#Still trying to convince my mum for chickens
rinrinlovee · 2 years
victorian girl autumn
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
I lost one of my chickens :( she was caught and carried away by a fox... I’ve been growing complacent about my chickens’ safety I think because we’ve only had one other attack before, a goshawk that swooped in abruptly (unsuccessfully), but no fox sightings nearby so I’ve been assuming Pandolf was a great deterrent. Which he is, just not foolproof. I’ve talked to some people in town about this and they were pretty philosophical about foxes stealing chickens, like “it’s the tribute we pay to woodland animals, it’s just a few hens here and there.” I don’t begrudge the fox for being a fox, if anything I have a renewed respect for foxes because everyone I talked to proceeded to give me their best / worst fox stories, and most of them involved foxes outsmarting humans (learning people’s habits / timetables, opening latches, faking a limp...) Still I feel terrible for my hen, she was only three. RIP Cordy :( You’ll be remembered fondly... (except by the cats.) I feel bad for the other hen too, who just lost her pal!
When I said that last thing, one of my neighbours jumped on the opportunity to try and convince me again to accept a rooster from him. He had a rooster baby boom last summer and I’ve been telling him for months that I don’t need a rooster, I don’t want to raise chickens I just want eggs, and his new argument was that a rooster would protect my hen (or if it comes to that, would heroically sacrifice himself rather than let the hen be eaten—I’m sceptical...) I asked around for a young hen but there aren’t any to be had in this season, so my remaining one is going to be alone until the spring, and my neighbour said she’d get stressed and male company is better than no company. (I wish I could ask my hen what she wants! Maybe she’s penning A Coop Of One’s Own as we speak.) I said the rooster was more likely to stress her out and harass her and he said nah they’re free ranging all day, it’ll be fine, and he’s young so your adult hen will boss him around. I was like, but then will he be any good at protecting her? etc. etc. and after a while I caved in.
When I told her about this on the phone my mum sighed “you’re terrible at saying no”—excuse me, I said no so many times and the guy just kept ploughing on until he could foist a rooster upon me. I’m good at saying no, other people are terrible at hearing it! I reassured her that I had only agreed to take the rooster for a short probationary period, and if he bothers my hen too much I’ll drive him back to his native farm. My mum was like “Drive him back? look I’m sorry I raised you as a city kid but there’s no need to waste gas on driving a rooster around, I’ll have no qualms about wringing his neck for dinner if he’s more trouble than he’s worth.” The rooster’s fate is not sealed though, if he is anywhere from vaguely useful to not actively problematic I’ll keep him, so we’ll see...!
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rypnami · 2 months
getting sick headcanons
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this has been in my mind (and drafts) rent-free for a while since i’m not feeling well so, enjoy 😊what the npcs would do if you were ill. gender-neutral! only the companions + garreth for this one; i don’t have a lot of every rn :(
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sebastian: oh shit, you’re sick? you? the person who can do anything? what do you need? soup? tea? a hug? cookies? no, he’s not freaking out. YOU’RE freaking out! he’s fine and completely totally not worried. he’ll get nurse blainey, professor sharp- hell, if you don’t take it easy, he might carry you to st mungo’s himself. stay in bed and let him worry about you or he might have an aneurysm.
ominis: unlike sebastian, he knows how to keep a cool head. he’d still be worried beyond belief, even if you just had a simple cold, but he would know just what to do. fever? cold compress and a visit to nurse blainey. he’ll get a pepperup potion for you, fluff your pillows, anything you need to be comfortable until you feel better.
garreth: you’re not feeling well? why not try this potion he’s been working on? it’ll work this time, for sure! well, if you don’t want that, he’ll make his mum’s best recipe for chicken noodle soup, a staple of his childhood. you want to be alone and take a nap to recover? alright, but he’ll sit right outside the door until you wake up, probably working on another health potion idea. cuddles, kisses, whatever you need he will provide.
leander: he will probably get sick at the same time as you. weak immune system. he would put your needs first but honestly he’s kind of a useless lump when he’s not feeling well (endearing). he will hide under the blankets and cry. tell his mother he loves her because he’s a little drama queen who is convinced he’s dying. (ENDEARING). he will drag you into his pillow fort and you cuddle together until you feel better :)
natty: she’s the first one to notice you’re sick. you might not even realise you’re getting ill, but she’s right on it. you’re going to go take on a poacher camp today? well, haven’t you noticed your nose has been a bit stuffy lately? maybe you should sit by the fire and let her handle it this time. she’s ready with a blanket before you even realise you have the chills. she doesn’t need her mother’s crystal ball to see what’s coming when you’re unwell. just listen to her intuition- she definitely knows best.
amit: give him a minute. he’s sure he’s read in a book somewhere how to make a cure for whatever is ailing you. even better than pepperup potion. eh, probably. other than that, he’ll sit by your bed, make you some soothing tea, and read to you. the next day, he will probably also be sick, and then you can return the favour :)
poppy: she would have no idea what to do. if you were a creature, she’d be in her absolute element, but she’s still not so great at interacting with people, and she will flounder. just… go lay down for a bit. she’ll get the nurse and make sure you’re very well taken care of <3
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
I just know Felix is going to cause a scene when she wakes up. But I’m ready, I can take it.
I was a little busier this week but I’m so glad it’s Saturday and I get to share this with you all. S always, here the Terms of Endearment Masterlist.
“I’m sorry, what did you just say?” There’s no rhyme or reason for what could have possibly just escaped Bradley Bradshaws mouth. Not only was the idea crazy, but what scared you more than anything was that you knew you had heard the mustache clad, Hawaiian shirt wearing, deep brown eye having ass Naval Aviator correctly. 
“You heard me.” Your daughter, Dot, was perched up on Bradley’s lap at the bar. Penny had given her some colouring pages and a bucket of crayons to entertain her while you enjoyed two for one night at the Hard Deck with Bradley. “Is it so hard to believe?” She liked Bradley, for whatever reason—she immediately gravitated towards him as you got to know him. 
“What’s hard to believe, Bradshaw, is that you’d want anything to do with me at all.” You remarked as you cut through your steak. Medium rare. You shook your head softly at the idea, God it would be such a bad idea to get involved with anyone now. “I’m not looking for a relationship.” You told him through doe eyes and a meek smile before you placed the cut piece of steak in your mouth. “I've just gotten out of a long term thing and I don’t even have my shit sorted here properly, and you’re asking me? Of all people! Out on a date?” 
Bradley, with all his good graces and his ability to fall head over heels in love immediately, looked down at your daughter, changed up the coloured crayon she was currently colouring with, he thought the grass should be green—not red, and smiled as he turned back to you, sitting beside him, like you had for the past five days after work at the Hard Deck. 
“I think you should take a leap and give me one chance to take you out.” 
“I think you’re delusional from all those G forces you’ve been pulling.” You met his smirk, squinting at each other as Dot squealed when Bradley tickled her sides to show her he was still actively engaged with her current enrichment activity. 
“Did you hear that? I think Dot here just said you should let me take you to dinner.” You couldn’t help but to laugh at how ridiculous Bradley Bradshaw looked, why he was trying it on with you you’d never truly understand. Scooping up some mashed potatoes, you held it out for Dot to take a mouthful. 
“Dot has a speech impediment and can’t even say your callsign properly.” You called Rooster out on his bullshit. “I don’t need you using my daughter to get in my pants, chicken man—“ 
“Chicken man?” It was hard to stop yourself from laughing as Rooster beamed at you with wide, all encompassing eyes. “That was a low ball.” You just pressed your lips together and tilted your chin up, proud of yourself. “And for the record, I’m not just trying to get in your pants.” 
“What are you playing then?” Bradley had been infatuated with you since the moment you opened Jake Seresins door a few weeks ago, only now you were friendly with one another, to know fault of your own. Rooster had seemingly made it his new life mission to mesmerise you, put a spell on you, he’d been on this dinner crap for two entire weeks now and there seemed to be no end in sight. He had convinced himself he had fallen in love with you—poor guy. 
“Let me take you out to dinner and I’ll be happy to give you an answer.” You could feel the heat rising in the apples of your cheeks as you placed your knife and fork down, wiped your mouth with the crummy napkin, and swivelled on your chair to face Bradley properly. 
“Bradshaw, trust me when I tell you I am the last person you want to get involved with.” You sighed, keeping Bradley’s gaze as he matched your energy and swirled his legs out from under the bar, bumping yours as Dot reached out to you with grabby hands—she was done with her colouring and just wanted her mum. “I'm damaged goods, I don’t play well with others, I’m a single mothers, you hardly know me and I’m living in my brother's spare bedroom—what about me screams love of your life?” 
Rooster didn’t answer right away. He simply eyed you off as you snuggled your cheek against Odettes as she cuddled into you. Giggling as she grinned ear to ear. Yep. He wanted you, all of you—and your little girl too. 
“Hard work is good for the soul.” Was all Bradley replied with as he finished his beer, noticing the sippy cup of juice you’d ordered Dot was empty. “And something tells me you’d be worth the grueling effort, Miss Fix It.” You couldn’t compute what you’d just heard, couldn’t comprehend that Bradley Bradshaw was still proposing the rhetoric that you were worth any sort of effort from anyone. “Barkeep, I’ll get another drink for Fe here and another juice for her mini me—“ Rooster fished his wallet out from his back pocket as he stood, placing a hand on the small of your back as he manoeuvred himself behind you. “Start a tab for the juices.” 
“No, Penny, don't do that.” You shook your head. “I can pay for my daughter’s drinks, mine too.” Bradley kept his eyes trained on Penny as she held her hands up in defeat, knowing that Rooster would just tell her at a later date that he’d put a credit down. “You’re a menace Bradshaw.” 
“And you’re gonna fall in love with me Y/l/n.” Bradley smirked, winking as he tilted your chin his way with his finger. “Only a matter of time—“ 
“Yeah, sure—in your wet dreams, Flyboy.” You taunted as Rooster stood so close you felt all encompassed by the scent of his cologne. He wiggled his eyebrows at you, challenging your taunt and raising you his own. 
“Trust me mama, with the amount of jacking off I've been doing these days with you around? I’m losing valuable inches.” Your jaw would have hit the floor if Bradley hadn’t had his finger there, holding your head still as he leaned in over you. Closing the gap slowly, you didn’t seem to want to do anything to stop him. Because you didn’t want this to stop, despite how unavailable you really were:
“I’m gonna tell Jake you’re sexualising me, perhaps then I can get some peace and quiet around here.” 
“You love it.” 
“I’m gonna kiss you now—“ 
“Wait What?” Before you could even fathom what Bradley was doing, his lips were on yours. Softly and ever so gently, he pressed his supple lips to yours in a moment of balls and madness. If Jake walked in any second now Bradley knew he was a deadman. But he couldn’t help it—he just needed to feel your lips on his just once. 
Rooster wasn’t expecting the kiss to last, he just thought he’d try and cop a sneaky peck. But when you snaked a hand around to the back of his head to keep him drawn close and against your lips? Bradley felt his entire world shift. He was down bad. 
“Tooster!” Dot babbled in your lap as she brought her little hands up to push against Bradley cheek, forcing him to break the kiss and pull back. “No kiss my mamma! Ownly I kiss my mamma—“ Bradley widened his eyes in pure shock as you brought a hand up to cover your mouth and laughed at the absolute scolding your two year old had given Bradley. His cheeks were bright crimson as he tried to find the right words to say to your daughter. 
“Can’t we share?” Bradley settled for that as he crouched a little to meet Dot's height in your lap as he gave you a much needed moment to compose yourself after your moment of weakness. Knowing you really couldn’t do this, not because you didn’t want to or didn’t like Bradley, but because you simply weren’t good enough for someone as kind and as beautiful as him. “My mama always said sharing was caring?” 
“No, she’s my mamma.” Dot stated a matter of factly before Penny was dropping your drinks off at the bar. 
“The two year old has spoken, Tooster.” You giggled. “I’m flattered by your persistence, really I am—“ You took a deep breath in and sighed. “But like I said, I'm damaged goods and you deserve better than broken.” 
“My mother would turn in her grave if I didn’t see this through.” Bradley explained, knowing he was going to have to work for you so much harder than he’d ever worked for anyone ever. But you were every bit of it worth the time, the patience, the effort, everything. “I’m gonna win you over Y/n, just you watch.” Rooster left it at that, turning on his heels to go suss out the game of darts Coyote and Fanboy had started up. 
“Oh, eyes peeled Bradshaw, I’ll be watching.” You shouted at him as he waved you off politely. Sending you a wink over his shoulder before disappearing into the crowd. “In a million years, huh baby?” You cooed as you turned your attention back to Dot in your lap, her back against your chest. “Thanks for having my back, wingwoman.” 
“I’m gonna pretend like I didn't see that happen.” Jake groaned in your ear as he came up behind you, thumbing the back of your head with the palm of his hand. 
“Ow!!” You hissed, watching as Jake came to sit beside you in the barstool Bradley had only just moments ago vacated. “He kissed me, thump him!” 
There wasn’t an awful lot of noise that inherently pulled you from your drugged up haze, but the steady rhythm of a heart rate monitor and the incredibly loud sound of Jake Seresin snoring has your frowning before your eyelids even peel away from one another. 
“Jake—“ You grumbled, you couldn’t move your jaw. What the hell? “Wh—“ Reaching up to touch your lips, you tried to open your mouth again. Only this time you let out a whimper when you tried a little too hard, feeling wire strain and stretch as tears flooded your eyes. “Ow—“ 
Your face felt incredibly puffy to the touch. Swollen skin that mimicked the colours of a rainbow throbbed painfully under the tentative touch of the pads of your fingertips. You could see, barely—but you saw enough to recognise that you were in a hospital. 
As you tried to push yourself up on your elbows a little more to get a better look again, you hissed out a jaw clenching groan when a sharp pain radiated across your upper torso. Clutching at the painful area under the hospital gown you found yourself in. You felt prickly stitches. Fuck. 
At the sudden juxtaposition of your painful cries, Bradley shot up from the place he’d fallen asleep beside you in. He wasn’t sure how long he’d been out for. But when he sat up, a drool patch remained on the side of your bed his cheek had been pressed into. 
“Y/n—“ Bradley cooed, still groggy from his impromptu nap as he rubbed his eyes and slid as close to you as he possibly could in the chair he hadn’t left. “Dot’s okay, he didn’t hurt her baby, Jake was on it pretty quickly.” Bradley knew the first thing that you were going to ask about was your daughter. As he reached to push your hair up and away from your forehead, Bradley smiled at you as he stood, leaning haphazardly over you. “Please don’t try to talk too much alright? You broke your jaw, it’s wired closed for now but if you need to—move your lips, talk through your teeth.” 
You simply nodded quietly in responses still frowning as Braldey took in the sight of you. His heart had never been filled with so much emotion before. He was forever grateful that you were alive, that you were such a fighter, but his heart was crying at the same time because to see you like this would bring any man to his knees. 
“I love you so much you know that right?” He choked out, pulling his bottom lip into his mouth for a second to stop himself from crying. He promised himself he wouldn’t cry in front of you—not when you needed reliability and strength in numbers. He needed to be a pillar of unconditional strength and support. “You are the strongest, most fierce woman I have ever met and you have no idea what an incredible honour it is to be able to call you my girl.” 
“Everything hurts.” You spoke softly and with caution as you tested the waters. “And my lips are really dry.” Bradley couldn’t help but to chuckle as he reached for the tube of lip balm on the side table. Squeezing some onto the pad of his index finger before applying a thin, glossy layer ever so attentively. 
“Better?” He cooed. 
“Much.” You replied. Allowing a moment of silence to fall between you as Bradley sat back down in his chair. Sighing as he turned his head to where Jake still sat sleeping in a heap. “Jake asleep?” 
“Yeah—the guy passed out when he found out what happened.” Bradley explained and your heart melted. “He really does love you.” 
“I know.” You sighed, you knew how lucky you were to have Jake in your life. You’d always known that. “He’s a good guy, I don’t think I give him enough credit for everything he’s done for me.” You couldn’t help but to get a little choked up. “But I don’t think I give you enough credit either, chicken man.” 
“Oh woah—“ Braldey chuckled as he pulled the back of your hand up to his lips, kissing you a couple of times as he smiled against your hand. “I haven’t heard that one in a while, Miss Fix It.” 
Again there was a moment of peaceful silence shared. Only until Bradley thought it was an appropriate time as ever to let you know what was going on. 
“Jaidyn’s in custody.” Was all Bradley said as you took all of what that could have meant in. “Dots at Paybacks play but we talked it over and decided that when you woke up Jake was gonna go get her and take her back to his place.” The explanation had a fatal flaw, why couldn’t Jake just bring Dot here? “He just wanted to see you awake first.” 
“Can he bring her here?” There was a pause you didn’t like as you looked at Bradley and the way his face remained stoic and frozen, like he was scared to death to say what he had to next. “Rooster, Jake can bring Dot here, can’t he?” Again, there was no response when you asked to see your daughter. Not because Bradley was trying to panic you—he just couldn’t get the words out. “Answer me.” 
“We don't think it’s best if she sees you like this.” Nothing could have broken you more. “We think that if she saw you like this, then she’d be traumatised Fe.” 
“Who’s we in this decision?” You were physically starting to get upset, Bradley could see it from a mile away. “Rooster who the fuck is we!?” 
Jake Seresin had woken up around the time Bradley was glossing your lips up with his tube of carmex. But he’d chosen to give the two of you a minute to just be. He pretended to still be asleep, perhaps that wasn’t such a great idea after all. So when he was groaning out a stretch to cut the rising tension in the room. you turned your head to face him. 
“We, is me—“ Jake sighed as he stood, padding over to your bedside with a solemn expression. He hated seeing you like this. “Fe I love you, and you have no idea what I’d do to protect you, but Dot can’t see you like this, you look like you just went a few rounds with Rocky Balboa.” 
“Jake—“ You tried reason with him, except all Jake did was lean over, kiss your forehead softly and ever so gently, before giving you a look that spoke louder than any reason, any excuse he could speak into words. 
“I’m sorry I let you down.” He whispered just above a whisper. “But I've got a chance to make sure I don’t let Dot down too, she can’t see you like this Y/n.” 
“You don’t get to make that decision for me.” It was clear to everyone in the room that you were spinning off into a tailspin. “I am her mother! You have no say.” Through a painful groan, you sat up. Unbeknownst to you as you allowed your emotions to overwhelm you, Bradley was hitting the little nurse’s button to alert the nurses at the nurses station that you needed assistance and needed it fast. “You don’t get to do this to me, please don’t keep her from me.” 
“I do.” Jake knew if anyone had to deal out the tough love it had to be him. There was no way Odette deserved to see her mother like this. You didn’t deserve to have to subject her to that. A few days, that’s all you’d need. Allow the swelling to go down, the colour to fade a little. “You might not like it but I do get to make that decision for you and I have, because I know you know deep down I’m right.” 
“Jake, I swear if you don’t go get my daughter and bring her to me right now.” You were moving around an awful lot for someone who’d just woken up after having an entire organ removed from your body. “I’m serious!” Not that you knew that at this point. 
“Y/n, you gotta stop moving around, please lie back down.” Bradley was trying his hardest to be the voice of reason as he reached out to place a hand on your shoulder—he just wanted to die when you shuttered under his touch. A momentary lapse in judgement had him forgetting about just how battered and bruised you were underneath your hospital gown. “Shit, I’m sorry Fe—“ 
“Please just let me see my daughter.” Both Jake and Bradley hated the fact they had to deny you that right, to see your own child. “She’s my baby, I need to see her.” You swung your legs over the side of the bed as you pleaded with Jake, you were losing control of any level headedness you had. “Jake—“ 
“I can’t Fe—“ Jake explained as Bradley saw one of the nurses step into your room. “It really wouldn’t be good for her to see you like this.” 
“Ah, I see someone’s awake!” She beamed. “How are you feeling, Miss Y/l/n?” She smiled, sensing the tension in the room and the worry in both Jake and Bradley’s eyes as they both turned to address her. “I must say I’m a little surprised to see you sitting up like this, how about we get you back in bed to rest up while we go over some or your charts post op?” 
“I don’t care about any of this, I just need to see my daughter.” You were tunnelling violently into haze, nothing was more important to you than Odette. Not even your own health and wellbeing. “I don’t care.” You wailed, trying but failing to tear your mouth open. “I don’t need these stupid monitors and I don’t need you telling me what to do and I certainly don’t need you making parental decisions on my behalf!” You were still addressing Jake who’d stepped back slightly when you flung your legs over the side of the bed, pointing a finger his way. “Go and get her!” 
“Darlin—“ Bradley knew he had to intervene before this got out of hand. “It’s not just Jake who thinks it’s for the best.” He tried to sound as calming as he could. “You wouldn’t want her to see you like this, and we’re not trying to control you, we’re just looking out for Dot.” 
When you turned your head to look at Bradley, he saw nothing but rage. He never wanted to be on the receiving end of that look again. 
“Keeping my daughter away from me, her mother! Means you are just as malicious as him!” You spat, not thinking about what it was you were actually saying or why Jake and Bradley were doing what they were doing. It was at the point when you tried to stand, that the nurse who’d answered Bradley’s button press shifted into action. 
“Oh dear—“
“He wanted to take her away from me and that's exactly what you’re doing!?” I trusted you!” You were inconsolable as tears streamed down your puffy cheeks. “I TRUSTED YOU!” As you ripped out the cannula in your forearm Jake had to intervene, he couldn’t watch this go on any longer as Bradley just stood there on the opposite side of the bed in complete shock at your hysteria. “Let me see my daughter! Don’t take her away from me!” You were just speaking into a void as Jake wrapped his arms around your tightly, holding you still as you thrashed and twisted and turned. “Don’t take her away from me, please—!” 
“Y/n, you gotta stop moving—“ Jake pleaded with you as he wrapped his arms around you from behind. “Stop!” 
“Let go of me you self righteous piece of shit!” You screamed. “I can’t believe you, how could you do this to me!? SHE'S MY DAUGHTER! And IM HER FUCKING MOTHER!!” It all sounded a little odd because you were screaming through your teeth, groning as the pain threatened to take over you. But you fought it, kept screaming, kept spewing empty insults Jake's way. Jake and Bradley could hear you all the same though, regardless of your jaw, they could hear you, understand you—It all hurt the same.
“You’re gonna hurt yourself—“ Jake spoke as softly as he could as his own rage began to bubble to the surface. 
“I hate you!” It stung to hear. “I fucking hate you—!” 
“Stick and stones Fe, Sticks and stones.” Jake didn’t want to front that you’d struck a raw nerve. Your vicious words played on Jake's mind like an exposed nerve ending. 
“She needs to be sedated before she ruptures her sutures.” The nurse explained as she jabbed you with a pretty large amount of sedative that took effect in a few seconds as it coursed through your body. “She shouldn’t be moving around this much right after major surgery.” 
“She’s my daughter—“ You cried. Feeling an overwhelming numbness’s starting to overcome you. Coaxing you closer and closer into the black tunnel vision void. “My baby—“ Jake felt you start to go limp in his embrace, he’d give you credit where credit was due. You were fighting the sedative hard. “Don’t take her away from me.” 
“We aren’t Y/n, we’d never.” Jake cooed as you finally fell victim to the sedative.
“I’m gonna be sick.” Bradley exhaled as he turned on his heels and ran his hands through his sandy blonde locks. “Holy shit, what the fuck was even that—“ It broke Bradley’s heart to see you like this, so broken and scared and all out of sorts. The only thing that reassured him that he was doing the right thing was the fact that if he could barely handle seeing you like this, there’s no way Dot wouldn’t see your beat up self in her nightmares. “She’s a wreck.” 
“I’ll have to let the change over staff know what happened, I’ll pop it in her chart that she's been a little difficult and needed a sedative.” Jake was quite happy to help the nurse, who’d later introduce herself as Cindy—but Jake and Braldey already gathered that information by her nursing tag, back into bed. “I don’t think that she needs anymore unpleasant opinions thrust upon her while she’s recovering.” 
“There aren't many ways to sugarcoat the fact it’s in her daughter’s best interest to not see her this way.” Bradley explained. 
“Are you the father?” Cindy asked as she fixed up the thin blanket over your torso, deciding she’d need to set up a whole new cannula sight. Bradley just held his breath. 
“No ma’am—“
“Then I’d think carefully about the language you use in situations like this, you might be doing what’s right but try and put yourself in Miss Y/l/n’s shoes.” Nurse Cindy sighed as Jake yawned and rubbed a tired hand over his face, the sun was only just now starting to rise. Odette had been at the Fitch's all night. “She’s clearly been through hell, keeping her separated from her daughter may do more damage in the long run than good, for her at least.” Cindy shrugged, Bradley just nodded silently in agreement—he felt awful after having just witnessed you lash out in utter desperation. Female rage was no joke. “I’m gonna sort her out, perhaps you’d like to take five? Ten minutes to grab yourselves a bite to eat? A coffee perhaps?”
It was Cindy’s kind way of asking Jake and Bradley to give her some space to fix you up and do her job. Bradley, with trepidations lacing every thought he had—eventually agreed. 
“I should probably go get Dot.” Jake mentioned, every minute that passed was a minute longer she had spent in fear of what was going on around her. “I’ll take her home, get her sorted and maybe we’ll do some sort of zoom call or something?” He added, walking hesitantly towards the door with Rooster. Both men were so overly exhausted both mentally, emotionally and physically to the point where you really wouldn’t have been able to blame either of them if they turned their backs now. 
“I still think it’s a bad idea but hey, we’re just as bad as that dickhead for protecting her kid from PTSD.” Jake had an attitude problem, that was no secret. He’d been good over the last few months but with a mix of exhaustion and overwhelming anger, he couldn’t not help but to let out a little attitude. “But hey, mother knows best, right.” 
“Should you be drinking this early?” By the time Jake pulled up to the Fitch household, it was nearing six thirty in the morning. “That’s like, almost something you feel like I should be concerned about?” Jake questioned as he shut the car door in the driveway. The first thing he saw when he pulled up was Amilia, enjoying a beverage in the early hours of the morning. Soaking up the sound of birds singing and the sun rising. Unbeknownst to Jake though Amilia hadn’t actually gone to bed. 
“Eh, I tend to stay awake at night because I don’t even know what my favourite colour is and I’m fucking terrified that I don’t have a real personality.” Amilia remarked as she laid perched up on the patio swing. “Haven’t actually gone to bed.” A two seated she’d made a one seater by propping her let’s up across the spare cushions. “And I’m not starting, I just never stopped, I dropped Bob off last night I just thought fuck it—it’s been a long enough day, why not make it a little longer.” Jake just huffed as he made his way up the porch. 
“In my opinion, drinking at six thirty in the morning isn’t normal—“ Jake stood before Amilia, looking down at her with his hands in his pockets, a tired, sunken expression on his face, and a whole lot of worry in his heart for you. “Alcohol isn’t a problem solver.” 
“At the risk of sounding flippant Lieutenant, opinions are exactly like assholes.” Amilia hadn’t even opened her eyes as she took the beer bottle to her lips and finished off the amber liquid, tilting her head as far back as her neck would allow her to move. “Everyone’s got one.” She finally opened her eyes and turned all her attention to Jake as she sat up, allowing him to take a seat next to her as she sighed and let her elbows rest on her knees. “I’ve got a job interview tomorrow at some bar Reuben got me hooked up with.” Amilia explained. “I was just sampling all your American alcoholic beverages.” 
“What’s the verdict?” Jake asked softly, he was hoping Amilia would have some sort of comeback for him. 
“They’re weak as piss, mate.” Jake snorted as he let himself rest against the back of the swinging chair. Amilia sat back too, pulling her legs up to cross over themselves. “She alright?” There was a lingering pause between Amilia and Jake before he decided to answer. He was done. He couldn’t hold it in any longer. All Jake did was turn his head, he looked at Amilia for a few seconds before the dam broke. “Fuck, Jake—c’mere.” He did. Jake allowed himself just a moment of weakness as he let his tears fall freely as he moved into Amilias open arms. Just needing someone to tell him he was doing this right. 
Jake had never cried in the arms of a stranger before. But when Jake let his cheek rest against Amilia Fisher's chest, feeling her stroke his back and card her fingers through his hair. 
Jake felt home. 
“I can’t deal with that.” Jake cried. He hated being the bad guy in your eyes. “All I do is put her first and what? She calls us malicious?” Jake Seresin felt like a child, crying in the arms of a woman he hardly knew because his feelings were hurt. But he’d be damned if what you’d said didn’t hurt. 
“What happened?” Amilia asked softly as she just sat with Jake, allowing him to lay across her lap as she played with his hair. He was so fucking tired.
“I told her I wouldn't be bringing Odette to the hospital for a few days.” He explained with a sigh, revealing  in the feeling of Amilia combing through his hair. Looking up at her through teary eyes. “No two year old needs to see their mum in the state she is currently.” 
“Hmmm—“ Amilia pressed her lips together into a line and nodded, agreeing with Jake. “Why’d you nominate yourself as the villain?” 
“Because I didn’t want Rooster taking the brunt of that.” Jake groaned, covering his flushed and teary face as he took a deep breath in and exhaled slowly. “He doesn’t deserve that, if I know Y/n—which I fucking do, she’d push him away and they need each other.” Amilia just listened, she listened to Jake pour his heart out about how much he hated being the one behind your anger, he hated being the one who said you couldn’t see your daughter right now, but he’d rather be the one you blamed for all your misery and all your displare than have you put the blame on Bradley. “She told him she trusted him like he’d broken it or something, I just hope that the next time she wakes up she doesn’t say something she’ll regret in the long run.” Jake paused as he took a moment to look up at Amilia, just drinking in the sight of her, god she was fucking beautiful. “She needs Rooster just as much as he needs her and I can’t let that asshat of an ex ruin that for her.” 
“Woah, what in the world is going on out here huh?” Payback cooed as he opened the front door. He was gonna ask about what the hell was going on between Jake and his sister in law but that was a conversation for a later day. What mattered right now was getting Dot back where she belonged. “Is that uncle Jakey?” Jake sat up at the mention of his name with a groan, seeing the beautiful little girl that was Dot holding out her arms for him to take her. “You gonna tell uncle Jake how good you’ve been?”
“I been so good.” Odette mumbled softly as Jake took him in his strong arms, sitting her on his lap before she bawled her fists and rubbed at her tired eyes. “Where’s mamma?” 
“She’s okay baby, just needs a few days to herself. She had to get her spleen removed and she’s all tired and isn’t very fun to be around right now.” Jake tried to explain it the best he could without upsetting Dot. “But while mama rests and recovers, you get to hang out with me and Rooster and boy do I love when I get to hang out with you.” 
“What’s a spween?” Dot asked softly as Jake held his niece close to his chest, kissing the top of her head as he smiled against her hair. 
“An organ, it sits right here—“ He pressed his fingertip into Dot's side and she giggled. “Mamma didn’t need hers anymore so the doctor took it out of her before it could make her sick.” 
“And I get to hang out wif Tooster too?” 
“Mmhmm, he’s with mama now but what we’re gonna do when we get home is start packing some of your things up because when Mama comes home you guys are gonna go live with Tooster at his place.” 
“Oh shit for real?” Payback raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest as he stood watching the sun rise with Amilia, Jake and Odette. “That’s huge.” 
“In the grand scheme of everything else that’s happened in the past twenty four hours I highly doubt that’s what you're shocked at.” Amilia scoffed as she stood from the swinging chair. She paused as she crouched to boop Dot on the nose. “See you cheeky girl when I’m looking at ya.” Dot smiled back before she popped one of her thumbs in her mouth, an anxious tick she’d started to develop. “See ya Jake.” Amilia turned her attention to Jake as she smiled. Leaning in to kiss his still tear stained cheek. “I’m still pretty keen on Preston’s, just text me when things cool down for you.” 
“Yes ma’am.” Amilia was about to tell Jake off for calling her ma’am again, but she accepted it as a terms of endearment and left it at that. 
“You know you have a job interview with Penny at one right?” Payback looked at his phone, showing Amilia the date that was clearly displayed on the Home Screen. 
“I thought today was yesterday still, fuck!” She groaned. “Everythings fucking stupid here, your booze, your road rules, your stupid politics, it all makes no sense—“ Amilia stormed into Paybacks place and all he did was laugh, turning back to Jake who just sat there in the front porch with Dot in his lap. Rocking gently to keep her calm. 
“Hey man, my doors always open if you need someone to talk to, you gotta offload some pressure.” Reuben was a good friend, he always had everyone’s back. Jake really did appreciate the offer. 
“I think I’m gonna lose my best friend in all this mess man.” Jake held back more tears, like fuck was he about to cry in front of Odette. Biting his bottom lip as he took a deep breath, Jake sighed. “Some way he’s gonna take her, even if it is just emotionally, she’s gonna take it out on me and I’ll have no choice but to take it on the chin because I’d rather lose her and have her be alive than to lose her all together.” 
“You’re doing everything you can Hangman, don’t forget that.” Payback knew whatever had happened between you and Jake had been enough to have him second guessing his entire role in your life. But he’d let it play out a little longer before running any sort of intervention. 
“I wanna go home now—“ Dot mumbled against Jake's chest. He kissed her temple and agreed knowing that home was the best place for her to be right now. 
“Let’s go home bubba, let’s go home.”
Tags: @a-serene-place-to-be @lilyevanswhore @thescarletknight2014 @blindedbythelightt @averyhotchner @emma8895eb @blairfox04 @caitsymichelle13 @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo @teacupsandtopgun @aemondssiut @feltonswifesworld87 @akalei349 @notjustsomeblonde @americaarse @avaleineandafryingpan @phoenix1388 @xoxabs88xox @je-suis-prest-rachel @pono-pura-vida @rosiahills22 @starset21 @anarchyrising @caidi-paris @starkleila @criticalroleobssedperson @enchantingdreamergothprune @flrboyd @emma8895eb
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As Long As I'm Here - Robin Buckley (One-Shot)
Prompt: "As long as I'm here, no one can hurt you."
Pairing: Robin Buckley x You
Genre: Childhood friends to lovers
W.A.C Winner: @stanseventeen
Auth. Note: Thank you so much for the love and support of my work! I hope you enjoy this special one-shot just for you!
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She looked cute today. Nervous as all hell as she stared at herself in the mirror; fluffing her hair and tugging at her clothes ranting a mile a minute to the point you'd just pretty much zoned out on what she was actually saying. Her flustered state had nothing to do with the way you were looking at her of course; she never noticed before and just like now she didn't see the way you're eyes scanned her form from head to toe admiring the leggings that hugged her long legs just right and the way the dress she wore fell just barely to mid-thigh in soft cotton; the cinch round her waist made her hips a little more noticeable than the mom jeans she normally wore. Plainly put, the new style made a difference in her appearance. Long gone were the tomboy clothes and boyish nature of her being. She hated being feminine, that much was obvious but she was making an effort. Effort for the wrong reason and effort for the wrong person.
"Are you listening to me?!" you blink up at her from where you lay lounged in her desk chair; shoes dragging along her carpet to stop the spinning chair that was making you dizzy.
"Yes, Robin. I am listening to you. But for all the words vomiting from your lips I wouldn't say what you're talking about makes much sense babes." you reply resting an arm on the back of the chair to stare at your childhood best friend with a lazy expression.
The girl threw her hands up in the air in exasperation. "Damnit, Woman! Just," she growled under her breath in frustration as she ruffled her hair only to realize what she did and freaked out even more as she spun back around to her mirror to try and fix her short blonde brown hair.
Rolling your eyes you unfold your frame from the chair and walk over to stand behind your friend in the mirror. Your eyes watching with a distasteful scorned look in them. Why did Robin have to put effort into being someone she wasn't? Robin wasn't a priss and she was definitely not the most feminine style-wise. She was a nerd; a pretty nerd, but a nerd nonetheless who played in the marching band for Hawkins High and wore clothes more on the boyish sides than anything else. Yet here she was standing in the mirror acting like a girl. She really didn't realize just how perfect she was without even having to try, that was seriously the saddest part of it. Not the fact that you're best fucking friend in the world was getting dressed up to confess her feelings for another person and that person wasn't you.
Okay, let's rewind this morning. After hours of talking in the wee hours of the morning while the moon still shone in the sky, you'd somehow convinced Robin to pull her big girl panties on and finally confess her feelings for her crush. The crush being none other than Tammy Thomas, a girl that thought she was perfect, a singer in the making despite her voice sounding like a chicken squawking when she sings. Another girl from the school who your best friend had a crush on for the longest time. That wouldn't have been an issue to you if there were not 2 things seriously wrong with this plan. 1 being that Hawkins was not a town that looked fondly on same-sex love prospects. Things had gotten a little better over the years but there was definitely more against the idea that there were pros for it. And number 2 was the fact that you'd been in love with your best friend since you guys were young. You'd grown up with Robin and had known you liked girls before Robin ever did. But you'd kept mum for the very reason that number 1 was presented. And perhaps because you were scared to ruin your friendship with the only friend you had. But you guys weren't kids anymore and you'd both grown up and almost graduated to go to college for Pete's sake! But now that Robin finally got the courage to say how she feels to her crush; you knew your chances of speaking up were mummed. Hell, Robin didn't even know that you liked girls. She'd always thought you liked Steve Harrington which only became a stronger alibi for you since you sort of started hanging out with Steve more towards the beginning of the senior year in high school. So, yeah. You could tell why Robin might think that but she never ever expected to think that her best friend was in love with her. She didn't even look at you that way and it sucked sure but you were selfish when it came to Robin. You'd let her live in her little oblivious state regarding you as long as it meant you could see her happy.
"Just breath Robs." you sigh rubbing her shoulders and resting your chin on her shoulder looking at her through the mirror. "You look beautiful." granted, you preferred her not dressing up where she felt uncomfortable but your words were genuine. She did look pretty it just wasn't her style.
Her hands came up to grab yours on her shoulders and her face softened. "Thanks, you're always so supportive. I don't know what I would do without you," she said softly and all you could do was plaster a smile on your face and squeeze her shoulders a second.
"You're my best fucking friend Robin. I'll always be there for you babes," you tell her honestly even when your heart broke a little at the thought that she may never be yours.
When you finally arrived at school you made a beeline for Steve who was talking with another classmate by the lockers as Robin left your side to go in search of Tammy Thomson. Your face said it all and Steve knew it the second his dark gaze turned from his classmate to look over their shoulder at your figure as it stalked across the hall towards him.
"Shit," he muttered as he excused himself and quickly met you halfway; hand grasping at your arms as he saw the look on your face. "She seriously doing it?" his voice was soft so no one else could hear. Steve knew all about Robin's plan to confess thanks to you calling him this morning before your bestie woke up.
"Yeah, she fucking is!" you mutter looking around feeling the bubbling of emotions all over the place. You want to be supportive you really do. But you also wanted to cry because frankly, you couldn't bare the thought that you're the best friend that you've been in love with since you were like 13 and had the possibility of being in a relationship with someone else.
"Shit sweetheart I'm sorry. Maybe she'll be turned down and then you can be there for her you know? All hopes not lost you just gotta keep it positive." bless his soul for wanting to be supportive but as a straight man himself, Steve just didn't understand the lesbian language of emotion. But you gave him brownie points for at least trying.
But it didn't last long. The day had taken its course and you hadn't yet seen Robin or heard anything of what was going on until halfway through the school day during lunch when you and Steve were on the way towards the bleachers to eat outside together when a figure rushed past them towards the girl's bathroom. Her clothes were trashed with whatever cafeteria food and drink were on the menu today was now all over her pretty outfit. At first, you thought 'what a poor soul' thinking another classmate just got bullied but when those blue eyes locked tearily on yours just seconds before the figure disappeared inside the bathroom you felt your heart stutter. That 'poor soul' was Robin. Steve confused and worried tried calling out to you as you shoved past everyone in favor of making your way into the bathroom.
At first, you didn't see Robin but you could hear her. The sound of crying from the farthest stall inside the bathroom was a dead giveaway but at least she was alone; that much you were thankful for. Taking a few steps in you called out to her to let her know you were here.
"Robin, honey are you okay?" you say concerned as you walked further inside the room. You paused in front of the locked stall door and rested your hand on the cold surface. "Baby, can you let me in? Please?" you plead softly, trying to coax her to open up.
It was only a few seconds but it felt like forever as you heard her shuffling and moments later the stall lock was slid open and the door swung outwards towards you allowing you to fully see the damage done. Your mouth dropped seeing the goop of whatever the hell was lunch smeared in a gross-looking pattern all over her sweater dress and her hair was mostly damp with what was probably milk at one point. The mascara she'd applied so mechanically that morning was smeared beneath her eyes and spilling down in black streaks down her face along with the tears. She looked wrecked and heartbroken that much was evident by the gleam in her blue eyes and slump of her shoulders as she hugged herself.
"She called me a freak…a-and disgusting because I liked girls…" her voice was soft almost inaudible with how much she was mumbling over the words.
Anger flared up in you at that and you shook your head as you reached out slowly as if testing to see if she'd be too scared to be touched but when your fingers grasped her upper arms you were relieved that she did not pull away and you guided her out of the stall in favor of leading her to the sink. You didn't say anything at first, instead silently tugging off the sweatshirt you wore over your T-shirt and holding it out to her.
"Here, go ahead and change into this okay? I got some gym shorts you can change into also." you placed your bag onto the sink counter and dug into it to grab the pair of green and white gym shorts and handed them over. She looked hesitant as she held the items
"But my clothes-" you hush her with a shake of your head and carefully helped to peel off her sweater dress from her body. Trying to be respectful as you saw she wore nothing but a camisole underneath her dress and you absently thought the silk looked nice against her skin but you quickly look away in favor of grabbing the soiled dress to dunk it underneath the spray of sink water as you turned it on and thus allowing Robin to change from her leggings and into the gym shorts provided.
As she changed you used the sink and soap to wash as much of the stains you could from her clothing. After ringing out the access water you plopped the clothes off to the side before turning to look at Robin who stood behind you with her arms wrapped around herself. You sigh reaching out and rubbing her arms as a way of comforting her.
"Come here babes." you tug her towards the running water and instructed her to bend over. You did the same thing as you did with her clothes by ringing her hair out under the cold water and using the hand soap to get the crust from the strands of her hair and once you were satisfied that her hair was as clean as it was going to get without a proper shower you helped dry her hair with loads of paper towels.
"I'm sorry that happened Robs." you finally speak up as she hopped up onto the counter; absently kicking her bare legs out in front of her as you grab another paper towel and soaked it in water before you slotted yourself between her bare thighs so that you could wipe her make up away.
"I should have known better. Our time in age doesn't approve of such things." Robin shrugged but it didn't help the fact that her heart was broken and her soul humiliated.
You hated Tammy Thomas in that moment. You never really liked her in the beginning but now you had every reason not to like her even more. But you didn't say any of that and instead finished wiping away the makeup and leaning over to toss the crumbled paper towel away before turning towards your best friend with a look so earnest you had to tilt her chin up so that she was looking at you.
"Fuck it," you said simply with a shake of your head. "Fuck it all. Fuck this school, Fuck the opinions of others, Fuck 'em all. They don't matter. Stop worrying about the opinions and words of others who never had your best interest in mind in the very beginning. So what if they don't approve? Time and age will continue to move and evolve with or without them but that shouldn't stop you from taking risks and loving yourself even if it means putting yourself out there." you tell her seriously as you cup her face and peer up into her blue eyes; a soft smile playing at your mouth as you notice her own turning up into a soft half-heart smile.
"Since when did you get so wise?" she quipped trying to be a little bit chipper despite just what happened. You wouldn't know it but you being here with her meant everything to the girl.
"I've always been wise, people are always surprised when I give advice. The problem is I don't often follow my own advice." you shrug with a small smile. "Perhaps I should more often huh?"
Her head tilted into your palm and you couldn't help but lick your lips; watching as her gaze fell to them at the movement of your tongue, you noticed she didn't look away for a hot minute and your lips pulled up into a small smile. "And what advice are you not following?" Robin asked softly looking back up to yours.
You hum with a slight smile and shrugged. "All of it I guess. See, the truth is I never liked Tammy Thomas. You wanna know why?"
She hummed in reply and in question as she absently continued nuzzling into your palm. "Why's that?"
"Because she had everything that I wanted." you scan her face wondering if she would get the meaning behind your words. She didn't, of course, she didn't but if the world was showing you anything today it was that you sometimes had to take the risk so you went for it.
"She had your attention, your devotion, and your love. You talked about her in ways that I wish you'd have talked to me about. You looked at her the way that I've always wanted you to look at me…" your words were softly spoken seeing the realization dawn on her face along with the blush that graced her cheeks that you could feel the heat of them under your hands.
"W-what?! Since when?" she spluttered eyes wide in awe.
"Since we were 13," you confess with a slight laugh as your head drops to her chest. "I've been in love with you since we were 13. Probably longer to be honest, but I knew when I was 13 that you were all I ever wanted and it fucking killed me when you're eyes would look at other girls the way that I always craved you to look at me like that."
"All that time…shit…" Robin whispered; her breath tickling the top of your head as she leaned her cheek against your hair. You laughed a bit and nodded.
"Trust me I know…I've wanted to tell you for so fucking long Robin trust me…I almost did but I was always afraid of ruining our friendship…afraid of what it'd mean if I found myself unable to have you by my side in whatever compacity." you confessed further and finally raised your head to look at her. She didn't say anything for a moment and you were starting to get nervous.
"Say something please…you're kind of freaking me out right now with the staring." you lick your lips nervously but your tongue barely had a chance to disappear back into your mouth before Robin leaned forward and pressed her lips against yours.
You froze for a split second as your brain tried to comprehend that your childhood best friend was kissing you. But only for a second. Not long enough for Robin to pull away even if she wanted to because goddamnit you'd been waiting for this moment for years. So you did the only thing you could think of and that was to pull her closer by the back of her neck with one hand while the other grabbed a handful of her plush thigh; trying to pull her as close to you as you could because the taste of her lipgloss was addictive as much as the feel of her beneath your hands were. The kiss was almost desperate even when it wasn't rushed. Many years of pent-up longing pour deeply into the act of physical love as you try to convey just how much Robin meant to you. It was different, sure you had kissed boys before. During your phase of trying to get over Robin when you thought she would never look at you twice like that. But it never held a candle to finally being able to express the love and devotion that you held for this smart, funny, and goofy girl in front of you.
You wanted to take things deeper. You wanted to hold her and kiss her, you wanted to cradle her so close to you and cuddle her at night; never leaving each other's side. But you knew that you weren't going to do any of that. Not until you heard her side of things. So, with a regrettable longing, you pull away to study her dazed expression. You licked your lips; tasting her on them along with the smear of lipgloss she'd applied that morning as you studied her. Giving her a moment to open her eyes and gather her wits.
"That was….wow." there was a sort of giddiness about her face and for a second you thought you kissed her dumb but her eyes focused again on you and you waited with a raised brow and curious eyes.
"I didn't know I needed that…" she mumbled studying your face. "For the longest time, I thought I needed to look elsewhere for someone who loved me…but I guess I should have been looking in front of me huh?" you chuckle slightly and shake your head.
"Look babe, I don't want you to think that you need to give me an answer now or if you don't feel the same that's completely fine. I don't want you to think you need to choose me."
"But you're a perfect choice…" Robin's arms wrapped around your neck to pull you closer. "It's not just me saying this because you're my best friend…you've always been my best friend and you've always had my back. Always there for me when no one else would fight for me." you try to shrug it off and you looked away from her imploring gaze but she wouldn't let you. Instead, she nudged your face back to look at her and there was a softness about her features.
"I love you. And not just as a best friend…I guess I always have just took me until now to actually realize what I needed was right in front of me all along." Robin pressed her forehead against yours and smiled at you. "Forgive me for not seeing it sooner?"
Your eyes rolled a bit and you wrapped your arms around her waist to draw her closer. "Nothing to forgive birdie." your fingers wiggle against her sides making her giggle as you gave her light tickles.
"Thanks for always being there for me…You always were there to pick me up when I needed it." Robin giggled and your features softened at the sound.
Squeezing her sides a bit you looked up into her pretty eyes and smiled softly. "As long as I'm here. No one will hurt you. I promise." you whisper before tipping her chin up so that you could kiss her again.
A knock at the bathroom door broke through the moment and it began to open. A hesitent Steve peeked his head around the door with his hand over his eyes. "I'm not looking but are you guys okay?" he asked.
"Yes Steve." you laugh a bit watching as his hand fell from his eyes in relief and surveyed the scene in front of him. His brows popping up on his forehead as he saw the pair of you. "Oh just say it." you quip feeling a smile tug at your lips even when youe words were meant to sound annoyed.
"I totally told you so."
If you enjoy my writing please consider reblogging to share with others who may enjoy similar work! Thanks so much!
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justabigassnerd · 2 years
Discoveries pt. 5
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Pairing - TASM!Peter Parker x reader
Word count - 3,279
Warnings - swearing, mentions of bruises
Previous - Next
'Discoveries' playlist
Summary - after sneaking into Oscorp and being bitten by a spider, weird things started happening to your boyfriend Peter
A/N - it's another part of 'Discoveries' lads! I've decided I'm going to alternate between this series and requests just so neither get neglected (I hope that's okay with y'all). I originally planned to have this up yesterday but I had to stay an hour later at work so sorry about that. Anyways I'll stop rambling now. As per y'all please send in requests, feedback and enjoy!
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A few days after your confrontation with Peter about his alter ego, your parents asked you if you wanted to invite Peter around for dinner since he was starting to get back on his feet and your parents wanted to offer some support of their own.
“Hey Pete!” You call out to your boyfriend when you see him waiting underneath the large oak tree that marked the halfway point between you and Peter’s house. Peter had stopped coming to your house to walk you to school because he didn’t want anyone else worried about the bruises that now constantly littered his face so you both agreed to meet up halfway between your house and his and walk to school together from there.
“Hey y/n/n!” Peter replies as you bring him into a tight hug which he reciprocates, a smile on both of your faces. When you release each other from the hug, Peter is quick to press a kiss to your lips before peppering the rest of your face with kisses as you laugh.
“Peter, we saw each other last night.” You laugh as you pull away, looking down to adjust your bag.
“That was too long ago.” Peter says as you look up at him, gasping slightly when you see a bruise by his left eye, covering part of his cheek. It was fading already but you were still getting used to him appearing with bruises almost daily and it broke your heart every time.
“Another car thief?” You question, bringing your hand to his cheek as you run your thumb just under the bruise, being careful not to apply pressure to the delicate area.
“Just a normal thief. I really thought it was him this time.” Peter says sadly as you move your hand to his cheek, stroking the skin softly.
“We’ll find him, Pete. It’ll just take a bit of time for him to get his cowardly ass out of hiding.” You say, moving your hand down to his, interlocking your fingers and smiling softly up at him.
“Let’s go to school, shall we?” You ask, raising an eyebrow as Peter jokingly groans, throwing his head back dramatically.
“If we have to.” Peter replies, making you laugh as you tug him along gently, the two of you now heading to school.
“Oh, before I forget, my mum invited you around for dinner at about seven o’clock. She keeps worrying about you so if you could come that would be great. Obviously, no pressure but she’s making your favourite. She thought that would help convince you to come over. She’s trying to tempt you over through food by the sounds of things.” You say, swinging yours and Peter’s interlocked hands slightly.
“I wouldn’t miss your mum's famous chicken pasta bake for the world. I’ll let May know after school.” Peter says, a big grin on his face as he squeezes your hand lightly. As you approach the school, Peter uses his free hand to tug the hood of his hoodie up so people wouldn’t notice the bruises. You wander the corridors of the school, approaching your lockers and grabbing the books you need for your upcoming classes. The day passed smoothly, classes were easy enough and you weren’t set obnoxious amounts of homework. What made you happiest though was the fact Peter was acting more like himself. He was participating in class; he was leaning over to doodle little smiley faces in the margins of your work. To top it all off, Flash had finally stopped picking on Peter. He had stopped the Monday after Ben was killed, it irked you that it took Peter losing a family member for Flash to buck up his ideas but you were just glad Peter wasn’t being bothered anymore. By the end of the day, you met up with Peter by your lockers and after receiving a text from Lexi telling you she’s heading to a friends for a bit before dinner, you and Peter start the walk home.
“See you at seven?” You ask as you reach your house, turning to face your boyfriend with a smile as he leans down to rest his forehead against yours.
“Not soon enough.” Peter says, smiling as his lips brush up against yours.
“I can do six-thirty.” You compromise, letting out a small laugh as he huffs jokingly.
“Fine. Now c’mere.” Peter says, finally connecting your lips, both of you smiling like the Cheshire Cat as you kissed. When you pulled away, Peter whined, attempting to lean in for another kiss as you laughed.
“Slow down mister. You need to go home and tell your aunt you’ll be having dinner at mine. And maybe get a start on any homework so you don’t leave it until the last minute.” You tease, moving your face away from his attempted kisses and watching as he pouts.
“Okay, I’ll go but can I have one more kiss?” He asks. He knew his puppy dog eyes were impossible to say no to so he couldn’t help smiling in triumph when you gave in and nodded, leaning in to place another kiss on his waiting lips. Peter doesn’t waste any time in deepening the kiss, placing his hands on your waist, and pulling you in closer. Eventually, the need for air becomes too much and you place your hands on his chest, pushing him away slightly so you can breathe.
“Happy?” You question, raising your eyebrow at him as he nods, seemingly satisfied.
“For now.” He replies, giving you a quick kiss on the cheek before finally turning to walk home, leaving you laughing in front of your door. When Peter has disappeared down the path, you enter your house, noticing that no one else is home. You head up into your room, getting your homework out and placing your bag on the floor by your desk. You sit at your desk and play music as you work, wanting to get as much of your homework done as possible. At some point, you hear your mum return home from work, but you keep your focus on your homework. After a few hours of work, you lean back in your chair groaning and as you stretch you notice Peter pop up in your window, making you jump as he laughs. You cross to your window, opening it as you cast a glance at the clock on your bedside table.
“I thought we agreed on six-thirty?” You tease as Peter clambers in, a cheeky grin on his face.
“May had to go into work earlier than she was meant to and I didn’t feel like being alone so I’m here now.” Pete explains as he sits on the edge of your bed, watching as you close the window.
“Okay, but that doesn’t explain why you didn’t just ring the doorbell like a normal person.” You reply, sitting back at your desk chair.
“Coming through the window is way more fun. And I saw that your parents were home, and I didn’t want your dad to interrogate me.” Peter shrugs as you roll your eyes.
“I think dad interrogated you enough the day we told them we were dating. He loves you, Pete.” You say, wanting to reassure your boyfriend that your dad doesn’t hate him.
“Oh, I got these for your mum.” Peter continues, shrugging his bag off and pulling a crushed bouquet of flowers out, frowning slightly when he sees how damaged they are.
“They were nice.” Peter frowns, not noticing your soft smile.
“She’ll love them, Pete.” You say, your gentle words making him look up at you and hide his face behind the flowers. You move to sit next to Peter, the two of you chat until Peter falls quiet, listening carefully as the front door opens and closes.
“Lexi’s home.” He says, watching as you raise an eyebrow sceptically.
“How do you know-”
“I’m home!” You stop when you hear your younger sister’s voice, making you look at Peter confused.
“I told you my hearing was good now. I can tell from the way she walks that it’s her.” He explains as you nod slowly, still getting used to Peter’s array of powers.
“Hey y/n, do you wanna- oh. Hey, Peter.” Lexi enters your room, stopping when she notices Peter in the room with you.
“Hey Lex, how was Lily’s?” You ask, smiling at your younger sister as she nods.
“Lily’s was good, we just kinda chilled and bitched-”
“Language.” Peter cuts in, both you and him laughing as Lexi scoffs.
“Like you two are much better. Anyway, yeah, we didn’t get up to much other than that.” Lexi says, shrugging her shoulders slightly as she talks, her eyeline falling to the floor.
“Oh, that’s nice. Mum invited Peter over for dinner I don’t know if you knew that.” You say, gesturing to your boyfriend who smiles.
“I didn’t know that but cool. I think mum loves your boyfriend more than you.” Lexi teases, laughing as you chuck a paper ball at her head.
“You’re probably right though.” You joke, laughing as Peter nudges you, laughing himself.
“You know what, I’m going to go.” Lexi says, backing out of the room after saying goodbye. When the door is closed and Lexi’s footsteps have retreated Peter turns to you with a cheeky grin.
“Lexi so has a crush on Lily.” He states, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you close.
“What makes you think that?” You ask, curious as to why Peter said that.
“Her heart started beating really fast when you brought up Lily so either she’s lying about going to Lily’s and was somewhere else, which I doubt because Lexi hardly lies so the only other option is she has a crush on her and she’s embarrassed.” Peter explains, smiling as you rest your head on his shoulder.
“A crush on her best friend. Sound familiar?” You ask, looking up at Peter with a nostalgic smile.
“Sounds somewhat familiar.” Peter replies, his smile just as nostalgic as yours. Peter and you had known each other since you were little and grew up together. When you reached high school, something changed and you started seeing Peter differently, you gained romantic feelings for him, and he gained romantic feelings for you too. It took a while for either of you to confess how you felt much to the frustration of your mutual friend Gwen Stacy who had to listen to both of you pining. Eventually, Peter got the courage to ask you out and that brought the two of you to now. Before you could continue your conversation, you hear your bedroom door and look over to see your mum opening your door.
“y/n, dinner is ready. Oh, Peter, you’re here! I’m so glad you came, sweetheart.” Your mum says enthusiastically when she notices Peter. You watch Peter stand up and cross to your mum, bringing her into a tight hug which your mum returns.
“y/n told me you were making chicken pasta bake and I couldn’t miss that.” Peter says with a smile as he pulls away from the hug.
“Well, I’m glad you- Peter, that bruise…” Your mum says, noticing the bruise on Peter’s cheek.
“It’s okay m/n, I just fell off my skateboard. Look, I got these for you. Sorry, they’re a bit crushed.” Peter says, smoothly changing the subject and holding the bouquet of flowers out to your mother.
“Peter, you didn’t need to.” Your mum says, her face softening at the flowers Peter was holding out, taking them from his hand.
“I wanted to.” Peter says sheepishly, smiling as your mum admires the flowers.
“Well, thank you. Let’s head down for dinner now, shall we?” Your mum says, gesturing for the two of you to follow her downstairs. You head downstairs and greet your dad, he was still in uniform, a clear indication he’d not long gotten home from work.
“Hey, dad.” You greet as you sit at the table, Peter sitting on your left as your dad sat at the head of the table with your mum and Lexi on the opposite side to you and Peter. You help your mum plate up the meal and hand the plates out. When everyone has a plate you sit back down, digging into your meal as your family asks you how school was.
“Hey dad, have you caught that spider guy yet?” Lexi asks after the conversations about school has stopped. She chose to ask that question right as you took a sip of your drink, causing you to cough and choke slightly. Peter lifted his hand to hit your back in an attempt to help you clear your airway. When you recovered, you saw your parents’ odd stares and you laughed awkwardly.
“Sorry, went down the wrong pipe.” You laugh, feeling Peter’s hand move down to your thigh, squeezing lightly as attention fell back to your father.
“No, we haven’t. We will soon enough though. He’s clumsy and leaves a lot of clues. The sooner we get him off the streets the better. He’s dangerous.” Your dad says as he stabs his fork into his pasta, making Peter’s grip tighten on your thigh.
“I don’t know about that.” Peter says, making you turn to look at him quickly, trying to subtly tell him to shut up.
“What do you think then Peter?” Your dad replies, his stare challenging as Peter clears his throat.
“I think he’s trying to help. I saw a video of him with a car thief and-”
“So you’re basing your entire opinion of him on a video?” Your dad cuts in, not allowing Peter to continue.
“I’m just saying, he was stopping a car thief. Surely that’s good, right?” Peter says, trying to reason with your dad as you place your hand on his, rubbing a thumb on his knuckles.
“If we wanted the guy off the streets, he would’ve been off the streets ages ago. He was leading us to the head of the operation. It’s strategy Peter, I assume you know what that means.” Your dad says, his stare now dangerous as he continues to eat.
“The internet is making him out to be a hero.” Your dad continues, staring over the rim of his glass as he takes a drink.
“No, I’m not saying he’s a hero. But surely, he’s helping the police out? He can do stuff the police can’t.” Peter argues as you watch on awkwardly.
“Do stuff the police can’t? Like, mess up sting operations? Look, Peter, this guy, whoever he is isn’t a hero like he believes. He’s only been hunting down people of a specific description, he has some sort of personal vendetta.”
“Dad, stop. Peter, you stop too. Look let’s go to my room, Pete. Thank you for the meal mum, it was lovely. Dad, you need to cool off too.” You say, holding up a hand to stop your dad and boyfriend from arguing. You stand up, pulling Peter up with you. You thank your mum once more for the meal before leading Peter upstairs, closing your door the second you’re both in the room.
“Peter, you really expect to keep your identity secret when you pick fights like that? I told you dad hated the spider guy and you still argued with him over it.” You scold, pacing the room nervously as Peter watches on.
“I’m sorry y/n, I wasn’t really thinking. Can we sit on the roof and talk properly? I don’t want to risk your parents overhearing.” Peter says, making your pacing stop as you turn to look at him.
“How on earth would I get on the roof? Last I checked Peter we live in a house with no fire escapes.” You say, turning to look at Peter confused.
“Do you trust me?” Peter asks as he crosses to your window, opening it and starting to climb out, clinging to the walls.
“Of course I trust you.” You reply, crossing to the window as Peter gestures for you to come closer.
“Okay, just ease yourself out the window. I’m not going to let you fall, okay? Just climb out carefully and I’ll help you climb onto my back.” Peter explains, his voice calm and soothing to prevent any worry from seeping into your brain. You follow Peter’s instructions carefully, slowly easing yourself out the window and wincing when you almost slip, feeling Peter’s arms wrap around you securely.
“I got you. That’s it. Let me just turn around. Alright, hop on.” Peter says after manoeuvring himself around so you can climb onto his back.
“I’m on.” You say, your arms wound tightly around Peter’s neck as you cling on. Peter nods at your words and scales the wall to reach the roof, climbing up before letting you hop off. You sit down in between Peter’s legs as his arms wrap around your middle, burying his face in your shoulder.
“I’m sorry for arguing with your dad. I just didn’t like that he called me dangerous. I don’t want to be seen as dangerous.” Peter admits, lifting his head and resting his chin on your shoulder.
“Then don’t let his words be true. Maybe… maybe you should stop hunting the guy for a while and focus on just helping people. Be the kind of guy Peter Parker is when you’re the spider guy. Peter Parker is kind and helps people. New York could use someone like that.” You say, placing your hand on top of where his were resting and interlocking your fingers with his.
“Also you need to come up with a name if you’re going to keep this vigilante stuff going. I won’t be able to listen to anyone calling you ‘the spider guy’ with a straight face.” You laugh, leaning back into his chest as scoffs.
“Alright, what do you think I should be called then?” He asks, looking at you as you think.
“I still think bug boy is a great name.” You muse, laughing when Peter scoffs and shakes his head, his hair tickling your neck.
“No. I’m not calling myself bug boy. That name is reserved for you only.” He says, making your laughter stop as you turn your head as best you can to look at him.
“What did you say?” You question, looking at Peter as he smiles gently.
“I only want you to call me bug boy. You coined the name so you’re the only one who can call me that.” Peter says softly before pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“Okay, bug boy is off the table. I’ll have to make a list of potential names.” You say, turning your attention back to the night sky. You sit in a peaceful silence until Peter stiffens suddenly.
“Pete, are you okay?” You ask quietly, worried about what was wrong.
“I can hear the tv. There’s been an explosion on the Williamsburg Bridge.” He says, making you wiggle out of his hold and turn to face him.
“Go help people. Go and prove my dad wrong.” You whisper, taking his face in your hands and leaning close.
“Let’s get you back in the house first.” Peter says, standing up alongside you and waiting patiently for you to hop onto his back. He carefully climbs down to your window and eases you in carefully. When you’re in your room you stick your head out and give him a quick kiss.
“For luck.” You say as he smiles before bidding you goodbye and swinging away. You stare out the window until Peter is gone from your sight completely.
“Stay safe out there bug boy.”
taglist: (comment or ask if you wanna be added)
@calums-betch @edgycatx @wolfgirl21 @winterberryfox
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certaingoateeavenue · 2 years
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•Mary is a Catholic bi girl
•Edward is gay and didn't realize until Liz just straight up told them.
•Edward goes by He/Them pronouns
•Henry goes by either Hal,Fitz or Roy
•DO NOT call him Henry.
•Also gay but knew and accepted himself the easiest with that.
•Mary Queen of Scots goes by the names of Scots,Stuart,Maria & Ree.
•Her son James gets reincarted when she's 25.
•Eventhough this time around she doesn't have to she still declares Elizabeth as his godmother something, Bess pretended not to cry at.
•Jane Grey goes by Janie or Grey (really only Elizabeth calls her Grey as a joke tho).
•Janie is pansexual and uses she/they pronouns.
•To Mary's dismay, Elizabeth is more chaotic than Anne if that is even possible.
•Elizabeth has many nicknames consistin of ,Eliza, Liza, Liz, Lizzie, Beth, Bess, Bessie, Eli, Betsey, Betty, Lisbeth or Lisbet (only by Anne for that that one) or all of them if your Edward trying to get her attention.
•Elizabeth is now known as the biggest flirt (when she not committed to Robert Dudley of course) because she veiws it as a little F U to her father that killed her mother on behalf of those reasons.
•This time it's much to Fitz and Ed's dismay.
•Elizabeth always forces Edward to letting her his nails and make-up (they secretly enjoy & Bess knows that he does). Sometimes she does Hal's nails too
•Mary become the least proctective of Liz purely because she realised how much worse it was for her now that Anne & Hal & Edward & Scots & even sometimes Jane Seymour or Anna Von Kleves are with coddling or protecting her.
•Mary Seymour only goes by Mae it's such a big thing Cathy is just considering changing her name to that legally.
•Mae is the youngest in the queen's(+ a king) household.
•To everyone surprise Mary is actually better at babysitting her than Elizabeth while Edward is just being her supportive cousin on the side.
•Their heights go Hal:5'10 Mary:5'8 Maria:5'8 Edward:5'6 1/2 Elizabeth 5'4 Janie:4'10 (small bean).
•Their ages go Mary:21 Hal:21 Elizabeth:15 Edward:15 Maria:15 Janie:14
•Fitzroy was reincarnated about 5 years before the rest of the Tudor siblings were because his mum works with the reincarnation company.
•Anna was the one to open the door when Mary, Elizabeth, Edward & Mae woke up outside the house and the first thing she did was yell back to the queen's sitting anxiously inside the living room "I have one hell of surprise for you guys!".
•After a short-lived staring contest between Anna & Mary, the kids (well only one toddler really and two teengers + a 20 year old) were escorted to shocked faces sat on a sofa.
•Edward & Mary did not instantly go to mothers but instead opt to death stare Cathy until Liz slapped them round the back of their heads as a way to say stop.
•After Anne embracing her and sobbing for ten minutes, Bess simply got bored step back from her, look down at her hands and go "Holy Shit, I'm young!!!" and proceed to run around like a headless chicken continually shouting at the top of her lungs " I'M NOT SIXTY" " Mary,MARY,LOOK!!"
•It took a couple of weeks with a lot of convincing of Bess to stop Edward from wanting to murder Cathy every time he saw her.
•Edward might be the youngest but don't get wrong Elizabeth is the baby of the family.
•When Mary came out as bi to her Catalina, Elizabeth & Anna went all protective mode in that conversation
•This later became the reason why Mary didnt go out of her way threaten Robert whe he started dating Bess, as a little but meaningful thank you to her for her support.
•At some point in the future Scots' son (James) is reincarnated.
•Elizabeth is once again his godmother but this time it's not a bribe.
•Because Bess babysat James so much Mary asked why,, as she usually wasn't to keen on baby no matter what relation, she answered to it with a calm response of "James is my GODSON, I am his GODMOTHER, this child makes a God by name, of course I will protect him with my life"
•They both hate to admit but our both (especially scots) protective of eachother, with Bess denying something that's true and Mary just using an excuse like "If someone is going to cause Elizabeth bodily harm it's going to be me".
•When the Dudley's get reincarnated (John now as a better person) she (and Janie) are accepted as part of the family, with Bess being Mary (Mars) Dudley's best friend, Roberts kinda girlfriend depending ont the day(wife in everyway apart from legally), Guildford's chaotic partner-in- crime and John's golden child (even if it's not legal)
•Liz & Mars' friendship is basically them bitching about people they don't like and/or disgust them, daring eachother to do dumb shit and Mary pretending Elizabeth isn't making out with her brother in their school corridors.
•Elizabeth & Guildford Dudley go further than the rest of Bess's siblings and cousins in calling him there cousin-in-law by calling eachother 'My practically brother/sister in law' to the point everyone refers to the two them like that.
•One day Robert goes up to Liz and asks if she considers them 'practically married',she of course denied it (once again tho it was true) but they both ( and everyone else for that matter) know it's the reason behind her & Guildford's nicknames.
•To any encanto and spop fans Robert Dudley & Elizabeth is literally just Pepa & Felix + Mermista & Seahawk rolled into one.
•The queen's + kid's household now just expect to see Ed rolling after school looking exhausted and judgemental at the fact right behind him Elizabeth is storming inside with an apologetic Robert behind her. Sometimes Mars is there too taking pictures of her distressed brother.
•During the many off stages of their on & off relationship Robert has acquired many things thrown at him while they've been breaking up. Consisting of an egg Elizabeth for some reason had in her bedroom, hairdryer, hair straightener etc.,etc.,many,many shoes + hats, the two miny pride flags she has in honour of Edward & Mary ( gay for Ed, bi for Mary), a lot of makeup bags, a few pillows, and a couple of hairbrushes, + more ( at separate dates to be clear, this wasn't all at one of their break ups).
•The Duldeys mainly call Elizabeth Eliza out of habit because in their past life they remembered how she cringed when saying her full name because it was a reminder that as the king's daughter she could never relax in a place that wasn't her household.
•John Dudley considers Elizabeth his daughter and has at many points in time invited her out to a coffee shop even when her and Robert weren't in their realtionship.
•Lizzie has always considered John a father figure.
•To start it of we have Bess & Eddie who have the closest bond within the siblings due to there now only being a 33 day age difference between them. Plus their both in most of eachothers classes in school.
•Then we have Mary and Hal their relationship is complicated, always has been, always will, but they do occasionally bond on being the oldest of the reincarnated Tudors and obviously their bat-shit crazy siblings.
•Mary & Bess are probably the pair that are the second closest to eachother. It's more of advice giving bond they have, mainly because Mary's still trying to make up for the past and Elizabeth doesn't trust her mum to not go mental with some of the stuff she needs help with.
•With Mary and Edward it's quite awkward with how they nether saw eye to eye in the past. But Mary will still do anything for them because of gravely she missed them when he died.
•Edward and Hal really only occasionally roll their eyes to eachother whe their sisters are being dramatic (acting like their not).
•Roy still has a hard getting over the fact the Bess is a teenager and not the 3 year old girl who could barely reach his knee, but height dilemmas aside, their quite close and always tease eachother. Roy always beats everyone else in being Elizabeths biggest supporter
• Mary nor Hal are particularly closes to their cousins and usually stick together when the have their family reunions.
•They both might die keeping it a secret, but with as much agression they display towards one another Ree & Lizzie have one of the most heart warming friendship you will ever see.
• Janie and Eddie are eachothers best friends and are referred to as the little sunshine's of the family.
And no I don't take criticism
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realcube · 4 years
jealous || kei tsukishima x reader
summary ♡ songfic! kageyama cheats on you and since tsukishima has had to suppress his crush on you for so long, he doesn’t know how to act
song ♡ jealous by eyedress
tw ♡ angst, cheating, cussing, fem! reader, violence 
part two ♡ crybaby ( 1 / 2 )
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‘you could have anyone you want, why would you want to be with me?’
Tsukishima thought, watching as you finished telling him the story behind your broken nail, waving him goodbye before skipping over to the side of your boyfriend who just exited the changing rooms, probably to go tell him the exact same story. 
Although your little stories annoyed the living hell out of him, it pained him to think that you’d share them with some cunt like Kageyama who probably didn’t give two shits. 
It might’ve seemed like he was annoyed by your stories too but in reality, your natural charm was enough to keep him hooked on every word you uttered. And that charm was probably the reason you were liked and known by almost everyone in the school - and due to your appearance, it was no surprise that most guys at the school had their eyes set on you. 
So this whole time Tsukishima was aware that there would be competition if he was going to ask you out. 
 ‘you know, i’m nothing special. be with whoever you want.’ 
Tobio Kageyama. Number nine, Karasuno’s first line-up setter - Tsukishima’s teammate. Of course, Tsukishima felt quite bad that he resented Kageyama so much - all over a girl - but in his defence, that girl was (Y/N) and it’s not like Kageyama was humble about it either. In fact, he’d make it a point to talk about all the things he did with (Y/N) whenever he thought Tsukishima was in earshot.
Also, you can’t blame Tsukishima for thinking that you were too good for Kageyama.. because you are. The only reason you two were together was because all the girls started shipping you two together after a video of him as your partner for a rather titillating salsa routine started floating around the school. 
The people saying that y’all would make a cute couple gave Kageyama the confidence to ask you out and of course you said yes; why wouldn’t you? Kageyama was the embodiment of everything girls loved: tall, atheletic, passionate (for volleyball), a himbo, cold and emotionally unavailable. 
While Tsukishima was almost identical; he was 4 out of those 6 things that girls loved - he wasn’t a himbo, fortunately. Neither was he emotionally unavailable. You even said yourself one time - before you formally met Kageyama - that you just thought he was a flavourless version of Tsukishima.
‘i don’t care. i don’t care.’
Perhaps it was just his ego speaking but Tsukishima was almost certain that if he were to have asked you out before Kageyama, you would’ve said yes. 
So, why didn’t he?
Well, he planned on asking you to be his girlfriend the same day that Kageyama did - Valentine’s Day - but at the last minute, he chickened out and the letter he had spent 3 hours making for you ended up in the trash. As for the chocolates he bought, he gave them to Yamaguchi. Curse his crippling insecurities! 
To be fair, the only reason Kageyama had the confidence or any interest in you whatsoever was due to all the girls perpetuating the idea that y’all would be a cute couple.
Tsukishima sighed as he recalled the first time you ever interacted with Kageyama. You had a dance project which involved creating your own salsa routine and either filming yourself doing it or performing it in front of the class - you asked Tsukishima if he’d assist you by being your dance partner and obviously he said no. Your next best bet was Hinata, so you explained your situation to him and as you know; where ever there is Hinata, there is Kageyama. So he overheard your dilemma and apparently he took dance classes all throughout middle school so he offered to help. Although you had never talked to Kageyama before that day, you still accepted his offer due to the tricky situation you were in.
It frustrated Tsukishima so much at the thought that if he had just swallowed his pride and danced with you, he wouldn’t be feeling a striking pain in his chest at the sight of you intimately kissing Kageyama while he stood there like a statue.
Once he realised what he was doing, he immediately averted his eyes, a sigh escaping his lips as he tried to convince himself that he was neutral about what he just witnessed. 
He didn’t care that you were dating someone who didn’t even care about you. He didn’t care about the fact he would’ve treated you ten times better than Kageyama ever could. He didn’t care about how close you were to Kageyama. He was simply unable to give a single fuck about the fact he still loved you. 
‘i don’t wanna know. don’t tell me about your problems if you’re not trying to solve them.’
“And then I told him to fuck off and my mum got all mad and she was like ‘don’t swear at a 6 year-old!’ but then I was like, ‘Mum, he literally-” 
Tsukishima rolled his eyes, you’ve been rambling to him about your shitty experiences babysitting for a good few minutes now but he was simply unable to pay attention. Not when every time he thought of you, his mind instantly focussed on the bruise you had on your neck which he had merely caught a glimpse of this morning, but that was enough to make him feel sick to his stomach. “Do you ever stop talking? Why not tell these stories to someone who cares? Where’s Kageyama?”
You pouted, crossing your arms over your chest and leaning back in your chair - by now, you were used to him being a bitch to you but recently, he’s been acting especially rude, even Yamaguchi was taken back at how uncalled for his remark was.  “Did I do something wrong? Why are you so mean all of a sudden?”
Something about your disappointed tone made Tsukishima’s heart sink, although he wasn’t sure why that was considering he undoubtedly didn’t care about how you felt - you could start crying for all he cared. 
“You’re just way more annoying than you used to be.” That was the first excuse Tsukishima could come up with but if he was being completely honest, he didn’t even notice his change in behaviour. “It’s probably all that time hanging out shittyama.”
“Tsukki!” Yamaguchi snapped, hunching forward over his table to flick his blonde friend on the back of his neck. “I agree with (Y/N), you’ve been kinda crass lately.”
You nodded at Yamaguchi’s statement, “Emphasis on the ass.” 
It took every bone in Tsukishima’s body to resist snickering at your stupid comment and keep a straight face, “Can you blame me? (Y/N) is the one who never stops complaining like geez, get a grip - nobody cares.”
‘don’t ask me for my help. fix it yourself.’
Honestly, Tsukishima wasn’t surprised when you ended up calling him at 1am, crying about how Kageyama cheated on you.
I mean, it was clear that he was only with you for sexual relief as he didn’t show the slightest bit of romantic interest in anyone - and you were too blinded by puppy love to notice that his perception didn’t widen beyond volleyball. 
In a way, Tsukishima felt quite bad for you as this was your first relationship and anybody would be heartbroken if they were cheated on but somehow he had managed to gaslight himself into believing that he truly didn’t give a fuck about how you felt. That’s why the call definitely didn’t go as well as he hoped. 
“Kei..” You spoke in a low voice in hopes that he wouldn’t realise that you were crying straight away but your faint sobs were a dead giveaway. “Are you busy?”
Tsukishima grumbled, sitting up on his bed and sliding his glasses up his nose, not having taken them off as just before you called him he was scrolling through Reddit anyway. “Eh? What is so important that you had to call me at 3 in the morning?”
“Kageyama cheated on me!” You wailed into your phone, struggling to keep it together even when you weren’t with Tsukishima face-to-face. “S-Sorry I called you. I just, um, I just needed to tell someone and the first person I thought of was you.” That wasn’t a complete lie. I mean, you did try calling Yamaguchi before you resorted to calling Tsukishima because Yamaguchi would undeniably be more compassionate in this situation. However, if it wasn’t for Tsukishima’s recent attitude problems, you probably would’ve called him first,
Upon hearing you say that, his heart fluttered - this should’ve been the first giveaway that he still liked you - but he chose to ignore it, sticking to the idea that you annoyed him and he definitely did not want to kiss your forehead, cuddle you under his sheets and reassure you that you’re out of Kageyama’s league anyway.
“Sorry, (Y/N).” Tsukishima spoke softly. This change of tone giving you the slightest bit of hope that you had finally managed to get through to him and maybe he was going to stop being so insolent and go back to being his old self - the Tsukishima that people actually liked. 
“Kei..” You mused, feeling your cheeks heat up at how nice and soothing his tired voice sounded. “I thi--”
“But that doesn’t sound like my problem. Good luck in dealing with it yourself, though.” 
With that last comment, he hung up, leaving you more upset than you were to begin with. 
‘she tried to call me yesterday but i didn’t pick up because i don’t got time.’
Tension was high at practice. Word had gotten out that Kageyama cheated on (L/N) and of course everyone’s opinion on him did a full 180 - nobody wants to train with a dirty cheater. 
This news should’ve been the highlight of Tsukishima’s month because not only is (Y/N) back on the market, Kageyama is getting the treatment he deserved for being so horrible to him and (Y/N). 
However, Tsukishima was far from pleased with everyone’s behaviour towards Kageyama because now they were all expecting confrontation and since Tsukishima was the one who already had beef with Kageyama, the team thought it would be best if it was him who approached the setter about the recent event. 
A horrible idea, in Tsukishima’s opinion. It wasn’t even the fact that he didn’t want to go any where near that milkboy but mostly because he didn’t even know what he’d say to the guy. What do you say in that situation? ‘Hey, man. We’d really appreciate it if you stopped being such a whore. It’s really killing the vibe.’
But lo and behold, here he was, standing across from Kageyama in the empty changing room. Desperately wracking through his brain to find the most appropriate thing to say, which was hard as Kageyama’s stare seemed to burn holes through Tsukishima’s glasses. Also, his mind was already pretty occupied by all the thoughts of how badly he wanted to beat the milkboy to the ground in (Y/N)’s honour. 
“What do you want, Tiredshima?” Kageyama inquired, scrunching up his empty milk box and casually throwing it aside, aiming for the bin but it ended up landing a few inches away from it.
Tsukishima tried to resist laughing at the milkboy’s failed attempt to look cool, “It’s-” Tsukishima wheezed slightly as a little bit of that laughter escaped before he took a moment to properly compose himself, “It’s about (Y/N)-”
At the mere mention of your name, the milkboy dipped. 
“Uh, where the fuck do you think you’re going?” Tsukishima spat, hastily reaching out to grab Kageyama’s wrist, yanking him back as soon as Tsukishima got a good grip on him. Resulting in the usually agile setter losing his balance and falling back, right onto his ass. 
“Don’t touch me!” Kageyama roared, rapidly scrambling to his feet, clenching his fist and snarling at Tsukishima who wore an astounded expression. “Do you have it out for me or something? What does (Y/N) have to do with anything?”
It was shocking how well Kageyama managed to paint the situation to make it seem like he was the innocent one when he was the one who broke a poor school girl’s heart after she showed him nothing but love - but Tsukishima wasn’t one to talk since he probably just added salt to her wound, like he always does, and he’d been thinking about it all night.
“Sorry, your highness, but maybe if you hopped off your throne for a moment and came down to reality to join the rest of us, you’d realise that the world doesn’t revolve around you. Do you know how much your shitty actions affected (Y/N)? She called me crying last night and..yeah.” His voice slowly drifted off as he remembered the events that occurred yesterday, you had called him in a vulnerable state and he simply told you to get to fuck.
Kageyama scoffed, brushing off the dust that clung to his clothes from when he was pulled to the ground, “Eh? Maybe you should practise what you preach.” Kageyama growled, baring his teeth - the little nickname Tsukishima had for him seriously made his blood boil. “She’d come to me on the verge of tears because you called her annoying and she thought you didn’t want to be her friend anymore.”
Tsukishima felt his heart tear apart at the thought of himself causing you so much emotional distress but you were half right, he didn’t want to be your friend - the wanted to be your boyfriend. If it wasn’t for a certain setter who’s name starts with ‘K’ and ends with ‘ageyama’, none of this would’ve happened and you’d happily be snuggled up in his arms while he played with your hair but no, Kageyama just had to get his dirty little setter hands on anything good.
“I mean,” Kageyama muttered, having clearly calmed down from five seconds ago, “She was kinda annoying, so I get why you’d say that. That’s why I did what I did, it wasn’t meant to spite her or hurt her feelings. You get what I mean, right?”
The ignorance; it made Tsukishima indescribably mad. (Y/N) wasn’t annoying - although Tsukishima might’ve heavily insinuated it, in the past - and the audacity Kageyama had to say that she was. Also, who in their right mind thinks that cheating is a rational reaction to irritation? 
Tsukishima wouldn’t consider himself a violent person but it was as though the bones in his body acted on their own when he delivered a full-force punch straight onto Kageyama’s cheek. And he didn’t regret it for a moment either - even when the milkboy starting pummelling him into the ground - as he figured that someone had to teach the dick a lesson, why not himself?
‘i don’t have time. i don’t have time. i don’t have time. i don’t have time.’
“Kei..hello? I know I’m probably the last person you want to see right now but Yamaguchi told me that you were here and..I just wanted you to know that I, uh, am really sorry and I hope you get well soon.”
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just2bubbly · 3 years
To Us
TLC Ship Week 2021!
*written for tlcshipweek2021- kaider for the prompt 'Journey of Us'
"I'm thinking."
"A coin for your thought?"
"Nothing much... just I'm 27 and have this beautiful person seating on top of me, not that I'm complaining-"
"Come to the point Kai, you were definitely not thinking that."
The night before their second anniversary is quite extra-ordinary as both of them reflect back on their past. The present that they are living seems unbelievable to the two royals- just the two of them, together. What more can they ask for?
Ship: Kaider
Words: 3k
Genre: Fluff, Sick
Prompt: 'Journey of Us'
*Post- Winter
Cinder's Perspective:
"I'm so sorry, Kai," she said as he handed her the bowl of soup.
"No worries darling, it doesn't really bother me-"
"Yeah, but I know you wanted to have some alone time and I just ruined your plans."
"C'mon Cinder- you are more important than my plans. Besides we can go after you have recovered."
"Even then I feel extremely sorry for being under the weather at such a happy moment-"
"Sickness does not come looking at your calendar- wondering if it's the right time to crash on Miss Selene now that she does not have anything planned," he jested.
She glared at him while inhaling the smell of the chicken noodle soup wistfully.
"I'm gonna forget you said that because this soup tastes so good. You have really mastered cooking."
"Thanks- I asked Suho for his recipe, seeing how you liked the one he made when we visited them last month."
"So have anything planned- now that I'm going to be staying in the bed for at least two more days?" she questioned.
"Well- No?"
"No?" she mimicked, surprised at his answer. She had assumed he might have come up with some different sort of elaborate plans for the day.
"Like there is not really much I can do with you being sick that will qualify as classy and romantic... you know that right?"
"You don't have to."
"I'm going to!"
The thing they happened to be talking about was their second anniversary. Kai had wanted to go to a nice cottage home that his mother had brought on Wusong Island in Jilin. Cinder knocked off all his plans with the unwanted and very bad timings of the flu she had caught. hence they or rather she was forced to stay in bed for an entirety of 5 days?!- well the doctor had told 3 but her very sensitive and caring husband made it 5.
Her husband observed her as she drank the soup, feeling slightly awkward at the sudden attention she barked, "What?"
"Nothing- just staring at my beautiful wife!"
"Don't- it's making me self-conscious, for a minute I thought I was drinking it wrong or something and you were going to yell at me for not holding my spoon properly. And Kai, stop calling me beautiful when I have a runny nose, that's too sore and pink from all the tissues I am blowing into and I feel like I'm wearing rags right now," she said pointing out to her loose grey t-shirt and shorts, that were quite old with its colour faded still they were comfortable and that's what mattered.
"You always look beautiful to me!"
She smiled and asked, "What do you want?"
"Can't I just call you stunning babe?"
"Oh, and won't you be honest with your beautiful wife?"
He sighed and asked, "Can't I join you?"
She wished he would but instead settled for a bittersweet smile and said, "Kai you won't want to catch the flu. Believe me, you don't want your one nasal cavity feeling like a desert and the other one like a shitty waterfall!"
Kai had been adamant about cuddling while she was sick- she did not want him to catch her sickness. Hell, she would have actually made him sleep on the adjacent very large couch in their room if he would have not been half as stubborn as her. Alas, he would not budge and they had settled for some distance between them for Kai's well being.
"Please," he said in an annoyingly cute way, pouting his lips and crinkling those damn beautiful eyes of his to make an impact.
She was not going to budge to his antics- after all, she was supposed to look after him when he decided to make dumb desires.
"Only if you take the couch to sleep today," she argued.
"Cinder didn't we already talk about this?! I'm not taking the couch even if it's too comfortable and for my own good!"
"Don't tell me, I did not warn you, when you get sick," she said and patted the space near her, keeping the bowl aside while scooting away to make space for him.
He jumped at the offer and settled close to her as she leaned against his chest.
"Hmm... I missed you," he mumbled as he pressed his chin on her head, his words filling the comfortable silence.
"You are not really sad that I'm sick, are you, Kai?"
"I'm not, Cinder- it would not matter if I spend our anniversary on a beach, a cottage or in bed as long as you are there beside me- even if you are sick," he said reassuringly.
"Okay,' she replied.
He drew circles on her back and she reclined into him until she was more or less practically into his lap- all thoughts of making him sick with contact forgotten.
She had almost dozed off when he muttered quietly," Torin said we could have a week off if you wanted."
"Oh? and are you- are we?"
"I dunno, it's not every day that I can take a day or two off and it's pretty chill right now- not much work so I'm thinking about it."
"Maybe we should," she suggested, already knowing that they would be taking a holiday soon.
They remained silent, just enjoying each other's presence and the quiet around them, the beats of their heart providing a soothing sound as they beat together. She would have been more than happy to sleep like that- in Kai's arms with the rhythm of their hearts as music to her ears.
"I'm thinking," he whispered his lips near her ear.
"A coin for your thought?"
"Nothing much... just I'm 27 and have this beautiful person seating on top of me, not that I'm complaining-"
"Come to the point Kai, you were definitely not thinking that," she challenged.
"Well,- yeah you caught me there- just I'm so happy in this moment. I married the love of my life and 10 years ago, I would have never thought that I would end up where I am right now."
Thinking over his words, she responded, "Well you would not be the only one now there now, would you?"
"Yeah- at 18 I had as good as convinced myself that I would not see myself grow to become 19- probably be killed by Levana before that-"
"Who knows maybe she would have loved you and vice versa," She joked, having come to terms with the horrors of her past by now.
"Yeah, weren't you just jealous of my wife, Cinder?- killing her like that."
"Oh! No Kai, I fought for you and came out as the winner," she jabbered with a wink.
"Quite a prize I'm, now aren't I?" he boasted, winking in response.
"Stop sounding like Thorne- besides, stop using sarcasm to just avoid talking about your feelings," she said, clearly forgetting what had started the mild flirting.
"Like you don't," he muttered under his breath.
Taking quite his chances trying to figure out if she had forgotten or not-
"Kai, continue," she ordered.
"There's nothing serious- just got me riled over a silly thought, that's all!" he said, avoiding to speak.
"Talk," she ordered before he could make any excuse.
Sighing he said, "Back when I was 9, I had always thought that I would have a wife that loved me like Mum loved Dad, but I was too simple back then. Later I quite got the hang that I would be the Emperor and... you know right, how marriages are looked upon as alliances in royalty?- so, maybe I thought- I would not know what love is, like what it really means. Levana just happened to come around the time when I had wholly convinced myself that I would never marry out of love- just some woman who was the daughter of some important person to strengthen bonds or something like that. And at the same time you decided to pop in my life- well I popped in yours but after a few days I had certainly started liking you, sort of even had a crush on you while you were on the run but things happened and well you know what happens later.. " he trailed.
"You did marry someone important Kai, remember I am the ex-Queen of Luna?" she said, turning around to look at him.
"How can I forget? have got quite a knack for Queens," he said, a grin breaking on his face however it did not reach up to his eyes.
"Yeah- even then you love me and I do love you! Although you had to marry someone before- you supposed to make the right choices later, you found love with me, I was quite a big show myself- a simple mechanic and then I come out as the long lost princess of Luna. I am happy- elated for where I am right now-minus the sick part but I think I can endure it," she admitted.
"I see, my happy outlook has quite rubbed on you - I don't want to change anything even if I could- I'm so fortunate to be here with you," he exclaimed, caressing the back of her hand with his thumbs.
"You know if someone had told me when I was 15 that someone would love me when I grow older, I would have called them a fool and probably shut my door on their face. If they had told me that I would be married to a kind man at 23, found true love at 16- I would have yelled at them to make young girls fantasize about something like marriage when there were important things in life. If they had told me that I would marry a man who loved me, much less an Emperor- I would have been shocked for the love of my life. No pun intended so don't point it out or grin- " he did grin even when she asked him not to "-Can't believe I'm really married to you even at the age of 25- like you are believable but the whole Emperor of EC is a too big thing for me who felt unlovable till 16- like hell with the world but I had thought I would probably be those single cat ladies just without the cats- I think they are nasty. Yet here I am!" She rambled, declaring the last part with a blinding smile.
"Quite unbelievable, ain't it?
"Yup- wouldn't change a thing though!"
"If I asked you-
"to marry you again then I would say yes without a moment to lose," she continued.
She did not know who rushed in first but his lips were on her and he whispered 'Good' against her lips, kissing them fervently. Before thinking she moved, making Kai groan at the loss of sudden contact, taking as many tissues that could fit in her hands from the tabletop, she blew her nose, feeling sickening.
Kai looking at his wife firstly in a bizarre way followed by a sympathetic smile, "Maybe we should keep kissing to the minimum."
"Yeah- I look gross," she agreed.
"Do you want to take some steam?"
"No- I'm okay," she answered, continuing to blow her nose which considerably contradicted her sentence.
"Tell me if you change your mind."
"Can you pass me more tissue?"
Having cleared her nose long enough to go without a blowing nose fit for at least a few minutes she whined, "My nose hurts- is it pink?"
"Really Cinder?- are you caring about your slightly pink nose right now instead of your health? I think it looks cute tho-"
"You had called me cute even when I was drenched in mud. Sorry for blowing up like that!"
He chuckled adding, "Quite got me confused for a minute there"
"I can't believe I'm sick on our anniversary-"
"Hey! I was sick on my birthday, don't beat yourself on that."
"C'mon aren't you even a tiny bit sad Kai- you make it sound like you are happy seeing me sick in bed!" she complained.
"I had be happy with you in bed, don't you think?" he said with a smirk tugging at his lips.
"I don't wanna sneeze and blow my nose on you so, NO!-" she replied. "-I don't think I have the energy to do anything."
"You had your meds?" he inquired.
"Yes," she said avoiding his gaze.
"And when did you take them?"
"Well- one is remaining- it's really bitter, can't I just skip it? Please!" she pleaded.
Paying no heed to her words, he just leapt out of the bed to fetch the said tablet- returning with the red and white capsule that was going to cause Cinder much misery.
"Here," he said, offering the glass of water.
"Please, Kai, it's so bitter and I don't want to spoil the taste of the soup-"
"Cinder, I'm not going to budge- you are having it. Personally, it's not that bad, you drilled Camilla into being nice for a day last week- you can handle a bitter tablet."
She stared at him not moving to pick the capsule from his hand, he stared back. It was a healthy competition, the one who blinks first will lose-
"Achoo- chu-" she sneezed rather unexpectedly making Kai victorious.
"I hate you," she mumbled glaring at him as she took the med- sticking her tongue out to him as the harsh taste of medicine could be felt down her throat.
"Love you too, Cinder."
"I was not even half as troublesome as you are right now when you were down with that stomach bug 6 months ago- I even allowed you to read those documents in bed and this is how you repay me for my kindness?"
"I repay in kindness- Come here, you can have the cuddles as your reward."
This time she kept some tissues nearby just in case and as revenge kept her very cold hand on Kai's bare torso. It did not look like it bothered him- he just snuggled closer to her, making sure that her hand was as much on her as on him.
"I can't believe it's already been two years since we married!" she blurted out.
"Quite hard to digest even after 2 years of marriage!- Sometimes my heart can't handle the sight of you in the morning- so peaceful and lovely," he declared.
"And you look so good at night when you scrunch your nose yawning- you look so adorable with those puppy eyes you make!" she added.
"Remember that time when Torin had almost found us hiding in the library trying to skip the staff maintenance meeting?" he asked.
"It was not much hiding, Kai- like he could have tracked us within seconds if he wanted to... I think he was hiding as well," she replied, remembering how Torin had spent so long trying to find them in the library even when they were loud enough to be found by anyone.
"Yeah, and when he did that toast for you after you had check-mated Camilla at her own games, I can't forget how proud he looked of you."
"Well, you had helped and I did not do much if you would not have been there to-"
""Oh, don't flatter me! It was you who stole the whole show that day. Vargas was so happy someone had skived Camilla after all these years," He chuckled and continued to add, "Stars, the toast that Thorne made-"
"No, Kai! I don't wanna remember it- I'm so happy he would not be teasing me tomorrow, I'm gonna use the 'sick' card if he embarrasses me like that again."
"He was so funny-"
"That humour traumatized me for life!"
"Well, he outdid himself that one time."
Recalling her friend's more than bizarre speech at their wedding she smiled fondly, her gaze falling on the large clock in their bedroom.
"Kai it's almost 12," she pointed out.
"Oh! yeah- quite late, uhm- er-early?" he sputtered.
"It's our anniversary!" she exclaimed with joy.
"Do you think we can make a toast? like is it okay for you to have wine?" he questioned for her approval and well-being.
"I don't think a glass of wine will worsen my flu, so why not?"
"Okay, I will fetch it before it the clock strikes 12," he said, already moving out to get the bottle of red wine they had stashed somewhere in the adjacent kitchen they had made in their chambers since they had been engaged. Cinder did not really like going to the Palace's kitchen every time she had a strong craving for some midnight snacks. Besides it was too far from their and Cinder was not really very happy about that- she liked cooking, scratch that- she liked seeing Kai cook and eat the delicacies he made.
Kai walked few minutes before it was midnight, trying to balance the two glasses and the bottle.
"Here let me help," she said, taking the bottle from his hand, uncorking it while he held the glasses for her to pour into. Having poured both their glasses to an acceptable amount, they turned to the clock waiting in anticipation for the final hour of the day to end.
"Wanna say something?"
"Not yet!"
And as the digits changed to zeroes, they looked at each other and said, "Here's to the two years of marriage and togetherness-"
"- and many more that will come!"
"To my charming husband,"
"To my loving wife,"
The clink of the glass was unheard over their words.
"To us!"
A/N: I think you deserve fluff after the torture that I gave you! Here's nice married Kaider fluff for you guys.
The person named 'Suho' is none other than Torin's husband and I like to imagine Kai cooking and doing all sort of domestic stuff, even when he is the Emperor. This fic had wholesome amount of fluff, and sickness in it. I have really written so many shots this week- have been quite productive this month thanks to Ship Week.
Be sure to comment and vote!
Taglist: @cinderswrench @gingerale2017 @linhcinder686 @shellyseashell @ladyvesuvia @shelbylmkaider @levanariddle @cindersassasin @kaider-is-my-otp (Tell me if you wanna be added/removed)
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enchantress-emily · 3 years
Good Omens Fic Recs
I thought it would be fun to do a rec post for some of my favorite Good Omens fics!
But It Wouldn't Be Make-Believe by @ineffablefool
Crowley wants just one visit home to see his mum without her trying to fix him up with some nice young lady. He also wants very, very much to kiss Aziraphale, a lot. If only there was some way for him to accomplish both of these goals at once without having to actually ask Aziraphale out, which he is one thousand percent too chicken to do.
It's hard to choose just one of Jack's fics to recommend! Everything he writes is soft, romantic, asexual, and extremely fat-positive. This one is a multichapter Human AU in which Crowley and Aziraphale are completely smitten with each other, but convinced that the other just thinks of them as a friend.
Demon & Angel Professors series by Ghostinthehouse (@ineffableghost)
They're professors. They're married. Their students don't realise. Cue shenanigans.
An ongoing series of linked short fics (each exactly 666 words!) in which every new batch of university students has to figure out all over again that the terrifying Dr. Crowley (Botany) and the husband that Dr. Fell (Literature) gushes about are in fact the same person. There's also a recurring theme of the two of them helping and supporting queer and disabled students.
The Serpent's House by @hope-inthedark
Aziraphale Fell has been working at Heaven's Gate, Inc for the better part of twenty years as an assessor of orphanages for children with magical abilities. His life had been perfectly normal and beautifully boring until the day he was summoned to the Office of the Archangels and given an assignment that will turn his life on its head.
I've thought for some time that somebody needed to do a crossover/fusion between Good Omens and The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune, and Hope is pulling it off spectacularly! (You don't necessarily need to have read Cerulean Sea to enjoy The Serpent's House, but it's even more fun if you have.) This fic is still in progress as of 7/12/21.
The Rose and the Serpent by Atalan (@brightwanderer)
Quite honestly, sending Aziraphale off into the forest to be held hostage by a giant snake in a cursed castle isn’t even the worst thing Gabriel’s ever done to him, and at least it means a change of scene. But then neither the snake nor the castle turn out to be quite what he’s expecting…
An absorbing, beautifully written Beauty & the Beast AU with snake!Crowley. If you aren't into sex scenes (like me), don't be put off by the M rating; the sex is a fairly minor part of the story and not at all explicit.
The Birds and the Snakes by @lyricwritesprose
Warlock Dowling discovers something that could ruin his life. Naturally, he calls on his godparents. The help that they give him isn't the help that he's expecting.
Teenage Warlock realizes he's gay and thinks that means he'll never have a chance at happiness, until Crowley and Aziraphale demonstrate otherwise. Heartwarming, with some very sweet Warlock-and-Nanny moments.
So You Need To Get Into A.Z. Fell & Co.; Now What? (A Guide For Unfortunate Bookworms) by arkhamcycle
London’s antique enthusiasts and rare lit nerds alike know that if you’re looking for a specific vintage or antique book, you have a good chance of ending up in A.Z. Fell & Co. as a last resort. And if you’ve ever been in (or are currently in) this predicament, you know how much of an absolute nightmare it is trying to even get in the door. Luckily, this handy guide, the fruit of a months-long collaborative effort to create the perfect formula for gaming the A.Z. Fell system, will tell you everything you need to know, complete with a comprehensive breakdown of what, exactly, the opening hours are. Compiled by pageknight and inky of the Rare Antique Forums.
A hysterical in-universe guide to buying a book from Aziraphale! Read the work it was inspired by, too, and then the other works inspired by that - they're all priceless.
Taking Some Pictures or Something by @infinitevariety
On a road trip to the South Downs Crowley gives Aziraphale his phone to take photos of the views. However, Aziraphale doesn't know how the phone works and spends all day accidentally posting to Crowley's Instagram story.
What it says on the tin. Impossibly cute and wholesome!
No One You Can Save That Can't Be Saved by AstroGirl
Correspondence from Ilyrophon, Bureau of Earthly Affairs, temporary field agent assigned to gather intelligence on the angel who shall be referred to as "The Traitor" and his confederate, the Serpent of Eden.
An interesting twist on outsider POV, with Ilyrophon gradually coming to understand and sympathize with Aziraphale and Crowley's love for the Earth and each other.
Blessed/Cursed Retirement by DictionaryWrites
Liam Buttersby, a very normal, nine-year-old boy, makes a friend in the retiree who has recently moved to his village in the South Downs.
The retiree in question claims to hate it, and is a liar.
A fun Book Omens fic where Crowley becomes unexpectedly popular with the neighborhood kids.
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michaelgrayyy · 3 years
One of us (10)
Michael Gray x Reader/ Peaky Blinders x Reader
Master list - https://michaelgrayyy.tumblr.com/masterlist
After the events at the distillery were settled Tommy invited everyone over for a meal at his grand house, you were relieved knowing it was over with the Italians. But it was still at the expense of losing John and in a way losing Michael as well, you knew he’d never be welcomed back home again by Tommy. You sit around with the others, you sit talking to Bonnie about his fight not being able to see him to congratulate him with everything that had gone on. The rest all talk amongst themselves, before Tommy shouts for you all to listen.  
“Right. Oi! Listen up. Before we all go and eat, I'd like to say a few words. The last time we were all here, it ended badly.” Tommy says looking over at you. “But now we’re in a happier place. That’s it.” he says with a small smirk. “I’d just like to raise a toast” he says as you all raise your glasses. 
“Hold on. Few words I’d like to say from the heart, and this time you’re going to let me finish, Tommy” Arthur says getting up to stand as he speaks. “Now as you all know, Arthur Shelby is dead. Because of that, Tommy’s offered me a way out. A new identity.” you look over at Tommy trying to read his thoughts as Arthur rattles on. “Start a whole new life for myself and I've thought about it. I’ve made a decision. I ain’t going fucking nowhere” he finishes gaining cheers and laughs from the room. You raise your eyebrows at Tommy earning you a smirk from him. “Now our enemies are gone. Dead, all of ‘em. For the first time since me and my two kid brothers, Tommy and John enlisted in the Warwickshire Yeomanry, we have peace. So, I think I’d like to make a proposal. All of you, The Shelby Company Limited, insist that Tommy here takes some time off. It’s time you took a holiday, Tom. Put your feet up. War is over. No-one wants to kill us. To peace” Arthur finishes and you look over at Tommy silently holding his glass. Knowing Tommy doesn’t know how to rest or take a holiday. They all cheers and you all get up heading into have food. You stay the night, spending some time with Charlie in the morning the next day. Tommy comes to see you off as you leave just after lunch.
“Whereto” Tommy asks as you walk down the step of the house with him. You debate lying to him but know he'll find out anyway. You both stop halfway down the steps.
“New York, going to visit Michael” you reply honestly, he raises his eyebrows with a knowing smirk and you almost roll your eyes but refrain. 
“Just visiting?” he asks not believing you’ll come back.
“Yes, just visiting. Then home, not too far from here” 
“That mean you’ll come to visit?” he asks 
“If you’ll have me” you reply with a smile and he smiles nodding as you both carry on walking again. 
“Charlie would like that” he replies. “You going to be safe in New York? Dangerous to be travelling alone” he adds 
“I’m not going alone” you say. “Isiah is coming with me” you say and he nods looking a bit more relieved, but only slightly seeing as you travelling with a young black man wasn't going to help you blend in any better. But, you trusted Isiah and you knew he’d look after you, and he was Michaels friend at one point. 
“Stay safe” he urges and you lean over giving him a kiss on the cheek before walking down the rest of the way to the car, the driver holding the door open for you as Tommy walks down to tell the driver where to take you, he also hands you some money which you try to decline but he insists, for your journey.
Tommy being Tommy ends up pulling a few strings and upgrading your seats on the train and on the ferry. You get disapproving looks from people around you as you travel with Isiah but you pay them no attention not giving them the time of day, it takes Isiah a bit more self control but you manage to convince him they aren’t worth his energy. It took days travelling to America and you were glad you asked Isiah to accompany you as he kept you entertained during the long ours and was your drinking buddy when all else failed, he also shared a cabin with you both agreeing it would be safer and he was respectful to give you your own space. After days of travelling on the ferry, you made it to land only to be boarding a train headed for New York. 
Finally, after days that felt like forever you arrive, New York, a driver is waiting for you at the station. Isiah laughs at you as you travel through the city, head practically glued to the window looking out in amazement. The driver pulls over telling you this is it and you step out as Isiah gets your case and his own, you look up at the apartment block in excitement. You grab your case off Isiah much to his protest before you both head in, you go to the lift both getting in and as you climb the floors your start to nibble your lip nervously. Isiah elbows you in the side, luckily your ribs had healed by now.
“Stop it. It’ll be fine” he reassures you seeing your nervous fidgeting. You reach the floor and open the lift door but you don’t step out, again with a shove from Isiah you step forward and head to the door. Isiah knows where this is heading and beats you to the door giving two quick knocks, you send him a scolding look and he smirks before you are interrupted by the door opening. You are greeted with the sight of Michael opening the door in a grey suited and it suddenly hits you that this may be the best bad idea you’ve ever had. He steps aside letting you both in, he gives Isiah a brotherly hug before turning to you and embracing you, you both hold on a bit longer until Isiah clears his throat and you both pull away avoiding eye contact. Leaving your cases by the door Michael leads you both over to a table before he grabs drinks for you both, pouring you a gin and a whisky for himself and Isiah. You notice the cane leaning by the door as he walks round to sit down beside you with only a slight limp. 
“So, how are we?” he asks leaning back in his chair whisky in hand and you smirk at him. 
“We beat the Italians” you reply with a shrug as if it was easy and he nods chuckling, you carry on. “ Arthurs alive” you add and he sits up in surprise. 
“Fucking hell” he sighs taking a drink, you loved that Polly left that out when she called him to tell him of you visit. Which reminds you, you look around the room locating the phone. 
“Can I quickly call and tell Tom I'm alive” you ask motioning to the phone, he nods and you get up walking over. Isiah gets up asking where to put the cases, he takes his case into the first spare room and leaves your case outside the door of the second. You dial the number for Shelby limited trying to guess the time difference but when no one answers you dial Tommy’s home phone. 
“Hello?” you hear him respond and you let out a sigh of relief.
“Tom, its me”
“Y/n, are you okay?” 
“I just wanted to call to let you know I got here okay” you hear him let out a deep sigh. “You okay, Tommy?” 
“How long are you staying?” he asks avoiding your question.
“I don’t know yet. What time is it there?” 
“Just after midnight” he replies and you nod looking over to Michael, you can see he’s listening but he’s trying to pretend he isn’t.
“Still can’t sleep” you say, not asking knowing he’ll never be able to just close his eyes. “When you taking that holiday Arthur talked about?” you ask and you hear a little tired chuckle on the other end.
“I bought a horse today. Just like the mare you used to ride when you were younger, thought you could go out with Charlie when you get back” he says and you know its his way of trying to convince you to come home.
“I am coming back” you insist knowing what he’s thinking, he doesn’t reply for a moment and you wonder if he’s left. 
“Stay safe, y/n” he says sounding worn out.
“Get some rest, Tom” you reply putting the phone down, just as Isiah walks back out the door wearing a new suit. “Where are you going?” 
“Downstairs for a drink, you two can catch up.” he shrugs heading towards the door. You got to protest worrying about him going out on his own but Michael cuts you off. 
“Two men down the hall, take them with you” he says and Isiah nods walking out the door. The door shuts, leading to silence in the room, you look over at Michael chewing your lip. “You look better, not needing the cane as much” you say breaking the silence and walking over to sit back down, he follows sitting back down with you nodding.
“You all healed?” you nod at his question. “How is everyone?” 
“Everyone’s....okay. I’m moving back to the village, not far from Tommy and Charlie, staying close to your mum. Arthur’s raising some chickens, Finn’s still getting up to trouble and Ada’s moved back to her home. Oh, Lizzie’s expecting, with Tommy. Your mum says its a girl. So god help us all. How are you, Michael?” He laughs when you tell him the news of a new Shelby 
“I was missing Small Heath, but you’re here now” he says, the smooth git. You blush looking away from him to take a drink, you look back up at him to see him intently watching you and you get up to walk over to the window. You can feel the tension in the room as the mood shifts between you both. 
“It’s not the same without you there” you say looking out the window not trusting yourself to look at him, but you hear him stand up walking over to you. He doesn’t say anything but you sense him moving closer. “He’ll never let you back, you know” you say still facing the window. You turn around coming face to face with Michael, he doesn’t say anything just takes your glass of gin of you putting it on the window sill beside you. You got to speak again but he with one swift move he pulls you closer covering your lips with his own, you instantly melt into the kiss. Neither of you having to worry about injuries as he backs you up against the wall deepening the kiss, he wastes no time getting rid of your blouse as you untie his tie and he shrugs off his jacket as you work on his shirt and waistcoat, meanwhile you both keep reconnecting your lips at any chance you get. He grips onto you, lips now on your neck as he backs up bringing you with him, his back hits his bedroom door as he fumbles for the doorknob. Opening the door, he spins you both so he's now backing you up, he backs you over to the bed throwing you on it. His hands instantly go to his belt quickly removing his trousers before he turns his attention to you sprawled out on the bed, still wearing your tights and pencil dress. He unzips the skirt tugging it down you legs, taking the tights with them. You hear them hit the floor and look up to him stood across from you, his chest is beating enough for you to see as you look at his bare barechest, the only noise that fills the room is the ragged breathing of you both as you take each other in. He pulls his boxers down before climbing into the bed, hovering over you, the room soon filled with new sounds. 
You open your eyes squinting at the light coming through the window, you rub your eyes and Michael stirs beside you. 
“Mornin’.” he mumbles and the events of last night come back to you and your cheeks heat up. You sit up covering yourself with the sheets looking at the scattered clothes on the floor and over at the desk where all the papers are now on the floor, after you and Michael decided to change up locations on your third round. You throw yourself back to lie down on the bed covering your face as you groan, Michael chuckles beside you and you feel the bed shaking. A knock on the door startles you before Isiah calls through, telling Michael there’s someone on the phone for him. You hide your face in Michael’s side from further embarrassment when Isiah adds a ‘morning y/n’ on the end of his sentence, you feel Michael’s chest vibrate again and whack his chest. He uncovers your face giving you a quick peck to the lips before getting out of bed grabbing a nearby robe to cover himself. You call out too Isiah to go back in his room and hear the door shut before you creep out, sheets still wrapped around you tightly as you grab your case and run into your own room mortified. 
 message me if you want to be added :)
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onlymexsarah · 4 years
Imperfections (R.L)
Remus Lupin x UW!Reader (Under weight)
I read a lot of imagines with plus size readers, and i think it's something beautiful, but instead I've never read about a under weight reader, insecure of herself and her body, so here I am, with a Remus Lupin ready to cheer you up.
Prompts: “I wish you could see yourself with my eyes. So you would understand that I’m in love with you, all of you.”
Gif is mine🍃
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P.s.: English is not my first language, please if you notice some mistakes let me now🥰
Also, I’m not used to write one-shots, I’m writing a book rn, this is a new experience, but I hope you like it🥺
Transfiguration, you had to study for your Transfiguration lesson. You couldn't let McGonagall find you unprepared, so you would stay in the library one more hour while your schoolmates eat their lunch, beside you weren't hungry at all.
"Are you sure you don't want to come?" Asked your boyfriend standing up and looking you with hopeful eyes. Remus Lupin was the best boyfriend someone could ask for; he was clever, funny, cute and with always something to comfort you in your bad days. You haven't exactly his mind, due the fact that you always forget something about homework, lessons or Prefect's meetings; and didn't care how much time you forgot things, he would always reminder you them.
"Don't worry Rems, I'll catch you up later. Just need one more minute." You said smiling standing up to give him a soft kiss on his lips. True must be told, he didn't know that you forgot sometime to eat too, but it wasn't a big deal for you, it was a normal routine not eating to save time for studying or sleeping.
"I'll see you there, love." He smiled giving you a kiss more intense than the first one, and then you were alone looking the book in front of you studying until the last line.
An hour passed before you brought yourself in the Great Hall ready to eat. You saw Remus in the corner of your eyes waiting for you with the Marauders, but that day you weren't so hungry, and you knew that Remus would be worried for you, so you decide to sit with your housemate instead to not let Remus see your almost empty plate.
The chicken was delicious, you wanted so badly to eat more about it, but you were done with one piece, so you stand up ready to go towards your boyfriend. You didn't know what you must had done to deserve him in your life, to deserve his love. Not only he was the perfect gentleman, but he was extremely attractive, and all the girls in the school knew you picked the perfect mix that someone could find in a boy.
"You alright? You didn't seat with us." Remus whispered to you when you reached each other out of the Great Hall.
"Yes, don't worry. I had to tell Snape a thing about Potion. We are partners now." You rolled your eyes thinking about Slughorn and his idea to put you with Snape instead with Remus. 
You wanted nothing more than cuddle in Remus’ arms, those arms that made you feel protected, loved and safe. You wanted to lay with him, kiss his scars and telling him how beautiful he was, you wanted to make him see himself in the same way you saw him, because you knew how it felt avoiding the mirrors afraid of what you might see, or looking your body and see nothing else but imperfections. 
So now you two were on his bed, your face on his torso with his arm around you and the other hand in your hairs, listening his heartbeat like you would listen your favourite song. The other three Marauders left you alone, going around the school pranking people, and you were fine with it as long as you two had time for yourselves. 
“How about Christmas’ holiday? My mum are cooking turkey, with her special recipe.” said Remus looking the ceiling of his canopied roof.
“I’m not going to meet your parents. Not yet, I promised my father I will be with him this Christmas.” you tried to sound convincing, but the idea of meeting Mr and Mrs Lupin terrifided you. Not because you were afraid of them, but you were scared of the idea about them thinking you were not enough for their son.
“Why not?! My mum can’t wait to cry with you during one of your favourite films!” he said laughing. 
You looked the boy under you astonished. “You-you told your mum that? Remus Lupin I’m going to kill you!”
You started to tickle him under his armpits, making him wriggling under you. You were sure that the boys in the next dorms could hear you two laugh, but you didn’t care because seeing Remus laughing was the best thing you’ve ever seen in your life. 
You got distracted for a second, a tiny little second that Remus took as an opportunity, so he reversed your positions, finding yourself between the bed and him. With his hands he grabbed your wrists pulling them on the pillow still laughing. 
“You have nothing to worry about, love.” he whispered before kissing you. You smiled in the kiss, feeling the butterflies in your stomach as you were used with him. He interview your right hand with his, letting go the other that you brough in his hairs keeping him close to you. 
Your hands seemed to be made to fit together, his big one was holding your petite one still on the pillow while the kiss got more intense. With his free hand started caressing your hips, gently as a true gentleman, but it was enough to make you lose your mind. You wanted to go on, you wanted him badly, but when his hand fell on your hip bone, you froze. He was leaving little kiss on your neck, thing that would make you crazy few moments ago, but now the only thing you could focus on was his hand touching one of the part of your body where the bones could be feel more. You blocked him, almost brutally, shifting away from under his weight and putting your shoes on ready to go away. 
“Y/N what happened? Did I do something...?” he asked afraid to have done something wrong toward her, feeling his ears burn. 
“No, no. You didn’t do anything wrong.” you said trying to not let your voice break. “I’ve just remebered I have an essay for tomorrow.”
You ran out of his common room, without looking the Marauders that teased you about your time alone with Remus, and when you were alone in the hallway you stopped sitting on the stones floor. Why you had to be so stupid? You were almost there, you were almost done with your insecurities, and it was enough a touch on your hips to make you panicking. You knew that Remus loved you because your intelligence, behaviour and other things you still had to find out, but you also knew that once he will see your body, he will understand that he could have someone better. Someone who is not you. 
You seemed a child, and you still acted in that way the days later, when you avoided him in all ways. You sit at your table with your fellows, sitting with your friends (who were not the Marauders) during lessons and sneaking away before he could pull all his things in his bag. 
Were you on the wrong side? Yes. Were you a coward? Also yes. Could you stop it? No. Your body was the problem that you had since years, and it wasn’t Remus’ fault if he didn’t know nothing, you just didn’t open up with him yet.
So now you were in the Owlery, cuddling your and Remus’ owls like you were used to do every week. You heard a noise in the stairs, but it could be some student you thought, so you kept feeding Remus’ owl.
“So you’re alive!” you froze without glacing back at the boy. “Hardly to tell since we haven’t see you for days.” James Potter could be the funniest guy  of the school, but if you hurt his friends he would make sure that you pay for it, and so you didn’t know what to do; never James had spoken to you with such venom in his voice. 
“Now you see me.” you walked toward the door ready to go away from him, but he stopped you with his voice.
“You know, I told him so!” you looked him confused. “I told him to break up with you a week ago, and you know what he said? He agreed with me.” your eyes bacame wet, trying to not cry in front of him as a child. “He wants to start a new chapter of his life, but he can’t do it if you two don’t break up. Take a move, alright? I don’t want to see him with someone like you. Someone who clearly doesn’t care about him. Who-”
“Prongs! What is happeing here?” Sirius arrived with Peter interrupting James who was burning you with his eyes, if his voice wasn’t already enough.
“Y/N are you fine?” asked Peter worried to see you like that for the first time. You were the stronger one, the girl who never cry, but in front of him, right now, there was a girl...broken.
“Yes, she’s fine. We had just had a talk, she was leaving.” said James without looking away from you. It was clear that he didn’t want to see you again, and you didn’t dare to look at Sirius because you were sure that you would finde the same look in his eyes. Instead you gave a weak smile to Peter, the only one who seemed worried for you, and then you leave wiping away the few tears that fell on your cheeks.
“What the hell is wrong with you?! Remus would never dream to leave her, and surely you would never say something like that to him! You care too much about her too to hate her.” Sirius said angrily to his mate while the curly boy was sending a owl that Peter guessed was for Lily.
“We know her, it was the only way to make Y/N take a move. I bet that she is going to speak with Remus right now.” he smirked pleased with himself.
“I can’t decide if you are extremely stupid or a genius.” said Peter running a hand through his hair. 
“We’ll see, Peter, we’ll see.” 
James was right, you wanted to speak with Remus, if it was true that he wanted to break up, then you would give him the opportunity, even if the thought broke your heart. When you passed in front of the Great Hall you stopped confused seeing everyone inside, and looking your wrist watch you saw that it was dinner time. This meant that the Astronomy Tower was free, so you walked toward it forgetting about the dinner and hoping that you could spend a night alone with the stars. 
You were sit with your back leaning against the wall, looking the sky, when the door opened and Remus were relief to see you there. “Knew you weere here.” You glaced at him quickly, surprised to hear his voice as soft as you remembered. Wasn’t he angry with you? So why he was there, with a plate full of food in front of you with his kind smile. “I saw you didn’t eat anything tonight, so I brought you something.” he rubbed his neck with his free hand turning in a soft shape of pink that you couldn’t notice due the weak light of the moon. 
“Yeah, I’m not really hungry. But...thanks.” you gave him a soft smile moving uncomfortable in your position. Should you start to speak? Should you wait him to take the first move? You were on the wrong side, you had to speak first, so when he sat beside you shyly, you took a deep breath. “I know why you’re here...and I’m really sorry.” your voice cracked and you looked away. “I’m so sorry, Remus. H-he told me you were thinking about that since a week and it’s fine...” no it wasn’t. “I understand why you want to break up with me. I’m just sorry for how I was toward you these days, I wasn’t angry with you, I swear...” You wiped away the tears with your hands trying to compose yourself. You were not going to cry in front of him, you had no right to cry.
“WHAT? Who told you- Me breaking with- what are you talking about?” he asked astonished looking your confused face.
“James told me you are thinking about breaking up with me since a week...” you said uncertain. 
“Such a dickhead! I can’t believe he told you so, he saw me crying thinking about that YOU wanted breaking up with me!” he moved his hands in the air and you looked him astonished. He hadn’t realized what he said until his eyes met yours. “Well, I wasn’t literally crying... just you know, the full moon is in three days and I get a bit too emotional.” you looked him amused while he tried to find an excuse making you laugh. “it could have been few drops of water, it was hot so I was sweating too.” 
“Oh yeah sure. Few drops of water, yes.” you giggled looking him finding his beautiful smile while his eyes were on you. You had to tell him, you own him. “I have to tell you something, I know I have been awfull toward you, and it’s not your fault. Blimey Remus, I could never think a life without you, not say breaking up with you.”
He left a breath of reliefe keeping listening you carefully. “That night...did I put pressure on you? You didn’t want to...” he blushed without finishing his sentece.
“No, no, no. I want you! I can’t believe I’m saying this out loud, but you have no idea about the thoughts that I have when we are together.” You looked away shyly; taking a deep breath you stood up torturing your hands. “I don’t eat, and it took me to be under weight. The healers say I have to do more meals during the day but I can’t! I-”
He stood up, getting closer to you and wiping away the tears that were falling from your eyes. He wanted hug you so much, but he knew he had to leave you let out everything you kept for yourself for years.
“You know how forgetful I am, and with all the things that happen in a day I forget that I must eat, beacuse I’m never so hungry to notice it. This is why sometime I didn’t sit with you, because I didn’t want to let you see how little I ate...” you were looking down, ashamed by how you were.
He took your hands in his owns. “I know.”
Your eyes shifted on his face suddenly confused, did he know? “What?”
“Honestly, what kind of boyfriend i would be if I don’t notice that my girlfriend eats less than everyone else, or that she doesn’t eat at all? I kinda know how to recognize when someone has a secret.” he shrugged innocently. “But I’ve never said anything because I know you, and I know that you would tell me when you would be ready. I still don’t get the problem, though...”
How he could not see the problem?  “The problem is, that everyone think if you are thin then you have a perfect body. Well it’s not! I have not a perfect body, actually I hate it! With all the clotes on it seem that my body is ‘normal’ for the standard of the people, but without them...” you felt a strange anger inside you, anger toward the people that never cared about your feeling just because you were ‘thin’, without thinking that you could have not like your body. “Without them it’s full of imperfection! But of course, I’m thin so I must be happy, right? I am not, because be thin is not cool. People think that when you are thin you have no problems, I don’t know the others, but surely not when you are as thin as me.” 
You had walked away from him, too angry to stay still, and now you were taking deep breaths trying to calm down. Remus came in front of you slowly, understanding your all point. “Are you really talking abour imperfection with someone who has scars on all his body?” 
“You know that I love your scars.” you rolled your eyes looking everyshere but him and wiping away the last tears.
“And I love you. Again, I don’t see the problem.” his smile made you ask if you spoke english or not, the problem was evident.
“You are used to see me like that; clotes, make up, with my awesome personality and intelligence.” you joked a little. “But I don’t know if you will still love me if I show you everything. I mean, I don’t love me too, so why should you do it?” 
He felt sad suddenly, it hurted him see you like that; see you full of insecurities like him. For him, you were the most beautiful girl in the world, didn’t matter how much imperfections you had. “ I wish you could see yourself with my eyes. So you would understand that I’m in love with you, all of you. I don’t care about some imperfections, those are the things that make me understamd how much you are perfect to me.” 
“I love you too.” You whispered back, without knowing what to say. 
He kissed you softly, caressing your cheek with one hand and wrapping the other around you. You brought your hands behind his neck smiling, you have been such a idiot, avoiding him for days have been the most difficult thing to do; you needed him like the air. “And then, I’m curious about those thounghts of yours.”
He joked keeping his forehead resting on yours, and you blushed a little. “Sure, but now I’m hungry.” you took his tie pulling him down again to kiss him, knowing that he will always love you as you are. 
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 years
Written In The Stars CXL (Harry Potter xF!Oc)
A/N: This gif is huge but it’s the only one I could find with detective!Erick vibes and it excels at it so enjoy -Danny
Words: 2,936 
Series’ Masterlist
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Listen to: ‘Black Butterflies and Déjà Vu’ (Acoustic) -by The Maine
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Chapter Two: Just Friends.
Rumours continue to fly about the mysterious recent disturbance at the Ministry of Magic, during which He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named was sighted once more...'
"Well, look at that," Mel threw the paper onto the backseat. "Looks like Harry's going to have a fun year."
"He'll enjoy it no doubt," Erick replied, his eyes fixed on the road. "Is it true, though?"
"You were there..."
"I mean the prophecy."
They'd been driving for two days and they still had no idea where Slughorn could be. Mel was starting to miss her bed and her hair was gross, she was more than grumpy.
"I can't talk about it."
"Yes or no would be fine..."
"If you want to believe it go ahead, I'm sure Harry'll appreciate one of his friends participating in the gossip."
Erick scoffed, she looked back at him with a frown.
"I don't gossip about Potter," He grumbled. "And I don't think he'd cared if I did. We're not friends."
"After all you've done you think he would consider you a mere acquaintance?"
"You remember how he treated me last year at Grimmauld Place?"
"You remember how he treated everyone last year?" She raised a brow.
"I've spent lots of good moments with you — but him... you really think he considers me a friend?"
Mel opened her mouth but nothing came out of it, she had no idea.
"Lots of things can change in a year," She said at last.
"Maybe," Erick agreed, then he looked at her shortly and smiled. "You're still the same girl from six years ago, though."
Mel let out something that sounded like half a snort.
"Because I'm the only one that doesn't bully you?"
"You're the only one that bullies me," He laughed. "Listen, you might think that being sweet sucks, but that's not all you are. You're the best witch of our age..."
"Doubt that," She said bitterly, "if I were I'd be the one with a prophecy, don't you think?"
"So there is a prophecy?"
"I'm just saying," Mel responded promptly. "That if I were meant to do great things, the stars would've said something about it — I wouldn't be so incompetent..."
"The stars are balls of gas floating outside the planet, not deities," Erick rolled his eyes. "Don't you remember what I told you?"
"You've said many things to me, you have to be more specific."
"You can do anything, but you're afraid it won't end well. You're the only person who gets to decide your future," He glanced at her once more. "So what is it, Miss Dumbledore? Are you going to make history?"
"I'm going to have lunch," She concluded.
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"You have the picture?"
"Of course I have the picture, I'm not you."
"I left it in the car once!" Mel scowled. "And we weren't close to finding him!"
"Quiet," He fixed his hat. "We can't attract attention to ourselves."
"In that case, you should stop acting like a fool," She snatched the hat out of his head. "You're ridiculous."
"No!" He pushed his hair back grumpily. "My hair looks weird today!"
"You look fine — let those poor curls breathe, they suffer under all the things you put on them..."
"I only use wax," He grumbled. "Wouldn't hurt you to brush your hair for a change..."
"I already cut it," She gestured vaguely to her bangs. "The hardest thing I've done in my life, by the way..."
"Hardest thing? The fight in the Ministry was a breeze for you?" Erick snorted.
"You know what —"
Mel froze; a small man was approaching the house across the street. Erick grabbed the photo from inside his pocket and stared at it, then nodded. They turned their backs on the man, both of them staring at the reflection of a window to keep an eye on Slughorn.
"We're eight hours away from home... what if he moves while we're driving back?"
"Don't think so," Mel watched as the man opened the door with a flick of his wand. "He stays at least four days in each place, he'll be there long enough for us to inform my uncle."
"Okay," The boy smiled. "We did it."
"This isn't over," Mel squeezed his arm, noticing the two figures ahead. "He's been followed."
She discretely pointed to the other two reflections: men in dark robes were standing seven houses away from Slughorn's. Mel didn't recognize them, but no muggle would walk around wearing that kind of clothes.
"We have to get rid of them."
"You read my mind," She responded. "D'you think they know we're here?"
"They're following him, not us..." He tilted his head and eyed her up and down. "How do you feel about being the distraction?"
"You think you can take down two death eaters on your own?"
"If I can't and they kill me, I know you can."
"Fair enough," Mel grinned. "I'll lure them into the alley, wait for us there..."
The girl crossed the street, she didn't know if they would know who she was, but she was hoping her face was still unknown to most wizards. She crashed against one of them and dropped her wand on purpose.
Both men froze and quickly retrieved her wand; Mel gave them a panicky look over her shoulder that she hoped was convincing. The wizards had been taken by surprise, but they ran after her. She took a shard turn and ended up cornered in the alley.
"Bad luck for you, missy," said one. "We can't —"
A flash of blue hit him on the back, then a second one reached the other man and he fell forward too.
Erick walked into the alley. "We should obliviate them."
"Sharp aim you got there," Mel commented.
"Thanks," He replied casually, "are you all right?"
"Yeah, they were too busy giving a dramatic speech," She stared at the men and frowned. "Dumbledore said Slughorn was afraid like everyone else, but it looks like he's got a reason to be hiding, don't you think?"
Erick crouched down and inspected the men's pockets.
"Nothing," He sighed. "Can't blame Dumbledore for hiding stuff — The more we know the more the Death Eaters could get from us if they catch us."
"He told my mum I'd be safe," Mel scowled. "What does he value more than what's left of his own family?"
Erick raised a brow.
"Did you get hurt?"
"Listen, we're inexperienced, he's not going to trust us right away with all the information —"
"It's thanks to me and Harry that he's found out half of the things he knows! If that's not enough then I don't know what he wants!"
"I don't want to argue with you," Erick stood up. "He said he would tell you everything, I don't understand what's the problem..."
"I don't understand why you're okay with being his puppet —!"
"I'm not a puppet!" He replied fuming, then pointed his wand towards the men. "Obliviate!"
In less than a minute it was done. Erick fixed his robes and snatched his hat from Mel's head.
"Time to go home."
Mel threw a soft punch at him and Erick grunted, staring at her with confusion and holding the place she'd hit.
"I hate it when you act like that," She picked up the men's wands, "like a villain."
"Thought you were over fairytales," He muttered. "Villains aren't real..."
She walked past him and slammed the wands on his chest, Erick grunted again.
"You know I'm right!" He followed her out of the alley. "You would've done the same!"
"Shut up!"
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They arrived at Privet Drive in the afternoon, she saw Harry move away from his window and knew he was going to ask them all about their adventure.
"Don't mention the Death Eaters to Harry."
The seatbelt snapped back into place and Erick hissed, shaking the hand he'd hurt.
"If he finds out I was chased down a street he'll go crazy, and I've been trying to convince him to... to stay out of my problems. Leave it to me, I can handle his tantrums way better than you."
They got out of the car, Mel opened the trunk and pulled out her bag as well as Erick's.
"Hi!" Harry greeted. "How was your mission?"
"Successful," Erick said shortly.
"How're you?"
"Brilliant!" She said. "I have to take our bags inside, so..."
"Let me help," He replied.
"Oh, I got it! Erick needs a hand in the kitchen, though..."
"I still don't know how the stove works," He put an arm around Harry's shoulders and guided him into the house. "I was thinking chicken soup, but I have no idea how to cook it!"
"Sure," Harry followed him cheerfully, Mel had the feeling he'd missed them.
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"Did you find the man?"
Erick hummed.
"Cool," said Harry, grabbing three plates from the sink.
Mel was upstairs taking a shower, Erick begged for her to hurry.
"Did... er... Did all go well for real?"
"What do you mean?"
"Did you really just found the man and came back?"
"We came back as soon as we finished, yes. She was safe at all times, I promise."
"I know," Harry put the dishes on the counter. "I would've felt something otherwise... you know about the lifeline, right?"
He knew about that, whatever made them feel each other's pain. Erick didn't understand how that worked, but he'd never asked.
"Right," He nodded. "Bet you must hate that..."
Harry stared at him.
"She didn't tell you? What Dumbledore said to us?"
"Why would she?"
"Well," Harry looked down again, drying the plates carefully. "You're the one she goes to when she has a problem."
"Only when I'm available," He said quickly. "It's just... lately everyone else is always preoccupied with... well, you."
Harry hadn't thought about it, but that was true. A few weeks ago half of the order had gone to King's cross just to talk to his uncle, everywhere he went the conversation would always end up being about him.
Mel had known Harry for nine years and she'd always looked after him, with or without the connection, he understood why she felt like they didn't need it. Harry, on the other hand, depended so much on their lifeline to make sure she was safe... but was it really necessary? Would it be equally helpful for both sides? They truly needed to give each other space to think.
"I'm glad you're here," He confessed. "Don't think I'm being helpful... all the things I've done... all she sees when she looks at me is Voldemort."
Erick didn't wince, which caught Harry's attention and made him curious.
"Can I ask you something?"
"You're from a pureblood family, but they weren't Death Eaters... How come you're not afraid of his name?"
"Oh," Erick tilted his head. " knew I wasn't supposed to say it, but I was used to hearing it. My Grandad would call him Voldemort all the time... I just never say it out loud because, you know..."
"I was really rude to you last year," He sighed. "I'm sorry."
"You had your reasons..."
"They weren't good enough."
"Listen, Harry, I know how it is... feeling like you're on your own, having one person that makes your life better and then having to walk away because you could hurt them more than you make them happy — I've been angry like that too. Actually, it also happened in my fifth year. Guess we do have things in common, huh?"
Harry had a funny look on his face. It was true, they did have a thing in common: They both wanted the best for Mel.
Right now, the best was Erick.
"You're a good bloke, Flint," He admitted. "I'm sorry I didn't listen to Mel before, we could've been good friends since the start."
"I wasn't likeable then, believe me," The Slytherin chuckled. "But she refused to take a no for an answer... She's something special, isn't she?"
"She is," Harry agreed.
"Yeah, she is," He sighed, perhaps a bit too dreamily.
This didn't go unnoticed by Harry.
"Listen," The boy began carefully. "Take care of her, alright?"
"I don't think she needs a man to look after her," Erick replied distractedly.
"No, listen, don't make the same mistakes I did — I don't want her to suffer, that's why I gave her up in the first place. You understand that?"
One thing Erick knew from talking with Hermione and the twins was that Harry never admitted that he'd dated Mel. He had no idea why he'd been chosen to be the first to hear it.
"I don't know if she — she doesn't want me that way," He'd never felt as embarrassed about anything in his life as he did now, standing in front of this sixteen-year-old who somehow made him feel like he was an idiot.
Harry stared at him carefully, he took his time to answer.
"If she says no, I know Mel will make you regret it if you bother her too much — But if she wants you... I don't mind it."
"Okay," Erick said hoarsely. "Thanks?"
"Excellent," Harry grabbed the plates and set them on the table.
Erick stared at the boy and couldn't help but wonder how much Harry had to suffer to stop fearing the little things in life like demanding stuff from an older, taller guy?
Or maybe, just maybe, Harry wasn't afraid of him because he was a friend.
Could that really be it? He'd been waiting for this quite some time, and yet he couldn't stop the thought of something else being the real reason behind Harry's serenity. He wasn't the same boy Erick could torment by pretending he was flirting with Mel, and for some reason, he found that disturbing.
"One last thing?" Erick turned off the stove.
"Yeah?" Harry looked at him over his shoulder, eyes attentive.
"My old friends used to call me Flint," He smiled a bit. "So please, call me Erick."
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The boys were having lunch when she entered the kitchen.
"I hope the Dursleys didn't make you starve while we were gone," Mel said as she sat in front of them.
"Not much."
"That's not good," She raised a brow. "How long till Dumbledore comes for you?"
"He'll pick me up tonight, didn't he tell you?"
"Haven't seen him since we left..."
"You're still moody, then?" Erick raised a brow, noticing her pout. "Thought the shower would help, I genuinely believed your bad mood was thanks to the underwear you'd been wearing for —"
"We don't need to talk about that," She blushed.
The boys laughed and she stared at them, what was that about?
An owl flew in through the window and landed in front of Erick.
"Dumbledore," He raised his eyebrows. "He wants us to go with him and Harry... We must be ready at seven as well. I should pack..."
"No need — Mum took all our stuff, our trunks are waiting at the burrow. She took Grey too."
"Ah, so that's why my feet haven't been attacked today!" Erick folded the letter. "Okay then, looks like you won't get rid of us for the rest of the summer, Glasses."
"Pity," The boy replied.
"Hang on!" She pushed her plate away. "I left you alone for half an hour and now you're best mates? You can't call him Glasses — Only I get to call him that!"
"You're the only one that calls me that because it's a stupid name," Harry raised a brow. "I call you Mellow but everyone else does too! We never said my nickname was exclusive. If he wants to sound stupid then let him."
"You see? He doesn't mind," Erick smirked, then he understood Harry's words and frowned. "I do not sound stupid."
"I feel betrayed," Mel sulked. "I'm not sure I'm liking this friendship between you."
"You were the one who wanted us to get along!" Erick exclaimed. "You should be happy! Looks like your efforts finally paid off..."
"Only took us two years," Harry grinned.
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"I finished with the laundry and it's your turn to wash the dishes —" She walked into Erick's room and gazed up from the basket. "Shit — You're naked!"
Mel looked away, feeling her cheeks burning at the sound of his hearty laugh.
"I just took off my shirt!"
"I came here to leave your clothes — Possibly a shirt you can wear right now..." She walked up to the bed, Erick did so at the same time.
He didn't mean to walk up to her half-naked, but he didn't step back either. He just stood there, his chest moving up and down with every breath.
Erick had freckles over his shoulders, he also had thin scars across his torso from the cuts that had almost killed him. Mel redirected her attention to his face only to meet his hazel eyes softened by the sunset, his lips were forming a tiny, yet noticeable smirk.
"I'll take that," He seized the clothes gently, "and I'll wash the dishes after my shower."
"And I'll lock my door from now on since no one taught you to knock first," Erick teased, she felt like he could tell how fast her heart was beating.
Mel looked up at him resolutely.
"A prince doesn't expose a lady," She said in a firm voice.
"I'm no longer a prince," He replied without breaking eye contact, "and you've never been a lady."
Mel stormed out of the room without even responding.
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Next Chapter —>
@dee123ksha​ @vampiregirl1797​ @siriuslysirius1107​ @stardusthigh​ @mikariell95​ @vernon-dursley​ @thesuitelifeofafangirl​ @tomshollandz​ @wlwmaximoff​ @reverse-hxlland​ @hamiltonwc​ @omiwashere​ @t-rexs-world​ @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @21bruhs​ @i-am-scared-and-useless-bisexual @dielgonacoffee​ @thelastpyle​
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siriuslyshewrote · 4 years
Rather Do
Prompts : “It was supposed to be fun, and you ruined it. Again.”
“Please don’t cry.”
“If you steal the blankets, I’m going to put my cold feet on you.”
I kind of think being siblings with the Shelby’s would be tiring as hell. Also John isn’t dead in this!!!
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Christmas, 1929 - Aged 21
Christmas was, and always had been, your favourite time of year. When you were a lot younger, it was the time when your father didn’t shout as much, when your mothers eyes would become less vacant, when your brothers, who tried so hard to stay out of the house, all crowded around the worn and damaged kitchen table, with grins, when yours and Finn’s cheeks would get squeezed, and there was finally enough food to go around. It had been different, in recent years, with more extravagant gifts, goose on the table instead of chicken, fancied dresses, but it felt the same, the time of year that your brothers would soften slightly, forget about what plagued them, if only for a few seconds. This year was going to be different, and everyone was aware of that, half tiptoeing around you, but you tried to push it out of your mind, busting yourself with helping to decorate the house (Tommy’s, where you lived now) for Christmas.
The months before Christmas, things had been tense in the Shelby family - Esme and Polly hated Linda (as did you, though you were significantly less vocal about it) and her pious nature, she disliked them, Arthur ended up often getting dragged into arguments between them, which ultimately ended up in the whole family getting dragged into it.
You had just been about to start eating your dinner, relegated to the children’s side of the table with Karl, Charlie, baby Ruby, and all of John’s spawn, who had already managed to splatter gravy over themselves, and you and Finn, who was, as your twin brother, also sat with you, when Linda had made some form of comment, about said devil children. In response to this, Esme, who was pregnant and hormonal, but with just the same temper as always, had launched into a rant which had several words you just knew the kids would pick up on. Somehow, the rest of the siblings had all been dragged into it, yelling at each other across the table like toddlers.
The actual children grew silent, even John’s kids not uttering a word. Karl’s lip trembled, his little hand linking through yours, as Billy started to wail.
“Enough!” You exclaimed, standing up, brows furrowed. “It’s Christmas for fucks sake. Can we not have one fucking day without arguing!”
You were sure you heard George, one of John’s youngest repeat the word after you, as if filing it in his brain for later.
“If that witch didn’t just call my children-“ Esme fumed, and you were surprised she didn’t throw herself across the table at Linda.
“No! Christmas is supposed to be fun. Today, today, was supposed to be fun. And you lot ruined it. Again.” Your lip trembled. “I just wanted one day, without...”
The room was almost silent now, save for Billy’s sniffles. You trailed off, trying desperately not to cry in front of your family, the ones who had watched you cry for months now, and so you turned on your heel, storming out of the room. ———————————————————————
There was a small balcony outside the attic window at Tommy’s house where you always went when you were upset or angry, and it was where you sat now, wrapped in several thick woolen blankets that you had found in a box in the attic. You were convinced they were the ones your mother had knitted when you were younger, and you almost imagined you could still smell her rose perfume on them, though it was long gone by now. The pearl necklace she had left you was cool on your skin, and your fingers played with it absently, staring at the dark grey sky.
Your hands were slightly shaky, as you inhaled on the cigarette in your mouth. The window next to you creaked open, and you turned, to see Finn trying to navigate his gangly limbs all way through, which made you smile a little, quickly wiping away the cold tears on your cheeks.
“You pick the most awkward places to hide.” He huffed, finally making it onto the little balcony next to you, grabbing one of the blankets and pulling it over himself too.
“If you steal all my blankets, I will put my cold feet on you, Finn Shelby.”
He laughed, as you held out the lighter in your hand for the unlit cigarette between his lips.
He blew out some smoke with a small sigh, leaning against the wall.
“I know today is difficult for you.” His voice was quiet, as you leant against his shoulder.
“It was always going to be hard.” You started haltingly, picking at the cuff of your sweater, the wool slightly unravelled. “First Christmas without him - it was supposed to be our first Christmas married.”
He waited for you to go on.
“I’m just so angry.” Your voice cracked a little. “At everything. At our family. At him. He always promised he’d never leave, and I fucking hate him for breaking that promise.”
“Bonnie loved you. If he could have stayed, he would have. You know that, squirrel.” He spoke gently, as you stubbed out your cigarette, throwing it over the ledge.
“I know.” You said in a small voice. “I miss him, Finn.”
“I know. I know.”
“And I thought it was going to get easier. But it isn’t. Everyday I forget more and more things, and I’m scared that one day I’ll have forgotten what he even looks - looked like.”
“But you won’t forget how much you loved him, okay? That doesn’t go away.”
You sniffled a little.
“When did my little brother get so wise?”
“I’m twelve minutes younger, you prat.” He elbowed you gently, and you laughed. “He wouldn’t want you to be sad, you know.”
“Yeah, I know. But I think it’s going to be a while before I’m not.”
“And that’s okay. You’re grieving.”
“Yeah.” You agreed quietly, staring up at the sky.
“You reckon they’re looking down on us? Mum, Bon, Dad?”
“Course.” You heard another voice, turning round to see Ada hanging out of the window, before half falling onto the balcony with a curse, grabbing a blanket off Finn as she sat next to you both.
“And they’re proud as hell of us too, you know.”
“You think?”
“Yeah, I do. We’ve gone through a lot, you know? And we’re still here. We’re still doing all of the crazy fucking stuff our family does. But that’s enough, I think. To be here.”
Your sisters warm brown eyes looked at yours, the woman who had comforted you the most recently - she had lost her husband too, after all.
“Yeah. That’s enough.” You smiled a little.
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captainjanegay · 3 years
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someone holds me safe and warm | Stucky | Sickfic, Hurt/Comfort, Canon Divergent, Timelines, 4+1 | 5.4k words | Ao3
Four times Steve was sick or hurt and Bucky tried his best to care for him and one time the roles were reversed.
A short trip through Stucky timeline with loads of softness and care on the way.
A/N: It's here! My Secret Santa gift for the loveliest @snarky-drabbles​ ♥ I was so worried I won't be able to finish it and it turned out much longer than I wanted it to be but I really hope you'll like it :') I was so happy when I've heard you wanted some nice and soft sickfic and I hope I was able to provide you with exactly what you wanted ♥ I wish you the happiest holidays season, love! Despite the stressing, it was such a pleasure to write it for you ♥ Also big thanks for @metalbvcky​ for hosting this event, it was so much fun :’) And thank you my sweetest Luisa @its-tortle​ for giving it a read and being your incredible, supportive self :’)
1. December 9th, 1928
The snow has been falling all night. Bucky’s mum had to almost forcefully drag him away from the window, because Bucky couldn’t stop looking at the tiny snowflakes making layers over layers of fluff on the ground. If he could, he would stay up all night, just to make sure the snow won’t disappear before he wakes up. The only argument that eventually makes him go to sleep is the threat his mum makes, saying that he won’t get to go out with Steve tomorrow if he doesn’t make it to bed in the next 20 minutes. He makes it in 15.
When his mom finally lets him go to the Rogers’ house the next day, it’s well past 11 o’clock. Luckily, the snow is still there and Bucky’s pretty sure there’s more of it than he remembered. On one hand he wants to take the longer route so he can spend more time kicking it up in white, fluffy clouds, jumping into snowdrifts or making snowballs. He doesn’t throw them at anyone, his mum raised him better than that, just drops them back onto the ground. The most fun was in creating a perfectly round ball anyway. But on the other hand, he wants to get to Steve’s house as soon as possible, so they can go out and do all of those things together. Eventually, he decides to take the shortest route possible but he kicks the snow around even more to make up for it.
Ten minutes later he runs up the stairs of the old tenement house and knocks on the door. Two slow and three rapid taps, as always. Bucky bounces on the balls of his feet, waiting for Steve to run to the door to let him in, as always.
But this time it’s not Steve who opens the door. It’s Mrs. Rogers, her face pale and with dark circles under her eyes. But as soon as she sees Bucky a big, genuine smile brightens up her face. It’s the exact same smile Bucky has seen on his friend many times.
“Good morning, James,” she says. “It’s nice to see you.”
“Good morning and likewise, Mrs. Rogers,” Bucky grins, taking off his cap. “Is Steve here? It’s been snowing all night and I was hoping we could go play outside!”
Mrs. Rogers sighs, her smile getting a bit sad. Bucky senses that something’s wrong, and his excitement melts like the snowflakes he tried to catch on his tongue.
“I’m afraid that won’t be possible,” Mrs. Rogers says. “Steve’s sick. He won’t be able to go outside for a while. I guess you’ll have to face all this snow by yourself today.”
Bucky's face falls upon hearing that. He was really excited for today and he spent long minutes before he fell asleep last night thinking about all the fun he and Steve could have. But Steve’s sick and the idea of doing all of them alone doesn’t sound fun at all. So instead of saying goodbye and heading home, Bucky looks at Mrs. Rogers with hopeful eyes and asks, “Would you mind if I came in and stayed with Steve for a while?”
The warm smile is back on Steve mother's face as she ruffles Bucky’s hair in an affectionate gesture and steps to the side, letting him in. “Of course, I don’t mind. Steve will be so happy you’re here.”
Bucky quickly shrugs off his coat and kicks off his shoes. Just as quickly, he apologises for all the snow he’s brought inside and picks up his shoes to put them on the rag by the door. Mrs. Rogers only waves a hand at him. Instead of running straight to Steve’s room, Bucky follows Mrs. Rogers to the kitchen when she asks for some help. Tongue sticking out in concentration, Bucky takes a careful hold of the bowl of hot chicken soup and slowly walks after Mrs. Rogers who is carrying an armful of meds and a glass of water.
As soon as they enter the other room, a small, blond head peeks out from under a mountain of blankets. As soon as it notices Bucky, a smile splits its face.
“Bucky!” Steve says, his voice all raspy and weird.
Bucky only grins in response, sending a quick look Steve’s way before he focuses back on the bowl in his hands. Only when it’s safely set aside on the bedside table, Bucky jumps towards the bed. Mrs. Rogers stops him when he tries to give Steve a hug, saying he might get sick, too, so it’s better if he keeps a bit of distance.
Steve's smile falters. He tries to convince Bucky that he should go so he won’t catch anything from him. In response, Bucky calls him a dimwit and drops onto the floor next to the bed. 
Mrs. Rogers checks Steve’s temperature, rubs his back with something with a very strong smell and gives him some medication. Steve looks miserable and a bit embarrassed through all of it. Seeing his friend’s discomfort, Bucky tactfully looks away and starts babbling about the snow, about mean Mr. Flanagan slipping on the icy pavement in front of his house today and falling onto his butt while shouting obscenities. He tells Steve how pretty the park looks with trees and bushes all covered in snow. He asks if Steve would be able to draw them if Bucky describes it to him with all the details he can remember. When he glances up at his friend, Steve’s eyes are finally bright and happy again, and he’s really excited to try. 
Mrs. Rogers leaves a few minutes later, dropping a kiss to Steve’s head and ruffling Bucky’s hair before she walks out of the room. Steve adjusts his pillows so he can sit more upright and takes a small sketchbook from the bedside table. Bucky rests his folded arms on Steve’s bed and places his chin on top of them. As soon as he starts talking about the snowy park, Steve starts drawing. It looks just like the real thing. Soon enough, Bucky starts making up details, at first some believable ones but then he comes up with more and more ridiculous things. Giggling, Steve dutifully puts them on paper. It’s really nice, knowing that Bucky managed to make his best friend laugh despite the misery and terrible cough that escapes his mouth every so often.
The snow might be nice but there’s still plenty of winter left, so Bucky’s sure he and Steve will have a chance to play outside soon. Bucky is more than happy to sit by Steve’s side if it means he can save him from boredom this way.
Besides, their version of the snowy park is so much better than the real thing.
2. December 14th, 1936
It’s cold. The old stove is not giving as much heat as it’s supposed to. They’re slowly running out of things to keep the fire running and Bucky should probably check if there are any old wooden crates or something he could take from the docks tomorrow. It’s not freezing yet, but the nights are supposed to get even colder. He has to do something. The coughing fit from the other side of the room makes Bucky take another log from the quickly disappearing pile in the corner, before he goes back to stirring the soup.
He didn’t make it, just heating up a portion of what his mom gave him when he came by for a quick visit earlier today. It’s better than anything he could make, but it’s not as good as Mrs. Rogers’. God, there’s no way anyone could compete with her in terms of cooking or baking. Bucky was pretty sure her chicken soup had some actual healing powers, considering how quickly it was able to get Steve back on his feet.
It’s easier to think about Mrs. Rogers' soups and their magical properties than the fact that each time Steve gets sick, it seems to be worse than the last time. Thinking about that won’t do anyone any good. And Bucky would rather swallow a log than let Steve see how worried he gets sometimes. 
So he stirs the soup extra vigorously before pouring it into a bowl when it gets nice and hot. It’s filled to the brim, so Bucky furrows his brows in concentration as he slowly makes his way across the room.
When he’s halfway there, he hears a laugh from the pile of blankets on the bed. It’s a bit wheezy but it’s a laugh nonetheless. When he looks up, Steve is already looking back at him with a soft smile on his face.
“What?” Bucky asks defensively, feeling flustered all of sudden.
“Nothing,” Steve says. He looks tired and pale but his lips stretch in an even bigger smile. “When you’re concentrating on something, you still stick your tongue out. Just like when you were a kid.”
“Oh fuck off, Rogers,” Bucky mumbles, placing the bowl on a stool that serves as a makeshift bedside table. “You’re not getting any of the soup for being an asshole.”
“How am I an asshole?” Steve asks. “I just think it’s cute that you still do that.”
Feeling that his blush is only getting worse, Bucky turns around and pretends to be very busy putting away the food from his mom. After taking a deep breath, he gets a grip on himself and walks back towards Steve.
As he approaches, Steve tries to slowly pull himself up into a sitting position, his arms shaking with effort. When Bucky reaches out to help him, Steve sends him a warning look so fierce that Bucky just raises his hands in surrender and backs away. He sits on the chair by the small table, stacked with books, old newspapers, letters, some of Steve’s sketches and who knows what else. While Steve eats, Bucky tries to tidy it all up, putting it all into nice piles and filling the quiet with mindless chatter. He tells Steve about the new Christmas tree they’ve put up at the docks, and about Becca’s new guy who seems decent enough to get Bucky’s approval of going out with his sister. Every once in a while, he throws Steve a quick glance. He tries not to sigh at the sight of Steve’s shaking hands or at the fact that he needs to take a little break every few sips as if even eating tired him out. Bucky doesn’t offer help, no matter how much he wants to. Steve would probably strangle him with his bare hands if he did, even in his current weakened state.
So Bucky doesn’t say anything about that, just keeps babbling nonsense, getting an occasional hum or a chuckle out of Steve. After a few more minutes, Steve buries himself back under the blankets.
“It’s very tasty but I’m full,” he says. “Give your mom my thanks when you next see her.”
“How do you know I didn’t make it?” Bucky asks in mock offense, putting away the leftover soup. “You were asleep for most of the day so you can’t be sure.”
“You’re a decent cook, Buck. But that’s way out of your league. You’ve reheated it like a champ, though!”
Bucky narrows his eyes at him and shakes his head. “You’re such a punk, Rogers. Now scoot over - for such a small person, you’re taking an awful amount of space. I’m cold and you have all the blankets.”
They both know it’s just a guise. There’s a perfectly good cover on Bucky’s bed on the other side of the room. Steve doesn’t protest though, just move forward a bit, leaving space for Bucky to slide between him and the wall. As soon as Bucky’s settled, Steve’s body goes lax next to him and he presses his back closer to Bucky’s chest. Automatically, Bucky wraps his arms around Steve’s middle. He rests his head on top of Steve’s, the soft fair hair tickles his cheek. Soon enough Steve’s breathing evens out. Bucky closes his eyes, but it takes him a bit longer to drift away, as he anxiously listens to all the hitches and rumbles in Steve’s breathing. At some point, still deep in his sleep,  Steve in his sleep wraps his long, delicate fingers around Bucky’s wrist. The touch soothing enough to let Bucky calm down and allow the sleepiness to finally take him.
As long as he holds Steve close to his chest, nothing bad can happen.
3. December 20th, 1938
There are blood stains on Steve’s white shirt. Some around his collar and some on his cuffs, which means that he managed to pack a punch or two before he got beaten up by whomever he started a fight with this time.
Bucky’s lips are set in a thin line as he tries to get a better look on Steve’s face to assess his injuries. Which wasn’t that easy considering that Steve is currently looking anywhere but at him. 
“Oh, for God’s sake, can you just—,” Bucky says angrily, gripping Steve’s chin and turning his face up. He might be furious that Steve has gotten into another fight, but his grip is gentle. The last thing he wants is to cause Steve more pain. But God knows how badly he wants to punch that reckless punk himself, sometimes.
Steve jaw is set and at first, he looks like he wants to free himself from Bucky’s grasp. Changing his mind, his eyes gaze right into Bucky’s, a challenging expression on his face. Bucky would laugh if it wasn’t for the state of said face.
The blood is most certainly coming from Steve’s split lip. Or maybe it’s from the deep cut on his left cheekbone, surrounded by a darkening bruise. There’s some dried blood under his nose, too. He doesn’t have a black eye this time, so that’s good. Although by the way Steve flinched when squaring his shoulders to look up Bucky thinks it’s a safe bet he got punched or kicked in the ribs. Bucky prays none of his fragile bones are broken.
The anger he felt dissipates, at least a bit. What’s left is worry — which Bucky tries to hide, knowing that Steve would just get annoyed at that – and affection. He stopped trying to hide the latter ages ago.
“Who was it this time?” Bucky sighs, absentmindedly swiping his thumb across Steve jaw, careful not to put pressure on any of the bruises.
“Some asshole, as always. He was shouting obscenities at a girl who didn’t want to go dancing with him or something and he tried to follow her home,” Steve says with a shrug, followed by a wince.
Bucky can’t stop another sigh that escapes his mouth. He really wishes the world would be a better place. A place where people weren’t harassed for no reason, so Steve didn’t feel obligated to help them. Damn Steve Rogers and all his righteous anger and his heart of gold.
“Sit down. I’ll clean you up, punk.” Bucky puts his hand down and takes a step back. When he sees that Steve opens his mouth — to protest, most likely — Bucky points a finger at him. “Don’t argue with me. I will kick your ass. Don’t think I won’t.”
Steve rolls his eyes but there’s a hint of smile tugging at his lips before he turns around and walks toward the bed. Bucky goes to get something to clean up Steve’s cuts.
“I can do it myself,” Steve says when Bucky’s back, reaching out for the wet cloth Bucky brought.
“Oh, I know you can. Just let me be useful since you’ve stolen all the glory, being a hero who saves ladies in distress and all,” Bucky responds, taking a gentle hold of Steve’s chin again.
“If getting beaten up and kicked like a dog is glorious, then yes, I guess I have. You’d be more of a help than I was, if you were there.” Steve’s smile is full of irony as he tries to look away but Bucky’s hand keeps him in place.
Bucky drops the hand that was gently wiping at the cuts on his face and waits. Eventually, Steve’s eyes land on him, probably wondering why Bucky stopped.
“You are worth dozens of men, Stevie. Dozens of me. You’re half my size but you saved so many people already. You’ve stopped that asshole from doing who knows what to this girl and gave her time to get home safely,” Bucky says, his voice steady and sure and his eyes never leaving Steve’s, no matter how Steve wants them to. “You always know the right thing to do, and I swear your heart is made of pure gold. If that’s not glorious, I don’t know what is. You’re incredible, Stevie and help me God, I’ll beat the shit out of you if you keep putting yourself down like this.”
Steve chuckles at the last part and opens his mouth as if to respond but closes it a second later. The smile he gives Bucky is shy and soft. Bucky’s heart aches to just lean down and close the remaining space between them. Instead, he lets go of Steve’s cheek and goes to wet the cloth again. It’s not necessary, but he needs to take a grip on himself before he does something stupid.
A few moments later all the blood is cleaned from Steve’s face, his nose turns out not to be broken this time and most of his cuts have mostly stopped bleeding. Bucky counts that as a win. 
“Take your shirt off,” Bucky says, trying not to blush. “Gotta make sure your ribs are in one piece.”
“Just admit you want to get me naked,” Steve replies without missing a beat. When the words leave his mouth, his eyes widen in shock, as if he wasn’t expecting to say them out loud. “I mean— I didn’t—,” he stammers.
Seeing how the blush colours Steve’s cheeks, still visible despite the bruising, and travels down Steve’s neck and past the collar of his blood-stained shirt, Bucky admits to himself that he is not as strong-willed as he liked to think. Sliding his hand down, Bucky traces Steve’s delicate collarbone with his thumb.
“To be honest, I’d prefer to do that for purposes other than checking if your ribs are intact,” he hopes he sounds nonchalant, but he can feel his cheeks are heating up. 
“Oh really?” Steve asks, cocking an eyebrow up. The challenging look is back, and Bucky is going to lose his mind if Steve doesn’t stop looking at him like that. All cocky and sure of himself, like his face is not beet-red at the moment.
Bucky clears his throat and picks up the cloth. “I guess we have to wait until your cuts and bruises are healed and check.”
Steve laughs, gripping a handful of Bucky’s shirt and tugging him lightly. “Can you— Just come here, you jerk. I’d get up but it really hurts, I think you should kiss it better.”
And Bucky does. He kisses Steve’s split lip and then very gently swipes his mouth across Steve’s cheekbone and jaw to go back to his lips a moment later. A giddy laugh escapes his mouth and he thinks that there’s no other thing he’d be doing. He is not naïve enough to believe Steve will stop coming home with bruises of all sorts, but Bucky will always be there to kiss them better.
4. December 1st, 2024
The room is quiet. Or relatively so, considering that Brooklyn rarely gets completely silent, even at night. But it’s quiet enough for Bucky to hear the change in Steve’s breathing, where he lays asleep next to him. He opens his eyes and turns around. Soon enough, Steve starts tossing and turning, his breathing becomes more erratic. All those sleepless nights, spent on anxiously waiting for Steve’s next breath, praying the next one would come are flooding Bucky’s memory. He’s not sure if it’s better now. Steve might not be physically fighting for his life now, but the night terrors that haunt him, certainly make him feel like he does.
Carefully not to startle Steve, Bucky places his flesh hand on his arm. He squeezes lightly and whispers Steve’s name. When it doesn’t help, he tightens his grip for a moment and speaks a bit louder. Steve breathing hitches and he goes still for a moment. But then a strangled cry escapes his lips and he tosses hard enough that it wakes him up. Immediately, he sits upright almost knocking Bucky down in the process and he pants heavily, looking around the room with wide, terrified eyes.
"Steve," Bucky says, trying to keep his voice calm. "It's OK. You're OK. We're in Brooklyn. It's 2024. You're safe, we're safe. Everything's fine, Stevie."
It's like a mantra that Bucky keeps repeating until Steve is able to take full, big breaths again. When he finally turns his head to look at Bucky, he looks scared and lost and it breaks Bucky's heart into pieces. Bringing his hands up, Bucky wants to stroke Steve's cheek in a comforting gesture. But before he has a chance to do that, a grimace crosses Steve's face and he quickly gets out of bed and rushes towards the bathroom. Bucky sighs at the sounds of retching he hears a moment later. He gets out of bed and follows Steve. With a voice no louder than a whisper, he repeats over and over those little affirmations he knows Steve needs to hear and believe anew as he gently rubs his back. 
It doesn't take long for Steve to calm down, but Bucky would gladly sit there all night if needed. Soon enough the dry-heaving stops and only a tiny sob comes out of Steve's mouth.  Bucky helps him to brush his teeth, since his hands are shaking so much it makes it impossible to get the toothpaste out.
After that, Bucky tangles their fingers together and walks out of the bathroom. Instead of going back to bed back to bed, he leads them to the kitchen. He turns on the small lamp by the couch as they pass it,mostly for comfort, since with their respective shares of the serum, navigating in the darkness is not much of a problem for them. The dim light softens the dark edges of the living room and open kitchen space.
Bucky puts the kettle on, his hand not leaving Steve's for a second. He smiles — a bit sadly — as Steve comes closer, and plasters himself to Bucky's back, wrapping his arms tightly around him.
Steve hides his face in the crook of Bucky's neck, right palm coming up to lay flat on Bucky's chest, right over his heart. Bucky takes slow, deliberate breaths, knowing that his calm will help Steve. So without a word, he lets Steve see and hear and feel that they're both alive and safe. That whatever haunted him in his nightmare is not real. At least not anymore.
Bucky brings Steve's left hand, the one he's still holding, up to his lips and places a kiss after kiss on  each of his knuckles. More reassurances are whispered right into Steve's warm skin. 
It's hard to tell how long they stay like this. The water starts boiling and the electric kettle turns itself off at some point but none of them as much as flinch at the sound. It could be hours and it could be mere minutes before Steve's muscles relax and his breathing finally steadies. While he doesn't let go of Bucky, he doesn't cling to him like a lifeboat anymore.
Slowly, Bucky turns around in Steve's arms. His hands gently cup his face and he rests his forehead against Steve's. 
"You're here," Steve says. The statement is just a shaky whisper and Bucky's not sure what to make of it, but he gives a small nod.
"I am. And I'm not going anywhere,"
"It's—," Steve starts, and then swallows. "You were— I thought—"
Leaning away just the slightest bit so he can look at Steve's face, Bucky shakes his head. "Shhh, Steve. It doesn't matter. It wasn't real. Don't torture yourself, love. We can talk about it in the morning if you want to, yeah?"
After a second, Steve gives a small nod. Even though the unease still hides in his eyes, he tries to muster a smile as he shifts his head and presses a kiss to the inside of Bucky's palm.
"Now, I'm going to make you a cup of tea because as Mrs. Rogers used to say—," Bucky says.
" 'A cup of Earl Grey always does more good than harm'" Steve finishes and closes his eyes but the smile grows a tad bigger.
"Bless her Irish soul," Bucky says with a smile of his own. "So I'm gonna make some and then we'll go back to bed. Or cuddle on the couch, or take a walk or whatever you want to do, OK?"
Steve looks up at him, his hand stroking lightly across Bucky's cheekbone. "I love you, Buck. I don't know what I'd do without you."
"And you'll never have to know. I'm not going anywhere, my love. I'll be right by your side for the end of time because that's where I belong. And we've proven enough times that there's not a damn thing that could change that.”
5. December 5th, 2025
Bucky was never the one to get sick. When he was a kid he had a bad cold maybe once or twice but it was all forgotten within a week or two. Which is pretty surprising, considering that he was hanging with Steve all the time but never managed to catch anything from him. Later, he has gotten the serum so getting sick stopped being a real issue for him.
So why does his throat feel all scratchy, his nose is too stuffy for him to take a single breath and he feels both hot and cold at the same time?
It's because the world hates him, that's why. There's also a teeny tiny chance that it has something to do with his and Steve's last mission.
They were trailing someone who aspired to create a biological weapon, as one does. It wasn't hard to locate this mad scientist's secret lair or to capture him. Overall it was a pretty simple mission and it was going really smooth. At least until they were to extract the highly reactive bio-bomb that — quite literally — blew up in Bucky's face. It was good he was alone in the room when that happened because as the Avengers-issued doctor has later told him, the substances implicit in the bomb would be lethal to regular people in the dose that attacked Bucky. But to someone enhanced the worst case scenario would mean a heavy case of flu that the organism would be able to fight, eventually.
So, of course, the worst case scenario is exactly what is happening now. Every single muscle in Bucky's body is aching, including the ones he wasn’t even aware existed. The sheets are drenched with sweat and he's still shaking under his layers of covers.
"Steve?" he calls miserably. His voice feels like sandpaper in his dry throat.
Not even a second passes before he hears footsteps and Steve enters the room.
“Are you okay?” Steve asks. There's a worried wrinkle between his brows.
Instead of answering Bucky let's out a little whine and pouts, looking up at Steve from where he's buried under the covers so only the upper half of his face is visible.
And what Steve does? The fucker laughs at him.
"Aren't you supposed to be taking a nap?" Steve asks, looking amused.
"I can't sleep," Bucky rasps out. "I'm uncomfortable and everything hurts and can I just die already?"
Steve laughs. Again. Really, Bucky can't fathom where people got the idea that Steve Rogers is all polite, nice and righteous all the time. He's the biggest asshole Bucky ever knew. 
"I figured you'd be dramatic when sick, but I didn't expect that," Steve says as he sits on the side of the bed. He reaches out with his hand and places it on Bucky's shoulder. It's pleasantly cool against his skin and Bucky closed his eyes and sighs.
"You're a dick," he mumbles. "Absolutely no compassion for the weak and hurting, I don't know how you can live like this."
As Bucky says that, Steve leans over and peppers his face — or at least the part not covered by the duvet — with little kisses. It's nice but Bucky's point still stands. Steve's a monster.
"You need anything?" Steve asks, gently stroking Bucky's hair.
"Yes." When Steve makes a questioning sound, Bucky continues, "the sweet relief of death, please."
Steve sighs heavily but when Bucky opens his eyes and looks at him, his face is both amused and fond. 
“I’m gonna make you some tea and soup, how about that?”
“Huh, so you are going to kill me?” Bucky raises an eyebrow. “I wouldn’t go for poisoning but if that’s—”
Not letting him finish, Steve just gets up and leaves the room. Bucky tries calling after him but he doesn’t get any response and he has a coughing fit after raising his voice, so he gives up.
This time Bucky might have actually fallen asleep. He’s not shaking as much so he figures the fever must’ve gone down a bit but now his head is throbbing so he’s really not sure which option he preferred. When he confusedly looks around the room, his eyes land on Steve. He’s back, sitting on the bed by Bucky’s side.
Did Steve wake him up? Now that Bucky thinks about it, he vaguely remembers someone shaking his arm. His point about Steve being a monster still stands.
“Why d’you wake me up?” Bucky whines. “You said I need sleep and now you won’t even give me fifteen minutes.”
“You’ve slept for over two hours, love,” Steve points out, his hand on Bucky’s cheek. “I’m only waking you up cause you’ve barely eaten today and I’ve made some soup.”
Bucky narrows his eyes at Steve. He looks at the clock on the bedside table, but since he has no idea what hour it was when he last talked to Steve, it’s pretty useless. He’s not really hungry, but he figures it’s a reasonable thing to do. So, with a loud groan, he pulls himself up into a sitting position. The monster beside him chuckles at that but actually helps him arrange the pillows so Bucky can sit comfortably and places the small bed tray in his lap.
Despite what Bucky said earlier, the soup is good. Recipes are probably the only rules Steve knows how to follow so he’s a decent cook and knows his way around the kitchen if needed. Bucky gladly eats the whole bowl, enjoying the way it soothes his sore throat. 
When he’s done, he thanks Steve, who takes away the bed tray and gets up, probably to take it to the kitchen. Before he can get up, Bucky grabs his hand.
“Stay with me for a bit?” he asks.
Steve’s face softens. He puts the tray down on the floor and gets in bed, lying on top of the covers next to Bucky. Soon enough Bucky is tucked safely into Steve’s arms and under his chin and he lets out a content sigh.
“You’re feeling any better, sweetheart?” Steve asks.
“I don’t know, I’m so miserable and tired all the time. I hate it so much,” Bucky whines. “Is that what you’ve been going through every time?”
“Mostly. I guess I was too used to this to complain much.”
“And too stubborn. You’ve never let other people see how bad it was,” Bucky points out.
“That, too,” Steve chuckles, pressing a kiss to Bucky’s forehead. “You always were able to make it easier, though.”
Bucky smiles, tucking his face further into Steve’s chest. He feels sleepy again but this time the warmth he feels is not caused by the fever. He mumbles into Steve’s shirt, not sure if the words his brain is trying to communicate are the same ones that his mouth says out loud. But judging by the way Steve’s arms tighten around him and by the “I love you, too” whispered into his hair, Bucky thinks they are. 
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unorthodoxmars · 2 years
makai cannot bake.
makai can, against all assumptions, can cook. quite well, if he might add.
growing up as one of the older kids to so many siblings, you sort of had to. mum and dad both having to work overtime on the same night meant your bio homework would have to wait. it meant scavenging the fridge for a meal that would be appease six mouths because mum hadn't left anything in the oven. it meant settling for hotdogs and rice because the chicken in the fridge doesn't smell quite right, and it's the only thing everyone would eat without complaint. it meant setting the table and keeping an eye on the sizzling pan as your older sister bribes the youngest into the bath, and your brother helps the twins with division homework.
so yeah, makai was a decent cook.
makai could not, infact, bake. for shit.
the extent of of his baking knowledge was pressing his back against the bathroom door, figuring out the quickest way to lick off all the chocolate icing from the whisk before your brother managed to kick open the door. it was his old foster mother's hands over his, (an odd feeling, her left hand was missing a pinkie) showing him how to crack an egg open without letting the shell fall into the bowl. it was waiting impatiently for the ten minute timer to go off, announcing that the cookies had cooled off just enough for him to pick it up with his hands.
all in all, makai was not a baker.
so god knows why he had decided to bake the fucking cake instead paying forty bucks for one at the bakery downtown.
apperantly it being homemade meant it would taste better, ya'know with the added love and intention or whatever other heartfelt shit olive had spewed when he had called for advice.
in all fairness, it wasn't easy. the icing wasn't coming out of the bag that right when he squeezed, it was too thick. cutting a bigger hole had left him with less precision then he already had. what was meant to be little spirals on the sides, looking more like someone had used an almost finished tube of toothpaste instead. the top right corner caving in on itself just a bit, his attempt to hide it with more icing had ended up making it look like someone had bitten into it instead. only to spit out the corner once the too moist and too sweet texture had settled on their tongue.
had the shit been for literally anyone else, he would've left it fucking plain. but he didn't want to deal with matts judgmental gaze from behind his old man glasses. how he managed too pull off the gamer boy, and the eighty year old man look simultaneously, was still a mystery. prick.
he also didn't want to deal with his smug fucking grin and his comments about how adorable it was that makai cares aww. no. fuck you, absolutely not.
just to get the point across, he signed the cake in bold messing writing right on top.
" is that a bomb? "
" fuck you, racially motivated. no it's not a fucking bomb. "
matt didn't seem any more convinced, staring down at the allinumum tin covering with every bit of skepticism his stupid face could manage.
" wouldn't put it past you to try to blow me up on my birthday, again. "
" oh for fucks sake- i was fifteen. and who thought it was a good choice to make mini fireworks look like fuckig birthday candles,"
" it said fireworks in bold on the packaging. "
" no one reads that shit. "
" maybe you just can't read. "
" motherfuck. open the container! "
with one more untrusting glance, matt reached over and popped the covering off of the tray, almost hitting it against the cake inside -- no tact at all Jesus.
tossing it carelessly on the counter next to them and staring.
" you didn't use the right 'your'."
" yes i did shutup. "
in bright pink icing, sprawled over uneaven white icing, ' your ugly. L. happy birthday bitchb '
" bitchb? "
" ran out of roam at the end, bitchboy. "
" why do you write your a's like- looks like a stick figures ass. "
" i hate you. die. "
makai cannot bake. for shit. but he can try, on special occasions.
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