#Steven Universe critical
yearnoyama · 2 days
Hot take but if you demonize steven universe for "redeeming" their war criminals but praise netflix spop for doing the same thing well.....
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gaydiation-poisoning · 9 months
So I've been thinking about Steven Universe again and I've been wondering
Where are the indigenous peoples???
The show is clearly set in the modern USA, so where are the native people? It's never mentioned.
So one of three things would have happened,
Either A: The crystal gems allowed colonization to happen
B: The crystal gems helped the colonizers
Or C: Indigenous people have been erased in the context of the show and you're just not supposed to think about it
All joking aside, it's definitely that last one. You're not supposed to think about that, this is made clear when native people still aren't referenced in the colonialism episode
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There's even references to colonialism in other places such as this photo
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"But it's not that deep" YES IT IS
Just because colonialism doesn't go beyond "haha funny hat and boats" to you doesn't mean that's actually what it is in reality
Erasing an entire marginalized group in your show just because you don't want to think about them is blatant racism
And I think the creators just sweeping by and expecting everybody to not consider the implications of American history in SU is just the most blatant white liberal shit imaginable
And honestly? Coming from a show where the main climax is just talking it out with genocidal colonizers? I can't say I'm exactly shocked.
So hey, if you think being critical of Steven Universe is a quote unquote '''red flag''' because it '''did so much for LGBTQ+ rep!!!''' Shut your colonizer ass up for once.
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gartenofbanny · 11 months
Helluva Boss and Steven Universe honestly share the problem (more specifically Steven Universe after Season 1), that being both shows set up plot points but don't even mention those plot points for a long time until certain episodes are released.
Both series waste the audience's time with pointless filler episodes without even mentioning or hinting at what happened beforehand. Though Helluva Boss is a bit worse because not only does Helluva Boss ignore the antagonists within the show, the writers instead add more antagonists within the show only for those antagonists to be ignored for pointless filler episodes.
While Steven Universe managed to actually conclude (with a pretty rushed conclusion) and only had one major threat The Diamonds, Helluva Boss just keeps adding major threats and doesn't even have a clear end goal.
What's gonna happen after every single one of Helluva Boss's antagonist gets defeated? Are all of the characters just gonna have a fucking orgy? Actually..this is Helluva Boss we're talking about I'm pretty sure Vivziepop will make that into a joke since she liked fucking Sausage Party.
But will this show even end? Less and less people are viewing the episodes (Unhappy Campers doesn't even have 10 mil views as of posting this), less and less people are buying the merch, and more and more people are leaving Spindlehorse entirely. Not to mention the new anonymous reviews about Spindlehorse that have been shared to the public.
The strike that's going on is possibly affecting the release of both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss and considering that people are starting to become more and more critical of Helluva Boss imagine what the overall public will think of Hazbin Hotel once that show releases.
A24 has done fuck all to actually advertise it and for possibly good reason, I mean they were working with Vivziepop of all people.
So at worst Helluva Boss will be cancelled or will still go on with albeit very long episode releases which doesn't go well especially with poorly written shows. Since the audience will just lose interest overtime and watch the next big thing (most likely Lackadaisy).
How did I go from comparing two poorly written shows to predicting how Helluva Boss would fall off even deeper? I don't know, it's 11 pm in Texas and I just had a thought that turned into like 4.
Anyway, goodnight everyone ❤️
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Someone sent this to me, while wishing to stay anonymous.
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pinkandpurple360 · 5 months
I’m a firm believer that Spinel should’ve stayed on earth rather than going with the diamonds. They were literally responsible for the hostile environment that Pink and Spinel were in.
But I wanna see Spinel and Octavia doing crazy shit. Like fucking with Stolas’ book out of sheer spite
I know!! The ending made me so uncomfortable because they’re clearly pretending she’s pink and she’s pretending they’re pink too…also something something about needing royal approval
Renegade Octavia isn’t a thing yet but my heart still believes in her. Hell wouldn’t it be cool if Via started a rivalry with Loona and resented her for how she has a father and Via doesn’t? It’d be such a good way for Loona to rethink how she’s acted. And for Via to wake up to the racist hierarchy of hell and realise the extent of her own privilege. Via makes more sense as a rival to Loona than Beelzebub at least to me
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weaselbeaselpants · 5 months
If I were a cartoon review youtuber, some of my videos would definitely be:
Underrated Animated films you should see vol. 1 - ongoing
Complete look at Skunk Fu! and all it's episodes
What's ACTUALLY wrong with Illumination films (spoiler: it's not the designs). And that video would probably have a sequel ironically unironically accusing Chris Meladandri of being a White Walker who rips out movies' souls.
Disturbing Animated Film Iceberg.
A calming, sweet short retrospective on The World of Peter Rabbit and Friends.
Killing off the idea of "endgame". Tho, tbf, I'm definitely going to be writing that thesis statement down someday. I guess in video format it'd be a big "did this series REALLY fall off cuz the creator catered to fans?" breakdown of a few shows.
A video about 9. Because of course I'd make something about 9.
Politically heavy (but not horror) animated films.
An essay explaining the difference between what I want to see in a story vs what's actually good in a story; and likewise the difference between what I personally do/don't find offensive and what's objectively offensive as a viewer.
The dichotomy and standards between different talking animal films.
A review about Mary and Max and why I like it but it's okay if other autists don't. which would be a broader video about how to listen to the opinions of demographics and minorities and not to treat any one as a hivemind.
Movies that I dislike but aren't actually bad.
Movies I love that aren't really all that good.
A deeper dive on my take that Steven Universe was always deeply flawed but having an otherwise working ending; where Star vs was a well-written show that utterly biffed it on the ending.
The Swan Princess is secret conservative propaganda.
The 31 dumbest things in Oogies Revenge.
Zero's Journey is the only good TNBC continuation.
13 Horror animated Feature Films. For Halloween, of course...
My issue with Dreamworks' stans and why I dislike How to Train You Dragon 2.
My issues with Anti v Proshipping. Def would be a multi part series explaining why I think most of the problem is just people really aggresively bulling one another -AND THEN, getting into heinous fandom shit that no one talks about and the ethics of children online and freedom of expression.
Prolly then would make an exclusive (cuz it's dirty) review abt the rights of r34 and adult artists and what they had to/have to put up with both from peers and websites banning explicit material.
What absolutely doesn't work about Pocahontas and Anastasia.
I'd do a series called "Spitball Re-haul" wherein I go through a revisioned show's premise and then explain all the reasons for the changes. I'd make:
How I'd rewrite The Owl House season 3.
How I'd rewrite Star vs the Forces of Evil "Cleaved".
How I'd rewrite Strange Magic.
How I'd rewrite Raya and the Last Dragon.
How I'd rewrite Seasons 4-8 of Friendship is Magic.
My tinfoil hat video on Disney trying to profit so much off of fans is hurting their bases.
Mapping out and analyzing different types of crossover fiction, their merits and their issues with story-keeping.
Mythological and cultural animated films.
and finally, for when I'd muster up the strength:
an HBomberGuy-type callout/deepdive into MysteriousMrEnter and Lily Orchard and how they've made cartoon reviews worse.
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Helluva boss so she try to follow footstep of a slice of life show then as the story goes on it got more serious. Steven universe cover heavy issue trauma war generational trauma and mental health
I think they both suffer from badly handling their themes and stories. It ended up being a mess and leaving people unsatisfied.
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emma-o-yt · 2 months
The Diamond Authority is not a metaphor for abusive family.
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I don't understand why Steven Universe fans are so pretentious, do they think a basic figure of speech makes Steven Universe deep or something? So metaphors are a comparison of two separate things or concepts by calling one thing another, example: "She was a lion, roaring at the crowd". The woman's shouts at the crowd are compared to the roars of a lion in order to exaggerate, create interesting prose and imagery and also give depth to her action.
SU fans argue that the Diamonds are just a metaphor for abusive family. But, that's not what a metaphor is since they quite literally are just an abusive family. They aren't exactly like a human family but they are the gem equivalent.
But what about them being a fascist dictatorship? That's not a "metaphor" for abusive parents (and it would be a terrible one anyways). Remember, the other gems are not treated as family but as subjects, so they are automatically left out. They're like Ozai, abusive parents and dictators.
The "abusive family" thing isn't even a thing until like season 5. Before that, they are the manifestation of society's ills (eugenics, homophobia, genocide), and the impact they have is mostly on the other gems, not Steven. They are two separate thing (and neither are done well https://www.reddit.com/r/CharacterRant/comments/1aupslu/steven_universe_the_victim_blaming_of_rose/).
Also, Steven Universe has the racist relative already in the form of Andy Demayo, the fact that they addressed this archetype already leads me to believe the Diamonds are more than that.
You can't complain about "media literacy" when you don't have any yourself. It's a kids' show for fuck's sake.
Side note: So glad Encanto and Turning Red came out and blew SU out of the water with their stories on abusive family and interpersonal relationships.
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stardust948 · 10 months
Me watching White Diamond in Steven Universe Future: Hmm. I liked you better as a cult leader.
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I feel like the Diamonds aren’t given enough flak for the entire Spinel/Pink Diamond debacle.
Going off the assumption that Spinel was gifted to Pink after Pink Pearl was permanently damaged, Spinel was practically doomed from the start.
Due to the fact that Pink would only really see her as her beloved Pearl’s replacement.
There’s also the fact that Blue, Yellow and White knew of Spinel’s existence prior to the war! Like, wouldn’t they take her away once Pink didn’t need her anymore? Did Pink lie to them about Spinel?
Blue was out preserving Pink’s legacy and Spinel wasn’t on that list? Like, Spinel is a high ranking member of Pink’s court and a one of a kind gem on Homeworld.
I’m surprised that Spinel wasn’t pissed at them for also abandoning her. I get that Spinel desired love and affection but she could do so much better.
Why couldn’t she form a group consisting of Jasper and Pink Pearl? Wouldn’t that be adorable to see?
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gaydiation-poisoning · 7 months
For all the good and the bad in Steven Universe I do not give a fuck what anybody else says Bismuth's first episode and the whole "Wouldn't the killing the fascist oppressors make us just like them" crap was FUCKING TERRIBLE and that is a goddamned fact.
The "violence against your oppressors makes you as bad as them" shit is a dangerous propaganda method that has been used to demonize those struggling under oppression for years, and for as much love as I do have for this show portraying it as a fucking moral stance is actually dogshit and insanely fucking dangerous.
I do have love and respect for a lot of Steven Universe, it's not Satan Incarnate as a show or whatever, but that shit right there is absolutely indefensible and I don't give a fuck about how queer the characters are in the meantime.
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the-owl-house-takes · 8 months
it doesnt matter which side of the toh critical discourse ur on, if ur a steven universe defender ur opinion is automatically invalid
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Honestly, the gems should’ve stayed as mysterious magic based beings of unknown origin rather than aliens. Them being aliens kind of killed the mystery and mystical vibes to them. 😕
See the writers could have gone in one of two directions with the Gems.
If they wanted to focus on the more mundane and silly stories in Beach City then it wouldn't be that big of a deal for the Gems to be weird and mysterious. If the show was meant to just be a comedy that occasionally dipped into something a bit more serious then not delving into all of the nitty gritty details of the Gem history wouldn't matter. We'd occasionally learn something about them or an ability they had but since the scale of the story is so small it would be all you'd really need to do since the real focus is on these simple stories. It'd be more like early Adventure Time where there were definitely hints that some crazy stuff had happened in the past but the whole concept of things like the Mushroom War wasn't really that big of a deal.
The other way to handle things is to build up a big elaborate stories. Dive deep into the history of the Gems and their rebellion 5000 years ago. Show all of the nitty gritty details and develop a serious ongoing story that would go far beyond Beach City and deal with everything established about the Gems. Any bit of information we learn would be a small piece of a bigger puzzle as the story builds to bigger stories.
Unfortunately they made the ridiculous decision to pick the uncomfortable inbetween. They tried to hint at bigger stories but they didn't care about that. They wanted to make the show mostly about Beach City and the denizens of it because that's what they mostly cared about, but since they kept establishing major things about the Gems and their history and never elaborating on that it hung around their necks like an albatross. One of the most infamous examples is how Peridot establishes that the Cluster could destroy the earth real soon but then we had a bunch of filler episodes. It's a baffling decision and showed how little direction the show had and how incompetent Rebecca Sugar was at leading the show.
The reason many people, myself included, got so frustrated at the show is because they clearly set up major stories then didn't actually want to do any of them. It was only after years of fans criticizing them that they actually made a half baked attempt to even try to go into the big stuff. But with how poorly that went it's clear they had no plans to actually deal with it. The Diamonds being redeemed out of nowhere reeks of "We really don't want to actually deal with the tyrannical genocidal dictators we set up" so they gave a rushed conclusion that was easier for them to write. But this was a problem of their own invention. Just pick one path and stick with it. You want silly stories with wacky non human characters? Just do that. You want a serious story spanning thousands of years dealing with complex intergalactic politics of an alien race? Then do that. Don't pick the worst option and try to do both but never committing properly to either.
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weaselbeaselpants · 7 months
kind of related but not- I'm genuinely sorry to be posting so much or about Lily Orchard, guys. Prior to Courtney coming on and telling us her story I was mostly just taken aback and angry with Lily as "one of those critic types" in my circle of vision.
It sucks -and yeah I know other critics don't want to hear this+Lily will use this fact as an excuse to discredit ppl's complaints abt her. but I think a lot of us were initially exposed to Lily because they knew of andor were fans of her cartoon criticism content. In my case I knew Lily from her days of Bronydom and have watched her make more and more meanMEAN material even w it's not about internal fandom dramacallouts. Back in those days and up to last year I could say of Lilly the same thing I'd say for a lot of people who annoy me online: I think she's a bully. Which is still bad, it's just not 'criminal', inherent. Comparing her to Rebecca Sugar, Lindsay Ellis, Contrapoints or VivziePop would be stupid as she really doesn't have even half the portfolio or wherewithall as any of those people -or even Zena and Poppy, not that they're angels. Lily was/is annoying because she'd use other people's genuine concerns and talking points. There's a certain takenupbyaltlight-term that I begrudginly would love to use for Lily that REALLY hits the nail on the head with her, be it as a fan, a critic or an activist. But I won't use it. Not because it's untrue, but because it's used by the same people who write her kiwifarm pages and misgender her and clearly couldn't give a crap about her if she didn't make them "lol"
But then, I actually looked at some of Britt's receipts and skimmed bits and pieces of what remains of Stockholm (I think you all already know this but @britts-galaxy-brain the links are missing now). For years, I'd known and listened to others honestly harp on Lily as some kind of counter-initiative for her going after their fav foalcon people. I assumed it was more of the same. It's not. Lily 100% wrote cp and is trying to hide it. No not fiction abt young adults that delves into erotic and sexisms; not stuff with aged-up child characters being big boobied of themselves thru the gaze or r34 artists. She wrote cp.
Essense of Thought's and that one hour long video talking about Stockholm were the first real horrifying revelation. Then I read through Brittney's saved messages from Lily and 'Tara'. Then I saw Patch's video.
THEN, Courtney came out and told everyone on here and her server everything we needed to know. I don't abide by everything Courtney says, especially about her abusers but I mean they're her abusers and please stop asking her to like the children who're valued more than her in the lives of her abusers, or at least maybe vent openly not to Courtney directly about your fear for those kids Cameron has. Yeah, I'm also concerned but idk there's got to be a better way to handle this. Anyway, as previously stated, I believe Courtney, Britt, and Patch. There's no way that those people have faked that stuff. I've heard kind of stretched explanations being true, but there's no way Stockholm was "edited by pedos" like Lily's saying it was I know I'm missing a few folks in there but I believe a lot of people have been genuinely victimized by LO and aren't just acting out of transphobia, bigotry.
Of what I can attest based on what I've seen, I KNOW that Lily Orchard wrote 'fluffy' foalcon and is saying she didn't, and also that the woman hates the word "queer".
Of what has been shown to me, I fully BELIEVE Lily Orchard is an abusive, sockpuppeting predator. Not only that, she's hiding behind other predator's existence to lie to her audience of other abused people to convince both them and herself that she couldn't possibly be a predator.
In 2013, what was 10 years from now, there was a controversy in the MLP fandom where a minor rose a (not undeserved) stink abt the askblog Princess Molestia and how it was making light of r*pe, intentionally or not. To counter this, a bunch of mouthbreathing bronies took it upon themselves to prove they weren't creeps by threatening the underrage sa victim, making r*pe porn of her while other mouthbreathers basically said "yeah put she's [the minor] annoying so it's the same kind of evil we're doing, really". Centrists.
Why this matters to me is (CW. CW. CW) you can find a post from Tara Callie, who was almost certainly one of Lily's alts at the time, admitting she found the r*pe art of Pinkiepony "hot", all the while Lily herself was publicly denouncing Pinkie's treatment by the fandom.
Lily Orchard is an awful human being. She does not have intrusive thoughts or fears of acting on those intrusive thoughts sometimes, like me and other people do. She has sexual and violent urges that she hides enough form the public to not make her followers suspect anything. She's twofaced and takes out her probable self-hate by attacking other predators. She's all deflection and lies. I can not believe a thing that vile woman says. Neither should you.
The biggest means of fighting her I think we all can do of is refusing to use her critical tag w we talk about her. Spam her "own tag". Enough hiding and denying who this terrible bigoted abusive woman really is.
Because really, her thoughts on glubshitto or whoever from Owl House are HARDLY the worst of it. Not even.
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azural83 · 2 years
The way steven universe created the greatest villains of all time only to completely ruin them in 5 seconds
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