#Spaghetti Code
magpiedminx · 1 year
Technical difficulties? @staff are hard at work fixing it.
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the-spam-specialist · 2 years
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Deux is still working on controlling his other half’s manners
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jaiden-dev · 1 year
New to Unreal Engine or need some help with organizing blueprints? Read my article "Don't Spill the Spaghetti" to learn about some tips and tricks that should help you clean up those blueprints and avoid the line spaghetti!
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Tumblr fascinates me, what kind of function returned this? How did it put the (presumably hardcoded) "because you follow" into the variable?
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wildtalon8 · 5 months
tumblr desktop broken as hell for anybody else? it takes several minutes for a click on the reblog button to do anything. took a full minute to get this new post to pop up. its not my internet i know for sure. images on other posts are loading just fine. at this point i like the posts then come back on mobile to reblog them
you know shits bad when i'm going to tumblr mobile to get anything done
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realityfragments · 5 months
Spaghetti Source, Spaghetti Dependencies...
There’s one thing that consistently showed up in my work as a software engineer over the decades. Spaghetti. Spaghetti code is easier to write than maintain, and in doing software archaeology (yes, it’s a thing), I’ve encountered numerous reasons for it. Requirements creep is one of the largest reasons. In fact, the first real software archaeology I did was explained, proudly, as being a…
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goodusernamepending · 11 months
I love it when I’m scrolling through my dash and that little because you follow #campingorsomething shows up and it’s just a picture of a full on naked person
No censorship or anything
Just a nude jumpscare on my dash that can pop up at any time for any reason
Good thing they banned n s f w content
Right guys!
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science-rpg · 1 year
Spaghetti Code (Terrain effect) (Maths ; Computer science)
Effected: All classes effected by Terrain
A confounding, tangled web of moving yet interlocking parts. Somehow, "It just works". Movement - 3 , Fortitude - 2 , Wit - 4 , Stength - 1.
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Who is this? Why is he on my dash? Why is he a shitty png?
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magpiedminx · 1 year
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Tumblr has engineers?! I just always assumed this place was run by bunnies and every so often they got peckish.
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laejoh · 1 year
A few days ago I posted a BASIC computer listing of the game "Acey Ducey". Here is the final Elisp Emacs translation:
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And here is a sample run:
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snaildotexe · 1 year
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And just like that I'm back to javascript. (I'll come back for you Kotlin)
Right now I'm making a pomodoro timer cause I love the pomodoro method. I thought I'd also build good habits of pre-code planning (Wireframe in Figma, Class diagrams in Lucidchart, User stories/other planning & organization stuff in Trello), and build the habit of actually committing to Git. (When it comes to personal projects, I sometimes forget '')
This is actually my first all javascript project. I've used js for a webapp before, but most of the backend was java. It is somehow both easier and harder than anticipated. I expected the timer project to be the easy part, and that I'd have a harder time just picking up and using the language. But actually, more of my effort is going into designing & developing the project than figuring out the language, possibly because I'm so excited about it and want to add all these features and details. I'm really proud of the progress I've made, there is nothing more rewarding than sliding a Trello tile into the "Done" list after grinding at an issue for hours.
My current problem though is that my code is really messy. Global variables everywhere, maintaining and handling state changes with only variables accessible by all methods, no subsystems, and really low cohesion. And all of it in a 200-line file. It's a real spaghetti code situation.
Earlier, I was bummed cause I felt like I didn't get much done today, with all the refactoring and figuring out how to reorganize my spaghetti. But it's not all about pumping out LoC! Refactoring and having clean, well written code is important work too. My time spent planning and restructuring now is time well spent, especially at this relatively early point in development.
I do hope I can finish up with the refactoring quickly though, so I can get back to the fun part lol.
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aliastrench · 2 years
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Thank you, Banana_9999 for the gifted skin for my birthday. It only took 4 days for Riot’s spaghetti code to deliver the message. This was entirely unnecessary but very much appreciated.
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thehappyastronaut · 3 months
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Here, have a garbage quality MS Paint comic
If any of y'all have done RW modding where you have to put your own hooks into the code, you'll know what I'm talking about lol. Like, who tf names their variables "num1, num2, etc." and "flag"???? And why is the whole EstablishRelationships() thing just a wall of code instead of a for loop?
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is Tumblr just straight up lying to me right now? this is making no sense to me... First of all i don't recognize any of the blogs involved in this issue.
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So I click on their icon and I get the blog that supposedly mentioned me but I literally could not find the alleged post and when I click the notification box itself it takes me to a completely different blog. And I still can't find any post that mentions me.
What's going on? I feel like I need to ask these blogs if I know them or if they know me.
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comet-ace · 2 years
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