#Surgical Steel Water Tanks
sunstellarindia01 · 5 months
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Experience The Advanced and Reliable Surgical Steel Water Tanks at Sun Stellar
Get a hands-on experience of Sun Stellar's surgical steel water tanks. These tanks are made of premium stainless steel and include seven layers of insulation for maximum performance, food-grade safety, and a stylish design that elevates any space.
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hillbowman · 3 months
How To Harness An Asteroid
Hill Bowman
Multiple Environment Biologic Exo-Shell.
How to harness an asteroid.
let say a kilometer long by half a kilometer wide.
Primary propulsion will be solar sail, secondary propulsion will be particle accelerator, emergency propulsion will be chemical rocket.
Obviously, the parts and equipment for the solar sail as well as primary components for particle accelerator plus heavy equipment guide rails, Arc furnace, oxy- acetylene, hydrogen oxygen welding tank (just to make life easy) must be brought with you.
Also guide rails, epoxy, adhesive, ressens, plastic rivets Carbon fiber tubing, all kinds of fasteners, must be brought with you.
The materials for the conventional rocket will be harvested from the core of the asteroid via traditional mining processes.
Your most critical tools for this project will be arc furnace, heavy drilling equipment, welding torch’s, explosives, front loader, back hoe, reinforced Crain slings ( to bag and move rubble).
Human necessities;
For crew of 12
1 year – food , water rations, inflatable warehouse shelter, full ship board surgical and general hospital set up.
2,000 wats of solar panels, 4 deep cycle marine batteries and of course all necessary peripheral like cables hook up, attachments etcetera.
The space vessel must attain synchronous trajectory with the surface of the asteroid. land and or tether to the asteroid.
Once accomplished crew must unload, anchor down guide rail’s and safety cables.
Use explosives front loader reinforced crane slings and back hoe to level a building pad.
Bag And remove rubble and deploy inflatable warehouse for crew and equipment.
For a multitude of reasons this must all be done within 12 standard earth hours after arrival and synchronization with the asteroid. Human safety in the project being priority One.
solar equipment, arc furnace, smelting equipment, earth moving equipment, mining tools and explosives, crew must be deployed to level a building pad from which to begin heavy construction.
Once a building pad is leveled inflatable habitats are anchored down and deployed for equipment storage and temporary crew quarters.
Next:. Bolt down parallel tracks to circumnavigate width of asteroid. This will be the foundation for gravity ring .
lay down two parallel tracks that circumnavigate the length of the asteroid Along with guide cables along all tracks safety harness connect lines for crew and equipment.
The parallel track work is to provide work area along the length and width of the asteroid giving access for crew and equipment to core out the center of the asteroid down it’s length.
Coor the center of the asteroid down the length by approximately 20 meters in diameter. Something like coring an apple.
Next: Utilize all resources derived from the coring process through the center of the asteroid to produce steel rods and gutters and 1/16th sheet metal as well as fasteners.
In organic materials can be harvested from the asteroid, however organic materials such as adhesive polymers, carbon fiber, nylon rivets, and assorted fasteners as well as carbon fiber structural components must be carried with you to make the structure error tight. The mineral substances used in the process can be collected from the asteroid itself.
The Guide rails And safety cables your crew laid down in the beginning for the heavy equipment will also become the footing and tension cable’s for the tower assembly that will support a gravity ring. Ultimately, the gravity ring will be the habitat for crew, research, navigation and propulsion.
Ideally the propulsion system is hybrid.
There are multiple methods of propelling the vessel.
once it is fully assembled primary thrust being generated by solar sails. Secondary propulsion generated by particle acceleration. Finally with third backup propulsion being chemical thrust such as hydrogen - oxygen rocket thrust.
As I'm sure you're aware; hydrogen and oxygen are in abundance throughout know space (as well as nitrogen) from ice and raw mining slag from the boring process. Collected ice can be melted down into water and further divided in the hydrogen and oxygen HHO.
Raw mineral slag once harvested from the core of the asteroid can be crushed and melted down for steel, iron, copper, nickel, zink etcetera.
The metallurgic processes necessary for the project will be accomplished through use of solar power supply providing electrolysis, Electric Ark furnace or chemical processes.
In the long term, raw material for construction of solar panels and batteries can also be harvested and constructed with raw materials as well.
Future science:
A new genre of literature.
What is the difference between future science and science fiction?
Future science differs from science fiction in that there is very little fiction involved in it.
The objective of future science literature is to take current technology extrapolating with fifty year projections on current technology advancement.
integrated with quality creative writing.
mixed with the true human element of psychological physical in material capabilities under adverse circumstances.
The end product; digestible, Bold written material to encourage, motivate and propel the human species out into the expansion of space.
To colonize to Explorer to discover and to challenge the human species to our inevitable destiny. To grow as a species, to support sustain and clean up the only planet in the universe that we know harboring intelligent life.
And perhaps even to discover intelligent life Beyond our own species.
future science writers in history such is Jules Verne and others technological visionary)Are the True founders of this generation of literature that I humbly pursue. it is (in my opinion a disservice to Jules Verne or writers like him that they be qualified under the same categories as folks that right for fiction / fantasy.
Riters such as Jules Verne, Robert Hinlone, Isaac Asimov and others deserve some credit for the hard research in science and technology this type of writing requires.
~ Future Science~
Has as an accepted and standardized new genre of writing (in my opinion) is the least that we can offer in recognition of their contributions to our advancement as a species and a civilization.
Hopefully the Library of Congress will take notice of this idea.
I welcome you to the amazing new future that we have already entered.
So until then this is Hill Bowman signing off I will catch you on the next fly by
Sincerely ~
Hill Bowman
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pureverwatertanks · 6 months
Why Are Purever SS Tanks Considered A Smarter Choice Today?
The world we live in today demands us to make conscientious decisions. Making healthy and sustainable choices is very essential. When it comes to choosing genuine and dependable water storage tanks, it is preferable to buy pure stainless steel water tanks.
What Are The Options For Water Storages In India?
Everyone has a right to acquire clean and hygienic water. When you choose to buy a storage tank of a specific material, it can influence the quality of water that is used in your home. There are different brands and types of water tanks in the market. You can buy concrete, plastic, or steel water tanks. However, customers with good awareness and knowledge are known to select wisely. Most customers prefer Purever SS tanks over other brands.
Reasons For Choosing Water Tanks Made From Stainless Steel Metal:
Exceptional Durability - Stainless steel tanks offer unmatched durability. Other traditional water storage tanks made of concrete or plastic can slowly degrade over time. To ensure 100% safety, it is advisable to purchase stainless steel water tanks as they are anti-corrosive and rust-free. Water in steel tanks remains uncontaminated and pure, for many years. This makes steel water tanks a good investment that provides long-term durability.
High-Grade Quality - The risk of using contaminated water is a major concern when households decide to purchase water storage tanks. When you buy plastic tanks, they can discharge dangerous chemicals into the water stored inside. This can compromise the quality of water. On the other hand, if you use non-reactive and long-lasting stainless steel water storage tanks there will be no change in the taste, quality, and odour of the stored water. To preserve the natural freshness of the water, it should be kept safe in Purever SS tanks for consumption and other domestic purposes.
Eco-Friendly Choice - Steel is definitely a sustainable and eco-friendly material. It is also immensely popular for its recyclable quality causing minimum environmental damage and minimal carbon footprint. When you use Purever stainless steel water tanks, you do not contribute to air pollution or atmospheric degradation. SS water storage tanks can be recycled many times without losing their core properties.
Stainless Steel Water Tanks In Commercial Settings
Nowadays, you can buy customised steel water tanks for all commercial setups like offices, hospitals, and schools. These large SS water tanks are designed specially and enriched with hygienic and easy-to-clean features. SS-designed tanks ensure there is no growth of harmful bacteria or algae in the water primarily used for public consumption.
Due to the sleek and non-porous steel surface, Purever SS tanks can be easily cleaned and maintained properly without much effort. Other materials like concrete can foster bacterial growth and may need frequent scrubbing and cleaning to keep the water safe and germ-free.
The Popularity Of Stainless Steel Due to the durable nature of stainless steel, they are widely used to manufacture water tanks, kitchen utensils, and surgical tools. If you want to store clean, fresh water in the best quality containers and storage tanks, Purever Technix LLP offers unmatched solutions for both commercial and home uses.
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platinumwatertank · 11 months
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slasherholic · 3 years
Could you please write more about being the colletors favorite, but maybe you try to get away from him, and he hunts you down? can be nsfw i love your writing for him :3
didn't end up being nsfw but I’m not opposed to writing a second part
synopsis: bad things happen when you disobey asa. terrible things happen when you disobey him like this.
contains: gender neutral reader, depictions of torture, threats of torture, fear play, drugging, body horror, depiction of a panic attack. not as dark as it could be but still quite dark.
Asa Emory x Favorite!Victim!Reader | One More Chance
Of all the victims displayed around the hotel, none haunt your mind like the dolls.
That’s what you’ve named the people he rearranges beyond recognition.
People with their arms and legs amputated at the joints, bolted to walls or hanging by chains from the ceiling, kept alive with IV bags and feeding tubes forced down their stomach. Some have sewn shut eyes or a sewn shut mouth. Some have body parts that are not theirs, stitched to places they have absolutely no business being. Some are peeled wide open. All seem conscious and alert when his footsteps echo past.
They never live long. Within a week or two, they wither, inevitably. From infection, organ failure, malnutrition, shock — or, you would assume, pure anguish. Even so, you’ve seen how he tends to them to make them stay alive. These creatures are his flower garden; he waters them diligently and makes sure they have fresh soil. When they die, he preserves them in the lobby in grand glass tanks.
You’ve been in the room before when he carries out the procedure. He likes to make you watch. The most obedient ones get sedated, but some just get restraints. A lucky few die during the operation — but the ones that live through the torture are rendered shattered, broken, docile husks. His breathing creations. His timid dolls.
Ironically, it was in the lobby that you were caught. You had been so close to the door, so blinded by adrenaline that you nearly crashed into the thin razor wire stretched wall-to-wall just feet in front of you. One moment’s hesitation to make a choice, to risk flaying yourself alive and bleed to death, or surrender and be tortured for days — and his dogs were upon you. The door to your escape had shut.
He called off the dogs. He knelt by your head, knife in hand. He seized you off the tile, by your hair. And slashed your cheek so hard you felt the blade scrape bone. 
You started screaming for help. For anyone. The door was right there. Someone might hear you.
The dolls preserved in the tanks all around watched.
He slapped your face with such force your thoughts stopped.
You felt the furious jab of a needle into your thigh.
And now, you’ve woken up restrained to a cold steel table.
All his surgical equipment is spread out on the metal countertop nearby. The large figure in all black stands with his back toward you, putting on a fresh pair of gloves.
You notice the thick dotted lines drawn in blue marker beneath your elbows and knees. A moment later, when your thoughts come sludging back, you realize what he’s about to do to you.
Your face goes cold and tingly and your hands seize up. You wheeze and sob and wheeze. There are black spots bursting across the ceiling, eating your vision away.
Between breaths, you plead and beg him no and no and no.
You’ll never try to get away again. You promise. Please one more chance. You mean every word of it down to your bones.
His hand alights on your cheek where he grips you softly. His fingers are warm through the nitrile. He strokes your face where he sliced you and you feel the stitches in your skin. He’s already cleaned and dressed the wound.
Brushing your mouth with his knuckles, he presses a finger firmly to your lips; quiet.
You obey him without thought. You can’t shut your mouth fast enough. Sucking in huge breaths, nostrils flaring rapidly, the crying won’t stop. The panic is only mounting.
Maybe if you’re good, if you obey his every command from here on out, he’ll do it while you’re asleep.
He comes back and stands over your head. He holds up a needle. Flicks it to get the air bubbles out. Squirts the plunger a little, and liquid spurts into the air. Some lands on your cheek. It’s cold. You cry harder.
Fear of death compels you to try and save yourself one last time.
He doesn’t have to do this.
Your lower lip quivers so terribly you can hardly get the words out.
You’ll never try to get away from him again.
You’ll do anything he wants from now on, you’ll never run away.
Please just one more chance.
He stands above you, needle in hand, looking at you the way he did the first time he threw you down in that trunk, just before he slammed the lid shut.
The needle plinks on the steel table as he sets it next to your head. His palm comes down on your cheek and he gives your face a few gentle, goodbye pats.
He picks the syringe up again and slides the needle into the base of your neck.
Weeping freely, you don’t say anything more as he strokes your hair, wiping your tears as they come.
It’s a different drug from the kind he uses to put you to sleep. Though your body feels heavy and relaxed, like you could melt through the table and into the floor, your eyes don’t feel the need to shut. He intends for you to be awake for it.
Your heart is beating so fast it must be about to burst.
You’re going to die before he even makes the first incision.
You can feel yourself dying right now.
You don’t realize he’s bent down next to your face until his mouth is very close to your head, so close you can feel the heat of his breath. Fingers ghosting gingerly along your scalp, he pets your hair in soothing, circular motions, while his voice trickles into your ear;
“Ready to behave?”
Yes. You nod furiously. Tears fly down your cheeks. Yes.
“There’s still going to be a punishment.”
You know. You’ll have it. You’ll take anything but this.
You whine through gasps, “Mhm — Mhm — Mhm—”
“Alright butterfly,” he interrupts, “one more chance.”
Straightening up, he wipes your tears away with his thumb.
He takes an alcohol swab from his pocket and cleans the marker on your elbows and knees away.
You continue to weep silently as he undoes your restraints. You don’t have the strength to think.
Scooping you up beneath your armpits and knees, he lifts your limp body off the steel autopsy table. Gripping you close, he carries you out of the room. When your heavy head falls against his chest, you are unable to do anything about it at all.
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jemch · 3 years
How It’s Made Index(S21~S30)
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How It’s Made是由 Discovery Channel 制作一款王牌节目,又被翻译为制造的原理或造物小百科, 本片从2001年推出至今,涵盖了几乎所有的制造技术 ,非常适合机械专业和对此感兴趣的同学。希望大家享受这趟制造的艺术之旅!
S21E01 Rubber Gloves; Soap Carvings; Aircraft Cabinets; Motorcycle Brake Locks 橡胶手套,肥皂雕刻,飞机木柜,摩托车制动锁
S21E02 Powder Horns; Handcrafted Molds; Perogies; Inner Tubes 粉角,手工模具,饺子,内胎
S21E03 Lace; Antique Frame Replicas; Orchids; Unicycle Wheel Hubs 蕾丝,古董架复制品,兰花,独轮车轮毂
S21E04 External Hard Drives; Frozen Shrimp; Thai Rice Boxes; Paper Towel 外置硬盘,冷冻虾,泰国米箱,纸巾
S21E05 Tea; Roof Finials; Artificial Flowers; Alloy Wheels 茶,屋顶饰物,人造花,合金轮毂
S21E06 Gel Caps; Playground Spring Riders; Frozen Pancakes; Natural Rubber 胶囊,摇摇玩具,冷冻煎饼,天然橡胶
S21E07 Paper Umbrellas; Coal; Aircraft Seats; Urns 纸伞,煤,飞机座椅,瓮
S21E08 Aluminum Canoes;Wood Bowls;Wheelchair Accessible Vans;Marimbas 铝独木舟,木碗,残疾人改装车,木琴
S21E09 Indy Car Seats; Paper Flowers; Stand-by Generators; 赛车座椅,纸花,备用发电机
S21E10 Knee Replacements; Leaf Springs; Lavender; Rivets and Rivet Tools 膝关节置换,钢板弹簧,薰衣草,铆钉和铆钉的工具
S21E11 Cast Iron Stoves; Ultralight Aircraft; Snow Groomers; Rubber Bands 铸铁炉具,超轻型飞机,推雪车,橡皮筋
S21E12 Barber Chairs; Sewage Pumps; Bimini Boat Tops; Diesel Filters 理发椅,污水泵,比米尼游乐船,柴油过滤器
S21E13 Car Tires; Silk; Art Conservation; Scuba Tanks 汽车轮胎,丝绸,艺术保护,潜水氧气瓶
S22E01 Electric Stand-Up Vehicles; Frozen Fruit; Beer Coasters; Forged Door Handles 电动站立车,冰冻水果,啤酒杯垫,锻造门把手
S22E02 Rock Crushers;Fabric Lampshades;Cake Sprinkles;Steam Irons 岩石破碎机,织物灯罩,蛋糕彩条,蒸汽熨斗
S22E03 Indy Steering Wheels;Mixed Salad;Wind Turbines 印地赛车方向盘,什锦沙拉,风力涡轮机
S22E04 Blast Doors; Lipstick; Artificial Palm Trees; Brass Plaques 防爆门,口红,人造棕榈树,黄铜牌匾
S22E05 Carbon Fiber; Antique Frame Restoration; Railcar Movers; Hood Ornaments 碳纤维,古董保存架,有轨机车,车头装饰品
S22E06 Sawhorses and Toolboxes;Sorbet Pops;School Buses 史丹利工具箱,便携汁冰糕,校车
S22E07 Sanders;Solid Terrain Models;Stucco;High-Speed Roll-up Doors 抛光机,固体地形模型,水泥,高速卷门
S22E08 Pressed Glass;Pickup Truck Caps;Alpaca Yarn;Utility Knives 压制玻璃,敞蓬小型载货卡车,羊驼纱线,工具刀
S22E09 Body Casting; Downdraft Stoves; Compression Garments; Electric Motorcycles 身体模型,气流炉灶,长袜,电动摩托车
S22E10 Sidecars;Frozen French Toast;Refrigerator Compressors;Superchargers 摩托侧箱,冷冻法式土司,冰箱压缩机,增压器
S22E11 Custom Knee Braces;Air Conditioners;Window Films;Motorcycle Exhaust 定制膝盖支撑,空调,窗户贴膜,摩托车排气管
S22E12 Solid State Drives;Eye Shadow;Limousines;Dead Blow Hammers 固态硬盘,眼影,豪华加长轿车,香槟锤
S22E13 Dragster Tires; Icing; Floating Docks; Spiral Pipes 赛车轮胎,冰淇淋,飘浮船坞,螺旋管
S23E01 Motion Sensors; Belt Loaders; Pheasant Breeding; Diving Helmets 运动传感器,带式装载机,野鸡养殖,潜水头盔
S23E02 Rawhide Lampshades; Chocolate Chip Cookies; MRI Scanners 皮灯罩,巧克力饼干,核磁共振成像扫描仪
S23E03 Noise Barrier Walls; Front-Load Washers; Bourbon; Flexible Circuit 声音屏障墙,滚筒洗衣机,威士忌,柔性电路板(FPC)
S23E04 Railway Bridge Ties; Membrane Filters; Hydraulic Post Drivers; Bi-Planes 铁路桥梁枕木,膜过滤器,桩机,四翼飞机
S23E05 Hospital Laundry; Brass Instrument Restoration; Horse Replicas; Excavation 医院洗衣,铜管乐器修复,马复制品,挖掘机挖斗
本集看点: 用玻璃纤维制作空心复制品;巨厚钢板的激光切割,折弯与焊接;
S23E06 Ceramic Fireplaces; Synthetic Corks; Parking Garage Floor Slabs 陶瓷壁炉,合成软木塞,车库楼板
本集看点: 多种塑胶粒子组合的连续注塑;
S23E07 Oil Pressure Sensors; Printing; Equipment Simulators; Head & Neck Restraints 油压传感器,大型印刷,设备模拟器,护颈
本集看点: 打金线制程;
S23E08 Mobile Concert Stages; Mascara; Continuous Miners; Wood Gift Boxes 移动音乐会舞台,睫毛膏,挖煤机,木制礼品盒
S23E09 NASCAR Car Bodies; Hurley Sticks; Tube Amplifiers; Thermal Coffee Pots 纳斯卡跑车车身,赫尔利球球棒,声音放大器,热咖啡壶
S23E10 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations; Grappa; Lunar Rover Replicas 电动汽车充电站; 格拉巴酒; 月球车复制品
S23E11 Slate Tiles; Hot Dog Carts; Garage Door Openers; Bicycle Seats 板岩瓷砖;热狗车; 车库门开启器; 自行车座椅
S23E12 Racing Leathers; Evaporative Cooling Towers; Rocking Chairs; Wire Wheels 赛车皮革;蒸发冷却塔; 摇椅; 钢丝轮
本集看点: 滚丝螺纹工艺;
S23E13 Mountain Bikes; Rice; Lever Action Rifles 山地自行车;大米;杠杆动作步枪
S23E14 Shark Week Edition: Surfboards; Diving Regulators; SCUBA Tanks; Water Skis 回收冲浪板; 潜水调节器; 潜水氧气瓶; 滑水板
S23E15 300th Episode - Shark Week Edition: Sails; Reef Aquariums; Oceanographic Buoys; Folding Kayaks 风帆; 珊瑚礁水族馆; 海洋浮标; 折叠皮划艇
S24E01 Saunas; Wheelchair Lifts; Dioramas 桑拿; 轮椅升降机; 立体模型
S24E02 Oil Lamps; Chocolate Mints; Underfloor Heating; Pillows 油灯; 巧克力薄荷糖; 地板采暖; 枕头
S24E03 Upright Pianos; Flags; Wet/Dry Vacuums; Medieval Axes 立式钢琴; 旗帜; 湿式/干式吸尘器; 中世纪斧头
S24E04 Skeletal Replicas; Ice Buckets; Dining Chairs; Inground Pools 骨骼复制品; 冰桶; 餐椅; 地下游泳池
S24E05 Automatic Sliding Doors; Gin; Firearms Restoration 自动推拉门; 杜松子酒; 枪械修复
S24E06 Scuba Lights; Sandals; Race Car Simulators; Fibreglass Doors 潜水灯;凉鞋;赛车模拟器; 玻璃钢门
S24E07 Wood Windows; Cashmere Fabric; Plastic Recycling; Architectural Glass 木窗; 羊绒面料; 塑料回收; 建筑玻璃
S24E08 Gas Barbecues; Mattress Pads; Ear Prostheses 燃气烧烤炉; 床垫; 耳假体
S24E09 Recycled Skateboards; Braided Pastry; Construction Trailers; Vises 回收滑板; 编织糕点; 施工拖车; 虎钳
S24E10 Plasma Gems; Special Effects Snow; Piano Restoration 等离子宝石; 特效雪; 钢琴修复
S24E11 3-Wheel Electric Bikes; Skin Cream; Patio Heaters; Wood Wheels 三轮电动自行车; 润肤霜; 天井取暖器; 木轮
S24E12 Old West Holsters; Underwater Video Housings; Soy Beverages; Pet Nail Trimmers 老西部皮套; 水下视频外壳; 大豆饮料; 宠物指甲修剪器
S24E13 Wood Garage Doors; Sand and Salt Spreaders; Animatronic Dinosaurs 木车库门; 沙子和盐撒布机; 电子动画恐龙
S25E01 Grammy Awards; Bicycle Lights; Above-Ground Pools; Foldable Solar Panels 格莱美奖; 自行车灯; 地上游泳池; 可折叠太阳能电池板
S25E02 Led Stage Lights; Apple Cider; Chemical Tank Trailers; Ornate Stone Floor LED舞台灯; 苹果酒; 化学品罐拖车; 华丽的石地板
S25E03 Fishing Line; Industrial Mixers; Natural Baking Soda; and Tow Trucks 钓鱼线; 工业搅拌机; 天然小苏打; 拖车
S25E04 Storage Sheds; Industrial Fans; Parchment Paper; and Climbing Walls 储藏棚; 工业风扇;羊皮纸;攀岩墙
S25E05 Precast Concrete Walls; 3D Printers; Telescopic Cranes; Kerosene Lamp Burners 预制混凝土墙; 3D 打印机; 伸缩式起重机; 煤油灯燃烧器
S25E06 Car Headlamps; Directional Drills; Pet Combs; and Stained Glass Restoration 汽车大灯; 定向钻; 宠物梳子; 彩色玻璃修复
S25E07 Handcrafted Skis; Septic Tanks; Hydroformed Chassis Parts; Aquarium Windows 手工制作的滑雪板; 化粪池; 液压成型底盘零件; 水族馆窗户
S25E08 Zip Line Brakes; Silk Fiber Lamps; Round Balers; Comfort Shoes 拉链线制动器; 丝纤维灯; 圆形打包机; 舒适鞋
S25E09 Armored Vehicles; Tension Fabric Buildings; Rowers; Sculpture Enlargements 装甲车; 张力织物建筑; 划船者; 雕塑放大
S25E10 Mountain Bike Suspensions; Surgical Sutures; Grain Dryers; and Frying Pans 山地自行车悬架; 手术缝合; 谷物烘干机; 煎锅
S25E11 Downhill Ski Bindings; Immersion Washers; Mining Ventilation; Pencil Sharpeners 速降滑雪绑定; 浸入式垫圈; 矿用通风; 卷笔刀
S25E12 Gingerbread Houses; Livestock Trailers; Hangar Doors; and Toy Figurines 姜饼屋; 牲畜拖车; 机库门; 玩具公仔
S25E13 Traffic Signal Poles; Coffee Filters; and Chainsaw Mining Machines; 交通信号杆; 咖啡过滤器; 链锯采矿机;
S26E01 Time-Delay Locks; Brownies; Pallet Dispensers; and Crystal Chandeliers 延时锁; 布朗尼; 托盘分配器; 水晶吊灯
S26E02 Bead Wire; Mini Pepperoni; Irrigation Sprinklers; and Leather Gloves 珠线; 迷你意大利辣香肠; 灌溉喷头; 皮手套
S26E03 Mouth-Blown Window Glass; Water Pumps; Sake; Tweezers 口吹窗玻璃; 水泵; 清酒; 镊子
S26E04 Statue Restoration; Tripods; Polish Sausages; Welding Guns 雕像修复; 三脚架; 波兰香肠; 焊枪
S26E05 Champagne; ATMs; Marine Turbochargers; 香槟酒; 自动取款机; 船用涡轮增压器;
S26E06 Sharpening Steels; Bladder Pumps; Ironing Boards; and Kayak Paddles 磨刀钢; 膀胱泵; 烫衣板; 皮划艇桨
S26E07 Champagne Hoods; Pneumatic Systems; Espresso Machines; Pizza Ovens 香槟罩; 气动系统; 浓缩咖啡机; 比萨烤箱
S26E08 Stile & Rail Doors, Steam Cleaners, Hand-Held Pizzas, and Power Brushes 轨道门;蒸汽清洁器;手持比萨饼;电动刷
S26E09 Industrial Casters; Wedding Cakes; THz Spectrometers; Racing Catamarans 工业脚轮; 婚礼蛋糕; 太赫兹光谱仪; 竞速双体船
S26E10 Ceramic Grills, Pneumatic Punchers, Water Jet Fountains, Wooden Surfboards 陶瓷烤架、气动打孔机、喷水喷泉、木制冲浪板
S26E11 Vibrating Mining Screens; Whoopie Pies; Utility Poles; Roller Conveyors 振动采矿筛; 百日咳派; 电线杆; 滚筒输送机
S26E12 Exercise Bikes; Cornish Pasties; Pasta Makers; Slate Products 健身车; 康沃尔馅饼; 面食制造商; 板岩产品
S26E13 Channel Signs, Wetsuits, and Aluminum Aircraft 航道标志;潜水服;铝制飞机
S27E01 CNC Assembly Machines; Lemon Tarts; Miniature War Figures 数控组装机; 柠檬馅饼; 微型战争人物
S27E02 Chemical Tank Pressure Vents; Candy Wafers; Food Trucks; Traditional Ropes 化学品罐压力通风口; 糖果晶圆; 食品卡车; 传统绳索
S27E03 Graphene; Worlds Smallest Car; Force Testers; Composite Cans 石墨烯; 世界上最小的汽车; 力测试仪; 复合罐
S27E04 LED tubes; chocolate peanut butter bars; robotic medication dispensers. LED灯管;巧克力花生酱棒;机器人配药器
S27E05 Commercial drones; aquarium fish; runway cleaners. 商用无人机; 观赏鱼; 跑道清洁工
S27E06 Wooden Matches, Tillage Machines, Telescopic Gangways 木火柴、耕地机、伸缩式舷梯
S27E07 Mosquito Coils, Solar-Assist Tricycles, Palm Oil, Fiberglass Chopper Guns 蚊香、太阳能辅助三轮车、棕榈油、玻璃纤维斩波枪
S27E08 Wood Toys, Retro Toasters, Laboratory Furnaces, Aerogel 木制玩具、复古烤面包机、实验室炉、气凝胶
S27E09 Combination Squares, Farmed Shrimp, Ball Valves and String Trimmers 组合方形、养殖虾、球阀和切线器
S27E10 Chinese-style Furniture, Electrical Switches, Thai Fish Sauce, Cappers 中式家具、电器开关、泰式鱼露、压盖机
S27E11 Mortars and pestles; bowling lane conditioners; crematories 研钵和研杵; 保龄球道调节器; 火葬场
S27E12 Race Car Oil Tanks; Plaster Mouldings; Lemongrass Oil 赛车油箱; 石膏线条; 柠檬草油
S27E13 Coconut Charcoal; Dial Indicators; Wet Downdraft Tables; Bassoon Reeds 椰子炭; 表盘指示器; 湿式下吸台; 巴松管簧片
S28E01 Classic Car Gauges; Chocolate Marble Cake; Ghillie Kettles 经典汽车仪表; 巧克力大理石蛋糕; 吉利水壶
S28E02 Pasta Dies; Blueberries; Composting Toilets; Surge Arresters 面食模具; 蓝莓; 堆肥厕所; 避雷器
S28E03 Angle Grinders; Berry Baskets; Omnidirectional Speakers 角磨机; 浆果篮; 全向扬声器
S28E04 Cartridge Blades; Chocolate Banana Loaves; Vending 墨盒刀片; 巧克力香蕉面包; 自动售货机
S28E05 Ultra-Thin Glass; Pallet Dismantlers; Cupcakes; Stainless Steel 超薄玻璃; 托盘拆卸器; 纸杯蛋糕; 不锈钢
本集看点: 溢流熔融法制作的柔性超薄玻璃(应该是康宁);
S28E06 Potash; Leather Bracelets; Wild Rice; Hex Key L Wrenches 钾肥; 皮革手链; 野米; 六角扳手 L
S28E07 Nail Files; Birch Canoes; Boat Hardtops; High Voltage Circuit 指甲锉; 桦木独木舟; 船硬顶; 高压电路
S28E08 Macarons; Pine Needle Baskets; Micrometers 马卡龙; 松针篮; 千分尺
S28E09 Endoscopes; Megaphones; Uranium 内窥镜; 扩音器; 铀
S28E10 Hollow Disk Pumps; Palm Sugar; Yachts 空心圆盘泵; 棕榈糖; 游艇
S28E11 Abalone Collagen; Digital-to-Analog Converters; Embosssed 鲍鱼胶原蛋白; 数模转换器; 压花
S28E12 Thai Barbecues; Diving Masks & Fins; Bassoons 泰式烧烤; 潜水面罩和脚蹼; 巴松管
S28E13 Wooden Utensils; Transport Refrigeration Units; Moccasins 木制餐具; 运输制冷装置; 莫卡辛鞋
S29E01 Skateboard Wheels; Baklava & Galaktoboureko; CO2 滑板轮;千层酥皮奶冻玉米糕 ;二氧化碳
S29E02 Nuno Felt; Drum Crushers; Kimchi; Parquet Floors 努诺毡;鼓式破碎机;泡菜;镶木地板
S29E03 Wood Watches; Steel Bicycles; Raw Pet Food; Replica Police 木表; 钢制自行车; 生宠物食品; 复制警察
S29E04 Thermoplastic Fire Helmets; Basketry Sculptures; Coffee 热塑性消防头盔; 篮子雕塑; 咖啡
S29E05 Office Chairs; Vinobrew; Reconditioned Sander Drums 办公椅; 酒酿; 翻新砂光鼓
S29E06 Fireplace Bellows; Calissons; Diving Watercraft 壁炉波纹管; 卡利松; 潜水艇
S29E07 Artist Brushes; DEF Tank Heaters; Game Tables; Art Glass 艺术家画笔; DEF 储罐加热器; 游戏桌; 艺术玻璃
S29E08 Flying Water Bikes; Throttle Position Sensors; Cinnamon 飞行水上自行车; 油门位置传感器; 肉桂
S29E09 Foosball Tables; Marseille Soap; Laguiole Pocket Knives 桌上足球桌; 马赛皂; 拉吉奥小折刀
S29E10 Berets; Pastis; Stationary Bikes 贝雷帽; 意大利面食; 固定自行车
S29E11 Bistro Sets; Letterpress Printing; Bamboo Lights; Asphalt 小酒馆套餐; 凸版印刷; 竹灯; 沥青压车
S29E12 Technological Corks; Zinc Gutters; Traditional Ham; Chisteras 技术软木塞; 锌天沟; 传统火腿; 奇斯特拉斯游戏手臂
S29E13 Pentanque Ball; Biologic Medicines; Asphalt Pavers; Basques 滚球; 生物药物; 沥青摊铺机; 巴斯克鞋
第三十季推出时间为 2017-09-11至2017-12-18
S30E01 Leather Basketballs; Flood Gates; Wood Panel Canvases; Shoelaces 皮革篮球; 防洪闸; 木板画布; 鞋带
S30E02 Power Steering Pumps; Asian Bowl Meals; Walking Canes 动力转向泵; 亚洲碗餐; 手杖
S30E03 Plant Oil Extractors; Custom Chandeliers; Power Trainers; Coffee Pods 植物油提取器; 定制吊灯; 力量训练器; 咖啡包
S30E04 Witness Samples; Pressure Washers; Bee Hives; Cast Iron Cookers 见证样品; 压力垫圈; 蜂箱; 铸铁炊具
S30E05 Leather Sculptures; Travel Hot Plates; Ochre; Hurdy Gurdies 皮革雕塑; 旅行热板; 赭石;赫迪·古尔迪斯
S30E06 Spiral Stairs; Pita Bread; Exhaust Headers; Molded Limestone Artwork 螺旋楼梯; 皮塔饼; 排气集管; 模压石灰石艺术品
S30E07 Recycled Skateboard Guitars; Solar Street Lights; Dolls 回收的滑板吉他; 太阳能路灯; 娃娃
S30E08 Glass Sculptures; Racing Pulley Systems; Inductors; Medicine Balls 玻璃雕塑; 赛车滑轮系统; 电感器; 药丸
S30E09 Fish Rubbings; Clay Shooting Machines; Almonds; High-End Motorcycles 鱼拓片; 粘土射击机; 杏仁; 高端摩托车
S30E10 Throttle Bodies; Limestone Fireplace Mantels; Candied Fruit & Fruit Jellies; Linen Ukulele 节气门体; 石灰石壁炉架; 蜜饯和果冻; 亚麻尤克里里
S30E11 Rubber Balls; Motion Chairs; Montreal Smoked Meat; Motorized Scooters 橡胶球; 运动椅; 蒙特利尔熏肉; 电动滑板车
S30E12 Aerospace Fasteners; Cactus Pear Puree; Lab Reactors 航空紧固件; 仙人掌梨泥; 实验室反应器
S30E13 Wall Beds; Sundae Cups; Digital Paintings; Badminton Rackets 壁床; 圣代杯; 数字绘画; 羽毛球拍
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sp00kworm · 5 years
I love Hawk Eyes! 😍 If you could, would you please do more Asa Emory? We need to raise the fandom! 🤩
A/N: I’m glad you liked the tiny fic anon! I enjoyed writing something a little bit weird for The Collector. Hopefully this little piece can add some more joy to your day? We shall see. Asa isn’t exactly the most ‘exciting’ person…Or is he? Readmore for ahem, saucy reasons.
Collected (Asa Emory (The Collector) / Female Reader)
How the fuck had you ended up here?
There was nothing and no one. The strange hotel was abandoned, run down and incredibly old. Somehow you have managed to avoid the particularly rotten looking floorboards and hadn’t fallen to your death through the floor. Your clothes felt dirty as you clutched at your arms, rubbing heat back into your arms as you crept over the flooring. You’d been out for a meal, meeting him in a restaurant before heading home. It wasn’t far, or so you had thought. Everything after leaving the Italian place was fuzzy. You’d been on three dates with Asa, knowing he was a Post-doc worker in the Entomology department. A man with a degree in Biology and a PhD in the bug side of it. He was well acquainted with most intelligent conversation, though he was quiet, eyes judging you before he spoke softly. The loudest noise you had heard out of him was when a waiter spilled wine over his cuffs. For some reason he’d brought a spare shirt. It was an odd habit, but everyone was different. Asa liked to be clean.
The black dress was filthy, mud clinging to the pleats of the bottom of the dress. The seer tights were just as filthy, laddered and ripped in places meaning you would never see use of them again. Your shoes however, those were gone. The little heels were hardly threatening, but they had exaggerated the lines of your legs and the curves of your body. It was all a dress up to impress the stoic Doctor. He’d smiled, eyes roving appreciatively before letting you sit down first. You wished you’d asked him to walk you home now. Asa was a large man, well defined but by no means had a model’s fake muscle body. The stomach muscle was heavy and his shoulders broad. It was a lifter’s build. Muscle for lifting and heaving. Still, he cut and imposing figure in a black jumper and deep green suit jacket.
 You wished he were here.
 A creak sounded where you put your foot as you continued your shuffling down the corridor, peering around the chilly place as the wind rattled through the wood panelled walls. Another creak sounded over head and you peered upwards to watch dust fall from the ceiling, light slitting as someone walked overhead.
“Excuse me?!” You shouted, resting a hand against the wall, “Could you help me?”
The boots paused over a crack in the floorboards, dust drifting from above as you looked upwards, shuffling closer to try and peer through the gap in the wood. As you came close, you heard a thump, the person above you crouching down to also look through the boards. You watched a knot in the wood rattle before it popped free, a black finger retreating out of the hole before an eye peered down. A pearlescent eye surrounded by black. It observed you for a moment, unblinking before the lids fluttered and the face snapped away, boots thumping down the corridor, dragging something behind them.
 “What the fuck?” You shuddered and listened, watching the ceiling as the person walked down the corridor. A door slammed overhead before a muffled scream sounded. That was a person. The heavy object. You held your breath as a woman screamed.
“No! No, please! Not the tank. NO!” The door was slammed shut as she screamed again. The noises were muffled but the pipes on the wall screamed as hot water passed through them. Her screams died eventually. Scuttling along the corridor, you waited beneath the door slam and listened again. The lock clicked above, and the boots thumped overhead before the door shut behind them. They rotated, turning dust through the boards before thumping back the way they came, slowly, leisurely. He stopped over the hole and peered down. You were sure you were hidden. His knee clicked as he got back up and continued to stroll on.
 You had to get out.
 Letting go off your mouth you ran, trying not to get splinters into your feet as you skidded around the corner and tugged at the door handles. They merely rattled, locked and bolted. You continued, panting as you turned again. Looking back and then forwards you realised that the corridors were in a square. You were going to go in circles. You were trapped. Stairs. You needed to find stairs. Bolting, you ran to the next corner and peered around. There was an emergency staircase. Sighing, you pushed open the double-way door. Something snagged as you did, and it took everything in your power to rush backwards as a blade swung downwards. It missed you but slammed against the floor with a great clatter, the metal ringing sharply. You peered through the doorway, shaking, and looked around. Nails were placed everywhere, covering the floor through great long boards of wood. It was impossible to get through, and you didn’t have the time or tools to try and heave them away from where they were glued in place.
 A sudden feeling of despair crossed you as you watched the blade on the floor, glitter in the yellow artificial light. You weren’t going to get out. It rang and rang in your head until a sharp ‘ping’ broke you from your revere.
 The elevator.
 The doors trundled open with some protest, the rust squeaking at the joints as someone waited to step out. You inhaled sharply and watched, feeling tears beginning to form in your eyes. A man adorned in black stepped through the doors, heavy boots thudding against the floor as he stood, breathed, and steadily looked around. The black mask hid his features, and the black jumper, cargos and black nitrile gloves hiding anything you could use to describe him. He turned slowly, left to right, and you froze when his eyes landed on you. The black colour glittered with green as his mouth opened and the knife span over his fingers. His boots ground into the wood as he turned to face you, breathing, bulky form facing you. A sigh. He let out a sigh before moving, striding towards you as you stared.
 Your legs were frozen before you managed to bolt, thumping down the corridor. He followed at a brisk pace, his boots thumping as he went. The floor underneath you suddenly felt slippery as you ran, sprinting, thumping doors as you went, the boots behind you a reminder of the man with the knife hot on your heels. The tears dripped down your cheeks as you slammed into another door, finding it locked. Your stocking slipped under your feet, sending you to your knees as you slid over the floor. Splinters dug into your hands and knees as you cried out, sliding into the wooden boards.
The skin over your knees split open and you reached to press at the grazes and cuts before the male was upon you. His knife was pushed into it’s sheath as he grabbed you from the wood, heaving you upwards with ease. His breathing deepened as you were grappled into his arms, his gloved hands holding you tight against his chest as you cried and wiggled.
Everything went black again as something sharp pierced the side of your neck.
 There was the sound of water dripping as your eyes opened for the second time that night. The ache in your bones was deep and tired. Lethargically, you reached up to your head and groaned, the cold in your bones feeling painful. With a deep breath, you realised that your clothes, as minimal as they were, were not covering your body anymore.
“What the fuck?” You cursed as you pushed yourself up, trying to reach for anything to cover yourself with. The bed was covered in fine silks, and you dragged the red sheet over yourself as you sat up. The room was lavish, and you had to wonder if it was still the hotel you had ran around for a while. It was pretty. Old but chic, with all the fancy old furniture from some sort of expensive movie scene. Putting your legs over the side of the bed you frowned, looking at your knees. They were covered in slave and bandages, making sure the cuts and scrapes would heal.
 Someone had undressed you and tended your wounds.
 Then you peered down.
 Shining eyes gazed back at you from the side of the bed, the man’s mouth open. His tongue licked at his bottom lip as you recoiled. He was found out. He stood with a tilt of his head and crooned softly; black nitrile covered hands reaching for the sheets.
The pearlescent gaze was unsettling.
You knew those eyes, “…Asa?” You croaked as the male stood up, fingers grazing your ankles, watching goosebumps ripple over your skin, “Asa? Why?”
His insectoid eyes glittered again, shining green as he sat on the edge of the bed and admired the cloth over your form, gloves trailing upwards, the material catching on your skin with a squeak as he observed the colour and look.
 He smiled underneath the black mask and leaned forwards, lips ghosting near your face.
“You…You didn’t have to do this. We could have been…normal.” Your hands snapped to his face, touching the latex of his mask before he flinched backwards, gloved hands peeling your fingers away. His gaze was unreadable as his fingers trailed downwards, sinking between your breasts before he cupped them in each of his hands, kneading the soft flesh with a lick of his lips, sighing as he felt their softness. He stopped with a flick to a nipple before continuing downwards. He pushed his fingers into the softness of your stomach before stopping at the bottom of your abdomen, fingers tapping as he contemplated his next actions.
 You didn’t stop him. A sick part of your mind reveling in being worshipped.
 The cold steel of a knife pressed to your arm, trailing upwards before detouring over your breasts, pressing the flat of it to your nipple before he pushed it into the sheets and crooned, his fingers dipping lower, pressing over your mound. The surgical gloves pressed between your legs, a long pointer finger flicking upwards and over your clit.
 The Collector purred.
 Your hips pressed downwards as he sheathed a finger inside of you.
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ambicasteelsblog · 4 years
Carbon Steel versus Stainless steel what is better?
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Steel is the most requisite metal of modem world technology. Being versatility, it offers a broad range of applications. Due to varying alloys and compliant grades availability, first preference to decide what type of steel to use. Iron treated with chromium become stainless steel, and when treated with carbon as main alloy, it is called carbon steel. This is the primary difference between carbon & stainless steel. Carbon steel consisted of 95% iron and 2% of carbon. This ratio provides considerable strength to carbon steels than the stainless steel. On the contrary, stainless steel contains iron with at least 10.5% of chromium. This alloying composition prevent stainless steel against oxidation and makes highly resistant than carbon steels. The mechanical properties of both metals vary respective of many grades availability. Stainless steel is more ductile than carbon steel as it contains significant amount of nickel. The other judging parameters age price, appearance, and post maintenance process. The carbon steel is denoted by using a four-digit number whereas stainless steel can be forms in different grades of 300 and 400 series. Various applications of the two, creates best fit for future designing and manufacturing. To conclude, it is the nature of the project that imply, the best steel to use.
Application of Carbon Vs Stainless steel
As per their classification, carbon steel is divided in to 2 main categories – low carbon steel, medium carbon steel.
Below are the applications for all 3 carbon steels
Cold Headed Fasters are made from low carbon steel.
Low carbon steel is used to make Shafts, spindles, pins, rods, sprocket assemblies.
Low carbon steel used for simple structural applications such as cold formed fasteners.
Medium carbon steel is used to make crankshafts, couplings, and cold headed parts.
Medium carbon steel is used for hand tools such as screwdrivers, pliers, and similar items.
Application of Stainless steel
 Austenitic Stainless Steel found use in different sectors depending upon the type of grade as follows:
· SS 304 / 304 L – Tanks, Storage vessels, Sinks, Cutlery, Architecture.
· SS 309/ 310- Furnace, Kiln, Catalytic convertors.
· SS 318, 316 L – Chemical Storage Tanks, Pressure Vessels and Piping.
· SS 321, 316 Ti – After burners, Super Heaters, Compensators, Expansion Bellows.
· SS 200 series – Dishwashers, Washing Machines, Cutlery, Cookware, Food beverage equipment.
 Martensitic Stainless Steels are used in making surgical and dental instruments, wire, screws, razor strips, springs, blades, cutting tools, fasteners, gears, gauge blocks, moulds and dies, ball bearings and races & aerospace.
 Ferritic Stainless Steels can also be used as an alternative to austenitic stainless steel in the manufacturing of thin film products like exhaust tubing and systems, washing machine drums, containers, buses, train compartments, LCD monitor displays, microwave and solar water heaters.
Duplex Stainless Steels are used in products which have high endurance in hot working conditions. Some of the applications are as follows :
· Pressure vessels, heat exchangers.
· Marine and high chloride conditions.
· Paper and pulp industry-digestors, bleaching equipment and stock handling systems.
· Food processing equipment.
· Biofuel plants.
Precipitate Hardened Stainless Steels are used specifically in aerospace applications, pump shafts, oil and gas industry and nuclear reactor components.
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Artifact Series J
J. Allen Hynek's Telescope
J. Edgar Hoover's Tie
J. McCullough's Golf Ball
J. Templer's Wind-Up Tin Rooster *
J. C. Agajanian’s Stetson
J.T. Saylors's Overalls
J.M. Barrie’s Swiss Trychels
J.M.W. Turner's Rain, Steam and Speed-The Great Western Railway *
J.R.R. Tolken's Ring
Jack's Magic Beanstalk
Jack Daniel's Original Whisky Bottle
Jack Dawson's Art Kit
Jack Duncan's Spur *
Jack Frost's Staff
Jack Kerouac's Typewriter
Jack Ketch's Axe
Jack LaLanne's Stationary Bike *
Jack London's Dog Collar
Jack Parson's Rocket Engine
Jack Sheppard's Hammer
Jack Sparrow's Compass
Jack Torrance's Croquet Mallet
Jack the Ripper's Lantern *
Jackie Robinson's Baseball
Jackson Pollock's "No. 5, 1948"
Jackson Pollock's Pack of Cigarettes
Jackson Pollock's Paint Cans
Jack's Regisword
Jack Vettriano's "The Singing Butler"
Jack's Wrench
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm's Kinder- und Hausmarchen
Jacob "Jack" Kevorkian's Otoscope
Jacob Kurtzberg's Belt *
Jacqueline Cochran's Brooch
Jacques Aymar-Vernay’s Dowsing Rod
Jacques Cousteau's Goggles
Jacques Cousteau's Diving Suit
Jacques-Louis David's Napoleon Crossing the Alps *
Jade Butterfly
Jadeite Cabbage
Jalal-ud-Din Muhammad Akbar's Smoke Pipe
Jamaica Ginger Bottle
Jaleel White's Hosting Chair
James Abbot McNeill Whistler's Whistler's Mother *
James Allen's Memoir
James Bartley's Britches
James Ben Ali Haggin's Leaky Fountain Pen
James Bert Garner’s Gas Mask
James Bett's Cupboard Handle
James Braid's Chair *
James Brown's Shoes
James Bulger's Sweater
James Buzzanell's Painting "Grief and Pain"
James Buzzanell’s Survey Books
James C. McReynolds’ Judicial Robe
James Chadwick's Nobel Prize
James Clerk Maxwell's Camera Lens
James Colnett's Otter Pelt
James Condliff's Skeleton Clock
James Cook's Mahiole and Feather Cloak
James Craik's Spring Lancet
James Dean's 1955 Prosche 550 Spyder, aka "Little Bastard"
James Dean's UCLA Varsity Jacket
James Dinsmoor's Dinner Bell
James Eads How’s Bindle
James Earl Ray's Rifle
James Fenimore Cooper's Arrow Heads
James Gandolfini's Jukebox
James Hadfield’s Glass Bottle of Water
James Hall III’s Shopping Bags
James Henry Atkinson's Mouse Trap
James Henry Pullen’s Mannequin
James Hoban's Drawing Utensils
James Holman’s Cane
James Hutton's Overcoat
James Joyce’s Eyepatch
James M. Barrie's Grandfather Clock
James M. Barrie's Suitcase
James Murrell's Witch Bottle
James Philip’s Riata
James Prescott Joule's Thermodynamic Generator
James Smithson's Money
James Tilly Matthews’ Air Loom
James Warren and Willoughby Monzani's Piece of Wood
James Watt's Steam Condenser
James Watt's Weather Vane
James W. Marshall’s Jar
Jan Baalsrud’s Stretcher
Jan Baptist van Helmont's Willow Tree
Jane Austen's Carriage
Jane Austen's Gloves
Jane Austen's Quill
Jane Bartholomew's "Lady Columbia" Torch
Jane Pierce's Veil
Janet Leigh's Shower Curtain
Janine Charrat's Ballet Slippers
Jan Janzoon's Boomerang *
Janis Joplin's Backstage Pass from Woodstock *
Jan Karski's Passport
Janus Coin *
Jan van Eyck’s Chaperon
Jan van Speyk's Flag of the Netherlands
Jan Wnęk's Angel Figurine
Jan Žižka's Wagenburg Wagons
The Japanese Nightingale
Jar of Dust from the Mount Asama Eruption
Jar of Greek Funeral Beans
Jar of Marbles
Jar of Molasses from The Boston Molasses Disaster
Jar of Sand
Jar of Semper Augustus Bulbs
Jar of Shiva
Jar of Sugar Plums
Jascha Heifetz's Violin Bow
Jason Voorhese's Machete
Javed Iqbal's Barrel of Acid
Jay Maynard's Tron Suit
Jean II Le Maingre's Gauntlets
Jean Baptiste Charbonneau’s Cradleboard
Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin's Bubble Pipe
Jean Chastel's Silver Gun
Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin's Pocket Watch
Jean Fleury's Aztec Gold Coins
Jean-François Champollion’s Ideographic Dictionary
Jean Froissart's Mirror *
Jean-Frédéric Peugeot's Pepper Mill
Jean Hilliard’s Earmuffs
Jean Parisot de Valette’s Sword Sheath
Jean-Paul Marat's Bathtub
Jean Paul-Satre’s Paper Cutter
Jean-Pierre Christin's Thermometer
Jean Senebier's Bundle of Swiss Alpine Flowers
Jean Valnet's Aromatherapy Statue
Jean Vrolicq’s Scrimshaw
Jeanne Baret's Hat
Jeanne de Clisson's Black Fleet
Jeanne Villepreux-Power's Aquarium
Jeannette Piccard's Sandbag
Jeff Dunham's First Ventriloquist Box
Jefferson Davis' Boots
Jefferson Randolph Smith's Soap Bar
Jeffrey Dahmer's Handkerchief
Jeffrey Dahmer's Pick-Up Sticks
Jemmy Hirst's Carriage Wheel
Jenny Lind's Stage Makeup
Jeopardy! Contestant Podiums
Jerome Monroe Smucker's Canning Jars
Jerry Andrus’ Organ
Jerry Garcia's Blackbulb *
Jerry Siegel's Sketchbook
Jesse James' Saddle
Jesse James' Pistol
Jesse Owens' Hitler Oak
Jesse Owens' Running Shoes
Jesse Pomeroy's Ribbon and Spool
Jester's Mask
Jesus of Nazareth's Whip
Jesús García's Brake Wheel
Jet Engine from the Gimli Glider
Jet Glass Cicada Button
Jethro Tull's Hoe
Jeweled Scabbard of Sforza
Jiang Shunfu’s Mandarin Square
Jim Davis' Pet Carrier
Jim Fixx's Shorts
Jim Henson's Talking Food Muppets
Jim Jones' Sunglasses
Jim Londos' Overalls
Jim Robinson's Army Bag
Jim Thorpe's Shoulder Pads
Jim Ward's Piercing Samples
Jimi Hendrix's Bandana
Jimi Hendrix's Bong
Jimi Hendrix's Guitars *
Jimmie Rodgers Rail Brake
Jimmy Durante's Cigar
Jimmy Gibb Jr's Stock Car
Jimmy Hoffa's Comb
Jin Dynasty Chainwhip
Jingle Harness
Joan II, Duchess of Berry's Dress
Joan of Arc's Chain Mail
Joan of Arc's Helmet (canon)
Joan Feynman's Ski Pole
Joanna of Castile's Vase
Joan Rivers' Carpet Steamer
Joan Rivers' Red Carpet
Joe Ades's Potato Peeler
Joe Girard’s Keys
Joe Rosenthal's Camera Lens
Joel Brand's Playing Cards
Joséphine de Beauharnais' Engagement Ring
Johan Alfred Ander’s Piece of Porcelain
Johann Baptist Isenring’s Acacia Tree
Johann Bartholomaeus Adam Beringer's Lying Stones
Johann Blumhardt's Rosary
Johann Dzierzon’s Beehive Frame
Johann Georg Elser's Postcard
Johann Maelzel's Metronome *
Johann Rall's Poker Cards
Johann Tetzel's Indulgence
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Prism
Johannes Brahms' Coffee Creamer
Johannes Diderik van der Waals' Gloves
Johannes Fabricius' Camera Obscura
Johannes Gutenburg's Memory Paper *
Johannes Gutenburg's Printing Press *
Johannes Gutenberg's Printing Press Keys
Johannes Kepler's Planetary Model
Johannes Kepler's Telescope Lense
Johannes Kjarval’s Landscape Painting
John A. Macready's Ray-Bans *
John A. Roebling's Steel Cable
John A.F. Maitland's Musical Brainnumber *
John André’s Stocking
John Anthony Walker's Minox
John Axon's Footplate
John Babbacombe Lee’s Trapdoor
John Bardeen's Radio
John Bodkin Adams’ Stethoscope
John Brown's Body *
John Brown's Machete
John C. Koss SP3 Stereophones
John C. Lilly's Isolation Tank Valve
John Cabot's Map
John Carl Wilcke's Rug *
John Crawley's Painting
John Croghan's Limestone Brick
John Dalton's Weather Vane
John Dee's Golden Talisman
John Dee's Obsidian Crystal Ball
John Dee’s Seal of God
John DeLorean's Drawing Table
John Dickson Carr's Driving Gloves
John Dillinger's Pistol *
John D. Grady’s Satchel
John D. Rockefeller's Bible
John D. Rockefeller, Sr. and Jr.'s Top Hats
John Dwight's Hammer
John F. Kennedy's Coconut
John F. Kennedy's Presidental Limousine
John F. Kennedy's Tie Clip *
John Flaxman's Casting Molds
Sir John Franklin's Scarf
John Gay's Shilling
John Gillespie Magee, Jr.'s Pen
John H. Kellogg's Bowl
John H. Kellogg's Corn Flakes
John H. Lawrence's Pacifier
John Hancock's Quill
John Harrison’s Longcase Clock
John Hawkwood’s Lance
John Hendrix's Bible
John Henry Moore's White Banner
John Henry's Sledge Hammer
John Hetherington's Top Hat
John Holland, 2nd Duke of Exeter's Torture Rack
John Holmes Pump *
John Hopoate's Cleats
John Howard Griffin's Bus Fare
John Hunter's Stitching Wire
John Hunter's Surgical Sutures
John J. Pershing's Boots
John Jacob Astor's Beaver Pelt
John Jervis’ Ship
John Joshua Webb’s Rock Chippings
John Kay's Needle
John Keat's Grecian Urn *
John, King of England's Throne
John L. Sullivan's Boots
John Langdon Down's Stencils
John Lawson's Mannequin Legs
John Lennon's Glasses
John "Liver-Eating" Johnson's Axe
John Logie Baird's Scanning Disk *
John M. Allegro's Fly Amanita
John Macpherson's Ladle
John Malcolm's Chunk of Skin
John Malcolm's Skin Wallet
John McEnroe's Tennis Racket *
John Milner's Yellow '32 Ford Deuce Coupe
John Moore-Brabazon’s Waste Basket
John Morales' McGruff Suit
John Mytton’s Carriage
John Pasche's Rolling Stones Poster Design
John Paul Jones's Sword
John Pemberton's Tasting Spoon
John Philip Sousa's Sousaphone
John Rambo's Composite Bow
John Rykener's Ring
John Shore's Tuning Fork
John Simon's Mouthwash
John Simon Ritchie's Padlock Necklace
John Smith of Jamestown's Sword
John Snow's Dot Map
John Snow’s Pump Handle
John Stapp’s Rocket Sled
John Steinbeck's Luger
John Sutcliffe's Camera
John Sutter's Pickaxe
John Tunstall's Horse Saddle
John Trumbull's "Painting of George Washington"
John von Neumann's Abacus
John Walker's Walking Stick
John Wayne Gacy's Clown Painting *
John Wayne Gacy's Facepaint
John Wesley Hardin's Rosewood Grip Pistol
John Wesley Powell's Canoe
John Wesley Powell’s Canteen
John Wilkes Booth's Boot *
John Wilkes Booth Wanted Poster
John William Polidori's Bookcase
Johnny Ace's Gun
Johnny Appleseed's Tin Pot *
Johnny Campbell's University of Minnesota Sweater
Johnny Depp's Scissor Gloves
Johnny Smith's Steering Wheel
Johnny Weismuller's Loincloth *
Joker's BANG! Revolver
Jon Stewart's Tie
Jonathan Coulton's Guitar
Jonathan R. Davis' Bowie Knife
Jonathan Shay's Copy of Iliad/Odyssey
Jonestown Water Cooler
Jorge Luis Borges' Scrapbook
José Abad Santos' Pebble
José Delgado’s Transmitter
Jose Enrique de la Pena's Chest Piece
Jōsei Toda’s Gohonzon Butsudan
Josef Frings’ Ferraiolo
Josef Mengele's Scalpel
Josef Stefan's Light Bulbs
Joseph of Arimathea's Tomb Rock
Joseph of Cupertino's Medallion *
Joseph Day's Sickle
Joseph Ducreux's Cane
Joseph Dunninger's Pocket Watch
Joseph Dunningers’ Props
Joseph E. Johnston Confederate Flag
Joseph Force Crater's Briefcases
Joseph Fourier's Pocket Knife
Joseph Glidden’s Barbed Wire
Joseph Goebbels' Radio *
Joseph Jacquard's Analytical Loom
Joseph Bolitho Johns’ Axe
Joseph Kittinger's Parachute
Joseph Lister's Padding
Joseph McCarthy's List of Communists
Joseph Merrick's Hood
Joseph-Michel Montgolfier's Wicker Basket
Joseph Moir’s Token
Joseph Pilate's Resistance Bands *
Joseph Polchinski’s Billiard Ball
Joseph Stalin's Gold Star Medal *
Joseph Stalin's Sleep Mask *
Joseph Swan's Electric Light
Joseph Vacher's Accordion
Joseph Vacher's Dog Skull
Joseph Valachi's '58 Chevrolet Impala
Josephus' Papyrus
Joseph Wolpe's Glasses
Josephine Cochrane's Dishwasher
Joshua's Trumpet *
Josiah S. Carberry's Cracked Pot
Joshua Vicks' Original Batch of Vicks Vapor Rub
Josiah Wedgewood's Medallion
Jost Burgi's Armillary Sphere *
Jovan Vladimir's Cross
Juana the Mad of Castiles' Crown
Juan Luis Vives' Quill Set
Juan Moreira’s Facón
Juan Pounce de Leon's Chalice
Juan Ponce de León's Helmet
Juan Seguin's Bandolier
Jubilee Grand Poker Chip *
Judah Loew ben Belazel's Amulet *
Judas Iscariot’s Thirty Silver Coins
Judson Laipply's Shoes
Jules Baillarger's Decanter
Jules Leotard's Trapeze Net
Jules Verne's Original Manuscripts
Julia Agrippa's Chalice
Julia Child's Apron *
Julia Child's Whisk
Julian Assange’s Flash Drive
Julie d’Aubigny's Sabre
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg's Wedding Rings
Julius Asclepiodotus’ Shield Boss
Julius Caesar's Wreath
Julius Wilbrand's Lab Coat Buttons *
Jumper Cables
Junji Koyama’s Vegetables
Jure Sterk's Ballpoint Pen
Jürgen Wattenberg's Leather Provision Bag
Justa Grata Honoria’s Engagement Ring
Justin Bieber's Guitar
Justinian I's Chariot Wheel
Justin O. Schmidt's Wasp Mask
Justus von Liebig's Fertilizer Sack
Justus von Liebig's Mirror
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sunstellarindia01 · 3 months
All You Should Know About Surgical Steel Water Tanks
Stainless steel has shown exceptional performance in almost every business segment. In the case of storage, stainless steel tanks have proved to be resourceful irrespective of the industry. Whether it is water storage, food & beverage, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, or chemical processing, these SS tanks are adding value to each industry with hygienic, reliable, and the most practical solutions. When healthcare is particularly discussed, surgical steel water tanks are changing the game of the industry by maintaining efficiency, hygiene, and safety for diverse storage practices. All You Should Know About Surgical Steel Water Tanks
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pureverwatertanks · 9 months
Why Purever Stainless Steel Water Tanks Are Dominating The Market?
Since time immemorial, water tanks have been a vital part of every modern household in India. These storage tanks have helped homeowners in various ways. From reducing electricity bills to simplifying daily errands, these storage tanks have served people excellently.
However, as time flew, the world started realising the downsides of plastic water tanks. Those metallic water tanks too have some drawbacks in a country that witnesses excessive temperature rise. Even in areas like Noida and Delhi, people experience the problem with hard water. Considering all these challenges, Purever manufactures the best stainless steel water tanks. The following are the benefits of Purever stainless steel water tanks.
Reasons Why Purever Stainless Steel Water Tanks Dominate the Market
Want to purchase commercial water tanks? Here’s why you can consider Purever:
100% Surgical Stainless Steel
These customised stainless steel water tanks are made from surgical stainless steel. So, it includes a high level of corrosion resistance and purity. That ensures the water stored inside will not contaminate with any other external materials.
Custom-Made Stainless-Steel Fittings
These water tanks are built with customised fittings designed from stainless steel. So, these water tanks offer a durable solution. The custom-built stainless-steel components ensure pure and high-quality water.
Ensures Quality, Flavour, and Purity of Water
Since these water tanks use surgical stainless steel, they can safeguard the quality, taste, and purity of water. Also, they use customised fittings that ensure that the water stored maintains the natural characteristics without compromising on purity.
Zero Chemical Contamination
Thanks to the materials that make the tank durable and sturdy. Besides, chemical and harmful substances cannot enter the water storage system. So, the absence of these contaminants improves water quality. As a result, the water remains unaffected and uncontaminated.
Technologically Advanced Materials Used
Purever commercial water tanks are built with strong technologies. Altogether, it ensures premium quality, durable, and modern water storage solutions. If you want to buy a sturdy SS water tank, you can consider Purever.
Keeps Water Pure in Any Climate
These water tanks are extremely sturdy to keep water in its purest form regardless of the temperature. So, water remains pure inside irrespective of the external climate outside.
Low Maintenance and Extremely Sturdy
The best part of using stainless-steel water tanks is that they are extremely durable. In addition, they need negligible maintenance. So, you can enjoy a hassle-free and reliable storage solution after installing these customised steel water tanks.
A Seamless Drainage System
The water tanks come with a seamless drainage system. So, it ensures a convenient cleaning procedure. That makes it evident that your maintenance will be straightforward.
Can be Used in Any Commercial or Residential Locations
Purever tanks are designed in such a way that they can serve both commercial and residential purposes. You can find the best commercial water tanks from the company that offer versatility. These tanks can adapt to any weather condition. The above traits make Purever a pioneer in offering stainless steel water tanks. Now, you understand why customers are embracing these tanks at a steady pace.
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livingfreezers · 2 years
They correspond to 80% of the plastics consumed.
Polystyrene: Disposable cups, insulating plates, stereos and TV, food packaging, refrigerators, school supplies. HDPE - High Density Polyethylene: Packaging for cosmetics, Radiation shielding, chemicals and cleaning products, tubes for liquids and gas, fuel tanks for automotive vehicles. The uses of thermoplastics in various industries PET - Polyethylene Terephthalate: Soft drink bottles, pharmaceutical products, cleaning products, waterproofing blankets and textile fibers. Already thermosets are those that do not melt and that although they cannot be molded. One of the most representative things of engineering thermoplastics is the balance between their properties. The most rigid, the fine and easy to knead, the transparent ones, etc. It belongs to the group of polymers, very large molecules, with special and varied characteristics. Precisely for these physical properties, they are used for various applications to replace traditional metals. PVC - Polyvinyl Chloride: Bottles of mineral water, tubes and connections, footwear, electrical cable covers, medical-surgical equipment, frames and coverings.
They correspond to 80% of the plastics consumed. Last but not least, it has a wide workability. The HDPE is also distinguished by a certain dimensional stability and for the preservation of good mechanical properties even at high temperatures. A valid alternative to traditional materials such as, stainless steel and other metals..Plastic comes from petroleum-based resins and can be shaped in many ways without breaking. It is very rigid, tenacious and flexible at the same time therefore adaptable to various situations. The engineering polymers stand out for their high physical-mechanical characteristics. The most recognized families as engineering thermoplastics are: Polyamides, Polycarbonates, thermoplastic polyesters.
They can be worked with conventional technologies. PP - Polypropylene: Pasta and biscuit packaging, margarine jars, disposable syringes, medical and surgical equipment, textile fibers and threads, housewares, auto parts (car bumpers). PEDB - Low Density Polyethylene: Food packaging, industrial bags, garbage bags, agricultural canvas, flexible packaging films and toy labels. They are used in heavy industries, such as making Radiation shielding materials. Its resistant quality is spectacular For the excellent chemical and thermal resistance, they are also very resistant to environmental adversities. They make it totally suitable for its applications in the field of engineering. This process can be repeated several times. Advantages of high density thermoplastic DC Solar chest freezer The thermoplastics are those which soften when heated and can be molded, and are solid when cooled and take a new shape. Quality, solidity, wide choice of products, so these are just some of the benefits that HDPE are able to offer to those who use them. There are many types of plastics.
It can be sprayed and leveraged as cargo or being incinerated for energy recovery. High impact resistance, good electrical insulation capacity, fairly high usage temperatures, corrosion resistance and resistance to chemical attacks. High density thermoplastic also known by the name of engineering techno-polymers, are plastic materials that boast significant strength and rigidity characteristics. And is therefore anti-wear. Some of the reasons for the success of plastic are its lightness, the fact that it is malleable and does not shatter when it breaks. They are divided into two groups according to their melting or melting characteristics: thermoplastics and thermosets
0 notes
secretshamewriting · 6 years
Stabilizing.. (Soldier 76 x Reader)
On AO3 Warnings: Blood, Mild Swearing
I have more ideas for a continuation on this, but nothing has been written yet. 
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C’mon, soldier. Move! Move! Move! The old days at boot camp always stuck with him, had helped him become who he was. That, and all the chemicals. A long time ago, he had been Jack Morrison, Strike Commander of Overwatch. Now he associated more with the title than the name. Jack had died in the explosion in Switzerland, he’d been to the grave out at Arlington. A Soldier was all he was now, one that went by 76 for anonymity, and the drill sergeant barked in his head “Never leave a teammate behind.”
Your eyes twisted from the laser focus they’d had, looking down the cement hallway at the far end where a door was labeled with reflective stickers like you might find on a mailbox. The old man is rambling again you thought, but looking at the mask that covered him from eyebrow to chin you had no way to be sure. 76 was convinced you had a concussion, so it could all be in your head. You tried looking back at what had previously stopped the world from spinning, but while your eyes trailed their way back down the hall the way you came, you noticed “We left an awful lot of blood.”
“You” 76 corrected in that gruff voice of disapproval. “And besides, there’s a blood stain on the wall by the vending machine. No one saw us, and there wasn’t any shots fired here. A trail of blood means nothing at a seedy place like this.”
True. The only thing this place had going for it was it didn’t charge by the hour, so at least there was that to cut down on the foot traffic.
You watched the splotchy white railing that was fixed to the outward side of the hallway, being eaten away by rust dancing like heat waves off of asphalt in the summertime. There was definitely a major blood loss factor working into your wobbly consciousness. It was a good thing you had the Soldier there, a strong arm around your waist to hold you up since for all you could tell your left side was still not operational, you couldn’t feel it yet anyway. Only your right side worked, the full organics, fingers clutching onto a strap of his shoulder holsters and one leg holding your weight. “We should have had that room..” you mumble to yourself this time, thinking the text of the glossy numbers at the end of the hall matched that on the back of his jacket, if you squint.
The pulse rifle was the first thing through the door, tossed underhand to slightly spring off the closest mattress before settling. In one motion you were lifted over his shoulder and were through the doorway. His other hand pulled the key and slammed the door, and grabbed the medical kit on the table while briskly walking you back to the bathroom. Setting you down on the lid of the toilet the first thing 76 did was activate a biotic field, leaving the device to balance on the far edge of the ceramic sink basin. It could only be so useful, especially with limited charges, but it was the reason you had made it this far.
“First of all,” he stated matter of factly, “if I’m going to patch you up the suit’s gotta come off.”
“Jesus Christ,” you said in complete bewilderment of how you could make such a normally simple task happen. It had been a long day. “I’ll try, sir.” Weakly, and with one hand you unclipped the buckles holding your own bandoliers, and unzipped the HSI armor suit. It was meant to help protect you but now it was your greatest enemy. Even in unzipping it and the flex in the otherwise tightly fitting garment it became apparent that dried blood attached the frayed edges of the resilient weave to the open wounds scattered across your torso and it was already starting to pull and rip.
You had worked it up, not even to your belly button yet, cringing and biting back groans of pain. That all went out the window when it was ripped over your head. You scream in agony while from the experienced combat veteran explains “You’re bleeding out. We don’t have time to baby it.”
You weren’t sure if he was cleaning your wounds with turpentine or what but ever since the suit had been ripped off your nerves alternated between stinging and burning, telling the story of every cut and scrape on your back. Leaning against 76’s leg was the only thing had stopped you from hitting the floor, and even though the smaller nicks’ pain ebbed the larger ones only grew. It didn’t help when they were violated by the point of a pair of tweezers. You tried to rear away from the unnatural feeling but found the old man's forearm had your chest pinned to his thigh. Tink. The soft sound of a chunk of glass hitting the ceramic was followed shortly by more. But you supposed getting thrown through several plate glass windows would do that.
There was no pain meds in sight, and even anything readily available would be more on the side of an NSAID and only make you bleed more. So instead you did your best to tough it out, grunting and groaning, sucking in anguished breaths. He didn’t complain but you were most certainly digging your nails into 76’s leg too hard where you were bracing yourself.
“You’re going to need stitches.” 76 explained, while he eased you up to lean back against the tank. He took a sidestep to open the medical kit, withdrawing the surgical steel needle and the microfilament line. You had done the same for him before, so it was simply time to return the favor. And with a sideways glance he decided to grab the bar of soap too, stating “Here.”
You stared aghast at the green block. “You know I’m gonna be cussing and preemptively washing my mouth out with soap?”
“Not taking the chance you’d bite your tongue off, so shut up and bite down.” all but shoving it into you mouth. Taking the same position you had prior he assuaged you back down to lean against his leg. He was about to start the process, but took the second to give you reassurance. “There’s three that are going to need it. Stay still, and we’ll have this over with quick.”
“Bones heal, pain is temporary,” you said with all the weight of a mantra, taking a breath to calm yourself and finishing with “and scars look good.” before chomping down on what was your improvised bit. The alkali taste already mixed with your saliva, coating your tongue, but it was a small distraction from the pain. Gripping on, even straining what you could feel above your left elbow to wrap behind his knee, you nodded.
You felt the distinct moment the point of the needle poked through your skin, felt the thread sliding through, the two severed sides of flesh touch, and the tug of the knot. Over and over. You had tried to count but instead focused more on biting down, it helped you to dissociate, which was as good as you could do without any anesthetic. There was something satisfying about the waxy feel of it giving way to your teeth.
Scars, 76 remarked to himself as he worked. He had battled the world over, seen some of the worst violence in mankind; some stitches in a bathroom were pretty tame. Still, he worried. She’ll have a few more of those now. The thought brought his eyes away from his work, just for a moment, to flit up to the brazen, jagged line of scar tissue that traced down from the hairline on the back of your neck to your left trapezius. Pulling together another knot he thought how it was one you had carried with you most of your life, that had been your souvenir of the End of the Crisis while he had gotten medals. And now you were going to be covered in them, all because you were foolish enough to help an old man that didn’t know when to quit.
You focused on your breathing, and before you knew it you were done, feeling the tap on your shoulder before the two large hands closed on your biceps to help pull you to your feet.
Instinctually you stumbled to the sink, spitting the soap out to skate around the basin with a deep and complete set of your dental records along for the ride. Handful after handful of water wasn’t enough to get the taste of whatever idyllic spring you were sure was as fake as the Leprechaun on the box out of your mouth. Your tongue still thrust in reaction to the lingering zing of freshness, stuck to the back of your throat it was enough to make you want to vomit even if you couldn’t be that dramatic. You had registered the sensation of gauze pads being taped to your back but it was only as you caught your reflection in the mirror, seeing 76 standing behind you, stoically caring for your wounds.
When had he removed his tactical visor? You weren’t sure, but you took comfort in the small things, sighing as you straighten your elbows to push yourself up off of the sink. You could still remember a time when he even slept with the damn thing on just so you wouldn’t see his face. The feeling of gravel in your skin dug at your forearm, and feeling more confident now that the servos in your left hand wouldn’t give out and send you back down into the sink you picked up and turned your right arm to investigate. A pebble of sticky red glass had made a small indent in your skin, it seemed to like to you, first your back now your arm. You plucked it lightly, and gathered the rest of the handful discarded in the impromptu work area and tossed them right in the trash can.
You used your palm to wipe droplets of water from beside your mouth, and taking a moment of reprieve before saying “Good lookin out, old man.” and taking another breath before offering a sincere, truly from the heart “Thank you.”
“We’re not done,” 76 had a hint of amusement, in the mirror you could see him raise one eyebrow as he explained, “Hate to be the bearer of bad news but your leg is next.”
You looked down, seeing the small pool of blood forming near your heel. Your boot was full of enough blood it had found some way out. Twisting your leg you winced in pain and held onto the sink, groaning “Oh. There is definitely glass in there.” It grated against muscle tissue and nerves. “Thaaat’s gonna be fun.” Sarcasm was always a good coping mechanism. But at least it isn’t in my buttcheek you allowed, already almost doubling over again.
Fingers pushed inside the waistband, and you knew they were about to get the same ‘ripping a band-aid off’ treatment as your shirt had. Immediately you pleaded “The suit is already ruined, just cut ‘em off.”
76 had hated the suit, he thought it made you act like you were tougher. More foolhardy than anything. But you had adored it the moment you came across it one of Helix Securities bases, and it was the first time you felt like you had a real uniform. You had finally been really, really ready for combat. Shhhrrrip! The blade of the knife glided right through the fabric after the initial yanking, saw motion it took to start.
“Their mach 2 better have some improvements. This armorweave was shit.” You spoke just to say something, trying to be casual, even to take your own mind off of the fact that was now settling in. You hadn’t been down to your skivvies in front of the Soldier before, even though there had now been months of you sharing hotel rooms all over the world. It had never come up.
Embarrassed, in mismatched bra and panties with half of your ass hanging out, you looked to the ceiling and blinked rapidly to hold back the tears that tried to well up. Not even so much out of shame, or your lack of confidence in your body image- even if it was a turbulent pool of several confusing emotions. It was more about concern. Concern for the man that was showing you so much right now. You gripped onto the porcelain of the free standing sink much like he had been your anchor previously as again the point of tweezers dug into your skin.
76 grunted. “Looks like it shattered. This might be ugly.” Not that he couldn’t fix it up, but there was going to be a lot of digging in tender meat to get at all the shards. Tightening his grip on the handful of thigh he had, he gulped and took another appraising look at the gash.
A hiss broke into a dry sob as you felt a particularly barbed piece slide out, and you could only guess some flesh went with it. “I’m sorry,” you blurted it out as a new wave pain came crashing down to not help your watering eyes. You meant for everything, but the fact that weighed on you most in this moment was that “The mission was a failure. We didn’t get what we were after..”
Readjusting his grip, coming at it from a new angle 76 used his thumb and the blade of the hand holding the tweezers to pull the wound apart, able to see even the small pinpoint of the foreign object glistening in your blood. He glanced up, questioning your sentiment, because he had a new mission: Getting you all patched up.
“And I’m really sorry.” You were only digging yourself deeper into misery at this point. “I.. unh- agH!” Maybe talking wasn’t the best idea but you wiped away the only stream of tears you were going to allow away before clamping your arm tighter onto the edge of the basin, the cold seeping into your skin. “The spider tank-- I. I didn’t know what else to do.” Reactivating what had been a previously disabled piece of hardware that had been somewhat of a museum piece for remembrance and stored for safekeeping inside of the warehouse you had raided, and was now a pile of scrap-- it had been your only play when the troops closed in.
You didn’t know much about Soldier: 76, but you did know he was a former Overwatch agent. That he had fought in the Omnic Crisis. And more than anything you worried that activating a raging omnic killing machine designed for one purpose…. Might have hit him too close to home. Several times in your travels his PTSD had been apparent, and though he didn’t seem to have been bothered by it you weren’t exactly in a state to assess someone else mentally, and you were drowning in guilt.
“It was a last re-” you sucked in a breath mid-word as your nerves lit up from toe to cranium, feeling the metal against glass against meat. “Resort. I … just hope it-it didn’t…” You trailed off as you didn’t even know how to finish that sentence. How do you show respect to someone you probably just made relive Hell on Earth? You had no idea.
He’d thought he’d seen it all. Lived it all already. But here, bared and bleeding, him with the necessary yet torturous job… through the pain your anxiety was for his well being. You were worried you had done him some sleight, when the fact was you had singlehandedly saved both of you with that stunt. Just the kind of thing he used to do.
Under his breath, and entirely to himself he expressed his own sentiment with a scoff, calling you a “Sweet girl..”
Before long he had his sweet girl taken care of, all wounds closed and dressed. He left you standing at the sink, returning with a clean shirt from your suitcase that he helped pull over your head. He held your arms as you stepped out of the other leg of your pants that didn’t get cut off of you, and stabilized you as you kicked off your boots.
Guiding you to the bed, 76 chastised “You need to rest. But no sleep for..” looking to the watch on his wrist and approximating the time of the injury “two and a half more hours.”
You nodded, weary, even more tired now that you felt the welcoming embrace of a mattress.
“What can I get you from the vending machine?” his tall frame stooped low to the ground in a squat to look eye to eye with you.
“Cookies?” You weren't hungry, but knew he was going to make you eat anyway; with the blood loss you needed fluids to replenish it and sugar to replace where your levels had surely dropped through the floor. You couldn't recall the poor selection available so you offered a few options. “Doritos? A coke?” As an afterthought you smiled and added “Thanks, old man.”
The TV clicked on, to what channel you couldn’t even guess. “Remember, no dozing off.” 76 chided, before storming off with purpose and leaving you with your thoughts that were jumbled and vague. It did serve to help you remember however.
Panic struck as he returned to the room and you weren't where he’d left you. Standing in the doorway he took the obligatory look around to access the situation. It was quiet and you couldn't have gone far. The sweep of the small room quickly turned up with you sitting on the floor of the bathroom, leaning against the bathtub with one arm perched on the rim, your tattered suit pulled close, and the field computer sitting on your lap.
“I forgot” you had started to explain before you were interrupted by the rough, you-should-be-ashamed-of-yourself tone.
“What are you doing?”
“I recovered a data pack,” you announced proudly, lifting it up for proof, “and the EMP didn't fry it or anything! There is some corruption but mostly it looks like--”
The cord that tethered the data pack to the laptop pulled it from your considerably unimpressive grip, and 76 snatched it up as it fell. He grabbed the computer and still with an armful of snacks he carted it to the other room to set on the table. You were the second load.
Unapologetically you were plopped back down onto the shoddy springs. 76 gathered your pillows into a stack to prop you up before handing you the remote. A buffet of snacks rained down to the empty bed beside you: three bags of non-dorito chips for your selection, a sleeve of lightly salted peanuts, and a whole package of mini Famous Amos cookies. “No coke?” you poked while ripping open the bag of crunchy Cheetos.
“Juice.” 76 replied flatly as he settled in a chair, propping his feet up on the long, squat dresser that also served as TV stand and pulling the laptop onto his legs. “The point is to get hydrated.”
You scoffed and made an uppity face you were sure he saw out of the corner of his eye, before settling in and flipping through channels. Nothing was on, of course, so you settled on an old John Wayne movie as a placeholder, going back to surf on commercials just incase anything had changed. It didn't.
A rough pat on the fleshy part of your leg awoke you from a nap you hadn't realized you started taking. “Not yet,” 76 checked his watch “Thirty-six more minutes.”
You groaned an acceptance and popped a cookie in your mouth as you hit the channel up button again. But really you watched as the Soldier settled back into his spot, ripping off a bite of the beef jerky that made up his dinner while moving the computer back onto his lap. With the occasional click, and lots of scrolling he scoured the miscellaneous administrative reports housed on the old piece of equipment. He might have found something good, you hoped he did, as he picked up the fist sized rectangular hunk of metal and turning it over to smirk at the fading Overwatch insignia on the back.
You had no idea but for his reality this nostalgia was worse than fighting an Omnic tank, and he tormented himself with it all the time. This was his mission now, his new war after Overwatch had been disbanded was to uncover what had happened to it. He lived in old mission reports, data logs, even invoices, and it never failed to put him right back in the old HQ. He could still remember exactly what his office looked like, the taste of strong coffee that got left on the burner too long as he read through briefings.
He got lost in it, and by the time he looked to his watch it was twenty minutes past the four hour mark for your concussion and there you were dozing off once again. 76 resigned himself to the fact he’d found all he was going to today, and as usual he still hadn't uncovered anything he wanted. So stripping down out if his gear, 76 showered and prepped himself for sleep.
You stirred when you felt the mattress shift, finding 76 kneeling beside you. The soft look in his eye gave you a hint to what kind of shape you were really in as he checked with a penlight how your pupils dilated. He began the interrogation with the standard name, date, location. You got the last wrong, but since you two were always on the move it seemed fair to give you that.
“Are you feeling dizzy?”
“I’m sitting,” you sat up slightly from where you had slumped to nap, “but no vertigo.”
“Ringing in your ears? Spots in your vision? Nausea?”
You shook your head in response to all. Then 76 touched the tip of his nose with his left index finger, then the right, then left again and you mimicked it just as he wanted.
“Headache?” he asked, already assuming the answer.
“Yes but all of me aches, it's not exclusive to my head.” You stretched a bit despite the howl of your nerves, covering your face with a bit of your hands before nestling back. There was one thing that concerned you, that you know you better bring up now before you get yelled at about it later. “I… still don't have full feeling back in my left side.. The nerves, wiring..” you corrected “The EMP may have spared the drive but my mechanical parts…”
You glanced down to your left side, articulating the gears of what had been your left hand for the last twenty years, a few mods aside. You raised and lowered your left leg, the metal knee stark compared to flesh that sat above it. They functioned but you could feel somehow it wasn't right. Instinctually the next place you checked was to slip your hand around the base of your skull, doing your best to hide your fear as you looked up into the eyes that had seen so much. “Am I going to be alright?”
“Well,” 76 started, but he was neither a doctor or an engineer, “as far as the concussion I think you’ll be fine. But I am going to wake you up through the night to check on you anyway.” You nodded in agreement that that was the best thing to do. “And.. tomorrow we’ll find an Omnic to fix you up.”
As much as he was a grumpy old man, the mix of worry and assurance on his face was nothing short of touching. You smiled at him thoughtfully before a yawn broke it. Wiping your eyes and rolling over you disassembled the pillow stack, tucking one between your knees to keep the bone off of the steel. The others were a combo for your head and to snuggle. Entering optimal sleeping position as the bed groaned from 76 standing up.
There was the whisper of another hand on another pillow, grabbing the one he kept for himself as any excess was always funneled to you. It was followed by something quite unusual. “Is it okay..” the voice normally full of confidence and command was unsure, tentatively posing “if I lay here? To keep an eye on you.”
You had just been slipping under part of the covers while now wondering if you should pull them down further for him. “Uh-huh.” you bobbed your head along. You knew he never slept with covers, he always ran as hot as a furnace, but still had to question it in the moment. Saving him and yourself from any more awkwardness than the day already had to offer you rolled over and closed your eyes.
The springs creaked in protest as the tall man curled down on the other side than yours. His back was to you as he faced the door and the clock on the nightstand table. Clicking through his watch he quietly announced “I’ll wake you up in two hours to check in…. Good night.”
“Night.” you mumbled into the pillow. Though you wondered what sparked the fact he was going to stay so close when really anywhere in the room wouldn't have been much different, but it was a comfort leaving you feeling safer and more secure than ever. That and the green light to finally sleep, you didn't wonder too long before you drifted off.
The same couldn’t be said of your bed companion. Try as he might to clear his mind for sleep, it never came. Instead he was flooded with memories of Reyes.. Ana… Press conferences came back to him unbidden. Protests from the final days of Overwatch, civilians gathering in the streets to wave signs and yell at him. Everytime he pushed a thought away a new one came to take its place.
As much as he told himself Jack was dead, his life constantly bled into the new one he had tried to fabricate. Even recalling his days, more than a lifetime ago, back on the farm didn't help. His parents were dead, and he hadn’t gotten to attend their funeral because for all they knew they’d outlived their son. The family farm was gone, some company snagging up the land. Summer days off school and working from dawn to dusk on every chore imaginable was washed away in the tide of corporate greed that was as much a part of Overwatch’s fall as the abuses of Blackwatch.
Peeking open an eye to examine the face of his watch, it had only been twenty minutes and he had skimmed the footnotes of some fifty odd years. 76 sighed, and propped up on an elbow enough to turn and appraise your sleeping form. You had basically forced your way into his little operation here, and now you were indispensable. Over time he had cracked, at first not wanting you to be anything more than an asset, but he sure as hell missed having a team. Knowing he had someone to watch his back, and someone he was responsible for too- it helped ground him in the present instead of being a ghost of the past.
But he was a stranger to you, and for that fact he barely knew anymore about you than you knew about him. When he woke you up in an hour what was he even going to ask you? How old were you when you lost your limbs and parents in a terrorist attack?? That was the most personal thing he knew, and even asking in a way where it was worded like ‘What was the name of the Omnic that saved you?’ it was still too close to bringing up the single most painful memory of your life.
If only he knew something simple like ‘the name of the street you grew up on’ or ‘favorite flavor of ice cream’... No. With you two questions to assess your mental acuity that you both knew the answer to were better left to operational codename Q&As.
He made a mental note to take the time to get to know you better, know more about you than just this, the next time you were stuck in a car for twelve hours. The sun was starting to rise, businesses were opening, and the day could get started with the hunt to find an omnic to repair your prosthetics- but he also wanted you to sleep as long as you were able. So, he was just going to take this two hours at a time.
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architectnews · 3 years
Stephen Lawrence Prize 2021 Shortlist News
2021 Stephen Lawrence Prize Shortlist, Architecture, UK Low Cost Buildings, RIBA Award News
Stephen Lawrence Prize 2021 Shortlist
Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Award for projects with construction budget of less than £1 million
14 September 2021
RIBA reveals shortlist for Stephen Lawrence Prize 2021
Chapel by Craftworks photo © Edmund Sumner
The Water Tower by Tonkin Liu
photo © Dennis Pedersen
Walmer Castle and Gardens Learning Centre by Adam Richards Architects
photo © Brotherton Lock
Wooden Roof by Tsuruta Architects
photo © Ståle Eriksen
Floating Church by DENIZEN WORKS
photo © Gilbert McCarragher
Maggie’s Cardiff by Dow Jones Architects
photo © Anthony Coleman
The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) has today (Tuesday 14 September) announced the shortlist for the Stephen Lawrence Prize 2021.
The Prize was established in 1998 in memory of Stephen Lawrence, a teenager who was on the road to becoming an architect when he was tragically murdered in 1993. Supported and founded by the Marco Goldschmied Foundation, the Prize is intended to encourage new architectural talent and award the best projects with a construction budget of less than £1 million. The winner will receive a bursary of £5,000 from the Marco Goldschmied Foundation.
The six shortlisted projects are:
Chapel, London, by Craftworks
A contemporary family home carved from a derelict chapel, with bold features including a pulpit-like mezzanine and towering fireplace.
Floating Church, London, by DENIZEN WORKS
A bespoke Art Deco-style narrowboat with kinetic pop-up roof to maximise space and function.
Maggie’s Cardiff, Cardiff, by Dow Jones Architects
A clever, compact building that follows Passivhaus principles and carefully configures spaces to provide warmth and comfort to its visitors.
The Water Tower, Norfolk, by Tonkin Liu
A historic steel water tower, restored and converted into a sustainable family home.
Walmer Castle and Gardens Learning Centre, Kent, by Adam Richards Architects
English Heritage buildings transformed into an engaging Learning Centre and café.
Wooden Roof, London, by Tsuruta Architects
A unique timber conservatory constructed using traditional Japanese joinery techniques.
The 2021 Stephen Lawrence Prize jury comprised: Baroness Lawrence of Clarendon Doreen Lawrence OBE; Past RIBA President and Founder of the Marco Goldschmied Foundation Marco Goldschmied; Founder of Mary Duggan Architects Mary Duggan; and winner of the 2019 Stephen Lawrence Prize and Director at CSK Architects Dido Milne.
Marco Goldschmied said:
“I am very pleased to announce the 2021 Stephen Lawrence Prize shortlist. It is an exceptional list of buildings including both new build and restoration projects. As always, the architect’s originality and inventiveness shines through every one of the entries.
Due to Covid shielding precautions I will, for the first time in the 22 year history of the Prize, be delegating the chair of the visiting jury. Mary Duggan, a past winner of the Stephen Lawrence Prize, has kindly agreed to take my place and will be a more than able replacement.”
The winner of the Stephen Lawrence Prize 2021 will be announced at the RIBA Stirling Prize ceremony on Thursday 14 October at Coventry Cathedral.
Chapel, London
photo © Edmund Sumner
RIBA region: London Architect practice: Craftworks Date of completion: March 2018 Client company name: Project city/town: London Contract value: £725,000.00 Internal area: 225.00 m² Cost per m²: £3,222.00 / m² Contractor company name: Habitat Construction LLP
Structural Engineers: Cooper Associates Landscape Architects: Jane Brockbank Gardens
Awards: • RIBA Regional Award
photo © Edmund Sumner
Jury Report
This project converted a derelict chapel into a two-storey family home with a pulpit-like mezzanine under the roof. Unusually, the chapel is in the middle of a domestic garden. As it is also in a Conservation Area, the planners demanded that the existing ruin was rebuilt, leaving the architect scope to transform the interior. The architect reused bricks from the original building and left the pre-existing window openings unaltered.
Despite flipping the usual internal arrangement, the layout is logical: four bedrooms are on the lower ground floor, with living quarters at entry level above. The open-plan living quarters have a fanciful, dream-like quality heightened by a captivating ceiling that is reminiscent of muqarnas, the ornamented vaulting in Islamic architecture. The bold, Mannerist geometry has an ethereal quality, with triangular roof-lights allowing daylight to wash over the angled plasterwork.
photo © Edmund Sumner
A fireplace towards one end rises to reach the Mannerist plaster work of the ceiling and allow its chimney breast to immerse itself into the geometry of the ceiling. Looking like a pulpit or church organ, the structure holding up the mezzanine occupies the space near the entrance. It hides a cloak room and leads up to a study area overlooking the upper floor living area. A beautifully detailed, dark-stained timber staircase leads to the lower floor, opening onto the bedrooms.
The garden, beautifully landscaped, accessed from the living quarters and overlooked by the bedrooms, its fantastical, undulating topography and skillful arrangement of wild planting complements the house perfectly.
photo © Edmund Sumner
This may not be a house for everybody, but the architect has met the brief with wild imagination, creating truly inspiring and unique space.
The Water Tower
RIBA region: East Architect practice: Tonkin Liu Date of completion: February 2020 Client name: Dennis Pedersen Project city/town: Norfolk Contract value: £575,000.00 Internal area: 160.00 m² Cost per m²: £3,594.00 / m² Contractor company name: MNB Services Consultants:
Project Management: Dennis Pederson Structural Engineers: Rodrigues Associates Environmental / M&E Engineers: Integration
• RIBA Regional Award • RIBA National Award
photo © Dennis Pedersen
Jury Report
The Water Tower is an extraordinary family second home in Norfolk, where a derelict structure has been brought back into viable use. It is situated above and to the north of the local village, down a lane, surrounded by fields. Its prominent position led to concerns from local residents about overlooking and light pollution, and the impact of inhabiting a structure that once provided functional utility to the village but lay dormant as a decaying local landmark.
The building is divided into two elements, in Kahn’s terms ‘served and servant spaces’: accommodation to the north, served by a stair tower to the south. Accommodation comprises ground floor kitchen/dining, two floors of bedrooms and an upper living/dining/kitchen tank room at the top.
photo © Dennis Pedersen
The stair and lift tower has no windows and faces towards the village, resolving the overlooking and light issues. The stair is formed from two layers of CLT, with an interlayer spacer, with balusters reusing reinforcement from the original tank room. It is a delightful helical stair, spiralling within its rectilinear box and lit from a rooflight at the top. A glazed ‘bridge’ link provides access to the northern accommodation tower, with each room enjoying a fully glazed elevation looking out across arable fields. At the top, the stair tower gives access through a rooflight to a terrace above, with PVs and balustrading.
The new structure sits within the original metal framing and is made from CLT. It provides structural stiffness to the original tower, which had previously been provided by the weight of the water, but which otherwise would bend and twist under wind loading in its absence. The interior spaces within the new structure are exposed CLT, wrapped in corrugated reflective metal on the exterior. The interior has warmth and a visual ‘weight’ to it from the exposed CLT finish. Externally, the play of light on the corrugations and the reflectivity picking up the colour of the sky and passing weather is a delight. It is a complementary visual contrast to the ironwork of the original structure, which criss-crosses in front of it.
photo © Dennis Pedersen
The upper tank room enjoys a ribbon window around three sides, neatly cut through the middle of the tank, providing panoramic views of the Norfolk countryside, and a rooflight giving views of the sky. The interior retains the original exposed metal panels from the plant room, with the original ballcocks and valves being retained as decorative features. The exterior is wrapped in insulated render, painted grey, which transforms the original tank room into a ‘look out’ with a 1930s architectural language.
The client is a photographer, who, in order to achieve the vision and bring it in within an affordable budget, became the main contractor. The care and attention that has been given to the details, with the photographer’s eye, is evident throughout, as was the approach to retain as much as possible of the original building structure, and to reuse any elements that were surgically removed during construction.
photo © Dennis Pedersen
The Water Tower is an example of how an unloved redundant structure can be given a new sustainable life through intelligent design, carefully and diligently applied by a committed and driven client. The effort to preserve and retain as much of the original structure as possible and the rigour of the execution is exemplary. It shows how good retrofitting design can combine low embodied energy and architectural delight.
Walmer Castle and Gardens Learning Centre
photo © Brotherton Lock
RIBA region: South East Architect practice: Adam Richards Architects Date of completion: August 2019 Client company name: English Heritage and the Heritage Lottery Fund Project city/town: Kent, England Contract value: £935,000.00 Internal area: 200.00 m² Cost per m²: £4,675.00 / m² Contractor company name: Walker Construction Ltd
photo © Brotherton Lock
Structural Engineers: Historic England Services Engineer: Martin Thomas Associates Landscape Design: LUC Play Equipment: Studio Hardle Quantity Surveyor / Cost Consultant: Press and Starkey
• RIBA Regional Award • RIBA National Award
photo © Brotherton Lock
Jury Report
This understated, well-detailed building fits a huge amount into a small space. Brickwork and the shape of windows reflect the neighbouring historic buildings, and an old greenhouse is reused as part of this development. Good consideration is given to the use of the spaces; they are comfortable and practical issues like storage are well considered.
photo © Brotherton Lock
This collection of small buildings have been carefully positioned using existing sight lines, and are almost unnoticeable behind the existing tree when viewed from the Tudor fortress. This compact scheme achieves a big task of providing a comfortable and engaging space for education for all kind of users and age groups through the architect’s careful and considerate multi-function design features.
photo © Brotherton Lock
This project offers delightful little surprises everywhere; changing ceiling heights responding to the functions and volumes of the spaces, to unobstructed views from carefully aligned windows providing visual connectivity to the gardener’s shed, or the seated gathering space formed from the cleverly detailed concrete base of the building. The form of the ‘vitrine’ window takes cues from the original fortification’s gun embrasures, opening into a kitchen garden that supplies produce to the new adjacent café.
photo © Brotherton Lock
The detailing of the little café is contemporary, referencing the historic building in its materials and form, and it reutilises the existing lean-to greenhouse to create a light-filled and spacious, yet carefully articulated, space serving visitors to the garden. Overall, this is an very good example of repurposing an existing structure in a creative way to sustainably generate income that supports the current usage. Red text indicates information is confidential.
Wooden Roof
photo © Ståle Eriksen
RIBA region: London Architect practice: Tsuruta Architects Date of completion: May 2019 Client company name: n/a Project city/town: London Contract value: Confidential Internal area: 19.00 m² Cost per m²: Confidential Contractor company name: JK London Construction LTD
Structural Engineers: Webb and Yates
• RIBA Regional Award • RIBA National Award
photo © Ståle Eriksen
Jury Report
The simplicity of adding a conservatory to a house provides architects with an incredible range of expressive opportunities. Wooden Roof takes this opportunity to a new level of sophistication and elegance. Clear constraints imposed by its grade II listing – limits on the overall height and the need to remain subservient to the main building – has prompted a bespoke contemporary solution that utilises digital manufacturing techniques. The result is a uniquely crafted timber structure that draws on valuable lessons from traditional Japanese joinery.
The judges were without exception hugely impressed with the rigour with which the project has been carried out. The precision of the faceted glazed roof extends to the way the timber ring beam is jointed and even to how the perimeter gutter is detailed to provide a genuinely considered elevation to the upper rooms of the house.
photo © Ståle Eriksen
The design emphasizes timber’s expressive qualities by putting the language of carpentry at the heart of the project. It exemplifies how timber, which is intrinsically sustainable, can and should become the structural material of choice for small- and medium-scale projects and confounds assumptions that timber structures are inevitably heavy, simplistic and limiting.
Setting the extension partially below ground level required a meticulous negotiated section. The detailing of the external surfaces was no less carefully rendered than the roof itself. Even the placement of stone slabs within the lawn to make an outdoor seating area has the compositional skill of an artist.
photo © Ståle Eriksen
Internally, the quality evident in the structural joinery of the roof runs throughout the furniture. The clarity of detailing gives a sense of repose while providing all the storage and utility that a house has to provide for its inhabitants.
This is not an uncompromising architectural statement. Although it adds visual balance, clarity and beauty to the listed house, it does so in a way that facilitates domestic life. The judges have put the project forward for the national ‘Small Project’ award.
Maggie’s Cardiff
photo © Anthony Coleman
RIBA region: Wales Architect practice: Dow Jones Architects Date of completion: June 2019 Client company name: Maggie’s Cancer Care Project city/town: Cardiff Internal area: 240.00 m² Contractor company name: Knox and Wells
Structural Engineers: Momentum Environmental / M&E Engineers: Mott MacDonald Quantity Surveyor / Cost Consultant: RPA Cardiff Project Management: Maggie’s Landscape Design: Cleve West Art Curation: Mike Tooby
• RIBA Regional Award • RIBA National Award
photo © Anthony Coleman
Jury Report
Maggie’s Cardiff is the 19th completed Maggie’s Centre and adds to the pantheon of architects that have made these buildings a vital part of the contemporary British architectural scene.
The Velindre cancer care centre in the north-west suburb of Cardiff is the usual depressing hospital landscape, surrounded by a sea of parking. But of course, the inhospitable medical setting was the very reason that the late Maggie Keswick Jencks set out to counter in providing a place where those having to face the diagnosis of cancer can find an oasis of hope and support. ‘If you look after the carers, the carers can really look after the patients – you create a virtuous circle’, said Charles Jencks.
photo © Anthony Coleman
This building occupies an awkward triangular plot at the back of a car park. On first sight it is at once striking and surprisingly diminutive – but with its orange carapace formed of rusty corrugated sheeting, it stands out from the bleak surroundings. The architects talk about the form reflecting the silhouette of the Welsh hills and the repetitive gables of Valley towns, and the colour referencing the region’s red sandstone or the autumnal colour of bracken on the nearby hills, or the industrial buildings of the Valleys – the vibrant colour zings off the evergreen tree canopy that sits behind the building, offering a perfect backdrop in a sea of drabness.
The building adopts the roughly triangular site, leaving a strip of space to the rear and the trees so the resultant plan form is then given order by a serrated 45 degree pitched roofs that runs perpendicular to the rear wall. When the roof pitches meet the angled perimeter walls, the gable profile is formed by the meeting of the geometries to great effect.
photo © Anthony Coleman
The entrance sits on the southern corner of the plot and offers an open portal. Once within, a small courtyard embraces the visitor, and an immediate transition occurs from the institutional to the domestic – from the hostile to the familiar.
The mostly open plan is given order by three ‘freestanding’ timber elements; one containing toilets; another acting as a storage unit of the reception; and a third at the heart of the building is a ‘cwtch’ – a tall, intimate space lit from above inspired by the big chimneys of the Welsh vernacular. These elements sub-divide the space and takes you directly to the central kitchen and dining area common to all Maggie’s centres, offering a recognisable and safe place where we all know how to behave – making a cup of tea or perching on a chair for a chat.
Above the exposed raftered roofs play out their geometry and seem like waves washing over the plan. Apart from the three timber elements which are strictly orthogonal, no other space has square walls as the angular geometry of the plan prevail, so the sense of informality is further enhanced.
The back of the building opens up with two very wide glazed screens to the wall of trees and the polished concrete flooring slides out through glazed doors to provide seating space.
The architects also infuse the building with art – including bollards originally from a scheme in Peckham by Antony Gormley that were recast and stand as rusty sentinels, guarding the public sides of the building.
Hospital authority constraints did not allow PVs and a gas boiler was used for primary heating, but the building compensates by using a highly insulted pre-fabricated timber frame system that follows Passivhaus principles, minimising cold bridging, maximising air tightness and exceeding thermal Building Regulations standards.
The building is about 25% smaller than most Maggie’s and less than half of the average cost – it seems that due to complex NHS land deals, a new Maggie’s will be built on the adjoining hospital site in the 2030s, so this beautiful little building will have to be repurposed – it would be perfect as a kindergarten.
Infused with ideas of Welsh vernacular, art, and a deep concern for materiality, it creates truly restorative and poetic spaces as an antidote to the shadow of cancer.
This is a distinguished addition to the Maggie’s legacy. Through the architect’s skills, it benefits from the much-reduced budget and tight site.
Floating Church
photo © Gilbert McCarragher
RIBA region: London Architect practice: DENIZEN WORKS Date of completion: January 2020 Client company name: Diocese of London Project city/town: London Contract value: Confidential Internal area: 45.00 m² Cost per m²: Confidential Contractor company name: Turks Shipyard
Marine Fit Out: ANR Developments Naval Architect: Tucker Designs Sailmaker: Jeckells the Sailmakers Furniture Designers: Plyco Lighting Design: Arup Consulting Engineer: Elliot Wood Junior Consultant: ATB
• RIBA Regional Award • RIBA National Award
photos © Gilbert McCarragher
Jury Report
A barge rather than a building, this mobile community facility occupies and makes use of the city’s underused canal infrastructure. The concertina roof structure is kinetic, allowing it to lie flat so that the barge can pass under bridges when moving between destinations.
Inside, there is good head height for a canal vessel, providing for a range of functions from cinema to church. A central rooflight oculus creates a pleasant pool of light to the main function area, complemented by the transparent sides of the pop-up roof which let in additional daylight.
photos © Gilbert McCarragher
The joinery details are neutral and carefully considered to allow sufficient storage. Where there is decoration, it features Art Deco design motifs and patterning finished to a high quality.
The Art Deco theme is continued on the outside through the colour scheme and horizontal stripes. When illuminated from the inside at night, the pop-up roof glows like a beacon.
photos © Gilbert McCarragher
The scheme was conceived as a product rather than a traditional building and has successfully maximized all the space inside and around the boat. Its flexibility of uses ensures that it can fulfil its brief to be a vital community asset for the neighbourhoods along the London canal network.
Stephen Lawrence Prize 2021 Shortlist buildings and architects information received from RIBA 140921
Previously on e-architect:
Stephen Lawrence Prize Winners
2019 RIBA Stephen Lawrence Prize Winner
Cork House, Berkshire, Southern England photo © Ricky Jones 2019 RIBA Stephen Lawrence Prize Winner
2018 RIBA Stephen Lawrence Prize Winner 2018 RIBA Stephen Lawrence Prize Shortlist
2017 RIBA Stephen Lawrence Prize Winner The Houseboat, Poole Harbour, Dorset, Southern England Design: Mole Architects and Rebecca Granger Architects photo © Rory Gardiner The Houseboat near Poole Harbour winner of Stephen Lawrence Prize 2017 – Stephen Lawrence Prize 2017 Shortlist
2016 RIBA Stephen Lawrence Prize Winner House of Trace, London by Tsuruta Architects photo : Tim Croker House of Trace – Stephen Lawrence Prize 2016 Shortlist
2014 Stephen Lawrence Prize Winner photo courtesy of RIBA House no 7, Isle of Tiree
Stephen Lawrence Prize Winner in 2013 Montpelier Community Nursery, Brecknock Road, N19 by AYA photo : Nick Kane
Stephen Lawrence Prize Winner 2012 Kings Grove London – Stephen Lawrence Prize 2012
Royal Institute of British Architects Awards
Stirling Prize
RIBA Awards
RIBA Royal Gold Medal
RIBA Manser Medal
Stephen Lawrence Prize 2009
Stephen Lawrence Memorial Lecture
Comments / photos for the Stephen Lawrence Prize 2021 Winner page welcome
Website: RIBA Stephen Lawrence Prize
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Best Demolition Contractor Services and Cost in McAllen TX |RGV HAULING JUNK & MOVING
More information is at: https://junkremovalmcallentx.org/demolition-contractor-service-near-me/
Demolition Contractor Services near McAllen TX: Are you looking for the Best Demolition Contractor Services near McAllen TX? RGV HAULING JUNK & MOVING, provides industrial and commercial demolition services throughout the State of McAllen TX. We take great pride in our exceptional safety record, expert trained employees and our fleet of specialized demolition heavy equipment. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Demolition Contractor Services around McAllen TX. We serve McAllen TX and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
Demolition Contractor Services near McAllen TX:  RGV HAULING JUNK & MOVING provides industrial and commercial demolition services throughout the State of McAllen TX. We take great pride in our exceptional safety record, expert trained employees and our fleet of specialized demolition heavy equipment. We are also Service-Disabled Veteran Owned. Our safe and expert demolition contractor services in McAllen TX include: ● Industrial and Commercial Building Demolition Services ● Total Facility and Plant Demolition ● Selective and Surgical Demolition of Structures ● Concrete and Steel Silo Demolition ● Water Tower Wrecking ● Steel Tank Dismantling ● Dismantling of All Types of Equipment and Structures ● Power Plant Demolition and Dismantling ● All Types of Structures / Buildings Demolished in McAllen TX For more information on our demolition work, wrecking and dismantling contractor services in McAllen TX, please contact us
Basic Demolition Services ● Basement Demolition & Rip Out Services Looking to renovate a basement in a residential or commercial property? RGV HAULING JUNK & MOVING has extensive experience in basement demotion. Our crews can provide expert demolition services, remove all the debris, and leave your basement ready for the next phase of your renovation project. ● Bathroom Demolition & Rip Out Services Is it time for a full bathroom upgrade? Our crews of demolition contractors can execute the demolition portion of your bathroom renovation project, letting you focus on the construction and not the destruction. ● Home Interior Rip Out Demolition Services Are you renovating a home and looking for a contractor to rip-out a number of interior non-load-bearing walls? RGV HAULING JUNK & MOVING can help keep your project moving forward, in many cases we are able to deploy our crews and equipment in as little as 24 hours once a project has been awarded. ● Home Remodeling Demolition Services Does your home remodeling project involve significant interior demolition work? Let RGV HAULING JUNK & MOVING handle the demolition and cleanup portions of your remodeling project, allowing you to focus on the details of renovating the home and putting all the pieces back together, while staying on-budget and on-time. ● Kitchen Demolition & Rip Out Services RGV HAULING JUNK & MOVING has extensive experience conducting kitchen rip-out projects. Whether you are only renovating the kitchen or the whole house, the demolition contractors at RGV HAULING JUNK & MOVING have the experience, knowledge and equipment to ensure your kitchen demolition project is executed properly and safely.
Exterior Demolition ● Concrete Demolition Services Need help with a concrete demolition project? We provide concrete demolition services on a range of exterior surfaces including driveways, walkways, stairs, patios, and more. ● Driveway Demolition Services RGV HAULING JUNK & MOVING has extensive experience demolishing driveways made of concrete, asphalt, cobblestones, and other materials. Our team can quickly demolish the old material, clear it away, and haul the waste for dumping; leaving you ready for the next stage of your project. ● Garage Demolition & Rip Out Services Looking to update or fully demolish a garage? RGV HAULING JUNK & MOVING can help keep your project on-time and on-budget with our fast and affordable garage demolition services. ● Stairway Demolition Services Need help demolishing an old staircase? The contractors at RGV HAULING JUNK & MOVING can help you demolish the old stairs, remove all the wastes and leave your worksite clean and ready for the next stage of your renovation project. ● Walkway Demolition Services Do you need to remove an old or unsafe walkway or sidewalk? Don’t wait until someone gets hurt, RGV HAULING JUNK & MOVING can help you demolish your old walkway and prepare you for the next phase of your project.
Residential Demolition Demolition Contractor Services near McAllen TX: There is no compatible demolition process for every building and structure. Each demolition project has its own requirements and characteristics. Knowing them to the core and executing the project successfully is that special factor which differs RGV HAULING JUNK & MOVING from other residential demolition companies in McAllen TX. Here are a few services we provide for both exterior and interior residential demolition.
Our Exterior residential services include: ● Concrete Demolition ● Driveway Demolition ● Stairway Demolition ● Walkway Demolition ● Fence Demolition ● Patio Demolition Our Interior residential Services includes: Basement Demolition & Rip out Bathroom Demolition & Rip out Home Interior Rip out Home Remodeling Demolition Kitchen Demolition & Rip out Roof-Top/Ceiling Demolition Deconstruction Services This is a green demolition service we provide that maximizes the quantity and quality of wrecked building components so that you can reuse or recycle them.
Commercial Demolition
Concision in Style and Precision in Thought RGV HAULING JUNK & MOVING is a movement. By choosing us you are also taking your first step into this movement, a movement on to the future. With our experienced fleet of professionals and heavy top-end equipment, we demolish and remove all types of structures with extreme precision. What makes RGV HAULING JUNK & MOVING special from other commercial demolition contractors is its long record of successful demolition and premium services. We are well aware of the seriousness and risks all along the project and will never do anything rashly that puts you and your neighbors' lives at stake. ● The services we provide: ● Concrete Demolition ● Driveway Demolition ● Garage Demolition & Rip Out ● Stairway Demolition ● Walkway Demolition
Tips To Choose The Right Demolition Contractor
Looking for a demolition contractor? Well, we appreciate your wise decision of handing over the task to a professional. But, with a number of major safety and environmental concerns associated with demolition, you can’t trust every demolition contractor out there. The chaotic and disordered job calls for a great deal of planning and preparation.  From gaining permits to following safety codes, there is a lot to do before starting a demolition project. Hence it is essential to have the right demolition contractor with skill and expertise to meet all the safety and logistical aspects associated with the demolition of commercial and residential buildings. Along with this, there are many aspects of a contractor’s qualities that you need to consider before going forward. Here are some effective tips that will lead your way to an efficient contractor for your demolition project.
Ask For An Estimate
First of all, you need to ask for an estimate before deciding on a demolition contractor. It will make the process of comparing contractors a bit easier for you and also help you to narrow down your list.  Most of the contractors will give you an estimate for free and carefully look for the finer detail once you have an estimate. A right contractor will offer you a competitive price and great service.
Check If The Company Has A Track Record Of Completing Projects On Time
A timeline is an incredibly important factor for any demolition project. You may have a deadline for completing the new building, and you can’t start building until the demolition is finished. Check the company’s track record for finishing projects on time to make sure that they can meet up your timeline needs. So, ask for a timeline from a contractor, and you will know which ones are organized and progressive for the job at hand.
Look For The Experienced One
Demolishing is a bit of a complicated process that can unleash a whole host of potentially toxic substances. Hence, it is crucial to hire a commercial demolition contractor who is qualified to deal with such hazardous materials. The experience of contractors speaks volume about their knowledge and ability to handle the project. Also, every demolition job is different, and hence it is wise to look for professionals with years of experience in demolishing industry. You need to verify the experience before hiring the contractors by talking with past references of clients. Ask about how the demolition contractor acted in response to complaints of dust and noise pollution. Find out how they work and train their staff to deal with the demolition job effectively.
Check For Any Warnings, Citations, Or Violations
Another sign of a good demolishing contractor is a good history of compliance.  Check whether the company has any warnings, citations, or violations of safety and environmental issues with local and federal authorities. If yes, just forbid the contractor and look for the one with a better compliance record.
Talk To The Past Clients
It becomes difficult to get who is reliable when everyone boasts of their quality and expertise. Speaking to the past clients is a great way to distinguish the wheat from the chaff. Ask their past clients about their experience with the contractor and out if they faced any major safety issue. Get to know whether they completed the project on time and budget.
Analyze The Safety Record Commercial demolition can be extremely hazardous unless you have certified safety experts on site. You can be liable if anyone is injured on the site while the building is being torn down. So, it is very important to know whom you can trust, and a safety record will help you in deciding whether the company is reliable or not. The people and properties near the site are vulnerable to the hazards released during a demolition.  So, look for the demolition contractor with a good safety record.
Make Sure The Contractor Is Bonded, Licensed And Insured
Demolition is a perilous job, and that is why it’s essential for the workers to have the experience and training to carry it out safely. Hence, ask contractors for proof of license and insurance to protect yourself against liability. The demolition contractor that you are planning to hire must be bonded, licensed and insured.
Find Out If They Have Updated Equipment
Along with a well-trained crew, updated equipment is also crucial for demolition. Tools like concrete crushers and high-reach excavators, concrete crushers are imperative for any demolition work and should be provided by the demolition contractor. Furthermore, the crew should know how to operate the most advanced technologies on the job site.
Look Out For Whether They Will Provide Clean-up Services After Demolition
Another key factor that you must look for while hiring a contractor is the cleanup service after demolition. Check the quotes that are drawn by the contractors to find out if it also includes the cleanup service.  It can be difficult for you to deal with the rubble and damage after demolition and having a contractor who provides this service will reduce your hassle.
Some contractors prefer to do all the work themselves while others sub out some specialized parts of the job. Ask if the contractors you are planning to hire uses subcontractors. If yes, make sure to know what parts of the job will be handled by subcontractors.
Lastly, Leave The Work To The Contractors
Accomplishing a demolition needs detailed and meticulous planning. So, instead of attempting to do it on your own, you should hire a responsible contractor. Planning the demolition permits and permission is something to be left to the contractor.
Wrapping Up
Each demolition project has its own challenge.  So, it is vital to select a contracting team that is confident enough to handle even the most complex demolition project. Make sure the demolishing professional you are hiring is well versed in the regulations related to demolition. With these mind-blowing tips, you are sure to find the right demolition contractor for your next project. If you’re planning some demolition work, consider RJ Smith Demolition, a highly skilled demolition expert to get the job done in a right and hassle-free way.
Demolition Contractor Cost Demolition Contractor Services near McAllen TX: Demolition Costs vary from city, state and region. There are many different factors that go into pricing a demolition project. Estimating a demolition project can be much more challenging than estimating a typical construction project due to the fact THAT there ARE no set prices for each item to be demolished. Factors that can have a significant effect on the price of a demolition project may include, but are not limited to, the following: ● Requirements/ Restriction in your area ● Project Location/ Accessibility to Structure ● Project Size ● Scope of Work ● Type of Material (Wood, Concrete, etc.) ● Hauling/ Disposal Fees ● Salvage Material Value ● Hazardous Materials
Demolition Contractor Services near McAllen TX: A few examples of basic demolition projects: ● Demolition of a 750 square foot (25×30) 2 car detached garage could cost from $2.00-$5.00 per square foot making the price range from $1,500-$3,750. ● Demolition of a 1500 square foot residential house could cost from $2.00-$6.00 per sq. ft. making the price range from $3,000-$9,000. ● Demolition of a 10,000 sq. ft. warehouse or office building could cost from $4.00-$8.00 per sq. ft. making the price range from $40,000-$80,000. Interior Demolition of the same 10,000 sq. ft. warehouse could cost from $2.00-$6.00 per sq. ft. making the price range from $20,000-$60,000. All example pricing is based on the Demolition Contractor providing all material, equipment, insurance to complete the project. All resulting debris will be removed from site and recycled or disposed of in a lawful manner
Who can perform demolitions?
Demolition is a complex set of tasks involving structural dismantlement, site clearance, environmental remediation, salvage, recycling and recovery. As such, many regulations are outlined by government bodies and require specific licensing to deal with different stages of the demolition process.
How long does demolition take?
Once all relevant permits have been obtained and the property vacated, demolition only takes a couple of days – although can be affected by things such as extreme weather conditions and other uncontrollable or unforeseen variables.
Will my neighbors be disturbed?
Depending on the properties location, its proximity to other dwellings and the density of the neighborhood those around you may hear some machinery during business hours of operation. Home Demolitions ensure that letters advising of proposed work are issued 14 days prior to demolition and strongly urge any members of the surrounding area with concerns to Contact Home Demolitions for reassurance.
What is Interior Demolition?
Interior demolition is the non-structural demolishing of spaces within a structure in preparation for reuse and upgrading of the space.  This includes interior wall and ceiling removal, demolition of flooring and some utility services, salvage and selective structural demolition.
CALL FOR US: ● Building Demolition Contractors Near McAllen TX ● Types Of Demolition ● How To Become A Demolition Contractor ● Demolition Of Building Pdf ● Demolition Definition ● Demolition Worker ● Demolition Wiki ● Demolition Definition Construction McAllen TX ● Cost Of Demolition Of A House ● Commercial Demolition Cost Calculator ● Demolition Cost Per Square Foot ● Garage Demolition And Removal Cost ● Demolition Formula ● Demolition Estimate Template ● Demolition Estimating Spreadsheet ● How To Quote A Demolition Job McAllen TX
CONTACT US: RGV Hauling Junk & Moving CALL (956) 587-3410 JUNK REMOVAL CALL (956) 587 3484 HANDYMAN CALL (956) 587 3486 CLEANING CALL (956) 587 3487 MOVING Best Junk Removal Hauling Company in McAllen, TX Open Monday to Sunday Located in McAllen, TX 78541 Website: www.junkremovalmcallentx.org http://www.valleyjunkremoval.org/ http://www.rgvhouseholdservices.com/ SERVICE AREA: Alamo, TX | Combes, TX | Delmita, TX | Donna, TX | Edcouch, TX | Edinburg, TX | Elsa, TX | Garciasville, TX | Grulla, TX | Hargill, TX | Harlingen, TX | Hidalgo, TX | La Blanca, TX | La Feria, TX | La Joya, TX | La Villa, TX | Lasara, TX | Linn, TX | Los Ebanos, TX | Los Indios, TX | Lyford, TX | Mercedes, TX | Mission, TX | Penitas, TX | Pharr, TX | Progreso, TX | Raymondville, TX | Rio Grande City, TX | San Juan, TX | Santa Maria, TX | Santa Rosa, TX | Sullivan City, TX | Weslaco, TX Starr County | Hidalgo County | Willacy County | Cameron County | 78504 | 78539 | 78540 | 78541 | 78542 | 78501 | 78503| 78505 | 78557 | 88540 |78502 | 78504 | 78539 | 78572 #junk #moving #handyman #mcAllen #texas #cleaning
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