#Split release
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on CD package design for the KYUSS/ QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE split release, artwork by the late, great Frank Kozik (1962-2023), issued under the legendary Man's Ruin Records (Man's Ruin MR 063) in 1997.
OVERVIEW: "Emerging wild-eyed and stoned from the desert surrounding Palm Springs, California, in 1992 with their classic second album "Blues for the Red Sun," KYUSS proceeded over the ensuing three years and through two further masterpieces to become the greatest stoner/ garage/ psychedelic/ punk/ metal band ever. They should have been huge.
But saddled with a record company that didn't have the first idea what to do with them, KYUSS only sold records to friends, family and a relatively minuscule band of diehard fans. So they split. Admittedley at a creative high point, but also at a time when they had so much to offer. This much is testified to by the first three tracks on "Queens of the Stone Age." Here are the last songs Kyuss recorded, all first released on a highly-prized 10-inch single and each encapsulating the hypnotic intensity and gargantuan blugeon the band summarily conjured up.
The first track is a frazzled eight-minute deconstruction of BLACK SABBATH's "Into the Void'. KYUSS remain one of the very few bands capable of doing Sabbath's black-hearted doom justice; accomplised in this instance by taking the original tracks prehistoric slurge of a riff and dragging it through a series of skewed rhythmic shifts and a long spaced-out jam.
Like all great bands, KYUSS' sound was utterly distinctive: essentially, Josh Homme's fuzzed-up guitar operating in tandem with Scott Reeder's monstrous bass rumble to create riffs that hit you with the force of a bulldozer to the chest, while singer John Garcia howled away impressively, and intermittently, over the top. All of this is contained in the two-part "Fatso Forgotso" -- a vast 10-minute expanse of soul-drenched, head-spinning rolling thunder.
The album is completed by three tracks from Homme's new band, QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE. These too are extraordinary. The music is still dense, trippy and relentlessly heavy, with an even more extreme psychedelic edge. On "If Only Everything" and "Born to Hula." Homme -' who also sings -- appears to be playing a sitar with a road drill, while the whacked-out instumental "Spiders and Vinegaroons" is clearly the work of a man who's imbibed a vast amount of mind-altering substances, and gone mad. We'll not see their like again."
-- "KERRANG!" (review by Paul Rees), published January 10th 1998.
Source: https://mikeladano.com/2023/09/26/review-kyuss-queens-of-the-stone-age-1997-split-ep & discogs.
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infinityof6 · 19 days
New split with yeongrak out now on Native Melodi! I have been a fan for a long time, maybe since 2014ish? So I am really chuffed that we’re releasing this split together! Thanks @yeongrak​!
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Get it here: https://nativemelodi.bandcamp.com/album/and-fuel-blisters
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thenwothm · 1 year
Credit: Doomentia Records 7″ split STALLION / AMBUSH – First release of the collectable series Heavy Metal Thunder Sessions – Exclusive tracks, black vinyl – Limited to 500 units worldwide – First available at Heavy Metal Thunder fest 10/3/2023 As we were about to announce the launch of this very special series of soon-to-be-highly-collectable split EP, we were thinking about boosting how…
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coolerdracula · 3 months
more info on version releases here
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classichorrorblog · 1 year
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Tales From The Crypt - "Split Personality" - (1992)
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canisalbus · 2 months
Curious about your tags on the dog vocalizations post! Since dogs don’t sweat and panting is a natural but somewhat embarrassing behavior, would you say that items like hand fans are particularly popular to help cool down? Maybe especially in hotter areas or in certain social circles where it would be particularly embarrassing or even hard to hold an important conversation if the heat is making someone pant too much?
I thought about this earlier and I believe so! I'm under the impression that hand fans were fashionable in 16th-17th century Europe so it's not even something I have to add just for the dogs.
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chirpsythismorning · 8 days
When the interviewer asked when we should expect s5 to be coming out, that’s when Shawn mentioned that a little bit of an answer to that might be out there soon.
He actually mentions that this answer could be out by the time the video for this interview comes out, and since this interview was filmed mid-May and it’s now mid-June, I’m assuming we could be getting something soon or within the next couple months, potentially about a release date aka possibly a small teaser with 2025 stamped at the end…
#byler#stranger things#st5 predictions#idk I’m just praying for a vague quick 15 second teaser with 2025 at the end#idc if it’s late 2025 which is most likely#and so they’re just pulling this out of there ass to put something out there#but they have decent amount of footage already they should be able to pull from#even if that’s not what they want to do rn#they could release something vague that doesn’t even involve actors being in it and just maybe a build up of s5 vibes with 2025 at the end#I do feel like it has to be release date related even if it’s small af tho#bc we’ve gotten bts nonstop so just a mere screencap of s5 won’t be enough#it’s also worth considering that they might release s5 in very far away volumes like they did with cobra kai#not saying I want that but it’s possible#that could mean an earlier release date for those first episodes#i don’t think late 2024 is possibly honestly#but I know Maya mentioned in an interview they were like 1/3 of the way through filming s5#and this was about a month ago#so it’s possible a split could result in a serious waiting period between seasons#idk if Netflix is even willing to do that for st though#but I’m not ruling it out!#especially in the finale or even the second to last end up being longer l#we could be looking at a series finale on its own potentially taking up that vol 3 spot#but i still think late 2025 is likely for the ending regardless of how much earlier the initial part could come#also thinking about how they prefer to release the show during the season the show is set#if they can do that I feel like they will
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dazais-guardian-angel · 10 months
Chapter 110 is 13 pages long welcome to hell!!! so in a lot of ways this is just more fuel for a theory that I've had for a few weeks now, that's only gotten stronger with each recent season 5 episode, which is that the last episode of the season is gonna end on 110, and that Asagiri/Harukawa and Bones have been collaborating to make this happen, specifically because it's a major turning point that would be the only good place to end the season on.
When we started getting especially long chapters again (like from 25-35ish pages, with the exception of 107.5, the last two being some of the longest we've ever had), at first I just assumed that Asagiri/Harukawa got freed up from some other obligations they'd been having to cause the extremely short/half chapters, like promotional stuff for the anime/Beast movie, or working on light novels. But then 109 happened, with the "supposed" death of Dazai, and heavy emphasis at the end on how literally everyone is at their lowest point right now, and I got to thinking. 11 episodes is a strangely specific number for an anime season -- why not 12, or 13, or even 10, like you'd usually see? Why have we gotten suddenly gotten two 35 page chapters out of nowhere, that's almost unheard of at this point? They're both beautiful chapters, don't get me wrong (as always), and maybe A/H simply just didn't want to cut them in halves because they felt like the full emotional impact wouldn't hit/that there were no good cutoff points in them, but you can't deny that it's surprising, after all the shorter chapters we've been getting. Why has the anime been going at such insanely breakneck pacing for the most part ever since around the Sunday Tragedy chapters, even more so than it has in the past? So much so that it feels dangerously close to overtaking the manga?
Well, maybe, just maybe, it's because..... Asagiri decided a long time ago that whatever happens in 110 is the only point that feels "season finale"-worthy enough, in an arc that still isn't anywhere close to being completely wrapped up, and so both the manga and the anime have been specifically coordinated to reach that part within 2 and a half weeks of each other?
I've seen a lot of people now think season 5 will end with 109, and as much as my sadistic side would find that hilarious, I honestly don't think they'd do that and realistically don't want it to happen; it'd be so cruel to cliffhanger the anime for years like that, and just doesn't feel like a season cliffhanger BSD would do, a series that is ultimately hopeful and uplifting. Seasons 2 and 3 had a positive, conclusive ending; the only reasons seasons 1 and 4 didn't was because they're technically not really full seasons of their own, and are more like the first cour of another "season" that also came out that same year (seasons 1 and 2 both aired in 2016, so they're more like one big season, and seasons 4 and 5 have both aired this year, so they're also more like one big season, again taking into account how episodes 12 and 50 are not satisfying finales like episodes 24, 37, and hypothetically, 61, are). I really can't see season 5 ending with Dazai and Fukuzawa's supposed deaths, Sigma being unconscious and maybe close to death, Atsushi being vulnerable and limbless again, everyone we love still vampires, and the entire world being basically doomed; that's just too depressing and not like BSD at all. However, having said that, if it doesn't end there, there really isn't any good place to end the season before that, either, that feels in any way satisfying or like a finale at all. And so, to me, that only leaves after 109: chapter 110.
I think things are really gonna turn around next chapter. Like I said, everyone is at their lowest point right now, it cannot possibly get any worse, the framing of Dazai, Fukuzawa, and sskk at the end of 109 is telling us that; this is the time for the heroes to finally start winning again, with Aya being so close to pulling out the sword, and for all the thematic reasons other people have talked about to death that I don't need to go into here again. This upcoming chapter being so short again makes a part of me wary of 110 being "the one", so to speak, I won't lie, but at the same time, it's very possible that it needs to be that short because that's all the final episode of the season will be able to reasonably fit in, since it's already gonna be VERY close if they do make it all the way to 109. And at the end of the day, I don't doubt at all that Asagiri and Harukawa can make these the most monumental and game-changing mere 13 pages ever if they wanted to; a chapter does not at all need to be extremely long in order to be an important and impactful one, even if short ones we've gotten in the past haven't felt the most important.
An additional thought I've had, though this is much more crack territory than all this already is, is that since we know from Anime Expo that a Stormbringer movie at some point is highly likely (judging from Asagiri's reaction when someone brought it up), it's possible that chapter 110 and thus the final episode will involve the long-anticipated return of Verlaine and/or Adam, or at least some other major reference to Stormbringer, that would naturally and smoothly lead into a Stormbringer movie to explain things to people who haven't read the novel. It would make a lot of sense, especially since the s4 OP has the Old World sign behind Chuuya, which might be a hint that this has been in the works ever since seasons 4/5 were first in planning with Asagiri. We also know that Dazai and Chuuya's voice actors apparently struggled to record their lines together this season, which probably relates to 101 and possibly 109, but it could be 110 too.... I could be very wrong, as I'm no expert on this kind of thing, but I kinda doubt they would bring Chuuya's actor in for just the vampire growls, and Asagiri placing heavy emphasis on Chuuya's importance this season in that one interview gives me the impression that he's talking about much more than just 101/109. But that's the least solid evidence I have, that's just mostly based on vibes I get.
So basically, I think a lot of factors -- the unusual episode count, how close the anime is to catching up to the manga with three whole episodes left, the seemingly arbitrary recent chapter lengths, and the climactic events of 109 -- can tell us that 110 might be a very, VERY big deal. Again, there's of course no way this arc is anywhere near close to being finished, with so much left to address and resolve, but since it is currently incomplete in the manga, unlike the previously adapted arcs, if the anime was going to adapt it at all, they'd have to find a place that feels satisfying enough to end this season, knowing there won't be more anime for a long time after this, and so I think they specifically planned for that, from both Bones' and A/H's sides. 10 episodes might not have been enough to reach that point, but 12 or 13 might have been too many it wouldn't have been if Bones actually decided to slow down and let the story breathe the way it needs to, but this post isn't meant to criticize the anime, so maybe 11 was just right. And maybe Asagiri and Harukawa specifically pushed to make recent chapters longer than usual, in order to make sure that the manga reached the story content in 110 the monthly release right before season 5 was to end.
Is this just copium? Absolutely. Am I going to look like an absolute clown in two days when this post ages like milk? Probably. But the evidence is There, so let me just enjoy my delusions until Sunday, okay 🥂🫡
#bungou stray dogs#seriously call me a clown and point and laugh at me if I'm proven wrong all you want#but I really feel like there's solid evidence for this#either s5 isn't gonna reach 109 at all (but I seriously cannot fathom where you would want to stop before then) or they'll go beyond it#if they really do end it with 109....... well i'll give Bones kudos for having the balls to do that ig lol#maybe i'm underestimating (overestimating???) them idk#also just to clarify I don't wanna make it sound like I think Asagiri let the anime/Bones dictate the manga's pacing#like I'm sure these were his/their (him and Harukawa's) own decisions first and foremost#not that (if this theory is true) the anime had a major impact on how the chapters were split and that it-#-would have been extremely different otherwise#i'm pretty confident in that Asagiri does not do anything with BSD he isn't comfortable with#and he doesn't let anyone tell him how to write his story#I just feel like he worked with Bones to make this near-simultaneous release happen#BUT if this is the case I don't feel like it had any major effect on the writing/final product that is the manga#like the last handful of chapters have been so incredible#so I at least am still perfectly happy lol#(i mean i'm devastated and a nervous wreck but u know 🫡 in a good way lmao)#anyway 110 in two days please let this theory be true because I need some fucking hope already#please let Oda show up as Dazai's guardian angel to help (see what I did there-)#it would be the perfect way to end the collective season that is 4/5 with s4 beginning with Oda and now ending with Oda#Asagiri are you reading me are you picking up what I'm putting down please please a ghost Oda is long overdue please-#Oda Verlaine Adam just GIVE ME SOMEONE ALREADY 😭😭😭#MAYBE EVEN A TASTE OF THE FYODOR BACKSTORY TO TIE INTO HIM BEING IN ANIME UNTOLD ORIGINS. THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS
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qierxing · 2 years
Be Still, My Heart!
Yan!Twst Isekai AU
Pt.1 Persevere, My Player! | Pt.2 | Pt.3 Oh, Woe is me...
CW/TW: Strangulation, implied dubcon
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It feels like time doesn’t pass the way you want it to. 
You want to breathe a sigh of relief when winter break rolls around, but there seems to be a strange heckling happening amongst Ace and Deuce, who both nag you to go join them in their respective homes for the holiday. The rest of the Heartslabyul gang join as well, stubborn about having to be separate from you, but Grim manages to fend them off, screeching that he would NOT tolerate having his henchman abandon him at Ramshackle. 
Their faces darken, but ultimately they each disappear in the mirror without more trouble. You can’t say that about Leona—he practically threatened to drag you with him to Afterglow Savannah to meet his family. What for, you have no idea. It doesn't help that Ruggie, despite being buried behind mountains of food, also bugs you to join them. Jack doesn't say anything, but you can see how his ears shift back as his tail wags apprehensively in anticipation. They both leave with tails between their legs at your shaking head.
And then it’s all too quick when you’re embroiled in Jamil’s plans and dragged to Scarabia dorm against your will. (You tried to fight against his magic, but you guess you don't have that kind of plot armor) Weird–you don’t remember Kalim being this enthusiastic about seeing you nor Jamil being this kind to you in the game. You try to enjoy the luxurious foods the Scalding Sands has to offer, but it's hard to do that when Kalim has practically pushed himself into your side, beaming and piling up your plate not unlike a hovering mother. You push to stop him, afraid of this outright favoritism further deepening Jamil's resentment; but you're shocked speechless when he just quietly refills your glass and tells you to eat more with a smile so genuine, you think you're dreaming. 
The brainwashing begins, but it seems only you are free from Kalim’s ire, and you’re unsure whether to be glad to be spared of the dreadful death march or fearful of the fact that his hand on your waist is tight and unyielding as he bellows out commands for his house mates. 
The obvious favoritism makes it that much easier to be alienated by spiteful and bitter Scarabian students and more painful knowing that Jamil was the cause of it all. And when Kalim’s eyes sparkle at you as the two of you soar in the night sky, your heart clenches as you think about how Kalim was so blind to Jamil's pain and anger. Or maybe he's choosing to willfully look away, afraid of what lies in his vice housewarden's eyes. Or is it just because he really is so innocent as a spoiled rich kid? You often wondered this when you read through the dialogue back home.
If there was one thing you hoped with all your might to change, it was the part where you crash into the Mostro Lounge. It may have been a foolish thought, but you really hoped that you would have better senses to control the carpet to escape back out to Ramshackle—but to no avail. And soon as your dizzy gaze clears, you’re face to face with three sharp grins. A fight ensues, as per the story, but what you did not anticipate was Azul kneeling down and cooing at how frightened you must be instead of insulting you in the game. The difference is chilling, in your opinion. 
Grim fills the trio in about your situation–even though you tried desperately to silence him–Azul's grin stretches wider and your heart drops.
"Why, we must lend a hand to help our dear classmates!"
You forgot how much Azul coveted Jamil in the game. Two kindred personalities: of course he would just be over the moon at the chance to rope Jamil into his house. But why is it that it seems that he has another motive for helping Scarabia?
There’s a kindling of rage in Jamil’s eyes when the five of you trot right back up to the snake’s den, figuratively speaking. It sparks and seethes when his eyes catch onto the way Azul’s arm is wrapped tightly around your shoulders and your defeated looking face. His fingers twitch, and you start to fear Jamil overblotting right then and there.
For once, Kalim’s disturbance is welcomed. He’s back to his usual self, grinning and beaming as he announces another feast. You wonder if you can beat a hasty retreat back to Ramshackle, but as the thought comes to your mind, Kalim grabs your hand and drags you to the lounge area, much to your chagrin. You’re sitting firmly in between him and Jamil, and the latter makes quick work to make sure you’re well within his coil to not make any rash moves to leave.
The Octavinelle trio makes quick work of sniffing out Jamil’s plan and soon enough, Jamil overblots, unable to take the fact he has been exposed. However, Jamil grabs you and sends the others flying. While you’re somewhat glad you’re not facing the fate of your fellow companions, you’d almost take being thrown than being in the grip of Jamil, whose snakes are winding their way around your limbs. It’s getting harder and harder to breathe and as tears flow down your face, Jamil smirks so widely, his bloodshot eyes dribbling black ink, and from there, it goes black.
You don’t recall what happened. If anything, you’re too scared to ask, because there’s a myriad of dark, diamond scale shaped bruises on your hips, your legs, your arms, and your neck. You can’t even speak, for one, because it feels like your throat has swollen and clogged. Jamil doesn’t meet your eyes and Grim doesn’t explain either, pupils looking guiltily to the side. Kalim is bawling, but you just want to go back home. You can’t, you can’t—
“Great Seven, [First]—!” It’s Azul who notices first how much you’re hyperventilating and despite how much you thrashed, Jade and Floyd manage to pin you down to the stone floor. You think you hit your head. You might’ve bit someone, because the taste of iron still lingers on your tongue. But it doesn’t matter, because somehow they manage to knock you unconscious. 
You wake up a second time in the same familiar bed for the past few days. What you don’t expect is that Ace and Deuce are there, and the mere sight of them makes you hug them and start messily sobbing. By the time your tears have mostly dried, you’re so drained and tired that you can’t comprehend the dark look the two exchange. You know around this time Kalim is throwing another banquet to celebrate Jamil’s recovery, but you can’t even fathom finding the energy to attend. When Grim tells you about the party, you only quietly tell him to go on his own—you’ll be heading back to Ramshackle. Grim worriedly asks after you but you shake your head and tell him to have fun, that you’re just a bit tired.
Ace and Deuce escort you back, but they stubbornly insist on staying until you ‘feel better’. If it weren’t for the fact that you threatened to call their parents yourself and tell them they’re shirking their family celebrations, you might’ve had to continue to deal with the two. Finally, the silence that falls on Ramshackle has never been so calming, the creaking and groaning soothing your heart, a contrast to the dry brittle wind that blew through sand grains. 
A card is left on your doorstep, and you’re not even phased as you open it to read a ‘Happy Holidays from M.D’. You feel a twinge of guilt for not being able to greet Lilia nor Hornton, whose true identity you’re well aware of. As you ponder over the card, two shadows loom over you.
“[First]!” The card nearly crumples in your grip as you process the voice and look up to see the very two people you don’t want to see. Kalim grasps at your shoulders, ruby eyes glinting with sincere worry and guilt as he goes on and on about some kind of apology and wanting to repay you and you’re this close to having another meltdown when Kalim is finally dragged back.
“Give them some space, Kalim.” Jamil’s calm voice sends shivers down your back and you resist the urge to slam the door in both of their faces, if only to maintain a polite facade. You tell the two with a shaky voice that there’s no need for repayment but it’s overall steamrolled by the both of them finally in agreement over one thing: they have to repay for all you’ve done for the two of them.
They attend to you in bed, cook for you, and help you fix leaks and cracks in Ramshackle, but there’s a sense of unease always lingering. Maybe it was the distrust left over by dealing with Azul, but now, you’re more afraid of what you have to owe Kalim and Jamil for taking the time of their day to look after you. Even if Kalim smiles and hugs you so sweetly, even if Jamil brings you the most fragrant and delicious tasting foods, you can’t help but only feel overwhelmed. It’s only when duties call them back and Grim returns, that you can finally breathe easy.
The snow fall has stopped and the weather lightens in the coming days. When the Headmaster finally returns from his own vacation, you visit privately and request some more days off. He grants it easily, surprisingly, most likely at the haunted dead look within your eyes, and you lumber off to your dorm to seclude yourself. You don’t want to see anyone from NRC if you can help it. Grim doesn’t question the extended break, only glad for more days off.
The stories of the villains are unfolding, but it’s not unfolding the way you expected it.
“Hi there, my name is Neige! Neige Leblanch!” You’re standing in stunned silence as the RSA student beams at you. Of course you know who this man is. This…most definitely wasn’t in the story. Pomefiore’s arc—it hasn’t even started! Was Neige supposed to be on NRC’s campus this early in the game? 
“[First]…” You can only respond robotically. Actually, why is this guy here at Ramshackle grounds?!
“Sorry to bother you, do you happen to know where the main building is? I think I got myself lost.” He asks sheepishly, rubbing his head with his signature sweet smile. 
Of course, you escort him back to the main castle and the two of you actually hit it off rather well. Maybe it’s the fact that he’s actually genuinely kind and thoughtful and there isn’t anything you need to worry about in terms of faux paus. He gives you his phone number to call and text, despite your protests (after all, you don’t really want his adoring fans to come for your throat next), but he insists, taking your phone and inputting it himself. He finally waves goodbye, telling you to text soon. You want to be glad that you met him but…
There’s a small wiggling suspicion. The castle is so easily viewable from all parts of the campus—there’s no way he would have not seen it. Could he have…? No. You shake your head. In the end, there’s no way he, who was essentially Snow White's counterpart, would have asked you for directions with malicious intentions. 
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PIC(S) INFO: Part 2 of 2 -- Spotlight on the BLACK ARMY JACKET/NOOTHGRUSH split vinyl 7 inch inlay illustrations, released jointly under the Reservoir and Monkeybite labels in 1997. From the private collection of Yasuhiro Yoshitome (@yasuhiro_1623).
Source: www.picuki.com/media/3150367847729726683.
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nomeniko · 16 days
on the topic of mikoto and mpreg i know that double throws the maternity symbolism in your face, but i like to think meme has its own fair share in the form of water birth imagery
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the bathtub and bloody water, plus the cards placement on the lower abdomen. chat do you get me
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 10 months
𝔒𝔷𝔷𝔶 𝔒𝔰𝔟𝔬𝔲𝔯𝔫𝔢 & 𝔏𝔢𝔪𝔪𝔶 𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔐𝔬𝔱ö𝔯𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔡 - ℌ𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔯𝔞𝔦𝔰𝔢𝔯
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Analyzing ATSV backgrounds part 1.5
Anybody ever notice how in ATSV, Ganke isn't wearing any socks on in Miles's shoes
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Look at his fucking face though oh .y god I can't with his fucking face why do you look like this I'm in love with you.
He looks SO surprised that he was caught.
God he's so
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Here he is with those damn bare feet again. Except now they're cold. And without Miles's shoes.
You think he put them back on after?
It's funny how he chose the pair that Miles wears every day instead of one of the ones off his shelf. Maybe it's because he doesn't use those ones and out of respect doesn't touch then too, or maybe it's because bro was just WAITING for him to say something
Part one
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hcnnibal · 2 months
For another data point: I’d trust A2 with my life and I spend SO much time around hunter types and grew up in a hunting family
im kinda in the same boat, i spend so much time w bowhunters and archers, theyre kinda strange and standoffish at first but literally everyone ive ever shot w has been nothing but kind and lovely and sweet to me
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sysig · 12 days
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Wake up somewhere better, maybe (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#Harvey Dent#ZEX#Blood#Ask to tag#Stepping back even further - I'm sure you can understand needing a little extra time on this#For multiple reasons haha#It took such a while to finish the first one and not just on an editing front! Honestly that didn't take very long at all haha#There's a frame somewhere that's bothering me - I ''animated'' that movement frame-by-frame myself so if it's a bit strange it's my eye#At least it's mostly like what I wanted! Mostly like what I saw in my head! The three overlapping and then drawing back to show the depth#It really was such a strong mental image for me - it's amazing how simultaneous things can be despite being described separately#The dog - Harvey - ZEX - all moving at their own pace! A split second can be so expanded like a slow-mo shot ah#It's honestly a very beautiful medium#Hhhh ZEX's death was very affecting to me ;; I so very much wanted him to go out the way he wanted to#Befitting his Admiral status - strong and confident and surrounded by his crew#But by that point he was so tired and ready to rest - it would have been sadder to watch him continue to barely scrape by#Not even killed by his Beauty! Just one good chomp from one big sick dog :'0#The others trying to protect him - they didn't know him just out of whatever empathy they had for their fellow!#Zero was a hero so that kind of character is easy enough haha but even Harvey! Even after ZEX made him uncomfortable with his long looks lol#He was still willing to help in whatever way he was able ;; And it still ended the same#His last word being just ''pain'' hhhwehhh ;;#It is always the saddest-saddest to me to have such an articulate and eloquent witty verbose and silly character reduced to singulars#Something so simple and still so expressive hh </3 ZEX dearest hweh#But loving also means letting go! Death was a release he needed even if it's sad#I'm a real sucker for Meet Me In The Afterlife kind of stories so I may or may not have batted that around as an idea down the line#He has plenty of loved ones that have seen the other side - even from the Institute specifically!!#It's not exactly a happy ending but it's something <3
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jubileepizza · 3 months
Episode 7 of miracle day is (literally) hit after hit after hit after hit
Gwen and Jack car drive (top ten scenes of all time);
Gwen talking about her survivors guilt and survivors glee from torchwood;
Gwen and Jack both swearing in no uncertain terms that they will kill the other to save themselves/their families and the silent forgiveness and mutual understanding despite it all;
Jack’s desperate unapologetic desire to survive;
Gay sex;
Jack getting teary talking about the doctor’s companions (and maybe he could have one too (Jack doctorification fans rejoice)(Jack’s-rejection-issues fans rejoice));
Gay sex turned into betrayal;
Really bloody brutal violent betrayal;
The whole basement scene is just… and to culminate in angelo washing jacks bloody feet… god;
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