zuko-always-lies · 9 months
I was reluctant to make this poll, since I thought it likely that it would prove to be a little predictable, if you catch my drift, but maybe I'm wrong. If you reblog this, I would appreciate it as it will increase the sample size.
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waterfire1848 · 2 years
Remember when Katara was able to discover that Azula was Suki based on her eye color? Does this mean that she’s stared into Azula’s eyes enough times to be able to know it’s her?
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miss-floral-thief · 5 months
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andraedevane · 2 months
Multifandom Ships
Repeat after me:
❄️Shipping Charry, Hansy, Harmony, Huna, Hedric, Drarry, Fredarry, Garry, Nevarry or/and Rarry (and more ships) is as valid as shipping Hinny.
❄️Shipping Perachel, Pipercy, Percico, Jercy, Perleo and/or Willercy (and more ships) is as valid as shipping Percabeth.
❄️Shipping Stalia, Stallison, Stira, Stora, Sterek, Sciles, Stackson or/and Steo (and more ships) is as valid as shipping Stydia.
❄️ Shipping Balinda, Barricity, Snowbarry, Spallen, SuperFlash, Allenbert, Bartley, ColdFlash, Elongated Flash, Flashvibe, Flashwave, Olivarry or/and Thallen (and more ships) is as valid as shipping Westallen.
❄️ Shipping Marigami/Kagaminette, Chloenette, Lilanette, Zoenette, Alyanette, Lukanette or/and Felinette (and more ships) is as valid as shipping Adrinette/Ladynoir/Marichat/Ladrien.
❄️ Shipping Ajim, Jimary, Jimci, Jimxie, Hammerhunter, Krelake, Jeves or/and Jimeli (and more ships) is as valid as shipping Jlaire.
❄️ Shipping Shallow Sapphire, Gray Ghost, Phantom Satellite, Phantom Rocker, Savant Par or/and Swagger Bishie (and more ships) is as valid as shipping Amethyst Ocean.
❄️ Shipping Adorista, Glimadora, Huntadora, Perfumadora, Scorpiadora, Entrapdora or/and Adorabow (and more ships) is as valid as shipping Catradora.
❄️ Shipping Harutara, Zutara, Jetara, Azutara, Katoph, Maitara, Sukara, Ty Lara or/and Yutara (and more ships) is as valid as shipping Kataraang.
❄️ Shipping Lunter, Lus, BoschLuz or/and Willuz (and more ships) is as valid as shipping Lumity.
❄️ Shipping Plance, Romance, Hance, Klance or/and Lancelot (and more ships) is as valid as shipping Allurance.
Every one of these ships is valid, so please, stop fighting for them. Life is so short to live it fighting over a ship. There are things more important than shipping a couple in a fictional story. So if you don't like a ship, don't criticize it. Just ignore it. Let people ship it if they want and don't fight for it. It's not worth it.
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cobwebcorner · 9 months
Fun fact: Arab people here call Wekser “Sukar” since his name is close to the Arabic word for sugar (سكر).
Whenever my sister plays Dead by Daylight and she encounters a Wesker she exclaims “Sukara!” (سكرة: word for a piece of sugar, can be a feminine given name) in delight and goes to harass him.
This is adorable, thank you for sharing! Now someone needs to mod the game to replace his chase music with sugar, sugar by the archies
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myheroclass1c · 6 months
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Sukara Kamui, U.A First Year Hero Course Class 1-C
Quirk: Infestation
All along Sukara's body are pores that expand upon detecting bug pheromones'. Once these pores expand the bugs infest the bones of Sukara's body allowing him to temporarily transform his body parts to recreate these insects many given abilities. With enough training with his bug partners Sukara's body can naturally learn and retain the ability to transform even without the bugs infesting him.
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sneezemonster15 · 2 years
Speaking of the fics you just mentioned (sns) why do they act like ss fans? Like I've read where they make sasuke date sukara or he will consider her his best friend or they kiss and hug as "friends". I think " I'm I reading an ss or sns fic?".
They also insist that naruto and sasuke need her ( they can't do without her!) and she's this sexy,smart,kind,brave girl who's understanding and wants to be a doctor cause she cares about people and understands if sasuke does not want to be with her and fully supports sns relationship.
Like I understand they don't want to write about the Canon saukra but they over do it so much it makes me sick. Are they ss fans or what?
(Sorry if you've received this kind of ask before or this is something you've heard over over again)
Hahaha, nah man, you don't need to apologize. I totally get your gripe. I empathize.
I am not sure why they write Sakura like that, so ooc. But from what I have observed, it seems like a lot of female writers/fans at least feel the lack of an age appropriate female character that they can project on, and Sakura looks like their best bet. Because she is a part of team seven, the only female character in the team. So they write her character as someone who doesn't resemble canon Sakura at all, just to facilitate their projection.
Well, a lot of fic writers simply write to satisfy their own wish fulfilment to feel good, it has nothing to do with plotting or narrative or proper characterisation. They are just hormonal kids who write fics that function as jerk off material.
Some writers overestimate the significance of team seven, when in the canon narrative, team seven dynamic gets some footage in part one, at least initially, but is entirely missing in Shippuden. So fic writers give undeserved importance to team seven, and make it seem like it wasn't a mere tool for development of Sasuke and Naruto's dynamic. And Sakura is a part of team seven.
Some SNS fic writers simply like Sakura and change her character traits to make her more acceptable as a person. They write her as Naruto's wingman or Sasuke's friend, lol. When in canon, she would gladly dump Naruto's side to get even a sliver of attention from Sasuke. She is plain jealous of Naruto because of all the attention he gets from Sasuke that she thinks belongs to her. Lol. It really burns her up. In part one, she keeps complaining to Sasuke because he consistently keeps her at an arm's length, but some fic writers write them like they are fast friends. Wish fulfilment.
Some writers simply don't get characterisation and read the entire manga through rose coloured glasses, ignoring all the red flags in her character as per their convenience or lack of understanding.
She is merely a plot device at best in the manga. I wish Kishi was kinder towards her character. But alas.
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eldarianduelist · 1 year
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🥬Standing no more than three feet tall, Sukara is a curious little thing. If you feed him a head of cabbage he'll gladly lead you whereever you wish to go...until he's hungry again.🥬
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Batman: The Caretakers Lullaby (Batman no Komori Uta)
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/u1O9f7n by Nikka Sukara (Ririkka), Rei Tokido (Ririkka) En un viaje de trabajo, Bruce Wayne se encuentra con una niña salvaje en los bosques de Kyoto, y ella parece estar en un punto crítico que define su posibilidad de salvación y reinserción en la sociedad. Por eso, y fiel a su instinto protector, decide llevarla consigo, sin estar consciente de los secretos que oculta la chiquilla feral… Words: 1827, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Español Fandoms: Batman (Comics) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage Categories: F/M Characters: Bruce Wayne, Original Child(ren) of Bruce Wayne, Original sibling of Damian Wayne, Original Female Character(s), Original Child Character(s), Original Non-Human Character(s), Original Wayne Character(s) (DCU) Relationships: Bruce Wayne/Original Female Character(s), Damian Wayne & Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Tragedy, Feral Behavior, man raising his future wife trope, Domestic Fluff, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, strict canon with only small changes, Implied/Referenced Mind Control, Minor Original Character(s), Original Female Character(s) - Freeform read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/u1O9f7n
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rumahzakat-cilegon · 26 days
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Rumah Zakat Salurkan 100 Paket Bingkisan Lebaran Keluarga di Desa Curugciung, Pandeglang
Pandeglang, 02 April 2024 - Hj. Ria Susanti, melalui Rumah Zakat, telah menyelenggarakan kegiatan penyaluran 100 paket Bingkisan Lebaran Keluarga (BLK) pada hari Senin, 01 April 2024 di PT Insan Prima Berdikari (IPB), Desa Curugciung, RT 002 RW 003 Kec. Cikeusik, Pandeglang. Penyaluran ini merupakan yang terjauh, memakan waktu sekitar 3 jam perjalanan dari kantor Rumah Zakat di Cilegon ke lokasi penyaluran.
Penerima manfaat dari kegiatan ini adalah keluarga pra sejahtera yang rata-rata penghasilan sehari-harinya berasal dari bertani. Kegiatan ini memberikan bantuan langsung kepada mereka yang membutuhkan, membantu meringankan beban ekonomi keluarga di masa-masa mendekati perayaan Idul Fitri.
Salah satu penerima manfaat, Sukara (60 tahun), menyatakan kebahagiannya atas bantuan yang diterimanya, "Alhamdulillah, senang dapat Sembako," katanya dengan senyum di wajahnya.
Sementara itu, Zaenudin, Implementator Rumah Zakat Kota Cilegon, menyampaikan, "Kegiatan ini merupakan bagian dari komitmen kami untuk memberikan dukungan kepada mereka yang membutuhkan, terutama di daerah yang sulit dijangkau. Kami berharap bantuan ini dapat memberikan sedikit kelegaan bagi keluarga penerima manfaat, terutama dalam menyambut momen lebaran."
Rumah Zakat terus berupaya untuk melaksanakan program-program kemanusiaan yang bermanfaat bagi masyarakat yang membutuhkan, dengan tujuan membangun masyarakat yang lebih sejahtera.
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baliportalnews · 4 months
KPU Karangasem Gelar Sosialisasi Pemilu Kepada Warga Binaan LP Karangasem
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, KARANGASEM - Sebanyak 300 lebih warga binaan LP Karangasem antusias mengikuti sosialisasi pemilu di aula rapat LP Karangasem, Kamis (11/1/2024) pagi. Sosialisasi yang lebih menitikberatkan tentang tata cara mencoblos, juga menekankan mekanisme memilih di TPS khusus. "Antusias warga binaan dalam mengikuti sosialisasi sangat kita apresiasi, semangat dan kontribusi mereka untuk menggunakan hak pilihnya sangat tinggi," kata Divisi Sosialisasi Pendidikan Pemilih, Partisipasi Masyarakat (Parmas), dan SDM KPU Kabupaten Karangasem, I Kadek Sukara. Menurutnya kendala yang selama ini dialami warga binaan terkait informasi tentang pemilihan umum dapat ditingkatkan dengan hadirnya KPU Karangasem menggelar sosialisasi di LP Karangasem. Komitmen menjaga hak suara warga binaan agar dapat tersalurkan dengan baik pada pemilu 14 Februari 2024 nanti yang tinggal menghitung hari tetap dijaga dengan baik. Ia berharap pemahaman warga binaan terkait tata cara mencoblos akan semakin meningkat. Diakui, pada pemilu 14 Februari 2024 nanti akan ada 5 surat suara, pertama surat suara untuk Presiden dan Wakil Presiden (warna abu-abu), surat suara DPR RI (warna kuning), surat suara DPD (warna merah) surat suara DPRD Provinsi (warna biru), dan surat suara DPRD Kabupaten/Kota (warna hijau). Nah, karena ini TPS 901 di LP Karangasem masuk TPS khusus, segala ketentuan diatur PKPU tentang pemberian suara di TPS lokasi khusus. Sementara itu, Kasi Pembinaan Narapidana dan Kegiatan Kerja LP Karangasem, I Ketut Kawidana didampingi Kasi Registrasi dan Klasifikasi Anak LP Karangasem, Ni Wayan Surawati mengatakan sosialisasi ini sangat bagus ditengah minimnya informasi bakal calon bagi pemilih khusus warga binaan LP Karangasem. Harapannya sosialisasi dapat meningkatkan pemahaman calon pemilih yang telah memenuhi syarat saat pencoblosan nanti. "Kami akui warga binaan kami kan minim informasi terkait bakal calon yang akan mereka pilih, karena situasinya mereka berada di dalam lapas. Yang jelas dalam setiap tahapan pemilihan di LP Karangasem yang masuk TPS khusus selalu berjalan dengan sukses dan lancar," terang Kawidana. Kawidana yang juga menjadi Ketua KPPS di TPS Khusus ini memastikan jalannya pemilihan di TPS khusus tetap berjalan sesuai regulasi yang ada. Kata dia, sebab ada juga warga binaan berasal dari luar Bali, dari luar Kabupaten Karangasem, dan ada juga luar dari Kecamatan Karangasem. "Dengan komunikasi intens dengan KPU Karangasem, pada akhirnya nanti Pelaksanaan pemilu di TPS khusus berjalan dengan lancar, karena petugas KPPS, petugas ketertiban TPS juga telah terbentuk," kata Kawidana.(st/bpn) Read the full article
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444names · 7 months
Names generated from the lyrics of "Battle of New Orleans" in both English and Japanese, plus Brythonic deities
Abachi Abeatuto Abnoborī Abnotus Adrew Agomis Agrashita Aguns Aidin Alatawasn Alatte Alatteri Alesu Alior Aliseenus Alisen Alitakao Alitare Alittown Allata Allaterid Alonus Alosorī Aloter Amara Amogmides Ancari Andras Anemara Annisamna Annos Anotus Antre Arabno Araponus Arduin Arerasuke Arisago Artian Artin Arverinzu Aseneris Aster Atonnin Attemogus Avens Avenus Avere Averip Averne Avetin...
Baces Bantria Barus Bealaun Bealenus Beandidn Beanes Beanus Begans Begired Begirippa Begomara Begunnod Begus Belatte Belatucid Belen Beles Bellood Bellooko Bellos Besip Blonaru Blonni Bloodes Blookō Blotteru Brimasn Brinthey Brinus Brippa Brittoned Buglen Busta Buxovans Byaku Bēkorin Bēkos Camor Camorita Cania Caruta Cashidn Cashod Casto Caufago Caufanius Cauns Chigh Chita Chittle Chīsamo Chīsanewa Cickson Cicurpris Cidown Cimae Cimamis Cisuhil Clooka Clooko Cocius Collios Collonned Comera Conarvoso Connia Contared Conus Cotote Cotoull Coutakus Covire Daita Dambris Darus Datakara Datianos Datown Datte Denus Dessippi Desuru Dorappa Doridn Dorles Doron Drerunni Drusukaku Emeru Eshitera Fachi Fachita Facotutis Fagrosera Fagru Fanby Firessis Firotory Firumieta Gancetojū Ganus Gawate Guned Gunem Gunneting Gunno Gunus Gusked Hajimapon Hajimappi Hajime Hapon Hashis Haven Havered Haveta Herash Hernus Hicomon Hiteppō Hittept Hittera Hoden Honus Igandia Igave Igireru Iimamu Iimappō Ikamped Ikkoshita Inakus Indamna Intuce Iomasn Iomid Iores Ioshiku Isucel Isuruta Itakko Itirigh Ittatte Jacel Jacon Jakakus Jakao Jakata Jakatus Jīsagus Jīsai Jīsais Karnus Karuns Karveta Katior Katiru Katown Katta Kawaru Kawarus Kawashita Kawatta Kirus Kiruto Kisshitta Korre Koterip Kurus Latas Latin Latiovany Leaning Lentasn Leshonus Leste Leuce Looku Luishired Luxen Luxovani Mackoutia Maetatia Mamamus Mambrisa Mamoguns Mamonus Mamos Maponta Mappi Mappō Marabel Marane Martrima Masee Masego Masenus Masgun Masgune Mashimeta Mashita Mastris Merithip Metem Meterita Metil Mettept Metto Midown Mietare Mietsuka Migaita Migiru Minos Miory Mirissio Mirus Misaitano Misaitsu Mishi Misho Missippō Misson Misuhi Mitaku Mitte Mogmio Mogus Monces Monnotte Morew Morishith Moshiko Moshita Mullonus Mullos Musip Mōiconus Nakato Nakkon Nakurun Narerta Nemacota Netia Ninos Nissio Nobius Noshil Nyūōri Odenus Ogmis Ogunna Oguns Ollonia Onaku Onnishite Ontiome Openus Opesip Opesis Opesuces Oserusos Rania Raseguns Rebis Ressoikko Ridame Rimaeru Rippa Rishippi Rokudides Roton Rutin Ryokata Saidore Saing Saitakao Saitte Samappi Sannius Sedaru Segain Segawara Segirip Seguns Segus Sericura Seris Serne Sernus Shicota Shimasn Shing Shita Shitiles Smeta Soikould Soiku Sonceshi Soncesis Sonnia Sonta Sonus Sored Sorvo Squin Squina Squir Squirunus Squisay Storia Streru Stria Sukara Suked Sukoto Sullios Sunelly Sunna Surany Sōdaits Sōdamna Sōdamus Sōdatisso Sōdes Taceruns Takkoulus Tarappō Tarido Tarius Tartin Tashitis Tawaship Theirelly Theires Theld Thendame Thernus Thetil Theye Thichinus Thimaere Thita Thueta Tinde Tirrus Toboroso Tomide Tontire Tooku Torokō Totobachi Totookuso Tould Trerinzu Trissidid Triteppes Tsuhin Tsuruta Vendata Venernus Vetashi Vhelly Vherite Vhernus Vhetae Vinun Vinus Vinzu Visuko Wania Wanus Waraus Warunus Wasgus Washi Washighty Watiosh Watis Wattakao Wattept Watus Welean Welis Whiga Whippa White Witashi Yokedatte Yokept Yokus Ōkudarums
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joel-smallishballs · 10 months
Just found out Zenbu Kimi no Sei and Sukara-chan to Amane-kun are by the same person and I feel like an idiot cuz now I realize how similar the art styles are jLKJKWRLKJKLJWRJLKRW
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beringelista · 1 year
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Following my standard romanisation of Omnarom/Lomvli/Romari:
Sukra/Sukla/Sukara (/sɯkɾa/, /zɯkɾa/, /zɯkaɾa/) Bespú/Pespuu/Wesawuu (/pespɯʔɯ/, /ɰespɯʔɯ/, /ɰesapɯʔɯ/) Tawtris/Tautlsi/Tautarosi (/taɰtɾis/, /daɰtɾis/, /dautaɾɤsi/)
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pengharumpakaian · 1 year
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PARFUM LAUNDRY SUPER WANGI 'LUXURY' adalah Parfum LAUNDRY berkualitas tinggi dengan aroma wangi yang khas dan esensial dalam menemani aktivitas menyetrika pakaian Anda. PARFUM LAUNDRY SUPER WANGI 'LUXURY' dapat digunakan untuk semua jenis LAUNDRY Kiloan atau Satuan.
PARFUM LAUNDRY SUPER WANGI 'LUXURY' mengandung Anti Bakteri yang bisa mengurangi bakteri yang menjadikan Bau yang tidak sedap dalam pakaian.
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myheroclass1c · 3 months
MHA D&D Episode 59: RGB Vs ARS
Catch the start of our training arc! The group hes set out to [REDACTED], America! Instead of going to the regular training grounds. All starting out with a quick 3v3 vs Akihiko, Rori and Sukara!
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