess we're all just human?)
BREEKON: "Make me." [AND ALL AT ONCE THERE’S A STRANGE SOUND, MUSICAL YET HOLLOW, AND IT SEEMS TO BE BUILDING TO –] JON: "Stop." Seriously this "strange sound, musical yet hollow" and then Jon putting a stop to it is actually really badass. How's that for recording enemies into submission!
BREEKON: "What are you – stop it. Stop it!" [WHEN THE ARCHIVIST SPEAKS, IT HAS AN ECHO TO IT, REMINISCENT OF THE HOLLOWNESS FROM EARLIER:] JON: "No." Yes Jon, show 'em you're not everyone’s punching bag anymore!
I btw also always thought Breekon just couldn't stand the gaze of Jon anymore and fled the Archives, perhaps tossing over a table or a chair in his way and slamming some doors (Does this count as door motif? Oh, when we're on the subject of slamming doors! There is a video of Sam Sam the music man breaking down the TMA main theme and he said those smashing sounds at the end of the theme are supposed to be slamming a door! Just because it's such a stereotypical thing for the horror genre - see MAG 85 Upon the Stair "And please don't slam the door". Such a fitting coincidence! But I already said in one of those Relisten posts, coincidences like this happened a lot more often than people probably think, it's a blessing for artists!) Ok, lost the thread a bit there. I think the image of the telekinesis comes from the fact, that we don't really hear any footsteps? (And I think, people wanted to give Jon a bit more badassary probably? He's demonstrating it so well already in this scene, why not go a bit further xD I generally like it, but I think it doesn't really fit into canon, he'd be too op.) Thing about footsteps in TMA is it's a bit inconsistent until S5? This has bothered me in a few instances before, like the end of MAG 21, when Martin storms into Jon's office. We only hear the door and the squelching of the worms. No out of breath sound aaand no footsteps. There was another one when I thought it's really missing footsteps, god I can't remember what it was... What I'm saying is, I wouldn't really get hung up on (the lack of) footsteps here.
"We started in a plague." / "It wasn’t the plague they feared; it wasn’t the death that waited in our wagon. It was us. Two strangers rolling towards them, unstoppable and uncertain, wearing faces they would only half-remember, bringing a fate they would beg their god to forget." Hm, wearing faces they would only half-remember... Strangers at the time of the plague I’d think more of those masks plague doctors wore - being literally unable to see their faces.
"Poor wretches who emerged from Millbank, with tales of Australia and its cruelties on their lips, bundled into the cramped and creaking ship that would drag them away from everything they loved. And towards everything they feared. That was the first time we saw what would become this place: The Eye’s Pedestal." Hold on, wait! Is that another reference that Millbank Prison was a place of power for the Eye? The Robert Small was a convict ship and (Western) Australia was a penal colony of the British Empire..
"We were conductors on a train, prim suits and scowls, a relentless beast of iron and steam that never seemed to get you exactly where you wanted to be unless there was something dreadful waiting for you. We punched tickets, ignored questions, and threw off those who looked like they were having too fine a time of it." Lol, is that a dig at public transports? xD
"We carried and lifted and helped the circus move towards its next destination, the next doomed town." Makes me think that they probably would have made superb roadies!
"Sometimes we joined the show, lifting weights and things that looked like animals. Sometimes we lifted members of the audience. Sometimes we even put them down again." First of all, lol, that last sentence. Second, throwback to MAG 24 - the two strong-men!
"And so we took the casket, a hungry thing of the earth, a crushing, choking tomb that will not let you die because it is too much what it is for death to find you there" “Too much what it is for death to find you there”... Saying the End has no grasp within the coffin. And not just the End because Daisy also lost her connection to the Hunt in the coffin. Eye + Web being the only ones with a chance to make it out.
"It was one like us that found it, a thing of shifting names and deja-vu. A fool, that believed because it found the coffin in chains, it would be an easy thing to control, to bargain with." Confirmation that MAG 2's "John" was a capital-S Stranger.
"She took him from me, made us a me." Still a better love story than Twilight!!!
"And she doesn’t get to die for that. She gets to live, trapped and helpless, and entombed forever." There are fates worse than death-trope.
"I have never known hate before. I have never known loss. But now they are with me always, and I desire nothing but to share them with you." Still a better-
JON: (voice shaky) "Statement.. ends." [HE COLLAPSES.] Since Melanie makes fun of Jon in MAG 189 about him collapsing again I have the headcanon that Melanie came across collapsed Jon, was like "Alright then" and just left again. (Maybe she went to tell Basira.)
BASIRA: (inhale, set) "Right. Keep it safe; I’ll be gone a few days. I have some leads I need to follow up." Oh, that (whatever that was exactly) was what Elias was proposing to Basira at the end of the previous episode, not his actual plans about the coffin. Alright, gotcha, I'm on track again!
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myreyisbae · 6 months
Put together a list of songs found in moonlight promos/commercials since @moonlight-fan2008 did lists for episodes 1-16 if any are missing please let me know
For reference I used my promo Archive and Shazam + other older moonlight blogs/forms
❌ = Can't find
🎹= No lyrics
"Taking Chances" by Celine Dion
"Save Me" by Marc Lane and Greg Hatwell
"Los Angeles" performed by Sugarcult
*(Heating up Promo)
"How Do You Do" by Natasha Bedingfield
*(Meet Mick promo)
Apologize (feat. OneRepublic) by Timbaland
*Moonlight summer promo (WIN TV Australia)
"Heroes" by Shinedown
*Ghost Whisperer.Moonlight Promos
"Savin' Me" performed by Nickelback
"Original Man" by Ronn L Chick, Dennis Winslow & Robert J Walsh
*still wort living promo)
"How Does It Feel" by Deep Sounds
*(2 minute drill) S01E10 Sleeping Beauty promo
"Driftwood" by Deep Sounds
*(2 Minute Drill) S01E11 Love Lasts Forever
"Long Way from Home" Stephen Spiro & Paul Wickens
*(2 Minute Drill) S01E13 Fated to Pretend
"Beautiful Day" by 3 Colours Red
*(2 Minute Drill) S01E13 Fated to Pretend
A Different Girl (Full Mix Vocal)
By Chris Goulstone
*(Eyelab) Bloody Valentine promo
"Here She Comes" by Other Star People❌
*(Eyelab) Moonlight for Dummies
"Secret" by inque❌
*(Eyelab) immortal observations with Mick st. John
"Moving Backwards" by Ross Golan❌
*(Eyelab) Rewind
"Hands" by TriggerPimp ❌
*(Eyelab) MickBeth
Rpm by Michael Caen 🎹
*(Eyelab) How Do You Like Your Mick? promo
"Lullaby for a Loss" by Paul Reeves🎹
*(Eyelab) immortal observations with Mick st. John promo
"Stormbreaker" by Paul Reeves 🎹
*(Eyelab) immortal observations with Mick st. John promo
"Behind It All" by Conte Conte
*S01E04 Fever promo
"Get Your Way" by Jamie Cullum
*S01E05 Arrested Development
"Losing You" by Sia
*S01E07 The Ringer
"Final Onslaught" by the Action Machine
*S01E08 12:04 AM
"Like Yesterday" (Version 1) by Mike Shepstone & Steve Ennever
*S01E09 Fleur de Lis promo
"Dream Catch Me" by Newton Faulkner
*S01E11 Love Lasts Forever promo
"Mercy" by Duffy
*S01E13 Fated to Pretend promo
"When I'm Gone" by Simple Plan
*S01E16 Sonata promo
"Vindicated" by Dashboard Confessional
*S01E16 Sonata promo (Malaysia TV9)
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So, you want to find Type O Negative soundalikes?
As someone whose explored a fuck ton I have recommendations, I can't promise that they're necessarily good or live up to the original but I can tell you that they have elements that may sound similar. I'll list each of them and say my personal opinion on them. Frown They're just eh, following the stylings of the more mellower parts of Type O with none of the memorability of them. October Noir This would be my highest recommendation, I’d suggest you hear them for yourself. A Pale Horse Named Death Really really boring. Would not recommend. The comparison is mainly because it has former Type O members in there but it’s missing all of the oomph and hooks the band had. Maybe if you’re really into grunge-y alternative metal-type stuff you might like it, but it’s certainly not for me. Pist.On Their debut was produced by Josh Silver of Type O fame, and has an excellent cover of a Smiths song. I would only really recommend their first album. Wicked Sisters New and obscure band from Australia. I'd recommend giving a listen to their single "Necromantic" or their “We Suck” EP, the texture and riffing definitely reminds me of Type O. Carnivore Peter Steele’s previous band before fronting Type O. Sonically, it would be my favorite thrash band if not for the lyrics. Avoid at all costs if you're sensitive to misogynistic lyrics. I’m serious. He may or may not have meant some of the lyrics as satire but the fact it’s a man making the point using misogynistic language makes it backfire.  Vasaria Missing any sort of Type O texture, but the singer is also the current singer of Carnivore A.D., might be interesting. I'd recommend "Ugly as Sin".
End of Recommendations I think that's most of what I've found. Honorable mentions, as in, I do not hear it at all but for some reason they get compared a lot: Danzig Eh? It's mostly just bluesy heavy metal. Dude has a deep voice and they do some Sabbath-y riffs, but that does not make a Type O. Abysmal Grief Maybe if you're really into the "doom with keyboards" aspect of Type O, but there isn’t a lot of variety or hooks. In the Colonnades Their first album reminds me more of Spinal Tap if anything. Closer to Danzig than it is to Type O imo. Stillborn Heavy Metal/Doom Metal with some Gothic Rock influence, not really sure why they get compared. Life of Agony Specifically, River Runs Red. It was produced by Josh Silver and had drumming by a former drummer of the band. I hope this helps someone!
I may or may not have copied most of this word for word from what I typed on the metal archives forum but also it’s not like I can plagiarize myself.
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itstokkii · 1 year
Myrd snapped in such an ugly way during the first argument about soft Holocaust denialist, only later made more level-headed posts like nothing (uwu). During the argument about the Malvinas, besides comparing the British Empire (only 22 countries were never invaded by them, and has a looong list of crimes against humanity that didn't stop with WW2) to, Argentina. While yes colonized countries do often reproduce colonialist, and yes it could be argued that white Argentine population was/is colonialist agaisnt non-white population, the comparison still feels too disproportionate. Never retracted this [https://web. archive. org/web/20230628080848/https://myrddin-wylt. tumblr. com/post/719309175156588544/oh-my-fucking-god-i-just-what-the-hell-does], only said that didn't include all Latam (uwu). I know "brain-rot" is used a lot in the anglosphere but even in English is edgy, and doesn't translate nicely in other languages.
yes, i think they have a big problem with comparisons. How can you compare an empire with so much blood on their hands with a country acting colonialist against a nonwhite population of theirs? Both are terrible things to do, but the British Empire's sheer scale of warcrimes outweighs what Argentina does if we compare it. It also seems a little like "ooh but what about" when all Argentina asks is "hey please return our islands you took from us"
"but what about" distracts from the point. We aren't talking about Argentina's discrimination and colonialism against the non white population. We can in a different conversation, but not now.
In that post they basically call anyone south of the equator dumb??? The use of brainrot here is synonymous with dumb and it sounds like a baseless insult. They say the only country in that region that isnt insane is australia. Hmmmm
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 year
Meghan and Krewe sunglasses - a match made in heaven? by u/Mickleborough
Meghan and Krewe sunglasses - a match made in heaven? The recent post about sunglasses maker Krewe featuring Meghan’s sunnies, worn during the Invictus Games, on their Instagram, warranted a little digging. Here’s what I found:- Meghan first wore the ‘Gravier’ sunglasses on their Australia tour in October 2018. She’s sure doing a lot of recycling for this fauxshion show.- At that time Krewe publicised the fact as well.Assuming that Krewe’s 2018 promo hadn’t been sanctioned by Meghan - because the Royal Family doesn’t permit this (but she or her then BFF Jessica Mulroney (who accompanied them on the tour) might’ve done a deal - this is pure supposition) - it’s just as feasible that Meghan had nothing to do with this.But if Meghan’s going to be endorsing Krewe, then it might be interesting to know that, back in 2020, when the BLM movement gained apace, Krewe was accused of not practising its diversity preaching. Krewe claimed to be a New Orleans brand that captured the diversity of the city - yet only 3 of the company’s 60 employers were black: 2 in shops, the third a part-time contractor at HQ.Krewe’s founder Stirling Barrett was also said to be misogynistic and created a toxic workplace:This scenario sounds uncannily familiar.A young female employee claimed:Really rings a bell.This is all taken from a 19 June 2020 article on the NOLA (New Orleans, LA (as in Louisiana) local news) site: archived / unarchived. It has more information.As an aside: The major designer sunglasses - from Ray-Ban to Chanel, Prada to Persol - are manufactured in Italy by the Luxottica Group. Krewe sunglasses are made in Asia. post link: https://ift.tt/U1Q9jW3 author: Mickleborough submitted: September 16, 2023 at 10:28PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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