#help fix my fence lol
hcnnibal · 2 months
For another data point: I’d trust A2 with my life and I spend SO much time around hunter types and grew up in a hunting family
im kinda in the same boat, i spend so much time w bowhunters and archers, theyre kinda strange and standoffish at first but literally everyone ive ever shot w has been nothing but kind and lovely and sweet to me
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mejomonster · 2 years
i should join an ax throwing club. there’s an lgbt one in my area. im not healthy enough to be running nonstop for hours yet again. but boy can i throw hard o3o
#rant#1 i got to throw axes 2 weeks ago and man i was so good at it#2 entirely unrelated#yall know how im nonbinary. which mostly for me means im bigender#and i feel like a guy 90% of the time but i identify with feelin like a girl at times so im nonbinary#also i just. do not care about gender for myself. except that its stupid theres ways society views u based on how u look as a stranger#real stupid if i tell someone im a guy or girl how they tend to treat me different. so like. aside from that no i dont care about gender muc#anyway it is. so funny to me in hindsight how my parents raised me in so many traditionally masculine ways (but of course#whats usual for raising a boy depends on the culture and family lol. because while its typically how u raise a boy#my family was raising ALL the girls this way so it was the expectations put on us FOR being girls)#and like. some of it was toxic masculine bullshit like no crying#no emotions. do stuff on your own. be strong. be independent. never ask for help. be successful or we punish u. u dont deserve emotional#support etc. :/#but then other stuff was like? just expectations kinda generally put on boy kids.#like oh mejos covered in dirt cause kids play outside and get messy. she played fighting outside cause all kids do. she can go fix the#fence or heater or washing machine cause 'all kids' can repair stuff. she can go fix the wiring or tv or cable. she can go put oil in the ca#car. she's got to play sports EVERY YEAR cause a lil girl HAS to play sports. shes GOT to be tough cause lil girls DONT cry#she cant complain unless she literally needs the hospital cause big girls don't cry when they get hurt. they suck it up and get over it#alone. also kind of niche stuff tho#like how boys get conditioned more often to solve problems than learn social skills (legos versus dolls). how boys tend to expect#to solve a problem when communicating. so i hear stuff and wanna go fix things. i like feeling needed. whereas usually girls#get conditioned to empathize as first response and that as 2nd. and vice versa.#in fact i only learned emotional empathy communication as a teen with friends cause ooh boy my mom communicates like a typical closed off gu#so does my dad. (tho he does try some empathy communication skills cause its how he'd try to talk to me - since he felt i should be emotiona#lly supported. but still needed to learn to fix things on my own. which was annoying. aqlways fixing everything myself -.-)#anyway just. its funny to me in retrospect how EXCEPT for the beauty/clothing standards when i hit age 10 (and sudden expectation#to smile and pleasantly give ppl things before they ask). i was otherwise entirely socialized like my dad probs was#and moms probs was. and for some reason my mom mustve gotten raised like a little boy usually does. or decided it was better for her kids#to raise them like that? like. as a result i think my sister and me and my nieces ALL got fairly masculine social skills#and hobbies and internal expectations. its just for us thats also what a 'girl' is supposed to be. so genders stupid
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sailor-aviator · 8 months
Don't Hang'em Til Noon: Chapter Two
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Pairing: Jake "Hangman Seresin x Reader
Summary: Jake "Hangman" Seresin is a notorious leader within the Dagger posse of the old western territories of the United States. You, a recently orphaned socialite from the eastern seaboard, find yourself swept off to live with your older brother who has set down roots in said western territory. Determined to to make the best of your situation, what will you do when said outlaw sets his sights on you?
Warnings: Language, Jake flirting, nothing else really.
Word Count: 3.2k
A/N: So, I lied. Here's another update for you all. Feel like the quality might have dropped off a little halfway since I wrote the last half on my phone at work lol I'm not sure yet if I'll have anything to post tomorrow as I work weird hours, but here's hoping! As always, reblogs, comments, and likes are greatly appreciated. My inbox is always open to chat. 18+ ONLY!! Find me on AO3 under sailor_aviator! Enjoy!
Series Masterlist || DPU Masterlist || Jake "Hangman" Seresin Tag List
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“Well, this is it,” Benjamin proclaimed proudly. You looked at the house before you. It was a large, two story home with freshly painted white walls and matching white picket fence surrounding the yard. A chimney was built on both sides of the house, and a giant porch hugged the front as well as the second floor. A barn sat further down the path that led to your new home, and a simple wooden fence stretched even further.
“It’s beautiful, Benji,” you started, “but how much land did you purchase?”
Benjamin rubbed his neck sheepishly. “About one thousand acres.”
Your breath caught in your throat. “One thousand acres? Benji!”
“Hear me out, Scout,” he pleaded. “The cattle we raise will bring in even more money. We can establish a legacy here!”
“We already had a legacy,” you muttered, and Benjamin fixed you with soft, pleading eyes. You sighed. “You don’t even know the first thing about raising cattle.”
He perked up. “Oh, Maverick said he’d teach me all I need to know. Even made suggestions on who to hire as ranch hands when the time comes. He’s the one that convinced me to seek out my fortunes.”
“Was he now?” you murmured, already plotting what you were going to say to the town’s founder when you met him.
“I know what you’re thinking,” said Benjamin, and you glanced up at him. “But this will be good for us, Scout. We’ll be a part of history and expanding our country. Making it better.”
You hummed, and he continued with a sigh. “The truth is, Scout, my firm isn’t making as much money as I had hoped out here. Ranching will help bolster our income until I can become more established in these parts.”
You sighed, knowing there wasn’t much you could say in argument. Instead, you turned back to look at the house, shadows growing darker as the sun finally disappeared below the horizon. “Let’s go then. I’m eager to see the new house.”
Benjamin practically skipped up to the house, holding the door open for you as you stepped inside. It was much grander than you were expecting. Wooden floors gave way to a grand staircase that turned into the next floor. You made your way through one of the archways and found yourself in the parlor. Your familiy’s furniture already decorate the room, and you brushed your fingers gently over the top of the grand piano in the corner. Continuing, you found yourself standing in a large kitchen, one of the fireplaces taking up a large portion of the far wall.
“If you’re hungry, I think Natasha left some stew for us,” Benjamin, striding over to where a pot hung above the small fire. You raised an eyebrow, barely containing your smirk.
“Does Natasha cook for you often?”
You saw a blush creep its way onto your brother’s face as he straightened up to look at you with a small pout. “I don’t see how that’s any of your business.”
You chuckled and waved a hand dismissively. “I’m only teasing, Benji. But, no. I’m not hungry at the moment. I’d much rather get some rest after my long day of travel.”
Benjamin nodded and led you up the stairs. He stopped in front of the second door on the right, opening it and gesturing for you to step inside. Doing so, you saw your familiar pieces of furniture that you had shipped off weeks ago. Your hand mirror sat on your vanity, and your wardrobe door was opened to reveal your more practical, every day use dresses. You walked further into the room and up to the window. Peering out, you could faintly make out the barn and rolling desert in the sprawling darkness. If you looked harder, you could faintly see the outline of the distant mountains. Turning back to face your brother, you offered a smile.
“It’s lovely, Benji. Thank you.”
Benjamin returned your smile and gestured down the hall. “My room is two down if you need me for anything.”
“I’m sure I’ll be fine for the evening. Go on,” you waved him off. “You need your sleep just as much as I do.
“Before I forget, Maverick has invited us to dinner with him and his wife, Penny, the night after next,” he said. You nodded, letting him know that you had heard.With one last smile, Benjamin closed the door behind him.
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“Benji, have you gone shopping for supplies at all, or do you send poor Natasha out to do your tasks?” you cluckled impatiently, finding nothing but a stale loaf of bread in the pantry. You had managed to collect the eggs from the chicken coop earlier that morning, and that was all that made up you and your brother’s meager breakfast.
“I haven’t the time, Scout,” he mumbled, already gathering his things for the day. “Besides, you know I’m not much of a cook.”
“How you’ve survived this long, I’ll never understand,” you said with a roll of your eyes. Benjamin looked at you with a twinkle in his eye.
“Eye rolling is not becoming of a proper young lady,” he snickered. Scowling you made to whip him with the towel you held in your hand.
“Go, before you’re late,” you hollered as he rushed out the door. Sighing, you made a mental note to teach him at least some of the basics in the upcoming days. Turning, you marchd back into the pantry and looked at the empty shelves disdainfully with hand on your hips.
“Honestly,” you muttered, exasperated at how incompetent your brother seemed at doing the most basic of things. You made a list of things you would need in the upcoming days, and walked out to take another look at the house. As much as your brother could fumble on the small things, he did have an eye for home decor. There were very few pieces of furniture you wanted to move around across the whole house, and you made another mental note to let Benjamin know that evening when he returned.
Walking out the front door with a basket in hand for your supplies, your eyes were drawn to a small patch of the front yard that had been fenced off. How you hadn’t noticed it the night before was beyond you, and you chose to chalk it up to fatigue from your journey. You walked over and saw several gardening tools scattered along the ground. You realized this must have been the garden Benjamin had mentioned yesterday to you in his excitement.You added seeds to your list of supplies for the day.
You turned away from the garden and made sure to latch the gate to your front yard securely before strolling down the path into town.
Today was much like yesterday had been. People walking up and down the streets, shouting at one another in greeting, and children still running about. You wondered why they weren’t in school at this time of day. You resolved yourself to asking Maverick about it the next evening at dinner. Turning down on to the main street, you stepped onto the porch of the general store. Across the street at the saloon, you saw a group of men gathered by the enterance. One of them turned and saw you, and you supressed an eye roll when he lout out a long whistle.
“Hey there, darlin’!” he called out to you. He was handsome, you’d give him that. His dark skin glowed in the sunlight and you could make out his white smile from across the road. Strong muscles were hidden by his simple, white cotton shirt and beige wool pants. A hat covered his short, dark hair. Choosing to ignore the stranger, and by extension his four companions who had turned to look your way, you walked into the general store. the owner greeted you as you stepped into the spacious room that housed a multitude of goods from different places.
“Howdy, miss!” He chirped, leaning against the counter with a smile. He was older, dark skin weathered. “Haven’t seen you ‘round these parts before. The name’s Hondo.”
You returned his smile warmly. “A pleasure, Hondo. My name is y/n. My brother is Benjamin, perhaps you know him? He runs the firm just down the road.”
“Ah, yes!” He chuckled. “The lawyer from Baltimore. Well, miss, you’re in luck! I’ve just gotten back from Independence with new goods and wears! If you’re looking more in the ways of sugar and molasses, i’m afraid you’ll have to wait until my partner, Joel, arrives back in town. Should be any day now, in fact.”
“I see, and what is that you have today?” You inquired, taking in the multitudes of crates still scattered around the counter.
“Let’s see,” Hondo thought. “I got some salt and some fine new tools from St.Louis. I also managed to trade for some fresh produce down by Independence.”
“That sounds lovely,” you smiled as Hondo began showing you his wears.
You spent about a half hour picking out the best produce Hondo had to offer, making plans to return when his partner made it back into town.
“Hondo, I don’t suppose you have anything in the way of cooking wine?” You asked, placing your new wears into your basket. Hondo grimaced with a shake of his head.
“'Fraid not, miss.” He sighed, looking out past his door towards the tavern. “But Miss Penny should have somethin’ for you to use.”
“Maverick’s wife?” You asked, unable to keep the surprise out of your voice. Hondo nodded, a look if worry on his face.
“Penny runs the saloon here in town. Normally, I wouldn’t even suggest you go ‘round that place without someone accompanyin’ you, but everyone here knows not to mess with Miss Penny. You should be safe while she’s there.”
You handed Hondo the money you owed him, and gave him a grateful smile. “I’m sure I’ll be perfectly fine.”
“Just be careful who you talk to when you’re over there, ya hear?” He called after you as you moved to leave. “A lot of real unsavory types like to prey on pretty, littke things like you!”
“I will!” You called over your shoulder. You looked across the street to see the group of men from earlier had migrated down the porch over to, you assumed, their horses. Making sure they were safely distracted, you hurried your way across the road. Trotting up the steps, you made it to the door just as the group turned around to see you. Before they could say anything, however, you marched confidently into the saloon.
You weren’t sure what you had been expecting, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as you had thought, considering Hondo’s warning. The enterior looked a tad run down, but you supposed it had been in business for a while. It was clear that it was a beauty back in its debut. A piano was shoved against the far wall and several tables were scattered across the room with a few patrons nursing different liquids. A woman came out of a back room and spotted you. She was one of the most beautiful women you had ever seen. Dark hair framed a slender face, and bright eyes looked at you with a maternal warmth you hadn’t seen in quite a while.
“Hey there, sweetheart!” She called to you. “What is it that I can getcha?”
“Hi,” you smiled, walking closer to the counter where she leaned. You could feel the stares from the other patrons on your back, and you couldn’t help but stiffen.
“Don’t you worry, darlin’,” she started, casting a stern look across the room. “No one here’ll mess with you while I’m here. Name’s Penny.”
You held out your hand when you were close enough to the bar to reach her. “I’m y/n. It’s a pleasure.”
“You must be Benjamin’s sister. You two look so much alike, I don’t know how I didn’t see it sooner,” she laughed, the lines on her face crinkling. You couldn’t help but wonder if you would look as beautiful as she did when you were her age. She took your hand and gave it a tight squeeze.
“We get that quite a bit, actually,” you chuckled, dropping your hand back down to your side.
Penny’s smile grew wider. “So, how can I help you today?”
“I’m looking for some cooking wine. Hondo mentioned you might be able to help me find some.”
“Cooking wine, huh?” She chewed her lip thoughtfully. After a moment, she nodded, turning to head back into the back room. “Yeah, I think I just got some new bottles in, actually.”
You waited while she disappeared through the door. You heard the group of men outside on the porch, and it sounded like they had moved back towards the entrance. You let out a heavy sigh, realizing that you wouldn’t be able to avoid them forever. You took a closer look at the saloon. A set of stairs led up to a second floor that must double as an inn of sorts. Your brother had told you that's where he stayed while your home was being built.
“The townsfolk here are all kind as saints here, Scout,” he had written to you in one of his many letters. He hadn’t been wrong, well, save for one person. You frowned at the memory of the tall blond and his debonair smile. The outlaw probably wooed many girls with those good looks and charming words. You would not be fooled.
At that moment, Penny appeared back around the corner with two bottles of wine and another warm smile. You took the bottles from her gratefully, and slipped them into your basket.
“How much do I owe you?” you ask, but Penny shakes her head.
“No charge,” she says. “Call it a ‘welcome to town’ gift.”
“Thank you,” you respond. You hear the group outside laugh, and you can’t stop the slight frown from etching itself onto your face. Penny notices, and offered a sympathetic smile.
“Those boys may be loud and rowdy,” she begins, “but they’re harmless. I promise. Just walk out of here with your head held high, and if they start to give you trouble, you call for me. I’ll knock their heads together.”
You nodded your head. You made your way back to the swinging doors, but stopped just shy. You willed your nerves to settle, and straightening your shoulders, you marched as confidently as you could out of the saloon.
The men were all gathered around the steps, and their conversation stopped when you stepped out. You could see them all more clearly now, and to your dismay, they were all unfairly handsome.
“Hey there again, darlin’,” grinned the man from before. He leaned in closer to you with grin. “Name’s Javy. What’s yours?”
“Coyote, you asshole,” snapped the man to his left. “Tell her our names, too!”
Javy—Coyote—rolled his eyes and muttered something under his breath that you didn’t catch.
“These here are my compadres, Bradley, Bob, Mickey, and Reuben,” he said, gesturing to each man as he said their name. He turned back to you with a smirk. “Now what about yours?”
At that moment, the saloon doors swung open, and a familiar blond strolled out with a hard set look on his face. His eyes darted from the group of men before you down to yours, and his grumpy expression melted into a lascivious smirk.
“Did you get it?” Asked the man off to your right, Bradley. Jake spared him a glance before returning his eyes to you.
“‘Course I did, Rooster,” he replied, walking closer to you. You gripped your basket harder and fixed him with a glare. “Fancy seeing you here, Scout.”
Rooster? You realized now that the Dagger Posse is who stood before you, and you suddenly found yourself feeling weary.
“Mr. Seresin,” you replied curtly, turning his smirk into a full blown grin.
“C’mon now, Scout. I thought we decided you’d call me Jake?”
“I don’t recall that being how the conversation went,” you sniffed. Navy cleared his throat from where he stood from behind you. You both looked over to find him and the rest of the squad grinning. Well, Bradley was smirking. The others were grinning.
“Is this the little spitfire you were goin’ on and and on about last night, Hangman?” Bradley-Rooster-asked, humor evident in his voice. You glanced over at Jake who had a dusting of pink spreading across his cheeks. Ignoring his friends, he looked back at you, some of his bravado returning.
“Ignore my friends,” he said, smile returning. “They don't know when to shut up.”
You hummed, “I could say the same thing about you.”
You heard a couple of snickers from behind you, and Jake cast a glare over your shoulder. Looking back at you, he continued, “Now, sugar. That wasn’t very nice. I’ve been plenty nice to you.”
You let out a noise of derision. “You and I must have very different definitions of the word ‘nice,’ Mr. Seresin.”
“If you let me,” he smirked, leaning closer so that his breath fanned over your face. Your eyes widened and your heart stopped for a brief moment at his proximity. “I could show you all the ways I can be nice.”
You didn’t respond for a moment, lost in the emeralds of his eyes. Blinking, you murmured, “Not a chance.”
You turned to the group behind you, offering them a tight lipped smile. “It was a pleasure to meet you all.”
“I have a feeling we’ll be seeing a lot more of you in the near future, sweetheart,” grinned Javy.
“Yes, well,” you smiled politely, “let’s hope not.”
You pushed past them and began making your way down the road. A hand gripped your elbow, spinning you back around so that you crashed into a solid chest of muscle. Looking up, stunned, you were once again in close proximity of Jake Seresin.
“Let me give you a ride home,” he offered, gesturing back at Whiskey. You shook your head, placing a hand on his chest to try and put some kind of barrier between the two of you. Jake took your hand in his, squeezing it tight.
“That's not necessary,” you breathed. “I live just down the road.”
“Then let me walk you,” he pushed.
“Down the street?” You snorted. Jake grinned, stroking the back of your hand with his thumb.
“A lot could happen between now and when you get home.”
“Goodbye, Jake,” you said with a pointed look, pulling away from him. You tried not to frown at how cold you felt without his presence next to you. You turned to walk away.
“I’ll wear you down one day, sugar! You’ll be in love with me before you know it,” He calls after you. You stop in your tracks, whirling around to fix him with your iciest glare.
“I am not something to be conquered,” you hissed. Jake stared at you for a long minute, a different kind of smile creeped onto his face. If you didn’t know any better, you’d have said this one was almost…affectionate.
“I don’t expect you to be,” he said finally, giving you a two finger salute. “I’ll be seeing you soon, Scout.”
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olive-fics · 7 months
Maybe you could write abt older abby thats like a cowboy and her and the reader live together and their like happy n domestic?!
-Sure! Love this idea hehe (not proofread.. like usual)
Abby leaned against the wooden fence, her gaze fixed on the hills that stretched out before her. The sun was setting, casting a warm, golden hue across the expanse of the farmland. She took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of hay and the sweet aroma of wildflowers. A toothpick sat between her teeth as she wiped small beads of sweat from her forehead onto her pants.
The sound of your voice carried from the barn, breaking the silence calling out that supper was ready. Abby pushed herself away from the fence, her worn boots kicking up a small cloud of dust as she walked towards the homestead.
Abby trudged up the porch steps, her boots heavy with the day's accumulated dirt, making sure to not track any more grime into the house. She had dirt, oil, and who knows what else on her hands from the farm work she had been doing.
"In the kitchen Abs!" You called out to her with a giggle.
You stood in the kitchen, your hand, steady and practiced, tapped a spatula against the sizzling pan of bacon, releasing a tantalizing symphony of sizzles and pops. Upon the wooden countertop, golden-brown biscuits, along with a pot simmered with corn and a plate of porkchops.
Abby walked in and leaned on the doorframe to the kitchen, she was dirty and smelled like the barn, her baby hairs stuck to her sweaty forehead and neck..
"Well, aren't you a dirty lady?" you laughed, a playful glint in your eyes as you couldn't resist teasing her. You grabbed a damp rag from the sink, moving closer to where she stood. With a gentle touch, you began helping her wash away the grime from her face.
"I can do it myself, pumpkin," Abby giggled, her voice filled with affection. She leaned down and planted a soft, tender kiss onto your forehead. Her smile held a mixture of playfulness and gratitude, as she tried to keep her dirty hands away from your clean clothes and body.
"Baby it looks too good.. I can't wait to eat." Abby murmured into your ear. "I'll fix you a plate, hon. Go sit," you insisted with a warm smile, your voice filled with care and affection. You leaned in to plant a soft, lingering kiss on her lips before she could protest.
With the plate of delicious food in one hand and a steaming cup of coffee in the other, you walked over to the table and set everything down. As Abby began to eat, you settled into your own seat across from her, your gaze fixed on her.
"It's great, Y/N. I love it like always." Abby giggled, her mouth muffled from the food, she said followed by a genuine smile.
"Good- I know how hard you've been working and I just wanted to make sure-"
"No need to explain yourself okay?" Abby put her hand on yours rubbing it gently. "It's wonderful my love."
You smiled and nodded.
Later that night you snuggled next to Abby on the couch reading a book together, "Sense and Sensibility" -Jane Austen. Abby's hums were enough to make anyone drowsy, it was like a drug to you..slowly making your eyes heavier...
"Getting sleepy baby girl..?" Abby would murmur so she didn't wake you.. Gently petting your hair and caressing your cheek, she looked down at you and noticed you were out. Her lips pulling into a tender smile..She gently bookmarked the page in the book.
"alright then..bed time it is." She carefully lifted you into her arms, up the stairs, right into bed where she too would tuck you in and cuddle right behind you holding you close.
"Goodnight, my love."
hehe sorry for my break I've had no motivation to do anything. :,) I really like this prompt and I honestly wanna write more on it.. IDK YOU GUYS LMK!!!!! :))
ok, peace!!
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hexhomos · 4 months
Sorry, I'm asking here because asks aren't on your doomreed account, but do you have any fic recs for them ? You and vinnies art have intrigued me 😭 they both seem like such wet cats in different ways, and I love that
help i didnt know asks were off fixed that now thank you... I have two fics i keep in my back pocket as like, exemplary distillations of their whole thing (one in college vs one of their usual superhero stuff,) these are;
Supersymmetry and Night Blooms
Rly good examples of their usual shenanigans, the second one is directly based on a canon comic issue that *feels* like fanfic by a prolific yaoi author, the first is set in a modern-time re-imagining of the fantastic four where they meet in a supergenius internship thinktank for gifted youngsters. There's other fics that are good but i think they might be super confusing without canon context! which leads me to my second point. After you read these fics...
A lot, and i mean A LOT of official doomreed stuff feels straight up like fanfic. Either because its so beautifully woven or insane in concept (doctor doom points a gun at the real life Jack Kirby and Stan Lee to get himself written back into reed's life in his 3rd ever classic appearance, in the 60's, THAT'S the bodyswap issue)
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or because the literal authors themselves come out to say 'they're soulmates' or 'they're in love' and Im talking abt this:
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(^joseph culp, the first ever doom actor from 1994)
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(^fantastic four (2019))
I've got even more stuff under the cut!! AND recs!!! CLICK! v v v
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(^jonathan hickman, author of arguably the best FF saga & Secret Wars (2015)!!!)
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(^Cantwell, author of the Doctor Doom comic!!)
These are excerpts from the canon fantastic four book, DOOMGATE:
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There's even an RPG INSTRUCTION MODULE based on the idea of an earth where Reed & Victor partner up in college, Reed dies a tragic death (via their lab experiments) and Victor assumes such a traumatized widow role in his honor that he grows up to be a golden hero and protector of earth LOL (still a bit nuts):
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This is not even to touch on the breadth of all their comic issues and little moments together. Victor canonically delivers Reed's second child and he chooses her name! Shes treated like his child too and calls him uncle doom!!
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...Victor even asks Reed out on candlelit dinner dates for a yearly Latverian holiday!
In fact, that's the great starter doom/reed issue i keep recommending: read [ My Dinner With Doom right here. ]
If you enjoy that, check out my [ broader post guide for doomreed reading. ]
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Still on the fence? try out these single comic issues:
Doctor Doom:
*Fantastic Four (1961) annual 2 (Classic origin of Doom issue) *Some call it MAGIC (the introduction of Doom's struggle w/ the devil for his mother's soul)
*Marvel Two-in-One (2017) annual 1 *Marvel Two-in-One (2017) #11 (2nd fic i linked is based on this!!!!!!!!!) *'Duel Intentions' short story *Doom 2099 (2019) *Fantastic Four #700 special *Shame Itself (noncanon satire mini)
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Anyway I've had a lot of fun reading these series generally and their big, year-spanning arcs are incredible. People hype up Secret Wars for a reason, Hickman's fantastic four builds up a really compelling doom/reed epic of cosmic divorce proportions. And its about love! And Forgiveness!
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reeniecon · 3 months
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" I'm sure you didn't want a monster like me inside your house any longer, right? "
Warning: chapter 7 light spoilers, bad grammar, not proofread, general Lilia, and war lol a little OOC of you squinted.
- readers povs -
You can hear it's raining hard outside your cabin, the water droplets one by one crashing to your roof. the weather has been very bad lately it's either raining or thunderstorms. Because of the weather, your garden is not doing very well...
Because of the wind, your fence is falling down. 'oh great' you thought to yourself and went outside to fix it.
while you fix your fallen fence you hear a strange sound and you decide to find out what it is. your eyes widen, shocked by the scene you have encountered
It was a fae... And he was hurt quite badly, it seemed that he had fainted for some time by now.
Without any thought, you brought him inside. Oh, how lucky that he is not too far away from your house and not too heavy....
' oh god, what have I done... Bringing a stranger inside my house, and not only that... He was a fae! ' you thought to yourself and cannot help but sigh at the situation you're in right now.
'but no matter what I have to save him' You're determined to save him, so you clean his wounds and patch them.
Some time has passed since then but the unknown fae haven't woken up, you're quite worried about it...
- Lilia povs -
" Tch, those silver owls didn't know when to stop!" He hissed while running through the deep forest
" CHATCH HIM!! " Silver Owl A says to his teams followed by " That is Lilia vanrouge we have to catch him while we finally get the chance to!!! " They scream.
" Dang it stop being so loud!! " He screams back to them, Lilia can't fight all of them with his injured body not to mention 7 vs 1 is a really bad idea.
" WHERE IS HIM?? " the captain of silver owls screamed.
" AGRHHH!! REALLY WE LOST HIM AGAIN, YOU. FIND HIM NOW! " he ordered his subordinates
" Finally" Lilia mumbled to himself. 'So tired' he thought after that Lilia's vision blurred just like that.
' ugh...the ground is so soft I don't want to leave, huh- THE GROUND ARE SOFT' he processed to wake up from his long sleep, and was startled by his wound had been treated, with caution he observed his body and the surrounding area looking out the glass window he can conclude that he has been not very far away from the last chase, trying to open the windows to escape from whatever situation he was on right now
But he failed miserably in the windows wouldn't open no matter what... He can break it of course but, he cannot break windows that belong to his unknown helper...
The door opened slowly, and there they stood the human that helped him.
" Oh you've finally awakened, do you want soup I just made? I'll get some for you if u want " You told him and asked
In return, Lilia just stared at you observing you from beside the window looking at you up and down ' Oh a human' he thought to himself and smiled
" No, it's okay I'll get going now, thank you for helping me" He replied with a business smile
" Are you sure you didn't want a meal before you go? " You asked once again.
" Yeah I'm sure " He clarify
" I'm sure you didn't want a monster like me inside your house any longer" He said with a mean expression but in a melancholy tone.
"Huh? " Is the only reply that you can utter right now
" I'm sorry that I've troubled you for the past I-don't-know-how-long, but thank you for treating me, and I'm sure that I will pay you back in the future" He stated.
" Mr. Fae? " You called him.
" Yeah? Is my offer too small for you? "
" No no, you don't have to repay me I just wanted to save you that day and I didn't think of any payback from you...And I don't mind having you in my house... Don't worry !! So you can have your soup if you want to? "
His face flushed with embarrassment.
'how can I think it that way!! ' he thought to himself while lowering his head because of the embarrassment he felt...
" Ehem! Sorry for the misunderstanding...and I would like to have dinner with you.. My apologies for thinking bad about you... "
After that, you two have dinner together and you will nonstop hear Lilia apologizing to you the entire evening.
An: I'm starting to use Grammarly LMAO I hope my grammar mistakes will be smaller this time hehe
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ghouljams · 3 months
Hihi! This is my first time requesting so I’m a lil nervous lol but I LOVE ur writing, especially your cowboy aus!!
I was scrolling on insta and saw this : https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3YYJmyPETo/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Immediately thought of cowboy!Graves during a rodeo winking and giving reader, who’s sitting in the front row with her friends, his signature devilish smile when he lands on the fence. Maybe even taking his hat off and reader thinks he’s just saying hi (tipping his hat yk?) but he ends up putting it on her head?? Save a horse ride a.. yk 😏 kinda thing
Maybe he comes and finds her after the show or vice versa and it gets a lil spicy?? Or maybe some fluff + banter would be better? idk 🤷‍♀️
NEwaysss just some late night thoughts that are squirming their way into my brain. Totally feel free to ignore this and have an amazing day/night!! 🫶🫶
Ok, I hope you don't mind me tweaking this a little, I've got Graves set up as a bull rider, with his sweetheart riding brocs, and this just popped into my head as soon as I saw that man hit the bars.
The bronc bucks you right off and onto the metal fence. Your shin hits the bar and you nearly roll over the top into the crowd. You manage to catch yourself before that happens but not before nearly face planting into someone's lap. You look up and flash them your best smile, and feel the wind rush out of your sails staring up at Graves. Eyes previously fixed down your shirt, dart to meet your own. His lips curl over his teeth in a way that make you think he'd rather bite you than anything else, more baring his teeth more than smiling. Heat rushes to your face, embarrassment flooding you.
"Howdy," He coos, and you scramble to get off the fence and back into the ring. He laughs when you jump back down to the dirt, and the sound follows you on your way to settle the horse. You reach up to fix your hat and hit empty air, you look around the ring for it and spot your least favorite bull rider plucking it out of the stands to settle on his head. He waves his hat for you and you feel your blood boil.
Forget the horse you hustle backstage, you cannot think about the horse and your hat, and the way he'd smiled at you without a stiff drink.
"That was a first place dismount," One of your friends laughs, as you look around for you stuff. You need every reason not to stick around. You're smart, you're capable, you know exactly what's going to happen in the next few moments if you aren't ready to book it.
"Fourth place ride," You grumble, snagging your water bottle from their hand. You get most of the way out of the door before you're caught.
A firm arm catches your waist and spins you to meet a wolf's smile. You do your best to look unamused when he tells you, "That was a lucky dive you took."
You work your tongue over your teeth for something to do instead of talking, trying to come up with the kindest way to say 'give me my hat back and let me go' the best you get is: "Thought PBRs didn't show up 'til tomorrow." If you'd thought the subject change would help it doesn't.
"You keepin' track of me? Here I thought you didn't like me." Unflappable, you don't think you've seen this man break once since you met him. You wonder what's wrong with him. Usually folks are able to take no for an answer.
"Never said that," You try to shake off his grip and he pulls you closer. Your arm bumps against his chest and you stiffen at the firm muscle. "A little space?" You gripe, feeling him lean into you.
"I'm alright," He purrs, tipping his head and running his thumb along the top edge of your belt, "comfortable actually."
"You flirt with all the bronc riders?" You ask watching a few walk by and smile at him, he raises a hand in greeting and pushes his hips against yours. You can't help the shiver that snakes its way down your spine, the way your hand goes to grab his wrist when his fingers brush against your stomach.
"Just the real feisty ones."
"So all of them." You make a small noise pressing back into him to try and get away from the warmth of his hand.
"Don't be like that sweetheart," He presses, his chin settling against your shoulder, the depth of his voice makes you squirm, you hate flirts, you hate that they get to you like this, "you and me are end game, the sooner you figure that out the better it'll be." He hums, and you can almost feel him thinking before he tacks on, "for both of us."
He lets you go and you stumble a step out of his grasp, turning to glare at him. He settles his hat on your head and suddenly your glare feels more like a pout.
"Lemme buy you a drink, help ya walk off that dismount." He offers with a crooked smile.
"Top shelf," You glare.
"Of course," He cocks his head.
"As much as I want," You narrow your eyes further, just because it makes his eyes sparkle with heat.
"Anything you want sugar, any time you want it."
Maybe you can entertain one flirt once. Especially when he slips the bartender a black card and orders a round for the bar. You probably should notice that everyone in the bar is masked, and sporting the same rook/spade insignia, but you're a little more preoccupied with the drink Graves slides you. Your confidence only wavers when you remember you didn't tell him what you drink, and somehow- somehow he's gotten it exactly right.
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nervousgardenerkid · 2 years
Are we friends or are we more?
a/n: omg hey yall it's been a while lol! i got the title name from a one direction song ugh i miss them,,anyways this piece took me FOREVER cause my life has been a silly little roller coaster🥳i ended up combining two of my besties requests cause i thought it would be so cuTE!! i hope u guys enjoy it and credit to the gif owner! <3
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Growing up with Steve has been nothing but an adventure. Steve Harrington has been your best friend the second your dad got a promotion at his new job and moved you and your mom into the new neighborhood. He watched with wide eyes and a big smile as you jumped out of the car and ran to the front door of the house.
“Hi!” he shouted and waved.
You turn around and face the small boy and wave back.
“I'm Steve! I live next door!” he panted out while running over to you.
“I'm y/n! This is my new house!”
“Yeah, old man Walt used to live here,” Steve said while kicking a rock around. “He was mean and always kept my balls if they went over the fence.”
You gasped and turned to your mom who was helping unload the truck.
“Mommy! Can I go to the backyard with Steve and look for his toys?”
“As long as you don't get your dress dirty honey, play nice!”
As cliche as it sounds, the rest was history. Steve and you stayed attached to the hip ever since that very day. Although he was growing, Steve never really changed. He kept his boyish charm and still told his not-so-funny jokes. The only thing that really changed about Steve was his reputation and his looks, and god was he nice to look at. You'd never admit it but a part of you always thought you and Steve would end up together. The both of you would watch countless movies about the boy falling in love with the girl next door, you'd expected something to happen as time went on, but Steve never made a move.
The older you two got, the more blurry the lines of friendship got for you two. Maybe it's because the older both of you got, the more thoughts you'd have about each other. Steve would never act on his thoughts, the furthest he's gone with you is sharing a bed from the many sleepovers you guys had.
“Do you ever think about me?” The time was currently 1:07 and even though everyone was asleep, you still found yourself whispering.
“I think about you all the time.” He's telling the truth.
“Not like that…I mean romantically.”
Your heart was pounding out of your chest right now. You know you shouldn’t have asked him this, Nancy just broke his heart a month ago but you have to know.
It was a simple response, but it was enough to break your heart just a little bit.
Steve never answered you that night, but he wanted to. Steve has thought of you romantically ever since you set foot into your backyard with him and helped him find the balls old man Walt kept from him. Of course, he wasn't going to say anything about it though cause he'd rather not fuck up the one good thing in his life. You began to distance yourself after that little situation, nothing too bad. You just drive yourself from school and give him a small smile in the halls instead of greeting him.
“What is wrong with me Robin?! Why did I even ask that?” You asked while hiding your head in your locker. Robin lets out a hum and fixes her hair in the mirror you have hanging in there.
“You are the most cliche case I've ever heard of.” She chuckles out.
“Cliche or not I shouldn’t have put him on full blast like that.” You close your locker, ignoring the whine Robin lets out.
“Y/n, you didn't put him on blast. You just asked a simple question! If I was in your shoes and had someone treat me like that I’d want to clear the air too.”
You pouted at her. “Are you just saying that to make me feel better?”
She smiles at you. “And cause Steve is taking Stacy on a date tonight.”
Your heart is pounding, matching the rhythm of your hands slamming onto the door. You stop again checking your watch, biting down on your bottom lip. It was currently 9:55 and Steve took Stacy out around seven. Now, you haven't been on a date in a hot second, but they don't usually last this long, right? His car is parked in the driveway which means he's home. You sigh and lift your hand up to knock again but Steve swings the door open. The first thing you notice is him rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, then you see the bruise that's forming on his neck. You see how they fall to his chest and you realize Steve is shirtless.
“Y/n? What are you doing here?” He asked while yawning.
“You're shirtless.” you mutter. You've seen Steve shirtless before, but this is different. The way the moonlight shines on him makes him look ethereal.
Steve chuckles and shakes his head. “Eyes are up here sweetheart.”
Your eyes shoot to his face thinking you'd snap out of your daze but you just get worse. Steve still looks half asleep and his hair is sticking up in awkward places. You restrain yourself from reaching out to fix and clear your throat, you're putting your heart on the line right now and to say you're terrified is an understatement.
“Steve?” a voice breaks out. Your eyes fall to wherever the voice came from and you let out a breathy laugh. Stacy is standing in the middle of the stairs with Steve's shirt over her small frame.
“Stacy’s here.” You say, not taking your eyes off of her.
“Uh, yeah,” he turns to face her. “Go back to bed babe, I'll be there soon.”
She doesn't listen, instead, she leans against the railing glaring at you, almost as if she dares you to finish what you were about to say. Steve rolls his eyes and turns his attention back to you.
“Everything okay?”
No, but you nod your head and take a deep breath.
“I uh, I remembered you had my sweater here. Just wanted it back.”
Steve furrows his brows. “You came all the way here at,” his hand reached for your wrist looking at the watch you wore. “Ten o'clock just to get a sweater?”
You laugh. “Yeah, it was stupid. Very stupid.” you wipe away a tear that managed to escape and Steve stands a little straighter.
“Hey, it's okay I can grab it-”
“No, it's fine. I should…I should go.”
Steve’s shoulders slump and he nods his head. He feels uneasy but he's not sure why.
“Okay. I’ll see you later?”
You nod your head. “Bye Steve.”
That was the last time you talked to Steve. Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, and before you knew it you and Steve were complete strangers. You'd run into him when Mrs. Henderson asked you to watch Dustin, every time Steve saw you it was like he saw a ghost. He’d try and talk to you but you'd either just walk off in the other direction, or you'd give him a quick goodbye only to have another awkward interaction next time he was with Dustin.
“Did you and Steve have a thing?” Dustin asked as you parked your car in the mall parking lot. You reach into the back grabbing the dreaded scoops ahoy hat.
“What? No! Why did he say something?”
Dustin shrugs his shoulders. “He talks about how he misses you…hey did you know he got a new job?”
You step out of the car and make a face. “Where?”
Dustin follows you out of the car and glances at you.
“Uh, nowhere important.”
You pin your nametag to the brightly colored shirt you have and stop in your tracks.
“Where, Dustin?”
Dustin stumbles over his words, hands flailing in every direction possible as everything finally clicks.
“Please tell me it's not at scoops…”
“Okay, it's not at scoops.”
You open the door for Dustin rolling your eyes at his answer.
“You're a shitty liar.”
Dustin shrugs his shoulders and walks into the busy mall with you.
“Are you going to miss me when I go to science camp?”
“If that's what you want to call it, sure.”
Dustin glared at you, causing you to chuckle and shake his head around a bit.
“‘Course I’ll miss you, Dustin. Now, go find your demon friends.”
Dustin thanked you for the ride and ran towards his friends who were waving at him. You quickly make your way to work, smiling at Robin when you see her behind the counter.
“There's my fellow sailor!” she laughed out. You led out a sarcastic laugh and clocked in.
“You'll never believe what I found out.”
She let out a hum and leaned against the counter. “Let me guess, Steve works here now?”
“How does everyone know except me?!”
Robin laughs and holds up his name tag. She tosses it to you, takes a sample spoon, and dips it into the strawberry ice cream.
“He starts training tomorrow.”
You let out a groan and set the name tag aside.
“I'm working tomorrow!”
“I know, lovers will be reunited- hey!”
You snatched the small spoon out of her mouth and tossed it into the trash can.
“We are not lovers!”
“Well not yet but-”
“Not ever, I stopped talking to him for a reason.”
Robin rolled her eyes. “Well, I don’t think he's stopped talking to you.”
You narrowed your eyes at her and smiled when you heard customers walk in.
“You have customers.”
“I hate you.”
You blew her a kiss and let out a laugh when you saw her catch it and throw it into the trash.
“Ahoy sailors, what can I get for you today?”
You fight the urge to let out a groan as you rest your head on the counter. Why did you decide to go to a party knowing you had an early shift? You're not sure, all you know is the Advil is wearing off and the customers won't stop talking.
“Hey, are you okay?” Steve asks while glancing at you.
You shook your head and let out a groan. Working with Steve has been…eventful. When you had to train him for work, it was a bit awkward in the beginning but soon Steve’s charm won you over once again. Although there were still a few awkward moments shared between you two, it wasn't as bad as it used to be. “Remind me to never go to a party ever again,” you mumble while walking into the back. Steve furrows his brows and follows you.
“Party? You hate parties.”
“No, I used to hate parties, now I somewhat enjoy them.”
Steve makes a face and it's one you can't read. You know he hasn't been to too many parties ever since he's lost his king Steve title to Billy.
“How much did you drink last night?”
“Enough for me to regret it the next day,” you said with a smile. You took a seat at the small table and massaged your temples.
“What made you drink that much?” Steve asked while taking a seat across from you. You let out a chuckle.
“Since when does anyone need a reason to drink?”
He shrugs his shoulders. “Not like you to drink.”
“You act as if you know me, Steve.”
“I used to.”
A dry chuckle leaves your lips. “Yeah, used to being the keywords.”
Steve leans forward and rests his arms on the table.
“Why’d you stop talking to me?”
Time felt like it froze when you stared into his eyes.
Steve opened his mouth ready to ask again when Robin burst through the door.
“I got you some more Advil!”
You smile at her and practically snatch the bottle out of her hand. She stops you from opening the bottle before handing you a bottle of Gatorade.
“You're an absolute angel robin.”
She shakes her head and chuckles at you.
“Did you go to the party too Robin?”
“Yeah, it was pretty fun.”
Steve’s eyes widen. “Why wasn't I invited?!”
“Cool people only,” you said with a wink and stood from your spot.
“Steve you have customers upfront.”
“What? But my lunch is happening-”
Robin shushed him and put a hand up to her ear. “You hear that? Sounds like customers asking for you.”
Steve rolls his eyes muttering how she owes him an extra ten minutes for his break. Robin rushes him out and makes sure the window is closed before turning to you.
“How much do you remember from last night?”
You give her a confused look and think about it. You don't remember as much as you'd like to, but you also didn't black out until the end of the night.
“Uh, last I remembered was playing beer pong with you? Why?”
Robin let out a nervous giggle. “No reason…no reason at all. Do you remember, oh I don't know, kissing someone?”
You shake your head drinking your water.
“You kissed billy.”
You let out a gasp making the water go down the wrong pipe, which made you start to choke and gasp. Water dripped from your chin down to your uniform as robin smacked your back. Steve slides the window open and looks at you in shock.
“Jesus Christ, what happened?!”
“Uh, she just drank too fast. Yes. Yes, that's what happened, right y/n?!”
Your coughs die down a bit and you give Steve a thumbs up. He looks at you for another second before slowly closing the window.
“Billy Hargrove?!” You whisper shouted at her.
“No, Billy Idol. Of course Billy Hargrove!”
You stand still for a moment trying to come up with a plan. It shouldn't be that hard to avoid Billy, you avoided Steve for what? A year almost? You'll be fine with Billy! You don't even see him on a regular basis, what are the chances you'll bump into him again?
“Hey, can I go to lunch now?” Steve asks while coming back into the break room. You pat his shoulder and nod your head.
“Yeah, I'm gonna head out when you come back though.”
You make your way out to the front and stop dead in your tracks when you see a familiar set of red curls in front of you.
“You are one hard girl to track down y/n.” He said with a smirk.
“Billy! W-what are you doing here?”
He leans against the counter, the smirk on his face sitting beautifully.
“It's a hot day for Hawkins, thought I’d come by before work to cool off.”
Work, Billy was a lifeguard at the pool and you feel your cheeks heat when an image of him shirtless flashes across your mind. He's such a shitty person, why did he have to be so hot? You let out a nervous chuckle.
“Well, guess you came to the right place.”
“That I did.” his eyes look at you up and down and he chuckles. “Cute uniform.”
“What do you want billy?” you sigh out.
He points down at the Rocky Road ice cream. You let out a sigh and grab the scooper before you put the ice cream on the cone.
“What are you doing Friday?”
You roll your eyes, handing him the ice cream, and mutter out that you're working.
“Ditch it.”
“I can't just ditch work Billy.”
He licks the ice cream and winks at you.
“Oh c’mon, I'll make it worth your while.”
You let out an awkward chuckle. Although Billy is very good-looking, he's also the scum of the earth. You hate how he treats Max and you hate how he treats girls like they're toys. Not to mention the way Max talks about how he treats Lucas, one of the sweetest kids you know.
“How about this,” he started. “Just, think about it. Friday, I'll come swing by and if you're in your work uniform I’ll leave you alone.”
You nod your head liking where this is going.
“But, if you happen to be in regular clothes, then I'll just so happen to be sitting in that booth waiting for you.”
He backed away from the counter sending you a wink before he turns around and shouts think about it, darling. You're left frozen to your spot as you watch Billy walk off to wherever he was going.
“What the fuck was that?” Robin chuckled from behind the open window.
“I think I just got asked out?”
Steve was shaking his head. “No. Absolutely not.”
You turn around and face him. “What do you mean no?”
“I mean there's no way Billy Hargrove just asked you out.”
You let out a scoff and Robin adds a tally mark under you suck for Steve. His eyes widen and he backtracks.
“Not like that! I mean, you're pretty, of course, he's going to ask you out. I just meant there's no way you're going.”
“Okay, dad. Since when do you tell me what to do?”
Steve is fumbling over his words and Robin is trying not to laugh as she adds another tally.
“Have you ever been on a date?”
“I've been on dates!”
“Name one.”
You open your mouth only to quickly close it as you let out a scoff.
“I'm not doing this-”
“Let me take you out!”
Silence falls over the small shop and you grab your bag from under the counter.
“What are you talking about?”
“You know, like dinner and stuff. Maybe we can watch a movie too.” Steve said with a smile.
“You want to take me on a date?”
Steve’s cheeks heat up and he clears his throat.
“A practice date! You know…for practice.”
You nod your head and point to the exit.
“I'm gonna go now.”
You walk out of the shop, rolling your eyes when Steve says he’ll pick you up tomorrow after his shift. He let out a groan and took the hat off of his head to run his hands through his hair.
“Aaaaand,” Robin drags out. “Another one bites the dust!” she says while adding another tally mark.
A content sigh leaves your lips as you sit on the couch flipping through the channels. You knew you weren't going to pay attention to whatever show you landed on, but background noise was nice for a nap. A smile makes its way onto your face as you begin to relax and sink into the sofa, then you hear three knocks on your door. You shrug your shoulders thinking it's those door-to-door salesmen but then you hear his voice calling out for you.
“Y/n? I know you're home, I can see your car.”
Confused, you stand up and make your way to the door.
“Jesus, is this how you dress for a date?”
Your eyes fall to the flowers he's holding and you feel your cheeks begin to heat.
“I didn't know you were serious.”
“‘Course I was serious.”
You look down at your comfy clothes and clear your throat.
“Do you want to come in?”
Steve smiles at you and nods his head. You step to the side, opening the door a bit wider to let him in. He steps inside and looks around the house, a smile appearing when he sees a picture of you two on Halloween.
“Your mom still has this picture?”
“Yeah, she misses you.”
He gives you a sad smile. “Yeah, I miss her too.”
He looks down at the flowers letting out a soft oh. “These are for you.”
You smile and grab the flowers, ignoring Steve's lingering and brushing against yours.
“Thank you, they're beautiful,” you say while smelling the pretty red roses.
“Hey, can you put them in a vase for me? I need to change.”
Steve nods his head and walks into the kitchen.
“Vases in the same cabinet?”
You shout out yes as you make your way into your room. You close the door gently and stand in the middle of your room, your heart beating rapidly. What the fuck were you supposed to wear? You had no idea if Steve had something casual planned or if he was seriously taking you somewhere nice. You search through your closet and drawers trying to find something nice but also casual. You close your eyes trying to think back to what Steve was wearing. Despite it being warm out, he had on a yellow sweater paired with his favorite jeans.
“Casual,” you whispered to yourself. “Okay, I can do casual.”
Minutes go by and Steve is thankful that he remembers the way to your bedroom. He gives it a small knock and opens the door when he hears you telling him to come in.
“Hey I don't mean to rush but we might miss- woah.”
Steve’s mouth is slightly open as he looks at you. He doesn't know why he's so blown away, he's seen you wear this outfit so many times. It's literally just shorts paired with a red blouse that's tucked into your shorts.
“What? Do I need to change or something?” you ask while tying your shoes.
“No! I mean, no. You look fine.”
“Awe, thanks Stevie you're too kind.”
Steve is too distracted by the all-too-familiar nickname you called him by to even notice you walking out of your room. He follows close behind you, stopping you when he sees you grabbing your purse.
“You didn't need that.”
“Are you sure? That means you'll have to carry my house key.”
He shakes his head and jingles his keys.
“I still have the house key your mom gave me. We're all set for today.”
You shrug your shoulders and walk out the door, making sure Steve locks it. He walks you to his car, opening the passenger door for you. Once you're both in the car he starts it up and lowers the radio a bit.
“So where are you taking me?”
“I'm so glad you asked that.” He pulls out a blindfold and smiles at you. “It's a surprise.”
“Steve, no! I hate surprises!”
She shrugs his shoulders and hands you the blindfold waving his hand in front of your face to make sure you don't see anything.
“You better not kill me, Harrington.” you mutter under your breath.
“Darn, you just ruined date night.”
The car ride was surprisingly fun even though you couldn't see anything. Steve had a mixtape of all your favorite songs and you both shouted the lyrics as if your lives depended on it. When you felt the car park you clapped your hands.
“Are we here?”
“Yup, this is the part where I kill you.”
You let out a sarcastic laugh and roll your eyes from under the blindfold.
“Stay here, I'll get the door for you.” Steve closes his door and jogs over to your side, grabbing your hand and helping you out of the car.
“Okay, there's a small hole there. Watch your step, okay now take a big one- not that big babe.”
“Can I take my blindfold off now?”
“Wait,” Steve said. You hear some shuffling around and then a sigh.
“Okay, now.”
You quickly take off the blindfold and let out a gasp. Your hands quickly cover your mouth as you recognize the familiar area you're in.
“How did you-”
“Oh c’mon, did you really think I’d forget our hideout area?”
You did. Steve would come tap on your window when his parents arguing would keep him up. One day, you both decided to take a walk, you weren't sure where you two were going but when you both came across the empty field things suddenly felt right. Steve didn't care that his parents argued almost every day, and you didn't care about the stresses of life. You remember nudging Steve with your elbow, muttering how he was it, and running away from him.
You look down and see a picnic blanket laid out for you as well as a basket.
“You did not.”
“Oh, but I did. See, this is a date!”
Steve sat on the blanket, tugging your hand down so that you could join him.
“I packed our favorites! Hopefully, you still like my mom’s strawberry lemonade.” he said while pulling out a small container.
And just like that, it felt like everything was back to normal. Steve finally felt accomplished as everything was falling back into place.
“So, I hate to ruin the mood,” he said while dusting his hands off. “But you never answered my question.”
You tilted your head to the side, confusion written on your face. “What question?”
“Why'd you stop talking to me after that night?”
Your posture stiffens and you play with your shoelaces not daring to look at him. You shrug your shoulders at his question.
“You're a shit liar.” he chuckled out while shaking his head.
“It's not even important Steve-”
“No, it is important. You're like…my everything. It was hard being without you.”
“You seemed fine to me.”
Steve is surprised at how fast his happiness has been replaced with frustration.
“None of that was real! I wasn't happy, okay? I got dumped by my girlfriend, and my friends were assholes who probably just used me and my house for parties. I needed you and you just,” he takes a deep breath trying to fight the stinging behind his eyes. “You left me. Like I meant nothing.”
Silence fell over the two of you.
“Please say something,” Steve whispered.
You sigh and look up at him. “This was a fun date. Thank you, almost made me think it was real.”
The car ride was a tense and silent one, not even the mixtape he made could lighten the mood. Steve parks the car in front of your house and you both sit there for a moment.
“Are we ever going to go back to normal?” he asks you quietly.
“Nothing about us was normal Steve. We were best friends who…held hands, cuddled in the same bed, and had late-night talks.”
“All friends do that.”
You chuckle and turn to look at him. “You cuddle Robin?”
“What? No-”
“Exactly.” You place your hand on his and lean over to kiss his cheek. “Thank you for tonight Steve.”
You exit the car stopping in front of your front door when you slowly make your way back to the car.
“I left my keys.”
A chuckle leaves his lips as he turns off the car and steps out to walk you to your door.
“Good night Steve-”
“I love you.”
“No. It's my turn to talk. Well, I've been talking all night but that's not the point.” he takes a deep breath and wipes the palms of his hands on his jeans.
“I love you, a-and I know you probably don't believe me right now. Especially cause we haven't talked in a while but y/n, I love you.”
“Steve, I-”
“I know you won't feel the same way, I get that but I can wait. I don't care how long-”
You take a step forward, placing both hands on his face.
“You talk way too much, Steve Harrington.”
“I mean it.”
“I know.”
You never realized how close Steve was. His forehead was resting against yours and his eyes were closed as if he was trying to savor this moment.
“Do you know what I was going to tell you that night? The night you had Stacy over?”
He shakes his head no.
“I've been in love with you ever since I helped you find your stupid toys in my backyard.”
His eyes open slowly and a smile graces his beautiful features.
You nod your head and start to lean in.
“Steve! There you are, did you forget I was going to help you study?” Nancy said while stomping over to him. You slowly begin to pull away from Steve thinking that he was going to go back to Nancy before he spoke up.
“I told you I don't need help in English anymore!”
“How’s your history grade?”
Nancy smiles at you and waves.
“NANCY STOP! THEY WERE GOING TO KISS!” Mike shouted from Nancy’s car.
An awkward chuckle left you as you waved at him.
“Hi, Mike!”
“Hi y/n!”
You turn your attention back to Steve and Nancy. His head is hung low while she scolds him about how he needs to take school more seriously. Once she's done with that she gives you a small wave while telling Mike to jump back into the backseat.
“So,” Steve said with a smile. “Where were we?”
You giggle and let out a gasp. “I need to tell Billy I can't go on that date with him after all.”
Steve scrunches his nose and brings you into his arms while peppering kisses along your neck.
“Don't worry. I'll make sure he gets the memo.”
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st-ev-ie · 2 years
I'd like to request headcanons of sam and colby with a very child-like reader? Dresses in pastels, very cutesy stuff, has that child's innocence but says dark jokes and mocks ghosts and demons lol
| request |
a/n: Hello ! I’m so sorry this took so long…like extremely long for me to get to it but nevertheless it’s here ! I hope it’s what you wanted if anything lmk what I can fix or what you would have liked. On to the story !
Alssooo I didn’t add any paranormal in this one ! If anything you could request again and I could specifically write about one of their paranormal investigations though it might be short !
Based on this video
No pairings
Requests: Open !
again if anything is wrong or offensive please do let me know it is not my intent. You didn’t specify gender and I’ve been trying to write more gender neutral thought it proves to be more difficult for me (I am trying though) so I left it with she/ her. If you’d like me to change it please lmk!
enjoy 🫶🏽!
TW: mentions of trespassing, curse words, insensitive remarks, bit of destruction of property
Sam and Colby had recently found an old honeymoon resort that was abandoned. It was right on a main highway so they knew they had to be careful. Soon enough (after doing some research) they thought it would be a great video idea so they asked Y/N if she wanted to join to which she said yes.
Last time they hadn’t asked Y/N she was upset though she didn’t say anything. The whole week after the video she had been pouting and sort of silent towards the duo to which they confronted her about it. Her child-like personality didn’t make her speak out and that’s why she’d taken the silent but expressive approach.
Coby was wearing some black jeans and a nice pink hoodie Y/N had gifted him the Christmas before. Sam in the other hand wore a beige, shirt-sleeved hoodie with some black design on the front with some black jeans as well. To much surprise, no not really, Y/N wore more pastels. It didn’t matter how many times the guys would stress that more muted colors would help them lessen the risk of getting caught, she didn’t listen. So there she was wearing her jeans and pastel colored cardigan over her top.
Going over the game plan as they pulled over on the shoulder of the freeway, the three grabbed what they needed before walking cautiously to the front entrance.
“Ok so far I don’t see any cameras that could be set up but then again they probably wouldn’t be where someone could easily spot them.” Sam began to speak from next to Colby.
“Yea there might be security around too, there were a lot of surveillance signs around the property when we drove up. We should be careful.” Colby responded to which they both knew they should Olán out their way in and out before acting. Y/N, having the impatient nature, just quickly made her way to the entrance and slipped through a hole in the fence. Her steps looking like that of a child’s whose happily gotten their way with something. Sam and Colby both looked at each other as if they weren’t surprised at her impatience.
When the three were in the open roomed that seemed to be an abandoned warehouse (if anything) the boys started to set up their equipment as Y/N walked around with her hands behind her back, observing the graffiti as she bounced on her heels. When Sam called her over, she bounced back towards them and fidgeted her feet that were covered by her dirty lilac/pink vans. Sam went over a bit of the history and what each person would say before he started filming. Then they started the intro.
“Whats up guys it’s Sam and Colby!” The two said in unison and shortly after Y/N added,
“And meee!” As she leaned to be seen in the frame, holding up two peace signs. Sam went on to explain a bit of the history regarding when the resort shut down and what it had when it was up and running.
“Wait for real !? Wow I wish we could go ice skating! Have you ever been? I have and I liked it I would like to go soon. This place seems to have been really cool.” Y/N commented shortly after Sam explained the resort not only had a tennis court but also ice skating rinks and a few other things. When Colby whistled and thrust his his hips forward suggesting that people would ‘get it on’ at this resort, Sam looked down with a faux look of fear to which Y/N giggled at.
“I mean if I was getting married and came here with my fiancé, I think we’d get horny at some point and we’ll have sex. After all it’s a honeymoon resort duh!” Y/N would say shrugging her shoulder to which Sam and Colby would laugh at.
“Someone tagged ‘I smoke crack to go to heaven’ and another person responded with ‘Amen brutha’…facts.” Colby would point out some graffiti as they were walking out.
“So true…that would totally be me.” Y/N commented. As they continue waking along, the guys talked on camera about how the building they’re in could’ve been a sports complex because of the basketball courts they could see.
“DO YOU THINK THEY HAD TRACK?!” Y/N would shout and the guys would stop and look behind with the camera pointing at Y/N who stayed behind a few feet.
“I mean maybe ? Like an indoor track.” Colby responds as Sam records Y/N mimicking s track star running past them and to the opposite end.
“Wait wait, Y/N! Slow down. Colby heard some people nearby so we have to be careful about not getting caught alright ?” And as soon as Sam finished saying that an older man in a red shirt and a cap appears at the door in front of them. He starts saying that they can’t be there because of insurance purposes but overall treats them kindly and pretty chill.
The man they met walked them to their car as they asked a few questions about the place and what future plans the owners or any investors had for it. Funnily enough the man commented on how he hadn’t expected to have caught someone like Y/N there. And by that he meant someone who looked as innocent as her, though she was the exact opposite. When they parted ways, the trio got into the car to discuss what had happened.
“Well he was super nice and said the only reason he caught us was because he saw our car, which by the way we parked like right in front of the place so that was pretty stupid of us.” Colby explained to the camera in Sam’s hands. Y/N was leaning on the middle center piece from the back middle seat. Their game plan as then to hit up a place thirty minutes away after a change of clothes.
Quick cut scene to their little shoutout announcement and when they changed clothes in their hotel room. As Sam and Colby talked about epic games sponsorship, Y/N was seen on the bed in the space behind Colby with her feet up on the wall behind the headboard and her eyes glued to her phone playing some cat game. After that the scene cuts back to the three of them walking down a road on their way to the new location. After a few minutes of walking Y/N started bothering Colby to give her a piggy back ride claiming it had to be done so she wouldn’t get tired later on and it couldn’t be Sam because he was already carrying equipment and the camera. Colby (after a bit of persuading) gave her a piggy back ride though it cuidar have been for more than five minutes before they had reached the place.
“What if like..a car is just going so fast and they can’t turn or break so they just run us over? What would you guys think the probability of that is ?” Y/N would say from her place on Colby’s back. The two guys would go silent for a second before shaking their heads.
“Oh god that wasn’t dark at all..” Sam would answer sarcastically. They’d then book it through the fence, Y/N now on solid ground, and they’d go up far enough on the hill so they wouldn’t see the other side of the highway. As they were trekking Sam and Colby would point out the heart shaped bath tub thrown out to the side. As they both recorded each others reactions and comments they would then pan the camera to Y/N who was a few mere feet behind staring at the tub.
“I wonder how many people fucked in the-“ and Sam would cut her off by saying,
“okayyy moving on.” They’d then walk into the first cabin and after waking up the first few steps they see two rooms without doors. Both only have the window frames because the actual glass windows were shattered in the floor. As they walk into the bedroom, a stripped circular mattress is seen and a grand window with its shattered glass. Y/N would walk in front and turn to the camera, placing her fingers in a V shape against her mouth before sticking her tongue out. Shortly after she’d go towards the window though not to close as to step in too much glass. As Colby and Sam finish off their comments she’d turn around and look them fesd in the eyes when saying,
“We’ll this gives it a whole new meaning to an exhibition kink don’t ya think?” And she’d laugh along with the other two friends. This was what their whole exploration would have gone like before at the end they ran back to their car after getting (?) chased by security.
Okk anddd that’s my first request done ! After so long so sorry 😭 I cut it off because all this took me two? Ish hours to write and I was about only 6 minutes into the 14 min long video. So sorry it’s so short but I’d appreciate feedback and I hope you enjoy it anonymous!
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mysafehaneul · 9 months
ANGST, (obviously lol), Fluff, Smut (in future chapters not this one).
This is my original work for free consumption because fuck capitalism but please do not steal it. All characters are original except The members of Seventeen, I do not own them. This is purely a work of fiction with no similarity with real life whatsoever, If any incident feels familiar, That is purely a coincidence. Please drop your feedback as it helps me feel motivated and improve. Happy Reading!
Previously On:
Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Ties That Bind
10 years ago
Amidst the soft echoes of "My Happy Ending" by Avril Lavigne drifting through the air, the door to your sanctuary swung open, revealing Noel, the skip in her step mirroring the rhythm of the song. Your room, a canvas of organised chaos, boasted a planning board adorned with colour-coded sticky notes, and your bed was a collage of strewn books. Perched in the right corner, you toyed with the lamp's switch, casting light on the pages of Dan Ariely's wisdom.
The lamp flickered in your hand, and your eyes glanced up to welcome Noella, who promptly flopped onto the bed with enthusiasm matched only by her disregard for the comfort of your books. A wince flickered across her face as the novels' edges dug into her spine, prompting her to readjust her position with an exasperated whine, "I ammmmmmm boreddddddd."
You remained engrossed in your book, barely sparing her a glance. "Then watch TV."
"Already did."
"Too lazy."
" Homework?"
"I'm not that bored."
An attempt to snatch your book from your grip met your swift evasion, and a glare sent a clear message of personal boundaries. Her pout, however, was unwavering as she growled in frustration, "Argh! I hate midterms. You know, in moments like this, I feel like becoming a white picket fence housewife isn't that bad of an idea."
A chuckle escaped you, teasing. "No one's stopping you. In fact, your father would be more than willing to arrange that for you."
Rolling her eyes in a dramatic fashion, she responded with a healthy dose of sarcasm, "Haha, very funny."
An unspoken understanding danced between your laughter-laden voices, and your I-know-you-know look exchanged effortlessly. But Noella was not done, not by a long shot. With an air of whimsy, she expressed, "I want to marry the person I love, not for some business deal! You know, I want a wedding like, you know, that book Mamma Mia."
You responded with a hum, fully aware of her penchant for planning and envisioning every detail. "You've already planned your entire wedding, haven't you?"
Propping herself on her elbows, she fixed you with a look of pure shock. "You have not."
A shake of your head was your honest reply, and your gaze remained locked on the page, your fingers fidgeting with the edge. "No, I prefer living in reality."
Noella dropped back onto the bed, her gaze transfixed by the ceiling fan. The contemplative air clung to her as she murmured, "Say, Y/N, have you ever been in love?"
A huff escaped your lips, and your fingers are now tapping rhythmically on the page. Tilting your head, you offered her an experimental smile. ''Maybe I don't know."
As though a spark ignited spilled gasoline, Noella's blue eyes glinted with curiosity. "Oh my god, tell me! In a heartbeat, her hand grabbed yours, the book tumbling onto the bed as she leaned in. "Who was it? How did it happen? Do I know them?"
You offered a mischievous grin, your words dripping with playfulness. "I'm not telling you who it is."
The puppy-eyed look she gave you was as predictable as the sunrise. "It happened recently, or is it a past flame? Do I know them?
"Noella," you admonished, "I'm not spilling the beans that easily."
Undeterred, she pouted, "Y/nnn! You sneaky bitch, you're killing me here''.
The chime of her Nokia Ericsson pierced the air, interrupting her sentence. With an apologetic smile, she excused herself to attend to the call. Left to your own devices, you rested your head against the headrest, a sigh escaping your lips, the book momentarily forgotten.
Noella reappeared, her presence leaning against the door frame. "Get ready, loser. Vernon called; he's throwing a party."
A roll of your eyes conveyed your reluctance, and you offered your excuse, "Sorry, boo, I, or rather 'we,' have an assignment due on Tuesday."
"Live a little, will you? Her voice was a coaxing melody, her hands finding your shoulders, her eyes capturing yours in a determined gaze. "What will you tell your kids about your college life? Come on, everyone will be there—Nicole, Adam, Humza, and even Joshua will be there! Even if I go somewhere, he'll be there to accompany you. Please... pwease." She gave her best puppy eyes, coupled with rapid blinking—a formidable combination.
The mention of Joshua's name stirred a subtle tremor in your heart—a rush of memories and emotions quickly masked by a practiced demeanor. "Fine," you relented with feigned annoyance.
Her triumphant giggle filled the air as she danced out of the room, a chorus of "We're going to have so much fun tonight" fading into the distance.
In the wake of her departure, you closed your eyes, feeling the echo of her laughter linger. Emotions danced within you, a complex symphony of moments past and the unknown future. And amidst it all, a single name echoed—an enigma you dared not fully unravel—Joshua. .. It's been a mere 20 minutes since you both stepped into the party, and as every college party goes, bottles and drunks linger in every corner. The air was thick with the scent of alcohol. You found yourself near the pantry, seeking refuge from the chaos that surrounded you. The pounding beats of Kanye West and Usher reverberated in your ears, each note tearing at your eardrums. The scene was a sensory overload, with over-the-top PDA and borderline explicit displays of affection vying for attention on every available surface. Amidst the frenzy, your gaze fixated on a loveseat by the unlit fireplace, two figures locked in what appeared to be a heated exchange of passionate kisses.
A presence sidled up next to you, the intrusion barely registering in your consciousness. Without bothering to look, a casual comment reached your ears: "Are you into exhibitionism? The voice, familiar yet distant, belonged to Jeonghan, Joshua's closest friend. While your interactions with him had never been extensive, there was an ease in your exchanges that allowed for conversation to flow.
Your voice, hidden beneath the veil of loud music, held a subtle quiver as you responded, "What makes you think that? His chuckle was laced with amusement as he took a casual sip of his beer, his eyes dancing mischievously. " You've been staring at Joshua and Noella making out for the last 5 minutes, unblinking, like you're into some peeping Tom shit. He raised his hands in a mock surrender before continuing, "Not that I'm judging—or you're in love with one of them."
Finally tearing your gaze away from the entangled couple, your eyes met Jeonghan's deep brown orbs. The burn of unshed tears stung your eyes, threatening to betray your facade. A sarcastic smile tugged at your lips, a bitter twist to the corners as your Adam's apple bobbed with the ache that had lodged itself there. Your voice wavered, laced with vulnerability, as you spoke, "So what if I am? The arch of your brow matched his curiosity, the traitorous tear breaking free and tracing a glistening path down your cheek. In that moment, you stood exposed, your unspoken emotions laid bare before Jeonghan's shocked gaze.
... ...
In the hushed sanctuary of the dimly lit gym, the air was filled with the subtle scent of iron and the muted thud of sneakers against the rubberized floor. Bathed in the soft glow of ambient lighting, a lean, muscular frame was suspended from a metal bar. The absence of a shirt revealed a canvas of pale skin. Illuminated by the interplay of light and shadow, every sinew and muscle fiber was defined, etched with the story of countless hours spent sculpting this masterpiece.
(A/N: I am literally red in the cheeks as I imagine this.)
The pull-up bar strained slightly under his weight as he effortlessly lifted himself, the raw power of his biceps evident with every fluid motion. The mirror-lined wall before him reflected the dedication etched into his expression. The slight sheen of sweat glistening on his skin was a mark of the exertion. In the mirror's reflection, a sight that seemed almost unreal—a carved landscape of solid abs, chiseled with the precision of an artist's hand—the lines and contours were a testament to the sacrifices made in the pursuit of physical mastery as the light danced upon the ridges and hollows. As he lowered himself, his back muscles flexed with grace, were defined, and were engaged. His breath had a steady rhythm. The pull-ups continued. His reps came to a close when Wonwoo's mind drifted back to a pivotal moment that had transpired merely two days earlier. He remembered the air of reluctance that had clung to the room, heavy with implications and unspoken desires. With each repetition, his thoughts swirled around the upcoming agreement—a binding arrangement that carried both promise and uncertainty.
Lee Chan, his assistant and confidant, stood nearby. His finger danced across his work pad, capturing Wonwoo's directives. Wonwoo spoke with the conviction of a strategist. "Chan," he directed, his words intersecting with the rhythm of his exercise as his muscles tensed and released, "keep a watchful eye on Eleanor. This marriage will be public, and her reaction will need to be managed. Chan nodded. '' As for Y/N in the contract, make sure she understands that I'm not after her shares; I want the 40% ownership of the land."
Chan's eyebrows knitted together in contemplation. "That might not be an easy sell," he responded, a hint of scepticism in his tone.
Wonwoo's lips quirked into a sardonic smile. "She's cornered and desperate. She'll acquiesce to my terms sooner or later."
Another point entered the conversation as Wonwoo continued, his focus never wavering from his repetitions. "I want full control over the construction, material choices, and our engineers leading the project."
Chan let out a resigned sigh. "They have a pre-approved design from the city hall. It won't be easy to sway them to our choices."
Wonwoo, unperturbed, shrugged off the challenge. "Her architects can collaborate with our engineers. It's a compromise."
As the rep count grew, Wonwoo switched his focus. Sitting on a bench, he paused to drink from his water bottle. "Hey, Chan," he began, curiosity tinting his voice, "what do seven-year-olds like?"
Chan's bemusement was evident as he responded, "Well, my job hasn't allowed me to keep up with that particular knowledge, unfortunately."
A chuckle bubbled from Wonwoo's chest, his laughter mingling with the sweat that adorned his body. "That's unfortunate indeed," he mused.
A change in tone ensued as Chan teased, "Shouldn't you be more concerned about breaking the news to your parents that you'll be married in less than a week?"
Wonwoo, now reaching for a towel to wipe his face, responded with an air of irony, "Ah, the model son, fulfilling every parental wish. They will be over the moon upon hearing this." As the conversation tapered off, Wonwoo's laughter lingered in the air. As Chan stepped into the corridor, the door to the gym closed behind him, enclosing Wonwoo in a world of his own.
Wonwoo, whose muscles warmed and were invigorated from the exercise, sensed the call of renewal. He strode towards his private bathroom, the sleek glass entrance giving way to a sanctuary adorned with modern elegance. Droplets of water clung to his skin as he stood beneath the refreshing spray, the rivulets chasing away both the physical exertion and the mental intricacies that had accompanied it. ...
Amid the warm embrace of your home office, with your oak shelves adorned with books arranged in the year of their publication order and the soft fragrance of lavender candles enveloping the air, you were immersed in a symphony of words—swift typing echoing your intent. Sunlight streamed through the window, casting a gentle glow upon the room as you etched your thoughts onto a digital canvas in the form of an email to Rema, articulating the vital terms that needed inclusion in the contract.
Just as the hum of productivity enveloped you, a cheerful interruption arrived—a video call notification adorned your screen, and your lips curved upward instinctively. The call was from Jeonghan, and your heart fluttered in response to the anticipation that always accompanied his presence. With a simple click, your world expanded as the familiar visages of two individuals graced your laptop screen—one radiating happiness, the other adorned with a slightly pouty demeanour.
''Hi, baby boy,'' you greeted affectionately, your voice a soothing melody.
In response, a spirited wave from one side and an exuberant chorus of ''Helloooooooo'' resounded.
''You're not my baby boy, Jeonghan,'' the older of the two playfully pouted, his expression adorning a playful indignation.
''Why the sad face, baby? What's wrong?'' concern laced your words, your eyes narrowing slightly in worry.
A small pout graced his lips, and with a slight turn of his form, he responded, ''Nothing.''
''Did JJ do something to you?'' you probed gently, a flicker of suspicion entering your tone.
''Hey!'' Jeonghan exclaimed, his voice carrying a hint of defence.
''Someone didn't keep their promise''', Jeonghan filled in the blank. Your heart was attuned to the emotions playing out on the screen before you. ''Are you mad at Tante?'' you ventured, using the affectionate nickname that Noel had bestowed upon you.
Folding his arms and maintaining his faux sulky stance, Noel remained stubbornly silent, his emotions written across his features. The exact copy of his mother, you mused.
Sighing softly, you cast a sideways glance at Jeonghan, silently seeking his aid in mollifying the situation. But, ever the mischievous character, he seemed to relish the leverage he held over you, basking in his unique advantage.
With a mock grimace, you attempted to soothe Noel's spirits. ''How about I bring you the new Iron Man figurine we saw on YouTube?''
His eyes sparkled with renewed interest, and his dejected demeanour began to wane. Before an ever-excited Jeonghan interrupted, ''Oh, oh, Y/n! Y/n! My mother said that before you leave for Switzerland, could you please contact her? She wants to send a few things for Victor and me.''
Playfully rolling your eyes, you couldn't help but quip, ''Am I your free courier service now?''
Conversations flowed, creating a seamless current of inquiries and updates. You touched upon your impending return in ten days, inquiring about the nuances of daily life, the excitement of the first day of school, and the progress of Jeonghan's partner, Victor. A cryptic promise of a surprise hung in the air, a tidbit that piqued Noel's curiosity while Jeonghan playfully insisted on unveiling the secret.
You shared tales, exchanged laughter, and jestingly teased about revealing the surprise—much to Jeonghan's delight and Noel's evident impatience. A final tongue-touched tease, a farewell infused with affection, and a soft ''Bye, baby'' from your lips elicited a gentle ''Bye'' in response. The residue of the interaction lingered in your heart, a soothing balm for the worries and tensions that life invariably brought.
In the heart of your cosy sanctuary, the virtual connection may have faded, but the warmth and fondness it ignited remained etched in your spirit—a reminder that even amidst the most mundane of tasks, a cherished bond could mend even the most delicate of hearts. And for this boy, every ounce of effort, every pain, and every sacrifice was worth it—even if it meant marrying someone who more or less wants to devour one of your life's most important projects.
Leaning back in your chair, you allowed your head to find solace in the rest. Your fingers reached out to grasp your coffee tumbler, the warmth seeping through to your skin as you took a contemplative sip. A soft smile graced your lips as you relished the memory of Rema's reaction—her coffee nearly becoming a casualty of your unexpected revelation. The news that you had managed to secure a husband, none other than the enigmatic Jeon Wonwoo, within the span of a mere seven hours was certainly not something she had anticipated.
You recounted the scene with amusement, the vivid image of Rema sputtering in surprise over her coffee etched in your mind. It was as if the universe had conspired to drop this bombshell into your life, a twist you had never imagined—marrying the very person you were resolute about avoiding, especially under your parents' persistent pressure.
''So, a contract marriage? Rema's incredulous voice echoed in your memory, her disbelief mirrored in her eyes.
''Every marriage is a social contract, Rem,'' you responded, your tone holding a touch of wisdom born from your pragmatic worldview.
''Well, what are you going to tell your parents? Her curiosity was palpable, and you could almost see her eyebrows raised in concern.
You contemplated her question, your mind churning with thoughts as you weighed your options. ''Hmm, I haven't quite figured that out yet. I want to finalise the contract first before I involve my parents. I need to ensure my rational side is fully operational before any emotional tidal wave hits me.''
A burst of laughter bubbled out of you; the image of your mother's hypothetical inquiries was too amusing to ignore. ''I already know the first thing my mother would ask me,'' you shared. '' 'Are you pregnant?' ''
Rema shook her head in a mixture of amusement and exasperation, swiftly reaching for a tissue to mop up the coffee droplets that had landed on her.
''Aren't you just the epitome of decisiveness?'' she quipped, a playful glint in her eyes.
''I wouldn't have reached where I am today if I weren't, babydoll,'' you responded with a cheeky wink, your confidence wrapped in a cloak of humour. ''More work for me, Yipee,'' Rema sighed, her voice teasingly resigned.
The towering skyscrapers of the city loomed closer and closer as your car glided through the bustling streets. Your attention was momentarily pulled from the cityscape as you looked down at the file resting on your lap, fingers tapping rhythmically on its spine. Rachel sat next to the driver, engrossed in her own tasks, while Rema sat beside you, both of you reviewing the contract that held the key to your next steps.
The sleek black car smoothly manoeuvred into a private parking route as you approached the high-rise building. The transition from the busy streets to this more controlled environment was palpable. The car's engine purred to a halt, and the door was about to be opened by your driver, but before he could, a figure appeared at your side. Standing at around 170 to 174 cm tall, with an athletic physique and strong brows that hinted at both trustworthiness and experience beyond his years, the man exuded a certain aura of capability.
Your driver was momentarily beaten to opening the door as the man swiftly reached out and performed the task himself. A polite smile touched your lips as you stepped out of the car and met with his introduction. "Good morning, Ms. L/N. I am Lee Chan, Mr. Jeon's assistant."
You acknowledged his introduction with a nod and extended your hand to accept his offered greeting. The firm handshake conveyed both professionalism and a hint of camaraderie. Your associates followed suit, shaking hands with Chan. His eyes flickered over each of you with a sense of quiet assessment before he continued, "Mr. Jeon is waiting for you in his private office. Please, this way, Ms. L/n."
With Chan leading the way, the three of you entered the building. He retrieved a card from his pocket and swiped it to access the elevator. As you rode up to your destination, a subtle exchange between you and Rema took place. A single glance was shared, conveying unspoken thoughts and observations that only close friends could understand.
The elevator's doors smoothly slid open to reveal Wonwoo's private office. Chan stepped aside, gesturing for you to proceed. The next chapter of this intriguing journey was about to unfold.
The office space exuded an air of sophistication and power, with its large windows allowing sunlight to filter in and casting a soft glow on the lavender walls. A line of viper's bowstring hemp plants lined the windowsill, their vibrant green leaves adding a touch of life to the serene environment. A pristine white couch, a matching table, and a sleek chair formed a seating area, contrasting against the emerald green carpet that sprawled across the floor. You couldn't help but think, "I'm definitely not letting him decide the interior."
As you observed the room, your thoughts drifted. His back was turned to you, engrossed in conversation with his lawyer, a man with sharp features yet surprisingly kind eyes and an easy smile. "Is everyone around this guy straight out of a Vogue magazine?" you mused, noticing the effortlessly fashionable aura that seemed to surround him.
But as you entered the scene, your initial unease gave way to determination. A professional smile graced your lips as you addressed him, and you sized him up just as he often did to you. A hint of amusement glinted in his eyes as he mirrored your assessment, a silent exchange of unspoken messages.
His two strides brought him to your side, extending his hand in greeting. You accepted it with a firm shake, your resolve strengthening as you faced the inevitable negotiation. "Welcome, Ms. l/n," he said, his voice carrying a blend of formality and an undercurrent of intrigue. "Please, this way."
The meeting commenced, with both of your teams settling down. Wonwoo introduced you to Dokyeom, his lawyer, and the formalities began. As the lawyers discussed the contract, Chan and Rachel delved into their laptops, ready to alter or add new clauses as needed.
The initial clauses passed with relative ease, but it was clause 4 that sparked the first dispute. Wonwoo expressed his desire through his lawyer for control over the capital for development, citing his experience. You, however, believed in mutual consent, acknowledging his expertise but asserting that the ownership of the oasis remained under your control.
The conversation moved to the heart of the matter—the adoption and marriage clause. As the details were presented, a sense of gravity settled in the room. Rema outlined the terms, including the custody of Noel, from cooperation in the adoption procedure to custody after divorce. Your gaze met Wonwoo's in a silent exchange, challenging each other to accept the terms.
As the discussion progressed, a clause about maintaining separate personal lives and public acts of infidelity emerged. You both locked eyes again, a daring challenge in the air. The tension escalated when Wonwoo boldly proposed that he desired 40% ownership of the land rather than mere profit shares from the resort's success.
Your incredulous laughter broke the room's tension, and you couldn't help but question his audacity. "I beg your pardon," you said, catching everyone off guard. The room fell silent as all eyes turned to you, especially Wonwoo's. Amidst the surprised gazes, he requested a private moment, and the room quickly emptied.
Left alone, you couldn't help but recall the clause he had proposed. Your voice carried controlled authority, masking the fierce intensity of your emotions. "What do you mean by that?" you demanded, a fire sparking in your eyes as you awaited his explanation.
The air crackled with tension, each passing moment intensifying the gravity of the situation. The weight of his audacious demand hung in the space between you, an unspoken challenge that required explanation.
Wonwoo's gaze met yours, and for a fleeting moment, you could sense the undercurrent of surprise in his eyes. It was as if he hadn't expected you to react with such vigour and question his intentions so directly. His lips curved slightly, a hint of that enigmatic smile tugging at the corners as he regarded you with a mix of appraisal and amusement.
As the silence stretched on, you held his gaze, refusing to back down. The seconds ticked away, each heartbeat resonating like the drumming of your own determination. The viper's bowstring plants by the window seemed to lean in, their green leaves capturing the suspended tension in the room.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, his response broke the stillness. His voice, a low and measured timbre, carried a hint of intrigue that matched the glint in his eyes. "Ms. l/n," he began, his words deliberate, "I believe in securing a substantial stake in endeavours that I invest in."
His answer, though composed, held a layer of unapologetic honesty. He was not one to mince words, nor was he inclined to sugarcoat his intentions. The room seemed to narrow down to just the two of you, the energy shifting between you like an invisible current.
You leaned forward slightly, your posture conveying a mix of determination and challenge. "Mr. Jeon," your words held a touch of incredulity: "It's clear that you're driven by greed, seeking to secure every possible advantage for yourself. But your audacity to think that I have no option but to accept this, just because it concerns the fate of a child—"
Your voice, initially firm, held a slight tremor as emotions surged within you. Your love for Noel and your unyielding commitment to his well-being fueled your resolve. And in that moment, you found the strength to confront Wonwoo's audacious demands head-on.
His eyebrows arched slightly, his eyes narrowing as if assessing the fire that blazed within you. "And what exactly do you intend to do, Ms. L/N?" he inquired, his tone holding a hint of challenge, a spark that ignited the smouldering embers of your defiance.
Your lips curled into a rueful smile, your eyes locking onto his with unyielding determination. "That's where you're wrong, Mr. Jeon. I don't give up at the face of one close door, because I know there is always another way," you replied, your voice carrying a steady resolve. "I don't believe I have so many shortcomings that I must resort to a man marrying me for what I have rather than for who I am."
The room seemed to hold its breath as your words hung in the air, your stance unwavering as you faced him down. Viper's bowstrings, symbols of strength and resilience, stood tall and steadfast in the sunlight streaming through the windows.
Your fingers tightened around the file on your lap, your nails tapping a rhythm that echoed the steady cadence of your heartbeat. "Thank you for your time, Mr. Jeon," you concluded, your tone carrying a mix of finality and dismissal. "But I now consider our agreement null and void."
The words reverberated through the room, a declaration that marked the turning point of the negotiation. As you rose from your seat, your eyes locked onto his one final time, a silent exchange that spoke volumes. With your head held high, you turned to leave the room. As you were on the verge of leaving, Wonwoo's sudden grip on your hand pulled you to a stop, and before you knew it, your back was pressed against the door, his imposing figure looming over you. The abruptness of the situation caught you off guard, your heartbeat quickening in response to the proximity and intensity of the moment.
His words, delivered in close quarters, held a mix of challenge and something else—perhaps a hint of intrigue. The tension in the room seemed to amplify, with the air growing thick with unspoken emotions. His scent enveloped you, a blend of something distinctly his, and the weight of his presence felt tangible.
Aren't you a stubborn wild cat, huh? His voice was low, a mere whisper that seemed to caress the air between you. His grip on your hand was firm yet not restrictive, almost as if he were testing your limits and your reactions. The spark in his eyes danced with a mixture of amusement and something darker—a challenge laid bare.
Your lips curled into a wry smile, refusing to back down even as your heart raced. "You underestimate my determination, Mr. Jeon," you retorted, your voice steady despite the closeness of your proximity. The playful banter that laced your words seemed to dance in the charged atmosphere.
His response held a trace of surrender, albeit grudgingly. "Fine, have it your way. But know this," he leaned in a fraction closer, his eyes drilling into yours. "While I might not value the 40% shares as much, engineers will be mine, and architects will be yours. But I'll be the one who approves the final design."
(Hey Alexa play Shameless by Camila Cabello)
The terms were set, a balance struck, and at that moment, it was as if the energy between you shifted. You found yourself locked in a silent exchange, your eyes locked onto his as time seemed to momentarily stand still. Noses are nearly brushing, and the electric pull between you is almost tangible. You opened your mouth to respond, to add your own quip to the conversation, but before you could, a knock on the door shattered the intense moment. The spell was broken, and the two of you stepped away from each other.
The place where his fingers had grasped your forearms still tingled, a sensation that seemed to linger even after he released his hold. As the door opened and the interruption brought you back to reality,
Chan's voice cut through the tension. "Is everything alright in here?" he inquired, his eyes shifting between you and Wonwoo. Wonwoo gave a curt nod in response. With the abrupt interruption, the atmosphere in the room shifted. Wonwoo returned to his seat on the couch, a casual demeanour replacing the intensity that had lingered moments ago. His fingers deftly unbuttoned the top button of his suit jacket, and he loosened his necktie ever so slightly. It was as if a switch had been flipped, and the powerful aura that had surrounded him just a moment ago eased into a more relaxed state. The brief pause allowed everyone to regain their composure. The discussion resumed, and each point was dissected, debated, and negotiated for another half an hour.
While Wonwoo and his team provided their input, Your team, equally engaged, presented your counterarguments, ensuring that every clause and detail was thoroughly examined. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of back-and-forth, the consensus was reached. Chan printed out the final contract. The pages, filled with the intricacies of the partnership, awaited your signatures, signifying the culmination of a process that had started with a chance encounter and evolved into this intricate arrangement. With the contract laid out before you, you and Wonwoo picked up the pens and signed your names, sealing the deal. It was a significant step, a commitment that held the potential to shape your futures in ways both anticipated and unforeseen.
As the ink dried on the pages, a sense of accomplishment and finality filled the room. The tension that had simmered throughout the meeting began to dissipate, replaced by a shared understanding of the agreement you had reached. The weight of the decisions made hung in the air, a blend of determination, pragmatism, and a touch of uncertainty.
With the signatures in place, you exchanged a brief, professional nod with Wonwoo. The contract was now a binding agreement, setting the course for the journey ahead.
The meeting concluded, and the tension that had filled the air slowly ebbed away. As you prepared to leave, the private elevator once again carried you down to the parking lot; this time, Wonwoo, accompanied by Chan, came to bid you farewell. The scene felt different now. Wonwoo approached you, and the two of you engaged in a hushed conversation. In the midst of your conversation, Wonwoo's tone took an unexpected turn as he addressed you. Y/N The unfamiliarity of it caught your attention, and you responded with curiosity. ''Yes, Mr. Jeon?'' ''Please call me Wonwoo. It would be weird if my soon-to-be wife called me this formally. a notification that left you momentarily surprised before you agreed. ''Right....''
You were about to take your leave, almost approaching your car, with Rachel and Rema assisted by Chan, already seated while Wonwoo and you were talking, when his voice stopped you in your tracks. He reached for your hand with a cautious yet determined gesture. He glanced up, seeking silent permission, which you granted with a nod, his touch sending a tingling sensation through your skin. His fingers traced your knuckles as he spoke. His work was laced with a hint of hesitation. ''I apologise for my behaviour back in the meeting room, and I want to give you something. Wonwoo's hand gravitated to his coat pocket, retrieving a treasure trove concealed within royal blue velvet. The box was unveiled. Inside lay a revelation—a dazzling marvel that captured both the essence of his intentions and the enigma of his sentiments. A gasp, soft as the fluttering of a butterfly's wings, escaped your lips as the lid surrendered to your gaze, unveiling a precious secret encased in a velvety cradle.
Emerging from the depths of the velvet like a precious secret, the ring glimmered under the soft ambient light. A magnificent aquamarine, with a hue reminiscent of cerulean seas kissed by the first light of dawn, took centre stage. The gemstone possessed an almost mythical quality, as if it held within its crystalline depths the stories of ages past and the promises of futures yet to unfold.
The aquamarine, a robust 20 carats in weight, bore a rare and enchanting leaf shape. Its contours curved with an elegance that mirrored the delicate veins of an intricately designed leaf, each facet capturing and refracting light with a mesmerising dance of colors. As your gaze traversed its surface, you could almost sense the tranquilly of distant oceans, the whispering breeze through verdant foliage, and the serenity of untouched realms.
Nestled within the heart of this radiant gemstone was an exquisite diamond, seemingly suspended in time and space. The diamond's brilliance was a testament to its purity, its fiery facets contrasting beautifully against the calm serenity of the aquamarine. The union of these two precious stones created a harmonious equilibrium, a metaphor for the delicate balance between strength and vulnerability, passion and tranquilly.
The aquamarine and diamond duo was cradled within a band of gleaming gold, a testament to enduring commitment and unwavering unity. The warm and lustrous gold embraced the gemstones with a gentle touch, as if it understood the significance of the emotions woven into this remarkable piece of art.
As you admired the ring, its significance became clear. Beyond the brilliance of the gemstones and the artistry of the design, it held a narrative of its own. It was a token of understanding, an offering of reconciliation, and an expression of a promise that defied the boundaries of words. The ring was not merely a decoration; it was a bridge connecting hearts, a symbol of a journey shared, and a harbinger of the future's uncharted wonders. Wonwoo delicately retrieved the ring from its resting place. With a sense of purpose and reverence, Wonwoo's fingers gently guided the ring onto your waiting finger. To your surprise and amazement, the ring glided onto its designated spot as though fate had conspired to ensure its perfect fit. It was as if the ring had always been meant for this very moment. Bending forward, he pressed a gentle kiss to the finger that now cradled his grandmother's ring, an heirloom infused with memories and generations of love. In that tender and intimate moment, you became aware of the eyes upon you, witnesses to a scene that bore the weight of significance. The subtle click of a camera shutter seemed to punctuate the air, capturing the essence of the moment in a frozen frame. Raising your hand to eye level, you observed the ring from every angle, marvelling at the intricate details that adorned it. The craftsmanship was undeniable, a testament to the skill and dedication of artisans from a different era. The ring felt weighty with history, as if it had borne witness to decades of stories, celebrations, and moments of love. ''What exceptional craftsmanship; it must be more than 80 years old. Your words of appreciation were genuine, spoken not just to please Wonwoo but to acknowledge the inherent beauty of the heirloom that now graced your finger.
Unbeknownst to you, Wonwoo's surprise at your approval stemmed from a memory that resurfaced—a memory of Eleanor's disdain for the ring's vintage charm. Her words about designing her own engagement ring echoed in his mind, a stark contrast to the genuine admiration you now express.
"Thank you," you continued, your voice carrying a sincere tone. "I'll treasure it and ensure it's well cared for. When the time comes, I'll return it to you, as per our agreement." Wonwoo nodded, his attention fully drawn back to the present moment.
As your car glided away, disappearing into the distance, Wonwoo turned to Chan, a sense of satisfaction evident in his demeanor. "Did we get the shot?" he inquired, his voice carrying a mixture of anticipation and assurance.
Chan nodded affirmatively. "Yes, we did." A satisfied smile tugged at the corner of Wonwoo's lips. "Good. Let's release it then. Lessen's the hassle of letting everyone know yourself."
The mansion's grand entrance seemed to welcome you with open arms—a sanctuary of familiarity. However, before you could fully absorb its warmth, your phone's shrill ring shattered the tranquility. Shock radiated through you as your mother's name lit up the screen. Suppressing the panic, you hastily silenced the call and composed yourself to enter the living area.
Inside, your mother's agitated pacing drew your attention, her phone clutched tightly in her hand, while your father's calm demeanour seemed to offer a stark contrast. Their exchange was a silent symphony of tension, a conversation spoken through glances and unspoken words. You entered cautiously, your gaze connecting with your mother's as she turned and faced you, her expression a mix of disbelief and frustration.
She thrust her phone towards you, her voice laden with incredulity. "What is the meaning of this?"
You took a deep breath, your resolve unwavering despite her evident shock. "Wonwoo and I have decided to get married," you stated, meeting her eyes with a sense of certainty.
Her features contorted in a mix of emotions, and she spluttered, searching for words. "But… why? Have you thought this through? You both just met, like a week ago. I know we wanted this, but This isn't a decision to be taken lightly. She paused for a moment and said, ''Wait, you're not pregnant? There was a long pause, and you looked exasperatedly at your mother's predictability. ''Are you?'' ''No Mama!''  You held your ground; your voice was measured but resolute. ''I just really like Wonwoo, and I believe this is the right choice for me."
Your father, who had been silent until now, finally spoke up. "Are you sure about this, Y/N? We've been the ones pushing you into this arrangement, but you shouldn't feel pressured. Take your time to get to know each other."
His words resonated, and you appreciated his concern. Meeting his gaze, you nodded. "Dad, I understand your concern. But I want you both to know that this decision is mine, and I'm willingly entering into it. Wonwoo and I have had conversations, and we've reached an understanding. I believe that with time, we can build something meaningful together." He nodded, his features softening. "I trust your judgement, Y/N. Just remember, we're here for you every step of the way. If you ever have any doubts or concerns, don't hesitate to share them with us." A genuine smile curled your lips as you felt the weight of their support as you walked towards your room.
... ...
Amidst the lush haven of the Jeon family garden, a symphony of colours and scents painted the scene. Flowers of all hues danced in harmony, while the gentle breeze rustled the leaves of tall, graceful trees. The garden was a testament to nature's beauty, a serene backdrop to your momentous discussion.
Seated in a circle under a canopy of blooming cherry blossom trees, the air was filled with excitement and anticipation. Wonwoo's parents were elated beyond words; his mother radiated a celestial happiness, while his father's eyes held a proud gleam. On the other side, your mother couldn't contain her joy either, with her childhood friend's son being the groom-to-be.
As plans for the wedding took centre stage, the four of them discussed every detail with fervor. Your mothers sat next to each other, their camaraderie evident in the way they exchanged anecdotes and shared their excitement. The garden provided a serene respite, with the soft rustling leaves and the distant chirping of birds forming a soothing symphony.
However, the news of a private wedding seemed to dampen their enthusiasm. Your mother voiced her concern: "We can't have our only children's wedding like this. What will people think? They might assume the worst."
You and Wonwoo shared a knowing glance, understanding the predicament. Just as you were about to address the issue, his hand landed on your shoulder—a gesture that surprised you but didn't betray it on your face. His calm presence emboldened you.
In his composed manner, he spoke, reminding both sets of parents about the time crunch. He suggested an alternative, his words carrying the weight of careful consideration. "Considering that L/N Enterprises' 75th anniversary is just three months away, perhaps we could have a reception there. A gala that combines both events
His suggestion was met with a mix of surprise and approval. You couldn't help but marvel at his insight into the intricacies of your family's business events. His parents' agreement brought a sense of relief, and your mothers immediately delved into discussions about the grandeur and coordination needed for such an occasion.
Meanwhile, your fathers found common ground in their shared love for football, and their discussion was animated and filled with camaraderie. Seated next to you, Wonwoo seemed to be lost in thought, his phone in hand. His gaze, however, was fixed on your fingers as they fidgeted with the ring he had placed on your hand.
The subtle touch of the ring brought warmth to the place where he had touched you. Unbeknownst to you, Wonwoo's father observed this quiet interaction, a knowing smile curving his lips.
With only two days left until the wedding, the world around you seemed to be spinning in a frenzy of preparations and arrangements. Rachel, your mother, and Chan's assistant, Jun-min, were orchestrating a symphony of tasks on both sides to ensure every detail was perfect. Amidst the whirlwind, you found yourself seated at your desk, the file of your upcoming exhibition of rare gems open before you. However, your mind refused to stay focused, drifting away like a leaf caught in a gentle breeze.
The rapid pace at which everything was changing left you feeling as if time itself was slipping through your fingers. The days seemed to merge into one another, and you struggled to internalise the enormity of the changes taking place in your life. With a sigh, you closed the file and allowed your thoughts to wander back to a phone conversation you had with Wonwoo just last night.
His name lingered on your lips like a whisper carried by the wind. The memory of his warm and steady voice played in your mind like a soothing melody. You had called him with important news about a case and explained why his presence was crucial. And then you found yourself speaking the words that had been lingering on the edge of your thoughts.
"Wonwoo," you began, your voice carrying a mixture of contemplation and vulnerability. "I know we've signed a contract, and it's a mutually beneficial arrangement. But there's something I feel the need to discuss. Adopting Noel means that he will forever be a part of your life, at least on paper. Are you sure you want that?"
The seconds that followed your question felt like suspended time, a void where anticipation held its breath. And then his response came, each word falling like a gentle rain that quenched the thirst for uncertainty.
"You know, Y/N. His voice resonated through the line, a soft caress against your ears. When I first took over the business, I was driven by the desire to leave a lasting mark on the world. But now, it all seems like a cycle of profit and loss. And when I consider the impact it could have on his life, why not? It's not like I have to pay for childcare," he added with a touch of humour, and your chuckles danced together like notes in a melody.
The ringing of your phone cut through the recollection,disrupted by the familiar sound of your ringing phone. With a delicate touch, you picked it up, and your mother's voice flowed through the line, a cascade of concern and authority intertwined.
"Hello, Mama. Your voice held a soothing tone, an echo of familiarity.
The barrage of her words swept over you like a mother's affectionate reprimand. "Why are you still in your office? Didn't I tell you to go for your fitting? Tommy is waiting for you, and you know how crucial these appointments are."
In the midst of her words, there came a polite knock on your door, and you motioned for the visitor to enter. Rema, your confidante and partner in this whirlwind, stepped in, her lips moving silently, inquiring about your situation.
You brought the phone back to your ear, offering a hasty response to your mother's concerns. "Yes, yes, Mama, I'll be there shortly."
Her voice shifted into a higher octave, an urgent note encased in her words. "What do you mean you'll be there? Go now! Do you have any idea how much work planning a wedding takes? And on top of that, you've chosen to hold it in our residence! If it weren't for that commendable child, Rachel—"
Her voice trailed off, the echo of her thoughts leaving an invisible trail in the air. And in less time than it took to catch a breath, you found yourself transported from your office to the plush surroundings of Thomason's, often fondly referred to as "Tommy's" boutique. The pristine ambiance welcomed you, and the scent of delicate fabrics and elegance enveloped you like a soft embrace. As you stepped into the luxurious ambiance of Thomason's, Rema followed closely behind, her fingers gliding through the racks of exquisite gowns. Her voice carried curiosity as she voiced a question that had perhaps been lingering in her mind for a while. "Do you not have any other friends?"
Engrossed in your phone as you replied to a message, your response came without a moment's hesitation. "I did, but she died in an orchestrated car crash. Sooo, no, I don't."
When you finally looked up, you met Rema's shocked expression. It was as if she hadn't expected you to approach such a sensitive topic with such nonchalance. The gravity of the situation, however, gave way to a shared understanding. The corners of your lips curled upward, and her lips mirrored your amusement.
With a voice adorned by a rich French accent, Thomas emerged to greet you, his exuberance evident in his words. "Here's my bride."
You responded with a warm smile, acknowledging his affectionate welcome. "Thomas."
His excitement was palpable as he continued, "Welcome, darling. I was going blind, staring at the door for your arrival."
"Hurry, I have shortlisted the dresses for you. All you have to do is try them on, darling. Your skin... it looks like you took a private appointment with the sun."
Amused by his playful comment, you chuckled softly. "I know an amazing place."
"It's alright, Tommy. Mama has taken care of that. Where's the dress? I have a meeting at 3."
In the midst of Thomas' effervescent energy, you embarked on the quest to find the perfect dress for you. ...
You stood before the mirror in the changing room, behind the curtain. The white dress with its ethereal blue hues As you contemplated how it would look on you, the dress felt like a second skin, embracing you in an intricate dance of lace and silk. The blue hues seemed to complement your complexion, bringing out the warmth in your skin.
As you admired yourself in the mirror, you heard a subtle rustling of fabric. You heard a voice you've grown quite familiar with over the last few days. Your gaze shifted towards the entrance. You stepped down from the platform and opened the curtain. There, occupying the spot where Rema had been sitting, was Wonwoo. His presence was unexpected, and your eyes met in a momentary connection that seemed to speak volumes without uttering a single word. In that fleeting instance, you saw a myriad of thoughts cross his features, a silent conversation that left you both a touch spellbound.
Rema returned from the restroom and noticed Wonwoo's presence, her eyebrows quirking up in surprise. Before you could ask, Rema beat you to it: "Mr. Jeon? What are you doing here?"
A soft chuckle escaped his lips, his gaze never leaving yours. "Well, what kind of fiancé would I be if I didn't assist her in selecting the dress?" Your heart skipped a beat at his words, a mix of emotions swirling within you. He was here, taking a genuine interest in the moment. But you know better than to believe in empty words. You couldn't help but wonder about the real reason behind Wonwoo's unexpected appearance. Just as the situation settled in, Chan entered the scene with a suit in hand. He shot a quizzical glance at Wonwoo before shifting his attention to the empty fitting room. "The fitting room is free now." Your curiosity eased, and within a few seconds, it was raised. Wonwoo's gaze shifted to Chan and then back to you. His lips curled into a gentle smile. "Never mind, Chan. I'll leave with the suit." ''Y/N'' ''Wonwoo''  With those words, Wonwoo turned to leave. Well, that wasn't awakward at all, you thought to yourself when he halted in his stride and looked over his shoulder, catching your eyes. ''Blue really is your colour. ''Blue really is your colour'' A soft, surprised smile tugged at your lips as Wonwoo's unexpected comment hung in the air. There was a complexity to him that you hadn't fully grasped yet, a depth that went beyond the surface.
The boutique's atmosphere seemed to shift with his departure, leaving you standing there with a lingering sense of his presence. You touched the fabric of the dress; the blue hues now carry a different significance. In the midst of wedding preparations and the whirlwind of events, there was a thread connecting you and Wonwoo, and you couldn't deny its pull.
With a sigh, you turned your attention back to the dresses.
A bittersweet atmosphere settled in your room, carrying a mix of excitement and nostalgia. As the moonlight filtered through the curtains, casting soft shadows, why not? It was the night before the wedding. You were packing your remaining belongings in the bag. There was a subtle knock on your door, and your father quietly entered the room. There was a gentle smile on his lips and a mixture of pride and affection in his eyes.
"Hey, sweetheart," he said, his voice warm as he crossed the room to sit beside you. The anticipation of the big day hung in the air, but in this moment, it was just you and him, sharing a quiet connection.
"Hey, Dad," you replied, your own smile reflecting the emotions swirling within you. The upcoming wedding was a symbol of new beginnings, but it also marked a chapter closing—a shift in the dynamic you had always known.
He took a deep breath, a hint of nostalgia in his gaze. "You know, I can't believe my little girl is all grown up and getting married. There was a mixture of pride and a touch of sadness in his tone. He reached out to gently tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear. His touch was affectionate and comforting.
You leaned into his touch, feeling a surge of emotions welling up. "I can't believe it either," you admitted, your voice soft. It's a lot to take in."
He nodded, his gaze lingering on your face as if trying to capture this moment in his memory. "I want you to know, sweetheart, that no matter where life takes you, I'll always be here for you. Even if it's in a different way."
A lump formed in your throat, and you looked down for a moment, struggling to hold back tears. His words were a reassurance, a reminder that even as things changed, the bond between you two remained unbreakable.
"I know I wasn't always there," he continued, his voice slightly husky with emotion. "Work, responsibilities... I wish I could've been around more."
You shook your head gently, reaching out to take his hand in yours. "Dad, you've always been there when it mattered most. You've supported me in every decision and every step I've taken."
He let out a soft chuckle, a mixture of emotions in his eyes. "I suppose I have, haven't I?"
You nodded, a small smile playing on your lips. "You've taught me so much, Dad. Your strength, your wisdom... I couldn't have asked for a better father."
His hand tightened around yours, and he leaned down to press a gentle kiss on your forehead. "And I couldn't have asked for a more wonderful daughter."
Feeling a lump in your throat, you shifted to sit on the ground and rested your head on his knees. He cupped your cheek with one hand and tenderly stroked your hair with the other. The silence between you was filled with unspoken emotions, a lifetime of memories, and love. ''You know, when your mother and I got married, our situation was so complex; at that time, she settled for a compromise. But look at where we are now. But I never wish that for you. I hope you're not doing it for any other reason except for love. Love... A sad smile graced your lips as memories flooded your mind, like delicate ripples on the surface of a pond. It was a quiet afternoon, just you and Ella sitting in her cosy living room. The warm sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a golden hue on everything it touched. And then, as if orchestrated by fate, Noel took his first steps, his chubby legs wobbling with effort.
Your heart swelled as his uncertain movements brought him closer to his mother. Ella's eyes lit up with a mixture of surprise and joy, and you both watched in awe as he made his way to her. The world seemed to hold its breath, and the atmosphere was infused with an indescribable tenderness.
And when Noel finally reached his destination, his arms extended towards Ella. There was a magical connection between mother and child. Time stood still as she rushed to embrace him, holding him close in a cocoon of love. The room was filled with laughter, a joyous symphony that resonated in the air like a soothing melody. In that intimate moment, the power of love was tangible. As you reminisced about that day, a sense of melancholy settled over you. Love had left its mark on that day, woven into the fabric of those shared experiences.
"I'm going to miss you, you know," he admitted softly, his voice tinged with both happiness and sadness.
"I'm going to miss you too, Dad," you replied, your voice muffled against his pants.
He continued to stroke your hair, a soothing gesture that seemed to say more than words ever could. As the night deepened, you found comfort in each other's presence, cherishing this moment of quiet connection before the new chapter began.
The day had finally arrived, and the world around you was a whirlwind of motion and preparation. The atmosphere was charged with energy as people moved about, setting up tables, arranging flowers, and making sure every detail was perfect. Your mother had chosen a garden wedding, and the weather was on your side—pleasant with a gentle sun that lacked the usual scorching heat. The air was filled with the soothing aroma of cafe au lait dahlias, adding to the enchantment of the day.
Your make-up artist, Ashton, worked meticulously on your hair, applying final touches with the expertise of an artist. Memories flooded back as one of his assistants passed him a pin, triggering a nostalgic smile on your face. You remembered the time you had done Noella's hair for her shotgun wedding, a playful fantasy shared between the two of you.
"I'll fulfil my 'Mama Mia' fantasy at your wedding," she remarked, her tone light and teasing.
"Or maybe at your second wedding," you replied, the humour shared between friends soothing her nerves.
"Y/N!" she playfully smacked you, and your laughter filled the room, mingling with the excitement that hung in the air, calming your own jitters. You took a moment to admire your work in the mirror, appreciating the intricate details you had crafted. Leaning down, your faces aligned in the reflection, and your eyes met through the glass.
"You look beautiful," you said sincerely.
She squeezed your hand, a mutual understanding passing between you. "You too." . As if on cue, your mother's presence graced the doorway, and you saw her reflection in the mirror. Her voice wavered with emotion as she spoke again, repeating the sentiment that hung in the air.
"You look beautiful," she said, tears welling up in her eyes. She blinked them back, fighting to keep her composure. "I can't believe my princess is all grown up. Where did all the time go? It feels like yesterday when you used to sneak into my room, walking in heels way too big for you and smearing makeup all over your small face."
"Mama," a lump formed in your throat as you listened to her words, the weight of your own secrets pressing on your chest. You felt an overwhelming guilt for deceiving such loving parents.
"No, no," she continued, her voice softening. "Ashton did a wonderful job, and I wouldn't dare ruin it."
A light-hearted comment about the groom's arrival shifted the mood in the room. Your mother's words struck a chord, and you found yourself anxious for Wonwoo's presence. The room fell into a hushed silence as you waited.
"Is Wonwoo not here yet?" you questioned, concern edging in your voice.
"Well, his parents and assistant are here. We're just waiting for him. Once he arrives, we can proceed," she explained, his tone reassuring.
Your mother walked closer, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. She leaned in, whispering in your ear, "Don't worry and keep calm, okay?"
You nodded, grateful for her support, and settled back down as Ashton continued the finishing touches. In this whirlwind of emotions, your mother's words were a lifeline, grounding you in the midst of the excitement and anticipation that surrounded your wedding day.
... Wonwoo was late. Wonwoo's realisation of his lateness weighed heavily on him. He had never intended to be late for such a significant day, but circumstances had their own plans. As he gathered his things and prepared to leave, your driver arrived with your suitcase, a reminder of the impending days before you both moved into your villa together, taking Noel along to join your new family. He sighed and placed his jacket in the back seat, ready to make his way.
But fate seemed to have a different agenda. Just as he was about to drive out of the parking lot, a figure stumbled in front of his car—a shock that sent him slamming on the brakes. "Eleanor?" he exclaimed, his heart skipping a beat as he recognised her. Rushing out of the car, concern etched on his face, he checked on her, his worry overshadowing his own delays. She had fallen, and he gathered her gently in his arms, searching for her pulse. The realisation hit him hard—she was intoxicated beyond comprehension.
"Wonniee, please... don't... please don't leave me, baby—please. Her words were broken, accompanied by sobs that seemed to pierce the air. In that moment, he looked down at the woman in his arms, the same woman who had once held his heart within her hands. She had shattered it without a second thought, walking away in pursuit of a better opportunity, something he had not been ready to offer, both mentally and emotionally. The signs of her true nature had been there all along—the disdain his parents held for her, her behaviour towards his peers and family. The binding of love had veiled his eyes, but now it was clear.
Gently lifting her, he carried her to the back seat of his car and laid her down. She continued to mumble incoherently, lost in her drunken haze. His thoughts drifted back to you—his family, waiting for his arrival, their anticipation mounting. He imagined his father's frustration and the tension building as time ticked away.
Arriving at his hotel suite, he carefully laid Eleanor on the bed, her form cradled by the mattress. But as he looked down at her, memories flooded back—moments they had shared, the intensity of their relationship that had once consumed him. She clung to him, her actions and words fueled by the alcohol that clouded her judgment. Her lips found his neck, leaving a stain of lipstick on his collar, a stark contrast to the path he had chosen.
His gaze softened as he regarded her for a moment, a mixture of emotions swirling within him. But above all, there was a deep sense of pity. I felt pity for her, for the choices she had made, for the pain she had caused. Without a word, he turned away from her and left the room, his heart heavy with the realisation of what could have been.
His thoughts returned to you, his family, and his commitment. There was a newfound clarity within him.
It seemed as if time was testing everyone's patience. You stood by the entrance to the garden, where you and Wonwoo were meant to make your grand entrance together. An hour had passed, and he was still nowhere in sight. The city hall officer stood patiently in the ordained spot, with your parents and family seated on the right side. Murmurs floated through the air, adding to the growing tension. Your mother's anxiety was palpable, and your father's clenched fists and jaws revealed his inner turmoil. Wonwoo's father wasn't faring much better; his frustration was evident. Sunmi held his hand, offering a silent source of comfort; her presence was a balm to his turmoil. He was even ashamed to look over at Kaori. He never thought that he would have to witness a day like this due to his son. Kaori maintained her composure, but the rhythmic tapping of her fingers on her thigh betrayed her true emotions to those who were observant.
From your vantage point, you could see it all—the emotions running high, the impatience growing tangible. Embarrassment started to seep in as you considered what to do next. Your gaze shifted to where Racheal was stationed, and you extended your bouquet to her. Your decision was clear.
"Very well—Racheal, inform everyone that the wedding is—"
However, a familiar voice interrupted your words, booming into the room. Sorry, I'm late. Shall we, Y/N?"
The atmosphere froze; everyone's attention was now fixed on Wonwoo's late arrival. Ashton and his assistant exchanged glances; Racheal and Chan were visibly tense. Chan was on the brink of sweating profusely.
Assessing him with a critical eye, you noticed the stain on his neck—an unspoken revelation of where he had been. Dissatisfaction rippled within you, mingling with a slight disappointment as your stomach churned with unease. His jacket bore the unmistakable scent of alcohol.
''Just a moment, Wonwoo. Ashton, please wipe Sir's neck." Ashton acted swiftly, stepping forward. "Yes, ma'am," Ashton replied, tending to the task at hand. Chan fumbled for a cologne and sprayed it onto Wonwoo's jacket, an attempt to mask the scent of alcohol. After collecting himself, Wonwoo extended his hand to you, a practiced smile on his lips as if to quell any unease.
You took his hand, your eyes locking onto his with a mixture of emotions—unspoken disappointment and a lingering expectation. With practiced grace, you both began your march forward, arms intertwined, heading towards the altar. . However, from the back, a voice disrupted the air, loud enough for all to hear. "Young people these days, blinded by passion, make decisions they later regret."
"Tch, my poor niece Y/n," another voice chimed in. "I told Kaori—"
Your father's sudden rise from his seat cut off the comments, his stern presence demanding silence. He cleared his throat, poised to address the gathering, and the atmosphere shifted. Just as the tension was about to escalate, the violins began to play, diverting everyone's attention. All eyes turned towards the aisle, capturing the sight of you and Wonwoo, your arms linked and your practiced smiles firmly in place. The strains of the violins wrapped around you as you both stepped forward to embrace a new chapter of your lives.
Extra: Amidst the papers and organised chaos of the office, your father was engrossed in his work when his secretary's voice cut through the air, informing him that a certain Jeon Wonwoo was waiting to meet him. He nodded and gestured for Wonwoo to be brought in, his curiosity piqued by the unexpected visitor.
As Wonwoo entered, your father offered a polite nod and a gesture towards the chair opposite him. "Please, have a seat."
Wonwoo sat down, his posture displaying a mixture of respect and determination. "Thank you for seeing me, sir."
Your father studied him for a moment before getting straight to the point. "What brings you here, Son?"
Wonwoo cleared his throat, his eyes meeting your father's directly. "I've come here with a purpose, sir. I'd like to ask for your permission to propose to your daughter."
Your father's eyebrows raised in mild surprise. He leaned back in his chair, folding his hands together. ‘Did Y/N asked you?’
“I’m afraid she’s not aware of it sir’’
"And why do you feel the need to ask for my permission?"
Wonwoo's gaze didn't waver as he responded, "Because from what I’ve observed she holds you you both in high regard and I respect her and I respect you, sir. I believe that family plays an important role in a relationship, and your blessing means a lot to me."
A thoughtful smile played on your father's lips. "Interesting. And what do you want from this relationship?"
Wonwoo's honesty shone through his eyes as he replied, "I'll be frank, sir. I can't say I'm madly in love with your daughter. But what I can promise is that life with her won't be ordinary. There will never be a dull day. With her, there's adventure, challenge, and growth."
Your father's laughter filled the room, a genuine amusement evident in his eyes. "You're quite the straightforward young man, Wonwoo."
Wonwoo nodded, a small smile tugging at his lips. "I believe in transparency, sir."
Your father leaned forward, his demeanour serious once again. "Tell me, do you want her or what she has?"
Wonwoo's answer was unwavering, his voice steady. "I want her. Her personality, her spirit, and her presence I want her in my life."
Your father leaned forward, his expression softening. "You know, Y/n is a force to be reckoned with. She has her dreams and her own world. I won't let her be with someone who doesn't see her worth."
Wonwoo met your father's gaze with sincerity. "I understand that, and I respect her dreams. I promise to always support her aspirations and give her the space she needs."
A thoughtful silence lingered between them before your father finally spoke; his tone softened. "You know, Wonwoo, marriage isn't just about love. It's about understanding, respect, and partnership. It's about navigating life's challenges together."
Wonwoo nodded, absorbing your father's words. "I understand that, sir. And I'm willing to put in the effort and commitment to make it work."
A warm smile spread across your father's face. "You remind me a lot of myself when I was younger. Determined and unafraid to speak your mind, Alright, son, you have my permission."
Wonwoo's gratitude was evident in his eyes as he extended a hand to shake your father's. "Thank you, sir. I won't take this opportunity lightly."
With a firm handshake, your father concluded, "I trust you won't. Take care of her, Wonwoo."
As Wonwoo left the office that day, he carried with him not just your father's permission but also a sense of responsibility and a newfound bond.
A/N: Jeez bro, wonwoo you pissed the wrong girl ngl, well the brownie points he gained by this act of chivalry are in trouble. Do let me know how you liked this 11k monster.
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strawbubbysugar · 4 months
Happy birthday Bubby!
Couple more questions!
-Are you able to say everyone’s ages in So(u)l, including the animatronics?
-Does June ever play his guitar and sing in public or at bars or anything or does he only do that at home now?
-Soulmate question, kinda regarding Rush and Morgan’s bond, does that imply that if you don’t have a soulmate due to your previous one passing away, you can get a new bond later even if your future soulmate already exists? Like the string will “wait” kinda until they’re ready? Or was Morgan and Rush’s string there right when Rush woke up?
-What are June, Hello, and Goodbye’s main fidgets/stims?
-Okay this might be weird lol but I’m curious, what are Hello and Goodbye’s favorite little things that June does in his sleep? Does he talk, twitch, unconsciously cling to them like a koala, anything like that?
-What kind of odd jobs does June do on the side?
Thank you!!
i wanna keep it vague, but June is roughly in his mid 20's matt is roughly in his mid-late 30's Marlow is roughly one year younger than June Morgan is two years older than June Hello is a year old (his AI is somewhere around June's age) Goodbye was a year older than June (now the same age as Hello) Rush is around 8 years old (his ai is early 30's) Wibble is around 6 years old (his ai is the same as Rush) Cammie is 4 around years old (her ai is the same as wibble and rush) Octavia is around 2 years old, but was technically never completed (her size makes it much easier to fit a more complex system in her, so her mental age is around 40) The skrittles have the same AI age as toddlers, but theyre a few months old Astro Cadet has been worked on off and on for about six years, and his ai is about the same age. It grows much slower than the WOW branded animatronics
Absolutely no in public things. He's gotten a lot more shy about performing since his band days. He only ever plays for hello/goodbye and piper
Soulmate marks are all about right time, right place. if you arent the version of yourself that would be soulmates with someone, no markings will show up. Morgan was a very different person with their last soulmate, and their life experiences changed who they are. it happens! people change, especially as they get older. its why a lot of people are told not to be upset if they dont get any markings until later on (SPOILERS BELOW) Its why samir and june didnt have any soul marks until samir was goodbye. he wasnt the person that wouldve been soulmates with june yet, he needed to experience and change and grow before that would happen. So did june!
June chews his lip a lot, and sighs. Sometimes he sighs for no reason just because he forgot to breathe. I think his favourite fidget toy would be one of those fidget cubes Hello stims by waving/flapping his arms, or playing with his hands. I think he'd enjoy fidget spinners or rubix cubes! Goodbye stims with squeezing/pressure. He'd enjoy weighted blankets, and I think he'd enjoy stress balls. Ones with thick stuff inside so he can really squeeze down
Hello likes it when June sighs in his sleep, or mumbles. Goodbye thinks its funny when he snores on occasion, and records it to play it back while pretending to nap. (taking inspiration from my roommate bc its hilarious, sometimes june will make the saddest, softest little sigh in his sleep and hello will wake him up like "WERE YOU HAVING A BAD DREAM ARE YOU OKAY" & june will be entirely confused)
June does a lil of everything. people in town come to him for a lot of stuff like yard work, painting houses/fences, cleaning houses. He occasionally comes into bryn's office and helps with anything they might need too, like fixing the chairs, etc. He's known as a jack of all trades around town (which makes him feel nostalgic, since that used to be what he called his childhood best friend)
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princekoo · 2 years
Pairing: Jeon Jeongguk x reader
Genre: smut
Trope: city girl x farm boy
Warnings: bondage, name calling, bad writing
Word count: ~4.4k
A/N: yeah I have no words this came to me randomly while I was listening to country (something I never do) so here’s my first smut piece lol I haven’t written anything in MONTHS, so here is my baby I wrote in like 2 hours (also something I’ve never done before)💀 this is badly written bc it’s 2:30am and I cannot be bothered to proofread sorry
What does a woman running late for her job with less than a quarter gallon of gas and a horse have in common? Well, eventually they both run out of gas. Or was that just you? Probably. Here you were on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere trying to contact your job, your friends, anyone really. So much for a support system since your cries for help went unanswered before you completely lost battery. Yeah, you forgot to charge your phone after a night out with your friends, go figure.
You let out a resigned sigh as you sit in your car with the door open as the beautifully unpleasant waft of cow dung and freshly cut grass assaulted your senses. Fully giving up, you reach for the coffee you made 2 hours ago, grimacing at the relevation that it was now more like a nice cold coffee. Looking at the scenery, you tried to make yourself feel better. Hey, at least the cows are cute right? They’re staring at you with their beady little eyes, nothing behind them as they chewed away at some of the grass you strongly smelled. Just then, a cow came up close and you almost considered touching it like you would your cat Oreo, the sweet little thing. You refrained, of course, as you hadn’t hit a complete mental rock bottom at that point yet.
Just then, the cow took a huge dump right then to you, the smell from before intensifying due to obvious reasons.
You cursed the damned cow and fled the scene locking your car. That was definitely the motivation you needed to look for help nearby. Cows meant farms, right? And farms meant people. People that could help you get home. To Oreo. Or your dead end job. As you walked along the worn down fence separating you from the not-so-cute cows, you really took in your scenery. This was always a busy road as cars would often zoom by due to the scarcity of police officers in such a rural area as well as the naturally high speed limit of 60.
Nobody wants to get stuck here.
Literally no one.
It may be in the middle of nowhere, but it was quite nice. There was this thing called nature all around you if you ignored the 6 lanes that were present to your left, the 6 lanes you were speeding through only minutes before. The most of nature you usually get is the trees planted between pavement in front of your apartment building and your little cacti named Kiwi. This was kind of a nice change of pace, even if you hated to admit it.
Walking through dirt in heels is not ideal, but it had to do as you couldn’t stand the thought of dirt clinging to your feet, unknowing when you’d next take a shower. Even though you walked for an eternity, you could see no sign of life other than the few animals scattered throughout, which definitely didn’t calm your nerves.
You stopped for a second and leaned against the fence post, ignoring the possible germs it could bring with it, and blew raspberries as entertainment. You were really teaching your whits end. You may ask yourself, why don’t you flag down a car? Well, no. That’s why. We don’t do that around here.
Moving on, you continued your trek and went on for a bit more, thanking your decision to get comfortable heels. In the faint distance, you could see some sort of house structure. You squinted to better make it out and you realized it was a farm! It was quite a stellar incentive to increase the pace of your steps and you got to the entrance in only a few minutes.
You groaned in discomfort at the unusual amount of physical exercise you had to do this early in the morning and fixed up your appearance. Bun, redone. Skirt, straightened out. Shirt, saved from wrinkling. Sweat, gone. You marched up to the front door and knocked on the door only to be met with silence. You waited a few minutes until you knocked again. Met with the same reaction, you walked away and noticed an open gate. You walked towards it and sank into mud. Internally crying you marched on and looked out to see different farm animals. Horses, cows, sheep, pigs, anything you can think of was there. Whoever was running this shit meant business, you thought.
You struggled through the viscous mud and rounded a corner only to your greatest joy to find a person! Finally! With renewed vigor, you splashed until you could get in earshot of him.
“Hey! Hi! Uhm I broke down down the road and I was…” you trailed off as he turned around and you caught a glimpse of your possible savior. You were so consumed in your will to go home you never even surveyed who you were approaching. He had long, fluffy black hair that spilled over his forehead in curtain bangs and gorgeous silver dangling from his ears, nose, mouth, and eyebrow. A beautifully strong neck with a gorgeously buff body peeking out from the loosely hanging overalls he had on. His Timberlands were covered in mud and possibly fences but that didn’t deter you from appreciating the beauty of this specimen you found while you should’ve been at work. You almost were glad you broke down, if the consequences weren’t as bad as they are with your job. Almost. A goth cowboy farmer boy? You were signed up since the moment he turned around. His beautiful doe almond eyes shone as they looked at you in seemingly both surprise and concern.
“…iss? Miss? Are you okay?” You blinked a few times and willed yourself to snap out of it. You weren’t a teenager for goodness’ sake! You smiled bashfully and apologized, then explained your situation to the best of your ability. He nodded along and gasped at the right parts and you didn’t forget to include how your coffee had gone cold untouched. Offering his deepest condolences, he offered to make you coffee while you were tracking a bead of sweat running down his hairline onto his chest bones.
“Miss? Is everything alright? I think you’d better come inside, the heat could be getting to you.” You considered declining for a good few seconds before deciding, fuck it. You might as well. You took him up on his offer and he took you into his home. It was nicely decorated in almost a modern barn house way, but instead of white, the most common color was black. From the front door a loveseat was poised in front of a old-looking TV with an equally antique radio which emitted something you remembered from your ballet dance recitals you used to do. You nearly cringed, but kept scanning your eyes around. Next to you, on the opposite side of the living room area, was the dining room. Dark oak wooden chairs paired with a beautifully crafted table. What caught your attention was the fact that each table leg and every chair had intricately carved details, stories you remember you’d read as a child. You lightly grazed the nearest chair, admiring the craftsmanship before the man turned around after taking off his shoes and saw you halfway through his home.
“You like ‘em, miss?” You turned around a blushes slightly, caught in your act. You nodded, “yes, it’s gorgeous. Ive never seen something like this. Who made it?” You looked at him expecting a designer’s name or something like a neighbor gifted it to him but instead was met with, “oh I did, miss. My pride and joy. Spent a few months and then some on each piece.” Your eyes grew in size as your shock increased. You weren’t expecting it, but it also wasn’t too surprising. There’s not a single soul for miles around, after all. He chucked at your reaction.
“These are absolutely beautiful, uhm…” you looked at him in question. He lit up remembering he never told you his name, a shining smile crossing his face.
“Ah, name’s Jungkook, miss! Jeon Jeongguk. Sorry for not introducing myself sooner. And you are…?” You told him your name and smiled back, albeit a little more reserved than he was. He offered to make you some food and some coffee to replace the one you couldn’t drink, something which you pretended to ponder accepting before you gave him a resound yes. You’d take anything he gave you. Poison, food, a place to stay, his bed, his cock. Woah. Okay. Take a step back partner. You rounded the wall which separated the living room from the kitchen and surveyed the area once more. To your left there was a fairly new-looking kitchen with a table and two chairs. It definitely seemed like it had more worn and tear compared to the beautiful craftsmanship you’d had the opportunity to touch. The dark theme continued even with the fridge being a darker steel, the other appliances following. It all seemed pretty high tech, so it got you curious.
“Hey, do you have good electricity here?” He looked over at you from where he was whisking up something for you to eat and smiled, looking back down.
“Well, kinda…? Nothin’ like what ya get at the city I’ll tell you that, missy. Still works well enough, anyway.” You wondered how he got so much metal on him if he seems to speak like he’s never gone to the city, so it prompts you to ask, “how’d you get so many piercings this far out? If you don’t mind me asking of course.” He lets out a chuckle and turns his attention fully to you.
“Well, I have city friends. They come every once in a while. I been a country boy since I was kickin’, if ya wanted to know.” He humorously smiled and went back to his task. You sat down at the table, feeling everything shift slightly under your weight. You took out your phone and tried to see if by some miracle it started working, but to no avail. Looking up and seeing you, he remembered something he was going to tell you, eyebrows rising.
“Ah, missy! I forgot to tell ya! I got a land phone with connection you can use! It slipped my mind. And yeah, no, I don’t got any chargers. Sorry.” He answered quickly before you could even think to ask, but you were grateful for at least having a method of communication. You took him up on his offer and searched your brain for a possible phone number you could call. He took you to the antique method of communication and you dislodged it from its rightful place. The phone beeped as you punched in the numbers into the number pad. At least it isn’t a rotary phone. It rang for a few seconds before the other person picked up.
“Hello? Who’s this?”
“Hey mom, it’s me,” you informed.
“Oh my goodness, my darling! Ive been trying to reach you!”she exclaimed, worry evident in her voice.
“I know, I ran out of battery. A nice guy lent me his phone and I was able to call.”
“A nice guy, you say?” Her voice took a suggestive turn, a stark contrast to her earlier one.
“Mom, please. Im stranded like forty minutes away from the city.” You begged, hoping you could reason with her. Yeah, you were 25, but you didn’t need to settle down at that age! If only your mom didn’t think otherwise.
“Right. Well, I can go get you if you tell me where it is possibly uhhh…tomorrow? Tomorrow mornin—no! Afternoon! Sorry, work. Yeah.” You could hear her nervously scrambling to correct herself, knowing this was just some ploy to get you to know the guy.
“I know what you’re trying to do.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about! Now hang tight and make a friend! Loveyoubye!” “Mo—!”before you could get another word in, she hung up. The line went dead and you hung it back up, leaning against the wall. You grimaced for the second time that day. She was really doing this to you. Well, the more you thought about it, the less bad it seemed. You were stranded in a farm with a hot goth boy who carved as a hobby and seemed to know how to cook. What’s better? Good in bed? God, how you wanted to find out.
Walking back towards the kitchen, you caught a glimpse of what you could only guess was his bedroom. His bed was dressed in black silk sheets which reflected the afternoon light and the rest of the room followed the dark theme. Before you took too long, you willed yourself towards the kitchen and sat down with a huff.
“What’d they say?”
“My mom said she can’t pick me up until tomorrow afternoon,” you groaned. He awwed at the statement and finished the preparations to his “simple meal”. He brought 2 plates and a cup in front of you, which you thanked him for before you surveyed the plates. The first bigger plate contained some what looked like chicken and a salad while the smaller plate contained a prettily plated apple pie. The cup, beautifully enough, contained some steaming coffee. Your eyes almost watered as you thanked him and began eating.
“Sorry I cant offer you anything better, miss. If i had know a pretty little thing like you would break down and need my help I would’ve been better prepared.” You blushed at his statement and commented on how good the meat and veggies were.
“Raised the meat and got the veggies from my garden myself! All pretty fresh, since I only killed the poor thing a day ago.” He exclaimed proudly, a sad quality to his voice after the second part. He cheered up pretty fast and said,” and I baked the apple pie a few hours ago actually! I hope you like it, too.” He finished. He was almost bashful. You complimented his food and he informed you he still had some stuff to do out in the farm.
“Ah! If you need any fresh clothes you can look through my stuff and find something,” he finished with a smile. You thanked him and continued eating as he walked out the house and went on with his day. The house was now silent save for the occasional animal noise and the movement of grass with breeze. Finishing your last bite of apple pie, you got up with the coffee and headed towards the assumed bedroom. He didn’t mention where it was, but you doubted he cared whether you looked through his stuff or not. Not like he was here anyway. You set the cup down on one of his dressers and rummaged for something to wear. The uniform was getting pretty stuffy in the heat of the house, so a nice shirt and some pants would do the trick. You took off all your clothes and considered taking off your underwear too. What if something ends up happening? You want to sleep with him so bad. Ultimately, you took everything off. Naked, you took his most see-through-looking white shirt and a pair of his boxers, the only bottom part that fit after tying it a bit. You ran your hands between your thighs to quell your excitement at not having any undergarments and lowly squealed. You hoped your pressing didn’t show how wet you were. You went out to find him with his shoes on, even if they didn’t fit. Hey, they felt like you were wearing your dad’s shoes, but it got the job done. You found him feeding the horses at the stable before what seemed like bath time, soap and a hose ready to go.
“Hey!” You exclaimed. He looked your way and immediately almost choked in surprise, his face turning red.
“I see you… uhm… got comfortable, miss.” He choked out. You internally grinned and nodded,” yeah these fit best and they’re quite nice. Is it okay?”you feigned innocence, pretending like you didn’t elaborately search for both of these pieces with a goal in mind. He shook his head and informed you he was doing exactly what you thought, bathing the horses. It seemed like he was doing that before you got here as he was on the last horse. You asked if you could help and he accepted, smiling humorously. At what, you don’t know. He let the hose run over the horse for a bit before he shut it off, something that gave you an idea. You were going to make it as messy as you could and try to get yourself completely wet, making the already almost see through shirt stick to your body. The perfect plan, if anyone asked you. It would make him want you, you were sure. At the very least start wanting you. What you didn’t know, is that he was restraining himself to the highest degree from pouncing on you right now. You were beautiful from the moment he saw you and he could tell you found him attractive. This act of dressing up in these kinds of clothes just further confirmed it. You lathered the horse in its special soap and made sure to stick to it accidentally, dampening your shirt. Your nipples poked from the cold and wetness and you could even see the pink of them. Jeongguk turned on the hose and you “accidentally” didn’t move out the way. You exclaimed in pretend shock and he immediately shut off the water and ran over to you. You were completely soaked and you feigned sadness over being all wet. He knew what you were getting at. He knew it wasn’t a mistake. He was onto you.
“Oh no miss! You didn’t move out the way! Sorry.” He feigned as well. You sulked a little and went to go back to giving the horse a second coat of soap when he caught you by your waist. He pushed your body against his and got close to your face, so much so you could count the freckles on his cheeks. You only squealed lightly from shock.
“I know what you’re trying to do, miss. You know, trying to be innocent doesn’t work on me,” he breathed out, voice husky. You blushed, not thinking you’d be found out so quickly.
“Let’s say we skip this part and get straight to business. What do you say?” He inquires, a raises brow making his piercing shine in the light. You nod and he presses harder.
“Yes. Or. No,” he presses. You breathe out a “yes” and he immediately smacks your mouth against his. His tongue makes his way into your mouth and both of your tongues dance together. He pats the horse and it starts to trot away, almost as if understanding it was a moment not for its eyes. He walks you back, still making out, until you reach what you think might be hay and he breaks the kiss only to press you down against it. Breathing heavily, he goes back for another kiss and begins moving his hands over your body. He touches your tits and squeezes them both, arousing a surprised moan from you. He breaks the kiss and begins flicking your hard nipples through the fabric.
“This is what you wanted, right? Right, little miss?” You moan in response and he spanks your tits.
“Give me and answer, missy.” You flush answer, “yes, this is exactly what I wanted please don’t stop.” He lowers his head onto your nipples and begins sucking them and moving them around, playing with them like they’re joysticks. You don’t think you’ve ever been this turned on. You can physically feel your juices dripping down your thighs. You moan feverishly, almost like you’ve never been touched by a man. He then, bites your nipple and stretches out before letting it go. Without warning, he presses against your center and you let out a choked moan.
“Look at you. I can feel how wet you are, baby. You haven’t had anyone as good as me, now have you?” He asks and you answer with a resound no. No man has ever been able to make you into a pool of goo and have you waterfall from your pussy like he has. He returns his assault on your clothed boobs while keeping pressure on your cunt and you cant take it anymore. You begin rubbing against his leg and he stops his manouvers completely. He stares at you as you rub against his leg like a bitch in heat, leaving a noticeable dark spot on his denim overall pants. He chuckles darkly and removes his thigh causing you to whine. He urges you to open your eyes, something you didn’t even know you had done, and held your face firmly to look straight at him.
“Did i say you could use me to get off? Hmm? You were rubbing against me like a fucking whore. Are you that desperate, huh? You wanna get fucked that badly?” He spoke so disrespectfully to you, but god. You fucking loved it. It was only a few seconds before you started to beg. “Yes, I’m your whore. I want your cock so badly, please.” He hummed at your answer and left you altogether. You protested only to be told to shut up. You did so, and was incredibly turned on in the process. He came back with what looked like restraints.
“I usually use these with the horses, but who would’ve thought I’d have to use them on some pretty little slut who stumbled across me today,” he smirked. You whined and playfully fought against his restraints, only to have his seat at your ass. The spank caused you to let out a long, lustful moan and it only made his Cheshire grin bigger.
“Oh? My sweet little bitch likes to be spanked too? Fucking look at you.” He finished restraining you, leaving your arms and legs unable to move.
“This is what you get for using me to get off without permission, missy. You left me no choice.” You whined and moves your pelvis up and down, trying to show him where you wanted him. He smirked and walked away again. You groaned in frustration again and he answered back,
“I’m gonna wash my hands, pretty. Im sure you don’t want any infections.” You simmered down and waited for his return, one that was swift. He smiled and looked at you only for a frown to overcome his face. You inquired him what was wrong and he said, “you’re wearing too many clothes.” Immediately after, he ripped his shirt apart and the boxers, both ruined garments falling limply besides you. He licked his lips looking at your body and surveyed your pussy, finding it dripping. He chucked and spanked your clit, something that made you jolt and moan.
“You’re dripping, baby. I’ve barely even done anything, too… hmm, well you’ve taken your consequences quite well, so why doesn’t little missy get a reward, eh?” You nodded enthusiastically and he smiled, ruffling your hair. Immediately he plugged up your begging hole with two thick fingers, causing you to howl in pain. Its been a while since you had anything in there. Soon enough, though, the whimpers of pain turned into moans of pleasure as he fingered you at a fast and hard pace while rubbing your clit. He was repeatedly hitting your g spot and you felt like you had to pee. Afraid to pee on him, you urged him to stop.
“H…hey J—Jeongg…ungh… Jeongguk…. I think I’m gonna… gonna… pee!” By the end of your sentence you were screaming as you watched clear juices spill out of you. That was new. “What we’re you saying?” He inquired with a smirk. As you panted, he lowered himself and began licking at your pussy. He ate you out with vigor you never knew in your life from past partners until he made you cum with just his tongue, without needing the aid of anything else. As you came down from your orgasm, he came up and kissed you as your juices ran down his chin. He looked you in the eyes and asked almost shyly, a stark change in demeanor, “you think I can fuck you?” You breathlessly chuckled and answered, “fuck yeah.”
He took off his overalls as soon as you said that, grinning madly. The lowering of the overalls showed his beautifully sculpted abs and pecs clearly and the lower he went the more you realized he wasn’t wearing any underwear. His dick sprung to life leaking precum from its pink tip. He took his hand and jerked himself a little before he lined up at your entrance and looked at you questioningly. You nodded and he went in slowly. Your juices made the ability for friction disappear and soon he started pounding into your weeping pussy. He reached down and choked you lightly as he began stimulating your clit again and you screamed in overstimulation. He didn’t give up and eventually you began feeling pleasure and his cock rammed into you relentlessly. He panted as he fucked into your cunt and your pussy squeezed his dick. You moaned in pleasure, despite your restricted air flow and he groaned from the feel of his dick fucking your pussy. Soon enough, you came to your end squeezing his dick like a python and he pulled it out. He jerked off and came over your stomach and tits covering them entirely.
“Fuck, if I had a phone I would’ve definitely taken a picture of this. You look beautiful like this, miss.” He panted and you chuckled breathlessly. You both stared at each other attempting to catch your breaths in silence. He was the first who broke it.
“So… wanna take a shower?”
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keep-the-wolves-close · 3 months
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Steady Heart
Chapter 24: when the party’s over
* Pairing: Slow-burn Kayce Dutton x OFC Stella Daniels
* Rating: M
* Warnings: language, angst
* Word count: 2,043ish
I would love to give credits to @dameronscopilot and @deanscroissant for being sounding boards for me during this whole process, giving outsider insight, being cheerleaders, and allowing me to screech at them about things that have happened during the writing process. I seriously couldn't have gotten this far without y'all!
Author's note: Ugh this fall out is killing me! I hope you’re all enjoying still! This chapter is kind of filler, and shorter than usual, but some important things do occur.
I’m posting this early because one, I’m impatient, and two it was a present to myself for finishing up a couple chapters today lol.
Stella sat on Abigail waiting to help move the herd. She was annoyed she was there and in the presence of her latest case of idiocy, but helping out with the cattle came with the territory. She couldn’t avoid doing her job, especially when there wasn’t much training to be done at the current moment. She spotted Kayce up on the hill talking to his dad. It looked like he was having an existential crisis. An unsympathetic laugh blew out her nose. ‘Not my problem.’
Kayce descended the hill and centered himself in front of everyone. He locked onto Stella, who disregarded his gaze. She stared at the back of Abigail’s head in between her ears. Kayce felt eyes burning into him and found Ryan glaring daggers at him. He looked down and cleared his throat before looking back up. “Take the cows up to pasture nine. Go through the east canyon and up the fire road. Any questions?”
“There’s no gate along the fire road. We’d have to cut the fence.” Ryan pushed back, not so subtly letting Kayce know he was pissed.
Kayce nodded. “Yeah, exactly. Then we’ll fix it.”
“We push ‘em across the river and we could follow the creek —,” Colby tried to form a plan, but Ryan interrupted.
“— then we’d have to swim 100 cattle across the river.”
“Cows can swim.” Stella reminded her brother tentatively. “So can our horses. So can we.” She and Colby made a face at him.
“Hey I can’t. I don’t know how to swim, man.” Jimmy admitted.
Stella slouched back in her saddle and watched the guys argue amongst themselves. She wasn’t offering anything up to anyone. They obviously didn’t want to listen, and that wasn’t her problem. There was also the fact that she didn’t want to go hard defending Kayce’s plan. She had found her lane the hard way. That’s where she would stay. She tried once and that was enough. Reaching her hand forward she patted Abigail. She was going to keep her head down to the task at hand.
Rip shouted. “Do you know how to shut the fuck up? He didn’t ask you your opinion. He asked if there was any questions, and they’re ain’t! Now get your asses out in that field and start movin’ them cows up the canyon like he told you. Go on.”
Stella and the guys turned their horses and moved to the gate to the main pasture. Ryan pushed past her on BJ causing Abigail to squeal. “Knock it off Ryan!”
“Seniority, Stella.” He retorted back at her. She huffed at her brother’s antics and looked behind him.
Rip sidled his gelding up next to Kayce. “You ask them questions, Kayce, questions will never stop. You tell me what you need and I’ll take care of it, they won’t question me.”
“Well you said they need to respect me.”
“You let me handle the wranglers and you’ll have both. That’s my job.”
“All right, well, when we get ‘em up to pasture nine, you choose the way.”
“I don’t choose the way. Make sure no one questions yours.”
Kayce brought up the rear to the gate as Lloyd was closing it. The older wrangler stared him down. “You were a hand long enough. You know who to talk to.”
“Just tryin’ to do it different.”
“Different never works.”
The trek up to pasture nine was uneventful. She was running drag with Lloyd. The task allowed her brain to concentrate on something else and not think about every stupid thing that had occurred in the last week. She had gotten in way over her head and blinded by her laughable feelings. ‘How could you be such an idiot? He’s fucking married. You literally signed up for that spot like a mare in flaming heat.’ Her grip tightened around her reins.
Lloyd gave her a sidelong glance. “Roll that choke back in them reins, lil’ bit. She needs to have range of motion. You know better.”
Stella sat up straight and relaxed her hands. “Sorry Lloyd. Got caught in my head.”
“You’ve been quieter than normal. Somethin’ wrong?”
She pulled her lips together. “I mean, yeah, but I’ll be fine. Just gotta get through the rough part first.”
“What happened? Are you okay?”
Hearing those words from the man she considered a father almost made her tear up. She forced herself not to because of the dust flying around. She didn’t need mud to form on her face. They locked eyes for a brief second and that was all Lloyd needed to see. The look of dejection and embarrassment flashed in her eyes. He knew the look of heartbreak and disappointment on her, probably better than she did.
“We’ll get through it, you and I. Just focus on gettin’ these cattle run.”
“I don’t know if you’d be saying that if you knew what happened.” He tilted his head as if he was asking her to go on. She shifted in her saddle and took the plunge. “I became the other woman.”
His mind quickly went to Kayce. “Stella, you didn’t?”
She shrunk down. “Unfortunately I was an idiot.” She looked ahead to the cattle. She couldn’t bear to see the disappointment and disgust on Lloyd’s face.
Lloyd blinked slowly, coming to terms with what she had told him. Everyone knew she held a torch for John’s boy, but when he got married they thought that would be the end of it. Clearly they had all been wrong. He had so many questions, but he didn’t even know where to begin.
“Don’t worry. It’s over. Just trying to do my job and go home, Lloyd.” Stella cut Abigail out to the left to push the cattle over some. They had started to spread out further than she had liked. Back to business.
They made it back with only a little hiccup of the fence needing repaired first.
Stella ran into Ryan coming out of the bunkhouse. “Hey, where are you headed?”
“To give your affair a job.” Ryan sent a dig at her.
“I put an end to it.”
“Yeah. Whatever Stella.” He finished, leaving her standing there with her mouth hanging open.
Kayce walked into the downtown office where his dad’s office for livestock commissioner was situated. He said hello to a few people, took a deep breath, and pushed his way into the room.
“Ready to fingerprint scan?” Handon asked.
“I got it.” Ryan made a face at his fellow agent. “Place your fingers flat on that device.”
“Can I see your driver’s license please?” Handon interrupted.
John launched into an explanation. “To be an agent, you gotta go to the police academy first. We can drag that out for a bit, but you can’t hold my office without the badge.”
“I don’t want your office.” Kayce declined.
John laughed. “Well you can’t have it for about 15 years. It’ll take ya that long to earn everyone’s trust. Understand, Kayce, this office is how you protect the ranch. And every ranch like it.” John pointed to Handon. “Put it on speaker.”
“We're about to find out how big a role you play in this family, son.” John said.
The phone clicked when the other side picked up. “NCIC.”
“Yeah this is agent Handon, Montana Livestock Association.”
“Authorization number?”
“Mike Tango Lima Alpha 139259.”
“Dutton, Kayce John, date of birth 4/24/90, drivers license number MT 83745820382.”
“Dutton, Kayce John. No priors, no outstanding.”
“Thank you.” Handon hung up.
“Miracles never cease.” John stood up and removed his hat.
“Well, he’s cleared for a ride-along, sir.” Handon offered John.
“Let’s get him started next week.”
Kayce put his hands on his hips. “Can I talk to you alone for a second?”
“Give us a minute.” John shooed Handon and Ryan. They get up and leave quickly. John rested back on his desk.
“I don’t know about this, dad. There’s just so many things that could go wrong.”
John held out his hand to pause his son. “Kayce, woah woah. You just let me worry about that.”
Kayce propped his arms in the back of the chair in front of him. “I can’t pass a polygraph test.”
“Well, you won’t have to.”
“Well what about a psych eval?” Kayce tried to find every outlet he could.
“Well you won’t have to take one of those either.”
When all of his escape plans didn’t follow through, he heaved a sigh. “I gotta go.”
“Kayce? What makes you think you wouldn’t pass a psych evaluation?”
He held onto the door and said, “my whole life.”
Kayce exited his father’s office. He proceeded through the front door of the building and went out onto the sidewalk. He pulled a small slip of paper out of his back pocket. It had Monica’s new apartment address on it. He had to go find her and figure some things out.
He walked along the pavement of downtown and came up to building 73 Chateau Normandie. Glancing down at the paper to double check himself, he took the stairs two at a time. The hallway was quiet as he wandered through looking for Monica’s apartment number.
He reached the end of the hallway and the door he was searching for was on his right. He lifted his hand and knocked a few times. It opened and there his wife stood, looking beautiful as ever and surprised.
“Hey,” she said softly.
“How you doin’?” Kayce felt like a teenager again. Stella flashed through his mind and he sobered.
“You know. You wanna come in?” Monica pulled the door open wider.
“Yeah, sure.”
They stepped into the apartment and the air was thick. The elephant in the room needed to be addressed, but neither of them knew how to approach it.
“You recovered?” Kayce asked.
“Getting there.” Monica crossed her arms.
“It looks like a home in here.”
“Yeah, I try.” Monica chuckled.
“Seems kinda permanent.” Kayce pointed out, testing the waters to see where his wife’s judgment stood.
“It’s an apartment, Kayce, it’s a place to,” Monica stopped. “You want any water or anything?”
“Uh, yeah, sure.” Kayce trailed behind her to the kitchen area.
“Heard you were workin’ for your father now, huh?”
“Yeah, I just —,” Tate interrupted him.
“Hey, bud.” Kayce hugged him tight. He missed him something fierce.
Tate asked him excitedly. “Wanna see my new room?”
“Yeah, sure buddy.”
“It’s over here.”
Tate led his father down the hallway and Monica listened from a distance. She leaned against the wall and dropped her head back. Tears blurred her vision. She hated this. She hated being apart from Kayce, but he’d proven time and time again his father’s pull on him was stronger than he’d like to admit. She had to keep their son safe from that. She walked to the mirror to wipe her eyes before Kayce came back.
Kayce walked back down the hallway and around the corner. “How you affordin’ all of this?”
“Uh, university gives us a spending allowance. So I spent it on all of this instead of moving. All our furniture was old and someone else’s.”
“I know it’s not much, but—,” Monica interrupted curtly.
“We’re fine.”
“Please.” Kayce huffed. “I don’t know how to do this Monica. I don’t know how to not be with you. Or not talk to you. You’re my wife. You’re my best friend. You’re my only friend.”
“You’re mine too Kayce, but you also have Stella.”
“This isn’t about her.”
“But something had to change. And instead of changing, you’re just, you’re working for your father. And it probably should be about her as well. I’m sure you ran straight into her arms the second you got home.”
“Well you told me to leave!”
“Yeah everyone keeps telling you to leave and you keep doing it! What you’re supposed to do is fight for the life you want.”
“That’s not what you asked me to do!”
“Stop it!” Tate screamed over top of his parents.
Kayce and Monica glared at each other. “You asked me to leave, Monica. You wanted somethin’ different, you should have asked for something different.” He said resolutely. He walked past Tate and patted his head as he stormed out the door.
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sweetdevil-sims · 1 year
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Get to Know Me - Sims Edition
I was tagged by several people (thank you!), so I decided to get off my ass for once and answer this 😆
What’s your favorite Sims death? I think the mummy's curse one! There's just something about that ominous vignette during the countdown days, only for the sim to dissolve into dust at the end 😩👌
Alpha CC or Maxis Match? Both! Maxis Match for clothing, Alpha for hair.
Do you cheat your sims weight? Nope! I leave them at whatever weight they happen to be, unless they want to learn/practice the Athletic skill. I do cheat to give them more muscle tone if they're super muscular already, though; EA really should've made that slider move along the muscle mass one :/
Do you move objects? Oh yes. I can't imagine decorating without it.
Favorite Mod? Nraas Master Controller my beloved 💖 Can't forget BrntWaffles's lighting mods, they make the game look so beautiful that sometimes I like to just leave it on 2x while watching the sunset over the sea.
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack? The first EP I got was World Adventures and it's still my favorite. The first and only SP I have is HELS, along with bits and pieces from the others.
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing? The latter, though this question tripped me up the first time I saw it 😅
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? Ohh that's a tough one. Fergus Vane is definitely among my favorites, he was a Johnny Bravo knockoff who eventually got married and I swear that he and his wife could NOT keep their hands off each other 😆 First is him making friends at uni, second is him with his wife.
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Have you made a simself? Oh yeah, when I got the game and was trying to figure out how to play. Didn't last long until I started making serial black widows, lol.
Which is your favorite EA hair color? That platinum blonde looks so tacky that I can't help but love it.
Favorite EA hair? I think EA struck gold with: Loose Curl, Dramatic Ponytail, La Dolce Vita Updo, Chorus Girl Curl, Pin-up Pretty, Skinny Dreads, Wavy Bob, Elegance Style, and Wild Fire.
Favorite life stage? Young Adult, because it has the most things available.
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? Ohh it depends. I go through phases when I'm not interested in gameplay at all, mostly when I set up a savefile for the first time. But now I've been more into gameplay for a few months.
Are you a CC creator? Yeah, mostly with CAS items and minor annoyance fixes.
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad? I have a lot of simblr mutuals where I feel like a nosy person sometimes poking their head above the neighbor's fence to see what's going on 😆
Do you have any sims merch? / A Youtube for sims? Nope.
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing? I give my concrete boxes a few more decorative elements now 😅 For once, I stopped playing serial killers (mostly to avoid the NPC pudding spam that ensues), and am making an effort to not micromanage sims as much and to fulfill their wishes instead of ending up with mostly level 10 chefs and gardeners all the time.
Who’s your favorite CC creator? Oh man do I have to name someone?? SimplexSims, @aroundthesims, Mutske, @simtanico, @simaddix, @twinsimming, @bioniczombie, @martassimsbookcc, @simbouquet, @plumdrops, @ifcasims, @sim-songs, @deniisu-sims, @bellakenobi, @brntwaffles, @omedapixel, @wanderingsimsfinds, @simlicious, TheSweetSimmer and on and on.
How long have you had Simblr? 2016! Sometimes I can't believe it's been so long.
How do you edit your pictures? I have a few customized Gshade presets, and only convert gameplay screenshots to JPG. For CC previews, I may change the background color and will combine several previews into one image (and I occasionally correct small issues like unsightly clipping due to the poses).
What expansion/ gamepack is your favorite? World Adventures is #1, followed by Seasons and prooobably Supernatural.
Oof we're at the end! Thank you for tagging me and for reading, and I tag ✨anyone who wants to do this✨!
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dooksofearl · 2 months
Monthly newsletter for Dooks of Earl Ferret Sanctuary Inc
Happy April and Greetings to Everyone!
Much excitement at our little rescue this month and I can't wait to tell you.
Thanks to my income tax check coming in our fundraising goal for between now and May 1st is only $768.00
That will cover
The rescues regular bills like; utilities ($280 on average since our HVAC is still out, but we are hoping someone is coming to fix it soon), and pet foods ($488). I have managed to raise enough to cover the other bills and supplies from my income tax check. And of course, none of this is for me personally nor do I get paid for the work I do. It's not about me, it's about these animals and making their lives amazing for however long they have left.
Other needs that the rescue has not included in this list are:
As always, Pine pellets from Tractor Supply Company, we go through about 30 bags a month.
The blue dishes we got last time will be added back to our list because they are working so well for our sweet seniors and tiny ferrets in helping them eat in a more natural position.
We still have a short wishlist with links to these items on Amazon. The pine pellets I just listed tractor supply gift cards because they don't sell the pellets through Amazon for delivery.
I also want to remind everyone that you can pick us as your Walmart.com round up charity and that you can send gifts from our Walmart registry and Chewy Registry if you'd like.
We still need fence panels for an outdoor dog kennel yard if anyone has any locally they'd like to drop off. And if you are throwing out any 13 gallon kitchen trash cans or plastic bins of any size we would be thrilled to have them.
We currently have 11 ferrets in amazing foster homes so our population here is becoming very manageable for me AND we have 4 new volunteers!!!!! We are so happy to welcome Michael, his wife, and his mom to our team. They will be coming soon to help me get things back to tip top shape and I greatly appreciate it.
And an amazing girl named Michal who came yesterday and spent the day helping me. The ferrets were crazy about her and you know Keiko was too. The bunnies warmed right up to her but they are very friendly girls. Mr Maru gave her the tour till his house was finished then he had to go see what I had done and grab snacks. Cal the sugar glider, slept through it all. But what delighted me most was Mr. Spooky. Our shy, bite first ask questions later guy, went right to her and cuddled her. WOW He is still having a hard time with Justin not being here. Ferrets grieve just like us and he was really close to his dad the Ferret King. He gave me kisses and now this. It makes me so excited and emotional for him.
There was a minor set back for me medically as I have a new allergy, possibly to Stevia. Of course I try to do something good for my health and now I look like I have rolled in bees. If you don't know, this is not a surprise. Lol But I got some medicine for the hives and hopefully will be feeling much better very soon. Until then if you see me dancing against the doorway like a bear, just walk away. 😂
I'm through infusion 3 of 8. YAY! And I have a surgery consultation coming up finally so I am hopeful that it goes well and we can get a date for surgery. 🤞
I have a potential part time job as a virtual assistant and I am truly excited about that. And we are looking at setting up the trailer for a rental so that I can generate a little income and start paying off old debt and getting back on my feet again.
The three month anniversary of losing Justin was really hard on me but I want to thank everyone for their abounding kindness and support. Some days you and these rescue babies are all that gets me through to the next day. I am so grateful to have you in my life.
I also want to mention if you don't get a thank you note and receipt for your donation or some sort of confirmation, please check with me to make sure we received it. I always send a thank you note if it lets me and if you use cashapp I send a heart.
You are awesome and amazing and greatly appreciated. I could not do what I do if you weren't here supporting us and cheering me on. I hope the blessing that you are comes back to you ten fold. Have an amazing month!
Shelly Breeden-Conner
Executive director
Dooks of Earl Ferret Sanctuary Inc
Tax ID 88-0945277
Donations can be made in app at:
Zelle and PayPal
Venmo @DooksofEarl
Cashapp $dooksofearl
Checks or money orders can be mailed to:
Dooks of Earl Ferret Sanctuary Inc
4826 US HIGHWAY 70 E
BROWNSVILLE, TN 38012-8412
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saintmurd0ck · 2 years
Congrats Rhi!!! You so deserve the followers, you're so talented and I honestly can't get enough of your work 😊 for the sleepover can I ask for some fluff with Frank and reader being neighbors? I'm so sorry, it's my favorite trope ever lol
hi christie my lovely, thank you so much for your kind, uplifting words, always. you're such a gem and i absolutely love you from inside out! <333 this is also one of my favourite tropes, so enjoy! <3 (don't mind me changing my format again because i am indecisive 😵���💫)
check out my 500 sleepover!
fluff headcanons | being neighbours with frank
frank castle would be the dream neighbour. not only is he the absolute sweetest, but c'mon, the way this man is gorgeous from head to toe?
his kitchen window faces yours, so he comes to the window whenever you're washing up or cooking, taps on the glass so you open yours, and asks you about your day
sometimes he just watches (or well, he's trying to be subtle) -- suddenly finding a random dish in the sink to wash up or put away; making any excuse possible to see you
meeting you over the shared fence, leaning those incredible forearms over top, sweat beading on his forehead as he works out or plays with his dog in his backyard
disrespectfully looking while he's doing said workouts, shirtless and grunting
also, him noticing that you're looking and flexing, making you loosen a little gasp
inviting him over for games and wine, just the two of you
and you're trying to convince yourself that he's just your neighbour and you don't like each other like that
but the way he beams when he sees you... it makes you think differently
he helps you fix stuff that breaks in your house, and gets rid of the bugs you don't want to kill (he's big and scary, but it's funny because he never kills the bugs; he lets them loose outside)
frank gets worried when you're home late, or when you don't come home at all. he wonders if you think the same of him when he goes out of town, or when he stumbles home bloody in the middle of the night
there's a guy you've been seeing a while, and you're not sure if it's going anywhere. sure, he's very charming for a lawyer, and he has the body of a greek god, but nothing compares to the way frank makes your heart flutter
shit. did you really just admit that?
frank castle, the man you've lived next to for a good while, the man you know everything but also nothing about?
one night, it's late, and you can't sleep. you're standing in your kitchen, hair messed up from your fitful attempt at rest, but you flick the light on, peering into frank's window to see if there's any chance, any chance at all that he too might be awake
and he is. evidently roused by the light emanating from your kitchen at what? three in the morning? wearing nothing but sweatpants until he tugs a tight fitting t-shirt over his head
"do you-- can i come over?" he mouths
"yes" you whisper, eyes twinkling
and he asks you what's wrong as he steps over the threshold of your front door, pulling you into a hug that leaves you breathless. "it's not that murdock guy keepin' you up, i hope?"
your eyes narrow a little. you've never told frank the name of the guy you were seeing, but you shrug. "no- no, frank. he's uh... we haven't seen each other in a while. just... can't sleep tonight. needed some company. familiar company."
"of course. what do you need?"
you look up into his brown eyes, expression softened at the way you're biting back a smile. the moonlight filters in through your windows, highlighting every contour of his face, every little perfect imperfection you've come to know and love.
"shit, darlin'... if i- if i didn't know better, i would've thought you were gonna ask me to kiss you--"
"i want you to kiss me"
and his eyebrows raise, his hands still firmly on your forearms. but he presses his lips together, corners turning up into a small smile that radiates through him
your eyes dart up, suddenly nervous. "only if you want to"
and he tilts your chin up, gaze flickering over your face before it settles on your lips. "nothin' would make me happier"
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