#Spranne reunion
sunandmoonseisai · 11 months
Family always find each other, right?
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Spranne against the world.
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writesailingdreams · 2 years
If there was a compilation of all the Spranne moments from each season finale, I’d probably cry over it
“For someone who’s Anne’s best friend, you sure don’t know her very well”
“Give him back”
“You’re my everything”
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glacecakes · 9 months
Spranne reunion where Anne senses Sprivy getting married breaks into the government compound steals the portal and crashes the wedding furious that she’s not best woman
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tyrramint · 2 years
*Finally* here it is! Spranne reunion a.k.a. my coping mechanism
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(I had another version that looked more balanced but I lost it and stupid past me didn’t put the stars on a different layer from the background so I couldn’t make it again 😭)
Anyways, enjoy!
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boobchuy · 2 years
Did you like the finale? I personally liked it, except for maybe a few things, but I’ve seen a lot of ppl saying they don’t like it on twt. I really like your art so I’m just curious lol
anon I'm gonna use this chance to brainvomit my thoughts about it I hope u dont mind but u gave me the opening so I MUST BITE IT LIKE A RABID DOG
but, tl;dr is that I loved the finale as a whole, w a few gripes here and there bc nothing is perfect and that's okay
To be more specific, here is me crying and rambling <3
Things that I liked :))
* first and foremost, this is the story that matt has had in his vision for years. this is what he wanted to do, what amphibia stands for, just a big metaphor for change, and just for that alone I love this finale to bits, and will hold it dear in my heart for many years to come.
* I got what I wanted and MORE, that is; rule of three anne dying. this has been something I've been looking forward to since I joined the fandom and saw a post abt how Marcy and Sasha almost died in season finales, and wondering whos turn it was next. just. The whump of it all, y'know. AND THE OUTCOME AND CONSEQUENCE, IS SO MUCH BIGGER AND BETTER TO EXPLORE THAN I COULDVE INITIALLY THOUGHT
I don't know about you but knowing that Anne's tied to this powerful entity, to see that scene of her talking with god, essentially, it just manages to scritch a really good part of my brain. There's just, so much to explore from that scene, and it was such a pleasant surprise even if it feels quite a bit sudden LOL. for all intents and purposes, the little kid in me is screaming that it's very very cool, and I can't wait to attempt and make it cooler. (Plus, the AUs of just this one scene can inspire are ENDLESSSSS, so excited to dig into it more)
* calamity trio fight scene. Need I say more. TJ hill I need the soundtrack of that it was so uplifting and cool and ughuh legend. You can tell the absolute fun and love that was put into it, from the character gestures, the expressions I fucking adore it so much. Easily the happiest part of the finale, a glimmer of light for how much the episode broke me :)
* ANDRIAS. andrias. Andrias... (Weeping). the reunion parallel. it broke me. and even though he's done a lot of bad things, and that's putting it lightly, I'm glad that he lived. I just can't help but feel sad for the kind of past he has, and I'm happy that he's given a chance to heal. that, along with the fact that just killing him off is the easy way out- make him do the work of trying to heal what he has destroyed; him being shown planting seeds and making things grow, with parts of his old friends attached on his person, it's a quiet, peaceful moment for him, and a very satisfying one for me.
* this is moreso a confession than me listing a pro. right up to the last few weeks of amphibia's finale, I had this really really really quiet fear in the back of my head that the plantars might get shoved aside in favor of calamity trio ToT, that's just the brain making up dumb problems, of course, and though as heartbreaking as it could be, I enjoyed that the show proved that wrong for me.
I fell in love with their characters, and the farewell scene with the plantars, it's so so so dear to my heart. Anne calling Polly her little sister, every word that hop pop said to Anne, the cut to sprig as he gripped his hat tight, tearing up. The way Anne's face was so scrunched up as she tried to comfort him. That last spranne hug, how it was animated so well, how heartfelt it was. God. I've been crying since I mentioned Polly while I typed this. That goodbye scene is everything, and even if people didn't like it for the sadness it caused, they shot it out of the park. Most emotional I've been in the show, tops.
* I went on a whole tangent about it on twitter yesterday, but Anne's death scene is equally as heart wrenching. I won't go over it like I did, but the two key moments that really broke me was when sprig and frobo brought her down, sprig was SMILING. trying to reassure himself and Anne that everything's gonna be okay, and there's this moment where he looks to the others as if saying 'its gonna be okay, right?', and the cut to Sasha and Marcy's heartbroken and horrified expressions. ITS JUST SO (pls excuse my language) FUCKING. FUCK FHCK FJCK. the the other moment, was Anne still managing to crack a joke and making her fam (AND MYSELF MIGHT I FUCKING ADD, HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME CRY LAUGH AS YOU DIE) laugh one last time before she turns into leaves
* the future time skip designs. *eats them*
my other feelings 👍;
* THIS MIGHT SEEM LIKE A CONTROVERSIAL OPINION. BUT. it felt, really off-putting and sad for me that Anne chose to be a herpetologist. IT FELT LIKE SHE WAS BEING STUCK IN THE PASTTTT, holding onto those memories for as long as she could. the strongest of feelings I've had w that has long since worn down as the hours went by, though. I want to believe that she eventually either grows to love this job genuinely for the sake of how happy it makes her, or she branches out more onto other things that aren't just related to frogs.
* I feelll like they could have done a better job tweaking sasharcys dialogue in the time skip. I don't mind that it was 10 years later, and IVE BEEN A FIRM BELIEVER ON SASHANNARCY GETTING SEPARATED SINCE THE VERY START, but, the part about how it's implied that once Marcy moved, they haven't kept in touch 😭??? hence her asking then on how Sasha and Anne have been doing only 10 years later??? I know we grow apart but I don't think it'd be that quick ... I think, I'll just chalk it up to them having not that much leeway on how to stir the conversation in that direction. Otherwise, sasharcys job careers make my heart feel full, they've really grown into themselves, into people that we didn't expect, and I think that that's wonderful.
* I don't really feel all that negative about the fact that the portal between worlds doesn't work anymore, mostly bc, I refuse to believe that it isn't possible ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
canon didn't even really imply there being one, but that didn't stop them from encouraging it a little bit. the stone guardian giving anne those last crumbs of power to go home is an orchard ripe for picking that says just how much more could be explored. And I wasn't as devastated because genuinely, I do believe there's a day where they will see each other again, whether that gets confirmed or not, it's something I'll hold to dear to myself til I eventually, move on from amphibia too.
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thylacid · 2 years
Ok but literally there is not a SINGLE thing in this world that has made me feel as much as amphibia. This show is SO clearly such a work of love and care from every person who worked on it. Its such a heartfelt work about change and self-love. Everything was handled beautifully, in every season. To think it came so far. Sprig and Anne's relationship especially is what gets me. The way it all started from a young frog running into a teenage girl lost in the woods... the moments they share are, to me, the highlight of the show. Their bond, the way they learn from each other, the way that, no matter what, it was the two of them, against the world. I'll never forget the scenes they share, from Sprig stepping up for Anne in Reunion, to that heart-wrenching moment in the end of Hopping Mall, to Anne saying that Sprig is her best friend in this world, or any other world, in True Colors. The moment he falls. The moment when Anne nearly loses her closest friend. The moment when Sprig realizes that, after everything, he might lose his older sister, who'd just come into his life those months ago and changed him and his family forever. That one, small moment, when he says goodbye. That little phrase that was one filled with so much love, pain, and bittersweet happiness.
Spranne against the world. Thank you so much, Amphibia.
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seadrreams · 2 years
Spranne/Anne and Plantar Reunion as like the new normal when Anne reunited with her parents but nothing interrupts them
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i-imade-a-thing · 2 years
Amphibia The Hardest Thing Details!
I cried like 3 times this episode and a mess emotionally rn, this one of the greatest cartoon finals I've ever watch. It is such a bittersweet ending and knowing that there won't be another episode is...really hard. I really love this show and all the details and themes put in to it. Here's to one of the greatest cartoon of all time!
Core being the embodiment of not wanting to change, fearing of being irrelevant (idk y but its kinda similar to ss1 hop pop)
Toadie in the crowd is in his old uniform (animation error i guess)
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When the camera is turning we can see the amphibian(s) that took care of their respective girls in background (plantars for anne, grime for sasha, olivia yunan and andrias for marcy)
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Sasha's design is similar to her beta designs
Anne's boots and crown have leafs theme over it
During the Calamity fight scene, No Big Deal leitmotif is played throughout the fight
The power they use reflect who they are: Anne summoning tennis racket, ball, cats and having leaves aura when summoning stuff....Sasha summoning pom-pom and wings (like her sword) and moving like cheerleader.....Marcy summoning the DND dice, the background being the pin that she gave to andrias and the fluffy character from her fav game, and the explosion being in shape of weapons from her fav movie
Also Anne's cats missile thingy is similar to Andrias' lizard lazer thingy from the last episode
Andrias saying "Something I should've done a long time ago, standing up to you!" parallel Anne during reunion
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Plantars, wartwoodians, wally's dad, the small frogs, olms, apothagary, percy and braddock, beatrix, trintorio, newtopian townies, EVERYONE IS HERE!
"you're my everything, you've change my life" "and you've change mine" ;-;
god damn sprig's crying destroyed me
After gaining all stones power, Anne's body start to crack
When Sprig said "Cmon, you'll be ok" he was smiling and coping, hoping everything will be ok
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This look exactly like the painting in Anne's room
There's tennis racket, plantars sign, tennis ball as small will mill, the thai-looking post box, small farm, and anne's glowing sowrd
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Picture of Plantars, her parents, domino, and her friends, the pen and cane (from Cane Crazy), sprig's figurines, the plushie (from the domino effect) and figurine (from froggy little christmas) that sprig made, the tea pot (from hopping mall), glowing stars from her room, donut pillow (from beginning of the end), the lamp having butterfly theme, her curtain having the flame pattern (similar to her ss3a outfit), and the wallpaper being leaf pattern
Anne seems to born in 2007
When Anne chat with the Guardian, music box's theme is played
"I have my whole life ahead of me to make bad choice and learn good lesson from them," kinda summarize ss1
DOMINO IS THE ALPHA AND OMEGA (mentioned adventure in catsitting)
Anne gonna lived up to 91 years old lol
Frobo learning not to tackle hug ppl this time, also Anne's theme played
The girls receive the crown with the same color as their gem
When Marcy receive her crown, Marcy's theme played
Andrias is surprise that Marcy somewhat still care for him
When Sasha start crying after receiving the crown, Sasha's theme played
Sasha still cares about Percy and Braddock
During the scene where Anne said goodbye to Plantars, Anne's theme played
"Family always finds each other" (from The Day at Aquarium)
"Spranne against the world" is the final message between Anne and Sprig
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I will not emotionally recover from this
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Andrias having Barrel's warhammer, Leif's pin, Marcy's pin, and leaves in his beard(similar to anne)
Triple B can be seen helping Andrias regrow plants
The dude that was kidnap by dragonfly in the first ep is still up there lmao, also that scene playout similar to first ep: camera panning down on Stumpy's and Wally leaving
Stumpy's now serve Thai Tea Pancakes with maggots
Bog & the boys now have job as moving junk & service with Jacinda (kinda make sense since, u know they move stuff out of wartwood back in ss1)
Polly have a wrench in her pocket
Chuck now have a Tulip Emporium
Jeremy is now with the other mushroom (in a pot)
Hop Pop and Sylvia hanging out~
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Bunch of callbacks/reference: moss man, Amphibia theme song lyrics, domino 1 & 2, calamity anne form, cursed Anne, roadtrip arc map, anne's leaf, tomato monster, grub hog, Thai Go, and the runes that we never even figure out what the letter "v" and "z" is
The hidden continent Ivy mentioned later seems to be on west of mainland
Ivy still abushing Sprig...and got the red seashell to match sprig's blue moon shell~
When Ivy talked about hidden continent, Anne's theme played
Anne Boonchuy's statue sign also said: "We miss you, girl!"
Marcy having Sakura(naruto) and Bakugo(my hero academia) keychain
Sasha having the 2 swords symbol on her jacket, the 2 swords keychain, bi heart sticker, and her guitar sticker
Marcy is a web comic artist!?
Sasha is a kid therapist!?
Anne having leaf pattern scrunchie
Anne's theme playing in her monologue
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each species exhibit reflect Amphibia: frog's modeled after Plantar's house, toad's after Toad tower, newt's after newtopia, and olms after Proteus
End credit stuff:
The end credit cycle from Marcy's theme to Sasha's then to Anne's
Anne's tennis racket, Sasha's pink sword, and Marcy's crossbow was placed where they left Amphibia
Toad tower never seems to be rebuild....plus there's plants growing on it now
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จบบริบูรณ์....which means "The End"
Also notice how Anne's is in middle of the picture now
Annnnd that's the end of the show! This show is surely smth special! Can't believe we spent 4 years with this show and seeing it from beginning to end is just...quiet bittersweet. Seeing how everything came together and make this master piece is just, WOW. I really hope we can see these characters and this world some day again in the future, but for now it's time for a rest.
On other notes, thank you for reading the Amphibia Details posts throughout the show lifespan, I really do enjoy looking for details in each episode and cherish everything the crew gave us. So, once again, thank you, and I hope we see each other again in some random post in the future.
Also I've been crying for around 6 hours straight my eyes feel so dry AHHHHHHHH-
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I needed to comment on your fic, but I actually changed my mind. I wanted to send you an ask, instead. Idk it felt like a better option, like I could talk more directly to you.
Can I just ….. where do I begin.
“Ooo, this reminds me of that new game Pop Pop was teaching us," Marcy pipes up from where she's painting a little mermaid. "I believe Anne just played what's called an uno reverse card, Sashy. “ 
Lines like this are utter beauty in your fic, I love all of the light references that made me laugh. The banter between the characters, the life that was put in to just make them seem like real people … all of them spying on Belle during her first date?? Utter perfection, my heart was full with giggles. Watching all of your girls grow, and watching Belle grow in turn, was so special. I don’t know how else to put it. And the endless callbacks to the movie? 
When Belle was gushing about that book in the bookshop, I smiled. I knew that line by heart. I was not, however, expecting the turn that came next. My hand came to my mouth. I was not expecting a reunion here, but you did it perfectly.
The characters here are no longer amphibia’s. They’re yours. They breathe with life that YOU gave them, Lex. When we got ready to see that life come to a close … I quite literally had to rush to my bathroom and sit on the floor and read so that no one would notice the tears in my eyes. These characters hold so /much/ life in them! Belles wedding gown, yellow only because it was her mothers favorite color. “Save me a spot …” “Only the best for you.” Spranne against every world. The constellations in the sky.
Damn it, Lex. 
You made all of this, broke my heart and put it back together, out of a little frog show on Disney channel. Fun fact: you’ve surpassed Amphibia, in my opinion. Way surpassed it. Did you mean to? Was it an accident? Do you know your own talent? Do you know that the lore of this story will stay with me for years? I hope you do. I hope this message reminds you of how amazing you are as a writer. (I also lowkey hope it makes you cry, because I think we readers dEsErVe to turn the table a bit mwahahahahah but you didn’t hear that I’m whispering it under my breath)
Anyway. I don’t know what else to say - I mean this already got a little long but I can only wrap it up one way:
Thank you. Thanks for the journey <3
well, you did it. i'm crying on MY bathroom floor now 😭😭😭 /pos /nm
man, i just. god. i do not deserve even a fraction of this love, but i am very, very grateful for it. you have no idea what it means to me that such kind, talented, incredible people like you went on this wild ride with me to the end, i truly cannot put it into words. there is no way i would've gotten to this point without all of your support and encouragement. from the bottom of my heart: thank you, thank you, thank you.
it makes me so happy to know that you liked this story. at the end of the day, that's really the only goal i have--to make things that people will enjoy--and i am beyond thrilled that you enjoyed this fic. you have succeeded in your mission to make me sob, my friend. i could say thank you a thousand more times and it wouldn't be enough, so i'll just say it one more time instead:
thank you for taking this journey with me. until next time ❤️
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megatraven · 2 years
You seem like u have good opinions, give me three of your favorite books/movies/media you’d recommend
HEHE thank you that's very sweet to say <3
I'm gonna just rec 3 books and 3 movies... and 3 TV shows >:3c
Fatal Fidelity Series (Love Kills Twice and Love Bleeds Deep) - Probably some of my favorite books right now! The third book is coming out soon and I'm SO SO excited about it. It's about this NB assassin who falls in love with one of their clients and honestly the writing is just so damn good. Pulls you in and doesn't let go until you've finished all there is to read
Bloodlines Series (Spin-off series of Vampire Academy, the first book is called Bloodlines) - Honestly I always liked this series more than the OG for several reasons. But one of those reasons is that this is a "forbidden love" romance between a human who knows of and is disgusted by vampires.... and a vampire who everyone sees as lazy and lacking in any redeeming qualities. Somehow they bring out the best in one another in every single book and they fall in love and they learn magic and topple evil organizations and all that sexy shit <3
They Both Die at the End - A story that just like. Really urges to you get out and live your life. Not in a bad way, though, really. I mean that's the whole point of the story it tells. I read it very recently but it struck such a chord with me, I don't think I'll ever get it out of my head. It ends sadly, as the title suggests, but the story leading up to it was so beautiful and well-crafted
Honorable mentions (aka other books i've read recently that i'm obsessed with): You've Reached Sam, She Gets the Girl, What If It's Us (and the sequel: Here's To Us), the Gregor the Overlander series, Daughter of Sparta, and honestly so many others but i'm spacing on the names rn so if you'd like hmu for more when i'm back in nebraska
Kimi No Na Wa - Also called Your Name, this is THE best movie i will ever watch, it's been my favorite since I first watched it and I'm forever in love with and obsessed with it <3
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty - One of my favorite movies tbh, the main character is so awkward but very real. The little reveal at the end of the film always makes me really happy. Plus there's a moment where a pretty lady sings Space Oddity and I always skip straight to watching that scene first lmao
The Kung Fu Panda trilogy - One of the BEST movie trilogies ever no lie. amazing characters AND character development across three films. Very fun times. Some sad times. Lots of humor and also Tigress is pretty
TV Shows:
Miraculous Ladybug - I mean. I have to rec it. Always. Season 5 is about to start airing and the stakes are higher than ever and it's so EXCITING i can't wait <3 superheroes, identity shenanigans, consequences relating to superhero secrets, angst, romance, friendship and more!!!!!! so good.
Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts - ONE OF MY FAVE SHOWS!!!!! The animation is so damn cool and it's got some of my favorite protagonists ever. The character arcs are masterfully crafted. There's giant animals and found family and family reunions and tragic backstories that are conquered through choosing to love anyways. 100/10
Amphibia - The other show I'm super obsessed with right now even though I only watched it 2 weeks ago. BETRAYALS! FOUND FAMILY! FRIENDSHIP! Forgiveness and love and traversing worlds and also FROGS, NEWTS, AND TOADS!!! Sword fights! Prophecies! SPRANNE AGAINST THE WORLD! (you'll get it if you watch it)
anyways thnk you again for htis ask i love reccing stuff :)
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cyanisbirdmom666 · 3 years
Can you do TOH and Amphibia for fandom ask?
AH sorry i took so long to answer. I wanted to make the Owl House fandom ask post to before making this one AND I wanted to watch the latest Amphibia episodes before answering.
Yes absolutely! I’ll probably make (and link) a second post for TOH so that this one isn’t too awfully long :)
The Owl House fandom asks
From this post
Send me more fandoms!
Fandoms I can do include:
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First character I ever fell in love with:
Grime and Sasha! I saw them for the first time and they became my favorites (Grime my third favorite, Sasha my first).
A character I used to love/like but now don’t:
Don’t have one. Everyone in Amphibia is pretty lovable and funny.
A ship I used to love/like but now I don’t:
None. I don’t really ship anything in this show except a certain ship between two froggies…
Favorite character ever:
SASHA! I really like her, she’s an interesting character. I can’t wait to see more of her in future episodes. Marcy is my second favorite character- I relate to her a lot.
Prettiest character:
I think Sasha looks cool in her armour, but Marcy looks epic in her cloak. It’s hard to pick. I’m going with Sasha because he cape is cool (I’m a sucker for capes, ok?)
My most hated character:
I don’t really hate anyone in the show.
SPRIGIVY. But tbh it’s the only pair I like (other than Hop Pop and Sylvia). I think of the human trio as only friends and…
and… Sprig is a frog. Spranne forever but platonically. Spranne romantically is a big NO for me.
Favorite episode:
Reunion and The Dinner. I can watch those episodes any time and not get bored!
Favorite Season:
Season 2. The traveling (FILLER) episodes in Season 2 bore me, but there’s some good episodes in there (the temple ones and ones where the girls are all together).
Least favorite Season:
Season 1..
Character the most everyone adores, but I hate:
Hmmm I don’t have one to be honest XD.
As I mentioned earlier, all of the characters are really lovable, I don’t really hate any of them.
“You’re a piece of garbage but you’re still a fave”:
Sasha I guess? I know a lot of people dislike her because she’s manipulative (makes sense) and very controlling, but she’s my favorite character, so I’m going with her XD
My “Cinnamon roll who deserves better”:
My “This ship is nasty but I love it”:
Don’t have one :)
My “They’re cute, but not too invested”:
Hop Pop and Sylvia.
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writesailingdreams · 4 years
“Reunion” has a different emotional connotation after watching “Best Fronds”
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sylphscope · 3 years
#Amphibia Love (round 2!)
Day 6 - Favorite side character
Oh boy, too many amazing side characters!! I love Wally. Whenever Soggy Joe appears, I have an internal chorus that cries out, “It’s Soggy Joe! =D” xD Loggle is great. Priscilla and Pearl are so so good. I have a special soft spot for all the side characters in “Scavenger Hunt,” especially Gertie the gnatchos shopkeeper. Also Tritonio. And Valeriana! OH, and Chuck!! Frog Michael Jordan. xD Frog Soos! Percy and Braddock! Joe Sparrrroooowwww
... *cough* Basically, the whole cast is fantastic. XD
Day 7 - A character you’d want to be friends with
I’d like to be friends with Sprig! He’s such a good egg, so warm and friendly and enthusiastic with so much heart. I’m definitely not as active as he is, but maybe he’d help me to have the confidence (or necessity xD) to go out and try more things.
I’d also want to be friends with Bessie. She’s just so cool and sweet, and who wouldn’t want to have adventures with a wonderful giant snail? x3
Day 8 - A moment that made you emotional
I think a lot of people talk about the “Lean on Me” moments in “Reunion,” but for me personally, the part in that ep where I first start really crying is earlier, after Sprig slingshots mud into Sasha’s face, and he stands up for Anne, reminding her of how brave she is. I just...that part really hits hard for me. And the little moment shortly after, when Anne defends Sprig in turn and thanks him for believing in her. Sprig gives that soft but very deeply felt “Spranne against the world!” And I just love that moment so much. Up to this point in the show, the whole “Spranne against the world” mantra was sort of obnoxious in a loud but fun way. But here in this moment, we see how much they really do support each other, and I melt. ;_; <3
Day 9 - Favorite funny moment
The first one that comes to mind is that bit in “Toad Tax,” where it flashbacks to Hop Pop doing his taxes. The way he says that little “Ooooop--Guess what, Anne? You’re a deductible!” kills me every time. XDDD
Also, that scene in “Lost in Newtopia,” where Anne explains how much she always wanted to try the local foods when traveling, but was thwarted by her mom. XDDD The newt manually rolling up her window while avoiding eye contact. Absolute classic. A+.
(Bonus shout-out to the musical score chanting “CHICKALISK” during “Return to Wartwood,” which was amazing. XD)
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tyrramint · 2 years
Ahhh. Well. Here we go again. Back to feeling very not-normal about the Amphibia finale.
I’m fine.
I’ll be on the floor feeling soulless if anyone needs me.
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i-imade-a-thing · 3 years
True Colors Breakdown!
Ok I may or may not spent 30 minutes crying after the episode ends. THIS EPISODE IS SO GOOD! HOLY MOLY THE ANIMATION, THE MUSIC, IT'S SO GOOD! CANT BELIEVE THEY'VE DONE THAT TOO-JFC! I cried like twice during the episode too, it's so AHHHHHH! Anyway this will be a list of details I noticed in this episode!
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Marcy is preparing for PSAT even through she's like in 7th grade
Sasha's name on Marcy's phone have crown emoji
A picture of ladybug!
Sasha carved her name to the side of library table
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Marcy's house have those Chinese guardian lion statues
Some of things in thrift shop include: moai statue, meteoroid, lava lamp, flashlight, dishes, lamp, UFO air refresher(?), old telephone, radio, a travel bag, boots, golfing clubs, a mop, and a shovel
A shop in the background have a sign read "Bail Bonds"
Frobo doing >-< eye
Anne, Sprig, and Polly slide down Joe's wing exactly the same way as in "First temple"
We can see an undercover toad in the scene where they're walking toward the palace
Marcy's theme played when she said "make u wish it could last forever huh?"
Grime's roar is bought back from "Toadcatcher"
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Marcy is visually nervous in the background when Anne is angry
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Sasha really feel hurt when Anne said she's done being friend with her, also Anne's theme being played
Marcy tried to keep her friends together, continuation of "The Dinner" where she prevent her friend from fighting
Anne is REALLY upset
Sal's sandwich shop from the episode "Little Frog Town"
Anne calling Frobo "A big metal baby", like when Polly called Frobo a baby
A lot of callback from Anne's speech: "Cannibals"(A Night at the Inn), "giant killer moth"(The Domino Effect), "combining vegetable" (Handy Anne)
Hop Pop being actor is continuation of him being theatre major and episode "caravan named desire"
"Charlie Big Bottom" is mentioned(HP's pet that he mentioned from episode The Domino Effect)
Wilhelm Scream
"Spranne against the world" ;-;
The doorstop is made by "BIG OL' Doorstops Inc.", they really make good product
Sasha isn't happy when looking at her reflection, unlike Anne who is happy with her's in Bessie&MicroAngelo
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Mossman can be seen on bottom left in picture
Shadowfish(?) can be seen on bottom right of the picture
Grime vs Sprig from Amphibialand pilot!
Grime use his glowing eye to see(another question solved!)
Sprig has become physically stronger since ss1
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Anne's sword was dropped to where she was being chased by mob back in "Lost in Newtopia"
Anne use Sasha's cape against her, like how Sasha use it during Reunion
When Andrias is telling his story, music box's theme can be heard
Also: the toad and frog from the painting
The frog is the one who stole the box
Burger shop and Gertie from "Scavenger Hunt" can be seen dodging lightning
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The bottom-pyramid part is where that creature lived is it?
The fountain from "Marcy at the Gates" can be seen
Andrias is planning to invade Earth
Captain Aldo's 100% dead now
Andrias call Marcy "Mar-mar," using Marcy's trust with him as a weapon
Sasha backed away instantly, but Anne is willing to listen for a while
Marcy holding Anne's hand similar to how she do it in MATG
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"Look at how much you both grow, look at Sprig! I give you Sprig! I give you everything!" She is trying to defend herself she tried to use logic to and start to become more and more desperate
Even Sprig is backing away from Marcy
Marcy is smiling while having crying begging for them to understand...it's too real
Marcy's theme can be heard
Props to Haley Tju for making me cry
"I just don't want to be alone," she let go of everything and tell the truth cause she couldn't take the feeling of guilt and loneliness
"Well I guess thats what you get for pouring your heart out over me on flipwart," this show how Andrias got Marcy's trust or Marcy holding up guilt for so long that she's willing to vent to the next person she trust...maybe both
Andrias saying "here we go" while rolling his eyes, this may mean Andrias heard like tons of monologue before
Anne's theme played when Anne cut Sasha's rope
"let's have some fun," Andrias is not even taking this *that* seriously at first
Marcy's theme can be heard when she fires her crossbow
Frobo's "blood" can be seen
Sprig calling Andrias a bully, just like how he called Sasha a bully in reunion
"He is my best friend, in this world, or any other world," is similar to Sasha saying "we're the best team in this, or any other world," back in Barrel's Warhammer
"That's the thing about friend isn't it? The more you love them the more it hurts when they go" Andrias speaking from his experience here
Anne's flashback include: "Anne or Beast", "Reunion", and season 1 ending credit scene ;-;
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Props to Brenda Song for making me cry when she said "Give him back!"
No Big Deal leitmotif is played throughout this scene
"Look like she can't control it," Andrias knew the box can give its user power
Anne's theme is played again when Sprig running to hug Anne
Grime aimed for Andrias' leg again, just like beginning of the episode
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"I'm sorry for everything"
One of her eye slowly closed before they other
There is a truck with the word "Home Movers" written and a taxi in the background with the sign "Ub-r"
I can't believe they took one of the fan's favorite character and make her reach lowest point and then DIE afterward. When Marcy is telling Anne about how she doesn't want to be alone it's just...too real. I spent 30 minutes crying when I finished watching the episode. It's just...UGGGHHHH THIS SHOW IS TOO GOOD! The dialogues, the interactions, the characters, the musics, the animations, the callbacks, the continuity....it's just...so good. I wonder what will happen in season 3(I will probably be doing breakdown of the ss3 intro tmr), there's so much to cover!
Overall season 2 is such a good season, it raised the stakes, introduce new characters, have many memorable moments, and I especially like how it reflected Anne's growth from season 1. FREAKING 10/10 SEASON!
...also I probably gonna cry every time I eat mint chocolate chip ice cream now or see Marcy on screen now. send help or therapist plz.
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