#Stalker Klaus
klaus-littlestwolf · 4 months
Yan. College Student!Klaus M. A-Z
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(I’ve done several Alphabets for Klaus already but I thought to do one for my Human!High School series but then I thought…Yandere College Student! And here we are😈)
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A stands for AFFECTION: how would they show affection?
•Gift Giving is Klaus’ love language
•Before you even knew who he was he was sending you flowers almost everyday, especially after overhearing you tell your best friend that you love how strongly your (usually gross smelling thanks to so many other students in the wing) dorm room smells of roses thanks to the constant cycle of fresh flowers being delivered
•After he introduces himself to you for the first time (which he believes is your 6 month anniversary) he gives you a black Eternity Collar that he keeps the key to so that you can never remove it, clearly loving the knowledge that you are wearing a collar that he has gifted you
B stands for BLOODY: how bloody are they willing to get for their object of obsession?
•Klaus has made it clear that he is willing to do whatever he deems necessary to “protect you” in any way and that sometimes means getting his hands bloody
•You made the mistake around the third month of your Stalker (though he signed all of his love letters to you ‘Your Loving Boyfriend’) sending you letters and gifts, of going out on a date with a boy from your Econ class. He had been asking you out relentlessly for over 2 months and while you originally said “No” because of your Stalker, his persistence had also creeped you out (arguably in a much worse way than your Stalker). You finally said you would go to dinner with him just to get him to stop asking and he took you to a fancy little place in town. He was an asshole as you knew he would be and it seemed your Stalker noticed that too
•Your stalker believed that the idiot you went on a date with had threatened you into it and so you were forgiven…he wasn’t though and he found himself thrown off a bridge to his death later that night (though everyone else would believe it a suicide)
C stands for CRUELTY: would they ever hurt their object of obsession?
•Klaus does not physically hurt you, he won’t hit you or beat you (he had been beaten his entire childhood and he’s sensitive about it)
•The most painful thing he does is when he’s really angry he will occasionally grab you by the collar that he gave you and drag you around by it
D stands for DARLING: would they cross their object of obsession’s limits?
•Sexually, no, he will never do something that you are afraid of or that you don’t like
•Other limits are non-existent. What limits? You are his girl and your relationship has no limits
E stands for EXPOSED: how much do they expose their own feelings to their object of obsession?
•Klaus tells you about his feelings for you immediately
•Your first “interaction” with Klaus was his first letter that he sent you along with the bouquet of flowers, the letter containing his thoughts and feelings for you that he poured out onto the paper and you were instantly torn between being flattered by how gorgeous and wonderful he thought you were and being creeped out by how he was clearly watching you and had been for God knows how long
•He never hid his feelings from you in any regard, not even when he is angry with you for whatever slight you have committed without knowing it
‘I have loved you since the day I first saw you, you looked at me and I was done for, I knew it instantly.’
‘Everything I am is yours, I exist only for you and seeing you in pain hurts me more than words can express. You should never have reason to shed a tear Princess and if you tell me who it was that brought tears to your eyes, I will ensure that they never have the chance again.’
‘How could you allow him to put his hands on you like that?! Does this relationship mean nothing to you? Do I Mean Nothing to You?! I have not so much as thought about touching another girl since the day we met and you are on a date?!’
‘I cannot express how sorry I am for scaring you my Darling. I should never get upset with you, especially for something that isn’t your fault. That idiot boy pressured you into a date and you were afraid, my Princess was scared and all I did was make it worse, I am so sorry. Please forgive me for the words I wrote in anger and please accept these flowers as my sincere apology, as well as the idiot boy who pressured you into a date now never being able to set eyes on you again. No one hurts you and doesn’t suffer for it, you will never have to worry about him again.’
•His mood swings were terrifying even before you met him when all of your interactions were through his letters and texts to you. You had no idea who he was and you hid all of the letters from everyone, keeping it a secret for the entire 6 months that he stalked you before arriving at your door and instantly behaving like you had been dating the entire time
F stands for FIGHT: how would they react to their object of obsession fighting back?
•He wouldn’t understand it at all and it would confuse him before potentially enraging him if you don’t stop quickly
•You are his girl, you’ve been together happily for months and he wouldn’t understand why you’re suddenly behaving like this
G stands for GAME: do they think this is just a game?
•No, this is in no way a game
•You are Klaus’ everything and it’s not something that he takes lightly. He will kill for you if he has to, and he has done just that
H stands for HELL: what would be their object of obsession’s worst experience with them?
•Your worst experience was probably when you needed to pretend that you had nothing to do with your dates death and that he had just committed suicide
•You were questioned by everyone since he had been with you the night before, wondering how he was, if he was acting strangely, asking why he would do this and you needed to pretend you had no clue
•It was extremely stressful and you locked yourself in your room for 3 days to avoid people, not even answering for the deliveries which just worried your Stalker
I stands for IDEAL: what are their plans for their object of obsession?
•Klaus plans for you to be his forever
•He plans to graduate and take care of you, you’re going to move into a condo together and enjoy being together for a while before you have some kids and spend the rest of your lives together
J stands for JEALOUSY: how they react when jealous? Do they get jealous?
•You do not want Klaus getting jealous, he gets violent
•Klaus will instantly see another man as a threat to you and he will want to get rid of that threat anyway he can and he will absolutely kill for you
K stands for KINDNESS: how they act around their object of obsession?
•Klaus worships you
•He will give you anything you want! You want to watch your favorite movie? Fuck studying for his exam, his baby wants to watch a movie! You have a craving for ice cream at 1am? Fuck his early morning class, his Princess wants ice cream!
•You hate that he does things like that but he will never stop, he loves to see you happy and it’s the most important thing!
L stands for LOVE LETTER: how would they approach their object of obsession?
•He stalks her for 6 months sending letters and gifts almost everyday believing you are in a committed relationship
M stands for MASK: how different are their public persona from their true selves?
•Klaus is a nerdy, shy kind of guy and most people wouldn’t even notice him in the back of the class
•With you he’s a very dominant person and that last word you would ever use to describe your boyfriend is “shy”
N stands for NAUGHTY: how would they punish their object of obsession?
•Klaus’ favorite punishment is when he locks you in his dorm room and you end up forced to stay with him, only leaving when you have class but usually ending up stuck there all weekend
O stands for OPPRESSION: how many rights would they take from their object of obsession?
•All of them
•You live for him, to be his Princess and your entire life (in his opinion) should be about your relationship. What rights do you need? Where do you need to go? What do you need to do that he can’t do for you?
P stands for PATIENCE: how patient are they with their object of obsession?
•Klaus isn’t known for his patience
•Honestly, after finally meeting him you were shocked that he waited 6 whole months to meet you officially
Q stands for QUIT: if their object of obsession died or escaped, would they ever be able to move on?
•Died: Klaus would lose his mind. He would end up having a massive psychotic break and killing God knows how many people before being locked in an asylum for the rest of his life
•Escaped: He would never stop looking for you. No matter how long you’ve gotten away for, a month, a year, 10 years, just when you think you’re safe and you settle down he would find you and lock you away with him forever
R stands for REGRET: would they ever regret harming their object of obsession? Would they ever let them go?
•Klaus wouldn’t let you go, however if he did actually hurt you in his anger he would quickly regret it as soon as he calmed down
•He would take care of any injury and baby you for weeks afterwards until he knows you forgive him completely
S stands for STIGMA: what made their yandere tendencies bloom?
•The day he first saw you in class he just knew you were his
•From that moment he refused to fight his feelings, why fight destiny?
T stands for TEARS: how would they react to their object of obsession crying/breaking?
•Your tears typically send him into a panic
•He absolutely hates seeing you cry for any reason, and though when he’s angry and you cry he will just ignore it, he quickly falls right back into babying you and letting you cry on his shoulder until you feel all better
U stands for UNIQUE: something different they would do compared to others yanderes.
•The 6 months it took him to meet you in person for the first time was definitely different
•However while most Yanderes would want to lock you away (and while he did love having you all to himself) he allowed you to finish your schooling right along side of him before locking you away in the house he got the two of you after college when he was ready to stuff you full of his babies
V stands for VICE: what weakness their object of obsession could use against them?
•Y/n found out quite early that not only could she weaponize his jealousy but her tears as well
•Like most Yanderes, Klaus is profoundly jealous but he also can’t handle her crying and will do just about anything to get her to stop. As long as she doesn’t push it too far she can get almost anything she wants
W stands for WIT’S END: would they hurt their object of obsession?
•Klaus wouldn’t hurt you on purpose
•You have occasionally gotten him so upset that he ended up shoving you against the wall too hard or grabbing your arm so hard it bruises but it is very rare as he is quite attentive about that
X stands for XOANON: would they worship their object of obsession?
•The ground you walk on every moment of every day
•Klaus absolutely adores you and there is nothing you could do to change that. You’re half convinced that he believes you to be a Goddess in human form
Y stands for YEARN: how long would they pine after their object of obsession before they snap?
•He couldn’t even wait one whole day after meeting you before he sent you the first flower bouquet and letter, however 6 months was his limit before he couldn’t stand not being able to touch you anymore without losing his mind
Z stands for ZENITH: would they ever break their object of obsession?
•He would never break your spirit completely, however you would eventually do as he wanted knowing that you were never getting away from him
•Being with Klaus wasn’t so bad, honestly it could be much worse and with how much he loves you you knew you would always have just about anything you wanted
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Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
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thefloatingwriter · 3 months
i love it when my creepy stalker vampire-werewolf hybrid not-boyfriend leaves gifts in my house after my mother only invited him in to save my life with his magical blood.
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sentience-if · 7 months
When we're on the topic, how would ROs deal with a stalker?
klaus: not super worried about it- no one's getting into the Acropolis uninvited and with ill intent, and even if they did, he can handle himself. he'd avoid going out into the city by himself for a while, and he might sic Val or Connie on the stalker
ira: immediately runs to Kat and tells her everything. camps out in her apartment while she dispatches this creep. they'd try very hard to not be traumatized by the whole thing and not lose their sense of trust, but it'd leave a scar for sure
kat: if she's being stalked, she's not doing her job right; this is a major problem and it needs to be taken care of immediately. mysterious body turns up in the river the next morning and kat's bad mood is definitely unrelated
val: I was gonna say they'd get silly with it and stalk the person back, but then I thought about it more and actually.. bad, bad, very bad. being watched, or worse, hunted, is triggering for Val. they'd go back and forth on what to do for a long time, and eventually settle on convincing the stalker they'd left the city permanently
connie: most likely to actually confront the stalker personally. they'll put about two ounces of effort into trying to talk the stalker out of it before resorting to violence and intimidation. Connie's extra squirrelly about sharing personal information for the next few weeks
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Friends and Enemies (Warlock #10)- Daredevil (1964) #128
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pinkposies · 1 year
can you make headcanons about yandere klaus mikaelson x fem human reader
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↳ When Klaus first saw you in the Mystic Grill. He was instantly in love, he thought you were the most beautiful woman his ever seen.
↳ Soon later he began following you around. Following you home, to school, and while you shop. Wherever you where he was there. Yet, he never once approached you he just kept a safe distance. He justified his actions as protecting you.
↳ He even compelled your guardian/roommate to invite him into your house so he’ll be able to keep a eye on you at night. He’ll sneak into your room and watch you sleep. He was mesmerized with every little the about you.
↳ He left little gifts in your room like jewelry, clothes, perfume, and more. You’ll wake up in the morning and see a bouquet of roses with a emerald necklace beside the roses.
↳ Of course you were terrified by someone being in your house without you knowing, yet you were determined to find out who was leaving you these gifts. When you went to question your (compelled) guardian/roommate who told you it was from a man named Klaus. You had feeling it was that guy you kept seeing everywhere you go. You knew it couldn’t have been a coincidence that he was always at the same place as you.
↳ So one day when you were out shopping you saw him in the same alley as you so you decided to approach him. You were cautious to not come off too aggressively since you didn’t know him at all and didn’t know how he’ll react so simply asked him if he was stalking you.
↳ He couldn’t help but crack a smile. He was relieved that you were the first to approach him even if you were accusing him of being a stalker (which he is). He simply explained he just wanted to take you on a date but didn’t know how to ask you. And that’s how your relationship began.
↳ Klaus is impulsive so your relationship with him moves very fast. He isn’t used to caring for someone or having someone care for him so he needs constant reassurance that you’ll never leave him.
↳ He says ' I love you ' early into the relationship and if you don’t say you love him or even think about expect him blow up on you. He’ll accuse you of not caring for him or wanting to leave him. Which you have to shut down the accusations quick unsure of what he’ll do when his angry.
↳ Klaus is extremely jealous and obsessive. His desperate for you attention and your giving your attention to someone else he won’t hesitate to kill the poor soul who dared to intrude in your relationship. Even if it’s a close friend of your he wouldn’t think twice to compel them to end their friendship with you so you’ll run back to him.
↳ He has what seems like hundreds of paintings and drawings of you. Some of them you were posing and majority of the paintings were something he did in his free time since he couldn’t get you off his mind.
↳ The secret of him being a hybrid came out, you couldn’t help but feel a bit scared. And it didn’t help that you found out by Damon and Stefan telling you all about the terrifying thing Klaus has done and why you should stay away from him.
↳ You confronted him about everything expect him to manipulate you into thinking him being a hybrid is a good thing and that all those people his hurt deserved it. He’ll go on to tell that he will always be able to protect you no matter what.
↳ When he went after Stefan and Damon for trying break the two of you apart, he would have killed the two brothers if it wasn’t for Elijah telling him otherwise.
↳ After this incident he demanded you move in with him. He wanted you to depend on him for you every need. Whenever you need or want something he wants you to always come to him for anything. And he won’t hesitate to use your weaknesses or fear to get whatever he wants from him.
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macabresymphonies · 8 months
Are we dealing with alchemists looking for The Philosopher's Stone?
(I will be referencing partially to the ARG, most importantly to the so called Klaus sheet that has german version on categories the OIAR team is using, and some light spoiler to The Magnus Archives, so beware).
We're four episodes in and cross-referencing each episode so far, there seems to be few things that connect most of them:
an orchestrator
a medium
an obsession
a transformation
Each episode so far mentions some type of third party being involved in the incident: Harriet Winstead mentions a "consultant" that was supposed to help her see Arthur, RedCanary mentions getting harrased by an anonymous stalker, Daria commissions Ink5oul for a tattoo, Dr Samuel Webber mentions seeing his dead wife "Maddie" who stops him from tampering with the transformation (could be a hallucination, but could also be somebody using his delirioum to impersonate her) and today we've got a mention of a "giftgiver" who gave The Violinist the Violin.
Additionally each incident mentions some type of specific medium the characters came into contact with: The Box, The Violin, The Ink (cross referenced in Klaus sheet from the ARG), The Garden (as in plants in the garden). The exception being the Harriet, but we don't know yet what "caused" ressurection of Arthur. This is important, because in TMA items and "mediums" weren't actually all that common, it was very often stressed that relics were medium for the fears to use directly (with people only doing their bidding), not to be handled by others as a medium.
Lastly each episode talks obsession and/or transformation and oh boy, let me tell you about bunch of guys historically obsessed with tranforming stuff through different mediums:
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"It's not very suprising, alchemical symbols are everywhere throughout the podcast!" you might say. True, but let's take into consideration, what excactly is a goal of an alchemist? Well the answer is quite simple and there is actually three of them. The Three Goals of Alchemy are:
To turn base metals into noble ones
To discover the recipe for a Philosopher's Stone
To find the Elixir of Life that gives eternal youth and defies death
All of them refer to some type of recipie of method, so where are the recipies? Under our own noses. The recipies are the DPHW catalogue and the database Freddie is sending the incident reports to is an alchemical cookbook! Each entry is categorized something like that:
CAT$$$R&&#### - theme (specification) -/- subtheme [medium]
Some specifications:
$ - are a conbination of numbers 1, 2 and 3. They do not always appear in threes, sometimes it's just 3, sometimes 12 (as in 1 and 2) so forth. These has been widely theorized to be related to the The Tria Prima, a group of three materials which occupy a position of prominence in alchemy: Sulphur(🜍), Mercury(☿) and Salt(🜔) or as they are also characterized Soul, Mind and Body. If we assign each of them a number with 1 being Soul, 2 being Mind and 3 being body, they so far align with the main "components" of each incident or realms they deal in.
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R - either appears or not, it was theorized this is a RANK and that previous files were simply misfiled by Sam, but to me it also could be REGIA as in Aqua Regia (🜆) where we are to assume the R was added to the previous element (Aqua (🜄) + Regia (R)). The meaning behind assigning some some incidents the rank of regia has yet to be explained though.
& - these are letters C, BC, B, AB, A and S signifying a rank (or rang in the Klaus sheet) . Lets ignore that S for a second, but they seem to be stages and half stages, well there can't possibly a concept of four stages in alchemy? Let me introduce you to the Magnum Opus (Great Work). Basically each alchemical project went through four stages: nigredo (black), albedo (white), citrinitas (yellow) and rubedo (red) with rubedo specifically signifying a great discovery was made and Magnum Opus was a success, but it does not necessairly mean an alchemical goal was reached.
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To summarize, numbers one C-A signify stage of the project, with S, that appears once on mostly redacted cell in the Klaus sheet, signifying that not only the final stage was reached, but the project has been a success.
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This could mean a finished Magnum Opus is out there, developed in the field of the Soul and related to the mysterous Mr. B.
# - these numbers are still a mystery, I do have some theories myself, but to summaries I think they are grades and some type of combination (I think it's either 9999, 0000 (as in all 10s) or perhaps 7777 (7 being the most important alchemical number)). Basically a specific combination could imply the specific discovery could be categorized as a Philosopher's Stone. What that could mean for the narrative? We will see, but I suspect it's an alchemical equivalent to an eldritch nuke in this universe.
Last thing to support my theory, the OIAR logo. The lion and the unicorn are obviously symbols for the United Kingdom, as this is a government office, and the words undearneath are "we will not falter" (probably reference to the paranormal incidents they deal with) the rest though?
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Alchemical symbols for Salt, Mercucry and Sulphur are right there, all encompassed by an upside-down version of The Philosopher's Stone symbol; The Greatest Magnum Opus:
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As to what the Magnum Opus are in TMAGP, each incident has an item associated with it, I noticed that the characters do not get corrupted by people directly this season, but through the use of items like ink, instruments, plants.
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gravity-barbie · 2 years
The Hargreeves meeting someone else with powers HCs
Tw: Mentions of stalking and alcohol
Set: pre or during season one
Luther Hargreeves
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-Luther takes it incredibly seriously when he accidentally stumbles across you using your power, he would report back to his dad if he was still alive, but since that’s not an option, he thinks he can at least use the opportunity to prove his leadership
-He’s almost naive in approaching you, expecting you to follow his instructions even though his own siblings don’t even do that, and though his intentions are good his poor communication could easily scare you off
-But even if the first interaction doesn’t go so well he doesn’t give up, trying to get answers from you and hopefully even make something of a honorary umbrella out of you becomes like a mission to him, it gives him a renewed sense of purpose
-It doesn’t occur to him to immediately tell his siblings, and when he eventually does he insists he’s got things covered, and to be fair he is growing on you more and more every interaction as you realise he’s actually harmless, just endearingly inept
-Luther trusts you pretty quickly, so before long he’s insisting you attend academy meetings, and in an instant your normal life turns into warnings of an incoming apocalypse and the dramatics of a family you have to be really glad you didn’t get adopted into
Diego Hargreeves
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-When Diego’s patrolling the city and from a distance catches you using your power, despite doing so harmlessly, it’s easy for him to assume the worst, that you’re some kind of criminal, or worse connected to Reginald
-Regardless, it’s a shocking revelation that he needs to do something about, rather than confront you head on, he goes into complete stalker -or as he’d prefer ‘vigilante’- mode, staking you out for a few days
-He’s not in a rush to trust you, but once he finds that your routine is actually quite mundane he gives you enough benefit of the doubt to cautiously approach you, looking for answers
-It’s pretty terrifying to have this masked man show up at your door and interrogate you, -no matter how many times he refers to himself as ‘the good guy’- but things start to click into place once he mentions the umbrella academy, and with your cooperation he steadily lets his guard down and talks to you like more of a regular person
-Even though you couldn’t tell him anything new, and it’s not like there’s really anything connecting you two, the fact that you share the same condition makes him feel some kind of loyalty to you, so he tells you where to find him if you want answers of your own or just want to spend a little time around someone who’s like you
-As closed off as he seems, Diego would welcome you as an ally, someone to have his back and look out for, the kind of relationship that deep down he always wanted to have with his siblings
Allison Hargreeves
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-Despite your extraordinary ability, you do live a pretty average life, however you’re not above using your power to your advantage on occasion and this latest time you get caught by someone with a lot of experience in that area
-Allison can be quite cunning when she wants to be and immediately taps into that, keeping her cool and trying to figure out what your deal is without alarming you in case you’re some kind of threat
-Obviously you know who she is though, so while her guard is up she’s thankfully very honest, and while uneasy she is kind once she figures you seem alright
-She doesn’t plan on telling her dad or anything, it’s not worth the bullshit of seeing him, but she’s also weary about just letting you go, maybe it’s projecting but she’s worried about what you could do with that kind of power when you’ve never even had training for it
-So if you express even the slightest interest in staying in touch or continuing this discussion she’s so down, she could really use the good karma of helping someone safely manage their powers (regardless of whether you want that from her or not)
Klaus Hargreeves
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-Usually you try to keep a lid on your powers, it’s just easier that way, but one night at a club you drink a bit too much, and let your control slip for just a second, and unbeknownst to you, a certain partier catches you in the act
-Really Klaus just wants to mind his own business, it’s Ben who insists this is important and he should talk to you, nagging him until he begrudgingly follows you out and ‘confronts’ you
-Your defences quickly melt under his absurdly light-hearted disposition, and he’s so straightforward about who he is and what his intentions are that you follow suit and a conversation easily flows between you two, you’re trading life stories within the hour
-He’s so curious about what it was like growing up with a power in a normal environment, honestly just trying to imagine what his life might of been like if Reginald hadn’t adopted him
-If you’ve ever felt alone or miserable because of your ability it’s a blessing to have been discovered by Klaus, he’s offers all the compassion and understanding you have desperately been needing
-He’s not exactly reliable though, your connection may be instant but it has a good chance of also being fleeting as he’s not one to stick around or maintain friendships
Five Hargreeves
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-You’re quite careful to be discreet with your powers, but you couldn’t of been prepared for Five to teleport into your workplace when you thought you were alone, and inadvertently catch you using them
-He goes right on the defence, immediately worrying that you could be a factor in the apocalypse, and quite aggressively confronting you, granted he won’t do anything too rash without first hearing you out
-He doesn’t exactly make cooperation easy, remaining hostile and secretive himself, but once he decides that you could neither help or hinder his attempts to save the world your free to go, he seems to lose all interest in you
-So if you want to continue this discussion, he’s not your guy, at most he may give you the courtesy of telling you that you can go to the academy and tell them five sent you if you want more information
-Unless he thinks your power could be useful to him, in which case he will take full advantage of the situation to drag you along with him
-He can’t be too surprised by the revelation that there are other people with powers, it actually seems like the exact kind of thing Reginald would know and keep a secret, he at least plans on telling his siblings but it’s not a priority
Viktor Hargreeves
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-You and Viktor live in the same apartment building and by total chance he’s returning home just as you need to use your powers to save Miss Kowalski’s cat from the latest danger he’s gotten himself into
-While shocked, Viktor does consider just apologising and leaving you be, figuring he’s the last person who should be meddling with a super-powered person, but in an act of sheer impulsiveness he introduces himself to you instead
-He’s so disarmingly vulnerable that any worry you had over his intentions dissolves within minutes as he rambles about not wanting to bother you, but having ties to the umbrella academy if you’re interested, and just that he has some experience in this area if you want someone to talk to
-You only take him up on the second offer, you’re so used to your ability being the most important thing in your life that it’s really nice to meet someone relatively unfazed by it, between that and him not having much else going on, a budding friendship easily forms
-He doesn’t try to get any information from you that you don’t freely offer, part of him knows that he should treat this like a bigger deal and probably tell his family, but he also knows how they can be and won’t do so without your permission
-Though he tries not to dwell on it, it’s undeniable that your very existence is kind of a slap to the face, knowing that some stranger in the city had powers and he didn’t, that you’re basically the rightful number seven… it’s a bitter pill to swallow
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madwomansapologist · 1 year
what kind of yandere each Mikaelson is
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Masterlist | Rules | Taglist | Library | More Mikaelson Family | AO3
synopsis: How each Mikaelson would behave if obsessed with someone.
warnings: yandere!Mikaelsons. vampire stuff. delusional. stalker. violence.
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Klaus Mikaelson
• Delusional. Klaus would make his hybrids follow you everywhre, and he believe this is a normal thing to do. Klaus can't just let you without protection. Every move he makes, on his head, is totally acceptable. That's actually how anyone in love should behave.
• But he isn't delusional in a "they totally feel the same" way. It's more on a "I'm not the Bad Guy™" way. Klaus can't think that he's actually doing something wrong towards you, that would break him, so he tricked himself to not feel that way.
• Klaus isn't a good person, he can't even be perceived as a person anymore, but he cares. He really deeply care for you. And he would never hurt you. That's the reason why he does everything he does: he can't tolerare the thought of you ever getting hurt.
• If someone hurts you, its a bye bye world sittuation. Klaus sees you as someone pure in this sick world, someone that should be loved and whorshipped and respected. Klaus does not care if the person didn't mean to hurt you, that person will suffer. For a long time.
• Klaus is so charming. Deep down he knows what he's doing is wrong, but he won't behave this way in front of you. There is a really great chance you never find out what he does. But that you noticed how you're being watched at every single moment, oh, that you do.
Elijah Mikaelson
• That man is a true stalker. Klaus make people watch you all the time, Elijah is actually following you around. And he's competent. Elijah have clipboard with information about you, have your routine on a notebook, know you better than anyone. Elijah knows you in a way that not even you does.
• When Elijah invite you to dinner, he knows what you want to eat. When Elijah gives you jewerly, he knows what you prefer. When you're sad, suddenly Elijah appears at your door with food and a wish to rewatch Pride & Prejudice.
• Elijah knows that what he does is wrong, but he can't help himself. You're the best thing that ever happened to him, he can't just let fate decide what will happen to you both. He needs to have control over it.
• Elijah is protective, but in a prevented way. If he senses someone is trying to hurt you, Elijah will stop them before they even had the chance. All he wants is for you to live a good and peaceful life.
• He's constantly thinking about turning you. Elijah don't want you to be affraid of him, he couldn't live with that, so it needs to be perfect. Maybe if you discover when he's protecting you... And then, with time, Elijah can make you seen it as a blessing. Eternal life. Elijah wouldn't make you scared like he was when he was turned, he would make you feel loved. You would die on his arms, and woke up to your endless life on them too.
Rebekah Mikaelson
• Oh, she wasn't so nice. She wasn't nice at all. Rebekah was actually really mean, and even harmed you a few times. The thing was, Rebekah wasn't obsessed with you because she fell in love, she was obsessed with you because she wanted your life.
• Rebekah saw you and immediately knew you were everything she ever wanted to be. You're pretty, and nice, and funny. People like you. People love you. You have nice friends, a normal family, an easy life. Rebekah wanted even your problems. You were perfect, and she was envy.
• Rebekah would treat you like shit. She spend so much time sleeping on a grave, she didn't knew how to be a girl was on this century. She would make you help her getting ready. She would make you teach her how to behave. She would even make you follow her around, just so she appeared like someone anyone should talk to.
• Rebekah wanted to wear your skin. She wanted you hair, your voice, your eyes. She wanted to be you. Rebekah wanted to crawl inside your body and live there. Until Rebekah noticed she didn't actually wanted to be you, she wanted to have you.
• She would totally drink your blood. At the start, because she hates you, but after it would be to get closer to you. To hold you on her arms, so weak compared to herself, and taste you. So warm, so hers.
Kol Mikaelson
• Patience is a virtue, one that Kol does not have. He hates someone, he hates someone. He loves someone, he loves someone. Ride or die, baby. Kol simply don't have enough time or energy for that.
• You want him? Then you will have to deal with his pride, jealousy and possessiveness. Kol won't hide it from you, he needs someone that accept him whole. If you do, then he's yours and you're his. I mean, look at him, doesn't he smeel like a Bad Boy™?
• That don't mean he wants you to accept everything he does. Kol loves to fight. Mostly because he loves to make up. But be yourself, say he's an asshole when he gets mad because someone dare to look at you, but just don't drop his hand. If you both know this is toxic, it can't be so bad, right?
• Kol want to meet your family, to hold your hair when you throw up, to calm you down after a nightmare. He wants to make you dinner after a hard day (even if turns out horrible), to hear your thoughts on Lana Del Rey, to fight over what's the best Fast and Furious movie. He wants love, but he also wants it his way.
• You may have to deal with him covered in blood, but isn't this on the job description?
Finn Mikaelson
• Finn Mikaelson- Do you mean the definition of catholic guilt? That man is sad. He looks like a lost puppy, because he kinda of is. Finn didn't have a life. 900 years on a comb and some time being used by his mother.
• He would be ashamed to be near you. Finn see you as someone better than him, someone that don't deserve to be disrespected by his presence. It would take a lot of effort for him to be around you. Or just a coincidence: you also noticed him.
• All the obsession would be more on his mind than something he actually does all day. He would be constantly think about you, constantly in fear you find something more interesting, and trying to protect you from his siblings.
• Finn would be hearing your heart all the time. His worst fear is hurting you, but there is something on your heartbeat that always calm him down. Sometimes he hear your conversations, but after get so embarrassed that he can't even look at you in the eyes.
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GENERAL TAGLIST: @suakemi @notanalienindisguiseblink
if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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klausysworld · 1 year
I’m not completely sure how to do this, I’ve never requested anything before but I’m hoping you’ll write something for me, if you’re interested of course!
I just read the ‘Niklaus, What Have you Done?’ imagine that you wrote and I loved it. I was hoping you might write something similar. I was hoping for an imagine where Klaus is like he was in that story but when he finally tells the girl that he’s in love with her and shows her everything, her stuff he’s taken, the wonderful paintings, his collection of pictures of her, that she’s flattered. Maybe she’s just as messed up as he is and she loves his photography, she’s touched that he goes to such lengths to protect her and show his dedication.
She’s flattered by how much Klaus clearly loves her and she validates his obsessive love, loving him back and agreeing with how romantic and sweet it was for Klaus to stalk her. Please include a smut scene in the room full of paintings of her with a very submissive reader and maybe an eager to please Klaus?
I hope you like the idea, I just hoped since usually when stalkers tell the object of their obsession about their love and dedication they freak out, it would be cute if she was excited by it.
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Let the camera see you Doll…
Klaus stood with his hands behind his back as he swallowed nervously. He wasn’t entirely sure how this would go.
He hadn’t completely thought it all through when he brought his love to his home to show her just how deep his love for her rooted.
He watched anxiously as she turned her head, studying dozens of his paintings, all of her, some with them both, some just her in various positions and outfits or lack of.
He bit the inside of his cheek when he saw her lift a photo. Her. The whole room was just her.
Originally he wasn’t ever going to show her all of this but something about her just told him to. She would still love him, she would know it was out of pure admiration and desire.
He watched her face blush and heard her heart skip a beat as she looked over the many types of photos he had collected.
Slowly he made his way over to her, standing behind her and reaching around her to lift up the image she had just put back down. She was stood in her lovely lacey lingerie with her hands on her breasts in front of the mirror. He felt her breath hitch when his chest pressed to her back as he leaned forward to grab the box of photos and bring it to her
“You were just too beautiful to not, forgive me” he murmured when she sifted through the naked pictures. Her body ran hot when she realised he had caught her touching herself, seen her completely vulnerable and on display.
“How- how did i never see you?” She asked in confusion trying to remember the days he had been outside
“There were occasions you would look out but it was often rather dark and the tree line only makes it harder to see” he explained and she nodded in understanding
“How did you get my things? My clothes- my- well…” her voice trailed off as she glanced to the box of her panties making him lips twitch
“Well actually…I might’ve had to go to your landlord to have gotten permission to enter your house” he muttered nervously, thankfully she already knew of the supernatural world otherwise if would’ve been a far more interesting conversation.
“Oh wow, you did all this?” She asked while looking through everything, the unbelievable amounts of her things “I thought i lost this” she told him with a light laugh seeing her favourite jumper within the box, bending down and pulling it out, her face lighting up as she spun around to face him.
His face was flushed from having her bent over in front of him, so close her ass touched his crotch. He glanced to the item she was showing him before back to her bright eyes, not an ounce of hatred or dread in them.
“You can have it back” he told her softly and she smiled
“I dunno, I’m sure you like it more than I do” she teased nodding her head in the direction of the painting of her in said jumper making his lips turn up
“God, this must’ve taken ages! I mean seriously how long were waiting for me to take my clothes off?” She teased with a growing smile knowing she takes forever in the shower. Her expression faltered when he didn’t respond, didn’t say anything just looking at her shocked
“What? You getting all shy now?” She asked with a laugh snapping him out of his daze.
Without thinking he pressed him lips to hers, having craved them for so long and finally being able to taste her knowing she wasn’t afraid. Feeling her press back against him, her hand letting go of the jumper and her arms going around his neck kissing him back. His hands slid down her body to grip her hips, following the curve of her ass and squeezing gently to make her let out a moan. He slipped his tongue into her mouth, surprised at her immediate submission as she let out a whimper and melted to him.
He pulled away after a few more moments of her panting desperately in his mouth due to a lack of air, allowing them both to take a deep breath.
He looked down to see her lips swollen and redder than before, her eyes darker and rounder as she swallowed thickly.
He couldn’t help but kiss her again, even hungrier than the last, his hands groping her ass through the skirt of her dress before dragging it up to feel her in his hands. He let out a long groan as he let his hand wonder further, his fingers pressing against her panties making her gasp around his tongue and pull away.
Her big doe eyes looked up at him as her underwear was pushed to the side, two of his fingers gliding along her folds making them tingle. He kept his eyes on hers as her mouth formed an ‘o’ and she clung to his neck.
“You like it, don’t you? That I’ve watched you, I protect you and look after you” he murmured as his fingertips brushed over her slippery clit.
“I do, I like it” she whispered desperately as her body moved to follow his fingers, urging them to stroke her which they did but far too slow
“Wait love, stop moving” he muttered and she did so quickly
“Good girl” he breathed as he brought his fingers in front of them both. Licking his lips seeing how they glistened with her arousal and seeing her face darken in red as he brought them to her mouth. Slowly she took them into her mouth, sucking lightly before licking them clean watching his face as he concentrated on her tongue’s movements against him and letting out a hot breath
“Oh love, you have no idea how long I’ve needed you” he whispered as she bobbed her head along his fingers and let out a whimper
“Gonna fuck you so good sweetheart, nice and slow, show you how much I love you” he told her whilst pulling his fingers out of her mouth and trailing them down the cleavage her summer dress exposed.
“What if I don’t want it slow?” She breathed, her lust growing rapidly as the pads of his fingers left a trail of gooseberries in their wake.
“Then I’ll have to fuck you hard and fast” he murmured as his head dipped to kiss her neck softly. “But first, I need to get something” he whispered
“What is it?” She asked breathlessly as her head tilted back
“My camera, I’ve got proof of you doing everything else, I need to have our first time on tape too sweetheart” he told her, his hand squeezing her ass once more. Her moan was enough consent he needed as he lifted her up in one hand, her legs clinging to his waist as he brought her over to the chest of drawers.
He let her pick the camera model before setting it up for them, loving how curious she was as to how everything worked and how he would zoom in to capture her through the windows. He pulled a few of her blankets out he had taken and spread them out on the floor before laying her down on her back.
He kissed her lips softly before standing back up and turning the camera on.
“You promise, only you’ll see this right?” She asked him as he kneeled inbetween her legs
“Of course my love, anyone sees this and they’ll be walking around with no eyes” he murmured as he pulled her panties off of her legs, lifting them to his face and breathing them in, glancing down to see her face pink and lip in between her teeth. He put them down beside them before pushing her dress up and over her head and folded neatly to the side.
“You’re gorgeous” he told her, his hands hesitantly feeling her breasts, his thumbs swiping over them to have her nipples perk up.
“Look at the camera sweetheart” he directed as his fingers pulled gently at the little bullets making her breath in sharply as turn to face the camera, her heart racing making her chest rise and fall heavily. He glanced to the video-camera as he took a nipple into his mouth, his tongue flicking it lightly to make her whimper and her hands to curl around the blanket beneath her.
He let his teeth tease the sensitive nub making her back arch. He nipped it gently making her moan his name quietly and look back to him
“Klaus?” She uttered making him pull off her with a small ‘pop’ and bring his eyes back to hers
“Yes my heart?” He murmured, his thumbs stroking her breasts tenderly
“Please” she whispered, her eyes shining in lust
“Please what love?” He asked, as his fingers rolled her little buds
“Please just fuck me” she breathed looking up at him as he crawled over her, his face hovering above hers so close she could just tilt her head back to connect their lips.
“Say it again” he ordered gruffly, his hand hurriedly undoing his pants and tossing his belt away
“Please, please fuck me daddy” she whimpered looking to him innocently watching his expression grow darker as a growl formed in his chest.
“Fuck- tell me you need me sweetheart” he whispered as he threw his shirt away. He shifted to be in between her legs which quickly clung to his waist, bringing his unbearably hard cock to her needily awaiting cunt
“I need you Klaus, I need you so bad” she told him, her hand moving to cup the side of his neck bringing his lips to hers “make me yours” she uttered before coaxing his tongue into her mouth.
His tip slid through her folds, rubbing against her clit several times as his hips gently rocked against hers to cover his length in her wetness. She swallowed around him tongue, her hands pulling him closer as well as her legs as she moaned into his mouth and thrust her hips managing to make the head of his cock to slip inside her.
He pulled away hastily to look down between them, a breathy laugh leaving his swollen lips as he watched himself disappear inside her, her pretty pussy holding him in.
His hand stroked what wasn’t inside her, teasing herself enough to make him let out a deep moan.
“You don’t need to touch yourself anymore” she muttered “you can do whatever you want to me now”
Klaus looked back to the camera, his eyes darting between the lenses and his cock half inside his love.
He quickly reached up to grab the device, bringing it to focus on where their bodies connected making her walls clench around him tightly.
“Fuck, there’s a good girl, you feel good love?” He asked, his hips pushing to meet hers, letting her take him all the way and watching her face as she let out a choked moan.
“So good” she whispered, her legs dropping from his waist and spreading wide and flat against the bed to give him a better view.
One hand held the camera steady, the others thumb circled her clit slowly as he tentatively drew his hips back to just his tip again before pushing back all the way. He let out a grunt as the hot silky texture around his dick squeezed him tightly.
“You’re doing great love” he murmured as he began to thrust at a steady pace. His mouth hanging slightly open as he felt her clit pulse against his thumb and her walls fluttering.
“Please daddy, faster” she breathed making his blood rush. Klaus was losing his restraint by the second, his wolf tearing his way through to the front.
“You don’t want me to treat you like you’re an angel?” He murmured, his hips bucking faster without him realising. “You want me to fuck you like you’re a doll sweetheart?”
Her back arched as his tip nudged her spot
“Please let me be your doll” his eyes flashed gold at her statement, his body beating his mind as he fucked her harder. His breathing grew heavier as he slid in and out her faster, her moans growing louder.
He moved the camera back, still watching them but off to the side so he could hand his hands either side of her head, his hips bucking as though he were a wild animal.
His back muscles flexed as he tested just how fast he could go, watching her body jerk with his as she brought her legs up, the tops of her thighs pressing to her breasts.
He leant down on her to press them against her better, her lips brushed against his as she whispered his name like a prayer.
His eyes flicked to hers, his heart pounding in his chest almost as fast as his cock did inside her.
Knowing she was his, that she accepted him and his obsession. Liked it. Liked Loved him.
He lifted his hips to bring himself into her spot, hitting it repeatedly to watch and hear her appreciation knowing this was something he would look back on as often as he wanted.
“I love you sweetheart” he murmured, his lips finding her neck to suck little purple marks into her skin. Her mouth was just above his ear as she cried him name in pleasure
“That’s it doll, you nearly ready?” He hummed feeling her legs tremble beneath him
“Y-yeah…close” she breathed with a whine
His cock began to leak inside her, his precum spilling down his shaft and along her tightening walls.
His mouth moved to hover over his ear as he felt her walls close tightly around him, her hands gripping his back. He kissed the shell of her ear lightly causing a shiver to travel the length of her spine only adding to her need
“Let the camera see you doll, I want you to watch yourself later” he muttered, his thumb and index finger turning her face to see the camera. Her vision was blurred as she tried to focus on something other than the fireball inside her but it only made the overwhelming pleasure more obvious when she saw the faint reflection of her face in the lens.
She couldn’t help but let go when his teeth gently tugged at her earlobe, his tongue dancing over it lightly.
“That’s it- good girl” he grunted, quickly thrusting his hips the last few times as he came in thick spurts inside her, her body milking him dry.
“God you’re perfect” she breathed and he laughed
“I’m perfect?” He murmured as he pulled her legs down
“You are unbelievable” she told him bringing him back into another kiss which he willingly accepted and reciprocated quickly.
“You must let me paint you like this” he told her and she smiled
“Well you have it on tape” she laughed glancing to the camera once more making him lean over and press save before turning it off
“I’ll get quite a few from this, but I’m afraid I’ll need the real deal for more accurate imagery” he told her, lifting her upward to straddle his lap feeling their mess slide down her thighs onto his
“What part of me will be the main focus?” She hummed looking back up to him in that beautifully faux innocence
“I haven’t decided” he murmured, his fingertips circling her nipples again
“Maybe you need to take a closer look to choose” she purred, her legs spreading for him and her hands guiding his to her thighs
“You know I always wanted to get a better view of your fingers inside yourself” he trailed, his hands smoothing over her thighs enticingly
“Only if I get to see how you got off to watching” she uttered and he let out a soft growl in approval…
@klaustopia for our many many conversations on various topics that may feature in this lovely piece of….writing
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klaus-littlestwolf · 2 months
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Religious Teachings-Yan!ArtTeacher Klaus
Adopted Werewolf-Yan!Klaus
Little Dancer-Yan!Klaus
What a Complex Organ-Yan!Lawyer Klaus
One Little Trip to the ER Masterlist-Yan!ERDoctor Klaus
Hybrids Mafia Princess-Yan!Klaus w/ Mob!Bucky Barnes Daughter
Strange Kind of Love-Yan!Mob Klaus & Yan!Mob Bucky
Can’t Live Without You-Yan!Therapist Bucky
Er Doc Klaus/Police Officer Elijah-Yan!Elijah & Yan!Klaus HC’s
Police Officer Elijah Masterlist-Yan!Elijah
Never Ending Obsession-Yan!Stalker Aemond
As You Wish Sister-Yan!Aemond
Is This…Hair?!-Yan!Flynn Rider Aemond
YanAlpha!Klaus M. Mates the Last Omega
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
💕Love Letter WIPs💕
Yandere Brother!Bruce Wayne to sibling!Reader dating Guy Gardner (platonic)
Yandere Bruce Wayne to Unwilling!Biological!Kid!Reader who becomes Deathstroke’s apprentice (platonic)
Yandere Bruce Wayne to Horror!Author!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Step!Dad!Bruce Wayne to Step!Child!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Connor Kent (romantic)
Yandere Damian Wayne to Jokerized!Twin!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Arkhamverse!Riddler/Edward Nygma (romantic)
Yandere Beast Boy/Garfield Logan (romantic)
Yandere Jason Todd to Horror!Author!Reader (romantic)
Yandere Joker to Horror!Author!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Stalker!Batwoman/Kate Kane (romantic) [TW: self harm]
Yandere Lena Luthor to Fem!Horror!Author!Reader (romantic)
Yandere Talia al Ghul to Damian’s Twin!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Ted Grant (romantic)
Yandere Ted Grant to Biological!Kid!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Inertia/Thaddeus Thawne to Bart’s Civilian!Friend!Reader (romantic)
Yandere Wally West to Hero!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Daken/Akihiro to Logan’s Platonic!darling!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Erik Lehnsherr (platonic)
Yandere Mom!Emma Frost to Child!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Frank Castle (platonic)
Yandere Blob/Fred Dukes (romantic) {angsty}
Yandere Kraven the Hunter to Escaped!Darling!Reader (romantic)
Yandere Brother!Wolverine/Logan Howlett to Surrogate!Sibling!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Toad/Mortimer Toynbee to Villain!Reader (romantic)
Yandere Teacher!Natasha Romanoff to College!Student!Reader
Yandere Peggy Carter (platonic)
Yandere Fanboy!Peter Maximoff to Musician!Reader (romantic)
Yandere Thor Odinson to Child!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Sabertooth/Victor Creed (platonic)
Yandere Doctor Doom/Victor von Doom to Unwilling!Child!Reader (platonic)
Game of Thrones/ASOIAF
Yandere Robert Baratheon to Friend!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Cersei Lannister to Baratheon!Reader (romantic)
Yandere Cersei Lannister to Joanna!lookalike!Reader (platonic) COMPLETED/POSTED
Yandere Oberyn Martell to Stark!Reader pt2 (platonic)
Yandere Rhaella Targaryen (romantic)
Yandere Grandpa!Tywin Lannister to Joanna!lookalike!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Alicent Hightower to Viserys’!Sickly!Brother!Reader (romantic) COMPLETED/POSTED
Yandere Aegon II Targaryen to Septa!Reader (romantic)
Yandere Daemon to his and Rhea’s child!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Helaena Targaryen to Handmaiden!Reader (romantic)
Yandere Maegor the Cruel (romantic)
Yandere Severus Snape to Lily!lookalike!Reader (platonic) [Harry Potter]
Yandere Draco Malfoy to Hufflepuff!Reader (romantic) [Harry Potter]
Yandere Brother!Regulus Black to thirdborn!sibling!Reader (platonic) [HarryPotter/Marauders Era]
Yandere Mariano Guzman to Madrigal!Reader (romantic) [Encanto]
Yandere Klaus Mikaelson to Escaped!Reader (romantic) [The Orginials]
Yandere Bela Dimitrescu (romantic) [Resident Evil]
Yandere Stalker!Donatello (romantic) [TMNT]
Yandere Galadriel to Human!Reader (romantic) [Lord of the Rings]
(+some anime love letters from my sideblog)
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reareaotaku · 2 years
Yandere Klaus Mikaelson Headcanons
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TW: Pregnancy/Children
Great, you now have a little stalker
He's always watching and he likes to let you be aware of this
He'll follow you in public places and when he sees you, he makes sure to wave
You may be frightened, but you can't run away and he doesn't plan on hurting you
Well, that's not true, because if you tried to run from him, he'll break your fucking legs
He doesn't talk to you directly for a while, in fact, you'll be the one to approach him [Much to his pleasure]
After that, he doesn't just stay away, he will go out of his way to be near and speak to you
He gets aggressive quickly and is scared that you'll get away from him
^While he knows that you can never leave him, it still a fear that sits in the back of his mind
He would rather kill you then ever let you leave, which goes against the whole point
He's very overprotective and will kill anyone that even 'THINKS' of hurting you
He doesn't want to turn you, but he also doesn't want you to leave him for the afterlife anytime soon
If you're a werewolf, he'd be more cautious about turning you, because he knows how painful it was for him, especially as a hybrid
If someone else turned you into a vampire, he would find them and kill them
If you're a witch, he would have been more indecisive with his feelings, because he does not have a good run with witches [He would deny his feelings, but still stalk and watch you, before he gets jealous and realizes he likes you]
He's one of those yandere's that will kill in front of you and touch you while covering in blood
In this AU, Hayley doesn't exist and instead you got pregnant, and it doesn't matter what you are, because the babies going to be hybrid in all three mythical creatures, because of Klaus
And since you're pregnant, Klaus is more protective
Like with Hayley, Elijah loves you and he wants to protect you
He would of helped you get away, but since you're pregnant, he knows Klaus would destroy the entire world to find you [Plus you're independent and deny his help, knowing you could protect yourself]
Rebekah is to scared of Klaus to help you, but she's great to talk to, because she won't blab to Klaus about what you said [Unlike Elijah]
Marcel had once tried to use you as bait for Klaus, but that ended with dozens of his men dead and that was a quick lesson for him
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sentience-if · 7 months
Imagine that Io and ROs are reborn into the modern world. The RO and Io walk past each other on the street and for some reason (plot) RO recognizes MC which RO tries reaching out to MC and which RO let’s them go?
reaches out: Val, Kat
lets them go: Klaus, Ira
becomes a stalker: Connie
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Meet the Creators and their Games!
As we wait for the votes to begin, here's a list of the creators of these yanderes and a link to download their games in case you haven't played them, but they interest you! :D
(Edited to include more Tumblrs thanks to @maleyanderecafe!
Z (Favor)
Tumblr: @favorvn
Itchio: Download Here!
Tenebris (Duality)
Tumblr: @dualityvn
Itchio: Download Here!
Dorian (10:16)
Creator's Tumblr: @artwithoutblood
Itchio: Download Here!
Nial (Parasite in Love)
Creator's Tumblr: @nightasobu
Itchio: Download Here!
Friend (See Thru Friend)
Tumblr: @stnaf-vn
Itchio: Download Here!
Stalker/Dameon (Broken Colors)
Creator's Tumblr: @inkly-heart
Itchio: Download Here!
Simon (Colored Gaze)
Tumblr: @clrdgaze
Itchio: Download Here!
Ashton (Picture Perfect Boyfriend)
Creator's Tumblr: @espoirduvide
Itchio: Download REBOOT Here!
Eros (Seven Bloody Nights)
Tumblr: @sevenbloodynightsvn
Itchio: Download Here!
Cassanova (Cannibal Sweetheart)
Tumblr: @cannibalsweetheart
Itchio: Download Here!
Fone (Honey Hotline)
Tumblr: @ringringringbananafone
Itchio: Download Here!
Itchio: Download Here!
Adam (You and Him)
Griffin (Duplicity)
Tumblr: @duplicity-vn
Itchio: Download Here!
Devyn (Invite Me In)
Itchio: Download Here!
Liu (Glass Mind)
Itchio: Download Here!
Rook (A Cry for Help)
Tumblr: @stnaf-vn
Itchio: Download Here!
Sebastian (Particles of Reality)
Creator's Tumblr: @arewar
Itchio: Download Here!
Castor (Darling Duality)
Creator's Tumblr: @melancholy-marionette
Itchio: Download Here!
Markus (Yandere Island)
Tumblr: @yandere-islandvn
Itchio: Download Here!
Sasha (Hopeless Romantic)
Creator's Tumblr: @xbonecandyx
Itchio: Download Here!
Liev Latane (Pulsatio Cordis)
Itchio: Download Here!
Gold (Ai-yo, Kogane-San!)
Creator's Tumblr: @crystalcrynight
Itchio: Download Here!
Ezra (Restart Heart)
Tumblr: @restartheartvn
Itchio: Download Here!
Klaus (Please Don't Hate Christmas)
Itchio: Download Here!
Bo (Dachabo)
Itchio: Download Here!
John Doe (John Doe)
Creator's Tumblr: @purple-verse
Itchio: Download Here!
Sunny Day Jack (SWWSDY)
Tumblr: @sunny-day-jack-official
Itchio: Download Here!
Kylar (Degrees of Lewdity)
Creator's Blog: Download Here!
Ren (14DWY)
Tumblr: @14dayswithyou
Itchio: Download Here!
Alan (My Dear Hatchetman)
Tumblr: @hatchetmanofficial
Itchio: Download Here!
Ren (BTD2)
Creator's Tumblr: @gatobob
Website: Download Here!
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catmikaelson20 · 1 year
Klaus: (proudly) I have prepared your favorite dish!
Y/N: (surprised) How did you know what my favorite food was?
Klaus: (chuckling) Oh, you know, I've been…investigating.
Y/N: (sighing) Great, now I have a gourmet stalker.
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the-black-bulls · 9 months
10 12 and 14 for Yuno?? Pls and thanks <3
Send a character + one or more of these question!
It's always fun to talk about Yuno, thank you for the ask!
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
Listen if I'm a golden dawn member hands will be thrown and Alec-fucking-dora will be bitchslapped across the breakfast table seven days after Yuno joins the squad and I only waited this long because even Klaus' bitchless ass figured out bullying a flipping kid doesn't make you woke so maybe my captain's stalker can get it. So anyway, me and Yuno are best friends ever since - actually, we're on our way to request squads switching 😈
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
He has a bad memory, a horrible one. He tends to forget people's names (which makes him an excellent nicknamer) and meetings he's supposed to attend and what he's eaten this morning and the really deep cut that definitly appeared out of nowhere on his chest. This isn't a result of legit memory issues as much as Yuno - he just... doesn't care, ok? His attention span isn't worse than Charmy's when food is involved but it's that close.
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
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According to my friend Yuno is a Vestboy(tm)
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