#Sparrow 'PS' Wilson
ghoodles · 9 months
Okay silly pinned post!
Hi! My name is.. well i have multiple names, you can call me ink, or sparrow, pick your poison, idm which :3
I am 15!
Im really, really into spider-man! Ive currently read up through EWAF from the spider-man noir comics, and am working on reading hobie's comics! (Thank you @/canary-song for giving me a site where i could look at them without thinking im getting a virus :D)
A lot of the things i post are just gonna be rambles about spider-people and my daily life, also ghost.. . Im normal..
Anyways boundaries!! Please read, and they may change depending on what happens here.
- Make any sort of fan-content (i doubt this'll happen, but its best to just get it out!)
- Feel free to use the askbox! I'm more than happy to answer, even if it aint a question!
- Honestly, go wild :D anything i dont mention should be a green light ^^
- Make NSFW content of me or my ocs [im a minor. Yes, not all of my characters are, but the majority of them are.]
- Do heavy gore [At least.. not too realistic]
- If you wouldnt do it to a teenager, dont do it to me! You will be blocked, no hesitation :D
Thanks for reading, common tags below!
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bookwormdeen · 4 years
Requests Open
Requests Open
These can be pairing with Reader, OC (fanfic or one-shot) or just one-shot without pairing (just the character).
I do dates special (b-days, Christmas, etc)
Smut (Only in some cases), Dark themes: Allowed.  I like polemic, yes! Feminism, Gender questions, Politic, Health. All of it. The world is a lot of things, writing has to be too. Plus, art is here to help.
I value things that run from stereotypes or cliche. So your character can be LGBTQI +, Black... Anything really. I don’t wanna just white perfect characters. I want different.  Because different is far more challenging and fun to write.
I am taking requests with the following characters:
TV Shows
Daredevil: Foggy Nelson; Benjamin Poindexter, Matt Murdock, Vladimir Ranskahov
The Originals: Kol, Klaus, Elijah
Vampire Diaries: Damon, Kai Parker
Vienna Blood: Max Liebermann
The Punisher: Billy Russo.
The Witcher: Jaskier, Cahir, Lazlo
The Order:Hamish Duke, Randall 
Justified: Tim Gutterson
Limitless: Bryan Flinch
Ragnarok: Fjor Jutul, Laurentis
Dark: Jonas, Magnus Nielsen
Peaky Blinders: Thomas Shelby, Michael Gray
Amazing Spider-Man: Ben Reilly (Scarlet Spider), Peter Parker, Alistair Smyte, Miles Morales
A Discovery of Witches: Marcus Whitmore 
Merlin: Merlin, Arthur, Mordred, Gwaine, Lancelot
Grimm: Nick Burkhardt
Good Wife: Cary Agos, Finn Polmar
Star Trek: Spock, Khan, James Kirk, *Data
Dusk Till Dawn: Richard Geko, Seth Gecko
Glee: Sam Evans
Scream: Noah Foster, Gustavo Acosta, Eli Hudson, Will Belmont
Hannibal: Hannibal Lecter
Money Heist (La Casa de Papel): Berlim
The Good Doctor: Shaun Murphy, Neil Melendez, Alex Park
Castlevania: Adrian Tepes, Trevor Belmont
Clone Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker
Sex Education: Otis, Adam Groff, Eric
Marvel: Loki, Bucky (Winter Soldier), Peter Parker, Sam Wilson, Bruce Banner, Doctor Strange, Quicksilver, Black Panther, Harry Osborn
DC: Bruce Wayne, Scarecrow, Joker
Ex Machina: Caleb Smith
Riot Club: Miles Richards, Dimitri Mitropoulos, Guy Bellingfield, James Leighton
1917: Blake, Scholfield
Narnia: Edmund Pevensie, Peter Pevensie, Caspian 
Hobbit: Legolas, Thorin, Thranduil 
Fantastic Beasts: Newt Scamander, Theseus Scamander
6 Underground: 4, 6, 7
HP: Draco Malfoy
Game of Thrones: Robb Stark
Maze Runner: Newt, Gally
Iron Fist Austen: Mr Darcy, Mr Tilney, Sidney Park, Frederick Wentworth
Noah Centineo
PS: Here are listed only man but you can ask woman too (I don’t know which ones to put, there are much more than these ones).
Crossover ships are accepted too!
Davina x Kol
Mr Darcy x Elizabeth
Mr Tilney x Catherine Morland
Anne x Gilbert
Sidney Park x Charlotte
Matt Murdock x Karen Page
Billy Russo x Krista Dumont
Amy March x Laurie
Rich Gecko x Kate Fuller
Anastasia x Dimitri
I love AUs and crossovers: like HP meets Narnia, or something like that. Ask about Actors are good too. 
Free Stories 
These ones I pretend to write more of it or remake it. These will be long fanfics. Feel free to share ideas. If you want a one-shot involving these TV shows or movies is good too. 
Obs: Some of them may be only in my Wattpad account. * @lucy_beau
The Alienist; Dirk Gently; Northanger Abbey; Sherlock, Sanditon; The Adventures of Tintin; Chained; Fallet; Ripper Street; Byzantium, Jumanji; Carrie Pilby; Vallerian; The Name of The Rose, Crimpson Peak; Revenge; Red Sparrow; Hookup Plan; The Ottoman Lieutnant
Free Ask:
Saw a thing and want a fanfic? Send me the idea. The movie is bad but could be good? Let’s write it. Want a prompt but can’t write? Maybe I can do it. Send it to me!
Free fanfics or stories have a limited number of chapters: 20.
Obs: I don’t do terror. Horror? Yes. 
If you want to be in my TAGLIST, say.
Need some help getting ideas? Look here: Prompts
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artistxinxthexstars · 6 years
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This is what I’ve been doing with my life for the past few days. Designing kids for my Marvel OC, Rori. I did most of these for the fun of it, just because they’re fun. However, there are some of her main ships. They’re kind of not canon though. I have kids for those couples already and the ones on here are just extras I wanted to design. :3 I’ll list the characters (even though you can see their names) and the dad next to them. 
First picture from left to right
Landon - Loki
Tina - Thor
Nika - T’Challa
Sorin - Shuri 
Jasmin - Sam Wilson
Pierre - Peter Parker
Cosmia and Comet - Peter Quill
Alexia - Stephen Strange
Second picture from left to right
Syrus - Athen (BFFs Doctor Who OC in a male regeneration)
Claira - Johnny Storm
Prue - Victor Von Doom
Paxton and Waverly - Pietro Maximoff
Galen - Gamora
Moxie - Kraglin
Gunner - Yondue 
Meredith - Navi Quill (BFFs OC)
Kenan - Kima Rhodes (BFFs OC)
Mayson - Either Logan Smith (My DW OC) or Vance Jones (My OUaT OC), or any Matthew Daddario FC (XD)
Trip - Caden Sparrow (BFFs OC)
Kristoph - Bruce Wayne
Halley and Holly - Wanda Maximoff
Maddison and Maddon - Jefferson Barnes (My MCU version of Jefferson from OUaT)
Sabrina - Steve Rogers
Deedee - Nightcrawler
Third picture from left to right (PS: These were originally designed by my BFF except Gabby, Erika, and Karen)  Top Row
Kai - T’Challa
Fiona - Natasha Romanoff 
Xavier - Clint Barton
Simon - Peter Parker
Edwin - Jasper Holmes (BFFs Sherlock OC)
Bottom Row
Lonnie - Loki
Gabby - Beast Boy
Happi - Cas Rogers (BFFs OC)
Tim - Thor
Imani - Shuri
Grant - Sam Wilson
Erika - Erik Lehnsheer 
Karen - Kara Zor-El/ Kent
Cosmo - Peter Quill but with Athena Saxxon’s (BFFs DW OC normally) DNA mixed in as well because of being exposed to a regeneration
And that’s all...phew. Remember I just designed most of these for fun. Because why not. 
Characters © Me and my BFF 1st Base: https://starlouart.deviantart.com/art/Base-9-544110708  2nd Base: https://starlouart.deviantart.com/art/Request-31-366477075 3rd Base: https://starlouart.deviantart.com/art/Code-Geass-base-88-367895188 Other Parents © Marvel and DC, My BFF and Me
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ghoodles · 9 months
I just thought of something really fucking funny
I remember reading something about how pumpkin-spiders have paralyzing venom for prey only, and i cant remember where i got this from but apparently it could make people sleepy (i cant find it anymore but i mean.. the spider was canonically genetically mutated so Oscorp/Alchemax [they kinda collabed for this, Oscorp did the funding and advertising, while alchemax did the actual work] probably just tried to remove the venom entirely but failed and just made it non-paralyzing)
So i might add that Sparrow has venom-- it just kinda works like a melatonin gummy
Do they know about this? Nuh uh
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ghoodles · 10 months
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Spidersona art
If you even care (/lhj)
Anyways, this is inspired off of that one Miguel comic panel (i lost it sadly) because i saw it and then suddenly it just clicked
Also tried experimenting with the more comic-like shading style, i think it looks pretty neat :3
[More for silly rant]
Sparrow/Cherry never wanted to have the burden of being a hero; its just what fate brought to her. Of course they'd get wrapped up in small, petty crimes that worked their way up into world threats. That was just his luck. Of course they'd be called a hero at fifteen, with many people wanting him to keep going, even when he didnt.
Of course, there was J.Jameson, the one that was public about his absolute hatred-- and honestly, Sparrow fully agreed with him. The only reason why they still take up the mantle of Arachne after he was believed to be dead in that housefire [canon event] is because there's no other choice, especially with the entire spider society.
If she gives up the title, she is nobody. He has no legal documents, so they cant get an education or get a job, and has nobody to turn to that she trusts aside from the society.
She is actively nothing without her title. Even if he hates it.
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ghoodles · 8 months
Im imagining a Pumpkin-spider symbiote arc and im getting so silly with it :3
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ghoodles · 8 months
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I got silly and redesigned the goober
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ghoodles · 10 months
On that note, ive got some nicknames for the goober!
Well, not many but...
Itll work :3
Sparrow- Their actual name, Well, the one after the whole presumed dead thing
Pumpkin spice- I can imagine someone calling her this as a joke cause haha pumpkin spider
Pumpkin Spider- Her alias! The public actually started calling them this because he couldnt come up with a name when asked ^^
Jack-O-Lantern- again, probably called this as a joke, from her suit having a sort of that triangle eyes style on their sweater :D
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However, she hates this nickname. Dont call him that unless you want to get under their skin.
Also from the suit, someone has definitely tried to compare the sweater design to a bat before- So they probably have some bat related nicknames
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ghoodles · 11 months
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More info below!
- Bitten by a genetically modified spider, not radioactive. It wasnt exposed to any radiation, its cells were just altered while it was being developed in the egg sac
- Southern as hell!! [Thats a constant in all their varients, no matter where they are they are southern]
- She didnt want to be Arachne, while testing out their powers for the first time he got involved in a mugging and it all escalated from there.
- Oscorp /neg
- Wanted to go into alchemy and coding before he got bit
- Has the comics and stuff in their universe, but no actual Spider-Man, up until now
- Their canon event was their house burning down and them being presumed dead. The ring on their casual outfit is from her mom. Everyone is still alive and well, he just.. cant talk to them anymore, at least its.. not the same.
- Organic webbing in legs. How did she find out? He tried to see if he had organic webs, didnt, fell, tried it again, and bam, leg webs.
- Because of being upside-down a lot, they get nauseous easily while being Arachne, and usually keeps medicine to stop it
- They also cannot handle too much heat, so most of their suit is made out an easily breathable material that allows them to cool off
- Multiple earth varients!!
423-A is this one, 423-B is a stocker in a grocery store who accidentally became an anomalous spiderman due to The Spot chucking them into another universe, and 423-C, who was an alchemax intern until she got involved with The Spot and the collider her version of Doc-Ock, Octavia, built. They then sort of ended up becoming like him.
- She views Noir as a father figure, sometimes it slips out but he always covers it up
- Had intrusive thoughts before the bite, got a bit more frequent afterwards
- There is actually a lot of varients of Sparrow in earth-90214 (noir world) and their varients
- Also in earth-138 (hobie's world)
- Neither of them are spider-people though
- Actually scared of animals if they dont know them well. Doesnt matter if its a small bunny, they're terrified
- Doesn't like the momentum of swinging, but it got them to his city quickly, and they cant drive, so..
- Lived in a suburban area about 15 minutes away from their actual city
- Light sensitivity, also has horrible depth perception when hiding their extra eyes
- It took them forever to find a good mask idea
- Was invited to the Society a couple of days after his canon event, which happened a couple of weeks after being Arachne
- Was given webshooters by Peter to try and make webslinging easier
- Also goes by Cherry! (My mom called me this as a joke after i dyed my hair and the name actually kinda stuck..)
- Misses their cats dearly. They know its him, but he cant be there for them.
- Essentially just myself but if i was spider-man
- Doesnt exactly have a living space after their event, considering that theyre 15 and unable to get an apartment due to that fact
- Mostly just chills in the society in the nights because of that
- Stays up till ungodly hours just writing or thinking
- Terrifed of Miguel. Like, genuinely fucking terrifed.
- Doesnt do well with loud noises, especially yelling, at all. Would have their headphones on them at all times, but they burned.
- Gets headaches when things get too loud or stressful
- These headaches can turn into migranes, and on those days she just lays in the society all day and tries to keep themselves still so it can be bearable
- List of flags!
1- Lesbian
2- Asexual
3- Queerplatonic! On the Aromantic spectrum, she wants to do romantic things, but with her friends!
4- Genderfluid
- I didnt add the flag but yes, this means that he is on the Aro/Ace SPECTRUM, he, like myself, can still feel romantic attraction (i think)
- Clumsy swinger with his legs, it can never get the hang of it
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ghoodles · 8 months
I love the whole idea of the canon to the spider-society (and by extension sparrow) becaude the idea of the canon is essentially how things are supposed to go, there is supposed a rigid line that you have to follow. Of course, that's just miguel's theory, but it's the known one.
If anyone steps out of the canon, in their eyes, theyre risking their world. Or at least, in Sparrow's eyes.
Ive brought up that the concept of the canon to sparrow eventually leads to an argument between Pumpkin-Spider and her grieving mother.
Not sparrow, Pumpkin-Spider.
Because he's too afraid to take off the mask. No matter how much their mother shouts to take off the mask, she cannot bring herself to do it. Because telling her was already putting themself on a thin line between the canon being disrupted, and Sparrow cannot bear the idea of losing everyone and everything forever, even itself.
The canon fucks with them. Miguel and the society left Sparrow with that reality and she cannot do anything about it, because not only would she be unable to in the society, but because he was kicked out at the end of A1.
[Skip this small tidbit if you are effected by the idea of derealization/depersonalization! I dont know if this counts but better safe than sorry!!]
People need to start playing more with the emotional effects of knowing the canon, cause knowing that all the bad and the good are mapped out and ready to happen, like their lives arent even their own..
Its good shit, could cause derealization, but its so interesting
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ghoodles · 8 months
Thinking about an insomniac!Sparrow..
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ghoodles · 8 months
Ive been thinking about this concept for a while, and really a lot of these things can change, however, i would like to bring up a bunch of silly things i think some spiders (more specifically sparrow for all three) would have to deal with!
so, without further Ado,
Spiders and their 'downsides'
There's a lot of things to webbing, organic specifically, however, i can think of other things. im just gonna label this "Web Misuse"
So, what is it? Well, it's either overuse, or lack of use.
With organic webbing, it has a bit more of a cost to it. If you dont use it, the webbing will sort of build up, and depending on how long you have went without it, it'll range from accidentally shooting more than you want, or to essentially a full on explosion.
With a lack of use with Web fluid, i'd imagine it would eventually harden, and be unusable.
And, with an overuse, of course, you can run out of web fluid. With organic webbing, and eventually most spiders get used to it if they have organic webbing, but overuse can cause heavy cramps in the area where the spinnerets are located. (i.e If sparrow uses her webbing too much, her calves will cramp up)
One more thing, just cause i thought it'd be kind of comedic, if someone (sparrow specifically) doesnt use their venom, it just ends up leaking. Was actually how she found out about it.
Im brainrotting, cant you tell?
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ghoodles · 8 months
Thinking about how in A2 Sparrow canonically tries to explain to his mother that it's her but because of the idea of the canon she's extremely anxious of doing too much and breaking the canon
which leads to an argument
which leads to Sparrow shutting down.
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ghoodles · 8 months
Did i really just change the tag for Sparrow? Yeah
Why, you may ask?
Well, i decided to make another self insert for earth 138 named cherry
And theyre well
Not Sparrow
Yeah, he's a varient of her, yeah, but they arent sparrow
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ghoodles · 9 months
The problem i have found about having a spider-sona with a unique webslinging style is that when im trying to redraw comic panels (well, trace over and edit to get a hang of the style) there's just
Nothing that i can use for it-
Cause Pumpkin-Spider uses their legs to websling. Yeah, they did have webshooters at one point (probably given halfway into A1) but that was when she had literally no idea how to use webbing effectively during combat.
Canonically he's gotten better at it, but i guess drawing them webslinging will be when i adapt a comic style (Cause i love it dearly)
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ghoodles · 9 months
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Yippee!! Arc 2 art!! [Plus some notes on their haze!]
The three days A2 is... oh boy he's losin his mind someone give this motherfucker a hug---
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