mindblowingscience · 2 months
The human body's inability to break down sucralose, an artificial sweetener found in many zero-calorie food and drink products, is well established by scientific research. The compound is so stable that it escapes wastewater treatment processing and is in drinking water and aquatic environments. "We can't break down sucralose, and a lot of microorganisms can't break it down, either, because it's a really tough molecule that doesn't degrade easily. So there are a lot of questions about how it is affecting the environment and whether it's something that could impact our microbial communities," said Tracey Schafer, an assistant research scientist for the University of Florida's Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience and the soil, water and ecosystem sciences department, part of UF's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.
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jadeseadragon · 2 months
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athelind · 1 year
This does not surprise me at all. They push these artificial sweeteners out with minimal testing and no regard at all to potential long-term health impacts.
The sweetener in question is Sucralose, the main ingredient of Splenda.
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suzilight · 1 year
Sucralose aka Splenda Is Genotoxic | June 2023
Me: Big Food sells us low quality at high prices that makes us gradually sicker then Big Pharma sells us high priced meds to control the symptoms until we need Big Hospital and a funeral. Think I'm exaggerating? Read on.
"When we exposed sucralose and sucralose-6-acetate to gut epithelial tissues—the tissue that lines your gut wall—we found that both chemicals cause 'leaky gut.' Basically, they make the wall of the gut more permeable. The chemicals damage the 'tight junctions,' or interfaces, where cells in the gut wall connect to each other.
"A leaky gut is problematic, because it means that things that would normally be flushed out of the body in feces are instead leaking out of the gut and being absorbed into the bloodstream."
"We found that gut cells exposed to sucralose-6-acetate had increased activity in genes related to oxidative stress, inflammation and carcinogenicity,"
"To put this in context, the European Food Safety Authority has a threshold of toxicological concern for all genotoxic substances of 0.15 micrograms per person per day," Schiffman says. "Our work suggests that the trace amounts of sucralose-6-acetate in a single, daily sucralose-sweetened drink exceed that threshold. And that's not even accounting for the amount of sucralose-6-acetate produced as metabolites after people consume sucralose."
Harvard says: "Some studies show that leaky gut may be associated with other autoimmune diseases (lupus, type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis), chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, arthritis, allergies, asthma, acne, obesity, and even mental illness." 
Splenda.com says: "Today, the Splenda brand is the most recognizable and iconic low-calorie sweetener brand in the world, having sold more than 100 billion yellow packets since its launch in 1992."
Michael Zeece, in Introduction to the Chemistry of Food, 2020 says: "Granulated sucralose is mixed with fillers to provide a measure for measure substitution with table sugar (sucrose). The powdered form of sucralose contains 90% bulking agents such as maltodextrin, that are a metabolizable form of carbohydrate. A 50/50 mixture of sucrose and sucralose, plus a bulking agent, is available for baking applications. This mixture reduces caloric content and enables browning reactions in baking applications."  Source
Me: Wow. Ok. 50/50 sugar/Splenda plus bulking agents for baking. Would that mean commercial baking? Processed foods? YES!!!
"Sucralose is also highly stable at elevated temperatures that are often used in food, beverage, and drug manufacturing processes so that product sweetness levels can be maintained following cooking, baking, and/or pasteurization. Sucralose also has excellent stability in low-pH products so that sweetness degradation is not a determining factor in the shelf-life of such products."
FDA says "Sucralose is a general-purpose sweetener found in various foods, including baked goods, beverages, chewing gum, gelatins, and frozen dairy desserts." 
By weight, Sucralose is about 600 times sweeter than sucrose (sugar).
 Me: Even if I don't buy or use Splenda or drink diet sodas there is a good chance that I'm still eating more than 0.15 micrograms of sucralose in "shelf stable" cookies, pastries, bread or ice cream. Big Food cuts in Sucralose/Splenda because it gives big sweetness and probably costs less than natural sugar/sucrose.
The FDA approved it for general use in 1999. They suggest it for diabetic people! No wonder Celiac Disease, Crohn's disease, and irritable bowel syndrome have steadily increased.
Never mind the Leaky Gut diseases or the malignant tumors, Splenda is calorie-free. /facepalm
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Effects on sugar levels & insulin: 7 most common sweeteners
Aspartame: The oldest and most studied sweetener, aspartame has zero grams of sugar and won’t spike insulin levels after it’s consumed. However, studies in mice have shown that aspartame affects gut bacteria in ways that could lead to insulin resistance, especially with frequent and repeated use. Aspartame is found in diet coke, as well as the brand name sweetener Equal.
Saccharin: Found in Sweet N Low, saccharin may affect gut bacteria in ways that could lead to insulin resistance, based on mice studies. If this is an issue in humans, it will likely only occur with frequent and repeated use. In the past, saccharin has been associated with bladder cancer, based on mice studies, but that was based on extreme levels humans would never consume, so that fear is not based on reality.
Sucralose: A recent human study found that sucralose, which is found in Splenda, may lead to increased insulin spikes when sugar is consumed. It’s also been shown to alter gut bacteria in mice.
Stevia: A relatively new sugar substitute, Stevia is considered one of the safer sugar substitutes. However, little research has been done on it.
Erythritol: This is a sweetener that’s only been approved on the market since 2001, and becoming more popular in recent years. It isn’t recognized as sugar in the body hasn’t been shown to raise insulin levels and is well tolerated, compared to its cousin malitol. That said, it hasn’t been well studied.
Xylitol: Xylitol is a sugar alcohol with about 40% of the calories of regular sugar, so it can contribute to insulin resistance and Type II diabetes if consumed in high amounts.
Maltitol: Maltitol is a sugar alcohol with fewer grams of sugar than pure sugar. But at around half the calories of sugars, it’s not a good option for avoiding insulin resistance and Type II diabetes. It can also lead to significant diarrhea and bloating issues.
source: imaware
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mianimasenpoeticus · 1 year
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Artificial Sweetener's Pitfalls (Sucralose)(chemistry-8)
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Slat: a Japanese beverage. Ingredients: alcohol 3%, grapefruit juice, pulp, vegetable fiber (polydextrose), sugar (70% off), acidulant, flavoring, sweetener (acesulfame K, sucralose)
It contains substances that are quite unfamiliar. Acesulfame K, sucralose... No one will drink after reading this, but it's kind of creepy.
Acesulfame K is also a mystery, but Acesulfame K contains sulfur (S) in its cyclic structure and is quite a unique substance, and sucralose is an “organic chlorine compound”! ! This kind of chemical substances includes PCBs, dioxins, trihalomethanes, etc., and many of them have "carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, and teratogenicity" with a considerable probability.
An organic chlorine compound is a compound in which a chlorine atom (Cl) is directly bonded to a carbon atom (C), and it hardly exists in nature. There is only one case where a certain type of microorganism has produced an organochlorine compound, but this organism is reusing it "as an antibiotic". Organochlorines are the most toxic.
"Sucrose" means "sugar", but the name is somewhat confusing. The artificial sweeteners contained in this drink are 200 and 600 times sweeter than sugar, respectively, so these sweeteners are often mixed and used.
"Are you taking into consideration the metabolism in your body?" Aside from substances such as sugar that are absorbed by the body and confirmed until the end of metabolism, whether they are properly decomposed or not, whether the metabolites are safe, and if they are not metabolized, whether they remain in the body. Is it being discharged or are you doing research properly? And how do you perceive the fact that decades ago sweeteners such as cyclamate and saccharin were banished from the market because they were considered dangerous?
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gaykarstaagforever · 1 year
...Probably should just use sugar or honey for sweetener, but in moderation.
And make soda and ice cream a treat, not part of your daily meals.
I've de-sweetened. It sucks and takes like 3 months of sweating and jitters. But once you do it, you'll be amazed at how sickeningly sweet everything suddenly is.
Reset your taste buds. Not everything should taste like candy all the time, and you shouldn't want it to.
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didanawisgi · 1 year
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civilmentor1 · 2 months
1.Geothermal Energy WHAT IS GEOTHERMAL ENERGY? Geothermal energy is heat derived within the sub-surface of the earth. Water and/or steam carry the geothermal energy to the Earth’s surface. Depending on its characteristics, geothermal energy can be used for heating and cooling purposes or be harnessed to generate clean electricity. Geological Survey of India has found around 340 hot springs…
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carasilverfern · 2 months
Scientists Uncover Ecosystem Disrupting Potential of Artificial Sweetener
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mindblowingscience · 2 months
We have a problem with sucralose. Found in many zero-calorie foods and drinks, the artificial sweetener doesn't get broken down by the body, and as a new study shows that means it's potentially damaging the microorganisms at the very bottom of aquatic food webs. "We can't break down sucralose, and a lot of microorganisms can't break it down, either, because it's a really tough molecule that doesn't degrade easily," says marine bioscientist Tracey Schafer, from the University of Florida. "So there are a lot of questions about how it is affecting the environment and whether it's something that could impact our microbial communities."
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anentirevaporeon · 4 months
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makin tea the right way, but with sucralose because medical conditions in america suck
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paladinofmidnight · 5 months
Here's 2 funfacts about me:
I live in the USA
I'm allergic to artifical sugar;
More specifically, sucralose, which ultimately adds up to: I'm a walking sugar detector. Since almost everything in the US that uses sugar uses artifical instead of sucrose (cane sugar is 95-98% sucrose for example) since it's more expensive.
I can't have cakes, or really any dessert (except for Ice Cream) in large portions cuz of said allergy. Basically, in simple terms, I can eat one of those tiny bars on the big hershy bar, 2 will gimme a headache that'd fade within an hour, but 3 will make me nauseous and have a headache for at least 2 hours. I only like certain desserts that ik use sucrose (like ice cream) or have less artifical sugar. But even then, I'm still limited to just the baked part of cakes, unable to eat the frosting, or being v careful with what I need to eat and not.
I found this all out when I tried vegan milk for the first time, and since I knew I wasn't allergic to the nuts used, only one possible explanation was there. The sugar. Turns out most vegan dairy and egg products are fucking full of sucralose. (Plus, mixed with my v fast metabolism, I couldn't go vegan much less vegetarian even if I tried.)
I haven't gone trick or treating since after my 13th bday because I couldn't eat the candy anyway.
I always have to explain why I can't eat the dessert someone brought, or I'll have to take a bite before handing it off to someone else to eat because I can't stomach any more.
I have to calculate how much sugar I can eat and how much I'll have to pace it out if I wanna be able to not end up curling into a ball from pure pain.
I've had only ice cream cakes and crepes for my birthdays to actually celebrate because they were the only things I could stomach down without wanting to cry.
But hey, at least my sugar addicted bf get an absolute fuck ton of sweets becuz he always steals my portion when I can't eat anymore and I'd feel bad about throwing it away anyways.
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advanceinorganics · 7 months
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Advance Inorganics: Pioneering Excellence in Chemical Manufacturing
Advance Inorganics is an established company actively engaged in offering organic and inorganic chemicals since the year 1980 and based in New Delhi. The entire product range is made under the strict supervision of quality auditors and with premium quality materials. All the organic and inorganic salts have been appreciated worldwide for their purity, use, durability, and pH value. The compounds are processed with precision and delivered as per global standards and with due compliance.
The Organic and Inorganic chemical range is manufactured with state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities backed by scientific research and with an integrated model that delivers end-to-end solutions. Further, we adopt advanced innovations that adhere to green practices and eliminate any kind of environmental footprints. The chemicals are safe to use and we have a sustained market presence across the globe.
The manufacturing administration and logistic processes are designed efficiently with a total focus on performance. Advance Inorganic constantly seeks ways to add value to products and processes. This brand enjoys a world-class reputation in the domestic and international markets and the strength lies in a strong and distinctive culture built over years and nurtured by the management. We believe in providing viable and sustainable solutions, products, and services through sound scientific research, precise manufacturing, stringent quality checking, and a strong commitment to customer support and service always on the go.
Know more about Ferric Pyrophosphate visit - https://advanceinorganic.com/product/ferric-pyrophosphate-manufacturer-in-india/
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1968bullittmustang · 7 months
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