#South-eastern Asia
carbone14 · 1 year
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Irrawaddy Ambush – Juillet 1944
©Artwork by Stuart Brown - 2010
Installés d'un côté de la rivière Irrawaddy, des rangers Kachin formés par l'OSS tendent une embuscade à des radeaux japonais apportant des troupes et des fournitures à la ville de Myitkyina (Birmanie) en juillet 1944.
De telles actions de guérilla du détachement OSS 101 pour perturber les routes d'approvisionnement japonaises et les renforts de troupes ont contribué à la reprise de la ville par les Alliés et, finalement, la défaite des forces japonaises dans le nord de la Birmanie. A la désactivation du détachement OSS 101 en juillet 1945, celui-ci avait amassé une liste impressionnante de missions, performant contre une force ennemie supérieure et dans les conditions les plus difficiles et les plus dangereuses. Le courage et l'esprit combatif des guérilleros kachins et de leurs conseillers américains ont valu au détachement 101 une citation d'unité présidentielle et une reconnaissance comme la « force de combat tactique la plus efficace » de l'OSS. (Musée de la CIA)
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Is North Korea actually bad
It is not what you have been told it is. There are many bad things about the government of North Korea, there are many bad things about those running it, but it is not what you have been told it is.
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almostpoetic0-0 · 1 year
The concept of Damian growing up with a Muslim shower(bidet) as he grew up in a Arabic country and just talia packing him an empty bottle(if yanno , yanno) and telling him to use this to go to the bathroom in his European tour or however he really to the Manor, with a separate Muslim shower attachment (for when he get to the manor for installment) as well and like poor bby dami confused and asks his mother if it is a training exercise and Talia just freaking longs sighs and says that the west doesn't have Muslim showers like us and they u paper to clean there butt and
AND LIKE HES WILLING TO BEG UMMI NOT TO SEND HIM. And then he's like but my FATHER(baba) would not be stupid enough right he must be rich enough to use water to "do the stuff right " and once again he is disappointed
And like in the background Jason had his dip already sneaks into the league to like steal a Muslim shower for himself (he grew up on the street he has to feel clean or ptsd yanno) and Ra's is so proud that ATLEST SOMEONE from the west cherises cleanliness and doesn't even care abt hurting Jason (he's like a scientist showing of his discovery) like HERE U WANT ONE TAKE IT,I HAVE A GOLD PLATED ONE TO TAKE THAT TO. Like just Muslim shower appreciation bro and Eastern culture to but mostly Muslim shower
Also the food don't get me started on that bby used to having whole a** chilies but like he's comes to USA and EVERYTHING IS SO BLAND W H Y. He has to call his mother and ask her with increasing desperation if he can come back and to at least send him a cook he is a prince after all.
Everybody at the Manor is confused abt him not eating food and putting hot sauce on everything because that's what he has been led to THE HORROR. Alfreds British and even after all that colonization BY TRADING FREAKING SPICE through the subcontinent their food is still pretty bland and Dami is so salty abt this to Alfred
Dami: Ummi these people don't even know what seasoning is, Ummi. Plz is this punishment for the time my tiger ate your dress mother. Father(baba) doesn't even know how to install a Muslim shower Ummi
And talia amused on the inside and telling to preservere and think of it as training
And just yeah a biracial person guide to THE WEST
I would like LOVEEEE to read a comic written by a Eastern writer about Damian having to adapt to the west and that being harder then any training cus he like are these people senile or poor to wipe ther butt with paper and to think that mandi (pretty sure there might be veggie options in this to) is just orange friend rice to them like where is the FLAVOUR 🤌
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hussyknee · 1 year
Regular reminder that if you don't live in the Global North, nothing they have to say applies to the rest of us. Actually most things they say have little value anyway since the Global South and Eastern folks are afterthoughts to them, much less center us in their social justice.
- The USAmerican cultural hegemony has fuck all to do with us. Be aware of what they're trying to peddle you, but they have more power to harm and radicalise you than you have ever could to harm them. This applies to both the Western left and right wing. They are both equally racist, colonial and imperialist.
- Global North issues around capitalism, exploitation and piracy have nothing to do with us. Consumer activism might work to some extent over there idk, but if anyone brings it up over in the lands of the Black and brown people, you can laugh them out of the country.
- Their queer history is not ours. Congrats to Stonewall and all but that's just some shit that happened in the US. We need to dig past 18 different strata of cultural genocide and colonial garbage to mine our queer histories back into the light, and designing microlabel flags and fighting over colonizer language acronyms have fuck all to do with that either.
- Always pirate everything within reach. Save up and buy from authors and creators you really like (that's what I do – esp when it's a BIPOC creator), but people who can't afford to buy shit in the first place ain't stealing food out of anybody's mouths. Pirating is praxis and always has been since the days of the East India Company.
- Don't buy into the USAmerican theories of race. They aren't universal. "BIPOC" especially is a USAmerican specific term, it is not used in the UK or other settler colonies. Constructs of race and the tribal Other far predated European colonization; race as a colour system that exists today is simply one variation of it. The global apartheid against the mellanated takes many forms, histories and terminology. There are especially no "people of colour" in Asia, Africa, Caribbean and Polynesia. There are only people who live there, and "people of white".
Race is a fake, made-up conceptualization imposed by whoever has power within each region. It's ethnic, cultural and casteist, with no biological basis whatsoever. There is no uniformity, no universalism, no rhyme nor reason to any of it; the only people who know exactly who doesn't belong are the oppressors. I'm seeing concepts like "unambiguously black" floating around the terminally online Western left; any dark-skinned person of the Global South should split their sides laughing at it. Whites have no ambiguity on who the darkies are.
- Read, watch, listen to, play whatever the hell you want, just have the sense to pirate it, and to be very conscious about the narratives they try to smuggle.
- When the US and UK speak, listen with compassionate interest, offer what solidarity you can spare for their downtrodden, and then go back to reading and following your own fucking news. Focus on our own women's and reproductive rights, trans rights, queer histories, rise of fascism, militarisation, anti-blackness, class warfare, nationalist violence, imperialism etc. That is decolonization, that is emancipation from the Western cultural hegemony. Everything else is the bread and circuses of empire, in which both the left and right wing of the West are complicit.
We owe the Global North nothing more than we can each individually afford to extend to them on grounds of common human decency and compassion. Which is a lot more than they will ever reciprocate.
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hecatesdelights · 5 months
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Many Asian cultures have tales of Naga, half-human, half-snake divine or semi divine beings of formidable power. Accounts of Naga are as diverse as the various cultures that originated them, but they are frequently described as large and intimidating, with a deadly bite, though some are able to on an entirely human form.
Despite their ferocious physical demeanor, Naga are usually depicted as calm, logical, wise, and often peaceful, taking time to consider their actions rather than acting rashly.
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teenageascetic · 2 months
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“When Svetaketu was twelve years old, he was sent to a teacher with whom he studied until he was twenty-four. After learning all the Vedas, he returned home full of conceit in the belief that he was consummately well-educated, and very censorious.
His father said to him, "Svetaketu, my child, you are so full of your learning and so censorious, have you asked for that knowledge by which we hear the unhearable, by which we perceive what cannot be perceived and know what cannot be known?" "What is that knowledge, sir?" asked Svetaketu.
His father replied, "As by knowing one lump of clay all that is made of clay is known - so, my child, is that knowledge, knowing which we know all."
"But surely these venerable teachers of mine are ignorant of this knowledge; for if they possessed it they would have imparted it to me. Do you, sir, therefore, give me that knowledge?"
"So be it," said the father... And he said, "Bring me a fruit of the nyagrodha tree." "Here it is, sir." "Break it." "It is broken, sir." "What do you see there?" "Some seeds, sir, exceedingly small." "Break one of these." "It is broken, sir." "What do you see there?" "Nothing at all."
The father said, "My son, that subtle essence which you do not perceive there - in that very essence stands the being of the huge nyagrodha tree. In that which is the subtle essence of all that exists has its self. That is the True, that is the Self, and thou Svetaketu art That."
"Pray, sir", said the son, "tell me more." "Be it so, my child", the father replied; and he said, "Place this salt in water, and come to me tomorrow morning."
The son did as he was told.
Next morning the father said, "Bring me the salt you put in the water."
The son looked for it, but could not find it, for the salt, of course, had dissolved.
Tha father said, "Taste some of the water from the surface of the vessel. How is it?" "Salty." "Taste some from the middle. How is it?" "Salty." "Taste some from the bottom. How is it?" "Salty."
The father said, "Throw the water away and then come back to me again."
The son did so; but the salt was not lost, for the salt existed forever.
Then the father said, "Here likewise in this body of yours, my son, you do not perceive the True; but there, in fact, it is. In that which is the subtle essence, all that exists has its self. That is the True, that is the Self, and thou, Svetaketu, art That."
-Chandogya Upanishad.
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thedevilsrain · 2 months
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something in the works ............!
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b1argash · 4 months
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A series of photos from Khevsureti, Georgian SSR. Unknown photographer, 1957-1965
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mywitchcultblr · 1 year
People need to address the rampant anti semitism in Asia. Particularly in the SEA region. i live here so I know that the topic of anti semitism are often not acknowledged especially amongst conservative muslim people (I'm a Muslim too so i know) so much focus is on the west (like the conversation about anti semitism are mostly about what happened in the west) it's allowing anti semitism to grow unchecked in my region and other regions it's awful
I literally have seen people saying "Hitler should have done his job to eradicate the Jews" and that's from people who doesn't claim themselves as Nazi but they have been told by their conservative parents or preachers or friends that Jewish people are the root of all evil so they think Hitler made sense.
It's scares me and it's so disturbing...
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South East Asia is just the East Europe of Asia.
Each usually forgotten in media that represents the culture of each continent
Some people don't even know about the countries there
Most places in both have been hurt in some large capacity by their more famous neighbours
Sometimes synonymous with poverty by aforementioned (and often pretentious) neighbours
Their languages are often left to collect dust when people from other areas want to learn a new language
Both are probably gonna get attacked by a fascist state that is near them
Most countries in both areas have a large memory of trauma within living memory of the general populace
Some parts have to turn to tyrants to keep order in place even at the detriment of their own nations
Both have strong ties to the supernatural in many of their cultures
Any other ideas?
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metal-gear-sayuri · 2 years
So... with all this celebration of Shinzo Abe's assassination comes, well a lot. Like it's great that this fuck got what was coming. But firstly, it needs to be pointed out that the shooter had no qualms with him politically, so let's not celebrate that guy. Secondly, as many have already pointed out, this will just likely prop up the LDP which will absolutely lead to MORE discrimination and violence towards Korean and Chinese people living in Japan, as they are being directly blamed already by right wingers (not surprising). As a person of Ryukyuan descent, my heart absolutely goes out to those that are going to be affected by this in solidarity. Thirdly, given that the second point happens, this will obviously affect China and Korea, considering Abe's involvement with Nippon Kaigi and their ultimate goal of reviving the Japanese empire. It doesn't help that there's been incredibly sinophobic reactions made by westerners. Or American occupation of South Korea and Japan. In conclusion, fuck Japanese ultranationalists and imperialism, and show your unwavering support to those that are going to be negatively impacted by the events to follow, including but DEFINITELY not limited to the Chinese and Koreans.
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wastinawaaay · 10 months
nimona 🤝 black sails
making me go crazy
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elinaline · 1 year
There are so many places in the world I want to visit and so many people I want to meet in person and hold its not even funny
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pricklypear1997 · 1 year
Radical/evangelical Christians as well as the (radical) LGBT community have one thing in common. They treat their “beliefs” as a personality trait and force it on everyone else…. I’ve noticed how much These 2 have in common and the way they treat everyone that tries to bring up legitimate criticisms against them.
Let’s not forget to mention how gender is being treated more like theology than factually based science. They’re even arguing against science! While I’ll argue that god cannot be disproven by science, science literally proves (through biology) what gender/sex is. Also, they try very hard to change the meaning of words all the time. Gender used to be a synonym for sex, but not anymore I guess… they’re trying so hard to manipulate the meaning of womanhood too. They treat it as something that can be interpreted by every individual, as something different. Like womanhood is some pseudo magical thing that can morph and change… um excuse me??? Why don’t they ever talk about manhood this way hmmm?? If that’s your personal opinion fine, but you cannot force that on the public, just like religion cannot be forced onto anyone.
The other thing revolves around race… y’all may not want to hear this, but the evangelists have these super mega churches full of people of many different races. Now while they accept anyone of any skin color on the surface, they’d never accept them unless they have Christian and “American” values… they want to assimilate everyone and make them the same. “Color blindness” is a term that people use to describe this.
It’s ironic because the lgbt community low key does this too. To other countries especially! They’re so big on foreign policy and inserting their AMERICAN centered beliefs on the rest of us and will find any reason to find us racist and homophobic… they don’t respect the individuality of other countries and people in said countries, just like the churches don’t respect the individuality of their members. They (the LGBT/Leftists) don’t respect other countries for their uniqueness because they’re homogenous and because their culture might be more based on a heterosexual normative, but do you forget that heterosexual is the majority? Heterosexuality isn’t what’s attacking you. As a bisexual woman who’s also orthodox Christian, and 1/4th biracial, I still love my country, nor do I feel “attacked” by it… people choose to feel victimized. I am Bulgarian, and my people accept me as such. Yes, I’m also 1/4 th Asian, but the difference is that I know that Bulgaria is inherently Bulgarian, and for me to try to force my country to be more “diverse” would be blatantly racist on my part. To force my culture to just be more “gay” is also equally dumb, because the majority are not gay, nor trans, nor anything else. Why must I force my own identity onto them if I supposedly love them? No, I accept my country and it’s people, as it is. I wouldn’t want to change it for anything. That is what it means to truly love and accept others. By not changing them. (The only legitimate reason to criticize or to change and reform an aspect of a country, it’s culture and people is if there’s something fundamentally wrong with it such as, female genital mutilation, which is something that some countries have because it’s imbedded in their culture. Now it’s NOT something for outsiders to force them to change, it must be the country’s own people to stand up, address the issue and change it).
I shouldn’t forget that the evangelical radical Christians, like the lgbt also infiltrate foreign governments as well. It’s not just within the church. Look at the American government and how it’s purely influenced by these radical Christians AND the LGBT. Both the capitalist right and the democratic “socialist” left. They’re views overlap and the techniques they use to instill fear into others (especially foreign nations) is no different.
I love to see other people enriched in their own culture, and in LOVE and proud of their natural essence existing in reality, not fantasy. Not hurting others, nor self projecting and not forcing their life decisions on others. Europe is beautiful without all the foreign policy and invasive radicalization coming from the US. Africa would be flourishing if it weren’t for the US and Western Europe’s constant harm and meddling. Asia, is striding somewhere in the middle. Parts of it are flourishing, other parts are being taken advantage of by foreign policy and people constantly trying to insert their foreign politics into it. Even Eastern Europe is struggling with something very similar…
When it comes to religion, race, ethnicity, sexuality, all those things are sacred. They must be protected. And people have got to stop forcing their ideologies on others. Right now, it’s the US and some of its very powerful Allies through their religion, gender, sexuality and through racial/ ethnic identity (or lack of it) have become extremely radical on both sides ( left and right) and are constantly pushing it on everyone else. I will not be guilted nor shamed into thinking I’m wrong, which is what both sides try to do constantly by using the words “sin” and “bigotry”.
I should add that an individual choosing to identify as something other than their own birth sex does not affect me unless I let it. The problem is (like religion) when they start to force their ideology/personal opinions on me and the rest of the world. THAT is what I have a problem with. It’s no different then taking issue with evangelicals or any other religion preaching and forcing their religions on others. I take issue with people trying to erase womanhood. I have a problem with people telling little girls and boys that they’re a different gender because they like things that aren’t stereotypically liked by their own sex. That is beyond sexist… it’s no different than going to another (homogenous) country and telling them to change and take your religion OR ELSE… that’s beyond racist. Also, gender dysphoria is a serious mental illness. Not something you can force and change other people into. Same for sexual orientation… you can’t force people to change it. Race, ethnicity, religion, etc. you cannot force people to change.
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emmonefive · 1 year
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To enquire please feel free to slip in your email to [email protected] WhatsApp no. included in the flyer
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fleetsofsnow · 1 year
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I always feel strange seeing things like this because East Asia includes the country with the current largest population in the world, South Asia has the countries with the 2nd, 5th, and 8th largest population in the world, Southeast Asia has the country with the 4th largest population in the world. I'm not doing the math but I'm pretty sure combining Asia-Pacific like that would render the population of Asia Pacific larger than multiple different "regions".
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