#Suzanne Keen
marcogiovenale · 3 months
'buzdokuz', issue #22: "cognitive poetics"
“Buzdokuz”: release of the 22nd issue: Cognitive Poetics Updating the connections between poetry-criticism-theory with each new issue, Buzdokuz now explores “Cognitive Poetics” at the threshold of the digitalised age. Buzdokuz opens with Hayriye Ünal’s article “Introduction to Cyber-Cognitive Poetics”. Cognitive Poetics is put forward as a result of the information technologies and their…
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itsthestutterforme · 5 months
Lloyd’s Girl 1/2 (Lloyd Hansen x tech!reader)
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Summary: When Lloyd’s team bagged Fitzroy, they found him trying to destroy a hard drive. The hard drive had levels of deep encryption that Lloyd’s techs couldn’t break through. Thankfully, he knew who to call but you two have a history.
Notes: GIF is not mine, all mistakes are my own, reader is Black, dark themes (stalking, murder, allusions to sex), minors DNI
“I’d rather you punch me in the dick,” Lloyd’s shoulders tense with irritation at the mention of Suzzzane’s name. “I will gladly punch you in the dick, Lloyd,” Suzanne snaps.
Lloyd rolls his eyes and Denny continued to conversation about tracking down Six. He agreed to help Denny and made arrangements to figure out where Sierra Four’s funeral was so he could intercept Fitzroy.
In the meantime, he sent a team to grab Claire. On the plane ride to D.C., Lloyd logged on to a monitoring device he put in your hotel you were currently in. You were in Berlin on a business trip. He watched you through the screen. You were stirring in bed, mindlessly reaching for your phone.
You had lifted your head to check the time. By the way you shot out of bed and frantically tore off your pajamas, Lloyd could assume you were late for the 10:30 a.m. meeting you had. He had one of his employees hack into your work calendar so he could see all your meetings over the course of the year, keen on any updates.
“Sleepyhead,” he clicks his tongue and swiped out of the app while you made your way into the bathroom. Ever since you called the affair off, he’s been keeping tabs on you. Waiting- hoping you would change your mind.
Truth is, you knew he was watching you. You had discovered one of Lloyd’s mini cams in the house you shared with your husband, Conrad. And any hotel or Air B&B you would stay at for any period more than a week, he would put cams in the room.
You were his. He had to knew where you were at all times. But if you had to be honest, you liked that he was watching you. You liked that he longed for you.
It made you feel safe that you had someone as ruthless as Lloyd was protecting you. If someone even lifted a finger to harm you, they would be in a ditch by morning. He made you feel powerful. Conrad was devoted to his work a plane engineer. Lloyd was devoted to you.
“They’ve hit another wall, sir. They said they can’t crack it.” One of Lloyd’s men briefed. The encryption was damn near impossible to get through. It would shut down anyone’s computer who tried to break through it. No matter the angle.
“We need to figure out what’s on that drive and why Fitzroy was so keen on destroying it.” Suzanne states. “Well no shit, Suzanne.” Lloyd’s snaps, looking over when one of the techs slammed the desk in annoyance. His computer was shut down again.
“I can get a tech from the base to come but-“ “There’s no point. You need someone that knows decryption like the back of their hand,” a smile crept on his face. “I have an idea on who to call,” “Fuck no. Anyone associated with you is someone I want to stay far away from,”
“I don’t give a fuck what you want. This is your mess I was forced to clean up.” Lloyd dialed your number and left the room for privacy. You were walking back from getting your ass chewed out by your boss for being late to the meeting with the company’s board members. It made you look unreliable despite being the highest earning cyber security rep. Your net worth was climbing into the six digits.
You pulled your phone out of your purse when you felt it vibrate. You stopped in the middle of the walk way once you realized who it was. Hesitating a moment, you finger hovered over the answer button until it clicked.
��Hello?” You answered. “Hey kitten,” your heart skipped at beat at the nickname but tried your best to maintain a poker face. “Lloyd,” you greet. “I need that pretty little brain of yours to crack something for me,” you opened your mouth to say something when someone body checked you.
You looked over at the man and he lifted his hands in annoyance. He had said something in German but you put two and two together and reckoned it was something about you standing in the middle of sidewalk. You swallowed your embarrassment and stepped off to the side.
“Um, what’s in it for me?” You asked. Lloyd went silent for a moment and you had looked down at your phone to see if he was still on the call. A soft grunt caught your attention. You took a step back when you realized what had happened. The man from earlier has been stabbed right before he turned the corner. A pool of blood formed around him, staining his white jacket. Another man dressed in casual clothing was standing over him.
It was obvious he was military. He looked at you and gave a little wave before crossing the street. Your gaze found the blinking camera directly above you and everything started to make sense. “Lloyd?” “Yes, cupcake?” “What’s in it for me?” “Hm, how about a new pair of Louis Vuittons? Red bottoms.” He offers.
“Count me in,” “Great! A car will pick you up in ten,” “Oh, I’m not at home.” You threw out, curious as to what he would say. “That’s cute. Don’t forget to pack a bag.” You hung up the phone and continued your walk back to the hotel, stepping over the rude man from before.
“Care to tell me who is better than my CIA techs?” Suzzane asks when Lloyd reenters the room. “Y/N Hansen,” she reaches to take a sip of her drink. “You married Y/N?” I wish, Lloyd thinks to himself.
“No, she’s my brother’s wife. She was the top of her class and was offered a six figure salary straight out of college. She makes a normal guys salary on a weekly paycheck. If anyone can do the impossible, it’s her.” Lloyd explains, crunching on some chips.
“I didn’t know you were still in touch with her. Sounds like you still have a pant busting crush on her,” “Say that again and I’ll snap your neck,” he casually threatens. He stands and takes out his wallet, dropping his platinum card on the desk of a female employee. “I need you to go to the nearest Louis Vuitton store and find a cute pair of red bottoms. Size 9.5.”
“Yes, sir,” she says softly, taking the card into her hands and gathering her belongings to leave.
Even with taking Lloyd’s jet, the ride was still long. You only got one or two hours of sleep, which made you cranky to say the least. By the time you reached the compound, you were half asleep and hungry as hell. The door was opened for you and you took your weekender bag in your hands.
You stepped out of the car, arching your back as you stretched. Lloyd meets you at the top of the stairs with his arms open. “Kitten,” he greets, giving you a once over and taking his time. You wore a white skirt, a black blouse with a matching black blazer. He took your hand and pressed a soft kiss to the back of your hand.
“Lloyd,” you said softly. His cock twitched in his pants at the sound of your voice. It was the first time hearing your voice that wasn’t behind a screen. “No time to get you settled, sweetheart. We need this hard drive decrypted ASAP,” “On it,” he takes your bag from your hands and moves aside to let you walk in front.
“Shit,” you realized you hadn’t zipped one of your black thigh high boots all the way. You bend down to zip it up but Lloyd stopped you. He had bent down and cradled your ankle in his hand, grazing your skin with his knuckle as he zipped the boot up. You let out a breath, your legs had goosebumps from his touch.
You hated how your body still reacted to him after all this time. You were here for an all of five minutes and had the cold-blooded Lloyd Hansen on his knees before you. He could tell you had sprayed your signature perfume on the back of your thighs. And it drove him absolutely crazy. You gasped when he caressed the back thigh. He stood and wiped off the dirt from his pants.
“Let’s get you inside,” he leads you inside the compound and you took off your jacket. “Long time no see, Y/N. Seems like you’re doing good for yourself.” Not knowing what to say that, you walk passed her and watched one of the techs attempted to decrypt the drive. “Still not one for talking, I see,” Suzzane says to herself.
The tech was kicked out of the program and the computer shut off. Mm, this looks like it’ll be fun. You thought. “Alright anyone who is working on the decryption, stop. You’ll just get kicked out again. Go back to your normal jobs and leave the decryption to me,” you announce to the room. The techs stopped and looked over to Lloyd. “You heard her,”
“You mind?” You made eye contact with one of the techs and they stammered to say something. A reaction that Lloyd didn’t like. He crossed the room and took out his pocket knife. Spinning the chair around, he pressed the knife to the man’s throat. “When she speaks, you listen. Got it?” He speaks slowly and calculated. The man shuddered at Lloyd’s intense gaze. “Now get the fuck out of her seat,”
Lloyd pulls away and the man abruptly stands from the chair and you slide into the seat.
After forty minutes of consistently typing an aggressive decrypting algorithm that you had personally developed and sold for $10k a download, you broke through the first layer of encryption.
“Huh,” you linked your arms above your head and leaned back in the chair. Lloyd had just come back from having a ‘talk’ with Fitzroy, wiping his bloody hands on a cloth. You had tuned out his screams so you could focus at the task at hand. “What do you mean ‘huh’? Did you crack it?” Suzzane asks as she approaches.
“Just the first level. There’s a very sensitive Trojan horse tacked on this one. You only have one shot to get the right code.” “And if we don’t?” Suzzane continues. “Everything that was previously on it will be wiped instantly. Someone really doesn’t want you to find out what’s on this drive.” You explain, cracking your knuckles one by one.
“Can you do it?” She asks and you rolled your eyes at the request. “I’m really good at what I do, Suzzane. Give me an hour tops. No distractions,”
You looked over at Lloyd and he winked at you. “Before you do that,” he trails off and comes back with a bag on food with a Post-Mate’s seal on it. Your smile widened when he slid a shoe box over to you. “As promised,”
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lucy-ghoul · 5 months
Hello! I saw you mentioned in your tags that you read a Sutherland interview in which he discusses Snow's love for Katniss as specifically not sexual, which accords with what else I've heard from him on the subject, but I didn't immediately recognise which interview you were referring to from your description. Do you know which one this was? I'm keen to read it if it's new to me!
hi! so, a few days ago i simply googled "donald sutherland interview snow relationship with katniss", because i was so curious, and it was like, the first i found on page 1. that's the link, and that's a screenshot of this part in particular (but the whole thing is very interesting in itself):
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obviously, since snow is a 80+ year old man and katniss is like 17, he probably didn't want to be misunderstood. i see it as an Enemy Mine bordering on some kind of twisted affection, obsession, and fascination for his part. also, this is of course the actor's interpretation and the way he played the character - i doubt it was suzanne collins' intention lmao. though "he recognizes in her everything he could have been" certainly rings differently after tbosas, with the similarities/polar differences between the two protagonists of respectively the main series and the prequel stand-alone novel, and their relationship with peeta and lucy gray.
idk, i find it all very interesting; i am a sucker for villain/hero dynamics, even when they're only platonic (and especially if they involve a female character, because i love my girl blorbos).
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abbatoirablaze · 7 months
Locked Up, Chapter 15
Word Count:  1.2k
Warnings: mentions of injuries and incarceration.  Implied smut.  Mmf (throuple), homosexual relationships.   
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“I don’t get it…why the fuck are they just letting it go on?”
Jake frowned from his spot at the bed while Lila changed the dressing of his stab wounds, “Lloyd…maybe i-“
“No…there’s no logic behind it, baby…they were supposed to spring us before this bull shit got anywhere to begin with,” he growled.  He stood up from his spot on the floor and began pacing the office like a tiger stalking along the wall, waiting for a way to make a move, “Hell.  If they really wanted to, I know that they could shut it down.  But they haven’t.  And now it’s really starting to piss me off.  I know that they weren’t happy about clearing your record, but damn it, they told me they would.  I bet they’re doing this to watch me sweat…bet they think this shit is funny.  Probably Suzanne trying to teach me a lesson for asking for too much…her words…not mine.”
“Well I’m not exactly keen on the idea of having to be wounded and having stab wounds so close to an impromptu bathroom….”
Lloyd growled at his boyfriend, “not now, Jake…”
Jake smirked, his brattiness ready to rear up as Lloyd stared him down like he was about to pounce, but he winced when Lila jostled him, “FUCK!”
Lloyd was immediately on the other side of his bed, a look of concern on his face, “shit, I’m sorry.  I’m just on edge, you know…I can’t help but worry about you two…and you’re right in front of me…a-are you okay baby boy?”
“That was a quick change,” Jake joked as he lifted Lloyd’s hands and kissed his knuckles, “maybe I should be getting hurt all the time.”
“That’s not funny, Jensen…”
“It is a little bit!” he smiled, trying to ease the tension in the room, “I mean…I have our girl Lila doting on me…and you’re being sweeter than I’ve ever seen…”
“I’m just trying to lighten the mood,” he frowned, giving both his boyfriend and girlfriend a sad look, “I know that both of you have been a little stressed, especially with everything that’s going on…especially with being locked in here for going on three days now.  All three of us stink…”
“I just-I want us to be out of here.  I want us to be halfway across the world, not worrying about this shit hole ever again,” he said in a frustrated tone as he lifted Jake’s hand to his lips and kissed his knuckles, mirroring his boyfriends actions from just a few minutes ago.  Jake’s gaze softened and he felt bad about making a joke, and Lila gave her boyfriends a sad look when Lloyd’s other hand reached out to her and he stroked the back of her hand, “I want all three of us to be out of here…safe and-“
The noise outside the door made Lila and Jake jump in their spots, while Lloyd stopped speaking and sprang to his feet; ready for action. 
Both Lila and Jake gave him an unsure look as they heard gunfire. 
But Lloyd was only smiling as he looked at them, “it’s about fucking time…this is it…”
“About time?” Lila asked, “What do you mean?”
“It means my people got sick and tired of waiting on those local idiots to figure something out.  It means that they gave up on trying to negotiate and said they’d take the job…”
“Wh-what does that mean?” Jake asked.
Lloyd’s smirk grew as he looked at his boyfriend, “it means that our ride is here, baby bear.  You ready to be a free man again?”
Jake’s heart felt like it froze in his chest as his eyes lit up, “re-really?
“Really,” Lloyd confirmed, looking then to his girlfriend, “you ready to leave this little game of doctor at the door, Lila?”
Lila bit her lip, looking between the two men that she loved before nodding, “just the three of us?”
“Just the three of us!” Lloyd confirmed sweetly. 
Lila agreed, nodding her head as she looked between Lloyd and Jake, “I don’t want to be left behind…le-let’s get out of here…”
“And just one week after the riots at the New York State Penitentiary, things have finally come to a close,” the television echoed, “in a riot that rocked a nation, global standards are being addressed to the incarceration of individuals!”
“Turn that shit off, princess…”
“We’re joined here by the tech billionaire who’s throwing his name in the hat in the name of human rights.  Tony St-“
“Turn it off, baby!” Lloyd grumbled, giving his girlfriend a look.
Lila bit her lip as she looked over her shoulder.  Lloyd was chuckling from his spot at the island, his gaze torn away from your second boyfriend while he made breakfast for the two of you as well as himself. 
Her heels clicked along the expensive marble flooring as she slid behind Jake, her arms wrapping around his slim waist. 
She was careful not to press herself into his back, knowing that the wounds, while mostly healed, were still very much tender. 
Jake sighed, putting down the spatula for a second, “you’re going to make me burn the French toast if I turn around.  And we both know how grumpy Lloyd gets when he has to watch you watch the news and eat burnt French toast.”
“Then don’t turn around.  I turned off the news, so if he’s grumpy now it’s on you,” she giggled, reaching down into Jake’s sleep pants.  The man’s jaw clenched as her hand wrapped around his cock and began to stroke him.  His own hands went to either side of the stove, his eyes closing as he moaned.  She leaned up on her tip toes and pressed a kiss to his shoulder blade, “I can work while you make us breakfast.”
“I don’t think I can work with you doing that…” Jake admitted in a sultry whisper, “fuck…Li…”
“You know you can’t get started without me,” Lloyd added in.  Lila and Jake both partially turned, looking at the more dominant force in their relationship and he smiled, “you two are such brats…teasing me like that.”
“Who said we were teasing?” Jake smirked as he pulled away from Lila.  She turned off the burners, and moved the pan to the cool side before looking at her boyfriends once more.
Jake had managed to make his way over to where Lloyd sat on the island. 
Lloyd’s eyes were all but glued to the hardened member standing at attention behind his sleep pants. 
“Eyes up here, big guy…”
Lloyd growled, pulling Jake by his waist into his arms, their lips crashing together.  Jake’s arms wrapped around Lloyd’s neck as he indulged his boyfriend.
“Don’t leave me out,” Lila teased, walking over to the couple, “I wanna play too!”
“Then come here, brat!” Lloyd grinned, breaking away from the kiss.  He playfully smacked Jake’s ass and gave him a sultry look before standing and taking his hand, “I’m going to destroy both of you two today…”
“Is that so?” Jake smirked as he started pulling Lloyd to the bedroom, while Lloyd pulled Lila, “because someone happened to promise me yesterday that neither one of us would be able to walk…and yet here we both are.”
“I was going easy on you, Jensen,” Lloyd smiled wolfishly, “can’t destroy your ass while you’re knocking up our good little doc, now can I?”
“Well why the hell not?”
“Oh Jake Jensen,” Lloyd growled as he began to chase after his boyfriend, “you and Lila are gonna be the death of me, baby bear.”
Chapter 16
Tag List:  @lohnes16, @prokey16, @tenaciousperfectionunknown, @teambarnes72, @cjand10, @angstylittleb1tch
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bazaarwords · 2 years
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thanks @shipsa-hoy​ !
The Halo’s power still hums in her veins, gentle. An old friend.
Superion—Suzanne—feels calmer now than she has in an age, all her edges smoothed out. In opposition to the storm raging around her, she has settled in its center. The eye of the hurricane, the loop of a halo. It aches, too, but she understands.
“We should pray,” she says, “for Yasmine, Beatrice, and everyone we’ve lost.”
When she closes her eyes to pray, it’s as if something takes her by the hand, pulls her—urgent, to its side.
It’s Ava.
She’s standing at the window, arms crossed, coiled tight as a spring. Maybe it’s only the Halo’s power, binding them together with thick cord, wire, roots, veins. She thinks better of that. Because Suzanne knows all of her girls, and even without a resurrection, anyone can see that Ava’s heart is breaking.
“Fuck prayer,” Ava says. Her voice is high and thin and it cuts the air like a razor. “Fuck that.”
“Ava,” she hears herself scolding. Just a habit, not the truth.
“You know what? Fine,” Ava spins around, not looking at anyone in particular, eyes bright and unfocused. “I pray to God that someone else gets to beat the shit out of Adriel first, because I’m going to rip his fucking—“
“Ava,” it’s Camila this time, not scolding. She stands, takes Ava’s hand. It’s shaking, bad enough to see from a distance. “Please, just breathe for a moment. We’ll figure something out.”
“When?” Ava snaps. “Tomorrow? The next day? After he’s brainwashed half the goddamn world? Yasmine is still in there, and—“
It’s a split second and her expression crumbles like a building demolished, collapsing from inside out.
Suzanne remembers this pain. Loss. She knows it well from too many fallen, too many, and too young. She also remembers when the Halo had ripped itself from the skin and sinew of her back how the physical pain had meant nothing—nothing against what happened inside. How, even when she could see the thing, bloody and bright, it was an entity separate from herself. She hadn’t known then if she would ever feel its warmth again.
But she has, now. Maybe that is enough. Enough, at least, to help Ava.
Ava, who is gone in the blink of an eye. Camila and Dora exchange looks, and Superion rises with all the sureness she’d thought lost.
“Get as much rest as you can,” she tells the girls, “I’ll check on her.”
Her body almost protests the ease of her joints, confused by what they can do. She’ll have to be patient with herself, as she’s about to be with Ava. Ava, who’s caved in on herself, who’s crumpled into a ball on the edge of her bed, who’s pulled loss from its wretched place and really, truly looked at it. Face to face.
“Ava,” she says, gentle.
Ava looks up, face wet with tears. Her heart breaks for this young woman. Ava comes to her and embraces her like a daughter, and true to her title, Suzanne returns the sentiment.
“I did this,” Ava weeps, repeating it over and over.
“No. No, Ava.”
“I—“ She takes a hiccuping breath. “I did this to her.”
It isn’t as if it doesn’t hurt, knowing that they’d had to leave some behind. Superion feels their loss, keen as anything. This, however? Ava’s anguish? Something else entirely.
“Beatrice is strong, Ava. Stronger than most.”
“I know that. I know.” Her voice grows small. “I love her, Mother Superion. I can’t lose her.”
Here we are, she thinks.
“I know that,” she replies, an echo. “I know.”
Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends, she thinks.
“You won’t lose her,” she tells Ava. She isn’t lost, she tells herself.
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sisterdivinium · 1 year
War, he’d said, as if they had not just lost Shannon to it. War, as if the scars on her own body and the bruises and broken bones of her girls were due to child’s play.
But Mother Superion would obey; the cane she grips tight had taught her.
War not against the infernal hordes, but to a heretic — Jillian Salvius, scientist extraordinaire, defiler of holy relics who could not be bled dry with impunity… She would be decimated. Demons ran rampant, but she must fall.
Superion clenches her jaw. This is a distraction, dangerous folly.
… Yet this is war.
She could tell those keen blue eyes had pierced through her veil as easily as her own had shredded the lab coat; where others saw enmity, their opposed species of wisdom saw equivalence. Faith, science… And one conclusion.
This fiend, this blasphemer she would have destroyed, with whose blood she would’ve dirtied her hands and the souls of her sisters, was but a woman. Intelligent, ambitious — suffering, devoted… Mother Superion might as well have hunted herself.
Jillian Salvius is no threat, not to the church.
She wonders whether this woman might forgive her for the crimes against her never committed.
Jillian comes to her, as a sinner to confession.
She finds herself going to Jillian, too.
It would be indecent with any of the others; they hadn't been scarred, branded by their own hands as the two of them, they hadn't shared in enough shame as Jillian and Suzanne had.
The words sound foreign at first, but their tongue proves to have the same root.
When all slumber, they meet. Night shadows cover the open wounds and they are no longer nun or doctor or allies or enemies — only voices in the same darkness, glimmering faintly, tasting of common blood.
She is a soldier; her purpose is death. To kill — to be killed.
Mother Superion's life seeps out of her slowly rather than in the blast she had readied herself for. The pain is nothing; ignominy stings deeper.
Jillian's eyes analyse her, her hands travel her frantically, grip her, denying the pull of the tomb. Suzanne regrets that they waste so much energy, that she wasted so much life, that she saw so many sisters go — and now this woman would keep her.
But she cannot.
Beatrice loosens the chains.
... Light. Breath.
A daughter in her arms.
... And a son made saint through the sin of sapience, a daughter's ghost left behind in the manner of a miracle.
Memories, now. Martyrs.
Suzanne's scars might have healed but still they ache. Jillian trembles and burns and breaks in her embrace. She is not used to irrevocable loss — she is not used to war.
Nor should she be, nor anyone.
Jillian had held her, refused to surrender her, so she would return the favour: in the void, there would still be love. In despair, she would still have a sister.
Common blood. A holy ritual of two — violent consubstantiation.
She would have killed her once, a target upon her heart.
But now, in darkness, baptised in their children's blood, she finds herself in her bed, underneath her, vows silenced by starving skin.
Their words had been soaked in crimson for too long — they had need of another language they could speak, a new liturgy in a godless world.
After mass, when adoration has quieted, Suzanne wakes to a hunched Jillian, veil in hand, avoiding the naked woman she has just worshipped.
"... What have I done now?"
Suzanne pulls her gently, discards the fabric, kisses her.
"Nothing I didn't want."
The carnage is done: angels are rid of their wings; the formulae that explain life were struck out and written anew; oaths were broken, oaths were sworn.
New lines are drawn, the battlefield swells, and hallowed places are no more. The devils sound the horns of holy war and tear down the icons, set hellfire on temple and laboratory alike, perverse, pitiless.
But their church stands.
Built upon forbidden land, intangible, eternal, its walls and halls were carved out of their names. Suzanne and Jillian find refuge amidst the pandemonium in one another's arms.
Not always, not only — but enough.
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Second Competition Masterpost
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Links to all the polls in the second competition
Preliminary Round
Poll 1: 7,000,000-1,100,000 ratings (here)
Poll 2: 1,090,000-480,000 ratings (here)
Poll 3: 450,000-320,000 ratings (here)
Poll 4: 310,000-250,000 ratings (here)
Poll 5: 240,000-190,300 ratings (here)
Poll 6: 190,000-137,000 ratings (here)
Poll 7: 130,000-103,500 ratings (here)
Poll 8: 103,000-91,900 ratings (here)
Poll 9: 91,400-75,900 ratings (here)
Poll 10: 75,100-59,600 ratings (here)
Poll 11: 59,300-47,900 ratings (here)
Poll 12: 47,600-42,200 ratings (here)
Poll 13: 42,000-35,000 ratings (here)
Poll 14: 34,000-26,000 ratings (here)
Poll 15: 25,700-23,000 ratings (here)
Poll 16: 22,300-20,680 ratings (here)
Poll 17: 20,600-18,390 ratings (here)
Poll 18: 18,300-15,490 ratings (here)
Poll 19: 15,480-12,800 ratings (here)
Poll 20: 12,400-10,400 ratings (here)
Poll 21: 10,090-9,070 ratings (here)
Poll 22: 9,020-8,564 ratings (here)
Poll 23: 8,560-7,200 ratings (here)
Poll 24: 7,040-6,100 ratings (here)
Poll 25: 6,095-5,000 ratings (here)
Poll 26: 4,960-4,000 ratings (here)
Poll 27: 3,960-2,740 ratings (here)
Poll 28: 2,710-2,170 ratings (here)
Poll 29: 2,160-1,500 ratings (here)
Poll 30: 1,390-810 ratings (here)
Poll 31: 800-350 ratings (here)
Poll 32: 340-8 ratings (here)
Round One
Poll 1: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins vs Ferngully (Movie Tie-In) by Diana Young (here)
Poll 2: Magnus Chase by Rick Riordan vs The Ogre Downstairs by Diana Wynne Jones (here)
Poll 3: Nancy Drew by Carolyn Keene vs Rainbow Magic by Daisy Meadows (here)
Poll 4: Magic Treehouse by Carolyn Keene vs Which Witch? by Eva Ibbotson (here)
Poll 5: Emily Windsnap by Liz Kessler vs Animorphs by K. A. Applegate (here)
Poll 6: Captain Underpants by Dav Pilkey vs A to Z Mysteries by Ron Roy (here)
Poll 7: The Boxcar Children by Gertrude Chandler vs The Last Dragon by Silvana de Mari (here)
Poll 8: Inkworld by Cornelia Funke vs My Secret Unicorn by Linda Chapman (here)
Poll 9: Winnie-the-Pooh by A. A. Milne vs Pony Pals by Jeanne Betancourt (here)
Poll 10: Wayside School by Louis Sachar vs Gunnerkrigg Court by Thomas Siddell (here)
Poll 11: How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell vs The Royal Diaries by Various Authors (here)
Poll 12: Worst Witch by Jill Murphy vs Unicorn Chronicles by Bruce Coville (here)
Poll 13: Junie B. Jones by Barbara Park vs Geronimo Stilton by Geronimo Stilton (here)
Poll 14: Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy vs Catwings by Ursula K. Le Guin (here)
Poll 15: The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo vs The Ever Afters by Shelby Bach (here)
Poll 16: A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket vs The Giants and the Joneses by Julie Donaldson (here)
Round Two
Poll 1: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins vs Magnus Chase by Rick Riordan (here)
Poll 2: Rainbow Magic by Daisy Meadows vs Magic Treehouse by Mary Pope Osborne (here)
Poll 3: Animorphs by K. A. Applegate vs Captain Underpants by Dav Pilkey (here)
Poll 4: The Boxcar Children by Gertrude Chandeler vs Inkworld by Cornelia Funke (here)
Poll 5: Winnie-the-Pooh by A. A. Milne vs Wayside School by Louis Sachar (here)
Poll 6: Worst Witch by Jill Murphy vs How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell (here)
Poll 7: Geronimo Stilton by Geronimo Stilton vs Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy (here)
Poll 8: The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo vs A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket (here)
Round Three
Poll 1: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins vs Magic Treehouse by Mary Pope Osborne (here)
Poll 2: Animorphs by K. A. Applegate vs Inkworld by Cornelia Funke (here)
Poll 3: Winnie-the-Pooh by A. A. Milne vs How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell (here)
Poll 4: Geronimo Stilton by Geronimo Stilton vs A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket (here)
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cantsayidont · 3 months
Haterating and hollerating through the '90s:
POSTCARDS FROM THE EDGE (1990): Carrie Fisher scripted this witty adaptation of her novel about coked-up, pill-popping actress Suzanne Yale (Meryl Streep), who overdoses in the bed of a strange man (Dennis Quaid), ends up in rehab, and learns that the only way the production insurance company will let her keep working is if she stays with her mother, an aging singer-actress-diva (Shirley MacLaine) whose love for her daughter is equaled only by her tireless determination to upstage her. (No, it's not autobiographical at all, why do you ask?) Fisher's deftly paced, funny script weaves in various serious mother-daughter moments without ever becoming mawkish, and offers a fabulous part for MacLaine, who has a ball poking fun at herself as well as Debbie Reynolds, Fisher's real-life mother and the obvious basis for the film's lightly fictionalized "Doris Mann." Curiously, the weakest link is Streep, who never quite sheds her customary air of prim affectation and always seems ill at ease with Fisher's layers of self-deprecating, sarcastic humor. CONTAINS LESBIANS? Apparently not, although I had questions about Suzanne's rehab friend Aretha (Robin Barlett). VERDICT: MacLaine's finest hour, but Streep's primness keeps it "good" rather than "great."
TERESA'S TATTOO (1993): Painfully unfunny crime comedy, directed by Melissa Etheridge's then-GF Julie Cypher and costarring Cypher's ex, Lou Diamond Phillips, along with an array of incongruously high-profile actors like Joe Pantoliano, Tippi Hedren, Mare Winningham, Diedrich Bader, k.d. lang (!), Sean Astin, Emilio Estevez, and Kiefer Sutherland, most in bit parts (some of them unbilled). The headache-inducing plot concerns a couple of brain-dead thugs whose elaborate hostage scheme hits a snag when their hostage (Adrienne Shelly) accidentally dies. Their solution is to kidnap lookalike Teresa (also Adrienne Shelly), a brainy Ph.D. candidate, and disguise her to look like the dead girl — including giving her a matching tattoo on her chest — in the hopes that the dead girl's idiot brother (C. Thomas Howell) won't notice the switch until it's too late. This truly bad grade-Z effort, barely released theatrically, feels like either a vanity project or a practical joke that got out of hand, and is interesting mostly as a curiosity for Melissa Etheridge fans: The soundtrack is M.E.-heavy, and Etheridge herself has a brief nonspeaking role. CONTAINS LESBIANS? Technically? (Etheridge has no lines and lang plays a Jesus freak.) VERDICT: May erode your affection for M.E.
BLUE JUICE (1995): Tiresome comedy-drama about an aging surfer (a terribly miscast, painfully uncomfortable-looking Sean Pertwee) who's still determined to continue living like a 20-year-old surf bum with his obnoxious mates, even though his back is giving out and he's perilously close to driving away his girlfriend (a disconcertingly hot 25-year-old Catherine Zeta Jones), who is keen for him to finally cut the shit. Meanwhile, the scummiest of his mates (Ewan McGregor) doses their pal Terry (Peter Gunn) and gets him to chase after an actress from his childhood favorite TV show (Jenny Agutter) in hopes of dissuading from marrying his actual girlfriend (Michelle Chadwick), and their mate Josh (Steven Mackintosh), a successful techno producer, flirts with an attractive DJ (Colette Brown) who's actually furious at him for building a vapid techno hit around a sample of her soul singer dad's biggest hit. The latter storyline probably had the most potential (although a weird scene where Josh is castigated by a group of outraged soul fans seems like a lesser TWILIGHT ZONE plot), but none of the script's various threads ever amounts to much. CONTAINS LESBIANS? It doesn't even pass the Bechdel test. VERDICT: If you happen upon it, you may be tempted just for Zeta Jones (and/or Brown), but the rest wears out its welcome with alacrity.
HIGHER LEARNING (1995): Potent story of simmering racial tensions on the campus of a university that definitely isn't USC (writer-director John Singleton's alma mater, and where most of the film was obviously shot), let down by incredibly heavy-handed execution. (The film's final shot is of the word "UNLEARN" superimposed over a giant American flag!) A capable cast (including Omar Epps, Kristy Swanson, Michael Rapaport, Jennifer Connelly, Ice Cube, Tyra Banks, Cole Hauser, Laurence Fishburne, and Regina King) tries to maintain a sense of emotional reality through Singleton's frequent excursions into overpowering melodrama, but there are so many competing plot threads that few characters have any depth; curiously, the script's most complex characterization is in the scenes between budding white supremacist Remy (Rapaport) and Aryan Brotherhood organizer Scott (Hauser). Singleton made this film when he was 25, and there's no shame in its sense of breathless ambition (even if it inevitably bites off more than it can chew), but the overwrought stridency undercuts its intended impact. For a more effective treatment of similar themes in roughly the same period, try Gilbert Hernandez's graphic novel X, originally serialized in LOVE & ROCKETS #31–39 and first collected in 1993. CONTAINS LESBIANS? Jennifer Connelly gives Kristy Swanson a bisexual awakening. VERDICT: The '90s through a bullhorn.
CRASH (1996): Divisive David Cronenberg adaptation of the J.G. Ballard novel, about a movie producer called James Ballard (James Spader) and his desperately horny wife (Deborah Kara Unger), drawn into a loose-knit group of car-crash fetishists organized around a man called Vaughan (Elias Koteas at his creepiest), who stages recreations of famous celebrity crashes like the 1955 accident that killed James Dean. Despite some pretentious dialogue about "the reshaping of the human body by modern technology," the controlling idea might be better summarized as "anything can be a paraphilia if you get weird enough about it." Part of what offends people about the film is that Cronenberg deliberately treats the entire story with the same frosty clinical detachment, rendering the "normal" sex scenes just as remote and perverse as the characters' fixation on the grisly aftermath of car wrecks; the point is that there is no line, just different facets of the same erotic longing, which each of the (admittedly unsympathetic) principal characters embodies in different ways. Spader, Kara Unger, and Koteas are very good, as is Holly Hunter, in perhaps the bravest role of her career, but Rosanna Arquette is underutilized. A worthwhile companion piece would be Steven Soderbergh's 1989 SEX, LIES, AND VIDEOTAPE, also with Spader, which is much more highly regarded (though almost as contrived and scarcely less perverse), perhaps because it seeks to titillate where Cronenberg does not. CONTAINS LESBIANS? Briefly. (See previous note in re: underutilization of Rosanna Arquette.) VERDICT: Icy but interesting.
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authors announcing random prequels when the original books don’t really need anything added to them annoys me EXCEPT when it’s suzanne collins. she’s the only one i trust. i’m so keen for this book.
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interior-design-22 · 7 months
Transform Your Bathroom with Mumbai's Top Designers
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Bathrooms are no longer just functional spaces but personal sanctuaries that reflect style, comfort, and a touch of luxury. If you're in Mumbai and dreaming of transforming your bathroom into a haven of relaxation, look no further. In this blog post, we will introduce you to some of the top Bathroom Designers In Mumbai who can reNNovate your space, with a special spotlight on the innovative designs offered by reNNovate Interiors.
Talati Panthaky: Crafting Timeless Elegance
Renowned for their commitment to timeless elegance, Talati Panthaky is a design duo that has left an indelible mark on Mumbai's interior design scene. Their bathroom designs seamlessly blend sophistication with functionality. From opulent fixtures to meticulous tile selections, Talati Panthaky ensures that every element in your bathroom exudes luxury and refinement.
Jason Wadhwani: Modern Minimalism Redefined
For those inclined towards modern minimalism, Jason Wadhwani is the go-to designer in Mumbai. His bathroom designs are a masterclass in simplicity, where clean lines and neutral tones create a serene and uncluttered atmosphere. Wadhwani's attention to detail ensures that every aspect of your bathroom design serves a purpose, contributing to a harmonious and visually pleasing space.
reNNovate Interiors: Where Innovation Meets Functionality
At the heart of Mumbai's vibrant design scene are reNNovate Interiors, a dynamic team committed to pushing the boundaries of bathroom design. With a keen eye for innovation, reNNovate Interiors transforms bathrooms into stylish retreats. Their designs, from cutting-edge fixtures to innovative storage solutions, redefine how we perceive and experience bathroom spaces.
reNNovate's Approach to Bathroom Design:
Space Optimization: reNNovate Interiors understands the value of space in Mumbai's urban living. Their designs focus on optimizing every inch, ensuring that your bathroom feels spacious and functional.
Smart Storage Solutions: Say goodbye to clutter with reNNovate's intelligent storage solutions. Their designs incorporate innovative ways to keep your bathroom essentials organized, making daily routines a breeze.
Luxurious Finishes: Elevate your bathroom with luxurious finishes that exude opulence. reNNovate Interiors carefully selects materials and fixtures that look stunning and stand the test of time.
Somayya & Kalappa: Fusion of Tradition and Modernity
If you're drawn to designs that seamlessly blend tradition with modernity, Somayya & Kalappa are the designers for you. Their bathroom designs often feature a fusion of classic and contemporary elements, creating timeless and on-trend spaces.
Suzanne Khan: A Touch of Glamour
Known for her glamorous and celebrity-inspired designs, Suzanne Khan brings a touch of star-studded elegance to Mumbai's bathrooms. Her designs often feature bold patterns, luxurious materials, and statement pieces that add a touch of Hollywood glamour to your private space.
in Mumbai's bathroom design, the city is home to a diverse array of talented designers, each with their unique style and approach. However, for those looking to reNNovate their bathrooms with a perfect blend of innovation and functionality, reNNovate Interiors stands out as the ultimate choice. With a commitment to transforming spaces and creating bathroom designs that leave a lasting impression, reNNovate Interiors is at the forefront of Mumbai's design revolution. Elevate your retreat with the expertise of these top bathroom designers in Mumbai and embark on a journey to reimagine your personal oasis.
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influencermagazineuk · 8 months
Unveiling the Beloved Legends: Top Fictional Characters Who Have Captured Hearts
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In the enchanting realms of literature and cinema, there exists a pantheon of characters whose charisma, courage, and complexity have endeared them to audiences worldwide. These figures, carefully crafted by imaginative minds, have transcended their fictional origins to become cultural icons, sparking admiration, empathy, and undying love among readers and viewers. Let's embark on a delightful journey through the pages of books and the frames of screens to explore some of the top fiction characters who have etched a permanent place in our hearts. - Sherlock Holmes (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle):Sherlock Holmes, the brilliant detective residing at 221B Baker Street, London, has fascinated readers for generations. His deductive prowess, keen intellect, and enigmatic personality make him an enduring symbol of mystery and logic. - Hermione Granger (J.K. Rowling):From the magical world of Hogwarts, Hermione Granger emerges as a beacon of intelligence, bravery, and friendship. Her unwavering loyalty, extensive knowledge, and unwavering determination have inspired countless readers, especially young women, to embrace their intellect and courage. - Atticus Finch (Harper Lee):Atticus Finch, the honorable lawyer from "To Kill a Mockingbird," embodies moral integrity and empathy. His defense of justice and compassion in the face of prejudice has left an indelible mark on literature, teaching readers profound lessons about integrity and humanity. - Elizabeth Bennet (Jane Austen):Elizabeth Bennet, the spirited protagonist of "Pride and Prejudice," is celebrated for her wit, independence, and resilience. Her journey of self-discovery and love in the Regency era continues to resonate with readers, making her one of literature's most beloved heroines. - Aragorn (J.R.R. Tolkien):In the epic world of Middle-earth, Aragorn, the rightful king and brave warrior, stands as a symbol of nobility and selflessness. His courage, humility, and commitment to his people in "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy have earned him a cherished place in fantasy literature. - Luna Lovegood (J.K. Rowling):Luna Lovegood, a whimsical and eccentric character from the Harry Potter series, captivates readers with her unique perspective and unwavering authenticity. Her acceptance of individuality and belief in magical wonders inspire readers to embrace their quirks and embrace the extraordinary. - Frodo Baggins (J.R.R. Tolkien):Frodo Baggins, the courageous hobbit entrusted with the task of destroying the One Ring, embodies resilience and determination. His epic journey in "The Lord of the Rings" showcases the power of friendship, sacrifice, and the indomitable spirit of ordinary individuals. - Katniss Everdeen (Suzanne Collins):In the dystopian world of Panem, Katniss Everdeen emerges as a symbol of rebellion and strength in "The Hunger Games" series. Her resourcefulness, bravery, and unwavering love for her family make her a compelling and relatable character for readers navigating challenges. - Mr. Darcy (Jane Austen):Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy, the enigmatic and brooding hero of "Pride and Prejudice," has captured hearts with his complexity and hidden depths. His transformative journey from pride to humility, fueled by love for Elizabeth Bennet, epitomizes the enduring appeal of romantic heroes in literature. - Matilda Wormwood (Roald Dahl):Matilda, the extraordinary young girl with telekinetic powers, showcases resilience and intelligence in the face of adversity. Roald Dahl's beloved character continues to inspire young readers, emphasizing the importance of knowledge, kindness, and standing up against injustice. - Samwise Gamgee (J.R.R. Tolkien):Samwise Gamgee, Frodo Baggins' loyal companion, exemplifies unwavering friendship, loyalty, and bravery. His steadfast support and unwavering courage in the face of darkness make him a symbol of hope and camaraderie in Tolkien's epic saga. - Lisbeth Salander (Stieg Larsson):Lisbeth Salander, the complex and brilliant hacker from the "Millennium" series, defies societal norms and fights against injustice. Her fierce independence, intelligence, and determination have made her a feminist icon, empowering readers with her resilience and audacity. - Jo March (Louisa May Alcott):Jo March, the spirited writer from "Little Women," embodies creativity, independence, and ambition. Her journey of self-discovery and pursuit of her literary dreams resonate with readers, especially aspiring writers, encouraging them to chase their passions fearlessly. - Rhett Butler (Margaret Mitchell):Rhett Butler, the charismatic and enigmatic character from "Gone with the Wind," embodies charm, wit, and complexity. His tumultuous relationship with Scarlett O'Hara and his iconic one-liners have made him an enduring figure in classic literature. - Lizzie Bennet (Jane Austen):Lizzie Bennet, the witty and intelligent protagonist of "Pride and Prejudice," challenges societal norms and expectations with her sharp mind and strong will. Her journey of love, self-discovery, and resilience continues to captivate readers, making her one of Austen's most beloved characters. In the vast tapestry of fiction, these characters stand as testaments to the boundless creativity of their creators and the enduring power of storytelling. Each character, with their unique traits and compelling narratives, has left an indelible mark on literature, reminding us of the profound impact fictional worlds can have on our lives. Through their adventures, struggles, and triumphs, these beloved characters continue to inspire, shaping the imaginations of generations and captivating the hearts of readers across the globe. Read the full article
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lesterplatt · 9 months
Toyota — New Grit from Goh Iromoto on Vimeo.
- Aired Super Bowl 2022 (Canada)
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Client: Toyota
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi ECD: Brain Sheppard CD: Rob Gendron / Craig Brandon Agency Producer: Tara Handley
Cast: Dennis Barham Michelle Hospedales Cameron Burke
Production: Steam Films Director: Goh Iromoto EP: Jill Brennan Line Producer: Dolores Salken PM: Alan Kuipers PC: Kyle Sanderson 1st AD: Sam Pecoraro 2nd AD: Chris Simon
Cinematographer: Kris Bonnell 1st AC: Marc Pierce / Colin Doering / David Stuart 2nd AC: Jacques Branch Key Grip: Derek Teakle Gaffer: Neil Munro Precision Driver: Jim Lytle Russian Arm: Mark Cabiddu / Nikita Zolotarov (Filmotechnic) Drone Operator: Tom Comet / Eric Bell (Drone Boy) Commander Op: Bob Harper Wardrobe Stylist: Trish Venema H&M: Shannon Burnett Production Designer: Jesson Moen Buyer: Meghan Forrest Props Master: Kirk Biernaskie Script Supervisor: Suzanne Link Location Scout: Randy Dube Location Manager: Bill Dawe DIT: Gavin Keen VTR: Manny Rego
Casting: Jigsaw Casting Casting Director: Shasta Lutz
Editorial: Outsider Editorial Editor: Chris Murphy Assistant Editor: Calum Moore Producer: Kayan Choi Executive Producer: Kristina Anzlinger Colour Facility: Redlab Colourist: Jason Zukowski Colour EP: Cynthia Verona Online: The Pub Online Artist: Daryl Shaugnessy Online Producer: Emily Buller Audio: OSO Music Composition, Sound Design & Mix: Harry Knazan Audio EP: Hanna Graham
Shot On: Panavision G Series / Alexa Mini LF / Red Gemini / Red Komodo / Freefly Wave
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sisterdivinium · 1 year
what do you think suzanne was like in her youth? she says she doesn't see herself as modern, but what do you think that means to her?
Those are interesting questions! As they require a little more imagination than I usually apply to my posts here, I'll ponder them one by one, even if they're interconnected. This will be long, of course, because it's about 💕❤️ Suzanne ❤️💕 my beloved.
1) On Suzanne's character in youth
The first solid clue we're given about what Suzanne used to be like comes from the conversation she holds with Duretti on Crimson, of course:
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As much as Mother Superion ends by radically dissociating herself from Crimson in the similarity established by the cardinal, adding that the younger nun is "possibly sociopathic", she makes no effort to refute the adjectives of "aggressive" and "undisciplined" as applied to herself. She must, then, in some level recognise these traits as her own.
When we are treated to the flashback she has with Shannon in season two, confirmation on both characteristics is clear: a determined halo-bearing Suzanne eschews "Christian compassion" in slaughtering a gang of men without pity and without any real backup plan should her charging head-first into battle yield less than desirable results. She is aggressive and undisciplined, quite evidently.
Here is a little problem, though, because discipline is indispensable to obedience — and obedience is, of course, amongst the vows taken by those who enter monastic life.
This could nudge us towards seeing a certain rebelliousness in young Suzanne. Fitting in and taking orders from someone else might have been a challenge for her, as it always is for prideful people, even when those "superiors" have their respect.
Her tempestuousness seems, to me, to have manifested in another physical manner as well. Regardless of my own tiny sin of "headcanoning" her as a lesbian, there's the other side to this competent swordswoman — not the one in the heat of battle, getting up close to her enemies in order to slash them down, but in the proximity shared with her sisters, her body language and closeness to them.
Season one shows us a detached, distant Mother Superion who almost never directly touches the other women. In season two's flashback, however, our Warrior Nun Suzanne strokes Shannon's cheek before whatever halo trick she pulls in pressing down on Shannon's chest. There's an easy familiarity there, a confidence in breaching Shannon's personal space — an intimacy as well as the conviction to assert it. Whether this type of gesture was exclusive to Shannon or dispensed on the other nuns as well matters not so much as the fact that it happened and how it contrasts with the Mother Superion we know of the first season. I'd guess that young Suzanne wasn't all that keen on repressing the ways by which her body, then still wholly able, interacted with those of her sisters. Opening up to touch as she does throughout season two, slowly as it might be, might not be a novelty as much as a "coming home" for her, regaining some of her lost confidence in her very ability to love other women — or express it, rather. It wouldn't be far-fetched to assume that the guilt she felt for being a sinner encompassed more than just the grief of killing a mother...
Liberal closeness to other nuns alongside a lack of discipline mustn't have garnered her a great many favours in her time with the Church... So I suppose her combat skills, her sharp focus, and her devotion to the cause must have spoken louder than her blatant (cardinal sin of) pride when she rose to the position of halo-bearer.
And maybe, just maybe, the fact that there was someone to vouch for her played a part in it as well.
Mary had a mentor and a protector in father Vincent and I suspect something of their relationship might be mirrored in how young Suzanne might have sought guidance in an ambitious, younger father Francesco. They "go back many years", Vincent tries to sway a reticent Mother Superion by claiming Duretti used "her history" against her... It's possible that a young Suzanne, like Mary, would have depended on a man of the cloth to secure her place within the OCS even as her very personality at times clashed with the demands of the institution. Men who, for one reason or another, could help direct these young and ferocious women's energies towards a specific goal, give them a purpose. Needless to say both Suzanne and Mary seem to stay on board for the same reason, even if as Mother Superion Suzanne might have later repressed it: their sisters.
For all of Suzanne's cockiness, she does quite obviously do it all for them.
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So to sum up my vision of young Suzanne and move on: I see her as a brash, somewhat rebellious girl in need of a cause through which to channel her passions and a speciality to prove herself to others (given how she is already so sure of her own value). As far as faith goes, she appears to have deposited it mostly in herself, which would account for a greater degree of godly devotion after losing the halo in order to expiate her sins. She's in this (always has been, even despite later shame and fear and concealment) for the women, most of all.
2) On what "modernity" might mean to Suzanne
In order to assess what modernity is, it's necessary to define the term it's contrasted with as well — we need to think of what tradition could mean for her.
And this is... Difficult. "The Church" isn't an easy way out; Duretti is part of the Church, a constant in her life, a guide... Yet Suzanne's words about needing "a more modern approach to the job" are very reminiscent of something Duretti himself had said back in that same season one scene:
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There's a bit of a paradox here if we try to see things through her eyes.
Her need for "modernity" arises from another exchange with this same man. But can we say Duretti truly embodies tradition when here is a religious person who has no qualms about setting sister warriors to kill a girl who accidentally has the halo? (Well, perhaps so, given how the Catholic church is stained with terrible actions...) Suzanne might not know about the torture chamber in the Vatican, but she did help save Ava in the catacombs from the OCS rejects under his orders. She is perfectly aware of how violent he can be.
Perhaps that is in itself a part of her wanting to break out; we can't ignore the fact that the above screen captures show us his line of dialogue ending while we see a take of Beatrice offering a hand to Crimson — showing her the opposite of the ruthlessness Duretti and Crimson carry.
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It's also peculiar how she mentions modernity while inside a library or archive, the very home of history and tradition. Are these the "old teachings"? This unending amount of precepts all around, gathered with the passing ages?
We wouldn't do well to argue that the blood-soaked books recounting the past or the violent strategies of Duretti are necessarily what trouble her seeing as she is still a warrior currently at war; Suzanne isn't exactly a pacifist.
However, the phone call that originates the "modern" comment is a failed attempt on her part to get Duretti to act, to take a first and definite step against Adriel — to enter the fray, as young Suzanne probably would have already.
He beckons her to "have faith in God" — and perhaps that is the issue, the "old teaching" she feels insufficient and which, examining her (possible) past as in the first part of this very long answer, was never enough for her to begin with. Heeding the words of men, believing in God... And what does that amount to shortly after they hang up? She couldn't predict the future, but she saw something wrong with the method — and the intuition proved right.
I can't tell precisely what her "modernity" entails since I cannot pinpoint "tradition" either; they seem a bit intertwined. It's tempting to say Jillian fills the role of providing the "newness" through her technology, but it isn't as if Mother Superion were a luddite: she's using a smartphone and a computer just fine, if perhaps not as modernly as Camila and her TikTok. She is not an "outdated" person. We could assume that this "modern approach" has less to do with the instruments and more with perspective, with priorities, guiding principles... On a superficial level, it's about coming out from under Duretti's wing — from Church structure's shadow, from the patriarch's rule, from following someone else's lead.
And that, funnily enough, assuming this post is in any way correct in its hypothesising, would lead us right back to our rebel from youth, if hopefully with more wisdom to guide her steps this time around.
Season three would have allowed us to see Suzanne be without the anchor of Duretti (as season two could have let us see Mary away from Vincent) and maybe elucidate the matter... But, as it is, I think this is as much as I can surmise with what we've been given!
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The Enneagram, Therapy, and You: Enneagram Four
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Hello! I am Shelby, a licensed professional counselor who loves all things enneagram, and works with clients at The Works Counseling Center located in Nashville, TN.
Today, we are continuing to part four of our nine-part series focusing on the enneagram and how it may be used in therapy. If you are interested in reading previous blog posts on this subject or want to explore earlier numbers, please click here.
Disclaimer: This blog is not meant to be all-inclusive about this enneagram number, nor is it intended to replace or provide professional counseling services; this blog’s intended purpose is to provide informal information on the enneagram as it relates to professional counseling and mental health.
Let’s begin.
The enneagram type four, often referred to as the individualist or the romantic, is commonly thought of as the artist of the enneagram. People who identify with this type tend to be very creative individuals who highly value authenticity in themselves and others. They also often embody a keen self-awareness and intentionality in self-expression. Famous enneagram fours include music artist, Rihanna (if you are reading this, Rihanna, thank you for creating Fenty Beauty products) and Mexican painter, Frida Kahlo.
At their healthiest, our enneagram fours are able to practice creativity in ways that nourish themselves and others. They are self-accepting, feeling certain of their identity, and are able to show up as their authentic selves. At less healthy levels, our enneagram fours may struggle with a sense of feeling excluded, too unique, or feeling broken – sometimes leaving them feeling stuck in feelings of melancholy or experiencing rumination.
Sound familiar?
In therapy, we can use the enneagram to access those juicy bits (unhelpful core beliefs) so that we may better examine and sift through them. None of us are born with our enneagram, rather, the values and fears tied to our number are beliefs that we derived from experiences early in life. The purpose of using this information in therapy is to assess how these beliefs affect you, and to challenge unhelpful beliefs with activating thoughts and behaviors to create sustainable, positive change.
A message of healing for our enneagram fours:
“Nothing within you is missing; you cannot be fixed as you are not broken.”
Thank you for the creativity, authenticity and vulnerability you bring to the enneagram, type four. Let’s check in again soon.
Enjoying learning about the enneagram and want to know more? Please find book suggestions and references below.
The Road Back to You: An Enneagram Journey to Self-Discovery By Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile
The Path Between Us: An Enneagram Journey to Healthy Relationships By Suzanne Stabile
The Enneagram Institute
Free Personality Tests and Career Assessments - Truity
If you are interested in exploring the enneagram with professional therapy services or would like to work with a mental health professional, please contact The Works Counseling Center for more information.
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videostak · 2 years
found boards of canada debut album which is awesome cause keen listeners will remember me talking abt how i badly wanted to get some more idm and warp records stuff but obv not cause i didnt wanna waste money so its awesome i found boards of canada for literally 48 cents loll :D also got to bring you my love by pj harvey and history of my heart by suzanne ciani!!! all together for less than 3$ :D
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jasonblaze72 · 2 years
Karine Jean Pierre Partner: All about their Personal Life! (Updated)
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Updated 11/08/2022: Starting from the basics, Karine Jean Pierre is popularly known for being the first Black person, to be open about her sexual orientation, she is serving as the White House Press Secretary. Talking more about this, she has been serving the same since 13 May 2022. So, it's not been a long time. Previously, from 20 January 2021 till the above-mentioned date, she played the significant political role of White House Deputy Press Secretary. In this, she replaced Brian Morgenstern.  Born on 13 August 1974, Karine Jean Pierre is now 48 years old. She hails from Martinique, France. As far as her education details are concerned, Karine pursued a BS degree from the New York Institute of Technology. Later, she studied for MPA at Columbia University. She is highly qualified and is worth serving in the prestigious political positions, she is in now.  Besides her political ruling, Karine also penned her book, which goes by the name- Moving Forward: A Story of Hope, Hard Work, and the Promise of America. It was pretty much successful. If you have a keen interest in American politics, this one is something that you must try reading. Coming back to Karine Jean Pierre's relationship, she is romantically linked with the love of her life. That's already mentioned earlier. Well, both are very much in love and often appear together. Be it on social media, professional events, or anywhere else. They appear inseparable. But, who is she? If you are looking for Karine Jean Pierre's Partner, here are the details.  Also Read: Who Is Julian Lennon’s Partner? All About His Love Life Meet Karine Jean Pierre's Partner: Who Is She? Talking about her love interest, Karine Jean Pierre's Partner is Suzanne Maria Malveaux. Are you wondering about her identity? Suzanne is popularly known as a CNN correspondent. It was back in 2002 when she joined the network. In the initial days of her career, she worked for NBC and used to get addressed as a rock-and-roll" reporter. Some of Suzanne's notable works are- The Situation Room, Around the World, and editions of CNN Newsroom. Little did you know, Karine Jean Pierre's Partner, Suzanne has also covered the 2000 Presidential Election, Bill Clinton's impeachment, and several other national stories. Also, she has hosted The Root 100.  Karine Jean Pierre and Suzanne Malveaux live together in Washington, D.C. The couple has extended their family, by adopting a daughter with whom both are leading quite a blissful life. They named her Soleil Malveaux Jean-Pierre. The baby is reported to be just 6 years old.  By now you must know how the former is associated with the White House. But, did you know that her love interest, Suzanne also previously covered its news at the time of the administrations of Clinton, Bush, and Obama? Then why did she stop serving that? Well, Suzanne left covering political stories for the same, for the sake of avoiding conflict of interest.  Karine and Suzanne prefer to keep their family life away from the media. Yes! They don't like to provide insights into the same on their social media. So, they do very less. However, that doesn't mean they are having any feud. It's not known when both are romantically linked. But, they look very lovable and adorable together. It's very much evident how supportive Karine and Suzanne are toward each other.  Wishing Karine Jean Pierre nothing but the best for her future. Hoping her relationship with Suzanne stays strong forever like this. It seems like they haven't tied the knot yet. But, we are unsure about it as we don't know if they did it secretly. Original: Who is Karine Jean Pierre's Partner? The fans must be curious to know who is the partner of this legendary personality who created history by leading the White House press briefing. Karine Jean Pierre is a Caribbean-born American political campaign organizer, political commentator, activist, and author. In her active professional journey, she had potentially achieved a lot of things. And all is the result of her hard work, dedication, and strong willpower, which had helped her not let any opportunity slip away from her hands. So let's learn all about Karine Jean Pierre and her Partner. Since the January of this year, Karine Jean Pierre has been giving her service as White House Principal Deputy Press Secretary in the Biden-Harris Administration. On the 2020 United States presidential campaign, she played an important role as the chief of staff for Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris. Moreover, to everyone's interest, she created history over here by being the first Black woman to ever hold that position. If you want to know more about her, then Jean-Pierre is a former lecturer in international and public affairs at the highly prestigious Columbia University. She then moved on to explore more on her success journey. Which at that time had landed her as the senior advisor and national spokeswoman for MoveOn.org and a political analyst for NBC News and MSNBC. Lately, she, along with her partner, had adopted a daughter. And together, they are happily raising her. But who is Karine Jean Pierre's Partner? And how was their love journey? Was it straight, or does it too has bumps like any other love story? Are their parents happy? Well, if you want to find out the answers to all of these questions, then the below paragraphs will help you to find the answers to all of your doubts. And thus, it is capable enough to quench your thirst! So, let's begin our hunt to find out more about Karine Jean Pierre's Partner! Also Read: Did Peng Shuai disappear after accusations of the Chinese Top Politician? Who is Karine Jean Pierre's Partner? Well, Karine Jean Pierre's Partner is an American television news journalist. And similar to her partner, she had also achieved great heights in her field. So now, without playing much with your patience and curiosity, let us unveil the things! On that note, the name of Karine Jean Pierre's Partner is Suzanne Maria Malveaux. She co-anchored the highly-rated CNN international news program "Around The World" and editions of "CNN Newsroom". Moreover, she had given her service as CNN White House correspondent and also as a primary substitute to Wolf Blitzer on The Situation Room. Karine Jean-Pierre was born on 13 August 1977. And Suzanne Malveaux was born on 4 December 1966. This means that Karine Jean-Pierre's partner is more than a decade older than her! As of now, the couples happily settled in Washington DC with their adopted daughter named Soleil. But was their journey easy? How did Karine Jean Pierre's parents react when they came to know about all this? Let us find out! Well, the journey of Karine Jean Pierre as a Black Queer woman was not easy. She had undergone a lot of obstacles to finally live the present, which she is enjoying today. The first time when she revealed all this to her parents was when she was just 16 years old. But to her surprise, her parents had not favored her decision. Moreover, at that time, they had sealed that fact within the boundaries of their house. But no one can predict the future! Karine Jean Pierre had secretly dated, but she has always escaped those relationships from the light of her family. The situation changed when American society started to embrace the LGBTQ+ community over the past few decades. Following this, her parents were gradually okay with all this, and they had evolved to embrace her membership in it. Karine Jean Pierre boldly supports her community. According to her, being a black woman and falling under the LGBTQ+ community, she has a lot of things to work on. But now, she is happy that her parents have accepted her relationship. Moreover, they love Karine Jean Pierre's Partner. And her mother also enjoys being a grandmother to the daughter they are raising. Also Read: Gyles Brandreth Net Worth: How Much Does This Former Politician Earn?   Read the full article
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