#Steve loves eddie
italiansteebie · 1 year
eddie loves steve's moles
eddie had just gotten out of the shower, watching as steve inspected himself in the mirror.
"i think i want to get this mole removed," steve trailed, hands gliding over the bump on his neck, frowning as he does.
eddie whipped around to face him, wet hair slapping him in the face, pulling a laugh out of steve. "what?"
"i wanna-"
"yeah, yeah, i heard you. why would you do that?" eddie said, waving his hands all dramatically. steve roller his eyes, and shrugged.
"i dunno. aren't they kinda... ugly?"
eddie blanched, mouth opening and closing in shock, trying to get the words out. "steve. you did not just say that- i- oh my god."
steve looked at him with an expression that read 'unimpressed.'
eddie moved in closer, putting his hands around steve's waist, pulling him in. he placed a gentle kiss on steve's neck, right beside said mole, "i love your spots, baby. they aren't ugly. not at all." he whispered, hands rubbing circles into steve's hips.
steve looked away and sighed, "really?" he asked, voice small.
eddie nodded, grabbing steve's hand and leading him to their bedroom before proceeding to lay steve down and kiss each and every one of steve's moles, freckles, and beauty marks.
and if by the end they were both flushed and breathless, well. that was for them to know.
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inlovewithrain · 1 year
steddie thoughts (part one!)
steddie thoughts part two: here
smut/nsfw version: here
Eddie rocks the Ferris Wheel stall and Steve freaks out and begs him to stop, eyes shut as he clings onto the seat.
Eddie is ALWAYS horny, and he's willing to have sex at any time, and easily flusters Steve by making crude comments and slaps Steve's ass on a daily basis.
Steve loves taking baths or showers with Eddie. It really calms him, brushing his hands through Eddie's wet hair, but Eddie, being the horndog he is, presses himself against Steve, huskily whispering in his ear.
Eddie is incredibly aware how much Steve loves his body, and is completely unashamed with being nude. He walks around the house naked and Steve blushes, jaw-dropped as he slips over his words to tell Eddie to put on clothes.
Steve wears short-shorts when Eddie's in the house, deciding that when Eddie's watching TV is the perfect time to bend over and pick something up from under the TV console.
Eddie sleeps on the couch when Steve and him get into fights because he can't stand being in the bed alone when Steve storms out to Robin's house.
While Steve is nuzzled against him or sleeping beside him, Eddie will take photos of it and then smile at them everyday at work.
Steve said I love you first, and they often get into 'fights' where they argue about who loves who more.
Eddie, when defending himself, can be really mean without realizing. This leads to Steve snapping and yelling back while crying. It ends with the two of them crying, Steve sobbing in his chest.
Steve wears Eddie's sweatshirts, that are too big on him, in all moments. He wears them to sleep, he wears them to go out, he wears them under his apron at work, and Eddie even fucks Steve in it a couple of times because he loves the thought of Steve wearing his clothes.
Eddie often shakes Steve awake to tell him a cool dream he had.
When Steve has nightmares, Eddie soothes him by pulling the blankets to their chins, hides Steve's sobbing face by smushing it against his bare chest and softly singing him asleep.
When Steve makes him try desserts for his bakery, Eddie exaggerates and moans loudly while trying them, declaring them the best thing ever.
Eddie often teases Steve for having a crush on him, and Steve just rolls his eyes before reminding him they're dating.
Eddie once threw a handful of flour at Steve, and he is no longer allowed to help bake.
Steve will be muttering along to the music when he's baking, and Eddie practically runs into the kitchen, grabs a wooden spoon as a fake mic, and begins singing along, pointing the wooden spoon at Steve for him to sing. Steve is a better singer, though its a close tie, but he's incredibly shy and refuses to sing most of the time.
Eddie holds Steve's hand or slide his arm around his waist in public.
Eddie loves to grab and slap Steve's ass, or just hold it in general, and Steve makes fun of him for it, but they both get flustered when Robin brings it up.
Steve often pulls Eddie towards him by putting his fingers through the belt loops, which Eddie almost always makes a crude comment about.
Eddie is incredibly protective over Steve, not letting him drive in the rain and makes Steve wait in the road as he shovels the driveway so Steve doesn't slip the car on snow. He'll bring him hot cocoa and visit him in the bakery and tend to all of Steve's burns.
Eddie, when he shows up late from work, will find Steve snuggled on his side of the bed, head shoved in his pillow that smells like him.
Steve falls asleep often and Eddie carries him to bed.
Steve sits in shotgun while Eddie drives.
Steve cuts Eddie's hair, and styles it almost every week.
Eddie often sends Steve encouraging messages throughout the day, and Steve shows up to the car shop with treats to give out to the mechanics, but saves the biggest slices for Eddie.
Eddie says shitty puns and sex jokes just to see Steve giggle and blush.
Steve has abandonment issues and thinks he's not good enough for Eddie and is afraid of losing him. Eddie often has to remind him that he loves him and he's not going anywhere.
Eddie also think he keeps messing up, but Steve tells him not to worry.
Steve randomly starts slow dancing with Eddie in the kitchen as the desserts bake.
Eddie holds Steve just above the ground and kisses him when the song is over.
Eddie kissed Steve on their first date, when Steve was 21, and he was 24. They were in a park on a picnic.
Eddie, much to Steve's chagrin, loves ordering fast food and takeout. He even orders it at two in the morning, but still ravages on the food Steve makes, making Steve happy.
In fact, Steve often wakes up Eddie in the middle of the night to go downstairs and get a glass of water because he's too afraid to go alone.
Eddie sings and writes songs for Steve, who blushes throughout the serenade.
Steve has to end up drive Eddie to the emergency room multiple times when a crazy stunt that Eddie pulled to impress Steve backfires.
Steve has to wear glasses and finds them super dorky and weird, but Eddie always smiles when he sees Steve in them and thinks he looks super cute.
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bound-vivisection · 2 years
Eddie invites Steve to stay the night for the first time. Eddie offers to make dinner for Steve because he is a gentleman. He proceeds to serve them a plate with 3 panfried hotdogs in soft taco shells with nothing but ketchup. Steve makes him promise to never cook alone again.
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Happy Bottom Steve event everyone!
Porn without plot and without angst. Just fluff and smut. 6k words.
Paradise by the dasboard light.
Steve is good at pretending.
He always has been good at that: pretending to follow his father’s steps into a very profitable business career. Pretending to like Tommy H and Carol. Pretending to be popular, the most popular, the King.
Pretending to like girls.
It’s not- He likes girls, her soft bodies, her curves, her silky skin and soft moans. But it took him years and one Robin Buckley - and being tortured by Russians somehow related to the hellish nightmare that was the Upside Down, because what’s life without a little bit of trauma, right? - to stop pretending that Steve Harrington exclusively likes girls.
Not like Steve could do much about this new truth about himself, once he said it out loud to Robin when he was ready. Not with their lives hanging from a thread, and Vecna murdering their schoolmates, and the local freak, Eddie Munson, being wanted dead or alive for the townsfolk and joining the party.
No, Steve hadn’t had time to really think about what his sexuality implies or if he ever wanted to do something about it.
But now Vecna is defeated, the Upside Down is closed, Hawkins is being fixed north to south and side to side. Now life is returning to something close to normal.
Just, close to it.
“Haaaarrington!” Eddie storms inside the renewed Family Video, singsonging his name, and fuck, it shouldn’t make Steve’s belly tingle in interest. “Are you free this evening, big boy? Please, please, Harrington, tell me that you’re free.”
Maybe one day Steve will get used to Eddie’s flirtatious nature, but today is not that day. Flustered and feeling high, like Steve feels always that he has Eddie’s attention, turns to look at him, schooling his face into an annoying expression, before answering him.
“What do you want?” Steve asks dryly. It only makes Eddie’s grin wider, and Steve has to accept the fact that he wants to kiss him stupid.
“Stevie, Stevie, Stevie, are you in a mood? A cute girl rejected you today? Not that something like that could happen, you’re the cutest boy in the whole Indiana-”
Eddie always says shit like this, not noticing the inner turmoil he provokes in Steve every single time. The handsome bastard.
“Munson,” Steve warns him. Whatever Eddie is going to propose, Steve knows he’s going to say yes to him. Usually it’s something Henderson-related.
“I’m bored,” Eddie shrugs, hands on the counter in front of Steve, long, toned arms on display, all ink and scars. “It’s summer, I finally graduated, I have nothing to do and. You know, I thought maybe you’d want to go to Indy with me? There’s a new record store, Divinyl Records, want to check it out.”
The only sign that shows that Eddie is nervous is his rambling, it makes Steve feel a bit better.
“And I know you don’t like it, but I want to buy a new set of dice, Henderson asked me to buy another for him, too.”
There it is, the Henderson-related excuse they both seem to need to hang out together. Steve is happy to have Dustin in common with Eddie, but he wishes they didn’t need any other excuse to spend time togther.
Steve feigns to think about it for a second, glaring at Eddie and sighing exaggeratedly before agreeing.
“I’ll pick you up when I finish here, around noon,” Steve says, trying to hold his own silly smile when Eddie beams at him, dimples included, and fists his right hand in victory. Steve eyes the way his forearm flexes and how his ridiculous rings shine under the artificial light of the store.
“Yes, Stevie! I knew I could count on you!” He exclaims, and a few customers turn to look at them, but Steve couldn’t care less, not when Eddie is reaching to pat Steve’s hand on the counter, leaving Steve’s skin prickling with need wherever Eddie’s long, warm fingers caresses his own. “See you at noon, then.”
Eddie turns and leaves Steve alone, flustered and with butterflies flying in his stomach, battering their wings furiously inside him.
Steve calls Robin to cover him, because if it’s true that he’s free in the evening, he very much wants to take a shower and to brush his teeth compulsively before picking Eddie.
It’s not a date, and Steve knows that, but that doesn’t mean Steve has to meet Eddie with his armpits stinking after eight working in a store with a barely working AC, and if he uses his favorite cologne and styles his hair with even more care than usual… Fuck it, ok? Steve puts it on his best polo, the one that makes his shoulders look broader, and the tightest Levi’s he owns.
He really doubts Eddie is, well, like him. He has seen Eddie around girls, he’s a flirt, just as he is with Steve. But that’s - just because he’s a tease. Eddie doesn’t flirt with Gareth or Jeff, his best friends. And he doesn’t flirt with Jonathan nor Argyle, either. This thing Eddie has with Steve, this flirting, is just their trauma-related shared bond or whatever.
And yet, Steve can’t help but smile when he picks up Eddie from the new house he shares with Wayne, a little gift from Uncle Sam’s government after the whole Upside Down fiasco.
“Ah, to be in the infamous Beemer with the king in person, what a high honor!” Eddie banters the moment he sits in the passenger’s seat. “And it smells good, wait.”
Eddie leans into him and Steve feels himself blushing fiercely, tries half heartedly to push him away before turning on the car.
“Man, you smell good,” Eddie sniffs the air. “No way!”
“What?” Steve can’t help but smile. Eddie is gorgeous and is grinning at him and he likes how Steve’s smells.
“Did you take a shower for me?” Eddie is beaming at him, and Steve wants- He just wants. He laughs, feeling caught red handed.
“I took a shower because it’s fucking summer and it was disgusting, I was disgusting,” Steve says.
“I doubt that,” Eddie answers him, leaning in his seat and looking through the open window. “I bet even your sweat smells fucking good.”
Steve dares to glance at him, sure that his face is showing how flustered and aroused he is just because, well, Eddie. Thankfully, the reason for his half hard cock is now resting with his eyes closed, enjoying the wind and the sun bathing his skin, being beautiful and relaxed. It’s good to see him like this, Steve wishes he could watch Eddie like this more often.
Their evening together is. Fuck, it’s perfect. It’s probably the best date Steve has ever had, even if it’s not a date.
They spend their good time at Divinyl Records, bantering and bickering about everything. Eddie’s tastes, Steve’s taste, what they both like, what they both hate. Eddie is delighted to learn that Steve actually loves Queen, his eyes bright when they talk about it. Steve doesn’t want to read into it, but hope is free, right?
Eddie squeaks when he finds something he wants, one of Meatloaf’s vinyl, Bat Out of Hell, saying that it’s very on point, that he feels exactly like that, and he traces the ink of his arm, the bats he has tattooed there. The record’s cover is red and orange. It shows a man on a hellish motorbike, flying high after storming, well, out of hell, a giant demonic bat left behind. Steve wonders if Eddie feels like the man in the cover, avoiding Death and escaping Hell, or, in their own experience, the Upside Down.
“Man, I wish I had a record player at my home,” Eddie says wistfully, admiring the cover. “Have you ever listened to him? It’s- It’s not metal but it’s like, rock, and potent, and-” Eddie sighs, leaving the record in its place. “Anyway, I have it on tape already.”
Eddie smiles at Steve, shrugging, and leaves to search in the other boxes. Steve takes the record, Bat Out of Hell, already decided to buy it for Eddie, a plan forming in his mind. He has an absurdly big, fancy record player at his home, and it’d be a great excuse to have Eddie around more often.
They both end up buying some tapes, and Steve puts the record to buy it, too, under Eddie’s confused glare.
“Steve, what-?” Eddie asks when Steve puts Meatloaf’s record in Eddie’s plastic bag.
“I have a record player, you can come whenever you want to hear this or whatever other record,” Steve says, ignoring the way his cheeks - and his whole body - are burning. This silly thing seems to be too revealing, somehow, as if Steve were admitting out loud how much he wants Eddie.
But the metalhead is simply gawking at him, pink lips half parted, his doe eyes so big and bright that Steve doesn’t really know what to do when Eddie is looking at him.
“Stevie- I,” Eddie’s voice quivers softly. “Are you sure? I’ll be there like, all the time, just- camp in your living room and listen to music non-stop, like, forever. You won’t get rid of me.”
Do it, Steve thinks, chest heaving. Do it, come live with me, sleep in my bed, never leave my life. Take all of me.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m sure,” Steve laughs a bit too loud. “Whatever you say, man, just, accept it? As a gift?”
“Fuck, yeah, Harrington, thank you!” Eddie is buzzing with pent up energy, holding the bag against his chest, smiling openly and closing the distance with Steve, as if he was thinking about hugging him or-
“Of course,” Steve smiles, swallowing his deception when Eddie stops suddenly, taking a step back. He needs to get a grip on reality, and soon, or Eddie’s antics are going to kill him. “Let’s go.”
It’s still the best date Steve has ever had, after that. It’s easy to laugh with Eddie, to forget everything else when Eddie is retelling some incredible story, talking with his hands as much as with his deep, baritone voice, and Steve is transfixed by his whole persona.
Eddie buys a few things for his next campaign, excited because Baby Byers are joining them at last.
“You should try, Steve, just give it a chance!” Eddie says excitedly, and winking an eye to Steve, he shoves a small box against Steve’s chest. “Those are what you need to start, if you ever want to give me- give us a chance. To play DnD! That’s it!”
Steve opens the box to see a brand new set of dice, shiny yellow, all for him. Just for Steve, because Eddie wants him to play DnD with them all.
“I will,” Steve breathes, deeply touched.
“I know we’re a bunch of freaks and that you’re far too cool for us, you know, biting the head off a demobat and all that-,” Eddie keeps rambling, nervously hiding his face behind a strand of dark hair. Steve shouldn’t find him this charming, but here he is, once again holding himself back to not kiss Eddie senseless.
“Eddie, I will!” Steve laughs, interrupting him, resting his hand in Eddie’s warm, heaving chest to calm him. Through the well worn fabric of his shirt, Steve can feel the rabbit-like beating of Eddie’s heart. “I’ll join you all, but it’ll be my first time, be gentle with me, ok?”
Eddie makes a throaty sound at that, something like a strangled ngk!, and his eyes widen impossibly, a smile tugging at his lips.
“I’ll be, fuck, baby, I’ll make you feel so good, I promise,” Eddie whispers back, taking a step forward, hands hovering over Steve’s hips.
It’d be so easy for any of them to simply lean in and press their lips together in a kiss. Steve has no doubts, this is not just Eddie’s flirtatious character, it can’t be. They’re so close, their mouths mere inches apart, just-
Someone clears their throat nearby, and just like that, the spell is broken and the moment, gone. Steve retires his hand from Eddie’s chest as if it burnt him, and Eddie jumps backwards, rubbing his neck awkwardly.
“It’s still soon,” Steve says, not looking at Eddie’s eyes. “Want to eat something before heading back to Hawkins?”
Clouds of a summer storm curl in the sky the moment Steve and Eddie find a greasy joint that smells good enough to entice them, and they order two burgers with fries and cherry coke for Steve and vanilla milkshake for Eddie.
It’s- so much, in the best sense of the word.
They’re laughing and talking loud to be heard over the blasting music, their mouths full and it should be disgusting. It is. Steve would never dare to be like this in front of anyone else - not another guy and definitely not in front of a girl -, it’s like being a kid again, that kind of freedom.
Except that Steve doesn’t remember feeling this hunger, this raw, visceral need for any of his friends before. Steve wants to jump on Eddie’s lap and swallow him whole and be swallowed by him.
There’s this invisible energy between them, buzzing restless and igniting every one of Steve’s nerves, a low thrum nestled deep in his belly. Eddie seems to not be able to stop looking at Steve, not since they almost kissed before. Now it’s like a physical force pulling at them, tugging at them together. Strong as gravity. Inevitable.
In a dazed moment of craziness, where everything could go terribly wrong or wonderfully right, Steve decides to test the waters. He takes off one of his Adidas with the other foot, and while Eddie is talking about god knows why, Steve reaches to caress his calf with his bare feet under the table.
Eddie goes silent, his eyes bulging, completely flabbergasted. For a terrifying second, Steve is sure that Eddie is going to stop him, to spit at him a cruel what the fuck are you doing?!. Steve bites his lower lip in fear, and starts to lower his feet, when Eddie finally speaks up.
“Harrington,” he mumbles weakly. “Fuck, don’t stop.”
Steve smirks at him,euphoric. This is not a fucking hopeless fantasy, this is happening, and it’s absurd. He copied this move from a girl he dated once, she was wearing lovely low heels with a strap around his ankle, and it was very exciting. They were in a fancy restaurant with actual tablecloth to hide what was happening undeer the table.
Instead, he’s wearing socks, and he’s far from being a pretty girl, but Eddie is looking at him in awe, his cheeks beet red and his breath uneven. Because of Steve. Fuck, this is how a girl feels when flirting with Steve like this?
Steve gets bolder, and traces with his feet Eddie’s long leg, caresses his thigh. He wants to whine when Eddie spreads his legs wider in a silent invitation. The metalhead is looking at him with a wild expression on his face, one hand holding the edge of the table for dear life. The other hand, Eddie sneaks it under the table, wraps his long fingers around Steve’s ankle.
“We should talk,” Steve says, feeling deliriously high, his cock more than half hard now, straining his cotton boxers.
I“What?” Eddie asks, distracted, drawing circles with his thumb in Steve’s ankle. “Harrington, are you sending me mixed signals? Because I can’t focus right now-”
Steve has to laugh, shaking his head, and taking the chance to prod with his toes at Eddie’s crotch, pride swelling his chest when he feels Eddie’s cock throb at the attention received. Steve’s own dick twitches in empathy. Fuck, this is the most exciting thing Steve has ever done.
“No, dipshit,” Steve snorts. “Just talk, make it like nothing is happening.”
“Stevie, baby, nothing is actually happening here,” Eddie grits between his teeth, his knuckles gripping the table so hard they turned white. “And that’s how I’m going to die. Here lies Eddie Munson, Steve the Tease Harrington killed him.”
“Shut up, I’m not a tease,” Steve smirks, even if he’s now stroking the clothed length of Eddie with his toes, wishing there were nothing between them. Not a fucking table, not clothes.
“You’re not?” Eddie asks, dead serious now. His eyes pleading at Steve, brows pinched. “You’re not just teasing me for some twisted joke?”
His voice. Steve knows he’ll remember his pained, vulnerable voice forever. For the first time in months, Steve thinks that maybe, just maybe, Eddie has been feeling just the same way about him.
That thought makes his head spin and his mouth dry.
“I would never joke about something like this, Eds,” Steve says. “We should… pay, maybe? You can spend the night at my home?”
A myriad of microexpressions take over Eddie’s face then, Steve can’t barely read them all, but then Eddie smiles at him, nodding sharply and squeezing Steve’s ankle just once before taking it off his twitching cock.
“I’ll need a dew minutes before, you know,” he smiles shyly, and Steve grins at him.
“Yeah, me too.”
Silently, because it’s the summer of ‘86 and neither of them want to start a riot in the middle of Nowhere, Indiana, they manage to keep their hands to themselves, jumping into the Beemer in silence.
Eddie’s leg is now bouncing up and down restlessly, trying to decide what of their new tapes to put in to listen to some music. Steve couldn’t care less, turning the engine on and revving up, wanting nothing more than to reach home and get inside with Eddie.
A guitar riff starts playing and Eddie plays the air as if he were playing the guitar. Long fingers caressing the invisible neck of his imaginary guitar, rings clinking softly, his head moving along, his curls bouncing. Steve always admired how freely and unabashed Eddie is, even if the boy admitted to him that most of it is just a facade he used to put on to mask how much of a coward he was.
“So,” Eddie says at last, looking at the big, dark clouds that cover the dusky sky.
“So,” Steve repeats.
“You weren’t just teasing, back at the diner?” Eddie asks, and tugs at his curls playfully.
That tension between them is still there, crackling in the space between them like electricity.
“Not teasing,” Steve promises, and shoots a smile at Eddie. “I meant it there and I mean it now, Eddie.”
“You want this,” Eddie’s index finger points at them both vaguely. “You want this to happen, then.”
Steve swallows around the lump in his throat.
“Y-yes, Eddie, I-,” Steve has to take a deep breath, to focus on the driving and on his confession. “I’m tired of not having enough excuses to hang out with you more often. Fuck that, I’m tired of needing excuses, Eddie. Do you want this? Do you want this too?”
Eddie answers by putting his hand on top of Steve’s thigh, nails scratching the denim softly before squeezing the soft flesh.
“Ah, fuck,” Steve whimpers at the sudden sensation, the wave of aroussal rippling through his whole body.
“I don’t remember not wanting this with you, baby,” Eddie says, voice so soft and vulnerable that it feels like a punch in Steve’s guts. “I’ve been obsessed with you since I saw you in the boat house, making that soft ah for me.”
“Fuck you,” Steve snaps without heat. “You were threatening me with a fucking broken bottle.”
“Yeah, and it was the weirdest boner of my life, Steve-o,” Eddie grins. “So hard and fat and leaking because of your little moan.”
Eddie leans into Steve again, invading his personal space completely as he does often, but now his hand is so close to Steve’s groin that it makes him feel dizzy. Steve knows Eddie is teasing him now, he knows Eddie was far too terrified that awful night to even pop a boner then, but fuck if the image of Eddie’s cock, hard and leaking beacuse of Steve doesn’t make his toes curl.
“Shut up, Munson,” Steve laughs, but spreads his legs wider so Eddie can grab his bulge through his jeans. Eddie doesn’t do that, the bastard. He sits back on his seat like a normal person and grins. His hot palm is still on Steve’s thigh, though, driving him crazy.
“Or what?” Eddie snaps at him playfully,
“Or I won’t let you fuck me when we come home,” Steve threats him. Eddie gasps, feigns being offended, but Steve can see his smile from the corner of his eye. It’s the weakest threat Steve could do, knowing that they’re both stupidly horny.
“That’s cruel of you,” Eddie pouts. His fingers start drawing circles on Steve’s thigh, and it’s an interesting sensation, lust and need mixed with the tender fondness Eddie inspires him.
It feels like every step they’re doing is, in fact, a leap of faith. As if the smallest detail could break this bubble they’re in, now. Steve lets go of the wheel with one hand so he can tangle his fingers with Eddie’s. The metalhead doesn’t look at him, he’s once again hiding his face behind his curtain of dark curls, but squeezes Steve’s hand and thumbs over his knuckles.
It’s not a kiss. Fuck, they haven’t kissed yet and Steve is thirsty for him. But it’s good, it’s somehow better, because this means something. This means that it matters, that is not only their horniness.
Steve lets himself hope for once.
They drive in silence, big fat drops falling from the darkening sky, and it’s peaceful for a while. Steve loves to drive, and driving under the rain it’s kind of romantic. Eddie seems to relax by his side, he’s quiet for once and his hand is still intertwined with Steve’s.
“Thanks for today,” Steve blurts. “For asking me to come with you, it’s been- I had fun.”
Eddie grins lazily at him. “My, my, King Steve, is this one of your moves?”
“What? No, fuck, I just wanted to be honest,” Steve frowns at Eddie, rain falling more heavily every passing ssecond.
Eddie sighs.
“I’m sorry,” he shrugs. “I don’t know how to do any of this, actually.”
“You know. This felt like a date from the start, and I wanted it to be a date, I just-,” Eddie laughs awkwardly. “I’m sorry I’m such a mess, you’re right, I’m tired of needing a silly excuse to be with you, and yet you bought me the record-”
“Yeah, and you gave me a dice set,” Steve interrupts him.
“Hm,” Eddie hums. “I’m just nervous. Never had a date. Was this a date?”
“It can be a date if you want it to be,” Steve says. “I want it to be a date, that’s why I’m driving us home now, like-”
“To seal the deal?” Eddie snorts.
“No. Yes. I don’t know! Maybe.”
“King Steve is nervous?” The metalhead teases him.
“I think I’m always nervous when you’re around,” Steve confesses.
“Fuck, me too, sweetheart,” Eddie laughs openly now. “I think I’m gonna fuck it up somehow, I’m terrified, that’s why I’m being a dick.”
“Yeah? And what’s your excuse for being a dick every day, Munson?”
They both laugh freely, the banter flowing easily, and Steve breathes out relieved that their friendship is not going to be ruined by this. He lifts their joined hands so he can kiss Eddie’s knuckles, and the metalhead groans softly, surprised and pleased.
Their joy lasts just a few more minutes. The sky is completely black now and it’s pouring with rage, Steve can barely see shit on the road.
“Fuck this rain,” Steve complains. “I think we should find a spot to stop and wait for a while.”
“There’s a dead end nearby, I used it a lot before for… Well, you know. We can wait there.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
It takes them a while to find the dead end Eddie knows, with Steve’s slow driving and the non-stop rain. Thankfully there are no cars, and when they find the place where Eddie used to sell, Steve stops the car and turns off the lights, leaving the music on. The rain clatters around them.
They’re finally alone. Well, they’ve been alone since they got into the car, but Steve was busy driving. Now they’re alone and nothing is distracting them. When Steve looks at Eddie, he knows that they both are thinking the same thing.
They’re alone, in the car, no one is crazy enough to be driving under this rain, and there’s only the dashboard light illuminating them.
And then, it happens. Both of them launching to each other and meeting in the middle in a searing kiss, teeth clacking and noses bumping, but who cares. They readjust a bit and then they’re properly kissing, and it’s fucking good. Not what Steve is accustomed to, Eddie’s stubble rasps Steve’s chin, but his lips are plush and soft and warm. His long fingers are on Steve’s jaw, tracing it blindly, while Steve is grabbing Eddie’s shirt, tugging at him desperately.
“Fuck, Stevie, I was dying to do that.”
“Please, stop saying things like you’re dying, I can’t stand that, Eds-”
Eddie kisses him softly now, as an apology.
“I’m sorry, baby,” Eddie says, and starts trailing kisses down Steve’s neck. “I’ve been dreaming with this for so long, fuck, I can’t believe this is happening.”
“Hng, Eddie,” Steve whimpers, closing his eyes and letting himself feel. Eddie's hot breath on his neck, his hands roaming down his spine. Steve’s fingers tangling in Eddie’s curls.
“Can’t believe you want this, too, holy fuck, Stevie,” Eddie’s hands find the hem of his polo and sneak underneath, Steve’s abs shiver at the contact.
“I want you so badly, Eddie,” Steve mumbles. “I thought you were just playing or whatever, fuck, if I knew I’d have taken you on a date sooner.”
“Shit, Steve, really?” Eddie lifts his head to look at Steve, caresses his lips with his thumb, and Steve opens his mouth instinctively. “Fuck, Steve, I don’t think I can wait until we got home, baby, I need you.”
Steve moans wantonly at that, his own cock twitching needily.
“How do you want me?” Eddie asks, cradling Steve’s face softly in his hands and peppering it with kisses. It’s thrilling, knowing that someone, Eddie, wants him. and wants this to be good for Steve. It’s good to be the receiving part of all this attention.
“Would you-,” Steve has to take a deep breath to ask for what he wants. Something he has been thinking about for a long time now. But this is Eddie. Eddie, who wants him too. Eddie, his friend, maybe so much more than that from now on. “Would you fuck me?”
“Jesus Chr-, fuck, yes Stevie, whatever you want, baby,” Eddie says, his voice muffled with Steve’s lips as he leans in to kiss him again. “Everything.”
They shift and move around until they’re sprawled more or less comfortably on the Beemer’s backseat. Steve underneath Eddie’s lean body, their legs tangled together and their fully clothed cocks rubbing against each other. Panting and moaning wantonly until the windows start to fog with their shared heat.
“You’re so hot, Harrington, what the fuck,” Eddie complains, pressing their foreheads together and rolling his hips.
“Harrington? Really? When you’re about to fuck me?”
“Do you prefer if I call you sweetheart?” Eddie asks, and bites Steve’s pulse. Steve moans, baring his neck. “Or baby?” Another bite, a little bit lower. “Mi amor?”
“Ah, fuck, Eddie,” Steve arches his back, needing more. Needing everything Eddie would want to give him.
“Stevie, Stevie, darling, we’re wearing too many clothes, can we like, get rid of all our clothes right now?”
“Yes, yes, fuck!”
They undress quickly, caressing and nipping at every new inch of skin they can reach, until they’re finally bare. It’s kind of a shame that Steve can’t really enjoy the sight of Eddie with no shirt and unzipped jeans, but he’s hopeful, maybe he can ask Eddie later, when they’re at home. But they’re naked at last, and Eddie is, in fact, enjoying Steve’s body.
“Fuck, Stevie, why are you so hot?” Eddie says, and buries his face in Steve’s chest, pushing at his pecs and sniffing deeply. “Man, I wanna live here now, in your muscled tits, look at all that haaair.”
Steve laughs, his hands on Eddie’s hair again. “You’re so silly.”
“I just,” Eddie snorts. “You know, I’ve never been a boobs guy until I saw yours. I’m so happy this is happening.”
Eddie braces on his arms again so they can kiss again, and again, while their hands explore freely down their bodies. Steve palms Eddie’s scars tenderly, worshiping them, incredibly grateful that Eddie left the Upside down with just these scars. The proof that he’s alive.
Steve feels his heart clenching at that thought, and while that well known lump forms again in his throat, he realizes that he doesn’t have a silly crush on Eddie Munson. No, not at all. Steve is in love with him.
“I’m happy too, Eds, please,” Steve pleads, voice trembling and wet.
“Stevie,” Eddie whispers, settling between Steve’s legs, stroking his thighs soothingly, fingers tracing the shape of his cock, following his vein until he reaches the gland, pressing the underside with his thumb. It’s dry and gentle and Steve can’t hold back the whine that escapes his mouth. “Fuck, baby, so responsive, are you always like this?”
Steve shakes his head sharply, trying to find the words.
“N-no,” and fuck, he’s not lying. He feels like he has cheated on every girl he has made out with, every girl he took to bed, because it never felt this good, it never felt like this raw need. This is all Eddie. “Not like this.”
Steve wants to do so much more, he wants to worship Eddie, but the metalhead is determined to ruin him for everyone else, it seems.
“Have you ever been with another dude?”
“You’re the first,” Steve says, honesty making him blush, feeling like a virgin. To some extent, he is a virgin, he’s about to do something he never allowed himself to think about until - Eddie.
“Steve,” Eddie sighs. “Steve, look at me, please.”
Steve obeys, vulnerable and helpless. Eddie’s big eyes are searching in his face for some ineffable answer, Steve hopes he finds it.
“Baby, do you want it to be like this? With me?” Eddie’s own vulnerability actually helps, it makes Steve braver, for them both. Steve drags Eddie down for a deep kiss before answering him.
“I want you, right here, right now,” Steve reassures him. “And I’ll probably want you again when we get home, and tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow.”
“If you’ll have me, Eds, I want you everyday.”
Eddie groans at his words, his face red and his whole body trembling atop Steve while they kiss.
“Every fucking day, baby, ever fucking day.”
Eddie kisses one last time before spitting in his fingers, and Steve holds his breath when he sees Eddie’s hand disappearing between his legs, his own cock leaking like a fountain, aching.
The first drag of Eddie’s index finger against his rim is slick and soft, it surprises him even if he was expecting it. Eddie prods at it, slicking it, until the tip catches on it and he pushes forward, making Steve grunt.
“Relax, baby,” Eddie says, caressing Steve’s soft, inner thigh with his free hand. “If I knew, I'd have brought lube.”
“It’s ok, just keep going, Eddie, please,” Steve begs, looking at Eddie, taking in his lean body, the ink that decorates it, his long cock hanging proud between his legs, hard and fat and leaking for him as he promised earlier.
Eddie takes its time, and a lot of saliva, opening Steve, fucking him with his fingers as if his life depends on it. Steve braces himself wherever he can, panting wantonly and wondering why he never put his fingers up his hole. It feels fucking incredible, with Eddie’s chunky rings prodding at his entrance. His arms flexing, his abs shivering. Fucking hot, Steve thinks, half hystericall. So hot and he’s going to fuck me.
“Stevie, sweetheart,” Eddie whispers, kissing Steve’s knee. “Baby, do you have condoms?”
Steve fumbles blindly, he knows he has condoms in his car, he just doesn’t remember where, and hopes they’re ok. After a few seconds, Steve finally grabs the box, opens it and gives one to Eddie, who is grinning wolfishly at him.
He watches as Eddie rolls the condom down his cock, stroking himself a few times to full hardness. It’s a pretty cock, longer than he expected and thick, uncut, and he can’t wait to have it inside of him.
“You ready, love?” Eddie asks him, his voice deep and rough with arousal. Steve can only nod. “Tell me if it doesn’t feel good, ok?”
“Have you done this?” Steve asks, a pang of jealousy hitting him out of the blue.
“Not too much, if I’m honest with you,” Eddie laughs awkwardly. “It’s been almost a year since the last time. “Is that- You ok with that? I’m not like, experienced or-”
“Shut up and fuck me, fucknut,” Steve begs roughly, lifting his hips, and Eddie laughs,
“Bossy, bossy, sweetheart.”
Steve wants to retort, but then Eddie’s cockhead is pushing against his rim and breaching him and it’s-
It’s too much, it’s not enough, it’s everything Steve can think about now because Eddie’s cock is opening him deliciously, the stretch burns a little but Eddie is going so tenderly slow that Steve wants to scream.
“Fu-uck, Steve, you’re so tight,” Eddie moans, arms trembling at either side of Steve’s head. “I bet you’ve never played with your little hole before, huh?”
Eddie’s words go directly to Steve’s cock, dripping precum and forming a puddle on his belly. He shakes his head, whimpering.
“Holy fuck, Stevie, baby, you’re so hot and wet, you’re swallowing me, so fucking good, does it feel good for you too?”
“So good, Eddie, please, please.”
Eddie bottoms out and stays still for a moment, kisses Steve sloppily and lets him adjust to this new, intrusive sensation.
“How does that feel, sweetheart?”
“I’m so full, Eddie,” Steve manages to moan, arms wrapping around Eddie’s neck. “So fucking full, like, I can feel you in my throat full.”
Eddie laughs at that, his cock twitches inside Steve, and they both pant at it. Eddie’s hips roll backwards just as slowly, and the slick slide of his cock is enough to drive Steve insane, until he pushes forward again in a long. fluid and quicker thrust, and Steve wails.
“More, more, Eddie, more!” He demands, already addicted to this.
“Fuck, yes, Stevie my love,” Eddie mumbles, thrusting in a little bit harder, a little deeper, while Steve scratches his back desperately.
Eddie fucks him a little sloppily, but he does roll his hips artfully and aims for something, changing the angle from time to time. It’s good, it’s so good and Steve feels so good, he feels floaty and safe. He loves the slide in and out, the drag of Eddie’s cock, how it presses against his inner walls.
And then Eddie changes the angle again, pushing Steve’s legs further against his chest, and bucks his hips in. His cock presses inside Steve against some fucking magnificent spot that makes him scream his pleasure, fingers curling around Eddie’s curls and tugging at them, trying to groudn himself and failing but never wanting Eddie to stop.
“Fuck, Eddie, fuck me there, there, holy fucking- don’t stop, Eds, right there!” He yells nonsensically, and Eddie grins at him.
“There?” He asks, aiming for the same spot as before, and Steve can feel tears stinging his eyes, maybe rolling down his cheeks, he doesn’t know.
“Eddie, Eds, more, more, mo- ah, shit!”
The metalhead has a great aiming, once he has found that little spot, because now he’s hitting on it with every single thrust, and he obeys and fucks Steve as he requested, abusing of Steve’s sweet spot and making him wail every time.
“Stevie, Steve baby, I’m not- Fuck, I’m not gonna last, you’re so fucking loud and you feel so good, fuck me, Steve, you’re perfect, I want to come like this, please, let me come, Steve, please baby, tell me you’re close because I need to come insdie you-”
Eddie’s desperate pleas and thrusts push Steve towards the edge. He tries to sneak a hand between their bodies to touch himself, but Eddie buries himself deep inside him and grinds, stroking Steve’s sweet spot and that’s it.
His whole body shivers and trembles when his orgasm hits him, so different from the one he’s used to, so much more intense and earth-shattering. He thinks he wails, but he can’t be sure because he blacks out for a second. He comes back to a cursing Eddie, thrusting inside him unevenly and wildy, babbling non-sense and praise to Steve.
“Oh my fucking- God, Steve, you just came untouched, holy fuck, Stevie, that’s so hot, I can’t believe how hot you are. Holy shit, you’re so tight, I can feel you clenching all around me, fuck fuck fuck, Steve, I want to fuck you again and again, oh my- Oh fuck, yes, I’m gonna-”
Steve moans when Eddie thrusts in one last time and starts grinding, flushing their hips together and groaning, eyes shutted down and face contorted in pleasure, lips bitten red and skin shining with sweat.
He lets himself plop over Steve’s body, smearing the already cooling come between them. Not like Steve cares at all, he simply hugs Eddie and caresses his back soothingly until Eddie comes back down from his orgasm.
“Holy- Jesus Christ, Steve, so hot,” Eddie says with a weak thread of voice. “Steve, baby, please tell me it was good for you too, because I’m a fucking changed man, dude, I saw the light I swear.”
“Dude,” Steve snorts, and that makes Eddie’s softening cock twitch inside him still.
Eddie kisses him lazily, messily, and it’s perfect, they both are smiling, feeling sated and sticky and Steve needs a shower, but he’s happy. Oh, so fucking happy.
“It was good for you too?” Again that need or reassurance. Steve holds Eddie tight against him.
“Eddie, it was fucking amazing, I didn’t know I could come just like, without touching my fucking cock,” Steve reassures him, Eddie lets out a satisfied hum. “I can’t wait for you to do this to me again.”
Eddie looks at him, eyes hopeful and wonderfully alive.
“You still want me to stay at your place tonight?”
“Eds,” Steve kisses the tip of his nose. “I don’t want you to leave my side at all, baby.”
Eddie’s wide grin is everything, bathed by the dim bulb of the dashboard light, and Steve thinks that he has seen paradise tonight, just here in his beemer, under the rain.
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eddieslittlefreak · 1 year
What if Eddie had a crush on Steve in high school ever since he knew that he existed? Like it was just this overwhelming attraction that soon turned into longing and Eddie didn’t even know more about the guy, other than his not so shiny reputation.
Eddie was the biggest nerd you could find in school which made him the perfect target for Steve’s shitty friends. Luckily, he could avoided them mostly, but he always got close enough to somehow bump into Steve. Small sorry’s in the corridors, taunting looks in the changing room and Eddie started to think that he read too much fantasy, because he is now making up that Steve Harrington is starting to look for his attention. And the funny thing that Steve himself didn’t even notice.
As he started to change, his inner love hunger grew out of his control. Eddie was always smiling at him, watching him on his basketball matches from the door, where he was usually leaning against the doorway, careful spark in his eyes. And those girls were all cheering for Steve from the front row, but Steve’s gaze started to linger to Eddie’s direction. And whenever Steve scored, Eddie would clap so loudly, yet still most of the people wouldn’t even notice him. Well, Steve did. 
Just like Eddie noticed Steve.
He noticed his little habits, how he picks on the skin on the end of his fingers when he’s nervous, or how he leans into your personal space when he really gets into talking about something. It was quite unnoticable how the short hi’s turned into small chats in the classroom then long conversations on the way home. It wasn’t even really noticed by them until Dustin pointed it out with a really subtle “Are you guys dating or what?” 
That night Eddie lied on his bed, as awake as ever. He was home alone and soon he found himself walking up and down in front of the phone on the wall, thinking and fighting his own feelings. He had no clue what Steve could be feeling about him, but he needed to let him know what he feels. He called him up and Steve never picked up the phone quicker. He was a bit ashamed to admit that he was hoping, waiting for a call from Eddie.  At first it was just some meaningless small talk which turned into an all night long talking session. And around half past five in the morning, when the summer sun started to crawl up onto the sky, Eddie held the phone impossibly close to his face and his voice was low.
“Steve?” he said his name just above a soft, love soaked whisper.
“Yeah?” he could hear the sleepiness in his voice, but something was so awake in him that it wouldn’t let him drift to dreams.
“I really like you. I like you more than just a friend.” Eddie thickly swallowed, gripping the phone so tightly that his fingers went white. Steve let out a small, breathy laugh.
“I thought it was obvious that I like you the same, Eds.” the nickname came so easily, while Eddie was sure that Steve can hear how hard his heart was beating.
It was so delicate, because Steve was just getting out of his fake, deformed, bitterful reality that he called his life, and now Eddie showed him something real, sweet and beautiful. Steve never thought he could ever feel like this. Steve liked Eddie, he liked him so much, it soon turned into the pure, unconditional love. But it was crazy for him how Eddie could like him too? His reputation never been worse, but little did he know that Eddie liked him, even when he was living in this ugly pattern. There was just something mesmerizing about how Eddie decided to settle next to Steve, and Steve decided to finally start to live again.
“Can I.. come over?” Steve asked “It’s technically morning so..” Eddie laughed.
“I don’t guarentee I won’t fall asleep, but it would be a pleasure to have you here, Stevie.”
“Oh, you’re saying that I’m boring?” he pretended to be offended, but he couldn’t hide the warm smile on his face. He liked Eddie. He liked him so much.
“Come over and you see.” Eddie said, grinning. 
“On my way, babe.” Steve said, then ended the call with a racing heart. 
This was the beginning of something beautiful and real.
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rivermoodboards · 2 years
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season 3, but eddie works at a record store in starcourt :)
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siddmunson55 · 9 months
It wasn’t a fight. Not really. Yes, there were small fights every so often, but don't all couples fight? Steve hoped that they were going to be the exception and be the absolute perfect couple who never ever fought. But this wasn't a fight. They just stepped away to take a small breath.
It was Steve's stupid ass decision, admittedly, to take a breath. He felt that every thought he spoke a loud to Eddie was scrutinized. He felt like he couldn't do anything right by the other boy. And he wanted to take back every bad thing he ever said toward Eddie.
But that's not how time worked, no matter how much he wished it. He couldn't just rewind the clock and swallow every negative word he word vomited. He regretted it later, of course, begged for Eddie's forgiveness even though it came easily.
But Steve felt like a jackass who couldn't control his emotions, who saw Richard Harrington in himself every time he lost is patience and his anger flared up.
But that's besides the point. What Steve is dealing with right now is agony. The weird middle ground of being on a break that he initiated but wanting to talk to Eddie.
It started because he felt that Eddie no longer opened up to Steve. They were always the shoulder to cry on for each other. They were each others rock. And Steve blames himself because he can't help but feel that Eddie retreating into himself is because of him. Eddie said he was dealing with a lot, and Steve understood because he was too.
But he wanted Eddie to confide in him, like he always did. Steve knows he could be a bit selfish sometimes and not check in as often as he should. And that's just another thing to beat himself up over. He should've been more for Eddie, should've been more present, should've asked more questions. Just more in general.
There was a small fight, again, because no matter how much Steve insisted and longer for Eddie to open up, he just wouldn't. And he felt like he shouldn't open up as much because maybe that's what drove Eddie away. Being Steve's shoulder so much that he just shoved his own shit down. So Steve stopped ranting as much, but it proved to push Eddie further away.
"I think we need a break from each other" Steve had said. So they did. They are... Taking a break from one another. To recalibrate and heal and cope with their own shit. In all honesty, Steve was desperate and didn't know what else to do. He doesn't even really know why he decided a break would be a good idea. They've always tackled things together, it's always been them against the world.
God he misses Eddie. He misses knowing what song he's listening to, what bullshit he dealt with at work, what's new with Wayne, what's new with Hellfire. He just wants to know.
He just hopes that this break isn't hurting them. He hopes that he hasn't hurt Eddie again. He hopes that Eddie will forgive him at some point for every wrong thing he's done.
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multiwongi · 2 years
Twitter mutual tweeted about Steddie being Marshal Lee and Prince Bubblegum so...I had to
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bbygrlstve · 2 years
i just know steve and eddie have arguments about the way eddie drives
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artrealla · 3 months
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golden hour cuddles
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italiansteebie · 1 year
something you'd never expect about steve harrington is that he loves halloween.
i mean, he really gets into it.
he dresses up, decorates the house, hands out candy and even goes trick or treating with the kids as an excuse. "i'm keeping an eye on you guys!"
"you didn't have to dress up though,"
"yes i did, dustin. you don't know everything."
even after the upside down bullshit, he still loves it, and maybe he kept his scoops uniform with blood and barf stains so he could use it as a costume. and maybe that was kind of fucked, but he's coping with it.
now, steve's love for halloween is one of robins favorite things about him. especially since his house is equipped for an exceptional party, what with the size and the decorations steve is going to put up anyways? it's perfect.
so the halloween after scoops, they throw a masquerade of sorts. it's quite a rager, despite steve's expectations.
he decided to go as a masked cowboy.
he got the boots, the hat, and he wore a leather vest that ended up giving him a chill for the night since other than some chaps, it was all he was wearing on his body. he did the whole nine yards with a red bandana and some sunglasses.
"hey cowboy."
steve turned, taking in the sight in-front of him.
a guy, with long curly hair, somehow making a jason voorhees costume work.
he tipped his hat, always committed to the bit, "jason." he said simply, thanking the bandana gods for hiding his blush.
"never woulda thought king steve would throw a party like this."
"why not?"
"i dunno. it's cool though, guy seems to have changed."
"for the better?"
jason tilted his head, "yeah man. for the better." he said it as though the decision had been made, and locked in place.
so they sat.
and talked.
all night.
and the rest of the party seemed to fade away. that is until a drunk robin, dressed as micheal myers laid across his lap, "kick everyone out, im tired."
he checked his watch, it was 4 am, probably about time for them to go home. so he stood, gearing up to say his farewell to jason, maybe ask him for his number, but when he turned again, he was gone. only the smell of weed and cheap cologne remained. (and later, he'd find, a lone 36 sided die, that he'd end up asking dustin about).
it's silly to think that steve was falling in love with this guy after only just meeting him, but he'd grappled with his sexuality on a bathroom floor, appropriately, and was ready to dive back into the dating pool. or maybe the puddle, because halloween jason, seemed to be the one.
the only thing is, steve has no idea who the guy is.
that is at least until, none other than eddie munson had a broke bottle pressed against his neck. now he didn't figure it out in that moment, but when they were fleeing for their lives, eddie's hand found a way into steve's, and back at eddie's trailer, steve caught a glimpse of none other than the jason voorhees mask he'd been searching for ever since that party.
and maybe it was a sappy declaration of love, but steve was nothing if not a hopeless romantic.
"don't be heroes."
it was pleading.
steve tossed the dice eddie's way, watching fondly as he struggled to catch it.
"steve- wh?" he could see the moment it clicked in eddie's eyes. steve turned, ready to finish this mess, so he could talk to eddie, to jason, and figure out some shit.
"hey, steve?"
he turned, meeting eddie's eyes.
"make him pay, cowboy."
it was done.
they did it.
a few were in the hospital but, hey. they did it. eddie had been in a rough way for a little while, eventually pulling through but not before some physical therapy.
steve was there when he woke up.
had been ever since he'd explained to eddie's uncle wayne how they knew each other and what eddie meant to steve.
eddie cracked open his eyes.
"howdy, cowboy." it came out scratched, and rough.
"eddie," steve breathed, grasping his hand.
"i knew i liked those chaps."
steve rolled his eyes, smiling while tears rolled down his cheeks. "you saved my life." eddie said, reaching a hand to steve's cheek. steve shook his head, "how can i ever repay you?" eddie said, a glint in his eye.
steve laughed, "no thanks necessary," he said, tipping his imaginary hat, leaning into eddie's touch. "there must be someway," he said, southern drawl creeping into his voice. "how about a kiss?" steve asked, eyes flickering down to the metal heads lips.
wayne shook his head at the boys' antics. "will y'all just kiss already? im getting old waitin' for ya!"
eddie laughed at his uncle's testimony, before nodding, "c'mere, cowboy," he said, before closing the gap between him and steve.
"was it rootin' n tootin'?" eddie asked, a cheesy grin on his face as he pulled away. "sure was, partner."
"oh my god."
"hey robs,"
"steve, shut up. eddie's jason! jason from-" robin stumbled into the room. "from the party!" she all but squealed. steve laughed, nodding, "yeah, babe. we figured that one out ourselves."
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inlovewithrain · 1 year
steve harrington, who collects rocks in his backyard and in the forest.
eddie munson, who keeps these rocks on his bedside table.
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imfinereallyy · 10 months
you can pry happy endings from my cold-dead hands. It can be the most heart stopping, gut wrenching fic that has every existed and I will read every drop of it if I get my happy ending. I have had enough painful endings in real life, give me happy in my fantasy world. It can be at the last second, it can be a single sentence, even a single word. Give me all the angst and hurt in the world for 500,000 words, but please give me the comfort I need in the ending. please and thank you.
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maithefluffychicken · 8 months
Steve takes Eddie on a fancy cruise, you know, as friends.
“Come on, Eds, you’re my best friend,” Steve says, his face doing some weird shit that Eddie doesn’t like at all, as if Eddie hurt him by implying he wouldn’t like to go with Eddie to a fancy, expensive cruise.
“Robin is your best friend-”
“No, Robin is my soulmate, we’re separated-at-birth twins,” Steve answers easily. “And Dustin is like the little brother I never had, before you ask me. That gives you the noble title of Steve Harrington’s Best Friend. You should know that by now, Eds, it’s been years.”
Eddie looks at Steve feeling like a complete moron.
“So, are you coming with me or what? I need to book the tickets to Boston on time.”
“Yeah- Yes! Let’s do it, baby! Let’s go on a fancy cruise together! You sure you don’t want to take Robin with you, though?”
“Nah, she hates ships, and this could be like, a dudes’ thing, you know?” Steve says, blushing fiercely, and Eddie tries to ignore it.
“What the fuck is that?” Eddie asks, half laughing.
“Dunno,” Steve shrugs, avoiding Eddie’s eyes now. “We can talk with pretty girls there, get laid, who knows, right? It’s a cruise, anything could happen.”
Eddie’s heart turns ice cold and sinks to the bottomless pit of desperation and despair that is the core of his body when hearing those words.
“Yeah,” Eddie is far less enthusiastic now. “Yeah, we can do all those things.”
Tagged by @loki-is-my-kink-awakening
Please, everyone who wants to join, jump the WIP train! I don't know who to tag, so please feel free! 💛💛💛💛💛💛
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eddieslittlefreak · 1 year
this is so random, but i just got the idea and had to write it. this is gonna be twisted, not gonna lie.
So Steve never really liked Eddie. Not at all.
Steve was always the judgy, mean girl type of person and he liked the fame that was all around him. And let’s be honest. When he had to save the world (again) and he had to bond somehow with Eddie Munson, that was the limit. Steve Harrington had to bond with Eddie. Fucking. Munson.
Now this was his nightmare.
And what was even harder to handle? 
Steve grew so fascinatingly fond of Eddie.
It was just a short period of time and it really messed with Steve’s head. He couldn’t bare it, because Eddie turned out to be a nice, lovely.
After his death, Steve shook off all of these feelings, and he was just glad that he was alive. He was back at his old, sassy, king of Hawkins self. He got praised, like a hero, who did all the great jobs. And Eddie? Eddie was long forgotten as the dude, who was there, when Steve saved the day. Steve kinda bragged about how he survived, but Eddie just got eaten by some stupid bats, now how funny is that?
And how was this fair? 
A month passed by and Steve became.. a bit paranoid. He felt like he was being watched or followed. He couldn’t exactly explain it, but it freaked him out. He turned over on the streets, because he could literally sense the steps behind him, a pair of eyes burning a whole into the back of his neck. He tensed his jaw, but saw no one. Not a single soul. 
No human.
This continued for a few days, and he tried to play it off cool, but it was like a heavyweight tied right to his foot.  Then on a seemingly calm Saturday, the first call happened.
“Hello?” Steve picked up the phone, balancing it on his shoulder and trying to hold it to his ear, as he was packing some groceries into the fridge.
“Living your best life, Stevie?” 
Steve almost dropped an egg in surprise. The voice was familiar, but suddenly he coudln’t recall who was it.
“Who is this?” he asked in confusion, as he closed the fridge’s door with his hip.
“You left me there.” the voice said. “But don’t worry. Now you can’t get rid of me.”
Then the call ended. Steve was shocked, his heart was baiting rapidly against his chest. Maybe his brain suppressed the trauma, or he just simply didn’t want to remember, but as the first drop of sweat ran down on his back, he started to think he was losing his mind.
The calls never really stopped. Actually, they became daily. In every hour, the phone rang and whenever Steve picked it up, there was no answer from the other side of the line. This drove him nuts, and one day, he lost all of his patience. No one can play stupid games like this on him, this is not a damned horror movie. Jokes like this weren’t funny at all.
“Who the fuck are you and what are you want?” his voice was rough this time as he picked up the phone. The answer was a soft chuckle, and Steve’s stomach jumped into a knot. 
“It’s me, Stevie.” the voice cooed soflty. “Munson. Remember? Bats’ food, isn’t that right?” Steve’s fingers whitened as he was gripping the phone ever so tightly.
“This isn’t fucking funny.” he said, voice breathy and shaky.
“It’s not?” Eddie asked, laugh hiding in his voice. “I thought it was hilarious, how I got murdered by some stupid, stupid bats.” he spoke slowly, ‘cause he knew he had all the time to make those chills run down on Steve’s spine. “Who remembers Eddie Munson? It was Steve Harrington, who saved the day, huh?”
“Eddie, I-”
“Well let me tell you something, big boy.” he interrupted. “You made me do this. With all of those jokes and degrading comments.. you didn’t think the cup would be full once, right? And now everything that was in it, spilled out.” 
“This can’t be fucking true.. it can’t!” Steve was beyond overwhelmed with grief, feelings and fear. Mostly fear.
“Don’t worry your pretty little head too much on this. This is true, Steve.” he said mirthfully. “Just be still, sweetheart. I’ll see you soon.”
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inklessletter · 7 months
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Polaroid #1 May 28th, 1987
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