creature-wizard · 2 years
Ways To Be A Garbage Witch
Look everyone, in These Trying Times we can't always afford things so we gotta make do with what we got. So here's some hot tips to help you become a garbage witch:
Save and use apple seeds, orange seeds, peach pits, cherry pits, etc. to use in your spells.
Make a spirit board/pendulum board out of an empty cardboard box.
Make drawstring pouches out of old clothes.
Use bag strings for binding magic or use them in small drawstring bags.
Shoelaces and drawstrings from old pajamas or sweatpants are fine for knot magic or turning into drawstrings for pouches.
Save glass jars for spell jars.
Study carrion animals, animals that eat garbage, fungus, and the process of decomposition in general. Learn about the importance of biodiversity, and the hazards of oversterilization.
But also study proper sanitation methods, and be aware of biohazards. Don't go living in a house fulla mold or fish through people's garbage for... uhhh... ummm... taglocks. Don't store chicken bones so they'll rot.
If you have a compost bin, write anything you want to "decompose" out of your life on a banana peel. Put the banana peel in the bin.
Learn how to repair broken stuff. (But also learn what you really shouldn't repair for yourself - EG, microwaves - lest you meet with a horrible fate.)
Make charms/talismans by cutting out pictures of things that correspond with your intent and decoupaging them onto wood, chipboard, or layered cardboard.
Make paper mache diety art/statues out of newspaper.
Learn more about crafting with scraps, packaging materials, old magazines, etc. (There's many videos on YouTube!)
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pageofpomegranates · 2 years
More Art Magic Ideas🎨🕯️
Draw or paint using your non-dominant hand to bring out your inner child
Create a mini oracle set out of bottlecaps or coins
Write odes to the tools, herbs, etc. that you use the most in your craft
Use only natural materials in a work of art- tea, coffee, dirt, plant parts, etc.
Decorate playing cards to act as talismans and keep in your pocket/wallet/bag (i.e. a money drawing card to keep in your wallet)
Bring your inner sacred space to life by drawing/painting/collaging/sculpting it
Use handmade images as offerings to spirits or deities; create personalized images of spirits or deities you're in contact with
Make a poppet of yourself and stuff it with petitions or pictograms of what you wish to embody
Create a powerful protection amulet to hang above the doorway of your home/sacred space. What does protection look like to you? Use materials that reflect the kind of protection that you're looking for.
Crochet or knit a blanket that is enchanted to bring good sleep, good dreams, or for inducing a hypnagogic state
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windvexer · 2 months
Lowering Wards: Steps for new and established spells
"Lowering" a ward means to temporarily pause some or all of its protective effects, usually to make way for other magical actions or divination; "lowering the draw-bridge." Here, a ward is any protective spell.
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Although these steps will work for just about any spell. An alternate title for this post is, basic spell administration: managing your spells after they've been cast.
The whole caboodle is deceptively easy. No need to over think it.
Lowering any wards, even for spells not established with convenient lowering in mind
SELECT WHICH EFFECTS SHOULD BE PAUSED. Hypothetically, a ward with multiple effects can have some effects paused, while others are ongoing (*this is highly variable and really depends on how the spell was built).
But technically, if you have a ward that's A) no magic can come into my house, and B) no energies of ill-will can come into my house, you may be able to allow magic to come into your house while a friend sends a positive spell your way, while still filtering out ill-will.
In my experience, protection loopholes are a bit of a beast, and if your magic starts behaving weirdly, or won't work, or friends can't magic on you like they can for others, check out to see if you've sealed yourself in a labyrinth of protective measures.
Sometimes you'll want to pause all effects - that's fine too. Just have in mind what you want to have happen.
IMO, an excellent way to deal with this step is to just state what it is you want the ward to allow for.
"Let this Discord friend do a reading for me."
"Make way for this spirit to leave the house."
Enter, or at least brush up against, magical mindspace.
Find the spell - this is easier if its attached to a physical object, which just means finding the object.
While in magical mindspace and interacting with the reality that your spell exists, do any of the following:
Just tell it what you'd like it to temporarily do
Put a black cloth over the spell vessel with intent that it be paused
Hide it away in a drawer, or turn it so that it's "facing" a corner
Draw some sort of stopping symbol on top of it (pentagram or an X work well)
Put the ward close to an energy battery and have it take a break and go out for lunch
Any action that, for you, makes sense to represent a "pause, time-out" instruction
WHEN READY, PUT THE WARD BACK UP. Take away the black cloth, put the ward back in its proper position, "wipe away" the blocking symbol. Especially communicate through magical speech, thought, writing, signing, etc., that the ward is to resume its normal mode of behavior.
For those curious about sorcerous theory, reading on a ward before and after you raise and lower it can offer helpful feedback
Of course, that stuff might not work well, so making a ward with an eye for pausing it is a good idea
Spellcrafting can get complex and there could be any number of reasons why a ward created to be a permanent wall doesn't have convenient, easily-workable drawbridges.
Building a ward with drawbridges is easy. First, decide how you want the drawbridge to work.
You can design a ward where one effect ("no ill-energy") is always active, while another is meant to be raised and lowered ("no outside magic.")
You can design a ward with a skeleton key, where all of the doorways are unlocked at once
You can design wards in such a way that outsiders may be able to obtain the key and unlock them (like, a passcode and energy signature you share with others), or you can design them in such a way that only you can unlock them (like, requiring you yourself to draw a symbol over them in the physical realm)
One example of an unlocking action is tapping on the spell vessel three times and saying, "stand down until sunset* so [specific thing the ward is blocking] can occur."
*For the forgetful, giving the spell a timeframe is useful.
When casting the spell, whenever the time feels right, go into a portion where you 'teach' the spell how to listen for your instructions to lower defenses, and how it should operate when this occurs. ("Never stay unlocked beyond the next twilight; the guards named No Bane are eternal, but the guards named No Spying sometimes lie down to rest.")
You can always go back and "open up" old spells to modify loopholes and improve unlocking mechanisms
My paradigm allows for certain things:
Most spells are not so much mindless machines but rather are more like garden plots, or animals. They may be bad at performing a certain thing the first time you ask them to, but over multiple lessons, even a very stubborn spell might learn a new trick.
Therefore, it can take time to teach a spell how to do something new that it wasn't designed to do.
Learning can be improved by holding a formal class. This is the equivalent of taking the spell back into spellcasting space and partially re-casting new magic on top of the old base.
The gist of re-forging an old spell is to carefully outline what you want to change, remove, and add. Using your preferred spellcasting or ritual format, connect with the spell and provide new parameters.
I find this process to be different than casting an entirely new spell, so I think it's normal if it all seems a bit different.
Provide the spell with more energy, tie off the ritual as normal, and deploy the spell immediately or give it a little time to firm up, as you prefer.
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coinandcandle · 2 months
Applying to a bunch of jobs and actively working on my resume every day to match the jobs I’m applying for—def doing as many mundane things as I can for this…I think it’s time to magic.
Anyone have a good job obtainment spell? I have one I could rework but I’d like to see what others do!!
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elminx · 1 year
Elminx's Guide to Augmenting Your Spellwork
This guide is intended to be allied to the type of spellwork that draws something towards you or is desirous of change within yourself. The goal here is to create actions throughout our day or week that bring our thoughts back to the magic that we have performed. From my way of thinking, this keeps the stream of magic flowing in the right direction through your returned focus. It can have the added benefit of reminding you to take the actions in the world that are necessary for the success of your spellwork.
There will be a number of examples following but they all have the same theme: doing something during your initial spellwork that you will return to after the spell has been cast to keep your attention focused in the direct on what you want. Some of these things will be very obvious and you will have seen them before - others may be less so and better suited to a person in the broom closet. Some of these are standalone spell techniques on their own; here I am trying to convey that when combined together, multiple types of spellwork can have a greater effect than individually.
The idea is to continue to do the things listed below until your spell has manifested. Yes, there are obviously too many to do all at once. You are, as always, free to pick the ones that fit the spell best or the ones that fit your own lifestyle. Or to disregard all of them altogether.
Create an altar for your spell Say that I was going to create a spell for money to make sure that I could pay my rent on August 1st. I would create a money altar for my spell, do my spell on the altar, and keep all of the spell ingredients (including candle remains and any nonperishable offerings) up for the month of July. If I was going to create a spell to combat the upcoming Venus retrograde, I would keep the altar up all the way through the end of the retrograde. The visual reminder of the altar helps to realign your thoughts toward that spell.
Feed your spell This one goes along with the first nicely. This can look like a lot of different things - it could be adding coins to a money bowl or a spoonful of sugar to a sweetening jar. It could be burning incense on your altar for success on your exams every Sunday. It could be successively lighting small candles to charge your spell for a set number of days, weeks, or on every full moon. If you work with spirits of deities, it could be making repeated offerings while you ask for help with your spellwork. If you are the type of person who sticks to schedules well, make it a scheduled thing. You could align it with the days of the week if you're into that or with the moon cycles. If you're not a scheduler, do it when you remember.
Mantras (and other Spoken representations of your spell) If you are a verbal person, word magic may work very well for you. This can be anything from one phrase to a rhyming couplet - the idea here is that it is something that you remember to repeat to yourself. I think that this type of magic work especially well when doing work on changing something about yourself, but you may find a use for it in other areas that I have not. Ideas for using mantras: say them when you wake up or before you fall asleep at night, say them while looking in the mirror while getting ready in the morning. Or, simply say them when it would be appropriate for the magic that you have worked.
Sigils (and other Visual Representations of your Spell) If you are a visual person, sigils and other types of art magic can help you to augment your magic. The idea is to charge or create your symbol during the casting of your magic and then return to it throughout your days. Depending on your situation, you may able to hang your artwork or sigil on your mirror in your bathroom or even on your fridge. If you cast a spell to get better tips, carry the sigil or wear it when you are working. You can draw sigils on your skin with lotion or other skincare. This can be at once the most obvious forms of magic (think the Bluetooth symbol) and the most discreet. You can incorporate your sigil onto something you handmake like clothing (inside your clothes or out), jewelry, or any number of other charms.
Put it in a Jar (and other Physical representations of your magic) Yes, jar spells and other container magic are a topic all onto themselves. But have you thought about putting the remains of a spell into a jar? This is a very sympathetic view of magic, but it makes no sense to me to cast a spell to bring something toward you and then immediately get rid of the objects used in the spell. It's counterintuitive to throw something away that you want. N'est pas? Instead, put the items you used in the casting of the spell into a jar or bag and keep it somewhere safe until the spell comes to pass. This is where an altar to your spell comes in handy - it's a place to house this object. Bonus: this makes it harder for sneaky people or inquisitive animals to find their way into your spell components. Other versions of this include putting your intentions for the spell into an object such as a stone or a piece of jewelry and carrying it with you every day.
Invoke Your Senses Again, this is strictly my opinion, but magic involves both the unconscious and the conscious mind. The best way to hijack your unconscious mind and keep it aligned with your consciousness is through the base senses like smell and taste. They tap right the fuck in as they are deeply connected to our memory centers. Here I suggest picking a scent or flavor from your spell and incorporating it into your life for the duration afterward. If you use rose petals, buy yourself a rose-scented soap or rose perfume. If you use basil, make yourself pesto once a week or work to otherwise incorporate basil into your meals. As far as food goes, items like jams and simple syrups are perfect for this purpose if applicable. This involves a bit more planning than some of the other suggestions but can be very rewarding (and tasty!). Alternatively, if sound is important to you, you could use a piece of music during your spell and then play it repeatedly to reactivate the feeling of the spell. Or, if you're very musically inclined, you could write your own song or simply set your mantra/words to music in some fashion.
This is a very non-exhaustive list of some of the techniques that I have used to keep the energy of my spells flowing when I am working on a longer manifestation. Mostly, as stated above, these techniques are best used for magic designed to bring something towards you or to change something about yourself but they can be adapted for use with other types of magic as well.
Again, the goal here is to create moments throughout your day or week where your attention is turned back to your magic through repetitive actions such as showering with rose soap or donning a necklace you made with your sigil every morning.
Do you like my work? You can support me by tipping me on Kofi or purchasing an astrology report written by me just for you.
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heathen-faggot · 2 years
Confusion and misdirection spell jar 
Many people will do tarot readings on you, whether you know about them or not. So lets throw off some salty hoes and confuse the ever loving fuck out of them! This spell is similar to a decoy jar, and it is used to create confusion and misdirection in any sort of divination that is being done about you without your consent. 
What you will need: 
Jar or container of choice
Yarrow - Banishing  (properties : banishing, death, courage, psychic powers)
cloves: banishes hostility/negativity, used for protection.
black peppercorn: banishing negativity, protection from evil. 
Paper with sigils correlating to your intention
Some sort of reflective object to bounce the reading off of you
Teeth for defense 
Any sort of baneful ingredients you enjoy to give them a little punishment for trying to divine about you 
Black salt(regular works fine) to protect you from prying eyes. 
Cleanse your jar with your preferred method 
Fill it with the physical ingredients 
Write on a piece of paper, or say this out loud whichever you prefer
“Curiosity will kill the cat and no amount of satisfaction can bring it back. Anyone who tries to divine me in hopes of an upper hand will get back only nonsense and a prick back. Your tarot will turn against you, your bones will break, your runes will never fall into place. Your scrying and divination will only show your own ugliness. May this spell confuse and blind those who wish to spy on me
Write your sigils on the back of this paper, activate it by dabbing oil onto it, i used yarrow oil 
Seal your jar with black wax and string
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witchbabysoap · 14 days
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Is there anything cuter than a star jar??? Nope
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julienelson · 3 months
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With all the negative energies flying around these days, why not do a Simmer Pot protection spell!
When finished you can dig the ingredients into your garden or compost them. Mother Earth will take care of the leftovers.
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hisfluer · 1 year
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Devotional Designs are intuitive designs created in order to focus on the Divine — they can be used as sigils, in spell-work, as means of a meditation focal point or merely as a work of art that can be used to represent the Divine within sacred places.
For only $5, I will make a unique, one of a kind design that is charged with magic & created with your specific intention!
Send me a message or commission me directly on Ko-Fi!
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creature-wizard · 7 months
Three reasons not to use AI to write spells
Large language models generate text based on probability. This means that whatever spell you try to generate would be extremely similar, if not identical, to the first results that would come up if you searched DuckDuckGo.
The creators of large language models are unlikely to care about enough about cultural appropriation and environmental harm to ensure that all of the spell components are ethical on these matters.
Generative AI uses an absurd amount of resources to operate and contribute to pollution and water shortages. This might not be the case forever, but it's how things are right now. And there is simply no reason to have an LMM write a spell for you when you could just search DuckDuckGo.
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pageofpomegranates · 2 years
🎨Art Magic Ideas🎨
Use enchanted waters such as moon, elemental or holy waters to enchant your paint water
Create a thoughtform for/ensorcell a tool (paintbrush, pencil, needle, etc.) to assist your spell(s)
Recite chants/prayers/affirmations (intention) as you work
Experiment using herbs, resins, teas, etc. to make magical pigments
Make sigil stamps out of erasers, cork, hot glue, etc.
Create a portrait of your shadow self, or your witch/wizard/whatever-sona
Compile or record different playlists for different spell 'genres', meditation, and "vision board-ing"
Create your own recycled handmade enchanted paper for petitions
Protect your spells by documenting them in pictograms- use only images to portray the process
Use a recycled or handmade decorated container to house your 'personal demons'
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windvexer · 2 years
windvexer's spellcrafting and spellcasting checklist
These are the sorts of things I think about when I work the style of magic that I work. This stuff is based off of my beliefs which might include UPG and is therefore definitely not applicable to everyone. Take what you want and discard the rest.
I do not rigidly follow this checklist. These are just the kinds of things I think about and consider when planning and executing spells. For small, simple spells, I ignore almost all of these factors. For serious and large spells I may consider many more of them.
Do I know exactly what I want to occur?
Have I thought through a few obvious logical consequences of my intended goal?
Have I performed divination on the outcome of this intent?
Am I sure that what I'm asking for is the same thing as what I want? (e.g. do I really want more people talk to me or is my true desire make more friends?)
Do I need to crystalize my intent into one specific phrase, or is it okay for me to leave it casual or even improvise?
How soon is it rationally possible for my spell to manifest?
Do I expect the spell to manifest very rapidly? If so, what components or spellcasting style am I going to use to encourage rapid manifestation?
Do I expect the spell to work "just okay," or to be very powerful? If I want it to be very powerful, what extra steps am I going to take to fill the spell with power?
If the spell does exactly as my intent dictates, what is the most likely outcome?
Am I bound to any gods or spirits that would frown upon what I want to undertake with this spell?
Have I taken any vows or oaths that would conflict with my goals?
Does casting this spell intent conflict with personal goals I've set for myself?
If casting for others, is this truly a situation I want to involve myself in?
If casting for myself, is this spell in my own best interest?
Is there any chance I am casting this spell to side-step self care, responsibilities, or personal healing? (I don't mean don't cast a self-love spell if you actually need therapy! Cast that spell every gosh darn day if you please. I literally mean, are you using magic as an avoidance tactic, when the reality is you really really just need to eat a sandwich and do your homework?)
Have I chosen a style of spellcasting which matches my intent? (e.g., if I want to banish, have I chosen a spellcasting style that includes sending away actions such as burning a paper or throwing away a rock?)
Can I be creative with what I have to avoid delaying this spell? (e.g. I usually use candles as a beacon to draw things in, but when I think about it, a candle burning down would also be a good sending away action for a banishment).
If I have already heavily cast in the past, do I have any ongoing spells (such as wards) which would interfere with the work I want to do now?
Do I want to include a physical indicator that the spell manifested or stopped working? (Such as tying a thread around your wrist that breaks when the spell stops working)
Physical Components
What physical object will be used to anchor this spell? I believe that manifesting in physical reality is much easier if you tie magic to a physical object.
Do I know how the physical objects I'm using are linked to the design of the spell? (e.g., I want to banish, so I choose to use a candle for a dwindling away effect.)
Do I have a safe and practical plan for storing or disposing leftover physical objects from the spellcasting?
How can I make storage or disposal of leftover objects a part of the spell? (e.g. I take the leftover melted wax from the banishment candle and walk to the dumpster down the street, completing the spell as I throw away the last bits of their presence in my life in the garbage).
Am I intending to invoke gods, spirits, or entities in this spell? If so, do I need physical components to represent them within the casting space, or within the spell itself?
If I am intending to invoke gods, spirits, or entities in this spell, and I need physical components to represent them, is it a good idea to save and re-use these components? Do I need to make disposable representations, or can I use permanent devotional objects?
What physical components have I gathered which are unnecessary?
Does each component that I've chosen have a specific job in this spell?
Does each component and their jobs fully align with my chosen intent and spell style?
If not every component and their jobs align with my intent or method of casting, do I need to re-examine my intent and rework the foundations of this spell?
Do I need to modify or prepare any physical components? If so, do I need to do any of this ahead of time?
Energy and Power
How much power do I believe it will take to successfully perform this spell? If the energy requirement is large, do I need to break this operation up into smaller parts and cast multiple small spells?
Will it be necessary for me to craft a physical spell vessel ahead of time so I can slowly charge it until it has enough power?
How do I intend to power this spell? (for me, I power it with my own energy, or call on external forces)
If I will use my own energy, do I have enough personal power reserves to successfully cast this spell? Or, will it burn me out, even on a day when I'm well-rested?
If I will use an external energy, how do I plan to raise or call this energy into my casting space?
How do I plan to combine power with my spell components? (sometimes this is inherent in spell style; if doing knot magic, the power is held within the knots. At other times, it must be thought through - if I draw a symbol on a rock, maybe my power will be consumed by the spell at the singular point where I draw the symbol on the rock. Or, maybe I'd like to charge the symbol ahead of time.)
If I'm using many physical components, do I need to individually charge each one?
Do my chosen energy sources align with my spell needs? (e.g. if I require very rapid manifestation, have I ensured that I am using airy, fiery, mercurial, swift, or rapid energies? Or, have I accidentally used lots of heavy, slow, earthen, saturnine, creeping energies?)
Spirits, Gods, and Entities
If asking spirits, gods, or entities for help, how is my relationship with that power? Do I need to visit them ahead of time and make sure we're on good terms before I call on them?
If asking spirits, gods, or entities for help, do I need to plan a formal invitation or petition?
If asking spirits, gods, or entities for help, do I need to repay them? If so, what do I need to collect or prepare for this purpose?
Aftermath and Upkeep
Is this a one-shot or continuous spell? Will I be maintaining and watching over the spell after it is cast, or will I let it go do its thing?
If it's an ongoing spell that will require upkeep, have I chosen a physical vessel that's practical to be worked with over a long period of time?
Will I need to make notes about this spell so I can remember what the vessel is in a few weeks or months?
How often will I need to recharge or maintain this spell?
If something went wrong, how would I undo this spell?
Have I gathered everything I need into one place?
If I forget something, is it okay for me to walk away from the spell to go get it, or is it really important I don't leave casting space until the spell is complete?
Is there anything special I need to do to prepare my casting space?
Do I need to take notes or write anything down so I don't forget it once the spell starts?
If I'm going to do a fancy ritual, do I need to write or print the ritual steps ahead of time?
If I've chosen to perform my spell at a special time, how much earlier do I need to prepare my casting space so that I can begin working within the correct time?
Pre-Casting Self Check
Do I feel safe and comfortable casting this spell?
Do I have enough personal energy to cast a spell right now? (even when conjuring external energies, you always use some of your own energy to cast spells)
If there is a risk that I will be drained, do I have anything important to do today or tomorrow that would be bad to miss or under-perform on?
Do I have enough free time today to have extra rest after spellcasting?
Do I have enough extra food to help restore me after spellcasting? (especially carbs, by the way)
Are there any tasks or activities I should do before I cast this spell, in case it is more draining than I expected?
Will I have enough energy to clean up my spellcasting space once I'm done? This includes properly disposing of or storing any spellcasting remnants or vessels.
Do I want to pray and ask for aid before I begin the spellcasting process?
Do I have any last-minute gut feelings about casting this spell? Is there a negative or worrying emotion that has been with me through this entire process that I've tried to ignore?
Do I want to exert my will upon the world?
After Care
How do I feel? (Including the physical, emotional, and mental)
Did I properly pay any spirits, gods, or entities involved in my spellwork?
Did I properly close down the spellcasting space (if applicable)?
If the working took place in my resting area, does my resting area feel comfortable? Is there anything I need to do, such as opening the window or playing music, to help my space return to normal?
Do I need a snack?
Do I need to perform a restful, low-energy activity for a little while?
Would it feel nice if I went and talked to people, or would I prefer to be alone?
Did I have any special insights during spellcasting that I want to write down before I forget?
Did the spell go how I imagined it would?
Was I able to feel power being raised?
Did I end up feeling drained or buzzed after spellcasting? (note that you're not always bound to feel either, but it's worth noting as they're decent indicators that "something happened")
Did I ever feel a moment where I was still working over my physical components, but realized that they felt complete and the magic was ready?
If I called on spirits, gods, or entities, did I feel their presence? Did it seem like they had thoughts or feelings about the spell?
If I cast a spell like this again, what would I change? What would I keep the same?
Did I feel good about my disposal or storage methods for physical components?
Do I want to perform divination on how the spellcasting went?
Did I over or under-estimate how much energy the spell would require?
Did I like the style of spellcasting? Do I want to explore more spells of this style, or try a different type?
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sylverra · 1 year
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Charoite chips at sylverra
Link above | $5 flat shipping all US orders | Free US shipping over $50
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freyatarotreadings8 · 2 years
A true philosophy of tarot isn’t fatalistic. It show’s possibilities of your current path and gives wonderful insights, advices. The future is variable and you can change a path any time. Remember, that you are a real master of your fate & a captain of your soul.
PERSONAL TAROT READINGS✨🔮🧙‍♀️DM ME ᚱ ᚷ ᚨ • How can you improve your lifestyle? - $8 • Divine advice from your spirits / ancestors - $8 • Message from your inner child - $8 • What your subconscious mind / dreams try to tell you? - $8 • Life purpose - $17 • Career/business reading - $11 • Shadow discovery includes a tarot reading and dark side exploration practices. As a psychologist I know how to figure out the shadow, so I can help you with a deep self exploration. - $12
• How can you improve your finances? What blocks your abundance?- $12 (rune magic as bonus) • Love Reading - $11 • Your Next Romantic Adventure - $11 • Your Future Spouse - $17 • Your Soulmate - $17
• Your next 3 months - $8 • Your next 6 month - $11 • Your next 9 month - $17 • Your next 12 months (what’s going to happen to you every month of the year + bonus) - $25
• Prediction for 2024 + bonuses - $22
BONUS - an access to my online library with books about manifestation (Only 12houses and 12month)
Any other readings are available too. WITCHCRAFT 🧙‍♀️ • Cleaning your energy from negativity - $28 (3 rituals) • Instruction how to clean your house (name of herb, spell, how to use it) - $11 • Rune Magic (money, success, love, good luck) - $11 COACHING
Life coaching session - $50
Hypno session - $70
DONATIONS Donation - https://send.monobank.ua/jar/k8qBMwvJK Destream - https://destream.net/live/FreyaTarot/donate PayPal - [email protected]
LINKS YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@TheJourneyOfHero/featured
CELEBRITY TAROT READINGS Disclaimer: All celebrity readings are for entertainment purposes only! Take it with grain of salt. You can leave an ask with a celebrity request.
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elminx · 8 months
Numerology, Part 3: Elminx's 3x3 Spell Creation Format
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Note: This is by no means solely my own creation and many people have done 3x3 spell formats before me. What I am going to talk about here is why I use this spell format and some specifics on how I use this spell format.
So you want to cast a spell but you're not sure what or how to do it - this spell format works extremely well for me as a basis for the design of the spell. It can be used for spell bags and spell jars of all kinds as well as any other type of container magic, or simply as an adjunct to a candle spell.
The Numerology
The idea behind this is based on numerology and the meaning of the numbers 3 and 9.
The number 3 is associated both with Jupiter in astrology and the Empress card in the tarot - as you think about these associations, you may begin to understand why the number 3 is considered so powerful magically. In essence - it is the number of manifestations - or, at least, quick manifestations. This can be seen in the magic of human creation - it takes two people to make a third. Three is the number of birth of all kinds, not just gestational.
Likewise, the number 9 is the last of the core numbers in numerology - it represents the completion of a cycle. It is also the result of multiplying our power number of 3 by itself. So by combining the quick power of manifestations from the number 3 thrice over, we reach the total manifestation power of the number 9.
How To Put It Together to Make A Spell
This is where the fun and creativity (number 3 also rules creativity!) of this process come in. Once you have chosen your idea for the spell, you now need to separate that main concept into three parts. This can be done in a lot of ways: it could be past/present/future in a spell that really needs to move forward, three aspects of your final manifestation that you want to come to pass, or really anything that comes to mind.
For a general money spell, it might be money drawing (1), protection for your finances (2), and luck in money (3).
For a spell to protect you from the effects of Mercury's upcoming retrograde, you could base it on the three planets of yours that are going to be most impacted by the retrograde. Alternatively, you could do Keep My Thoughts Collected (1), I Can Write With Ease (2), and My Internet Signal is Strong (3) for a project that needs to be worked on during the retrograde.
The options here are endless just keep in mind that your three objectives should be interrelated in some way. And they should all feed the main objective of your spell.
Now that you have chosen three micro-objectives that support your main objective, you want to come up with three correspondences that feed your micro-objective. These can be as varied as you can imagine: sigils, herbs, rocks, feathers, individual petitions - the sky is really the limit here. You just want each set of three to be unique to one another.
To use the money spell example above: perhaps you might use a loadstone, catnip, and alfalfa for money drawing; bank dirt, a canceled check, and nettles for money protection; and basil, cinnamon, and tiger's eyes for luck in money.
In this way, we could see that we are casting three spells within one or three micro enchantments to support our larger goal. Depending on the complexity of the spell and the energies required, each micro enchantment can be cast on a separate occasion (say on the day of the week that supports each) but in close succession or cast all at once time.
The Details
This may seem like a lot, especially if you are a beginning caster. Remember here that although you are using 9 different ingredients for this spell, they do not need to be expensive nor do you need to use a lot of each item. When I craft a spell bag or spell jar in this type of fashion, I am often using a pinch of any particular herb.
There are a lot of ways to individualize this spell format.
If you use candle magic, I would suggest utilizing a main larger candle for the spell as a whole with three additional supporting candles (chimes work well here) to support the individual elements of this work. You can also choose to burn the candle in increments of three - for three hours at a time or for three or nine days. You can use color correspondences to support each individual goal or the whole.
Rather than being correspondences, you can create individualized goals for yourself - three physical actions that you need to take in the real world to enhance the magic of your working.
Looked at from a different perspective, each set of parts of the whole could be entirely different from one another. The first could be cleansing to rid yourself of the negativity associated with this work, the second could be creating a talisman of some sort to enhance that work, and the third could be the empowerment of this talisman.
The goal here isn't to create a rigid format with which you are forced to follow but to give you ideas about how to incorporate the power of 3x3 and its manifestation potential into your spellwork. The details, as always, are up to you.
This is part of an ongoing series about Numerology:
Part One: Combining Numerology and Astrology Part Two: Numerology Applications in Spellwork
Do you like my work? You can support me by tipping me on here or on Kofi, or commissioning me to write an astrology natal birth chart or transit chart just for you.
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stardewspellshed · 1 year
Jk I have an actual ask now: how do you go about actually making your spells in stardew? With it not being entirely up to the player where you can place things and what you can pick up and what not, how do you come up with ideas as to what you can do? (My uncertainty is probably to do with the fact that I haven’t the slightest clue what the mechanics actually are save from what I hear from my friends feral rants about the supermarket and eels)
So this ended up being a suuuper long post and I am so sorry lmao. Tried to break it up into sections to make it a little easier to read!
The first step to coming up with spells was to learn my medium, to put it in art terms. I played the game purely for the sake of playing the game for a while, and more or less completed several files before I decided to figure out spellcasting. By then I'd had the mechanics memorized enough that everything is second nature now, which means I actually don't really know how to explain it very well in a way that makes sense to other people!
In a nutshell, I'd sorted out how decorating the farm works, what crops I like/don't like growing (which helps for associations!), etc., but also the negative mechanics like "leaving Jack o Lanterns outside on the last night of fall means they'll turn into rotten glurge on the first day of winter" and "villagers walking through your stuff can break or uproot it so be careful where you put stuff if you're sticking things in town".
So the first solid step I took when I decided to start branching out into using the game for tech magic was to start sorting out my associations/correspondences for villagers and items. This is a massive work in progress because of how much stuff there is in the game and I'm nowhere close to done with actually transcribing it all, but for items I generally use a combination of traditional correspondences and what feels Correct to me.
(This is probably where I'd suggest anyone looking to get into Stardew as a method of casting start—like, at least sort out a few things you think you're going to use a lot— because your process for forming associations is inherently going to be different than mine!)
(Heads up that my practice frequently relies on sympathetic magic and energy work and has since the early days of starting to work with magic. That was five years ago now, so at this point I'm by no means an expert but I have enough practice that I have a comparatively easy time using things that aren't physically there in spellcraft— this may be something that requires a fair bit of practice for other peeps. Adding this warning because I don't want to assume everybody shares my background!)
So when I craft a spell I work backwards. I figure out my goal, what timing (real world and/or in game), villagers, or items would assist in my goal if necessary, draw up a rough plan for what I want to happen in the spell itself then I just... fuck around with each step independently before casting.
I do test runs for each step I want in a spell without actually casting it to make sure it's something I can pull off, sort of like a series of miniature dress rehearsals. If I don't like how it feels or if the mechanics won't let me pull it off, I rework that step on the spot. I will do this as many times as I need to with as many steps as I need to until I have a spell that I feel flows smoothly. This is why I recommend a rough guide, because sometimes things just won't work the way you want them to and you have to rework.
On a final note I do most of my spellwork on my farm because you're pretty free of restrictions and don't run into nonsense like the villager pathing issue I mentioned earlier as often lmao.
I feel like this was incredibly rambly and didn't answer your question but it's the best explanation I've got, I'm so sorry if this wasn't helpful!
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