#Super happy with how it turned out honestly
stardustgates · 6 months
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Author’s Notes: Possibly OOC behaviour? I’ve done my best to stick by Canon as much as I can, but given I’m a newer player, I don’t know the relationship between Kafka and Silver Wolf or the characters individually as well I’d like to. Though I did do my best, please be aware that I may have taken some creative liberties in their characterisation and inner thoughts regarding each other. Also I am aware that this may just be 5.5k words of nonsensical BS but I haven’t written proper fanfiction in a hot minute so take it with a grain of salt. Not so much of a reader/canon thing and more like a reader AND canon thing currently. Perhaps that will change in future works, who’s to say? Oh yeah this is a SAGAU.
Warnings: Canonical In-game violence, references and descriptions of dissociation via player-induced body possession, references to drug use (one sentence), yandere tones if you squint really hard (shes a slowburner ya’ll), and a single swear word :3
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Beyond the mind, within your body.
Description: Unaware that your presence has been made apparent to the eccentric duo during your first run through of Honkai Star Rail, you happily indulge yourself in the immersive (tutorial) world before your eyes. Kafka and Silver Wolf attempt to adjust to the feeling it brings, which leaves their minds constantly switching between distrust and euphoria, and all the things in between.
Word Count: 5.5k
Hoyoverse’s newest game hadn’t seemed much to your liking when you’d first heard the announcement. For one thing, you weren’t particularly pleased with the constant stream of ‘HONKAI STAR RAIL - PLAY NOW’ interrupting your YouTube doom-scrolling every other ad; Not to mention, you weren’t very keen on the gacha aspect. 
Within your small circle of friends, you’d been known to cave easily when attractive anime characters were involved and you weren’t planning on another hyperfiction to solidify your position as the group’s resident simp. That being said, with such a title swaying above your head like a shiny silver dagger, you’d held a metaphorical death grip on your wallet, solemnly swearing that you’d keep your distance from the game for as long you were able.
Ultimately that so-called iron will of yours didn’t last so much as a year, as just seven months after its release a simple character trailer was enough to break your steadfast resilience. Well, it wasn’t ‘simple’, if you were being honest with yourself- It was a brilliantly unique masterpiece, tailored to the exact essence and spirit of his character. You were sure Argenti wouldn’t be released for a good while, so you decided to pick up the game and grind what you could before his arrival.
That was your plan at least. Your friend had warned you a few months prior (Though admittedly, you hadn’t been paying much attention at the time.) that the download and installation would take an exhaustingly long time. Well, it was better than Genshin Impact had been- but still, you were getting bored and subsequently decided to fetch yourself something to drink in the meantime.
With your back turned to the loading screen, you waltzed out of your bedroom with little care in the world- oblivious to the ominous glowing cracks slowly sprawling across the screen of your device.
As you returned a few moments later, you found that it had finally finished installing! You’d certainly waited long enough. Sure, it wasn’t as soul-sucking as Genshin had been but your patience wasn't that of a saint’s either. With a renewed sense of anticipation, you hit start and breezed through the usual terms and conditions without reading anything and let out a sigh at the beautiful change in scenery.
It perhaps wasn't the smartest idea to skip it completely- but you had spent so long waiting already that you weren’t going to bother wasting time reading a document filled with dolled-up words you could barely pronounce.
 Herta’s Space Station’s defences hadn't been particularly difficult to slip past surprisingly, though Kafka didn’t recall any mention of difficulty regarding entry in Elio’s script, so she supposed the lack of security wasn’t of any particular importance.
Despite the calm confidence that usually accompanied her on these little operations, Kafka couldn’t shake the strange feeling of being watched. It wasn’t the usual sort of lingering gaze or sharpened stare, but a vague pulsating heartbeat that faded in and out, as though blinking through blurry vision. 
Needless to say, she kept her guard up. Playing none the wiser and bowing mid-air to the tempo of a rather graceful tune. She forced her shoulders to relax and gently swayed her body, controlling her every little move with practised ease- even as that strange pulsating presence slowly sped up and stroked the fires of an oncoming headache- as the elevator descended to the station’s ‘ground’ floor.
 (You remained none the wiser to her sudden awareness, the rapidly changing scenes flashing past your eyes far too quickly to pick up on a single, brief second of stillness in her body.) 
A sudden explosion reverberates across the station's cold, metallic body and brings Kafka’s impromptu air-violin session to a screeching halt. Simultaneously, that presence settles over her body like a thick blanket of fog. That ‘gaze’ she had felt becoming so vivid she could feel its weight pressing down on her tongue.
She has little time to process the feeling before the usual blueish glow of Silver Wolf’s communications screen flickers into existence before her very eyes. 
“... Seems I came at a bad time.”
“No, No – I think you couldn’t’ve timed it better. Twenty-three-fourty-seven-fifteen system time. Very punctual, Kafka.” Silver Wolf almost sounds impressed, though Kafka suspects she’s only trying to butter her up so she’ll let the girl go off task again. Perhaps, under different circumstances, she would have been kind enough to allow it, but with the nature of their current mission and this inexplicable presence, Kafka doesn't find herself in a very generous mood. 
Kafka merely hums in response and ignores the empty praise.
“Elio always tells the exact future. So What’s with the explosion just now? Was that part of his script?” Silver Wolf picks up on her cue to focus without any fuss.
“Twenty-three-four-four-fifty-nine system time: The pulses from the explosion cause a massive breakdown from the master control system.”
Pulses. Perhaps it’s linked to the feeling curling itself around her senses?
“You did that?” Kafka doubts that Silver Wolf would waste effort on something so minor.
“No, the antimatter legion did it. They completely invaded the space station two system hours ago.” She whistles in response and glances down the glass panelling to the approaching ground floor. A small group… annoying, but manageable.
“Alright, so do we need to fight the legion?”
“Dunno, Elio didn’t say anything about it, so it doesn’t matter.” Hmm. Silver Wolf made a good point. 
“Got it. So from now on, I'll be in charge of this operation.” She feels that tingle of a smirk reach the corner of her mouth, and smiles a little wider in anticipation.
“Copy. Can you let me have some fun this time? Our last few operations turned out to be pretty dull.” Kafka lets out a playful hum as she ponders over her colleague’s request with faux consideration. She can practically hear Silver Wolf’s stifled groan in the second of silence that passes.
“...Sorry~ I’m afraid there’s not much I can do for you- our task this time is just to ‘place’ the target properly.” 
Her choice of words is careful, though not enough to cause any alert in potential eavesdroppers. The feeling still hasn’t left. 
“But if you wanna go look for some fun yourself, I won’t stop you.”
“I mean… after all…” she chuckles lightly as the blue hologram blips out of her vision, and reaches for the holsters tucked into her lower back. “After all…” Kafka readjusts her footing just in time to watch the elevator’s doors slide open, the sound of metal dragging against metal pinching at her ears.
“Elio didn’t put it in the script… Why would it matter?” 
Just as the impact from her gunshots flitters across her skin, Kafka feels her mind being pulled back to the edge of her skull. 
The group of voidrangers in front of her feel distant and smudged, the sockets of her eyes creating a blurred tunnel of vision that refuse adjust no matter how much she tries to blink it away. Their dark forms bleed into black speckles that crowd her already limited vision until she’s staring directly into the singed edges of the universe.
Kafka’s body… is no longer hers to command.
She returns to her mind with startling swiftness. Her memories of the brief battle suddenly bubbling up as though pushing themselves through a thick soup of aether. She feels disconnected from the memory but can at least recall that she’d lost control of her body before blacking out. 
She attempts to think back on that burnt, golden memory but is stopped by a sudden wave of nausea. She opts to set that aside for another time and refocus on the operation. Elio had not mentioned this happening anywhere in the script- so either this had no significance or… 
Still, those Voidrangers hadn’t proved to be much trouble- in fact, they’d been less of an annoyance than she had prepared for. Either she’d been far more ruthless than intended or the antimatter legion had lost its touch.
“When did the anti-matter legion become so weak?” She asks out loud.
“I could only attract this much. Did you really want the entire legion to come here?” Silver Wolf speaks in feigned annoyance, her usual behaviour. 
She hadn’t even realised. Kafka chooses not to mention anything for the moment, instead opting to subtly gauge the extent of control this presence… or rather... Entity, seems to have over her. 
“This lot won’t be able to slow down the Astral Express crew.” Silver Wolf sighs in response on the other end of the device.
“Relax, a doomsday beast is also here.”
As she approaches one of the station’s automatic doors, Kafka feels it slip back into her body as if wearing her like a coat. Its influence feels… less heavy than it previously had been a few moments ago.  At the very least she remains conscious this time; A strange lightness in her feet as she feels herself stealth towards a lone voidranger lounging about the area.
Her movements come to her now like instinct, striking down enemies with admittedly far more efficiency than she was naturally capable of. If it weren’t for her body being strung along like a puppet against her will, she’d almost be grateful for the power and resiliency it granted her. 
Kafka has barely had her fill before a euphoric sense of power seems to swell up all at once; Killer instinct pumping through her veins like a well-oiled machine. 
Ahh. Now this… this particular feeling wasn’t so bad.
Truthfully she’d liked to have toyed with this one a bit longer, but she knew all too well that it wouldn't manage to survive her next attack. She chatters to no one in particular, the ecstasy in her mind clouding whatever decorum she would have usually displayed. 
“Good times never last… time to say bye.” 
“Ah- She’s so cool…”
Kafka tenses up at the stranger’s voice, just as the swirling dark mass in front of her collapses into itself. 
She sheathes her sword and adjusts her gloves, ignoring the voidranger approaching her from behind. Just before its darkened claws reach her, Silver Wolf’s ability activates no more than a hands-width from her shoulder blades.
“Cleaning up other people’s mess isn’t in my job description… y’know Kafka?” Silver Wolf huffs out, but her voice has no real bite in it. Was it her? She wasn’t usually one to doubt herself, but that fog of exhilaration certainly could have played with her mind. 
“Yeah, yeah. Where did you send it Silver Wolf?”
Kafka turns in time to hear the gooey pop of the silver-haired girl’s bubblegum as she hops to her feet. She isn’t sure if it's Strawberry or Grape, but the artificial sweetness and scent of no-fruit-in-particular is so strong it actually grounds her mind for a moment. 
She sighs for no real reason, but it brings her relief regardless. 
She hadn’t realised how bad her headache was. 
“Some random Co-ordinates, not important.” She avoids Kafka’s gaze for a reason she couldn’t care to name before taking on an adorably defiant stance, her hands placed at her hips as though it would help her short stature in any way. 
“You care about where that voidranger ended up?” She doesn’t. But she’d rather think about that than, well… She didn’t know what to call it at this point. But it was distracting and she needed to focus on literally anything else for the sake of what sanity she had left. 
Though some could argue that she wasn’t sane at all- which was only half true because most people’s definition of sanity varied greatly from her own. 
Oh, Silver Wolf was still blinking up at her expectantly.
“Of course not- I’m just amazed at this fancy technique of yours, as usual.” she smiles down at her colleague, who only rolls her eyes in response. To the girl’s credit, she’d been dealing with Kafka’s empty flattery for quite a long time.
“Just a little trick of tampering with the data of reality, I wouldn't call it fancy.” Kafka smiles a little wider, following behind as Silver Wolf strolls down the hallway. Her tells were always so obvious.
“What were you looking at just now? Let me see.” Silver Wolf huffs a bit as she settles herself onto a desk and faces her.
“Herta’s toys,” she begins in an almost mocking tone 
“A catalogue featuring the space station’s collection of rare items.” Her fingers briefly tug on the white fluff of her jacket as she speaks “They’ve got quite a looot of interesting gadgets~”
Kafka’s previous interest (however feigned it may have been) dies down a little at the prospect of these ‘gadgets’ but nonetheless she indulges Silver Wolf’s unspoken desire to share what information she’d dug up.
“Like what?” 
“There’s this gun, it can rate any creature within its crosshair as a score from 0 to 100.”
“... Doesn't sound very interesting.” Her brows pinch together and her mouth stretches into a thin line of clear disappointment. Not one to be disheartened so easily, Silver Wolf continues on
“Aren’t you curious how much you would score? I kinda wanna know mine.” 
So this is what she’d been hinting at since earlier. Kafka crosses her arms and takes on the tone of an exasperated mother having finally given up after being nagged at for far, far longer than the reality of it. 
“Fine. I guess we can swing by and play with it, if it’s not too far. What’s our destination?” She redirects Silver Wolf’s distractable attention onto their current objective with practised ease. 
She feels a little cold for some reason… and those watchful eyes haven't left during the entirety of their conversation. Kafka’s guard raises a little further than before.
Her colleague’s eyes flit down to a small blue hologram, her fingers swiping past various screens until arriving at what Kafka could only presume was a list of directions given to her by Elio.
“Go down the corridor, behind the door… ooon the left. There’s a room where some kind of rare item is stored.” 
Kafka feels the entity strongly now, she stares just beyond Silver Wolf’s shoulders where it feels most concentrated. The feeling she is met with is a dense smouldering hotness. It’s like melting iron dripping down her throat and burning it in the process. It feels almost itchy.
She redirects her gaze back to Silver Wolf far quicker than she’d intended to and resists the urge to scratch at her throat.
“So that’s where the Stellaron is?” Kafka is somewhat relieved when the feeling seems to simmer down. She once again debates speaking on the sensation during the slightest lull in their conversation but when Silverwolf turns her head back to face her, she finds the girl’s gaze to be much sharper than before.
“That's where we can find out where the Stellaron is.” 
Kafka immediately knows that Silverwolf has finally caught on to this feeling and says nothing as she readies herself for the next half of their mission. Almost instantly, she feels the presence shift and roll over her shoulders, like a cat stretching out its limbs. 
It's languid and smooth and she feels her tense- She had been tense this whole time?- muscles slowly relax until she finally feels that usual calm focus she’s so intimately familiar with. She hadn’t realised the extent of how cold she’d felt when it had stepped- strange, it feels like a person?-  away.
Kafka decides that her feelings towards this... Being- She isn’t totally sure if it feels sapient, but it certainly has some form of will… That much she can tell- are mixed, to say the least. She wonders one more why Elio hadn’t mentioned anything about something so foreign and strange but sets the thought aside and refocuses on the task at hand. 
She locks eyes with Silverwolf briefly, and just as she thought, Silverwolf is most definitely aware of it at this point. 
“The central area of the space station is up ahead. There’ll be loads of Legion Void rangers there.” Silver Wolf hops to her feet and saunters toward the door’s control panel. A bit too casual to be natural, but it doesn't cause the feeling to stir, so she says nothing. 
“Okay.” Kafka breathes out. 
Then that feeling of puppeteering seems to stitch itself into her mind once more, albeit in a much more faded sense- it feels more like muscle memory than it does being pulled from her own body. She allows it to pull her along and lead her toward whatever it wants. As her fingers glide over the room’s control panels and her heels click against the cold steel of the station, she feels that fog of exhilaration settle over her again- that almost euphoric surge of strength from earlier suddenly vivid and fresh in her mind. 
Silverwolf seems to feel the building strength in her own body too, as she quickens her pace when they turn the corner to find themselves at the back of a particularly strong-looking voidranger. She huffs out in bemusement and half-heartedly mutters out some encouragement to her colleague.
“May as well kill them all.” 
Not needing much more encouragement than that, Silverwolf leaps forward with as much grace as her short form can allow her and drags her digitally enhanced blade across the muscles and sinew of its chest. She leaps back beside Kafka as it staggers on its feet and tries to regain its footing. Kafka’s arm pulls itself up, gun in hand, and fires out a cascade of bullets that each burrow and pierce into its flesh. 
“This… seems a lot easier than it should be.” Silverwolf comments under her breath quietly. 
“Well, let’s count our blessings–” Kafka is cut off as her arm is singed by the blast of the voidranger’s fire canon. 
“Tch. Didn’t hurt.”
Silverwolf pulls out her holographic system at such speed that Kafka feels the static waft across her skin.
“Hmph, still. This combat needs optimising.” Just as the creature aims its weapon once more, it’s hit with a blast pulled from the loosened strands of reality itself. 
“At that speed? Too slow!” 
Kafka almost feels sorry for it, as she watches its body disintegrate while collapsing into itself.
Unfortunately, the girls are not left with time to bask in their victory- Silver Wolf lets out a small yelp- the entity has left its place on Kafka’s shoulders and draped itself over her companion it  would seem. Her short colleague adjusts to the sensation of its guiding hand far better than she had, if her losing conscious was anything to go by.
Kafka follows behind silently, eyes trained intently on the girl in front of her for any indication of danger.
“Hold it. Someone.. Or something is up ahead.” she warns quietly, arm extended out to her side like a makeshift barrier. They both come to a sudden halt as the entity violently rips itself from their bodies and settles just beyond their skin. 
Goosebumps this time. 
The cold seems to get worse and worse each time it separates from them… well, her. Silver Wolf grits her teeth. Kafka notes the tiny pearl of sweat rolling down the side of her face. Still a shock to the system then. 
“Looks like we’re the ones getting ambushed.”
“...But they’re the ones getting besieged.” 
The game has felt pretty cool so far, and you quite like this Kafka woman. You don’t recall her being part of the main cast your friend had rambled about however many months ago it was, but you hoped you’d get to see a lot more of her. 
Her design was really nice- though strangely familiar?- and her voice was pretty too! Silver Wolf was alright, but she hadn’t really caught your interest so far, so you werent sure what to make of her yet. 
They did seem to be close though, but less like friends and more like tired workmates who’d been stuck in the same dead end job for a decade- that is to say, it definitely felt like they were used to dealing with each other’s nonsense. 
Were they a ship? You could see it. Ah, another battle, sweet!
The combat system Star Rail used wasnt particularly innovative or anything, but it’s playstyle was strangely addictive- especially the Ult animations! Kafka’s especially had you nearly squealing with how badass it was. Did the MC have a cool one too? You could hardly wait to see. 
The mood is light despite the circumstances, they both feel a sense of safety and confidence while the presence pulls them along, as though leading them in a dance. The Voidranger’s movements stand out like a pindrop in an empty room. Predictable, and delectably so. 
Silver Wolf barks out a short, quick laugh- a taunting thing that aggravates the musclehead stomping around in front of her- before decapitating the creature in a single, swift move.
“You took the bait, just like that?” Her jubilance is cut short by an attack from her blindspot, it isnt fatal- hell it barely counts as a battle wound- but its enough to flip her mood in the opposite direction. “Tch.”
Kafka laughs lightly at her, amused with her momentary lapse in spacial awareness. Silver Wolf scoffs and scowls lightly at her. Really, like she hadn’t gotten hit before? 
Just as she opens her mouth to hurl a barely-an-insult-but-im-still-annoyed-with-you comment towards the magenta haired woman next to her, Kafka’s aura shifts somewhat. Time seems to slow down for a second as Silver Wolf watches the woman’s pupils dilate in slow motion. 
Had she appeared like this? When that wave of energy had swelled within her?
She receives no answer to her unvoiced question, and instead hears Kafka’s voice ring through out her ears.
“That breathing sensation. Remember it.” Silver Wolf gulps in a breath of blood-scented air and breathes out a sickly, golden-sweet taste. As Kafka’s bullets rain down upon the bodies of their would-be-ambushers she can't help but feel pure ecstasy in the moment. Truly…if this was a drug she’d be hooked like a fish to water. 
Even just being near it is enough to cloud her mind.
“Alright, now that that’s over with…” Silver Wolf’s body relaxes significantly as Kafka speaks, the strength of whatever had possessed them slowing dripping out from their bodies like tree sap. She feels like she just got a massage. 
“I could get used to that.” She isn’t sure who she’s talking to, but it feels appropriate to voice. Kafka ignores her and spins her around to face the door, and Silver Wolf seems to go into auto pilot as she unlocks the control panel blocking their path, stepping lightly as her taller colleague gently pushes her forward without a word.
 The monitoring room is completley empty. Nothing but the quiet beeping of a few monitors and the rustling of swaying leaves, courtesy of the air conditioning unit humming softly above them. 
“Huh. not a single soul here. Impressive evacuation work. Did herta organise it herself?” Kafka seems mildly impressed- and entirely unaffected by the sensation Silver Wolf is still trying to shake from her skin. 
“According to the access history, she hasnt logged in her for over six months. The evacuation was directed by the acting lead researcher - a girl named Asta.” 
“Doesn’t ring a bell. Oh, right. Elio said we wouldn’t run into herta. It seems she really isnt here.” Though something else definitely was, but Silver Wolf supposed they weren’t going to be making any conversation on that topic.
She sighs, and scrolls through her holograms nonchalantly.
“Elio’s Script doesnt include any info about the location of the stellaron. Which means in the future he foresees…”
“... we would find the stellaron in a non-physical way?” Kafka crosses her arms, easily having picked up on her train of thought and already dipping her metaphorical toes into several different plans of action. She was always efficient like that. Silver Wolf strolls over to the water cooler and pours herself a cold cup. She gestures to Kafka who only shakes her head in response.
“This space station is packed with extraordinary objects, I wouldnt be surprised if theres one that can make it happen.” She takes a long sip, the cooling sensation bringing relief to her sweltering body. The combat efficiency was nice, but she was left feeling like an overheating graphics disk everytime it took control of her. She idles on a page in her hologram briefly before continuing on her scroll-fest.
“Hiding something extraordinary with something extraordinary… this is pretty Herta. I assume you know what to do? I mean, You’ve been reading that cataogue for a while?” Ah. Perseptive as ever, Kafka never changes. She ignores the heat building in her ears at the prospect of being caught slacking-off, and bins the styrofoam cup as she turns to the older woman.
“Hmph. I’ve got all the clues we need. The only piece missing is a simple trick- maybe this entity thats been stringing us along could lend a hand? After all, it doesnt have a physical form.” 
(You didn’t expect them to involve the player like this! What an awesome storytelling device, and it would hopefully grant a lot more player agency too! Hoyoverse had truly out done themselves this time. Feeling a surge of excitement at being learning you’ll be able to lend a helping hand ‘directly’, you decide that Silver Wolf is also really cool.)
Kafka says nothing in response, only staring down at Silver Wolf in consideration.
“Why dont we have it help us investigate the terminals around here, that item we’re looking for may be inside.” The magenta haired woman only sighs, internally cursing the girl’s lack of caution. Though… she couldnt deny that it had only been helping them so far. 
“Alright, lets give it the spotlight.” 
“Oh god, I hope I don’t fuck this up…” Kafka stills. The same voice from before. So it can speak? She tucks the information away in her mind for later.
She watches it guide her along the messily arranged desks and flickering monitors. Stopping at a memory storage cart- which is, of course, missing its memory. Not useful for her current objective, but it at least told her that whatever it was could see the same things she could.
“...I cant see the memory storage for this terminal.” Her body shifts slightly.
“This is the monitoring room, the must have deleted the records and made a run for it. Classic.” Silver Wolf is still scrolling through the holographic catalogue, idling against a desk in the middle of the room. She doesn’t look up, even as Kafka is strung along past her towards a monitor on the other side of the room. 
“You don’t seem to be very affected by it? Its control over you, I mean.”
“And you? You seemed a little weary earlier.”
“I wouldn’t say that. It’s just new, thats all.”
Kafka’s hand reaches out to flick through various active surveillance cameras, interesting but ultimately fruitless. 
“Hmmm… I can see the whole space station on the surveillance screen. But not the Stellaron.” Silver Wolf scoffs indignantly behind her, she almost sounds offended.
“Even if you could it’d be a trap. Herta doesn’t display her collections.” She turns to her hologram once more.
“This thing isnt very good with investigating, is it?”
Kafka expects some form of insulted rage to squeak in her mind’s ear, but she hears nothing. Though faintly she imagines a rather adorable ‘Hey! I’m trying my best!’ echoing in her skull.
Kafka staves off the sudden urge to get defensive in response and clamps her mouth shut.
Silver Wolf sighs at her lack of response and shifts onto her feet. 
“Make your way over here then. There’s no point in trying to search like this.”
“So? Got a master plan? I’m all ears.”
Kafka’s tone takes on a slightly irritated edge, for a reason she herself doesn’t quite understand. If Silver Wolf picked up on it, she chooses not to say anything and instead gestures to the warping static of the holographic screens lining the walls of the office.
“Its a matter of hacking the surveillance system directly.” She says matter-of-factly, smirking playfully as her iconic vandalism plasters itself onto every screen in sight. 
“Aha, I see. Herta’s collections aren’t in the system so anything unaffected should be our target.”
Their heads are guided to turn and face the back of a lone monitor by the main desk. Ah. that one then. As they both stroll over to investigate, Kafka feels a strange sense of pride bubble in the back of her mind. Not for Silver Wolf’s accomplishment- that much would be expected from the shorter girl- but for the entity curling along the edge of her mind. What exactly she was supposed to be proud of she couldnt tell, but the feeling was pleasant regardless.
Silver Wolf slips into a chair and slides forward to the desk, cracking her knuckles and wiggling her fingers as she readies herself for some data mining. 
“Crude, simple, but effective. Look, found it.” The computer’s cursor circles a line of code tauntingly. Kafka doesn’t understand what any of the values mean.
“Item number two-eleven, ‘Blind Spot’ : a simple light-deflecting field. It allows an object in its field to pass unnoticed, but if a different item ceases to be obvious, the object gets revealed.” 
She isn’t sure which set of numbers.. Or letters? That item is supposed be, but it does seem like a very… uncomplicated form of security for someone like Herta. 
“So, Herta the genius… hides her collection with something as simple as this?”
“the simplest method is the hardest to spot, isnt that our motto?” 
“Huh? How is that simple?” Kafka nearly chokes on her saliva while trying to hold back a bark of laughter and wonders why she’d kept her guard up for this thing. She follows Silver Wolf towards the glitching hole in the wall and sighs bemusedly. 
“The data suggests its just an ordinary hologram. But it has an added layer… “ Silver Wolf eyes the frayed edges of the hologram cautiously, despite the confidence in her voice.
“Lets take a look. Dont worry, this place wont be our grave.” The girl only puffs her cheeks and steps forward, ignoring Kafka’s words of comfort completely. Well, she’d expected that much at least.
As she follows behind, her vision melts into a stark change of scenery. 
The bright, ethereal glow of the Stellaron coating the walls of the closed off room in a golden-blue light. A strange combination, but one that was all too familiar; the everchanging strands of reality warping and stretching around itself, as the Stellaron sat patiently- sealed away- in the center of the room. Such an otherworldly treasure was exactly what all Stellaron hunters across the universe strove for. Though admittedly it was a mere front for their true purpose, a fact that Kafka was intimately aware of. 
Their true goal would see this stellaron- sealed away, courtesy of Herta- to another use. Once said seal was removed by Silver Wolf, all Kafka would need to do was take hold of it and place it inside that vessel. 
It had been laying in wait for this exact occasion…Kafka smiles fondly at the memory of it. Silver Wolf makes a small noise of surprise, catching her attention. She steps over towards the girl and the control panel, asking a question without speaking.
“It has its own security system… I guess even for herta, a Stellaron is no ordinary rarity.” Silver Wolf sounds genuinely surprised at this fact, though Kafka feels this was a rather likely outcome.
“Can you get it?”
“Of course, even the genius Herta cant compete with me when it comes to hacking.”
“Good. Then I’ll also count on you for the preparation of the receptacle.” Not to mention, she was quite sure this being wouldn’t be able to provide much help if Silver Wolf couldn’t figure it out herself. Speak of the devil, she feels the entity waft away like smoke in the wind and settle in the air around them as she lifts the Stellaron from its prison. She turns to her Silver haired companion and unspoken words flicker between their eyes.
This is Kafka’s decision.
Or perhaps it isn’t, she corrects herself over the distant sound of Silver Wolf’s voice.
 When it enters her body, it no longer feels like being puppeteered or controlled. 
She recalls that first feeling of possession, and the bleeding darkness making way for glowing golden edges of a burnt milky way. Her mind is dipped like an apple into the thick syruppy taste of synethesia. The amber eyes of the vessel- piercing into her soul and leaving her tongue sizzling in an almost addictive sort of pain- briefly flash open before collapsing to the floor in Kafka’s arms. 
The Stellaron has found its place. And something else entirely has made its home there too.
(What an amazing tutorial and intro! You get the feeling you’ll be playing this game for a very long while!)
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ciderjacks · 4 months
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Namor with the Palestinian sunbird, commissioned by @imperiuswrecked for the artists4palestine event on twt!!
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whispering-woodlands · 7 months
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Or you’re a dog and I’m your man
You believe me like a god
I’ll destroy you like I am
Another version below
Alt version of Clu without the light lines filled in that I thought looked cool as well:
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elandrawssometimes · 1 year
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Earth genasi pin up girl (for the rock fans out there)
Kintsugi is a stunning art form, man. Highlight the beauty of the cracks instead of trying to hide them. Stands to reason that Sku, the alcoholic aunt type crewmate onboard the mighty tart? Fuggin chef's kiss 😙👌
Being a dense rock person and drinking too much and living on a boat probably isn't the best combo.
On the subject of drinking too much, had too much baileys on saint paddy's and drew this spicy art. It's like tradition for me. Honestly surprised the lines are as clean as they are.
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butteredfrogs · 9 months
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A mini sim dump to celebrate 500 followers!!
Yet again i am combing my interests, this time with totk. I've made a few zelda and link sims at this point, but i defo think these ones are my favourite so far and im super excited to share them with you guys! non of the cc included is mine, so credits to all of the cc creators and i hope you guys enjoy these sims (and thank you all so so much for your support) <33
literally do whatever you want with them just pls dont claim them as your own or anything.
if you use them please tag me i'd love to see what you do with them in your game!
they only come with one everyday outfit so feel free to dress them up! all of their cc should be included but if anything is missing please let me know and i'll upload a link for it <3
Download (mediafire, free ofc)
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gunpowder-gemini · 2 months
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Super Sonic is so fun to draw
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familyofpaladins · 1 year
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Fight for Fate
version I'm gonna use as a lock-screen (its just cropped) :
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fleaearred · 5 months
"By the time he does finally sit down, only half listening to whatever lecture whatever counselor was giving, the pain was more like a knife, he decided. Just wedged very strangely into every godsforsaken crevice of the equally-godsforsaken joint."
bust your kneecaps
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elytrafemme · 10 months
why doesn't anybody talk about schrodinger's mental illness? seriously i think i'm onto something here
#nightmare.personal#i'm starting to think i'm over it like#i've been so happy lately and i'm having these weird nightmares about my family for no reason but like#i have FRIENDS and i'm taking CARE OF MYSELF and like i thought i looked super pretty today#but i am freaking out a bit about how nice this one friend of mine is being to me#which is so weird bc he'/s like the safest guy to be around ever but suddenly i feel insanely unsafe#hm. maybe i'll be fixed if i go to bed#ugh i have classes tmrw which are FINE classes but like. work. and then also therapy#and therapy's good just like. ugh. Ugh. maybe i'll talk to her about me hating my gf's mom's profession and my moral crisis#bc guys it's kind of awkward i really don't fuck with landlords but my gf's mom is um . Kind of one of those#anyway i think i'm better honestly like the klavier and dahlia stuff is starting to just feel like an inside joke#something earlier happened and i was like klav would like this. andi pictured him a bit in my brain as how he looked#and like. we laughed. but i don't think he was there at all#and the BPD stuff isn't happening like i've not mood swung at all lately i don't think#so maybe it was all in my head andi'm fine now? that could be it honestly like. i'm fine. which!#is weird and abrupt but hey i'm into it. y'know. whatever#it would kind of suck if it turns out i was perfectly fine i was just overthinking it but. hey#honestly whatever. people are fine i'm fine i'm safe and the nightmares are stupid#i need to see this guy anyway tmrw because i invited him along to grab breakfast with me and our mutual friend#we're like a trio so i figure it's fine. hopefully the dining hall isn't still on fire i need to fuck up that pomegranate acai drink so bad#it's SO good you guys. but like. idk. i feel happy like perfectly happy. like i don't think much is wrong#these weird feelings of dread and hovering on the edges of panic attacks sometimes but that's really it#ugh. i hope the lecture hall has good chairs#sorry i cannot focus on this i'm restless rn. i need. like. something#i think me and my GF might break up soon bc of the parents work and the sex thing but like.#someone lobotomize me i'm literally fine what's going ONNNN
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quadrupedalpotato · 4 months
In honor of that stupid poll, I'm going to toot my own horn and post my rarepair fic.
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sysig · 1 year
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Yandere Therapy (Patreon)
#Doodles#Original#Yanderapy if you will#Lol#Yanderapy#Sup I made my own brainrot#They both turned out perfect on their first doodles (featured here) and got names super quick so like#Why fight it lol#So! Who I ended up with: The blonde megane is Ishida Ichiro and the roots-showing pierced is Maeda Mitsuru#Yes I'm going through my weeb arc again what of it lol#Hhhh it makes me feel like a kid again <3#Honestly I was surprised how quickly their names came to me - Mitsuru's was basically immediate I gave him two total passes and then yup#And like I mentioned - their designs? On the fly and gosh I am so happy with them haha especially Ishida#His face reveal was my first attempt and like!! How does that happen sometimes!! Look at him!#You can kinda see me settle into Mitsu's design a bit more slowly - his eyelashes solidified four or five doodles in and now I love them#I actually wrote down this concept - gosh looks like a year and a half ago?? At least the initial concept#I accidentally combined two yandere ideas I wrote down separately - by it looks like almost a year exactly lol it's the Yandere time of year#But I ended up with these two so I'm happy even if they didn't stay separate! :D#It does still make me want to take another crack at the individual ideas tho lol#Anyway ♪ Mostly just setup introduction character feeling-out for the initials :3#Mitsu recognized himself as having a somewhat unhealthy interest in his crush so decided to just go ahead and put himself in therapy haha#After getting to a point where he and his therapist thought he was in a good headspace for possible rejection he went to shoot his shot and-#Turns out his crush likes him back! And their boundaries align Surprisingly well ♪#Probably not a surprise but Ishida could tell that Mitsuru liked him lol he was just waiting for him to ask first - Mitsu had no idea tho#Oh yeah and I also use the first name-last name/last name-first name structure interchangeably soz lol#I'm trying to go more for last name-first name more! But don't be surprised if you see its inverse sometimes
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quasieli · 1 year
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[Image description: A half body digital drawing of Nova Neverrmore, an OC created by @party-guy, set against a swirled dark pink background with a solid light pink rectangle framing her. Nova is a young, thin, gray-purple Drow with cropped pale lilac hair. She is wearing a long sleeve yellow turtleneck under a brown vest and large circular pink glasses. Her hands are extended out towards the viewer, three pink sparks of arcane light floating between her hands. Her head is slightly cocked as she looks toward the viewer with a smug smile. End description.]
First attack piece of Art Fight 2023! Had a very fun time drawing this cool bardlock 🤩🤩
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sleepingpopplio · 1 year
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“You Might Be The Last Wielder Of One For All”— Nana Shimura
Without text:
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Shoutout to @candlecoo’s guide on how to draw deku’s hair for helping me to finally be able to draw him! Their drawings and au designs of him are always super cute and their guide was literally a life saver
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paratechnic · 1 year
The werewolf growls and charges, its claws digging long gashes across the prototype unit's pale chest. As it leans in to bite, its jaw encounters the unit's oncoming fist, the impact shattering bone and sending broken fangs flying. The second blow comes almost instantly, collapsing the werewolf's sternum and sending it back with a snarl of pain.
They trade blows for a few more moments before a well angled strike from the prototype tears through the werewolf's abdominal wall, thick grey fingers digging through the beast's guts as it flails at it's attacker. The prototype finds purchase on the werewolf's spine, violently twisting a segment of it to snap the spinal cord before wrenching it free in a spray of viscera. The werewolf folds in half, its legs collapsing under it as the prototype raises its fists, ready to splatter the werewolf's brains across the floor.
As the voice rings out across the testing chamber the prototype snaps to attention, stepping back as the dividing wall comes back down. the werewolf thrashes and bubbles on the floor as its healing factor slowly begins to put its mangled body back together.
"Very good. Three seconds faster than last time."
A harried looking administrative assistant hurries up behind Dr. Varna, flinching as they see the carnage in the testing chamber. They clear their throat nervously as they approach him. "Sir, the coalition representative called us, they want to talk about project ARCHON."
"Ah, about time really. Tell them I'll be available to meet with them about it as soon as the current round of testing is completed."
"They'll likely want to see a unit in action as well-"
"Oh I'm certain they will, In fact, I already have the perfect coalition asset in mind for a little demonstration of archon's capabilities.
Varna gives the assistant a fatherly smile, acknowledging a duty fulfilled before turning his attention back to the testing chamber.
"Now, someone get in there and give the test subject some sedatives and medical attention. We're not monsters."
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stephgingrich · 1 year
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been forever since ive done any art + first time painting a woman + first time painting on procreate + been a little over 2 years since i first started drawing and shared my first portrait so it is what it is ig???
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samyelbanette · 2 years
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Blind Channel Album Aesthetics 4/4: Revolutions
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