#Strange Dogs
blackbackedjackal · 2 years
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One-eyed coyote skull. Unlike the other one-eyed lad, this one looks like they had this issue since birth or early on in life. The left zygomatic is completely warped and the top P4 is underneath the bottom M1. The left side of the mandible is also underdeveloped. 
Though this is speculative, this could have been due to the same issue that causes wry mouth, malpositioning of the fetus in the mother's uterus. Coyotes have larger litters in areas they’re more regularly hunted so it’s possible this one may have been squished :<
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mobiusstripper · 19 days
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"The Dreamer" Cara Bisset + the BFE + the "Grandmothers"
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adriles · 7 months
they are Cancelling me for dealing with my grief as best i can . also for the vicious war Crimes
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number63liveblogs · 5 months
Memory’s Legion: Strange Dogs part 4
Poor child, she hasn’t yet learned that people fear what they can’t understand, and the dead coming back to life is the most unbelievable thing there is.
Just imagine how intensely horrible the days this story is about are to Cara’s parents. Their son dies, they daughter goes missing and when she turns up she comes to them with an abomination that’s wearing their son’s face.
And what the dogs brought back could still be their son in all the ways that matter. Or he could be a philosophical zombie, or a ticking timebomb or a construct that melts after three days. Cara says that he’s just like Xan, but she doesn’t actually know that. It’s just what she wants.
But because she feels that nobody listens to her, she chooses to go with the dogs. This whole tragedy could have been prevented if Cara had a better relationship with her parents, but then again I think that’s expecting too much of everyone.
It’ll be interesting to see if this will become relevant in the main books. Amos’s back story did, and the protomolecule being able to resurrect people would be a very interesting plot development. Especially when so many people are dead and their bodies lost, like Avasarala’s husband and what Naomi thinks happened to Flip.
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amarcia · 5 months
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There are no good endings because nothing ends, so that means there are no bad endings either.
May the Force be with you.
✨🌙 ART LOG -> @404ama
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pleucas · 1 year
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we breathe, eat, fall in love and die
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kokoasci · 10 months
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colored them in !! for funsies
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i drew this in the most unromantic way possible please understand that ethan is just their miserable wet cat they found outside in the snow
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crypt-void · 26 days
Born to walk around in the woods, and have someone shriek in horror, exclaiming, "Good GOD, what is that thing!?"
Then, to have a group of kids make up stories about that weird dog thing that stares at you from the edge of the woods.
Forced to just be socially awkward and pay taxes.
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bigfatbreak · 10 days
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everything happens so much
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blackbackedjackal · 2 years
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Pathological Wolf Skull. Due to a misaligned jaw, he had a pretty bad underbite and his bottom carnassials flair out. Also had an injury on his muzzle.
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mobiusstripper · 19 days
Losing my mind at how Jefferson Mays says "ki-ka-ko"
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fighterandtired · 2 months
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number63liveblogs · 5 months
Memory’s Legion: Strange Dogs part 3
Ah, I see. The issue wasn’t going to be Cara thinking that the dogs are going to be like the dogs on Earth, it was going to be Cara thinking that because her books were wrong about some things in her life they were going to be wrong about everything, to the point where anything was possible.
Of course the fact that the death of her brother is an intensely traumatic thing to happen means that there’s at least some wishful thinking there. She believes that the dogs will bring her brother back because she wants her brother to not be dead.
I think one of the issues here is that Cara doesn’t feel like she can go to her parents with her ideas, and that’s why she decides to bring her brother’s corpse to the alien dogs alone, but I’m going to cut the parents some slack. They are living under a military occupation and they aren’t getting any news from home. It would be better if the had the time to understand their daughter, but unfortunately they just don’t.
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yah1dka · 4 months
dazai: chuuya, don`t you feel something weird?
chuuya: HUUUUh? you think this is the right question after kissing me? if you don`t like me you should say so!
dazai: no, like, someone's watching us, chibi
chuuya: you`re just being paranoid
natsume in his cat form, watching the extention of his little science fukuzawa-mori partnership project: yeah, dazai, don`t think about it
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