#Stephen Sachs
mariocki · 20 hours
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Death Dorm (The Dorm That Dripped Blood, 1982)
"I'm not gonna hurt you! I love you! I'm not gonna hurt you like all the others. The others - the others! Do you wanna see the others, huh?"
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moviesandmania · 2 months
THE DORM THAT DRIPPED BLOOD Reviews of so-so slasher
‘When the kidding stops… the killing starts!’ The Dorm That Dripped Blood is a 1982 slasher horror film about college students who stay on campus over the Christmas holiday to clear out a dormitory that is due for demolition. In the course of their work, they are stalked by an unknown assailant who uses various industrial tools to dispatch his victims… The film was initially released as…
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atomic-chronoscaph · 1 year
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Galaxina (1980)
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phantomstatistician · 6 months
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Fandom: The Devil Wears Prada
Sample Size: 3,568 stories
Source: AO3
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incorrectdwpquotes · 11 months
Andy: Do you know that we are made out of atoms? Andy: And atoms never touch each other. Andy: So no, officer. I did not punch Mr. Tomlinson.
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stephenlang-slang · 5 months
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Stephen Lang with Ann Sachs and Jerome Dempsey from the Off-Broadway play "Clownmaker."
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book0ftheday · 1 year
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The Big Book for Peace edited by Ann Durrell and Marilyn Sachs, cover illustration by Maurice Sendak; illustration from The Dream by Stephen Kellogg; illustration from The Bird's Peace by Jean Craig Head George, illustrated by Ted Rand. Printed 1990.
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xtruss · 4 months
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Jeffrey Sachs. Photo: Courtesy of Sachs
China Is Not A Threat To The US, But To US Hegemony: US Scholar Jeffrey Sachs
— Global Times | May 22, 2024
China is not a threat to the US itself, but rather a threat to US hegemony, US scholar Jeffrey Sachs said in a recent interview with Chinese media. He described the US' reaction to China's rise as "neurotic," pointing to publications like Foreign Affairs magazine which constantly discuss how to maintain US superiority over China and spread paranoia about China.
"Basically, what's happening is that China poses a threat to US hegemony. It's not a threat to taking over the US, to you, or to me, but a threat to the claim that the US runs the world," Sachs pointed out.
Sachs emphasized that China is not trying to take over the US and the reason why China is deemed as a threat by the US is because China is showing that it does not run the world the way the US likes to think it does.
In the US nowadays, various versions of "China threat" theories are rampant, revealing a neurotic sense of anxiety about China-related issues among US media and elites. From weather balloons to Chinese corn factories, garlic and cranes, and the recent hype about the so-called overcapacity brought by Chinese electric vehicles, US elites seem fixated on anything that could be perceived as a "China threat" and use this to justify their crackdown on China. This only reveals their anxiety about China's rise and their fear of losing hegemony, analysts believe.
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Illustration: Liu Rui/Global Times
Other foreign scholars have also expressed views similar to those of Sachs. "We should not underestimate just how important being No.1 is to America's sense of identity," wrote British scholar Martin Jacques in a column for the Global Times. Jacques argued that for sustaining US hegemony, rather than seeing China as a relatively benign partner, the US instead regards China as a threat to its global primacy and find ways to contain, weaken and undermine it.
"No one country should consider itself leader of the whole world, because we need a world that is diverse, multipolar, and governed not by decisions of one country or the primacy of one country but by international law, especially the UN Charter," said Sachs in a previous interview with the Global Times, urging the US to develop a cooperative relationship with China.
"Right now, we are on a dangerous course. American foreign policy toward China is misguided and a serious mistake," he warned, noting that US politicians have been on a campaign to discredit China and to build an alliance of nations against China, which is obviously a very misguided and dangerous idea.
Joseph Solis-Mullen, A Political Scientist and Economist at the Libertarian Institute, also told the Global Times that the US must learn how to live with and deal with large, powerful states that do not acquiesce to US security prerogatives. "It is up to Americans to start demanding new and better ones, ones geared toward cooperation and the prosperity of all, not attempted global hegemony," he added.
Stephen Roach, a Faculty Member at Yale University and Former Chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia, refuted the increasingly rampant "Sinophobia" in the US in an article in the South China Morning Post on March 28. In the article, Roach said, "There is good reason to worry about an increasingly virulent strain of this phobia spinning out of control in the US."
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society-hannah · 5 months
Mit Hilfe des Se Discord Channels habe ich eine Liste erstellt, welche top lieblingartists, die se Charaktere hätten, also hier ist es ‼️ (Es ist nur eine Meinung, also nimmt es nicht zu ernst)
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Julia ist definitiv ein swiftie. Außerdem hört sie billie eilish und girl in red.
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Tahmina hört so Die Ärzte, Red hot chilli peppers und die Spice Girls.
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Simon hört definitiv diesen mainstream rap. Er mag kanye West, drake und kendrick. Der beef zwischen drake und kendrick ist für ihn das krasseste, was jemals passiert ist.
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Definitiv Beyoncé, Madonna und Adele!
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Noah hört Orville Peck, Hozier und Bring me the Horizon.
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Seit den letzten Tagen läuft "espresso" von Sabrina carpenter bei nesrin in dauerschleife. Außerdem hört sie Aurora und Avril Lavigne. Manchmal schleicht sich auch ayesha erotica ein, aber nur manchmal!
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Was soll ich sagen, mikka liebt die Songs, die minecraft im Spiel drinne hat.
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Irgendwo muss Maxi ja ihre Wut auslassen und wo sonst, wenn nicht zu korn oder linkin Park? Wenn sie ausnahmsweise mal gut gelaunt ist, hört sie Lena Meyer-Landrut.
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Nura, Nina Chuba, Juju und Sxtn.
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Marlon's Musikgeschmack ist sehr vielfältig! Mal hört er joji, mal hört er falco, aber Taylor swift geht bei ihm immer. (Er liebt folklore)
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Leon liebt Lady gaga, conan gray und panic at the disco.
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Karl hört so diese typische Radio Musik wie Mark foster, Nico santos und Álvaro Soler.
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Es wurde von seinen Schauspieler höchstpersönlich confirmed, dass Joshua viele Musik nicht mag, dafür aber Podcast und Hörbücher! Ich sehe ihn aber trotztem bei David Bowie, Marina and the Diamonds und Imagine Dragons.
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Joel hört sehr oft "Lotusblume", da dass der lieblingssong seiner Oma ist. Außerdem kann ich ihn mir sehr gut bei Kate Bush vorstellen.
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Elly ist nicht sehr originell. Taylor Swift, Ayliva und Harry Styles sind jedenfalls auf jeden ihrer playlists zufinden.
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Chiara hört gerne, genauso wie nesrin, Aurora. Außerdem hört sie Anime Intros und Kyary Pamyu Pamyu.
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Ava hört gerne, wer hätte es gedacht, Girl in red. Eine weitere Sache, die sie mit Julia teilt! Dazu kommen noch Louis Tomlinson und Luna.
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Annika is just a girl ‼️ Sie hört Taylor swift, Olivia rodrigo und lana del rey.
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Julia hat colin zu einen swiftie gemacht, er würde das aber niemals zugeben! Was er zugibt, ist, dass er hozier und Stephen Sanchez hört.
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science70 · 1 year
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Stephen Macht and Dorothy Stratten, Galaxina (USA, 1980 dir: William Sachs).
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Andy Craig at The UnPopulist:
While running for the U.S. senate from Ohio three years ago, JD Vance inveighed against “childless cat ladies” during a broadcast of Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Tonight, a comment that went viral after he was named Donald Trump’s running mate on the 2024 Republican presidential ticket. These women, who Vance argued have been running the country alongside “corporate oligarchs” and the rest of the Democratic Party, are “miserable at their own lives and the choices that they've made and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable, too.” Expanding the critique to include childless men, Vance went on: “It's just a basic fact—you look at Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, AOC—the entire future of the Democrats is controlled by people without children.” (Kamala Harris is a stepmom of two, Pete Buttigieg and his husband adopted twins shortly after Vance’s interview aired, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was still years younger than Vance was at the birth of his first child.)
That’s not the only occasion that Vance has exhibited an odd and explicit hostility toward childless Americans. In another resurfaced clip from 2021, this time as a guest on far-right influencer Charlie Kirk’s podcast, Vance pushed the idea that we need to “punish the things we think are bad,” before offering his proposal to tax Americans who don’t have kids at a higher rate than Americans who do. As UnPopulist contributor and law professor Ilya Somin has pointed out, the problem wasn’t necessarily with the underlying policy—the child tax credit—but the needlessly punitive framing Vance gave to it, singling out a particular constituency for a social penalty rather than playing up the pro-family outcomes the provision is supposed to incentivize. But one of the strangest policy proposals motivated by Vance’s contempt for the childless is his contention that parents ought to receive an additional vote��for each of their minor children during elections.
Vance isn’t the only one who has endorsed this policy. Notable leftist and independent presidential candidate Cornel West also thinks it’s a good idea (though his professed interest in helping children does not appear to extend to the tens of thousands of dollars he owes in unpaid child support). In a new paper, two law professors, Northwestern University’s Joshua Kleinfeld and Harvard’s Stephen E. Sachs, flesh out the idea in more detail. As they see it, parents “should be able to cast proxy ballots on behalf of their minor children.” Although there’s always some merit to thinking outside the box on structural reforms to our democracy, giving extra votes to parents fundamentally misunderstands the purpose and principles of free elections.
Parents Aren’t the Only Voters Who Care About Kids
The assumption underlying the proposals to give parents extra votes on behalf of their children is that, in American politics, the interests of children are underrepresented. But that’s a dubious premise. Governments at all levels in the United States spend huge sums on education, healthcare, benefits, and tax breaks for children, not to mention on laws and regulations to protect the health and safety of children. In total, these policies amount to public spending well into the six figures for every child from birth until adulthood. If children were indeed an electorally inert constituency, parties and politicians wouldn’t bother devoting so many resources to them. In other words, none of this spending would make sense if politicians and policymakers could ignore children simply because they can’t vote, the supposed problem extra votes for parents is intended to remedy.
The “Proxy” Pretense
More importantly, this proposal is not about giving votes to children. It is about giving extra votes to parents. To say these extra votes are “proxy votes,” as proponents tend to frame the idea, is a fig leaf. The extra votes allocated would be cast by parents or other guardians, however they see fit, as an expression of their own political views. Parents who receive extra votes to cast “for their children” would be under no obligation to cast those votes any differently than they do their own. That’s true even if they’re party-line Republicans and their 17-year old is already a staunch progressive, or—less commonly—vice versa.
One adult person, one vote is not an arbitrary standard—it is a manifestation of legal equality, the core principle from which everything else flows. The franchise represents the equal interest we have as autonomous, equal members of society with an equal interest in the protection of our rights. That construct is only applicable to adults who actually are free agents; adults are free to read what they want, believe what they want, associate with whomever they want, form their own opinions, and freely express them. By aggregating the expression of these freely formed views, we have a kind of collective freedom in deciding how our self-governing society should function.
A genuine proxy vote, such as we sometimes see in legislative bodies, is a consensual arrangement. Individuals who have a vote in their own right delegate that vote to somebody else they have authorized to cast it. No such process plays out under the extra-votes-for-parents plan. That’s because minors do not have a vote in the first place. That means they cannot freely allocate their vote to anybody. It would be absurd to say children could revoke these extra votes if they disapprove of how their parents will use them, in the way actual proxy votes can be revoked. That inherent lack of consent makes it nonsensical to say this is really the child’s vote. The proposed extra votes instead belong to the adults, just as exclusively and absolutely as their own regular individual vote. Rather than proxy voting, the system proposed is more analogous to a number of discredited historical schemes for skewing the electorate by super-powering some class of voters and—as a corollary—either partially or fully disenfranchising others.
Why Stop At Extra Votes for Parents?
Once you open the door to picking and choosing which voters get more say than others, parenthood is hardly the only possible attribute you could choose to reward. Why not an extra vote for people with college degrees, since we want more educated people to have greater say? How about taxes paid—isn’t that a relevant interest we should accord extra weight to? Land ownership? Number of employees? Or how about age? Should 70-year olds who have a shorter amount of time to live with the consequences only have a fraction of a vote compared to 20-year olds with their whole life ahead of them? If we value religiosity, as many including Vance say they do, should churchgoers get an electoral boost over the irreligious? If you’re skeptical of immigration, as Vance is to a weirdly historical degree, should votes be weighted by the number of generations your ancestors have been in the United States? If these arguments sound familiar, it’s because many of them were once common, alongside the more notorious disenfranchisements based on race and sex. Property requirements, poll taxes, university constituencies, class-based plural voting, and various other efforts to skew the electorate have all been relegated to the dustbin of history for good reason.
JD Vance’s proposal to disenfranchise single women is more proof that he is a weirdo unfit to be the nation’s #2 in charge.
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Why I'm excited and not worried about the Witcher season 3
season 3 will be awesome and much closer to the books than season 2, don't believe me? I have proof  
We are now about 3 weeks out from the season 3 premier, comparatively 3 weeks out from season 2 there where already reports about a lot of the stuff that  wasn't in the books.
 -Eskel`s death,
 -2 big fight scenes at  Kaer Morhen, 
 -Voleth Meir,an all powerful evil magical being that tricks those who want their deepest desires,
  -the scenes together with Yen and Fringilla 
  -and expanded roles for  Istredd and Fringilla( I actually liked these editions finding them much more interesting than in the books where they are just involved in love triangle stuff with Geralt and Yen)  
but we know that many beloved scenes from Time of Contempt are making it in as well as a few crucial skipped moments from blood of elves  
based on the trailer we are  getting alot more family bonding, fluff, laughter Yen teaching Ciri magic, Geralt and Yen rekindling there relationship ,  Geralt and Jaskier actually being friends now ( apparently the writers have learned that you can have slow moments of  characters just talking, laughing and getting along, they don't have to just bicker, fight monsters , and encounter evil all the time )     (( that's the last of the salt in this post I promise)) 
 first of all, Stephen Surjik director of the  A Grain of Truth episode is returning 
based on the trailer/stills, casting reports, as well as set scouting pictures from  Redanian Intelligence, we have these scenes confirmed : 
- Jaskier singing to the dryads in Brokilon
- the scenes in  Shaerrawedd 
-Geralt visiting  Codringher and Fenn 
 -Ciri and Fabio Sachs, the circus and the Wyvern
- The Thanedd Ball 
-  Ciri in the  Korath Desert, with  Ihuarraquax
-  Geralt fight with  Vilgefortz
comparatively I don't think we had any confirmed in the book scenes in the speculation before season 2  
the only changes I that I have found are:
Jaskiers bisexuality and romance with  Radovid and Vespula 
Id like to clear up some rumors here, they are not “ aging up a character who is later a tyrant” this  Radovid is King  Vizimir`s Brother, not his son, a completely different character, and there are multiple characters named  Radovid in the  Redanian royal line in the books so its not impossible for the two characters to happen to have the same name in this instance 
for the people who are upset about this change, they already changed Jaskier from the books, there he’s the archetypical pervy, womanizer bard archetype, in the show he still sleeps around with wives alot but he`s more of a golden  Retriever “ falls in love with everyone” type than a skirt chasing pervert.  So if most people were positive about this change, why should what gender his lovers are matter     homophobia that's why
Frankly im just glad we are getting a bisexual male character that will be  involved romantically with a man a and a woman on screen as two different relationships I cant even think of any examples on tv of that 
 the possible premature fate of Rience
honestly this one is just set scouting speculation that he dies here, but I really don't think people are going to be as upset at a chaotic evil character dying as they were Eskel, 
The original character of Gallatin 
he seems to be somewhat inspired by Isengrim and  Iorweth, a scarred elf that is the leader of the  Scoia’tael  guerrillas, based on the fact that they felt they had to make an original character rather than use one of those two,( they likely wont be killing any book characters off prematurely who are not a villains after whole Eskel debacle) as well as reports the actor wrapped filming quickly, seem to indicate he wont survive the season ( could this be part of what leads Cahir into joining the hanza next season) 
to conclude im super excited, this season is packed with scenes I ( and alot of others) have been really wanting to see I cant wait 
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hi! ich muss mal kurz sagen ich bin SO froh einen blog auf dieser webseite gefunden zu haben, auf dem über theater gesprochen wird und zwar nicht nur ausschließlich über musicals - es fühlt sich an als würde die eiszeit zuende gehen haha XD jedenfalls: cooler blog -- es scheint ganz coole produktionen in deiner nähe zu geben (?) maria von simon stephens klingt jedenfalls klasse, mal gucken ob das iwo hier läuft, LG!
Freut mich das dieser kleine Gimmick-Account für deutsches Theater gut ankommt! Das Thema ist zwar etwas Nieschenbedingt, da ich mich halt hauptsächlich nur zu lokalen Produktionen äußern kann, aber ich finde das tut der Sache ja keinen Abbruch.
Momentan ist hier Sommerpausenbedingt ein bisschen Flaute, aber ab Ende August/Anfang September geht's defintiv weiter. Vielleicht kommen da auch ein paar Beiträge zu deutschlandweiten Produktionen, ich hab nämlich vor in der nächsten Spielzeit ein bisschen zu reisen.
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This day in history
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I'm touring my n ew, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me SATURDAY (Apr 27) in MARIN COUNTY, then Winnipeg (May 2), Calgary (May 3), Vancouver (May 4), and beyond!
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#15yrsago London cop’s Facebook: “Can’t wait to bash” G20 protestors http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/london/8016620.stm
#15yrsago Dangerous terrorists arrested in the UK weren’t http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/8011955.stm
#10yrsago Muslims sue FBI: kept on no-fly list because they wouldn’t turn informant https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2014/04/suit-claims-muslims-put-on-no-fly-list-for-refusing-to-become-informants/
#10yrsago Lost Warhol originals extracted from decaying Amiga floppies https://web.archive.org/web/20140424093724/https://studioforcreativeinquiry.org/events/warhol-discovery
#10yrsago Making a planetary-scale sandwich https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/23symq/me_located_in_iceland_and_my_friend_located_in/
#10yrsago Drunk 18 year old girl rushed to hospital from Canadian PM Stephen Harper’s residence https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/intoxicated-18-year-old-girl-reportedly-rushed-to-hospital-from-prime-minister-harpers-residence
#5yrsago Nest’s “ease of use” imperative plus poor integration with Google security has turned it into a hacker’s playground https://memex.craphound.com/2019/04/24/nests-ease-of-use-imperative-plus-poor-integration-with-google-security-has-turned-it-into-a-hackers-playground/
#1yrago How Goldman Sachs's "tax-loss harvesting" lets the ultra-rich rake in billions tax-free https://pluralistic.net/2023/04/24/tax-loss-harvesting/#mego
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kp777 · 2 years
By Jessica Corbett
Common Dreams
March 23, 2023
From the article:
U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders on Thursday introduced the Federal Reserve Independence Act to prevent bank executives from serving on regional Fed boards that are responsible for regulating their institutions.
The bill—which would also bar the U.S. central bank's board members and employees from owning any stock or investing in any company that is regulated by the Federal Reserve—comes as Fed leadership is under fire for recent interest rate hikes and regulatory rollbacks that preceded the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and Signature Bank failures.
"The Fed has got to become a more democratic institution that is responsive to the needs of working people and the middle class."
I think it would come as a shock to most Americans to find out that Gregory Becker, the CEO of Silicon Valley Bank, who successfully lobbied for the deregulation of his financial institution was allowed to serve as a director of the same body in charge of regulating his bank: the San Francisco Federal Reserve," Sanders (I-Vt.) said in a statement.
"It is clear to me and to the American people, that the CEOs of the largest banks in America should not be allowed to serve as directors of the main agency we have in this country in charge of regulating those very same financial institutions," he asserted. "The Fed has got to become a more democratic institution that is responsive to the needs of working people and the middle class, not just CEOs of some of the largest financial institutions in America."
In a letter to his congressional colleagues about the bill, Sanders highlighted:
Gregory Becker may be the poster child for why we need this legislation, but he is not alone. Incredibly, two-thirds of the directors of these boards are hand-picked by the same bankers that the Federal Reserve is in charge of regulating.
Today, five top executives of financial institutions with over $150 billion in assets currently serve as directors of Federal Reserve banks. For example, the CEO of State Street (a financial institution with nearly $300 billion in assets) currently serves as a director of the Boston Federal Reserve. The CEO of M&T Bank (a financial institution with over $200 billion in assets) currently serves as a director of the New York Fed. The CFO of Ally Bank which has assets of over $180 billion is currently a director of the Richmond Fed. And the CEO of Northern Trust with assets of more than $150 billion currently serves on the Chicago Fed.
Sanders also pointed to a 2011 Government Accountability Office study which "found that allowing members of the banking industry to both elect and serve on the Federal Reserve's board of directors creates 'an appearance of a conflict of interest' and poses 'reputational risks' to the Federal Reserve System."
The senator provided examples involving Stephen Friedman, a former chairman of the New York Federal Reserve board as well as a Goldman Sachs board member and stockholder, and JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, whose bank got $391 billion in assistance while he sat on that same regional Fed board.
Along with seeking support for his bill—which is backed by Americans for Financial Reform, Demos, Revolving Door Project, Public Citizen, Working Families Party, and Association of Flight Attendants-CWA—Sanders is urging Congress to take other action in the wake of the SVB and Signature collapses.
Specifically, the senator is calling for:
Repealing Title IV of the 2018 bank deregulation legislation;
Enacting stronger regulations "to ensure the safety and soundness" of the nation's financial system;
A U.S. Justice Department probe into whether insider trading laws were broken by SVB executives who sold bank stock;
Clawing back bonuses given to SVB executives just before the collapse; and
Breaking up banks that are too big to fail to prevent another financial crisis like 2008.
As Sanders put it earlier this month: "We cannot continue down the road of more socialism for the rich and rugged individualism for everyone else. Let us have the courage to stand up to Wall Street, repeal the disastrous 2018 bank deregulation law, break up too big to fail banks, and address the needs of working families not the risky bets of vulture capitalists."
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5conspiracy-rule · 1 year
● Hillary Clinton
● Bill Clinton
● George Nader (Geschäftsmann)
● Huma Aberdin
● Laura Silsby
● Rachel Chandler
● Jeffrey Epstein
● Ghislaine Maxwell
● John Podesta
● Michael Podesta
● James Alefantis
● Anthony Wiener
● Leslie Wexner (limited Inc-Vorsitzender)
● Herbert Strauss
● Isidor Strauss
● Martin A. Nowak
● Steven Spielberg
● Edgar Bronfman Sr. (Seagram-Vorsitzender)
● Charles Bronfman (Seagram Co)
● Michael Steinhardt (ehemaliger Hedgefonds-Manager)
● Sara Bronfman
● Clare Bronfman
● Niles Lehman (Professor an der Portland State University)
● Seth Roger
● Ruth Ginsberg
● Alison Mack
● Robert Maxwell
● Wendi Murdoch
● Jonathan Tscheban
● Naomi Campbell
● Maxime Chow
● Val Kilmer
● Marina Abramovic
● Steven Spielberg
● Kevin Spacey
● Alison Mac
● Marc Collins-Rector (Gründer von Den)
● Chad Shackley
● Brock Pierce
● David Geffen
● Tom Hanks
● Dustin Hoffman
● Andrew Kreisberg (US-amerikanischer Fernsehschreiber, Produzent)
● Bryan Singer
● Harvey Weinstein
● Bob Weinstein
● Roman Polanski
● Ruma Hazard
● Charlie Sheen
● Madonna
● Kate Perry
● Miley Cyrus
● Errol Flynn
● Billy Graham
● Walt Disney
● Michael Laney (ehemaliger Walt Disney Vizepräsident)
● James Gunn (Disney)
● Heidi Fleiss
● Jeffrey Epstein
● Alison Mack
● Stormy Daniels
● Rachel Chandler
● Ghislaine Maxwell
● Ghislaine Maxwell
● Chris Tucker
● Larry Summer
● Lisa Summer
● Bill Murray
● Bill Hammond
● Ehud Barak
● Andrés Pastrana (ehemaliger Präsident Kolumbien 1998-2002)
● Jean Luc Brunel
● Doug Band
● Ron Burkle
● Woody Allen
● Sarah Kellen
● Ray Barzanna
● Sandy Burger
● Andrea Mitrovitch
● Peter Marino
● Shelley Lewis
● Paul Hala (t) (d) a
● Richardo Legoretta
● Tom Pritzker
● Kelly Spamm
● Tiffany Gramza
● Claire Hazel
● Paula Epstein
● Mark Epstein
● Ralph Elison
● Sophie Biddle
● Audrey Raimbault
● Shelley Harrison
● Melinda Luntz
● Gwendolyn Beck
● Albert Pinto
● Richard "Handsome Dick" Manitoba
● Gary Roxburgh
● Mandy Elison
● Jean Michelle Gathy
● Virginia Roberts
● Kristy Rodgers (Kristina Real Rodgers)
● Greg Holbert
● Alyssa Rodgers
● Juliette Bryant
● Heather Mann
● Ed Tuttle
● Glen Dubin
● Ellen Spencer
● Chris Wagner
● Casey Wasserman
● Laura Wasserman
● Paul Mellon
● Oliver Sachs
● Henry Rosovsky
● Lynn Forster (de Rothschild)
● Joe Pagano
● Naomi Campbell
● Nicole Junkermann
● Rodney Slater
● Magali Blachon (Deperrier)
● Svetlana Griaznova
● Emmy Tayler
● Larry Visoski
● Carrie Davies
● Johannes (Paul) Molyneux
● Freya Willemoes Wissing
● Adam Perry Lang
● Fleur Perry Lang
● Caren Casey
● Hank Coller
● Cindy Lopez
● Mark Lloyd
● Alan Dershowitz
● Seth Green
● James Gunn
● Steven Spielberg
● Tom Hanks
● Steven Colbert
● Jimmy Kimmel
● Barack Obama
● Kevin Spacey
● Kathy Griffin
● Oprah Winfrey
● Shawn Carter
● Beyoncé Knowles
● Anthony Kiedis
● John Legend
● Chrissy Tiegen
● Jim Carrey
● Steven Tyler
● Ben Affleck
● Stephen Collins
● Will Ferrell
● Marshall Counts
● Jeffrey Jones
● Victor Safe
● Mark Collins Rector
● Charlie Sheen
● Tyler Grasham
● Madonna Ciccone
● Katheryn Hudson
● Gwen Stefani
● Stefani Germanotta
● James Franco
● Will Smith
● Justin Roland
● John Cusack
● Anderson Cooper
● Demi Moore
● Brian Affleck
● Meryl Streep
● Wanda Sykes
● Chelsea-Handler
● Michelle Wolf
● David Jarovesky
● Pharrell Williams
● Quentin Tarantino
● Courtney Love
● Alec Baldwin
● Robert Downey Jr.
● Disney Corporation (Biete Kinder "Tauchen" Reisen, auf die Insel Epstein)
● Andre Balazs (Besitzer der Standard Hotels und mit den Rockefellers verbunden)
● Jay Z
● Beyoncé Knowles
● John Belushi
● Britney Spears
● Errol Flynn
● Dennis Hopper
● Helmut Newton
● Jim Morrison
● James Dean
● Billy Idol
● Victoria Beckham
● Heath Ledger
● Sienna Miller
● Balthazar Getty
● Scarlet Johansen
● Elon Musk
● Mark Zuckrberg
● Lawrence M. Krauss
● Steven Pinker
● Mick Jagger
● Courtney Love
● Joan Rivers (verstorben)
● Kevin Spacey
● Chris Rock
● Eli Weisel (Nobelpreis gewinnt Holocaust-Profiteur)
● Lauren Hutton (Top-Mode-Modell)
● Herzog & Herzogin von York
● Earl Spencer (der Bruder von verstorbenen Diana)
● Richard Bronson (englischer Geschäftsmann)
● Tony Blair (ehemaliger britischer Premierminister)
● David Koch (1/2 eines Bruders-Teams)
● David Rockefeller
● Evelyn de Rothschild
● Eduouard de Rothschild
● Jake Tapper (CNN)
● Jennifer Tapper (Frau von Jake Tapper)
● Ahorn Inc
● Barbara Walters
● Mort Zuckerman
● Eric Margolis
● Rupert Murdock
● Conrad & Barbara Black; Baron Black von Cross Harbour
● Bill Clinton (ehemaliger Präsident von Amerika)
● Jon & Mary Kaye Huntsman
● Gouverneur Charles Turnbull (US-Jungferninseln)
● Henry Kissinger
● Ethel Kennedy
● Bobby & Mary Kennedy
● Senator Edward Kennedy (verstorben)
● Ted Kennedy Jr.
● Andrew & Kerry Kennedy Cuomo
● Maria Shriver (Kennedy-Verwandte / Schwarznegger Ex)
(Freie 1992-2002)
● Keck Family (Standard-Öl / Gründer des Standard Hotels)
● Perry Mason
● Bank of California
● JP Morgan - Standard Oil
● Jeffrey Epstein
● Bear Stearns Group
● Standard companies
● Colombia Developement
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