#Star Wars: KOTOR II
karlsanada13 · 2 years
Best RPGs for Android
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RPGs have become bigger and better for the mobile platform. Now, we can have highly detailed RPGs that you can play on-the-go such as Genshin Impact. Of course, let us not forget about the OG RPG that was ported to mobile as they actually place very nicely with optimized touch screen controls.
If you are looking for the best RPGs to play for your Android device, then we have a list for you!
Link: https://www.gamersdecide.com/articles/best-rpgs-android
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fuzzy-set · 4 months
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Kreia/Darth Traya
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oc4everything · 2 months
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nukbody · 5 months
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Best toxic yuri™ brainrot ft. my literal child
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crowhoonter · 7 months
One of the best parts of KoTOR 2 to me is how it subverts the typical Star Wars trend of having the main character be the center of the universe. In most things Star Wars, especially the movies, everything revolves around the main character, and granted, that is partly because they will be our main protagonist, but also it specially focuses around them. Anakin Skywalker is the single most important person during the prequels, almost everyone plans involve him in some way, and his actions define almost everything else that happens. This trend continues in the other trilogies, with the Skywalkers being the main focus.
KoTOR 2 is similar in some aspects to this, the Exile is undoubtedly the center of the story, and their actions influence everyone else to the extreme. The subversion of this is that the majority of the exile's influence doesn't take place during the game arguably. It happens far before it.
The Exile is responsible for almost every one of their companions major neuroses. Your actions have defined everyone, if not always directly, and played major parts of shaping them into who they are by the time of the game. The way it plays out, it's like a sort of "afterword" of one of the movies. You experience the fallout of the actions and decisions you made, the result of being the center of the universe, and it is very rarely pretty. KoTOR 2's companions were broken by your actions, and now you have to mend that break.
Basically, I really love that KoTOR 2 shows the how being the most important person ever would really play out, and its incredibly destructive consequences. Its a really cool subversion of the typical Star Wars formula.
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sns315 · 1 year
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You are all these things, Revan
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devileaterjaek · 11 months
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criterioncollected · 8 months
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a not admitting of the wound - emily dickinson / knights of the old republic ii: the sith lords
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eirliss · 2 months
valley of the dark lords
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deetheartistda · 2 months
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yandere-wishes · 4 months
The type of yandere Revan would be?
Both in behaviours, thinking and all that, as well as physical mannerisms and affection
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(Sorry for any errors I'm writing this while nursing a terrible migraine)
Revan is such a devoted yandere. You are his, his padawan, his acolyte, his in every way. It's hard to call him obsessed (although that's what he is) because he's so relaxed with his mannerisms. Revan constantly has you pinned to his side, feeling you in some way. But it's so discreet, a phantom of a fleeting touch that feels more like a dream than reality. Sure he'll behead anyone who dares get too close to you. But he'd rather disintegrate than ever admit he actually "loves you". He's cold, devoted, fully believing that there are more pressing matters in the universe than his feelings for you. Yet still needing you to be by his side. 
He is rather cold (during both his Jedi and Sith phases) but he does love to touch you and loves it when you return the affection in some way. Although he'd never really want to see you as a helpless doll. He's trained you to be strong to be second best only to him. He needs to pour every ounce of himself into you, to make you understand his pain and devotion. 
All this being said Revan is forceful, he'll absolutely drag you down to the dark side with him and Malak. And then he'll drown you in the light side once he turns back. Only when his memories have been wiped does he relent, not out of his own volition, but simply because he can't tell what's right and wrong for himself let alone for you. 
Speaking of brainwashed Revan, I like to think that he becomes more clingy. Like he might not know who you are exactly but he feels like he needs you by his side. You are his lifeline, his salvation. A sanctuary in the darkness. He's also more open about how he feels about you, more prone to needing you physically. 
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dailygaming · 2 years
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Atton Rand; Pilot and Companion to the Exile
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sailforvalinor · 1 year
“Kreia is one of the most nuanced and best-written characters in Star Wars” and “Kreia’s philosophy is flawed and an unhealthy way to live your life” are two statements that can coexist actually
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feminist-chronicles · 7 months
“And I hate you as I hate her. I hate you because you crawl within my head as she does. But your presence holds no thoughts, no teachings. You are just there. Unspoken. I hate you because you are beautiful to me. And in that weakness, lies death.”
- Darth Sion, Knights of The Old Republic: The Sith Lords
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nukbody · 6 months
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Ive missed them
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flatscans · 7 months
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