#Succession 2x09
beardedbarba · 1 year
tom literally sent 67 emails in one night to greg and all of them were titled “you can’t make a tomlette without breaking some greggs” what the fuck is wrong with him
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Fic Summary:
Remember when Roman got kidnapped and held for ransom as a teenager? None of his family do, even Roman forgot whether that really happened or not.
AKA whilst stuck as a hostage in Turkey, Roman remembers the time where being a little shit, saved his life.
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i will never be over Roman's physical reactions to Logan raising his voice
[Succession 2x09]
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sophsun1 · 9 months
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tenebrous-academic · 1 year
I’m finally allowing myself to emotionally invest in Coach Ben. This man is not only surviving in the wilderness he is thriving in it.
Personally, I think he deserves to dabble in some arson. Just as a little treat.
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hyperfocusthusly · 8 months
I have spent this whole episode making ‘aAaaAHhhH’ sounds while my children are being thrown under buses, held hostage in hotels and silencing witnesses
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tinkertayler · 2 years
You can't make a Tomlette without breaking some Greggs
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siohbhanroy · 3 months
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thoughtfulchaos773 · 11 months
Season 2 and Strange Currencies
A look into Carmy's head and his new inspiration-Syd.
In this theory I'm writing about Carmen's obsessive personality, his actions and needs in Season 2 and his past (Claire) connecting to his future (Syd).
Hopefully this makes sense.
Carmy is one of the most interesting character's I've watched on television. His paranoia, anxiety, his focus. In the midst of chaos, Carmy expects order, his obsession with straight tape, cleaning after his mother as she makes a mess throughout the kitchen. Running behind his brother as he makes a meal for Natalie, Richie, and Carmy.
We know of Carmy's focus and we see this through his relationship with Mikey and his family. He focused so much on his career everything else fell to the wayside.
I believe his focus in high school was Claire.
We get insight in Carmy's fixation of Claire in 2x06 Fishes when Richie mentions drawings throughout high school, much to Carmen's dismay.
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2x09 Omelette, In season 2x09 we see Carmy trying to focus on life outside of cooking, trying to find inspiration through Claire what was once his muse in high school. But such inspiration fails.
Keep in mind the lyrics of the song that plays in the background. The Song strange currencies by R.E.M has two different meanings, one of an unrequited love and the singer's drive to fully love his significant other, though they're on different currencies.
We see this strange currency when Carmy focuses on Syd' suddenly, he's focused on Syd while Syd is focused is on a a star and The Bear's success. I say this new focus is a subconscious action on Carmy's part. After 2x06 Fishes, in 2x08 Carmy's drawings is brought up again, but instead of drawing Claire it's the chaos- The thoughtful chaos menu.
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Thoughtful Chaos Menu- A considerate and new way to view the chaos in his work life, he no longer has to thrive in chaos and obsession and he longs to do something different, to love and find joy in his actions. Claire is simply soundboard used to show what he desires, a healthy look on his life such a new concept of the cannoli and seven fishes that reminds him of a chaotic childhood.
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But such actions are misunderstood by Syd and the Viewer, we believe Claire is taking Carmy's full focus- she did in the past, now it's Syd. Claire represents the need in Carmy to have find joy in intimacy. (2x02 pasta, Carmy focuses on Syd's life as she focuses on her menu). This is a strange currency.
He's not in love with Claire, he can't define what she is to him because his focus lies in Sydney.
He wants to ask about her mom, but per the script she interrupts the question focusing on the dish instead. When he learns later on about Syd;s mother, he feels this is something he should know. How could it be something he should know about when she focused on the menu in Pasta?
Syd is Carmys muse and it's misunderstood that he does not care that much about it anymore. He cares for the restaurant but his drive is different. Carmy is in a different place and Syd has taken ahold of him.
Carmen: You have my full focus.
Syd is Carmen's muse.
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yannaryartside · 7 months
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When Sydney was trying to create items for the menu and failing at it, I kept asking myself why, why is he self-sabotaging now, even when she may have been waiting for a change like this her whole life.
There were some events related to her fear of failure, to pasta, and to Carmy, that created a unique avalanche of her own.
She tells Carmy the story of the incident that broke her business, about a mean lady who demanded fresh pasta that she couldn't deliver despite her best efforts. The failure was caused by improvisation on her part, trying to compensate for biting more than she could chew to begin with. 
In that same scene, she fucks up Carmy's recipe to ferment the pasta. Too much acid, when he had suggested her to add acid to another of her original dishes before. This was a subconscious response to how badly she fears to disappoint him, yet she does. Simple instructions, something she has done before, fucked up (remember the stock incident, even if it wasn't her fault, she felt humiliated). Pros to Carmy for actually reacting as a friend this time and the next scenario, even if that didn't help Sydney's self-critic too much.
Next time they cook together, Sydney fucks up another recipe, one of her own. Too much salt. Again, something she has done before.
And then, Carmy ditches her.
She has to go for inspiration alone, and what does she imagine as a possible signature dish? A pasta dish. It makes sense; it is an Italian restaurant, after all. 
When she imagines this dish, she imagines it plated on the circular black plate Carmy liked, the only one he wanted.
Later, after fighting with Carmy, she tries to make that pasta dish she imagined but fails at it. 
She cannot improvise or be creative because the last time she did that, she was punished by losing her business. And then made a recipe of her own, or tried to collaborate on another one, fucked up in front of her partner and idol. All these cases, in her mind, it connected to a pasta dish. 
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images by @heardchef
She has failed in the same area (pasta) in different scenarios (Carmy and his standards, that is the same as saying the industry standard, her business, fucking a recipe) doubting herself to the point she has locked herself in an art block.
About Carmy ditching her on the food tour, for what we know, she may think that was something Carmy did on purpose as a way of saying, "You are a CDC now. This is your problem." She spoke to everyone all day, saying she had a partner, only to realize there is no such thing as a partnership at the top of this industry; you can pull your weight, or you sit your ass down. Nobody wants to feel like death weight in a partnership, and now she may feel she is lacking in the things that made Carmy choose her; that is why, in 2x09, under the table, she goes, "You could do this without me." The reassurance coming from Carmy completes her arc. 
Now, these some other thoughts on this:
Sydney may still only be able to define her own culinary success by the things that had made Carmy successful. Let's remember she is working for his family restaurant. Most recipes are his family recipes (filled with trauma, but we are not going to touch that today). He is the mold she cannot fit in, the plat in which she doesn't provide anything yet, to her eyes. This is a very common problem for artistic people, success is only defined by the people before you, if your own creative voice doesn't fit that mold, you may think you are not good, or ready.
She considers his experience more valuable than her own instincts, so I really hope she gets to resolve that. 
The inspirations he decides on would be pretty interesting since now she was only trying to fit the mold of her previous failures. Something is to be said about a woman of color, with a culture of her own, trying to fit in a Western-oriented industry, fighting to be taken seriously in what is considered "high-end cuisine." Someone made a post of a female black chef who won a chef competition combining her Italian and African heritage, something like that (at least until she gets her own spot), would be pretty neat.
Finally, and to aggravate everything, SHE IS RUNNING FULL SPEED. The sense of urgency that was very evident in s1. we don't know what makes her this way (it may be "working twice as hard to get the same recognition" or a different type of trauma). “Growing too much too fast" on her business, gambling on a shot on a kinda disgraced star chef in a chaotic environment, pressuring Carmy to change the restaurant on s1, pushing her dish to the food critic, all that collapsing on her all at once. Then she took care of her own and Carmy’s responsibilities on s2, because she tough that was expected of her. Too much, too fast. If she ever wants to make a path of her own, she needs to heal this.
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beardedbarba · 1 year
tom is just. so stupid.
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Okay I’m going to say this and I’m going to say this once.
I do not like how the relationship with Jamie’s father was handled in season 3.
If they wanted to go the route of forgiveness they absolutely could have. If they wanted to go the route of his dad going to rehab they absolutely could have. Those are not inherently wrong or bad. It’s a show about forgiveness and I get that. It’s a comedy and Jamie is not the main character - I get that too.
My issue is this: the show went out of its way on multiple occasions to show just how violent and abusive James is. Just to give a few examples:
Repeated physical abuse
Repeated verbal abuse
Planning, funding, and likely pressuring the sexual abuse of his 14 year old son (a minor and below the age of consent in both The Netherlands and the UK regardless of the age of the girl in the red light district)
The willingness to beat Coach Beard (basically a stranger to him) with a metal pipe in a 3 to 1 fight in a back alley which could have realistically resulted in his death (and calling Beard “son” right before the final blow)
Jamie literally gave up his dream - a job as a professional footballer on a top hometown team - to leave the country on a trashy reality show just to get away from his father. The show traced a large portion of Jamie’s issues back to his relationship with his father. Not all of course - but that was a big theme of his growth and development.
So even if we entertain the notion that this stint in rehab was successful and James is sober - that’s great. That’s a storyline I wouldn’t mind hearing - IF we had the appropriate time to show it. But the thing is, we didn’t. This season was disjointed and rushed in many ways - and I’m not complaining - I still loved it. But if they’re going to tackle a topic this serious, they need to do it right. They need to be clear that alcohol was not the only problem James had and that sobriety does not absolve you of accountability. As important as it is to portray the message that all human beings can change, including addicts, it is equally as important to show the serious work that addicts in recovery put in to address the hurt that they caused through their addiction. It is not easy work to battle addiction and to mend relationships - sometimes part of recovery is accepting that you can’t mend things with everyone you’ve hurt and that is the right of the victim to decide how they feel.
We were shown none of this. What we got instead was:
A speech from Jamie’s mom about how he is still amazing despite his dad while still somehow crediting Jamie’s talent to his dad’s abuse
Ted telling Jamie to forgive his dad as he’s mid-panic about his safety and his dad’s location
Ted making a point to say the forgiveness was for Jamie’s sake, not for James - which was ALMOST good until they ruined it
Denbo and Bug suddenly supportive despite being just as violent as James in 2x09
James suddenly in rehab for 0.2 seconds
Jamie reaching out to his dad via text despite having no idea his dad is in rehab - something that is realistically compromising his physical and emotional safety
A quick clip of Jamie bonding with his father before the season/series ends for good
The reason I connected with Jamie so intensely from season 1 was the shared experience of abuse from my father. I want to be clear that I know I’m projecting - that’s what fandom is - and I in no way expected the show to end exactly as I wanted. However, this is what I would have liked to see as 1) an abuse survivor 2) a licensed therapist and 3) a person:
The message that you can heal without forgiving those who hurt you OR that you can forgive them and still not allow them back into your life (ESPECIALLY if it compromises your safety)
The message that sometimes people don’t change for the better and you can grieve that relationship while still fostering healthier ones elsewhere.
An emphasis on support systems and chosen family when someone doesn’t have the reality of a parent or partner getting better (we saw this with Bex seeking out Rebecca and Rupert’s assistant)
Instead of Man City suddenly cheering for Jamie, which felt insanely unrealistic, having the cheers of Richmond fans drown out the boos and verbal assaults of the Man City crowd - further emphasizing that despite the pain he has attached to Man City and his father, he has a home with Richmond.
So to wrap up this very long rant, I feel very disheartened by this part of the season. I still love Ted Lasso and always will - there were so many parts of this season I absolutely adored and wouldn’t trade for anything - but I feel that they dropped the ball on this one. Most people don’t get to repair relationships with abusive parents. Is it possible? Of course. Is it important to depict that it can happen? Absolutely. It’s a show about forgiveness. But they didn’t need to do it like this for Jamie’s storyline. They could have kept the speech about forgiving James for Jamie’s sake and deleted all of the rehab/texting afterwards. I still wouldn’t have been thrilled but it would have made more sense to me in context of the show. And it would have meant a lot more to me as someone who’s father is unlikely to ever stop being a risk to my safety.
This just felt bad. Jamie Tartt had one of the best arcs I’ve ever seen in media and he deserved better than that.
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Thoughts/speculation on The Bad Batch:
Weirdly, I am actually more hopeful for a positive ending now than I was before Point of No Return.
(Episode spoilers, discussion, and speculation below cut)
So, this is coming from a point of being pretty sure that A) CX-2 is Tech (because who the fuck else in this series says 'domicile", literally nobody, I was on the fence until that tbh) and B) that Omega is Force-sensitive (and that they've been dropping hints about it since Season 1). Even if she's not Force-sensitive, she's incredibly intuitive and has an amazing mind for strategy, which has been repeatedly proven.
But minor things that could have been guesses on her part - identifying Cid, calling out Crosshair while they're in the brig, bonding with Batcher, and in a way never giving up on Crosshair - also could be manifestations of a minor and untrained connection to the Force. If we do see indisputable Force abilities from her, my guess is they'll manifest in minor prescience, sensing the emotions of others, and bonding with creatures, since those are all things she's already shown. (I don’t think she has Jedi potential, but it bears repeating that not every Force-sensitive is or needs to be a Jedi! [Or a Sith.])
And Omega - tactical prodigy who can (probably) sense the emotions/general thoughts of others, is alone in the shuttle with CX-Tech. Possibly with some form of tracker - she and Crosshair knew she’d be scanned. She gave up one comm and wasn’t scanned again. Not having fallback plans would be unlike them, even if those plans are sometimes very much by the seat of their pants.
Because the Batch had plans for everything and Tech made her learn them all.
Now, what sticks out to me about CX-2 in this episode is that he has notably, despite orders, very deliberately avoided killing any of the Batch members during the invasion of Pabu.
It would have been no trouble whatsoever for him to blow up the Marauder a moment later, when Wrecker was inside of it. And he made the decision to shoot the pilot of the gunship - in the neck, through the cockpit window - an arguably harder shot than Hunter, who was in the open bay, and easily capable of bailing out and swimming back to shore when the ship crashed.
And he's taken Omega in the shuttle with him, with no other guards, and left her unrestrained in the cockpit aside from a pair of binders. And while she’s a child, and was pressed into docility during her time on Tantiss, she’s still a clone, one who’s been trained and tested by the team that boasted a 100% success rate until Order 66.
And, if CX-2 is Tech and the storyline is mirroring itself, then let’s go back to 2x09, The Crossing, where they’re trying to extract ipsium from Cid’s mine. Omega is struggling, Tech is set against his family, and quiet heart-to-hearts are had as Tech and Omega sit together in the blue-lit dark, separated from their brothers - which leads to reunions, solutions, and escape.
So - it may not be the devastating reveal of a helmet pulled from an unconscious-or-worse body that I originally imagined - it may be quiet, knowing questions and a helmet calmly lifted off and set on the console to look at his sister with his own eyes.
...of course, whether he still knows her or not is the question.
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takemetodragonstone · 2 months
you guys know how that scene in succession 2x09 “DC” where Shiv intimidates and manipulates the sexual assault victim until she backs out of testifying about her experience is the same as that scene in hotd 1x08 “The Lord of the Tides” where Alicent intimidates and shames the sexual assault victim out of speaking up about her experience?
the biggest difference between these two scenes is actually the self-awareness of the narratives themselves. succession knows what it’s doing with this scene. hotd comes across confused and tone deaf because it’s bending over backwards trying to maintain an image of Alicent as a faultless victim, unlike succession which allows Shiv some moral flexibility, which ironically makes her more sympathetic than Alicent imo, because it manages to avoid that extra level of hypocrisy that the hotd scene piles onto Alicent and the narrative as a whole.
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damn-stark · 11 months
Chapter 6 Love is a burning thing
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Chapter 6 of Stargirl
A/N- Hope you guys like it!!
Warning- angst, fluff! SLOWBURN, long chapter.
Pairing- Steve Harrington x fem!reader, male!oc x fem!reader
Episode- between 2x09 & 3x01
(Let me know if you want to be tagged)
Why is it happening? For the past month since the nightmare with the Demo-dogs happened, since you died for a few minutes, nightmares have been haunting you. Demo-dogs lurk in the dark corridors of your mind.
The doctor said nightmares are normal after getting shot. But this?
They haunt you while you’re awake too, they lurk in the shadows, now since that day, those beasts are all you can think of after fighting the nightmares and bad memories away. And it seems to be like you alone deal with this.
Nancy and Steve say to just forget, the memories fade soon enough, but are they plagued by visions of them too while they’re awake?
So much for a jolly holiday in an actual home….this sucks.
You look away from the colorful Christmas lights that make the green tree glimmer, and see Zion walking inside the parlor room.
“Zion,” you greet happily and fan away the smoke before turning the cigarette off and sliding off the couch. “You made it!”
Said man glances at the smelly smoke slowly crawling to the ceiling and then looks at you. “Yeah,” he nods. “Dad wouldn’t miss it. You look nice.”
Receive a compliment? Flirty smile, and act like you already know you’re what they tell you, but don’t make it obvious.
You swallow thickly and plaster on your best flirty smile like Steve advised, and try to be as smug as you can. But not enough to make you seem egotistical. “Oh…thanks.” You smirk. “I like your Santa hat. Cute.”
That sucked.
“I brought you a present,” he says, but there’s nothing in his hands.
“Really?” You probe and look around him. “Where is it?”
Zion slowly begins to smirk. “Outside. Left it in the car….”
Oh. Outside where the Demo-dogs lurk in the shadows?
“…I just thought perhaps it wouldn't be fair considering the only present we were supposed to bring was our gift exchange.”
Now he’s trying to flirt with you.
Try to get them alone for the best form of success. And Zion is doing it before you could, well the second parlor you’re in was empty, but you can hear the commotion of the party, and people wander close, so it’s not really alone.
“Well then,” you play along. “Let’s go. I love presents.”
Zion shoots you a smile, and you lead him out of the house. When you’re outside, away from all the noise you break your silence.
“I still can’t believe your dad is one of the police men of this town,” you muse. “Why didn’t you tell me when we met?”
Zion scoffs. “Some people think it’s weird. They would make fun of me in school. Didn't want to scare you away.”
You snort. “Funny.”
Zion sighs softly and then interjects. “Why weren’t you with the rest of the party?”
“Simple,” you answer somewhat truthfully. “I didn't want to hang out with a bunch of old farts.” You giggle. “I didn’t want to isolate myself either so I just kind of secluded myself.”
“In your fifth living room?” Zion teases.
You roll your eyes and shake your head. “Second,” you correct him. “It’s a parlor room by the way. Slash sunroom.”
Zion looks at you with a smile before he begins to chuckle. “Wow. That’s how you know you’ve made it.”
You shrug. “I won’t deny it.”
Zion flashes you a half grin whilst he reaches the car he came in with his dad. It’s in the short silence that you’re reminded of the terror.
Since you’re far from the front porch, the light doesn’t shine bright this far out on the driveway. You’re surrounded by darkness…Okay…
You shift closer to Zion as he gets the present out, and avoid looking around you even if it feels like you feel their presence all around you. When Zion turns around he backs up in surprise to how close you are. “Whoa, hey.”
You push back your fear, and blink to meet his dark eyes. “Hi,” you redirect sweetly.
Zion doesn’t question you and pushes a big box towards you. You beam at him and take the present.
“Open it,” he encourages your desire.
You don’t need to be told twice, you approach the hood of the car to open the present. The moment you manage to get inside the box you pull out a red helmet. A helmet.
“Wow,” you feign excitement as you’re actually very confused. “A helmet.”
Zion nods eagerly. “For when you ride on my motorcycle with me. I didn’t have a second one last time, so I bought you one…and this,” he leans over and reaches for a silver chain bracelet dangling from the chin strap, you didn’t notice before.
“Oh,” you react with more excitement. “Cool.” You lift the helmet to study the bracelet better and notice that theirs a single charm with your first initial on it. “That’s really nice Zion, thank you. I love the present.” You put the helmet back in the box and embrace him.
Zion seems surprised at first, but he gently returns it.
It’s sort of awkward though, you didn’t get him anything. You’ve been stuck at home, busy recovering and trying to ignore your nightmares that you completely forgot to buy him a gift. The only people you did get presents for were your dad of course, your mom because she's living with you, Eleven as one of your many apologies, Nancy and Steve. You totally spaced on Zion though. Damn.
You don’t even address it, you leave it as it is. And thankfully as you pull away from the embrace, headlights shine from the driveway. You walk over to the front porch with Zion and your gift, and your eyes glued on the approaching car. And when the person finally comes to view, you spot Steve.
“It’s Steve!” You point out happily.
When said man parks, and before he can turn his car off, you run over to him with a happy smile.
“Steve.” You wave at him even if you had just seen him.
Your friend gets out of the car with a long rectangle present box, but no name on the card. “Hey, don’t try and cheat,” he complains.
You stick your tongue out and step back and continue to smile. “You came back!”
Steve glances past you and finds Zion, they shoot each other a stiff wave before Steve nods at you. “Yeah, well you basically made me.”
You scoff and proceed to walk back inside. “Yeah well you commited, so unless you wanted to look bad in front of my parents, you had no choice.”
Steve huffs as he follows you at your side. “Both your parents like me so I’m good. But well there was nothing better to do.”
You drift your eyes over to him and can’t help but smile at him since you know he’s just being smug. “Sure, whatever you say.”
“What you got there,” Steve points to your present.
You lift the box and grin brightly. “Gift from Zion.” You glance at said guy following at your other side, but drift your attention back to Steve, and find yourself meeting his gaze.
His smile falters, and he sighs before he smirks. “Cute.” He mutters.
You hum in agreement, but find his reaction strange. Why is he so weird when it comes to Zion? It’s so sudden too…
Hm. Weird.
“What, what, what?” Steve says in a hushed tone as you pull him outside all by yourselves.
“I need help. I-I don’t know what to do in there,” you point inside.
Steve squints his eyes and knits his eyebrows together in confusion. “I don’t get it? What’s wrong?”
You groan and point to the front door. “Me with Zion. I can feel how much I suck. I need help. You said you would, so I'm asking for your help.”
“Oh,” Steve gasps softly and licks his lips while he rests his hands on his hips. “Okay…uh.”
You grab both of his hands and plead in a sweeter tone. “Please, Steve. I need help, okay? Just help me. Give me tips.”
Steve drops his head and lets out a deep breath before he rolls his head to the side. “Fine,” he mutters. “Yeah. I mean I’ve already given you tips, but sure.”
You smile brightly and let his hands go and wait patiently.
“Okay first,” he continues almost lazily. “You’re…wearing lipstick.”
You clasp your hands together in front of you and nod.
Steve sighs and slowly meets your gaze with those big brown eyes of his. “Bring attention to your lips. Reapply lipstick as you’re talking. Guys are driven crazy over that.”
“Okay,” you breathe out. “Next? One more tip.”
“Laugh. He says a joke, laugh. It’s an ego thing.”
You frown and shake your head. “I don’t know about that.”
Steve lifts his eyebrows and looks at you with a pointed look. “You want to be single? It’s just for this first phase. After that you can disagree. So let me hear it.”
You let go of your hands and look at him surprised. “What? You want me to laugh now?”
Steve nods.
This is ridiculous. But he is the expert, so you awkwardly share a dry chortle.
Steve crosses his arms over his chest and furrows his brows. “No,” he stifles a laugh. “What was that? You’ve laughed better come on. Giggle.”
You groan but after an exhale you share a sweet giggle.
Steve smiles but it’s brief because he then nods. “Better.”
You laugh again, a haha laugh, and he begins to chuckle.
“Oh, you said something funny.” You snort and begin to laugh for real.
Steve laughs harder, and you can’t help but do the same. The front door then opens and your dad stops under the door frame confused. “What are you two doing?”
Both Steve and you stop laughing and you just shake your head at your dad before you probe. “What’s up?”
Your dad hums and then points inside. “Gift exchange time. Come on.”
You clap gleefully and skip over to grab your dads arm and walk back inside with him and Steve trailing behind you. When you step inside the parlor room where the tree and gifts are Zion is the first person you see; you smile at him, and he offers you a softer smile. When he looks at who’s trailing behind you he sits up straighter and averts his gaze quickly.
“Okay! Now that my daughter is here let’s start this thing,” your dad addresses the party.
You grab your present from under the tree and sit down next to your mom since that’s the only seat available.
“Okay the person starting this thing is Mayra,” your shares and steps back.
Your mother grins happily and claps softly before she pushes herself off her seat and stands in the middle of the gathered circle. She looks around at all the faces gathered around with her present in hand. “I got,” she teases the group. “Now let’s see…Steve Harrington!”
Everyone looks disappointed that the rich actress didn’t get them, but Steve looks shocked and then a bit smug. When he takes the gift from your mom he gives her half a hug before he begins to tear the nice shiny gift wrapping.
When he takes out what was inside the bag, he finds a coat. Since there was a budget it isn’t luxurious, but it still is a nice brown cargo jacket with flannel lining.
“Now it’s your turn Steve,” your dad interjects. “That’s how it will go, the person that got a present gives theirs next. And so on. Got it?” He claps. “Yes. Good.”
Your mom sits down and passes you a small giddy smile before you focus on Steve in the middle of the group with his present. He of course grins as he sticks his gift out.
“Well I got someone very cool,” he says and spins around and faces you. “I got you, y/n.”
Your eyes widen, and a grin spreads on your lips. Without leaving him waiting you squeal and go up. You give Steve a quick hug and then excitedly open your long rectangle gift.
And once you tear off the gift wrapper there’s a black box. “A velvet box,” you share and show the guests to get them excited.
Is it a necklace?
It’s too heavy for one though.
You giggle and share a brief excited look with Steve before you open the box, revealing two pink wooden drumsticks. He remembered your goal. “What?” You gasp in awe.
You pick up one of them to show it off, but you freeze as you see the words, “Rio.” carved on them. “Oh my gosh!” You exclaim. It’s your inside thing. “I love them!” You throw your arms around Steve. “Thank you!”
He’s caught off guard but he hugs you back gently. “I thought it could be your first pair since you want to learn or what not,” he says as you pull away.
You don’t have drums yet—well not officially, you saw a huge gift box in the garage with your name on it, so your dad got them for you. You just haven’t opened it.
“Let me see,” your dad says.
You walk over to him and show him the drumsticks. “Look. Aren't they cute! My first step to learning how to drum!”
Your dad blinks repeatedly and points to the name. “What’s that mean?”
You smirk and blow him off. “Don’t worry about it, it’s an inside thing.”
Your dad hums and doesn’t investigate, so you all move on. You got one of your dads friends, so it doesn’t really matter whatever everyone else gets after. Zion unluckily is one of the last people to go, and he ends up gifting to his dad, which is quite a coincidence. And his dad then ends up getting your own dad, the exchange ends after that and the party rages on.
Now to do what Steve advised. Yes!
Oh maybe you’ll take Zion under a mistletoe for a first kiss!
He’s by the fireplace, by himself. Now is your time.
You walk towards him, but stop as you get nervous. You talk to him all the time, he’s come to visit you in your recovery, you talk on the phone, but this is different. You’re flirting, actually trying. Fuck. Okay.
Exhale. Go….
You turn away and see your dad talking to your uncle, they’re saying goodbye it seems. You should—no, no! Exhale, go.
You slowly turn back around on your heels and slowly approach Zion. When he sees you approaching he stands up straighter and his lips perk up to a smile.
“Waiting for someone?” You tease hlm.
Zion scoffs. “Black boots, white beard, jolly demeanor,” he says.
You hum and slowly clasp your hands in front of you. “Ah, well it seems you’re gonna be waiting for a few more days.”
Zion shifts around to face you completely. “So you want to learn to play the drums?” He query’s.
You nod. “Yep. It’s my goal I need to accomplish. I want to join a band. Maybe I’ll become famous.”
Zion chuckles softly. “A band?”
“Yes?” You answer hesitantly. “Why is it strange?”
Zion shrugs. “You don’t look like the type.”
Is that offensive? It kind of makes you uneasy.
“Well,” you chuckle nervously. “Then you should get to know me better.” You sigh and think about bringing the lipstick out, bringing attention to the lips, but you hesitate.
Zion continues to talk, but his words get drowned by your thoughts.
Do you really, truly like him? You did when you first met him, you were ecstatic to get to know him, to go out with him, but now?
It’s been a month, neither of you have tried anything because you’ve been injured. You've been unable to see him because you’re stuck at home while he is at school or at work. And…whether you like to admit it or not, since the events of the Demo-dogs, you’ve been different. And there's been people who have snuck up on you, dug themselves deeper in your heart. And now that they’re single, there might be a chance.
Yeah that’s right, there might be a chance…
You look over at him by the snack table and he’s busy talking to your dad. He’s smiling. He has a nice smile.
And while you’re staring at him, Steve glances over at you and catches your stare, so you quickly look away and instead look out the back door.
However, that’s a mistake because you see them again in the shadows. A demo-dog. It’s there, staring at you. No, no—
You blink repeatedly and return your gaze back to Zion. He’s smirking at you, still talking, so you nod softly in comprehension. He brings you a form of peace right there and then.
That’s it. The same thing happened when you were outside getting the gift he gave you. You didn’t see the illusion of the demo-dog. He can bring you peace, fill the void?
You look into his eyes and get lost in them. He has nice dark eyes. He’s sweet.
Thus you pull out your lipstick and while he continues to talk you reapply some. And just as Steve said, Zion sneaks glances at your lips, he finds himself stammering.
It works!
“Maybe we can have that date now?” Zion asks as he drops whatever it was he was rambling about. “You’re better. You can go out. I can use my moms car so the wind doesn’t hit your chest.”
You snort.
“Maybe on Monday? We’re on winter break, I have no work that day, I can pick you up at…”
“3,” you add for him without debating this time. “3 is fine.”
Zion smirks and nods along slowly. “I’ll pick you up at 3.”
You smile at him and glance to the side, Steve and your dad aren’t there anymore, the party is busy talking amongst themselves. There’s no mistletoe though….
“Come with me,” you say sweetly before you take his hand and take him to the parlor room, near a large window that overlooks the lake behind your house, and under the mistletoe that your mom placed for fun she said. “Mistletoe,” you point up.
Zion lifts his eyes, and then snickers as he looks back at you. “Smart,” he compliments you.
You shrug smugly, and before anyone could come you lean in give him a small kiss on the lips. It’s your first kiss.
When you pull back Zion's smile is sheepish, but his eyes are soft. Albeit he then surprises you by cupping your cheek and leaning in to give you a deeper kiss you return slowly.
“Perfect,” he whispers softly as he pulls back.
Your face is burning and you giggle.
Wow. Your heart is pounding. Like very, very fast. You want more, but you must resist.
You can’t wait to tell Nancy.
The party has ended, everyone has left the house a mess that you’ll have to clean up, well everyone left except for Steve. He’s still lacking behind.
“Are you sure you don’t need help?” Steve asks as he comes to a stop inside the parlor room near the large window that overlooks the lake.
You nod. “Yeah. My dad can clean. He’s a semi-retired man now, so he’s got nothing but time. Besides, I think my chest hurts.”
Steve scoffs in amusement. “You should keep slacking off.”
You feign a laugh.
Steve smirks albeit he does respond. “There. That’s the laugh. That one is perfect.”
You giggle this time for real. “No that’s…that’s bad.”
Steve smiles faintly.
“Thanks,” you tell him and begin to fiddle with your fingers. “For the drumsticks. They were nice. When I get good, I’ll have to give you a show.”
Steve gently nudges you with his elbow. “You better. I'll be your first judge.”
You smile but you then sigh as something comes to mind. “Do you think I look like the type to be drumming?”
Steve’s gaze just squints slightly in confusion. “What do you mean?” He asks.
You shrug and sway to the side nervously. “I don’t know. Like me, is it weird that I want to drum? I mean…me.” You meet Steve’s gaze with a nervous look that he holds for a moment with a bit of pity.
“I think you can be what you want. I mean I don't think people can judge what you want to do based off your appearance. There’s no specific look that you need to have to do something.”
You let out a relieved sigh and nod softly. “So I shouldn't paint my nails black and dress punk?” You ask lightheartedly. “I mean It’s a cool fucking look. I'm jealous of the girls who can pull it off.”
Steve shakes his head. “No. I like your—this look,” he says and waves his hand over you.
“Good.” You grin and stay quiet for a moment just looking at him before you remember. “I finally scored that date…because of your tips, so thanks.”
Steve blinks repeatedly and hums. “Hm? Really?” He asks and crosses his arms over his chest.
You nod eagerly. “Yeah. I did it. So I will need more of your help. I mean if I want to, you know, have a successful date.”
Steve lets out a deep sigh, and swallows thickly before nodding quickly. “Yeah, sure. Cool. Cool.”
“Great!” You exclaim happily. “Oh! By the way,” you add on now that you’re excited. “I know I’ll see you beforehand but I’ll tell you regardless. You're invited to the New Year’s party my dad is hosting. This time more people will be invited, so it won’t be that boring, I can invite people too so it’ll be fun. Come!”
Steve shrugs. “I'll have to let you know.”
“Steve,” you insist and grab his arm. “Come on please.”
Steve meets your gaze and thinks for a moment before he sighs deeply. “I’ll try. How about that.”
You roll your eyes but nod hesitantly. “Fine, let me know.” You let him go and step back, Steve shifts back too and you both grow quiet.
He probably should’ve found his way to leave now, but he stayed a little longer, and you stayed there with him. And it’s at that moment, as silence lingered that Steve’s gaze wanders up and finds the mistletoe.
He keeps his eyes up there for a second too long, so you follow his line of gaze and see the same mistletoe, one you completely forgot about. Now you’re both standing under it. He knows that. He looks at you, and you slowly lower your gaze and meet his.
It’s not obligatory to kiss under a mistletoe, but you…want to. Because that’s how you wanted it, you wanted to find yourself under a mistletoe with Zion by accident, but you had to bring him here. Not Steve…
But no you can’t kiss Steve, you want to go out with Zion. You told Zion you’d date him, you can’t just kiss Steve.
Even if Steve makes your heart race, and causes your face to get all warm. No you can’t kiss him.
So you slowly avert your gaze and find yourself looking out the window. That’s when you spot what’s starting to fall from the sky.
“Oh my god,” you whisper excitedly. “It’s snowing!” You take Steve’s arm, and pull him with you as you run outside.
“What the hell did I say about running!” You hear your dad exclaim. You ignore him and when you’re outside you step past the porch, and stand under the soft flakes of snow that fall from the sky.
They're so gentle but cold. They’re fluffy and light. They’re quiet, peaceful and beautiful.
Yes they’re beautiful little snowflakes.
You tuck your hands in your pockets and smile sweetly. No Demo-dogs haunt you, no fears scare you. It’s peaceful even if darkness lurks beyond the lake.
Steve is near you so he watches you watching the snowfall, and exhales softly as he feels his eyes soften at the sight of you admiring something so mundane.
However, he still does sass you. Just to poke fun at you. “This is what you’re happy about?”
You turn away from him and keep looking up at the dark white sky, and close your eyes and clasp your hands together. “Quickly make a wish.”
Besides wishing this paralyzing fear to go away, you wish to quickly get good at drumming and have your future band be successful.
“Hey, can you explain what you’re doing?” Steve steals your attention back.
When you finish you slowly open your eyes, and turn to face him. “When I was a little girl, my dad said that when I saw it snow for the first time, I thought it was stars falling to the ground, so I made a wish. He thought it was cute, so, after he made it a thing. Now everytime we see it snow for the first time we make a wish. That’s what I’m doing. Did you wish?”
Steve scoffs. “No. Its just snow. I didn’t know that was a thing.”
“Now you do,” you quip. “Make a wish. Do it.”
Steve shakes his head. “No. It’s not a me thing.”
“Steve,” you press. “Do it. One wish.”
“Tell me what you wished for first,” he argues back quickly.
You shake your head. “No. Just go.”
Steve groans. “Fine. Fine! I wish…ugh, to graduate.”
You laugh softly and clap. “See! Now your dream will come true.”
“Yeah,” Steve mutters. “I hope so.”
You walk to him and take his arm. “You will. I swear. I’ll help. And you help me.”
Steve exhales, but you don’t catch his annoyance that has taken root since he saw Zion at the hospital waiting for you. He knows he shouldn’t be jealous, you’re choosing to stick with Zion, and you’re his friend so he needs to be happy for you. But how can he put up with helping you be with another man?
He needs to tell you something. Something that might change your mind, or that will make you not seek his help anymore. Unless you see his annoyance towards Zion yourself soon.
Will you through? Will you notice Steve’s jealousy?
Tagged- @middle-of-the-earth @x-theolivia @redskull199987 @lilyhw1 @5sosjay
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