mrtequilasunset · 1 year
Favorite genre of fanart is characters being drawn in literally anything that isn't their Canon outfit. Bonus points if it's boring. Put that man in some basketball shorts !! Make his ass into Adam Sandler !!
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soupy-sez · 4 months
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Atlanta, S2E2 "Sportin' Waves"
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conceptofjoy · 8 months
i need to draw transfem dirk but it is 12 in the morningn.. life is so cruel...
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shiningwizard · 2 years
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Sportin’ Life (Abel Ferrara, 2020)
Timecapsuled with the anxieties of early pandemic which is something i don't really want to see. The space between someone like Damon Packard and Ferrara is further than i thought. Life feeding into movies, proof that they always have for him. Willem Dafoe has a nice smile.
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castielsupernatural · 2 years
writing a cover letter for my little brother. only because i'm procrastinating looking at his resume because it's atrocious. can't believe i'm not getting paid for this
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sl33py3gg · 2 months
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McEggy finally ditched the zakum helmet :D
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jlf23tumble · 1 year
I hope this is a safe place because I just can't take the word "loubies" it is just so irritating to look at. It became one of my mutes words, from smol, baby powder, and now this. Where tf are the boobies people are talking about?? Louis doesnt have any mommy milkers like?? I still dont get, even when we are at the year 2023, people still feminize Louis, like are people grasping that delusion so tightly??? Fuck they even made an awards event for being a blouie, wtf is this???
I just can't...
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breathless-songbird · 2 years
"Simple gifts… even the title sounds nice… like enjoying the little things…" muttered the painter in a low voice. The sound of the pencil ended.
She heard something wooden open. "mmm… well I'll have to refill the blue paint… it's slowly running out" he muttered in a quiet voice
"would you prefer the painting to be in the current night scenery or would you prefer daylight, I can saturate it. ?"
Perhaps it was a good thing that her eyes were covered then, as it would save him on the blue paint. Though, it did make Kate wonder if the clothing she had been given had blue in it. One hand rand over the silk on her arm, curious. Yet, she could wait until after, if the Entity decided to be kind enough to let her see it.
Kate wasn't about to hold her breath on that.
"It can stay nighttime." If it were daylight it would make her miss it too much. The last time that happened she ended up hunting down heart lockets for a month so she could end up on Coldwind. Christ, though, she missed the real sun.
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dekariosclan · 10 days
I really love your version of Tav's acquaintance with Marina. And is it possible to hear about their relationship when Tav is already married to Gale (both for illithid and ordinary Tav)
Ps: personally, I have an idea that if Gale goes to visit his mother without Tav, since he can't, then Gale says that he will discuss his research with his mother. And as a result, he tells his mother for several hours about how wonderful Tav is and how Gail is now happily married. Marina listens to everything and nods approvingly)
Thank you more for your hard work💜
Oh, thank you for the lovely ask!!
Since we never get the pleasure of meeting Morena in-person, here’s what we know about her from Gale and Tara’s discussions:
Loves Gale and above all wants him to be happy
Doesn’t seem to care much about ‘social traditions’ or what people think—for example, doesn’t care that Gale chose to drop ‘Dekarios’ and change to using ‘Gale of Waterdeep’
Delighted with Gale being married
An excellent cook and makes a delicious batch of Hundur sauce
Outspoken/does not tolerate nonsense (her personality ‘packs quite a wallop’ per Gale)
Takes things in stride/not easily shocked (her son previously being with a Goddess, the fact that regularly she has Withers join her and Tara for tea, etc.)
Loves Waterdeep
Is adored by Tara, thus proving that she has a good heart just like Gale
Given all of that, I’m confident that Morena is a fabulous mother-in-law, whether Tav is sporting tentacles or not.
Ordinary Tav
The fact that Morena can see how happy Gale is means that Tav will never be anything but loved. You think Gale adores his spouse? Morena is a VERY close second, especially when it comes to singing Tav’s praises. Sometimes to such an extreme that even Gale himself finds it excessive! Especially regarding his past relationship with Mystra and how much better Tav is for Gale.
It is my personal belief that Morena was never comfortable with Gale’s pairing with Mystra, much less with it turning romantic, but that she tolerated it and refrained from commenting because by that time her son was an adult and claimed he was happy.
Now, though? Her laced gloves are off.
A typical conversation during one of their visits would be as follows:
Morena: *squeezing Tav’s hand* My son is looking so contented and happy, my dear! I cannot tell you how much it warms my heart to see it!
Gale: *smiling adoringly at Tav* Guilty, as charged.
Morena: There’s such a change in him from his past relationship with that utter—well—I shan’t say the word in polite company.
Gale: *looking slightly alarmed* Mother—
Morena: Of course, that temptress used all of her wiles to entrap him. Physical, incorporeal, magical. But I must say, Goddess or not, I always found her to be rather tacky! I don’t understand why my son was filled with such base desires for her!
Morena: *patting Tav’s hand* Oh, but worry not my dear! the way Gale looks at you is BEYOND how he ever looked at her. Do you remember the last time you visited, and you helped carry several boxes of his books from the attic? All that exertion and physical work! Why, by the end of it he looked like he wanted to eat you for sup—
You get the idea.
Morena treats Tav with all the kindness in the world, and does it happily; she will never forget that Tav quite literally saved her son’s life. She enjoys making Tav’s favorite dishes whenever they visit (which Gale proudly informs her of). And she especially enjoys telling Tav stories of Gale’s adventures and magical hijinks as a child, seeing how much Tav adores hearing about them (and sometimes, depending on the story, much to Gale’s chagrin.)
Illithid Tav
This one is easy: Morena’s relationship with Illithid Tav is exactly the same as described above for Ordinary Tav, no difference at all, save for ONE area that I shall describe shortly. Morena is just like Gale, in that her treatment of Illithid Tav is no different than if Tav were not sporting tentacles. All that matters is that her son is loved and happy. If it’s an Ilithid that can give her son the love he deserves, something that he has not been given from any of his past mortal lovers OR his past immortal lover, then so be it.
The only difference is that Morena is MUCH more protective of her Illithid family member and much more sensitive to what others think, if only to be ready to give them a piece of her mind if they dare to insult Tav in any way.
And if Gale AND Morena are in the vicinity when their beloved Tav is insulted?
Quite the spectacle. Numerous “How DARE you’s,” “What an INEXCUSABLE lack of decorum,” “I have half a mind to conjure a fireball and bake some manners into you,” (<- Gale only), etc.
Finally, if and when there are occasions where Gale visits Morena alone and Tav is unable to join, you are absolutely correct in that the discourse will inevitably end up being praise of Tav. And even Tara will throw in a compliment or two, given that Tav has taken to bringing her a treat of Beholder jerky or pigeon meat whenever they visit 💜
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mlobsters · 11 months
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scully in firewalker
digital painting, 10 hours - drawing video under the cut
song: to build a home by the cinematic orchestra
probably the reason i took this screenshot originally was well. gillian's sportin my favorite face. but also, you can see her freckles quite well. i also sport freckles (but more of them), so i'm always extra happy to see freckles not covered with makeup in media. we're basically twins 😌 anyway i'm happy to stare at her face and try to render it on my screen yet again.
this angle though, off it gives me fits. even counting the grid boxes i get terribly lost. also thought if i didn't render the background exactly, i could pass it off as more just a general portrait? i'm trying to figure out the trick other artists who also do more realistic stuff from reference make it seem like something... new. hum.
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soupy-sez · 2 months
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Atlanta, S2E2 "Sportin' Waves"
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koisuko · 11 months
I love your writing so much! Tbh I would beg, borrow, and steal for a sequel to the cute stargazing reader insert you wrote with y/n x bi-han.
certainly, I hope this is good! I'm glad you like my writing, tapping my fingers and kicking my feet <3
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here is part 1
Tw: none, fluffy Bi-han, gn reader
Ever since that night beneath the stars, Bi-han had been making subtle efforts to get a little closer to you, and you couldn't help but notice. During missions, he stood a bit closer; in training, he went a bit easier on you, and around the temple, he'd steal glances in your direction, quickly masking them with a stern expression. On rare occasions when you returned from a mission, battered and bruised, he'd discreetly pull you aside, away from prying eyes, and tend to your wounds in private, despite your protests. He even took the time to teach you a few self-medical tricks, his touch gentle and careful.
Tonight, another restless night loomed. Tossing and turning in bed, sleep remained elusive. With a heavy sigh, you abandoned the warmth of your covers and embarked on a quiet walk around the temple. You briefly considered seeking comfort from your best friend, Tomas, but knowing he'd just returned from a taxing mission, you decided to let him rest. Your steps led you to your favorite spot in the temple, the very place where you'd once stargazed with Bi-han.
You walked with your eyes closed, savoring the fresh night air as the sounds of nocturnal life enveloped you. By now, you'd committed the path to memory, walking it night after night without conscious thought. You stopped near your chosen spot, taking one last deep breath before opening your eyes. To your surprise, you spotted Bi-han sitting there, holding the book of constellations you'd given him. He seemed engrossed, flipping through the pages and studying each constellation as though committing them to memory.
"Bi-han?" you whispered, and he looked up, meeting your gaze with a soft yet serious expression. He grunted in acknowledgment and returned his attention to the book. Encouraged by his lack of any indication that he wanted to be left alone, you quietly took a seat beside him and joined in observing the stars.
"You can't sleep?" his gravelly voice reached your ears, and you couldn't help but smile. "No, I'm feeling a bit restless," you admitted, concern in your eyes. "What has you up at this hour?" For a moment, he remained silent, his gaze fixed on the stars with a distant expression. "I'm restless too," he finally admitted, his voice tinged with something unspoken.
Sensing that he wasn't sharing the full truth, you decided not to press further, assuming that the weight of being the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei was taking its toll on him. You nodded in understanding and looked at the book in his hand. "How are you liking the book so far?" you inquired, a warm smile at the thought of him actually using your little gift.
To your surprise, a brief smile flitted across his lips before vanishing. "It's intriguing," he said, his gaze still fixed on the stars. "Seeing these shapes, each with its own story." You scooted a little closer, and your shoulders touched. Bi-han made no move to distance himself; in fact, he leaned in a bit closer.
"It is, isn't it?" you agreed, your voice filled with affection as you studied his features. Bi-han glanced over at you, and you turned your attention back to the stars, a light blush tinting your cheeks due to your proximity.
"Thank you," he suddenly said, his voice softer than usual. Hearing those words from him was a rare occurrence, and a sense of accomplishment swelled in your chest at earning such a small victory. You rested your head on his shoulder, and he gently snaked his arm around your waist in a tender side hug. With a sudden surge of confidence, you lifted your head and planted a quick kiss on his cheek before returning your head to his shoulder. Bi-han chuckled softly, unbeknownst to you; he cast a gentle gaze down at you, sporting a small smile, and a soft pink blush dusted his cheeks
"Anytime, Bi-han."
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lokiina · 1 month
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Just my good boy sportin some upcoming gear from Pinky
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buckarooranch · 9 months
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Howdy partners! ✨
Well, would ya look at that – it's almost Christmas, and we're just one sun away from the big day! We're plum thrilled to unveil a special somethin' for y'all. It's a Western Bridle all dolled up in the Christmas vibe, sportin' a fancy holly on the side. Comes in 6 different styles and two shades of leather. 🤠💖
This here bridle is as festive as a jamboree and bound to have ya hankerin' for Christmas in no time! We're really hopin' you take a shine to this here gift!
Now, as for the last hurrah of the advent calendar, we reckon we don't need to spill the beans much. Think ya can suss it out from them previous gifts? We reckon you're sharp enough to piece it together! 😉🎉
6 swatches with holly
For Adult/Elder horses
Horse Ranch DLC needed
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Website (Free!)
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ki-kink · 4 months
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Boys be rockin' those locks on their domes, while men be sportin' them facial and body hairs like bosses! Get with the program, dude!
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fallout4-reacts · 1 year
Oh! I have a fun idea! How would the companions react to sole going through some rubble and finding a former degree/award for some massive achievement that was prewar. Like sole finds some massive medical award and is like “oh yea. This was for that surgical technique I made up” or like a military award like “oh yes this was when I saved 4 guys from a bomb”
Sole demanded them to assist them in clearing out the house of anything that had not stood the test of time. They remove the shattered old furnishings from the master bedroom. Sturges might be able to assist with one or two repairs. When they drop a drawer, a plastic-coated document falls out. Sole rushes to hide it from their companion, but it is too late.
Cait : "Hold up, what's that I'm seein'?" she asks.
Sole replies with "nothing."
"It's a real big deal," Cait says as she takes the certificate from Sole's grasp. "Damn, I did know about this tournament! It was some fancy-pants international featherweight champion. I had no clue you were into the ring, darlin'! And here I was, thinking I was the one who fought for the both of us!"
Sole seemed to be really uneasy.
"It happened in college. I was actually at college. To pay for my studies, I had been fighting in the ring. It was... another era."
"Hold up, there's a difference between scrapping and scraping to fund your education and being the legendary international champion! Are ya still sportin' yer belt? "
"No. I sold it to put down the deposit on this house. And I assure you, it was nothing. I won luckily."
"Yeah. Just one foolish thing. I was fortunate in every bout. The guys had been drinking or cheating on their diet the night before. As a result of one thing leading to another, I was proclaimed champion."
"Without raisin' yer fists, huh?"
"Of course I raised my fists! I won by chance rather than by forfeit. But I'm sure I couldn't compete with opponents like yours."
"Still, it's bleedin' impressive.”
Sole grumbles as they stuffs the document into their bag.
"Are we moving this furniture, or are we still gossiping about things that are worth nothing?"
Cait snatches her side and says nothing. However, she vows to request lessons when Sole will be in a better mood.
Codsworth : "Ah, sir/madam, I must confess, I was not aware of your esteemed possession of an honorary doctorate of science!"
Sole specifies, "The most important word is honorific."
Codsworth grabs the document and holds it up to his ocular sensors. «They do not bestow honoris causa to simply please. What did you do?"
Sole appears irritated. They sets down their side of the furniture because Codsworth doesn't seem to be willing to let go.
"Ah, foolishness. I contributed to the concrete's resilience to salt action. Not much at all."
"Doth mine ears deceive me? Verily, I comprehend that this wondrous concoction of concrete hath indeed brought forth a grand revolution in the realm of construction. Yet, I beseech thee, should such an accomplishment truly warrant the bestowal of a doctorate?"
"I may have studied the radar and the atom... that may have prompted me to design a radio-localisation model as well as the practically autonomous extension of the atomic battery... which may have led to the final version of the Pip-Boy 2000 mark VI."
Codsworth perfectly imitates an impressed whistle.
«Just that, » he says ironically.
"Sturges will be waiting."
They takes their side of the furniture and Codsworth does the same.
Curie : "Is this a publication highlighting your remarkable achievements?"
Sole rushes to grab the document and hide it beneath their mattress, but Curie quickly catches it.
"Hero of the day?"
"Arf... good luck. Good time, good place. I was the first on the line when a man hit his tanker on the road. I assisted him in getting out of the cabin before everything blew up."
Curie is pleased by both the act and the modesty.
"It is documented that you valiantly ventured into the fiery depths of damnation to rescue this unfortunate soul."
"Journalists favour to exaggerate things. It wasn't quite as good."
"But the vehicle experienced a rather explosive event.”
"Like the grenades that lob at me all day long. Do we remove that piece of furniture or not?"
Curie adds nothing. Her long-held admiration for Sole, on the other hand, has only grown.
Danse : Sole quickly hides the document, but Danse sets the furniture down and crosses his arms.
" What is it, soldier? This appears to be of great significance."
"It is not."
A tiny smile is stretched out by the Brotherhoods.
"I have perused the text. However, I yearn to receive your words directly."
"I may have rescued a patrol during a military operation, and my unit just happened to need publicity. That kind of stuff happens all the time in a fighting era."
Danse takes the document from Sole's grasp. " The Medal of Honor, a symbol of unwavering valour and unyielding dedication to duty. Though it existed long before my existence, I am not oblivious to the profound significance that this esteemed recognition embodies."
"Well, it's nothing anymore, and it won't take my furniture out of the room."
"That doth epitomise the individual who didst cast themself into the fray, valiantly rescuing mine unit from a ravenous horde of feral ghouls.”
Sole growls and grips their side of the furniture once again. Danse sets the certificate on the bed and vows to persuade Sole to display it noticeably in the Prydwen dormitory.
Deacon : Deacon goes up to Sole and grabs the document to read. Sole tries to take it from him and follows what appears to be a tango.
“God! Gold? I never knew you were a spry athlete, pal.”
"Congress gold medal, nothing to do."
"Yup, ain't got nothin' to do with it, I see. Service to the country ain't no walk in the park, my friend.”
Sole finally gets the document out of his hands and throws it in the back of their closet.
"If you bring this to anyone...I swear..."
Deacon chuckles. Sole attempts to threaten him from time to time, but they are never successful. This time, however, they appears to be completely out of it.
"I swear to God, I'm leaving the RailRoad!"
The spy swallows slowly.
"Let's get a move on, this here's a real big deal. Why does you appear so ashamed of it?"
"Excellent service to the country. I created the radio guiding technology that was later used on the nuclear bomb. You know that thing that swept the country and ushered in our era?"
Deacon's brows appear over the lenses of his glasses.
"I ain't never gonna spill the beans to nobody...”
Dogmeat : He doesn't move furniture, and even if he falls on a document, it makes no difference to him. However, one evening while Sole is laying in their bed watching an old award, Dogmeat comes at the foot of the bed.
«Never tell anyone, buddy,» Sole murmurs, «but it was me who discovered this vaccine against the flu H6D20 during my master.»
In heaven, the dog wags his tail when Sole scratches his head.
Elder Maxson : Sole had offered to discuss troop rationing in exchange for a service, but Maxson had no idea that this service would consist of cleaning up a wrecked house. Then this document slid out of a drawer, and Maxson bent over to pick it up, discovering at the same time that he is helping to empty Sole's house, and that Sole is a former civilian hero, permitting the evacuation of roughly twenty citizens from a burning building at the risk of their life. He stares up at a snow-white Sole (despite though he has no idea what snow is).
“Sir…I'll explain."
"Explain me that you have comprehended our core values prior to being recruited into my organisation?"
"Sir, it didn't happen the way it was described in this article."
"Cease this, Knight. I have no tolerance for disingenuous humility. Embrace the recognition that has been bestowed upon you. "
Sole scowls and goes out of the room. Maxson follows them.
"Do I connect that this esteemed honor instills a sense of unease within your being? And what, pray tell, is the purpose of laminating it, then?"
Sole kicks a shard of metal that has fallen from the roof.
"Nora/Nate requested that we save this article to show our son later. I always thought it was silly, and I tried everything to get rid of it. I have just now discovered the hiding place that has been found to keep me from wiping its existence."
Maxson places his hand on the shoulder of his soldier. "Do not cringe in shame. Take pride in your unwavering commitment to righteousness and steadfast courage. That is what sets you apart within our ranks and renders you of great significance to me."
Sole becomes even more uneasy, so Maxson changes the subject. "So, what about the supplies?"
"I will give you whatever surplus my colonies have...but never talk about it again."
Maxson extends his hand. "We have an agreement, General."
Hancock : The ghoul turns and returns the document he stole from Sole, placing it on their bed's mattress. " What in the blazes is this?" he innocently wonders, even though he knows exactly what it is due to his broad pre-war knowledge.
“Hm…I jumped from a vessel into a port to save the daughter of a wealthy politician who had gone overboard her own shuttle. They made a fuss of it."
Hancock whistles between his teeth and takes a shot of Jet. "Copacetic! I reckon I'm acquainted with a genuine hero?"
"The only heroic act I can brag about," Sole interrupts, grabbing the newspaper. "it's to not having  strangled you for all of the chem breaks you take instead of helping me."
Hancock chuckles and stands up. It is true that it is easy to divert his attention away from such a unpleasant activity.
Gage : Porter only groans and whines. Instead of cleaning a house, they should be conquering settlements. Despite this, he picks up the document from the ground and instantly realizes what he is holding in his hands. "...the President of the United States recognized their bravery..."
"You can read?"
Porter, somewhat offended, looks up at Sole. " Of course I can decipher the written word, friend. I have an aversion to perusing literature, but my maternal figure insisted on instilling some intellectual capacity within me. What's the dealio, pal?"
"There is no story. I hurried to save a senator who was crossing the street when a truck broke down. They made a spectacle of it."
Porter blows a whistle. "I'm afraid I didn't quite catch what you just said, but judging by your humble nature, I feel it must have been quite the substantial tale."
Sole mutters. "The sooner we get this piece of furniture out, the sooner we'll be able to go conquer settlements."
Porter agrees without further explanation.
MacCready (romanced) : "What's this now? Primetime Emmy award?"
"Nothing...really, and more nothing important today."
"But, still?"
The mercenary ignites the cigarette that has been put behind his ear, having all his time. Especially when he is not compensated for his services as a mover.
"At the start of my marriage, I was a TV show host for a few years." They gave me this award because they believed I was good. The trophy had to have been stolen by now, but the document had to have been hidden in that drawer by Nate/Nora."
"A trophy, huh? Like when ya win a real high-stakes game?"
Sole approaches the mercenary with a smile, wrapping their arms around his shoulders. "The only trophy that matters to me is a certain wooden statuette that was given to me on the day you opened your heart to mine." then they passionately kisses him.
Mac no longer complains. He just got a nice income and believes that if he works hard, his compensation would be even better in the evening.
Nick Valentine : “Ah, the Call to Service Award! I must admit, I had no inkling of your unwavering dedication prior to the war."
"I guess it's in my nature to spend all of my free time helping others," Sole laughs nervously. "But, really, it's nothing. I… It was fairly simple, and I had an excellent staff. Instead of going to bars, I went to the community center and helped others. It was enjoyable."
In turn, the old detective laughs. "Quite the spectacle, tending to the aged, providing sustenance for the destitute, and offering refuge to the wanderers."
“Well, it hasn't changed much,” says Sole, following the humor of the mocker.
Nick approaches and hugs them. "The more I come to know you, the more I find myself growing fond of you."
Sole appears indefinitely nervous, and Nick becomes too. By making the gesture that he has just too naturally provided, he is now persuaded that Sole's discomfort is, as often as not, because he is a synth and not another human being.
"Well, let's extract this particular piece of furniture, shall we?" he says quickly.
Sole observes him for a bit, realising that their friend is now more uncomfortable than they are, and knowing how self-aware he is, they place a warm hand on his shoulder. "By the way, thanks for helping me."
Nick smiles slightly. "It's always a real pleasure, partner.” And they each take their side of the cabinets.
Piper : "Are you jokin' with me?”
“What? It's insignificant."
“The damn Pulitzer Prize? Nothing? You really think I ain't aware of what it is?"
Sole seemed to be uneasy.
"I wrote an article criticizing the waste of resources in the movement of troops in Anchorage. It didn't turn me into a hero."
"But there's the Pulitzer Prize!"
"Do you really know what it is?"
Piper gives themm a mocking glance. "I’m a journalist, Sole. jour-na-list! Oh, you bet your sweet Nuka-Cola I know what it is!"
"I'm sorry for bugging you, but it's not like they're still do it."
"I understand, and I believe it's a shame. My McDonough story would've fetched me one, I tell ya..."
Sole bursts in laughter. "I'm convinced, too."
They resume the task without adding anything, but later that evening, Piper feels compelled to bring it back on the rug, for the damnation of Sole.
Preston : "A humanitarian award?"
Sole growls as they reclaims the article from Preston's grasp. "This must have been laminated by Nate/Nora. Shit…”
"A humanitarian award." Preston muses.
"In Africa, I dug wells to provide water to villages. It's not a huge deal. It was just another pastime for students with low self-esteem."
"You ventured all the way to Africa just to dig wells?"
"It was with a hundred other students. And there are many more. It was a common occurrence, I assure you."
"And did everyone receive a humanitarian award for that, General?"
Sole seemed to be uneasy.
"I may have started the nonprofit organisation that raised the most funds and travelled the furthest...However, it was in the past. I'm not even sure Africa exists anymore..."
Preston slaps Sole in the back while laughing heartily.
"You're that. The yearnin' to protect the world. I'm mighty proud to be your friend."
Sole gives a gentle smile. "You're more to me than just a friend, Preston. Everything is due to you."
"It's quite amusing, because that's exactly the sentiment I was about to express. Beginning with my life, in all senses."
Sole stares at the ceiling. They are occasionally irritated by Preston's approach, even though Preston is the great spirit who resurrected the Minutemen from its ashes. But if that pleases him, so be it. They take their place at their side of the furniture, and their Colonel gets the message.
"Ah, don't forget, tomorrow's is my humble abode, alright?”
"Too good." Sole grunts.
Strong : "What paper?"
"Stupidity of the past."
"Why Puny human hide paper?"
"Stupidity, I said. Sole piloted a plane to prevent it from collapsing on a skyscraper."
"What plane?"
"Stupidity. Can you get that piece of furniture out for me?"
Strong snatches the furniture with both hands and throws it through the window.
"Puny human furniture out."
Sole scratches their head. Sturges might have a hard time fixing it...
X6-88 : "Sir/Madam, is this document authentic?"
Sole growls as they grabs it from the Courser's hands. "It had to be Nora/Nate who laminated it."
"May I offer a remark?"
Sole points to the other end of the cabinet to X6, and the synth rushes to take his position, but as they leave the house, he can't help but return his eyes to Sole from time to time. Sole exhausts their patience by travelling to Sturges to drop off their burden.
"It is a privilege to be in the service of a genuine revolutionary in the field of modern medicine, and I cannot help but fathom the origins of Father's exceptional intellect."
"It was a laboratory accident that had a positive impact on humanity because my assistant was clever enough to capitalize on it and he was noble enough to give me the credit."
X6 adds nothing, yet on these rare occasions, a small smile extends across his lips. He has known for a long time that Sole is very modest, but he also knows that they are a particularly smart person, and he is not astonished to find that they distinguished themself even before the war.
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