#Supernatural magazine issue 6
sapphyreopal5 · 11 months
"Dark Knights" interview with Nicholas Knight, Jared Padalecki, and Jensen Ackles (Oct/Nov 2008)
The following tidbits of text are from the Supernatural Magazine Issue 6 (Oct/Nov 2008) interview "Dark Knights" with Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki and writer Nicholas Knight (pages 10 to ).
"Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki will readily tell you that working on Supernatural has made them much less likely to get scared by the strange things that creep along just out of sight and lurk in the darkness. So what does it take to scare them nowadays? A writers’ strike.
“The obvious news of [season three] was the writers’ strike,” Padalecki emphasizes. “It scared a lot of us over here. Everything was up in the air. TV itself was up in the air. People wondered: ‘Is TV going to go to reality? Is TV going to go to news only? Is [all this] stuff gonna go to the Internet?’ Magazines like this one and the companion books really helped to ensure that our show would come back, and it did come back. So on behalf of everyone here, a big 'Thanks!' to everybody; we’re all very grateful to the fans and to the people who just enjoy the show, because we enjoy the show as well, and we enjoy making it.
“As soon as that strike hit, we were all saying ‘See you later,’ but a lot of us were scared it was going to be farewell. It was good to come back!” However, that doesn’t mean it was easy coming back. Ackles admits that it was hard for him to jump back into character. “In fact,” he says, “I sat down and watched three episodes just to get my head back into the whole show and the character, and find that [brotherly] relationship [again]. “I didn’t even see Jared the whole time the writers’ strike was going on, because he was traveling off in Europe and I was home in Texas. We just [all] kind of tried to utilize that time off as much as possible. Not to mention that we see enough of each other when we’re working together…” Ackles laughs, but it’s an unnecessary cue because it’s been well documented how well the two actors get along both on and off screen.
Although happy to be back, Padalecki also admits, “It was weird. Since the Pilot it’s the longest I’ve gone without playing Sam Winchester. Between seasons one and two and seasons two and three, the breaks were two months, and this time it was over three months.'"
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Is Sam going to turn evil? “That’s a great question,” Padalecki says.
“I hear it all the time and I always wish I knew the answer. As of right now, I think the audience would be very against it, so I don’t think [Eric] and the other writers are going to let that happen. But it’s somewhere I’m curious to go; I’d love to see what happens if Sam goes that way. As far as the scripts and outlines I’ve read, it seems like the only way [for Sam] to save his brother is going to be by embracing his evil side for even a moment, so I’m curious to see what happens if Sam goes ‘dark side.’ The audience probably doesn’t want it, and of course my parents and family don’t want it either, but I think it’d be interesting to see Sam maybe get weak a little bit and give in to that [impulse]."
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"Maybe I was powerful initially, and now that I’ve died and come back it’s almost like when Obi-Wan [Kenobi, from Star Wars] said, ‘If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could [possibly] imagine."
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"No Rest For The Wicked left us wondering if Sam not only is a fully fledged demon, but if he’s more powerful than Lilith. But do we actually know how powerful Lilith is? “She’s pretty powerful, obviously," states Padalecki. “I know that Kripke and the writers love playing with the color of the demons' eyes. Black-eyed demons are run-of-the-mill demons, but the Yellow-Eyed Demon, he’s even worse, and the red-eyed demon is the Crossroads Demon. And here we see Lilith with her white eyes and we know that she is gun-running to be essentially the leader of Hell, opposite Satan. We don’t know where Satan fits in, but Lilith is the big badass in Hell, so we know that we’re going to have to answer to her. From what we know, she's essentially all powerful. We don’t know a way to stop her. Even Ruby, who is a demon (doesn’t know how to stop her]. She's obviously been trying to weasel Sam into embracing his demonic abilities a tittle bit more, but Sam's been so against it and doesn’t want ' to go [down] that route… but he wants to save his brother…"
"Something that's harder to balance with all the dark and dreary are healthy relationships. Dean and Bela aren’t likely to hook up in Hell - although stranger things have happened - and Sam and Ruby are now unlikely to get friendlier.
“I don't know," Padalecki chuckles. "I don't think so. I think she has a clear and obvious purpose in the show, and a great purpose that she serves well, but I think that our die-hard fan base just wouldn’t be interested in watching that love story. Jensens done a love scene, and I've done a love scene, and they're interesting and serve their purpose, but I don't think the boys would work in a relationship [with anyone]. I think it'd Just be a weird dynamic. I mean, what, would Ruby ride in the back of the Impala? It’d be kind of odd [to] wheel out. I don't think it'd ever pan out. But if it did, I’m sure the writers will work it in seamlessly. Besides, it'd kind of spoil the mood if during love scenes her eyes turned black. “Exactly. 'Uh. am I supposed to kill you now?' It was hard enough for poor Sammy waking up und fighting a werewolf. So it'd be even worse if he opens his eyes and there are some big black eyes staring down at him!"
Hmmm, were The Seers [what deities and The Khala collectively call themselves] possibly hinting to Jared in his divine hearing about Ruby and Sam in fact hooking up in Season 4? Very interesting that even Jared didn't think that this would be a suitable story to add to the show...
"I definitely don’t want to go on if Eric’s not willing to." Ackles proclaims. “If you lose the mastermind of all this brilliant story creativity, then you Just turn into a puppet. I’m passionate about the stories that Eric writes, and if he stops writing them I would be scared that the passion I have for the show would start to (diminish]. I don't want to be a part of a show that lasts past its expiration date. It's been a motto in Hollywood for many years that you always want to leave the audience wanting more. I think it still makes sense, even for television shows. Once those stories reach that pinnacle, or that plateau, get out before it starts declining. Go out on top! So if Chat's his decision, then I support it."
Unlike Ackles, we’re willing to make a prediction: Regardless of whether Supernatural runs for five, seven, or 15 seasons, fans’ support will never expire!"
Odd, it's just like the writer here was hearing The Seers speak of Supernatural ending after either 5, 7 or 15 seasons (alas the show end up lasting for 15 seasons).
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robsheridan · 1 year
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From the pages of SPECTAGORIA magazine issue 6, 1974. Spectagoria was a renowned underground fashion photography magazine surrounded by rumor and mystery. Founded by iconoclastic photographer/filmmaker Sera Clairmont initially as a showcase of her own work, the publication drew controversy for its dark themes and morbid imagery, which often used beauty, sexuality, and fashion as a means to, in Clairmont’s words, “let speak the darkness that surrounds us from other worlds.”
Christian groups in the United States called for a ban of the magazine, with Jerry Falwell accusing Clairmont of being “a witch and a pornographer in league with the devil himself.” Clairmont dismissed the accusations as “just more blatant examples of the sexism and double-standards that led me to forge my own path in a male-dominated industry.” But the boycott drew scrutiny to the magazine’s photographs, which at times contained images that seemed impossible, even supernatural, in nature. Some wondered if Sera Clairmont was related to Seraphina Clairmont, the famous Manhattan mystic who “spoke to demons” and lived at the mysterious Zorovic Building at the turn of the 20th century, and was rumored to have been buried alive in the building’s 1913 destruction.
Sera Clairmont went into hiding in 1976, but continued to publish Spectagoria until the early 80s, growing stranger and darker with each issue, fueling even more speculation that otherworldly powers were behind it before its abrupt end. No one knew where it was being published from, nor where - or *how* - its photos were taken. Very few copies of each issue of Spectagoria were printed, and today only a handful of scattered pages have been located and scanned. I will continue to share more pages as I find them...
NOTE: This is a work of fiction created by me. This alternate reality horror story is part of my NightmAIres narrative art series (visit that link for a lot more). NightmAIres are windows into other worlds and interconnected alternate histories, conceived/written by me and visualized with synthography and Photoshop.
If you enjoy my work, consider supporting me on Patreon for frequent exclusive hi-res wallpaper packs, behind-the-scenes features, downloads, events, contests, and an awesome fan community. Direct fan support is what keeps me going as an independent creator, and it means the world to me.
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dkakapizzaboy · 2 years
Casting Svt as Characters in KDramas I’ve Watched
Masterlist || Taglist Form
Words: Around 900
Category: Fluff I guess
A/n: If you disagree w any of these, I’m always open for healthy discussion
a) A lot of these shows I watched a while ago so if any character descriptions are inaccurate, please drag me it’s okay.
b) Some characters are, of course, very different in age than the members but just go on the emotions, will ya?
c) Character descriptions are kept vague on purpose because I don’t want to give spoilers. Also, if I’ve given any major spoilers unintentionally, I apologise.
d) Spellings of Character names are from Wikipedia, so if you find any inaccuracies, pls lmk
Taglist: @junhui-recs @drunk-on-dk @wonuhour @enhacolor
Fic specific tags: @wonwussy @bitchlessdino hope you guys like it!
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1. Choi Seungcheol as Lee Young-Joon in What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim
The strong male character with childhood trauma who doesn’t know what to do with his feelings once he realises the love of his life, whom he had never confessed to, is leaving him screams Seungcheol to me. He’s awkward with his feelings, reacts poorly when hearing the news, is a true leader who silently burdens not only his trauma, but also his brother’s.
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2. Yoon Jeonghan as Park Chang-ho in Big Mouth
I think, of all the people in the world who can deceive a prison full of inmates that they’re a criminal mastermind and you shouldn’t mess with them, no one else would compare to Jeonghan. The professional lawyer, who is framed and sent to prison, is a good person at heart, and helps other suppressed inmates and leads a revolution. Jeonghan is particularly quick to think on his feet, which matches the character’s energy.
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3. Hong Joshua as Kang Tae- Moo in Business Proposal
A cold CEO who is super averse to dating and and is busy running his business meets and instantly falls in love with a girl who is posing as her friend on this blind date to get rid of him. He is devoted to his family, his passion for his company’s food products is only matched by our heroine. He’s a great cook and is also kind of nosy in his little brother’s love life.
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4. Wen Junhui as An Min-Hyuk in Strong Girl Bong Soon
The cute, funny gaming company CEO who hires our Bong Soon as a bodyguard just screams Jun to me, both because of his passion for games and gaming development but also for his endearingly cute and shy demeanour and the sense of humour. Plus actor Jun deserves a fun, cool and handsome role like this, considering we might never get to see his c drama :((
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5. Kwon Soonyoung as Jung Joon-hyung in Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-Joo
Ok so this is the latest drama I’ve watched and Joonhyung’s passion and commitment for swimming instantly reminded me of Hoshi and his passion for dance. A bonus factor is the fact that after seeing In the Soop S2, I can confirm his….ahem…abdominal area can easily pass for a swimmer’s.
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6. Jeon Wonwoo as Cha Sung-hoon in Business Proposal
Yeah I don’t think I need to explain this.
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7. Lee Jihoon as Wi Seung-Huen in Rookie Cops
I’m sorry but Woozi as a trainee cop along with an initial e2f2l storyline???? Sign me uppppppp… Plus, this character is like the ace trainee along with having daddy issues and a strong sense of morality that builds over time. Just writing this is making me crave a Woozi remake of this show.
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8. Xu Minghao as Myul Mang in Doom at Your Service
Minghao, I think, is the best person in the world who can bring doom to the world while looking fucking stylish and having an angsty emo personality. Fuck the humans, what even do they have. Xu minghao is literally here to end us all. Plus the later developments in the show and the emotions this characters develops….I’ll cry watching if Minghao was Myul Mang. Also, I feel like Minghao is the most supernaturally member in Svt- you know the one who is into Tarot cards and palm readings.
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9. Kim Mingyu as Ji U-Min in The Fabulous
Ngl, the Going Magazine episode was a big factor while giving Mingyu this character. This super talented fashion and street photographer, who sometimes struggles to find his aim and is stuck in the friend zone after breaking up with the female lead is such Gyu vibe honestly. This man is so supportive, encouraging…and might I say relentless?
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10. Lee Seokmin as Baek Hee- Sung in Flower of Evil
The beauty of Dark! Seokmin is something to behold, a fantasy I will never give up on. A bright, perfect husband in every sense of the way on the surface with a dark past and even darker present….. is….so…..hot. And his wife is a police officer? Yup yup add it to the drama. Mars’ serial killer DK fic has arisen a fantasy in me that i don’t think is going away anytime soon. Plus I’m a sucker for complicated, grey characters whose layers are revealed slowly as the series progresses. He’s almost an anti- hero here.
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11. Boo Seungkwan as Lee Seung-cheon in The Golden Spoon
Another grey character, probably the most complicated character on this list. I think, for me, our Boo is also the most emotionally complex and mature guy in seventeen so I think this character really suits him. Our lead guy, is born into poverty but changes his luck, along with his family’s, by switching lives with the richest guy in his school. Complications, along with consequences, haunt him.
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12. Chwe Hansol as Goo Chang-seong in Hotel Del Luna
I’m sorry but Vernon as this character??? In great looking suits and constantly in service of ghosts to help them finish their last wishes and peacefully transition to afterlife along with having… probably the most emotional love story ever…..yeah I need a minute, or a week.
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13. Lee Chan as Kim Do-ki in Taxi Driver
Taxi driver is probably my favourite kdrama till date. And Dino as the sexy vigilante who takes revenge for people who the system can’t help is such a sexy concept. Action hero Dino to the rescue! Plus the main character plays so many roles undercover and is so hilarious at times that Dino will fit perfectly in this character’s shoes.
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silverjetsystm · 8 months
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Cory's MK Reading Guide
TLDR A selection of pre-volume one, all of volume one, some 2006-2009, some 2014, all of Lemire/2016 and MacKay/2021.
Big shoutout to the subreddit's organization. Here's their reading list, collected editions, and their big spreadsheet of appearances.
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There are currently 4 omnibuses with a 5th on the way in Spring 2024. The omnis are: part 1 and 2 of the original volume 1 (including the initial Werewolf By Night, team ups, and solos), part 1 of MS: MK, and 2006-2009.The second half of MS: MK gets its omni in Spring 2024.
Or if Epic Collections are your speed/budget, there's those. 21st century comics have their trade paperbacks/collections as well.
Read more after the cut.
Pre-Volume 1 still holds up, the important ones listed in bullets below.
Werewolf by Night #32 and #33 (first appearance of MK and Frenchie)
Marvel Spotlight #28 (first appearance of Grant, Lockley, Marlene, Gena, Crawley)
Hulk Magazine #13-15, #17-18, #20-21 (they're the backup stories, so if you search and read by Hulk, scroll halfway through the issue. Random trivia includes serial killer Rand Spector being published before Khonshu was even established)
Marvel Preview #21
MK (1980) #1-38 (volume 1) first began with Moench and Sienkiewicz. Steven Grant the writer also did a lot with character work. Zelenetz wrote The Backstory with #37-38. The run is continues what Moench set up in Marvel Spotlight and Hulk with MK, Marlene, Frenchie, Gena, the boys, and Crawley take on and explore Corruption in NYC. If you want to understand really anything, you have to start here. While there's fair amount of ableist language tossed around, the system is at their best working together.
MK: Fist of Khonshu (1985)/volume 2 is unpopular (I'm so sorry, Zelenetz. You did make it interesting!!! You took risks!!!) but #6 is great. So, read #1 to see what's going on and #6. There's a lot of hokey stuff and an added supernatural element with Priests of Khonshu.
Marvel Fanfare (1982) #30 aka "Real to Reel" is one of my favorite issues of MK ever. Marlene, Steven, and Marc/MK discuss important issues (with minimal clothing) while the plot discusses man's impact on nature.
West Coast Avengers is slid here. Time Travel Shenanigans, the actual establishment of Khonshu beyond "that statue," and kissing Tigra. :) Sadly, MK was only around for a little while (#21-41) in the grand scheme of things and his tenure is cut between 3 different Epic Collections.
MS: MK (it technically isn't volume 3) is 60 issues and it gets borderline unreadable about halfway through. Seriously, they didn't reprint it until very recently. That being said, the first half has some great stuff. So honestly, read a few stories from it, get tired, and know he dies at the end. I recommend "Trial of Marc Spector" (#15-18) and "Scarlet Redemption" (#26-31). Then read Resurrection Wars (volume 3) and High Strangers (volume 4) - both are 4 issue minis by Moench in 1998-1999 because they killed his boy.
MK (2006/volume 5) is 30 grimdark issues. The first 13 issues are usually all I can stomach. Marc gets injured, kills Bushman in an extremely violent way, and has substance use issues. He also is extremely violent, lashes out/pushes away his original cast. While the run shot MK into being Memorable and Relevant in this new century, the hit to his rep and mental health was A Lot.
Vengeance of the MK (2009/volume 1 of VOTMK): The most Marc acting Jake in existence, coming back from a stint in Mexico at the end of MK 2006. Some retcons. It's lighter compared to the shit you just read. Read it for Tiny Khonshu.
Secret Avengers (2010) #19 is one of the only issues with decent MK. The rest is ableist or he's not really there.
Shadowland: MK does some retcons I like but also Randall comes back and does violence against women (Marlene) for manpain so it also sucks. It's 3 issues that tie in to the Shadowland event so.
MK (2011/volume 6) by Bendis. Don't read it. MK is in LA for Reasons. Steven and Jake are replaced by Cap, Wolvie, and Spidey and it's leading up to an Ultron event.
MK (2014/volume 7): Marc's back from LA. Introduces Mr. Knight. The strongest parts are where the story is wrapped up in one issue. #5, where Mr. Knight takes on an entire building to rescue a kidnapped girl, is the best. It's also kinda out of print because of Ellis' misconduct.
MK (2016/volume 8): Lemire and Smallwood. The dream team with additional supporting artists. It makes the most sense if you read volume 1 because there's a lot of references. But it's enjoyable and self-contained 14 issues. Get the Lemire and Smallwood Complete Collection
MK (2017/volume 1 because legacy numbers): The Powers That Be add 2017 to Lemire's run. It's not. Completely different creative team. Stop reading 2016 when issue #188 appears. It's shit. It's ableist, it's antisemetic. Friends don't let friends read Bemis.
Avengers (2018) #31-38. Age of Khonshu only is relevant for what Marc does now and his mental state. It's uh. Bad.
MK (2021/volume 9) wrapped in December 2023 at 30 freaking issues! Written by MacKay, illustrated by Cappuccio and Sabbatini with Rosenberg on colors. It's gorgeous. It's got everything. Vampire pyramid schemes, recovery not being linear, callbacks from essentially everything before.
MK: City of the Dead introduces Layla into 616. It's a pulp. The plot is fun. I don't care for the art nor for Pepose's writing. It's 5 issues.
Vengeance of the MK (2024/volume 2 of VOTMK) literally just started this month (January).
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thehorrortree · 10 months
Payment: 2 cents CAD per word Theme: Crime mystery of every imaginable subgenre, including cozy, police procedural, noir, whodunit, supernatural, hardboiled, humor, and historical mysteries. Note: Not to be confused with Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine or Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine Use the form below (link at the bottom) to send us your 1000-7500 word story or You-Solve-It mystery. Multiple submissions are not allowed. Submissions must be original works of short fiction that have never appeared online or in print in any form. Avoid scenes of animal cruelty or excessive profanity/violence. We pay 2¢/word USD for accepted stories. Our average response time is 4-6 weeks. At the cutting edge of crime fiction, Mystery Magazine presents original short stories by the world’s best-known and emerging mystery writers. The stories we feature in our monthly issues span every imaginable subgenre, including cozy, police procedural, noir, whodunit, supernatural, hardboiled, humor, and historical mysteries. Evocative writing and a compelling story are the only certainty. If your story is accepted, a digital agreement must be signed and payment will be sent by PayPal to the email address you specify below. Your story may appear in our monthly print and digital magazine, on our website, in audio format, in our App, as social media excerpts, and possibly in printed collections of our monthly issues. We require first-publication and archival rights with an exclusivity period of 2 years. We are a Mystery Writers of America approved publisher. Via: Mystery Magazine.
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x5red · 3 years
Missing heroines: more lost superheroine tv and movies
Note: the first missing heroines post can be found here.
We assume that old television and movies never die, they just gather dust on an archive shelf somewhere. But that is far from the truth. Although some territories, such as the US, have a pretty good track record at preserving their history, other markets have a more spotty reputation. In some countries, once a local movie or tv show has had its initial run, its value is greatly decreased. Without a US-style syndication market that guarantees dozens of local tv channels eager for cheap filler for their daytime schedules, the temptation is not to incur the expense of storing and maintaining old content. As such it can simply vanish thanks to neglect... or even deliberate junking (yes, we’re looking at you BBC!)
Much historically important superhero content has been lost this way. Below are listed a few examples of movies and tv shows focusing on superheroines that are either thought to be lost entirely, or who’s existence is uncertain. Because of the large quantity of superhero content in the Philippines stretching as far back as the 1950s, the list is heavily biased towards that part of the world.
Sri Asih (Indonesia, 1954)
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Of all the media on this list, Sri Asih is perhaps historically the most interesting. The 1954 movie was based on the comic character created in 1953 by R. A. (Raden Ahmad) Kosasih. It starred Mimi Mariani as Nani, a young girl who stumbles onto a criminal plot while on a long train journey to visit her sick father. Unluckily for the desperadoes, Nani can transform herself into the magical goddess superheroine Sri Asih, allowing her to defeat the gang and save her fellow passengers from the grisly fate the gang has planned for them. After 1951′s Darna, the Sri Asih movie may be only the second superhero movie to centre on a female character (or third if you include 1929′s Red Heroine. )There appears to be no surviving footage, but a tiny number of grainy publicity photos exist thanks to an article in the magazine, Film Varia Vol. 1. Issue 6 (May 1954.)
Status: missing, presumed lost forever.
Wander Woman Si Ako (Philippines, 1980)
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Wander Woman Si Ako was a spoof movie, almost certainly inspired by the Lynda Carter Wonder Woman television show of that era, that starred beauty pageant queen and comedy actress Maria Teresa Carlson in the lead role. The title apparently roughly translates as “Wander Woman I Am”, based perhaps on Carlson’s catchphrase, “Si Ako, Si Ikaw” (I am you), in a popular sitcom she was starring in around that time. In the same year Carlson also starred in the Six Million Centavo Man, another spoof of an American tv show. The only material currently circulating about this movie is the poster / advert used to promote it.
Status: missing, but copies probably still in existence.
Zarda Super Filipina (Philippines, 1986)
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Zarda Super Filipina was a 1986 superheroine tv show that was paired in the schedules with another series that adapted a male ‘komiks’ hero called Kidlat. Isabel Rivas portrayed a young woman who is lame (much like Darna’s alter ego, Narda), but when trouble rears its ugly head stigmata appear on her hands and she is transformed into the superheroine, Zarda. Her adversaries were horror inspired or supernatural in nature, such as zombies. It isn’t known quite how many episodes there were, but it is thought to have had a decent run. There’s a single publicity photo available, based on a magazine advert for both the Kidlat and Zarda shows. Aside from this there’s little information online, and no footage or episodes or screen captures.
Status: missing, presumed wiped or junked.
Darna (Philippines, 1977)
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Fourteen year old Lorna Tolentino played both Darna and her alter ego Narda in this 1977 television adaptation of the highly popular ‘komik’ character, produced by Kitchie Benedicto-Paulino. The show is notable for being the first Darna produced for tv, and for featuring a one-piece costume rather than Darna’s usual bikini. Perhaps commissioned in response to the popularity of American imports like the Bionic Woman, stories included Darna defending a scientist when his own super-tough robot creation turns into a homicidal threat.
Reports of the show’s broadcast history are somewhat confusing. There appears to have been only two episodes, the first perhaps screened sometime in February 1977 on KBS 9, with Narda becoming Darna only briefly towards the end of the episode. Despite this opening episode ending with a preview of the next story, allegedly the first episode was repeated a week later. A second episode, guest starring Tina Artillaga, was then apparently (according to promo material) broadcast towards the end of August.
In terms of surviving materials, a handful of publicity photos are still available, but there appears to be no footage or surviving episodes to view anywhere. Some fans have therefore assumed that the show is lost to the mists of time, like so much other old television.
Status: missing, presumed wiped or junked.
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enigmalynne · 3 years
Something to be Thankful For - Chapter 2
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Title – Something to be Thankful For Pairings – Jensen/Reader Word Count – 1,459 Warnings – RATED R FOR LATER CHAPTERS: Violence in the form of a mass bombing/shooting, injuries both explained and detailed, cursing SPNMixedBingo Square filled – Thanksgiving
Jensen Ackles’ life changes when he walks into his favorite coffee shop and meets Y/N, a Florida girl making a new start in Austin, Texas, as a Sheriff’s Deputy with the help of her sister. The two hit it off and quickly become an item that even the tabloids can’t tear apart. Jensen is excited to show his girl off at Thanksgiving dinner with his family, but she has to work the parade that morning first. What starts out as a normal event filled with balloons, clowns, and cheery faces soon turns deadly as one of the floats explodes and gunfire fills the air. Soon, Y/N is in a fight for her life as she and the rest of the deputies fight back against whoever it is trying to take over Downtown Austin.
Is Jensen doomed to watch the woman who brought love back into his life perish in a tragic mass attack, or will he have Something to be Thankful For after all?
Chapter 2
I don’t want it to be Thanksgiving yet. Wasn’t it just Halloween? Y/N read on her mobile phone as she stood in her bathroom, getting ready for work. She smirked at the text message from Jensen and typed out a quick reply.
What are you complaining about? You get to stay in that warm bed and sleep in. I’m the one who has to go stand out in the cold for like 6 hours. Carefully setting her phone down, Y/N focused on making sure all the strands of her hair were tucked up in the French braid she styled her long locks into and off the collar of her shirt as the uniform code required. She was carefully checking her make-up one last time when her phone chirped a reply.
I’m lonely in this warm bed. You should have stayed the night, he replied promptly. Her smirk grew into a full-on grin. Gently shaking her head, she replied.
If I did stay the night, then I would end up late to call. Again. That was a glorious morning, and she would have been happy to repeat it. Instead of spending the 45 valuable minutes getting ready to leave, she willingly spent them in the shower with Jensen. She invariably ended up showing up 15 minutes late to the briefing with wobbly legs, still wet hair, and a few beard burns on the inside of her thighs.
I’d be happy to make a repeat performance of that morning anytime you want, sweetheart. Just get that tight ass back here in my bed, he replied eagerly.
Maybe I’ll stay the night tonight after Thanksgiving dinner with your parents. How’s that? Y/N responded before setting her phone down to make sure her shirt fitted correctly across her bulletproof vest. Grabbing her phone and walking out of her bathroom, she felt the buzz of his reply.
It's a date, he sent. Y/N felt herself smile widely before sliding the phone into her back pocket. Their first date was the day they met at her sister’s coffee shop. Their second date was the next night. It went on like that for a few days before they shared their first kiss. It was a few weeks later when a photographer caught them. The next day, a celebrity rag ran the photo of them sharing a kiss in front of a fountain in Austin with the headline “Jensen Ackles Post Divorce Fling!”
Feeling wrecked, Y/N waited for the inevitable to come. She was certain he was coming over and telling her that he couldn’t be with her because of the publicity. She was genuinely shocked when he shrugged the article off as no big deal.
“So they ran the story before I could formally ask you to be my gorgeous girlfriend. Nothing they wrote changes how I feel about you,” Jensen said with a shrug that afternoon when he showed up at her place. Y/N looked at him in surprise, making Jensen stare at her. “What?”
“I just… I expected you to tell me you had to stop seeing me is all,” Y/N said quietly, staring off into the distance, trying to wrap her head around what was happening.
“Do you want to stop seeing me?” Jensen asked, suddenly very nervous. Y/N shook her head sharply, snapping out of her reverie.
“No!” she exclaimed fiercely, causing Jensen to let out a startled chuckle. Y/N instantly closed her eyes, intentionally took a deep breath, and looked at Jensen. “No. I don’t want to stop seeing you. I was just afraid the unfavorable publicity was causing you or your… publicist… or… whatever stress. I mean, it’s only been a few weeks and suddenly there’s a big deal about how a TV show superstar shouldn’t be dating a cop,” she said quietly, her voice sneering a little when she mentioned her occupation. Jensen took Y/N into his arms with a soft smile and rested his forehead on hers, forcing her to look up into his emerald eyes.
“I may have only known you a short while, Y/N, but I already know how I feel. I want to see where this goes. I don’t give a rat’s ass what any celebrity magazine, publicist, or whatever has to say about it. And I don’t have a problem dating a cop. I appreciate your concern about this, but I actually want to make this official, if you’d have me,” he breathed. The radiant smile that graced Y/N’s face lit up her y/e/c eyes.
“Really?” she asked tentatively. Jensen gently pressed a chaste kiss to her mouth.
“Really,” he confirmed.
“I can’t imagine us being anything else than together,” she whispered tenderly to him. His delighted grin widened before he pressed his lips against hers again, deepening the kiss that left them both breathless. When they broke apart, they were panting.
“You know, I…” Y/N started, her eyes wide as they stared up at Jensen. She never finished her possible declaration, but Jensen nodded slowly in agreement anyway. He knew what she was about to say because he felt the same way.
“Yeah, me too,” he replied eagerly. That was precisely four months ago, and they are still going as strong as ever. Now it was Thanksgiving, and Y/N was heading out to work a security detail at the annual parade while Jensen got to sleep comfortably in his warm bed. Jealous, party of one.
Glancing at the clock as she walked out of her bedroom, she noticed that it ticked close to 4:15am. That gave her just enough time to grab her gear, grab a coffee, and head downtown to be at the meet location at 5am. She picked up the key to her safe and unlocked it to pull out her service weapon, two extra magazines, and her agency-issued taser. Sliding them into place, she turned and grabbed her radio and earpiece to do the same with them. Snagging her agency-issued laptop and her jacket, she walked out her front door, then skipped down the steps to the door that led her to the café.
“Got your coffee ready, Y/N!” she heard Holly shout at her as she carefully locked the private door to the stairs. Y/N snagged the paper cup out of her hand without missing a step.
Holly was already in the café with one of her employees, getting it ready for the onslaught of parade watchers who were sure to be heading downtown in just a few hours. She planned to take full advantage of all the people heading out in the cold weather thanks to a freak cold front by graciously offering discounted coffee and tea.
“Thanks, girl! Love you, Holly!” Y/N called out as she walked toward the door.
“Love you too! Be safe!” Holly yelled back.
“I’m on parade security, what’s there to worry about?” Y/N said, laughing. Holly promptly stopped what she was doing, turned at her sister, and glared fiercely. Y/N held her hands up in surrender and nodded understandingly. “You’re right, I’m sorry. Anything could happen. I’ll do my best to remain safe, I promise. I’ll call you when I’m done and heading back.”
“You had better,” Holly said, pointing a knife in her direction before she went back to cutting whatever she was cutting. Y/N shook her head with a smile as she left the café and walked over to the side lot where her patrol vehicle was. Reaching into her pocket, she pushed the button on the key fob that unlocked the doors. At the beep, she opened the front door.
She placed her coffee into the cup holder and pulled her phone out of her back pocket. She dropped into her seat and set her laptop up on the stand before opening it and turning it on. As it booted up, she sent out one last text.
About to head out to the parade. Stay warm for me, okay? And go back to sleep! Why are you even awake?? She tapped out on her phone to Jensen. She looked over and saw that her portable computer was up, so she logged in. Once it was set up, she pulled the car radio up and turned over the engine.
“3888, Travis,” she properly said into the portable radio.
“3888,” she heard back. Her mobile phone buzzed at the same time. She reached over to grab it as she called back.
“3888, I’m 10-8. Heading downtown for parade briefing but available if necessary,” she responded as she opened her text messages.
I’m awake to see my favorite girl off to work. Stay safe out there, love. I can’t wait to see you later today.
“3888, 10-4,” the distinctive voice said. Y/N let herself swoon to the new nickname Jensen had taken to affectionately calling her: pressing her phone to her chest, letting her head fall back against the headrest, and smiling herself silly. After her moment, she focused on the job at hand. Today was going to be a breeze.
@akshi8278 @vicmc624 @agirlwithdemonblood @flamencodiva @hobby27 @mimaria420 @compresshischest09 @kkrivers
Jensen/Dean Taglist
@deandreamernp @siospins @sacriceria @sexyvixen7
Something to be Thankful For Taglist:
@wayward-gypsy @stoneyggirl2
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joseluisbenavides · 3 years
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Art Kills: Movie Marathon & Artist Talk with Sherwin Ovid
Candyman's recent reimagining by DaCosta features a successful Black artist exploring the history of racial violence and trauma at the core of the legend. But most folks have seldom seen the campier sequel which takes us back to Candyman's tragic roots in New Orleans. The sequel, Candyman: Farewell to the Flesh (1995) focuses on Candyman’s origins and his role as an artist, among other chilling and cheesy reveals.
With this joint movie marathon and artist talk, Art Kills, we’ll explore the complicated role of the contemporary artist. Our opening discussion will tackle issues of origins and race in the film and art world, highlighting the career of Chicago-based and Trinidad-born artist, Sherwin Ovid whose paintings are featured in the newest installment of Candyman.
Sherwin Ovid was a Lincoln Fellow at University of Illinois at Chicago where he received his MFA. He currently teaches as an Adjunct professor at Northwestern University and University of Illinois at Chicago. He works in a broad range of materials for video, bricolage and painting. And in his own words he is “interested in hyper-visible and reflective forms imbued with psychic power”. (Ovid’s full bio below.)
6:00pm, Artist talk with Sherwin Ovid
6:45pm, Screening begins after artist talk
Candyman: Farewell to the Flesh is a 1995 American supernatural slasher film directed by Bill Condon. Rated R. 1h 35m
A Bucket of Blood is a 1959 American comedy horror film directed by Roger Corman.  Unrated. 1h 5 m
Sherwin Ovid holds an M.F.A. from the University of Illinois at Chicago. His commercial endeavors include collaborations with Lena Waithe’s Showtime drama The Chi, and Jordan Peele’s Monkey Paw Studio remake of Candyman directed by Nia DaCosta. Ovid has collaborated with Demon Leg gallery in New York and exhibited at the Chicago Cultural Center, Lubeznik Center for the Arts, UIS Visual Arts Gallery, 6018North, Randy Alexander Gallery, Goldfinch Gallery, Gallery 400, Prison Neighborhood Arts Project, University of Wisconsin, Cleve Carney Art Gallery, Julius Caesar, Haitian American Museum of Chicago and Iceberg Projects in Evanston. He was published in New American Painters in 2016 and 2021 as a noteworthy feature and in 2020 listed as one of New City Magazine’s breakout artists.
We are excited to welcome you back to Comfort Station for indoor screenings! Please note that screenings will have limited seating of 20 at this time and RSVPs are required. Guests will be seated on a first-come-first-serve basis. Mask must be worn inside.
By submitting this RSVP, you agree to wear a mask at all times to help prevent the spread of diseases and viruses, including COVID19. You also agree that you will personally assume any and all related risks.
This is a free screening.
Event programmed by Jose Luis Benavides. Special thanks to Raul Benitez and the Comfort Station team.
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sapphyreopal5 · 11 months
Supernatural Magazine Interview with Crossroads Demon Sandra McCoy
I'm sure you're probably aware that Sandra McCoy played the Crossroads Demon from the season 3 episode "Bedtime Stories", and that she was Jared Padalecki's ex before he met and married Genevieve. I thought it'd be interesting to share tidbits of her interview with Supernatural Magazine from Issue 6 (Oct/Nov 2008), pages 31 to 36. Yes, this interview was after they broke up earlier that year. [x]
"So tell us, how did you get the part of the Crossroads Demon on Supernatural?" "I had auditioned for the role, prior to that and I’d gotten pretty close but, from my understanding because of the nature of my and Jared's relationship, they wanted to wait for the perfect role, something the fans would like to see.
"What were the other roles you auditioned for?" "I actually auditioned for the role of Jessica in the pilot. That was a long time ago, I'd gotten a callback for that, but I think they wanted to go with a taller person! And obviously Adrianne Palicki was perfect for It; she did a great job, I also auditioned for the role of Sarah [In Provenance]. who everyone loved, but I didn't get that. I don't think anyone wants to see Jared and I Kiss! And after that I went for the role of Carmen [in What is And What Should Never Be] who was supposed to kiss Jensen. I don't think anybody wanted to see Jensen and I kiss, either! Finally the producers booked me for the role I think I was the least like, and the least prepared for. I mean, I’ve never played anything like that. I think I'm better at the damsels In distress or the good girls; that's what I know!
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"It was such a shock when Sam shot you at the end! That must have been weird to film"
"It wasn't so bad to shoot, only because we were nowhere near each other. I was looking right at camera and he was looking right at camera, and neither of us were standing right behind the camera for safety reasons. So he was pointing a gun at me, which was strange, but for the actual shooting we were probably 30 feet away from each other."
"So it wasn't as if he was actually shooting you, then." "No, no, we weren't looking each other in the eye when he pulled the trigger. I don’t know what that could have done to him mentally! Jared did a great job with the scene, it was one of my favorite ones of his. So, yeah, we were nowhere near each other at the time. [Laughs]"
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"What was it like acting with him? You know him as Jared but he's playing Sam. Are they like each other in real life?" "You know, he's not too much like Sam, I don't think. I've watched every single episode of the show, so I know the Sam character and I know Jared very well. So It wasn't weird; It was actually easier for me to remember that when I looked at him because I acknowledge their differences, working with him was the most terrifying experience of my life because I've been on that set plenty of times, so I know the crew really well. I didn't want to let [Jared] down!"
"We heard you wore a T-Shirt at a Supernatural convention that read '"'Mrs. Jensen Ackles'." "The Jensen one was at Austin or somewhere, Jared and I tease each other a lot and obviously Jensen is some of my ammo. He's not an un-good-looking guy! [Laughs] I like to support the conventions, to go the vendors and buy things. I got a trucker hat last time."
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"So what did you think when you first saw him?" "Oh my goodness, you don't want to know. We had a very interesting meeting. We weren't too fond of each other and It was all so rushed. Jared arrived a week late to the set, as he was finishing a movie. By that time all the cast and crew had started to mesh and get along. He arrived and I figured I’d go up and introduce myself. He was a little tired and in a bad mood and I was super-bubbly and excited; It was the first acting job I'd ever got, because at the time I was only dancing. So I was thrilled. He was straight onto another film without getting a break to see his family and whatnot, so we were just on very different levels, I think. So I found him rude and he found me annoying! [Laughs]"
"Is it correct you're a member of MENSA?" "Yes. My mother was a MENSA member and it was a thing I wanted to do when I grew up. too. I had no idea what to expect when I sat the test… I do a lot of logic puzzles and just love anything like that, brainteasers and whatnot, so I figured I should try it. Luckily I got In!"
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cozy-the-overlord · 4 years
Crimson Curls
Summary:  A barista at the Avengers Tower coffeeshop goes missing. Her boyfriend, prominent Avengers engineer Michael Hauer, headlines a desperate campaign to find her, aided by the support of Tony Stark and the rest of the super-powered team. But as Hauer's narrative begins to unravel, it becomes clear that a certain Asgardian prince knows more than he's telling.
Pairing: Loki x Original Female Character
Chapter 1: Disappearance
Previous chapter | Next Chapter
Word Count: 3,138
A/N:  This is definitely something born out of my obsession with true crime and missing persons cases... I'm not sure if anybody else is as interested in this concept as I am, but I had the time of my life writing this story, so I hope that translates to you in some way. 
Also, this is my first multi-chaptered fic (I know, exciting, right?!)-- part 2 should be up within the next week.
Thanks for reading!
TW: domestic violence
Read it on Ao3 
Kristine Ververs was first reported missing at 6:07 AM on Tuesday, March 17, by her boyfriend Michael Hauer. He was a bit worried, he said, because she had stormed out of their apartment the night before after a fight, and he had only just realized when he woke up that morning that she never came back. His attempts to call her led him to discover that she had left her cell phone on the kitchen counter.
The dispatcher asked him to wait at the apartment for investigators to arrive. He told her he couldn’t. He had to go to work. A bit befuddled, she asked if it was at all possible for him to wait until police arrived so they could ask him some questions.
“You don’t understand,” he said. “I work for Tony Stark.”
Michael Hauer was considered to be fairly acclaimed at the Avengers Tower. He had been one of the first engineers hired when the Tower opened, picked out by the infamous genius-billionaire-playboy-philanthropist himself. He spent his days in the restricted upper floors, designing and testing projects so confidential that his girlfriend didn’t even know what they were.
He had met Kristine at the Tower. She worked in the coffeeshop next to the cafeteria, where the employees of all 93 stories flocked to with bleary eyes each and every morning. Kristine was hardly the most talkative barista there (on the contrary, she appeared to make it a point to say only the bare minimum), and yet she was the girl everyone thought of when they thought of their morning brew. Her wild mane of curly red hair stood out in a crowd. Even when she wasn’t in uniform, people knew her as the coffeeshop girl.
It was unclear what she thought of this. A lot of things about Kristine were unclear—she spoke very little, and never about herself. Her coworkers often wondered why someone so shy would choose to work a job that so heavily relied on social interaction, but she managed just fine. Despite her natural demeanor, she would put on a smile and speak in that bubbly barista voice people found either endearing or irritating for the customers, and no one thought anything of it.
When she disappeared, people were shocked.
“You mean the redhead from the food court?” asked Bruce in the apartment story of the Tower when the news broke. “She’s the one?”
“Yeah,” said Tony. They were crowded around the TV, the newscaster flashing a photo of Kristine shyly smiling at the camera as the tip hotline ran across the bottom of the screen. “Poor Hauer. He was a mess. I can’t believe he even came in today.”
“I didn’t know they were dating. I don’t think he’s ever mentioned her.”
“Yeah he has,” Steve turned around in his chair to face the doctor. “He brought her to the Christmas party, remember?”
Tony frowned. “Did he?”
“Of course! I remember!” Thor lit up. “She danced with my brother!”
“Oh that’s right,” Tony chuckled. “Poor girl. She didn’t say much, did she?”
“She did strike me as a bit shy,” Steve said. “I hope it’s all a misunderstanding. Maybe she’ll be back on her own.”
But she didn’t. As the days passed with no news of Kristine Ververs, media attention snowballed around the Tower. On its own, there wasn’t much to the case, but the fact that both the missing girl and her boyfriend worked for the Avengers caught the attention of the public. It seemed so impossible. How does someone who walks among superheroes vanish without a trace?
Missing posters lined the hallway walls: HAVE YOU SEEN KRISTINE? People rushed to news stations for interviews, most of which had no connection to her beyond the fact that she sometimes made their lattes in the morning. Hauer held emotional press conferences, begging anyone with information that might lead to Kristine to come forward. Everyone looked at him differently now. The standoffish, stiff engineer that had once been considered uncomfortable to be around was now a grieving boyfriend. They sent him flowers and patted him on the back in the halls, telling him they’d be praying for his girlfriend, promising to help keep the story alive.
Although that probably wasn’t an issue. Stark himself got in front of the camera, making international news as he expressed the Avengers’ concern for the Ms. Ververs and offered to help the police in their investigation in any way they could.
The investigators would have happily accepted this help if they had found anything for Stark to help with. But the fact of the matter was that there was nothing: no clues, no sightings, not even the slightest trace that Kristine Ververs had ever left her apartment. The security cameras in the lobby showed her coming home from dinner with Hauer at 8:13 PM that Sunday night, but had no record of her exiting the building around two hours later, when Hauer saw her storm out. They considered that she may have been pulled into another room, that for some reason she left through a fire escape, but the few cameras in the hallway showed nothing and witnesses were nonexistent.
Kristine had seemingly vanished into thin air.
“Do you think there’s something supernatural at play here?” Natasha asked one day. “Like, a leftover portal from the Convergence or something?”
“Unlikely,” Bruce said. “The Convergence caused our tech to go haywire. We’d definitely be getting noticeable readings if there was a portal down the street.”
“But something like that is still possible,” Tony interjected. “What with all the crazy shit we deal with on a regular basis. Someone might have been going after Hauer—he’s one of our top engineers, it wouldn’t surprise me.”
The fact that she had left her phone was strange, as well. The screen was cracked rather badly—Hauer explained that had happened a few weeks ago when she dropped it on the bathroom tile. Her call history showed that the night she went missing she had phoned an unlisted number. The call hadn’t been long—likely, it had been cut off before the other line even had a chance to answer.
Unfortunately, there seemed to be no clue as to who was on the other line. The number was so badly scrambled that it was untraceable, even with Tony’s resources. In fact, he was relatively certain that whoever she had called had been using his tech to hide their number—leading to a heightened suspicion cast upon the higher-ups at the Avenger Tower.
When after two weeks there were still no leads, Tony held another press conference to announce that he would be posting a one-million-dollar reward for any information that led to the safe return of Kristine Ververs. Hauer joined him, thanking Mr. Stark profusely and pleading once more for help from the public. In the Tower, the others watched the broadcast from the television in silence.
“Filthy weasel.”
No one had noticed Loki entering the room until he spat the words like venom, glaring at Hauer’s distressed face on the screen.
Nat frowned. “What’s your problem?”
The Asgardian made his way to the kitchen and set about boiling water, still scowling darkly. “He has the audacity to sit there and wail as though he’s the victim of some great crime,” he said. “As if he’s some tortured soul wracked with fear.”
“Brother, the woman he loves has gone missing,” Thor said. “Can you not blame him for being in pain?”
“Oh yes, he’s in such pain,” Loki rolled his eyes as he prepared a mug and teabag. “Stark is close with him, is he not? Has he asked him what it was they were quarreling over so passionately that his lady felt compelled to run out of their home in the middle of the night?” He mixed the water in the mug. “Or has no one thought to question that?” With that, he slipped down the hallway with his tea, leaving the others and their gaping expressions behind.
Loki wasn’t the first to doubt Michael Hauer’s authenticity. His neighbor, Colleen Donalds, had come forward to the police shortly after the case went public to voice her concerns. She lived across the hall from the couple, she said, and a lot of times she’d overhear their arguments. They were always incredibly one-sided. She told the police that she very rarely made out Kristine’s voice during these exchanges, but Michael’s boomed all the way down the hall. He called his girlfriend the most demeaning things, throwing out words that Colleen was ashamed to repeat. She felt sorry for Kristine.
“She’s always so quiet,” she said. “Even when I run into her when Michael’s not around, she barely says a word. I can’t believe she stays with him.”
Colleen Donalds attempted discretion. Her story was to the police and the police alone, avoiding making any direct accusations and trying to stay out of the entire situation as much as possible. Marlon Arcardi had no such interest.
“He hits her,” the couple’s next-door neighbor told the tabloid reporters. “I hear it through the walls. I’ve called the cops on him a couple times, but they never do anything about it. He was doing it the night she went missing, too. I heard the crashing. He’s a complete piece of shit.”
The magazines that hit the stands next to the grocery store checkout lines screamed in red ink: AVENGER ENGINEER RESPONSIBLE FOR GIRLFRIEND’S DISAPPEARENCE?
When questioned about it, Hauer denied all allegations. “We’d get into fights,” he said. “What couple doesn’t? It was nothing serious, and the more we focus on it, the more distracted we become from the actual issue: Kristine is missing.”
“Are you saying Mr. Arcardi is lying in his statements to the press?”
Michael Hauer shrugged bitterly. “He wants attention. He’s getting attention. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He’s trying to derail the investigation so he can have fifteen minutes of fame. It’s sickening, because we right now we need to be concentrating on Kristine.”
Hauer managed to skirt by on this explanation for a bit, but the investigators soon discovered that Marlon Arcardi was telling the truth—at least, about calling the cops. In the two years that Kristine and Michael had been living together, the police had been called to their apartment nine separate times: seven public disturbance calls from a smattering of different neighbors including Acardi, and shockingly, twice from Kristine herself.
The police refused to release these calls, saying only that each time there were no charges pressed. The public was left to draw their own conclusions as they called in Michael Hauer for more questioning. Suspicion began to blossom.
“If they’re this perfect, happy couple like he wants us to believe,” asked one newscaster. “Then why is she calling 911 on him? Why is she running out in the middle of the night? The whole thing is extremely concerning.”
More people began coming forward. There seemed to be no end to the neighbors who overheard crashes and cursing coming from the Hauer apartment. The baristas Kristine worked with started doing interviews as well.
“We used to have like, you know, night outs on the weekends sometimes,” said Curt Chambers, one of her coworkers. “We’d always ask Kristine, but she always had some excuse. Like, she was sick, or she already had plans, or something. I joked with her once, like ‘you can just say you don’t want to go, we won’t be offended.’ And she said something like ‘no, it’s not that. It’s just my boyfriend doesn’t like me being out too late.’ And I remember thinking that was a really weird thing to say.”
Elaine Janson, another coworker, had more to add. “Something always felt off about that relationship,” she said. “They’d come in together, and then he’d come down a couple times during the day. It was like he was checking on her. It was weird. And they always left together. If he was working late, she’d wait for him.” Elaine shrugged. “Kristine always seemed so tense when he was around. I mean, she was shy to begin with, but when Michael came by it was different.”
It was also revealed that Michael Hauer had failed two lie detector tests: one taken on March 19th, within days of his girlfriend’s disappearance, and another on March 27th.
Tony Stark was inundated with calls: from reporters, from employees, from concerned citizens, some asking if he still supported Michael Hauer in light of new allegations, others demanding that he fire him immediately. He responded in a press conference in front of the Tower.
“As of right now, I’ve been shown no evidence indicating that Michael Hauer is in any way involved in Kristine Ververs’ disappearance. If and when that evidence comes to light, we will reevaluate the situation and take appropriate steps.”
Then somebody leaked the calls.
No one was quite sure who got ahold of those tapes, but by morning they were being blasted on every single news broadcast under the sun. It was the first time that the public was hearing anything in Kristine’s own words, and it didn’t bode well for Michael Hauer.
“Can you please just send someone?” she whispered into the microphone, breath labored as she struggled to get the words out. “He’s really mad, I think he’s going to break down the door. Please, is someone coming?” In the background, a masculine voice was yelling something intelligible, clobbering at a wall.
“Does he get mad often?” the operator asked after assuring her that the police were on their way.
Kristine Ververs gulped back a sob. “He’s always mad.”
The second call didn’t even have words. A scream, the crash as the phone tumbled to the floor, more yelling, pleading, crying, pounding, the operator tracing the call and sending in a unit…
Michael Hauer was formally asked to resign from his duties at the Avengers Tower. When he refused, he was terminated.
Still, he remained steadfast in his story. “Kristine has been missing for nearly a month now,” he stated in a recording posted to social media (press conferences were out of the question now; so many people showed up to protest that he couldn’t get a word in edgewise). “On occasion, we would get into violent fights, but I would never do anything to hurt her. I loved her more than anything. Please, don’t allow my mistakes to derail the investigation. We must not lose focus.”
A tweet of the video link with the caption “You loved her?? Enough lies. Where’s the body, Michael?” shot up to over 2 million likes in a day. #WheresTheBodyMichael and #JusticeForKristine began trending. Petitions for the arrest of Michael Hauer racked up signatures by the hundreds.
On April 21st, over a month after Kristine Ververs was first reported missing, a second, more in-depth search of the Hauer apartment was conducted. They noticed some things that had been missed the first time. The door lock had recently been replaced. The television screen was scratched. But, most critically, there was kitchen knife missing from the set atop the refrigerator. When questioned, Hauer claimed he had no idea what could have happened to it.
Detection dogs were brought in. While the cadaver dogs found no sign of the presence of a corpse, two different blood hounds alerted to the scent of human blood in the kitchen area and indicated a trail leading towards hall. A sample was taken from the carpet and sent to the lab for analysis. With the help of the advanced technology offered by the Avengers Tower, it was conclusively identified as Kristine’s blood.
As if that wasn’t enough already, a few days later, on April 25th, a trash collector turned in the missing kitchen knife to the police. He said he had noticed it in a dumpster earlier that day and recognized it from the description in the paper. There were three sets of fingerprints on the handle: Michael Hauer’s, Kristine Ververs’, and an inconclusive set assumed to be the trash collector’s, despite his insistence that he was wearing gloves when he picked it up. Kristine’s DNA was found on the blade.
The public had been screaming “GUILTY!” ever since the phone recordings were released. Now, they roared.
Michael Hauer was arrested on April 29th and charged with the murder of Kristine Ververs.
It was a shocking turn of events. Technically speaking, there was still no proof that a murder had taken place: there was no body, nor any sign that one existed. And just as there was no evidence of Kristine Ververs leaving the apartment that fateful March 16th, there was no evidence of Michael Hauer leaving the apartment that night either, especially with something as cumbersome as a human corpse.
The twitter hashtag found its home in newspaper headlines: Where’s the Body, Michael?
In the penthouse of the Avengers Tower, Tony rubbed his forehead. “This is such a fucking mess.”
They were gathered once again in the living room, watching as the newscaster recapped the last month and a half, breaking news that was already known. Kristine’s picture, with her downcast cerulean eyes and her frizzy red curls, flashed across the screen once more.
Tony sighed. “He just seemed so normal. I never would have thought—”
“You think he did it?” asked Steve.
“Well, he did something,” Tony snapped. “Clearly. He’s got a history of violence, her blood’s all over the floor—”
“No one’s debating that he did something,” interjected Bruce. “But if he killed her, what happened to the body? He never left the apartment that night, and there’s no evidence that a cadaver was ever stored there”
“He’s smart! That’s why we hired him, he’s a freaking genius! He probably thought of something—”
“Thought of what?” the doctor asked, throwing up his hands. “Teleportation? How the hell did he get the body out?”
“He didn’t.”
The group turned around to find Loki lurking in the back, studying them carefully from the shadows.
Bruce was the first to find his voice. “What?”
“He didn’t remove the body, because there was no body to remove,” he said deliberately.
“But, Loki,” Thor said uncertainly. “Weren’t you convinced Hauer was a killer from the start?”
“I never said he was a killer. I said he was a filthy weasel,” Loki said. “And he is, clearly. He's a slimy, abusive, manipulative, wretch of a man, but he's not a killer—although he likely believes himself to be."
Tony frowned. "What are you talking about, Loki?"
"He cannot be labeled a killer if his victim survived his attempt on her life. Which she did,” Loki paused a moment to let his statement sink in. “Despite Michael Hauer's best efforts, Kristine Ververs is very much alive.
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ephillipsresearch · 3 years
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Reading the latest issue of Weird Walk Zine, Stewart Lee guides us on a path through Lamorna, recounting his love for surrelealist artist Ithell Colquhoun and the monuments that inspired her paintings, and other artists and writers of the period. She rejected the restrictions that Eduard Mesens of the London Surrealist group tried to enforce on her work, and eventually cut ties with them, refusing to give up her occult interests which set her apart. These works appeal to my own interests the occult, hautology, and the relationship between the female body and the land.  Lee mentions the Merry Maidens, and the Minions of Bodmin Moor, the potential inspiration for Colquhoun’s works – ‘Dance of the Nine Opals’ and ‘Dance of the Nine Maidens’. In the latter watercolour works, female figures are drawn encased in monuments, depicting a group of women turned to stone as punishment for dancing on the Sabbath. Colquhoun has analysed the former painting in her own words: This painting, it seems to me, comes from some hinterland of the mind, some border-line region, since elements drawn from both ‘actual’ and ‘potential’ worlds are to be found in it. It is built from several impacted strata of material and meaning: 1) Various druidic stone-circles known to Cornish folk-lore as ‘Nine Maidens’ (ni mên = ‘holy stones’). Legend says that the circle is composed of girls turned to stone for dancing on (at) the Sabbat, and can be restored to natural shape if embraced at midnight when the moon is full. The monument is a petrified ‘Hexentanz’; it is here seen as one of the ‘psychic zones’ of the country-side, one of its ‘fountains out of Hecate’. 2) A Celtic solar festival or fertility-rite; the Maypole’s streamers are replaced by coloured ‘lines-of-force’ connecting the stones with the central fountain and with each other. 3) The nine planets of traditional astrology, including Pluto and Vulcan, revolving round the cohesive and dynamic force of the solar system. 4) Apollo, symbolised by the sun-burst in the centre of the ring, ‘leading his choir, the Nine’. 5) The common chord, symbolised by the three tints – one of them basic – in each stone, carried through an octave, including the first two accidentals. The ‘music of the spheres’ .6) Kether (‘the crown’) mitigating the nine lesser sephiroth – often rep-resented in cabalistic tradition as a tree of life. 7) A supernatural flower with nine petals and fiery pistil. 8) The nine moons of pregnancy with perpetual solar impregnation. 9) The opal signifying by its combination of colours the animal, vegetable and mineral worlds. By its connection with the Zodiacal Libra, it links the whole morphological system with the idea of a balance between static and dynamic forces
This detailed self analysis shows the depth of her love and understanding of the occult, astrology and pagan folklore. The construction of this painting with its carefully places symbols suggests painting as an act of ritual in itself. Her use of real world structures in this paintings makes the ordinary magical in her satisfyingly mystic interpretations of these stone forms. Lee sums it up on his last page’ I love Ithell Colquhoun, her individualism, her willingness to cross boundaries between disciplines, her determination and imagination, and the way you can see her bleeding reality through the filter of her own world view’ https://www.schirn.de/en/magazine/interviews/2020_interview/when_art_and_magic_come_together/ http://www.ithellcolquhoun.co.uk/dance_of_the_nine_opals.htm Like Jini Reddy in her nature book ‘Wanderland’, I feel that I am constantly seeking the magic in my own surroundings and Colquhouns work satisfies that craving with her alluring tales of real life places. It is due to my own spiritual persuasions that I chose to base my final drawings on the ruins of Minsden Chapel in my home county. It has this air of magic, made only more alluring by the barbed fencing that gaurds it to ward off trespassers. It has its own legends of ghosts and supernatural occurrences, but its slow demise back into the clutches of nature as the surrounding trees engulf its crumbling walls are what make it so enchanting, appealing to the English obsession of the picturesque  which I studied in my second year.  
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mistersamshearon · 3 years
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All Hallow's Eve has officially begun! 🎃 PARANORMALITY MAGAZINE - OCTOBER - ISSUE 6! Available now! Via - @paranormalitymagazine Proud to announce there's a nice feature article in here on my artwork and other projects past, present and future! Special thanks to @cody.turk.37 for conducting the interview! Yes, that's me on the cover in good company with @theghoststoryguys / @largelythetruth / @paulbestall / @davidweatherly9 & @therealkengerhard available now via the links on - @paranormalitymagazine #samhain #halloween #fall #october #season #autumn #MisterSamShearon #paranormal #paranormality #mystery #supernatural #unexplained #podcast #podcaster #podcasters #podcasting #creepy #spooky #ghosthunter #monsterhunter #ufo #ghosts #darkness #vampire #victorian #folklore #cryptozoology #monsters #magazine #paranormalitymagazine (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTbFEA3lq8c/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Torchwood fandom survey results - part 3
Third and final part of the results! This time: Torchwood beyond the TV series. This means the books, the audio dramas, the fanfics, etc.
All the graphs and data are under a cut.
Disclaimer: This is a survey promoted almost exclusively on tumblr and the results are therefore necessarily biased by the demographics of tumblr users.
All the data presented below is on 155 participants.
Let’s start with the Torchwood extended universe and its different forms and ranges. For each range of the Torchwood extended universe, have you read/listened to it?
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Four types of Torchwood stories are quite ahead of the others:
the BBC books, which ran concurrently to the TV series
the BBC audio dramas: the seven audio dramas released by the BBC concurrently to the TV series
the Big Finish monthly range: monthly audio dramas that started in 2015
the Big Finish single special releases, which so far include The Torchwood Archive, Outbreak and Believe.
It makes sense for the BBC stuff. It’s been around for a while and can be found for free (sometimes legally, sometimes not) online.
The monthly range is also quite easy to understand. They are cheaper than other releases and, if you want to focus one type of story or one particular character or the story all of fandom is talking about *coughs*Broken*coughs*, you can buy just the relevant stories.
Now the single special releases, I kind of wish I had separated the three because I wonder how the two are represented in the 46% that didn’t listen to at least one of those. I could make good cases for all three (and I’m gonna).
Believe is the first audio drama with the five original team members (kind of, sorry Suzie) so there was a lot of hype before release date. However, it got mixed reviews (at least in my corner of tumblr) and is quite expensive.
Outbreak has the same price and is post series 2. However, it is simply the best Big Finish story ever. Yes, it’s a fact. No, I’m not biased and I won’t take any criticism. :-D
The Torchwood Archive is cheaper and was an anniversary release. However, it is somewhat of an isolated story more focused on the history of the Torchwood Institute than on the characters.
¯\(ツ)/¯ I guess I’ll have to do another survey about these at one point.
At the other end of the scale, quite behind the others, are two Big Finish audio drama ranges:
The story continues: the official series 5 and 6 of Torchwood (Aliens Among Us and God Among Us)
The Sins of Captain John: a recent John Hart range.
That was to be expected. For The story continues, as we’ve seen with Miracle Day’s audience in the previous results, a lot of people were not keen on what happens to Torchwood after Children of Earth. On top of that, these are box-sets so more expensive.
As for The Sins of Captain John, again it’s a box-set so more expensive and it’s not focused on one of the “main characters” (sorry John).
On the ranges that fall in between these two extremes, I’d like to mention The Lives of Captain Jack. I thought it would do better as it’s about Jack and some of the stories focus on important milestones in his life (for example his falling out with the Time Agency or what happened after his first resurrection). I don’t know if it’s a price issue or the fact that people are more interested in stories within the Torchwood era than things in the distant past or future. If you haven’t listened to it and don’t intend to, I’d be curious to know as to why.
Now that we have the audience numbers, let’s see what the audience thought. The results only include the people who were familiar with the stories so they are on fewer than the usual 155 participants.
For each range of the Torchwood extended universe, would you recommend it to fellow fans?
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Trailing far behind is the Torchwood Magazine stuff: the short stories and the comics. It makes sense to me: they’re not very consequential in terms of plot or character work and vary wildly in quality.
It is interesting that the two graphs (audience and review) kind of match in terms of variation between ranges. It confirms what I’ve observed in fandom. Word of mouth plays a big role in how people choose which stories to buy.
It is also interesting to see where they differ a bit. For example, Torchwood One, The Lives of Captain Jack and The Sins of Captain John, which have an average to low audience (far less listened to than the monthly range), get lots of love (almost as much “All of it” as the monthly range). If word of mouth is as crucial as it seems from the rest of the results, I wonder if it is an issue with interest or with price.
Okay, once again, this is getting long, let’s go over the fandom stuff quickly.
Which social media platforms/fandom spaces do you use to participate in Torchwood fan activities?
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Tumblr and AO3 dominate that poll…then again, it’s a poll promoted on Tumblr so… I’m not on twitter but I do wonder if there is sizeable Torchwood fandom group there that just missed the poll. Mainly because I know some people in other fandoms who switched to twitter after the Tumblr ban a few years ago.
No other fandom space received more than one mention in the open field of the form.
Then, Which social media platforms/fandom spaces do you use to participate in Torchwood fan activities?
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The big four are social media (including meta/analysis/headcanons), fanarts, fanfics and edits. I’m surprised cosplay is not higher but ¯\(ツ)/¯.
Finally, an open question: What other fandoms would you consider yourself part of?
There were 98 responses and 136 different fandoms cited. Here are the ones that got more than 10 mentions:
Marvel-related fandoms (26)
Harry Potter (24)
Star Trek (15)
Good Omens (15)
Merlin (13)
Tolkien-related fandoms (13)
BBC Sherlock (13)
Supernatural (11).
These are all big fandoms, with a bit of a bias towards the big British fandoms.
Once again, thank you to all who participated. It was fun and interesting! At least, to me. ;-)
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astonishinglegends · 4 years
Ep 194: The Siren Call of Hungry Ghosts Part 1
“The nature of things is in the habit of concealing itself.”
– Ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus, as quoted from Page 256 of the 2001 edition of Joe Fisher’s book The Siren Call of Hungry Ghosts, published by Paraview Press
Sure, maybe most of us would find it enticing to receive "inside information" from a mystical plane, our very own oracle of knowledge beyond what's possible in our earthly human existence. Who wouldn't want access to a Spirit Guide, one that could lend us valuable insight to better our lives and give a glimpse of what awaits us on the other side? Perhaps this supernatural soothsayer could also provide a longing companionship or, even better, prove to be a soulmate from a past life? It sounds like a delightful gift, right? But what if the source of this metaphysical communication ended up having as many foibles as any ordinary untrustworthy "frenemy?" What if the messages proved to be increasingly inaccurate or questionable, with the attitude of your once beatific benefactor becoming demanding, desperate, petty, contentious, and maybe even obsessive and possessive? Perhaps it wasn't looking out for your best interests, after all? This twist seemed to be the compelling and chilling experience of Toronto-based journalist and author Joe Fisher when he became entangled with a consuming investigation into Channeling and Spirit Guides. In Part One of our examination of Fisher's book, The Siren Call of Hungry Ghosts, we're joined by our own Spirit Guide and good friend, Rich Hatem, for a discussion about Fisher's enigmatic journey into a sometimes troubling relationship with Channeling and the personalities, once-human and otherwise, that come through a medium. What materializes is realizing that our expectations of wisdom and comfort from a Higher Source can gradually lead to suspicion, fear, and doom.
Reference Links:
Joe Fisher, investigative journalist, and author
Billy Bunter
Catechesis on the Angels, authored by Pope John Paul II
“In Search of Hungry Ghosts: The Mysterious Death of Joe Fisher,” by Louis Proud in EdgeScience, Issue 43
Vroman’s Bookstore, in Pasadena, CA
The Vickers Wellington, a British WWII medium bomber anti-submarine aircraft
“The Vickers Wellington And Its Defensive Ring” on WorldWarWings.com
The “Submarine Reincarnation” episode from Unsolved Mysteries, Season 6, Episode 1
Newmarket Racecourse – where the soldiers slept due to a lack of accommodations
Photos of the Newmarket Racecourse grandstands
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Episode 194: The Siren Call of Hungry Ghosts Part 1.  Produced by Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess; Special thanks to Rich Hatem; Audio Editing by Sarah Vorhees Wendel. Sound Design by Ryan McCullough; Tess Pfeifle, Producer, and Lead Researcher; Research Support from the astonishing League of Astonishing Researchers, a.k.a. The Astonishing Research Corps, or "A.R.C." for short. Copyright 2020 Astonishing Legends Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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@jurakan @theamiableanachronism here's my list so far!!
Genre fiction:
1,000 to 22,000 words
10c / word for first 7,000 words, 8c / word after that.
Guidelines: sci-fi and fantasy. Well-written, non-political, no automatic eye-rollers.
Three Crows:
1,000 to 4,000 words
$25 per story
Guidelines: gritty horror, sci-fi and fantasy. Ambiguous morality and Slavic settings are both pluses.
1,500 to 10,000 words
8c / word
Guidelines: anything goes! (Sometimes submissions are closed).
Fantasy & Science Fiction:
Up to 25,000 words
7-12c / word
Guidelines: anything goes, preference for science fiction and humor. A read-through of an issue is suggested.
Additional: no simultaneous submissions, they will respond in 8 weeks.
600-6,000 words
Up to 25c / word
Guidelines: any and all genres, but it must be immediate and character-driven, acceptable and wholesome for children, and fun.
Up to 20,000 words
8-10 c / word
Guidelines: science fiction where science of some kind is a key element of the plot, in which dynamic characters shine against the fantastical background.
Ares Magazine:
1,000 to 10,000 words
6c / word
Guidelines: sci-fi, fantasy, horror, mythology, pulp adventure, alternative history. No fan fiction.
Additional: no simultaneous submissions or multiple submissions. You’ll hear back in 8 weeks. Occasionally closed for submissions.
Asimov’s Science Fiction:
1,000-20,000 words
8-10 c / word
Guidelines: studies of human existence with strong, relatable characters. Genre can be bent, but no sword and sorcery or graphic-ness.
Additional: no simultaneous submissions. Usually gets back in 5 weeks.
5,000-25,000 words
$100 per story
Guidelines: intersectional sci-fi and fantasy.
1,500 - 6,000 words
6 c / word
Guidelines: horror. Dark, weird, and brutal. All fiction is meant to be in audio form, so no lollygagging. Everything from literary horror to shock value insanity is all good. Genre definitions are for the birds.
Heroic Fantasy Quarterly:
1,000 - 10,000 words
$50-100 per story
Guidelines: unapologetically heroic sword and sorcery.
Additional: only open to submissions in March, June, September and December.
Beneath Ceaseless Skies
Under 15,000 words.
6 c / word
Guidelines: they are fantasy setting nerds and will die for original worldbuilding. Close pov, clear style preferred.
Fiction Vortex
They seem fun but dear lord is their idea for a thing complicated. Look into if I want to write for something as opposed to happily submit my writing elsewhere. Apparently pays $300 flat rate tho.
2,000-8,000 words
A$20-A$60 / story
Guidelines: sci-fi, fantasy and horror. No horror without supernatural elements, and no derivative works.
Fusion Fragment
2,000 - 15,000 words
3.5 CAD c/ word
up to $300/ story
Guidelines: Science fiction and science fiction subgenres--anything that vaguely resembles scifi, with a preference for the bizarre and an emphasis on quality in style.
Additional: submissions through Moksha. Simulataneous submissions are fine.
Translunar Travelers Lounge
up to 5,000 words
3c / word
Guidelines: FUN stories. Gleeful romance, swashbuckling, intrigue, with plenty of hope and life and joy. Friendships, healthy marriages, equality.
Apparition Lit
1,000 - 5000 words
3c / word, minimum of $30.
flat rate of $30 for poetry.
Guidelines: 'Send us your strange, misshapen stories'. Proactive characters, odd setting, emotional depth and weight.
Additional: an odd and lengthly list of submission steps, make sure to follow those to the letter. Only open to submissions 4 times a year.
up to 1,000 words
$60 / story
$30 / poem
$100 / art
Guidelines: no fan fiction, horror is okay. They seem to be focused on spec fic.
only open to queer/poc/indigenous people.
Fiction: 1.5-6k words
Non-Fiction: 1.5 - 3k words
Poetry: under 100 lines
$100(CAD) / story
$50(CAD) / poem
$200(CAD) / cover art
Guidelines: once again, only open to submissions from marginalized groups! including it on this list in case I ever share it.
Grimdark Magazine
up to 4,000 words
7c (AUD)/ word
Guidelines: Must be grim and dark. (They love Joe Abercrombie, for reference) Medieval fantasy or sci-fi.
Metaphorosis Magazine
1,000 - 10,000 words
1c / word
Guidelines: sci-fi and fantasy, beautiful writing, engaging characters. Bonus points for vegan worlds (i.e. no leather goods, meat, or labor animals). No present tense. No overdone tropes. No labeled timeframes. Minimal narration.
Additional: anonymous submissions. don't paint your name everywhere.
Lackington's Magazine
1,500 - 5,000 words
1c (CAD) / word
$25 (CAD) / interior illustrations
$40 (CAD) / cover art
Guidelines: punk, spec fic, all things odd. 2nd person is a hard sell, though, because they see a lot of it. They like stylized prose.
Flash Fiction Online
500 - 1,000 words
8c / word original
2c / word reprints
Guidelines: No hurting women. No hurting men in the ways women are traditionally hurt. 2nd person is a hard sell, as is Evil Human Race, Being Preachy, hiding the mc's name, ending on a identity reveal, sad stories, gory stories.
Strange Horizons
under 5k words preferred, up to 10k
10c / word
Guidelines: they love diverse perspectives, and complex, nuanced stories about political situations. All stories must have spec-fic elements.
Fantasy Magazine
up to 7,500 words
8c / word
Guidelines: fantasy and dark fantasy! They don't have any gripe lists yet.
Nightmare Magazine
1,500 - 7,500 words
6c / word
Guidelines: horror and dark fantasy.
750 - 6000 words
10c / word
Guidelines: speculative fiction. They want intricate, experimental stories with beautiful prose, strong emotions and challenging themes.
2,500 - 8,000 words
.6 c / word + print and pdf copy of the magazine issue.
Guidelines: thoughtful, well-written genre fiction. Genre-crossing fiction is also accepted.
Leading Edge Magazine
1,000 - 15,000 words
1c / word
Guidelines: This is a BYU magazine, all stories must adhere to mormon sensibilities (not really a problem anyway?) They just say they're looking for 'fiction', but there's a dragon on their icon so they might do some genre fiction?
100 - 6,000 words
6c / word
Guidelines: stories that are strange and unsettling, sharp-edged and evocative. Stories should linger in the mind and evoke emotion in the reader.
Daily Science Fiction
100 - 1,500 words
8c / word, possible anthology royalties (nonexclusive)
Guidelines: Shorter stories are preferred. Character-driven is awesome, but by no means a must. Anything gripping and fun will do -- no horror or erotica, please.
Aftermath Magazine
1500 - 5000 words
2c / word
Guidelines: End-of-the world stories to raise awareness for environmental efforts. They want to celebrate the beauty of the natural world, while it still exists.
The Arcanist
1,000 words or less
$50 / story
Guidelines: Sci-fi and fantasy with strong characters, evoking strong emotions.
The Dark Magazine
2,000 - 6,000
6c / word
Guidlines: Horror and dark fantasy (they don't want graphic violence tho).
PULP magazine
1,000 - 15,000 words
2c - 8c / word (shorter stories get more money)
Guidelines: Solid stories of all genres, accessible to all readers, with balanced emotional weight.
LampLight Magazine
up to 7,000 words
3c / word
Guidelines: Dark fiction. Think The Twilight Zone.
This is by far an exhaustive list--I'm still researching! But hopefully it's helpful?
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gamingnc · 4 years
Dear reader, I took a crazy vow on myself and a task that may be a bit difficult is to search for all the upcoming games for the PS5 platform which are widely dispersed to collect them here in one article for easy access after that, this article includes exclusives, confirmed third-party games For the platform, the online games, the titles that will get a free upgrade for the platform on the PS4, the Indie games and finally the titles that will fall under the Sony rule for the 13th of July, which requires any developer to develop his game on both PS4 and PS5 if it will be released after the 13th date. Therefore, you may find some games in our comprehensive guide for today. They are not officially announced for the next generation but will be released sooner or later.
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Note: This article will be updated continuously with all new and any upcoming PS5 titles officially until the next generation release date. So, put that article in your bookmarks and come back to it later. This is the biggest guide you can find for PS5 games. I hope you like it and let's start.
During the PS5 event that took place on June 11, we got an idea of ​​the upcoming console exclusives and 23 new games.
1- Horizon Forbidden West
In the warmly awaited second part of Alloy's journey, our heroine goes to West America in San Francisco in a Post Apocalyptic world in which machines hover everywhere to save humanity from a new danger. We have seen in the official presentation of a new game of machines, a wonderful environmental diversity that will put speed The PS5 SSD is under test and of course, various villains
Release date: 2021
2- Spiderman Miles Morales
We did not believe at first glance that Insomniac Games had been able to create a new Spiderman game in two years until we learned that it would be a Standalone game like Uncharted The Lost Legacy, this time game puts us in the shoes of Miles Morales, who discovered his supernatural abilities at the end of the events of the last part, and we saw him swinging with movements and forces New, such as being able to hide and use his electric hands, the events of this part will take place a year after the first in New York during the winter, and we expect to see a masterpiece that relies on the power of the PS5 largely in terms of ray tracing and lighting, details and innovatively using the SSD.
Release date: 2020 Holiday Season (could be a launch title for PS5)
3- Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart
A second game from Insomniac Games, where we return in a new adventure with Ratchet and Clank across dimensions where planets and dimensions come together for a mysterious reason and our heroes have to save the world. The unnatural, the lighting, and the use of Ray Tracing are remarkably amazing and finally, we knew that we would be playing the female character of Lombax.
Release date: unknown
4- Gran Turismo 7
Polyphony Digital Studio returns with one of the most amazing realistic car racing series through the seventh part of Gran Turismo, almost the game developed to show the power of ray-tracing technology and the most dazzling reflections on cars, the game promises us the return of the story phase with more modification and customization methods than before... The game will fully exploit all the features of the PS5 from ray tracing, 3D audio, SSD, and Dualsense to give you a different feeling in driving, but its developer aspires to deliver its frame rate to 240 frames per second and more than that too.
Release date: unknown
5- Demon's Souls Remake
One of the most highly requested remakes from players, Sony, and Bluepoint Games have already fulfilled their promise by showing them to Demon's Souls Remake, which was first released on PS3 and paved the way for the emergence of Souls games in the current form that we see. Generally, the game will contain an unknown Fractioned phase with its purpose and two methods. To play, either focus on the frames without graphic quality or vice versa and you are free to choose.
Release date: unknown
6- Destruction All-Stars
A game similar to Twisted Metal with some of the flavors of Rocket League, where different heroes compete with their cars to destroy others' cars inside arenas. Unfortunately, we did not know other details about it, but from what we saw, we think that you can jump out of your car and play with the same character in all that chaos
Release date: unknown
7- Returnal
This is Housemarque's new IP, of the action and Rogue-Like genre, that game takes you to an alien planet controlled by an astronaut, the problem is that the planet changes automatically with each time you die to always witness different events that are repeated with time and quickly change After your death, you are inside a repetitive cocoon, our heroine tries to break it and save herself from madness. Generally, the game is based on action, fighting with weapons using the 3D Audio features of the PS5 while using the Dualsense features!
Release date: unknown
8- Astro’s Playroom
Astro returns in an adventure of its own that will use all the features of the PS5, but you will feel the fluctuation of the atmosphere and the rain already through the sensors of Dualsense, the game will be available for free with the purchase of the PS5.
Release date: 2020 holiday season
9- Sackboy A Big Adventure
Sackboy returns on his own adventure alone this time when he'll have to navigate obstacles beautifully.
Release date: unknown
10- Quantum Error
A horror, excitement, and suspense game developed by Teamkill Media, in which you play a fireman as he tries to rescue his colleagues from a building that burned in mysterious and very terrifying circumstances that will put the horror games in a realistic framework for the first time in terms of the survival factor, the game will benefit from all the capabilities of PS5 even the Dualsense to sense danger With ray tracing to give additional realism, the game will work on a 4K display resolution at 60 frames per second according to the developer, the game will also release to PS4, more details you can find in bulk about this news during the developer team's interview with Playstation UK magazine
Release date: 2021
Read: Did Sony fail when it made the Japanese media review the PlayStation 5, or is there a secret battle you want to win ?!
Second and third party games (some of them are for PS5 and PC only, so these titles are not purely exclusive)
These titles are not purely exclusive for PS5 because they are developed by second or third party studios. Generally speaking, I have used Playstation UK magazine, which leaked 38 games for PS5 by third-party developers.
Assassin's Creed Valhalla
The next Assassin's Creed segment from Ubisoft Montreal, which will take us to the era of Vikings, has been confirmed for the next generation of platforms, including the Xbox Series X as well, which will be the game optimized on it than the PS5 to run at a resolution of 4K and 60 frames per second, in general, the game talks about our hero Eivor, who He wants to move his clan from the Vikings to England to start a new life, only for King Alfred the Great to stand in his face, and of course, Eivor will use all he has and this includes the Hidden Blade and being the Assassin to win that battle, in general, you can know literally everything about the game through the link that we collected for you in it All about the game or read our comprehensive guide to it below, and we await the announcement of its gameplay at the upcoming Ubisoft Forward show.
Release date: 2020 Holiday Season with leaks to release in October as a PS5 launch title
Watchdogs Legion
Watchdogs Legion has been confirmed for PS5, our game takes place in England or London to be exact, as Deadsec tries to eliminate the ruined hands that manipulate the country politically, the amazing thing about the game is that you can control literally any NPC and each of them has amazing hacking capabilities and thus gameplay Completely different from one personality to another.
Release date: unknown after several delays
Rainbow Six Quarantine
One of Ubisoft's games is sure to come to the next generation, but we do not know much information about it except that it will be a co-op game, with a deadly virus and this is all. In general, as I mentioned Ubisoft exhibition is coming, and we will definitely see it there. Of course, the article will be modified constantly as I mentioned.
Release date: unknown
Gods and Monsters
A game that will take you to the world of Greece to fight the well-known gods of Greece (God forbid) in deep antiquity. We do not know much about it except that it comes to the next generation as well.
Release date: unknown
FarCry 6
I know that Ubisoft has not officially announced the game, but this is what will happen at its next exhibition, and FarCry 6 will definitely come to the next generation platforms, especially as it may be released in 2021, and according to the latest leaks, the game will take you in a world outside of America finally and rumors talk about a tropical atmosphere such as Narcos. There is nothing for sure.
Release date: unknown
Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War
I also know that all the leaks confirm that Activision is preparing for a live event inside the COD Warzone game to announce Black Ops Cold War, but this has not happened but, it is obvious that Activision's next title in a series like Call of Duty is coming for the next generation, whether the PS5 or Xbox Series X.
Release date: unknown
Project Athia
A new project from Square Enix and Luminous Productions announced during the PS5 event, and it seems that our heroine will be a female and will have special abilities, including distant jumping and speed with fighting dragons and strange-shaped monsters, generally, we will know more soon, this game will be exclusive for PS5 home platforms to be issued to the PC also at a later time.
Release date: unknown
From the publication of Square Enix and the development of People Can Fly, Outriders are among the first games that we have known of their official arrival for the next generation, whether PS5 or Xbox Series X, in the Destiny-like Action RPG and Co-op, Outriders give us a great fighting mix between Gears of War and Bulletstorm.
There are sections for the characters, each with special abilities, whether fiery, defensive and so on. We watched the game on the ground at the end of May during the first live broadcast of Outriders Broadcast in which we saw the capabilities of The Trickster along with the fighting style, designing the planet Enoch world to which human groups go Outriders for his exploration of whether or not he is habitable after Earth in Single Player or Co-op story will be breathtaking.
Release date: 2020 holiday season
Resident Evil Village
Capcom announced the Resident Evil Part VIII bomb, the title we had been very expecting due to the leaks. Generally, the eighth part would have a completely different horror direction based on fear of the unknown, magic and sorcery that we had seen in Outlast before as well as the presence of Zombies with shields, wolves, vampires. And an evil character called Alan who founded a group called The Connections occupying the village in which the game takes place, our hero is Ethan, who returns again after his marriage to Mia to live in that infested village until Chris Redfield reaches them and kills Mia with petrified and cold blood..the game uses the features of PS5, especially the acoustics Three-dimensional to enhance the horror feeling more fully.
Release date: 2021 also coming for PC and Xbox Series X
A new game from Capcom, you showed us during the PS5 event. The truth is we did not understand much of it, but it seems that it will be kind of science fiction games, virtual worlds, and the difference between them and reality.
Release date: 2022
From Gearbox and Counterplay, Godfall offers us a new concept of RPG and looter games named by its developer Looter Slasher, simply the world of Godfall is a world of fantasy where the five elements of life, whether fire, water, land, and otherwise form forbidden kingdoms within a world called Aperion in which there are warriors They call the Valorian Knights. We do not know their goal, but within the game’s objectives is to obtain the best shields in this world, which are called Valorplates. Generally, you will be able to choose one of three types of warriors. You have to look for stronger shields in the framework of the RPG with combat full of Hack and Slash a little bit.
Release date: 2020 holiday season for PS5 and PC
From the Arkane Lyon team from Bethesda, Deathloop introduces a little new idea where you have to play a character called Colt and you have to accomplish some goals and kill eight people before the day ends and if you fail, the game will repeat your day from the beginning with differences in the design of the stages through each time you lose The challenge becomes different, it is a bit like Returnal, but the difference will be in the presence of a hostile character who will try to stop you in various ways.
Release date: 2020 holiday season for PS5 and PC at a later time
GhostWire Tokyo
This game will take you to a time when humans have ended and the city of Tokyo has become an abyss devoid of any life except for some souls that swirl around which you have to confront, there are different types of souls, each with its own characteristics, abilities, and you will also have supernatural abilities to defend yourself, the game seems very mysterious And it's worth a try.
Release date: 2021 for PS5 and PC
The mysterious Bethesda project about space, we do not know anything about it, but it seems that its announcement is soon, the game is released for the PS5 and this is known, but when? this is the question.
Release date: unknown
Elder Scrolls VI
Another awaited game from Bethesda's side is generally coming to the next generation but according to news, don't expect it anytime soon.
Release date: Unknown. May be 2022
Hitman III
The third part of the Hitman World of Assassination series has been announced, this part will be the last and will be the darkest of them. Its events take place in Dubai in some missions, but you can expect the return of all the beloved elements from the past parts such as disguise, stealth, and innovative ways that you can reach your goals.
Release date: January 2021 for PS5, Xbox Series X, and PC
Battlefield VI
EA did not announce it for a moment, even after the end of the EA Play exhibition, but the company stated that its game will be released for the next generation only with the PC. According to a leak, its events may take place in the modern era for the first time since Battlefield 4, and we hope so.
Release date: unknown
Dragon Age 4
We did not get a new announcement for Dragon Age 4 for a moment except for some hints, in general, it was confirmed that it is already a next-generation game.
Release date: unknown
Next Need For Speed ​​segment
We learned from this news that Criterion Games is currently working on the next part of Need For Speed, and it will be the largest and widest game in the series, and of course, we can assure that it will be a next-generation game and so far, it has not been announced.
Release date: unknown
The Sims 5
We only learned that Sims 5 is coming to the next generation including PS5 through Playstation UK magazine, but EA didn't mention anything about it for a moment.
Release date: unknown
Dying Light 2
After postponing, again and again, we can say that Techland still has a lot to do before refining the game Dying Light 2 optimally, and therefore, it may be released in a large proportion for the next generation. Until now we do not have any other information about the survival game that has a world full of Zombies and has a Parkour system. Outstanding.
Release date: 2020
Sniper Elite 5
Believe it or not, dear reader, there is a new part of Sniper Elite, and also the developer has not announced anything about it for a moment, we learned about its coming to the next generation through the report of Playstation UK magazine.
Release date: unknown
Observer System Redux
A game of the type of mystery, investigation with the side of suspense and excitement, puts you in the shoes of a detective who analyzes crimes with very modern technical means and then traces the perpetrator to the end, the events of the game take place in a future world similar to the world of Cyberpunk 2077, and the truth is that the game was a masterpiece when its developer showed us An extended section of the gameplay, as the game is beautifully decorated with ray tracing technology.
Release date: 2020 holiday season for all next-generation platforms.
Elden Ring
We do not know anything about the Elden Ring game developed by From Software in cooperation with writer George RRMartin, but as long as the game is with him, we will wait forever, it is assumed that this will be the expected new Souls game, but its news has been cut short for a while and it is expected that we will not hear about it until 2021.
Release date: unknown
Lords of The Ring Gollum
A new game for the Lord of The Rings puts you in the Gollum shoe, one of the most prominent monsters or characters in this world. We do not have many details, but the game is coming to the next generation.
Release date: unknown
As far as we know, it has joined the WRC 9 series, which is one of the most prominent racing games for Codemasters, the team that develops the Dirt series, but in general, there is a new part waiting for us from WRC 9 for the next generation and so far has not been officially revealed.
Release date: unknown
Star Wars Squadrons
Up to this point, EA has not officially announced that its next satellite game will come for the next generation, but its release date is in October and therefore I think that an improved version is waiting for us soon. More about the game, its story, stages, Cross-Play, and Multiplayer, here is the link.
Release date: October 2 for the current generation and PC
Dirt 5
The most famous realistic racing game ever is officially coming to the next generation, and it seems that Codemasters has literally excelled in that game as it introduces a heavily modified Career mode for the first time that will feature both Troy Baker and Nolan North with a very large list of races, circuits across the tracks of the world and inside the atmosphere Very dynamic, the multiplayer is here, everything is here and the graphics look fabulous, the game will support 4K display resolution with a frame rate of up to 120 frames on Xbox Series X and it is also highly optimized for it, all the details announced for the game you can find here.
Release date: October 2020 for PS5, Xbox Series X, PC, the current generation, and Stadia
The awaited Batman game
I don’t know how long I’ll be waiting for this game from Warner Bros Montreal, but it seems that it could happen at the DC fandom event on August 22nd, where we might see the first show of the upcoming Batman game, which is sure to come to the next generation.
Release date: unknown
Harry Potter RPG game
At least, we know some details about that game from Avalanche's side, it will be an RPG, an open world where the Hogwarts school is explorable. It is assumed that you will play with a normal wizard and learn magic arts until you reach higher levels.
Release date: 2021 or so it should be
NBA 2K 21
During the PS5 event, we saw NBA 2K 21 for the first time ever and it looks like it will be stunning in terms of graphics, from sweaty to realism of the moves themselves.
Release date: 2020
Metal Hellsinger
This game is a mix between Doom and Beat Saber in terms of music, where you will kill monsters in the form of a fast shooter like Doom with the same brutality, but with musical rhythms such as Beat Saber, the idea is different, it looks promising and officially confirmed its coming to the next generation.
Release date: 2021, for the next and current generation, and for PC
Chivalry II
A game of the type of planning, wars, and strategy, which looks very good, especially in the aspect of war and fighting.
Release date: unknown, for current, next-generation, and PC
Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines II
This game introduces you to the world of vampires, and the most wonderful thing is that you will play with one of them from a list that includes different types of them and each has his own personality, abilities, etc.
Release date: 2020 for the current and next-generation as well.
Sherlock Holmes Chapter One
Studio Frogwares is now working on a new game for Sherlock Holmes Strana that we control in his early days and in the early days of his career as a detective before he became famous in this way, the events of this part take place on an island in the Mediterranean where he tracks Sherlock who killed his mother, gets to know Watson and then they travel To London - The methods of investigation and linking conclusions with each other will return again. You will also be able to disguise themselves for the first time only to speak to certain people, and so on.
Release date: 2021 for the next generation PS5 and Xbox Series X, the current generation, and PC
Remedy announced a while ago that its game Control will be among the titles that support the next generation, whether Xbox Series X or PS5.
Release date: unknown.
Scarlet Nexus
A fighting game based on anime by Bandai Namco, coming for PS5, Xbox Series X, and PC
Release date: unknown
Read: GTA5 enhanced version may be exclusive to Playstation 5
Other third-party games:
- Chorus, coming in 2021 for the current, next-generation, for PC and Stadia
- In Sound Mind is coming for PS5 in 2021
- Dustborn is similar to Walking Dead in 2021
- Cris Tales game on November 17th for the current and next-generation as well.
Games to get a free PS4 upgrade to PS5:
I talked to you about the idea of ​​Cross Gen games that are issued between two generations and the idea of ​​a free upgrade, which is simply followed by Xbox through the principle of Smart Delivery. As for Sony, it leaves the issue of the current generation games on specially developed copies for the next generation in the form and free upgrade in the hands of the developers, more information about each You can find this dilemma here:
Playstation has announced some games for PS4 that are free for PS5 if you buy them on the current generation, and they are:
For the third time, GTA V is released for the new generation after its release on PS3, PS4, and now for PS5, and this announcement occurred during the platform unveiling event that Rockstar Games started with its slogan that almost whacked us to follow with a provocative announcement about GTA V coming for free for PS5 if I owned it as a player on The PS4, of course, in an improved image befitting the features of PS5 and the next generation in general, the improved version will be available with the launch of the PS5 and in addition to PS4 players getting it for free, they will get a million in-game currency every month until the official release of the platform.
In general, I did not like the company's milking policy for GTA online in particular, so I wrote that article:
Believe it first, believe, we learned about FIFA 21 coming for free for PS5 for PS4 owners through the Blog. He mentioned that point between the lines on the official EA website and not during the EA Play Gallery itself. What was shown in the EA Play event was how titles like Madden 21 and FIFA were used. 21 for next-generation capabilities graphically, details of that can be found here.
But we soon talked to us until we discovered in the official FIFA 21 Blog that the game will get a free upgrade for the PS5 and this applies to the physical and digital versions of the game, generally more details about the pre-order bonuses you can find here
Release date: October 9th on current, next-generation, and PC platforms.
Marvel’s Avengers
One of the most anticipated games from Crystal Dynamics, which taught us new details and information in bulk from here:
The game will take us on a storyline journey in which we control our beloved superheroes as they try to confront the villain MODOK, we have a fun fighting style full of moves and superhero abilities, we have a very deep mod system, story, and co-op missions, RPG style, side missions and a lot more and above all, you will get Marvel's Avengers is getting a free upgrade to the PS5 if you own it on the PS4 and it will use all the features of the PS5 in terms of ray tracing, Dualsense, 3D audio, SSD and more.
Release date: September 4 for the current generation and PC, for the next generation.
Cyberpunk 2077
It was CD Projekt Red who detonated the Cyberpunk 2077 delay bomb until November 19, but it followed this news with a positive thing, which is that the game gets a free upgrade for the PS5 if you bought it as a PS4 player, and this will happen through an initial update of the game using the Backward Compatibility feature for both platforms, followed by an update. Huge to add next-generation benefits and generally ended since the days of the Night City Wire event, which showed us important information about Cyberpunk 2077, and we analyzed journalists' impressions of it after four hours of play.
Release date: November 19 for current, next-generation, PC, and Stadia at a later time.
Madden 21
EA announced that Madden 21 will get a free upgrade for PS5 as well.
Release date: August 25 for the current generation and PC, next-generation at a later time.
Read: The SSD in the PlayStation 5 may limit the lifespan of the device.
Other games to mention:
Operation Tango 2021
Remothered Broken Porcelain 8/25
Ghostrunner 2020
Twin Mirror 2020
Haven 2020
Rogue Lords 2021
Everspace 2 2021
Torchlight III 2020
System Shock Redux
Empire of Sin 2020
Samurai Jack Battle Through Time 2020
Destory All Humans 28/7
XIII Remake 11/10
Star Renegades 2020
Prodeus 2020
Gothic Remake
Moonray 2021
Path of Exile 2
Cygni All Guns Blazing
Paradise Lost
So to recap, here is the exact list of PS5 release games:
Spiderman Miles Morales
Astro’s Playroom
Dirt 5
Observer System Redux
Madden 21
Cyberpunk 2077
Marvel’s Avengers
NBA 2K 21
Assassin's Creed Valhalla
Destiny 2
Jett The Far Shore
Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines 2
Those were all the details that you wanted to know as a player about all PS5 games, I hope you have reached this stage of the article already and hope you share your opinion and do not worry, a list exactly like the Xbox Series X games awaits you soon.
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